
a high-resolution integrated map of copy number polymorphisms within and between breeds of the modern domesticated dog.structural variation contributes to the rich genetic and phenotypic diversity of the modern domestic dog, canis lupus familiaris, although compared to other organisms, catalogs of canine copy number variants (cnvs) are poorly defined. to this end, we developed a customized high-density tiling array across the canine genome and used it to discover cnvs in nine genetically diverse dogs and a gray wolf.201121846351
identification of a functional transposon insertion in the maize domestication gene tb1.genetic diversity created by transposable elements is an important source of functional variation upon which selection acts during evolution. transposable elements are associated with adaptation to temperate climates in drosophila, a sine element is associated with the domestication of small dog breeds from the gray wolf and there is evidence that transposable elements were targets of selection during human evolution. although the list of examples of transposable elements associated with host ge ...201121946354
frequency distributions of helminths of wolves in kazakhstan.between 2001 and 2008 a total of 41 wolves (canis lupus) were necropsied in southern kazakhstan and their intestinal parasite fauna evaluated. of these animals 8 (19.5%) were infected with echinococcus granulosus, 15 (36%) with taenia spp, 13 (31.7%) with dypilidium caninum, 5 (12.2%) with mesocestoides lineatus, 15 (36.6%) with toxocara canis, 16 (39%) with toxascaris leonina, 8 (19.5%) with trichuris vulpis, 9 (22%) with macracanthorhynchus catulinus and 1 (2.4%) with moniliformis moniliformis ...201121962968
trace elements in tissues of wild carnivores and omnivores in croatia.the differences in metal exposure (as, cd, cu, pb and hg) in the muscle, liver and kidney tissues of brown bears (ursus arctos), grey wolfs (canis lupus), eurasian lynxs (lynx lynx), eurasian badgers (meles meles) and pine martens (martes martes) from croatia were observed. the highest mean cd levels were found in kidney and liver of eurasian badger (3.05 and 0.537 mg/kg). the highest cu concentrations (mg/kg) measured in liver tissue were obtained in order: eurasian badger (15.2) > brown bear ( ...201122037661
predicting the potential demographic impact of predators on their prey: a comparative analysis of two carnivore-ungulate systems in scandinavia.1. understanding the role of predation in shaping the dynamics of animal communities is a fundamental issue in ecological research. nevertheless, the complex nature of predator-prey interactions often prevents researchers from modelling them explicitly. 2. by using periodic leslie-usher matrices and a simulation approach together with parameters obtained from long-term field projects, we reconstructed the underlying mechanisms of predator-prey demographic interactions and compared the dynamics o ...201122077484
Landscape resistance to dispersal: simulating long-term effects of human disturbance on a small and isolated wolf population in southwestern Manitoba, Canada.Landscape fragmentation affects wildlife population viability, in part, through the effects it has on individual dispersal. In addition, some forms of human disturbance impinge on dispersal without physically fragmenting habitats. Here, we use the term "landscape resistance" to capture constraints to dispersal that cannot be linked directly to fragmentation. The extent to which landscape resistance can influence population persistence is not well understood. Agricultural development over the pas ...201122146824
nucleotide polymorphisms in the canine noggin gene and their distribution among dog (canis lupus familiaris) breeds.noggin (nog) is an important regulator for the signaling of bone morphogenetic proteins. in this study, we sequenced the complete coding sequence of the canine nog gene and characterized the nucleotide polymorphisms. the sequence length varied from 717 to 729 bp, depending on the number of a 6-bp tandem repeat unit (ggcgcg), an insertion that has not been observed in other mammalian nog genes investigated to date. it results in extensions of (gly-ala)(3-5) in the putative nog protein. to survey ...201121882044
satellite telemetry of large mammals in mongolia: what expectations should we have for collar function?the rapid pace of the development of satellite wildlife tracking tools has left little time for thorough testing of new equipment and identifying possible sources of technical failures. in the gobi and eastern steppe region of mongolia we deployed 98 satellite collars, collecting animal locations using the doppler based argos (n = 29) or the global positioning system (gps; n = 69), on 45 asiatic wild asses (equus hemionus), 34 mongolian gazelles (procapra gutturosa), 15 przewalski's horses (e. f ...201022003358
toxicokinetics of mercury in blood compartments and hair of fish-fed sled dogs.abstract:201122152014
presence of bartonella species in wild carnivores of northern spain.the genus bartonella was detected by pcr in 5.7% (12/212) of wild carnivores from northern spain. based on hybridization and sequence analyses, bartonella henselae was identified in a wildcat (felis silvestris), bartonella rochalimae in a red fox (vulpes vulpes) and in a wolf (canis lupus), and bartonella sp. in badgers (meles meles).201122138983
evaluation of dog bones in the indirect assessment of environmental contamination with trace elements.the aim of this paper was to determine the level of five elements, two essential for life [zinc (zn) and copper (cu)] and three distinctly toxic [lead (pb), cadmium (cd), and mercury (hg)], in four types of biological material in bones of the dog canis lupus familiaris. the experiment was carried out on bones from the hip joints of dogs. the samples of cartilage, compact bone, spongy bone, and cartilage with adjacent compact bone came from 26 domestic dogs from northwestern poland. concentration ...201222234824
evolutionary genomics of dog domestication.we review the underlying principles and tools used in genomic studies of domestic dogs aimed at understanding the genetic changes that have occurred during domestication. we show that there are two principle modes of evolution within dogs. one primary mode that accounts for much of the remarkable diversity of dog breeds is the fixation of discrete mutations of large effect in individual lineages that are then crossed to various breed groupings. this transfer of mutations across the dog evolution ...201222270221
prevalence of antibodies to canine parvovirus and distemper virus in wolves in the canadian rocky mountains.wild carnivores are often exposed to diseases via contact with peridomestic host species that travel through the wildland-urban interfaces. to determine the antibody prevalences and relationships to human activity for two common canid pathogens, we sampled 99 wolves (canis lupus) from 2000 to 2008 for antibodies to canine parvovirus (cpv) and canine distemper virus (cdv) in banff and jasper national parks and surrounding areas of the canadian rockies. this population was the source for wolves re ...201222247375
hemoplasmas in wild canids and felids in brazil.hemotropic mycoplasmas, epicellular erythrocytic bacterial parasites lacking a cell wall, are the causative agents of infectious anemia in numerous mammalian species. the presence of hemotropic mycoplasmas in blood samples of neotropical and exotic wild canids and felids from brazilian zoos were recorded using molecular techniques. blood samples were collected from 146 brazilian wild felids, 19 exotic felids, 3 european wolves (canis lupus), and from 97 brazilian wild canids from zoos in the bra ...201122946419
effect of anosmia on reproduction in male and female wolves (canis lupus).anosmia was produced in two female and three male wolves by transection of the olfactory peduncle and was confirmed by their inability to detect meat, urine, feces, anal-gland secretions, and fish emulsion. all operated animals continued to investigate the environment with their noses, to interact normally with other pack members, and to feed at levels which maintained presurgical body weights. no effect was found on reproductive physiology (females: estradiol or progesterone concentrations, ovu ...20093814040
identification of ixodes ricinus blood meals using an automated protocol with high resolution melting analysis (hrma) reveals the importance of domestic dogs as larval tick hosts in italian alpine europe, ixodes ricinus l. is the main vector of a variety of zoonotic pathogens, acquired through blood meals taken once per stage from a vertebrate host. defining the main tick hosts in a given area is important for planning public health interventions; however, until recently, no robust molecular methods existed for blood meal identification from questing ticks. here we improved the time- and cost-effectiveness of an hrma protocol for blood meal analysis and used it to identify blood meal s ...201627955678
gray wolf exposure to emerging vector-borne diseases in wisconsin with comparison to domestic dogs and concern over emerging vector-borne diseases has increased in recent years for both animal and human health. in the united sates, concern about vector-borne diseases in canines has focused on lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and heartworm which infect domestic and wild canids. of these diseases, lyme and anaplasmosis are also frequently diagnosed in humans. gray wolves (canis lupus) recolonized wisconsin in the 1970s, and we evaluated their temporal and geographic patterns of ...201627898670
using a top predator as a sentinel for environmental contamination with pathogenic bacteria: the iberian wolf and leptospires.the iberian wolf (canis lupus) is the top predator in the iberian environments in which it lives, feeding on a wide range of species, thus encountering a wide range of disease agents. therefore, the wolf can serve as sentinel of environmental contamination with pathogens. we investigated the exposure of free-living wolves to 14 serovars of leptospira interrogans sensu lato. kidney samples from 49 wolves collected from 2010-2013 in northwestern spain were analysed by culture, direct immunofluores ...201425494467
serosurvey of smooth brucella, leptospira spp. and toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging jaguars (panthera onca) and domestic animals from brazil.this study investigated the exposure of jaguar populations and domestic animals to smooth brucella, leptospira spp. and toxoplasma gondii in the cerrado, pantanal and amazon biomes of brazil. between february 2000 and january 2010, serum samples from 31 jaguars (panthera onca), 1,245 cattle (bos taurus), 168 domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and 29 domestic cats (felis catus) were collected and analysed by rose bengal test for smooth brucella, microscopic agglutination test for leptospira s ...201526605787
pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur crystalline-free acid in clinically healthy dogs (canis lupus familiaris).economical, injectable antibiotics are beneficial when clinical manifestations of an animal model prevent the use of oral antibiotics. ceftiofur crystalline-free acid (ccfa) is an injectable, sustained-release form of ceftiofur, a third-generation cephalosporin that is labeled for use in swine, cattle, and horses. because ccfa is an economical, injectable antibiotic that could be of value for use in research dogs, the objective of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic properties of ccf ...201627025816
first evidence of established populations of the taiga tick ixodes persulcatus (acari: ixodidae) in sweden.the tick species ixodes ricinus and i. persulcatus are of exceptional medical importance in the western and eastern parts, respectively, of the palaearctic region. in russia and finland the range of i. persulcatus has recently increased. in finland the first records of i. persulcatus are from 2004. the apparent expansion of its range in finland prompted us to investigate if i. persulcatus also occurs in sweden.201627370406
multilocus detection of wolf x dog hybridization in italy, and guidelines for marker selection.hybridization and introgression can impact the evolution of natural populations. several wild canid species hybridize in nature, sometimes originating new taxa. however, hybridization with free-ranging dogs is threatening the genetic integrity of grey wolf populations (canis lupus), or even the survival of endangered species (e.g., the ethiopian wolf c. simensis). efficient molecular tools to assess hybridization rates are essential in wolf conservation strategies. we evaluated the power of bipa ...201424466077
hard ticks (acari, ixodidae) of croatia.the present paper is based on original and literature data. in croatia the first studies on the occurrence of ixodid species were made about 80 years ago. the number of tick species recorded in croatia considerably increased during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s of the past century. a total of 21 species of hard tick belonging to 5 genera have been recorded in croatia. ixodes is the best represented genus, with seven species recorded. haemaphysalis is represented by six species, followed by rhipice ...201223372407
piroplasmosis in wildlife: babesia and theileria affecting free-ranging ungulates and carnivores in the italian alps.piroplasmosis are among the most relevant diseases of domestic animals. babesia is emerging as cause of tick-borne zoonosis worldwide and free-living animals are reservoir hosts of several zoonotic babesia species. we investigated the epidemiology of babesia spp. and theileria spp. in wild ungulates and carnivores from northern italy to determine which of these apicomplexan species circulate in wildlife and their prevalence of infection.201424533742
genomic sweep and potential genetic rescue during limiting environmental conditions in an isolated wolf population.genetic rescue, in which the introduction of one or more unrelated individuals into an inbred population results in the reduction of detrimental genetic effects and an increase in one or more vital rates, is a potentially important management tool for mitigating adverse effects of inbreeding. we used molecular techniques to document the consequences of a male wolf (canis lupus) that immigrated, on its own, across lake superior ice to the small, inbred wolf population in isle royale national park ...201121450731
insects for breakfast and whales for dinner: the diet and body condition of dingoes on fraser island (k'gari).top-predators play stabilising roles in island food webs, including fraser island, australia. subsidising generalist predators with human-sourced food could disrupt this balance, but has been proposed to improve the overall health of the island's dingo (canis lupus dingo) population, which is allegedly 'starving' or in 'poor condition'. we assess this hypothesis by describing the diet and health of dingoes on fraser island from datasets collected between 2001 and 2015. medium-sized mammals (such ...201627009879
dietary differentiation and the evolution of population genetic structure in a highly mobile carnivore.recent studies on highly mobile carnivores revealed cryptic population genetic structures correlated to transitions in habitat types and prey species composition. this led to the hypothesis that natal-habitat-biased dispersal may be responsible for generating population genetic structure. however, direct evidence for the concordant ecological and genetic differentiation between populations of highly mobile mammals is rare. to address this we analyzed stable isotope profiles (δ(13)c and δ(15)n va ...201222768075
assessing predation risk to threatened fauna from their prevalence in predator scats: dingoes and rodents in arid australia.the prevalence of threatened species in predator scats has often been used to gauge the risks that predators pose to threatened species, with the infrequent occurrence of a given species often considered indicative of negligible predation risks. in this study, data from 4087 dingo (canis lupus dingo and hybrids) scats were assessed alongside additional information on predator and prey distribution, dingo control effort and predation rates to evaluate whether or not the observed frequency of thre ...201222563498
diet of wolves canis lupus returning to the end of the nineteenth century, the wolf canis lupus was extinct in hungary and in recent decades has returned to the northern highland area of the country. the diet of wolves living in groups in aggteleki national park was investigated using scat analysis (n = 81 scats) and prey remains (n = 31 carcasses). throughout the year wolves (average, minimum two wolves per year) consumed mostly wild-living ungulates (mean percent of biomass consumed, b% 97.2%; relative frequency of occurrence, %o ...201122448046
genetic variability of the grey wolf canis lupus in the caucasus in comparison with europe and the middle east: distinct or intermediary population?despite continuous historical distribution of the grey wolf (canis lupus) throughout eurasia, the species displays considerable morphological differentiation that resulted in delimitation of a number of subspecies. however, these morphological discontinuities are not always consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. here we assess genetic distinctiveness of grey wolves from the caucasus (a region at the border between europe and west asia) that have been classified as a distinct subspe ...201424714198
the slco (former slc21) superfamily of transporters.the members of the organic anion transporting polypeptide superfamily (oatps) are classified within the slco solute carrier family. all functionally well characterized members are predicted to have 12 transmembrane domains and are sodium-independent transport systems that mediate the transport of a broad range of endo- as well as xenobiotics. substrates are mainly amphipathic organic anions with a molecular weight of more than 300da, but some of the known transported substrates are also neutral ...023506880
evaluating purifying selection in the mitochondrial dna of various mammalian species.mitochondrial dna (mtdna), the circular dna molecule inside the mitochondria of all eukaryotic cells, has been shown to be under the effect of purifying selection in several species. traditional testing of purifying selection has been based simply on ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous mutations, without considering the relative age of each mutation, which can be determined by phylogenetic analysis of this non-recombining molecule. the incorporation of a mutation time-ordering from phylogeny a ...201323533597
more than mere numbers: the impact of lethal control on the social stability of a top-order predator.population control of socially complex species may have profound ecological implications that remain largely invisible if only their abundance is considered. here we discuss the effects of control on a socially complex top-order predator, the dingo (canis lupus dingo). since european occupation of australia, dingoes have been controlled over much of the continent. our aim was to investigate the effects of control on their abundance and social stability. we hypothesized that dingo abundance and s ...200919724642
the "bear" essentials: actualistic research on ursus arctos arctos in the spanish pyrenees and its implications for paleontology and archaeology.neotaphonomic studies of large carnivores are used to create models in order to explain the formation of terrestrial vertebrate fossil faunas. the research reported here adds to the growing body of knowledge on the taphonomic consequences of large carnivore behavior in temperate habitats and has important implications for paleontology and archaeology. using photo- and videotrap data, we were able to describe the consumption of 17 ungulate carcasses by wild brown bears (ursus arctos arctos) rangi ...201425029167
how many wolves (canis lupus) fit into germany? the role of assumptions in predictive rule-based habitat models for habitat generalists.due to legislative protection, many species, including large carnivores, are currently recolonizing europe. to address the impending human-wildlife conflicts in advance, predictive habitat models can be used to determine potentially suitable habitat and areas likely to be recolonized. as field data are often limited, quantitative rule based models or the extrapolation of results from other studies are often the techniques of choice. using the wolf (canis lupus) in germany as a model for habitat ...201425029506
prey selection of scandinavian wolves: single large or several small?research on large predator-prey interactions are often limited to the predators' primary prey, with the potential for prey switching in systems with multiple ungulate species rarely investigated. we evaluated wolf (canis lupus) prey selection at two different spatial scales, i.e., inter- and intra-territorial, using data from 409 ungulate wolf-kills in an expanding wolf population in scandinavia. this expansion includes a change from a one-prey into a two-prey system with variable densities of o ...201628030549
trans-boundary edge effects in the western carpathians: the influence of hunting on large carnivore occupancy.the conservation and management of wolves canis lupus in the periphery of their distribution is challenging. edges of wolf distribution are characterized by very few and intermittent occurrences of individuals, which are modulated by multiple factors affecting the overall population such as human-caused mortality, management targets and food availability. the knowledge of population dynamics in the edges becomes crucial when hunting takes place nearby the edges, which may preclude population exp ...201628002475
mobility of moose-comparing the effects of wolf predation risk, reproductive status, and a predator-prey system, prey species may adapt to the presence of predators with behavioral changes such as increased vigilance, shifting habitats, or changes in their mobility. in north america, moose (alces alces) have shown behavioral adaptations to presence of predators, but such antipredator behavioral responses have not yet been found in scandinavian moose in response to the recolonization of wolves (canis lupus). we studied travel speed and direction of movement of gps-collared female ...201628035275
wolves recolonizing islands: genetic consequences and implications for conservation and management.after a long and deliberate persecution, the grey wolf (canis lupus) is slowly recolonizing its former areas in europe, and the genetic consequences of this process are of particular interest. wolves, though present in mainland estonia for a long time, have only recently started to recolonize the country's two largest islands, saaremaa and hiiumaa. the main objective of this study was to analyse wolf population structure and processes in estonia, with particular attention to the recolonization o ...201627384049
predicting the spatial distribution of wolf (canis lupus) breeding areas in a mountainous region of central italy.wolves (canis lupus) in italy represent a relict west european population. they are classified as vulnerable by iucn, though have increased in number and expanded their range in recent decades. here we use 17 years of monitoring data (from 1993 to 2010) collected in a mountainous region of central italy (arezzo, tuscany) in an ecological niche-based model (maxent) to characterize breeding sites (i.e. the areas where pups were raised) within home ranges, as detected from play-back responses. from ...201526035174
to eat or not to eat? the diet of the endangered iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) in a human-dominated landscape in central portugal.livestock predation by large carnivores and their persecution by local communities are major conservation concerns. in order to prevent speculations and reduce conflicts, it is crucial to get detailed and accurate data on predators' dietary ecology, which is particularly important in human dominated landscapes where livestock densities are high. this is the case of the endangered iberian wolf in portugal, an endemic subspecies of the iberian peninsula, which has seen its population distribution ...201526030294
the occurrence of taeniids of wolves in liguria (northern italy).canids are definitive hosts of taenia and echinococcus species, which infect a variety of mammals as intermediate or accidental hosts including humans. parasite transmission is based on domestic, semi-domestic and wildlife cycles; however, little is known of the epidemiological significance of wild large definitive hosts such as the wolf. in this study, 179 scats of wolves (canis lupus italicus) collected throughout the italian region of liguria were analyzed for the detection of taeniid infecti ...201526042204
what cues do ungulates use to assess predation risk in dense temperate forests?anti-predator responses by ungulates can be based on habitat features or on the near-imminent threat of predators. in dense forest, cues that ungulates use to assess predation risk likely differ from half-open landscapes, as scent relative to sight is predicted to be more important. we studied, in the białowieża primeval forest (poland), whether perceived predation risk in red deer (cervus elaphus) and wild boar (sus scrofa) is related to habitat visibility or olfactory cues of a predator. we us ...201424404177
biomass flow and scavengers use of carcasses after re-colonization of an apex predator.reestablishment of apex predators influences the availability and distribution of biomass for scavengers and can therefore be an important agent for structuring species communities. we studied how the re-colonization of the scandinavian peninsula by wolves (canis lupus) affected the amount and temporal variation in use of moose (alces alces) carcasses.201324194881
environmental and intrinsic correlates of stress in free-ranging wolves.when confronted with a stressor, animals react with several physiological and behavioral responses. although sustained or repeated stress can result in severe deleterious physiological effects, the causes of stress in free-ranging animals are yet poorly documented. in our study, we aimed at identifying the main factors affecting stress levels in free-ranging wolves (canis lupus).201526398784
camera traps on wildlife crossing structures as a tool in gray wolf (canis lupus) management - five-years monitoring of wolf abundance trends in croatia.the conservation of gray wolf (canis lupus) and its coexistence with humans presents a challenge and requires continuous monitoring and management efforts. one of the non-invasive methods that produces high-quality wolf monitoring datasets is camera trapping. we present a novel monitoring approach where camera traps are positioned on wildlife crossing structures that channel the animals, thereby increasing trapping success and increasing the cost-efficiency of the method. in this way we have fol ...201627327498
conflict misleads large carnivore management and conservation: brown bears and wolves in spain.large carnivores inhabiting human-dominated landscapes often interact with people and their properties, leading to conflict scenarios that can mislead carnivore management and, ultimately, jeopardize conservation. in northwest spain, brown bears ursus arctos are strictly protected, whereas sympatric wolves canis lupus are subject to lethal control. we explored ecological, economic and societal components of conflict scenarios involving large carnivores and damages to human properties. we analyze ...201626974962
population expansion and individual age affect endoparasite richness and diversity in a recolonising large carnivore population.the recent recolonisation of the central european lowland (cel) by the grey wolf (canis lupus) provides an excellent opportunity to study the effect of founder events on endoparasite diversity. which role do prey and predator populations play in the re-establishment of endoparasite life cycles? which intrinsic and extrinsic factors control individual endoparasite diversity in an expanding host population? in 53 individually known cel wolves sampled in germany, we revealed a community of four ces ...201728128348
the scent of wolves: pyrazine analogs induce avoidance and vigilance behaviors in prey.the common gray wolf (canis lupus) is an apex predator located at the top of the food chain in the northern hemisphere. it preys on rodents, rabbits, ungulates, and many other kinds of mammal. however, the behavioral evidence for, and the chemical basis of, the fear-inducing impact of wolf urine on prey are unclear. recently, the pyrazine analogs 2, 6-dimethylpyrazine, 2, 3, 5-trimethylpyrazine and 3-ethyl-2, 5-dimethyl pyrazine were identified as kairomones in the urine of wolves. when mice wer ...201526500485
humans strengthen bottom-up effects and weaken trophic cascades in a terrestrial food web.ongoing debate about whether food webs are primarily regulated by predators or by primary plant productivity, cast as top-down and bottom-up effects, respectively, may becoming superfluous. given that most of the world's ecosystems are human dominated we broadened this dichotomy by considering human effects in a terrestrial food-web. we studied a multiple human-use landscape in southwest alberta, canada, as opposed to protected areas where previous terrestrial food-web studies have been conducte ...201323667705
exome sequencing reveals genetic differentiation due to high-altitude adaptation in the tibetan cashmere goat (capra hircus).the tibetan cashmere goat (capra hircus), one of the most ancient breeds in china, has historically been a critical source of meat and cashmere production for local farmers. to adapt to the high-altitude area, extremely harsh climate, and hypoxic environment that the tibetan cashmere goat lives in, this goat has developed distinct phenotypic traits compared to lowland breeds. however, the genetic components underlying this phenotypic adaptation remain largely unknown.201626892324
behavioral responses of wolves to roads: scale-dependent ambivalence.throughout their recent recovery in several industrialized countries, large carnivores have had to cope with a changed landscape dominated by human infrastructure. population growth depends on the ability of individuals to adapt to these changes by making use of new habitat features and at the same time to avoid increased risks of mortality associated with human infrastructure. we analyzed the summer movements of 19 gps-collared resident wolves (canis lupus l.) from 14 territories in scandinavia ...201425419085
red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and wild dogs (dingoes (canis lupus dingo) and dingo/domestic dog hybrids), as sylvatic hosts for australian taenia hydatigena and taenia ovis.foxes (n = 499), shot during vertebrate pest control programs, were collected in various sites in the australian capital territory (act), new south wales (nsw) and western australia (wa). wild dogs (dingoes (canis lupus dingo) and their hybrids with domestic dogs) (n = 52) captured also as part of vertebrate pest control programs were collected from several sites in the act and nsw. the intestine from each fox and wild dog was collected, and all taenia tapeworms identified morphologically were c ...201425161904
sarcoptic-mange detector dogs used to identify infected animals during outbreaks in of the main aims of forensic investigation is the detection and location of people and substances of interest, such as missing people and illegal drugs. dogs (canis lupus var. familiaris) have had an important role in legal and forensic investigations for decades; nonetheless canines' keen sense of smell has never been utilized in either the surveillance or control of wildlife diseases. the rapid removal and treatment of infected carcasses and/or sick animals is a key task in the management ...201222776804
protozoan and helminth parasite fauna of free-living croatian wild wolves (canis lupus) analyzed by scat collection.the european wolf (canis lupus) is a large carnivore species present in limited areas of europe with several small populations still being considered as endangered. wolves can be infected by a wide range of protozoan and metazoan parasites with some of them affecting free-living wolf health condition. on this account, an epidemiological survey was conducted to analyze the actual parasite fauna in croatian wild wolves. in total, 400 individual faecal samples were collected during field studies on ...201728043382
intestinal helminth parasites of the grey wolf (canis lupus l.) in serbia.the grey wolf (canis lupus l.) is the most widespread large carnivore in europe with large populations in the eastern part of europe and the balkan peninsula. in this study, a total of 102 wolves were examined for intestinal helminth parasites. the carcasses were collected within the serbian part of the wolf's range during the period 2009-2014. nine helminth species were found: one nematode, toxocara canis (3.9%), one trematode, alaria alata (1.0%), and seven cestodes, taenia pisiformis (1.0%), ...201526051257
acute granulocytic anaplasmosis in a captive timber wolf (canis lupus occidentalis).a 2-yr-old male captive timber wolf, kept in an outdoor enclosure in austria, presented with anorexia, depression, and fever in june. tick infestation was reported despite monthly acaricidal treatment. the microscopic examination of a blood smear revealed elementary bodies and morulae suspicious for anaplasma phagocytophilum. polymerase chain reaction confirmed the infection by the g-variant of the pathogen, also found in horses and humans but not in wild ruminants. the wolf seroconverted within ...201223082534
the eurasian otter (lutra lutra) as a potential host for rickettsial pathogens in southern italy.canine monocytic ehrlichiosis and rickettsiosis are zoonotic tick-borne diseases of canids caused by the intracellular obligate bacteria ehrlichia canis and rickettsia species respectively. in this study, we investigated using standard and real-time pcr and sequencing, the occurrence and molecular characterization of e. canis and rickettsia species in the eurasian otter (lutra lutra) from the southern italian population. samples were screened by using molecular assays also for neospora caninum, ...201728267780
parasite species of the endangered iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) and a sympatric widespread carnivore.parasites have a profound impact on wildlife population dynamics. however, until some years ago, studies on the occurrence and prevalence of wildlife parasites were neglected comparatively with the studies on humans and domestic animals. in this study, we determined the parasite prevalence of two sympatric wild canids: the endangered iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) and the widespread red fox (vulpes vulpes), in central portugal. from november 2014 to july 2015, fresh fecal samples from both ...201627358768
sequence variability in three mitochondrial genes among four roundworm species from wild animals in china.sequence variability in three mitochondrial dna (mtdna) regions, namely portions of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (pcox1), nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 (pnad1) and nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4 (pnad4), for toxocara canis. baylisacaris transfuga. ascaris suum and parascaris equorum from canis lupus. ursus thibetanus. sus scrofa and equus burchelli in china were examined. the lengths of the sequences of pcox1, pnad1 and pnad4 were 711 bp, 648 bp and 666 bp, respectively. no intra-species differen ...201524041450
the prevalence and impact of babesia canis and theileria sp. in free-ranging grey wolf (canis lupus) populations in croatia.babesia spp. and theileria spp. are important emerging causes of disease in dogs. alongside these domesticated hosts, there is increasing recognition that these piroplasms can also be found in a range of wild animals with isolated reports describing the presence of these pathogen in foxes (vulpes vulpes) and captive grey wolves (canis lupus). the prevalence and impact of these infections in free-ranging populations of canids are unknown. to gain a better insight into the epidemiology and pathoge ...201728376903
fatal acute babesiosis in captive grey wolves (canis lupus) due to babesia canis.two adult male eurasian grey wolves belonging to a group of 12 animals, kept in an open air 15,000-m(2) enclosure at the bear farm facility near veresegyháza, hungary, were found dead in september 2002. another 2 wolves died during the same period, but laboratory examination of their carcasses was not possible. during necropsy both animals were found to be in a good body condition. oral mucosa, conjunctiva, sclera, and subcutaneous tissues revealed severe jaundice. the liver, gall bladder, and s ...201424507435
molecular and serological detection of babesia spp. in neotropical and exotic carnivores in brazilian zoos.large and small piroplasms have been observed in the blood smears of various wild carnivores, but few studies utilizing molecular characterization have been done. the goal of this present study was to investigate the presence of babesia sp. by molecular and serologic techniques in exotic and neotropical carnivores maintained in captivity at brazilian zoos. blood and sera samples were collected from 146 brazilian wild felids, 21 exotic felids, 1 genet (genetta tigrina), 3 european wolves (canis l ...201122946386
dances with anthrax: wolves (canis lupus) kill anthrax bacteremic plains bison (bison bison bison) in southwestern montana.bacillus anthracis, the cause of anthrax, was recovered from two plains bison (bison bison bison) cows killed by wolves (canis lupus) in montana, usa, without associated wolf mortality in july 2010. this bison herd experienced an epizootic in summer 2008, killing ∼ 8% of the herd, the first documented in the region in several decades. no wolf deaths were associated with the 2008 event. surveillance has continued since 2008, with research, ranch, and wildlife personnel diligent during summer. as ...201424484485
bartonella clarridgeiae and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii exposure in captive wild canids in brazil.summary wild canids are potential hosts for numerous species of bartonella, yet little research has been done to quantify their infection rates in south america. we sought to investigate bartonella seroprevalence in captive wild canids from 19 zoos in são paulo and mato grosso states, brazil. blood samples were collected from 97 wild canids belonging to four different native species and three european wolves (canis lupus). indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing was performed to detect the p ...201524892580
infection rates of wolbachia sp. and bartonella sp. in different populations of the present study, a molecular detection of bartonella sp. and wolbachia sp. in ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) isolated from canis lupus familiaris from different geographical areas of spain, iran and south africa, and in stenoponia tripectinata tripectinata isolated from mus musculus from the canary islands has been carried out by amplification of the 16s ribosomal rna partial gene of wolbachia sp. and intergenic spacer region (its region) of bartonella sp. a total of 70 % o ...201627515668
large-scale serosurvey of besnoitia besnoiti in free-living carnivores in spain.the disease bovine besnoitiosis is responsible for severe economic losses caused by the protozoan besnoitia besnoiti. the identity of the definitive host (dh) of this parasite has yet to be determined, although it is presumed to be a carnivore. with the aim of advancing in the identification of b. besnoiti dh, a necessary step in implementing control strategies, the contact rate of 205 free-roaming carnivores with this parasite in spain was studied. the study included 16 wolves (canis lupus), 41 ...201222770702
parasitology and serology of free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) in north carolina, usa.coyotes (canis latrans) have expanded recently into the eastern us and can serve as a source of pathogens to domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris), livestock, and humans. we examined free-ranging coyotes from central north carolina, us, for selected parasites and prevalence of antibodies against viral and bacterial agents. we detected ticks on most (81%) coyotes, with amblyomma americanum detected on 83% of those with ticks. fifteen (47%) coyotes were positive for heartworms (dirofilaria immiti ...201525984773
proteomic analysis of the urine of dirofilaria immitis infected dogs.canine cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis caused by dirofilaria immitis habitually develops as a chronic disease affecting pulmonary arteries, lung parenchyma and heart. other organs like kidneys can also be involved. renal pathology is a consequence of glomerulonephritis whose main sign is proteinuria. the aim of the present work is to identify proteins excreted in the urine of d. immitis infected dogs showing proteinuria, and the possible contribution of their loss to heartworm disease. proteinuri ...201424566125
prevalence of antibodies for selected canine pathogens among wolves (canis lupus) from the alaska peninsula, usa.we collected blood samples from wolves ( canis lupus ) on the alaska peninsula, southwest alaska, us, 2006-11 and tested sera for antibodies to canine adenovirus (cav), canine coronavirus (ccv), canine distemper virus (cdv), canine herpesvirus (chv), canine parainfluenza (cpi), canine parvovirus (cpv), neospora caninum , and toxoplasma gondii . detected antibody prevalence was 90% for cav, 28% for ccv, 12% for cdv, 93% for chv, 0% for cpi, 20% for cpv, 0% for n. caninum, and 86% for t. gondii . ...201627195683
patterns of exposure of iberian wolves (canis lupus) to canine viruses in human-dominated landscapes.wildlife inhabiting human-dominated landscapes is at risk of pathogen spill-over from domestic species. with the aim of gaining knowledge in the dynamics of viral infections in iberian wolves (canis lupus) living in anthropized landscapes of northern spain, we analysed between 2010 and 2013 the samples of 54 wolves by serology and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for exposure to four pathogenic canine viruses: canine distemper virus (cdv), canine parvovirus-2 (cpv), canine adenovirus 1 and 2 (cav ...201626589403
lethal distemper in badgers (meles meles) following epidemic in dogs and wolves.canine distemper virus (cdv) represents an important conservation threat to many wild carnivores. a large distemper epidemic sustained by an arctic-lineage strain occurred in italy in 2013, mainly in the abruzzi region, causing overt disease in domestic and shepherd dogs, apennine wolves (canis lupus) and other wild carnivores. two badgers were collected by the end of september 2015 in a rural area of the abruzzi region and were demonstrated to be cdv-positive by real time rt-pcr and ihc in seve ...201627876612
concomitance and interactions of pathogens in the iberian wolf (canis lupus).with the aim of improving our understanding of their epidemiological features, exposure to or presence of canine parvovirus (cpv), canine distemper virus (cdv), leishmania infantum and sarcoptes scabiei were studied in 88 wild wolves from asturias (northern spain) by means of long-term (2004-2010) serological and molecular data. individual and population factors and the possible interactions between them were also statistically analyzed for better understanding the contact/presence of studied pa ...201526267084
pathologic and molecular virologic characterization of a canine distemper outbreak in farmed october 2011, a fatal disease outbreak occurred in 3 civet species farmed for their use in the coffee industry in thailand. the disease quickly killed 20 animals in a mixed population of asian palm civets (paradoxurus hermaphroditus; n = 18), a masked palm civet (paguma larvata; n = 1), and small indian civet (viverricula indica; n = 1). clinical signs consisted of severe lethargy, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea with associated dehydration, dyspnea, nasal and footpad hyperkeratosis, and sei ...201525253065
parasitology, virology, and serology of free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa.we examined 31 free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa, for select parasites and viral agents. sixteen coyotes had adult heartworms (dirofilaria immitis). serum samples from 27 animals revealed antibodies against canine parvovirus (100%), canine distemper virus (48%), canine adenovirus (37%), and trypanosoma cruzi (7%); none were detected against leishmania spp. twenty-two of 24 (92%) coyotes were positive for toxoplasma gondii. real-time pcr of feces revealed 32% of coyot ...201425098300
recent host range expansion of canine distemper virus and variation in its receptor, the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule, in carnivores.the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (slam) is a receptor for morbilliviruses. to understand the recent host range expansion of canine distemper virus (cdv) in carnivores, we determined the nucleotide sequences of slams of various carnivores and generated three-dimensional homology slam models. thirty-four amino acid residues were found for the candidates binding to cdv on the interface of the carnivore slams. slam of the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) were similar to those of oth ...201424807184
arctic lineage-canine distemper virus as a cause of death in apennine wolves (canis lupus) in italy.canine distemper virus (cdv) infection is a primary threat affecting a wide number of carnivore species, including wild animals. in january 2013, two carcasses of apennine wolves (canis lupus) were collected in ortona dei marsi (l'aquila province, italy) by the local veterinary services. cdv was immediately identified either by rt-pcr or immunohistochemistry in lung and central nervous tissue samples. at the same time, severe clinical signs consistent with cdv infection were identified and taped ...201424465373
serosurvey for selected viral infections in free-ranging jaguars (panthera onca) and domestic carnivores in brazilian cerrado, pantanal, and amazon.we investigated the exposure of jaguar (panthera onca) populations and domestic carnivores to selected viral infections in the cerrado, amazon, and pantanal biomes of brazil. between february 2000 and january 2010, we collected serum samples from 31 jaguars, 174 dogs (canis lupus familiaris), and 35 domestic cats (felis catus). serologic analyses for antibodies to rabies virus, canine distemper virus (cdv), feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), and for feline leukemia virus (felv) antigen were co ...201323778599
a serosurvey of diseases of free-ranging gray wolves (canis lupus) in minnesota.we tested serum samples from 387 free-ranging wolves ( canis lupus ) from 2007 to 2013 for exposure to eight canid pathogens to establish baseline data on disease prevalence and spatial distribution in minnesota's wolf population. we found high exposure to canine adenoviruses 1 and 2 (88% adults, 45% pups), canine parvovirus (82% adults, 24% pups), and lyme disease (76% adults, 39% pups). sixty-six percent of adults and 36% of pups exhibited exposure to the protozoan parasite neospora caninum . ...201728192048
a ten-year molecular survey on parvoviruses infecting carnivores in bulgaria.parvoviruses represent the most important infectious agents that are responsible for severe to fatal disease in carnivores. this study reports the results of a 10-year molecular survey conducted on carnivores in bulgaria (n = 344), including 262 dogs and 19 cats with gastroenteritis, and 57 hunted wild carnivores. real-time polymerase chain reaction (qpcr), followed by virus characterization by minor groove binder (mgb) probe assays, detected 216 parvovirus positive dogs with a predominance of c ...201625382194
frequent cross-species transmission of parvoviruses among diverse carnivore hosts.although parvoviruses are commonly described in domestic carnivores, little is known about their biodiversity in nondomestic species. a phylogenetic analysis of vp2 gene sequences from puma, coyote, gray wolf, bobcat, raccoon, and striped skunk revealed two major groups related to either feline panleukopenia virus ("fpv-like") or canine parvovirus ("cpv-like"). cross-species transmission was commonplace, with multiple introductions into each host species but, with the exception of raccoons, rela ...201323221559
use of real-time pcr to detect canine parvovirus in feces of free-ranging wolves.using real-time pcr, we tested 15 wolf (canis lupus) feces from the superior national forest (snf), minnesota, usa, and 191 from yellowstone national park (ynp), usa, collected during summer and 13 during winter for canine parvovirus (cpv)-2 dna. we also tested 20 dog feces for cpv-2 dna. the pcr assay was 100% sensitive and specific with a minimum detection threshold of 10(4) 50% tissue culture infective dose. virus was detected in two winter specimens but none of the summer specimens. we sugge ...201222493125
molecular survey of ehrlichia canis and coxiella burnetii infections in wild mammals of southern italy.ehrlichiosis and q fever caused by the intracellular bacteria ehrlichia canis and coxiella burnetii, respectively, are tick-borne diseases with zoonotic potential and widespread geographical distribution. this study investigated the prevalence of both infections in wild mammals in southern italy. tissue samples obtained from the red fox (vulpes vulpes), european badger (meles meles), gray wolf (canis lupus), beech marten (martes foina), and crested porcupine (hystrix cristata) were processed for ...201627535678
is the free-ranging jaguar (panthera onca) a reservoir for cytauxzoon felis in brazil?this study investigated the occurrence of cytauxzoon felis and babesia spp. in free-ranging jaguars (panthera onca), domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and domestic cats (felis catus) from the cerrado, amazon and pantanal biomes of brazil. blood samples were collected from 30 jaguars, 129 dogs and 22 cats for detection of the 18s rrna genes of piroplasmids. all of the jaguars from the pantanal (n=22) and cerrado (n=4) and three of four jaguars from the amazon were positive for c. felis, but ...201728196774
prevalence, genetic analyses, and risk factors associated with heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) in wild coyotes (canis latrans) from florida, usa.we detected heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) in 37.2% of 212 coyotes ( canis latrans ) collected from 28 counties in florida, us, between february 2010 and april 2014. adult coyotes had a higher prevalence (45.6% of 103) than juveniles (29% of 80), and there was no significant difference in prevalence between adult male and female coyotes. adults demonstrated a higher prevalence of heartworm in northern counties (56% of 91) than in southern counties (23.1% of 121) and a higher prevalence in urban ...201627458831
morphological and molecular identification of dirofilaria immitis from jackal (canis aureus) in north khorasan, northeast iran.the heartworm dirofilaria immitis is an important mosquito-borne zoonotic nematode of domestic and wild mammals throughout the world, causing cardiopulmonary dirofilariasis. this parasite has been reported from carnivores in some provinces of iran. however, in the present study, the occurrence of this filarial nematode is reported for the first time in wild canids of the north khorasan province, located in northeast iran, based on morphological and molecular characteristics.201526714514
first findings and prevalence of adult heartworms (dirofilaria immitis) in wild carnivores from serbia.heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) is a parasitic roundworm that causes a zoonotic disease known as dirofilariosis. little is known about the role of wild carnivores serving as reservoirs in nature. therefore, we examined 738 hearts and lungs of free ranging wild carnivores from serbia to determine the presence of adult heartworms. during the period 2009-2013, the prevalence in golden jackals (canis aureus) was 7.32%, in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) 1.55%, in wolves (canis lupus) 1.43%, and in wild ca ...201424951168
case report of dirofilariasis in grey wolf in serbia.this paper describes a case of dirofilariasis in a two-year old, female grey wolf (canis lupus lupus). the autopsy revealed the presence of 42 adult forms of dirofilaria immitis in the pulmonary artery, right ventricle and right atrium, varying in length from 9.5 to 30 cm. this is, to the best of our knowledge, the second report of d. immitis in grey wolves in serbia. our finding confirms that the wolf, as a subspecies distinct from the dog, should also be considered as a very suitable definitiv ...201426204038
[helminth fauna of the wolf (canis lupus linnaeus, 1758) in belorussian polesie].the results of our own long-term helminthological investigations (1980-2010) of wolves in belorussian polesie are presented. 87.2% of wolves were infected by helminths according to helminthological autopsy, and 98.5% by coproscopical data. 26 species of helminths were found: 5 trematode species, 9 cestode species, 11 nematode species and 1 acanthocephalan species. the wolf is a new host for nematode dirofilaria immitis (leidy, 1856) in belarus.201222834349
first records of dirofilaria repens in wild canids from the region of central balkan.dirofilaria repens causes an emerging zoonotic disease in europe, particularly in its southern part, the mediterranean region. many reports on human dirofilariosis have been published recently, but little is known about the wildlife hosts and reservoirs of this parasite in nature. this paper presents the first records of adult d. repens specimens from free-ranging carnivores in central balkan countries (serbia and macedonia). during the period 2009-2013, a total of 145 regularly shot canids were ...201425410390
the present situation of echinococcoses in mongolia.this review presents the historical and current situation of echinococcoses in mongolia. since the collapse of the soviet union in 1991, mongolia's health surveillance infrastructure has been very poor, especially as it pertains to chronic diseases, including neglected zoonotic diseases (nzds). although there is anecdotal evidence of people dying from hepatic disease due to infection with the larval stage of echinococcus spp., there are very few published reports. all confirmed cases of echinoco ...201526234999
echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in wolves from western canada.echinococcus species are important parasites of wildlife, domestic animals and people worldwide; however, little is known about the prevalence, intensity and genetic diversity of echinococcus tapeworms in canadian wildlife. echinococcus tapeworms were harvested from the intestines of 42% of 93 wolves (canis lupus) from five sampling regions in the northwest territories, manitoba and saskatchewan, and visually identified to genus level by microscopic examination. genetic characterization was succ ...201424135428
italian wolves (canis lupus italicus altobello, 1921) and molecular detection of taeniids in the foreste casentinesi national park, northern italian apennines.after centuries of massive decline, the recovery of the wolf (canis lupus italicus) in italy is a typical conservation success story. to learn more about the possible role of parasites in the wolves' individual and population health and conservation we used non-invasive molecular approaches on fecal samples to identify individual wolves, pack membership, and the taeniids present, some of which are zoonotic. a total of 130 specimens belonging to 54 wolves from eight packs were collected and exami ...201728180084
first detection of echinococcus multilocularis in dogs in a highly endemic area of poland.the aim of the investigation was to estimate the epizootic situation concerning infection by the cestode echinococcus multilocularis leuckart, 1863 in dogs (canis lupus familiaris linnaeus) from a polish region where this parasite is highly prevalent in red foxes. faecal samples (n = 148) were collected from rural dogs in podkarpackie province. samples were examined through nested pcr (for e. multilocularis), multiplex pcr (e. multilocularis, species of taenia linnaeus, 1758) and pcr [e. granulo ...201627311792
taeniid species of the iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) in portugal with special focus on echinococcus spp.taeniid species represent relevant pathogens in human and animals, circulating between carnivorous definitive hosts and a variety of mammalian intermediate hosts. in portugal, however, little is known about their occurrence and life cycles, especially in wild hosts. an epidemiological survey was conducted to clarify the role of the iberian wolf as a definitive host for taeniid species, including echinococcus spp. wolf fecal samples (n = 68) were collected from two regions in northern portugal. t ...201324533315
development of a real-time pcr for a sensitive one-step coprodiagnosis allowing both the identification of carnivore feces and the detection of toxocara spp. and echinococcus multilocularis.studying the environmental occurrence of parasites of concern for humans and animals based on coprosamples is an expanding field of work in epidemiology and the ecology of health. detecting and quantifying toxocara spp. and echinococcus multilocularis, two predominant zoonotic helminths circulating in european carnivores, in feces may help to better target measures for prevention. a rapid, sensitive, and one-step quantitative pcr (qpcr) allowing detection of e. multilocularis and toxocara spp. w ...201626969697
introduced and native haplotypes of echinococcus multilocularis in wildlife in saskatchewan, canada.recent detection of a european-type haplotype of the cestode echinococcus multilocularis in a newly enzootic region in british columbia prompted efforts to determine if this haplotype was present elsewhere in wildlife in western canada. in coyote (canis latrans) definitive hosts in an urban region in central saskatchewan (sk), we found a single haplotype of e. multilocularis that was most similar to a haplotype currently established in the core of this parasite's distribution in europe and to th ...201526020284
predictors of echinococcus multilocularis prevalence in definitive and intermediate hosts: a meta-analysis approach.echinococcus multilocularis (em) is a pathogenic and potentially fatal cestode causing human alveolar echinococcosis (ae). a meta-analysis was conducted using a generalized estimation equation approach (gee) to assess the effect of taxonomic, environmental, and diagnostic variables on em prevalence in different hosts. red foxes ( vulpes vulpes ) had significantly higher prevalence of em than domestic dogs ( canis lupus familiaris), with the diagnostic method playing an important factor in assess ...201525723380
unexpected diversity of the cestode echinococcus multilocularis in wildlife in canada.echinococcus multilocularis is a zoonotic cestode with a distribution encompassing the northern hemisphere that causes alveolar hydatid disease in people and other aberrant hosts. e. multilocularis is not genetically uniform across its distribution, which may have implications for zoonotic transmission and pathogenicity. recent findings of a european-type haplotype of e. multilocularis in wildlife in one location in western canada motivated a broader survey of the diversity of this parasite in w ...201425161905
comparative proteomics of an extended spectrum β-lactamase producing escherichia coli strain from the iberian wolf.the iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) is an endangered species native to the iberian peninsula. due to their predatory and wild nature, these wolves serve as important indicators of environmental contamination by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. β-lactam antibiotics like cefotaxime are the most commonly used antibacterial agents. bacterial resistance to these antibiotics occurs predominantly through enzymatic inactivation by extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. escherichia coli strain wa57, iso ...201424631823
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