
malignant catarrhal fever: an emerging disease in the african buffalo (syncerus caffer).within the tribe bovini in the subfamily bovinae, the water buffalo (bubalus bubalis), american bison (bison bison), european bison (bubalus bonasus) and yak (bos grunniens) are recognized as species highly susceptible to malignant catarrhal fever (mcf). in contrast, the lack of reports describing clinical mcf in the african buffalo (syncerus caffer) whether free ranging or captive has led to a perception that african buffaloes are resistant to mcf. during the last decade, several cases of mcf i ...201523957274
alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus 1-induced malignant catarrhal fever in a watusi ( bos taurus africanus) steer in a north american game park.a 10-y-old watusi ( bos taurus africanus) steer housed at a drive-through game park in winston, oregon developed severe clinical illness including fever, marked nasal discharge, injected scleral and conjunctival membranes, plus oral hemorrhages and erosions. the animal responded poorly to supportive treatment and was euthanized. additional gross findings at postmortem examination included papules and erosive lesions on the tongue, hemorrhagic large intestine, and multifocal cardiac hemorrhages. ...201728545343
macavirus latency-associated protein evades immune detection through regulation of protein synthesis in cis depending upon its glycin/glutamate-rich domain.alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (alhv-1) is a γ-herpesvirus (γ-hv) belonging to the macavirus genus that persistently infects its natural host, the wildebeest, without inducing any clinical sign. however, cross-transmission to other ruminant species causes a deadly lymphoproliferative disease named malignant catarrhal fever (mcf). alhv-1 orf73 encodes the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana)-homolog protein (alana). recently, alana has been shown to be essential for viral persistence in vivo and ...201729059246
in situ hybridization for localization of ovine herpesvirus 2, the agent of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever, in formalin-fixed tissues.a constraint on understanding the pathogenesis of malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) is the limited number of tools to localize infected cells. the amount of detectable virus, visualized in the past either by immunohistochemistry or in situ hybridization (ish), has been modest in fixed or frozen tissues. this complicates our understanding of the widespread lymphoid proliferation, epithelial necrosis/apoptosis, and arteritis-phlebitis that characterize mcf. in this work, we developed a probe-based i ...201930222071
diphtheric aspergillosis tracheitis with gastrointestinal dissemination secondary to viral infections in a dairy calf.diphtheric aspergillosis tracheitis is an uncommon syndrome described in human pathology, usually associated with immunosuppression in the affected individuals. interestingly, no comparative/equivalent cases were found in domestic animals. this report describes the pathological and mycological findings associated with diphtheric aspergillosis tracheitis in an immunocompromised calf. the main pathological findings were diphtheric tracheitis and rhinitis, and necrotizing ruminitis associated with ...202032910985
alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 genes a7 and a8 regulate viral spread and are essential for malignant catarrhal fever.alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (alhv-1) is a gammaherpesvirus that is carried asymptomatically by wildebeest. upon cross-species transmission to other ruminants, including domestic cattle, alhv-1 induces malignant catarrhal fever (mcf), which is a fatal lymphoproliferative disease resulting from proliferation and uncontrolled activation of latently infected cd8+ t cells. two laboratory strains of alhv-1 are used commonly in research: c500, which is pathogenic, and wc11, which has been attenuated by l ...202032176737
evaluation of glycoprotein ov8 as a potential antigen for an ovhv-2-specific diagnostic assay.gammaherpesviruses in the genus macavirus establish clinically unapparent persistent infections in reservoir species. transmission of some of these viruses, including alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (alhv-1) and ovine herpesvirus 2 (ovhv-2), to clinically susceptible species in the order artiodactyla can result in malignant catarrhal fever (mcf), a usually fatal lymphoproliferative disease. serology can be used to identify mcf virus (mcfv)-infected carrier animals. however, all current serological ass ...201829966004
the participation of a malignant catarrhal fever virus and mycoplasma bovis in the development of single and mixed infections in beef and dairy cattle with bovine respiratory disease.the bovine respiratory disease (brd) complex is a multietiological and multifactorial disease associated with a wide range of viral and bacterial pathogens. this study evaluated the contribution of specific infectious disease agents in the development of brd in cattle from brazil and determined if a virus within the malignant catarrhal fever virus (mcfv) group and mycoplasma bovis, acting individually or in conjunction, can be associated with the development of brd. formalin-fixed paraffin-embed ...202134368279
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