
paramphistomum daubneyi: production dynamics and infectivity of metacercariae originating from snails dissected at regular intervals.experimental infections of galba truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out at 24 degrees c to study the dynamics of larval development in snails dissected at regular intervals and to determine if metacercarial production might be improved. when the shell height of snails (4, 5, 6 or 7 mm) at exposure increased (experiment a), the total number of metacercariae was significantly higher in the 6- and 7-mm snails than in the other two groups, and the differentiation period was shorten ...200818328114
parasitic infections in dairy cattle around hanoi, northern northern vietnam, dairy cattle are mainly managed in small-scale farms, where animals are kept confined and feeding occurs by cut and carry methods. in the present study the occurrence of parasitic infections was examined in five provinces around hanoi. a total of 201 farms were visited, and 334 stool and 239 blood samples were collected from calves younger than 3 months, animals between 3 and 24 months and adult cows. furthermore, 254 milk samples were collected from lactating animals. copro ...200818328629
the epidemiology of paramphistomosis of sheep (ovis aries l.) in the north west temperate himalayan region of epidemiological study with the objective to assess the prevalence of paramphistomosis in association with season, age, sex and breed was carried out in naturally infected sheep over a period of two years from february 2005 to january 2007. gastrointestinal tract (git) and faecal examination were conducted monthly to monitor the seasonal occurrence of paramphistomosis. 793 sheep were examined in the first year, out of which 7.06% were positive for paramphistomum infection. in the second year, ...200818357509
parasites of the digestive tract in beef cattle imported from france to italy.beef cattle heads (195 heads, 6 batches) imported for fattening from france to italy were examined. coprological qualitative and quantitative tests were performed, and the results analysed in relation to sex, breed, age, date of arrival, geographical origin (french department in which the animal was bred), and gathering centre (french department in which the animal was grouped with the others before travelling to italy). the following parasites were identified: eimeriidae (overall prevalence 60. ...200718412052
paramphistomum daubneyi: the number of sporocysts developing in experimentally and naturally infected galba truncatula.experimental infections of galba truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out to determine at day 50 (at 24 degrees c) the numbers of sporocysts, which grew in infected snails via the count of first- and second-generation rediae. in snails individually exposed to one, two, three, four, or five miracidia, the numbers of first-generation rediae increased from the one-miracidium group to the five-miracidium snails (from a mean of 6.7 to 26.1), while second-generation rediae decreased in ...200818470698
the hemoglobins of the trematodes fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum epiclitum: a molecular biological, physico-chemical, kinetic, and vaccination study.the trematode fasciola hepatica (fa.he.) is a common parasite of human and livestock. the hemoglobin (hb) of fa.he., a potential immunogen, was chosen for characterization in the search for an effective vaccine. characterization of trematode hbs show that they are intracellular single-domain globins with the following remarkable features: (1) fa.he. expresses two hb isoforms that differ at two amino acid sites (f1: 119y/123q; f2: 119f/123l). both isoforms are monoacetylated at their n-termini; ( ...200818621914
multivariate spatially-structured variability of ovine helminth infections.a cross-sectional survey was carried out on 2004-2005 in the campania region, southern italy, to study the multivariate geographical distribution of four different sheep helminths, i.e. fasciola hepatica (liver fluke), calicophoron (paramphistomum) daubneyi (rumen fluke), dicrocoelium dendriticum (lancet fluke), and the gastrointestinal strongyle haemonchus contortus. a series of multivariate bayesian hierarchical models based on square root transformation of faecal egg counts were performed. th ...200718686259
laboratory determination of efficacy of indigenous plant extracts for parasites control.the present study was based on assessments of the antiparasitic activities to determine the efficacies of acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, hexane, and methanol dried leaf, flower, and seed extracts of achyranthes aspera l., anisomeles malabarica (l.) r. br., gloriosa superba l., psidium guajava l., ricinus communis l., and solanum trilobatum l. tested against the larvae of cattle tick rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus (canestrini 1887) (acari: ixodidae), sheep internal parasite paramphistom ...200919308453
in vitro screening for anthelmintic and antitumour activity of ethnomedicinal plants from thailand.this study screened for anthelmintic and/or antitumour bioactive compounds from thai indigenous plants and evaluated effectiveness against three different worm species and two cancer cell lines.200919473794
tegumental surface changes in adult paramphistomum microbothrium (fischoeder 1901) following in vitro administration of artemether.the treatment of paramphistomiasis, a neglected tropical disease, has been carried out with different fasciolicidal compounds, all showing weak efficacy. therefore, the search for alternative paramphistomicidal drugs is warranted. in the present study, the in vitro effects of artemether on adult paramphistomum microbothrium were evaluated, for the first time, using scanning electron microscopy. after 24 h of incubation with 10 microg ml(-1) artemether, tegumental damage of both anterior and post ...201019691911
prevalence and intensity of paramphistomum daubneyi infections in cattle from north-eastern algeria.parasitological investigations on ruminal paramphistomosis were carried out in 2033 cattle over a 14-month period in three algerian slaughterhouses to determine the prevalence and intensity of this disease. the prevalence of infection varied from different slaughterhouses (1.2% at el khroub, 7.5% at ferdjioua and 12.1% at jijel). the worm burden was significantly higher in cattle from el khroub than for those slaughtered in the other two sites (a mean of 984.1 parasites compared with 87.5 and 14 ...201019732472
adulticidal and larvicidal efficacy of some medicinal plant extracts against tick, fluke and mosquitoes.the adulticidal and larvicidal effect of indigenous plant extracts were investigated against the adult cattle tick haemaphysalis bispinosa neumann, 1897 (acarina: ixodidae), sheep fluke paramphistomum cervi zeder, 1790 (digenea: paramphistomatidae), fourth instar larvae of malaria vector, anopheles subpictus grassi and japanese encephalitis vector, culex tritaeniorhynchus giles (diptera: culicidae). the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic effect of leaf hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ...200919819626
the performance of a pcr assay for field studies on the prevalence of fasciola hepatica infection in galba truncatula intermediate host snails.the aim of this work was to develop a pcr assay for the detection of f. hepatica in galba truncatula snails and to evaluate its performance in field studies. primers were designed to amplify a 124bp non-coding tandem repeat found in the fasciola genome. the result was a banding pattern corresponding to multiples of the initial target sequence. the sensitivity of the pcr was determined on experimentally infected snails. the test was sensitive enough to detect fluke dna in snails experimentally in ...201019939569
paramphistomum cervi: surface topography of the tegument of adult paramphistomum cervi or rumen fluke are pear-shaped, slightly concave ventrally and convex dorsally. the worm measures about 5-13 mm in length and 2-5 mm in width across the mid-section. as observed by scanning electron microscopy (sem), the tegumental surface in all part of the body, appears highly corrugated with transverse folds alternating with grooves and is spineless. at high magnification, the surface of the fold is composed of microfolds or ridges separated by microgrooves or pits. ...201020045698
the redial and cercarial production of a digenean in the snail host is lower when no cercarial shedding occurs.single- and double-miracidium exposures of galba truncatula with fasciola hepatica (two groups) or with paramphistomum daubneyi (two groups) were carried out under laboratory conditions to compare parasite production in cercaria-shedding snails (cs snails) with that found in snails without emission (ncs snails). free rediae and cercariae were thus counted in snails from both categories after their dissection at regular intervals (at 24 degrees c). in the four groups, the numbers of free rediae a ...200920092063
evaluation of medicinal plant extracts against blood-sucking parasites.the present study was based on assessments of the antiparasitic activities to determine the efficacies of acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, hexane, and methanol dried leaf, flower, and seed extracts of cassia auriculata l., rhinacanthus nasutus kurz., solanum torvum swartz, terminalia chebula retz., and vitex negundo linn. were tested against larvae of cattle tick rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus canestrini, 1887 (acari: ixodidae), adult of haemaphysalis bispinosa neumann, 1897 (acarina: ix ...201020306205
fasciola gigantica: production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against recombinant cathepsin b3.a number of monoclonal antibodies (moabs) against a recombinant cathepsin b3 (rcatb3) of fasciola gigantica were produced in balb/c mice. reactivity and specificity of these moabs were assessed by indirect elisa and immunoblotting techniques. six stable clones, namely 1c4, 1e9, 2e5, 2f9, 5b4, 5d7 were obtained. all moabs reacted with rcatb3 at molecular weight (mw) 37 kda as well as the glycosylated peptide at 55-75 kda and with the native catb3 at mw 37 kda in wb extracts of metacercariae (met) ...201120736007
major lipids and fatty acids in the liver and rumen fluid of the goat ( capra hircus) infected with the trematode paramphistomum cervi.the present study records the occurrence of major lipid fractions and their fatty acids in a digenetic trematode parasite paramphistomum cervi, and the rumen fluid and liver of the goat (capra hircus). the amount of neutral lipids (nl), glycolipids (gl) and phospholipids (pl) of goat liver, rumen fluid and of the parasite shows that the rumen fluid is rich in nl, which is also in maximum quantity in the parasite, while the liver is rich in pl followed by nl. the number of fatty acids of total li ...201020831844
evaluation of medicinal plant extracts against ticks and fluke.the present study was based on assessments of the antiparasitic activities to determine the efficacies of leaf hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol extracts of aegle marmelos (linn.) correa ex roxb, andrographis lineata wallich ex nees., andrographis paniculata (burm.f.) wallich ex nees., cocculus hirsutus (l.) diels, eclipta prostrata l., and tagetes erecta l. against the adult cattle tick haemaphysalis bispinosa neumann 1897 (acarina: ixodidae), the larvae of rhipicephalus ( ...201020922419
infections with gastrointestinal nematodes, fasciola and paramphistomum in cattle in cambodia and their association with morbidity parameters.prevalence and seasonal variations of helminth infections and their association with morbidity parameters were studied in traditionally reared cambodian cattle. four villages in two provinces of west cambodia were visited on monthly intervals over a period of 11 months, during which 2391 animals were faecal and blood sampled for parasitological and haematological examinations. the body condition score (bcs), faecal consistency (diarrhoea score, ds), colour of the ocular conjunctivae (famacha(©)) ...201021071148
molecular characterization of the its-2 fragment of paramphistomum leydeni (trematoda: paramphistomidae).paramphistomosis has shown an increased spread over the last years in argentina, being in some regions an emerging parasitosis, which has motivated their study and identification. even when morphological features were reported, molecular characterization appears as a complementary and reliable tool. samples of paramphistomum leydeni collected since 2002 from different origin, definitive hosts, natural or experimental infections and preservation method were subjected to pcr-rflp for its2+ fragmen ...201021145661
characterization and localization of saposin-like protein-2 (sap-2) in fasciola gigantica.fasciola gigantica saposin-like protein-2 (fgsap-2) belongs to a family of lipid-interacting proteins that are involved in the cytolysis of target cells. in this study, we have cloned and expressed fgsap-2 and produced the antibody against this recombinant protein. rabbit antiserum against rfgsap-2 reacted with a similar native protein in the whole body extracts of the 4-week-old juvenile and adult stage, as well as a protein in their excretion-secretion, but not in the tegument. in situ hybridi ...201021188603
an optimized dna extraction and multiplex pcr for the detection of fasciola sp. in lymnaeid snails.this study deals with the development and validation of an original pcr protocol to assess the presence of fasciola hepatica in galba truncatula its main intermediate host in western europe. in the present study two dna extraction techniques are compared and a new multiplex pcr is described. the chelex(®) dna extraction technique showed to be more appropriate than the classical phenol/chloroform/proteinase k based method because of the absence of toxic organic solvent, shorter duration and lower ...201021242033
immunoaffinity chromatographic analysis for purification of specific diagnostic antigens of paramphistomum epiclitum.polypeptide profile of somatic antigen of paramphistomum epiclitum (psag) and gastrothylax crumenifer (gsag) was studied by sds-page. psag and gsag showed 14 and 19 polypeptides in the range of 14.9-95.5 and 13.7-129.6 kda with six common polypeptides of mol wt 16.8, 21.8, 23.7, 35.5, 43.4 and 70.8 kda. p. epiclitum experimentally infected sheep sera were used for identification of specific immuno-dominant peptide in the range of 37-40 kda against p. epiclitum by western blotting. hyperimmune se ...201021526036
anthelmintic effect of a methanol extract of leaves of dregea volubilis on paramphistomum explanatum.dregea volubilis (family asclepediaceae) is widely used as anthelmintic in traditional system of medicine in eastern and southern part of india. the aim of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of the methanol extract of d. volubilis leaves (medv) and to observe its effect through sem study. live parasites (trematode paramphistomum explanatum) were collected from buffalo in 0.9% phosphate-buffered saline (pbs). it was incubated at 37?±?1°c in media containing either no extract (co ...201121789584
evaluation of medicinal plant extracts and isolated compound epicatechin from ricinus communis against paramphistomum cervi.the purpose of this study is to determine the efficacies of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetone, and methanol leaf extracts of euphorbia hirta l., psidium guajava l., ricinus communis l., solanum trilobatum l., and tridax procumbens l. against sheep fluke paramphistomum cervi (digenea: paramphistomatidae). all plant extracts showed moderate effects after 24-áh of exposure; however, the highest parasite mortality was found in the methanol extract of r. communis. in the present study, bioas ...201121842382
anthelmintic effect of a methanol extract of bombax malabaricum leaves on paramphistomum explanatum.bombax malabaricum (family bombacaceae) is used as anthelmintic in traditional system of medicine in southern punjab of pakistan. the objective of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of the methanol extract of b. malabaricum leaves (mebm). live parasites (trematode: paramphistomum explanatum) were collected from buffalo in 0.9% phosphate-buffered saline. it was incubated in petri dishes at 37 ± 1°c in media containing either no extract (control) or mebm, the test drug at 10, 25, ...201121853226
development of cathepsin-l cysteine proteinase based dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of fasciola gigantica infection in buffaloes.native cathepsin-l cysteine proteinase (28 kda) was purified from the excretory secretory products of fasciola gigantica and was used for sero-diagnosis of f. gigantica infection in buffaloes by dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-elisa). the test detected f. gigantica field infection in these animals with a sensitivity of ∼ 90%. no specific igg antibody binding was displayed by sera obtained from 76 buffaloes considered to be fasciola and other parasite-free by microscopic examination of ...201222055612
Displaying items 201 - 228 of 228