
protein and lipid compositions of isolated plasma membranes from orchard grass (dactylis glomerata l.) and changes during cold acclimation.the chemical composition of plasma membrane fractions isolated from orchard grass seedlings (dactylis glomerata l.) was analyzed and compared with endomembranes. the plasma membrane is characterized by an enrichment of sterols and a lower degree of unsaturation of phospholipids. steryl glycosides were found to be one of the lipid components of the plasma membrane, but steryl esters and galactolipids were barely detectable. diphosphatidyl glycerol was characteristically detected in the mitochondr ...198416663596
immunotherapy with alginate-conjugated and alum-precipitated grass pollen extracts in patients with allergic order to compare the safety and the efficacy of two grass pollen extracts made from the same starting material, i.e. equal proportions of cocksfoot and timothy, a 3-year study was made on patients with hay fever. one product was a dialysed aqueous extract of pollens which was chemically conjugated to activated sodium alginate ( conjuvac ). the other was a pyridine-extracted alum-precipitated crude extract (allpyral). forty patients with classical hay fever were admitted to the study. all gave ...19846731753
a collaborative study on rast inhibition using a common method.a collaborative study was carried out to determine the reproducibility of the inhibition form of the radioallergosorbent test (rast). seven laboratories were provided with three coded extracts of cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata) pollen. all laboratories used a common method of rast inhibition and were supplied with all reagents required to carry out the assays. in addition, four laboratories used local methods of rast inhibition. potency estimates were in reasonable agreement between laboratories ...19846697468
direct embryogenesis from mesophyll cells of orchardgrass.segments taken from the basal 15 to 20 millimeters of the two innermost leaves of an orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.) genotype produced somatic (nonzygotic) embryos directly from mesophyll cells without an intervening callus when cultured on an agar medium with 30 micromolar 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba). this demonstration of high-frequency embryogenesis from mesophyll cells in gramineae is strong evidence for totipotency of the cells.198317753478
rooting pattern and water relations of three pasture grasses growing in drying soil.seedlings of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l. s23), cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata l. s37) and timothy (phleum pratense l. s48) were rooted into tubes of soil and plants were either watered well or remained unwatered for a period of seven days. measurements were made of root water relations and of growth of roots and shoots. root turgor of dactylis was larger than that of lolium and phleum. as a result of accumulation of solutes, turgor of dactylis and lolium was maintained as the soil dried ...198328310581
partition of membrane particles in aqueous two-polymer phase system and its practical use for purification of plasma membranes from plants.a simplified method for the isolation of a plasma membrane-enriched fraction from plants utilizing an aqueous two-polymer phase system is outlined. mainly, the plant used was orchard grass (dactylis glomerata l.). the two-phase system consisted of 5.6% (w/w) of dextran t500 and 5.6% (w/w) of polyethyleneglycol 4000 in 0.5 molar sorbitol-15 millimolar tris-maleate (ph 7.3), and 30 millimolar nacl. in this system, the plasma membranes and the other membranes were preferentially partitioned into th ...198316662942
embryoid and plantlet formation from leaf segments of dactylis glomerata l.the purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate callus induction and plantlet formation from cultured leaf segments of 12-15 week-old dactylis glomerata l. (orchardgrass) plants. flat half-leaf sections, approximately 2-3 mm square, from the three innermost (youngest) leaves were isolated and individually plated serially beginning at the leaf base on a solid sh medium containing 30 μm of 3,6-dichloro-oanisic acid (dicamba). callus formed on leaf sections from all 50 plants used in the study ...198224270764
[evolution of microflora during the conservation of forage in microsilos].fresh and wilted samples of lolium italicum a. br., dactylis glomerata l., medicago sativa l., have been ensiled in laboratory microsilos for the study of microflora evolution. the principal microbial groups (coliforms, proteolytic bacteria, clostridia, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts) have been detected and enumerated, in anaerobic atmosphere, after 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 180 days of ensiling. although the number of lactic acid bacteria resulted to the high in all the samples studied, they failed to p ...20067187351
grass pollen hyposensitization versus placebo therapy. i. clinical effectiveness and methodological aspects of a pre-seasonal course of desensitization with a four-grass pollen extract.the present work reports the results of a double-blind clinical trial, comparing the effects of hyposensitization treatment versus placebo in 33 patients with allergic rhinitis, sensitive to a crude extract of the pollen of four different grasses (dactylis glomerata, lolium perenne, secale cereale, and phleum pratense). the distribution of these patients in the two groups was done randomly and gave two comparable groups, as far as clinical and biological features are concerned. the treatment cou ...19817032341
allergenic activity of fractions of cocksfoot (dactylis glomerata) pollen. definition of active components by skin testing, and inhibition rast.with the combined use of skin tests, rast and isoelectric focusing, a potency profile of a cocksfoot ((dactylis glomerata) pollen extract was prepared. it was found that two fractions with pi 4.5 and 6.0 were the most allergenic, had the highest protein concentration and were also the most easily extracted. the importance of converting mean weal sizes into potency units when comparing the allergenicity of pollen fractions is emphasized.19817249343
successful crosses between festuca arundinacea schreb. and dactylis glomerata l.five f1 plants have been obtained after extensive crossing between different ecotypes or varieties of festuca arundinacea schreb. and dactylis glomerata l. the success did not appear to depend on specific treatments (spraying with ε-aminocaproic acid or gibberellic acid or pre-pollination with killed pollen from the seed parent), but the crossability is limited to exceptional plants.f1 hybrids showed characteristics of both the parents. in four hybrids various developmental disturbances were obs ...198124276635
the relationship of certain tymoviruses assessed from the amino acid composition of their coat proteins.the amino acid composition of the coat proteins of the following viruses is reported: andean potato latent, clitoria yellow vein, desmodium yellow mottle, dulcamara mottle, eggplant mosaic, okra mosaic, ononis yellow mosaic, scrophularia mottle, and, as controls, cocksfoot mild mosaic and cocksfoot mottle viruses. these data, together with some already published, were used to compute classifications of the tymoviruses. these classifications show a general similarity to koenig's serological class ...19807372445
[reduced allergen immunotherapy of grass pollinosis (author's transl)].an excellent model for investigating the maximization of specific immunotherapy is grass pollen allergy. treatment is more effective when the number of component antigens used are reduced. we know that rye and cocksfoot pollen carry major antigens of grass pollen. a controlled clinical study was carried out with 128 patients divided into 5 groups as follows: group 1 - treatment with a mixture of 7 grass pollen extracts (allpyral). group 2 - treatment with a cocksfoot pollen extract (allpyral). g ...19806936982
species specific grass pollen sensitivity: diagnosis and treatment with single grass species allpyral test titrations and nasal provocation tests in sixty patients with hay fever showed specific reactions to extracts of individual grass species. there was, however, no correlation between skin and nasal sensitivity. repeat testing after treatment with allpyral vaccines consisting of only the grass species to which the nasal reaction was most severe, or only one of several pollens to which reactions were equally severe, showed marked diminution of skin and nasal sensitivity not only to the si ...1979498489
an anomalous effect of allergen concentration on weal size elicited by skin testing for immediate hypersensitivity.we report the finding of anomalous responses in the skin of atopic individuals when prick tested with serial dilutions of cocksfoot grass pollen extracts. each pollen extract was standardized using rast inhibition activity related to the who standard for ige. 75% of the patients gave a larger weal area with an allergen concentration of 1:10(5) than with the next higher concentration, i.e. 1:10(4). possible mechanisms whereby a larger skin weal is elicited with a lower concentration of allergen a ...1979421334
enzyme determination and rast inhibition assays for orchard grass (dactylis glomerata): a comparison of commericial pollen extracts.pollens release enzymes when they are dropped into water. orchard grass extracts were tested by two methods. the api-zym system determined 19 enzymes and colorimetric amounts of leucine aminopeptidases, acid phosphatase and trypsin. these were compared with rast inhibition assays. a good correlation was shown between the techniques. thus the enzyme dosage may be useful for the standardization of pollen extracts.1978686510
cellular histamine release, specific and total serum ige levels in hay fever patients and controls.the amount of histamine released from blood leucocytes by allergen, the amount of allergen required to release 50% histamine and the total ige and ige specific for dactylis glomerata are compared in nine hay fever patients and five control individuals. the variation with time of total ige, of specific igee and of the percentage of histamine released at a fixed allergen concentration, corresponding to the cellular sensitivity, is shown for one control individual with positive in vitro and skin te ...197877195
search for a correlation between familial allergy to cocksfoot pollen and hla antigens.twelve families comprising 62 individuals, 31 allergic to grasses, were examined. no significant correlation between pollinosis and the hla system was observed. however, there was a close correlation between cocksfoot skin tests and the rast (p less than 10(-6)).1977876127
[obtaining mutations with cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) in dactylis glomerata l. under the influence of chemical mutagens].when treating seeds of orchard grass with definite concentrations of nitrosoethylurea (neu), dimethyl sulphate (dms) and ethylene imine (ei) in m1 and m2 the plants with cms as well as sterility fixators to them are obtained. proportionality of mutagenic action and stimulation effect of these substances are found. the greatest amount of sterility fixators is found in m1 among plants the seeds of which were treated with neu and ei; in m2 the fixators are found among plants obtained after treating ...20131030857
cutaneous reactions to pollen extracts in patients with hay fever. special references to grass pollen recommended for treatment in fixed reactivity to 8 common grass pollens was investigated in patients with hay fever using commercial, unfractionated extracts in serial dilution technique. the highest degree of sensitivity was observed for cocksfoot, meadow fescue, meadow foxtail, rye grass, timothy and yorkshire fog. five of those are included in the allpyral 5-grass mix. the cutaneous responses to rye grass pollen overlap with those to timothy in a high degree.19751173992
cocksfoot mild mosaic virus--phleum mottle virus: a comparison. 19744851066
 leptopterna dolobrata (l.) (holarctis) and calocoris roseomaculatus (de geer) (palaearctis) are single-brooded in the whole range of their distribution and hibernate in the egg stage. both species are active only for 21/2 months, while the egg stage lasts over 9 months.the main food plants of leptopterna are dactylis glomerata and alopecurus pratensis. whereas the instars i-iii feed on the ears of the grasses only, the later stages, including the adults, may change to the stems and leaves. in th ...197128311800
leaf microbodies (peroxisomes) and catalase localization in plants differing in their photosynthetic carbon pathways.the tropical grasses sugarcane (saccharum officinarum) and pangolagrass (digitaria decumbens) contained fewer leaf microbodies than temperate orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata). leaf microbodies were seen in both the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of tropical grasses. the fibrous elements in the microbodies of tropical grasses differed from those of the temperate grass. catalase was predominantly localized in the microbodies of leaf cells (3,3'-diaminobenzidine method). the site of greatest ca ...197124493219
[studies on the physiological specialization of erysiphe graminis dc : iv. the host plants of cocksfoot mildew].in the described experiments the interaction of 460 grass species with a mildew population obtained from dactylis glomerata l. 'motterwitzer' was examined. 420 species remained free of symptoms, while 40 species were susceptible. the most susceptible ones were dactylis aschersoniana graebner, dactylis glomerata l., dactylis glomerata spp. aschersoniana (graebn.) thell., and dactylis polygama horvat, but all showed differences in their behaviour. the unexpectedly low susceptibility of dactylis wo ...197024435668
metabolic inhibitor(s) in orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.). 19685690265
metabolic inhibitor(s) in fractions of orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata l.) detected by in vitro rumen fermentation technique. 19676024807
grass pollen allergens. iv. the isolation of some of the principal allergens of phleum pratense and dactylis glomerata and their sensitivity spectra in patients. 196213863259
chlorophyll lethal in natural populations of the orchard grass (dactylis glomerata l.). a case of balanced polymorphism in plants. 196113683843
studies on the origin of dactylis glomerata l. 194818903868
effects of cytoplasm and gene dosage on expression of male sterility in dactylis glomerata. 194621066350
increased meiotic irregularity accompanying inbreeding in dactylis glomerata l. 194317247095
the composition of forage crops: cocksfoot. changes in the herbage during growth, with and without additions of nitrogenous fertilizer. 193916747022
the isolation of carotene and sterols from the unsaponifiable matter of cocksfoot. 193616746034
the phosphatides of forage grasses: cocksfoot. 193216744943
the glyceride fatty acids of forage grasses: cocksfoot and perennial ryegrass. 193216744806
the wax constituents of forage grasses: cocksfoot and perennial ryegrass. 193116744781
the pigments of butterflies' wings: occurrence of the pigment of melanargia galatea in dactylis glomerata. 192616743736
Displaying items 401 - 437 of 437