
[utilization of free and protein-bound lysine in the japanese quail].the utilization of dietary lysine for protein synthesis is affected by the digestibility of protein-bound lysine, by its intestinal resorption and by its oxidative catabolism. the approach chosen in this paper enables a comparison of the cumulative effect of these processes on the utilization of free and protein-bound lysine, respectively. the principle of the approach is based on a quantification of the expiration of 14c-labelled carbon dioxide after an oral administration of a diet, which cont ...19892514480
discovery of noninfectious viral genes complementary to marek's disease herpes virus in quail susceptible to cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis.japanese quail genetically selected on the basis of atherosclerosis susceptibility were tested for infection by marek's disease herpesvirus (mdv). viral dna was detected in the atherosclerotic aortas of susceptible (sus) quail by the technique of dna hybridization. southern blot analysis demonstrated that restriction mapping of aortic dna was specific and different from that of mdv. screening of quail embryos by dot-blot hybridization detected that mdv dna existed in 100% of sus quail tested. re ...19892537395
avian erythroblastosis virus transforms a novel mast cell-basophil precursor target in the japanese quail.hematopoietic cells of the japanese quail were transformed by avian erythroblastosis virus in vivo and in vitro. in both circumstances, the infected hematopoietic tissues exhibited a dual oncogenic response of erythroid and mast cell-basophil elements. the erythroid transformants escaped the avian erythroblastosis virus block in differentiation and progressed to hemoglobinization. resulting basophilic cells were morphologically, biochemically, and ultrastructurally identical to mast cell-basophi ...19892539521
melatonin reduction by lithium and albinism in quail and hamsters.melatonin was measured by radioimmunoassay in several genetic strains of japanese quail. plasma melatonin (pm), measured at the nighttime peak, was highest in wild type quail reared on a diurnal lighting schedule; this pm peak was suppressed in continuous light. albino quail had low melatonin levels, whether reared under diurnal conditions or in continuous light. ocular melatonin was also suppressed in albinos and in dilute mutants. at midday sampling, melatonin was only half as high in albinos ...19892555249
fh3, a v-myc avian retrovirus with limited transforming ability.we have isolated a new acute avian transforming virus which contains the oncogene myc. this virus, designated fh3, was isolated after injection of a 10-day-old chick embryo with avian leukosis virus. while fh3 shares many properties with other v-myc-containing avian retroviruses, it also has several unique properties. the primary target for transformation in vitro is chicken macrophages; infection of chicken fibroblasts does not lead to complete morphological transformation. fh3 also exhibits a ...19892555545
distribution of glucocorticoid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the brain, and its relation to crf and acth immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.monoclonal antibody (mab49) against the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor was used to evaluate glucocorticoid receptor (gr) immunoreactive structures in the brain of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. using the avidin-biotin technique, the immunoreaction was present in the nerve cell nuclei in intact male birds. high density of glucocorticoid receptor-like immunoreactivity was found in the tubero-infundibular area, nucleus paraventricularis, posteromedialis and lateralis hypothalami ...19892557133
ultradian and circadian co2 emission variations in nocturnal and diurnal animals exposed to a light stimulus.1. carbon dioxide emission (vco2) has been continuously recorded in three laboratory animal species (sprague-dawley rats, japanese quail, hartley guinea-pigs) which differ by their nocturnal and diurnal activities. a 100 lux stimulus has been delivered at various time intervals. 2. a regular alternation of 12, 3 or 1.5 hr light (l) and darkness (d) gives vco2 circadian and ultradian rhythms of 24, 6 or 3 hr periods, respectively, in quail and rats. 3. such circadian and ultradian ld rhythms are ...19892574093
mc29 virus-coded protein occurs as monomers and dimers in transformed cells.the mc29 virus-coded protein p110gag-myc was found exclusively in the nucleus of transformed japanese quail (q8) cells, and time course experiments indicated that the protein had a half-life of about 30 min. when extracts of either q8 or chicken embryo cells infected with mc29 virus were prepared with nondenaturing detergents and then sedimented in sucrose gradients, p110 was found in the fractions expected to contain monomers (5.9s), dimers (9.3s), or mixtures of the two. the same extracts trea ...19852578574
effects of fish oil on arteriosclerosis in the japanese quail.the effects of fish oil on the development of arteriosclerosis were assessed using a special susceptible strain (sea) of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). sixty four quail were randomly divided into two groups and placed on isocaloric and approximately isocholesterolic (2% by weight) diets. group a (control) was supplemented with 10% beef tallow oil, while group b received 10% menhaden fish oil. the birds were sacrificed at 10 weeks (early) and 15-16 weeks (late). based on semiquantit ...19892598217
noninvasive heart rate monitoring system for avian embryos based on the ballistocardiogram.a noninvasive heart rate (hr) monitoring system for avian embryos has been developed based on the ballistocardiogram (bcg). the bcg was detected using a phonograph cartridge as a record of the velocity of the minute ballistic movements of the eggshell, which are generated by recoil and impact of heart contraction and blood ejection. the autocorrelation coefficients (accs) of the detected signal were computed to confirm whether the detected signal contained ballistic movement. an envelope of acc ...19892601467
pasteurella multocida infection in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).three flocks of japanese quail, approximately 75,000 birds each, experienced acute high mortality beginning at 24 to 28 days of age. gross lesions were absent or were composed of either multifocal small pale areas on livers and spleens or lungs slightly darker in color than normal. histopathology revealed multifocal splenic and hepatic necrosis and interstitial pneumonia. pasteurella multocida, serotype 3,4, was isolated from affected tissues. the quail were successfully treated with chlortetrac ...19892619671
radioiodination of chicken luteinizing hormone without affecting receptor binding improving the currently used lactoperoxidase method, we were able to obtain radioiodinated chicken luteinizing hormone (lh) that shows high specific binding and low nonspecific binding to a crude plasma membrane fraction of testicular cells of the domestic fowl and the japanese quail, and to the ovarian granulosa cells of the japanese quail. the change we made from the original method consisted of 1) using chicken lh for radioiodination that was not only highly purified but also retained a hi ...19892624865
chromosome banding and dna replication patterns in bird karyotypes.the karyotypes of the domestic chicken (gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix), and griffon vulture (gyps fulvus) were studied with a variety of banding techniques. the dna replication patterns of bird chromosomes, analyzed by incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (brdu) and deoxythymidine (dt), are presented here for the first time. in particular, the time sequence of replication of the zz/zw sex chromosomes throughout the s-phase was meticulously analyzed. brdu and dt incorporat ...19892630186
lipid peroxides, glutathione peroxidase, prostacyclin and cell cycle stages in normal and atherosclerotic japanese quail arteries.we have previously shown a negative correlation between lipid peroxide levels and prostacyclin synthesis in plasma and artery of the atherosclerotic rabbit. here we compare the arterial lipid peroxide content, glutathione peroxidase activity, and prostacyclin and thromboxane production in response to exogenous arachidonic acid stimulation, and the cell cycle stages in normal and atherogenic diet-fed quail. lipid peroxides were higher in arteries of the atherosclerotic quail, while glutathione pe ...19892653327
cloning of japanese quail ovalbumin cdna in e. coli.japanese quail oviduct total cdna was synthesized from total mrna by the classical method, using amv reverse transcriptase, the klenow fragment of dna polymerase i and s1 nuclease. the results of the synthesis of total ss-cdna partially differed from those published for the synthesis of chicken total ss-cdna. the presumed causes of the differences in the complete reverse transcription of mrnacon and incomplete reverse transcription of mrnalys and a large part of mrnaov in our case are discussed. ...19892659390
sexual differentiation of neuroendocrine systems and behavior.differentiation of the reproductive system occurs in stages, with early development of the gonads and later differentiation of the brain. the physiological mechanisms that are involved in the sequence of events during sexual differentiation have not been clearly understood. however, recent technological advances have made understanding these mechanisms much more accessible. many of these techniques have been used to elucidate the nature of steroid-induced effects on target tissues, hormonal and ...19892674926
immunohistochemical study of ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine cluster this work an immunohistochemical method was used to study the ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine (glcnac) cluster antigen which is an epitope(s) of highly branched n-linked oligosaccharides terminating in glcnac residues. the ontogenic studies demonstrated that expression of the antigen is developmentally regulated in lymphocytes, epithelial cells of endodermal origin and kidney mesangial cells of the chicken. the antigen was found in several other avian species studied, ...19892715042
activation of sexual behavior by implantation of testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate into the preoptic area of the male japanese quail (coturnix japonica).intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was performed to determine neuroanatomical loci at which steroids activate sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). in this species, systemic treatment of castrated males with either testosterone propionate (tp) or estradiol benzoate (eb) restores male-typical copulatory behavior (head grabbing, mounting, and cloacal contact movements). in addition, eb activates female-typical receptive behavior (crouching). adult ...19892744741
developmental and muscle-specific regulation of avian fast skeletal troponin t isoform expression by mrna splicing.we have investigated the developmental regulation of the avian fast skeletal muscle troponin t (tntf) gene of the japanese quail. sequence analysis of troponin t mrna, cdna clones, and a genomic dna segment demonstrate that the avian, fast skeletal tntf protein isoforms are produced from a single gene. this tntf gene is expressed in skeletal muscle, but not in adult cardiac muscles or in non-muscle tissues. in addition to known tnt isoforms, three new isoforms of tnt are described. these isoform ...19892745456
heritable susceptibility to environmentally induced glaucoma in several mutants of japanese quail.we compared albino (ai), dilute (aid), and wild-type (ai+) quail in their ocular responses to continuous light, the rearing condition that brings on light-induced avian glaucoma (liag) in domestic chickens. at age 3 months, all quail kept under 24l/od showed the retarded corneal growth and corneal flattening characteristic of liag. unlike chickens, quail did not suffer pathological eye enlargement during the early growing period. however, by 6 months of age, 24l/od albinos showed an almost 20% i ...19892754233
metabolism of decoquinate in chickens and japanese quail.thirty mature chicken hens and 40 mature japanese quail hens were used in an experiment to compare pathways of decoquinate (dq) excretion. labelled dq was injected into chickens (.5 microci via wing vein puncture) and quail (.25 microci via cardiac puncture) on day 0. blood was sampled at 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 h postinjection. eggs and excreta of chickens and quail were collected for 28 and 14 days, respectively, and analyzed for 14c. six chickens and eight quail were sacrificed prior ...19892755893
studies on the fate of flocoumafen in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. 14c-flocoumafen, administered to japanese quail as a single oral or i.p. dose, was rapidly and extensively eliminated in excreta; most was eliminated within 24 h. extensive metabolism of the rodenticide was seen, with at least 8 metabolites detected; unchanged flocoumafen comprised 9% dose. the elimination kinetics and metabolic profiles were qualitatively similar after oral and i.p. dosing. 2. the major metabolites (60% dose) were labile to beta-glucuronidase, liberating aglycones with ident ...19892756717
growth factor activity in luminal fluids from the male reproductive tract of the ram, rat, tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).growth factor activity in luminal fluids from the male reproductive tract was assayed by measuring the stimulation of [3h]thymidine incorporation into balb/c 3t3 fibroblasts. the potency of fluids from the rete testis of the rat, ram, tammar wallaby and japanese quail was much the same. however, about 90% of the activity in fluid from the rete testis of the rat and tammar was lost during its passage through the epididymis.19892760881
testosterone implanted in the preoptic area of male japanese quail must be aromatized to activate copulation.intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was combined with aromatase inhibitor treatment to determine if aromatization within the preoptic area (poa) is necessary for androgens to activate sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). in this species, implantation of pellets of testosterone propionate (tp) or estradiol benzoate (eb) in the poa of castrated males restores male-typical copulatory behavior. in experiment 1, adult male castrated quail were implant ...19892793083
[specific immunoglobulins from egg yolks of japanese quail immunized with influenza and hiv-1 viruses]. 19892806062
quail (coturnix japonica) protamine, full-length cdna sequence, and the function and evolution of vertebrate protamines.using the chicken protamine gene as a probe, we have isolated and sequenced several positive clones from a quail testis cdna library which reveal the complete sequence for the quail protamine cdna. the predicted amino acid sequence for the quail protamine contains the n-terminal tetrapeptide aryr present in the n-terminal region of the mammalian protamines as well as several conserved motifs and arginine clusters. in addition the size of the quail protamine (56 amino acids) is closer to that of ...19892808336
distribution of estrogen receptors in the brain of the japanese quail: an immunocytochemical study.the distribution of estrogen receptors in the quail brain was investigated by immunocytochemistry using the monoclonal antibody h222spy raised against estrogen receptors that had been isolated from a human mammary tumor. nuclei which contained cells labeled for estrogen receptor were identified in the telencephalon, diencephalon and mesencephalon. in particular, a high percentage of labeled cells was observed in the lateral septum, the nucleus accumbens, the preoptic medial nucleus, the supraopt ...19892819436
detection of specific dna segments of marek's disease herpes virus in japanese quail susceptible to atherosclerosis.genetically selected lines of japanese quail, highly susceptible (sus) and resistant (res) to atherosclerosis, were used to study the possible involvement of marek's disease herpes virus (mdv). an ecori gene library of mdv cloned in pbr328 was used to prepare the 32p-dna probe in dot-blot and southern blot hybridizations to detect the presence of mdv dna sequence in the aorta, embryo and other tissue specimens. the viral dna was found present in the aorta of sus quail and it increased with the s ...19872825727
restriction analysis of additional "non-producing" cell clones obtained after transformation of japanese quail fibroblasts with viruses rescued from cryptovirogenic h-19 cells.the proviral structure of two transforming viruses rescued from cryptovirogenic h-19 hamster cells harbouring the ltr, v-src, ltr proviral structure was analysed by restriction mapping. it was established that the rescued g8 virus keeps the same restriction pattern as that observed in the cryptic h-19 provirus and that it is integrated into the cell genome at a different position characteristic of each "non-producing" (np) cell clone. in these features it corresponds to the previously described ...19872830149
[avian celo adenovirus as a possible contaminant in cell cultures of japanese quail embryos].avian adenovirus celo was found to replicate poorly in japanese quail embryos (jqe) and cell cultures of them. the infectious process in these systems was latent. the antigen of adenovirus celo in jqe cell culture was detectable by the fluorescent antibody method (fam) within the first 24-72 hours after inoculation as fluorescent cytoplasmic granules. subsequently, fluorescence of nuclei and macrophage cytoplasm was observed. the results indicate that jqe and their cell cultures are not contamin ...19882854677
characteristics of cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization with different rabies vaccines.three rabies vaccines were compared: 1. the fermi type vaccine, a phenol-treated suspension of brain tissue from infected sheep; 2. a virus grown in sheep brain, purified from the contaminating material to 85-90% and inactivated with beta-propiolactone; 3. and the mniip-74 strain cultured in japanese quail embryo cells and inactivated with beta-propiolactone. a single immunization of mice with any of the preparations resulted in about 50% inhibition of splenocyte migration after 2 days; by day 1 ...19852860797
hematological response of japanese quail to acute hemorrhagic stress.hematological and serum biochemical changes in response to hemorrhagic stress were determined in both sexes of juvenile and adult coturnix coturnix japonica over 3 day period following a mechanical hemorrhage of 30% of the calculated total blood volume. there was an initial shift posthemorrhage towards greater numbers of more mature erythrocytes and fewer circulating reticulocytes. reticulocytosis was indicated 48-72 hr posthemorrhage. glucose and lactic acid dehydrogenase levels increased after ...19852864183
interferonogenicity of rabies vaccines as related to their therapeutic and prophylactic activities.non-interferonogenic rabies vaccine prepared from a virus grown in sheep brain and devoid of neuroallergenic factor and an interferonogenic vaccine from the same virus strain cultured in japanese quail embryo cells have been compared. in mouse experiments both preparations appeared to have identical therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy. it seems that interferonogenicity of rabies vaccines cannot be used as a criterion of their prophylactic or therapeutic effects. the effectiveness of exogenous ...19852866692
interspecific cell markers and cell lineage in birds.a cell marking technique based on the structural differences existing between the interphase nucleus in two closely related species of birds, the chick and the japanese quail, is described. in all embryonic and adult cell types of the quail, a large mass of heterochromatin is associated with the nucleolus making quail and chick cells easy to identify at the single cell level after application of any dna-specific staining procedure and also at the electron microscope level. this method has been l ...19852869526
the nature of thyrotropin stimulation of thyroid function in japanese quail: prolonged thyrotropin exposure is necessary to increase thyroidal 125i uptake.single injections of thyrotropin (tsh) increase serum t4 and thyroidal 32p uptake but not thyroidal 125i uptake regardless of dosage, exposure time or age. chronic tsh exposure, with 3 or more days of injection, does increase thyroidal 125i uptake. studies using iodine (i) supplementation indicated that the increased thyroidal radioiodine uptakes seen with chronic tsh administration were not due to an i deficiency in the thyroid resulting from high hormone release. labeled and unlabeled experime ...19862878775
immunocytochemical localization and spatial relation to the adenohypophysis of a somatostatin-like and a corticotropin-releasing factor-like peptide in the brain of four amphibian species.the distribution of somatostatin (srif) - and corticotropin-releasing factor (crf)-like - immunoreactive material was studied in the brain of four amphibian species (ambystoma mexicanum, pleurodeles waltlii, xenopus laevis, rana ridibunda) by use of immunocytochemistry. a wide network of srif-immunoreactive fibers and numerous perikarya were observed in all amphibians examined, with a dense accumulation of nerve endings in the external layer of the median eminence (elme). in the representatives ...19872880668
chicken embryo cell line exhibits japanese quail markers. 19882903854
the role of thyroid and adrenal cortical hormones in the modulation of the gonadal function in birds.the role of the thyroid gland in modulating the gonad function depends on the functional state of the gonads. in sexually inactive (short-day's) male japanese quails, thyroidectomy and thyroxine treatment prove ineffective. thyroxine administered simultaneously with photo-gonadostimulation inhibits the maturation of the gonads: the testes decrease in weight, the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone accelerates, resulting in a decrease in the plasma level, and androsterone production increase ...19852938378
on the histochemical characterization and distribution of fast and slow muscle fibers in certain avian skeletal muscles.histochemical techniques based upon the ph sensitivity of myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase are used to differentiate avian skeletal muscle fibers as either fast or slow. pars thoracica m. pectoralis (pm) of several avian species, pars cranialis m. latissimi dorsi (ldcr) of the japanese quail, and m. tensor propatagialis (tp) of the domestic pigeon are examined. fast fibers predominate in the pm, and slow fibers in the ldcr. the tp shows marked internal variation in the distribution of muscl ...19872951958
[susceptibility of birds other than chickens to infectious laryngotracheitis].susceptibility to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was studied in peafowl (pavo cristatus), various species of pheasant (phasianus colchicus, lophura swinhoeii, lophophorus impejanus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), canaries (serinus canaria), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnic japonica). apart from clinical observations, experiments were evaluated in terms of histopathology, immunofluorescence, serology and recovery of virus. only peafowl and pheasant ...19852990066
s13, a rapidly oncogenic replication-defective avian retrovirus.the avian leukemia sarcoma virus s13 transforms chicken and japanese quail embryo fibroblasts and chicken erythroid cells in tissue culture. s13-induced erythroid transformation requires culture conditions suitable for the growth of normal erythroid precursors (h. beug and m. j. hayman (1984), cell 36, 963-972). s13-transformed erythroid colonies contain a high percentage of cells that differentiate in absence of erythropoietin. s13 is defective in pol and env functions but can code for a comple ...19852990096
production of herpesvirus of turkeys in microcarrier culturing system--a new method for production of vaccine against marek's disease.a microcarrier (mc) culturing system for production of a vaccine against marek's disease virus is presented. cytodex-3 beads (pharmacia) and de-53 microgranular (whatman) are the recommended microcarriers. primary cells from chick embryo as well as cells from a quail cell line (qt-6, established from a japanese quail) were found to be good hosts for growth of herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt). hvt, the vaccine strain against marek's disease, was successfully grown and harvested on the above mentioned ...19852995176
marek's disease in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica): a study of natural cases.marek's disease was observed in quails. gross lesions were confined mostly to the spleen and liver. microscopic lesions were commonly seen in spleen, proventriculus, liver, and duodenum. skin, peripheral nerves, and other visceral organs were also involved. of 123 quails examined, 39 had serum antibodies against marek's disease. these antibodies were detected from 11 to 17 weeks of age; the highest incidence was recorded at 15 weeks. feather follicular antigen detected in 30 of the 95 quails was ...19853000332
characterization of rous sarcoma virus-related sequences in the japanese quail.we detected sequences related to the avian retrovirus rous sarcoma virus within the genome of the japanese quail, a species previously considered to be free of endogenous avian leukosis virus elements. using low-stringency conditions of hybridization, we screened a quail genomic library for clones containing retrovirus-related information. of five clones so selected, one, lambda q48, contained sequence information related to the gag, pol, and env genes of rous sarcoma virus arranged in a contigu ...19863016302
molecular cloning and characterization of gag-, pol-, and env-related gene sequences in the ev- chicken.using less stringent hybridization conditions and cloned viral dna probes representing the avian sarcoma virus gag, pol, env, and long terminal repeat (ltr) gene sequences, we detected related sequences in two avian species purportedly lacking all endogenous avian leukosis viruses, the ev- chicken and the japanese quail. the blot hybridization patterns obtained with the various probes suggest the presence of between 40 and 100 copies of retrovirus-related sequences in the genomes of these two sp ...19863016330
passage of duck hepatitis virus in cell cultures derived from avian embryos of different egg-attenuated strain of duck hepatitis virus was successfully passaged through cell cultures of avian embryos derived from goose, turkey, guinea fowl, japanese quail, pheasant and chicken. two field strains of the virus were passaged in a more limited range of species.19863020656
infectious bursal disease virus infection in the quail-chicken hybrid.hybrids produced from crossing cornell k-strain white leghorn chickens and line ii japanese quails were studied for susceptibility to infection with infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv). quail-chicken hybrids were infected successfully following inoculation with ibdv at 14, 21, or 52 days of age. in most cases, precipitating antibodies were detected in serum by 10 days postinoculation (pi). although no clinical signs or gross lesions were evident in the bursa of fabricius of hybrids, histologi ...19863021100
ultrastructural and cytochemical studies in normal japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eosinophils and in those from birds with experimentally induced eosinophilia.normal eosinophil development in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was similar to that described in the fowl and the duck, with granulogenesis occurring in the golgi apparatus. the characteristic lipid droplets were small in the immature eosinophils, and after staining specifically for lipid, small moieties were also traced to the golgi apparatus. in mature eosinophils the lipid droplets measured between 1.0 and 1.5 micron in diameter and they were surrounded by profiles of smooth ...19863022360
vitamin d3 and avian bone in vitro: specificity of effect on japanese quail calvaria.calcitriol (1,25(oh)2d3) has been shown, under certain conditions, to elicit an in vitro response in adult avian calvarium which may be interpreted as calcium uptake by the bone. the present investigation was undertaken to study the specificity of this response. calvaria were removed from 6-week-old female japanese quail and cultured for periods of up to 96 hours at 37 degrees c in 5% co2/95% air. 1,25(oh)2d3 induced a fall in the medium total and ionic calcium concentrations at both 48 hours an ...19863026593
in vitro effect of prostaglandins on the accumulation of cyclic amp in the avian oviduct.the effects of prostaglandins e1, e2, and f2 alpha (pge1, pge2, and pgf2 alpha, respectively) on cyclic amp production in tissue samples from the uterus (u), uterovaginal sphincter (uvs), and vagina (v) of regularly laying hens as well as the effects of pge2 and forskolin on u and v of japanese quail were studied. both pge1 and pge2 enhanced cyclic amp production in the hen oviductal segments, particularly in the v in a dose-related manner, pge1 being the more effective agonist. pgf2 alpha had n ...19873034716
experimental studies on marek's disease in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).day-old quails experimentally infected with marek's disease (md) virus of quail origin developed lymphoid tumors. the severity of the disease increased considerably with serial passage. tumor transplants could be made with cells derived from gross tumors in skeletal muscles, spleen cells, and blood from md-affected quails. after five to six serial transplants, the tumor could not be transplanted further. marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (matsa) was demonstrated in lymphoid cells ...19873039961
experimental aspergillosis in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). clinical signs and haematological changes.intratracheal inoculation of 2-week-old quail chicks with aspergillus fumigatus resulted in the development of clinical signs within 24 h of infection. these were characterized by anorexia, depression, accelerated respiration and gasping followed by death. the acute course of the disease lasted for 7-10 days followed by recovery in the surviving chicks. the overall mortality during a 6-week observation period was 20%. although the mean body weight of a. fumigatus infected quail chicks continued ...19883050527
changes in pituitary responsiveness during the ovulatory cycle of the japanese quail, in vitro.anterior pituitary glands from ovulating japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) were used to investigate variation in sensitivity to chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (clhrh i; gln8-lhrh). grouping the pituitaries by ovulatory stage provided preliminary evidence of changes in sensitivity to lhrh during the ovulatory cycle. pituitaries taken from quail before the preovulatory lh surge were responsive to clhrh i, while pituitaries from the other times of the cycle showed minimal response t ...19883053965
sequential pathological studies in japanese quails infected experimentally with aspergillus fumigatus.intratracheal inoculation of young quail chicks with aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. the lesions were restricted to respiratory tract and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body. gross changes in lungs and air sacs were observed within 24 hours and continued up to 20 days while in trachea these were noticed from the 3rd to the 9th day post-infection. the lesions, in general, included congestion ...19883057379
different mechanisms controlling fsh and lh release in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): evidence for an inherently spontaneous release and production of fsh.plasma concentration of fsh and lh and their content in the adenohypophyses of japanese quail were estimated by homologous radioimmunoassays based on chicken hormones. the results consistently showed that the plasma concentration of fsh was slightly higher than that of lh, although the fsh content in the adenohypophysis was much lower than that of lh in immature, mature and acutely photostimulated quail. these results prompted experiments in vitro to determine whether the difference was intrinsi ...19863081675
vitamin d3 and avian bone in vitro: stimulation of calcium movement into japanese quail calvaria.addition of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin d3 (1,25(oh)2d3) to cultured neonatal mouse calvaria has consistently led to bone resorption as determined by an increase in medium calcium. no such effect on avian bone has been widely reported. we have tested the in vitro effects of 1,25(oh)2d3 on 48- and 96-hour cultures of calvaria removed from both sexes of japanese quail at various ages. no effect of 1,25(oh)2d3 on net calcium movement was seen in cultures of calvaria removed from neonatal (5-day), 1-week, ...19863100004
effects of two kinds of chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lh-rh), mammalian lh-rh and its analogs on the release of lh and fsh in japanese quail and chicken.a newly isolated and characterized chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-ii (chicken lh-rh-ii, miyamoto et al., 1984) had luteinizing hormone (lh) and follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) releasing activity in vitro and in vivo in japanese quail: the activity was almost equal to chicken lh-rh-i and mammalian lh-rh. these three lh-rhs induced the release of lh several times higher than that of fsh in vitro and also in vivo. no significant difference between chicken lh-rh-i and lh-rh-ii was ...19863100386
acid maltase deficiency in the japanese quail; early morphological event in skeletal muscle.the skeletal muscle of japanese quails with acid maltase deficiency (amd) was studied morphologically at various developmental stages, from the 16th embryonal day up to 3 months after hatching. membrane-bound glycogen particles began to appear in the affected skeletal muscle at the 16th embryonal day. in normal embryonic muscles, a certain amount of free glycogen particles was observed but they were not membrane-bound. therefore, this is the earliest morphological event in the muscle of japanese ...19873111161
refined crystal structure of streptomyces griseus trypsin at 1.7 a resolution.streptomyces griseus trypsin (sgt) is a bacterial serine proteinase that is more homologous to mammalian than to other bacterial enzymes. the structure of sgt has been solved primarily by molecular replacement, though some low-resolution phase information was supplied by heavy-atom derivatives. the mammalian pancreatic serine proteinases bovine trypsin (bt) and alpha-chymotrypsin (cht) were used as molecular replacement models. because these proteins have low homology with sgt compared to the ma ...19883135412
the propagation of avian viruses in a continuous cell line (qt35) of japanese quail of nine avian virus families tested (birnaviridae, coronaviridae, herpesviridae, paramyxoviridae, poxviridae, reoviridae, and retroviridae) were found to replicate in a quail fibroblast cell line, designated qt35, resulting in a cytopathic effect (cpe) visible with the naked eye or by low-power microscopy. in comparison, only one (paramyxoviridae) of seven mammalian virus families tested produced an observable cpe. cytopathic changes induced by examined viruses were round cell, syncytial, ...19883135794
dihydrofolate reductase activity in the purkinje neuron populations of some non-mammalian vertebrates.the intensity and distribution of histochemically demonstrable dihydrofolate reductase (fh2-r ec in unfixed cryostat sections was studied in purkinje neurons of adult vertebrates that have either simple neural circuits and cytoarchitectonics (ictalurus nebulosus, rana esculenta) or complex neural circuits and cytoarchitectonics (coturnix coturnix japonica), compared with the rat as a control. the reaction was generally undetectable in ictalurus nebulosus and in rana esculenta; with pos ...19883149438
[effect of magnesium sulfate on the reproduction of the measles virus in cell culture].magnesium sulphate in concentrations of 25-50 mm induced reproducible increase in titers of extracellular measles virus (by 0.5-2.0 1g tcd50/0.5 ml) in japanese quail embryo cells. mgso4 effect was observed with all methods of cell cultivation: stationary, roller, or on microcarriers. its effect was associated not with its stabilizing influence on the extracellular virus but rather with the stimulation of the synthesis of intracellular viral proteins.19883195145
conditioning of appetitive and consummatory sexual behavior in male japanese quail.two different types of stimulus objects, a live female quail artificially adorned with bright orange feathers and an inanimate toy dog, served as conditioned stimuli. for subjects in experimental groups, the conditioned stimuli were presented shortly before access to a sexually receptive normal female quail. for subjects in control groups, exposure to the conditioned stimuli was unpaired with copulatory opportunity. subjects in the experimental but not in the control groups quickly came to appro ...19883209962
synergistic effects of vitamin d metabolites.the vitamin d3 metabolites 1 alpha,24r,25- and 1 alpha,25s,26-trihydroxy vitamin d3 and their combinations with 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy vitamin d3 were tested for antirachitic activity in rats, chicken and japanese quails. the trihydroxylated compounds were found to increase the activity of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxy vitamin d3. since this synergistic effect is restricted to calcium absorption and bone formation while bone calcium mobilization is unchanged, the combined administration might improve calci ...19883214133
relationship between throat feather-color pattern and photodependency of testicular function in the athens randombred control line of japanese quail.the relationship between throat feather-color and testicular regression and recrudescence under short photoperiods of 6 hr light (l):18 h dark (d) was examined in the athens randombred control line of japanese quail. in contrast to earlier studies, no differences were found in testicular regression when quail with brick red, mixed red and white, central red surrounded by white, or all white throat feathers were shifted from a photoperiod of 16l:8d to one of 6l:18d. the cloacal protuberance areas ...19883222197
roles of age, body weight and composition in the initiation of sexual maturation of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. the roles of chronological age, body weight and body composition in the initiation of sexual maturation of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were investigated by imposing an inhibitory photoperiod (ip), and by the intramuscular injection of turkey growth hormone (gh) or antisera to turkey growth hormone (agh). 2. absence of sexual maturity in the ip treatment was accompanied by reduced testis and ovary-oviduct weights, and an increased breast muscle weight expressed as a proportion ...19883224292
method of modeling protein structure by the two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data; application to the proteinase inhibitor busi iia from bull seminal plasma.a new approach is suggested to model the spatial structure of protein molecules in solution based on combined use of the methods of theoretical conformational analysis and nmr spectroscopy data. at the first stage, special means are used to convert d connectivity information into the most probable values of dihedral angles. this allows search for possible spatial structures in the limited regions of the conformational space at further stages using the methods of the theoretical conformational an ...19883271489
localization of avian lhrh-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of the domestic fowl, gallus domesticus, and the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix.the localization of lhrh-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the hypothalami of the domestic fowl and japanese quail was investigated by means of the specific immunoperoxidase abc method, using antisera against chicken lhrh-i ([gln8]-lhrh), chicken gnrh-ii ([his5-trp7-tyr8]-lhrh[2-10]) and mammalian lhrh ([arg8]-lhrh). chicken lhrh-i-immunoreactive perikarya were sparsely scattered in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis (pop), nucleus filiformis (fil) and nucleus septalis medialis (sm) ...19883277716
epithelial and neuronal calbindin in avian intestine. an immunohistochemical is well known that calbindin immunoreactivity is highly concentrated in the duodenal absorptive cells of young birds. we have shown that in the adult intestine of three avian species, calbindin content is much more variable. in addition to absorptive cells, we have detected throughout the gut of both sexes of the domestic fowl and in the large intestine of the japanese quail a second type of calbindin-positive epithelial cell which has the shape of a typical endocrine cell. these cells were p ...19883284652
mc29 deletion mutants which fail to transform chicken macrophages are competent for transformation of quail macrophages.a number of mc29 mutants with deleted myc genes have been previously characterized. many of these mutants have been found to be defective for transformation of chicken macrophages in vitro and for tumor induction in chickens. such mutants are capable of transforming japanese quail macrophages in vitro and inducing a high incidence of tumors in japanese quail. thus, japanese quail may contain a factor(s) capable of complementing the defective transforming proteins encoded by some deleted v-myc ge ...19873295297
luteinizing hormone secretion from the quail pituitary in enzymatically dispersed pituitary preparation from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) was used to study the dynamics of gonadotropin release. after an 18-h incubation, the cells were challenged with different luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones (lhrh) for 90 min. using pituitary cells from mature males, mammalian and chicken lhrh i (gln8-lhrh) had approximately equal luteinizing hormone (lh)-releasing activity whereas chicken lhrh ii (his5, trp7, tyr8-lhrh) was 8-9 times more potent. the l ...19873304437
steroids modulate the release of luteinizing hormone from quail pituitary enzymatically dispersed pituitary preparation from male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) was used to study the effects of gonadal and adrenal steroids on gonadotropin release. cells were preincubated for 18 hr with or without steroids and then challenged with chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (clh-rh i; gln8-lh-rh). preincubation with testosterone (t; 10 nm) significantly suppressed (p less than 0.05) luteinizing hormone release in response to clh-rh i (10 ng/ml). preincubation ...19873325334
interaction of surgical deafening and photoperiod on cloacal gland and testes size in japanese quail.two experiments were conducted to further examine the interaction of social stimuli and photoperiod on cloacal and gonadal responses in male japanese quail. in experiment 1, adult males kept on a maximal (15l:9d) stimulatory photoperiod were surgically deafened and/or visually isolated from roommates. after 6 weeks, there were no differences in cloacal gland or testes size among visually isolated birds, deafened birds, visually isolated and deafened birds, and control birds. it would appear that ...19883360300
effects of dietary butylated hydroxyanisole and cysteine on toxicity of lathyrus odoratus to broiler and japanese quail chicks.the effect of .75% dietary butylated hydroxyanisole (bha) and 1% cysteine on the toxicity of lathyrus odoratus seed to japanese quail and broiler chicks was examined. in both species, the feeding of lathyrus seed as a component of a complete diet depressed (p less than .05) body weight gain and feed intake. typical signs of lathyrism, including ruffled feathers, enlarged hocks, curled toes, ataxia, leg paralysis, and mortality, were observed. neither bha nor cysteine exerted protective effects a ...19883375172
intestinal colonization of campylobacter jejuni in young japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19883386114
extrahypothalamic distribution of vasotocin-immunoreactive fibers and perikarya in the avian central nervous system.immunohistochemical analysis of the extrahypothalamic distribution of vasotocin-like immunoreactive elements within the central nervous system of the domestic fowl and japanese quail, revealed several mesencephalic, pontine and bulbar target areas topographically identifiable. extrahypothalamic immunopositive perikarya were observed in diencephalic and mesencephalic locations after glutaraldehyde fixation.19883390126
a genetic defect in hyomandibular furrow closure in the japanese quail: the causes for ear-opening abnormality and formation of an ear tuft.the mutant et (ear tuft) quail strain is characterized by an ear-opening abnormality frequently accompanied by ear tufts. the mutant ear opening is oval shaped with a fissure on its ventral margin, whereas the ear tufts project from the ventral end of the fissure or the posterior margin of the ear opening. the ear tufts are composed of a feathered peduncle. the size of the ear tufts and the ear-opening abnormality are variable. the incidence of the ear tufts and the ear-opening abnormality in th ...19883392388
application of the quail-chick chimera system to the study of brain development and behavior.hatched chicks with chimeric brains containing cells from both the domestic chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) and the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) have been produced by transplantation of various regions of the neural tube at the 8- to 15- somite stage. the positions of host and donor cells relative to graft boundaries observed throughout embryonic development and after hatching implicated both radial and tangential cell movements in brain morphogenesis. in addition, transplants ...19883413496
[electron microscopy study of the nucleocapsid structure of the measles virus isolated from cell cultures with primary and chronic infections].electron microscopic examination of isolated intracellular measles virus nucleocapsids (nc) revealed a relationship between their structure, cell system, and the type of infection. acute virus infection of vero or japanese quail embryo cells gave rise to the formation of linear nc strands with regularly and tightly stacked turns. acutely infected l-41 or hep-2 cells contained heteromorphous viral nc populations which included both typical and loosely packed nc. persistently infected l-41 and hep ...19883414068
comparative thyroid function in adult japanese quail and ring doves: influence of dietary iodine availability.thyroid function was studied in japanese quail, coturnix japonica, and ring doves, streptopelia risoria, when both were fed the same dietary iodine (i; 930 micrograms i/kg). we also compared thyroid function in groups of doves receiving low i (less than 100 micrograms i/kg) or moderate i (930 micrograms i/kg). we measured thyroid gland (tg) weight, tg stable i content, tg 125i uptake, and 125i labeling of thyroid hormones. triiodothyronine (t3) and thyroxine (t4) concentrations in tgs and serum ...19873430122
development of the glycogen body of the japanese quail, coturnix japonica. i. light microscopy of early development.the glycogen body is a functionally enigmatic structure located in lumbosacral region of the spinal cord in birds. this tissue is unique to birds, and, although it is believed to be present in all species, studies on the glycogen body to date have been confined largely to the domestic chicken. the present study is the first to describe the glycogen body of the japanese quail (coturnix japonica) during incubation and at hatching. light microscopy and histochemistry were used to identify the glyco ...19873430633
evaluation of interspecific hybrids of the chicken, guinea fowl, and japanese quail for innate resistance to coccidia.experimental chicken/guinea fowl hybrids, guinea fowl, and chickens were orally inoculated with eimeria acervulina or e. tenella, which are specific for chickens, or with e. grenieri, which is specific for guinea fowl. no intact oocysts were found in feces within 24 hr of inoculation, suggesting that excystation occurred in the normal and abnormal hosts. no oocysts were found in the feces of hybrids during a 9-day postinoculation period. the guinea fowl passed oocysts of guinea fowl coccidia (e. ...19873442527
[effectiveness of a combined live mumps-measles vaccine].the reactogenic and areactogenic properties of a live combined mumps-measles vaccine (mmv) prepared in primary cultures of japanese quail embryo cells from attenuated strains of mumps (l-3) and measles (l-16) viruses were under study. the observations involved 648 infants varying in ages from 1 to 3 years, seronegative to measles and mumps viruses, without the history of the disease and vaccinations against these infections or contraindications to vaccinations. the infants were vaccinated with 5 ...19873445589
acute oral toxicity of sodium cyanide in birds.sensitivities of six avian species, black vulture (coragyps atratus), american kestrel (falco sparverius), japanese quail (coturnix japonica), domestic chicken (gallus domesticus), eastern screech-owl (otus asio), and european starling (sturnus vulgaris), to acute poisoning by sodium cyanide (nacn) were compared by single dose ld50's. three species, domestic chickens, black vultures, and turkey vultures (cathartes aura), were dosed with nacn to determine cyanide residues in those that died and a ...19863503141
preparation of a monoclonal antibody to common amino acid sequence of lhrh and its order to prepare an antibody directed at the common amino acid sequence of mammalian, avian, and fish luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones (lhrhs), c-terminal free lhrh was conjugated with bovine thyroglobulin, and was used as the antigen. a monoclonal antibody (lrh13) was obtained as an ascitic fluid by fusing the spleen cells of a balb/c donor mouse immunized with the antigen to x63.ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells followed by limiting dilution cloning and transplanting a positive clone to bal ...19863530729
immunohistochemical study of the distribution of vasotocin reacting neurons in avian diencephalon.vasotocin (vt)- and neurophysin (nph)-containing neurons were immunocytochemically demonstrated in the diencephalon of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), domestic fowl (gallus gallus), and pekin duck (anas platyrhynchos). in these three avian species, the immunoreactive cells are similarly distributed into three different diencephalic regions: lateral (l), periventricular (p), and dorsal diencephalic (dd). a different number of cell clusters can be easily identified in each region ...19863540108
calcium-dependent chronotropic action of bovine parathyroid hormone (1-34) in isolated atria of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.the involvement of extracellular calcium in the chronotropic action of parathyroid hormone (pth) in isolated quail atria was studied. bovine (b) pth-(1-34) caused dose-dependent increases in the atrial beating rate. the pth-induced positive chronotropism was significantly attenuated by lowering the extracellular calcium concentration or by using the calcium channel antagonists verapamil and d600. this suggests the importance of calcium influx in the cardiac action of pth. beta-adrenergic blockad ...19863557092
[adaptation of strains of the rabies virus flury lep and hep to primary culture of fibroblasts of the embryo of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. 19863561096
skin surface topography in the domestic fowl and japanese quail. 19863594177
japanese quail as a model for the study of hexachlorobenzene-induced porphyria. 19863596744
animal models utilized in research on muscular diseases in japan.a comparative study of human and animal muscular dystrophies revealed a number of differences in clinical symptoms and muscle pathology. in chicken muscular dystrophy (line 413), the white muscle was preferentially involved with striking vacuole formation in the sarcoplasm. despite massive muscle fiber necrosis with phagocytosis which occurred in large groups in both hamsters (bio 14.6) and mdx mouse dystrophies, the regenerating process compensated for the muscle fiber degeneration and resulted ...19873601989
the metabolism of 14c-ddt, 14c-ddd, 14c-dde and 14c-ddmu in rats and japanese quail.the metabolism and excretion of 14c-ddt, 14c-ddd, 14c-dde and 14c-ddmu were compared in male rats and male japanese quail after i.p. injection. the rate of excretion of radioactivity was greater in the rat than in the quail for all compounds except ddmu. skin and fat were major sites of residual radioactivity in both species, the compound administered and dde accounting for most of the radioactivity except in the case of ddmu. the four radiolabelled compounds were all present in significant quan ...19873604258
japanese quail can learn phonetic categories.japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) learned a category for syllable-initial [d] followed by a dozen different vowels. after learning to categorize syllables consisting of [d], [b], or [g] followed by four different vowels, quail correctly categorized syllables in which the same consonants preceded eight novel vowels. acoustic analysis of the categorized syllables revealed no single feature or pattern of features that could support generalization, suggesting that the quail adopted a more complex m ...19873629235
improvements in the determination of the turnover rate of plasma thyroxine in avian species: application to the japanese quail.the disappearance of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (t4) from plasma in fully grown male japanese quail can be described as a first order process with a rate constant of 0.178 +/- 0.013/h (mean +/- s.e.m., n = 8), which represents a half-life of 3.90 h. a small amount of [125i]t4 in relation to total circulating t4 was injected i.v. into japanese quail and plasma samples were taken at appropriate time-intervals for the determination of residual plasma radioactivity. the rate of disappearance of [ ...19873655608
central and peripheral metabolism of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone in the male japanese quail: biochemical characterization and relationship with reproductive in vitro radioenzymatic assay and purification procedure by thin-layer chromatography were used to study the metabolism of dihydrotestosterone (dht) into 3 alpha- and 3 beta-androstanediols by the brain and cloacal gland of japanese quail. kinetic studies showed that these 2 metabolites are produced in a linear fashion with respect to time of incubation for up to 15 min but that they continue to accumulate for up to 4 h. the maximum velocity of these reactions is high (nmol/mg protein/15 min) ...19873690260
infectious sinusitis in coturnix quails in brazil, mycoplasmas were isolated from the sinuses of japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) from two commercial flocks affected with sinusitis. the major respiratory signs and gross lesions are described. based on serological and biochemical results, the mycoplasmas isolated were identified as mycoplasma gallisepticum. one of the isolates was pathogenic for chickens.19863729866
distribution and morphology of retinal ganglion cells in the japanese quail.a ganglion cell density map was produced from the nissl-stained retinal whole mount of the japanese quail. ganglion cell density diminished nearly concentrically from the central area toward the retinal periphery. the mean soma area of ganglion cells in isodensity zones increased as the cell density decreased. the histograms of soma areas in each zone indicated that a population of small-sized ganglion cells persists into the peripheral retina. the total number of ganglion cells was estimated at ...19863730839
the structure of sugar chains of japanese quail ovomucoid. the occurrence of oligosaccharides not expected from the classical biosynthetic pathway for n-glycans; a method for the assessment of the structure of glycans present in picomolar amounts.while the structure of the major oligosaccharide of japanese quail ovomucoid was reported earlier (hase, s. et al. (1982) j. biochem. 91, 735-737), the structures of the minor oligosaccharide units were investigated for the first time in the present studies. for this purpose, the glycans of the protein were liberated from the polypeptide chain by hydrazinolysis. after n-acetylation, the reducing ends of the oligosaccharides obtained were coupled with 2-aminopyridine, and then the resulting fluor ...19863745144
biological activity of fluorine-substituted 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 in rats, in chicken and in japanese quails.the biological activity of two fluorinated analogs of 1,25(oh)2d3 was compared with 1,25(oh)2d3 in various vitamin d assays. the effect of 24,24-f2-1,25(oh)2d3 on plasma calcium, bone weight and duodenal calcium binding protein in chicken, on calcium excretion via egg shell in japanese quails and on mobilization of calcium from the bone in rats was twice as high as the effect of the most potent naturally occurring vitamin d3 metabolite 1,25(oh)2d3. in contrast, 24r-f-1,25(oh)2d3 has less than 50 ...19863754105
mycosis of commercial japanese quail, ducks and turkeys. 19863767802
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 4180