
heavy metal accumulation of urban domestic rubbish compost in turfgrass by edta kinds of heavy metal accumulation of rubbish compost in turfgrass by edta chelating were investigated. with edta application, heavy metal accumulation by two species of turfgrass was increased significantly. the enrichment coefficients of lolium perenne l(l) and festuca arundinacea l(f) to cr reached 9.45 and 6.15 respectively. in the range of edta dosages given, heavy metal accumulation in turfgrass increased with increasing edta level. there were significant differences in remediation of ...200516313009
long-term effects of poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate on aluminum availability in soils.research has shown that alum [al(2)(so(4))(3).14h(2)o] applications to poultry litter can greatly reduce phosphorus (p) runoff, as well as decrease ammonia (nh(3)) volatilization. however, the long-term effects of fertilizing with alum-treated litter are unknown. the objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of normal poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (nh(4)no(3)) on aluminum (al) availability in soils, al uptake by tall fescue (festuca arundinacea s ...201616275710
isolation and identification of a cold-inducible gene encoding a putative dre-binding transcription factor from festuca arundinacea.a new dre-binding protein gene fadreb1 encoded for an ap2/erfbp-type transcription factor was isolated by race-pcr from festuca arundinacea schreb seedlings. its cdna was sequenced with 988 bp, from which a protein with 216 amino acid residues was deduced with a predicted molecular mass of 23.479 kda and a pi of 4.70. a search of the protein blast data revealed that this protein can be classified as a typical member of the ap2/erebp family of dna-binding proteins. the tissue organ-specific expre ...200515854831
benoxacor induction of terbuthylazine detoxification in zea mays and festuca arundinacea.the action of safener benoxacor on the detoxification of terbuthylazine (tba) in zea mays and festuca arundinacea was ascertained by the investigation of the effects of benoxacor on the activity of glutathione-s-transferases (gsts) in the shoots of the two plant species. tba treatment generally reduced gst activity toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (cdnb) in corn and did not affect the enzyme activity in festuca. when applied alone, benoxacor stimulated gst activity in both plants; however, whe ...200515796583
a trade-off between nitrogen uptake and use increases responsiveness to elevated co2 in infrequently cut mixed c3 grasses.the aim of this study was to evaluate whether the responsiveness of mixed c3 grass species to elevated co2 is related more to nitrogen uptake or to n-use efficiency. nitrogen uptake and whole-plant n-use efficiency were investigated with two binary mixtures: lolium perenne was mixed either with festuca arundinacea or with holcus lanatus. the swards were grown on sand with or without co2 doubling, and subjected to two cutting frequencies. a c20 alcohol was used as a marker to determine species pr ...200515760365
effect of root death and decay on dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the rhizosphere of yellow sweet clover and tall fescue.a 12-mo greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of root death and decay on the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in rhizosphere soil. the contaminated soil was previously treated by land-farming, but residual pahs remained after treatment. tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and yellow sweet clover (melilotus officinalis lam.) were the target plants. to specifically evaluate the effect of root decay on contaminant dissipation, plants were treated wi ...201615647551
introgression-mapping of genes for drought resistance transferred from festuca arundinacea var. glaucescens into lolium multiflorum.procedures for the transfer of genes for drought resistance from festuca glaucescens (2n=4x=28) into lolium multiflorum (2n=2x=14) are described. following the initial hybridisation of a synthetic autotetraploid of l. multiflorum (2n=4x=28) with f. glaucescens, the f1 hybrid was backcrossed twice onto diploid l. multiflorum (2n=2x=14) to produce a diploid lolium genotype with a single f. glaucescens introgression located distally on the nucleolar organiser region arm of chromosome 3. the transmi ...200515609051
an ssr- and aflp-based genetic linkage map of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.).tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is commonly grown as forage and turf grass in the temperate regions of the world. here, we report the first genetic map of tall fescue constructed with pcr-based markers. a combination of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (aflps) and expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (est-ssrs) of both tall fescue and those conserved in grass species was used for map construction. genomic ssrs developed from festuca x lolium hybrids were also mapped. t ...200515558229
bacterial community evaluation during establishment of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) in soil contaminated with pyrene.a greenhouse study was conducted to monitor microbial community dynamics related to contaminant concentration and plant growth during the phytoremediation of pyrene. soil microbial communities in both bulk and rhizosphere soils were assessed using a polymerase chain reaction--denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge). however, no correlation between pyrene concentration and bacterial community shifts was observed. even though plants significantly enhanced pyrene degradation (undetectabl ...200415554475
soil physical changes and plant availability of zn and pb in a treatability test of phytostabilization.a treatability test of phytostabilization was carried out on two soils sampled downstream a mining italian area with lolium italicum and festuca arundinacea. beside chemical content of pb and zn in aerial parts and in roots, also some physical parameters were determined at the end of the growth cycle of plants. particle size distribution was analysed with a laser granulometer while cracking patterns and porosity were determined by means of image analysis. compost, used at two rates (10%, and 30% ...200415504462
effectiveness of phytoremediation as a secondary treatment for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in composted soil.a greenhouse study was conducted over a 12-month period to investigate the fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in soil using phytoremediation as a secondary treatment. the soil was pretreated by composting for 12 weeks, then planted with tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), annual ryegrass (lolium multiflorum), and yellow sweet clover (melilotus officinalis). two sets of unvegetated controls also were evaluated, one fertilized and one unfertilized. total pah concentrations decreased in ...200415328979
tall fescue est-ssr markers with transferability across several grass species.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is a major cool season forage and turf grass in the temperate regions of the world. it is also a close relative of other important forage and turf grasses, including meadow fescue and the cultivated ryegrass species. until now, no ssr markers have been developed from the tall fescue genome. we designed 157 est-ssr primer pairs from tall fescue ests and tested them on 11 genotypes representing seven grass species. nearly 92% of the primer pairs produced c ...200415205737
a multi-process phytoremediation system for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated improve phytoremediation processes, multiple techniques that comprise different aspects of contaminant removal from soils have been combined. using creosote as a test contaminant, a multi-process phytoremediation system composed of physical (volatilization), photochemical (photooxidation) and microbial remediation, and phytoremediation (plant-assisted remediation) processes was developed. the techniques applied to realize these processes were land-farming (aeration and light exposure), introd ...200415182977
selection of plants for zinc and lead phytoremediation.this article describes a laboratory scale experiment of phytoremediation that has the aim to identify a vegetable species that is able to survive to the high metal concentration of soil taken from montevecchio, sardinia, and verify how metal content in soil can influence phytoextraction performances. the experiments allowed finding a plant (festuca arundinacea) that is able to tolerate montevecchio soil and to accumulate high quantities of zinc in the shoots and to evaluate helichrysum italicum ...200415137716
characterization of turf practices in five north carolina information exists on specific urban lawn care practices in the united states. we conducted a door-to-door lawn care survey in five north carolina communities to determine suburban fertilizer, pesticide, and water use. these communities, cary, goldsboro, kinston, new bern, and greenville, are mostly located within the neuse river basin, a nutrient-sensitive water resource. residents in cary used lawn care companies more than twice as frequently as residents in the other communities (43 c ...200615074808
viability and longevity of pollen from transgenic and nontransgenic tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) (poaceae) plants.pollen is an important vector of gene flow in plants, particularly for outcrossing species like tall fescue. several aspects of pollination biology were investigated using pollen from transgenic and nontransgenic plants of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), the most important forage species worldwide of the festuca genus. to effectively assess in vitro pollen viability in tall fescue, an optimized germination medium (0.8 mol/l sucrose, 1.28 mmol/l boric acid and 1.27 mmol/l calcium nitra ...200421653407
pyrene degradation in the rhizosphere of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.).a growth chamber study was conducted to investigate the fate of pyrene in the rhizosphere of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.). for this study, 14c-labeled pyrene was used, and distribution of 14c activity was assessed after plant establishment. after 190 days of incubation, 37.7 and 30.4% of 14c-pyrene was mineralized in the soil planted with tall fescue and switchgrass, respectively, while 4.3% mineralization was observed for the unplanted control. only 7. ...200314717195
growth of endophyte (neotyphodium) during seed germination of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea).growth of a filamentous fungus endophyte, neotyphodium, was examined during the seed germination process of its host plant, tall fescue, festuca arundinacea, by the elisa method. distribution of endophyte differed from that of substances induced by endophyte.200314676382
growth of endophyte, neotyphodium, and its host plant, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), under 3d-clinorotation.growth of a filamentous fungus endophyte, neotyphodium, and its host plant, tall fescue, festuca arundinacea, was examined during the seed germination process under pseudo-microgravity [correction of micrgravity] generated by three dimensional (3d-) clinorotation. the shoot growth of tall fescue infected with the endophyte was remarkably suppressed on a 3d-clinostat compared with that of the ground control. without being infected, shoot growth of tall fescue was not strongly affected by the 3d-c ...200312897463
compost and calcium surface treatment effects on subsoil chemistry in acidic minespoil columns.surface incorporation of a liming agent in combination with compost or biosolids is a proven way to revegetate acidic minespoils, but little is known about the effect of the surface amendments on subsoil chemistry. we conducted a greenhouse column experiment to investigate how different surface amendments affected plant growth and subsoil chemistry in highly acidic minespoil material. columns were filled with shale minespoil material (ph approximately 2.5), amended with caco3, caso4 x 2h2o (gyps ...201612809279
field performance of transgenic tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) plants and their progenies.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is a hexaploid, outcrossing grass species widely used for forage and turf purposes. transgenic tall fescue plants were generated by biolistic transformation of embryogenic cell suspension cultures that were derived from single genotypes of widely used cultivar kentucky-31. primary transgenics from two genotypes, their corresponding regenerants from the same genotypes and control seed-derived plants were transferred to the field and evaluated for 2 years. ...200312712247
selenium and sulfur accumulation and soil selenium dissipation in planting of four herbaceous plant species in soil contaminated with drainage sediment rich in both selenium and sulfur.four selenium (se) nonaccumulator plant species, including a forage grass species, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), a forage legume species, alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), a wetland species, rush (juncus tenuis wild.), and a dry-land alkaline soil species, saltgrass (distichlis spicata l.), were grown in soil contaminated by agricultural drainage sediment having elevated levels of se and sulfur (s). the above-ground plant tissues were consecutively harvested five times and examined for ...200312710233
genome plasticity in festuca arundinacea: direct response to temperature changes by redundancy modulation of interspersed dna repeats.the response of the genome of festuca arundinacea seedlings to changes in the temperature at which they were grown was investigated. fifteen repeated sequences in the nuclear dna were isolated and hybridized to the genomic dna of seedlings grown at 10 degrees c or 30 degrees c. the redundancies of sequences recognized by four probes ( faa5, fah8, fah13 and fah14), were found to differ significantly in the two dnas. dna sequences recognized by fah8, fah13 and fah14 were more represented in the ge ...200212582594
relationship of growth cessation with the formation of diferulate cross-links and p-coumaroylated lignins in tall fescue leaf blades.we examined relationships among cell wall feruloylation, diferulate cross-linking, p-coumarate deposition, and apoplastic peroxidase (ec activity with changes in the elongation rate of leaf blades of slow and rapid elongating genotypes of tall fescue ( festuca arundinacea schreb.). growth was not directly influenced by ferulic acid deposition but leaf elongation decelerated as 8-5-, 8- o-4-, 8-8-, and 5-5-coupled diferulic acids accumulated in cell walls. growth rapidly slowed and stop ...200212244444
lignin deposition and associated changes in anatomy, enzyme activity, gene expression, and ruminal degradability in stems of tall fescue at different developmental stages.stem tissues of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were sampled at three elongation stages and three reproductive stages. anatomical analysis showed the deposition of guaiacyl (g) and syringyl (s) lignin during plant development and the formation of a lignified sclerenchyma ring. a dramatic increase in klason lignin content was found from elongation stage to reproductive stage. lignin composition analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed that s lignin content and s/g ratio ...200212236679
secondary cell wall deposition causes radial growth of fibre cells in the maturation zone of elongating tall fescue leaf blades.a gradient of development consisting of successive zones of cell division, cell elongation and cell maturation occurs along the longitudinal axis of elongating leaf blades of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), a c3 grass. an increase in specific leaf weight (slw; dry weight per unit leaf area) in the maturation region has been hypothesized to result from deposition of secondary cell walls in structural tissues. our objective was to measure the transverse cell wall area (cwa) associated w ...200212096823
does decreased mowing frequency enhance alkaloid production in endophytic tall fescue and perennial ryegrass?tall fescue, festuca arundinacea, and perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne. are widely infected with fungal endophytes (neotyphodium spp.). the symbiosis between plant and fungus leads to synthesis of alkaloids that have been shown to be either toxic or act as feeding deterrents against insect pests. as cultural practices have the potential to regulate production of plant secondary metabolites, we evaluated the influence of mowing frequency on the levels of major alkaloids in tall fescue and peren ...200212049232
seven years of biosolids versus inorganic nitrogen applications to tall fescue.repeated applications of municipal wastewater biosolids is cost effective for biosolids managers, but may lead to undesirable accumulations of nutrients or contaminants. we evaluated the effects of seven years of biosolids applications on tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) production and nutrient availability. we compared two types of class a biosolids applied to tall fescue on a sandy loam in western washington. mean annual biosolids rates of 290, 580, and 870 kg total n ha(-1) yr(-1) we ...201311790031
protein alterations in tall fescue in response to drought stress and abscisic acid.drought stress may alter protein synthesis in turfgrasses. the objectives of this study were to investigate physiological changes associated with the synthesis of dehydrin and a cytosolic-heat shock protein (hsc 70) in response to drought stress in two tall fescue (festuca arundinacea l.) cultivars, 'southeast' and 'rebel jr.'. the effects of abscisic acid (aba) application on the drought tolerance of the cultivars also were evaluated. the cultivars were subjected to three treatments in growth c ...200211756275
volatile compounds of endophyte-free and infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.).volatile compounds produced by intact plants and ground leaf tissue from endophyte-infected (e+) and endophyte-free (e-) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were collected by a purge-and-trap procedure and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry the volatile compound profile from ground leaf tissue was similar between e+ and e- clonal plants; however, the sheaths of e+ clonal plants produced higher levels of 1-octen-3-ol, a characteristic volatile compound derived from lipid perox ...200111684192
contrasting responses of photosynthesis and carbon metabolism to low temperatures in tall fescue and clovers.growth, photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in plants of two grassland species, clover (trifolium subterraneum l. cv. areces and gaitan) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), shifted from 25 to 12 degrees c for 1 day or developed at 12 degrees c were compared with controls kept at 25 degrees c. cold development produced a larger inhibition of growth in fescue than in clovers. in contrast, transferring plants from high to low temperature inhibited photosynthesis to a lesser extent ...200111473707
effect of phenolic structures on the degradability of cell walls isolated from newly extended apical internode of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.).apical internodes of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb. var. clarine) harvested at flowering were sectioned into 5 or 10 equal parts to study in situ degradability and cell wall composition, respectively. the basal (youngest) section had the greatest primary wall content. cell walls in the upper (older) sections had the highest xylose/arabinose ratio and lignin content and a lignin rich in syringyl units, all typical of extensive secondary wall development. almost all of the p-coumaric (p- ...200010725124
biosynthetic origin and longevity in vivo of alpha-d-mannopyranosyl-(1 --> 4)-alpha-d-glucuronopyranosyl-(1 --> 2)-myo-inositol, an unusual extracellular oligosaccharide produced by cultured rose cellsa non-reducing trisaccharide, alpha-d-mannopyranosyl-(1 --> 4)-alpha-d-glucuronopyranosyl-(1 --> 2)-myo-inositol (mgi) accumulated in the spent medium of cell-suspension cultures of 'paul's scarlet' rose (rosa sp.) predominantly during the period of rapid cell growth. this trisaccharide was also produced by cultures of sycamore (acer pseudoplatanus l.) but not by those of the graminaceous monocots maize (zea mays l.) and tall fescue grass (festuca arundinacea schreb.). when added to cultured ros ...199910592043
effects of water stress on selenium accumulation in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb) from a selenium-contaminated soil.a greenhouse experiment was conducted evaluating the effects of water stress on uptake and accumulation of selenium (se) as well as on uptake of calcium (ca), potassium (k), and magnesium (mg) in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb). also, this study has documented changes in soil se inventory of se-contaminated field soil. the findings of this experiment suggest that low soil moisture and plant water stress had a positive effect on plant tissue se concentration. however, the negative effect ...200010556368
relative competitive abilities and growth characteristics of a narrowly endemic and a geographically widespread solidago species (asteraceae).relative competitive ability and growth characteristics of the narrow endemic solidago shortii were compared to those of the geographically widespread s. altissima. competition and growth studies were conducted over the entire growing season in an ambient-temperature greenhouse, using a 3:1 (v/v) native limestone soil/river sand mixture. results from a de wit replacement series experiment (relative yield, relative yield total, plant height, aggressivity values) with s. shortii, s. altissima, and ...199910371724
physical mapping of ribosomal dna sites in festuca arundinacea and related species by in situ hybridization.the positions of the 18s-5.8s-26s and 5s rrna genes have been physically mapped on the chromosomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid festuca species by in situ hybridization. the number and position of the rdna sites in the species were compared. the results confirm some of the earlier phylogenetic studies of these species but suggest that some structural rearrangements have occurred and that sites have been lost during polyploidization.199718464836
digestibility, apparent mineral absorption, and voluntary intake by horses fed alfalfa, tall fescue, and caucasian bluestem.alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), low-endophyte (< 5%) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), and caucasian bluestem (bothriochloa caucasica [trin.] c.e. hubbard) were fed as chopped hay to six arabian geldings (bw 441 kg; se 2) in intake and digestibility experiments to determine nutritional value for horses at maintenance. each experimental design was a replicated latin square. alfalfa was higher in dm and cp digestibility, ivdmd, apparent absorption of ca, k, and s, and voluntary intake than ...19979250529
o-feruloylated, o-acetylated oligosaccharides as side-chains of grass xylans.partial acid hydrolysis of cell wall material from festuca arundinacea cell cultures yielded a novel o-feruloylated trisaccharide (3). treatment of 3 with driselase, which contains beta- but not alpha-d-xylosidase, released xylose plus the known compound, beta-d-xylopyranosyl-(1-->2)-(5-o-feruloyl)-l-arabinose. since 3 contained one naio4-resistant xylose residue, it was concluded to be beta-d-xylopyranosyl-(1-->3)-beta-d-xylopyranosyl-(1--> 2)-(5-o-feruloyl)-l-arabinose. partial acid hydrolysis ...19979055447
screening for stable transformants and stability of β-glucuronidase gene expression in suspension cultured cells of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea).by screening cell colonies derived from protoplasts of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), transformed with a rice actin-1-promoter-ß-glucuronidase gene construct, several ß-glucuronidase positive callus clones were obtained. two callus clones with different gus expression were derived from these. one was light blue after x-gluc staining, and expression of the ß-glucuronidase gene was stable over repeated subculture, while another stained intensely blue, and expression of the ß-glucuronidase gene ...199624178212
bioextraction of selenium by forage and selected field legume species in selenium-laden soils under minimal field management conditions.a forage plant, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), and a selected field legume species, sour clover (melilotus indica), were examined for their selenium (se) bioextraction abilities in se-laden soils under minimal management conditions. natural vegetations in a 2-acre plot adjacent to the forage plots were also studied for se accumulation comparisons. during the dry season, in the fall of 1994, the field plots were either irrigated weekly or without irrigation. no fertilization and weed control ...19968812192
tnt and 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene influence on germination and early seedling development of tall fescue.cost-effective and environmentally acceptable methods are needed to remediate munitions-contaminated soil. some perennial grass species are tolerant of soil contaminants and may promote remediation because of their high water use and extensive fibrous root systems. the effects of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (tnt) and its reduction product, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4adnt), on germination and early seedling development of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were determined. tall fescue seeds we ...199615091369
genome mapping of polyploid tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) with rflp markers.genetic mapping using molecular markers such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (rflps) has become a powerful tool for plant geneticists and breeders. like many economically important polyploid plant species, detailed genetic studies of hexaploid tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) are complicated, and no genetic map has been established. we report here the first tall fescue genetic map. this map was generated from an f2 population of hd28-56 by 'kentucky-31' and contains 108 rfl ...199524169982
bioextraction of soil boron by tall fescue.high concentrations of soil b are detrimental to crop productivity in certain arid and semiarid regions of the western united states. production of tall fescue on b-affected soils may be a viable strategy to reduce and maintain soil b concentrations at nontoxic levels for most agronomic crops. a 2-year field experiment was conducted to study b uptake in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) schreb. cv. au triumph grown in soil containing potentially toxic levels of native soil b. the soil b concentr ...19958521775
fructosyltransferase activities in the leaf growth zone of tall fescue.high concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates, mainly fructan, accumulate in the growth zone of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) leaf blades. we studied sucrose-hydrolyzing activities in the leaf growth zone because of their importance in carbohydrate partitioning. sucrose hydrolysis in the basal 1.5 cm was largely due to fructosyltransferases, which had activities up to 10 times higher than in fully developed leaf tissue. three fructosyltransferases (f1, f2, and f3) were purified ...199512228445
role of expanded clay and porous ceramic amendments on plant establishment in minespoils.greenhouse experiments were conducted to examine the impact of expanded clay (turface) or porous ceramic (isolite) amendments on germination, biomass production, plant zn concentration, and zn accumulation by festuca arundinacea grown in mine tailings. because previous studies have demonstrated that fertilization is essential for plant growth in these tailings, manure was also added to the tailings. plant growth and germination were greatest if the expanded clay was added topically to the tailin ...199515091556
ergovaline and peramine production in endophyte-infected tall fescue: independent regulation and effects of plant and endophyte genotype.peramine and ergovaline have ecological and economical significance because they possess insect and/or mammalian toxicity properties. the relationship between these endophytically derived alkaloids in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is unknown. seasonal and plant tissue effects on the concentration of peramine and ergovaline was investigated in field and greenhouse experiments. the relationship between the alkaloids and the regulatory effects of endophyte and plant on their content wer ...199424242799
phylogeny of tall fescue and related species using rflps.the wild species of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea var.genuina schreb.) represent a wide range of genetic variation and constitute potential germplasm for tall fescue improvement. our objective was to evaluate genome specificity of the previously-identified dna probes and to examine the phylogenetic relationship of tall fescue with six related species by using rflp data. a total of 29 dna probes from apsti-genomic library of tall fescue were hybridized toecori-orhindiii-digested dna of 32 plan ...199424186163
asymmetric somatic hybridization between tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and irradiated italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.) protoplasts.intergeneric asymmetric somatic hybrids have been obtained by the fusion of metabolically inactivated protoplasts from embryogenic suspension cultures offestuca arundinacea (recipient) and protoplasts from a non-morphogenic cell suspension oflolium multiflorum (donor) irradiated with 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 gy of x-rays. regenerating calli led to the recovery of genotypically and phenotypically different asymmetric somatic hybridfestulolium plants. the genome composition of the asymmetric s ...199424186103
epidermal cell division and the coordination of leaf and tiller development.initiation and development of grass leaves and tillers are often described individually with little attention to possible interrelationships among organs. in order to better understand these interrelationships, this research examined epidermal cell division during developmental transitions at the apical meristem of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). ten seedlings were harvested each day for a 9-d period, and lengths of main shoot leaves and primary tillers were measured. in addition, num ...199419700457
nitrogen use within the growing leaf blade of tall fescue.leaf elongation rate (ler) of grasses depends on n supply and is expressed mostly through cell production, whereas most n in mature leaf tissues is chloroplastic. our objective was to evaluate a possible competition for n between cell production and chloroplast development processes, utilizing the gradient of cell development along the leaf growth zone of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). under the two contrasting n regimes, total n content was highest in the cell production zone, decli ...199412232198
evolutionary diversification of fungal endophytes of tall fescue grass by hybridization with epichloë species.the mutualistic associations of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) with seed-borne fungal symbionts (endophytes) are important for fitness of the grass host and its survival under biotic and abiotic stress. the tall fescue endophytes are asexual relatives of biological species (mating populations) of genus epichloë (clavicipitaceae), sexual fungi that cause grass choke disease. isozyme studies have suggested considerable genetic diversity among endophytes of tall fescue. phylogenetic relationship ...19948172623
promoting late-fall establishment of tall fescue with artificial soil covers to minimise soil erosion.frequently, turfgrass seedings have been sown in the late fall, which usually results in a poor vegetative stand and the possibility of soil erosion the following spring. this study evaluates the effects of a spun-bonded polyester soil cover placed over a late-fall seeding on subsequent seedling growth and overwintering. clemfine, mustang, rebel, and rebel ii cultivars of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were sown on a silt loam soil in late fall (on 17 october in 1989 and 19 october in ...199424198171
endophytic fungi alter foraging and dispersal by desert seed-harvesting ants.endophytic fungi are thought to interact mutualistically with host plants by producing alkaloid metabolites that deter herbivory. since such fungi are transmitted via seed in some grasses, the presence of endophytes may also protect plants from seed predators. we conducted seed choice experiments for two dominant seed harvesting ants, pogonomyrmex rugosus in the sonoran desert and pogonomyrmex occidentalis at a higher elevation, riparian zone in arizona, usa. non-infected fescue (festuca arundin ...199328313285
effects of polyploidy on polyploid plants the photosynthetic rate per cell is correlated with the amount of dna per cell. the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area is the product of the rate per cell times the number of photosynthetic cells per unit area. therefore, the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area will increase if there is a less than proportional increase in cell volume at higher ploidal levels, or if cell packing is altered to allow more cells per unit leaf area. in autopolyploids (medicago sativa, c3 s ...199324318680
the effect of nitrate-nitrogen supply on bacteria and bacterial-feeding fauna in the rhizosphere of different grass species.microbial growth in the rhizosphere is affected by the release of organic material from roots, so differences in carbon budgets between plants may affect their rhizosphere biology. this was tested by sampling populations of bacteria and bacteriophagous fauna from the rhizosphere of lolium perenne, festuca arundinacea, poa annua, and poa pratensis, under conditions of high and low nitrate availability. concentrations of soluble phenolics and lignin varied considerably between the species but were ...199228313466
parasiticmeloidogyne and mutualisticacremonium increase chitinase in tall fescue.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is a c-3 perennial grass noted for its persistence in harsh environments. tall fescue persistence is enhanced byacremonium coenophialum, a mutualistic fungal endophyte that increases resistance to drought, pathogens, and insects. this research was conducted to identify and elicit biochemical mechanism(s) that could account for tall fescue persistence. in initial studies, two cultivars known to differ in persistence were analyzed for chitinase, an antifun ...199224254151
peroxidase activity in the leaf elongation zone of tall fescue : ii. spatial distribution of apoplastic peroxidase activity in genotypes differing in length of the elongation zone.previous work suggested that cell wall peroxidase activity increased as cells were displaced through the elongation zone in leaf blades of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). in this study, two genotypes that differ in length of the elongation zone were used to examine the relationship between peroxidase activity in apoplastic fluid of intact leaf blade segments and the spatial distribution of leaf growth. apoplastic fluid was extracted by vacuum infiltration and centrifugation, and perox ...199216669015
peroxidase activity in the leaf elongation zone of tall fescue : i. spatial distribution of ionically bound peroxidase activity in genotypes differing in length of the elongation zone.cessation of cell expansion has been associated with cell wall cross-linking reactions catalyzed by peroxidase. this study utilized two genotypes of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) that differ in length of the leaf elongation zone to investigate the relationship between ionically bound peroxidase activity and the spatial distribution of leaf elongation. peroxidase activity was also localized histochemically in transverse sections of the leaf blade using 3,3' -diaminobenzidine. soluble ...199216669014
molecular and cytogenetic characterization of repetitive dna sequences from lolium and festuca: applications in the analysis of festulolium hybrids.a set of species-specific repetitive dna sequences was isolated from lolium multiflorum and festuca arundinacea. the degree of their species specificity as well as possible homologies among them were determined by dot-blot hybridization analysis. in order to understand the genomic organization of representative lolium and festuca-specific repetitive dna sequences, we performed southern blot hybridization and in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes.southern blot hybridization analysis of e ...199224203041
transgenic plants of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) obtained by direct gene transfer to protoplasts.chimeric hygromycin phosphotransferase (hph) and phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) genes were introduced, using polyethylene glycol treatment, into protoplasts isolated from embryogenic cell suspension cultures of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), a graminaceous plant that is an important forage crop in temperate pastures. colonies resistant to either 200 mg/l hygromycin or 100 mg/l phosphinothricin, respectively, were recovered upon selection using bead-type culture systems. sta ...19921369399
variation of genome size and organization within hexaploid festuca arundinacea.cytophotometric, karyological, and biochemical analyses were carried out in the meristems of seedlings obtained from seeds collected from 35 natural populations of hexaploid festuca amndinacea in italy. highly significant differences between populations were observed in the amount of nuclear dna (up to 32.3%). these changes are linked to variations in the amount of heterochromatin and in the frequency of repeated dna sequences, and particularly of a fraction of them. differences between populati ...199224202507
intergeneric somatic hybridization in gramineae: somatic hybrid plants between tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.).tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) protoplasts, inactivated by iodoacetamide, and non-morphogenic italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.) protoplasts, both derived from suspension cultures, were electrofused and putative somatic hybrid plants were recovered. two different genotypic fusion combinations were carried out and several green plants were regenerated in one of them. with respect to plant habitus, leaf and inflorescence morphology, the regenerants had phenotypes intermediate be ...19911753939
avian seed preference and weight loss experiments: the effect of fungal endophyte-infected tall fescue seeds.the impact of endophytic fungus-infected seeds on seed predators is poorly understood. in this multiple trophic level investigation, seed preference experiments were conducted to determine whether five species of passerines (dark-eyed juncos, junco hyemalis; american tree sparrows, spizella arborea; song sparrows, melospiza melodia; chipping sparrows, spizella pusilla; and house sparrows, passer domesticus) recognize and preferentially consume noninfected (ni) over infected (i) seeds of tall fes ...199128312146
photosynthate partitioning in basal zones of tall fescue leaf blades.elongating grass leaves have successive zones of cell division, cell elongation, and cell maturation in the basal portion of the blade and are a strong sink for photosynthate. our objective was to determine dry matter (dm) deposition and partitioning in basal zones of elongating tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) leaf blades. vegetative tall fescue plants were grown in continuous light (350 micromoles per square meter per second photosynthetic photon flux density) to obtain a constant spa ...199116668036
selenium tolerance, salt tolerance, and selenium accumulation in tall fescue lines.high levels of soil salinity and se concentration are coexisting problems in the san joaquin valley, california. tall fescue is a potentially useful crop plant for land management in soils containing elevated concentrations of se and salinity. information regarding its physiological mechanism and genetic variation of se accumulation in this species is scant. thirteen tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) lines were examined for se and salt tolerances and se accumulation in nutrient solution ...19912060486
meiotic and isozymic characterization of plants regenerated from euploid and selfed monosomic tall fescue embryos.tissue culture of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb., 2n=6x=42) would be enhanced by improving the callus induction and plant regeneration efficiency, and evaluating the meiotic and isozymic variation induced by culture. mature embryos were cultured from four lines of kenhy tall fescue and from the progeny of three selfed monosomics. evaluation of six media-auxin combinations showed callus initiation was greatest on sh medium with 2.5 mg/l 2,4,5-t or 7.4 mg/l pcpa, while plant regeneration ...199024226117
growth rates and assimilate partitioning in the elongation zone of tall fescue leaf blades at high and low irradiance.tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) leaf blades elongated 33% faster at continuous low than at continuous high irradiance (60 versus 300 micromoles per second per square meter photosynthetic photon flux density) when temperature of the leaf elongation zone was held constant at 21 degrees c. increased rate of elongation was associated with a near proportional increase in length of the elongation zone (+38%). in contrast, growth in width and thickness was decreased at low irradiance, resulti ...198916666873
environmental effects on photorespiration of c(3)-c(4) species : i. influence of co(2) and o(2) during growth on photorespiratory characteristics and leaf anatomy.the possibility of altering co(2) exchange of c(3)-c(4) species by growing them under various co(2) and o(2) concentrations was examined. growth under co(2) concentrations of 100, 350, and 750 micromoles per mole had no significant effect on co(2) exchange characteristics or leaf anatomy of flaveria pringlei (c(3)), flaveria floridana (c(3)-c(4)), or flaveria trinervia (c(4)). carboxylation efficiency and co(2) compensation concentrations in leaves of f. floridana developed under the different c ...198916666846
allelochemicals in tall fescue-abscisic and phenolic acids.growth inhibitors that can be leached from excised leaves of tall fescue grass (festuca arundinacea) were investigated as allelochemicals. leachates of desiccated rebel and kentucky 31 grass cultivars contained three principal inhibitory compounds, abscisic acid (aba), caffeic acid, andp-coumaric acid. after quantitative analysis, abscisic acid was determined to be the predominant inhibitor. a 10-fold increase in aba levels in leachates occurred after one day of desiccation. the concentration of ...198924272104
importance of the development of veterinary toxicology in argentina.the different types of toxic substances that affect farm animals in argentina are described. these substances include (a) toxic plants, such as solanum glaucophyllum, baccharis coridifolia, festuca arundinacea; (b) mycotoxins, such as zearalenone, tremorgenic mycotoxins, and ergoalkaloid; (c) trace elements, such as fluorine, copper, molybdenum, and arsenic; and (d) others, such as toxic algae and pesticides. the direct and indirect economic loss of farm animals associated with these toxic subst ...19892590495
effects of nitrogen on mesophyll cell division and epidermal cell elongation in tall fescue leaf blades.leaf elongation rate (ler) in grasses is dependent on epidermal cell supply (number) and on rate and duration of epidermal cell elongation. nitrogen (n) fertilization increases ler. longitudinal sections from two genotypes of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), which differ by 50% in ler, were used to quantify the effects of n on the components of epidermal cell elongation and on mesophyll cell division. rate and duration of epidermal cell elongation were determined by using a relationshi ...198916666581
characterization of fructan from mature leaf blades and elongation zones of developing leaf blades of wheat, tall fescue, and timothy.water-soluble carbohydrate composition of mature (ceased expanding) leaf blades and the elongation zone of developing leaf blades was characterized in wheat (triticum aestivum l.), tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), and timothy (phleum pratense l.). these species were chosen because they differ in mean degree of polymerization (dp) of fructan in the mature leaf blade. our objective was to compare the nature and dp of the fructan. vegetative plants were grown with a 14-hour photoperiod an ...198816666465
fructan content and synthesis in leaf tissues of festuca arundinacea.the concentration of fructan in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) changes during growth and in response to environment. the objective of this research was to compare the fructan concentration and fructosyl-transferase activity of tall fescue leaf tissues. expanding leaves, inner and outer sheaths, and expanded blades of greenhouse-grown tall fescue plants were assayed for fructan concentration and fructosyl-transferase activity. leaf sheaths contained significantly more nonstructural car ...198816666062
diurnal growth of tall fescue leaf blades : ii. dry matter partitioning and carbohydrate metabolism in the elongation zone and adjacent expanded tissue.the spatial distributions of net deposition rates of water soluble carbohydrate-free dry matter (wsc-free dm) and wsc were evaluated within and above the elongation zone of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) leaf blades during light and darkness. imported dm used for wsc-free dm synthesis during darkness (67% of the total in experiment i and 59% in experiment ii) was greater than during light (47% in both experiments), suggesting that the 65% higher leaf elongation rate during darkness wa ...198816666034
effects of fungal endophytes on the seed and seedling biology of lolium perenne and festuca arundinacea.many grasses are infected by endophytic fungi that grow intercellularly in leaves, stems, and flowers and are transmitted maternally by hyphal growth into ovules and seeds. the seed biology and seedling growth of endophyte-infected and uninfected perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) were investigated under controlled environmental conditions. the percentage of filled seeds produced by infected tall fescue was over twice of uninfected tall fescue; infected and ...198728311516
assessment of spatial distribution of growth in the elongation zone of grass leaf blades.knowledge about the spatial distribution of growth is essential for understanding the leaf growth process. in grasses the elongation zone is located at the base of the leaf blade and is enclosed by sheaths of older leaves. assessment of spatial growth distribution, therefore, necessitates use of a destructive method. we used a fine needle to make holes through bases of tillers at the location of the leaf elongation zone of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), then measured the displacement ...198716665672
selection for resistance to cochliobolus sativus in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.).cochliobolus sativus (ito and kurib.) drechsl. ex dastur is a major foliar pathogen of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) which can greatly reduce the quantity and quality of forages available for animal consumption. a greenhouse screening program was initiated to determine the inheritance of resistance to c. sativus in tall fescue over several cycles of mass selection. resistance to c. sativus in four tall fescue cultivars was increased with 2-3 cycles of mass selection. realized heritab ...198624248204
photosynthesis in tall fescue : v. analysis of high psi activity in a decaploid genotype.previous work in our laboratory (krueger, miles 1981 plant physiol 68: 1110-1114) indicated that a decaploid genotype (i-16-2) of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) which exhibits unusually high net photosynthesis rates also had high potential rates of photosynthetic electron transport through photosystem i (psi) compared to the typical hexaploid genotype (v6-802). analysis of electron transport activity revealed that the oxidizing side of psi as the major site of difference. examination ...198416663968
carbohydrate metabolism in leaf meristems of tall fescue : ii. relationship to leaf elongation rates modified by nitrogen fertilization.our objective was to examine alterations in carbohydrate status of leaf meristems that are associated with nitrogen-induced changes in leaf elongation rates of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). dark respiration rates, concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates, and soluble proteins were measured in leaf intercalary meristems and adjacent segments of elongating leaves. the two genotypes used differed by 43% in leaf elongation rate. application of high nitrogen (336 kilograms per hecta ...198416663466
carbohydrate metabolism in leaf meristems of tall fescue : i. relationship to genetically altered leaf elongation rates.the physiological bases for genetic differences in leaf growth rates were examined in two genotypes of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) selected for a 50% difference in leaf elongation rate. genotypes had similar dark respiration rates and concentrations of carbohydrate fractions in the leaf meristem and in each daily growth segment above the meristem. dark respiration rates and concentrations of nonreducing sugars, fructans, and takadiastase-soluble carbohydrates were highest in leaf i ...198416663465
photosynthesis in tall fescue : iv. carbon assimilation pattern in two genotypes of tall fescue differing in net photosynthesis rates.we previously reported that the net photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (i-16-2) of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) was 32 to 41 versus 22 milligrams co(2) per square decimeter per hour in a hexaploid genotype (v6-802) (randall, nelson, asay plant physiol 59: 38-41). the high rate was later correlated with increases in total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase protein (17%) and activity (27%) (joseph, randall, nelson plant physiol 68: 894-898). this report characterizes photo ...198316662951
photosynthesis in fescue : iii. rates of electron transport in a polyploid series of tall fescue plants.photosystem i electron transport activity has been found to be considerably higher in a decaploid tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) genotype as compared to a common hexaploid genotype. the decaploid genotype also displayed a higher photosystem whole chain (photosystem ii plus photosystem i uncoupled) activity, suggesting a connection between polyploidy and increased electron transport activity. however, when a polyploidy series of tall fescue, ranging from diploid to decaploid with sever ...198116662060
photosynthesis in polyploid tall fescue : ii. photosynthesis and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase of polyploid tall photosynthesis on a leaf area and leaf weight basis increased significantly with ploidy in a 4x, 6x, 8x and 10x allopolyploid series of tail fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). total protein did not increase significantly with ploidy. rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to quantitate ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubpcase) protein. rubpcase content, expressed on both a concentration basis and as a percentage of total protein increased significantly with ploidy in both field and ...198116662021
ploidy effects on anatomy and gas exchange of tall fescue leaves.a growth chamber study was designed to interpret differences in co(2) exchange rate (cer) and leaf diffusive resistance among 4x, 6x, 8x, and 10x ploidy levels of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea, schreb). mesophyll cell size, stomatal density, number of major and minor veins, and bundle cap size of leaf blades were evaluated. diffusive resistance tended to decrease and cer to increase with increasing ploidy level. mean stomatal density decreased from 43.6 per square millimeter to 30.6 per squar ...198116662020
photosynthesis in fescue: i. high rate of electron transport and phosphorylation in chloroplasts of hexaploid plants.chloroplasts isolated from tall fescue, festuca arundinacea schreb., showed high rates of electron transport, comparable to rates observed for spinach chloroplasts.chloroplasts were well coupled and rates of electron transport from water to methyl viologen (photosystem ii and i) were increased two to five times when adp and inorganic phosphate or methylamine (uncoupler) were added to the reaction mixture. ratios of p:2e for photosystem ii plus i were found to be near 1.2. electron transport rate ...198116661751
genetic variability of mineral concentrations in festuca arundinacea schreb.nine randomly chosen clones of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) were mated in all possible combinations to determine the nature of genetic variation for mg, ca, k, and p concentrations in a broad genetic base population. general combining ability mean squares were significant for most variables, whereas specific combining ability mean squares were not significant in most instances indicating that additive genetic variance was more important. genotype x year interactions were significant ...198124276330
photosynthesis of grass species differing in carbon dioxide fixation pathways : vi. differential effects of temperature and light intensity on photorespiration in c(3), c(4), and intermediate species.the effects of temperature and photosynthetically active radiation levels on photorespiration were investigated in panicum milioides nees ex trin. and panicum schenckii hack., species known to have low photorespiration rates and other characteristics intermediate between c(3) and c(4) species. comparisons were made with the c(3) grass species tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). an increase in temperature from 20 to 35 c raised photorespiration from 7.3 to 10.2 milligrams per square decime ...198016661473
photosynthesis in grass species differing in carbon dioxide fixation pathways: iii. oxygen response and enzyme activities of species in the laxa group of panicum.measurements of co(2) exchange at varying o(2) concentrations in seven grass species of the laxa group of panicum and activities of five photosynthetic enzymes were compared to values obtained for these characters in a cool season c(3) grass, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and a c(4) grass, p. maximum jacq. plants were divided into three groups on the basis of the inhibition of apparent photosynthesis by 21% o(2.) rates of apparent photosynthesis in p. prionitis griseb. and p. maximum ...198016661133
ultrastructural damage due to freezing followed by thawing in shoot meristem and leaf mesophyll cells of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.).tillers of festuca arundinacea schreb. were subjected to-8°c in a bath of methylated spirits for three-quarters of an hour. they were thawed at room temperature and some material taken from the shoot apical meristem and leaf blade for electron microscopy. similar material was taken from control plants for electron microscopy. nine tillers subjected to-8°c and thawed subsequently failed to regrow. nine control tillers regrew. all the treated meristem cells and about half the treated leaf mesophyl ...197724419695
ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase: altered genetic expression in tall fescue.a decaploid tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb) genotype has been found which exhibits net photosynthetic rates of 32 to 41 mg co(2)/dm(2).hour as opposed to a mean of 22 mg co(2)/dm(2).hour for 10 hexaploid genotypes. the decaploid genotype exhibited a ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (rubp) carboxylase specific activity 1.3- to 2-fold higher than typical tall fescue genotypes. specific activities of photorespiratory enzymes and nitrate reduction enzymes were lower in the decaploid than the hexap ...197716659784
the effect of light and temperature on the growth of two subtropical and two temperate grass species.the effect of light intensity and temperature on the growth of young plants of two temperate (lolium perenne, festuca arundinacea) and two subtropical (lolium rigidum, bromus unioloides) grass species was studied in the northern part of the gdr under open-air conditions. it was found that the subtropical species reacted highly sensitive to changes in the two environmental factors and showed absolutely higher growth performance during the summer as compared with the temperate species. the multipl ...1976985302
rumen bacterial degradation of forage cell walls investigated by electron microscopy.the association of rumen bacteria with specific leaf tissues of the forage grass kentucky-31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) during in vitro degradation was investigated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. examination of degraded leaf cross-sections revealed differential rates of tissue degradation in that the cell walls of the mesophyll and pholem were degraded prior to those of the outer bundle sheath and epidermis. rumen bacteria appeared to degrade the mesophyll, in s ...197516350017
mode of chromosome pairing in the polyhaploid tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb. 2n=42). 19705518437
Displaying items 401 - 493 of 493