
control of lipolysis in intra-abdominal fat cells of nonhuman primates: comparison with humans.the mechanisms that control lipolysis in intra-abdominal fat cells from various primate species, the marmoset (callithrix jacchus), the baboon (papio papio), and the macaque (macaca fascicularis), were compared to those of human intraabdominal fat cells. selective beta 1- or beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists induced lipolysis in all species. selective beta 3-agonists (brl 37344, cl 316243, and sr 58611) acted as partial agonists in marmoset but were inefficient in other primates, including humans. al ...19957775857
social and reproductive influences on plasma cortisol in female marmoset monkeys.subordinate female common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) undergo ovulation suppression and exhibit low plasma cortisol levels compared to the dominant, breeding female. to determine whether this cortisol difference is mediated by the differential reproductive consequences of social status, we monitored plasma progesterone and cortisol in 32 adult female marmosets while they were housed in heterosexual pairs, during the first 3 days of heterosexual group formation, and while animals were housed i ...19947800752
marmoset (callithrix jacchus jacchus) spatial memory in a foraging task: win-stay versus win-shift strategies.the spatial memory of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus) was explored in 3 experiments with a simulated foraging task. in experiment 1, individual monkeys foraged among 8 baited food sites. they appeared to use spatial memory to accurately avoid revisiting previously depleted sites. there was no difference in accuracy between the adult monkeys and a juvenile monkey tested on the same task. in experiment 2, a win-stay paradigm was used. the adult monkey subject very accurately remember ...19947813192
evolution of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 peroxisomal and mitochondrial targeting. a survey of its subcellular distribution in the livers of various representatives of the classes mammalia, aves and part of a wider study on the molecular evolution of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (agt1) intracellular compartmentalization, we have determined the subcellular distribution of immunoreactive agt1, using postembedding protein a-gold immunoelectron microscopy, in the livers of various members of the classes mammalia, aves, and amphibia. as far as organellar distribution is concerned, three categories could be distinguished. in members of the first category (type i), all, or nearly all, ...19947813517
evaluation of possible effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and other congeners on lymphocyte receptors in callithrix jacchus and man.using fluorescence-labeled monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry (facscan analysis) we measured surface receptors on peripheral lymphocytes in marmosets (callithrix jacchus) treated with tcdd in the lower nanogram per kilogram range. additionally, some polybrominated congeners were studied as well as a 2,3,7,8-substituted dioxin containing chlorine and bromine in the same molecule. callithrix was found to be very sensitive to the action of tcdd and the other tetrahalogenated congeners; single ...19947826660
thalidomide and the immune system. 4. down-regulation of the cd26 receptor, probably involved in the binding of hiv components to t cells in primates.thalidomide (thd) is capable of down-regulating the cd26 receptor on cd4+ lymphocytes after treatment of healthy volunteers. similar effects are observed when marmosets (callithrix jacchus) are treated with thd. the ta1 epitope of the cd26 receptor has recently been shown to bind the hiv-1 tat trans-activating protein, and cd26 has also been suggested to be a coreceptor for the binding of the v3 loop of the gp120 hiv envelope protein. this might provide a hint for possible therapeutic interventi ...19957830502
proliferative capacity of marmoset lymphocytes after tetanus vaccination and lack of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin to reduce a booster effect.marmosets (callithrix jacchus) were vaccinated with tetanus toxoid and boostered 3 months and 1 year following the initial immunization. during this period, the proliferative response of lymphocytes (3h-thymidine incorporation) to the recall antigen was measured in vitro in blood samples 7 times. the experimental procedure proved to be suitable to monitor a defined but complex function of the immune system, and to assess possible substance-induced alterations with minimal stress or discomfort fo ...19957830504
microvasculature of the lingual papillae in primates and insectivores--fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae.the microvascular architecture of the fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae was investigated under scanning electron microscope in man, common squirrel monkeys, common marmosets, common tree shrews (primates), large japanese moles and dwarf shrews (insectivores) utilizing microvascular corrosion casts. the fungiform papilla of the lingual apex in man was supplied by an intrapapillary capillary network with a globular pattern. it was composed of 10-15 capillary loops in a circular arrangement a ...19947830994
postnatal development of glial fibrillary acidic protein, vimentin and s100 protein in monkey visual cortex: evidence for a transient reduction of gfap the cerebral cortex of some species, the gradual appearance of glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) is often interpreted as reflecting the parallel maturation of neuronal connectivity. we studied the postnatal maturation of astrocytes in the primary visual cortex of callithrix jacchus using antibodies against gfap, vimentin and s100 protein as immunohistochemical markers. in the cortical grey matter of this species, the overall gfap-immunoreactivity (ir) as measured by image analysis is hig ...19947842498
antiparkinsonian activity of talipexole in mptp-treated monkeys: in combination with l-dopa and as chronic treatment.we examined whether or not the antiparkinsonian activity of talipexole (b-ht 920, 6-allyl-2-amino-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4h-thiazolo[4,5-d]-azepine) could be optimised by combination with l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-dopa). additionally, the effects of chronic treatment with talipexole on motor behavior were investigated using 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp)-treated and normal common marmosets. administration of mptp (0.5 mg/animal i.v. once or twice) to marmosets induced pers ...19947851473
effects of recombinant human interleukin 6 (rhil-6) in marmosets (callithrix jacchus). 1. general toxicity and hematological changes.the physiological and toxicological properties of recombinant human interleukin 6 (rhil-6) were assessed in marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus). two experimental series were performed with daily subcutaneous administration: (a) 5 or 1000 micrograms rhil-6/kg per day for three weeks and (b) 25, 100 or 500 micrograms rhil-6/kg per day for 3 months. rhil-6 was well tolerated and did not induce fever or any other non-specific signs of toxicity. the main findings were: (1) a two- to threefold incre ...19947857201
behavioral assessment of the effects of embryonic nigral grafts in marmosets with unilateral 6-ohda lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway.grafts of embryonic nigral tissue were made into the striatum of marmosets (callithrix jacchus) which had previously received a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-ohda) lesion of the nigrostriatal bundle. the grafts comprised injections of cell suspensions prepared from embryonic (74 day) marmoset ventral mesencephalic tissue targeted at multiple striatal sites in the caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the nucleus accumbens on the same side as the initial lesion. a series of behavioral tests was use ...19947906227
the competitive nmda antagonist cpp protects substantia nigra neurons from mptp-induced degeneration in primates.degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is the primary histopathological feature of parkinson's disease. the neurotoxin mptp (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) induces a neurological syndrome in man and non-human primates very similar to idiopathic parkinson's disease by selectively destroying dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. this gives rise to the hypothesis that parkinson's disease may be caused by endogenous or environmental toxins. endogenous excitatory amino acids ...19937907775
beta-adrenergic control of lipolysis in primate white fat cells: a comparative study with nonprimate mammals.the beta-adrenoceptor subtypes involved in the control of lipolysis in white fat cells of rat, dog, marmoset (callithrix jacchus), baboon (papio papio), macaque (macaca fascicularis), and human were compared. in all species [3h]cgp-12177 binding (up to 3 nm) indicated the existence of a homogeneous population of binding sites in fat cell membranes, and competition studies showed that beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors were present. selective beta 1 or beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists induced lipolysis ...19947914069
dietary lipids and adipose tissue fatty acids in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).the fatty acid composition of marmoset monkey perirenal fat was examined after long-term feeding of different lipid supplemented diets. saturated fatty acid supplementation significantly reduced linoleic acid; n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (pufa) supplementation decreased oleic acid but did not reduce the saturated fatty acid content of perirenal fat. dietary supplementation with fish oil also reduced the level of linoleic acid but increased the level of palmitic acid as well as that of the lon ...19947914864
embryotoxic effects of thalidomide derivatives in the non-human primate callithrix jacchus. iv. teratogenicity of micrograms/kg doses of the em12 enantiomers.the dose-response of the teratogenic potency of the thalidomide (thd) derivative em12 was evaluated in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus). the smallest daily dose found to be effective was 30 micrograms em12/kg body wt. this is the lowest dose of a thd derivative ever reported to induce severe skeletal abnormalities. ten micrograms em12/kg body wt may be considered the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (noael) under the experimental conditions chosen. the teratogenic potencies of the two em ...19947940403
embryotoxic effects of thalidomide derivatives in the non-human primate callithrix jacchus. 5. lack of teratogenic effects of phthalimidophthalmide.the teratogenic potency of the thalidomide (thd) derivative phthalimidophthalimide (phtpht) was assessed in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), by oral administration of the relatively high daily dose of 50 mg phtpht/kg body wt, during the susceptible period (days 48-61 of pregnancy). since in this species daily doses of only 100 micrograms/kg body wt of the thd derivative em12 already induce typical gross structural abnormalities in nearly 100% of the fetuses, investigations with a small ...19948024468
dietary fats and cardiac arrhythmia in primates.several epidemiological surveys have suggested that an alteration in the habitual intake of the type rather than the amount of dietary fat may offer a nutritional means for a reduction in mortality from severe cardiac arrhythmia which cannot be achieved at present by the post hoc administration of anti-arrhythmic agents. we have examined this possibility in a series of long-term feeding studies with the small non-human primate marmoset monkey callithrix jacchus. in both in vitro and in vivo stud ...19948025371
epidemiological study of sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis in captive latin american wild mammals, são paulo, brazil.sporotrichosis and histoplasmosis are deep mycosis with a high incidence in human beings in brazil. in domestic animals histoplasmosis has been described only in dogs, but the occurrence of sporotrichosis among domestic animals in brazil has been described in dogs, cats, mules and asses. there is also a case of this disease reported in a chimpanzee (pan troglodites). the purpose of this research was to perform an epidomiological study of these mycoses using delayed hypersensitivity tests (histop ...19948028639
lh- and chorionic gonadotrophin-stimulated progesterone release in vitro by intact luteal tissue of the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).the application of an in vitro microdialysis system (mds) for studies on the gonadotrophic control of luteal progesterone secretion in the marmoset monkey is described. luteal tissue collected from a total of six animals (9 +/- 1 days after ovulation) was perfused with ringer solution (without and with lipoprotein, 0.6 microgram/ml). the tissue was exposed to repeated applications of human lh (hlh) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) (1, 10 and 100 iu/ml) each of 60 min duration. perfusate w ...19948071639
a novel population of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurones in the basal forebrain of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).we have observed in the basal forebrain of the common marmoset a group of neurones which display tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (thir) with three different polyclonal antibodies and one monoclonal antibody, and which express th mrna as shown by in situ hybridization histochemistry. the population of cells is composed of large multipolar neurones and is located predominantly in the substantia innominata and at the ventral, medial and lateral margins of the external segment of the globus pa ...19938097024
chronic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine to monkeys: behavioural, morphological and biochemical correlates.the behavioural, biochemical and morphological effects of a chronic administration of low doses of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) were studied in the common marmoset. monkeys received the toxin (1 mg/kg i.p.) twice a week for four months. group a monkeys were studied one week after the last injection of mptp; group b monkeys were studied eight months after the last toxic injection. the monkey behaviour was observed throughout the experiment; the biochemical and morphological ...19938105418
cloning and expression of interleukin-3 genes of chimpanzee and new world monkeys.interleukin-3 (il-3) genes were cloned from chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), tamarin (saguinus oedipus) and marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and expressed in cos cells. although the il-3 gene structure is well conserved in these primate species, sequence analysis revealed extensive base substitutions. the chimpanzee il-3 protein, which is highly homologous (98.5% identity) to human il-3, stimulated proliferation of human cells dependent on il-3. in contrast, due to the numerous amino acid substitution ...19948110834
connections from the neocortex to the vestibular brain stem nuclei in the common marmoset.monosynaptic projections from the cerebral cortex to the vestibular nuclei were studied in the common marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) by injecting fluorescent dextrans into the brain stem vestibular nuclei. the injection sites were determined by single unit vestibular responses identified later histologically. during the recordings sinewave rotation in pitch, roll or yaw or steady tilt was applied. the most notable loci of labelling were found inside the primary sensory cortex, the cortex d ...19938110998
distribution of cytochrome oxidase and parvalbumin in the primary visual cortex of the adult and neonate monkey, callithrix jacchus.the anatomical distributions of the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (co) and of the calcium binding protein parvalbumin (pv) were studied in the striate cortex of adult and neonate new world monkeys (callithrix jacchus). in the adult marmoset, both proteins were found in laminar arrangements similar to those described for the macaque monkey, with prominent bands of pv-like immunoreactive (pv-li) puncta in layers iv and iiib, and fairly evenly distributed pv-li nonpyramidal neurons. furth ...19948144744
[hypotensive action of human renin inhibitor kri-1314 in the common marmoset].the possibility of using kri-1314, a new cyclohexylnorstatine derivative, as an antihypertensive drug was examined using common marmosets. kri-1314 strongly inhibited plasma renin activity (pra) in both humans and marmosets, with a 50% inhibitory concentration of 4.7 x 10(-9) and 6.9 x 10(-9) m, respectively. in anesthetized marmosets, the increase in both blood pressure and pra induced by bolus intravenous injection of rh-renin (0.15 microgram/kg) was suppressed by constant intravenous infusion ...19948175079
social organization in a wild population of callithrix jacchus. i. group composition and are presented on group dynamics in a wild population of the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus, in northeastern brazil. three marked and habituated groups were observed, and composition noted, for at least 5 days a month over 12-18 consecutive months. group sizes ranged from 5 to 15 individuals, and changes in group composition were the result of births, immigrations, and disappearances. no immigrations into the main study groups were observed throughout the study period. none of the three ...19938206418
the molecular cloning and sequence of the common marmoset interferon-gamma (maifn-gamma) gene.a dna fragment covering marmoset interferon gamma (maifn-gamma) was cloned from the dna of peripheral blood leucocytes, sequenced and compared to its human ifn-gamma counterpart. the two nucleotide sequences were found to be highly homologous (90.3%). the position of the exons are directly comparable with those of the human ifn-gamma gene and follows the pattern of structural conservation found elsewhere. the present work makes available recombinant maifn-gamma for animal experiments.19938219283
chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and the human immune system. 1. blood cell receptors in volunteers with moderately increased body burdens.using monoclonal antibodies (mabs) and flow cytometry, we studied a variety of surface receptors on lymphocyte subpopulations of workers with moderately increased body burdens of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) and of other polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (pcdd/pcdf), expressed here as international-toxicity equivalencies (i-te). the hypothesis to be tested was whether or not humans exhibit a similar susceptibility to pcdds/pcdfs with respect to the surface recepto ...19938255162
behavioral effects of the intraventricular administration of 5-ht and dopamine in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the effects of ivt serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht)] and dopamine (da) administration have been studied in rats and marmosets (callithrix jacchus). in rats, 5-ht (114 and 170 micrograms/10 microliters) produced the same behavioral effects observed after ip administration of its precursors and agonists. the same doses of 5-ht used for rats produced only part of the behavioral effects in marmosets after ip administration of 5-ht precursors and agonists. ataxia, vomiting, and decreased motor a ...19938255914
distribution of seven major neurotransmitter receptors in the striate cortex of the new world monkey callithrix jacchus.the distribution of seven different binding sites for the transmitters l-glutamate (l-glutamate binding sites and n-methyl-d-aspartate receptor), gaba (gabaa receptor), noradrenaline (alpha 1 receptor), acetylcholine (muscarinic m1 and m2 receptors) and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine1 receptor) are analysed in the primary visual cortex (area 17) of the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus, using quantitative autoradiography. all binding sites show a well-defined laminar pattern, which changes sha ...19938284040
microvascular architecture of the filiform papillae in primates and insectivores.the microvascular architecture of filiform papillae was investigated under a scanning electron microscope in man, japanese monkeys, common squirrel monkeys, common marmosets, common tree shrews, large japanese moles and dwarf shrews utilizing microvascular corrosion casts. filiform papillae were circularly arranged in primates, and each of them was supplied by a hairpin capillary loop. these papillae sometimes were aggregated. the filiform papillae of japanese monkeys exhibited markedly location ...19938316801
visual optics and retinal cone topography in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) is a small, diurnal, new world monkey amenable to vision research. in this paper we describe the visual optics and cone photoreceptor topography of the normal adult marmoset. paraxial optical ray-tracing shows that the marmoset eye is well represented as a scaled-down version of the human eye. the density of foveal and perifoveal cone photoreceptors in the marmoset is as high, and in peripheral retina higher, than those reported in humans and macaques. th ...19938333154
pre- and postnatal development of the primary visual cortex of the common marmoset. ii. formation, remodelling, and elimination of synapses as overlapping processes.during ontogenesis changes in the numerical density of synapses are usually assumed to depend essentially on variations in the formation of synapses. only the final adjustment to adult synapse densities is thought to include the elimination of synapses in some brain regions of certain species. here, we focus attention on quantitative aspects of synapse elimination throughout development of area 17 of marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus). mature synapses, various precursor forms, and indicators ...19938340496
effects of testosterone propionate upon the sexual and aggressive behavior of adult male marmosets (callithrix jacchus) castrated as new world monkeys of the family callitrichidae (marmosets and tamarins), females frequently give birth to dizygotic twins. twins share a placental circulation throughout fetal development and are hemopoietic chimeras. despite this, there is no masculinization (freemartinism) in females which develop next to a male co-twin. it has been suggested that the organizing effects of testicular androgen upon sexual differentiation of the brain occur mainly during early postnatal development in male ca ...19938349280
identification of a competitive binding component in vitamin d-resistant new world primate cells with a low affinity but high capacity for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3.monkeys in a number of different new world primate genera express a form of compensated target organ resistance to steroid hormones, including 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 [1,25-(oh)2d3]. characterization of these phenotypes has previously relied upon the study of the 1,25-(oh)2d3-receptor (vdr) interaction in cultured dermal fibroblasts from affected primates. in this report, we show that three of these prototypic phenotypes can be faithfully reproduced in previously established cultured cell lines ...19938381251
histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of hepatitis a virus infection in marmoset callithrix jacchus.samples of serum, feces and liver tissue and organs of six cotton-eared marmosets callithrix jacchus infected intravenously with two different strains of hepatitis a virus (hav), were studied by conventional histologic techniques, by serological techniques and by immunocytochemical methods, such as immunofluorescence (if) and peroxidase-antibody techniques. hepatitis a antigen (haag) was detectable in daily collected stools, in liver biopsy obtained sequentially, and in organs collected at necro ...19938385516
analysis of the tumorigenic potential of common marmoset lymphoblastoid cells expressing a constitutively activated c-myc gene.the respective roles of epstein-barr virus (ebv) and c-myc in the pathogenesis of endemic burkitt's lymphoma (bl) are unclear. in order to help resolve the question whether constitutive expression of the c-myc gene in an ebv-immortalised b cell is sufficient to induce a tumorigenic phenotype, b cells from a common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) were immortalised with ebv, transfected with a constitutively activated c-myc gene and inoculated into the host animals. despite the cell line transfected ...19938388232
roles of cyclic amp and inositol phosphates in the luteolytic action of cloprostenol, a prostaglandin f2 alpha analogue, in marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus).the luteolytic response to a prostaglandin f2 alpha analogue, cloprostenol, was investigated in vivo and in vitro at defined stages of the luteal phase. in vivo administration of cloprostenol to female marmoset monkeys on day 3 after ovulation had no effect on plasma progesterone concentrations, whereas administration on day 14 after ovulation reduced plasma progesterone to preovulatory concentrations within 4 h. to identify the cellular basis for this luteolytic action, marmoset luteal tissue o ...19938388957
application of human minisatellite probes to the development of informative dna fingerprints and the isolation of locus-specific markers in this study, the alpha-globin 3' hvr (jarman et al., 1986), the rna transcripts of 33.15 and 33.6 (carter et al., 1989), and the human locus-specific minisatellites ms1, ms8, ms31, ms32 (wong et al., 1987), ms51, ms228a (armour et al., 1989) and g3 (wong et al., 1986) were applied to domestic pigs, common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus jacchus) and waldrapp ibises (geronticus eremita) and evaluated for their suitability firstly for isolating polymorphic vntr markers from genomic librarie ...19938400710
distribution and metabolism of aflatoxin b1 in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).whole-body autoradiography of [3h]aflatoxin b1 (3h-afb1) in marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) showed a localization of bound labelling, in addition to the liver, in the nasal olfactory and respiratory mucosa and the mucosa of the nasopharyngeal duct, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea and the oesophagus. in vitro microautoradiography of these tissues incubated with 3h-afb1 showed a localization of bound radioactivity in some cells in the epithelial linings of the tissues. this binding was ...19938425254
purification from liver microsomes from untreated cynomolgus monkeys of cytochrome p450 closely related to human cytochrome p450 2b6.a cytochrome p450 (p450) (referred to as p450cmla) was purified and characterized from hepatic microsomes from untreated cynomolgus monkeys (macaca irus). the final preparation was electrophoretically homogeneous and its estimated minimum molecular mass was 49.5 kda. the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein (first 34 residues) closely resembled that of the protein encoded by the 2b6 cdna from humans (94%). this protein was cross-reactive with antibodies raised against p450 2b1 (p450 ...19938429823
structure and evolution of the polymorphic photopigment gene of the marmoset.the marmoset callithrix jacchus jacchus, is typical of a new world monkey in exhibiting a polymorphism of photopigments in the middlewave to longwave (535-565 nm) region of the spectrum. the single x-linked opsin gene that encodes the protein component of these pigments is present in three allelic forms producing, in marmosets, pigments with maximum sensitivities at about 543, 556 and 563 nm. all male monkeys are dichromats, whereas females may be either dichromats or trichromats. a cdna sequenc ...19938447088
differences in levels of erythrocyte glutathione and its metabolizing enzyme activities among primates.1. the levels of erythrocyte glutathione and the activities of its metabolizing enzymes--glutathione peroxidase (gsh-px), glutathione s-transferase (gst) and glutathione reductase (gr)--were measured in four species of primates: human, rhesus monkey, common marmoset and common tree shrew. 2. there were marked differences in gsh-px and gst activities among the primates, while gr activity and glutathione level were much less variable.19938448989
sensory cues and the suppression of reproduction in subordinate female marmoset monkeys, callithrix jacchus.subordinate female marmoset monkeys remain anovulatory and have low plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (lh) when maintained with their dominant females. olfactory cues from the dominant female have been implicated in maintaining this reproductive suppression. subordinate females that received either ablation of the vomeronasal organ (an accessory olfactory organ; n = 3), ablation of the main olfactory epithelium (n = 4), or both lesions (n = 5) did not ovulate in the following 7 weeks ...19938464022
local regulation of primate granulosa cell aromatase activity.granulosa cells produce inhibin and activin, proteins implicated in the local regulation of preovulatory follicular development. to assess interactions among fsh, lh, inhibin and activin on primate granulosa cell aromatase activity, we studied primary granulosa cell cultures from the ovaries of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), a monkey with an ovarian cycle similar in length to the human cycle. the distinctive action of activin was augmentation of gonadotropin-responsive aromatase activ ...19938476757
experimental transmission of bse and scrapie to the common marmoset.two young male common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) were injected intracerebrally and intraperitoneally with a crude brain homogenate prepared from a cow with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse). two other marmosets were similarly injected with brain homogenate from a sheep with natural scrapie. the two animals injected with scrapie material developed neurological signs 38 and 42 months after injection and the two animals injected with bse material developed neurological signs after 46 and 4 ...19938488658
requirement of inner cell mass for efficient chorionic gonadotrophin secretion by blastocysts of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).the role of the inner cell mass in the induction of chorionic gonadotrophin synthesis and secretion by the trophoblast of the peri-implantation primate blastocyst was studied in common marmoset monkeys. an in vitro system for the culture of blastocysts commencing with blastocysts collected 8 days after conception was developed. chorionic gonadotrophin measured in the spent culture fluid was first detected in most blastocysts after 3 or 4 days (day 11 or 12) of culture at a time equivalent to imp ...19938501702
in vitro fertilization and embryo development in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).oocytes aspirated from preovulatory (i.e. > or = 2 mm) follicles of marmoset monkeys were graded for maturity according to the degree of cumulus expansion, grade i being most mature and grade iv least mature. after preincubation for 2-5, 9-11 or 21-29 h, 82% of oocytes could be fertilized using epididymal spermatozoa and only 2.3% were polyspermic. fertilization rate was lowest (60%) in grade iv oocytes and all oocytes preincubated for 2-5 h (53%). fertilization rate increased to 92% in oocytes ...19938501719
mhc-drb genes of platyrrhine primates.the two infraorders of anthropoid primates, platyrrhini (new world monkeys) and catarrhini (old world monkeys and the hominoids) are estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor 37 million years ago. the major histocompatibility complex class ii drb gene and haplotype polymorphism of the catarrhini has been characterized in several recent studies. the present study was undertaken to obtain information on the drb polymorphism of the platyrrhini. fifty-five complete exon 2 drb sequences were ...19938505064
intragastric infection induced in marmosets (callithrix jacchus) by a brazilian hepatitis a virus (haf-203).several species of non-human primates have been used in studies on experimental infection with hepatitis a virus (hav). attempts to infect a south-american marmoset (callithrix jacchus) with a brazilian hav isolate (haf-203) are described here. four seronegative animals were inoculated intragastrically and one was sacrificed on day 11, 20, 47 and 62 after infection. one uninfected animal was included as control. liver, small intestine, lymph node, spleen and kidney samples were collected for his ...19958520524
demonstration of nitric oxide synthase (nos) in marmosets by nadph diaphorase (nadph-d) histochemistry and nos immunoreactivity.since species interdiversity often prevents the extrapolation of laboratory rodent data to man and similar problems may exist for nitric oxide synthase (nos), nadph-d activity and immunohistochemistry of nos were investigated in the new world monkey callithrix jacchus (marmoset), which has been shown to be close to the human situation in many respects. using the nadphd reaction with beta-nadph and nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) on acetone-chloroform pretreated cryosections, nbt formazan was found i ...19958525791
comparative study of oestrogen excretion in female new world monkeys: an overview of non-invasive ovarian monitoring and a new application in evolutionary biology.oestrogen was measured in urine samples collected from captive females representing 7 species of new world monkey to provide an overview of the applicability of such formation in the noninvasive monitoring of ovarian function and to assess the potential applicability of such information in phylogenetic studies. species available for study were the pygmy marmoset, common marmoset, red-bellied tamarin, cotton-top tamarin, golden lion tamarin, goeldi's monkey and the owl monkey. oestrone conjugates ...19958529968
down-regulation of adhesion receptors on cells of primate embryos as a probable mechanism of the teratogenic action of spite of ongoing speculation, there has been no evidence that adhesion receptors are expressed on the cells of mammalian embryos. in this report, we provide the first proof that a variety of such receptor (beta 1-, beta 2-, and beta 3-integrins and selectin) are indeed expressed on cells of essentially all primordia of marmoset embryos at early organogenesis (developmental stages 11 to 13, or even earlier). treatment with low doses (20 or as little as 1 mg/kg body weight) of a highly teratoge ...19968538367
cross-reactivity of antihuman monoclonal antibodies with cell surface receptors in the common this report we demonstrate that a large number of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against human epitopes cross-react with surface receptors on white blood cells of callithrix jacchus, indicating species similarities. however, a variety of other mabs do not exhibit any cross-reactivity, thus also providing evidence for distinct differences in the structure of these receptors among nonhuman primates. such differences have to be known and taken into consideration when attempting extrapolations betw ...19968538368
patterns of relaxin and steroids in the reproductive cycle of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus): effects of prostaglandin f2 alpha on relaxin and progesterone secretion during pregnancy.we measured the concentrations of relaxin (rlx), progesterone, and estradiol-17 beta in serum samples obtained twice or three times weekly from marmosets during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. the cyclic patterns and concentrations of progesterone and estradiol-17 beta were similar to those reported by previous investigators. rlx was not detected in individual serum samples ( < 0.62-1.25 ng/ml) obtained from nonpregnant marmosets. however, pooling of luteal serum from all animals permitted assa ...19958547478
calcium-binding proteins in the spiral ganglion of the monkey, callithrix jacchus.calcium-binding proteins can act as intermediaries between changing levels of free intracellular calcium ions and the physiological response of neurons. some of these proteins, among them calbindin (cb), calretinin (cr) and parvalbumin (pv), can act as calcium buffers. a survey of previous studies in rodents and human fetuses leads to the impression that many spiral ganglion cells co-express cb, cr, and pv. the findings of the present study suggest that, in the adult marmoset, the expression of ...19958567426
morphology and connections of neurons in area 17 projecting to the extrastriate areas mt and 19dm and to the superior colliculus in the monkey callithrix jacchus.neurons of area 17, the primary visual cortex, project to various anatomically and physiologically different extrastriate areas and subcortical regions. in the present investigation, we addressed the question of whether the efferent neurons in area 17 can contribute to functional diversity between these regions. we approached this question by analyzing the dendritic morphology of neurons in area 17 projecting to area mt, area 19dm, and the superior colliculus in the new world simian primate call ...19958576436
effects of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on neuropeptide immunoreactivity in the basal ganglia of the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus, a quantitative immunohistochemical analysis.previous immunocytochemical studies in rats have indicated that striatal dopamine depletion leads to an increase in enkephalin-immunoreactivity and a decrease in substance p-immunoreactivity in the striatum. similar studies in primates have lead to contradictory results. in the present study changes in tyrosine hydroxylase-, met-enkephalin- and substance p-immunoreactivity were determined in the basal ganglia of 6 common marmosets callithrix jacchus following dopamine depletion by unilateral int ...19958588831
homologies between human and marmoset (callithrix jacchus) chromosomes revealed by comparative chromosome painting.regions of dna homology between human and marmoset (callithrix jacchus) chromosomes have been demonstrated using fluorescence in situ hybridization. all 24 chromosome paints and two centromere repeat sequences from homo sapiens (hsa) have been annealed to previously g-banded metaphase spreads of callithrix jacchus. all human paint probes, except y, successfully hybridized to marmoset chromosomes. fifteen of them hybridized to one region only, seven to two regions, and paint 1 to three regions. h ...19968660970
fetal globin expression in new world monkeys.reverse phase chromatography of the globin chains of adult, newborn, and fetal erythrocytes from three species of new world monkeys (cebus apella, aotus azarae, and callithrix jacchus) representing three of the seven platyrrhine clades showed that gamma-globin expression was fetal in these animals. the globins were identified by a combination of chemical sequencing and mass spectrometric analysis. since gamma-globin expression is fetal in the other major simian branch, the catarrhines, but embry ...19968663037
the effect of stress on semen reduction in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).this study compared a number of semen parameters of two separate groups of the common marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) in order to determine the effect of a continuous potentially stressful situation on these parameters, and thus on the monkey's reproductive ability. the semen from 16 adult male marmoset monkeys was collected and analysed to compare semen parameters between a 'normal' (control) group (n = 9) and a 'blood withdrawn' ('stress') group (n = 7). the semen parameter values observe ...19968671268
antibody facilitation of multiple sclerosis-like lesions in a nonhuman the human disease multiple sclerosis (ms), the immune mechanisms responsible for selective destruction of central nervous system myelin are unknown. in the common marmoset callithrix jacchus, a unique demyelinating form of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis resembling ms can be induced by immunization with whole myelin. here we show that the ms-like lesion can be reproduced by immunization against the extracellular domain of a single myelin protein, myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (m ...19958675668
persistent epstein-barr virus infection in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection of the common marmoset causes long-term infection, with production of antibodies to virus-induced antigens, without clinical illness. attempts to show the presence of ebv dna in saliva of infected animals by pcr were initially unsuccessful, although slot-blot hybridization analysis demonstrated that viral dna was present. further investigations showed that most samples of pilocarpine-induced saliva, and 33% of the samples of whole mouth fluids (wmf) tested, wer ...19968683204
effects of early parenting on growth and development in a small primate.we report here a study of the impact of caregiver-infant relationships on physical growth and behavioral development in a small primate, the common marmoset. somatic growth was assessed from measurements of body weight, knee-heel length, head-tail length, head circumference, and pudendal pad width in females or testis volume in males obtained from unanesthetized monkeys. behavioral information was gathered by focal animal samples for discrete rearing behaviors. our data suggest that the frequenc ...19968725261
functional architecture of area 17 in normal and monocularly deprived marmosets (callithrix jacchus).the organization of the primary visual cortex (vi) of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) was studied both physiologically and by means of transneuronal labelling of geniculocortical afferents. we addressed the question whether monocular deprivation (md) could stabilize segregation into ocular dominance (od) columns, which are not seen in normal adult marmosets but are present in juvenile animals (spatz, 1979, 1989). properties of neurons in normal marmosets closely resembled those of other ...19968730996
maturation of sperm motility in the epididymis of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and the cynomolgus monkey (macaca fascicularis).the acquisition by spermatozoa of the capacity for movement upon liberation from the epididymal duct into buffer is one of the obvious changes associated with sperm maturation and, hence, studies of sperm kinematics might provide good indices for sperm maturation. profiles of development in the movement pattern of spermatozoa taken from six regions of the epididymis were established in marmoset and cynomolgus monkeys using computer-assisted sperm analysis. motion of spermatozoa from initial regi ...19968737043
topography of ganglion cells and photoreceptors in the retina of a new world monkey: the marmoset callithrix jacchus.we studied the anatomical substrates of spatial vision in a new world monkey, the marmoset callithrix jacchus. this species has good visual acuity and a foveal specialization which is qualitatively similar to that of humans and other old world primates. we measured the spatial density of retinal ganglion cells and photoreceptors, and calculated the relative numbers of these cell populations. we find that ganglion cells outnumber photoreceptors by between 2.4:1 and 4.2:1 in the fovea. the peak sa ...19968737285
acute mptp treatment produces no changes in mitochondrial complex activities and indices of oxidative damage in the common marmoset ex vivo one week after exposure to the toxin.1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) has been shown to cause a parkinsonian syndrome in man and non-human primates. hypotheses concerning the pathogenetic mechanisms of mptp toxicity on nigro-striatal dopaminergic neurons relate to impairment of mitochondrial function and oxidative stress. however, surprisingly few primate studies addressed these issues ex vivo. thus, the present study assessed the enzyme activities of the respiratory chain, gsh/gssg and ubiquinol/ubiquinone conte ...19968746763
distribution of hippocampal mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor mrna in a glucocorticoid resistant nonhuman primate.glucocorticoids regulate the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis through both mineralocorticoid (mr) and glucocorticoid (gr) receptors in the hippocampus. in addition, glucocorticoids down-regulate hippocampal expression of mr and gr mrna and protein, presumably decreasing their own effect. marmosets are a new world primate characterized by extraordinarily high levels of circulating acth and cortisol. the relative glucocorticoid insensitivity of these animals to their massive lev ...19968750435
studies on the immunoglobulin-e system of the common marmoset in comparison with human the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus jacchus) immunoglobulin e (ige) serum levels and ige synthesis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) in vitro were investigated in order to look for homologies to the human system. while ige was not found in marmoset blood plasma with three commercial antihuman ige-kits with monoclonal antibodies (mabs), two other kits using polyclonal antibodies against human ige revealed detectable ige concentrations of up to 10 ku/liter in plasma samples of 19 ...19968761025
specular microscopy of the corneal endothelial cells in common marmosets.the corneal endothelia of 12 female common marmosets (age: 12-18 months) were examined with a contact-type specular microscope under general anesthesia. the specular microscopy showed uniform-sized, hexagonal endothelia arranged regularly on the innermost layer of the cornea. the endothelial plane was smooth; however, it occasionally had irregular undulation or parallel folds. the cell density (cells/mm2) in common marmosets was similar to that in cynomolgus monkeys.19968777241
amphetamine induces fos-like immunoreactivity in the striatum of primates.injections of d-amphetamine (5 mg/kg) three hours before sacrifice were found to elicit robust fos-like immunoreactivity in the striatum of cynomolgus monkeys and of the common marmoset. labeled cells were most frequently observed in the medial portion of the caudate nucleus and were distributed in a patchy fashion. comparison with adjacent sections stained for the calcium binding protein calbindin indicated that the patches of amphetamine induced labeling corresponded to the calbindin-poor stri ...19968782873
induction of cytochromes p450 by dioxins in liver and lung of marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus). 19968794239
gongylonematiasis in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).two cases of gongylonematiasis in common marmosets of two research facilities in germany are reported. the helminthiasis was transmitted from colony a to colony b by one infected female and within colony b by cockroaches (blatella germanica). four of 40 cockroaches examined in colony b were infected with rhabditiform larvae. clinical signs of disease in the infected animals consisted of intense itching and scratching of the edematous and slightly hyperemic perioral tissues. histologically the ad ...19968799930
hemorrhagic typhlocolitis associated with attaching and effacing escherichia coli in common marmosets.we describe the necropsy results from three common marmosets presented during an outbreak of hemorrhagic diarrhea in a colony of 230 common marmosets (callithrix jacchus). necropsy revealed consistent hemorrhagic typhlocolitis and variable ileitis associated with gram-negative bacilli closely adherent to enterocytes. electron microscopy revealed bacilli attached intimately to shallow cup-like projections of enterocyte apical membranes with loss of microvilli (attaching and effacing). escherichia ...19968799932
enzymatic methylation of arsenic compounds. iii. the marmoset and tamarin, but not the rhesus, monkeys are deficient in methyltransferases that methylate inorganic arsenic.the methylation of inorganic arsenic to monomethylarsonic acid (mma) and dimethylarsinic acid (dma) have been generally considered to be the major pathway for inorganic arsenic biotransformation and detoxification. yet, when arsenate/arsenite is injected into the callithrix jacchus (marmoset) monkey or chimpanzee, monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid are not found in the urine. with the development of a rapid assay for the methyltransferases of arsenic metabolism, we have investigated ...19968806872
enzymatic methylation of arsenic compoundsthe methylation of inorganic arsenic to monomethylarsonic acid (mma) and dimethylarsinic acid (dma) have been generally considered to be the major pathway for inorganic arsenic biotransformation and detoxification. yet, when arsenate/arsenite is injected into the callithrix jacchus (marmoset) monkey or chimpanzee, monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid are not found in the urine. with the development of a rapid assay for the methyltransferases of arsenic metabolism, we have investigated ...19968813004
pluripotent cell lines derived from common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) blastocysts.we report the derivation of eight pluripotent cell lines from common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) blastocysts. these cell lines are positive for a series of markers (alkaline phosphatase, ssea-3, ssea-4, tra-1-60, and tra-1-81) that characterize undifferentiated human embryonal carcinoma cells and rhesus embryonic stem cells. all eight cell lines had a modal chromosome number of 46; seven cell lines were xx and one was xy. two cell lines (cj11 and cj62) were cultured continuously for over a yea ...19968828827
collection of semen from marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) for experimental use by vaginal washing.assisted reproductive techniques make an important contribution to the conservation of endangered primate species. in our laboratories marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus) are used as a model species for developing assisted reproductive technologies for new world primates. the studies require a reliable method for collecting functional sperm from these small animals. for this purpose a minimally invasive procedure, vaginal washing after natural mating, was evaluated for its suitability as a rou ...19968843051
visuotopic organisation of striate cortex in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).the visuotopic organisation of the primary visual cortex (v1) was studied by extracellular recordings in adult male marmosets (callithrix jacchus) that were anaesthetised with sufentanil/nitrous oxide and paralysed with pancuronium bromide. extensive sampling of the occipital region in four individuals and partial coverage of v1 in five others allowed not only the establishment of the normal visuotopy but also the study of interindividual variability. as in other primates, there was a single, co ...19968863130
biochemical and morphological characterization of vascular and lymphocytic interleukin-4 receptors.the distribution of the interleukin (il)-4 receptor in normal human and common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) tissues was examined by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies specific for the human il-4 receptor to gain further insight into il-4-mediated inflammatory and immunological events. il-4 receptor positivity was unequivocally demonstrated on lymphocytes, predominantly t cells, and on blood vessels in many tissues. vascular il-4 receptor immunofluorescence consist ...19968863684
comparison of photoreceptor spatial density and ganglion cell morphology in the retina of human, macaque monkey, cat, and the marmoset callithrix jacchus.we studied the relationship between the morphology of ganglion cells and the spatial density of photoreceptors in the retina of two old world primates, human and macaque monkey; the diurnal new world marmoset callithrix jacchus; and the cat. ganglion cells in macaque and marmoset were labelled by intracellular injection with neurobiotin or by dii diffusion labelling in fixed tissue. cone photoreceptor densities were measured from the same retinas. supplemental data for macaque and data for human ...19968866846
morphology of retinal ganglion cells in a new world monkey, the marmoset callithrix jacchus.we studied the morphology of retinal ganglion cells in a diurnal new world primate, the marmoset callithrix jacchus. this species is of interest as a model for primate vision because it has good behavioural visual acuity, and the retina and subcortical visual pathways are very similar to those of old world monkeys and humans. ganglion cells were labelled by placing small crystals of the carbocyanin dye dii into the optic fibre layer, or by intracellular injection of neurobiotin. two main classes ...19968866847
natural and induced ovarian synchrony in golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia).ovarian cycle synchrony was assessed in spontaneously cycling female golden lion tamarins by monitoring longitudinal (16 mo) urinary steroid metabolite (estrone conjugates; pregnanediol-3 alpha-glucuronide, pdg) excretion in four pairs (n = 8) of females isolated from males. the overall mean ovarian cycle duration was 18.5 +/- 0.3 days (n = 136 cycles; mean range, 15.7-21.0 days), and there was no evidence of reproductive seasonality. laparoscopic ovarian examinations confirmed that cyclic fluct ...19968879503
stereoselective distribution of the teratogenic thalidomide analogue em12 in the early embryo of marmoset monkey, wistar rat and nmri mouse.thalidomide administration during early gestation results in specific and dramatic limb defects in primates, but not in laboratory rodents such as the rat and mouse. the thalidomide analogue em12 [2-(2,6-dioxopiperidine-3-yl)-phthalimidine] was used in the present study because this compound is metabolically more stable and teratogenically more potent than thalidomide in the monkey. we have administered the pure enantiomers, since we have previously shown that s-em12 proved to be much more terat ...19968896721
parallel organization of somatosensory cortical areas i and ii for tactile processing.1. the two principal tactile processing areas in the cerebral cortex, somatosensory areas i and ii, receive direct projections from the thalamus and, as well, are linked through intracortical reciprocal connections. tactile information may therefore be conveyed to sii, for example, over either a direct path from the thalamus or an indirect, or serial, path from the thalamus via si. 2. reports in recent years that tactile responsiveness within the hand area of sii was abolished by surgical ablati ...19968911737
immunisation of common marmosets with vaccinia virus expressing epstein-barr virus (ebv) gp340 and challenge with ebv.epstein-barr virus (ebv) is the cause of infectious mononucleosis and is associated with a variety of life-threatening diseases in humans. therefore the development of an effective vaccine is an important objective. many of the initial studies of vaccine efficacy analyse the ability of vaccine preparations to prevent the induction of lymphomas in cottontop tamarins by the b95-8 strain of ebv. we used a vaccinia virus recombinant expressing gp340, vma1, tested previously in the cotton-top tamarin ...19968923292
expression of protamine p2 in the testis of the common marmoset and man visualized using non-radioactive in-situ hybridization.information on the organization of the spermatogenic cycle of the common marmoset (callíthrix jacchus), a small new world primate, is limited to a single histological report on the differentiation of spermatids. in the present study we have used non-radioactive in-situ hybridization with a crna probe directed against marmoset protamine 2, on fixed sections of marmoset and human testis to elucidate the organization of mature germ cells within the seminiferous epithelium. specificity of the probe ...19968940659
inducibility of cytochromes p-450 by dioxin in liver and extrahepatic tissues of the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).cytochrome p-450 induction was investigated in the marmoset monkey, a non-human primate, using dioxins as inducing agents. animals received a single subcutaneous dose of 1.6 nmol tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or tetrabromodibenzo-p-dioxin/kg body weight. microsomal fractions were prepared from liver, lung and kidney, and homogenates were prepared from gut and adrenal glands. anti-peptide antibodies which bind to cyp1a1, cyp1a2, cyp2b6 and cyp3a4 in human were used to identify related forms in the ...19968948497
allergic encephalomyelitis in common marmosets: pathogenesis of a multiple sclerosis-like lesionexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that has been extensively studied as a model for the human demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (ms). here we describe the characteristics of a novel form of eae developed in a nonhuman primate. in callithrix jacchus marmosets (c. jacchus), immunization with whole brain white matter induces a primary demyelinating disease with a relapsing-remitting chronic course, closely resembling human ms. ...19968954853
the potential of the zona pellucida as a target for investigate the contraceptive potential of the zona pellucida.19968962643
evaluation of zona pellucida antigens as potential candidates for immunocontraception.antibodies directed against the zona pellucida can interrupt sperm-egg recognition in vitro. however, the mechanisms by which anti-zona antibodies exert this contraceptive effect in vivo remain uncertain. there is an accumulating body of evidence to suggest that active immunity against zona antigens not only induces infertility via an antibody-mediated interruption of sperm--egg interaction but also disrupts normal ovarian function. we have evaluated the consequence of inducing active immunity a ...19968984181
immunocytochemical localization of zp3 in primordial follicles of rabbit, marmoset, rhesus monkey and human ovaries using antibodies against human immunization with zona pellucida (zp) proteins leads to depletion of primordial and recruited follicles in the ovary by a yet unknown mechanism. small amounts of zp present on primordial follicles or granulosa cells may be one of the reasons for this ovarian pathology. this study was undertaken in an attempt to identify the presence of zp in or on primordial follicles and granulosa cells in ovaries of rabbits, common marmosets (callithrix jacchus), rhesus monkeys (macacas mulatta) and hum ...19968984187
parallel processing in cerebral cortex of the marmoset monkey: effect of reversible si inactivation on tactile responses in sii.1. responsiveness within the hand region of the second somatosensory area of cortex (sii) was investigated in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus) in association with cooling-induced, reversible inactivation of the primary somatosensory area, si. the aims were to determine whether thalamocortical systems in this primate species are organized according to a serial scheme in which tactile information is conveyed from the thalamus to si and thence to sii as the next hierarchical level of proces ...19968985863
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced neurotoxicity in non-human primates is antagonized by pretreatment with nimodipine at the nigral, but not at the striatal level.the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) has been shown to induce parkinsonism in man and non-human primates. hypotheses concerning the mechanism of action of mptp have been related to the pathogenesis of nigral cell death in parkinson's disease. for instance, alterations of calcium influxes have been reported to be implicated in both mptp-induced parkinsonism and parkinson's disease. recently, we reported that nimodipine, a blocker of l-type calcium channels, prevents ...19969001722
characterization of the tcrb chain repertoire in the new world monkey callithrix jacchus.callithrix jacchus is an outbred new world primate characterized by a naturally occurring bone marrow chimerism, restricted polymorphism at many mhc loci, and unusual susceptibility to viral pathogens, adenocarcinoma, colitis, and, following immunization with myelin antigens, a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system closely resembling human multiple sclerosis. here we characterize the tcrb repertoire in this species, representing the first such analysis in a new world monkey. two tc ...19979013960
age of epiphyseal closure in tamarins and marmosets.estimates of the chronological age for animals of unknown age provide useful information for medical, demographic, and evolutionary studies. skeletal development, as indicated by epiphyseal closure, can be used to estimate an animal's chronological age or specify its stage of development. many studies of primate skeletal development have used animals of unknown age, with the order of epiphyseal closure providing a relative age for each animal. this study examines the age of epiphyseal closure at ...19979050370
morphological analysis of the blue cone pathway in the retina of a new world monkey, the marmoset callithrix jacchus.we have studied the components of the short wavelength-sensitive (sws or "blue") cone pathway in the retina of a new world primate, the marmoset callithrix jacchus. of particular interest was the small bistratified ganglion cell, which has been identified in macaque monkey to be the morphological substrate of the blue-on cell (dacey and lee [1994] nature 367:731-735). small bistratified cells were intracellularly filled with neurobiotin in an in vitro retinal wholemount preparation. their morpho ...19979050786
the morphology and distribution of horizontal cells in the retina of a new world monkey, the marmoset callithrix jacchus: a comparison with macaque monkey.the morphology and distribution of horizontal cells was studied in the retina of a new world monkey, the marmoset, callithrix jacchus, and compared with that of the old world macaque monkey. horizontal cells in macaque and marmoset were either labelled with the carbocyanine dye, dii, and then photoconverted, or were labelled by intracellular injection with neurobiotin. the marmoset has two types of horizontal cell, h1 and h2, which have dendritic and axonal morphology similar to their counterpar ...19979057275
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