
present status of equine cloning and clinical characterization of embryonic, fetal, and neonatal development of three cloned mules. 200415626219
the effects of ram exposure during progestagen oestrus synchronisation and time of ram introduction post progestagen withdrawal on fertility in ewes.three experiments were undertaken to investigate the effect of a pre-mating ram exposure during progestagen synchronisation treatment on time of breeding, ovulation rate, embryo quality and fertility and any interaction with time of ram introduction for breeding post sponge withdrawal. crossbred ewes in experiment 1a (n = 348), 1b (mule; n = 133) and 2 (n = 58) underwent a 12-14 days synchronisation protocol. three days prior to sponge withdrawal ewes were divided into control (ewes in continued ...200515629803
chronic effects of fumonisin b1 on ducks.partially purified fumonisin b1 (fb1) was orally administrated for 77 d to 5 groups of 8 mule ducks starting at 7 d of age; the concentrations corresponded to 5 diets containing 0, 2, 8, 32, and 128 mg of fb1/kg of feed. no mortality was observed, and no effects on feed consumption and body weight gain were observed at the end of the treatment period. but, surprisingly, fb1 ingested at 32 and 128 mg/kg led to decreased body weight from d 28 to 63 and from d 7 to 63, respectively. fb1 had no effe ...200515685938
effects of dietary fructose on liver steatosis in overfed mule ducks.overfeeding of some waterfowl species results in obesity, which is mainly characterized by a dramatic hepatic steatosis induced by strong accumulation of lipids synthesized from dietary glucose in the liver. in mammals, fructose is known to be able to raise plasma triacylglycerol concentrations significantly; consequently, this may induce obesity. the aim of this study was to assess the effect of partial replacement of dietary glucose provided by corn starch with fructose on metabolism and fatty ...200515702436
control and eradication of african horse sickness with vaccine.african horse sickness (ahs) is an infectious but no-contagious viral disease of equidae with high mortality in horses. the disease is caused by an arthropod-borne double-stranded rna virus within the genus orbivirus of the family reoviridae transmitted by at least two species of culicoides. nine different serotypes have been described. the nine serotypes of ahs have been described in eastern and southern africa. only ahs serotypes 9 and 4 have been found in west africa from where they occasiona ...200415742636
mutator-like element in the yeast yarrowia lipolytica displays multiple alternative splicings.a new type of dna transposon, mutyl, has been identified in the sequenced genome of the yeast yarrowia lipolytica. this transposon is 7,413 bp long and carries two open reading frames (orfs) which potentially encode proteins of 459 and 1,178 amino acids, respectively. whereas the first orf shows no significant homology to previously described proteins, the second orf shows sequence similarities with various mutator-like element (mule)-encoded transposases, including the bacterial transposase sig ...200515755923
an epizootic of equine influenza in upper egypt in 2000.this study describes an epizootic of respiratory tract disease caused by influenza virus infection in a large population of equines in luxor and aswan, upper egypt, during the winter of 2000. the epizootic started in january and the infection rate reached its peak in february before gradually decreasing until the end of april, 2000. horses, donkeys and mules of all ages and both sexes were affected. free movement of the infected equines and direct contact between the animals at markets facilitat ...200415861887
effect of genotype and overfeeding on lipid deposition in myofibres and intramuscular adipocytes of breast and thigh muscles of ducks.we conducted a study to evaluate the effects of genotype (muscovy, pekin and their crossbred, hinny and mule) and overfeeding (14 days from 12 weeks of age) on lipid deposition in myofibres and intramuscular adipocytes of breast and thigh muscles of ducks. birds of the four genotypes were also reared contemporaneously with a growing diet distributed ad libitum. muscle samples (pectoralis major and sartorius) were collected at 14 weeks of age on 8 ducks per treatment. the muscle fibre typing, the ...200515865058
experimental transmission of chronic wasting disease agent from mule deer to cattle by the intracerebral route.this communication reports final observations on experimental transmission of chronic wasting disease (cwd) from mule deer to cattle by the intracerebral route. thirteen calves were inoculated intracerebrally with brain suspension from mule deer naturally affected with cwd. three other calves were kept as uninoculated controls. the experiment was terminated 6 years after inoculation. during that time, abnormal prion protein (prp(res)) was demonstrated in the central nervous system (cns) of 5 cat ...200515945388
comparison of fertility and embryo mortality following artificial insemination of common duck females (anas platyrhynchos) with semen from common or muscovy (cairina moschata) drakes.the purpose of this study was to compare fertility and early embryo mortality rates (< or = 5 days of incubation) following artificial insemination (ai) of common duck females (anas platyrhynchos) with semen from either common or muscovy (cairina moschata) drakes at various periods of the reproductive season (period i, 27-35 weeks; period ii, 39-43 weeks and period iii, 49-56 weeks). based on observations performed by stereomicroscopy on eggs laid from days 2 to 10 after ai, we confirmed that fe ...200515955364
changes in lipid composition of hepatocyte plasma membrane induced by overfeeding in duck.this experiment was carried out to examine the influence of overfeeding ducks with corn on the lipid composition of hepatocyte plasma membrane. seventy-day-old male mule ducks (cairina moschata x anas platyrhynchos) were overfed with corn for 12.5 days in order to induce fatty livers. the cholesterol and phospholipid contents were approximately 50% higher in hepatocyte plasma membranes from fatty livers compared to those of lean livers obtained from non-overfed ducks. however, the cholesterol/ph ...200515964231
pseudostertagia bullosa (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea) in artiodactyl hosts from north america: redescription and comments on systematics.a relationship for pseudostertagia bullosa within the trichostrongyloids has been enigmatic or unresolved. studies of the synlophe in males and females of p. bullosa revealed a tapering system anterior to the deirids and a pattern of parallel ridges extending to near the caudal extremity in both lateral and median fields. structurally, the synlophe differs considerably from that seen among the cooperiinae and exhibits homoplasy with respect to ridge systems among some ostertagiinae. other struct ...200515986613
arf-bp1/mule is a critical mediator of the arf tumor suppressor.although the importance of the arf tumor suppressor in p53 regulation is well established, numerous studies indicate that arf also suppresses cell growth in a p53/mdm2-independent manner. to understand the mechanism of arf-mediated tumor suppression, we identified a ubiquitin ligase, arf-bp1, as a key factor associated with arf in vivo. arf-bp1 harbors a signature hect motif, and its ubiquitin ligase activity is inhibited by arf. notably, inactivation of arf-bp1, but not mdm2, suppresses the gro ...200515989956
mule/arf-bp1, a bh3-only e3 ubiquitin ligase, catalyzes the polyubiquitination of mcl-1 and regulates apoptosis.the elimination of mcl-1, an anti-apoptotic bcl-2 family member, is an early and required step for dna damage-induced apoptosis. the degradation of mcl-1 can be blocked by proteasome inhibitors, suggesting a role for the ubiquitin proteasome pathway in apoptosis. here, we demonstrate that mcl-1 is ubiquinated at five lysines. biochemical fractionation of cell extracts allowed us to identify a 482 kda hect-domain-containing ubiquitin ligase named mule (mcl-1 ubiquitin ligase e3) that is both requ ...200515989957
low frequency of prp genotype 225sf among free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) with chronic wasting disease.the prion protein (prp) gene was characterized in 1482 free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from wyoming and colorado. using dna sequences from 363 deer, dimorphisms at codons 20 (aspartate/glycine) and 225 [serine (s)/phenylalanine (f)] were found; silent changes occurred at codons 131 (tyrosine) and 247 (isoleucine). the remaining samples were surveyed for codon 225 genotype and all were characterized for chronic wasting disease (cwd) infection status. a total of 112 deer with the geno ...200516033959
differentiating among horse (equus caballus), donkey (equus asinus) and their hybrids with combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial gene polymorphism.a novel and brief method of differentiating among horse (equus caballus) and donkey (equus asinus) and their hybrids (mule, e. asinus x e. caballus and hinny, e. caballus x e. asinus) with combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial gene polymorphism (canmgp) was reported in the present report. a nuclear gene, protamine p1 gene of donkey was sequenced and compared with the known horse sequence from genbank while a published equid mitochondrial gene, cytochrome b gene of donkey was compared wi ...200516060497
dogs cloned from adult somatic cells.several mammals--including sheep, mice, cows, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, a mule, a horse and a litter of three rats--have been cloned by transfer of a nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg cell (oocyte) that has had its nucleus removed. this technology has not so far been successful in dogs because of the difficulty of maturing canine oocytes in vitro. here we describe the cloning of two afghan hounds by nuclear transfer from adult skin cells into oocytes that had matured in vivo. together wi ...200516079832
epidemiology of chronic wasting disease in free-ranging mule deer: spatial, temporal, and demographic influences on observed prevalence patterns.we analyzed chronic wasting disease (cwd) prevalence data from mule deer populations in northcentral colorado, usa, to discern the likely influences of temporal, spatial, and demographic factors on patterns observed in naturally infected populations. in addition to reaffirming spatial heterogeneity among wintering mule deer subpopulations, we report marked differences in cwd prevalence by sex and age groups as well as clear local trends of increasing prevalence over a 7-yr period. prevalence of ...200516107661
geographic distribution of the muscle-dwelling nematode parelaphostrongylus odocoilei in north america, using molecular identification of first-stage larvae.molecular identification of dorsal-spined larvae (dsl) from fecal samples indicates that the protostrongylid parasite parelaphostrongylus odocoilei occupies a broader geographic range in western north america than has been previously reported. we analyzed 2,124 fecal samples at 29 locations from thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli dalli and o. d. stonei), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis and o. c. californiana), mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), ...200516108550
chronic wasting disease.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a unique transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (tse) of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (o. virginianus), and rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni). the natural history of cwd is incompletely understood, but it differs from scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) by virtue of its occurrence in nondomestic and free-ranging species. cwd has many features in common with scrapie, including early widespread distribution of disease ...200516145200
locoweed (oxytropis sericea)-induced lesions in mule deer (odocoileius hemionus).locoweed poisoning has been reported in wildlife, but it is unknown whether mule deer (odocoileius hemionus) are susceptible. in areas that are heavily infested with locoweed, deer and elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) have developed a spongiform encephalopathy, chronic wasting disease (cwd). although these are distinct diseases, no good comparisons are available. the purpose of this study was to induce and describe chronic locoweed poisoning in deer and compare it with the lesions of cwd. two groups ...200516145203
bh3-ligand regulates access of mcl-1 to its e3 ligase.a genome wide search for new bh3-containing bcl-2 family members was conducted using position weight matrices (pwm) and identified a large (480kda), novel bh3-only protein, originally called lasu1 (now also known as ureb-1, e3(histone), arf-bp1, and mule). we demonstrated that lasu1 is an e3 ligase that ubiquitinated mcl-1 in vitro and was required for its proteasome-dependent degradation in hela cells. of note, the bh3 domain of lasu1 interacted with mcl-1 but not with bcl-2 or bcl-xl. a compet ...200516213503
a novel subgroup of rhadinoviruses in the course of investigating the malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) subgroup of rhadinoviruses, seven novel rhadinoviruses were identified in a variety of ruminants, including domestic sheep, bighorn sheep, bison, black-tailed deer, mule deer, fallow deer, elk and addax. based on the dna polymerase gene sequences, these newly recognized viruses clustered into a second distinct subgroup in ruminants with three members identified previously in cattle, goats and oryx. phylogenetic analysis revealed ...200516227223
interspecies transmission of chronic wasting disease prions to squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus).chronic wasting disease (cwd) is an emerging prion disease of deer and elk. the risk of cwd transmission to humans following exposure to cwd-infected tissues is unknown. to assess the susceptibility of nonhuman primates to cwd, two squirrel monkeys were inoculated with brain tissue from a cwd-infected mule deer. the cwd-inoculated squirrel monkeys developed a progressive neurodegenerative disease and were euthanized at 31 and 34 months postinfection. brain tissue from the cwd-infected squirrel m ...200516227298
first results of chronic wasting disease (cwd) surveillance in the south-eastern part of belgium.chronic wasting disease (cwd) has not been reported in europe, whereas it is considered to be enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of colorado, wyoming, and nebraska, and new foci of cwd have been detected in other parts of the united states. however, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of european wild cervids has been installed in europe. in accordance with the opinion of the european scientific steering committee, a preliminary (activ ...200516238109
relative vulnerability of chronic wasting disease infected mule deer to vehicle collisions.we estimated chronic wasting disease (cwd) prevalence among vehicle-killed mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in select data analysis units (daus) in northern colorado, usa, and compared these with estimated cwd prevalence among mule deer of the same sex sampled in the vicinity of collision sites to assess relative vulnerability of cwd-infected individuals to vehicle collisions. twenty-five of 171 vehicle-killed mule deer tested positive for cwd (overall prevalence=0.146, 95% confidence interval [c ...200516244060
the rise and fall of psoroptic scabies in bighorn sheep in the san andres mountains, new mexico.between 1978 and 1997, a combination of psoroptic scabies (psoroptes spp.), mountain lion (puma concolor) predation, and periodic drought reduced a population of native desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) in the san andres mountains (sam), new mexico, from >200 individuals to a single ewe. in 1999, this ewe was captured, ensured to be psoroptes-free, and released back into the sam. eleven radio-collared rams were translocated from the red rock wildlife area (rrwa) in new mexico into the sam r ...200516244062
neonatal isoerythrolysis in horse foals and a mule foal: 18 cases (1988-2003).to assess data regarding clinical features, clinicopathologic and blood gas variables, and outcome from horse and mule foals with confirmed neonatal isoerythrolysis (ni).200516266017
serological evidence of west nile virus (wnv) in mammalian species in this study, the sera collected from a variety of mammalian species (ass-mules, cat, cattle, dog, horse, human and sheep) in 10 representative provinces of turkey, were surveyed for the presence of neutralizing antibodies to west nile virus (wnv). overall, 1 of 40 (2.5%) ass-mules, 4 of 100 (4%) cattle, 43 of 114 (37.7%) dogs, 35 of 259 (13.5%) horses, 18 of 88 (20.4%) humans and 1 of 100 (1%) sheep, tested positive for wnv-neutralizing antibodies. the results indicate that a wide range of mam ...200616316496
equine cutaneous non-neoplastic nodular and proliferative lesions in the pacific northwest.a retrospective study examined data on cutaneous nodular and proliferative lesions in horses, donkeys and mules submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory at oregon state university in a 3.5-year period. one hundred and sixteen non-neoplastic nodular and proliferative lesions were identified, comprising 18% of all lesions studied and 6.4% of total equine pathology accessions. exuberant granulation tissue, eosinophilic granuloma, fungal granuloma, cysts and habronaemiasis were most common, ...200516359312
extraction of condensed tannins from cervid feed and feces and quantification using a radial diffusion assay.a radial diffusion assay was employed to quantify condensed tannins (ct) in feed and feces of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (o. virginianus). this biological assay measures the precipitation of bovine serum albumin (bsa), with the area of the precipitation ring being proportional to the amount of extracted ct applied to the well. ct extracted from the bark of white spruce (picea glauca) was used as the standard. ct were extracted with 70% (v/v) aqueous acetone and precipi ...200516365703
inhibition of protease-resistant prion protein formation in a transformed deer cell line infected with chronic wasting disease.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is an emerging transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (prion disease) of north american cervids, i.e., mule deer, white-tailed deer, and elk (wapiti). to facilitate in vitro studies of cwd, we have developed a transformed deer cell line that is persistently infected with cwd. primary cultures derived from uninfected mule deer brain tissue were transformed by transfection with a plasmid containing the simian virus 40 genome. a transformed cell line (mdb) was exposed ...200616378962
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2004.during 2004, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,836 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 8 cases in human beings to the cdc, representing a 4.6% decrease from the 7,170 cases in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings reported in 2003. approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals (compared with 91% and 9%, respectively, in 2003). relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,564 raccoons (37.5%), 1,856 skunks (27.1%), 1,361 bat ...200516379626
evidence of tick-borne organisms in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from the western united mule deer (md; odocoileus hemionus) from arizona and california were tested for evidence of infection with several tick-borne pathogens, including species of ehrlichia, anaplasma, babesia, and borrelia. of 125 mule deer tested from arizona, 29 (23%) and 11 (9%) had antibodies reactive to e. chaffeensis and a. phagocytophilum by indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing, respectively; none of the six md tested from california were seropositive. using a commercial competitive elisa ...200516417431
experimental second passage of chronic wasting disease (cwd(mule deer)) agent to compare clinicopathological findings in first and second passage chronic wasting disease (cwd(mule deer)) in cattle, six calves were inoculated intracerebrally with brain tissue derived from a first-passage cwd-affected calf in an earlier experiment. two uninoculated calves served as controls. the inoculated animals began to lose both appetite and weight 10-12 months later, and five subsequently developed clinical signs of central nervous system (cns) abnormality. by 16.5 months, all cattle h ...200616423572
tonsillar biopsy test for chronic wasting disease: two sampling approaches in mule deer and white-tailed deer.preclinical antemortem testing of deer (odocoileus spp.) for chronic wasting disease (cwd) can be important for determining prevalence rates and removing infected individuals from wild populations. because samples with high numbers of tonsillar follicles are likely to provide earlier detection of cwd than samples with fewer follicles, the method of obtaining follicular samples may be critical when investigating disease prevalence. between january 2003 and january 2005, white-tailed deer (o. virg ...200516456177
epidemiological study of the cystic echinococcosis in morocco.the objectives of this epidemiological study on cystic echinococcosis (ce) in morocco (2001-2004) were to update the prevalence of ce in different animal species living in the most important areas of the country and to collect protoscoleces and germinal layers for genetic research purposes. the post mortem inspection concerned 2948 sheep, 2337 goats, 618 cattle, 482 camels and 455 equines (325 horses, 60 mules and 70 donkeys) in five different regions: the rif (mediterranean coast and high mount ...200616473466
equine cloning: applications and outcomes.cloning is one of several new assisted reproductive techniques being developed for clinical use in the equine industry. potential uses of equine cloning include: (1) the preservation of genetics from individual animals that would otherwise not be able to reproduce, such as geldings; (2) the preservation of genetic material of endangered and/or exotic species, such as the mongolian wild horse (przewalski's horse); and (3) because of the companion animal role that horses fill for some individuals, ...200616478606
histofarcin test for the diagnosis of epizootic lymphangitis in ethiopia: development, optimisation, and validation in the field.histofarcin, a skin test antigen for the diagnosis of epizootic lymphangitis, was locally produced from the mycelial form of histoplasma capsulatum var. farciminosum (hcf) in disease-endemic districts of ethiopia and tested for its application in the field between april 2002 and may 2003. the test was evaluated using 108 mules, 84 in endemic and 24 in disease-free districts. microscopic and mycological examinations of clinical lesions were used as the "gold standard" for the validation of the te ...200616490721
tularemia in a mule deer.a case of tularemia was confirmed in a 51-year-old man who acquired the disease from a mule deer, odocoileus hemionus. francisella tularensis was isolated from bone marrow of the deer carcass.197616498895
experimental infection of domestic sheep and mule deer with elaeophora schneideri wehr and dikmans, 1935. 197016512021
prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in adult and fetal mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from nebraska.toxoplasma gondii is an apicomplexan parasite of mammals and birds. herbivores acquire postnatal infection by ingesting oocysts from contaminated food or water. toxoplasma gondii infection is common in white-tailed deer, odocoileus virginianus, but little is known about the prevalence of infection in mule deer, o. hemionus. we examined sera from 89 mule deer from nebraska for agglutinating antibodies to t. gondii using the modified direct agglutination test (mat) with formalin-fixed tachyzoites ...200516539039
survey of equine cutaneous neoplasia in the pacific northwest.a retrospective study examined data regarding equine cutaneous and mucocutaneous neoplasms submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratory at oregon state university in a 3.5-year period. a total of 536 neoplasms were identified, accounting for 30% of the total equine pathology submissions. sarcoid, squamous cell carcinoma, melanocytic tumors, papillomas, and mast cell tumors were the most common neoplasms, constituting 87.5% of all cutaneous neoplasms. sarcoids represented 51.4% of all neopla ...200616566271
infectivity of histomonas meleagridis in ducks.the susceptibility of mule and muscovy ducks to "blackhead" disease caused by histomonas meleagridis was studied, using an experimental intracloacal inoculation. turkeys were used as controls. morbidity, mortality and body weight gain were recorded regularly during the experiments. a direct examination of the caecal content was made to determine the absence or presence of the parasite. gross and microscopic lesions were observed on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 post infection to evaluate any clinica ...200616595302
hausp as a therapeutic target for hematopoietic tumors (review).p53, one of the most important tumor suppressor proteins, plays an essential role in regulating the cell cycle and apoptosis by sensing the integrity of genome. therefore, the level of p53 protein is critical for normal cellular homeostasis, and is known to be subtly regulated by ubiquitination and deubiquitination systems. numerous genetic alterations of p53 have been reported in all types of tumors. in hematopoietic tumors, the mutations of p53 gene are rare compared with solid tumors, which s ...200616596237
the arf tumour suppressor.the arf tumour suppressor is a product of the ink4a/arf locus; a sequence that is frequently altered in human cancer. arf is upregulated by oncogenic stimuli and is a critical regulator of p53 stability through interactions with the mdm2 and arf-bp1/mule ubiquitin ligases. cellular stress signals liberate arf from the nucleolus where it is bound to b23/nucleophosmin. this nucleolar location of arf may serve as a reservoir for the rapid induction of p53, but may also serve to co-ordinate effects ...200616600663
comparison of two automated immunohistochemical procedures for the diagnosis of scrapie in domestic sheep and chronic wasting disease in north american white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).two commercially available automated immunohistochemistry platforms, ventana nexes and dakocytomation autostainer universal staining system, were compared for diagnosing sheep scrapie and cervid chronic wasting disease. both automated platforms used the same antiprion protein monoclonal primary antibodies, but different platform-specific linker and amplification reagents and procedures. duplicate sections of brainstem (at the level of the obex) and lymphoid tissue (retropharyngeal lymph node or ...200616617694
cytogenetic monitoring of domestic mammals exposed to wastewaters from the localities of dladla and boukallou near settat, morocco.the aim of this work was to know the biological impact of wastewaters on livestock in the localities of dladla and boukallou (town of settat, morocco), where wastewaters are largely used by the local population for their agricultural activities. we used the micronucleus (mn) test in cytochalasin b blocked binucleated cells (bnc) to assess the possible induced genetic effects. the cellular proliferation index (pi) was also calculated. blood samples were collected from sheep, bovines and mules and ...200616626806
arf-bp1 as a potential therapeutic this review, we discuss the recent identification of arf-bp1 (also known as mule, ureb1, e3(histone), lasu1, and hecth9). arf-bp1, a hect domain-containing e3 ubiquitin ligase, interacts with arf and p53. its ubiquitin ligase activity is inhibited by arf. inactivation of arf-bp1 stabilised p53 and induced apoptosis. notably, inactivation of arf-bp1 also caused cell growth repression in p53-null cells and breast cancer cells with mutant p53. thus, arf-bp1 emerges as a novel therapeutic target ...200616641901
effects of intramuscular fat levels on sensory characteristics of duck breast meat.we conducted a study to evaluate the effects of intramuscular fat levels on the sensory characteristics of duck breast meat. combining duck genotypes (muscovy, pekin, and their crossbreed hinny and mule ducks) and feeding levels (overfeeding between 12 and 14 wk of age vs. ad libitum feeding) enabled us to obtain a wide range of lipid levels in breast muscle. the average values were between 2.55 and 6.40 g per 100 g of muscle. breast muscle from overfed ducks showed higher lipid and lower water ...200616673772
gastrointestinal parasitic worms in equines in the paraíba valley, state of são paulo, brazil.over a period of 12 years, from 1988 to 2000, a total of 20 individual equines (16 horses and 4 mules) were selected at random, from 10 municipalities in the paraíba valley, in the state of são paulo, brazil, and then subjected to necropsy for collection of gastrointestinal worms. individual samples of 10% of the intestinal contents were also taken for counting and identifying the species present, and to establish the prevalence of worms in equine species in the paraíba valley. in the sample con ...200616687215
determining prevalence of bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses in mule deer in arizona (usa) using whole blood dried on paper strips compared to serum analyses.we investigated the feasibility of using whole blood dried on paper strips as a means to collect antibody prevalence data for the epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses (ehdv) and bluetongue viruses (btv) from hunter-harvested male mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in october 2002 from arizona, usa. we compared antibody prevalence estimates in mule deer from paired paper strip and serum samples. prevalence data obtained from elution of dried blood on paper strips proved to be consistent with result ...200616699159
spatial context influences patch residence time in foraging hierarchies.understanding responses of organisms to spatial heterogeneity in resources has emerged as a fundamentally important challenge in contemporary ecology. we examined responses of foraging herbivores to multi-scale heterogeneity in plants. we asked the question, "is the behavior observed at coarse scales in a patch hierarchy the collective outcome of fine scale behaviors or, alternatively, does the spatial context at coarse scales entrain fine scale behavior?" to address this question we created a n ...200616705439
linking chronic wasting disease to mule deer movement scales: a hierarchical bayesian approach.observed spatial patterns in natural systems may result from processes acting across multiple spatial and temporal scales. although spatially explicit data on processes that generate ecological patterns, such as the distribution of disease over a landscape, are frequently unavailable, information about the scales over which processes operate can be used to understand the link between pattern and process. our goal was to identify scales of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) movement and mixing that ...200616827000
first chronic wasting disease (cwd) surveillance of roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in the northern part of belgium.cases of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in wild cervids have yet not been reported in europe, whereas the disease is considered enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of colorado, wyoming, and nebraska. new foci of cwd continue to be detected in other parts of the united states. however, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of european wild cervids is yet installed in europe. in accordance with the opinion of the european scientific steering ...200616841567
transmission of elk and deer prions to transgenic mice.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a fatal prion disease in deer and elk. unique among the prion diseases, it is transmitted among captive and free-ranging animals. to facilitate studies of the biology of cwd prions, we generated five lines of transgenic (tg) mice expressing prion protein (prp) from rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), denoted tg(elkprp), and two lines of tg mice expressing prp common to white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), denote ...200616940522
does overfeeding enhance genotype effects on liver ability for lipogenesis and lipid secretion in ducks?we evaluated the effects of genotype (muscovy, pekin and their crossbreed hinny and mule ducks) and feeding levels (overfeeding between 12 and 14 weeks of age vs ad libitum feeding) on liver ability for lipogenesis and lipid secretion in ducks. samples of liver and blood were collected at 14 weeks of age from 8 birds per group. plasma levels of insulin was considerably increased in overfed ducks (1.9-fold), stimulating the hepatic activity of the main enzymes involved in lipogenesis from glucose ...200616963298
[glanders--a comprehensive review].since 1990 the number of glanders outbreaks in race, military and pleasure horses in asia and south america is steadily increasing. glanders, which is eradicated in western europe, australia and northern america, is currently considered a re-emerging disease. consequently, the disease may be introduced into glanders-free regions by subclinical carriers at any time. the causative agent of glanders, burkholderia (b.) mallei, is highly contagious and leads to chronic disease in horses whereas in do ...200617009807
prion protein in cardiac muscle of elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) infected with chronic wasting investigate the possible presence of disease-associated prion protein (prp(d)) in striated muscle of chronic wasting disease (cwd)-affected cervids, samples of diaphragm, tongue, heart and three appendicular skeletal muscles from mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) and moose (alces alces shirasi) were examined by elisa, western immunoblot and immunohistochemistry (ihc). prp(d) was detected in samples of heart muscle from se ...200617030881
patterns of prpcwd accumulation during the course of chronic wasting disease infection in orally inoculated mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).patterns of abnormal prion protein (prp) accumulation during the course of chronic wasting disease (cwd) infection were studied and the distribution and timing of disease-associated prp (prp(cwd)) deposition and lesions in 19 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) 90-785 days after oral inoculation were described. prp(cwd) deposition occurred relatively rapidly and widely in lymphoid tissues, later in central and peripheral nervous tissues and sporadically in a variety of tissues and organs in terminal ...200617030882
sequence analysis of the msp4 gene of anaplasma ovis strains.anaplasma ovis (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) is a tick-borne pathogen of sheep, goats and wild ruminants. the genetic diversity of a. ovis strains has not been well characterized due to the lack of sequence information. in this study, we evaluated bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from montana for infection with a. ovis by serology and sequence analysis of the msp4 gene. antibodies to anaplasma spp. were detected in 37% and 39% of bighorn sheep and mule deer ...200717052866
test for detection of disease-associated prion aggregate in the blood of infected but asymptomatic animals.we have developed a sensitive in vitro assay for detecting disease-associated prion aggregates by combining an aggregation-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (as-elisa) with the fluorescent amplification catalyzed by t7 rna polymerase technique (factt). the new assay, named aggregation-specific factt (as-factt), is much more sensitive than as-elisa and could detect prion aggregates in the brain of mice as early as 7 days after an intraperitoneal inoculation of prp(sc). however, as-factt ...200717079434
does overfeeding enhance genotype effects on energy metabolism and lipid deposition in breast muscle of ducks?we evaluated the effects of genotype (muscovy, pekin and their crossbreed hinny and mule ducks) and feeding levels (overfeeding between 12 and 14 weeks of age vs ad libitum feeding) on energy metabolism and lipid deposition in breast muscle of ducks. samples of breast muscle (pectoralis major) were collected at 14 weeks of age from 8 birds per group. overfeeding induced an accumulation of lipids in breast muscle (1.5- to 1.7-fold, depending on genotype) mainly induced by triglyceride deposition. ...200617081789
oral transmission of chronic wasting disease in captive shira's moose.three captive shira's moose (alces alces shirasi) were orally inoculated with a single dose (5 g) of whole-brain homogenate prepared from chronic wasting disease (cwd)-affected mule deer (odocoileus hemionus). all moose died of causes thought to be other than cwd. histologic examination of one female moose dying 465 days postinoculation revealed spongiform change in the neuropil, typical of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. immunohistochemistry staining for the proteinase-resistant isofor ...200617092895
effect of feeding rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid on carcass characteristics and fatty acid composition of sheep tissues.two experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of a rumen-protected cla (pcla) supplement and the impact of feeding this pcla on carcass characteristics and tissue fatty acid composition of lambs. in exp. 1, a cla-80 preparation (80% pure cla; contained similar proportions of cis-9, trans-11, and trans-10, cis-12 cla), protected against rumen degradation, was fed to sheep, and the proportion of cla reaching the duodenum was determined. a 3 x 3 latin square design was used with 3 d ...200617093239
passage of chronic wasting disease prion into transgenic mice expressing rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) prpc.chronic wasting disease (cwd) of elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) is one of three naturally occurring forms of prion disease, the others being creutzfeldt-jakob disease in humans and scrapie in sheep. in the last few decades, cwd has spread among captive and free-ranging cervids in 13 us states, two canadian provinces and recently in korea. the origin of the cwd agent(s) in cervids is not known. this study describes the development of a transgenic mouse line (tgel ...200617098997
use of cisplatin-containing biodegradable beads for treatment of cutaneous neoplasia in equidae: 59 cases (2000-2004).to determine outcome for equids with cutaneous neoplasms treated with cisplatin-containing biodegradable beads, alone or in conjunction with debulking.200617107319
detection of prp(cwd) in postmortem rectal lymphoid tissues in rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) infected with chronic wasting disease.preclinical diagnostic tests for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies have been described for mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), using biopsy tissues of palatine tonsil, and for sheep, using lymphoid tissues from palatine tonsil, third eyelid, and rectal mucosa. the utility of examining the rectal mucosal lymphoid tissues to detect chronic wasting disease (cwd) was investigated in rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), a species for which there is not a live-animal diagnostic test. post ...200617121082
transmission of chronic wasting disease of mule deer to suffolk sheep following intracerebral determine the transmissibility of chronic wasting disease (cwd) to sheep, 8 suffolk lambs of various prion protein genotypes (4 arq/arr, 3 arq/arq, 1 arq/vrq at codons 136, 154, and 171, respectively) were inoculated intracerebrally with brain suspension from mule deer with cwd (cwdmd). two other lambs were kept as noninoculated controls. within 36 months postinoculation (mpi), 2 inoculated animals became sick and were euthanized. only 1 sheep (euthanized at 35 mpi) showed clinical signs that ...200617121083
the natural history of the wrky-gcm1 zinc fingers and the relationship between transcription factors and transposons.wrky and gcm1 are metal chelating dna-binding domains (dbd) which share a four stranded fold. using sensitive sequence searches, we show that this wrky-gcm1 fold is also shared by the flywch zn-finger domain and the dbds of two classes of mutator-like element (mule) transposases. we present evidence that they share a stabilizing core, which suggests a possible origin from a bed finger-like intermediate that was in turn ultimately derived from a c2h2 zn-finger domain. through a systematic study o ...200617130173
variability of plasma melatonin level in pony mares (equus caballus), comparison with the hybrid: mules and with jennies (equus asinus).in long-day breeders like horses, the length of nocturnal melatonin secretion is the main messenger of photoperiod. previous studies have shown that the nocturnal jugular melatonin concentration is lower in horses, than in mules but is unknown in donkeys. the aim of this study was to estimate the inter-animal variability of plasma melatonin concentration in domestic mares and to compare this concentration with those observed in domestic jennies and in their hybrid mules. in the autumn, blood sam ...200617169310
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2005.during 2005, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,417 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the cdc, representing a 6.2% decrease from the 6,836 cases in nonhuman animals and 8 cases in human beings reported in 2004. approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,534 raccoons (39.5%), 1,478 skunks (23%), 1,408 bats (21.9%), 376 foxes (5.9%), 269 cats (4.2%), 93 cat ...200617173527
molecular and cytogenetic paternity testing of a male offspring of a alleged male foal of a female mule, whose sire and grandparents were unknown, was identified for its pedigree. parentage testing was conducted by comparing polymorphism of 12 microsatellite dna sites and mitochondrial d-loop sequences of the male foal and the female mule. both the sequence analysis of species-specific dna fragments and a cytogenetic analysis were performed to identify the species of the foal and its parents. the results showed that the alleged female mule is actually a hinny, ...200617177697
high prevalence of west nile virus: a continuing risk in acquiring infection from a mosquito bite.the prevalence of west nile virus (wnv) was evaluated by diplex real-time rt-pcr assay for the years 2001-2005 in culex species of mosquitoes, several species of dead birds, and clinically suspected mammals collected in kansas. the analysis was performed using a taqman-based diplex real-time rt-pcr assay targeted against two regions of the wnv genome, envelope glycoprotein gene and 3' untranslated region. the assay aided in the accurate detection of wnv in mosquitoes at high prevalence for the y ...200617187569
dynamics of prion disease transmission in mule deer.chronic wasting disease (cwd), a contagious prion disease of the deer family, has the potential to severely harm deer populations and disrupt ecosystems where deer occur in abundance. consequently, understanding the dynamics of this emerging infectious disease, and particularly the dynamics of its transmission, has emerged as an important challenge for contemporary ecologists and wildlife managers. although cwd is contagious among deer, the relative importance of pathways for its transmission re ...200617205898
molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the cdna encoding thyroid-stimulating hormone beta-subunit of common duck and mule duck pituitaries: in vitro regulation of steady-state tshbeta mrna level.for better understanding of phylogenetic diversity and evolution of pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh) in birds, we have cloned the cdnas encoding tsh beta subunit (tshbeta), by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) from two species of domestic ducks, common duck (tsaiya duck and pekin duck) (anas platyrhynchos domesticus) and mule duck (hybrid of male muscovy duck cairina moschata and female a. platyrhynchos domesticus). th ...200717215160
retrospective investigation of chronic wasting disease of cervids at the toronto zoo, 1973-2003.the occurrence of chronic wasting disease (cwd) at the toronto zoo was investigated retrospectively, based on an examination of management, animal health, and postmortem records, and immunohistochemical studies. records of animal movements, clinical signs, and postmortem findings were examined for all cervids 1973-2003. all available samples of fixed, wax-embedded lymphoid or central nervous system tissue from cervids that died at the toronto zoo from 1973 to 2003, > 12 months of age, were teste ...200617217088
factors affecting birth weight in sheep: maternal environment.knowledge of factors affecting variation in birth weight is especially important given the relationship of birth weight to neonatal and adult health. the present study utilises two large contemporary datasets in sheep of differing breeds to explore factors that influence weight at term. for dataset one (study 1; n=154 blue-faced leicester x swaledale (mule) and 87 welsh mountain ewes, 315 separate cases of birth weight), lamb birth weight as the outcome measure was related to maternal characteri ...200717244755
transmission and adaptation of chronic wasting disease to hamsters and transgenic mice: evidence for vitro screening using the cell-free prion protein conversion system indicated that certain rodents may be susceptible to chronic wasting disease (cwd). therefore, cwd isolates from mule deer, white-tailed deer, and elk were inoculated intracerebrally into various rodent species to assess the rodents' susceptibility and to develop new rodent models of cwd. the species inoculated were syrian golden, djungarian, chinese, siberian, and armenian hamsters, transgenic mice expressing the syrian gold ...200717287284
first observation of elaeophora schneideri wehr and dikmans, 1935 (nematoda:filariidae) in mule deer from nebraska.between november 2000 and november 2005, approximately 200 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) from western nebraska were extensively examined for the presence of elaeophora schneideri, wehr and dikmans, 1935; three adult e. schneideri were detected from three mule deer. this represents the first documented occurrence of e. schneideri from wild deer in nebraska.200717347405
the effect of a topical anaesthetic formulation, systemic flunixin and carprofen, singly or in combination, on cortisol and behavioural responses of merino lambs to determine the pain responses of lambs to mulesing, and the effectiveness of potential analgesic treatments.200717359309
the morphology of the filaroid nematode setaria tundra, the cause of peritonitis in reindeer rangifer finland during 2003-2005, large numbers of nematodes, tentatively identified as setaria sp., were observed in the peritoneal cavity of reindeer rangifer tarandus during a peritonitis outbreak associated with poor body condition. the morphology of worms recovered from slaughtered reindeer is described based on light and scanning electron microscopy. worms were confirmed as belonging to the superfamily filarioidea by the presence of microfilariae-producing females and the size and the shape of ...200717381867
dermatomycosis (ringworm) in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).six mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) with dermatomycosis are described. trichophyton verrucosum was isolated from four. all infections were mild and were not debilitating. the lesions involved the legs in five animals and the face in two. this is the second report of ringworm in a wild ungulate in north america.198317422319
saskatchewan. prevalence of campylobacter jejuni in pronghorns and mule deer in southern saskatchewan. 199017423564
british columbia. besnoitia infection in game-farmed reindeer: a trial to determine susceptibility of domestic cattle and mule deer. 199217423941
nasal rhinosporidiosis in a mule.a mass was removed from the nostril of a mule that exhibited unilateral epistaxis and nasal discharge. impression smears revealed oval structures consistent with spores of rhinosporidium seeberi. microscopically, the mass was composed of fibrovascular granulomatous tissue containing sporangia r. seeberi. surgical excision and antifungal treatment proved curative.200717436910
chronic wasting disease of deer and elk in transgenic mice: oral transmission and study the pathogenesis of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in deer and elk, transgenic (tg) mice were generated that expressed the prion protein (prp) of deer containing a glycine at amino acid (aa) 96 and a serine at aa 225 under transcriptional control of the murine prp promoter. this construct was introduced into murine prp-deficient mice. as anticipated, neither non-tg mice nor prp ko mice were susceptible when inoculated intracerebrally (i.c.) or orally with cwd brain material (scrapie pool ...200717451773
the introduction of rams induces an increase in pulsatile lh secretion in cyclic ewes during the breeding season.application of the ram effect during the breeding season has been previously disregarded because the ewe reproductive axis is powerfully inhibited by luteal phase progesterone concentrations. however, anovulatory ewes treated with exogenous progestagens respond to ram introduction with an increase in lh concentrations. we therefore tested whether cyclic ewes would respond to ram introduction with an increase in pulsatile lh secretion at all stages of the estrous cycle. we did two experiments usi ...200717477966
a meta-baci approach for evaluating management intervention on chronic wasting disease in mule deer.advances in acquiring and analyzing the spatial attributes of data have greatly enhanced the potential utility of wildlife disease surveillance data for addressing problems of ecological or economic importance. we present an approach for using wildlife disease surveillance data to identify areas for (or of) intervention, to spatially delineate paired treatment and control areas, and then to analyze these nonrandomly selected sites in a meta-analysis framework via before-after-control impact (bac ...200717479841
equine stomach worm, drashia megastoma (spirurida: habronematidae): first sem report.drashia megastoma (spirurida: habronematidae) occurs in nodules in the stomach wall and rarely free in the stomach of the horse, mule and zebra throughout the world. d. megastoma develops in the housefly musca domestica and causes gastric haemorrhage or even perforation of the stomach. larvae of this nematode may be found in the lung, skin and eye of the host. scanning electron microscopy (sem) was used to study the surface ultrastructure of adult worms of this nematode. in both sexes, the head ...200717487510
virologic findings in selected free-range mule duck farms at high risk for avian influenza infection.prevalence of avian influenza infection in free-range mule ducks (a cross between muscovy [cairina moschata domesticus] and pekin ducks [anas platyrhychos domesticus]) is a matter of concern and deserves particular attention. thus, cloacal swabs were collected blindly from 30 targeted mule flocks at 4, 8, and 12 wk of age between october 2004 and january 2005. they were stored until selection. on the basis of a positive h5 antibody detection at 12 wk of age with the use of four h5 antigens, the ...200717494595
prion protein genes in caribou from alaska.prion protein genes were sequenced in free-ranging alaska caribou (rangifer tarandus grantii). caribou prion alleles are identical or nearly so to those of wapiti, white-tailed deer, and mule deer. five single-nucleotide polymorphisms were detected with substitutions at residues 2 (v-->m), 129 (g-->s), 138 (s-->n), 146 (n-->n), and 169 (v-->m). the 138n codon had been previously reported only in prion pseudogenes of other cervids. in caribou, the 138s and 138n alleles are present at frequencies ...200717495306
long-term outcome associated with intratumoral chemotherapy with cisplatin for cutaneous tumors in equidae: 573 cases (1995-2004).to determine outcome associated with cutaneous tumors treated via intratumoral chemotherapy with cisplatin and identify risk factors affecting local tumor control and complications in equidae.200717504043
deer exposed to exceptionally high concentrations of lead near the continental mine in idaho, usa.habitat surrounding the inactive continental mine in northern idaho, usa, supports bear (ursus arctos, ursus americanus), moose (alces alces), elk (cervus elaphus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), and abundant mule (odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). tailings on the mining site were capped and remediated in 2003 to reduce environmental exposure of surrounding soil and sediments of blue joe creek, downslope of the mine. before capping, the mean pb c ...200717521153
prpcwd in rectal lymphoid tissue of deer (odocoileus spp.).the utility of rectal lymphoid tissue sampling for the diagnosis of chronic wasting disease (cwd) infections in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) was evaluated. cwd-associated prion protein (prp(cwd)) deposits were observed in the rectal mucosa from 19 orally inoculated mule deer by 381 days post-inoculation (p.i.); similarly, 45 out of 50 naturally infected mule deer had prp(cwd) in their rectal mucosa. in orally inoculated white-tailed deer, the pre ...200717554043
cdc6 stability is regulated by the huwe1 ubiquitin ligase after dna damage.the cdc6 protein is an essential component of pre-replication complexes (prercs), which assemble at origins of dna replication during the g1 phase of the cell cycle. previous studies have demonstrated that, in response to ionizing radiation, cdc6 is ubiquitinated by the anaphase promoting complex (apc(cdh1)) in a p53-dependent manner. we find, however, that dna damage caused by uv irradiation or dna alkylation by methyl methane sulfonate (mms) induces cdc6 degradation independently of p53. we fu ...200717567951
susceptibility of cattle to first-passage intracerebral inoculation with chronic wasting disease agent from white-tailed deer.fourteen, 3-month-old calves were intracerebrally inoculated with the agent of chronic wasting disease (cwd) from white-tailed deer (cwdwtd) to compare the clinical signs and neuropathologic findings with those of certain other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tse, prion diseases) that have been shown to be experimentally transmissible to cattle (sheep scrapie, cwd of mule deer [cwdmd], bovine spongiform encephalopathy [bse], and transmissible mink encephalopathy). two uninoculated cal ...200717606510
effect of time and temperature on prpcwd immunoreactivity as evidenced by western blot.the protease-resistant infectious prion protein, prpres, that causes transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, is remarkably resistant to conventional physical and chemical sterilization methods, including heat. it was hypothesized that thermal-dependent prpres degradation has been underestimated, and the effect of prolonged incubation at 37 degrees c, 55 degrees c, and 80 degrees c on prpres detection was examined using brain homogenates from chronic wasting disease-affected elk and mule deer ...200717609348
short term, repeated exposure to rams during the transition into the breeding season improves the synchrony of mating in the breeding season.the ram effect is widely used in mediterranean breeds of sheep but its use in temperate genotypes is restricted by breed seasonality. however, ewes from these highly seasonal genotypes are sensitive to stimulation by rams close to the onset of the natural breeding season. in this study we developed a pre-mating protocol of repeated, short-term exposure to rams (fence-line contact or vasectomised rams) beginning during late anoestrus and continuing into the breeding season. we hypothesised that t ...200817616281
epidemiological characteristics of an invading parasite: dicrocoelium dendriticum in sympatric wapiti and beef cattle in southern alberta, canada.previous surveys of wild ungulates indicate that the liver fluke, dicrocoelium dendriticum, was rare in the cypress hills area of southeastern alberta. however, 41 of 59 wapiti (cervus elaphus) sampled during the 2003 and 2004 hunting seasons from this region were infected, with 7 hosts containing >1,000 worms. prevalence and mean intensity were similarly high in sympatric beef cattle and mule deer. worm abundance in wapiti was age related, with calves containing significantly higher numbers of ...200717626339
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