
[fluctuating asymmetry of craniometric characters in rodents (mammalia: rodentia): interspecific and interpopulational comparisons].ontogenetic instability was studied in four rodent species (ellobius talpinus, microtus arvalis, m. rossiaemeridionalis, mus musculus). it was measured by fluctuating asymmetry (fa) of 21 craniometric characters. each species was represented by two populations differing in average level of chromosomic instability and in degree of anthropogenic influence. relation between fa and individual age was observed in none of the studied species. the level of cranial structure fa in rodents is probably fo ...200717691458
brucellosis of the common vole (microtus arvalis).a systemic disease occurred in a wild population of the common vole microtus arvalis in south moravia (czech republic) during the years 1999-2003. acute infections were characterized by edema of extremities, occasionally with colliquating abscesses, arthritis, lymphadenitis, perforations of the skin resulting from colliquated abscesses, orchitis, and peritoneal granulomas. from the clinical samples, small gram-negative coccobacilli were isolated and identified as ochrobactrum intermedium by api ...200718021023
kinship, dispersal and hantavirus transmission in bank and common voles.hantaviruses are among the main emerging infectious agents in europe. their mode of transmission in natura is still not well known. in particular, social features and behaviours could be crucial for understanding the persistence and the spread of hantaviruses in rodent populations. here, we investigated the importance of kinclustering and dispersal in hantavirus transmission by combining a fine-scale spatiotemporal survey (4 km2) and a population genetics approach. two specific host-hantavirus s ...200818071626
echinococcus multilocularis in belgium: prevalence in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and in different species of potential intermediate hosts.echinococcus multilocularis causes a rare but potentially lethal zoonotic infection in humans. this tapeworm is known to be endemic in foxes in several countries of western and central europe. in western europe, the common vole (microtus arvalis) and the water vole (arvicola terrestris) are considered to be the most important intermediate host species of this cestode whereas the red fox is by far the most important final host. the purpose of this study was to provide data on the prevalences in w ...200818164551
sex determination of microtus mandarinus mandarinus is independent of sry gene.pcr was performed with primers corresponding to the sry hmg-box of the mouse and eight microtus species. primers for the sall4 gene and the zfy/zfx gene were used as positive controls. none of these sets of primers can amplify any homologous segment of the sry gene in the genomic dna of microtus mandarinus mandarinus, but both can amplify the sry hmg-box in the male mouse, sall4 bands, and zfy/zfx bands in both male and female m. m. mandarinus and mouse. southern blotting was also used. we used ...200818188648
brucella microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole microtus arvalis.two gram-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming, coccoid bacteria (strains ccm 4915(t) and ccm 4916), isolated from clinical specimens of the common vole microtus arvalis during an epizootic in the czech republic in 2001, were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. on the basis of 16s rrna (rrs) and reca gene sequence similarities, both isolates were allocated to the genus brucella. affiliation to brucella was confirmed by dna-dna hybridization studies. both strains reacted equally with bru ...200818218934
bartonella spp. infection in rodents from different habitats in the mazury lake district, northeast poland.four rodent species (clethrionomys glareolus, apodemus flavicollis, microtus arvalis, m. oeconomus) were captured in the period 2004-2006 in the mazury lake district, northeast poland, to determine the prevalence and genetic diversity of bartonella species. the presence of bartonellae was assessed using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with primers cs140f and bhcs1137n, amplifying a fragment of the glta gene. bartonella dna was detected in 313 (30.6%) of 1024 rodents sampled: in 181 c. glareolus, ...200818399782
structure and expression pattern of oct4 gene are conserved in vole microtus rossiaemeridionalis.oct4 is a pou-domain transcriptional factor which is essential for maintaining pluripotency in several mammalian species. the mouse, human, and bovine oct4 orthologs display a high conservation of nucleotide sequence and genomic organization.200818402712
[detection of a new natural virus focus dobrava in the astrakhan region].a natural focus of dobrava hantavirus was first revealed in an arid zone of the astrakhan region, by using molecular genetic methods. a polymerase chain reaction was employed to examine 389 lung tissue suspension samples taken from 9 species. hantavirus rna was found in 35 samples from 22 field mice (apodemus agrarius), 8 tamarisk gerbils (meriones temariscinus), 4 common voles (microtus arvalis), and 1 house mouse (mus musculus). sequencing determined the taxonomic affiliation of 18 new isolate ...200818450108
circadian rhythms of c-fos expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the common vole (microtus arvalis).the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (scn) are the master circadian clock in mammals. transcriptional activity in this master clock has a marker in the immediate-early gene c-fos. within the scn, distinct differences in c-fos in the ventrolateral and the dorsomedial scn have been reported for rodent species such as rats, mice, and hamsters. we studied c-fos expression in the common vole (microtus arvalis) scn under ld 12:12 h and under constant dim light conditions. in the vole dorsome ...200818622811
lawsonia intracellularis in rodents from pig farms with the occurrence of porcine proliferative enteropathy.lawsonia intracellularis is an obligate intracellular bacterium causing proliferative enteropathy in certain species of domestic, laboratory and captive animals. the aim of our study was to detect l. intracellularis in free-living rodents from pig farms in the czech republic.200818673433
first detection of tula hantaviruses in microtus arvalis voles in hungary.tula hantavirus (tulv) is a member of the genus hantavirus, family bunyaviridae and is mainly carried by the european common vole (microtus arvalis). in order to detect tulv, we tested microtus arvalis (mar) and microtus subterraneus (msu) voles captured in two different locations of the southern transdanubian region of hungary. the viral genome was detectable in 37% of the tested mar voles but, interestingly, was absent in all msu. phylogenetic analysis performed with a partial coding sequence ...200818836679
lesions associated with the plexus venosus subcutaneus collaris of pigeons with chlorophacinone toxicosis.we describe lesions in 29 adult domestic pigeons (columba livia) poisoned with chlorophacinone, an indandione anticoagulant rodenticide. birds were found dead in the field and in dovecotes after a wide-area treatment against common voles (microtus arvalis) based on the dispersion in the open field of wheat grain treated with 0.005% chlorophacinone. at necropsy, most pigeons showed crops full of red-colored wheat grain, extensive subcutaneous hematoma in neck and breast zones, and hemorrhages in ...200818939650
isolation of brucella microti from mandibular lymph nodes of red foxes, vulpes vulpes, in lower austria.from the mandibular lymph nodes of wild red foxes (vulpes vulpes) hunted in the region of gmünd, lower austria, two gram-negative, oxidase- and urease-positive, coccoid rod-shaped bacteria (strains 257 and 284) were isolated. cells were fast growing, nonmotile, and agglutinated with monospecific anti-brucella (m) serum. both strains were biochemically identified as ochrobactrum anthropi by using the api 20ne test. however, sequencing of the 16s rrna and reca genes clearly identified strains 257 ...200918973444
between-year variation and spatial dynamics of cryptosporidium spp. and giardia spp. infections in naturally infected rodent populations.prevalence and abundance of cryptosporidium spp. and giardia spp. infections were studied over the 8-year period in 3 species of rodents in n.e. poland (bank vole myodes glareolus-1523; yellow-necked mouse apodemus flavicollis- 638; common vole microtus arvalis- 419). prevalence was 53.8, 28.1 and 62.3% respectively for cryptosporidium spp. and 58.3, 24.4 and 74.2% respectively for giardia spp. prevalence and abundance of infection varied markedly across 8 years of the study with 1998 and 2002 b ...200818992178
[participation of murine rodents in circulation of agents of tularemia and hemorrhagic fever in kola peninsula].results of virological and bacteriological studies of wild mammals of 11 species from rodentia and cricetidae genuses during epizootic period (spring-autumn 2006-2007) in murmansk region are presented. the number of red-baked mice (clethrionomys) and common vole (microtus) was rising. antigen of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus as well as tularemia pathogen were found in background rodent species.200819004288
[extraembryonic endoderm stem cell lines from common voles of the genus microtus].twenty-eight independent extraembryonic endoderm (xen) stem cell lines have been obtained from morula and blastocyst cells of common voles. most cell lines form very few cell-cell contacts when growing and morphologically correspond to the xen that were earlier described in mice. in addition, xen cell lines with atypical morphology forming colonies have been obtained for the first time. both types of xen lines rapidly proliferate, retain their morphology and karyotype during more than 25 passage ...200819137730
spatial genetic structure of a small rodent in a heterogeneous landscape.gene flow in natural populations may be strongly influenced by landscape features. the integration of landscape characteristics in population genetic studies may thus improve our understanding of population functioning. in this study, we investigated the population genetic structure and gene flow pattern for the common vole, microtus arvalis, in a heterogeneous landscape characterised by strong spatial and temporal variation. the studied area is an intensive agricultural zone of approximately 50 ...200819140985
encephalomyocarditis virus infection in wildlife species in greece.the objective of this work was to search for potential wildlife reservoir hosts of encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) in wildlife species. from 1994 to 2006, 317 blood and tissue samples were collected from 17 wildlife species in greece. encephalomyocarditis virus was isolated only from two rattus rattus. in addition, antibody to emcv were detected in sera from 39 rattus rattus, one apodemus sylvaticus, one microtus arvalis, and 13 sus scrofa.200919395765
first molecular evidence of tula hantavirus in microtus voles in slovenia.different microtus species, present in a worldwide range habitat populating north america, europe, asia, and few other species have been recognized previously as a hantavirus reservoir. tula hantavirus was first reported in microtus arvalis and microtus rossiaemeridionalis from central russia and later discovered in several european countries. using molecular techniques we have demonstrated the presence of tula hantavirus in three different microtus species in slovenia. phylogenetic analyses of ...200919410611
new genetic lineage of tula hantavirus in microtus arvalis obscurus in eastern kazakhstan.genomic sequences of tula (tulv) hantavirus were recovered from tissue samples of european common voles microtus arvalis (subspecies obscurus) captured in kazakhstan, central asia. phylogenetic analysis of the s genomic segment of kazakh tulv strains showed that they form distinct, well supported genetic lineage and share a more ancient common ancestor with two russian lineages of tulv. the deduced sequence of the nucleocapsid (n) protein of kazakh tulv strains carried specific amino acid signat ...200819440462
patterns of orthopox virus wild rodent hosts in south germany.although cowpox virus (cpxv) infections in a variety of dead-end hosts have been investigated in germany for more than 50 years, data on species and geographical distribution of cpxv in reservoir hosts are sparse. here we present the first comprehensive study of 825 rodents that have been collected in bavaria, southern germany. in summary, six different rodent species (apodemus flavicollis, myodes glareolus, microtus arvalis, apodemus sylvaticus, microtus agrestis, and arvicola amphibius) were t ...200919492947
tularemia induces different biochemical responses in balb/c mice and common voles.both balb/c mice and common voles (microtus arvalis) are considered highly susceptible to tularemia. however, the common vole is reported to harbour francisella tularensis in european habitats as well as to survive longer with chronic shedding of the bacterium. the purpose of the present study was to compare the response of these two rodents to a wild francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica strain infection.200919558687
sex-biased dispersal patterns depend on the spatial scale in a social rodent.dispersal is a fundamental process in ecology because it influences the dynamics, genetic structure and persistence of populations. furthermore, understanding the evolutionary causes of dispersal pattern, particularly when they differ between genders, is still a major question in evolutionary ecology. using a panel of 10 microsatellite loci, we investigated at different spatial scales the genetic structure and the sex-specific dispersal patterns in the common vole microtus arvalis, a small colon ...200919586945
spatial and temporal dynamics of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in wild rodents, northern italy.we determined the prevalence of infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv) among small mammals in northern italy and analyzed long-term dynamics of lcmv in a rodent population in the province of trento. lcmv is circulating among the most widespread and common wild rodent species in this area (apodemus flavicollis, myodes glareolus, and microtus arvalis); overall prevalence is 6.8%. during 2000-2006, intensive monitoring of lcmv in a population of yellow-necked mice (a. flavicollis) ...200919624914
a genetic study of natural hybridization between two forms of the common vole (microtus arvalis) with the use of molecular and cytogenetic methods. 200919650322
staphylococcus microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole (microtus arvalis).two strains of gram-positive cocci were isolated from viscera of common voles (microtus arvalis pallas) with generalized brucella microti infection in the czech republic. biochemical features and phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequences showed that the strains are representatives of the genus staphylococcus and assigned staphylococcus muscae as the nearest relative. a detailed characterization done by ribotyping, rpob and hsp60 gene sequencing, whole-cell protein analysis and rep-p ...201019654347
flea infestation reduces the life span of the common vole.parasitism is often a source of variation in host's fitness components. understanding and estimating its relative importance for fitness components of hosts is fundamental from physiological, ecological and evolutionary perspectives. host-parasite studies have often reported parasite-induced reduction of host fecundity, whereas the effect of parasitism on host survival has been largely neglected. here, we experimentally investigated the effect of infestation by rat fleas (nosopsyllus fasciatus) ...200919660158
fgf4 independent derivation of trophoblast stem cells from the common vole.the derivation of stable multipotent trophoblast stem (ts) cell lines from preimplantation, and early postimplantation mouse embryos has been reported previously. fgf4, and its receptor fgfr2, have been identified as embryonic signaling factors responsible for the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of multipotent ts cells. here we report the derivation of stable ts-like cell lines from the vole m. rossiaemeridionalis, in the absence of fgf4 and heparin. vole ts-like cells are similar to m ...200919777059
possible interaction between a rodenticide treatment and a pathogen in common vole (microtus arvalis) during a population peak.a common vole (microtus arvalis) population peak in northern spain in 2007 was treated with large scale application of chlorophacinone, an anticoagulant rodenticide of the indandione family. voles found dead and trapped alive were collected in treated and untreated areas. residues of chlorophacinone were analyzed in liver of voles by hplc-uv. also, the presence of the pathogen francisella tularensis was analyzed by pcr in samples of vole spleen. chlorophacinone (82-3800 ng/g; wet weight liver) w ...200919863999
extensive host sharing of central european tula examine the host association of tula virus (tulv), a hantavirus present in large parts of europe, we investigated a total of 791 rodents representing 469 microtus arvalis and 322 microtus agrestis animals from northeast, northwest, and southeast germany, including geographical regions with sympatric occurrence of both vole species, for the presence of tulv infections. based on serological investigation, reverse transcriptase pcr, and subsequent sequence analysis of partial small (s) and mediu ...201019889769
[molecular genetic characterization of the regulatory region of the xist gene in the common vole microtus rossiaemeridionalis].two conserved regions were discovered as a result of interspecific comparison of the 5'-region of the xist gene, which is the key gene in the process of x-chromosome inactivation in mammalian females. the first region corresponds to the minimal promoter, and the second spans between -480 bp and -400 bp from the start of xist transcription. footprinting experiments revealed protected regions corresponding to the potential binding sites for tbp, sp1, api, sry, er, and some other transcription fact ...200919947545
eco-space: an object-oriented, spatially explicit model to assess the risk of multiple environmental stressors on terrestrial vertebrate populations.wildlife organisms are exposed to a combination of chemical, biological and physical stressors. information about the relative impact of each stressor can support management decisions, e.g., by the allocation of resources to counteract those stressors that cause most harm. the present paper introduces eco-space; a novel receptor-oriented cumulative exposure model for wildlife species that includes relevant ecological processes such as spatial habitat variation, food web relations, predation, and ...201020005557
assessment of low-molecular-weight antioxidants in francisella tularensis infected hosts: comparison of two rodents with different susceptibility to tularemia.bacterium francisella tularensis is the causative agent of tularemia disease. it is a zoonosis accompanied with high mortality when untreated. small rodents and hares, in particular, are natural reservoirs of tularemia. despite physiological similarity of common hosts, tularemia exerts different mortality rates. the pathogenesis of tularemia is still not fully understood. the main pathway is associated with proliferation in macrophages after activation by reactive oxygen species in phagosomes.200920027169
different cross-reactivity of human and rodent sera to tula virus and puumala virus.tula virus (tulv) and puumala virus (puuv) are hantaviruses carried by the bank vole (myodes glareolus) and european common vole (microtus arvalis), respectively. puuv is a causative agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs), while tulv is thought to be apathogenic to humans. the n-terminal regions of the n proteins from tulv and puuv were expressed and applied as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) antigens. colonized japanese grass voles (microtus montebelli) and balb/c mice ...201020116854
extraintestinal helminths of the common vole (microtus arvalis) and the water vole (arvicola terrestris) in western austria (vorarlberg).between september and december 2004, a total of 411 voles (318 common voles and 93 water voles) were caught in the austrian province of vorarlberg (lustenau, hohenems, and dornbirn) and were examined by macroscopy, microscopy, and molecular biological analysis to determine the presence and extent of medically important extraintestinal helminths. the following extraintestinal helminth species were detected: taenia taeniaeformis (liver), calodium hepaticum (liver), and echinococcus multilocularis ...201020148339
the ecology of bartonella spp. infections in two rodent communities in the mazury lake district region of poland.prevalence and abundance of bartonella spp. infections were studied over a 3-year period in woodland and grassland rodents in north-eastern poland. prevalence of bacterial infections was similar in the two rodent communities, with one leading host species in each habitat (46.3% in apodemus flavicollis versus 29.1% in myodes glareolus in forest, or 36.9% in microtus arvalis versus 13.7% in mi. oeconomus in grassland). prevalence/abundance of infections varied markedly across the 3 years with 2006 ...201020388232
tula virus in populations of small terrestrial mammals in a rural landscape.over 5 years (2000-2004), populations of small mammals from a rural landscape in southern moravia (czech republic) were investigated for the presence of tula virus (tulv) antigen using the elisa set hantagnost. in total, 1566 individuals from 10 species were examined. the prevalence in the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas 1778), the main reservoir of tulv, was 10% (n = 871). the prevalence of tulv antigen increases with its population numbers. the highest number of tulv antigen-positive comm ...201020420534
predator dietary response to prey density variation and consequences for cestode transmission.the functional response of predators to prey density variations has previously been investigated in order to understand predation patterns. however, the consequences of functional response on parasite transmission remain largely unexplored. the rodents microtus arvalis and arvicola terrestris are the main prey of the red fox vulpes vulpes in eastern france. these species are intermediate and definitive hosts of the cestode echinococcus multilocularis. we explored the dietary and contamination re ...201020461413
detection of toxoplasma gondii, neospora caninum, and encephalitozoon cuniculi in the brains of common voles (microtus arvalis) and water voles (arvicola terrestris) by gene amplification techniques in western austria (vorarlberg).knowledge about the protozoan parasite fauna in voles (arvicolinae) in austria is rather limited, although some of these pathogens play an important role in human medicine and cause zoonoses (e.g., toxoplasma gondii and encephalitozoon cuniculi). others are of relevance in veterinary medicine and have a negative economic impact (e.g., neospora caninum). two hundred sixty-eight common voles (microtus arvalis) and 86 water voles (arvicola terrestris) from the most western austrian province, vorarl ...201020480373
the new species brucella microti replicates in macrophages and causes death in murine models of infection.the recent isolation of brucella microti from the common vole, the red fox, and the soil raises the possibility of an eventual reemergence of brucellosis in europe. in this work, the pathogenic potential of this new brucella species in both in vitro and in vivo models of infection was analyzed.201020497040
[cytogenetic study of the parapatric contact zone between two 46-chromosomal forms of the common vole in european russia].since the first description of sympatric sibling species and allopatric chromosomal forms of the common vole (microtus arvalis group) in 1969, the search of their range boundaries has been continually going on up to the present time. based on the cytogenetic material presented in the present study, the geographical distribution of two karyoforms (2n = 46: nf = 84 and nf = 72) was examined in 20 geographic localities of european russia (within the interval between the longitude 34 degrees-56 degr ...201020536021
immunolocalization of pthrp in the parotid glands of three rodents species: clethrionomys glareoulus, microtus arvalis and white swiss mice.the current study was inspired by the fact that since 2004 no report had appeared on the occurrence of this peptide in healthy parotid glands of humans and animals. the objective of the current study was to investigate the immunolocalization of pthrp in the parotid gland of three male rodents: 6 common voles (microtus arvalis, pallas, 1779), 6 bank voles (clethrionomys glareoulus, schreber, 1780) and 6 white swiss mice, as well as to find out any species differences in the distribution of this p ...201020675290
non-human primates in outdoor enclosures: risk for infection with rodent-borne hantaviruses.different species of non-human primates have been exploited as animal disease models for human hantavirus infections. to study the potential risk of natural hantavirus infection of non-human primates, we investigated serum samples from non-human primates of three species living in outdoor enclosures of the german primate center (gpc), göttingen, located in a hantavirus endemic region of central germany. for that purpose we used serological assays based on recombinant antigens of the bank vole (m ...201120727685
recombination within and between species of the alpha proteobacterium bartonella infecting rodents.bartonella infections from wild mice and voles (apodemus flavicollis, mi. oeconomus, microtus arvalis and myodes glareolus) were sampled from a forest and old-field habitats of eastern poland; a complex network of bartonella isolates, referrable to b. taylorii, b. grahamii, b. birtlesii and b. doshiae, was identified by the sequencing of a glta fragment, comparable to previous studies of bartonella diversity in rodents. nested clade analysis showed that isolates could be assigned to zero- and on ...201120740281
investigation of the ecology of francisella tularensis during an inter-epizootic period.abstract a 1-year study of the ecological cycle of francisella tularensis was performed in an enzootic area during an inter-epizootic period. the study was based on multiple sampling of all major constituents of the disease cycle. seroprevalence of tularemia in the european brown hare (lepus europaeus) population was 5.1% (10/197) with low antibody titers (1/10 and 1/20), and f. tularensis ssp. holarctica was isolated from four hares. f. tularensis was not detected in the 38 common voles (microt ...201021142970
ambient temperature shapes reproductive output during pregnancy and lactation in the common vole (microtus arvalis): a test of the heat dissipation limit theory.the heat dissipation limit theory suggests that heat generated during metabolism limits energy intake and, thus, reproductive output. experiments in laboratory strains of mice and rats, and also domestic livestock generally support this theory. selection for many generations in the laboratory and in livestock has increased litter size or productivity in these animals. to test the wider validity of the heat dissipation limit theory, we studied common voles (microtus arvalis), which have small lit ...201121147967
[comparative analysis of the dxpas34 regulatory region in rodents].mouse x chromosome inactivation center contains the dxpas34 minisatellite locus which plays an important role in expression regulation of the tsix and xist genes, involved into female dosage compensation. comparative analysis of the dxpas34 locus from mouse, rat, and four common vole species revealed similar organization of this region in the form of tandem repeat blocks. a search for functionally important elements in this locus showed that all the species examined carried the conservative moti ...201021254565
exploring the life cycle of besnoitia besnoiti - experimental infection of putative definitive and intermediate host species.the biology of besnoitia besnoiti, the cause of bovine besnoitiosis, is poorly understood. its definitive host is unknown, and information on potential intermediate hosts is scarce. in order to investigate potential definitive and intermediate hosts for european isolates of b. besnoiti, domestic dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs (cavia porcellus), gerbils (meriones unguiculatus), common voles (microtus arvalis) and nmri-mice were inoculated with b. besnoiti isolated from naturally infected german ...201121310538
a real-time multiplex-nested pcr system for coprological diagnosis of echinococcus multilocularis and host species.a hybridization probe-based real-time multiplex-nested pcr system was developed for the simultaneous detection of echinococcus multilocularis and host species directly from faecal samples. species identification was determined by melting curve analysis. specificity was assessed by using dna extracted from various cestodes (e. multilocularis, echinococcus granulosus (g1), echinococcus ortleppi, echinococcus canadensis (g6, g7), taenia crassiceps, taenia hydatigena, taenia mustelae, taenia pisifor ...201121327991
[rodent fleas (siphonaptera, insecta) in the terek-kuma interfluve].the fauna of rodent fleas comprises 19 species in the terek-kuma interfluve. most detected parasites settle together with their hosts within and outside this area. only gerbils and their parasites are limited to the spread in a semi-desert zone. the attribution of the fleas to various hosts, such as little sousliks, gerbils, jerboas, mice, and common voles, is not absolute and the parasites are, in addition to the principal hosts, encountered on the rodents of other species. exchange of the para ...201121476257
rodents as sentinels for the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus.abstract introduction: tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev) causes one of the most important flavivirus infections of the central nervous system, affecting humans in europe and asia. it is mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected tick and circulates among them and their vertebrate hosts. until now, tbe risk analysis in germany has been based on the incidence of human cases. because of an increasing vaccination rate, this approach might be misleading, especially in regions of low virus circu ...201121548766
[diversity of blood parasites of genus bartonella in wild rodents in mazury lakes district].this long-term study of genetic diversity and epidemiology of the alpha-proteobacterium bartonella in wild rodents from forest (myodes glareolus and apodemus flavicollis) and abandoned farmland (microtus arvalis and mi. oeconomus) was carried out in the years 2007-2009 in the mazury lakes district. in total, 1193 rodents were marked and recaptured, and 2226 blood samples were collected. the highest bartonella prevalence was found in a. flavicollis (43.5%), the lowest in mi. oeconomus (9.4%), whi ...201121638804
cadmium accumulation in small mammals: species traits, soil properties, and spatial habitat this study, the impact of species-specific spatial habitat use, diet preferences, and soil concentrations and properties on the accumulation of cadmium in small mammals was investigated. the results show that for the wood mouse (apodemus sylvaticus), a mobile species with a large range in diet composition, accumulation of cadmium was not related to local soil concentrations or soil properties, but to diet preferences. for the common vole (microtus arvalis), a nonmobile, specific feeding speci ...201121770371
prevalence of coxiella burnetii and rickettsia spp. in ticks and rodents in southern germany.coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of q fever, and rickettsia spp. are bacterial pathogens that can be transmitted by ticks of the genus dermacentor (i.e., dermacentor marginatus and d. reticulatus). in germany, the occurrence of these ticks is currently limited to few areas. however, due to increasing temperatures, these vectors will likely extend their distribution in the future, and c. burnetii and rickettsia spp. might spread with them. to assess the prospective risk of human infections ...201021771522
Female-biased infection and transmission of the gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris arvicolae infecting the common vole, Microtus arvalis.Previous studies addressing the importance of host gender in parasite transmission have shed light on males as the more important hosts, with the higher transmission potential of males being explained by the fact that they often harbour higher parasite loads than females. However, in some systems females are more heavily infected than males and may be responsible for driving infection under such circumstances. Using a wild population of common voles (Microtus arvalis), we showed that females wer ...201122056297
toxoplasma gondii in foxes and rodents from the german federal states of brandenburg and saxony-anhalt: seroprevalence and on the genotypes of toxoplasma gondii circulating in wildlife are scarce. in the present study, foxes and rodents from two federal states in central or eastern germany were examined for t. gondii infections. body fluids were collected at necropsy or fluids were obtained from frozen tissues of naturally exposed red foxes (vulpes vulpes), voles (microtus arvalis), shrews (neomys anomalus) and a striped field mouse (apodemus agrarius) and tested for t. gondii by serology. dna isolated from tis ...201122105083
neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in brain tissue of feral rodents and insectivores caught on farms in the netherlands.we investigated the presence of both neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in 250 brain tissue samples from 9 species of feral rodents and insectivores caught on 10 organic farms in the netherlands in 2004. collected samples were conserved in 4% paraformaldehyde solution and analysed by real-time pcr. for n. caninum, 31 samples originating from 6 species tested positive (12.4%): common shrews (33.3%), wood mice (17.6%), harvest mice (16.7%), house mice (15.4%), white-toothed shrews (10.8%) and ...201121958437
effect of repetitive blood sampling on red cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin values in the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas). 1995394517
seasonal changes in pituitary prolactin and growth hormone content of field voles in different reproductive states (microtus arvalis pall., rodentia). 20154619281
tick parasites of rodents in romania: host preferences, community structure and geographical distribution.ticks are among the most important vectors of zoonotic diseases in temperate regions of europe, with widespread distribution and high densities, posing an important medical risk. most ticks feed on a variety of progressively larger hosts, with a large number of small mammal species typically harbouring primarily the immature stages. however, there are certain ixodidae that characteristically attack micromammals also during their adult stage. rodents are widespread hosts of ticks, important vecto ...201223171665
environmental monitoring and surveillance of rodents and vectors for francisella tularensis following outbreaks of human tularemia in georgia.tularemia is a re-emerging bacterial zoonosis, broadly distributed across the northern hemisphere. in georgia, there is a history of human tularemia outbreaks dating back to the 1940s. in response to outbreaks, health officials initiated long-term field surveillance and environmental monitoring. the objective of our study was to obtain information from 57 years of field surveys to identify species that play a role in the occurrence francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica in the environment in g ...201526394283
first isolation and characterization of brucella microti from wild boar.brucella microti was first isolated from common vole (microtus arvalis) in the czech republic in central europe in 2007. as b. microti is the only brucella species known to live in soil, its distribution, ecology, zoonotic potential, and genomic organization is of particular interest. the present paper is the first to report the isolation of b. microti from a wild boar (sus scrofa), which is also the first isolation of this bacterial species in hungary.201526163135
anaplasma phagocytophilum prevalence in ticks and rodents in an urban and natural habitat in south-western slovakia.ixodes ricinus is the principal vector of anaplasma phagocytophilum, the ethiological agent of granulocytic anaplasmosis in europe. anaplasmosis is an emerging zoonotic disease with a natural enzootic cycle. the reservoir competence of rodents is unclear. monitoring of a. phagocytophilum prevalence in i. ricinus and rodents in various habitat types of slovakia may contribute to the knowledge about the epidemiology of anaplasmosis in central europe.201525980768
multiple infections of rodents with zoonotic pathogens in austria.rodents are important reservoirs for a large number of zoonotic pathogens. we examined the occurrence of 11 viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents in rodent populations in austria, including three different hantaviruses, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, orthopox virus, leptospira spp., borrelia spp., rickettsia spp., bartonella spp., coxiella burnetii, and toxoplasma gondii. in 2008, 110 rodents of four species (40 clethrionomys glareolus, 29 apodemus flavicollis, 26 apodemus sylvaticus, and ...201424915446
candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis in ticks and rodents from urban and natural habitats of south-western slovakia.candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis (cnm) is an emerging tick-borne pathogen causing severe disease in immunocompromised patients. in europe, ixodes ricinus is the primary vector and rodents act as reservoir hosts. new data on the prevalence of cnm in ticks and rodents contribute to the knowledge on the distribution of endemic areas and circulation of the bacterium in natural foci.201626728197
candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis and anaplasma phagocytophilum in natural rodent and tick communities in southern hungary.the aim of this study was to investigate the natural cycle of the new human pathogenic bacteria candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis and anaplasma phagocytophilum in southern hungary. we collected rodents with live-traps (2010-2013) and questing ticks with flagging in 2012. small mammals were euthanized, tissue samples were collected and all the ectoparasites were removed and stored in 70% alcohol. we found relatively low overall prevalence of tick infestation (8%). samples were analysed for a. ph ...201525468763
prevalence, genetic identity and vertical transmission of babesia microti in three naturally infected species of vole, microtus spp. (cricetidae).vertical transmission is one of the transmission routes for babesia microti, the causative agent of the zoonotic disease, babesiosis. congenital babesia invasions have been recorded in laboratory mice, dogs and humans. the aim of our study was to determine if vertical transmission of b. microti occurs in naturally-infected reservoir hosts of the genus microtus.201728166832
molecular survey of zoonotic agents in rodents and other small mammals in croatia.croatia is a focus for many rodent-borne zoonosis. here, we report a survey of 242 rodents and small mammals, including 43 myodes glareolus, 131 apodemus flavicollis, 53 apodemus agrarius, three apodemus sylvaticus, six sorex araneus, four microtus arvalis, one microtus agrestis, and one muscardinus avellanarius, collected at eight sites in croatia over an 8-year period. multiplex masstag polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used for detection of borrelia, rickettsia, bartonella, babesia, ehrlich ...201626711522
molecular examinations of babesia microti in rodents and rodent-attached ticks from urban and sylvatic habitats in germany.small mammals serve as reservoir hosts for tick-borne pathogens, especially for those which are not transmitted transovarially in ticks - such as babesia microti. molecular investigations on the prevalence of b. microti in wild small mammals and on attached ticks from differently structured areas may provide information on the circulation of b. microti in different ecological niches. in 2012 and 2013, 622 rodents (396 myodes glareolus, 178 apodemus flavicollis, 36 apodemus sylvaticus, 4 apodemus ...201525922232
borrelia miyamotoi and co-infection with borrelia afzelii in ixodes ricinus ticks and rodents from slovakia.borrelia miyamotoi causes relapsing fever in humans. the occurrence of this spirochete has been reported in ixodes ricinus and wildlife, but there are still gaps in the knowledge of its eco-epidemiology and public health impact. in the current study, questing i. ricinus (nymphs and adults) and skin biopsies from rodents captured in slovakia were screened for the presence of b. miyamotoi and borrelia burgdorferi s.l. dna. the prevalence of b. miyamotoi and b. burgdorferi s.l. in questing ticks wa ...201727995301
the propensity of voles and mice to transmit borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato infection to feeding ticks.lyme borreliosis (lb) caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is the most common tick-borne zoonosis in the northern hemisphere. b. burgdorferi s.l. can infect humans and wild and domestic animals. ixodes ricinus is the main vector, and small rodents are the most important mammalian reservoirs hosts of b. burgdorferi s.l. in europe. the prevalence of b. burgdorferi s.l. in i. ricinus ticks from captured rodents, calculated specific infectivities, and transmission coefficients we ...201323849517
the enzootic life-cycle of borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato) and tick-borne rickettsiae: an epidemiological study on wild-living small mammals and their ticks from saxony, germany.borrelia burgdorferi (sensu lato) and rickettsiae of the spotted fever group are zoonotic tick-borne pathogens. while small mammals are confirmed reservoirs for certain borrelia spp., little is known about the reservoirs for tick-borne rickettsiae. between 2012 and 2014, ticks were collected from the vegetation and small mammals which were trapped in saxony, germany. dna extracted from ticks and the small mammals' skin was analyzed for the presence of rickettsia spp. and b. burgdorferi (s.l.) by ...201728285593
experimental infection of chicken embryos with recently described brucella microti: pathogenicity and pathological findings.brucellae are facultative intracellular pathogens causing disease in a wide range of domestic and wild animals as well as in humans. brucella (b.) microti is a recently recognized species and was isolated from common voles (microtus arvalis), red foxes and soil in austria and the czech republic. its pathogenicity for livestock and its zoonotic potential has not been confirmed yet. in the present study 25 spf chicken embryos were inoculated at day 11 of age with 1.6×10(3) and 1.6×10(5)b. microti ...201526264524
out of the reservoir: phenotypic and genotypic characterization of a novel cowpox virus isolated from a common vole.the incidence of human cowpox virus (cpxv) infections has increased significantly in recent years. serological surveys have suggested wild rodents as the main cpxv reservoir. we characterized a cpxv isolated during a large-scale screening from a feral common vole. a comparison of the full-length dna sequence of this cpxv strain with a highly virulent pet rat cpxv isolate showed a sequence identity of 96%, including a large additional open reading frame (orf) of about 6,000 nucleotides which is a ...201526311891
molecular evidence of rickettsia spp. in ixodid ticks and rodents in suburban, natural and rural habitats in slovakia.natural foci of tick-borne spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae of public health concern have been found in slovakia, but the role of rodents in their circulation is unclear. ticks (ixodes ricinus, ixodes trianguliceps, dermacentor marginatus, dermacentor reticulatus, haemaphysalis concinna and haemaphysalis inermis) and tissues of rodents (apodemus flavicollis, apodemus sylvaticus, myodes glareolus, microtus arvalis, microtus subterraneus and micromys minutus) were examined for the presence of ...201728340608
rickettsia species in fleas collected from small mammals in slovakia.epidemiological and epizootiological studies of rickettsia felis and other rickettsia spp. are very important, because their natural cycle has not yet been established completely. in total, 315 fleas (siphonaptera) of 11 species of ceratophyllidae, hystrichopsyllidae and leptopsyllidae families were tested for the presence of rickettsia species and coxiella burnetii with conventional and specific quantitative real-time pcr assays. fleas were collected from five rodent hosts (myodes glareolus, ap ...201526346455
surveillance of hantaviruses in poland: a study of animal reservoirs and human hantavirus disease in subcarpathia.the first cluster of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs) in poland was identified in 2007 in the subcarpathian region. the natural environment of this area is a key habitat for hantavirus vectors. the animal reservoir of existing human hfrs clusters was studied to assess the occurrence of viruses (including tula virus, puumala virus, and dobrava-belgrade virus) among rodents. we examined 70 suspected human cases with symptoms corresponding to the clinical picture of hfrs. serological an ...201424902039
genetic detection of dobrava-belgrade hantavirus in the edible dormouse (glis glis) in central serbia.hantaviruses are endemic in the balkans, particularly in serbia, where sporadic cases and/or outbreaks of hantaviral human disease have been reported repeatedly, and evidenced serologically. here, we present genetic detection of dobrava-belgrade virus (dobv) hantaviral sequences in wild rodents trapped in central serbia. all the animals were pre-screened serologically by indirect immunofluorescence (if) test and only those with a positive finding of hantaviral antigens were further tested by pol ...201524762257
[hantaviruses in germany: threat for zoo, pet, companion and farm animals?].hantaviruses are so-called "emerging" and "re-emerging" viruses because of the new and sudden nature of their appearance. human infections can lead to two distinct disease patterns, the haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and the hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. all known human pathogenic hantaviruses are transmitted through rodent hosts. there are three rodent-associated hantaviruses in germany. the bank vole-associated puumala virus (puuv) is responsible for most of the human hantavirus ...201424511827
harmonizing methods for wildlife abundance estimation and pathogen detection in europe-a questionnaire survey on three selected host-pathogen combinations.the need for wildlife health surveillance as part of disease control in wildlife, domestic animals and humans on the global level is widely recognized. however, the objectives, methods and intensity of existing wildlife health surveillance programs vary greatly among european countries, resulting in a patchwork of data that are difficult to merge and compare. this survey aimed at evaluating the need and potential for data harmonization in wildlife health in europe. the specific objective was to ...201728202055
establishment and development of echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes in the common vole (microtus arvalis) after oral inoculation with parasite eggs.transmission of the zoonotic tapeworm, echinococcus multilocularis mainly occurs between the red fox (vulpes vulpes) and various species of vole. microtus arvalis is considered one of the key intermediate hosts in europe. we infected 21 m. arvalis aged 35 days (n=2), 56 days (n=6), 84 days (n=4) and 263 days (n=9) with 100 e. multilocularis eggs. four voles aged 263 days were euthanized at 6 weeks post inoculation (wpi) with the remainder euthanized 10 wpi for analysis of metacestode growth and ...201526279253
stability of the southern european border of echinococcus multilocularis in the alps: evidence that microtus arvalis is a limiting factor.summary the known range of the zoonotic fox tapeworm echinococcus multilocularis has expanded since the 1990s, and today this parasite is recorded in higher abundances throughout large parts of europe. this phenomenon is mostly attributed to the increasing european fox populations and their invasion of urban habitats. however, these factors alone are insufficient to explain the heterogeneous distribution of the parasite in europe. here, we analysed the spatial interrelationship of e. multilocula ...201424932666
nutrias and muskrats as bioindicators for the presence of echinococcus multilocularis in new endemic areas.nutrias (myocastor coypus) and muskrats (ondatra zibethicus) are large invasive semi-aquatic or aquatic rodents, naturalized throughout europe. they are regarded as pests, and can be infected with several pathogens and parasites transmissible to wildlife, livestock, pets and humans. as a rule, in europe the life cycle of the cestode echinococcus multilocularis involves red foxes (vulpes vulpes) as main definitive hosts and common voles as intermediate hosts. the suitability of nutrias and muskra ...201323725822
tularemia outbreaks and common vole (microtus arvalis) irruptive population dynamics in northwestern spain, 1997-2014.during the last decades, large tularemia outbreaks in humans have coincided in time and space with population outbreaks of common voles in northwestern spain, leading us to hypothesize that this rodent species acts as a key spillover agent of francisella tularensis in the region. here, we evaluate for the first time a potential link between irruptive vole numbers and human tularemia outbreaks in spain. we compiled vole abundance estimates obtained through live-trapping monitoring studies and off ...201526333034
isolation and complete genome characterization of novel reassortant orthoreovirus from common vole (microtus arvalis).a novel mammalian orthoreovirus (mrv) strain was isolated from the lung tissue of a common vole (microtus arvalis) with tula hantavirus infection. seven segments (l1-l3, m2-m3, s2, and s4) of the hungarian mrv isolate morv/47ma/06 revealed a high similarity with an mrv strain detected in bank vole (myodes glareolus) in germany. the m1 and s3 segment of the hungarian isolate showed the closest relationship with the sequence of a slovenian human and a french murine isolate, respectively. the highe ...201727858312
leptospira spp. in small mammals from areas with low and high human hantavirus incidences in south-west germany.leptospirosis is caused by leptospira spp. and is considered the most widespread zoonotic disease worldwide. it mimics nephropathia epidemica in humans, a disease mainly caused by puumala hantavirus (puuv). small mammals are reservoirs for leptospira spp. and puuv. seewis virus (swsv) is a shrew-borne hantavirus with unknown pathogenicity. the objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence for leptospira spp. and the frequency of leptospira-hantavirus co-infections in small mammals colle ...201728332927
high prevalence of tula hantavirus in common voles in the netherlands.tula virus (tulv) is a zoonotic hantavirus. knowledge about tulv in the netherlands is very scarce. therefore in 2014, 49 common voles (microtus arvalis) from a region in the south of the netherlands, and in 2015, 241 common voles from regions in the north of the netherlands were tested with the tulv quantitative rt-pcr. in the southern region, prevalence of tulv was 41% (20/49). in the northern regions, prevalence ranged from 12% (4/34) to 45% (17/38). phylogenetic analysis of the obtained sequ ...201728112627
identification of two novel members of the tentative genus wukipolyomavirus in wild rodents.two novel polyomaviruses (pyvs) were identified in kidney and chest-cavity fluid samples of wild bank voles (myodes glareolus) and common voles (microtus arvalis) collected in germany. all cloned and sequenced genomes had the typical pyv genome organization, including putative open reading frames for early regulatory proteins large t antigen and small t antigen on one strand and for structural late proteins (vp1, vp2 and vp3) on the other strand. virus-like particles (vlps) were generated by yea ...201526474048
molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of tick-borne encephalitis virus in rodents captured in the transdanubian region of hungary.abstract tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev) infection is a common zoonotic disease affecting humans in europe and asia. to determine whether tbev is present in small mammalian hosts in hungary, liver samples of wild rodents were tested for tbev rna. over a period of 7 years, a total of 405 rodents were collected at five different geographic locations of the transdanubian region. tbev nucleic acid was identified in four rodent species: apodemus agrarius, a. flavicollis, microtus arvalis, and my ...201425072995
high genetic structuring of tula hantavirus.tula virus (tulv) is a vole-associated hantavirus with low or no pathogenicity to humans. in the present study, 686 common voles (microtus arvalis), 249 field voles (microtus agrestis) and 30 water voles (arvicola spec.) were collected at 79 sites in germany, luxembourg and france and screened by rt-pcr and tulv-igg elisa. tulv-specific rna and/or antibodies were detected at 43 of the sites, demonstrating a geographically widespread distribution of the virus in the studied area. the tulv prevale ...201626831932
[tula hantavirus in crimea].genetic evidence of the tula virus (tulv) in crimea region of russia is presented. based on the reverse transcription pcr and subsequent sequence analysis, a total of 4 rna isolates of the tulv were identified from the tissue samples of the altai voles microtus obscurus captured in the bakhchisaray district of the republic crimea. phylogenetic analysis of the s-, m-, and l-segment sequences of the crimean tulv strains showed that they formed distinct genetic lineage, russia iv, in the tulv varia ...201527192820
adler hantavirus, a new genetic variant of tula virus identified in major's pine voles (microtus majori) sampled in southern european russia.although at least 30 novel hantaviruses have been recently discovered in novel hosts such as shrews, moles and even bats, hantaviruses (family bunyaviridae, genus hantavirus) are primarily known as rodent-borne human pathogens. here we report on identification of a novel hantavirus variant associated with a rodent host, major's pine vole (microtus majori). altogether 36 hantavirus pcr-positive major's pine voles were identified in the krasnodar region of southern european russia within the years ...201525433134
evidence of recombination in tula virus strains from serbia.tula hantavirus (tulv) belongs to bunyaviridae family, with negative sense rna genome. segmented nature of hantaviral genome allows for genetic reassortment, but the evidence of homologous recombination also exists. in this study we analyzed tulv sequences isolated in serbia on different occasions and from different rodent hosts: 1987 strain from microtus subterraneus and 2007 strain from microtus arvalis. phylogenetic analysis of both l and s segment sequences is suggestive of geographically re ...201424008094
tula virus infections in the eurasian water vole in central europe.recent reports of novel hantaviruses in shrews and moles and the detection of rodent-borne hantaviruses in different rodent species raise important questions about their host range and specificity, evolution, and host adaptation. tula virus (tulv), a european hantavirus, is believed to be slightly or non-pathogenic in humans and was initially detected in the common vole microtus arvalis, the east european vole m. levis (formerly rossiaemeridionalis), and subsequently in other microtus species. h ...201222225425
yersinia pestis caf1 protein: effect of sequence polymorphism on intrinsic disorder propensity, serological cross-reactivity and cross-protectivity of isoforms.yersinia pestis caf1 is a multifunctional protein responsible for antiphagocytic activity and is a key protective antigen. it is generally conserved between globally distributed y. pestis strains, but y. pestis subsp. microtus biovar caucasica strains circulating within populations of common voles in georgia and armenia were reported to carry a single substitution of alanine to serine. we investigated polymorphism of the caf1 sequences among other y. pestis subsp. microtus strains, which have a ...201627606595
line-1 distribution in six rodent genomes follow a species-specific pattern.l1 distribution in mammal's genomes is yet a huge riddle. however, these repetitive sequences were already found in all chromosomic regions, and in general, they seem to be nonrandomly distributed in the genome. it also seems that after insertion and when they are not deleterious, they are always involved in dynamic processes occurring on that particular chromosomic region. furthermore, it seems that large-scale genome rearrangements and l1 activity and accumulation are somehow interconnected. i ...201627019429
an assessment of non-volant terrestrial vertebrates response to wind farms--a study of small mammals.the majority of studies on the effects of wind energy development on wildlife have been focused on birds and bats, whereas knowledge of the response of terrestrial, non-flying vertebrates is very scarce. in this paper, the impact of three functioning wind farms on terrestrial small mammal communities (rodents and shrews) and the population parameters of the most abundant species were studied. the study was carried out in southeastern poland within the foothills of the outer western carpathians. ...201626818016
variable effects of host characteristics on species richness of flea infracommunities in rodents from three continents.we studied the effect of host gender and body mass on species richness of flea infracommunities in nine rodent host species from three biomes (temperate zone of central europe, desert of the middle east and the tropics of east africa). using season- and species-specific generalized linear mixed models and controlling for year-to-year variation, spatial clustering of rodent sampling and over-dispersion of the data, we found inconsistent associations between host characteristics and flea species r ...201424820040
a small scale survey of leptospira in mammals from eastern poland.samples of 30 dead small mammals each were collected on area 'a' located in eastern poland and exposed to floods by the vistula river, and on area 'b', also located in eastern poland, but not exposed to floods. kidneys and livers of the mammals were examined by the pcr and nested pcr methods for the presence of leptospira dna. from 7 species of small mammals examined, the presence of leptospira dna was detected in 2 of them. the prevalence of positive results was greatest in apodemus agrarius wh ...201324364438
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 577