
[deliberate use of several products for pediculus capitis (de geer, 1778) control by parents or tutors of elementary school children].self-medication and use of several products as peliculicides seem to be common procedures for those persons living with schoolchildren, in order to eliminate head lice.201523431623
epidemiology of head lice infestation in primary school pupils, in khajeh city, east azerbaijan province, iran.pediculus capitis (anoplura: pediculidae) or head louse is an obligate ectoparasite transmitted mainly through physical contact. this study was conducted to survey the prevalence of head lice infestation rate and some risk factors in primary school pupils, in khajeh city east azerbaijan province, iran201022808387
the prevalence of pediculosis capitis in primary school students in bahar, hamadan province, iran.head lice infestation caused by pediculus humanus var capitis (pediculus capitis) is a worldwide public health concern that affects mostly school aged children. this descriptive, analytical study was carried out in 2008 to determine the prevalence of pediculosis capitis and some risk factors among primary-school pupils in bahar, hamadan province, iran.200923344146
pediculus humanus capitis in an immuno compromised patient. 198928906773
prevalence of pediculus capitis in schoolchildren in battambang, cambodia.pediculus capitis is the most common human ectoparasite. when it feeds on the blood through the scalp of its host, the anticoagulant in its saliva causes scalp inflammation and itching, and consequent scratching by the host causes further inflammation from bacterial infection. p. capitis infestation is currently a common parasitic dermatosis and a critical public health concern in underdeveloped countries.201729150362
how long do louse eggs take to hatch? a possible answer to an age-old riddle.there are no rigorous data on how long eggs of the head louse, pediculus capitis (phthiraptera: pediculidae), take to hatch. pediculicide users often report reinfestations after apparently successful treatments in the absence of infective contacts. this study aimed to resolve the question of whether some louse eggs hatch after the completion of treatment, thereby giving rise to a new infestation. data were extracted from the records of lice collected after treatments in 20 clinical intervention ...201424987776
human phthiriasis. can dermoscopy really help dermatologists? entodermoscopy: a new dermatological discipline on the edge of entomology.the diagnosis of human phtiriasis (often referred to as the "crab" or the "pubic louse") can be more difficult than other types of pediculosis (pediculus corporis and pediculus capitis) because this insect has a smaller body of 1.2 x 0.8 mm, may be lighter in color, not as mobile and therefore harder to see to the naked eye. can dermoscopy aid to perform a better analysis of the skin? the clinical experience developed in two patients gives an affirmative answer, moreover adding useful informatio ...201222370575
[effective treatment of a patient infested with pediculus capitis by using 5% indigofera suffruticosa mill tincture].pediculosis capitis was very frequently reported in cuba since the end of the 90's, particularly in some groups of school children and their relatives. the latter are involved in a chain of transmission of these insects and may play an important role at present as parasite reservoirs.201323444619
[high performance liquid chromatography-validated analytical method for 1% permethrin quantification].in cuba, as well as in other countries, pediculus capitis infestation has increased since the 70's; this is the reason why a program aimed at controlling and preventing this infestation was designed. this program includes quality control studies of the active synthetic pyrethroid permethrin and its activity at 1% on lice and 5% on scabies. due to its low toxicity and positive risk/benefit ratio, permethrin is a pediculicide of choice to decrease pediculus capitis infestation.201323437540
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