
ordinal position of neurons in cat striate cortex. 1979226663
action of exitatory amino acid antagonists on the retinal input to the cat lateral geniculate body [proceedings]. 1979226677
frequency sweep analysis of neuromuscular junction continuity.a new technique for measuring neuromuscular junction continuity is described. junctional transmission is evaluated by integration of the electromyographic (emg) response induced by intramuscular electrical stimulation. the unique characteristics of this monitoring technique are the use of intramuscular stimulation and a varying stimulation rate. the stimulus frequency is made to increase exponentially from 1 to 100 pulses per second over a period of 10 or 15 seconds. thin coiled wire electrodes ...1979226706
thee-dimensional organization of tubular and filamentous nuclear inclusions and associated structures in sympathetic neurons as revealed by serial sections and tilting experiments. 1979226727
[recent progress in cerebellar physiology (author's transl)]. 1979226901
neurogenesis of respiratory rhythm in the mammal. 1979227004
pharmacological characterization of different types of gaba and glutamate receptors in vertebrates and invertebrates. 1979227014
upper airway function during sleep and wakefulness: experimental studies on normal and anesthetized cats.normal (n = 6) and anesthetized (n = 70) cats were used to study the laryngeal abductors, the posterior cricoarytenoid (pca) muscles, during sleep and wakefulness and to investigate sites within the brainstem that influenced pca and diaphragmatic activity. the findings were as follows: 1. during wakefulness, pca activity occurred throughout the respiratory cycle but was most intense during inspiration. both expiratory and inspiratory pca activity declined during sleep--the former more so than th ...1978227023
membrane potential of spinal motoneurons during natural sleep in cats.the membrane potential of spinal motoneurons was recorded during wakefulness, nrem sleep, and rem sleep in minimally restrained, behaving cats. at the onset of sleep, the membrane potential generally increased in polarization in rough proportion to time spent asleep. during the postural atonia of rem sleep, the membrane potential of all motoneurons was tonically hyperpolarized. antecedents of nrem sleep electromyographic suppressions, and rem sleep myoclonic twitches were seen as transient hyper ...1978227032
distribution of feline leukemia virus dna sequences in tissues of normal and leukemic domestic cats. 1979227157
differences in multiple unit activity discharge rate during short and long rem sleep periods: effects of protein synthesis inhibition. 1979227352
[reaction of nonmyelinated fibers of the cutaneous nerve of cats to cooling].combining the colliding impulses method with the methods of singling out the nerve's weak signals from the equipment noise shows that most nonmyelinated fibers of c1 and c2 groups develop impulses under cooling the cat hairy skin. in some nonmyelinated fibers of the c2 group there takes place an inhibition of spontaneous impulses in response to cooling.1979227493
tegmentoreticular projections with special reference to the muscular atonia during paradoxical sleep in the cat: an hrp study.using the retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), attempts were made to determine the cells of origin and the descending pathway of the tegmentoreticular projections in order to give an anatomical substrate for the physiological phenomenon of the postural atonia observed during paradoxical sleep (ps) in the cat. the hrp was injected into various parts of the pontomedullary reticular formation (rf) including the caudal raphe nuclei, nucleus (n.) reticularis gigantocellulari ...1979227527
the depressive effects of morphine on the c fibre response of dorsal horn neurones in the spinal rat pretreated or not by pcpa.(1) the effects of morphine upon the transmission of nociceptive messages at the spinal level have been investigated in the spinal rat. the responses of dorsal horn cells induced by the activation of c fibres were depressed in all cases in a dose-dependent fashion, this effect being reversed by the opiate antagonist naloxone. an estimation of the ed50 at the cellular level leads to the value of 6.3 mg/kg. the responses to a delta fibres were also depressed dose-dependently whereas the responses ...1979227528
evidence of a potent excitatory influence from substantia innominata on basolateral amygdaloid units: a comparison with insular-temporal cortex and lateral olfactory tract stimulation. 1979227535
projection of low threshold venous afferent fibers to the spinal cord. 1979227543
effects of ischemia on the removal of extracellular potassium in cat cortex during pentylenetetrazol seizures.changes in cortical extracellular potassium activity ([k+]0), nadh fluorescence, and oxygen consumption were studied in anesthetized cats during pentylenetetrazol seizures. the effects of partial ischemia induced by either hypotension or intermittent carotid artery occlusion on these parameters were investigated. nonischemic seizures were characterized by gradual generalized decreases in cortical nadh fluorescence and increases in o2 consumption, along with rapid increases in [k+]0, which then u ...1979227667
biochemical compartmentation of fish tissues. ii. nonspecific phosphomonoesterases in brain.the specific activities of acid and alkaline phosphatases in different regions of the brain of 9 nutritionally important fishes were worked out. the region consisting of pituitary, hypothalamus and thalamus showed the highest acid and alkaline phosphatase activities. least activities of both the enzymes were found in the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. the piscivorous fishes contain the highest acid and alkaline phosphatase activity followed by cat fishes and major carps. the distributional pa ...1979227710
characterization of a calcium-mediated activation of arachidonic acid turnover in adrenal phospholipids by corticotropin. 1979227863
feline syncytium-forming virus: dna provirus size and infectious dna assay has been used to investigate the size and structure of the genome of feline syncytium-forming virus (fsfv). the dose response between dna extracted from fsfv-infected cells and plaque number on feline embryo cells followed two-hit kinetics and the mol. wt. of the proviral dna was estimated as approx. 6 x 10(6).1979227986
segmental and descending influences on intraspinal thresholds of single c-fibers.1. the effect was studied of various conditioning stimuli on the threshold of single c-fibers near their spinal terminals. spikes were recorded in l6 and l7 dorsal root ganglia of cats. a stimulating electrode in the superficial dorsal horn delivered periodic pulses whose widths were adjusted automatically to near threshold for antidromic spike production. most units were classified according to their adequate cutaneous stimuli, as c-mechanoreceptors, high-threshold mechanoreceptors, or polymoda ...1979228013
reciprocal responses to tilt of neurones within both fore- and hindlimb regions of deiters' decerebrate cats with cerebellum intact the frequency response of 102 neurons located within the lateral vestibular nucleus (lvn) to sinusoidal stimulation of vestibular receptors was analyzed. positional sensitive units, showing a reciprocal pattern of response to lateral tilting, characterized by an excitation during ipsilateral and a depression during contralateral tilt, were equally found in the rostroventral (forelimb) and dorsocaudal (hindlimb) divisions of the lvn. no unit was found to ...1979228242
mechanism of the protective effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in hemorrhagic shock. 1979228313
[oneiric behavior in cats]. 1979228328
response pattern of cat hippocampal neurons to stimulation of the septal area during sleep and waking. 1979228329
effects of two neuroleptic drugs on focal somatoparietal rhythms in free awake freely moving cats, systemic administration of chlorpromazine (cpz) and haloperidol (hp), two neuroleptics which presumably block catecholamine receptors, leads to a suppression of the waking mu-type rhythms. there is a clear difference, however, in that cpz leads to slow wave sleep while hp only induces sustained drowsiness. the difference in their action is tentatively explained by their differential effect on an enzyme that is not involved in the metabolism of biogenic amines, tryptophan p ...1979228337
effects of a short light-dark cycle on the sleep-wake patterns of the cat.the purpose of this study was to measure the effect of a short, 106 min, light-dark (ld) cycle on the sleep-wake (sw) patterns of the cat. eight cats prepared for chronic sleep studies were observed with electrographic tracings for 48 hr on a regular 12:12 hr ld schedule and again after 2 weeks of adaptation to a 27 min light and 79 min dark schedule. each 1 min of data was scored as either alert, drowsy, slow wave sleep (sws) or rem sleep. the parameters studied were percent electrographic stat ...1979228374
dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate: its role in regulation of cat brain extracellular fluid.the role of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (db camp) in influencing the water content of the cat's gray and white matter was evaluated by intracoritcal injection of 20 micrio l of 2 x 10(-1) to 2 x 10(-6)m solution of db camp. cholera toxin, a stimulator of adenylate cyclase, also was tested. concentrations of db camp less than 10(-3)m failed to produce significant change in brain water content, while concentrations greater than 10(-2)m produced 31.5% +/- 8% and 17.3% +/- 3.6% in ...1979228644
morphological characterization of slow and fast pyramidal tract cells in the adult cats the morphology of slow and fast pyramidal tract (pt) neurons was studied following intracellular hrp injections and golgi impregnation. both types of neurons are pyramidal cells and their soma are all located in the fifth layer of the motor area. as a rule, fast pt neurons have large somata and their basal and apical dendrites occupy a larger territory in the tangential plane. in layer i, terminal apical dendrites of fast pt neurons are smooth and divide poorly while those of slow ...1979228792
differential atrophy of sensory and motor fibers following section of cat peripheral nerves.differential effects of peripheral nerve section on myelinated sensory and motor fiber populations were investigated in 5 hindlimb nerves of cats. upon electrical stimulation of each nerve, monophasic compound action potentials were recorded from the l6, l7 and s1 dorsal and ventral roots, and the impedance of each root was measured. the decline in the electrical charge computed from potentials 43 to 252 days after nerve section gave a measure of the effect of axotomy on the diameters of sensory ...1979228793
the rosenblueth phenomenon.rosenblueth and luco demonstrated in 1939 that, during prolonged stimulation of a motor nerve, neuromuscular fatigue is followed by a rise of tension that has been called the rosenblueth phenomenon. the purpose of this work was to investigate the rosenblueth phenomenon in a cat neuromuscular preparation in which the nerves were severed at different levels and stimulated at 60 hz for several hours. it was demonstrated that in the longer nerve preparation the rosenblueth phenomenon starts earlier ...1979228802
activity of medullary reticular formation neurons in the unrestrained cat during waking and sleep.single units, recorded in the medial medullary reticular formation (rf) in unrestrained, behaving cats, discharged in conjunction with specific movements and postures. most cells were also active during rem sleep. discharge rates in active waking and rem sleep were positively correlated and discharge patterns in these states were similar. we conclude that activity in these cells is related to the motor activation occurring in both active waking and rem sleep. we found no cells whose discharge wa ...1979228803
[the smallest vesicle variety in postganglionic nerve axons (author's transl)]. 1979228807
neurologic involvement in glucagonoma syndrome: response to combination chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil and streptozotocin.a 34-year-old man presented with classic glucagonoma syndrome manifested by weight loss, dermatitis, stomatitis, anemia, and mild diabetes mellitus. the diagnosis of glucagonoma was made by light and electron microscopic demonstration of a metastatic alpha cell carcinoma in a liver biopsy specimen. plasma glucagon concentration was abnormally high. the patient also had symptoms and signs of involvement of the central nervous system. radionuclide and cat scans of the brain, negative csf cytology ...1979228832
a transient rise in cyclic amp levels following chemotactic stimulation of neutrophil granulocytes.a short transient rise of cyclic amp is observed within 1 minute after primary stimulation of neutrophils with chemotactic serum peptides containing classical anaphylatoxin (cat). a second administration of these peptides after two minutes failed to produce a second peak of camp. human serum albumin (hsa) which has chemokinetic but no chemotactic activities did not change camp levels. there was no significant change in cgmp levels within 1 minute following stimulation of rabbit neutrophils with ...1979228874
[topographic features of postsynaptic influences of primary vestibular fibers on vestibulospinal neurons of deiters nucleus]. 1979228994
[effect of cutaneous temperature stimulation on the excitability of spinal cord interneurons not spontaneously active]. 1979228995
[role of the fusimotor system in regulating shivering].spontaneously active gamma-motoneurons were found in muscles of the cat during shivering. the activity of these gamma-motoneurons could be increased by stimulation of thermoreceptors of the subcutaneous vessels and nociceptors. administration of oxotremorine, nicotin, phentolamine, isoprenaline, and seduxene into the 3rd brain ventricle suppressed the shivering but did not change the firing rate of the gamma-motoneurons. the fusomotor system seems to participate in the segmentary activation of s ...1979228996
recent advances in viral zoonoses. 1979229080
fip antibody test--interpretation and is my opinion that the feline infectious peritonitis (fip) antibody test currently is being over-used and over-interpreted. the test is of value to the practitioner in specific circumstances, but by itself it is not diagnostic of clinical fip. further, it is my opinion that clinically healthy fip antibody-positive cats should not be euthanatized under a routine test and eradication policy.1979229094
anemia associated with feline leukemia virus hundred feline leukemia virus-positive cats with evidence of anemia were examined to determine characteristics of the anemia. the anemia was usually normochromic and normocytic, with low reticulocyte counts but with normal white blood cell and platelet counts. about one third of the cats had splenomegaly. the bone marrow was usually hypocellular or normally cellular, with an increased myeloid to erythroid ratio. a history of recent stress or infection in many cases indicated that the immunos ...1979229095
mammary tumors and unassociated pulmonary masses in two cats. 1979229096
hypercalcemia and proliferative, myelosclerotic bone reaction associated with feline leukovirus infection in a cat. 1979229097
comparison of beta adrenergic receptor subtypes in mammalian tissues. 1979229209
the effects of two analogs of dopamine on ganglionic transmission in the sympathetic nervous system.two aminotetralin analogs of dopamine were studied for their effects on ganglionic transmission in the sympathetic nervous system. nerve activity (spontaneous firing or evoked action potentials) was recorded on a preganglionic nerve (splanchnic), a mixed nerve (lumbar chain) and several postganglionic nerves (external carotid branch and renal nerve). 6,7-dihydroxy-2-dimethylaminotetralin and 5,6-dihydroxy-2-dimethylaminotetralin were observed to markedly inhibit spontaneous firing in the renal n ...1979229210
restriction endonuclease mapping of unintegrated proviral dna of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus: localization of sarcoma-specific sequences.extrachromosomal dna purified from mink cells acutely infected with the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) was digested with restriction endonucleases, and the dna fragments were electrophoretically separated, transferred to a solid substrate, and hybridized with radiolabeled dna transcripts complementary to different portions of the fesv rna genome. major dna species 8.4 and 5.0 kilobase pairs (kbp) long represent the linear, unintegrated proviruses of snyder-theilen feline le ...1979229270
comparison of cerebral nadh and cytochrome aa3 redox shifts during anoxia or hemorrhagic hypotension. 1979229371
in-hospital felv testing. 1979229397
simultaneous ultrastructural demonstration of multiple peptides in endocrine cells by a novel immunocytochemical method.current immunocytochemical techniques detect all antibodies that react with tissue. unfortunately, some of these antibodies may react with antigens other than those intended. such problems are minimised by using sets of antibodies detecting different regions of the desired antigen. however, as immunocytochemical methods can now detect very low antibody concentrations, the purity of antisera is critical. furthermore, although antisers may be purified by affinity chromatography, difficulties in re ...1979229417
how the size of motoneurones determines their susceptibility to discharge.the susceptibility of motoneurones to discharge by physiological inputs varies inversely with their size. this relationship has far-reaching consequences for the control of muscular tension, and also accounts for significant differences in the properties of muscle fibres and motor units. the probable basis for the relationship is that the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials ( is also correlated inversely with cell size, but no satisfactory explanation for this finding is kno ...1979229426
[quantum analysis of postsynaptic potentials].basic formulations of the quantum theory for synaptic transmission are listed. methods for determining the mean quantum content, quantum value and binomial parameters describing the amplitude distributions of the unitary and "minimal" postsynaptic potentials are discussed. literature and author's determinations of the quantum parameters for the synapses of the central nervous system are described. the comparison is made with similar determinations for more studied peripheral junctions. some diff ...1979229429
[electrophysiologic study of conduction of afferent impulses through the medial geniculate body].in experiments carried out on cats immobilzed with d-tubocurarine 280 neurons located in pars principalis of the medial geniculate body and 408 auditory cortical neurons located in ai were studied extra- and intracellularly in response to stimulation of the brachium of the inferior colliculus and geniculocortical fibres. it was shown that the initial stage of the reaction observed in the medial geniculate body neurons response to stimulation of the brachium of the inferior colliculus continue fo ...1979229430
[responses of the vibrissal projection zone of the cat somatosensory projection zone to afferent activation].responses of 375 neurons of si cortex region in the vibrissae projection zone were recorded in unanesthetized cats: responses to electrical stimulation of infraorbital nerve and mechanical stimulation of vibrissae were studied. nerve and vibrissae stimulation evoked complex synaptic potentials (short epsps followed by ipsps) in most neurons primary ipsps were found in other units. the corresponding changes of impulse activity could be recorded in many neurons extracellularly. initial inhibition ...1979229432
ephedrine and neuromuscular transmission, in vivo. 1979229434
the opiate antagonist, naloxone, does not affect descending inhibition from midbrain of nociceptive spinal neuronal discharges in the cat.discharges were recorded from spinal dorsal horn neurons in response to noxious skin heating (e.g. 50 degrees c). repetitive electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray (pag) inhibited these nociceptive discharges. in each of 9 experiments systemic administration of naloxone (1-3 mg/kg) did not affect this descending inhibition, arguing against involvement of endogenous opiates.1979229438
mucopolysaccharide storage disease in three families of cats with arylsulfatase b deficiency: leukocyte studies and carrier identification. 1979229456
spread of the dorsal root potentials in lower lumbar, sacral and upper caudal spinal cord. 1979229464
acetylcholine as an excitatory and inhibitory transmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. 1979229514
studies on atherogenesis and corneal transplantation using cultured vascular and corneal endothelia. 1979229528
thalamocortical modulation of pain: comparative effects of intravenous morphine and electrical stimulation of periaqueductal gray. 1978229610
the neural control of the serotonin content in mammalian enterochromaffin cells.serotonin (5-ht) in the mammalian gut is mainly stored in enterochromaffin cells (ec). vagal or splanchnic nerve stimulation respectively increase portal blood levels of 5-ht and decrease 5-ht content in ec, suggesting a neural control of these cells. previous studies have also suggested that the vagal effect is mediated via vagal adrenergic nerve fibers, since this effect could be blocked by sympathectomy, removal of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia or by the administration of a beta-a ...1979229694
[effect of obsidan on some mechanisms of the heart productivity regulation].in acute experiments on anesthetized cats obsidan caused a decrease in the venous blood inflow to the heart and increased the volume of the vascular bed. it is suggested that the blockade of the myocardial beta-adrenoreceptors is not the only cause of such an effect.1979229930
[existence of "endorphin cells" in the adenohypophysis of the cat; comparison with "corticotropin cells." immunocytochemical study].indirect immunofluorescence technique with anti-17-39acth and anti beta-endorphin sera has allowed us to detect "corticotropic cells" in the anterior and intermediate lobes of the adenohypophysis of the male cat. the corticotropic cells of the anterior lobe are localized in the median zone; they are pas-positive and appeared intensively coloured in dark blue with the herlant's tetrachrome. all the cells of the intermediate lobe react with the anti-17-39acth serum. using an anti-beta-endorphin se ...1979229945
neural activation of alpha-adrenoreceptors in glucose mobilization from liver.using a newly described method for obtaining pure, mixed hepatic venous blood samples, it was demonstrated that glucose mobilization from the liver of the anesthetized cat in response to hepatic nerve stimulation is via alpha-adrenergic receptors. neither the elevation of portal pressure nor the amount of glucose generated by the liver was affected by intraportal administration of 1 mg propranolol/kg (beta blockade). in the presence of alpha-receptor blockade (3 mg phentolamine/kg) the portal ve ...1979229949
[feline leukemia: recent developments on the causes and immunoprevention of the disease (author's transl)]. 1978230008
immunization against respiratory diseases in cats. 1979230010
[feline leukemia complex]. 1979230018
localization of sodium + potassium activated atpase in the pancreas [proceedings]. 1979230334
comparison of atpase activity and light subunits in myosins from left and right ventricles and atria in seven mammalian species. 1979230354
pontine gigantocellular field neuron activity time-locked with the pgo waves in the transitional phase of sleep in the cat.the extracellularly recorded discharge of pontine gigantocellular tegmental field (ftg) neurons was studied in the cat during the transitional phase of sleep (tps), which signifies in this study the shift from slow wave sleep (s) to paradoxical sleep (ps). the first appearance of pontogeniculo-occipital (pgo) waves, which were led off from the lateral geniculate nucleus, indicated the start, and the decrease of neck muscle tone the end of tps. tps was chosen because most pgo waves were then isol ...1979230397
radioimmunochemical characterization of acth-like peptides in the antropyloric mucosa. 1979230403
description of the firing pattern of respiratory neurons by frequency modulated interspike interval distributions.the description of the firing pattern of respiratory neurons presented here is based on extracellular recordings and directed to the possible influence (facilitating of inhibiting effect) that the neuron might have upon others (output) as well as to the extend of influences that are received from other neurons (input). developing such a description the spike generating mechanism of the neuron was in a first approach characterized by a frequency modulated gamma distribution. using this approach a ...1979230454
the steady state response of brainstem respiratory neuron activity to various levels of pa,co2 and pa,o2.extracellular recordings were made of 52 respiratory neurons in the brainstem of cats, anesthetized (chloralose-urethane), vagotomized and artificially ventilated. phrenic nerve activity was recorded and quantified as an index of the output of the respiratory neuronal organization in the brainstem. the unit activity was quantified by using the modal spike frequency as a possible indication of the activating effect of one unit on other respiratory neurons (smolders and folgering, 1979). inspirato ...1979230456
comparison of the effects of ouabain and high tissue sodium on the calcium pools involved in excitation-contraction coupling.according to one hypothesis for the mechanism of action of cardiac glycosides, inhibition of cardiac na,k-atpase elevates [na]i and by increasing na:ca exchange, increases [ca]i to ultimately produce the positive inotropic effect (pie). therapeutic concentrations of ouabain specifically increase the ca content of a superficial pool involved in excitation-contraction coupling. thus, for this hypothesis to be correct, equivalent increases in total na by means other than na,k-atpase inhibition must ...1979230523
feline viral rhinotracheitis: sites of virus replication and persistence in acutely and persistently infected cats. 1979230556
[glucagon, its general and local action]. 1979230660
[current concepts about the electroencephalogram]. 1979230662
[zinc activated tartrate resistent phosphatases in the brains of different animal species and their characterization].a zinc activated tartrate resistent phosphatase (zntp) of the brain of different animal species was separated by electrofocusing in polyacrylamide gels. it is demonstrable selectively in the presence of 20 mm zinc acetate and 10 mm d,l-sodium tartrate or of 100 mm zinc acetate only. the zntp hydrolyzes 1-naphthyl phosphate and 4-nitrophenyl phosphate, respectively. high activity of zntp is evident in the brains of rats and rabbits. the activity is moderate or absent in the brains of mice, syrian ...1979230670
feline infectious peritonitis: a worldwide serosurvey.feline sera from 13 countries were assayed for coronavirus antibody, using a heterologous indirect immunofluorescence test. significantly higher percentages of antibody carriers were obtained during testing randomly collected sera from mature males (greater than 1 year old) than in testing females of the same age. antibodies were infrequently found in immature cats (less than 6 months old); at 1 year of age or older, a plateau was reached and little change in the percentage of seroconverted anim ...1979230758
safety and efficacy studies of live- and killed-feline leukemia virus vaccines.the safety and the efficacy of several feline leukemia virus (felv) vaccines for 16-week-old kittens were determined. vaccines were derived from an fl74 lymphoblastoid cell line that has been in continuous tissue culture passage for about 4 years. the vaccines were made from living virus, formaldehyde-inactivated whole fl74 cells, and formaldehyde-inactivated whole virus. the efficacy of each produced vaccine was determined by challenge exposure of vaccinated cats with virulent felv. the two for ...1979230767
isoproterenol and nucleotide induced stimulation of ca2+ uptake by microsomal fractions from kidney and isolated glomeruli. 1979230846
regional distribution of beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors in the right atrium and left ventricle of the cat and guinea pig heart [proceedings]. 1979230883
[neuronal activity specific to paradoxical sleep in the bulbar reticular formation in the unrestrained cat].single units were recorded in the bulbar reticular formation (brf) of unrestrained, freely behaving cats. in the ventromedial part of the brf (n. reticularis magnocellularis, mc) corresponding to the "bulbar inhibitory center", we have found a cluster of cells showing tonic activation highly selective to paradoxical sleep (ps). furthermore, we have confirmed the presence of the same type of cells in the dorsomedial part of the brf which corresponds to the medial part of the n. reticularis parvoc ...1979230916
kinetics and distribution of tritiated putrescine in the domestic cat. 1979230970
[recent knowledge of opioid peptide (author's transl)]. 1979231122
[the mechanism of blockade of spinal monosynaptic transmission by halothane (author's transl)]. 1979231124
[digitalis, diuretics and inhibition of ion pump]. 1979231133
procedure of rna extraction which does not extract dna and proteins from nervous tissue cells.several schemes of acidic extraction of rna taken from biochemical or cytochemical literature were compared by means of ultraviolet and visible cytospectrophotometry. basing on the data obtained an extraction scheme has been recommended which consists in the treatment of nervous tissue sections with 16 per cent perchloric acid at 4 degrees c for 48 h. this extraction has been shown to extract completely cellular rna without extracting dna and proteins from the nervous tissue cells. using this sc ...1979231183
distribution of putative amino acid transmitters, choline acetyltransferase and glutamate decarboxylase in the inferior colliculus. 1979231219
elimination of paradoxical sleep by lesions of the pontine gigantocellular tegmental field in the cat.bilateral lesions of the pontine gigantocellular tegmental field in the cat resulted in the complete elimination of paradoxical sleep during 3 weeks postoperative recording. the tonic muscular atonia, normally characteristic of this state, was absent. the phasic components, rapid eye movements and ponto-geniculooccipital (pgo) spikes, did not occur in association with an activated eeg, as they normally do in paradoxical sleep. in fact, pgo spikes were virtually absent immediately after the lesio ...1979231225
kainate neurotoxicity and glutamate inactivation.dihydrokainate, an inhibitor of high affinity l-glutamate as an excitant of cat spinal neurones in vivo. this action of dihydrokainate was selective in that the effects of excitants taken up actively in vitro by cns tissue (l-aspartate, d- and l-glutamate and l-homocysteate) were enhanced whereas those of other substances not taken up (acetylcholine, d-homocysteate, kainate and n-methyl-d-aspartate) were not. since kainate and dihydrokainate have similar potencies as inhibitors of l-glutamate up ...1979231233
microtubules in non-medullated fibres: effect of the action potential. 1979231234
respiratory neurons of the pneumotaxic center during sleep and wakefulness.extracellular recordings were made from respiratory related units (rrus) in the pneumotaxic center (pnc) of unanesthetized cats across states of consciousness: wakefulness, nrem and rem sleep. contrary to expectations from results in acute preparations, well-modulated respiratory activity was detected in chronic animals with vagi intact. pontine rru activity decreased during sleep in 75% of the cells studied. the greatest reduction occurred during rem sleep.1979231237
synaptic responses of reticulospinal neurons in the cat: spinal cord dorsal funiculi are an effective source.stimulation of spinal cord dorsal funiculi (df), as compared with stimulation of ventrolateral fascicle (vlf) in which the spinoreticular pathways are located, activated a higher percentage of reticulospinal (rs) neurons (95% vs. 75%). polysynaptic epsps evoked from df at c2 segment had shorter latency (10.1 msec +/- vs. vlf c2-13.2 msec +/- 0.9-mean +/- s.e.m.). when the intensity of stimulation was close to threshold (1.5 t), epsps from df had steeper slopes on the increasing phase and were of ...1979231239
[the effect of chloramphenicol on sleep in cat -- comparison with thiamphenicol, erythromycine, and oxytetracycline (author's transl)].the effects of various antibiotics, which inhibit protein synthesis, has been studied on the sleep-waking cycle of cats. chloramphenicol (cap) selectively inhibits paradoxical sleep (sp). thiamphenicol (tap) and oxytetracycline however are ineffective; erythromycine induces only a small decrease of sp. when cap is injected after tap, the sp inhibition is longer than after cap alone. combining erythromycine and cap produces the same effect as one or other of the antibiotic alone, depending only o ...1979231275
meningeal carcinomatosis from small cell carcinoma of the lung. consequence of improved survival.the cells of oat cell carcinoma of the lung can be identified in sputum because of their characteristic morphologic appearance. the cells from oat cell carcinomas can also be identified in other body fluids but are seen there less often. spinal fluid involvement with oat cell carcinoma has been seen very infrequently, presumably because of a poor survival rate. aggressive systemic chemotherapy has improved survival, and meningeal involvement is now being recognized as a complication. of 62 patie ...1979231364
the nonlinear pathway of y ganglion cells in the cat retina.retinal ganglion cells of the y type in the cat retina produce two different types of response: linear and nonlinear. the nonlinear responses are generated by a separate and independent nonlinear pathway. the functional connectivity in this pathway is analyzed here by comparing the observed second-order frequency responses of y cells with predictions of a "sandwich model" in which a static nonlinear stage is sandwiched between two linear filters. the model agrees well with the qualitative and qu ...1979231636
input-output relations in the pathway of recurrent inhibition to motoneurones in the cat.1. the output from renshaw cells caused by a phasic motor volley was investigated when these neurones were submitted to a background firing secondary to a tonic motor discharge elicited by a repetitive stimulation of muscle group i afferents. it was invariably found in individual renshaw cells that tonic excitation produced an increase in the additional ouput caused by the phasic motor volley. the curves displaying this increase exhibited a significant 'jump' when the output resulting from the c ...1979231651
histochemical characteristics of diphosphate nucleoside consumption in cat and rat nervous system.consumption of diphosphate nucleosides is investigated by histochemical methods in rat and cat nervous system. results show ndp-ase is effectively in histological sections from animals previously perfused with glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde. histochemical reaction is increased in presence of ca++, mg++, mn++ or imidazole and inhibited by l-dopa and noradrenaline in incubation medium. a comparative study of tpp-ase and ndp-ase activities to dilucidate the identity of both enzymes is described.1979231880
[neuropharmacological studies on tolperisone hydrochloride (author's transl)].neuropharmacological properties of tolperisone hydrochloride (2,4'-dimethyl-3-piperidinopropiophenone hydrochloride) were investigated in mice, rats and cats. tolperisone inhibited the spontaneous movement and methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity in mice and the ed50 was approx. 50 mg/kg, s.c. at this dose, tolperisone did not prolong the pentobarbital-induced sleeping time. tolperisone inhibited convulsions induced by pentylenetetrazol, nicotine and maximum electric shock, but did not affect c ...1979232053
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