
concerted evolution of the tandem array encoding primate u2 snrna occurs in situ, without changing the cytological context of the rnu2 primates, the tandemly repeated genes encoding u2 small nuclear rna evolve concertedly, i.e. the sequence of the u2 repeat unit is essentially homogeneous within each species but differs somewhat between species. using chromosome painting and the ngfr gene as an outside marker, we show that the u2 tandem array (rnu2) has remained at the same chromosomal locus (equivalent to human 17q21) through multiple speciation events over > 35 million years leading to the old world monkey and hominoid lin ...19957828589
a young alu subfamily amplified independently in human and african great apes lineages.a variety of alu subfamilies amplified in primate genomes at different evolutionary time periods. alu sb2 belongs to a group of young subfamilies with a characteristic two-nucleotide deletion at positions 65/66. it consists of repeats having a 7-nucleotide duplication of a sequence segment involving positions 246 through 252. the presence of sb2 inserts was examined in five genomic loci in 120 human dna samples as well as in dnas of higher primates. the lack of the insertional polymorphism seen ...19947838713
polymorphic tandem repeats in dopamine d4 receptor are spread over primate species.the human dopamine d4 receptor has polymorphic tandem repeats in the third cytoplasmic loop. however, these repeats are not present in the rat counterpart. to determine whether the tandem repeats are specific to humans or not, we analyzed genomic dna sequences for the d4 receptor of six primate species (human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, marmoset). sequencing data revealed that all primates have the 48-bp tandem repeats in the d4 receptor gene. this finding suggests that these repea ...19957857303
a comparative study of higher primate foamy viruses, including a new virus from a gorilla.few foamy (spuma) retroviruses have been investigated in molecular detail, despite their previous isolation from several mamalian species, including ten neutralization serotypes from various primates. here, we have studied a new gorilla foamy virus (sfv-gg) and investigated its functional and phylogenetic relationship to the human (hfv) and other primate foamy viruses, including that recently described in orangutans (sfv-11). nucleotide sequencing of pcr products obtained from the r/u5 region of ...19957871729
conservative evolution of the mbc-dp region in anthropoid determine the organization of the dp region in the mbc of anthropoid primates, we constructed contig maps from cosmid clones of the chimpanzee and orangutan, representatives of the infraorder catarrhini, as well as of the cotton-top tamarin, a representative of the infraorder platyrrhini. we found the maps to be remarkably similar to each other and to the previously published map of the human dp region. in each of the four species, the dp region consists of four loci arranged in the same orde ...19937901184
seed-breaking forces exerted by orang-utans with their teeth in captivity and a new technique for estimating forces produced in the wild.orang-utans (pongo pygmaeus) at the singapore zoological gardens were presented with two thick-shelled edible seeds, mezzettia parviflora (annonaceae) and macadamia ternifolia (proteaceae) in order to estimate their maximum bite forces. the orang-utans could break the macadamia seeds in one bite, while those of mezzettia required repeated attempts. examination of shell fragments showed that many had scratches and some had clear, but small (ca. 1-2 mm diameter), impressions on them. building upon ...19947943191
evolution of pro-protamine p2 genes in primates.protamines p1 and p2 form a family of small basic peptides that represent the major sperm proteins in placental mammals. in human and mouse protamine p2 is one of the most abundant sperm proteins. the protamine p2 gene codes for a p2 precursor, pro-p2 which is later processed by proteolytic cleavages in its n-terminal region to form the mature p2 protamines. we have used polymerase chain amplification to directly sequence the pro-p2 genes of the five major primate families: red howler (alouatta ...19938513810
recognition of line-drawing representations by a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes).the ability of a chimpanzee to recognize individuals portrayed in line drawings was evaluated. a 12-year-old female chimpanzee with extensive prior experience in the use of visual symbols matched the line drawings of chimpanzees, humans, and an orangutan with a specific letter of the alphabet. when a line drawing of a familiar individual was presented on the computer screen, the chimpanzee responded by punching a key with the letter of the alphabet that corresponded to the individual's name. res ...19947964661
investigation of species specificity using nine pcr-based human str systems.several eukaryotic genomes contain polymorphic markers consisting of trimeric and tetrameric short tandem repeats (str). recent reports have demonstrated the variability of short tandem repeat (str) polymorphisms at a variety of loci among several human population groups. currently, there are nine commercially available str pcr systems from promega corporation that may be utilized for human identification. we report here the analysis of 23 different species dna's using these nine str primer syst ...19958522927
emg of the digastric muscle in gibbon and orangutan: functional consequences of the loss of the anterior digastric in orangutans.unlike all other primates, the digastric muscle of the orangutan lacks an anterior belly; the posterior belly, while present, inserts directly onto the mandible. to understand the functional consequences of this morphologic novelty, the emg activity patterns of the digastric muscle and other potential mandibular depressors were studied in a gibbon and an orangutan. the results suggest a significant degree of functional differentiation between the two digastric bellies. in the gibbon, the recruit ...19947977679
dental pathology in pongo satyrus borneensis.the selenka orangutan collection obtained from 1892 to 1896 from wild-shot specimens in west borneo, provides an excellent opportunity to examine dental pathology in free-ranging primates. two hundred and twenty-three skulls from this collection were analyzed for dental conditions, including carious lesions, local infections (infra-alveolar and periapical osseous defects), horizontal bone loss, and premortem tooth loss. specimens were sexed, divided into three broad age groups, and compared to a ...19958572155
the origin of human chromosome 2 analyzed by comparative chromosome mapping with a dna microlibrary.fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) of microlibraries established from distinct chromosome subregions can test the evolutionary conservation of chromosome bands as well as chromosomal rearrangements that occurred during primate evolution and will help to clarify phylogenetic relationships. we used a dna library established by microdissection and microcloning from the entire long arm of human chromosome 2 for fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative mapping of the chromosomes of h ...19947981945
comparative mapping of dna probes derived from the v kappa immunoglobulin gene regions on human and great ape chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization.fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) of cosmid clones of human v kappa gene regions to human and primate chromosomes contributed to the dating of chromosome reorganizations in evolution. a clone from the kappa locus at 2p11-p12 (cos 106) hybridized to the assumed homologous chromosome bands in the chimpanzees pan troglodytes (ptr) and p. paniscus (ppa), the gorilla gorilla (ggo), and the orangutan pongo pygmaeus (ppy). human and both chimpanzees differed from gorilla and orangutan by the ma ...19957782075
comparative mapping of the immunoglobulin c epsilon 1 gene (ighe) in five species of nonhuman primates by fluorescence in situ hybridization.the orthologous immunoglobulin c epsilon 1 gene (ighe) of the common chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, orangutan, white-handed gibbon, and japanese macaque was assigned to the human chromosome 14 homologue in each species and regionally mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to ptr15q32 (common chimpanzee), ppa15q32 (pygmy chimpanzee), ppy15q32 (orangutan), hla17qter (white-handed gibbon), and mfu7q29 (japanese macaque). the gene localized to the terminal region of the chromosome in each speci ...19957789180
identification of conserved potential regulatory sequences of the protamine-encoding p1 genes from ten different order to detect regulatory conserved dna elements within the protamine 1-encoding gene (p1) promoter, we have sequenced this region from the rat, guinea pig, gorilla, orangutan, anubis baboon and red monkey p1 genes and compared it to the homologous human, bull, boar and mouse nucleotide (nt) sequences. we demonstrate the presence of a consensus sequence, hsmcytcayaat (prot1c: protamine 1 consensus), from nt position -64 to position -53 in all p1 genes whose promoter sequences are now known. ...19938224908
[the painting 'the anatomical lesson by professor louis bolk' by martin monnickendam].in 1992 the painting 'the anatomy of professor louis bolk' by the dutch painter martin monnickendam (1874-1943), was finally returned to its place in the 'tulp-room' of the department of anatomy and embryology at the university of amsterdam, after the department had been moved to new premises in 1985. the professor of anatomy at the university of amsterdam, louis bolk, is seated in the middle surrounded by his, at that time, former pupils, from left to right: boeke, barge and van den broek, auth ...19938277996
duplication of the cd8 beta-chain gene as a marker of the man-gorilla-chimpanzee earlier studies we have found that the gene encoding the cd8 beta chain is duplicated in man. we demonstrate here that the duplicated genes are both located on chromosome 2. we have also studied the moment of the duplication event relative to the evolution of higher primates by using genomic dna of a panel of primates. our data strongly suggest that duplication occurred after the orangutan lineage had split and before the chimpanzee, gorilla, and man clade diverged, some 8-9.5 million years a ...19938346216
identification of a precursor genomic segment that provided a sequence unique to glycophorin b and e genes.human glycophorin a, b, and e (gpa, gpb, and gpe) genes belong to a gene family located at the long arm of chromosome 4. these three genes are homologous from the 5'-flanking sequence to the alu sequence, which is 1 kb downstream from the exon encoding the transmembrane domain. analysis of the alu sequence and flanking direct repeat sequences suggested that the gpa gene most closely resembles the ancestral gene, whereas the gpb and gpe genes arose by homologous recombination within the alu seque ...19938346238
the "phoca standard": an external molecular reference for calibrating recent evolutionary divergences.comparison of the complete mitochondrial dna (mtdna) of the high-arctic ringed seal (phoca hispida) and the sub-arctic harbour (p. vitulina) and grey (halichoerus grypus) seals shows that they are genetically equidistant from one another. we relate the evolutionary divergence of the three species to expanding glaciation in the arctic basin and establish, in conjunction with mtdna data, a standard reference for calibration of recent divergence events among mammalian taxa. in the present study, we ...19968660422
sequential insertion of alu family repeats into specific genomic sites of higher primates.the presence of alu family repeats is closely associated with interspecies length polymorphisms of certain genomic regions among different higher primates. by sequence analysis of cloned dna, we show that one major cause for the length difference between the gibbon adult alpha-globin locus and those of human, orangutan, and old world monkeys is the existence of multimeric alu family repeats. triplet alu family repeats exist at two genomic sites of gibbon. instead, singleton or doublet alu family ...19938394013
maximum-likelihood models for combined analyses of multiple sequence dataabstract. models of nucleotide substitution were constructed for combined analyses of heterogeneous sequence data (such as those of multiple genes) from the same set of species. the models account for different aspects of the heterogeneity in the evolutionary process of different genes, such as differences in nucleotide frequencies, in substitution rate bias (for example, the transition/transversion rate bias), and in the extent of rate variation across sites. model parameters were estimated by ...19968662011
region-specific yac banding and painting probes for comparative genome mapping: implications for the evolution of human chromosome date, several hundred nonchimeric yeast artificial chromosomes (yacs) from the centre d'etude du polymorphisme humain containing polymorphic sequence-tagged sites have been mapped by fluoresence in situ hybridization (fish) on human metaphase chromosomes. because they carry an average of 1 mb of human genomic dna, ceph yacs generate high-intensity in situ hybridization signals. the available set of cytogenetically and genetically anchored yacs, approximately one every 5-10 cm evenly spaced ov ...19968662246
characterization of the genes encoding carbonic anhydrase i of chimpanzee and gorilla: comparative analysis of 5' flanking erythroid-specific promoter sequences.the genes encoding carbonic anhydrase i (ca i) have been characterized for chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and gorilla (gorilla gorilla). in addition, 44 nucleotides (nt) at the 5' end of the noncoding first exon (exon 1a), which is unique to the erythroid ca i mrna, together with 188 nt of the adjacent 5' flanking regions, were sequenced for the corresponding positions of the ca i of orangutan, pigtail macaque, and squirrel monkey. when these 5' flanking regions are compared, along with those publ ...19938406018
chromosomal and mitochondrial dna variation in orang utans.wild-born orang utans held in zoos do not have their geographic origins defined, which has complicated comparisons of the two subspecies of orang utans (bornean orang utans, pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus, and sumatran orang utans, p. pygmaeus abelii). the resulting confusion concerning the subspecies identity of individual orang utans and a larger controversy over the desirability of utilizing subspecies designations in orang utan breeding programs has focused attention on the need for a phylogenetic ...19938409361
the structure and phylogeny of a new family of human endogenous retroviruses.a novel endogenous retrovirus (erv) designated xa34 was isolated from a human glioma cdna library using low stringency hybridization with an erv-9 env probe. southern blot hybridizations with human genomic dna revealed the presence of approximately 16 genomic copies closely related to xa34. sequencing of a 2303 bp cdna clone of xa34 showed that it belongs to a new erv family. the xa34 erv has recombined with an erv-9-like retrovirus resulting in a truncated erv-9-like env region that ends with a ...19968760409
primate genes for glycophorins carrying mn blood group antigens.glycophorin a, b, and e genes were derived from a common ancestral gene and this gene family appeared during primate evolution, probably between orangutan and gorilla divergences. based on the study of genomic structures of these human glycophorins and the genetic and immunological study of primate glycophorins, we hypothesize that chimpanzee and gorilla glycophorin b could possess a longer extracellular region and carry a stronger n blood group antigenicity compared with that of the human.19938411100
glycophorin b and glycophorin e genes arose from the glycophorin a ancestral gene via two duplications during primate evolution.human glycophorin a, b, and e genes are homologous from the 5'-flanking region to 1 kilobase downstream from the exon encoding the transmembrane region. analysis of human alu sequences at the transition site from the homologous to nonhomologous region suggested that the gpa gene most closely resembles the ancestral gene, whereas gpb and gpe genes arose by homologous recombination within the alu repetitive sequence, and acquired 3' sequences from an unrelated gene (kudo, s., and fukuda, m. (1989) ...19938420995
multiplication of mhc-drb5 loci in the orangutan: implications for the evolution of drb haplotypes.the beta chain-encoding (b) class ii genes of the primate major histocompatibility complex belong to several families. the drb family of class ii genes is distinguished by the occurrence of haplotype polymorphism--the existence of multiple chromosomal forms differing in length, gene number, and gene combinations, each form occurring at an appreciable frequency in the population. some of the haplotypes, or fragments thereof, are shared by humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. in an effort to follow ...19938439728
an alphoid dna sequence conserved in all human and great ape chromosomes: evidence for ancient centromeric sequences at human chromosomal regions 2q21 and 9q13.using vector-cenp-b box polymerase chain reaction (pcr) we isolated and cloned from a human chromosome 21-specific plasmid library, a 1 kb dna sequence, named p alpha h21. in in situ hybridization experiments, p alpha h21 hybridized, under high stringency conditions, to the centromeric region of all the human, chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan chromosomes. on human chromosomes p alpha h21 also identified non-centromeric sequences at 2q21 (locus d2f33s1) and 9q13 (locus d9f33s2). the possible der ...19938444464
the emergence of new dna repeats and the divergence of primates.we have identified four genetic novelties that are fixed in specific primate lineages and hence can serve as phylogenetic time markers. one alu dna repeat is present in the human lineage but is absent from the great apes. another alu dna repeat is present in the gorilla lineage but is absent from the human, chimpanzee, and orangutan. a progenitor xba1 element is present in the human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan, but only in the human lineage did it give rise to a transposed progeny, xba2. ...19938446601
dating the primigenial c4-cyp21 duplication in primates.c4 and cyp21 are two adjacent, but functionally unrelated genes residing in the middle of the mammalian major histocompatibility complex (mhc). the c4 gene codes for the fourth component of the complement cascade, whereas the cyp21 gene specifies an enzyme (cytochrome p450c21) of the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid pathways. the genes occur frequently in multiple copies on a single chromosome arranged in the order c4 ... cyp21 ... c4 ... cyp21. the unit of duplication (a module) is the c4-c ...19938514140
sequence variation and size ranges of cag repeats in the machado-joseph disease, spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 and androgen receptor genes.a subgroup of trinucleotide repeat diseases result from abnormal expansions of cag repeats which are translated into polyglutamine stretches. as yet there is little understanding of how the polyglutamines function either normally, or when expanded. we have investigated these sequences in the machado-joseph disease, androgen receptor and spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 genes in humans and other primates. none of the 748 normal chromosomes that were examined had more than 34 uninterrupted glutamine ...19958541843
tempo and mode of synonymous substitutions in mitochondrial dna of primates.nucleotide substitutions of the four-fold degenerate sites and the total third codon positions of mitochondrial dna from human, common chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan were examined in detail by three alternative markov models; (1) hasegawa, kishino, and yano's (1985) model, (2) tamura and nei's (1993) model, and (3) the general reversible markov model. these sites are expected to be relatively free from constraint, and therefore their tempo and mode in evolution should reflect those o ...19968583892
minimum description principle applied to construction of molecular phylogenetic tree.ever since the discovery of a molecular clock (constancy of molecular evolutionary rate), many methods have been developed to estimate the molecular evolutionary phylogenetic trees from the homologous nucleic sequences of different species. in this paper, we deal with this problem from the view point of an inductive inference, and apply rissanen's minimum description length principle to extract the minimum complexity phylogenetic tree. five mitochondrial dna sequences from human, common chimpanz ...19958591579
expression and chromosomal mapping of the gene encoding the human histone h1.1.the expression of a human histone h1 isoform (h1.1) was studied in several human tissues. northern blot analysis has revealed that this gene is expressed in testis and thymus, but not in other human tissues. in this report, we demonstrate that the expression of the histone h1.1 gene in human testis is restricted to early round spermatids that belong to the fraction of postmeiotic sperm cells. transcripts hybridizing with the human h1.1 gene could not be detected in testis of mouse, rat, bull or ...19947989039
estimating errors and confidence intervals for branch lengths in phylogenetic trees by a bootstrap approach.a method, based on the bootstrap procedure, is proposed for the estimation of branch-length errors and confidence intervals in a phylogenetic tree for which equal rates of substitution among lineages do not necessarily hold. the method can be used to test whether an estimated internodal distance is significantly greater than zero. in the application of the method, any estimator of genetic distances, as well as any tree reconstruction procedure (based on distance matrices), can be used. also the ...19948006997
sequence divergence of the red and green visual pigments in great apes and humans.we have determined the coding sequences of red and green visual pigment genes of the chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. the deduced amino acid sequences of these pigments are highly homologous to the equivalent human pigments. none of the amino acid differences occurred at sites that were previously shown to influence pigment absorption characteristics. therefore, we predict the spectra of red and green pigments of the apes to have wavelengths of maximum absorption that differ by < 2 nm from th ...19948041777
electromyography of back muscles during quadrupedal and bipedal walking in primates.despite the extensive electromyographic research that has addressed limb muscle function during primate quadrupedalism, the role of the back muscles in this locomotor behavior has remained undocumented. we report here the results of an electromyographic (emg) analysis of three intrinsic back muscles (multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostalis) in the baboon (papio anubis), chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) during quadrupedal walking. the recruitment patterns of these th ...19948048470
the effects of age on glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in lenses of old world simians and prosimians.the effects of age on the activities of the two enzymes of the glutathione redox cycle, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, were studied in lenses of primates. three species were old world simians (orangutan, olive baboon and pigtail monkey) and two were prosimians (galago and mouse lemur). glutathione peroxidase activity of the olive baboon lens increased steadily with age while that of the pigtail monkey increased during the first 6-8 years and then plateaued. enzyme activity in ...19948055696
inverted and satellited y chromosome in the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus).an inverted and satellited y chromosome of almost acrocentric appearance was detected in seven of 14 male orangutans. in the remaining seven animals a submetacentric y chromosome without nors occurred. the high frequency with which the satellited y chromosomes were associated with acrocentric autosomes and the positive agno3-staining of their satellite stalks clearly indicate the active state of the nor on the y chromosomes. dna fingerprinting in two orangutan families showed that the inverted a ...19938143091
evolutionary divergence of human chromosome 9 as revealed by the position of the abl protooncogene in higher primates.attempts to solve the fundamental questions regarding the descent of man are dogged by superstitions and unexamined orthodoxies. the origin of humans, established a decade ago based upon cytological analysis of ape chromosomes, continues to be called into question. although molecular methods have provided a framework for tracing the paths of human evolution, conclusive evidence remains elusive. we have used a single abl gene probe derived from human chromosome 9 to assess the direction of change ...19948202081
the relationship between the palatal form and the maxillary sinus in orang-utan.the relationship between the palatal form and the maxillary sinus was studied in 40 skulls of male and female bornean orangutans (pongo satyrus borneensis) ontogenetically. univariate analyses of the measurements of the palate and the maxillary sinus showed that the sexual dimorphism appeared earlier in palatal length than in the maxillary sinus volume. bivariate statistical analyses, including correlation and linear regression analyses, revealed close relationships between the characteristics o ...19968637666
manufacture and use of tools in wild sumatran orangutans. implications for human evolution. 19968643126
immunoreactive cytokines within primates.peripheral blood mononuclear cells of primates (man, orang utan, gorilla, baboon), rodents (mouse, rat), carnivores (cat, dog), artiodactyls (cattle, goat, pig) and perissodactyls (horse) were isolated and stimulated with mitogens (5 micrograms/ml lps, 5 micrograms/ml pha) at 37 degrees c. cytokines immunoreactive to monoclonal antibodies (mab) directed to human cytokines (tnf-alpha, il-1 alpha, il-2, il-6, ifn-gamma) could be detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in the case of ...19969011156
molecular anatomy of human chromosome 9: comparative mapping of the immunoglobulin processed pseudogene c epsilon 3 (ighep2) in primates.karyotypic homology in relation to human chromosome 9 (hsa 9) was studied through comparative mapping of the immunoglobulin-processed pseudogene c epsilon 3 (ighep2) in primates. ighep2, which has been mapped to 9p24.2 --> p24.1 in the human genome, was assigned to ptr 11q34 (common chimpanzee), ppa 11q34 (pygmy chimpanzee), ppy 13q16 (orangutan), hla 8qter (white-handed gibbon), hag 8qter (agile gibbon), and mfu 14q22 (japanese macaque) by fluorescence in situ hybridization. to verify the break ...19968646893
unique genomic sequences in human chromosome 16p are conserved in the great humans, acute myelomonocytic leukemia (amml) with abnormal bone marrow eosinophilia is diagnosed by the presence of a pericentric inversion in chromosome 16, involving breakpoints p13;q23 [i.e., inv(16)(p13;q23)]. a pericentric inversion involves breaks that have occurred on the p and q arms and the segment in between is rotated 180 degrees and reattaches. the recent development of a "human micro-coatasome" painting probe for 16p contains unique dna sequences that fluorescently label only the ...19979037113
the znf75 zinc finger gene subfamily: isolation and mapping of the four members in humans and great apes.we have previously reported (villa et al. (1993), genomics 18: 223) the characterization of the human znf75 gene located on xq26, which has only limited homology (less than 65%) to other zf genes in the databases. here, we describe three human zinc finger genes with 86 to 95% homology to znf75 at the nucleotide level, which represent all the members of the human znf75 subfamily. one of these, znf75b, is a pseudogene mapped to chromosome 12q13. the other two, znf75a and znf75c, maintain an orf in ...19968661144
amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by balamuthia mandrillaris in an orang describe a case of meningoencephalitis caused by balamuthia mandrillaris in an orang utan.19979066963
probability distribution of molecular evolutionary trees: a new method of phylogenetic inference.a new method is presented for inferring evolutionary trees using nucleotide sequence data. the birth-death process is used as a model of speciation and extinction to specify the prior distribution of phylogenies and branching times. nucleotide substitution is modeled by a continuous-time markov process. parameters of the branching model and the substitution model are estimated by maximum likelihood. the posterior probabilities of different phylogenies are calculated and the phylogeny with the hi ...19968703097
mitochondrial dna migration events in yeast and humans: integration by a common end-joining mechanism and alternative perspectives on nucleotide substitution contrast to extensive infiltration of plant nuclear genomes by mitochondrial and chloroplast dna fragments, a computer assessment method could only detect seven mitochondrial dna integration events in saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes and five examples of dna migration into mammalian nuclear genes. no evidence could be detected for mitochondrial dna insertion into chromosome iii of caenorhabditis elegans or in nuclear dna sequences of drosophila sp. or plasmodium falciparum. thus, the quan ...19968742642
regional localization of human m-bcr gene to chromosome 23 band q11 in the great apes.we hybridized a human m-bcr dna probe to the chromosomes of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) by fish-technique. the human m-bcr gene was localized to chromosome 23 band q11 (23q11), which is equivalent to the human chromosome 22 band q11 in all three species. the conservation of m-bcr gene in higher primates at the corresponding human chromosome locus provides phylogenetic clues concerning the evolution of genes.19968765683
the genomic structure of the human charcot-leyden crystal protein gene is analogous to those of the galectin genes.the charcot-leyden crystal (clc) protein, or eosinophil lysophospholipase, is a characteristic protein of human eosinophils and basophils; recent work has demonstrated that the clc protein is both structurally and functionally related to the galectin family of beta-galactoside binding proteins. the galectins as a group share a number of features in common, including a linear ligand binding site encoded on a single exon. in this work, we demonstrate that the intron-exon structure of the gene enco ...19979119387
primate origin of the cmt1a-rep repeat and analysis of a putative transposon-associated recombinational hotspot.the cmt1a-rep repeat on chromosome 17p11.2-12 is proposed to mediate misalignment and meiotic unequal crossover leading to a 1.5 mb pair duplication associated with charcot-marie-tooth neuropathy type 1a (cmt1a) and a reciprocal deletion associated with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (hnpp). restriction enzyme endonuclease mapping indicated that the size of the cmt1a-rep repeat is approximately 24 kb and dna sequence analysis determined that the repeat is flanked by inv ...19968776588
a comparison of tspy genes from y-chromosomal dna of the great apes and humans: sequence, evolution, and phylogeny.the genes for testis-specific protein y (tspy) were sequenced from chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla), orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and baboon (papio hamadryas). the sequences were compared with each other and with the published human sequence. substitutions were detected at 144 of the 755 nucleotide positions compared. in overviewing five sequences, one deletion in human, four successive nucleotide insertions in orangutan, and seven deletions/insertions in baboon sequence we ...19968798990
phylogenetic relationships of htlv-i/stlv-i in the an effort to delineate the origin and evolution of htlv-i/stlv-i, we have been conducting phylogenetic analyses on ltr sequences of this virus group. htlv-i isolates newly analyzed in the present study were from iran, south africa, cameroon, sakhalin and brazil where little is known concerning the genetic features of htlv-i. in addition, stlv-i isolates were obtained from non-human primates in africa and asia including an isolate from orangutans in indonesia. proviral ltr sequences were ampli ...19979209294
earliest known old world monkey skull.similarities of the skull are commonly used to support hypotheses of ancestor-descendant relationships between fossil and living ape genera, especially between the late miocene apes sivapithecus and dryopithecus from eurasia and the living orang-utan (pongo) from borneo and sumatra. yet determining whether craniofacial traits shared by extant and miocene apes are primitive or derived is severely hampered by the rarity of well-preserved fossil crania, particularly of early members of their closes ...19979237753
diversity among the primate eosinophil-derived neurotoxin genes: a specific c-terminal sequence is necessary for enhanced ribonuclease activity.the human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (hedn) is a secretory effector protein from eosinophilic leukocytes that is a member of the ribonuclease a (rnase a) family of ribonucleases. edn is a rapidly evolving protein, accumulating non-silent mutations at a rate exceeding those of most other functional coding sequences studied in primates. although all primate edns retain the structural and functional residues known to be prerequisites for ribonuclease activity, we have shown previously that recom ...19979254715
duplication of a gene-rich cluster between 16p11.1 and xq28: a novel pericentromeric-directed mechanism for paralogous genome evolution.we have identified a 26.5 kb gene-rich duplication shared by human xq28 and 16p11.1. complete comparative sequence analysis of cosmids from both loci has revealed identical xq28 and 16p11.1 genomic structures for both the human creatine transporter gene (slc6a8) and five exons of the cdm gene (dxs1357e). overall nucleotide similarity within the duplication was found to be 94.6%, suggesting that this interchromosomal duplication occurred within recent evolutionary time (7-10 mya). based on compar ...19968817324
molecular evolution of the n-formyl peptide and c5a receptors in non-human primates.n-formyl peptides (fmlp) and complement fragment c5a are neutrophil chemoattractants. in humans, a single-copy gene was identified for the c5a receptor, and the receptor for fmlp (fpr1) is encoded by a single gene that shows 53% amino acid similarity to the c5ar. two other human fpr1 homologues, fpr-like 1 (fpr2/fprl1) and fpr-like 2 (fprl2) have been cloned. the human c5ar, fpr1, fprl1, and fprl2 are physically linked. by direct sequencing or by sequencing plasmid clones we studied the c5ar and ...19968824156
encephalomyocarditis virus infections in an australian zoo.fatal encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) infections in a ring-tailed lemur (lemur catta), a squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus), three mandrills (mandrillus sphinx), a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), a pygmy hippopotamus (choeropsis liberiensis), and two goodfellows tree kangaroos (dendrolagus goodfellowi) occurred at taronga zoo. this is the first description of emcv in a zoological collection outside of the united states. regardless of species, the most common clinical presentation was sudden deat ...19979279403
concerted evolution of the tandemly repeated genes encoding primate u2 small nuclear rna (the rnu2 locus) does not prevent rapid diversification of the (ct)n.(ga)n microsatellite embedded within the u2 repeat unit.the rnu2 locus encoding human u2 small nuclear rna (snrna) is organized as a nearly perfect tandem array containing 5 to 22 copies of a 5.8-kb repeat unit. just downstream of the u2 snrna gene in each 5.8-kb repeat unit lies a large (ct)n.(ga)n dinucleotide repeat (n approximately equal to 70). this form of genomic organization, in which one repeat is embedded within another, provides an unusual opportunity to study the balance of forces maintaining the homogeneity of both kinds of repeats. usin ...19958825646
hominoid phylogeny estimated by model selection using goodness of fit significance tests.phylogeny estimation from nucleotide sequence data may be thought of as a problem of choosing between different evolutionary models that vary with the branching pattern of the phylogeny and with the stochastic process of nucleotide sequence change occurring on the branches of the phylogenetic tree. thus, each evolutionary model consists of both a particular stochastic process and a particular phylogeny. such models produce multinomial distributions of nucleotide character patterns. as first sugg ...19958845964
the primate mhc contains sequences related to the fibroblast growth factor receptor gene family.we have cloned and sequenced a genomic region centromeric of the hla-b locus from different mhc ancestral haplotypes. these haplotypes are associated with several diseases. the sequences were analyzed for coding potential and their relevance to disease associations were assessed with respect to the level of polymorphism. analysis of sequences located approximately 25kb centromeric of hla-b reveals the existence of fibroblast growth factor receptor related sequences. these sequences designated pe ...19968864177
the mitochondrial dna molecule of sumatran orangutan and a molecular proposal for two (bornean and sumatran) species of orangutan.the complete mitochondrial dna (mtdna) molecule of sumatran orangutan, plus the complete mitochondrial control region of another sumatran specimen and the control regions and five protein-coding genes of two specimens of bornean orangutan were sequenced and compared with a previously reported complete mtdna of bornean orangutan. the two orangutans are presently separated at the subspecies level. comparison with five different species pairs-namely, harbor seal/grey seal, horse/donkey, fin whale/b ...19968875856
the hla-drb9 gene and the origin of hla-dr haplotypes.hla-drb9 is a gene fragment consisting of exon 2 and flanking intron sequences. it is located at the extreme end of the drb subregion, whose other end is demarcated by the drb1 locus. we sequenced approximately 1400 base pairs of the segment encompassing the drb9 locus from eight human haplotypes (dr1, dr10, dr2, dr3, dr5, dr6, dr8, and dr9, the dr4 and dr7 having been sequenced by others earlier), as well as two chimpanzee, five gorillas, one orangutan and one macaque haplotype. the analysis of ...19968911994
isolation of antigens recognized by coeliac disease autoantibodies and their use in enzyme immunoassay of endomysium and reticulin antibody-positive human sera.components were isolated from rat liver, sheep lung, rhesus and orang-utan intestine. in enzyme immunoassay, these components detected 57%, 72%, 84% and 88% of human sera containing endomysium and reticulin antibodies (ema and ara). at most, 7% of ema/ara-negative sera reacted with the antigens. the spectrum of ema/ara-positive sera reactive with the various components was different but overlapping. when the antigens of sheep lung and orang-utan intestine were used as a cocktail, 98% of ema/ara- ...19968918583
assignment of human mycn proto-oncogene to chromosome band 12q24 in higher primates.controversies concerning the reduction of chromosome number from 48 to 46 in humans by putative fusion of two ape chromosomes still persist. nevertheless, abundant evidence suggests that human chromosome 2 was derived by fusion. consequently, the recent availability of the human mycn gene probe which was localized to 2p24.3 facilitated our search for its location in the human equivalent chromosome(s) of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). in al ...19968921863
interspecific variation at the y-linked rps4y locus in hominoids: implications for phylogeny.within- and between-species variation in restriction endonuclease recognition sites was examined at the y-linked rps4y locus of six hominoid species: human (homo sapiens), gorilla (gorilla gorilla), chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), bonobo (pan paniscus), orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and gibbon (hylobates lar). rps4y is an expressed gene that maps to the non-recombining region of the y chromosome. an approximately 1,490 base pair fragment of the rps4y gene, including all of intron 3, was amplified by ...19968922180
appearance of ossification centers of the lower arm, wrist, lower leg, and ankle in immature orangutans and chimpanzees with an assessment of the relationship of ossification to dental development.this study examines the appearance of the secondary ossification centers in the lower arms, wrists, lower legs, and ankles of a cross-sectional sample of 20 infant orangutans and chimpanzees (15 of known age). the number of tarsal and carpal centers is analyzed relative to the degree of m1 development and the weight of individual animals. variation in the appearance of these ossification centers is discussed relative to these variables and others. in addition, a sequence of appearance is establi ...19968928720
development of the orangutan permanent dentition: assessing patterns and variation in tooth development.this study examines dental formation and alveolar emergence in a large cross-sectional sample composed primarily of wild-reared orangutans (n = 89) in order to provide information on the development of the permanent dentition in this hominoid and to address questions of variation in individual tooth formation, between teeth and between individuals. all specimens have been radiographed in lateral aspect and stages of crown and root formation recorded for all teeth. the ranges of crown and root fo ...19968928721
mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus).a respiratory disorder was noted in a 5-year-old female orangutan kept in the yongin farmland. radiographically, multiple radiodense foci ranging from 2 to 6 mm diameter were seen throughout the lung lobes. grossly, the thoracic cavity revealed a firm texture and grayish-pink discoloration of the left apical lung lobe. histopathologically, multifocal areas of granulomatous pneumonia present the right and left apical lung lobes. both primers from is1081 and is6110 targeting 196 bp and 245 bp resp ...19958593311
evolution and the origins of man: clues from complete sequences of hominoid mitochondrial the origins of homo sapiens sapiens is a central problem in human population genetics and anthropology. do we descend from a single recent ancestral population in africa, or from multiple ancestral populations in various regions of the world which one million years ago simultaneously began developing into h.s.sapiens? the high substitution rate of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) makes this molecule suitable for genealogical and chronological research on closely related hominoid species. we have ...19958629095
pattern and timing of evolutionary divergences among hominoids based on analyses of complete mtdnas.we have examined and dated primate divergences by applying a newly established molecular/ paleontological reference, the evolutionary separation between artiodactyls and cetaceans anchored at 60 million years before present (mybp). owing to the morphological transformations coinciding with the transition from terrestrial to aquatic (marine) life and the large body size of the animals (which makes their fossils easier to find), this reference can be defined, paleontologically, within much narrowe ...19968995062
genomic structure and evolution of a novel gene (pla2l) with duplicated phospholipase a2-like a previous study, we isolated a novel human cdna with two domains of homology to secreted phospholipase a2 (spla2) embedded within a much larger open reading frame. the corresponding gene, termed pla2l, is also unusual in that it is transcribed from an endogenous retroviral long terminal repeat promoter in teratocarcinoma cell lines. the associated retroviral element, a member of the herv-h family of sequences, is found within an intron of the human pla2l gene and has apparently assumed trans ...19979027484
isolation of stlv-i from orangutan, a great ape species in southeast asia, and its relation to other htlv-is/ study the evolutionary origin of human t-lymphotropic virus type i/simian t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i/stlv-i), we isolated and characterized stlv-i from orangutans (pongo pygmaeus). plasma samples from 3 out of 41 animals examined were reactive by particle agglutination and immunofluorescence, and one of these three was confirmed to be anti-htlv-i antibody-positive by western blotting (wb). cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the wb-positive orangutan were reactive to ant ...19979045888
characterization of the bovine epsilon gene.immunoglobulin e is quantitatively a minor immunoglobulin class in serum, but nevertheless the major class of antibody mediating type i hypersensitivity reactions and hence, type i allergic phenomena. the bovine epsilon gene is one of the as yet uncharacterized mammalian immunoglobulin genes. we have therefore cloned and determined the cdna sequence and genomic organization of the gene. it contains four constant region domain-encoding exons (ch1 to ch4) with a high homology to sheep c epsilon (8 ...19979486110
the evolution of the frontal lobes: a volumetric analysis based on three-dimensional reconstructions of magnetic resonance scans of human and ape brains.scenarios regarding the evolution of cognitive function in hominids depend largely on our understanding of the organization of the frontal lobes in extant humans and apes. the frontal lobe is involved in functions such as creative thinking, planning of future actions, decision making, artistic expression, aspects of emotional behavior, as well as working memory, language and motor control. it is often claimed that the frontal lobe is disproportionately larger in humans than in other species, but ...19979085187
subnasoalveolar anatomy and hominoid phylogeny: evidence from comparative ontogeny.the present analysis evaluated extant hominoid subnasal morphological variation from an ontogenetic perspective, documenting both qualitative and allometric details of subnasal maturation in hylobates, great apes and modern humans. with respect to intraspecific variation, results of log-linear modeling procedures indicate that qualitative features of the subnasal region shown previously to discriminate extant taxa (ward and kimbel, 1983; mccollum et al., 1993) do not vary appreciably with either ...19979098506
characterization of interleukin-8 receptors in non-human primates.interleukin-8 is a chemokine with a potent neutrophil chemoattractant activity. in humans, two different cdnas encoding human il8 receptors designated il8ra and il8rb have been cloned. il8ra binds il8, while il8rb binds il8 as well as other alpha-chemokines. both human il8rs are encoded by two genes physically linked on chromosome 2. the il8ra and il8rb genes have open reading frames (orf) lacking introns. by direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction products, we sequenced the il8r gene ...19969110929
conserved elements in the 5' regulatory region of the amyloid precursor protein gene in primates.oligonucleotides corresponding to conserved sites between the human and mouse amyloid precursor protein (app) genes have been used to polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplify and sequence the promoter region of the app gene from chimpanzee, gorilla, orang-utan, papio and african green monkey. several novel conserved potentially-regulatory sequences of the app gene have been detected after alignment of the app promoter sequences: an apolipoprotein e-b1 (apoe-b1) element at position -450, also pres ...19979175602
growth pattern of the maxillary sinus in the japanese macaque (macaca fuscata): reflections on the structural role of the paranasal investigate the claim that the primate paranasal sinuses possess not a functional but a structural role associated with the skull architecture (blaney, 1990), the relationship between the maxillary sinus and the skull architecture was studied ontogenetically in 30 skulls of male and female japanese macaques (macaca fuscata). coronal ct scan series and computerised 3-dimensional images served to evaluate the maxillary sinus. the definitive hemispherical shape of the sinus was already achieved ...19979183677
expanding the functional human mitochondrial dna database by the establishment of primate xenomitochondrial cybrids.the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes coevolve to optimize approximately 100 different interactions necessary for an efficient atp-generating system. this coevolution led to a species-specific compatibility between these genomes. we introduced mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from different primates into mtdna-less human cells and selected for growth of cells with a functional oxidative phosphorylation system. mtdna from common chimpanzee, pigmy chimpanzee, and gorilla were able to restore oxidative ph ...19979256447
beta-amyloid (a beta) deposition in the brains of aged orangutans.while aged monkeys of several species show cerebral amyloid deposition in senile plaques and blood vessels similar to that seen in human aging and alzheimer's disease (ad), studies of great apes have been limited. using histological and immunohistochemical methods, we examined the brains of four orangutans aged 10, 28, 31, and 36 years. we encountered sparse beta-amyloid (a beta)-immunoreactive, silver-negative plaque-like structures in the brains of the three older apes. the 36-year-old orangut ...19979258890
brief communication: comparative mapping of the human estrogen receptor (esr) and the kallmann (kal) regions to the chromosomes of the great apes.human and great ape chromosomes display significant concordance by molecular and cytogenetic techniques, which may reflect their common origin. nevertheless, chromosomal banding techniques did not reflect the syntenic homology at the dna level, which created controversy and debate. the recent availability of the unique sequence loci-specific human estrogen receptor (esr) (bq25.1) region and kallmann (kal) (xp22.3) dna probes have prompted us to search the degree of dna sequence synteny among chi ...19979292171
mutation pattern variation among regions of the primate genome.we sequenced three argininosuccinate-synthetase-processed pseudogenes (psias-a1, psias-a3, psias-3) and their noncoding flanking sequences in human, orangutan, baboon, and colobus. our data showed that these pseudogenes were incorporated into the genome of the old world monkeys after the divergence of the old world and new world monkey lineages. these pseudogene flanking regions show variable mutation rates and patterns. the variation in the g/c to a/t mutation rate (u) can account for the unequ ...19979302314
fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of keratinocyte growth factor gene amplification and dispersion in evolution of great apes and humans.keratinocyte growth factor (kgf) is a member of the fibroblast growth factor family. portions of the gene encoding kgf were amplified during primate evolution and are present in multiple nonprocessed copies in the human genome. nucleotide analysis of a representative sampling of these kgf-like sequences indicated that they were at least 95% identical to corresponding regions of the kgf gene. to localize these sequences to specific chromosomal sites in human and higher primates, we used fluoresce ...19979326632
meat-eating by adult female sumatran orangutans (pongo pygmaeus abelii).information about meat-eating behavior by wild orangutans (pongo pygmaeus) is scant. the first article about such a case dates from 1981. since 1989, seven incidents of adult female sumatran orangutans eating slow lorises (nycticebus coucang) have been witnessed. three females from two study sites were involved. in three cases the females were seen catching the prey. there are too few cases to conclude whether this behavior is typically female.19979327098
physical mapping of human 7q and 14q subtelomeric dna sequences in the great apes.phylogenetic divergence of the members of the pongidae family has been based on genetic evidence. the terminal repeat array (t2ag3) has lately been considered as an additional basis to analyze genomes of highly related species. the recent isolation of subtelomeric dna probes specific for human (hsa) chromosomes 7q and 14q has prompted us to cross-hybridize them to the chromosomes of the chimpanzee (ptr), gorilla (ggo) and orangutan (ppy) to search for its equivalent locations in the great ape sp ...19979330913
use of experimenter-given cues during object-choice tasks by chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and human infants (homo sapiens).in a series of experiments, chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and human infants (homo sapiens) were investigated as to whether they used experimenter-given cues when responding to object-choice tasks. five conditions were used in different phases: the experimenter tapping on the correct object, gazing plus pointing, gazing closely, gazing alone, and glancing without head orientation. the 3 subject species were able to use all of the experimenter-given cues, in contras ...19989642782
complex fish probes for the subtelomeric regions of all human chromosomes: comparative hybridization of ceph yacs to chromosomes of the old world monkey presbytis cristata and great apes.we have generated a human subtelomere probe panel, utilizing well characterized ceph yacs, for the investigation of human chromosome pathology and evolution through fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish). region-specific fish probes will be extremely valuable for detecting cytogenetically cryptic telomere abnormalities. here, we present the first comparative mapping study (with 29 subtelomere probes and 6 chromosome paints) to the old world monkey presbytis cristata, followed by hybridizations ...19979345897
sequences from higher primates orthologous to the human xp/yp telomere junction region reveal gross rearrangements and high levels of divergence.a high level of sequence polymorphism combined with linkage disequilibrium has created a limited number of highly diverged haplotypes across the human xp/yp telomere junction region. to gain insight into the unusual genetic characteristics of this region, we have examined the orthologous sequences in the common chimpanzee (pan troglodytes ), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus). divergence from the human xp/yp sequence is higher (average 2.6-fold) than that observed ...19979361036
suspected dermatophilosis in an adult orangutan (pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus).an adult female bornean orangutan (pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) had a pruritic, vesicular skin disease, particularly of the extremities, trunk, and face. over a 2-yr course, symptoms resolved only transiently after corticosteroid treatment. antibiotic treatment and withdrawal of all corticosteroids resulted in complete recovery of the animal and return to normal activity patterns. on the basis of the dermal histopathologic lesions, dermatophilus congolensis was suspected as the causative organism, a ...19979365949
neuropeptide y in the infundibular nucleus and hypophysis of great apes.we studied the distribution of neuropeptide y (npy) immunoreactivity in the infundibular nucleus and the hypophysis of the chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. using antibodies developed in rabbit against synthetic porcine npy, we found numerous npy-immunoreactive neuronal somata in the infundibular nucleus; this nucleus was also filled with short npy-positive processes and an abundance of punctate structures that could be indicative of synaptic terminals. numerous varicose npy-positive fibers we ...19979369542
evolution of a homopurine-homopyrimidine pentanucleotide repeat sequence upstream of the human inducible nitric oxide synthase gene.we have identified a highly polymorphic pentanucleotide repeat (ccttt)n within the 5'-putative promoter region of the human inducible nitric oxide synthase gene (inos, nos2). using a pair of specific primers derived from the human inos gene, we have also amplified this inos repeat in dna from the following species: chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan and macaque. as is found in man, both chimpanzees and gorillas are polymorphic at this locus. in contrast, the locus is monomorphic in macaques and oran ...19979434180
genomic differentiation among natural populations of orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus).orang-utans exist today in small isolated populations on the islands of borneo (subspecies pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) and sumatra (subspecies p. p. abelii). although, on the basis of their morphological, behavioral and cytogenetical characteristics, the bornean and sumatran orang-utan populations are generally considered as two separate subspecies, there is no universal agreement as to whether their genetic differentiation is sufficient to consider and manage them as species, subspecies or populat ...19968939569
a unique genomic sequence in the wolf-hirschhorn syndrome [whs] region of humans is conserved in the great apes.the wolf-hirschhorn syndrome (whs) is caused by a partial deletion in the short arm of chromosome 4 band 16.3 (4p 16.3). a unique-sequence human dna probe (39 kb) localized within this region has been used to search for sequence homology in the apes' equivalent chromosome 3 by fish-technique. the whs loci are conserved in higher primates at the expected position. nevertheless, a control probe, which detects alphoid sequences of the pericentromeric region of humans, is diverged in chimpanzee, gor ...19968976066
characterization and distribution of mhc-dpb1 alleles in chimpanzee and rhesus macaque populations.allelic diversity at the nonhuman primate mhc-dpb1 locus was studied by determining exon 2 nucleotide sequences. this resulted in the detection of 17 chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), 2 orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and 16 rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) alleles. these were compiled with primate mhc-dpb1 nucleotide sequences that were published previously. based upon the results, a sequence specific oligotyping method was developed allowing us to investigate the distribution of mhc-dpb1 alleles in dist ...19989757948
evolutionary sequence comparisons using high-density oligonucleotide arrays.we explored the utility of high-density oligonucleotide arrays (dna chips) for obtaining sequence information from homologous genes in closely related species. orthologues of the human brca1 exon 11, all approximately 3.4 kb in length and ranging from 98.2% to 83.5% nucleotide identity, were subjected to hybridization-based and conventional dideoxysequencing analysis. retrospective guidelines for identifying high-fidelity hybridization-based sequence calls were formulated based upon dideoxyseque ...19989462745
a structural difference between the cell surfaces of humans and the great apes.the sialic acids are major components of the cell surfaces of animals of the deuterostome lineage. earlier studies suggested that humans may not express n-glycolyl-neuraminic acid (neu5gc), a hydroxylated form of the common sialic acid n-acetyl-neuraminic acid (neu5ac). we find that while neu5gc is essentially undetectable on human plasma proteins and erythrocytes, it is a major component in all the four extant great apes (chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla and orangutan) as well as in many other mamma ...19989786333
comparative mapping of human alphoid satellite dna repeat sequences in the great apes.heterochromatic regions of chromosomes contain highly repetitive, tandemly arranged dna sequences that undergo very rapid variation compared to unique dna sequences that are predominantly conserved. in this study the chromosomal basis of speciation has been looked at in terms of repeat sequences. we have hybridized twenty-one chromosome-specific human alphoid satellite dna probes to metaphase spreads of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla), and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) t ...19979465402
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 1082