
endemic cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia infections in a thai orphanage.we conducted a point prevalence survey for enteric protozoa in 205 institutionalized orphans 1-61 months of age in bangkok, thailand. cryptosporidium was identified in 17 children (8%), giardia lamblia in 42 (20%), and 3 children (1%) had both parasites. at the time of diagnosis, diarrheal symptoms were present in a minority of subjects: 36% of children with cryptosporidium alone, 10% with g. lamblia alone, and in 20% of those with neither parasite. although chronic nutritional status (height/ag ...19902221219
an ultrastructural analysis of changes in surface architecture of intestinal mucosa following giardia lamblia infection in mice.the oral inoculation of giardia lamblia trophozoites (portland 1 strain) resulted in the establishment of infection by day 3-5 in nmri mice. by 9-11 days postinfection, the trophozoites load reached maximum (acute phase) and later declined by day 17-21. the tissue sections from infected animals during the establishment phase of infection indicated limited changes in surface epithelium with normal villous length. although trophozoites of g. lamblia were seen in all sections lying free in the lume ...19902227257
excystation of in vitro-derived giardia lamblia cysts.this is the first in-depth analysis of the excystation of giardia lamblia cysts prepared in vitro. its goals were both to achieve efficient excystation and to gain insights into this crucial but poorly understood process. to identify the critical elements of excystation, we tested the sequential low-ph induction and protease treatments which had been reported to be important for excystation of fecal cysts. the optimal ph for induction of excystation was 4.0. emergence was greatly (approximately ...19902228222
the arginine dihydrolase pathway is present in giardia intestinalis.growth of giardia intestinalis in diamond's tyi-s-33 medium is characterized by a rapid depletion of the arginine in the medium, and concurrent production of ornithine and ammonia. [guanidino-14c] arginine was converted to 14co2 by extracts of g. intestinalis suggesting the presence of the arginine dihydrolase pathway. this was confirmed by the detection of arginine deiminase, catabolic ornithine transcarbamylase, carbamate kinase and ornithine decarboxylase in giardial extracts. the findings de ...19902228433
does giardia intestinalis need glucose as an energy source?giardia intestinalis was grown in diamond's tyi-s-33 medium containing either 50 mm-glucose or no added glucose to assess its dependence on glucose availability as an energy source. the parameters monitored included cell growth, glucose utilization and the accumulation of end products in the medium. in the medium containing no added glucose, g. intestinalis trophozoites achieved a cell density of about half that of the control, and produced the same end products, alanine, ethanol and acetate. de ...19902228434
identification of giardia lamblia-specific antigens in infected human and gerbil feces by western immunoblotting.western immunoblot analysis of aqueous extracts of feces obtained from five giardiasis patients and from experimentally infected gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) with rabbit antiserum to giardia lamblia cysts has revealed antigens of three molecular weight groups. a stepladderlike, evenly-spaced set of strongly reactive antigens (darkest at a molecular weight [m.w.] of 55,000 to 70,000) appeared in the gerbil feces from day 4 (first experiment) or day 2 (second experiment) and lasted to about day ...19902229361
activity of the anthelmintic benzimidazoles against giardia lamblia in vitro growth of the protozoan parasite giardia lamblia was highly sensitive to certain anthelmintic benzimidazoles. albendazole and mebendazole were 30- to 50-fold more active than metronidazole and 4- to 40-fold more active than quinacrine. thiabendazole, a noncarbamate benzimidazole, was less active. since lack of intestinal absorption makes mebendazole an attractive new antigiardial agent, its in vitro activity was further characterized. at low concentrations (0.05 micrograms/ml) mebendazo ...19902230276
the relation between intestinal troubles and parasitic infection in cairo.stool and urine from 320 subjects in ain shams region, and 200 subjects in nasr city were collected and examined for parasites. all these subjects were suffering from abdominal troubles. the results revealed a marked relation between parasitic infection and abdominal troubles, especially in ain shams region (80%), and to a lesser extent in nasr city (51%). the commonest parasite in ain shams was giardia lamblia (20.3%), and in nasr city was e. histolytica (13%).19902230317
detection of giardia lamblia copro-antigens by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and counterimmunoelectrophoresis.the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and counter-immunoelectrophoresis (ciep) were used to detect g. lamblia copro-antigens. rabbit antisera raised against giardia trophozoites and cysts were used as anti-giardia antibodies. the overall sensitivity of the elisa was 96.15% and its specificity was 93.48% in contrast to 69.23% and 82.61% for the ciep.19902230319
virulence of giardia lamblia isolates to laboratory mice.laboratory breed albino mice free of g. muris infection were inoculated with g. lamblia cysts isolated from the stools of patients with different clinical manifestations, symptomatic diarrhoeic, symptomatic non-diarrhoeic and asymptomatic cyst carriers. the virulence of various isolates was assessed by cyst excretion rate in the stools, trophozoite counts in the duodenum and histopathological lesions of jejunal mucosa. a marked variation in the virulence of cysts obtained from the 3 groups of pa ...19902230320
health status of children living in a squatter area of manila, philippines, with particular emphasis on intestinal 1988 a study was performed in a squatter area of manila, philippines. three substudies were carried out: (1) an analysis of the reported health situation and the available health services for the population of smokey mountain, (2) a vaccination coverage survey and (3) a cross-sectional stool sample survey. respiratory infections, diarrhea, measles and malnutrition were the most frequently reported causes of ill-health and death. not only governmental but also various non-governmental health s ...19902237597
[gastroenteritis with eosinophilia caused by giardia lamblia].a case of gastroenteritis due to giardia lamblia with severe dehydration and complicated with arterial thrombosis, accompanied by eosinophilia and increased serum ige levels, is presented. the relationship between giardia and eosinophilia and allergic manifestations is discussed as well as its pathogenesis.19902244060
estimation of parasitic infection dynamics when detectability is imperfect.the simultaneous estimation of infection rate, cure rate and detectability of parasitic infections is considered. a new method for this estimation based on a simple statistical model assuming constant transition rates between parasite states is proposed. repeated observations on the infection status of the same individuals is required for this method. a maximum likelihood approach is used for parameter estimation and the calculation of standard errors of the estimates. the method is illustrated ...19902247721
gut-associated immune effector responses in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice with giardia lamblia.significantly higher giardia lamblia trophozoites load in the intestine of infected mice accompanied pronounced influx of suppressor/cytotoxic t cells (lyt 2.2+), t cells (thy 1.2+) and significant reduction in iga-containing cells in the gut during the establishment and peak phases of infection. the induction of helper/inducer t cells (lyt 1.1+) and significant enhancement of iga-containing cells in gut resulted in the decline of the trophozoite loads. however, the prior treatment of animals wi ...19902257169
intestinal amoebiasis and giardiasis in southern indian infants and children.the role of entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia as causative agents of paediatric diarrhoea was studied in a southern indian population. relationship between infant feeding practices, co-existing malnutrition and the occurrence of intestinal amoebiasis and giardiasis was also examined. the subjects were 361 paediatric patients with acute diarrhoea and 70 hospitalized control children without diarrhoea. faecal samples from cases and controls were examined for the protozoal pathogens using f ...19902260173
[immunological aspects of giardia intestinalis infection]. 19902260315
non-specific reactions in enzyme linked immunosorbent assays for serum antibody to entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia in non-endemic areas.serum samples from 20 indian children with diarrhoea were compared with those from 20 children resident in the united kingdom who had been diagnosed as having ulcerative colitis, or crohn's disease, or indeterminate colitis using enzyme linked immunosorbent assays specific for entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia. more than 50% of the united kingdom patients had high igg responses in elisas for e histolytica and g lamblia. a confirmatory elisa showed that the british sera reacted specifical ...19902262568
myelolipoma of the adrenal gland.a case of adrenal myelolipoma in a 43-year-old woman was incidentally discovered during the investigation of chronic diarrhea due to giardia lamblia. this tumor can be preoperatively diagnosed by its characteristic appearance on nephrotomogram, ultrasonography, and computerized tomography.19902262750
antigen expression from the ribosomal dna repeat unit of giardia intestinalis.the amitochondrial human intestinal parasite giardia intestinalis is regarded to be the most ancient living example of single-celled eukaryotes and should display primitive features of pre-metazoan gene regulation. characterization of e. coli clones which express giardia antigens from plasmid vectors has revealed that an antigen is encoded by the rdna repeat unit from the strand complementary to that encoding the rrnas. the open reading frame (orf) originates in the spacer region between the sma ...19902263466
ribosomal rna of the primitive eukaryote giardia lamblia: large subunit domain i and potential processing signals.the cytoplasmic ribosomal rna (rrna) from the intestinal protozoan, giardia lamblia, is unusually short; the large subunit (ls) and small subunit rna and the 5.8s rna are only 70-80% of the length found in typical protozoa, and are even smaller than most of their prokaryotic counterparts. flanking regulatory dna and processed rrna sequences are similarly compact in size. to shed light on the origins and implications of this 'minimal' rrna, the nucleotide sequence encoding the 5.8s rna and domain ...19902269440
survey of enteropathogenic agents in children with and without diarrhoea in ghana.a survey was carried out over 1 year in a rural area of ghana on the isolation, detection and/or identification of enteric pathogens from children under 5 years of age with and without diarrhoea. the isolation and detection rate of shigella flexneri, shigella dysenteriae, giardia lamblia and rotavirus were higher in children with diarrhoea than in controls. yersinia enterocolitica, vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus were not isolated during the period of this survey. the incidence of ot ...19902270006
[nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the intestine. clinico-pathologic characteristics in 11 cases].the clinical-pathological characteristics of 11 patients with intestinal nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (inlh) are described. five fulfilled the criteria for herman's syndrome and presented all or several of the following alterations: dysgammaglobulinemia, recurrent respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, pneumonia and giardiasis; of the remaining six cases, in five gammaglobulin levels were not quantified and in one they were normal. all the patients in this group suffered from recurrent pharyng ...19902270366
[intestinal parasite infections among inhabitants in two islands of tongyeong-gun, kyeongsangnam-do].this study was performed to evaluate the status of intestinal parasitic infections among the inhabitants in two islands (chu-do and doomi-do) of tongyeong-gun, kyeongsangnam-do (province), from august to september, 1989. a total of 189 stool specimens was collected from the inhabitants of 3 villages and examined by kato's cellophane thick smear and formalin-ether sedimentation techniques. stoll's dilution egg counting technique was done for the quantitative examination of helminth eggs. the over ...19902271502
status of intestinal parasite infections in inhabitants of palmar, guayas province, ecuador.status of intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections was surveyed in mestizo population living in rural parish of palmar and its nearby recintos(villages). three of the surveyed villages were at the pacific coast and 5 villages were in inner pasture land, located about 100 km west of guayaquil, the second largest city in ecuador. one stool sample was examined by one cellophane thick smear for helminth ova and one direct smear stained with lugol's iodine solution for protozoan cysts. of 325 p ...19902271503
immunological status of women with prolonged oral contraceptives and occurrence of giardiasis.immunological status of 14 women taking oral contraceptive for prolonged period (more than 6 months, low dose pill) was studied. phytohaemagglutinin induced lymphocytes stimulation (pilt) was found to be significantly depressed in these subjects though t-lymphocyte subpopulation was found to be normal. serum iga and igg levels in these cases were found to be normal but igm level was increased. though incidence of g lamblia infection was reported to be high in immunocompromised subjects, it was f ...19902280071
health status of thai volunteers in a cholera vaccine hundred and seventy-one male adults were screened in recruitment of volunteers for a cholera vaccine trial. a full medical history and a physical examination were performed on each subject. the percentages of subjects vaccinated against cholera and typhoid within twelve months were 4 and 1 per cent respectively, while 88 and 15 per cent respectively had been vaccinated more than a year. biochemical screening revealed abnormal liver function tests in 40.7 per cent, specifically alkaline phosp ...19902280201
[the detection of giardia lamblia in water].conditionally, especially by using surface-water for drinking-water, g. lamblia must be regarded as a potential water-hygienic factor of risk. a review is given about the main methods for detecting the parasite in water. a successful one, worked out by borsod megyei köjál, miskolc (hungary), is presented. the base is membrane filtration. a continuing concentration of the cysts is obtained by centrifugation and zinc-sulphate flotation. the diagnosis is realized microscopically. it is possible to ...19902291499
pediatric problems in a suburban shelter for homeless families.the experience of an affiliation between a hospital-based clinic and a family shelter is presented. the medical implications of family shelter residence include special issues related to the spread of infectious diseases, particularly to the neonate. preentry medical evaluation revealed that a large proportion of children and their parents had one or more medical problems. of 67 children screened before entrance, 13% [corrected] had giardia lamblia detected in the stool. in addition to carriage ...19902296492
giardiasis with protein-losing enteropathy: diagnosis by fecal alpha 1-antitrypsin determination.giardia lamblia infection was documented by jejunal biopsy in a previously healthy 2-year-old boy with acute onset of hypoproteinemia due to protein-losing enteropathy. all symptoms and abnormal laboratory findings resolved with anti-giardia therapy. this is only the second case report of giardiasis with documented protein-losing enteropathy. further application of the fecal alpha 1-antitrypsin assay may help to clarify the relationship between giardia infection and protein-losing enteropathy an ...19902303979
rna dependent rna polymerase activity associated with the double-stranded rna virus of giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia, a parasitic protozoan, can contain a double-stranded rna (dsrna) virus, glv (1). we have identified an rna polymerase activity present specifically in cultures of glv infected cells. this rna polymerase activity is present in crude whole cell lysates as well as in lysates from glv particles purified from the culture medium. the rna polymerase has many characteristics common to other rna polymerases (e.g. it requires divalent cations and all four ribonucleoside triphosphates), ye ...19902308844
antigenic variation of giardia lamblia in the feces of mongolian gerbils.enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot was used to study variations in giardia lamblia antigens in extracts of feces from infected mongolian gerbils. a 65-kilodalton antigen was found in feces that contained strain wb (atcc 30957) cysts and in axenic culture of strains wb and cdc:0284:1 that contained trophozoites. the 65-kilodalton antigen from trophozoites of both strains was membrane associated. a 70-kilodalton antigen was found in feces that contained strain cdc:0284:1 cysts. it was persis ...19902312672
routine in vitro cultivation of giardia lamblia by using the string vitro axenic cultures of giardia lamblia were successfully established in 14 successive subjects by a method employing the string test (entero-test) for obtaining samples of fluid from the proximal small intestine. this method is applicable to isolating g. lamblia from unselected subjects, including asymptomatic carriers, children, and individuals in diverse or remote geographic regions.19902312683
[giardia lamblia infestation at child day care centers. nutritional impact in infested children].seventy-five children attending a day care center (42 girls and 33 boys, aged from 6 to 65 months) were surveyed for excretion of giardia lamblia cysts. cyst excretion was found in 17 (23%) of the children, 9 of whom were still positive 6 months later. weight, height and arm skinfold thickness of each subject were obtained and compared to normal values in the québec population; a questionnaire concerning gastrointestinal symptoms was filled out for each child. no difference in weight, height, sk ...19902322079
dientamoeba fragilis infection, a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in childhood.clinical and laboratory findings of 123 paediatric patients with infections due to intestinal protozoa were analysed. dientamoeba fragilis (d.f.) was found in 102 cases. the other patients had infections with giardia lamblia or mixed infections with several other protozoa. acute and recurrent diarrhoea were the most common findings (56 cases), whereas abdominal pain was more common in children with chronic symptoms. peripheral eosinophilia was present in 32% of the children with dientamoebiasis. ...19902325352
a study of adhesive organelles of giardia intestinalis.this study revealed that the adhesive disc of giardia lamblia trophozoite has different forms. the anterior limitation of the ventrolateral flange to the adhesive disc and its flexibility suggests its participation in the mechanism of attachment of the trophozoite. normal intestinal crypts promote attachment of giardia trophozoite by providing a passive mechanical barrier against the main peristaltic flow. the mechanism of attachment is described in details.19902332648
parasitic infections and haemoglobin level among school children of different socioeconomic classes in abha, saudi arabia.a total of 717 school children from abha region, from upper, middle and lower social classes (182, 405 & 130 respectively), were examined for parasitic infections and haemoglobin level. giardia lamblia was found to be the most common intestinal parasite among children of all classes, entamoeba histolytica followed among children of middle class, and hymenolepis nana among those of lower one. anaemia was more prevalent among parasitically infected children particularly the multi-infected ones of ...19902332665
childhood pica. some aspects of the clinical profile in manchester, jamaica.the clinical profile of 108 children aged 1 1/2 years to 10 years who practised pica was compared to that of 50 non-pica patients aged 2 years to 10 years. of the patients with pica, 85% were less than 5 years of age and 29% were aged 1 1/2 years to 2 years. the male to female ratio was 1:1.4. ninety-two patients ingested dirt, 35 marl, 33 stone, 17 coal and 10 ashes. twenty-two patients ingested multiple substances. family history for pica was positive in 44 patients. forty-six per cent of pica ...19902333694
serum antibodies to giardia lamblia by age in populations in colorado and thailand.we measured levels of antibodies to giardia lamblia by age in serum specimens from persons in denver, colorado, and soongnern, thailand. serum levels of immunoglobulin (ig) g, igm, and iga g lamblia-specific antibodies measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay increased substantially during childhood in both geographic areas, although children in soongnern showed significantly higher mean levels of each antibody class (p less than .05). after adolescence, levels of g lamblia-specific igm fel ...19902333701
[acute hepatic lesion caused by giardia lamblia].a study was made of 20 rats infested by giardia muris in which a histologic study was made of the liver, as well as of 25 patients with giardiasis and elevated alanine-aminotransferase levels. patients with positive a or b hepatitis markers, cholelithiasis or history of drug or alcohol use were excluded. tests of liver function and liver biopsy were performed and antiparasite therapy was given during three months of follow-up, after which the liver biopsy was repeated. humoral alterations were c ...19902334580
immunoblot patterns of giardia duodenalis isolates from different hosts and geographical locations.eighteen isolates of giardia duodenalis from animal and human sources were studied for protein differences by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and for antigenic differences by immunoblot analysis. the polyacrylamide gels showed that whilst the isolates were for the most part homogeneous in their protein banding patterns, some isolates did show some differences. the immunoblot analysis yielded many bands, including prominent bands of 32 and 66 kilodaltons. five of the six isolates that showed d ...19902334873
longitudinal study of giardia lamblia infection in a day care center enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect giardia lamblia in stool specimens collected during a 15-month longitudinal study of diarrhea in 82 children 1 to 24 months old attending a day care center (dcc) in houston. a total of 2727 stool specimens were collected on a weekly basis from the dcc children and were evaluated for rotavirus and giardia. for dcc children who developed diarrhea stool specimens were also cultured for bacterial enteropathogens. during the 15-month study perio ...19902336299
[clinical courses and pathological findings in two gay male patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome infected in japan].this is a report on the clinical courses and pathological findings in two gay male patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) infected in japan. case 1. a 39 year-old japanese homosexual male was diagnosed as amebic dysentery complicated with liver abscess on admission. he was placed on metronidazole with complete relief. serological tests was positive for aids. on second admission, he was found to have pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) and cytomegalo-viral uveitis. administratio ...19902338506
antigenic variation of giardia lamblia in experimental human determine if giardia surface ag vary in human infections volunteers were inoculated enterally with trophozoites of uncloned gs/m-85 and in later experiments with two clones derived from gs/m. the surface ag of trophozoites reisolated from 6/6 volunteers differed from the inoculum. to determine if the surface ag of trophozoites derived from clones would also change, volunteers were inoculated with two clones, b6 or h7. b6 possesses a 200-kda surface ag recognized by mab 3f6 and h7 has a 72-kda ...19902341723
[incidence of lactose malabsorption in the population 6-18 years of age].breath test was performed in 664 school-aged children in order to measure lactose malabsorption. the first screening showed that 23.4% of the children evidenced malabsorption of milk sugar. in these children further stool examination for giardia lamblia infection, and saccharose breath test was performed to identify more complex absorption problems. the remaining 146 children were tested again after a period of 3-9 month and 45.8% of this population showed lactose malabsorption. in conclusion th ...19902345645
ecological studies on intestinal microbial flora of kenyan children with diarrhoea.the intestinal microflora was analysed together with short-chain fatty acids (scfa) and bile acids in faeces from nine children with acute diarrhoeal disease in lari, kenya. enteric pathogens such as enteroinvasive e. coli, enteropathogenic e. coli, yersinia enterocolitica, rotavirus, giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica were isolated either singly or in combination from diarrhoeal faecal specimens. the most striking finding in these patients was a marked reduction of anaerobes. analysis of ...19902348500
intestinal parasitoses in czechoslovak citizens working abroad.this paper presents results of coprologic examinations of czechoslovak citizens in connection with their working sojourns in 50 tropical and subtropical countries in asia, africa and latin america. among 525 persons examined, pathologic findings in stool were registered in 74 persons (14.1%) during their stay abroad and after return home. the incidence of particular infections during the period under study was as follows: non-pathogenic protozoa were found in 8.2% of cases, entamoeba histolytica ...19902351820
isolation and expression of the gene for a major surface protein of giardia study the interactions between the parasitic protozoan giardia lamblia and its environment, we have cloned the gene that encodes the two major surface-labeled trophozoite protein species. sequence analysis of this gene reveals a single open reading frame specifying a hydrophilic, cysteine-rich (11.8%) protein of 72.5-kda molecular mass with an amino-terminal signal peptide and a postulated hydrophobic membrane-spanning anchor region near the carboxyl terminus. most of the cysteine residues (5 ...19902352929
raised stool and serum iga levels in undernourished infants with chronic diarrhoea and associated parasitic infestations.sixty children with chronic diarrhoea, age ranging from 9 months to 3 years and 15 normal healthy children of same age group, all belonging to the low socio-economic families formed the basis of this study. fifty-six out of these 60 children were undernourished and were marasmic. stool examination showed enteropathogenic e. coli in 24 (40 per cent), ascaria lumbricoides in 12 (20 per cent) and giardia lamblia in 6 (10 per cent). coeliac disease was detected in 2 (3 per cent) and combined iga-igg ...19902355407
transfection of the giardia lamblia double-stranded rna virus into giardia lamblia by electroporation of a single-stranded rna copy of the viral genome.the development of a genetic vector for protozoan parasites is a major hurdle yet to be crossed in the study of the molecular and cellular biology of these parasites. we have identified and isolated a double-stranded rna virus (g. lamblia virus [glv]) from certain strains of the intestinal parasitic protozoan giardia lamblia (a. l. wang and c. c. wang, mol. biochem. parasitol. 21:269-276, 1986), which is capable of infecting other virus-free strains of g. lamblia (r. l. miller, a. l. wang, and c ...19902355918
a heat shock protein gene in giardia lamblia unrelated to hsp70. 19902356135
dna fingerprinting of the intestinal parasite giardia duodenalis with the m13 phage genome.a dna fingerprint procedure has been established for the intestinal parasite, giardia duodenalis. this permits the identification of individual strains from both human and animal sources. analysis of strain movement, resurgence and variation is now possible. the fingerprint probe is based on the tandem repetitive sequence found in bacteriophage m13 which hybridizes to a set of hypervariable polymorphic minisatellite sequences found in higher eukaryotes. this probe recognizes a weakly homologous ...19902358315
intestinal parasites in refugee claimants: a case study for selective screening?the medical profiles of 1,967 refugee claimants to montreal, quebec, canada from january 1987 to july 1987 were reviewed to evaluate the importance of imported intestinal parasite infection in this group and to re-examine the screening policy governing these infections. an overall infection rate of 29.3% was obtained for pathogenic parasites, where helminths were four times more frequently found than the protozoa entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia. age, sex, years of schooling, country of ...19902361204
brush cytology in the endoscopic diagnosis of benign gastric ulcers. a useful adjunct to biopsy?a series of 417 endoscopic brush cytology-multiple biopsy specimens from 220 patients with clinically suspected gastritis was studied, with a 6-year follow-up, to find out whether brush cytology and histology combined provided better results than histology alone, in the endoscopic diagnosis of benign gastric ulcer. each technique yielded the best results in its own field of observation. cytology was superior to histology in diagnosing inflammatory reactions related to infection. in this series, ...19902363593
intestinal parasites in central american immigrants in the united states.we describe the results of ova and parasite examinations of 216 central americans who were seen at a los angeles, calif, clinic during an 8-month period. among the 125 immigrants from central america, intestinal parasitic prevalence was 53%. pathogens were found in 45% and multiple pathogens in 21%. of the 91 us born central american children, parasite prevalence was 14%. pathogens were found in 12%. the most common pathogens were trichuris trichiura, giardia lamblia, and ascaris lumbricoides. g ...19902369250
isolation, cultivation and isoenzyme characterization of giardia intestinalis strains. 19902370023
weanling diarrhea: a case report.this case report describes a 14-month-old guatemalan boy suffering from diarrhea and malnutrition. he had been healthy and experienced normal growth until weaning, which began at six months of age. introduction of semisolid foods at this time was accompanied by bouts of diarrhea and a reduced growth rate. after admission to hospital at 14 months of age, he was found to have protein-energy malnutrition of the edematous type (kwashiorkor) and to be infected with giardia lamblia. therapy with metro ...19902370970
efficient diagnosis of giardiasis among nursery and primary school children in santiago, chile by capture elisa for the detection of fecal giardia antigens.fecal samples were obtained from 722 of 820 children attending 7 nursery schools and 1 primary school in the city of santiago, chile. microscopy of formol-ether concentrates showed that 33% of the children were infected with giardia lamblia. prevalences among primary school students (5-10 years of age) of g. lamblia (38%), endolimax nana (43%), and entamoeba coli (25%) were overall higher than among nursery school students (3 months-5 years of age; prevalences 29%, 21%, and 16%, respectively). t ...19902372087
complete nucleotide sequence of the ribosomal rna tandem repeat unit from giardia intestinalis. 19902374731
[diarrhea cause by parasites].parasites, once an exclusively tropical problem, are rare causes of diarrhea in our countries. increasing tourism and immune deficiencies due to treatment or to aids lead to an increase of intestinal parasites in western countries. the most frequent pathogenic parasites are giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica but other organisms like cryptosporidia seem to be of increasing importance and have to be considered in diarrhea of unknown origin.19902374858
[cryptosporidium as a co-pathogen in infantile diarrhea and pneumonia].the authors describe a case of cryptosporidiosis in a 10 month old immunocompetent infant, who suffered from prolonged diarrhoea and pneumonia. cryptosporidium oocysts, giardia lamblia were detected by using modified kinyoun stain, and klebsiella was identified in the stool culture. according to the clinical presentation and the laboratory data the streptococcus infection is presumed as cause of the pneumonia, but the authors could not exclude the role of cryptosporidium in predisposing and/or c ...19902377365
parasite detection efficiencies of five stool concentration systems.fresh fecal material that was free of ova and parasites was pooled with 10% formalin in a 1:4 ratio to prepare a standard specimen. portions of 100 ml of this specimen were individually seeded with cryptosporidium oocysts, entamoeba coli, entamoeba histolytica, and giardia lamblia cysts; ova of necator americanus; and strongyloides larvae. appropriate volumes of each parasite suspension were used to evaluate the fecal concentrator kit (remel, lenexa, kans.), fecal parasite concentrator (evergree ...19902380347
in situ analyses reveal that the two nuclei of giardia lamblia are equivalent.the protozoan parasite giardia lamblia has the unusual morphology of bearing two equal-sized nuclei. this organism probably represents the earliest diverging lineage of eukaryotes, suggesting that its biological tactics may be transitional. to begin to understand the role played by the two equal-sized nuclei in this organism, and perhaps the role this organism has played along the path to higher eukaryotes, we have analyzed the structure and function of these two nuclei. we show that the two nuc ...19902384520
investigation of seemingly pathogen-negative diarrhoea in patients infected with hiv1.thirty three consecutive patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv1) with persistent diarrhoea which remained undiagnosed after microbiological examination of six stool samples and rectal histology were investigated for malabsorption. all had xylose and schilling tests, distal duodenal biopsy, comprehensive barium studies, microbiological examination of six further stool samples, and repeat rectal histology. a microbiological or histological diagnosis of infection was made in ...19902387512
the value of barium enema and colonoscopy in patients infected with hiv.double contrast barium enema (dcbe) and colonoscopy were prospectively compared with rigid sigmoidoscopy, rectal biopsy and microbiological examination in the analysis of stool specimens in 58 hiv-1-infected patients with diarrhoea (more than three liquid motions/day for greater than 1 month). in 26 patients no cause for the diarrhoea was found. in 17 patients the cause of diarrhoea was microbiological, and in 19 rectal histology provided a specific diagnosis. in all these patients sigmoidoscopi ...19902397063
food-borne outbreak of giardia outbreak of giardiasis occurred following a family party for 25 persons. nine who had eaten fruit salad became ill, compared with one who had not eaten the salad (relative risk = 7.4, 95% ci = 1.4, 169.3). the fruit salad preparer had a diapered child and a pet rabbit at home who were both positive for giardia lamblia. this outbreak emphasizes the importance of good hygienic practices in food preparation and the possibility of domestic-animal-to-person transmission in giardia outbreaks.19902400040
ingestion of giardia lamblia trophozoites by murine peyer's patch macrophages.macrophages in peyer's patches are important in the initiation of gastrointestinal immune responses to enteric pathogens. to examine their potential role in giardiasis, murine mononuclear cells were isolated from collagenase-treated peyer's patches by their adherence to glass. these cells were incubated with giardia lamblia trophozoites in the presence of nonimmune or immune (anti-giardia antibody titer, greater than or equal to 1:1,024) mouse serum. macrophages ingested trophozoites at low leve ...19902401561
giardiasis: analysis of histological changes in biopsy specimens of 80 patients.histological changes in duodenal biopsy specimens from 80 patients infected with giardia lamblia were defined and compared with changes in duodenal biopsy specimens from 80 randomly chosen "healthy" patients. villous architecture, the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes, the occurrence of lymphoid follicles and the density of colonisation by g lamblia trophozoites were examined. grade 1 villous flattening was observed in 41% of cases positive for giardia and in 37.5% of the control cases. the ...19902401732
diarrhea in developed and developing countries: magnitude, special settings, and etiologies.diarrheal diseases are major causes of morbidity, with attack rates ranging from two to 12 or more illnesses per person per year in developed and developing countries. in addition, diarrheal illnesses account for an estimated 12,600 deaths each day in children in asia, africa, and latin america. the causes of diarrhea include a wide array of viruses, bacteria, and parasites, many of which have been recognized only in the last decade or two. while enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and rotaviruses ...19902406855
epidemiology of travelers' diarrhea and relative importance of various pathogens.each year 12 million persons travel from an industrialized country to a developing country in the tropics or subtropics. these travelers experience a high rate of diarrhea caused by a wide variety of enteric pathogens acquired by ingestion of contaminated food or water. one or more pathogens can be found in the stool of a majority of ill individuals. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli generally are the most frequently identified pathogens, having been found in a median of 42% of travelers' diarrhe ...19902406860
comparison of sedimentation and flotation techniques for identification of cryptosporidium sp. oocysts in a large outbreak of human diarrhea.cryptosporidiosis, previously seen mostly among immunocompromised patients, is now recognized among immunocompetent patients. during a large outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in two day-care centers, we compared two procedures for the demonstration of the organism in preserved stool specimens. of 703 stool specimens tested by both techniques, sheather sucrose flotation (ssf) identified 127 (18.1%) as positive for cryptosporidium sp. oocysts. ritchie formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation (f/ea) plus a ...19852416771
giardiasis and the nutritional status of zimbabwean schoolchildren.stool specimens, obtained from 1813 schoolchildren from communal lands, commercial farms and urban areas in zimbabwe, were examined for helminth and protozoan parasites. the findings were collated with anthropometric data on the same children to investigate the relationship between intestinal parasitism and nutritional status. protozoan infections were common with giardia lamblia being identified in 17.4% of children. there was a strong association between giardial infection and undernutrition, ...19862428298
immunofluorescence detection of cryptosporidium oocysts in fecal indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) procedure was developed for the detection of cryptosporidium sp. oocysts in human, nonhuman primate, and bovine fecal smears. the procedure, which takes about 90 min to perform, involves the use of a rabbit antiserum against cryptosporidium oocysts isolated from dairy cattle. cross-specificity testing of the ifa method revealed no reactivity with yeasts, various amoebae, giardia lamblia, chilomastix sp., or blastocystis sp. and only very weak cross-reactivi ...19862429982
a comparative study on methods of preservation and staining of giardia lamblia. 19862431076
antigiardial activity of guanine arabinoside. mechanism studies.guanine arabinoside (arag) inhibited the in vitro growth of giardia lamblia wb with an ed50 value of 4 microm. the inhibition was prevented completely by 2'-deoxyguanosine, prevented partially by guanine and guanosine, and not prevented by adenine, adenosine or 2'-deoxyadenosine. extracts of g. lamblia grown in the presence of [8-3h]arag contained radiolabeled aragmp, aragdp and aragtp. the formation of aragtp during the exponential phase of cell growth increased with time and was dependent upon ...19872440445
giardia lamblia: rna translation products.the in vitro translation products of two different human isolates of giardia lamblia, wb 2x and gs/e, were compared in order to determine common protein constituents and to identify proteins recognized by the infected host. multiple polypeptides ranging from 20 to 185 kda were synthesized using a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free translation system and although most were identical some differences were noted. gs/e compared to wb 2x showed different polypeptides of 23.5, 24.5, 26.5, 27.5, 32.5, 33.5, ...19872445599
giardia intestinalis antigens expressed in escherichia coli.cdna and genomic dna of giardia intestinalis have been cloned in puc vectors and used to express giardia antigens in escherichia coli. several expression libraries have been produced and positive clones identified by immuno-colony assays with antisera raised against whole parasites and partially purified antigen(s). those clones which express g. intestinalis antigens have been used to raise antisera in mice and the antisera used in immunofluorescence assays. the proteins expressed by the clones ...19872448623
heat shock and stress response in giardia lamblia.the heat shock response was studied as a model for control of gene expression and protein synthesis in giardia lamblia. cultured trophozoites were metabolically labelled with [35s]methionine, and proteins were analysed by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. a temperature shift from 37 degrees c to 43 degrees c resulted in the depression of normal protein synthesis, and the enhanced synthesis of four major heat shock proteins of 100, 83, 70 and 30 kda. this response resembles ...19882452980
evaluation of faecal preservation and staining methods in the diagnosis of acute amoebiasis and giardiasis.the use of a faecal preservative and several staining methods, together with formalin ether concentration, were evaluated for the improved diagnosis of intestinal amoebiasis and giardiasis in 1285 patients with diarrhoea or dysentery and from asymptomatic controls. all samples were screened by three wet mount techniques. thirty eight specimens of diarrhoeal or dysenteric stool were preserved in polyvinyl alcohol (pva) and stained by trichrome and spencer and monroe short iron haematoxylin stain. ...19882454958
antigenic variation in giardia lamblia.clones of the wb isolate of giardia lamblia were exposed to cytotoxic mab 6e7 which reacts with a 170-kda surface ag. surviving progeny occurred at a frequency of about 1 in 1000 and were resistant to the effects of mab 6e7. analysis of progeny and clones of these progeny by surface radiolabeling, surface immunofluorescence, and western blotting failed to detect the 170-kda ag. loss of this ag was associated with the appearance of a series of new surface ag. a cytotoxic mab (5c1) was produced to ...19882454999
antigenic heterogeneity in the 115,000 mr major surface antigen of trichomonas vaginalis.the 115,000-molecular-weight antigen of trichomonas vaginalis was characterized using monoclonal antibodies developed to three different strains of t. vaginalis and one strain of tritrichomonas foetus. the antigen was found to be present on all strains or isolates of t. vaginalis examined and was demonstrated to be located on the external surface plasma membrane by agglutination assays and complement-mediated lysis assays. characteristics of the antigen were assessed with a proteolytic enzyme an ...19882456385
bacterial, parasitic and viral enteropathogens associated with diarrhoea in saudi a 2-year study of stools from saudi children with gastro-enteritis and from controls, rotavirus was the pathogen most frequently detected, either alone (44.3%) or in combination with other enteropathogens (7%). there were two peaks for rotavirus isolates, one during the cold months and the other during the dry, hot season. salmonella spp. and campylobacter jejuni were the second and third most frequently isolated enteropathogens. enteropathogenic escherichia coli did not contribute significan ...19882456718
prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in dammam and alkhobar, saudi arabia.this report presents results from a 6-month study over the period 16 november 1986 to 15 may 1987 which was designed to investigate the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis in dammam and alkhobar, saudi arabia. a total of 209 stool specimens from children and 112 from adults with diarrhoea were examined. only two (1%) of the children, both aged 2 years, were positive for cryptosporidium spp. giardia lamblia was found in 13 (4%) cases and was found to be the most common protozoan parasite, whereas sal ...19882461154
enteropathogens isolated from children with gastro-enteritis at ga-rankuwa hospital, south africa.a prospective 3-year study for enteric pathogens associated with diarrhoea in children was undertaken at ga-rankuwa hospital, south africa. rotavirus was the most commonly isolated pathogen (24%), showing a marked seasonal distribution, with an autumn peak in activity. enterotoxigenic and enteropathogenic escherichia coli were frequently identified, and salmonella, shigella and campylobacter were also isolated. cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia were the most frequently seen parasites. rotaviru ...19882467616
giardia lamblia: isolation of rna. 19892467825
pattern of protracted diarrhoea among children in kuwait.a total of 92 children with protracted diarrhoea were studied over a 3-year period (october 1983 to september 1986). the diagnosis was postgastro-enteritis syndrome in 61 (66.2%), coeliac disease in 17 (18.5%), giardia lamblia infestation in 5 (5.4%), immune deficiency in 4 (4.4%), congenital chloride diarrhoea in 2 (2.2%), and glucose-galactose malabsorption, shwachmann syndrome and intestinal lymphangiectasia in one each. children with the postgastro-enteritis syndrome were young, malnourished ...19892471440
purine deoxynucleoside salvage in giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia is dependent on the salvage of preformed purines and pyrimidines, including deoxythymidine. dependence on deoxynucleoside salvage is extremely unusual among eucaryotic cells (moore, e. c., and hurlbert, r. b. (1985) pharmacol & ther. 27, 167-196). the present study investigates the possibility that giardia lacks ribonucleotide reductase and depends entirely on deoxynucleoside salvage. a ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor, hydroxyurea, at concentrations up to 2 mm had no effect on ...19892480350
a comparison of fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide staining and in vitro excystation for determining giardia intestinalis cyst viability.the viability of 4 human isolates of giardia intestinalis cysts using either the fluorogenic vital dyes fluorescein diacetate (fda) and propidium iodide (pi) or in vitro excystation was assessed. whereas viable cysts, as defined by in vitro excystation were present in each of the 4 isolates, cysts from only 3 of the 4 isolates took up the vital dyes. fda consistently over-estimated cyst viability whilst pi under-estimated non-viable cysts when compared with in vitro excystation. following in vit ...19892481835
aetiological factors of infantile diarrhoea: a community-based study.a community-based study was undertaken to compare the organisms responsible for diarrhoea in children living in formal housing with indoor water supply and sanitation with those from a deprived environment. the role of "home remedies" was also assessed. among 373 children with diarrhoea, rotavirus was detected in 15% (in 371 symptom-free controls, 9%), and proved to be the single most common causative agent. bacterial pathogens were found in 20% of patients, with enteropathogenic escherichia col ...19892482008
phosphocholine epitopes on helminth and protozoal parasites and their presence in the circulation of infected human patients.antigens containing phosphocholine (pc) circulate in the blood during chronic filarial infection. because of the wide occurrence of such pc epitopes, we examined their specificity by evaluating 10 common parasites of humans for the presence of pc epitopes, and sera from patients infected with these parasites for circulating antigens containing pc. immunoblot analysis of extracts from various parasites using an anti-pc monoclonal antibody (ca101) demonstrated the presence of pc epitopes on the pr ...19892482559
[intestinal parasitosis in canteen employees: a quadrennial study].giardia lamblia is the flagellated protozoan of intestinal-tract more frequently diagnosed. this disease is well known all over the world, particularly in hot countries and under precarious hygienic-environmental conditions. in italy the rate of infestation is around 8%. the giardiasis affects people of every age. the disease can be transmitted either by direct contagion or through the ingestion of food contaminated by cysts. some a.a. believe that in the last years real epidemics in adults occu ...19892483646
[incidence of infection by intestinal parasites among school children in santiago, chile, 1988-1989].in december 1988-february 1989 period, a survey on enteroparasitic infections in children (mean age 8.7 years; males 54.4% and females 45.6%) from five schools located in santiago, chile, was undertaken. to each of these individuals, three samples were obtained in order to perform in them the following examinations: co-proparasitological study, modified ziehl-neelsen staining for detecting cryptosporidium sp. and cellulose adhesive test for enterobius vermicularis. parasitic elements were found ...19892484851
[giardiasis. aspects of humoral and cellular immunity].120 patients with giardia lamblia infection diagnosed by biliary drainage or jejunal mucosa smear are studied. 80 patients showed frequent reinfections by the parasites (recurrent giardiasis). a study is made of t and b lymphoid populations in peripheral blood, which were reduced in all patients with giardiasis in relation with the control group (p less than 0.01). changes were more pronounced in relapsing than in non-relapsing patients. retarded in vivo hypersensitivity tests with memory and re ...19892486221
enteric parasites and hiv infection: occurrence in aids patients in rio de janeiro, brazil.the occurrence of intestinal parasites, its relation with the transmission mechanism of hiv, and the clinical state of the aids patients, were analyzed in 99 group iv patients (cdc, 1986), treated at "hospital universitário pedro ernesto" (hupe), between 1986 and 1988. the group consisted of 79 (79.8%) patients whose hiv transmission mechanism took place through sexual contact and of 16 (20.2%) who were infected through blood. feces samples from each patient were examined by four distincts metho ...19892487448
[malabsorption syndrome caused by giardia lamblia in gastrectomized patients].we report three adult patients with gastrectomy who had malabsorption caused by giardia lamblia. type ii gastrectomy had been carried out in the three patients several years before, and the clinical presentation was similar: chronic diarrhea with malabsorption. a remarkable fact was that the search for parasites in feces was repeatedly negative in two patients, the protozoon being identified in the intestinal biopsy samples. in the third case, the diagnosis was made by the visualization of giard ...19892490653
asymptomatic giardiasis in children.giardia lamblia infection was identified in 33 of 89 (37%) 3-month-old to 3-yr-old children who were followed with monthly stool examinations for up to 12 months in a day care center. the infection was mainly asymptomatic and usually associated with prolonged carriage of the parasite. there were no significant differences for height and weight achievements and mean hemoglobin values between giardia-positive and giardia-negative children. however, giardia-positive children tended to achieve highe ...19892512565
[cryptosporidiosis in the v region chile. iii. study of malnourished patients, 1985-1987].frequency of infection by cryptosporidium sp. in 1,039 faecal smears stained by ziehl-neelsen, obtained from undernourished patients of a nutritional recovery center and an ambulatory undernourished center from the fifth region, chile, were studied. all underwent a coproparasitological examination by the modified telemann method. thirty eight (3.7%) patients infected by the parasite were detected, with an overall frequency of 8.5% among patients of the nutritional recovery center and 1.9% among ...19892517015
detecting giardia lamblia antigen in fecal matter with counterimmuno-electrophoresis in diagnosis of giardiasis.feces specimens from 35 patients with parasitologically confirmed giardiasis, 41 with acute gastroenteritis, 23 with acute bacillary dysentery, 40 normal persons as well as 15 jirds experimentally infected with giardia lamblia were used for detecting parasite antigen by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (cie). it revealed that 33 (94%) of the 35 patients with giardiasis and 14 (93%) of 15 infected jirds were positive, while the other cases, either normal person or normal jird were negative. cie was a ...19892517081
[intestinal protozoan parasitism in children from the bay of cádiz].the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis from protozoa in a pediatric population group attending different education centres in the bay of cádiz is investigated by means of directly examining the feces using microscopic techniques. the percentage of children affected by parasites is 6.3%, there being no differences with regard to sex or social level. giardia lamblia is the most frequently found protozoa (2.7%). the level of infection from cryptosporidium sp. (2.3%) is significant. the symptomato ...19892519704
giardia lamblia: isoenzyme analysis of 19 axenic strains isolated from symptomatic and asymptomatic patients in mexico.infection of the small intestine of humans with the parasitic protozoon giardia lamblia may have an asymptomatic course, or it may produce acute or chronic diarrhoea. in order to establish if the different clinical outcome of giardiasis in children could be due, at least partially, to strain differences, 19 isolates from asymptomatic and symptomatic cases studied in mexico city were cultured under axenic conditions and the isoenzyme electrophoretic patterns of 10 different enzymes were compared. ...19892533417
parasitic, bacterial and viral pathogens isolated from diarrhoeal and routine stool specimens of urban bangladeshi children.few data exist in bangladesh on longitudinal, community-based studies of bacterial or parasitic pathogens identified in routine and diarrhoeal stools of urban dwelling children. we undertook the following study on 343 children of age less than 6 years who resided in one of 51 slum settings in dhaka, bangladesh, between october 1984 and february 1986. specimens from diarrhoeal episodes and from routine stools obtained at 3-monthly intervals were examined for parasites, rotavirus and pathogenic ba ...19892537431
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 5136