
congenital parvovirus b19 infection: persistent viremia and red blood cell aplasia.we describe a case of fetal parvovirus b19 infection resulting in preterm birth and leading to hydrops fetalis requiring multiple in utero transfusions. the infant developed chronic postnatal anemia responsive to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. serum viral load decreased after immunoglobulin treatment but remained detectable for over 1 year.201526288800
real time pcr reconfirmed three novel clinical associations of parvovirus b19: non-occlusive bowel gangrene, amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia & myositis. 201526261172
granzyme b mediated function of parvovirus b19-specific cd4(+) t cells.a novel conception of cd4(+) t cells with cytolytic potential (cd4(+) ctl) is emerging. these cells appear to have a part in controlling malignancies and chronic infections. human parvovirus b19 can cause a persistent infection, yet no data exist on the presence of b19-specific cd4(+) ctls. such cells could have a role in the pathogenesis of some autoimmune disorders reported to be associated with b19. we explored the cytolytic potential of human parvovirus b19-specific t cells by stimulating pe ...201526246896
specific targeting of proerythroblasts and erythroleukemic cells by the vp1u region of parvovirus b19.viruses are evolutionarily developed cell-entering nanomachines, which are frequently used as gene or drug delivery systems. parvovirus b19 (b19v) shows a remarkably restricted tropism for erythropoietin-dependent erythroid differentiation stages, and thus this virus provides an opportunity to deliver cargo to these intermediate differentiated cells. here we report the construction of a delivery system from b19v subunits that maintains the highly selective cell-entry of the native virus and offe ...201526240997
a flow-fish assay for the quantitative analysis of parvovirus b19 infected cells.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) replication is a process highly dependent on the cellular environment, therefore methodologies allowing for analysis at single cell level could represent effective tools to understand cell-to cell differences in the replication process and to investigate cell-virus interactions. fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) can be combined with flow cytometry (flow-fish) to enable the detection of target nucleic acid sequences in thousands of individual cells in a short a ...201526231787
unexpected anemia and reticulocytopenia in an adolescent with sickle cell anemia receiving chronic transfusion a patient with sickle cell disease receiving chronic transfusion, exacerbation of anemia with reticulocytopenia must prompt consideration of a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction with hyperhemolysis, as further transfusion may worsen this condition; definitive diagnosis is sometimes difficult. anemia evolving during parvovirus b19-induced erythroid hypoplasia (transient aplastic crisis) should be attenuated in chronic transfusion patients due to superior survival of transfused over endogen ...201526207780
parvovirus b19 diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy. 201526199969
human parvovirus b19 infection induced pure red cell aplasia in liver transplant aim of this study was to explore the diagnosis and treatment of pure red cell aplasia (prca) induced by human parvovirus b19 (hpv b19) infection in liver transplant recipients.201526177162
visceral leishmaniasis as a possible reason for pancytopenia.leishmaniasis is caused by different species of the protozoa, leishmania, and frequently found in south-western asia, eastern africa, brazil, and mediterranean countries. leishmania are transmitted to humans by the bite of sandflies. after weeks to months, unspecific symptoms may occur, accompanied by more specific findings like pancytopenia and organomegaly. we report two children with pancytopenia and hepato-/splenomegaly: a 1-year-old boy was first diagnosed with an adenovirus-infection, acco ...201526176005
relation between parvovirus b19 infection and fetal mortality and spontaneous abortion.infection with parvovirus b19 may cause fetal losses including spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal death and non-immune hydrops fetalis. the aim of this study is to determine the frequency of parvovirus b19 in formalin fixed placental tissues in lost fetuses using real-time pcr method.201526157715
remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema associated with parvovirus b19 infection: two new cases and review of the comorbidities.remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (rs3pe) is a rare syndrome consisting of acute symmetrical tenosynovitis of the hands and wrists associated with pain and marked pitting edema of the dorsum of the hands or the feet. persistent rheumatoid factor seronegativity and elevated acute phase reactants are the rule, while radiographic findings are characterized by the absence of bony erosions. the syndrome has occasionally been associated with a wide range of diseases inclu ...201526147127
predictors of outcome in patients with parvovirus b19 positive endomyocardial biopsy.primary objective was to establish the prognostic value of the myocardial load of pvb19 genomes in patients presenting for work-up of myocarditis and/or unclear cardiomyopathy in comparison to clinical, and cmr parameters.201626133158
human parvovirus b19: a mechanistic overview of infection and dna replication.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a human pathogen that belongs to genus erythroparvovirus of the parvoviridae family, which is composed of a group of small dna viruses with a linear single-stranded dna genome. b19v mainly infects human erythroid progenitor cells and causes mild to severe hematological disorders in patients. however, recent clinical studies indicate that b19v also infects nonerythroid lineage cells, such as myocardial endothelial cells, and may be associated with other disease outc ...201726097496
prolonged remission in a child with chronic myeloid leukemia following parvo virus b19 (b19v) infection.parvovirus b19 (b19v) has been associated with a wide spectrum of clinico-pathological disorders in human beings depending upon the host immunity. the present report describes a child with chronic myeloid leukemia ( cml) on hydroxyurea in haematological remission, who developed profound erythroid suppression following b19v infection requiring multiple transfusions and withdrawal of hydroxyurea. despite being off-therapy the child remained in complete clinical and haematological remission till an ...201526068352
effects of parvovirus b19 infection in renal transplant recipients: a retrospective review of three cases.parvovirus b19 (pvb19) is a dna virus which causes clinically relevant infection in renal transplant recipients (rtr) leading to significant morbidity. manifestations include erythropoietin resistant anemia, proteinuria, and glomerulosclerosis in the allograft. severe infection may require administration of intravenous immunoglobulin, reduction in immunosuppression and transfusions. the major challenge in managing and preventing the infection in rtr involves the act of balancing the decreased le ...201526060378
influenza a and parvovirus b19 seropositivity rates in gabonese infants.clinical and epidemiological data from central africa on influenza a and parvovirus b19 infections are limited. we analyzed 162 blood samples of infants 3, 9, 15, and 30 months of age for igg antibodies against both pathogens. antibody responses were 0, 3.7%, 12.3%, and 20.4% against influenza a; and 1.2%, 2.5%, 3.1%, and 9.3% against parvovirus b19, respectively. seropositivity rates were 89.5 (95% confidence interval [ci]: 59-120.1) and 38.2 (95% ci: 18.9-57.6)/1,000 person-years at risk for i ...201526055747
look-back study on recipients of parvovirus b19 (b19v) dna-positive blood assess the relevance of parvovirus b19 (b19v) dna at low to intermediate concentrations in blood donors for the recipients of their blood components.201526053938
[parvovirus b19 infection and pregnancy]."small virus" contagious during spring, parvovirus b19 is responsible for fifth disease of children. the prevalence of infection is very high before 10 years old and children are especially responsible for transmission to pregnant women. approximately 50% of women old enough to procreate have stigmas serologic of old infection. acquired immunity is long hasting and solid. during pregnancy, this virus is responsible for abortion, fetal anemia. severe anemia can cause hydrops fetalis or fetal mort ...201526044725
neonatal outcome after fetal anemia managed by intrauterine transfusion is now well under control and improves the survival of foetuses monitored for fetal anemia with a survival rate of more than 80 %. the aim was to evaluate short-term neonatal outcome after fetal severe anemia managed by intrauterine transfusions. we did a retrospective study of all neonates born after management of severe fetal anemia (n = 93) between january 1999 and january 2013 in our regional center. the two main causes of anemia were maternal red blood cell alloimmuniza ...201526032762
detection of human parvovirus b19 (hpvb19) in serum samples from fever-rash ill individuals during the rubella outbreak (2005) in bulgaria.the present study aimed to determine the involvement of the parvovirus b19 (hpvb19) as an etiological agent in individuals with fever-rash infections but not infected with rubella during the rubella outbreak (2005) in bulgaria. a total of 194 serum samples with negative results for measles and rubella-specific igm antibodies were tested in the national reference laboratory. the individuals aged 5-52 years (mean age 17.2 ± 10.15) were divided into four age groups: 5-14; 15-24; 25-34; and 35+ year ...201426019596
practice bulletin no. 151: cytomegalovirus, parvovirus b19, varicella zoster, and toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. 201526000539
parvovirus b19v infection in israel: prevalence and occurrence of acute infection between 2008 and 2013.differences in the seroprevalence and unique pattern of parvovirus b19 (b19v) acute infections have been documented around the world. this study was conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of anti-parvovirus b19v igg antibodies in the israeli population and to assess the pattern of acute infection based on data from two laboratories in israel. the overall igg prevalence in the 1008 representative sera samples was 61·4% and the age-adjusted prevalence rate was 58·2%. seropositivity was significa ...201625990962
atypical exanthems associated with parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection in children and adults.parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection may differently manifest in various age groups. erythema infectiosum ('fifth disease') is the most common b19v manifestations in children. arthralgias and arthritis, with or without rash, are common manifestations of b19v infection in adults. pruritus is usually present in adults and children. however, other cutaneous manifestations and atypical exanthems have been occasionally reported during b19v infection. to investigate the putative role of b19v infection in a ...201525965702
a review of blood diseases and cytopenias associated with human parvovirus b19 infection.parvovirus b19 is a single-stranded dna virus which preferentially targets the erythroblast resulting in red cell aplasia, which is temporary in immunocompetent persons. since the discovery of b19 virus in 1975, a wide variety of blood diseases and cytopenias affecting several blood cell lineages have been documented during or following b19 infection. these include cytopenias affecting the erythroid, megakaryoblastoid, myeloid and lymphoid lineages, as well as a variety of bicytopenias, pancytop ...201525962796
spectrum of adult parvovirus b19 infection according to the underlying predisposing condition and proposals for clinical practice.the virological diagnosis of parvovirus b19 (pvb19) infection is currently based on sero-diagnosis, molecular methods or both, yet without clear recommendations. we retrospectively identified patients with polymerase chain reaction-positive pvb19 and/or positive serological assay between 2007 and 2013. eighty-two adults with at least one diagnostic criterion of recent pvb19 infection (igm antibodies, viral dna in blood and/or in marrow) were included and classified into three homogeneous groups: ...201525920561
parvovirus b19 infection presenting with severe erythroid aplastic crisis during pregnancy in a woman with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and alpha-thalassemia trait: a case report.parvovirus b19 virus commonly causes subclinical infection, but it can prove fatal to the fetus during pregnancy and cause severe anemia in an adult with hemolytic diseases. we present the case of a woman with autoimmune hemolytic anemia who was diagnosed with parvovirus b19-induced transient aplastic crisis during her second trimester of pregnancy and faced the high risk of both fetal and maternal complications related to this specific viral infection. to the best of our knowledge, the experien ...201525889935
the role of parvovirus b19 and the immune response in the pathogenesis of acute this article, we review the evidence suggesting a possible role for b19 virus in the pathogenesis of a subset of cases of acute leukemia. human parvovirus b19 infection may complicate the clinical course of patients with acute leukemia and may also precede the development of acute leukemia by up to 180 days. parvovirus b19 targets erythroblasts in the bone marrow and may cause aplastic crisis in patients with shortened-red cell survival. aplastic crisis represents a prodrome of acute lymphobl ...201525855476
parvovirus and thyroid cancer.parvoviruses are some of the smallest dna viruses known to infect a wide range of animal species and humans. though not all parvoviruses are pathogenic, some can cause disease ranging from asymptomatic to benign to life-threatening. recently, there has been an interest in the possible role of parvoviruses in thyroid disease in general. the objectives of this review are to cite and appraise the available evidence on the role of parvoviruses in thyroid cancer in particular. little to no evidence i ...201525843734
parvovirus b19 infection as a cause of acute myositis in an adult.parvovirus b19 infection is often asymptomatic, but clinical expressions may include transient aplastic crisis, erythema infectiosum, non-immune hydrops fetalis, and chronic red cell aplasia. this virus has also been associated with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune connective tissue diseases; however, we could not identify any acute adult myositis case developed after a parvovirus b19 infection in the literature. for this reason, we would like to present a rare case of acute myositis de ...201725839959
non-immune hydrops fetalis due to parvovirus b19 infection in 2 extremely preterm infants: perinatal management and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome.parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection during pregnancy can lead to fetal damage and even fetal loss. in some cases a severe fetal anemia with hydrops fetalis occurs. an intrauterine red blood cell transfusion can reduce the mortality rate. neurodevelopmental outcome after fetal b19v infection is affected by fetal anemia and presumably direct infection of the cns. there are only a few studies on long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after b19v infection induced hydrops fetalis. there are hardly any long ...201525830498
impaired endothelial regeneration through human parvovirus b19-infected circulating angiogenic cells in patients with cardiomyopathy.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a common pathogen in microvascular disease and cardiomyopathy, owing to infection of endothelial cells. b19v replication, however, is almost restricted to erythroid progenitor cells (erpcs). endothelial regeneration attributable to bone marrow-derived circulating angiogenic cells (cacs) is a prerequisite for organ function. because of many similarities of erpcs and cacs, we hypothesized that b19v is a perpetrator of impaired endogenous endothelial regeneration. b19 ...201525805750
prevalence of parvovirus b19 specific antibody in pregnant women with spontaneous abortion.human parvovirus b19 is a very common viral infection especially in school-aged children. the infection during pregnancy can affect the fetus due to lack of mother's immunity. although, there is still no evidence of fetal teratogenic effects with parvovirus b19, but non-immune fetal hydrops and abortion may be caused by vertical transmission of the virus during pregnancy. this study was aimed to assess the prevalence of parvovirus b19-specific antibody (igm) in pregnant women who had a spontaneo ...201525796023
a new quantitative pcr for human parvovirus b19 genotypes.parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a minute ssdna virus associated with a wide range of diseases from childhood erythema to fetal death. after primary infection, the viral genomes persist lifelong in solid tissues of most types. quantification of the viral dna is important in the timing of primary infection, assessment of tissue persistence and screening of blood donor plasma. in this study, we present a new pcr assay for detection and quantification as well as for differentiation of all three b19v genoty ...201525794796
three adult cases of hpv-b19 infection with concomitant leukopenia and low platelet counts.we encountered three adult patients with flu-like symptoms diagnosed with human parvovirus b19 (hpv-b19) infection. blood serum analysis also revealed leukopenia, with white blood cell counts (wbcs) of 1,000-2,000/ml and low platelet counts of 89-150 × 10(9)/l. typical skin rash was absent in one patient. bone marrow examination of another patient showed hypoplastic marrow with <5% blast cells. all patients recovered without administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (g-csf). theref ...201525780346
immunohistochemical- and pcr-based assay for the reproducible, routine detection of erythrovirus b19 in thyroid is generally accepted that thyroid follicle cells are at least semi-permissive for erythrovirus b19 (evb19). thus, various laboratory techniques have been successfully used to detect evb19 in the thyroid gland, including polymerase chain reaction (pcr), immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. however, the detection of evb19 within the thyroid gland is problematic, and none of the detection protocols in the literature have been unequivocally validated. this multidisciplinary study in ...201525754116
use of exploratory factor analysis to ascertain the correlation between the activities of rheumatoid arthritis and infection by human parvovirus b19.we evaluated a possible correlation between the clinical activities of rheumatoid arthritis (ra) and human parvovirus b19 (b19) infection using exploratory factor analysis (efa).201525744771
[hyperechogenic fetal bowel as a marker of fetal cystic fibrosis].hyperechogenic bowel (hb) occurs in 0.1 to 1.8% of normal pregnancies. in most cases it has no consequence for the foetus, but can be associated with cystic fibrosis (cf), chromosomal defects, genetic syndromes, viral infections, gastrointestinal pathology, missed gravidity, iugr and preterm labour.201525723074
antibody production against b19 virus in ocular fluid of jia-associated uveitis patients. 201525704320
peptide display on a surface loop of human parvovirus b19 vp2: assembly and characterization of virus-like particles.virus-like particles (vlps) are valuable tools for nanotechnology and nanomedicine. these particles are obtained by the self-assembly, either in vivo or in vitro, of structural proteins of viral capsids. vlps are excellent scaffolds for surface display of molecules. the n-termini of the structural proteins of human parvovirus b19 (b19v) have been already modified to display peptides or proteins. however, other surface-exposed elements have not been studied as potential locations for peptide disp ...201525701743
diffuse hepatic fdg activity from nonmalignant etiologies.diffuse increased ¹⁸f-fdg activity is commonly caused by malignant involvement. we describe here cases of diffuse, uniformly increased ¹⁸f-fdg activity due to nonmalignant illnesses in 2 patients: one had parvovirus b19 infection, whereas the other had porphyria, a heme synthesis disorder.201525674876
parvovirus b19 associated acute cholestatic hepatitis.there are few reports in the literature of hepatitis as a manifestation of parvovirus b19 infection. we describe a case of parvovirus b19 associated acute cholestatic hepatitis diagnosed based on a positive serologic test (igm) and molecular detection of parvovirus b19 dna in peripheral blood. parvovirus b19 infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patient presenting with acute hepatitis of unknown etiology.201425669893
parvovirus b19 infection in pregnancy.this guideline reviews the evidence relating to the effects of parvovirus b19 on the pregnant woman and fetus, and discusses the management of women who are exposed to, who are at risk of developing, or who develop parvovirus b19 infection in pregnancy.201425668048
complete recovery of a patient with cardiogenic shock due to parvovirus b19 fulminant myocarditis after treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and intravenous immunoglobulin. 201525666442
fetal intracardiac transfusions in hydropic fetuses with severe anemia.fetal anemia can have significant perinatal morbidity and mortality, particularly with onset prior to 20 weeks of gestation.201525659426
increased number of parvovirus b19 infections in southeast scotland in 2012-2013.parvovirus b19 (b19v) infections are a common but under-investigated and under-reported cause of intrauterine infections. an increased number of acute b19v infections was identified in the edinburgh area in 2012-2013, with 123 infections diagnosed in 33 pregnant women, 76 non-pregnant women and 14 men. all except one pregnant woman were asymptomatic. an overall infection rate of 18% was measured in pregnant women who were tested following b19v exposure (26/141). furthermore, a 7% seroconversion ...201525658558
fetal thrombocytopenia in pregnancies with fetal human parvovirus-b19 infection.fetal infection with human parvovirus b19 (hparvo-b19) has been associated mainly with fetal anemia, although data regarding other fetal hematologic effects are limited. our aim was to assess the rate and consequences of severe fetal thrombocytopenia after fetal hparvo-b19 infection.201525644439
[clinical features of childhood hemophagocytic syndrome and its association with human parvovirus b19 infection].to investigate the association of childhood hemophagocytic syndrome (hps) with human parvovirus b19 (hpvb19) infection, and to analyze the clinical features of this disease.201525616288
quantitative analysis of human parvovirus b19 dna in maternal and fetal serum, and amniotic fluid during an early stage of pregnancy.simple and accurate diagnosis of vertical transmission of human parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection remains an important issue in pregnancy. there are few reports on quantitative analysis of b19v in amniotic fluids. quantitative estimation of b19v dna in amniotic fluids was comparerd with those in maternal or fetal serum obtained at an early stage of pregnancy with possible mother-to-fetus transmission. all pregnant women contracted b19v infection between 13 to 14 weeks gestation. the b19v dna amoun ...201525611946
persistent parvovirus b19 viremia with chronic arthralgia treated with ascorbic acid: a case report.according to some studies, ascorbic acid possesses antiviral properties. these studies were mainly focused on the common cold, with very few focusing on other viral infections.201525560323
human parvovirus b19 and blood product safety: a tale of twenty years of improvements. 201425545869
paradoxical response to intravenous immunoglobulin in a case of parvovirus b19-associated chronic fatigue syndrome.we describe a case of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) associated to parvovirus b19 infection where administration of intravenous immunoglobulins (ivig), previously reported as effective, induced a paradoxical clinical response and increased viral replication. the indication of ivig administration in the treatment of parvovirus b19-associated cfs should be carefully reconsidered.201525542471
[parvovirus b19 seroprevalence in a group of schizophrenic patients].schizophrenia is a highly disabling chronic mental illness. it is considerded as a neurodeveloppemental illness resulting from the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. growing evidence supports the major role of prenatal infections and inflammation in the genesis of schizophrenia. the hypothesis including viral infections has been the subject of several studies and the role of parvovirus b19 (pb19) in the onset of the disease has been suggested. however, there is, up till now, no se ...201525529557
down-regulation of inwardly rectifying kir2.1 k+ channels by human parvovirus b19 capsid protein vp1.parvovirus b19 (b19v) has previously been shown to cause endothelial dysfunction. b19v capsid protein vp1 harbors a lysophosphatidylcholine producing phospholipase a2 (pla2). lysophosphatidylcholine inhibits na(+)/k(+) atpase, which in turn may impact on the activity of inwardly rectifying k(+) channels. the present study explored whether vp1 modifies the activity of kir2.1 k(+) channels. crna encoding kir2.1 was injected into xenopus oocytes without or with crna encoding vp1 isolated from a pat ...201525487255
th17-related cytokines in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with dilated cardiomyopathies: a possible linkage to parvovirus b19 infection.dilated cardiomyopathies (dcm) are a major cause of mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle). immune responses induced by human parvovirus b19 (b19) are considered an important pathogenic mechanism in myocarditis or dcm. however, little is known about th17-related cytokines in sle patients with dcm about the linkage with b19 infection. igm and igg against b19 viral protein, and serum levels of th17-related cytokines were determined using elisa in eight sle patients with dcm ...201425462010
response to "acute parvovirus b19 infection in adults: a retrospective study of 49 cases". 201525456108
acute parvovirus b19 infection in adults. 201525456107
exanthems associated with parvovirus b19 infection in adults. 201425454032
generalized edema associated with parvovirus b19 infection.generalized edema is a rare presentation of human parvovirus b19 infection. the etiology of this edema is unclear, particularly because signs of heart or renal failure are often not present. we report the case of a young adult presenting with generalized edema with serological and pcr evidence of parvovirus b19 infection, and discuss the potential mechanisms of edema based on the previous literature.201425449233
antiviral effect of cidofovir on parvovirus b19 replication.parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a human ssdna virus responsible for a wide range of clinical manifestations, still lacking for a specific antiviral therapy. the identification of compounds active against b19v may add therapeutic options to the treatment of b19v infections, that now entirely relies on symptomatic treatments. in the search for compounds possibly inhibiting b19v replication, a particular focus was raised to cidofovir, an acyclic nucleoside phosphonate broadly active against dsdna viruses. ...201525446336
parvovirus b19 chronic monoarthritis in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency. 201625441493
an adult patient who presented to emergency service with a papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome: a case report.rash diseases characterized macules, papules, vesicles and pustules. many viral infection associated with generalized morbilliform skin rash. papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome (ppgss) is a clinical situation caused by human parvovirus b19. ppgss occurs at hands and foot through lesions exhibiting symmetrical gloves and socks-like erythematous dispersion. concomitantly, there are lesions and fever at mouth. a 35 years old woman applied with papular symmetrical eruption at hands and foot, ...201427437515
lupus and leprosy: beyond the coincidence.systemic lupus erythematous (sle) is an autoimmune disease that presents an increased susceptibility to infections which may trigger reactivation. disease flares have been mostly associated with parvovirus b19, cytomegalovirus, ebv and mycobacterium tuberculosis infections, but it is probable that many other agents may also induce innate and adaptive immune system stimulation including the production of autoantibodies as ana, anti ndna and anti-ß2-gpi mainly in lepromatous leprosy. mycobacterium ...201525412733
case of fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus associated with parvovirus b19 infection. 201425411609
molecular epidemiology of seal parvovirus, 1988-2014.a novel parvovirus was discovered recently in the brain of a harbor seal (phoca vitulina) with chronic meningo-encephalitis. phylogenetic analysis of this virus indicated that it belongs to the genus erythroparvovirus, to which also human parvovirus b19 belongs. in the present study, the prevalence, genetic diversity and clinical relevance of seal parvovirus (sepv) infections was evaluated in both harbor and grey seals (halichoerus grypus) that lived in northwestern european coastal waters from ...201425390639
in vitro encapsulation of heterologous dsdna into human parvovirus b19 virus-like particles.virus-like particles (vlps) have vast potential for applications in nanoscience and nanomedicine. these biological nanoparticles may be used for medical imaging, vaccination, or tissue-specific delivery of drugs or other bioactive molecules. vlps of human parvovirus b19 (b19 v) can be assembled in vitro from the recombinant vp2 protein. in this research, we describe a simple method for the encapsulation of heterologous linear dsdna fragments of different sizes into b19 v-vp2 vlps, in which the d ...201525389040
parvovirus infection: an immunohistochemical study using fetal and placental tissue.parvovirus b19 infection causes 5% to 15% of cases of nonimmune hydrops fetalis. the aim of our study was to evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry in diagnosing parvovirus infection in fetal and placental tissue during routine fetal and perinatal autopsies. histology slides of 20 cases of confirmed parvovirus infection were reviewed, and immunohistochemistry was applied to selected blocks of fetal and placental tissue. immunohistochemistry was positive in all 20 cases, and histologic viral in ...201525361230
fifth and sixth diseases: more than a fever and a rash.while most parvovirus b19 or hhv-6 infections resolve without sequelae, rheumatologic and hemolytic complications and seizures can develop.201425343159
costs of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in patients with unconfirmed parvovirus b19 pure red cell aplasia. 201525336624
acute human parvovirus b19 infection: cytologic diagnosis.human parvovirus b19 is highly tropic to human bone marrow and replicates only in erythroid progenitor cells. it is causative agent of transient aplastic crisis in patients with chronic haemolytic anemia. in immunocompromised patients persistent parvovirus b19 infection may develop and it manifests as pure red cell aplasia and chronic anaemia. bone marrow is characterised morphologically by giant pronormoblast stage with little or no further maturation. we encountered a case of 6 year old hiv po ...201425332559
a case of fetal parvovirus b19 myocarditis that caused terminal heart failure.parvovirus b19 is a well-established cause of fetal anemia and nonimmune fetal hydrops in pregnancy. fetal parvovirus infection can cause severe destruction of erythroid progenitor cells, resulting in fetal anemia, hydrops, and intrauterine death. however, viral myocarditis with subsequent heart failure is another possible mechanism for hydrops formation as viral infection of fetal myocardial cells has been reported in postmortem examinations. we herein report a case of fetal cardiomegaly and ma ...201425328731
clinical features of 10 fetuses with prenatally diagnosed parvovirus b19 infection and fetal evaluate the clinical features of fetuses with prenatally diagnosed parvovirus b19 infection and fetal hydrops.201525313841
genome sequences of parvovirus b19 reference strains.we report here the sequences of two reference strains of parvovirus b19 (b19v) used for quantitation of b19v dna. one reference strain has been established by the world health organization (who) and the other by the european pharmacopeia (ph. eur.) and belong to b19v genotype 1a1 and 1a2, respectively.201425301641
human parvovirus b19: a review.parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a small non-enveloped single-stranded dna (ssdna) virus of the family parvoviridae, the subfamily parvovirinae, the genus erythrovirus and human parvovirus b19 type species. it is a common community-acquired respiratory pathogen without ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, age or geographic boundaries. moreover, the epidemiological and ecological relationships between human parvovirus b19, man and environment have aroused increasing interest in this virus. b19v infection is as ...201425283854
persistent pure red cell aplasia in dicygotic twins with persistent congenital parvovirus b19 infection-remission following high dose intravenous immunoglobulin.we report the course of dicygotic twins born preterm after 29 (4)/7 weeks of gestation due to congenital parvovirus b19 infection causing fetal hydrops with severe anemia in one infant in whom intrauterine transfusion was impossible to perform and high levels of viremia in both infants. after being discharged, they were readmitted at 3 months of age with critical aplastic crisis. therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin infusion resulted in decreasing viremia followed by stable hemoglobin levels ...201425269997
petechial rash associated with parvovirus b19 in children: case report and literature review.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection usually causes erythema infectiosum (ei). in recent decades, several uncommon exanthems have been described in association with b19v. recently, haemorrhagic manifestations such as purpuric-petechial rash have been reported. we describe an unusual paediatric case of b19v associated with generalized petechial eruption, and a review of the recent literature.201425269970
effects of human parvovirus b19 and bocavirus vp1 unique region on tight junction of human airway epithelial a549 is widely recognized, human parvovirus b19 (b19) and human bocavirus (hbov) are important human pathogens. obviously, both vp1 unique region (vp1u) of b19 and hbov exhibit the secreted phospholipase a2 (spla2)-like enzymatic activity and are recognized to participate in the pathogenesis of lower respiratory tract illnesses. however, exactly how, both vp1u from b19 and hbov affect tight junction has seldom been addressed. therefore, this study investigates how b19-vp1u and hbov-vp1u may affect ...201425268969
flagellate erythema in parvovirus b19 infection. 201425267389
parvovirus associated fulminant hepatic failure and aplastic anemia treated successfully with liver and bone marrow transplantation. a report of two cases.aplastic anemia (aa) has been observed in nearly a third of patients undergoing liver transplantation (lt) for non-a-e fulminant hepatic failure (fhf). few of these patients have been successfully managed with sequential lt and bone marrow transplantation (bmt). no causative agent has been identified for the fhf or aa in these reported cases. at our center, two patients, aged 15 years and 7 years, respectively, underwent sequential living-related lt and living-unrelated bmt. these patients are 1 ...201425179206
[assessment of clinical-instrumental, morphological data and expression of coxsackie adenovirus receptor in patients with inflammatory cardiac pathology].in 22 patients with heart failure and/or ventricular arrhythmias presumably of inflammatory etiology the results of clinical and instrumental investigation were analyzed and compared to the endomyocardial biopsy data. in the subgroup of patients with left bundle branch block (lbbb) we revealed features indicative of lesser contribution of inflammatory destruction in pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy. the only virus, detected in biopsy samples, was parvovirus b19. its persistence in myocardium was n ...201425177881
syphilis infection: an uncommon etiology of infectious nonimmune fetal hydrops with increased prevalence of syphilis has been observed in many developed countries over the last decade. during pregnancy, syphilis can affect the fetus through development of nonspecific symptoms such as microcephaly, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly, dilated and echogenic bowel, placentomegaly, and, uncommonly, fetal hydrops. congenital syphilis also leads to hematologic abnormalities such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and leukocytosis. we present a case of nonimmune fetal hydrops with an ...201625138225
human parvovirus b19 in iranian pregnant women: a serologic survey.parvovirus b19 infection is associated with clinical symptoms that vary in the spectrum from trivial to severe. the important clinical manifestations are erythema infectiosum or the fifth disease, transient aplastic anemia in patients with hemoglobinopathies, acute polyarthralgia syndrome in adults, hydrops fetalis, spontaneous abortion and stillbirth. acute infection in nonimmune pregnant women can lead to fetal hydrops. in view of the many complications that can result from acute parvovirus b1 ...201525118740
acute parvovirus b19 infection in adults: a retrospective study of 49 cases.our aim was to describe the epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of acute parvovirus b19 infection in adults.201625109767
can parvovirus b19 infection be naturally oncolytic: clinical findings raise such a possibility in leukaemic children. 201425109733
anti-erythropoietin receptor antibody-associated pure red cell aplasia accompanied by coombs-negative autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a patient with t cell/histiocyte-rich large b cell lymphoma.a 79-year-old female diagnosed with t cell/histiocyte-rich large b cell lymphoma in complete remission after six cycles of rituximab-combined chemotherapy developed severe anemia, reticulocytopenia, and bone marrow erythroid hypoplasia. she was diagnosed with pure red cell aplasia (prca) accompanied by coombs-negative autoimmune hemolytic anemia evidenced by a lack of glycophorin-a-positive cells in the bone marrow, haptoglobin under the detection level, and a high titer of rbc-bound igg. anti-e ...201425096221
the utility of infection screening in isolated mild ventriculomegaly: an observational retrospective study on 141 fetuses.the aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of screening for infections in case of isolated mild ventriculomegaly (imvm).201425087972
prevalence and genotypic characterization of human parvovirus b19 in children with hemato-oncological disorders in north india.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) has been associated with chronic anemia in immuno-compromised patients. in the present study, the prevalence and genotype distribution of b19v in children from north india, suffering with hemato-oncological disorders is reported. children with aplastic anemia/leukemia/chronic hematological disorders, and healthy blood donors were enrolled in the study. blood samples from cases and blood donors were analyzed for anti-b19v igm and anti-b19v igg antibodies by elisa and f ...201525087946
increased risk of human parvovirus b19 infection in day-care employees: a cohort study among pregnant workers during an epidemic in finland.human parvovirus b19 (b19v) infection during early pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. studies have inconsistently shown an elevated risk of infection among women with occupational contacts with children. methodological differences, particularly in defining occupational exposure and in the type of reference group, may explain the conflicting findings.201425074899
[facial edema in a 39-year-old woman]. 201525060808
clinically mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial lesion caused by human parvovirus b19 infection: a case of two brothers with hereditary spherocytosis. 201425035141
gene expression analysis of potential genes and pathways involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of parvovirus b19 in human colorectal order to investigate the pathogenic mechanisms of parvovirus b19 in human colorectal cancer, plasmids containing the vp1 or vp2 viral capsid proteins or the ns1 non-structural proteins of parvovirus b19 were constructed and transfected into primary human colorectal epithelial cells and lovo cells. differential gene expression was detected using a human genome expression array. functional gene annotation analyses were performed using database for annotation, visualization and integrated discov ...201425013465
down-regulation of k⁺ channels by human parvovirus b19 capsid protein vp1.parvovirus b19 (b19v) can cause inflammatory cardiomyopathy and endothelial dysfunction. pathophysiological mechanisms involved include lysophosphatidylcholine producing phospholipase a2 (pla2) activity of the b19v capsid protein vp1. most recently, vp1 and lysophosphatidylcholine have been shown to inhibit na(+)/k(+) atpase. the present study explored whether vp1 modifies the activity of kv1.3 and kv1.5 k(+) channels. crna encoding kv1.3 or kv1.5 was injected into xenopus oocytes without or wit ...201425010641
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis associated with a parvovirus b19 infection during pregnancy.hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis is potentially fatal. prompt diagnosis and initiation of treatment are critical for ensuring the best possible prognosis.201425004318
persistent parvovirus b19 infection in non-erythroid tissues: possible role in the inflammatory and disease process.parvovirus b19 (b19v) is a small non-enveloped dna virus of the parvoviridae family. it is an obligate human pathogen that preferentially replicates in erythroid progenitor cells. b19v is the causative agent of multiple erythroid-related diseases due to replication-induced cytotoxicity. despite its strong erythroid tropism and related acute disease association, b19v has been determined to persist in many other non-erythroid tissues. this review summarizes and appraises what is known about concom ...201424998884
parvovirus b19 induced transient aplastic crisis in an immunocompetent child. 201524994616
[a case of severe systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis introduced tocilizumab in early phase of the disease].a 14-year-old boy was admitted in the former hospital with remittent fever, erythematous rash, joint pain, and muscle pain. antibiotics were ineffectively administered and then, methylprednisolone (mpsl) pulse therapy with methotrexate was introduced under the diagnosis of suspected systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (jia). however, he still had clinical symptoms and signs, and was transferred to our hospital. re-examination revealed no malignancies including acute leukemia by bone marrow as ...201424974931
a case of recurrent autoimmune hemolytic anemia during remission associated with acute pure red cell aplasia and hemophagocytic syndrome due to human parvovirus b19 infection successfully treated by steroid pulse therapy with a review of the literature.the patient was a 47-year-old man diagnosed as having autoimmune hemolytic anemia (aiha) in april 2011. he also had a congenital chromosomal abnormality, a balanced translocation. treatment with prednisolone (psl) 60 mg/day resulted in resolution of the aiha, and the treatment was completed in november 2011. while the patient no longer had anemia, the direct and indirect coombs tests remained positive. in may 2013, he developed recurrent aiha associated with acute pure red cell aplasia (prca) an ...201424966977
acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by parvovirus b19 infection. 201424966644
is intrauterine exchange transfusion a safe procedure for management of fetal anaemia?to study modalities and complications of intrauterine exchange transfusion (iuet) for the management of severe fetal anaemia.201424965985
quantitation of human parvovirus b19 dna in erythema infectiosum and aplastic crisis.several publications concerning the methods of real-time pcr for human parvovirus b19 (b19v) have appeared and some case reports mention b19v dna loads. however, no large-scale study quantitating levels of b19v dna in common or representative b19v manifestations such as erythema infectiosum and aplastic crisis has been performed. consequently, using the taqman pcr assay, the b19v load in a large sample of subjects with erythema infectiosum or aplastic crisis was quantitated. sixty-five subjects ...201424962467
recurrent severe anaemia: a rare presentation of parvovirus b19 infection.secondary pure red cell aplasia is usually seen in immunocompromised hosts or patients who have chronic haemolytic anaemia, which is caused by blood transfusion related transmission. the present patient, a 30-year-old immunocompetent female, presented several times with recurrent severe anaemia, over a period of one and half years. her history, clinical examination and investigations did not reveal any indigenous drug intake, previous blood transfusions, haemolytic disorders, myeloproliferative ...201424959472
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