
the 5-ht transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-httlpr) in evolutionary perspective: alternative biallelic variation in rhesus monkeys. rapid conferring allele-specific transcriptional activity on the 5-ht transporter gene promoter in humans, the 5-ht transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (5-httlpr) influences a constellation of personality traits related to anxiety and increases the risk for neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders. here we have analyzed the presence and variability of the 5-httlpr in several species of primates including humans, and other mammals. pcr, southern blot, and sequence anal ...19979503271
allelic diversity at the primate mhc-dmb locus: presence of a conserved tyrosine inhibitory motif in the cytoplasmic tail.ten new primate mhc-dmb complete cdna sequences have been obtained in chimpanzee (n=four), gorilla (n=three) and orangutan (n=three); this gene has not been previously studied in these species. exonic allelism has been recorded all along the molecule domains and also in the leader peptide, but not in the transmembrane segment. an analysis of the residues critical in the conformation of the mhc-dr peptide-binding site was done in order to look for a mhc-dr homologue site; synonymous substitutions ...19989510373
is there sufficient evidence to elevate the orangutan of borneo and sumatra to separate species? 19989541530
horizontal cell connections with short wavelength-sensitive cones in the retina: a comparison between new world and old world primates.recent studies in the old world macaque monkey have shown that the two horizontal cell types h1 and h2 differ with respect to their connections to short wavelength-sensitive (sws) cones. we wanted to establish whether this pattern of connectivity is common to all primates. the connections of horizontal cells with sws cones were studied in the retinas of two species of new world (marmoset and tamarin) and two species of old world (orangutan and chimpanzee) primates by using a double-labelling tec ...19989548697
a hominoid-specific nuclear insertion of the mitochondrial d-loop: implications for reconstructing ancestral mitochondrial sequences.a nuclear integration of a mitochondrial control region sequence on human chromosome 9 has been isolated. pcr analyses with primers specific for the respective insertion-flanking nuclear regions showed that the insertion took place on the lineage leading to hominoidea (gibbon, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and human) after the old world monkey-hominoidea split. the sequences of the control region integrations were determined for humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and siamangs. these se ...19989549097
estimating times of divergence with a change of rate: the orangutan/african ape divergence. 19989580991
coamplification and dispersion of adjacent human endogenous retroviral herv-h and herv-e elements; presence of spliced hybrid transcripts in normal an rt-pcr study of herv-h spliced subgenomic transcripts, we found transcripts with herv-h leader and protease-encoding sequences spliced to herv-e integrase-encoding sequences in lymphocytes from healthy blood donors. in other cell types, including two t-cell leukemia cell lines, these transcripts were absent. the pcr fragments of the hybrid transcripts contained two open reading frames (orfs). one was a hybrid herv-h protease/herv-e integrase orf and the other was the herv-e envelope surfac ...19989581793
orangutan alpha-satellite monomers are closely related to the human consensus sequence.alpha-satellite is a family of tandemly repeated dna found at the centromeric regions of all human and primate chromosomes. human alpha-satellite subsets are largely chromosome-specific and have been further grouped into four suprachromosomal families (sfs), each characterized by a unique set of monomeric types. although chimpanzee and gorilla alpha-satellites share sufficient sequence similarity to fit the established sfs, the assumption that the derived human alpha-satellite consensus and mono ...19989585431
seroprevalence of specific viral infections in confiscated orangutans (pongo pygmaeus).a serological survey of confiscated orangutans was conducted to determine the prevalence of specific viral infections cross reacting with human viruses. antibodies specific for human hepatitis a (hav) and b (hbv) viruses, herpes simplex viruses (hsv), and human t-lymphotropic virus (htlv types i and ii), as well as for the simian type d retroviruses (srv types 1 to 3) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) were tested in samples from 143 orangutans. results revealed a high prevalence of potenti ...19989606041
characterization of a novel class of interspersed ltr elements in primate genomes: structure, genomic distribution, and evolution.retrovirus-like sequences and their solitary (solo) long terminal repeats (ltrs) are common repetitive elements in eukaryotic genomes. we reported previously that the tandemly arrayed genes encoding u2 snrna (the rnu2 locus) in humans and apes contain a solo ltr (u2-ltr) which was presumably generated by homologous recombination between the two ltrs of an ancestral provirus that is retained in the orthologous baboon rnu2 locus. we have now sequenced the orthologous u2-ltrs in human, chimpanzee, ...19989608047
occupational asthma caused by orangutan in a zoo animal handler.a zoo animal handler developed bronchial asthma for the first time from handling orangutans (pongo pygmaes). he had prior allergic reactions (rhinoconjunctivitis and urticarial rash), but no asthma, to deer and other hoofed animals in the zoo. in a worksite challenge, immediate and late onset of asthmatic symptoms and airflow obstruction were provoked by carrying a baby orangutan for about 20 minutes.19989632973
limbic frontal cortex in hominoids: a comparative study of area 13.the limbic frontal cortex forms part of the neural substrate responsible for emotional reactions to social stimuli. area 13 is one of the cortical areas long known to be part of the posterior orbitofrontal cortex in several monkey species, such as the macaque. its presence nevertheless in the human brain has been unclear, and the cortex of the frontal lobe of the great and lesser apes remains largely unknown. in this study area 13 was identified in human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, ...19989637180
use of experimenter-given cues during object-choice tasks by chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and human infants (homo sapiens).in a series of experiments, chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and human infants (homo sapiens) were investigated as to whether they used experimenter-given cues when responding to object-choice tasks. five conditions were used in different phases: the experimenter tapping on the correct object, gazing plus pointing, gazing closely, gazing alone, and glancing without head orientation. the 3 subject species were able to use all of the experimenter-given cues, in contras ...19989642782
development of a human gamma interferon enzyme immunoassay and comparison with tuberculin skin testing for detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.a sensitive two-step simultaneous enzyme immunoassay (eia) for human gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) has been developed and used as an in vitro test for human tuberculosis (tb) in comparison with tuberculin skin testing. the eia was shown to be highly sensitive, detecting less than 0.5 iu of recombinant human ifn-gamma per ml within a linear detection range of 0.5 to 150 iu/ml. the assay was highly reproducible and specific for native ifn-gamma. in addition, the assay detected chimpanzee, orangutan ...19989665962
discovery of homo sp. tooth associated with a mammalian cave fauna of late middle pleistocene age, northern the context of a thai-french paleontological project, a single human tooth, a right upper fourth premolar, has been discovered in northern thailand among mammalian fossil remains excavated from the "thum wiman nakin" cave. based on the fauna associated with the human tooth and the uranium/thorium datings from the overlying calcite beds, we attribute this site to the late middle pleistocene. the human tooth was compared with teeth of chinese and javanese homo erectus, homo sapiens neanderthale ...19989680466
origin of human chromosome 21 and its consequences: a 50-million-year-old story.great apes (pongidae) possess a chromosome similar to human chromosome 21 (hsa21), whose trisomy was described in both chimpanzee and orangutan. having studied more than 200 mammalian species by chromosome banding techniques and reconstructed primates phylogeny, we reinvestigated, using fluorescence in situ hybridization, primate and non-primate mammals that we considered to possess a karyotype representative of their taxonomic group. dna sequences from hsa21 and human chromosome 3 (hsa3) are sy ...19989688515
comparative mapping of the cri du chat and digeorge syndrome regions in the great apes.structural variations between great ape and human chromosomes due to pericentric inversions and translocations have created at apparent controversy during the reconstruction of hominoid phylogeny. one such variation involves human chromosome 5, which is equivalent to chromosome 4 in chimpanzee and orangutan but equivalent to segments of chromosomes 4 and 19 in gorilla. obviously, neither banding patterns nor centromeric indecies in these chromosomes match. the pathological condition of cri du ch ...19989718678
evolutionary divergence of the oncogenes gli, hst and int2.almost a quarter of a century ago, the banding patterns of human and other higher primate chromosomes were compared, creating a barrage of speculation. consequently, a number of approaches have been used to understand human descent. chromosome modifications are believed to be important in the origin of species, and pericentric inversions account for the majority of evolutionary chromosomal alterations seen in hominoidea. a comparative mapping fluorescence in situ hybridization technique, using l ...19989720300
recent human-specific spreading of a subtelomeric domain.the recent spreading of a subtelomeric region at nine different human chromosome ends was characterized by a combination of segregation analyses, physical mapping, junction cloning, and fish investigations. the events occurred very recently in human genome evolution as demonstrated by sequence analysis of different alleles and the single location of the ancestral site at chromosome 17qter in chimpanzee and orangutan. the domain successfully colonized most 1p, 5q, and 6q chromosome ends and is al ...19989722938
molecular phylogenetics of the hominoid y chromosome.the human y-chromosome plays a central role in sex determination, and is composed of dna sequences homologous to the y-chromosome, families of y-specific repetitive dna sequences, and single copy sequences. we investigated the chromosomal location of y-specific dna sequences, in the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla), and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) by the fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) technique. the yq subtelomeric dna sequences (dys427) have been observed to be ...19989747032
characterization and distribution of mhc-dpb1 alleles in chimpanzee and rhesus macaque populations.allelic diversity at the nonhuman primate mhc-dpb1 locus was studied by determining exon 2 nucleotide sequences. this resulted in the detection of 17 chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), 2 orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and 16 rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) alleles. these were compiled with primate mhc-dpb1 nucleotide sequences that were published previously. based upon the results, a sequence specific oligotyping method was developed allowing us to investigate the distribution of mhc-dpb1 alleles in dist ...19989757948
observations on stria morphology in the lateral enamel of pongo, hylobates and proconsul teeth.the enamel of certain primates (orang-utans, siamangs and the early miocene fossil hominoid, proconsul) occasionally contains striae of retzius that appear distinct from those more typical of the lateral and cervical enamel of other anthropoids. these striae can be described as "s-shaped" since their contour is markedly sinuous as it passes from the enamel dentine junction (edj) to the tooth surface. "s-shaped" striae have never been described in the comparative literature on primate enamel and ...19989774502
a structural difference between the cell surfaces of humans and the great apes.the sialic acids are major components of the cell surfaces of animals of the deuterostome lineage. earlier studies suggested that humans may not express n-glycolyl-neuraminic acid (neu5gc), a hydroxylated form of the common sialic acid n-acetyl-neuraminic acid (neu5ac). we find that while neu5gc is essentially undetectable on human plasma proteins and erythrocytes, it is a major component in all the four extant great apes (chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla and orangutan) as well as in many other mamma ...19989786333
dna variability and recombination rates at x-linked loci in humans.we sequenced 11,365 bp from introns of seven x-linked genes in 10 humans, one chimpanzee, and one orangutan to (i) provide an average estimate of nucleotide diversity (pi) in humans, (ii) investigate whether there is variation in pi among loci, (iii) compare ratios of polymorphism to divergence among loci, and (iv) provide a preliminary test of the hypothesis that heterozygosity is positively correlated with the local rate of recombination. the average value for pi was low 0.063%, se = 0.036%, a ...19989799265
sequences and evolution of mammalian rh gene transcripts and proteins.the presence of rh30-like polypeptides with an apparent relative molecular mass of 33 000 in the erythrocyte membranes from nonhuman primates and nonprimate mammals (mouse, rat, and dog) was demonstrated by immunoblotting. nonhuman primates (orangutan, baboon, new world monkeys, lemur) and mouse rh-like transcripts were amplified and sequenced. analysis of the deduced amino acids sequences allowed us to determine the amino acid variability of rh-like polypeptides which correlated with the hydrop ...19999811965
the members of the rh gene family (rh50 and rh30) followed different evolutionary pathways.the evolution of the rh gene family is characterized by two major duplication events, the first one originating the rh50 and rh30 genes and the second one giving rise to rhce and rhd, the two paralogous rh30 genes which encode the rh blood group antigens in human. the new sequence data obtained here for mouse rh50 and rh30 and for macaque rh50 allowed us to compare the evolutionary rates of the two genes and to show that rh50 evolved about 2.6 times more slowly than rh30 at nonsynonymous positio ...19999929383
localization of human midisatellite and macrosatellite dna sequences on chromosomes 1 and x in the great apes.the mechanism of speciation has remained largely unresolved, and hominoid evolutionary history based on chromosome rearrangements has been continuously challenged. the recent availability of the human-derived chromosome 1-specific midisatellite (d1z2) and chromosome x-specific macrosatellite (dxz4) dna sequence probes has prompted us to hybridize the aforementioned to the members of the hominoid clade (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan), using the fluorescence in-situ hybridization technique. i ...19999929980
recent amplification of the human frg1 gene during primate evolution.there is evidence of multiple copies of the fshd region candidate gene 1 (frg1) in humans. analysis of human frg1 ests showed many of them to be non-processed pseudogenes dispersed throughout the genome. to determine when the amplification of frg1 occurred, we used a pcr-based approach to identify frg1 sequences from great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, and an old world monkey, macaca mulatta. in common with humans, multiple copies of frg1 were detected in the great apes. however, in ...19999931447
are orang-utan females as solitary as chimpanzee females? 199910050064
high polymorphism at the human melanocortin 1 receptor locus.variation in human skin/hair pigmentation is due to varied amounts of eumelanin (brown/black melanins) and phaeomelanin (red/yellow melanins) produced by the melanocytes. the melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) is a regulator of eu- and phaeomelanin production in the melanocytes, and mc1r mutations causing coat color changes are known in many mammals. we have sequenced the mc1r gene in 121 individuals sampled from world populations with an emphasis on asian populations. we found variation at five non ...199910101176
patterns of sexual dimorphism in the hominoid distal humerus.basic biomechanical principles predict that body size differences and differences in the positional behavior of primates should impact on the design of the locomotor skeleton. allometric distortions in joint shape might be expected between sexes if the degree of body size dimorphism is substantial and/or if sex-specific differences exist in behavior. nevertheless, there are few documented cases of sexual dimorphism in the limb joints of hominoids, despite substantial body size dimorphism and som ...199910208792
a human endogenous retrovirus-like (herv) ltr formed more than 10 million years ago due to an insertion of herv-h ltr into the 5' ltr of herv-k is situated on human chromosomes 10, 19 and y.a chimeric long terminal repeat (ltr) containing the whole ltr of a human endogenous retrovirus-like element of the h family (herv-h) inserted downstream of the core enhancer region of the 5' ltr of a herv-k retroelement was detected and sequenced in the human 19p12 locus, known to be enriched with genes encoding zinc finger proteins. similar chimeras were also detected in human chromosomes 10 and y in human-hamster hybrid cells containing individual human chromosomes. this finding was interpret ...199910211950
comparative mapping of the region of human chromosome 7 deleted in williams syndrome.williams syndrome (ws) is a complex developmental disorder resulting from the deletion of a large (approximately 1.5-2 mb) segment of human chromosome 7q11.23. physical mapping studies have revealed that this deleted region, which contains a number of known genes, is flanked by several large, nearly identical blocks of dna. the presence of such highly related dna segments in close physical proximity to one another has hampered efforts to elucidate the precise long-range organization of this segm ...199910330122
phylogenetic analysis of primate mic (perb11) sequences suggests that the representation of the gene family differs in different primates: comparison of mic (perb11) and c4.duplication of segments within the mhc has led to numerous multicopy families such as class i, class ii, c4 and mic (perb11). different copy numbers between haplotypes and species may be explained by the extent of duplication and subsequent deletion. there are at least five copies of mic (perb11) in humans, but mica (perb11.1) appears to have been deleted from the chimpanzee. by comparing the sequences of primates (chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, orang-utan, pygmy chimpanzee, patas monkey, aethiops ...199910331161
reproductive hormone profiles in captive male orangutans: implications for understanding developmental arrest.for many years researchers have described some male orangutans as "subadult." these males are of adolescent to adult age and are reproductive, but have little to no secondary sexual trait development. until now the only endocrine study of this arrest of secondary sexual trait development was performed by kingsley (1982, 1988). she found that "subadult" or arrested males have lower testosterone levels than similar age developing adolescents or adult males. in this study, urine samples were collec ...199910342462
articular surface defects in the third metatarsal and third cuneiform: nonosseous tarsal coalition.frequencies of articular surface defects on the third metatarsal and third cuneiform, seen as pits of varying sizes on the plantar one third of the tarsometatarsal articular face, were investigated in skeletal populations from north america and japan, as well as in gibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, and gorilla skeletons. the apes did not exhibit the defects, although the number of observed specimens of each type was small. the newly presented human frequencies corresponded well with those from othe ...199910342465
isolation of a human endogenous retroviral herv-h element with an open env reading frame.about 100 elements of the human endogenous retroviral herv-h family have full-length env genes potentially coding for env proteins with sequences highly similar to the immunosuppressive peptide cks-17 from the mlv transmembrane protein p15e. however, previously sequenced herv-h env genes have contained stop codons or framehifts. to isolate elements with open env reading frames, we first tried to assess the diversity of herv-h env genes by comparing pcr-generated env sequences from genomic dna wi ...199910366582
origin and phylogenetic distribution of alu dna repeats: irreversible events in the evolution of primates.over the past 60 million years, or so, approximately one million copies of alu dna repeats have accumulated in the genome of primates, in what appears to be an ongoing process. we determined the phylogenetic distribution of specific alu (and other) dna repeats in the genome of several primates: human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, baboon, rhesus, and macaque. at the population level studied, the majority of the repeats was found to be fixed in the primate species. our data suggest that new alu ...199910369767
a complex pattern of evolutionary conservation and alternative polyadenylation within the long 3"-untranslated region of the methyl-cpg-binding protein 2 gene (mecp2) suggests a regulatory role in gene expression.a systematic search for expressed sequences in the human xq28 region resulted in the isolation of 8.5 kb large contigs of human and murine cdnas with no apparent conserved open reading frames. these cdnas were found to be derived from the 3"-untranslated region (3"-utr) of the methyl-cpg-binding protein 2 gene ( mecp2 ). this long 3"-utr is part of an alternatively polyadenylated, 10.1 kb mecp2 transcript which is differentially expressed in human brain and other tissues. rna in situ hybridizati ...199910369871
dna profiling of orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) feces to prove descent and identity in wildlife this study, orangutan (pongo pygmaeus ssp.) dna was extracted from excrements, obtained from individual zoo populations. to examine whether human short tandem repeat loci (str) are suitable for the reconstruction of kinship in orangutans, nine strs, commonly used in forensic studies in man and the amelogenin system, were amplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) approach. five of the nine human autosomal strs in question amplified successfully in orangutans. furthermore, the ex ...199910435446
evidence for an hla-c-like locus in the orangutan pongo pygmaeus.hla-b and c are related class i genes which are believed to have arisen by duplication of a common ancestor. previous study showed the presence of orthologues for both hla-b and c in african apes but only for hla-b in asian apes. these observations suggested that the primate c locus evolved subsequent to the divergence of the pongidae and hominidae. from an analysis of orangutan tengku two hla-c-like alleles (popy c*0101 and popy c*0201) were defined as well as three hla-b-like (popy-b) alleles. ...199910436180
a new group of hepadnaviruses naturally infecting orangutans (pongo pygmaeus).a high prevalence (42.6%) of hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection was suspected in 195 formerly captive orangutans due to a large number of serum samples which cross-reacted with human hbv antigens. it was assumed that such viral infections were contracted from humans during captivity. however, two wild orangutans were identified which were hbv surface antigen positive, indicating that hbv or related viruses may be occurring naturally in the orangutan populations. sequence analyses of seven isolate ...199910438880
many human endogenous retrovirus k (herv-k) proviruses are unique to humans.endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease. human endogenous retrovirus k (herv-k) is related to the mouse mammary tumor virus and is present in the genomes of humans, apes and cercopithecoids (old world monkeys). it is unknown how long ago in primate evolution the full-length herv-k proviruses that are in the human genome today were formed.199910469592
molecular evolution of the cmt1a-rep region: a human- and chimpanzee-specific repeat.the cmt1a-rep repeat consists of two copies of a 24-kb sequence on human chromosome 17p11.2-12 that flank a 1.5-mb region containing a dosage-sensitive gene, peripheral nerve protein-22 (pmp22). unequal meiotic crossover mediated by misalignment of proximal and distal copies of the cmt1a-rep in humans leads to a 1.5-mb duplication or deletion associated with two common peripheral nerve diseases, charcot-marie-tooth disease type 1a (cmt1a) and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure pals ...199910474898
anti-human red cell monoclonal antibodies produced by macaque-mouse heterohybridomas: their reactivity with human and nonhuman primate erythrocytes.eighteen monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against human red blood cells (rbcs) produced by macaque mouse heterobybridomas gave uniformly positive reactions with all human samples except for some with particular null phenotypes. based on reactions with latter cells, the human antigenic targets of 11 antibodies could be identified: six were specific for glycophorin-related antigens (wr(b), en(a), ge4), and each of the live remaining antibodies showed one of the following specificities: cd55, cd44, cd5 ...199910475112
localization of subtelomeric sequences of human chromosomes 1q, 11p, 13q, and 16q in the higher primates.relative phylogenetic divergence of the members of the pongidae family has been based on genetic evidence. the recent isolation of subtelomeric probes specific for human (hsa) chromosomes 1q, 11p, 13q, and 16q has prompted us to cross-hybridize these to the chromosomes of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes, ptr), gorilla (gorilla gorilla, ggo), and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus, ppy) to search for their equivalent locations in the great apes. hybridization signals to the 1q subtelomeric dna sequence pr ...199910483091
surgical repair of an atrial septal defect in a juvenile sumatran orangutan (pongo pygmaeus sumatraensis).a systolic heart murmur was auscultated in a 2-yr-old female sumatran orangutan (pongo pygmaeus sumatraensis) with a slower than expected growth rate. cardiac ultrasound revealed an 11-mm atrial septal defect. cardiac catheterization confirmed the diagnosis. surgical repair was performed during cardiopulmonary bypass using a pericardial patch. the bypass pump was primed with human albumin and donor orangutan whole blood of a compatible type. hematuria occurred shortly after the initiation of car ...199910484142
coxsackievirus b4 myocarditis in an orangutan.a 37-year-old female orangutan died at the zoological garden. autopsy examination demonstrated severe coxsackievirus b4 myocarditis immunohistochemically as a cause of the death. apoptosis of the cardiac muscle cells was observed using the tdt-mediated dutp-biotin nick endo labeling method and was considered to play a role in the myocarditis. congestion of the liver and both lungs due to cardiac failure was also observed. coxsackievirus infection is found frequently in the okinawan human populat ...199910490214
human is a unique species among primates in terms of telomere length.trf (terminal restriction fragments) length in various tissues of non-human primates such as macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey), macaca fuscata (japanese monkey), macaca fascicularis (crab-eating monkey), pan troglodytes (common chimpanzee), and pongo pygmaeus (orangutan) was at least 23 kb without exception, which was quite different from that of human somatic tissues (smaller than 10 kb). the distribution pattern of telomerase activity among tissues was similar between human and non-human primates ...199910491289
distinctive compartmental organization of human primary visual the primary visual area of macaques and other monkeys, layer 4a is a mosaic of separate tissue compartments related to the parvocellular (p) and magnocellular (m) layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus. this mosaic resembles a honeycomb, with thin walls that receive direct p inputs and cores consisting of columns of dendrites and cell bodies ascending from layer 4b, a layer that receives indirect m inputs. to determine whether apes and humans have a macaque-like layer 4a, we examined the pr ...199910500223
herv-f, a new group of human endogenous retrovirus sequences.using primers from a conserved region of the xa34 human endogenous retrovirus (herv) family, four pol fragments originating from new members of the family were amplified from human genomic dna. southern blot analysis demonstrated similar hybridization patterns in human, chimpanzee and orangutan and distinct hybridization to macaque dna. the probes also exhibited weaker hybridization to squirrel monkey dna. using large genomic clones, two full-length xa34-related hervs have been identified. one o ...199910501491
enamel hypoplasia in deciduous teeth of great apes: do differences in defect prevalence imply differential levels of physiological stress?this paper presents new data on enamel hypoplasia in the deciduous canine teeth of great apes. the enamel defect under consideration is known as localized hypoplasia of primary canines (lhpc), and is characterized by an area of thin or missing enamel on the labial surface of deciduous canine teeth (skinner [1986a] am. j. phys. anthropol. 69:59-69). goals of this study are: 1) to determine if significant differences in the frequency of lhpc occur among three genera of great apes, and 2) to evalua ...199910516566
characterization of the gorilla carboxyl ester lipase locus, and the appearance of the carboxyl ester lipase pseudogene during primate this study we report on the isolation and characterization of the gorilla carboxyl ester lipase gene, cel, and the corresponding cel pseudogene. we also report on the age of the cel pseudogene. the gorilla cel gene is 10.5kb long and comprises 11exons intervened by introns similar to the situation in man, mouse and rat. the encoded protein is 998amino acids long and includes a 23amino acid-long leader peptide. comparison of the coding sequence, excluding exon 11, of cel from gorilla and man r ...199910548728
phylogenetic analysis of a retroposon family in african great apes.the sine-r retroposon family has been identified by its relationship with the long terminal repeats (ltrs) of human endogenous retrovirus class k (herv-k) as a mobile element that has evolved recently in the human genome. here we examined the recent evolutionary history of this class of elements by a pcr approach to genomic dna from the african great apes and by phylogenetic analysis including comparison with the herv k10 parent sequence. with primers derived from a cdna sequence from human brai ...199910552051
random nucleotide substitutions in primate nonfunctional gene for l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase, the missing enzyme in l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis.humans and other primates have no functional gene for l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase that catalyzes the last step of l-ascorbic acid biosynthesis. the 164-nucleotide sequence of exon x of the gene was compared among human, chimpanzee, orangutan, and macaque, and it was found that nucleotide substitutions had occurred at random throughout the sequence with a single nucleotide deletion, indicating that the primate l-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase genes are a typical example of pseudogene.199910572964
genomic differentiation of 18s ribosomal dna and beta-satellite dna in the hominoid and its evolutionary aspects.the chromosome localization of two human multisequence families, rdna and beta-satellite (beta-sat) dna, was determined in humans and apes using double color fluorescence in-situ hybridization. both dna probes showed a distinct hybridization pattern with species-specific variations in hominoids. the stepwise differentiation of the integration, amplification, multilocalization, and reduction of the dnas were observed interspecifically through the seven species examined. the stepwise events allowe ...199910598568
molecular cytogenetic dissection of human chromosomes 3 and 21 evolution.chromosome painting in placental mammalians illustrates that genome evolution is marked by chromosomal synteny conservation and that the association of chromosomes 3 and 21 may be the largest widely conserved syntenic block known for mammals. we studied intrachromosomal rearrangements of the syntenic block 3/21 by using probes derived from chromosomal subregions with a resolution of up to 10-15 mbp. we demonstrate that the rearrangements visualized by chromosome painting, mostly translocations, ...200010618396
taxonomic and functional aspects of the patterning of enamel thickness distribution in extant large-bodied of the few uncontested viewpoints in studies of enamel thickness is that the molars of the african apes, pan and gorilla, possess "thin" enamel, while pongo and modern humans possess varying degrees of "thick" enamel, even when interspecific differences in overall body or tooth size are taken into account. such studies focus primarily on estimates of the total volume of enamel relative to tooth size (i.e., "relative" enamel thickness), as this is thought to bear directly on questions concern ...200010640949
evidence for evolutionarily conserved secondary structure in the h19 tumor suppressor rna.the molecular basis for function of the mammalian h19 as a tumor suppressor is poorly understood. large, conserved open reading frames (orfs) are absent from both the human and mouse cdnas, suggesting that it may act as an rna. contradicting earlier reports, however, recent studies have shown that the h19 transcript exists in polysomal form and is likely translated. to distinguish between possible functional roles for the gene product, we have characterized the sequence requirements for h19-medi ...200010666466
trans-speciation maintenance in the mhc region of a polymorphism which includes a polymorphic dinucleotide locus, and the de novo arisal of a polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite.alleles and the surrounding regions of dqcar, a dinucleotide repeat tightly linked to hla-dqb1, were sequenced in a range of primate species including man. three polymorphic regions can usefully be defined in the description of these sequences: the dinucleotide gt repeat itself, the anonymous region 5' of this repeat, and a variable ctgt repeat in the 3' region. the 5' sequence displayed six alleles in the individuals studied. one of these alleles was invariably associated with substitutions in ...199910674969
a potent neutralizing monoclonal antibody can discriminate amongst ifngamma from various primates with greater specificity than can the human ifngamma receptor complex.a monoclonal antibody (af2) generated against recombinant human interferongamma (ifngamma) exhibited potent ifngamma neutralizing activity and prevented human ifngamma from binding to the cell surface ifngamma receptor complex. the af2 antibody also neutralized ifngamma from higher primates (superfamily hominoidea) but did not react with ifngamma from rhesus or other primates in the suborder anthropoidea ifngamma from all primates tested, however, could signal via the human ifngamma receptor com ...199910698312
ancient origin of the null allele se(428) of the human abo-secretor locus (fut2).in human populations, a null allele having several nucleotide differences from the wild-type allele is segregating at the fut2 locus (the abo-secretor locus) encoding alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase. to estimate the age of the most recent common ancestor (mrca) of these two alleles, we sequenced fut2 homologues from chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and green monkey. since we did not detect acceleration or any heterogeneity in the substitution rate at this locus among these species, the age of the mr ...200010754067
detection of hepatitis b virus infection in wild-born chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus): phylogenetic relationships with human and other primate genotypes.infection with hepatitis b virus (hbv) was detected by serological testing for hbv surface antigen and by pcr assay for hbv dna in serum samples from two common chimpanzees (pan troglodytes subsp. verus) born in west africa. the complete genome sequences obtained by nucleotide sequencing of overlapping dna fragments amplified by pcr were compared with hbv variants recovered from other primates and with human genotypes a to f. both chimpanzee sequences were 3, 182 nucleotides in length, and the s ...200010756039
phylogenetic origin of human chromosomes 7, 16, and 19 and their homologs in placental mammals.the origin of human chromosomes (hsa) 7, 16, and 19 was studied by comparing data obtained from chromosome banding, chromosome painting, and gene mapping in species belonging to 11 orders of placental mammals (eutherians). this allowed us to propose the reconstruction of their presumed ancestral forms. the hsa7 homologs were composed of two parts, the largest forming an acrocentric. the smallest formed one arm of a small submetacentric; the other arm was composed of sequences homologous to the s ...200010810086
reconstruction of kinship by fecal dna analysis of orangutans.genetic analysis is a useful tool for assigning biological relationships. thus, it will improve genetic management of wild animal populations and breeding colonies. kinship analysis will give new insights into the behavior, sociobiology and genetic management of orangutans. in this study, chromosomal dna from orangutan (pongo pygmaeus ssp.) was extracted from excrements. feces samples were screened for up to nine microsatellite markers from related zoo populations of orangutans (pongo pygmaeus s ...200010816788
alu-mediated phylogenetic novelties in gene regulation and development.differential gene expression lies at the heart of biology and is responsible for all developmental processes, including the growth and differentiation of cells. perhaps even speciation could be defined as a change in differential gene expression over evolutionary time. the present work is a phylogenetic study of four alu elements known to have gene regulatory functions in the human. the four elements have been shown to regulate the parathyroid hormone (pth) gene via a negative calcium-response e ...200010843848
[structure and evolution of human sub-telomeric regions].recent progress in the field of human genome analysis has led to the development of new concepts in the definition of subtelomeric domains. analysis of dna sequences from human and yeast chromosome ends have shown that short stretches of degenerate ttaggg are found at a distance from the telomeric repeats. these stretches define a boundary between two structurally different regions. the distal domain is characterised by numerous, short segments of interrupted homology to many other human telomer ...199910851554
studies on karyotype evolution in higher primates in relation to human chromosome 14 and 9 by comparative mapping of immunoglobulin c epsilon genes with fluorescence in situ hybridization.karyotypic homologies in relation to human chromosome 14 and 9 were studied through comparative mapping of the immunoglobulin c epsilon genes in higher primates by fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) technique. the c epsilon genes will be suitable probes for the analysis of evolutionary rearrangements due to that the multiple recombinational events such as gene duplications and deletions have occurred repeatedly in the immunoglobulin ch gene family (igh@) during the course of primate evolu ...199910859938
[the relationship among human, gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan].the phylogeny of hominoid is still an open question. the contrary point is which relationship is more closed related between human and gorilla and human and chimpanzee. tyrosinase is the essential enzyme in melanogenesis. the mutation of tyrosinase gene causes albinism. the five exons of tyrosinase gene were sequenced for gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan and gibbon in hominoid. combined with the human tyrosinase gene sequence, the gene tree was constructed using parsimony method. the results show ...199910876659
contrasting evolutionary histories of two introns of the duchenne muscular dystrophy gene, dmd, in humans.the duchenne muscular dystrophy (dmd) locus lies in a region of the x chromosome that experiences a high rate of recombination and is thus expected to be relatively unaffected by the effects of selection on nearby genes. to provide a picture of nucleotide variability at a high-recombination locus in humans, we sequenced 5. 4 kb from two introns of dmd in a worldwide sample of 41 alleles from africa, asia, europe, and the americas. these same regions were also sequenced in one common chimpanzee a ...200010924480
microsatellite dna variation in bornean orangutans (pongo pygmaeus).orangutans (pongo pygmaeus) on the islands of borneo and sumatra are considered two separate subspecies. however, the genetic relationships between isolated populations on borneo are not clear. this study determined the extent of variation within the bornean subspecies of orangutan, using microsatellite dna analysis. blood samples were collected from 96 individuals of known origin from east, west and central kalimantan. human microsatellite primer pairs located at human map position d2s141, d4s4 ...200010950452
structural variations of the vwa locus in humans and comparison with non-human primates.the humvwa locus was examined in 160 samples from the japanese population. a total of 142 fragments were sequenced, and the counterpart sequences were also determined in non-human primates. in humans, 10 different alleles were found; they could be grouped into seven allelic classes based on the total number of repeats. no variation was observed in the alleles 17, 18 and 19, which showed consensus sequence structures and in the allele 14, which showed a different structure. new variation was foun ...200010978593
evaluation of a human immunometric assay for the determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone in nonhuman primates.sera from nine species of clinically healthy nonhuman primates were assayed for t4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh) using human immunoassays (a fluorescence polarization immunoassay for t4, a microparticle enzyme immunoassay for tsh). the t4 levels ranged from 20 to 132 nmol/l (x +/- sd = 62.8 +/- 24.7 nmol/l). levels of tsh were detected only in western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) and sumatran orangutans (pongo pygmaeus abelii) (range, 0.4-10.8 miu/l; detectable limit = 0.01 ...200010982149
worldwide dna sequence variation in a 10-kilobase noncoding region on human chromosome 22.human dna sequence variation data are useful for studying the origin, evolution, and demographic history of modern humans and the mechanisms of maintenance of genetic variability in human populations, and for detecting linkage association of disease. here, we report worldwide variation data from a approximately 10-kilobase noncoding autosomal region. we identified 75 variant sites in 64 humans (128 sequences) and 463 variant sites among the human, chimpanzee, and orangutan sequences. statistical ...200011005839
cytochrome c oxidase assembly in primates is sensitive to small evolutionary variations in amino acid sequence.respiring mitochondria require many interactions between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. although mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from the gorilla and the chimpanzee are able to restore oxidative phosphorylation in a human cell, mtdnas from more distant primate species are functionally incompatible with human nuclear genes. using microcell-mediated chromosome and mitochondria transfer, we introduced and maintained a functional orangutan mtdna in a human nuclear background. however, partial oxidativ ...200011018157
diverticulitis with rupture and fatal peritonitis in a sumatran orangutan (pongo pygmaeus).a 30-year-old male sumatran orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) presented with signs of depression, lethargy, anorexia, and diarrhea that progressed to acute colic. exploratory laparotomy revealed fibrinopurulent peritonitis and 50 cm of devitalized small intestine. the surgically resected small intestine contained several mucosal diverticula along the mesenteric attachment; one had ruptured, resulting in peritonitis. fifteen days after surgery, the orangutan's abdominal incision dehisced. repeated lapar ...200011020166
progressive inactivation of the haploid expressed gene for the sperm-specific endozepine-like peptide (elp) through primate evolution.the endozepine-like peptide (elp) is a novel intracellular molecule which is expressed in high amounts at both mrna and protein levels very specifically in late haploid male germ cells. it is closely related to the ubiquitous acyl-coa binding protein, is highly conserved, shares a similar ability to bind mid-long chain acyl-coa, and is thus likely to be involved in mature sperm metabolism. while it has been characterized from diverse mammals, it has so far not been possible to identify an equiva ...200011024294
phalangeal curvature and positional behavior in extinct sloth lemurs (primates, palaeopropithecidae).recent paleontological discoveries in madagascar document the existence of a diverse clade of palaeopropithecids or "sloth lemurs": mesopropithecus (three species), babakotia (one species), palaeopropithecus (three species), and archaeoindris (one species). this mini-radiation of now extinct ("subfossil") lemurs is most closely related to the living indrids (indri, propithecus, and avahi). whereas the extant indrids are known for their leaping acrobatics, the palaeopropithecids (except perhaps f ...199711038588
mtdna sequence diversity of orangutans from the islands of borneo and sumatra.a comparison of mitochondrial dna sequences was undertaken for two genes among orangutans from borneo and sumatra. the distribution of haplotypes among 42 individuals for nadh dehydrogenease subunit 3 and 39 individuals for cytochrome b was used to infer population structure. the haplotypes among all bornean orangutans form a cluster of closely related individuals for both genes, with two distinct haplotypes occupying different regions of the island. sumatran haplotypes fall into three distinct, ...200011080370
a two-year longitudinal study of deferred imitation of object manipulation in a juvenile chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus).changes in deferred imitation of novel actions on objects were assessed over a 2-year period in two enculturated, juvenile great apes (one chimpanzee, pan troglodytes, and one orangutan, pongo pygmaeus). both apes displayed deferred imitation, and both displayed improve ments in deferred imitation over the 2-year period, although the magnitude of improvement was greater for the chimpanzee. this is, to our knowledge, the first experimental demonstration of longitudinal improvements of deferred im ...200011084604
evolution of the x-linked zinc finger gene and the y-linked zinc finger gene in primates.we have sequenced the partial exon of the zinc finger genes (zfx and zfy) in 5 hominoids, 2 old world monkeys, 1 new world monkey, and 1 prosimian. among these primate species, the percentage similarities of the nucleotide sequence of the zfx gene were 96-100% and 91.2-99.7% for the zfy gene. of 397 sites in the zfx and zfy gene sequences, 20 for zfx gene and 42 for zfy gene were found to be variable. substitution causes 1 amino acid change in zfx, and 5 in zfy, among 132 amino acids. the number ...200011101141
lack of mhc-g4 and soluble (g5, g6) isoforms in the higher primates, pongidae.hla-g is a class ib (nonclassical) major histocompatibility complex (mhc) protein expressed at the materno-fetal interface that may inhibit natural killer (nk) cell-mediated lysis in an allotype-independent manner. the human mhc-g transcript is differentially spliced, giving rise to at least six different forms. in order to study the evolutionary importance of this phenomenon, the presence of alternative splicing in mhc-g mrna molecules from pongidae (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) has been ...200011137222
global patterns of human dna sequence variation in a 10-kb region on chromosome 1.human dna variation is currently a subject of intense research because of its importance for studying human origins, evolution, and demographic history and for association studies of complex diseases. a approximately 10-kb region on chromosome 1, which contains only four small exons (each <155 bp), was sequenced for 61 humans (20 africans, 20 asians, and 21 europeans) and for 1 chimpanzee, 1 gorilla, and 1 orangutan. we found 52 polymorphic sites among the 122 human sequences and 382 variant sit ...200111158380
regions of low single-nucleotide polymorphism incidence in human and orangutan xq: deserts and recent coalescences.while scanning for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) in the human xq25-q28 region of ceph families, we found six long "deserts" of low snp incidence representing 28% of the investigated genome. one was 1.66 mb in length. to determine whether these snp deserts were due to reduced input of mutations or to recent coalescent events such as bottlenecks or selective sweeps, comparative sequence was determined from a female orangutan. the mean divergence was 2.9% and was not reduced in deserts com ...200111161800
comparative expression of hedonic impact: affective reactions to taste by human infants and other primates.this study examines behavioral affective reactions elicited by tastes from eight newborn human infants, and from 27 other infant or adult primates. non-human primates belonged to 11 species: three great apes (chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla), three old world monkeys (rhesus monkey, greater spot-nosed monkey, and red-capped mangabey), four new world monkeys (golden-handed tamarin, cotton-top tamarin, white tufted-ear marmoset, and humboldt's night monkey), and one lemur (mongoose lemur). the taste ...200111166078
multiplicities and some enzymatic characteristics of ape pepsinogens and pepsins.pepsinogen levels in ape stomachs were comparable to those in macaques and significantly higher than those in the stomachs of other mammals, including carnivores and ruminants. the occurrence of multiple forms of pepsinogens was remarkable. nine, sixteen, eight, and fourteen pepsinogens were purified or partially purified from the gastric mucosa of a gibbon, orang-utan, gorilla, and chimpanzee, respectively. most of these were type-a pepsinogens, and only one type-c pepsinogen was identified in ...200011168831
genomic divergences between humans and other hominoids and the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and study the genomic divergences among hominoids and to estimate the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, we selected 53 autosomal intergenic nonrepetitive dna segments from the human genome and sequenced them in a human, a chimpanzee, a gorilla, and an orangutan. the average sequence divergence was only 1.24% +/- 0.07% for the human-chimpanzee pair, 1.62% +/- 0.08% for the human-gorilla pair, and 1.63% +/- 0.08% for the chimpanzee-gorilla pair. these estim ...200111170892
great ape dna sequences reveal a reduced diversity and an expansion in humans.the extent of dna sequence variation of chimpanzees is several-fold greater than that of humans. it is unclear, however, if humans or chimpanzees are exceptional among primates in having low and high amounts of dna sequence diversity, respectively. to address this, we have determined approximately 10,000 bp of noncoding dna sequences at xq13.3 (which has been extensively studied in both humans and chimpanzees) from 10 western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) and 1 mountain gorilla (gor ...200111175781
dna of nonhuman primates harbors hepatitis c-virus-specific sequences of its 5'-non-coding region (5'-ncr).the dna from pbmcs of both hepatitis c virus (hcv)-positive patients and healthy hcv-negative human individuals tested thus far contains essential parts--up to 272/341 nucleotides--of the hcv 5'-non-coding region (5'-ncr). these findings bring up the question of the possible evolutionary background of these sequences. therefore, using the same methodology, we looked for the same sequences in animals closely related to man, i.e., in nonhuman primates (two chimpanzees, one orang-utan, one debrazza ...200011194880
prefrontal cortex in humans and apes: a comparative study of area 10.area 10 is one of the cortical areas of the frontal lobe involved in higher cognitive functions such as the undertaking of initiatives and the planning of future actions. it is known to form the frontal pole of the macaque and human brain, but its presence and organization in the great and lesser apes remain unclear. it is here documented that area 10 also forms the frontal pole of chimpanzee, bonobo, orangutan, and gibbon brains. imaging techniques and stereological tools are used to characteri ...200111241188
corticotropin-releasing hormone-binding protein in humans, placental corticotropin-releasing hormone (crh) production has been linked to the determination of gestational length, and a late gestational fall in crh-binding protein (crh-bp) has been linked to the onset of parturition. expression of placental crh mrna is limited to primates, and only in man has a circulating crh-bp been described. as the fall in crh-bp in late gestation has been associated with parturition in humans, we sought to determine whether a crh-bp circulated in the plasm ...200111253847
analysis of two genomic variants of orang-utan hepadnavirus and their relationship to other primate hepatitis b-like viruses.we recently described orang-utan hepadnavirus (ouhv) (warren et al., journal of virology, 73, 7860-7865, 1999). phylogenetic analyses indicated that the various isolates of ouhv can be divided into two genomic variants. two representatives from each genomic cluster were analysed both molecularly and phylogenetically. their genome organization was highly similar to other hepadnaviruses of apes and humans. the complete genome sequences of the two ouhv types had an overall 5% sequence difference. r ...200111257195
speciation and intrasubspecific variation of bornean orangutans, pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus.mitochondrial dna control region sequences of orangutans (pongo pygmaeus) from six different populations on the island of borneo were determined and analyzed for evidence of regional diversity and were compared separately with orangutans from the island of sumatra. within the bornean population, four distinct subpopulations were identified. furthermore, the results of this study revealed marked divergence, supportive evidence of speciation between sumatran and bornean orangutans. this study demo ...200111264398
geographic variation in tool use on neesia fruits in orangutans.geographic variation in the presence of skilled behavior may reflect geographic variation in genetic predispositions or ecological conditions (accompanied by reliable expression during development), or it may reflect the vagaries of invention and the appropriate social conditions for persistence. in this study, we compare the feeding techniques and tool-using skills used by orangutans to extract the nutritious seeds from neesia fruits between suaq balimbing on sumatra and gunung palung on borneo ...200111275962
sequence variation in humans and other primates at six short tandem repeat loci used in forensic identity testing.a large number of alleles from the six different short tandem repeat (str) loci fga, d3s1358, vwa, csf1po, tpox and th01, used in human identity testing were sequenced to provide support for the robustness of fluorescent str dna typing by allele size. sequence information for some of these loci (fga, vwa, th01) is an extension of published work, whereas no extensive sequence information is available with respect to the d3s1358, csf1po, and tpox loci. sequencing of alleles at each locus has provi ...200111348787
genetic divergence of orangutan subspecies (pongo pygmaeus).microsatellites and mitochondrial dna sequences were studied for the two subspecies of orangutans (pongo pygmaeus), which are located in borneo (p. p. pygmaeus) and sumatra (p. p. abelii), respectively. both subspecies possess marked genetic diversity. genetic subdivision was identified within the sumatran orangutans. the genetic differentiation between the two subspecies is highly significant for nd5 region but not significant for 16s rrna or microsatellite data by exact tests, although fst est ...200111443355
global analysis of atm polymorphism reveals significant functional constraint.atm, the gene that is mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia, is associated with cerebellar degeneration, abnormal proliferation of small blood vessels, and cancer. these clinically important manifestations have stimulated interest in defining the sequence variation in the atm gene. therefore, we undertook a comprehensive survey of sequence variation in atm in diverse human populations. the protein-encoding exons of the gene (9,168 bp) and the adjacent intron and untranslated sequences (14,661 bp) wer ...200111443540
human dna sequence variation in a 6.6-kb region containing the melanocortin 1 receptor approximately 6.6-kb region located upstream from the melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) gene and containing its promoter was sequenced in 54 humans (18 africans, 18 asians, and 18 europeans) and in one chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. seventy-six polymorphic sites were found among the human sequences and the average nucleotide diversity (pi) was 0.141%, one of the highest among all studies of nuclear sequence variation in humans. opposite to the pattern observed in the mc1r coding region, in ...200111454772
sylvatic transmission of arboviruses among bornean orangutans.wild populations of nonhuman primates live in regions of sylvatic arbovirus transmission. to assess the status of arbovirus transmission in bornean forests and the susceptibility of wild orangutans to arboviral infection, blood samples of wild orangutans, semi-captive orangutans, and humans were examined. samples were tested by plaque reduction neutralization test for antibodies to viruses representing three families (flaviviridae, alphaviridae, and bunyaviridae), including dengue-2, japanese en ...200111463123
"bar-coding" primate chromosomes: molecular cytogenetic screening for the ancestral hominoid karyotype.two recently introduced multicolor fish approaches, cross-species color banding (also termed rx-fish) and multiplex fish using painting probes derived from somatic cell hybrids retaining fragments of human chromosomes, were applied in a comparative molecular cytogenetic study of higher primates. we analyzed these "chromosome bar code" patterns to obtain an overview of chromosomal rearrangements that occurred during higher primate evolution. the objective was to reconstruct the ancestral genome o ...200111479739
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 1082