
hyperemia and brain swelling after recanalized cerebral infarction. superficial and deep cerebral microvasculature changes after temporary occlusion of a middle cerebral artery in cats. 1977268761
possible molecular mechanisms of barbiturate-mediated protection in regional cerebral ischemia. 1977268765
role of local tissue hypoxia in the vasodilation of hypotension and arterial hypoxemia. 1977268788
reduction of seizure-induced cerebral vasodilation by increased local delivery of oxygen. 1977268793
neuronal activity and focal flow in experimental seizures. 1977268794
a model of diaschisis in the cat using middle cerebral artery occlusion. 1977268796
a blood flow increase in response to a visual stimulus in the awake isolated cerebrum. 1977268802
the time course of the cerebrovascular response to transient hypoxia and to transient haemorrhagic hypotension. 1977268810
nonparticipation of cholinergic mechanism in chemical control of cerebral vasomotor activity. 1977268814
variations in resistance of larger and smaller parts of cerebral arteries with co2 inhalation, exsanguination, and vasodilator administration. 1977268815
intracranial pressure and cerebral compliance during hypotension induced by sodium nitroprusside. 1977268817
cbf in hemorrhagic vs nitroprusside induced hypotension. 1977268818
focal cerebral ischemia caused by spasms of intracerebral arterioles. 1977268823
barbiturate loading following prolonged ischemia of the cat brain. 1977268838
in vivo evaluation of histamine receptors at pial arteries. 1977268840
the effect of pial perivascular chloride on the diameters of small pial arteries. 1977268843
pial vessel reactions in acute arterial hypertension and their relation to the origin of brain edema. 1977268845
cerebral blood flow autoregulation to acutely increasing blood pressure during sympathetic stimulation. 1977268873
role of perivascular sympathetic nerves in autoregulation of cerebral blood flow and in blood-brain barrier functions. 1977268889
influence of brain tissue pressure gradients on cbf distribution studied by single-dye-passage technique in cerebral cryogenic injury. 1977268891
oxygen tension on the brain surface during hypotension induced by haemorrhage, trimetaphan or sodium nitroprusside. 1977268892
eeg, cerebral metabolic disorder and intracranial pressure in experimental brain edema before and after therapy. 1977268896
assessment of rapid changes in local cerebral blood volume and cortical redox state during autoregulation. 1977268907
effects of haemorrhagic hypotension on the cerebral circulation. 1977268911
method to quantify uptake of radiophosphorus in therapy of metastatic bone disease using 99tcm radiophosphate. 1977268991
dental electroanalgesia: reversibility of impedance changes seen following application of direct current to dentin. 1977269212
the effect of prolonged inactivity upon the contraction characteristics of fast and slow mammalian twitch muscle.1. prolonged inactivity of soleus (slow twitch) and medial head of flexor digitorum longus (fast twitch: previously commonly known as flexor hallucis longus and hereafter referred to as fdl) muscles of the cat was produced by sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia or spinal isolation. isometric contraction characteristics were examined after 4-22 days and 8-49 days respectively.2. sleep of up to 3 weeks' duration was associated with progressive changes in the weight, maximum tetanic tension, speed of ...1977269263
microvascular supply of skeletal muscle fibres. a microangiographic, histochemical and intravital microscopic study of hind limb muscles in the rat, rabbit and cat. 1977269643
animal disease information processing. epidemiologic analyses of the feline urological syndrome. 1977269652
the radiology of bone and soft tissue sarcomas.solitary lesions of bone often have characteristic radiographic patterns that suggest the diagnosis of a specific bone tumor. differentiation of tumor from infection, however, frequently may be impossible, and the majority of bone lesions require biopsy for histologic confirmation of the type of tumor or for identification of the infectious organism. soft tissue masses, unlike bone tumors, most commonly look alike. they too require biopsy, but in this case to distinguish a benign mass from a sof ...1977270087
submandibular gland enlargement. 1977270565
the spinocervical tract as a possible pathway for muscular decerebrate and chloralose-anaesthetized spinal cats, micro-electrode recordings were made from axons of the spinocervical tract (sct) during intra-arterial injection of bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine and potassium into the gastrocnemius-soleus (gs) muscle. the results suggest that muscular group iv and group iii afferent units which respond to the above painful stimulation project into the sct. the portion of sct units that could be activated by injections of these algesic substances into t ...1977270587
age and treatment response in acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia.treatment of older acute leukemia patients has been the subject of recent debate. we treated 101 acute leukemia patients in a prospective randomized trial. fifty-seven per cent of the population was over 50. half were treated with a mild induction program (vamp) and half with a vigorous program (cat). the older patients who received vigorous treatment did better than those who received mild treatment. we suggest that patients over 50 should be regarded as a separate category in design of treatme ...1978271171
better cats. 1977271895
studies on an iron-poly(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex for parenteral treatment of iron deficiency anaemia.a preparation containing an iron-poly(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex for parenteral treatment of iron deficiency anaemia is described. the physical and chemical properties of the iron complex have been studied by using electrophoresis and gel permeation chromatography. a rapid absorption from the injection site after intramuscular administration to rabbits takes place, 70% of the iron being absorbed after 24-48 hours. thereafter, the absorption rate is slower, and 32 days after the injection 94 ...1977272030
pharmacological studies on an iron-poly-(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex for parenteral treatment of iron deficiency anaemia.intravenous injection of the iron-poly(sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex (ipsg) to cats anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone caused a transient decrease in mean arterial blood pressure and a temporary increase in central venous pressure, heart rate and femoral blood flow at large doses (cumulative doses up to 744 mg/kg). tachyphylaxis developed upon repeated administration. a temporary reduction in the magnitude of the blood pressure responses to noradrenaline and isoprenaline was obtained aft ...1977272036
ultrastructure and degeneration analysis of the nerve fibres of the tooth pulp in the cat. 1977272143
comparative effects of hallucinogenic drugs on behavior of the cat. 1977272265
graphic digitizer analysis of the myelinated axon spectrum in the inferior alveolar nerve of the cat.the diameter spectrum and other parameters indicating size and shape of myelinated axons were established in a cross-section of the inferior alveolar nerve obtained at the mandibular foramen. the spectrum is bimodal with approximately equal numbers of axons in the aalpha and adelta-range, in contrast to unimodal spectra of certain branches contributing to the inferior alveolar nerve.1977272397
absence of evidence for an intermediate in the deacetylation of acetylchymotrypsin.a recent paper [chibber, b. a. k., tomich, j. m., mertz, e. t. & viswanatha, t. (1977) proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 74, 510-514] presented evidence that was taken to support the existence of an intermediate in the deacetylation of acetylchymotrypsin. it was observed that deacylation, as measured by following the decrease in [(14)c]acetylchymotrypsin (decrease in acid-precipitable radioactivity), occurred at 1/10 the rate of reactivation, as measured by return of activity toward n-acetyl-l-tyrosine ...1978272631
haloxon as an anthelmintic for dogs and cats. 1977272801
effect of glucocorticosteroids on the release of prostaglandin-like substances in anaphylaxis.during anaphylactic reactions there are released thromboxane a2 and/or prostaglandin-like substances from perfused guinea pig lungs and from incubated fragments of guinea pig mesentery. prostaglandin-like substances appear also in mixed venous blood of anaesthetized cats following an intravenous injection of rabbit blood. these release reactions are reduced or abolished both by indomethacin and by hydrocortisone.1977272844
amputation and doxorubicin for treatment of canine and feline osteogenic sarcoma. 1978272987
[the effect of local anesthetics and injuries on the angiographic picture of the cat mandibular blood vessels].the authors examined the effects of local anesthetics and traumata (traumatic dental extractions) on the angiographic picture of the mandibular vessels of the cat in the 10th, 70th and 120th minutes. the application of local anaesthetics results in a reduced filling of the inferior alveolar artery in the 10th and 70th minutes. the picture returns to normal in the 120th minute. the traumatic extraction produces more marked changes up to complete spasm of the vascular system of the common carotid ...1978273324
electron microscopy of adrenergic, cholinergic, and "p-type" nerves in the myometrium, and a special kind of synaptic contacts with the smooth muscle cells. 1977273381
modification of "c" synapses following partial central deafferentation of thoracic motoneurones. 1978273463
[pharmacological studies of chinese herbs. (6) pharmacological effects of epiphyllum oxypetalum haw (author's transl)]. 1977273654
the effect of diphenidol on ouabain cardiotoxicity in the cat.the capacity of diphenidol to influence ouabain-induced cardiotoxicity was studied in anaesthetized cats with and without spinal cord transection. 2 diphenidol pretreatment increased the lethal dose of ouabain in both intact cats and cats in which the spinal cords had been transected. diphenidol pretreatment increased the myocardial content of ouabain associated with death in the intact animals, but failed to influence the lethal ventricular concentration in cats with transected spinal cords. 3 ...1978274164
on the initiation of the swing phase of locomotion in chronic spinal chronic spinal cats walking with the hind legs on a treadmill, one limb can be stopped by holding the paw while the other limb continues to walk. if the held limb is slowly brought backwards at one point the limb flexes and continues walking. it was found that the hip position at which the leg lifts off during such reaction is very close to the hip angle at the initiation of swing during locomotion. similar findings were obtained by extending only the femur. the hand-held limb tends to initia ...1978274169
ultrastructural identification of non-primary afferent terminals in the nucleus gracilis of cats. 1978274170
sulfate metabolism of amelogenesis in teeth-germs of young cats. 1977274223
radiological refresher--10. bone tumours. 1978274604
[physiological and pathophysiological investigations on neuronal mechanisms of locomotion in the cats (author's transl)].electromyographic investigation was carried out on the cats in order to analyse the neuronal mechanisms of locomotive movements. 1. when normal unrestrained cats walked gastrocnemius muscle, an extensor, began the activities 77.4 +/- 12.1 msec prior the stance phase. this evidence shows that locomotive movement is preprogrammed in the central nervous system. 2. when hemisection was applied to the spinal cord, reciprocal activities in the antagonistic muscles disappeared for several days. however ...1978275209
asymptomatic carriage of dermatophytes by cats. 1977275693
toxocara and public health. 1977275715
tonic control of water intake via the thalamic taste nucleus. 1977276288
changes in activity and excitability of cortical auditory receptive units of the cat as a function of different behavioral states. 1977276292
the role of acoustic inflow in the development of adaptive behavior. 1977276296
central versus peripheral genital desensitization and mating behavior in male cats: tonic and phasic effects. 1977276298
behavioral effects of deafferentation. 1977276303
the sensorium and the modulation of cerebral states: tonic environmental influences on limbic and related systems. 1977276304
the anatomy of constancy. 1977276305
centrally acting hypotensive fraction in the venom of dendroaspis angusticeps. 1978276474
steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for wounds and traumatic inflammation. 1977276730
the need for research in small animal medicine. 1977276736
presidental address: 54th annual conference of the nzva, hamilton, 1st february 1978. 1978277822
cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis in a cat. 1978277839
effects of gastrointestinal hormones on concentrating function and motility in the gallbaldder. an experimental study in the cat. 1978278473
the effect of intravaginal electrical stimulation on the feline urethra and urinary bladder. electrical parameters.intravaginal electrical stimulation (ivs) in cats caused urethral closure and bladder inhibition. the aim was to ascertain the electrical parameters most appropriate for these effects. minimum voltage was used as main criterion to select an effective, non-destructive stimulation when the shape, frequency and duration of the pulses were systematically varied. urethral closure was achieved at minimum voltage (3 v) with alternating pulses at a frequency of 50 hz and a pulse duration of 1.5 ms. corr ...1977279089
effects of increased respiratory controller gain during hypoxia and hypercapnia on periodic breathing in cats. 1978279230
[cortical projections of masseteric origin at the level of the cerebral cortex in cats (preliminary notes)]. 1977279360
localization and changes of substance p in spinal cord of paraplegic cats. 1978279389
[oral nerve endings in the cat].the oral nerve endings of the palate, the buccal mucosa and the periodontal ligament of the cat canine were characterized by the presence of a cellular envelope which is the final form of the henle sheath. the structures described as end-rings in the periodontal ligament are more probably subterminal nervous structures rather then receptors. they are not specific to the ligament. they can be observed in the palate and in the buccal mucosa where, as in the periodontal ligament, mechano-receptors ...1978279538
prostaglandin e2 and f2alpha in tooth germs. 1978279586
evidence for the maintenance of motoneurone properties by muscle activity.1. electrophysiological properties of soleus motoneurones in adult cats were examined with intracellular electrodes following alterations of activity of the soleus muscle induced by transection of the thoracic spinal cord or by conduction block of the muscle nerve with tetrodotoxin (ttx) cuffs. attempts were also made to maintain muscle activity by daily stimulation of the maintain muscle activity by daily stimulation of the peripheral nerve. 2. within 8 days after transection of the thoracic co ...1978279668
disparity of motoneurone and muscle differentiation following spinal transection in the kitten.1. the spinal cord of kittens, 3--5 days of age, was transected at the lower thoracic level. isometric contractions of the medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscles as well as intracellular potentials of their motoneurones were recorded after varying post-operative periods of up to 110 days. similar observations were made 52--59 days after cord transection in adult cats. 2. in cord-transected kittens, contraction time of the gastrocnemius muscle showed normal development, whereas the soleus muscle ...1978279669
trichinella spiralis in new zealand. 1978279880
animal corneas as tools for the testing of antiviral a number of viruses can be titrated on corneas of various animals, the corneal method was used to detect antiviral activity of some derivatives of thiazolidine and related compounds with a low toxicity. in herpetic infections of rabbit cornea, 2-(1-isopropylidene)azino-3-(beta-d-ribofuranosyl)-methoxycarbonylmethylenethiazolidine-4-one showed for a mean of 2.1 greater activity than idu. in piglet corneas, lesions produced by adenovirus type 8 were inhibited by a mean of 3.4 log cid50 by 5-(2, ...1977280135
symmetrical lateralization of function in the auditory system of the cat: effects of unilateral ablation of cortex.we have presented behavioral evidence suggesting that one function of auditory cortex is to attend to stimuli at the contralateral ear. further, behavioral and anatomic evidence shows that the neural mechanisms for this function probably depend on a pathway that crosses at the level of the medulla, bypasses the superior olive, and ascends to the contralateral inferior colliculus. at higher centers there are several auditory pathways from thalamus to cortex, as well as descending pathways from co ...1977280206
5-6-dihydroxytryptamine as a tool for studying sleep mechanisms and interactions between monoaminergic systems. 1978280258
effect of electro-acupuncture on the threshold for eliciting the jaw depressor reflex in cats. 1978280288
[masticatory muscle activities during sleep]. 1978280614
acoustic trauma in cats. cochlear pathology and auditory-nerve activity. 1978281107
magnetic force in orthodontics. 1978281146
maintenance of the blood-retinal barrier in chronic experimental retinal ischaemia. 1977281788
neural factors in digitalis toxicity: protective effect of c-1 spinal cord transection. 1978281879
differences in reflex control of arterial pressure and renin release during head-up tilting in the cat.1. anaesthetized cats were subjected to two 10 min trials of head-up tilting spaced 30 min. arterial pressure, heart rate, blood flow to an innervated kidney and to the contralateral denervated one, and renin release from both kidneys were measured. 2. the same haemodynamic changes and comparable increases in renin release from innervated kidneys occurred during both episodes of tilting when cats were subjected to sham cervical vagotomy between the two tilting trials. 3. bilateral cervical vagot ...1978282048
the changing morphology of the epithelium-mesenchyme interface in the differentiation zone of growing teeth of selected vertebrates and its relationship to possible mechanisms of differentiation. 1978282291
adipose conversion of 3t3 cells depends on a serum factor.the adipose conversion of 3t3-f442a cells depends on an adipogenic factor in serum. in the presence of this factor, cells grown to confluence become spherical, greatly increase the activity of their lipogenic enzymes, and accumulate triglyceride. in the absence of the adipogenic factor, the cells grow normally, but when they reach confluence they do not become spherical, do not accumulate triglyceride, and do not undergo any increase in activity of lipogenic enzymes. in cattle there is a great d ...1978282628
involvement of descending inhibition in the effect of acupuncture on the splanchnically evoked potential in the orbital cortex of cat.the possible involvement of descending inhibition in the effect of acupuncture on the transmission of visceral afferent impulses has been investigated. averaged splanchnically evoked potentials were recorded in the orbital cortex of the unanesthetized immobilized cat. the evoked orbital potentials could be inhibited by electroacupuncture. section of the descending inhibitory pathway which is known to be located in the dorsolateral funiculi of the spinal cord produced marked diminution of the acu ...1978282674
cat brain scans after central nervous system prophylaxis for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. 1978282924
ameloblasts--ion transport function.recent autoradiographic and in vitro studies have produced evidence that the cells of the enamel organ limit the movement of calcium into enamel during the matrix secretion phase, but have no effect on movement of calcium during the maturation phase. the cells of the enamel organ do not seem to control the flux of phosphorus into enamel at either phase of development. this concept is consistent with current theories on the control of ion fluxes into developing bone.1979283113
enamel matrix and crystals--chicken and eggs?this discussion is presented as an attempt to interrelate the matrix and mineral in terms of our existing knowledge as presented at this symposium, and to relate it, where possible, to what is being accomplished in allied disciplines and research areas elsewhere. the present author is fully aware of the difficulties involved in this task and of his own inadequacies in attempting to perform it. as a general rule, with perhaps the morphologists being the exception to it, the matrix and crystal com ...1979283136
feline respiratory disease of multiple aetiology. 1978283339
polyglycolic acid sutures in general practice. 1978283340
nature of differential sympathetic discharges in chemoreceptor a study of autonomic reflexes it was found that some produce a generalized, bilaterally uniform response whereas others have an asymmetric or laterality of action. recordings from vertebral nerve fibers (mainly vasoconstrictors to forelimb muscles), right and left cardiac sympathetics, and renal nerves show that baroreceptors evoke a bilaterally uniform inhibition but chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus and aortic arch initiate a differential discharge. in the chemoreceptor reflex the vagi ar ...1978283430
twitch tension in the jaw muscles of the cat at various degrees of mouth opening. 1978283746
effects of 5-methoxy-n,n-dimethyltryptamine on behavior and raphe unit activity in freely moving cats.5-methoxy-n,n-dimethyltryptamine (5-meodmt) produced a dose-dependent decrease in the discharge rate of serotonin-containing neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of freely moving cats. this ranged from a 15% decrease at 10 microgran/kg, i.m., to a virtual complete depression of activity at 250 microgram/kg. 5-meodmt's effects on raphe units occurred with a very short latency (3-5 min) and its duration of action was dose-dependent and limited to an hour or less. the degree of depression of raphe u ...1979283930
nonlinear systems analysis: comparison of white noise and sum of sinusoids in a biological system.the gaussian white noise and the sum-of-sinusoids methods of systems analysis provide equivalent descriptions of nearly linear and strongly nonlinear transductions in the cat retina. smoothness in the frequency domain is a common characteristic of biological transductions. this permits a substantial improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio by using the sum-of-sinusoids method, as is demonstrated for the transductions of the cat retina.1979284424
electrical stimulation of teeth with a pulp tester in the cat. 1979284575
Displaying items 4001 - 4100 of 158446