
isolation and characterization of a pseudomonas sp. strain iitr01 capable of degrading α-endosulfan and endosulfan isolate bacteria capable of degrading endosulfan (es) and the more toxic es sulfate and to characterize their metabolites.201020825519
phytoremediation of mercury in pristine and crude oil contaminated soils: contributions of rhizobacteria and their host plants to mercury removal.the rhizospheric soils of three tested legume crops: broad beans (vicia faba), beans (phaseolus vulgaris) and pea (pisum sativum), and two nonlegume crops: cucumber (cucumis sativus) and tomato, (lycopersicon esculentum) contained considerable numbers (the magnitude of 10(5)g(-1) soil) of bacteria with the combined potential for hydrocarbon-utilization and mercury-resistance. sequencing of the 16s rrna coding genes of rhizobacteria associated with broad beans revealed that they were affiliated t ...201020833430
the catalytic efficiency of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase is effected by the n-loop at low temperatures.the enzyme otsa (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase) is ubiquitous in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, where it plays a critical role in stress resistance and glucose metabolism. here, we cloned the otsa gene from arthrobacter sp. cjts, and expressed and then purified the recombinant proteins. enzyme activity analysis indicated that the high catalytic efficiency of otsa from arthrobacter sp. cjts resulted from the high affinity of the enzyme for uridine 5'-diphosphoglucose (udp-glc) at low ...201020838774
identification of chitinases is-chia and is-chib from isoptericola jiangsuensis clg and their characterization.a 274-bp conserved fragment of chia (chia-cf) was amplified from the genomic dna of isoptericola jiangsuensis clg (dsm 21863, cctcc ab208287) using the specific pcr primers. based on chia-cf sequences, a 5233-bp dna fragment was obtained by self-formed adaptor pcr. dna sequencing analysis revealed there were two contiguous open reading frames coding for the precursors of is-chia [871 amino acids (aa)] and is-chib (561 aa) in the 5233-bp dna fragment. the is-chia and is-chib exhibited 58% and 62% ...201020922373
optimization of electroporation conditions for arthrobacter with plasmid part2.a prerequisite for genetic studies of arthrobacter is a high efficiency transformation system that allows for dna transfer, transposon mutagenesis, and expression of specific genes. in this study, we develop a detailed electroporation method through a systematic examination of the factors involved in the entire electroporation process. key features of this procedure, including the addition of penicillin to cells during the early log phase of growth and the presence of 0.5m sorbitol in the electr ...201021078345
root exudates modify bacterial diversity of phenanthrene degraders in pah-polluted soil but not phenanthrene degradation determine whether the diversity of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria in an aged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (pah) contaminated soil is affected by the addition of plant root exudates, dna stable isotope probing (sip) was used. microcosms of soil with and without addition of ryegrass exudates and with ¹³c-labelled phenanthrene (phe) were monitored over 12 days. phe degradation was slightly delayed in the presence of added exudate after 4 days of incubation. after 12 days, 68% of added phe di ...201021087382
complete biodegradation of 4-fluorocinnamic acid by a consortium comprising arthrobacter sp. strain g1 and ralstonia sp. strain h1.a consortium of the newly isolated bacterial strains arthrobacter sp. strain g1 and ralstonia sp. strain h1 utilized 4-fluorocinnamic acid for growth under aerobic conditions. strain g1 converted 4-fluorocinnamic acid into 4-fluorobenzoic acid and used the two-carbon side chain for growth, with some formation of 4-fluoroacetophenone as a dead-end side product. in the presence of strain h1, complete mineralization of 4-fluorocinnamic acid and release of fluoride were obtained. degradation of 4-fl ...201021097599
lactulose biosynthesis by β-galactosidase from a newly isolated arthrobacter sp.lactulose, a ketose disaccharide, is used in both pharmaceutical and food industries. this study was undertaken to screen and isolate potent β-galactosidase-producing bacteria and to evaluate their enzymatic production of lactulose. soil samples from fruit gardens were collected. one isolate designated las was identified whose cell extract could convert lactose and fructose into lactulose. the 16s rdna gene analysis of las revealed its phylogenetic relatedness to arthrobacter sp. the β-galactosi ...201021104424
degradative potential of stenotrophomonas strain hpc383 having genes homologous to dmp operon.a strain, stenotrophomonas hpc383 is isolated from effluent treatment plant treating wastewater from pesticide industry; degrades various aromatic compounds (cresols, phenol, catechol, 4methyl-catechol and hydroquinone) and crude oil, as determined through hplc and gc analysis. culture hpc383 could degrade (%) various compounds (1 mm) from a mixture: phenol - 99, p-cresol - 100, 4-methylcatechol - 96 and hydroquinone - 43 within 48 h of incubation, whereas it took 7 days to degrade 94% of 0.5% c ...201021123060
the arthrobacter arilaitensis re117 genome sequence reveals its genetic adaptation to the surface of cheese.arthrobacter arilaitensis is one of the major bacterial species found at the surface of cheeses, especially in smear-ripened cheeses, where it contributes to the typical colour, flavour and texture properties of the final product. the a. arilaitensis re117 genome is composed of a 3,859,257 bp chromosome and two plasmids of 50,407 and 8,528 bp. the chromosome shares large regions of synteny with the chromosomes of three environmental arthrobacter strains for which genome sequences are available: ...201021124797
discovery and characterization of d-phenylserine deaminase from arthrobacter sp. tks1.we discovered a d-phenylserine deaminase that catalyzed the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (plp)-dependent deamination reaction from d-threo-phenylserine to phenylpyruvate in newly isolated arthrobacter sp. tks1. the enzyme was partially purified, and its n-terminal amino acid sequence was analyzed. based on the sequence information, the gene encoding the enzyme was identified and expressed in escherichia coli. the expressed protein was purified to homogeneity and characterized. the enzyme consisted of ...201021190106
[isolation, identification and soil remediation of atrazine-degrading strain t3 ab1].to provide new atrazine-degrading strains for atrazine-polluted soil, we isolated the high-efficiency degradation bacterium from contaminated soil, identified with taxonomy, and studied the degrading characteristics and remediation capability of the strain in black soil.201021365918
genomic heterogeneity within conservedmetabolic pathways of arthrobacter species - a bioinformatic approach.a comparative genomic analysis of three species of the soil bacterium arthrobacter was undertaken with specific emphasis on genes involved in important and core energy metabolism pathways like glycolysis and amino acid metabolism. during the course of this study, it was revealed that codon bias of a particular species, namely arthrobacter aurescens tc1, is significantly lower than that of the other two species a. chlorophenolicus a6 and arthrobacter sp. fb24. the codon bias was also found to be ...201121423891
2,4-d metabolism: pathway of degradation of chlorocatechols by arthrobacter sp. 196921428341
molecular characterization of cold-inducible beta-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. on14 isolated from antarctica.a psychrotrophic bacterium, arthrobacter sp. on14, isolated from antarctica, was shown to exhibit a high beta-galactosidase activity at a low temperature. a genomic library of on14 was constructed and screened for beta-galactosidase genes on functional plates containing 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (x-gal) as the substrate. two different beta-galactosidase genes, named as gala, galb, were found in on14. computational analyses of the genes revealed that the encoded protein ...201121464592
enzymatic assay of phosphatidylethanolamine in serum using amine oxidase from arthrobacter human serum, as for phospholipids not containing choline, phosphatidylethanolamine (pe) exists approximately 5% in a whole phospholipid. pe is well known as one of the main components of biological membranes, and also plays important roles that contribute to apoptosis and cell signaling. however, it could not measure pe with other phospholipids due to a lack of choline in them.201121549106
screening of microorganisms producing cold-active oxidoreductases to be applied in enantioselective alcohol oxidation. an antarctic survey.several microorganisms were isolated from soil/sediment samples of antarctic peninsula. the enrichment technique using (rs)-1-(phenyl)ethanol as a carbon source allowed us to isolate 232 psychrophile/psychrotroph microorganisms. we also evaluated the enzyme activity (oxidoreductases) for enantioselective oxidation reactions, by using derivatives of (rs)-1-(phenyl)ethanol as substrates. among the studied microorganisms, 15 psychrophile/psychrotroph strains contain oxidoreductases that catalyze th ...201121673897
phylogenetic perspectives of nitrogen-fixing was assumed for a long time that the ability to catalyze atmospheric nitrogen (diazotrophy) has a narrow distribution among actinobacteria being limited to the genus frankia. recently, the number of nitrogen fixation (nifh) genes identified in other non-frankia actinobacteria has dramatically increased and has opened investigation on the origin and emergence of diazotrophy among actinobacteria. during the last decade, mycobacterium flavum, corynebacterium autotrophicum and a fluorescent arthr ...201121779790
a multiphasic approach for the identification of endophytic bacterial in strawberry fruit and their potential for plant growth promotion.this study used a multiphasic approach, characterized by the simultaneous use of culture-dependent and culture-independent methods, to investigate endophytic bacterial communities in strawberry (fragaria ananassa) fruit. a total of 92 bacterial endophytes were isolated and initially grouped by their repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep)-pcr banding pattern and biochemical features. phylogenetic analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequences of 45 representatives showed that the isolates belonged to t ...201121837472
biodegradation kinetics of 4-fluorocinnamic acid by a consortium of arthrobacter and ralstonia strains.arthrobacter sp. strain g1 is able to grow on 4-fluorocinnamic acid (4-fca) as sole carbon source. the organism converts 4-fca into 4-fluorobenzoic acid (4-fba) and utilizes the two-carbon side-chain for growth with some formation of 4-fluoroacetophenone as a dead-end side product. we also have isolated ralstonia sp. strain h1, an organism that degrades 4-fba. a consortium of strains g1 and h1 degraded 4-fca with monod kinetics during growth in batch and continuous cultures. specific growth rate ...201121728015
an isofenphos-methyl hydrolase (imh) capable of hydrolyzing the p-o-z moiety of organophosphorus pesticides containing an aryl or heterocyclic group.organophosphorus pesticide (op) hydrolases play key roles in the degradation and decontamination of agricultural and household ops and in the detoxification of chemical warfare agents. in this study, an isofenphos-methyl hydrolase gene (imh) was cloned from the isocarbophos-degrading strain of arthrobacter sp. scl-2 using the polymerase chain reaction method. isofenphos-methyl hydrolase (imh) showed 98% sequence identity with the isofenphos hydrolase from arthrobacter sp. strain b-5. imh was hig ...201122120622
production of xylanase from arthrobacter sp. mtcc 6915 using saw dust as substrate under solid state fermentation.saw dust was used as substrate for xylanase production from arthrobacter sp. mtcc 6915. the study of period of incubation, temperature, ph, carbon, and nitrogen sources for xylanase production was optimized. xylanase production was found to be optimum at an incubation period of 96 hrs (117.0 u/ml), temperature 30°c (105.0 u/ml), and ph 9.0 (102.9 u/ml). the results showed that the xylanase production was found to be higher in the presence of carboxymethylcellulose (176.4 u/ml) and dextrose (126. ...201122013512
complete detoxification of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate by mixed two bacteria, sphingobium sp. strain tcm1 and arthrobacter sp. strain py1.tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (tdcpp), a flame retardant, is regarded as a potentially toxic and persistent environmental contaminant. we previously isolated a tdcpp-degrading bacterium, sphingobium sp. strain tcm1, which, however, produced a toxic metabolite: 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol (1,3-dcp). this study was undertaken to develop a technique for complete tdcpp detoxification using strain tcm1 with a 1,3-dcp-degrading bacterium, arthrobacter sp. strain py1. for efficient detoxification, ...201121956155
a novel transaminase, (r)-amine:pyruvate aminotransferase, from arthrobacter sp. knk168 (ferm bp-5228): purification, characterization, and gene cloning.a novel (r)-amine transaminase, which catalyzed (r)-enantioselective transamination of chiral amine, was purified to homogeneity from arthrobacter sp. knk168 (ferm bp-5228). the molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 148 kda by gel filtration and 37 kda by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, suggesting a homotetrameric structure. the enzyme catalyzed transamination between amines and pyruvate stereo-specifically. the reaction on 1-methylbenzylamine was (r)-enanti ...201122002066
the three-dimensional structure of nylon hydrolase and the mechanism of nylon-6 hydrolysis.we performed x-ray crystallographic analyses of the 6-aminohexanoate oligomer hydrolase (nylc) from agromyces sp. at 2.0 å-resolution. this enzyme is a member of the n-terminal nucleophile (n-tn) hydrolase superfamily that is responsible for the degradation of the nylon-6 industry byproduct. we observed four identical heterodimers (27kda+9kda), which resulted from the autoprocessing of the precursor protein (36kda) and which constitute the doughnut-shaped quaternary structure. the catalytic resi ...201122187439
[High throughput screening atrazine chlorohydrolase mutants with enhanced activity through Haematococcus pluvialis expression system].Developing a high-throughput screening method is of great importance for directed evolution of atrazine chlorohydrolase. A mutagenesis library of atzA from Pseudomonas sp. ADP and Arthrobacter sp. AD1 was constructed using error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling. Candidate mutants were screened through Haematococcus pluvialis expression system, using atrazine as selection pressure. Sequence analysis showed that mutations in the obtained 12 mutants with enhanced activity were all point-substitutions an ...201121847998
Enhancing the recombinant protein expression of halohydrin dehalogenase HheA in Escherichia coli by applying a codon optimization strategy.Halohydrin dehalogenases are attractive biocatalysts in producing a series of important chiral building blocks. Recombinant expression of halohydrin dehalogenase from Arthrobacter sp. AD2 (HheA) in Escherichia coli using T7 promoter-based pGEF(+) system revealed much lower expression level than that of the well-studied halohydrin dehalogenase from Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1 (HheC). In this study, we changed the codon usage in the 5'-end of hheA gene to improve the expression yield of HheA. Ou ...201122112566
construction of escherichia coli-arthrobacter-rhodococcus shuttle vectors based on a cryptic plasmid from arthrobacter rhombi and investigation of their application for functional screening.a cryptic plasmid from arthrobacter rhombi prh1, designated as pprh, was sequenced and characterized. it was 5000 bp in length with a g+c content of 66 mol%. the plasmid pprh was predicted to encode six putative open reading frames (orfs), in which orf2 and orf3 formed the minimal replicon of plasmid pprh and shared 55-61% and 60-69% homology, respectively, with the repa and repb proteins of reported rhodococcal plasmids. sequence analysis revealed a typical cole2-type ori located 45 bp upstream ...201122098420
[study on 2-methylpyridine initial catabolic pathways in arthrobacter sp. km-2mp strain]. 201121861369
impact of pgpr inoculation on growth and antioxidant status of wheat under saline conditions.two plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (pgpr) strains, bacillus subtilis su47 and arthrobacter sp. su18, were found to tolerate 8% nacl. wheat co-inoculated with these two pgpr strains, and grown under different salinity regimes (2-6 ds m(-1) ), showed an increase in dry biomass, total soluble sugars and proline content. wheat sodium content was reduced under co-inoculated conditions but not after single inoculation with either strain or in the control. the activity of antioxidant enzymes in ...201122136617
pathway for degradation of 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol in arthrobacter sp. sjcon.degradation of 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol (2c4np) was studied by arthrobacter sp. sjcon, isolated from the soil of a pesticide contaminated site. this strain utilized 2c4np as sole source of carbon and energy and degraded 2c4np with stoichiometric release of nitrite and chloride ions. a metabolite was detected during the study of 2c4np degradation and identified as chlorohydroquinone (chq) by thin layer chromatography (tlc), high performance liquid chromatography (hplc), and gas chromatography-mass ...201121960016
production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate by arthrobacter sp. a302 using fed-batch fermentation with ph-shift control.the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (camp) by arthrobacter sp. a302 was studied in a 5 l stirred tank fermentor under a range of ph values (6.5-8.0) and glucose feeding rates. in batch fermentation under a controlled ph, the optimum ph for cell growth was 7.5 with dry cell density (x) of 11.43 g l, and the optimum ph for camp accumulation was 7.0 with camp concentration of 7.41 g l. in order to achieve the high x and camp yield simultaneously, a ph-shift control strategy was propose ...201122806787
study on the flocculability of the arthrobacter sp., an actinomycete resuscitated from the vbnc state.a bioflocculant with high flocculating activity, lc13-sf, produced by strain lc13(t) which was in a viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state, and which was woken up by rpf (resuscitation promoting factor), was systematically investigated with regard to its fermentation conditions and flocculating activity. the key parameters influencing the bioflocculant lc13-sf were investigated through measuring the optical density at 660 (od(660)) of the fermentation liquid and the optical density at 550 (od(550 ...201122806783
chemotaxis to atrazine and detection of a xenobiotic catabolic plasmid in arthrobacter sp. dns10.a plasmid named pdns10 was detected from an atrazine-degrading strain arthrobacter sp. dns10 which has been isolated previously in our laboratory.201122351258
[effect of cellulose-decomposing strain on microbial community of cow manure compost].taking the cow dung and straw as composting raw materials, effect of cellulose-decomposing strain on microbial community of cow manure compost was investigated with the traditional culture method and pcr-dgge technique. the results showed that the microbiological inocula showed a more rapid rate of temperature elevation at the start of composting and prolonged the time of high-temperature process and increased the number of microbial. the dgge map of cellulose-decomposing strain compost was diff ...201122279926
cloning of inulin fructotransferase (dfa iii-producing) gene from arthrobacter sp. l68-1.a gene of inulin fructotransferase (dfa iii-producing) [ec] from arthrobacter sp. l68-1 was cloned and the nucleotide was sequenced. the gene encoded a signal peptide (32 amino acid residues) for a secretion, and the mature enzyme protein was estimated to be consisted with 410 amino acid residues. the molecular mass of the native enzyme was calculated as 43.7kda by the sequence data. the deduced amino acid sequence of the enzyme had 79.0% homology with that of the arthrobacter globiform ...201223499085
the paax-type repressor meqr2 of arthrobacter sp. strain rue61a, involved in the regulation of quinaldine catabolism, binds to its own promoter and to catabolic promoters and specifically responds to anthraniloyl coenzyme a.the genes coding for quinaldine catabolism in arthrobacter sp. strain rue61a are clustered on the linear plasmid pal1 in two upper pathway operons (meqabc and meqdef) coding for quinaldine conversion to anthranilate and a lower pathway operon encoding anthranilate degradation via coenzyme a (coa) thioester intermediates. the meqr2 gene, located immediately downstream of the catabolic genes, codes for a paax-type transcriptional repressor. meqr2, purified as recombinant fusion protein, forms a di ...201223275246
Displaying items 401 - 437 of 437