the endocrinology of puberty and reproductive functioning in female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) under varying social conditions. | sexual maturation and fertility were assessed in fourteen cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) females under various social conditions. six tamarin females (20-28 mo of age) showed a suppression of fertility while living with their families. hormonal profiles demonstrated low, acyclic levels of urinary luteinizing hormone (lh) and estrone-conjugates (e1c). a rapid onset of ovarian and pituitary cyclicity occurred when four of the six females were removed from their families and paired with an u ... | 1987 | 3118981 |
adenocarcinoma of the large bowel and colitis in captive cotton-top tamarins saguinus o. oedipus. | the gross and microscopic appearance of large bowel adenocarcinoma in two young adult, captive-born cotton-top tamarins is described. a retrospective examination of sections of colons from other animals that had died in the colony revealed a high incidence of chronic colitis. the adenocarcinomas, which resembled those reported from colonies of this species in the u.s.a., are thought to be the first seen in great britain. | 1986 | 3093542 |
nonviral infectious agents and marmoset (saguinus oedipus) colitis. | | 1985 | 3933938 |
evolution and natural history of colonic disease in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | | 1985 | 3933937 |
histology of colitis: saguinus oedipus oedipus and other marmosets. | | 1985 | 3933936 |
monoclonal antibody-defined antigens detected in colonic tissues of cotton-top tamarin, saguinus oedipus oedipus. | | 1985 | 3933932 |
histology of colon cancer in saguinus oedipus oedipus. | diagnosis of colon cancer in tamarins often requires histologic (microscopic) inspection of the entire colon before minute primary sites can be located in the flat colonic mucosa. in other cases the cancer is easily recognized grossly because infiltration produces local desmoplastic reactions. the cancer does not have a preceding benign polypoid stage. the carcinoma is most typically poorly differentiated. the pas stain, however, demonstrates that some of the malignant cells always produce mucin ... | 1985 | 3933929 |
rearing a second generation of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) in captivity. | the average age at first parturition in captive-born female cotton-top tamarins was 31 months. only 18% of full-term young born were successfully reared by primiparous females, but success increased with parity and 71% of babies born at 4th and 5th pregnancies were raised. 15% of litters were single births, 61% were twins and 24% were triplets. there was a seasonal distribution of births, with a clear peak in the spring months. the average interbirth interval was 294 days. | 1985 | 3934462 |
a breeding colony of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | a breeding colony of cotton-top tamarins is described where 91% of the breeding females are from the first and second laboratory-born generations, and whose infants have a one year survival rate of 62%. mortality is greatest in the first week of life, and mortality rate is greater for a female's first litter than for subsequent litters. females without early experience in caring for other infants have a higher infant mortality rate than females with such experience. no seasonal birth patterns ha ... | 1985 | 3932776 |
a naturally occurring bone-marrow-chimeric primate. i. integrity of its immune system. | the new world primate species saguinus oedipus, the cotton-top tamarin, has a high incidence of spontaneously occurring adenocarcinoma of the colon and develops a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome following infection with various herpes viruses. some investigators have linked such disease susceptibilities to abnormalities in the immune function of the cotton-top tamarin that may result from the natural bone marrow chimerism that occurs in this species. the present studies were initiated to esta ... | 1985 | 3156438 |
is cancer of the colon familial in cotton-top tamarins? | ten cases of spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the colon were observed in first-generation saguinus oedipus oedipus born and raised under defined colony conditions. in this series of 10 cases, 3 animals had a wild parent (caught and imported) that also died of cancer of the colon and 4 of the remaining 7 were two unrelated sets of siblings (one a set of fraternal twins). this somewhat unexpected familial association or clustering of these malignancies suggests the possibility of a significant heredi ... | 1985 | 3917368 |
energy requirements of captive cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | food intake of captive cotton-top tamarins was measured at various stages of the life cycle and energy intake was calculated from the results. the intake of adults for maintenance was found to vary around 500 kj x kg-3/4 x day-1 and to decrease with age. during the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, females increased in weight by about 2 g x day-1 but energy intake did not show a marked rise above the maintenance range. during lactation, their energy intake appeared to double. measurements of intake at ... | 1984 | 6437946 |
carcinoma of the colon in the cotton-top tamarin: a radiographic study. | | 1983 | 6417093 |
cyclic excretion of urinary oestrogens in female tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | urine was collected from 6 female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus) and urinary oestrone and oestradiol concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay. oestrone was excreted at 50-fold higher concentrations than oestradiol. five females showed patterns of regular oestrone cyclicity, with a mean peak-to-peak oestrone cycle of 23.6 +/- 1.2 days. levels of oestradiol tended to vary with levels of oestrone excretion, but peaks were less pronounced and more variable. the sixth female, diagn ... | 1983 | 6405030 |
a retrospective study of infant mortality of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) in captive breeding. | fifty of 156 (32%) colony bred cotton-top tamarins were stillborn, and 31 (20%) died within the first week after birth. the stillbirth rate was related to litter size and parity in captivity. a higher percent of single births were stillborn (69%) compared to those of twin births (26%) (p less than 0.005). a higher percent of infants born of the first litter in captivity (42%) were stillborn than those of subsequent litters (23%) (p less than 0.025). stillbirths were not related to season of birt ... | 1983 | 6406761 |
lactation and fertility: an examination of nursing and interbirth intervals in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus). | breeding records from a colony of saguinus o. oedipus were examined to determine the influence of nursing on the return to a fertile status in adult females. the overall interbirth interval (ibi) was 208.5 +/- 16.3 days. nursing status (nursing vs. non-nursing) and number of infants nursed (0, 1, or 2) did not influence ibi. the lack of effects of nursing on fertility appears to be a general trait in callitrichid primates. | 1983 | 6414916 |
relationship between social interactions and sexual maturation in female saguinus oedipus oedipus. | 4 female saguinus oedipus oedipus were paired with strange, unrelated males while 5 remained in their natal family groups. a comparison of the frequency of selected social interactions involving these females when sexually immature versus mature was made. the frequency of sexual and affiliative interactions in male-female pairs was basically unchanged by the female's maturation. mother-daughter interactions were also not changed in a consistent fashion by the daughters' maturation. females with ... | 1983 | 6414915 |
myeloproliferative disease in a cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | | 1983 | 6408302 |
factors influencing population growth of a colony of cotton-top tamarins. | 43% of full-term births in a colony of saguinus oedipus oedipus occurred during april and may. interbirth interval was usually 12 months in females which reared live young and 7 months in those whose young died perinatally. 81% of all full-term births were of twins, the rest were singles. high mortality among neonates was seen with a group of bought-in animals which had been taken from their parents at an early age without participating in the rearing of siblings, and was attributable to parenta ... | 1983 | 6408301 |
noma in saguinus oedipus: a report of 2 cases. | 2 cases of noma in cotton topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) are reported. the condition did not respond to antibiotic therapy, but was successfully treated in one animal by local application of ethacridine lactate. | 1982 | 6816990 |
urinary oestrogen excretion in the female cotton-topped tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | daily urinary oestrogen excretion was measured by radioimmunoassay in 6 adult female cotton-topped tamarins. four females showed obvious cyclicity in oestrogen excretion and the mean cycle length for 10 complete cycles was 22.7 +/- 1.7 days with a range of 19-25 days. in 3 of the 6 females a dip-and-read test for blood in the urine gave positive readings which were distributed during trough and mid-cycle periods although females of this species are believed not to menstruate. | 1981 | 6788947 |
colonic adenocarcinoma associated with chronic colitis in cotton top marmosets, saguinus oedipus. | colitis is a common disease of cotton top marmosets, saguinus oedipus, characterized by crypt abscesses and inflammation of lamina propria. in more advanced colitis there is marked irregularity of mucosal surface, distortion of crypt architecture and epithelium, increased numbers of mitoses, and decreased numbers of goblet cells. foci of pleomorphic cells arranged in poorly formed glands or sheets, interpreted as carcinoma in situ, also occur. many such cases have invasive colonic adenocarcinoma ... | 1981 | 6781977 |
nutritional evaluation in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | four cotton-top tamarins were fed a commercial biscuit diet and three others a commercial canned diet for 12 weeks. thereafter, all seven were fed a purified diet for 12 weeks. general health, body weight, food intake, fecal output, serum biochemistry, blood count, and colonic histopathology were evaluated at various times during the experiments. the diets did not affect these parameters except the purified diet was associated with relatively reduced fecal output. diarrhea and chronic colitis oc ... | 1981 | 6787327 |
the use of time and space by the panamanian tamarin, saguinus oedipus. | tamarin activity patterns and habitat utilization strategies in the tropical dry forest of the panama canal zone were monitored quantitatively using radio-location telemetry. the daily tamarin activity pattern differed from that of other neotropical primates in that early morning and late afternoon activity normally did not occur. total daily activity time averaged 676 +/- 62 min. sleeping trees, and behaviors associated with their use, were documented. daily path length averaged 2,061 +/- 402 m ... | 1979 | 118902 |
pathway of testosterone biosynthesis in the testis of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. | these studies were undertaken to determine the principal pathway of androgen biosynthesis by the testis of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. testicular fragments (25 mg) were incubated at 37 degrees c in krebs-ringer bicarbonate buffer, ph 7.4, containing pregnenolone-7-3h (3beta-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one) or progesterone-7-3h. duplicate fragments were incubated with each substrate for 30 min, one hr, three hr, or five hr, for a total of 16 separate incubations. metabolites were separated by paper a ... | 1976 | 827826 |
reproductive characteristic of free-ranging panamanian tamarins (saguinus oedipus geoffroyi). | field observations on reproductive activity in the panamanian tamarin (saguinus oedipus geoffroyi) were made in conjunction with the examination of 131 reproductive tracts collected at regular intervals over one year. reproductive tract characteristics were compared over seasons. embryonic and fetal development were also assessed. a distinct birth peak was observed from april to early june. pregnancies in april and may point to a potential, but unrealized, birth peak in august and september. des ... | 1976 | 828669 |
glucose utilization by the salivary glands of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. | glucose utilization by the marmoset salivary glands was studied radioisotopically, both in vitro and in vivo. surgically excised, minced parotid and submandibular glands from 7 adult animals were incubated in vitro in a medium containing uniformly labeled 14c glucose (glucose-ul-14c), then subjected to respirometry measurements and to extraction and separation procedures for the radioautographic isolation and identification of amino acids, organic acids, and glucose. glucose utilization in vivo ... | 1975 | 821167 |
collagen turnover in the gingiva and other mature connective tissues of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. | | 1974 | 4217619 |
diet induced jejunal lipodystrophy in the cotton top marmoset (saguinus oedipus). | | 1971 | 4108179 |
microfilarial infection of the oral structures in the cotton top marmoset (saguinus oedipus). | | 1970 | 4989567 |
carcinogen-induced neoplasia with metastasis in a south american primate, saguinus oedipus. | | 1969 | 4976950 |
evolution of the human chromosome 13 synteny: evolutionary rearrangements, plasticity, human disease genes and cancer breakpoints. | the history of each human chromosome can be studied through comparative cytogenetic approaches in mammals which permit the identification of human chromosomal homologies and rearrangements between species. comparative banding, chromosome painting, bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) mapping and genome data permit researchers to formulate hypotheses about ancestral chromosome forms. human chromosome 13 has been previously shown to be conserved as a single syntenic element in the ancestral prima ... | 2020 | 32244767 |
comparative assessment of behaviorally derived personality structures in golden-handed tamarins (saguinus midas), cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus), and common marmosets (callithrix jacchus). | one way to address questions about the origins and adaptive significance of personality dimensions is by comparing the personality structures of closely related species that differ in their socioecological circumstances. for the present study, we compared the personalities of captive golden-handed tamarins (saguinus midas; n = 28), cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus; n = 20), and common marmosets (callithrix jacchus; n = 17). all 3 species are new world monkeys of the family callitrichidae. t ... | 2020 | 32391706 |
draft genome sequences of novel campylobacter species isolated from nonhuman primates. | campylobacter species are being increasingly isolated and associated with disease in humans and animals. here, we describe four draft genome sequences of campylobacter species from nonhuman primates. these include campylobacter troglodytis, isolated from wild chimpanzees, and two likely new campylobacter species isolated from a lemur, common marmoset, and cotton-top tamarin. | 2020 | 32273357 |
full-length mhc class ii alleles in three new world monkey species. | thirty newly identified full-length mhc class ii alleles in three new world monkey species. | 2020 | 31705598 |
a comparative study of litter size and sex composition in a large dataset of callitrichine monkeys. | in many birds and mammals, the size and sex composition of litters can have important downstream effects for individual offspring. primates are model organisms for questions of cooperation and conflict, but the factors shaping interactions among same-age siblings have been less-studied in primates because most species bear single young. however, callitrichines (marmosets, tamarins, and lion tamarins) frequently bear litters of two or more, thereby providing the opportunity to ask whether variati ... | 2019 | 31389057 |
nonhuman primate welfare: can there be a relationship between personality, lateralization and physiological indicators? | measuring personality is being used to improved nonhuman primate welfare. to expand its use, it is important to identify traits that are shared between species and that measures are reliable, easy to use and less time consuming. combining personality and other indicators strong validation of the results can be obtained. in the present study, we sought to determine if there is a link between physiological stress response (fecal cortisol metabolites), personality (ratings made by animal keepers an ... | 2019 | 31271769 |
comparison of infant care in family groups of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus). | the involvement of parents and siblings in infant care in similarly composed groups of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) was compared during the infants' first 8 weeks of life. the results indicate an earlier infant independence in c. jacchus than in s. oedipus due primarily to a more frequent rejection of carried infants in c. jacchus. there was no species difference in extent of maternal involvment in carrying infants. however, s. oedipus fathers ... | 1986 | 31979458 |
effects of sibling-rearing experience on future reproductive success in two species of callitrichidae. | the survival rate for offspring of mothers who either had or did not have previous experience rearing younger siblings was compared in two callitrichid species, callithrix jacchus and saguinus oedipus. offspring of mothers with sibling-rearing experience had a higher survival percentage than offspring of inexperienced mothers in both species. while 50-60% of offspring of inexperienced c. jacchus mothers survived, no offspring of inexperienced s. oedipus mothers survived. the results suggest that ... | 1984 | 32160724 |
model life tables for the smaller new world monkeys. | mortality statistics from five populations of small new world monkeys (includinsg callithrix jaccus, leontopithecus rosalia, saguinus fuscicollis, and saguinus oedipus) were combined to generate a standard model life table reflecting the mortality patterns of these primates. the model is applied to three individual populations to illustrate a strategy for smoothing and interpolating mortality statistics of varying completeness and quality. © 1993 wiley-liss, inc. | 1993 | 31941182 |
natural transmission of helicobacter saguini causes multigenerational inflammatory bowel disease in c57/129 il-10-/- mice. | cotton-top tamarins (ctts) are an ideal model of human inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) because these animals develop multigenerational, lower bowel cancer. we previously isolated and characterized a novel enterohepatic helicobacter species, helicobacter saguini, from ctts with ibd and documented that h. saguini infection in germfree c57bl il-10-/- mice recapitulates ibd, suggesting that h. saguini influences ibd etiopathogenesis. in this study, we utilized a germfree il-10-/- model to illustrat ... | 2020 | 32213619 |
in vivo characterization of a bank vole-derived cowpox virus isolate in natural hosts and the rat model. | cowpox virus (cpxv) belongs to the genus orthopoxvirus in the poxviridae family and is endemic in western eurasia. based on seroprevalence studies in different voles from continental europe and uk, voles are suspected to be the major reservoir host. recently, a cpxv was isolated from a bank vole (myodes glareolus) in germany that showed a high genetic similarity to another isolate originating from a cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus). here we characterize this first bank vole-derived cpxv iso ... | 2020 | 32093366 |
angiostrongylus cantonensis central nervous system infection in captive callitrichids in texas. | angiostrongylus cantonensis is a tropical lungworm of rats known for central nervous system migration in aberrant primate hosts. here, we describe a. cantonensis infection in three captive callitrichids from a texas zoo. the affected animals included a goeldi's monkey (callimico goeldii), a cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus), and a pied tamarin (saguinus bicolor) that ranged from 8 to 18 years old. clinical signs included lethargy, ataxia, and seizures. histologically, these animals had an eo ... | 2020 | 32057389 |
gum feeder as environmental enrichment for zoo marmosets and tamarins. | tamarins and marmosets are small-bodied social callitrichines. wild callitrichines feed on exudates, such as sap and gum; particularly, marmosets are mainly gummivores, while tamarins consume gums only occasionally and opportunistically. zoo marmosets and tamarins are usually provided with gum arabic as an alternative to the exudates normally found in the wild. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a gum feeder on the behavior and well-being of four zoo-managed callitrichines. we ... | 2020 | 31944345 |
systems underlying human and old world monkey communication: one, two, or infinite. | using artificially synthesized stimuli, previous research has shown that cotton-top tamarin monkeys easily learn simple ab grammar sequences, but not the more complex anbn sequences that require hierarchical structure. humans have no trouble learning anbn combinations. a more recent study, using similar artificially created stimuli, showed that there is a neuroanatomical difference in the brain between these two kinds of arrays. while the simpler ab sequences recruit the frontal operculum, the a ... | 2019 | 31551849 |
positional encoding in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | strategies used in artificial grammar learning can shed light into the abilities of different species to extract regularities from the environment. in the a(x)nb rule, a and b items are linked, but assigned to different positional categories and separated by distractor items. open questions are how widespread is the ability to extract positional regularities from a(x)nb patterns, which strategies are used to encode positional regularities and whether individuals exhibit preferences for absolute ... | 2019 | 31264123 |
inferential reasoning in the visual and auditory modalities by cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | nonhuman primate species appear to vary markedly in inferential reasoning abilities as measured by a classic inference-by-exclusion cup task. even within species, individuals who can solve the cup task in the visual domain often struggle to use analogous auditory cues. here we tested five cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus), cooperatively breeding new world monkeys that use both visual and auditory information when foraging, to investigate whether they might be able to solve the inference-by- ... | 2019 | 31094534 |
gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase expression by helicobacter saguini, an enterohepatic helicobacter species isolated from cotton top tamarins with chronic colitis. | helicobacter saguini is a novel enterohepatic helicobacter species isolated from captive cotton top tamarins with chronic colitis and colon cancer. monoassociated h. saguini infection in gnotobiotic il-10-/- mice causes typhlocolitis and dysplasia; however, the virulent mechanisms of this species are unknown. gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (ggt) is an enzymatic virulence factor expressed by pathogenic helicobacter and campylobacter species that inhibits host cellular proliferation and promotes inf ... | 2019 | 30365223 |
postcranial skeletal differences in free-range and captive-born primates. | skeletal morphology is important in evolutionary, genetic, developmental, physiological, and functional studies. although samples from free-ranging individuals may be preferable, constraints of sample size, demography, or conservation status may necessitate the inclusion of captive-born individuals. captivity may be associated with physical, physiological, or behavioral differences that may affect skeletal form. this study assesses differences in postcranial skeletal form between free-range and ... | 2019 | 30312525 |
how long does it take? reliable personality assessment based on common behaviour in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | individual variation in behaviour has been shown to have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. research on animal personality has therefore received considerable attention, yet some methodological issues remain unresolved. we tested whether assessing personality by coding common behaviours is as time-consuming method as some researchers believe it to be. altogether, 300 hours of observation were collected on 20 captive cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). we first examined the r ... | 2018 | 30157466 |
bifidobacterium primatium sp. nov., bifidobacterium scaligerum sp. nov., bifidobacterium felsineum sp. nov. and bifidobacterium simiarum sp. nov.: four novel taxa isolated from the faeces of the cotton top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) and the emperor tamarin (saguinus imperator). | four novel gram-stain-positive, non spore forming and fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase-positive strains were isolated from the faeces of a cotton top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) and an emperor tamarin (saguinus imperator). phylogenetic analyses based on 16s rrna revealed that bifidobacterial strains tre 1t exhibit close phylogenetic relatedness to bifidobacterium catulorum dsm 103154 (96.0%) and bifidobacterium tissieri dsm 100201 (96.0%); tre dt and tre ht were closely related to bifidobacte ... | 2018 | 30150092 |
corrigendum to "bifidobacterium aerophilum sp. nov., bifidobacterium avesanii sp. nov. and bifidobacterium ramosum sp. nov.: three novel taxa from the faeces of cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus l.)" [syst. appl. microbiol. 39 (2016) 229-236]. | | 2018 | 29784440 |
demography, group composition, and dispersal in wild cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) groups. | groups of individually marked cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus), located in la reserva forestal protectora serranía de coraza-montes de maría in colosó colombia, were studied over a period of 5 years. data on group composition, stability, birthing seasons, and dispersal patterns are used to examine the reproductive strategies and tactics used by males and females. both monogamous groups and groups containing two pregnant females have been observed. all groups contained at least one adult fe ... | 1996 | 31914712 |
circulating and excreted hormones during the ovarian cycle in the cotton-top tamarin, saguinus oedipus. | five parous, cycling cotton-top tamarin females were used to compare circulating and urinary profiles of the major reproductive hormones during the ovarian cycle. blood samples were collected on unanesthetized, hand restrained females three times per week for 25 days and first morning void urine was collected daily for 30-40 days including the serum sampling period. serum and urine samples were analyzed for estrone, estradiol, and bioactive lh. additionally, serum was analyzed for progesterone a ... | 1993 | 32070082 |
further hormonal suppression of eldest daughter cotton-top tamarins following birth of infants. | reproductive suppression of females is found throughout the callitrichids. however, in many species some evidence of ovarian activity is observed in subordinate females. subordinate cotton-top tamarin females in our colony have never been observed to ovulate in the presence of a reproductive female. however, ovarian follicular development does occur, and measurable levels of urinary estrogen and luteinizing hormone are frequently found in subordinate females. we studied 11 female tamarins living ... | 1993 | 32070081 |
detection of urinary gonadotropins in callitrichid monkeys with a sensitive immunoassay based upan a unique monoclonal antibody. | a radioimmunological method for measuring urinary luteinizing hormone (lh) and chorionic gonadotropin (cg) excretion in the family callitrichidae is described. the method uses a monoclonal antibody that will be available in virtually unlimited quantity. several polyclonal antisera that have been useful for the detection of callitrichid gonadotropins are near depletion. the monoclonal antibody-based ria provided similar results when compared with the mouse leydig cell bioassay for lh and a previo ... | 1993 | 31937000 |
field techniques for monitoring cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) in colombia. | we present reliable field techniques for capturing, anesthetizing, and iidentifying individual cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). a new technique is presented for radio-tracking small bodied primates. a backpack-style harness was designed to carry a transmitter. this system appears effective in minimizing potential injury and does not appear to interfere with the normal behavior of the animal. © 1993 wiley-liss, inc. | 1993 | 31936998 |
the costs of infant carrying in captive cotton-top tamarins. | marmosets and tamarins have a communal rearing system in which all group members help to care for the twin infants characteristic of this family of primates. helpers are likely to incur time and energy costs by contributing to infant care. predictions that cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) helpers would change their behavior when carrying infants because of reduced mobility and/or a need for increased vigilance were tested in a captive colony. tamarins carrying an infant spent significantly ... | 1992 | 31948174 |
reproduction of the emperor tamarin (saguinus imperator) in captivity, with comparisons to cotton-top and golden lion tamarins. | little information has been published on the reproductive biology and behavior of the emperor tamarin (saguinus imperator). we analyzed twelve years of data on emperor tamarins at the los angeles zoo and made comparisons with data on cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus) and golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia) from the same collection. secondary sex ratios did not differ significantly from 50:50. births were not strictly seasonal for any species. the number of infants reared had a ... | 1992 | 31948169 |
the stimulatory effect of males on the initiation but not the maintenance of ovarian cycling in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | prior studies have shown that female cotton-top tamarins usually do not ovulate while living with natal groups, and most females do not ovulate until they are paired with an unfamiliar adult male. to examine the role of unfamiliar adult males on stimulating ovarian function, four cotton-top females were studied during three conditions: females living with their natal group for six weeks, living alone but exposed to a single unfamiliar adult male located 15 cm away from the female's cage for four ... | 1992 | 31948165 |
the benefits of helpers: effects of group and litter size on infant care in tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | the callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins) typically give birth to twins, and infant care is shared by all group members. the potential benefits to callitrichids of having helpers were investigated in a study of 21 captive cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) infants, living in groups with two to 12 older members. time carried and suckled and amount of food received from other family members were recorded for each infant during the first 12 weeks of life. the results showed that infants in lar ... | 1992 | 31948155 |
factors in the rejection and survival of captive cotton top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | captive colonies of cotton top tamarins experience a high rate of rejection of infants within the 1st week of life. the rates of rejection and survival to maturity (2 or more years) among 659 live colony-born infants were correlated with rearing, birth group, litter size, season of birth, gender, origin of parents, experience of parents raising siblings, parity and age of parents, and experience of parent pairs. the most important factors associated with low rejection rates were family life and ... | 1991 | 31948182 |
cotton-top tamarins (saguinus (o.) oedipus) in a semi-naturalistic captive colony. | to test the prediction that the breeding success of captive cotton-top tamarins (saguinus (o.) oedipus) could be improved by maintaining them in groups whose size and age-sex composition resembled those of wild groups, data were collated from 6.5 years of records from a breeding colony that otherwise had housing and husbandry procedures similar to those of other successful colonies. group size and composition in the colony closely resembled those of wild groups, and infant survival was the highe ... | 1990 | 31963995 |
discrimination of chirp vocalizations in the cotton-top tamarin. | natural exemplars of two types of chirp vocalizations were presented to eight groups of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus) in a playback paradigm. the two chirps share many acoustic features in common but are used in entirely different circumstances. the tamarins gave different vocal and behavioral responses to the playbacks of each chirp type, indicating that a discrimination was made. the results suggest that tamarins can discriminate subtle acoustic cues which have communicative signif ... | 1990 | 31963986 |
infant-care behavior of mothers and fathers in a communal-care primate, the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus). | infant care behavior was examined for 35 litters of 23 different groups of captive cotton-top tamarins. the behavior of mothers and fathers was compared to determine the effects of infant number and helper presence on each parent and to determine whether parents differed in responsiveness to infants. for young infants (1-4 weeks), the contribution of fathers to infant carrying was negatively correlated with helpers' contribution; as helpers carried more, fathers carried less. in contrast, the mo ... | 1990 | 31963962 |
excretion of estrone, estradiol, and progesterone in the urine and feces of the female cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | the excretion of three gonadal steroids was studied in the urine and feces of female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). each steroid, 14c-estrone, 14c-estradiol, and 14c-progesterone, was injected into a separate female cotton-top tamarin. urine and feces were collected at 8 hr intervals for 5 days on the three tamarins. samples were analyzed to determine the proportion of free and conjugated steroids. steroid excretion patterns were determined by sequential ether extraction, enzyme ... | 1989 | 31964058 |
fertility status, dominance, and scent marking behavior of family-housed female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) in absence of their mothers. | the effect of the mother's absence on the fertility status and expression of scent marking behavior was examined in 12 sexually mature female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) living in four motherless families. behavioral data and urine samples were collected on an average of five times per week and levels of estrone-glucuronide (e1g) were quantified directly by radioimmunoassay to establish whether the females showed ovarian cyclicity. of the 12 females investigated only the dominant fema ... | 1989 | 31964031 |
sociosexual development, pair bond formation, and mechanisms of fertility suppression in female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | the effect of various social environments on sociosexual behavior was examined in six young female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) and in three established breeding females. behavioral observations and hormonal samples were collected on young females while they were living with their families, when they were isolated from conspecifics, and after they were paired with an unrelated male. while living with the family, all females showed a suppression of fertility and low frequencies ... | 1988 | 31968911 |
urinary gonadotropin and estrogen excretion during the postpartum estrus, conception, and pregnancy in the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus). | hormonal profiles during postpartum estrus, time of conception, and pregnancy were determined in urine samples from six cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). noninvasive collection techniques permitted daily sampling throughout lactation and pregnancy. urinary estrone (e1), estradiol (e2), and both bioactive and immunoreactive luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin (lh/cg) measures revealed an interval of 19 ± 2.07 (s e m) days between parturition and the postpartum ovulatory lh pe ... | 1987 | 31973507 |
breeding performance of captive-born cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) females: proposed explanations for colony differences. | successful breeding by captive-born saguinus oedipus females has now been reported from several colonies, but a marked parity effect (ie, differences in infant survival with the number of litters produced) is usually observed; survival of infants of primiparous females is extremely low but increases with subsequent litters. this parity effect was not observed in the captive-born breeding females in the oak ridge associated universities colony, with survival of offspring of primiparous females at ... | 1986 | 31979447 |
social influences on sexual maturation of female saguinus oedipus oedipus. | the hypothesis tested was that saguinus oedipus oedipus females housed with adult males would mature, sexually, at an earlier age than females remaining in their natal family groups. six females were housed with strange, unrelated males. five females remained in their natal groups. blood samples were taken twice weekly, and the plasma was assayed for progesterone. sexual maturation was operationally defined as that age at which plasma progesterone levels became consistently detectable. females h ... | 1984 | 31986834 |
the effect of social environment on estrogen excretion, scent marking, and sociosexual behavior in tamarins (saguinus oedipus). | the influence of various social environments on estrogen excretion, scent marking, and the expression of sociosexual behavior was examined in cotton-top tamarins (sanguinus o. oedipus). behavioral observations and urine collections were conducted on five females while first housed in their natal family group or in the presence of another cycling adult female and then while housed with an unrelated adult male in a separate cage. behavioral observations only were conducted on males in natal family ... | 1984 | 31986830 |
cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus): hematologic reference values and hemopathologic responses. | hematologic reference values have been established for captive adult cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) by carrying out full blood counts and fibrinogen estimation on 43 clinically normal animals. females were shown to have significantly lower hemoglobin levels, red cell counts and packed cell volumes, and higher reticulocyte counts than males. the reference values were used to identify abnormal changes in the blood of 13 clinical cases. marked neutrophilia was found in animals with ... | 1983 | 31986863 |
a juxtarenal myelolipoma in a cottontop marmoset (saguinus oedipus): a case report. | a myelolipoma was surgically removed from the abdomen of a 15-year-old female cottontop marmoset (saguinus oedipus). because of its close adherence to the right kidney, a unilateral nephrectomy was performed. the post-surgical recovery was uneventful. a myelolipoma is a circumscribed mass of bone marrow elements embedded in mature adipose tissue. these masses have been reported in the adrenal glands, paravertebral tissue, intrathoracic tissues, and mesentery of man. a similar condition has been ... | 1982 | 31995902 |
simian neonatology: i. gestational maturity and extrauterine viability. | in a 21-month period, 225 simians were born at the new england regional primate research center. of these, 141 (63%) survived the neonatal period, and 84 (37%) were either born dead or died during the first 30 days of life. sixty-two of the 84 neonatal deaths occurred during the perinatal period (0-7 days of life). in four macaque species studied, groups of infants that were high and low survival risks were established by examining weight-specific death rates. criteria for establishing immaturit ... | 1972 | 29884003 |