
comparative protection of two different commercial vaccines against yersinia ruckeri serotype o1 and biotype 2 in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).differentially extended specific protection by two commercial vaccines against yersinia ruckeri serotype o1 biotype 2 was studied following 30s immersion exposure. rainbow trout were challenged intra-peritoneally (i.p.) with y. ruckeri serotype o1, biotype 2 (≈10(6) to 10(7)cfu/fish) at 4, 6 and 8 months after vaccination with vaccines containing either biotype 1 (aquavac(®) erm) or both biotypes 1 and 2 (aquavac(®) relera™). the specific pattern of vaccine-mediated protection was evaluated by r ...201122227075
detection of tetracycline resistance genes in bacteria isolated from fish farms using polymerase chain reaction.five common tetracycline resistance genes tet(a), tet(b), tet(m), tet(o) and tet(s) were studied by polymerase chain reaction in 100 bacteria isolated from iranian fish farms. in the antibiogram test most of the bacteria were either intermediately or completely resistant to tetracycline. nine isolates out of 46 aeromonas spp. contained either tet(a/m/s) resistant genes as follows: tet(a) in a. veronii/sobria (n = 1), a. media (n = 2), a. aquariorum (n = 1), and a. veronii (n = 3); tet(m) in one ...201425610578
comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of different antimicrobial peptides against a range of pathogenic bacteria.the rapid emergence of resistance to classical antibiotics has increased the interest in novel antimicrobial compounds. antimicrobial peptides (amps) represent an attractive alternative to classical antibiotics and a number of different studies have reported antimicrobial activity data of various amps, but there is only limited comparative data available. the mode of action for many amps is largely unknown even though several models have suggested that the lipopolysaccharides (lps) play a crucia ...201526656394
bactericidal efficacy of elevated ph on fish pathogenic and environmental bacteria.ship ballast water is a recognized medium for transfer and introductions of nonindigenous species. there is a need for new ballast water treatment methods that effectively and safely eliminate or greatly minimize movements of these species. the present study employed laboratory methods to evaluate the bactericidal efficacy of increased ph (ph 10.0-12.0) for exposure durations of up to 72 h to kill a variety of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria including fish pathogens (aeromonas spp., yer ...201225685439
dithiolopyrrolones: biosynthesis, synthesis, and activity of a unique class of disulfide-containing antibiotics.covering: up to 2014. dithiolopyrrolone (dtp) group antibiotics were first isolated in the early half of the 20th century, but only recently has research been reawakened by insights gained from the synthesis and biosynthesis of this structurally intriguing class of molecules. dtps are characterized by an electronically unique bicyclic structure, which contains a compact disulfide bridge between two ene-thiols. points of diversity within the compound class occur outside of the bicyclic core, at t ...201424835149
the draft genome sequence of the yersinia entomophaga entomopathogenic type strain we report the draft genome of yersinia entomophaga type strain mh96t. the genome shows 93.8% nucleotide sequence identity to that of yersinia nurmii type strain apn3a-ct, and comprises a single chromosome of approximately 4,275,531 bp. in silico analysis identified that, in addition to the previously documented y. entomophaga yen-tc gene cluster, the genome encodes a diverse array of toxins, including two type iii secretion systems, and five rhs-associated gene clusters. as well as these mu ...201627187466
the heat sensitive factor (hsf) of yersinia ruckeri is produced by an alkyl sulphatase involved in sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds) degradation but not in virulence.the heat sensitive factor (hsf) of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri was previously identified as an unusual band on sds-page. according to this, y. ruckeri strains were classified in hsf+ and hsf - in terms of the presence/absence of the factor. experiments carried out by injection challenge with hsf + strains caused high mortalities in rainbow trout. in contrast, hsf - strains did not cause mortality. in conclusion, hsf appeared to be a relevant virulence factor in y. ruckeri.201425266819
tyrosine glycosylation of rho by yersinia toxin impairs blastomere cell behaviour in zebrafish embryos.yersinia species cause zoonotic infections, including enterocolitis and plague. here we studied yersinia ruckeri antifeeding prophage 18 (afp18), the toxin component of the phage tail-derived protein translocation system afp, which causes enteric redmouth disease in salmonid fish species. here we show that microinjection of the glycosyltransferase domain afp18(g) into zebrafish embryos blocks cytokinesis, actin-dependent motility and cell blebbing, eventually abrogating gastrulation. in zebrafis ...201526190758
dithiolopyrrolone natural products: isolation, synthesis and biosynthesis.dithiolopyrrolones are a class of antibiotics that possess the unique pyrrolinonodithiole (4h-[1,2] dithiolo [4,3-b] pyrrol-5-one) skeleton linked to two variable acyl groups. to date, there are approximately 30 naturally occurring dithiolopyrrolone compounds, including holomycin, thiolutin, and aureothricin, and more recently thiomarinols, a unique class of hybrid marine bacterial natural products containing a dithiolopyrrolone framework linked by an amide bridge with an 8-hydroxyoctanoyl chain ...201324141227
the yrpab operon of yersinia ruckeri encoding two putative u32 peptidases is involved in virulence and induced under microaerobic an attempt to dissect the virulence mechanisms of yersinia ruckeri two adjacent genes, yrpa and yrpb, encoding putative peptidases belonging to the u32 family, were analyzed. similar genes, with the same genetic organization were identified in genomic analysis of human-pathogenic yersiniae. rt-pcr studies indicated that these genes form an operon in y. ruckeri. transcriptional studies using an yrpb::laczy fusion showed high levels of expression of these genes in the presence of peptone in the ...201424865652
yersinia ruckeri, the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease in fish.enteric redmouth disease (erm) is a serious septicemic bacterial disease of salmonid fish species. it is caused by yersinia ruckeri, a gram-negative rod-shaped enterobacterium. it has a wide host range, broad geographical distribution, and causes significant economic losses in the fish aquaculture industry. the disease gets its name from the subcutaneous hemorrhages, it can cause at the corners of the mouth and in gums and tongue. other clinical signs include exophthalmia, darkening of the skin, ...201526404907
the antibacterial activities of aditoprim and its efficacy in the treatment of swine streptococcosis.aditoprim (adp) has potential use as an antimicrobial agent in animals. however, its pharmacodynamic properties have not been systematically studied yet. in this study, the in vitro antibacterial activities of adp and its main metabolites were assayed, and the in vivo antibacterial efficacy of adp for the treatment of swine streptococcosis was evaluated. it was shown that salmonella and streptococcus from swine, escherichia coli and salmonella from chickens, e. coli, streptococcus, mannheimia, p ...201728145487
aerobic bacterial microbiota isolated from the cloaca of the european pond turtle (emys orbicularis) in poland.we conducted a comparative analysis of the aerobic cloacal bacteria of european pond turtles (emys orbicularis) living in their natural environment and juvenile turtles reared under controlled conditions in a breeding center. we included 130 turtles in the study. the aerobic bacteria isolated from the cloaca of the juvenile turtles were less diverse and more prevalent than the bacteria isolated from free-living adults. we isolated 17 bacterial species from juvenile captive turtles, among which t ...201525380369
dietary myrtle (myrtus communis l.) improved non-specific immune parameters and bactericidal activity of skin mucus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings.the present study examined the effects of dietary myrtle (myrtus communis l.) on non-specific immune parameters and bactericidal activity of skin mucus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings. three hundred and sixty fingerlings (6.50 ± 0.55 g (were distributed in twelve cages (65 × 65 × 65 cm) with a metal framework. the study included four treatments repeated in triplicates. the treatments were feeding trouts with experimental diets containing different levels (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5%) o ...201728330807
effects of dietary spirulina platensis on growth performance, humoral and mucosal immune responses and disease resistance in juvenile great sturgeon (huso huso linnaeus, 1754).dietary supplementation of spirulina platensis at different levels (0% control, 2.5%, 5% and 10%) was evaluated to find out the effects on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities, humoral and skin innate immune responses and disease resistance in the great sturgeon (huso huso). after 8 weeks of experimental trial, growth parameters, intestinal lactic acid bacteria count, protease and lipase activities were significantly high in 10% s. platensis fed group (p < 0.05). similarly, in this gr ...201627506276
antibacterial and antibiofilm effects of boron on different bacteria.boron (b) compounds are used in many fields ranging from medicine to industry. in this study, boric acid (ba) and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (dot) were evaluated for their antibacterial effects and antibiofilm capacities on selected strains of clinical and type cultures that are of veterinary concern (staphylococcus aureus atcc 25923, aeromonas hydrophila atcc 19570, pseudomonas aeruginosa atcc 27853, brucella melitensis rev1 and field isolates of vibrio anguillarum, aeromonas hydrophila, ...201626864941
identification of bacillus strains for biological control of catfish pathogens.bacillus strains isolated from soil or channel catfish intestine were screened for their antagonism against edwardsiella ictaluri and aeromonas hydrophila, the causative agents of enteric septicemia of catfish (esc) and motile aeromonad septicaemia (mas), respectively. twenty one strains were selected and their antagonistic activity against other aquatic pathogens was also tested. each of the top 21 strains expressed antagonistic activity against multiple aquatic bacterial pathogens including ed ...201223029244
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis for nonlethal detection of aeromonas salmonicida in salmonid mucus and its potential for other bacterial fish pathogens.denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of 16s rdna was used to nonlethally detect aeromonas salmonicida and other bacteria in salmonid skin mucus. mucus samples from wild spawning coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) with endemic a. salmonicida and from cultured lake trout (salvelinus namaycush) were tested by pcr-dgge and were compared with mucus culture on coomassie brilliant blue agar and internal organ culture. pcr-dgge gave a highly reproducible 4-band pattern for 9 strains of typical ...201222506865
in vitro antibacterial activities of ethanol extract of iranian propolis (eeip) against fish pathogenic bacteria (aeromonas hydrophila, yersinia ruckeri & streptococcus iniae).the "in vitro" antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of propolis (eeip) from urmia, iran was investigated against three prevalent species of fish bacterial pathogens including: aeromonas hydrophila lmg 3770, yersinia ruckeri lmg 3279 and streptococcus iniae lmg 14520. in this study two standard susceptibility testing techniques (micro-broth dilution method and agar-well diffusion method) were used to evaluation of the antibacterial activity of eeip against the mentioned micro-organisms. also ...201024031591
specific dna probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, renibacterium obtain specific dna probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, renibacterium salmoninarum, a discriminatory recombinant dna library was constructed using selective fragments of the bacterial genome. three renibacterial clones, pmam29, pmam46 and pmam77, containing 149, 73, and 154 bp respectively, were isolated and characterized. the specificity of the probes was confirmed by dot-blot and southern hybridization analyses. bacterial hybridization experiments revealed that pmam29 discri ...199424420936
expression and antimicrobial activity of c-type lysozyme in taimen (hucho taimen, pallas).lysozymes are important defense proteins of the innate immune system and possess high antibacterial activities. in the present study, a full-length c-type lysozyme cdna (htlysc) was cloned and characterized from taimen (hucho taimen, pallas). the cdna contains an open reading frame (orf) of 432 bp encoding 143 amino acid (aa), with 97% identity to lysc of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). the amino acid sequence possessed a lyz1 domain (16-140 aa) which contained two conserved residues (glu 5 ...201627267655
cross talk between growth and immunity: coupling of the igf axis to conserved cytokine pathways in rainbow trout.although disease and infection is associated with attenuated growth, the molecular pathways involved are poorly characterized. we postulated that the igf axis, a central governor of vertebrate growth, is repressed during infection to promote resource reallocation towards immunity. this hypothesis was tested in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) challenged by aeromonas salmonicida (as), a gram-negative bacterial pathogen, or viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) at hatch, first feeding, and ...201627035654
growth inhibition of aeromonas salmonicida and yersinia ruckeri by disinfectants containing peracetic acid.peracetic acid (paa) is a therapeutic agent used for disinfection in aquaculture, but it must be investigated thoroughly in order to mitigate diseases without harming the fish. successful disinfectants (like paa) should not leave dangerous residues in the environment in order to successfully contribute to sustainable aquaculture. the aim of our study was to compare the effectiveness of 6 commercial paa products with different molecular paa:h2o2 ratios to reduce bacterial growth of aeromonas salm ...201525850398
non-adjuvanted flagellin elicits a non-specific protective immune response in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) towards bacterial infections.enteric redmouth disease, caused by yersinia ruckeri, may result in high mortalities in farmed salmonids. prophylaxis has been achieved with an immersion vaccine comprised of inactivated serovar 1 biotype 1 (motile) y. ruckeri cultures. however, there has been a growing number of enteric redmouth outbreaks in vaccinated livestock associated with serovar 1 biotype 2 (non-motile) y. ruckeri strains which do not produce flagellin. it was the aim of this study to evaluate the protective role of flag ...201323707165
ligand and pathogen specificity of the atlantic salmon serum c-type atlantic salmon (salmo salar) c-type lectin (ssl) binds to mannose and related sugars as well as to the surface of aeromonas salmonicida. to characterize this lectin as a pathogen recognition receptor in salmon, aspects of its interaction with molecules and with intact pathogens were investigated.201323032861
characterization of probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from an estuarine environment for application in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) farming.bacterial attachment to fish surfaces and the capacity to compete with pathogens for adhesion sites are essential characteristics in order to select a candidate probiotic for aquaculture. twelve lactic acid bacteria (lab) isolated from fish and sediments from bahía blanca estuary, argentina, were examined for in vitro adhesion to rainbow trout mucus, cell surface properties and competitive exclusion against two salmonid pathogens, yersinia ruckeri and aeromonas salmonicida. in order to assess th ...201222287063
improvement of immunity and disease resistance in the nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus, by dietary supplementation with bacillus amyloliquefaciens.probiotics can be used as immunostimulants in aquaculture. the aim of this study was to evaluate the immune responses of nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus following feeding with bacillus amyloliquefaciens spores at concentrations of 1 × 10(6) (g3) and 1 × 10(4) (g2) colony-forming units per gram (cfu/g) of feed compared with a basal diet with no probiotics (g1). a total of 180 fingerlings (27.7 ± 0.22 g) were divided into three groups (g1-g3 of 20 fish per group) in triplicate. innate immunitie ...201525783002
antibacterial properties of water-soluble gold(i) n-heterocyclic carbene complexes.the antibacterial properties of water-soluble gold(i) complexes [1-methyl-3-(3-sulfonatopropyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]gold(i) chloride (c1), [1-mesityl-3-(3-sulfonatopropyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]gold(i) chloride (c2), [1-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-3-(3-sulfonatopropyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]gold(i) chloride (c3) and [1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropyl-4-sodiumsulfonatophenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]gold(i) chloride (c4) and the respective ligands were assessed by agar diffusion and broth macrodilution methods against gram-po ...201424662463
genomic organization, expression and antimicrobial activity of a hepcidin from taimen (hucho taimen, pallas).hepcidin, an antimicrobial peptide, plays a crucial role in innate immune system of teleost fish. as a cysteine-rich peptide, hepcidin possesses a dual function including iron regulation and innate immunity. in the present study, a full-length hepcidin cdna (hthep) was cloned and characterized by rt-pcr and race techniques from taimen (hucho taimen, pallas), which is a type of rare, precious and cold-water fish species in china. the cdna contains an open reading frame (orf) of 267 bp encoding 88 ...201627452973
adaptive responses of outer membrane porin balance of yersinia ruckeri under different incubation temperature, osmolarity, and oxygen availability.the capability of yersinia ruckeri to survive in the aquatic systems reflects its adaptation (most importantly through the alteration of membrane permeability) to the unfavorable environments. the nonspecific porins are a key factor contributing to the permeability. here we studied the influence of the stimuli, such as temperature, osmolarity, and oxygen availability on regulation of y. ruckeri porins. using qrt-pcr and sds-page methods we found that major porins are tightly controlled by temper ...201627038237
natural pig plasma immunoglobulins have anti-bacterial effects: potential for use as feed supplement for treatment of intestinal infections in pigs.there is an increasing demand for non-antibiotics solutions to control infectious disease in intensive pig production. here, one such alternative, namely pig antibodies purified from slaughterhouse blood was investigated in order to elucidate its potential usability to control post-weaning diarrhoea (pwd), which is one of the top indications for antibiotics usage in the pig production. a very cost-efficient and rapid one-step expanded bed adsorption (eba) chromatography procedure was used to pur ...201626824607
the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri produces holomycin and uses an rna methyltransferase for self-resistance.holomycin and its derivatives belong to a class of broad-spectrum antibacterial natural products containing a rare dithiolopyrrolone heterobicyclic scaffold. the antibacterial mechanism of dithiolopyrrolone compounds has been attributed to the inhibition of bacterial rna polymerase activities, although the exact mode of action has not been established in vitro. some dithiopyrrolone derivatives display potent anticancer activities. recently the biosynthetic gene cluster of holomycin has been iden ...201323572522
modulation of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) intestinal immune gene expression following bacterial challenge.the mucosal immune systems of fishes are still poorly understood, and defined models for studying natural host-pathogen interactions are lacking. the objective of this study was to evaluate different challenge models and pathogens to examine the magnitude of change in intestinal immune gene expression. rainbow trout were exposed by immersion to yersinia ruckeri or by intraperitoneal injection with flavobacterium psychrophilum. at 3, 9, or 10 days post-challenge, pathogen load was quantified by p ...201222341800
evaluation of dual nasal delivery of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus and enteric red mouth vaccines in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).farmed fish are susceptible to different infectious disease agents including viruses and bacteria. thus, multivalent vaccines or vaccination programs against two or more pathogens are valuable tools in aquaculture. recently, nasal vaccines have been shown to be very effective in rainbow trout. the current study investigates, for the first time, the use of the nasal route in dual vaccination trials against two important aquatic diseases, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihn) and enteric r ...201525562788
characterisation of arginase paralogues in salmonids and their modulation by immune stimulation/ this study we show that four arginase isoforms (arg1a, arg1b, arg2a, arg2b) exist in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and atlantic salmon (salmo salar). we have characterised these molecules in terms of a) sequence analysis, b) constitutive expression in different tissues, and modulated expression following c) stimulation of head kidney macrophages in vitro, or d) vaccination/infection with yersinia ruckeri and e) parasite infection (agd caused by paramoeba perurans and pkd caused by tetra ...201728025160
vaccination with recombinant protein (r22c03), a putative attachment factor of neoparamoeba perurans, against agd in atlantic salmon (salmo salar) and implications of a co-infection with yersinia ruckeri.amoebic gill disease (agd) affects salmonids during the marine grow-out phase in the tasmanian industry and in other major salmonid producing countries. during the period post-transfer to seawater, the bacterial condition yersiniosis can also cause high levels of mortality in atlantic salmon grown in tasmania, in addition to the hatchery outbreaks. the recombinant protein r22c03, a mannose-binding protein-like (mbp-like) similar to attachment factors of other amoebae, was tested as a vaccine can ...201525804487
in vivo monitoring of yersinia ruckeri in fish tissues: progression and virulence gene this study, the utilization of bioluminescence imaging (bli) allowed us to define the progression of yersinia ruckeri during the infection of rainbow trout. a luminescent y. ruckeri 150 strain was engineered using the pcs26-pac plasmid containing the lux operon from photorhabdus luminescens. two different models of infection of rainbow trout were defined depending on the route in which bacteria were administered, being the gut the major organ affected following bath immersion. this indicates ...201323757147
hilyses®, fermented saccharomyces cerevisiae, enhances the growth performance and skin non-specific immune parameters in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).effects of hilyses(®), fermented saccharomyces cerevisiae (s. cerevisiae), on growth, body composition and skin mucus immune components in rainbow trout were quantified. ninety rainbow trout (105 ± 5 g) were randomly assigned to 2 groups in triplicates and fed dietary hilyses(®) (5 g kg(-1)) or control diet without hilyses(®) for 50 days. results of this study demonstrated that growth performance increased significantly by the dietary yeast supplement; however body composition was not affected i ...201222440584
genome sequence of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri sc09 provides insights into niche adaptation and pathogenic mechanism.yersinia ruckeri is the etiologic agent of enteric red mouth disease (erm), a severe fish disease prevailing in worldwide aquaculture industries. here we report for the first time the complete genome of y. ruckeri (yersinia ruckeri) sc09, a highly virulent strain isolated from ictalurus punctatus with severe septicemia. sc09 possesses a single chromosome of 3,923,491 base pairs, which contains 3651 predicted protein coding sequences (cds), 19 rrna genes, and 79 trna genes. among the cds, we have ...201627089334
comparative study of cxc chemokines modulation in brown trout (salmo trutta) following infection with a bacterial or viral pathogen.chemokine modulation in response to pathogens still needs to be fully characterised in fish, in view of the recently described novel chemokines present. this paper reports the first comparative study of cxc chemokine genes transcription in salmonids (brown trout), with a particular focus on the fish specific cxc chemokines (cxcl_f). adopting new primer sets, optimised to specifically target mrna, a rt-qpcr gene screening was carried out. constitutive gene expression was assessed first in six tis ...201626866873
viral and bacterial septicaemic infections modulate the expression of pacap splicing variants and vip/pacap receptors in brown trout immune organs.pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (pacap) and pacap-related peptide (prp) are structurally similar peptides encoded in the same transcripts. their transcription has been detected not only in the brain but also in a wide range of peripheral tissues, even including organs of the immune system. pacap exerts pleiotropic activities through g-protein coupled membrane receptors: the pacap-specific pac-1 and the vpac-1 and vpac-2 receptors that exhibit similar affinities for the vasoact ...201526481517
genotypic and phenotypic virulence characteristics and antimicrobial resistance of yersinia spp. isolated from meat and milk products.a total of 300 food samples including 180 milk and 120 meat products have been examined for the presence of yersinia spp. using the iso 10273 and the cold enrichment method. the overall prevalence of yersinia spp. was 84 (28%). yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from 18 (6%) of the 300 samples. the other yersinia species were detected in the samples yersinia rohdei 15 (5%), yersinia intermedia 14 (4.7%), yersinia pseudotuberculosis 12 (4%), yersinia ruckeri 12 (4%), yersinia mollaretii 5 (1.7% ...201525969137
whole genome analysis of yersinia ruckeri isolated over 27 years in australia and new zealand reveals geographical endemism over multiple lineages and recent evolution under host selection.yersinia ruckeri is a salmonid pathogen with widespread distribution in cool-temperate waters including australia and new zealand, two isolated environments with recently developed salmonid farming industries. phylogenetic comparison of 58 isolates from australia, new zealand, usa, chile, finland and china based on non-recombinant core genome snps revealed multiple deep-branching lineages, with a most recent common ancestor estimated at 18 500 years bp (12 355-24 757 95% hpd) and evidence of aus ...201628348835
comparative genome analysis reveals important genetic differences among serotype o1 and serotype o2 strains of y. ruckeri and provides insights into host adaptation and virulence.despite the existence of a commercial vaccine routinely used to protect salmonids against yersinia ruckeri, outbreaks still occur, mainly caused by nonmotile and lipase-negative strains (serotype o1 biotype 2). moreover, epizootics caused by other uncommon serotypes have also been reported. at the moment, one of the main concerns for the aquaculture industry is the expanding range of hosts of this pathogen and the emergence of new biotypes and serotypes causing mortality in fish farms and agains ...201728317294
immune responses of channel catfish following the stimulation of three recombinant flagellins of yersinia ruckeri in vitro and in vivo.innate immunity is initiated depending on the recognition of certain protein receptors termed pattern recognition receptors (prrs) of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (pamps) to protect the host from various invading pathogens. as one of the most powerful pamps, flagellin is the major structural component of the flagellum that provides the main force for bacterial motility in flagellated microorganisms. the genome of the y. ruckeri strain sc09 contains three flagellin genes, which encode t ...201728235583
characterization of basic immune function parameters in the fathead minnow (pimephales promelas), a common model in environmental toxicity testing.the fathead minnow (pimephales promelas) is an environmental sentinel species, commonly used in toxicity testing. however, there is a lack of data regarding basic immune function in this species. to improve the usefulness of the fathead minnow as a model for basic immune function and immunotoxicity, this study sought to 1) compare the differential expression of immune function genes in naïve fathead minnows and 2) determine the effects of pathogen exposure on immune gene expression and spleen in ...201728027985
the flagellar master operon flhdc is a pleiotropic regulator involved in motility and virulence of the fish pathogen yersinia investigate the function of the master flagellar operon flhdc in the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri and compare the effect of a constructed flhd mutation to a naturally occurring flir mutation causing loss-of-motility in emergent biotype 2 (bt2) strains.201727981729
genome sequence of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri strain 150, isolated from diseased rainbow trout.we present here the draft genome of a pathogenic yersinia ruckeri strain, isolated from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) affected by enteric redmouth disease. the chromosome has 3,826,775 bp, a gc content of 46.88%, and is predicted to contain 3,538 coding sequences. the data will be useful for comparative pathogenicity studies.201627908991
characterisation of zbtb46 and dc-script/znf366 in rainbow trout, transcription factors potentially involved in dendritic cell maturation and activation in fish.zbtb46 and dc-script/znf366 are two zinc finger transcription factors that play important roles in regulating differentiation of dendritic cells in mammals. in this study, the zbtb46 and dc-script/znf366 homologues were identified in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and their expression analysed in vivo and in vitro. as transcription factors, they are well conserved in sequence, genomic organisation and gene synteny. their expression was differentially modulated by bacterial and viral pamps in ...201627889532
shotgun proteomic analysis of yersinia ruckeri strains under normal and iron-limited conditions.yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease of fish that causes significant economic losses, particularly in salmonids. bacterial pathogens differentially express proteins in the host during the infection process, and under certain environmental conditions. iron is an essential nutrient for many cellular processes and is involved in host sensing and virulence regulation in many bacteria. little is known about proteomics expression of y. ruckeri in response to iron-limited ...201627716418
effect of feed supplementation with kynurenic acid on the morphology of the liver, kidney and gills in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum, 1792), healthy and experimentally infected with yersinia ruckeri.kynurenic acid (kyna) is an endogenous substance produced on the kynurenine pathway which is primarily known for its neuroactive properties. recently, it has been proven that kyna is a selective ligand for g protein-coupled receptor (gpr 35), presented on immunocompetent cells such as t lymphocytes. this opens up new possibilities of its application as an immunostimulating substance in aquaculture. thus far, no histopathological investigations in fish have been completed to evaluate influence of ...201627690267
yersinia ruckeri isolates recovered from diseased atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in scotland are more diverse than those from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and represent distinct subpopulations.yersinia ruckeri is the etiological agent of enteric redmouth (erm) disease of farmed salmonids. enteric redmouth disease is traditionally associated with rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum), but its incidence in atlantic salmon (salmo salar) is increasing. yersinia ruckeri isolates recovered from diseased atlantic salmon have been poorly characterized, and very little is known about the relationship of the isolates associated with these two species. phenotypic approaches were used to c ...201627451448
antigen uptake during different life stages of zebrafish (danio rerio) using a gfp-tagged yersinia ruckeri.immersion-vaccines (bacterins) are routinely used for aquacultured rainbow trout to protect against yersinia ruckeri (yr). during immersion vaccination, rainbow trout take up and process the antigens, which induce protection. the zebrafish was used as a model organism to study uptake mechanisms and subsequent antigen transport in fish. a genetically modified yr was developed to constitutively express green fluorescent protein (gfp) and was used for bacterin production. larval, juvenile and adult ...201627404564
antimicrobial peptide cap18 and its effect on yersinia ruckeri infections in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum): comparing administration by injection and oral routes.the antimicrobial peptide cap18 has been demonstrated to have a strong in vitro bactericidal effect on yersinia ruckeri, but its activity in vivo has not been described. in this work, we investigated whether cap18 protects rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) against enteric red mouth disease caused by this pathogen either following i.p. injection or by oral administration (in feed). it was found that injection of cap18 into juvenile rainbow trout before exposure to y. ruckeri was associa ...201727334068
individual monitoring of immune responses in rainbow trout after cohabitation and intraperitoneal injection challenge with yersinia ruckeri.yersinia ruckeri, the causative agent of enteric red mouth disease (erm), is a widely studied pathogen in disease models using rainbow trout. this infection model, mostly based on intraperitoneally injection or bath immersion challenges, has an impact on both components (innate and adaptive) of the fish immune system. although there has been much attention in studying its host-pathogen interactions, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the impact of a cohabitation challenge. to tackle th ...201627245868
hemato - immunological and biochemical parameters, skin antibacterial activity, and survival in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) following the diet supplemented with mentha piperita against yersinia ruckeri.this study was aimed to assess the potential effects of mentha piperita on the hemato - immunological and biochemical parameters, skin antibacterial activity and protection against yersinia ruckeri infection in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. fish were divided into 4 groups before being fed diets supplemented with 0, 1, 2 and 3% of mentha piperita (mp) plant extract for 8 weeks. dose-dependent increases immune (both in skin mucus and blood serum) and hematological parameters (number of red an ...201627245867
disease caused by yersinia ruckeri serotype o2b found in chilean-farmed coho salmon, oncorhynchus kisutch (walbaum, 1792). 201727193605
protection of rainbow trout against yersiniosis by lpxd mutant yersinia ruckeri.yersinia ruckeri is a gram negative bacteria causing yersiniosis in freshwater and marine fish. lipid a, important for pathogenesis of gram negative bacteria, biosynthesis pathway requires nine enzyme catalyzed steps. although there are nine genes encoding lipid a biosynthesis in bacteria, biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharides relies on lpxd gene that encodes the third pathway enzyme. the roles of lpxd in y. ruckeri virulence have not been studied. in the present study, in-frameshift deletion of l ...201627095175
yersinia ruckeri lipopolysaccharide is necessary and sufficient for eliciting a protective immune response in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum).enteric redmouth disease (erm), caused by yersinia ruckeri, has been controlled successfully using immersion-applied bacterin vaccines for several decades. while the host response to vaccination and the mechanism of protection of this vaccine have been elucidated, the bacterial components eliciting protection have remained unclear. here we show that highly purified serotype o1 y. ruckeri lipopolysaccharide (lps) is sufficient to induce a protective response to experimental challenge in rainbow t ...201626766181
oral vaccination of first-feeding atlantic salmon, salmo salar l., confers greater protection against yersiniosis than immersion vaccination.yersinia ruckeri is a ubiquitous pathogen of finfish capable of causing major mortalities in farmed fish stocks. it can be transmitted vertically from parent to progeny as well as horizontally in the water column from both clinically infected fish and asymptomatic carriers, and is consequently capable of infecting fish at early stages of development. immunisation strategies that can protect small fry are therefore critical for the effective management of fish health, as is the ability to detect ...201626724544
re-examination of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) immune response to flagellin: yersinia ruckeri flagellin is a potent activator of acute phase proteins, anti-microbial peptides and pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro.flagellin is the principal component of bacterial flagellum and a major target of the host immune system. to provide new insights into the role of flagellin in fish immune responses to flagellated microorganisms, a recombinant flagellin from yersinia ruckeri (ryrf) was produced and its bioactivity investigated in the trout macrophage cell line rts-11 and head kidney cells. ryrf is a potent activator of pro-inflammatory cytokines, acute phase proteins, antimicrobial peptides and subunits of the i ...201626719024
phylogeography of yersinia ruckeri reveals effects of past evolutionary events on the current strain distribution and explains variations in the global transmission of enteric redmouth (erm) disease.phylogeographic patterns and population genetic structure of yersinia ruckeri, the pathological agent of enteric redmouth disease (erm) in salmonids, were investigated on the basis of concatenated multiloci sequences from isolates of different phenotypes obtained between 1965 and 2009 from diverse areas and hosts. sequence analyses revealed genetic differentiation among subpopulations with the largest genetic distance occurring between subpopulations of europe and canada and/or south america. ba ...201526579104
analysis of yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from trout farms in northwest germany.enteric redmouth disease (erm), caused by yersinia ruckeri, is among the most important infectious diseases in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss aquaculture in europe. our aim was to analyse the persistence of y. ruckeri strains in trout farms in northwest germany and their dissemination between farms based on a detailed molecular and phenotypical characterisation scheme. the data on identification and characterisation of y. ruckeri strains and examining the distribution of these strains in the ...201526503779
effects of adjuvant montanide™ isa 763 a vg in rainbow trout injection vaccinated against yersinia ruckeri.enteric redmouth disease (erm) caused by the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri is a major threat to freshwater production of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) throughout all life stages. injection vaccination of rainbow trout against y. ruckeri infection has been shown to confer better protection compared to the traditionally applied immersion vaccination. it may be hypothesized, based on experience from other vaccines, that adjuvants may increase the protective level of erm injection vaccines ev ...201526492991
identification and expression modulation of a c-type lectin domain family 4 homologue that is highly expressed in monocytes/macrophages in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the c-type lectin domain containing (clec) receptors including cd209 are expressed in vivo by monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells and by in vitro generated monocyte-derived cells. this paper reports the cloning and sequencing of a lectin molecule, clec4t1, in rainbow trout that is a homologue of the clec4 family. the expression pattern of the clec4t1 was investigated in vivo after infection with a bacterial pathogen and in cultured macrophages after modulation with microb ...201626279216
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multi locus sequence typing for characterizing genotype variability of yersinia ruckeri isolated from farmed fish in france.yersinia ruckeri is a pathogen that has an impact on aquaculture worldwide. the disease caused by this bacterial species, yersiniosis or redmouth disease, generates substantial economic losses due to the associated mortality and veterinary costs. for predicting outbreaks and improving control strategies, it is important to characterize the population structure of the bacteria. the phenotypic and genetic homogeneities described previously indicate a clonal population structure as observed in othe ...201526104532
identification of the salmonid il-17a/f1a/b, il-17a/f2b, il-17a/f3 and il-17n genes and analysis of their expression following in vitro stimulation and infection.this study identifies four new il-17a/f isoforms in salmonids, as well as il-17n. il-17a/f1 and il-17a/f2 are each represented by two paralogues, with a predicted pseudogene of il-17n also apparent in the salmonid genome. analysis of the sequences and genes of the known il-17a/f and il-17n molecules suggests that il-17n is a member within the il-17a/f subfamily. analysis of factors that modulated the expression of these genes showed that pha and pma were good inducers of salmon il-17a/f1a and il ...201525943775
influence of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on growth performance, innate immune response, biochemical parameters and disease resistance in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss.the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on rainbow trout growth performance, innate immunity and biochemical parameters were studied. rainbow trout (17-18 g) were exposed to electromagnetic fields (15 hz) at 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 5 and 50 µt, for 1 h daily over period of 60 days. growth performance of fish improved in different treatment groups, especially at 0.1, 0.5, 5 and 50 µt. immunological parameters, specifically hemagglutinating titer, total antiprotease and α1-antiprotea ...201525869215
identification and expression analysis of two interleukin-23α (p19) isoforms, in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss and atlantic salmon salmo salar.interleukin (il)-23 is a heterodimeric il-12 family cytokine composed of a p19 α-chain, linked to a p40 β-chain that is shared with il-12. il-23 is distinguished functionally from il-12 by its ability to induce the production of il-17, and differentiation of th17 cells in mammals. three isoforms of p40 (p40a, p40b and p40c) have been found in some 3r teleosts. salmonids also possess three p40 isoforms (p40b1, p40b2 and p40c) although p40a is missing, and two copies (paralogues) of p40b are prese ...201525841173
global 3d imaging of yersinia ruckeri bacterin uptake in rainbow trout fry.yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease (erm) in rainbow trout, and the first commercially available fish vaccine was an immersion vaccine against erm consisting of y. ruckeri bacterin. the erm immersion vaccine has been successfully used in aquaculture farming of salmonids for more than 35 years. the gills and the gastrointestinal (gi) tract are believed to be the portals of antigen uptake during waterborne vaccination against erm; however, the actual sites of bacter ...201525658600
complete genome sequence of yersinia ruckeri strain csf007-82, etiologic agent of red mouth disease in salmonid fish.we present the complete, closed, and finished chromosomal and extrachromosomal genome sequences of yersinia ruckeri strain csf007-82, the etiologic agent of enteric red mouth disease in salmonid fish. the chromosome is 3,799,036 bp with a g+c content of 47.5% and encodes 3,530 predicted coding sequences (cds), 7 ribosomal operons, and 80 trnas.201525635018
complete genome sequence of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri strain sc09, isolated from diseased ictalurus punctatus in china.yersinia ruckeri sc09 is a gram-negative bacterium isolated from a moribund ictalurus punctatus collected in jianyang, china. here, we report the complete genome sequence of this microorganism to facilitate the investigation of its pathogenicity and to reevaluate its taxonomic position.201525573927
yersinia ruckeri, an unusual microorganism isolated from a human wound infection.we report the first documented case of yersinia ruckeri isolated from a wound infection, in a 16-year-old male after hitting a stone while paddling in a river.201425356360
draft genome sequence of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri strain 37551, serotype o1b, isolated from diseased, vaccinated atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in chile.we sequenced the genome of a motile o1b yersinia ruckeri field isolate from chile, which is causing enteric redmouth disease (erm) in vaccinated atlantic salmon (salmo salar). the draft genome has 3,775,486 bp, a g+c content of 47.1%, and is predicted to contain 3,406 coding sequences.201425169862
efficacy of lipopolysaccharide antigen of yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout by intraperitoneal and bath immersion this study, intraperitoneal (ip) and bath immersion (bi) vaccine trials were conducted in fish with a mean weight of 6.3 g. rainbow trout vaccinated with lipopolysaccharide (lps) was 50 mg/l protein concentration and challenged by ip injection with 9.8 × 10(6) cell/ml of yersinia ruckeri at 45 days post-immunization had a relative percent survival (rps). to obtain an effective bath immersion vaccine against yersiniosis, lps preparation was obtained from the y. ruckeri and with the lps antigen ...201425168462
diet type dictates the gut microbiota and the immune response against yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).this study investigated the influence of the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) commensal intestinal microbiota in connection to an experimental yersina ruckeri infection, the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease. one marine and one plant diet was administered to two different groups of rainbow trout. the plant-based diet gave rise to an intestinal microbiota dominated by the genera streptococcus, leuconostoc and weissella from phylum firmicutes whereas phylum proteobacteria/bacteroidete ...201425150450
characterization of serum amyloid a (saa) in rainbow trout using a new monoclonal antibody.serum amyloid a (saa) is an integral part of the innate immune response in mammals and considered to be important during the acute phase response. the present study was undertaken to elucidate the role of saa protein in the innate immune response of rainbow trout. a monoclonal antibody raised against a recombinant peptide of rainbow trout saa was characterized using western blot, dot blot, elisa and immunohistochemistry. saa association with high density lipoprotein (hdl) complicated band identi ...201425149592
four cish paralogues are present in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss: differential expression and modulation during immune responses and development.suppressor of cytokine signalling (socs) family members are crucial in the control and attenuation of cytokine induced responses via activation of the jak/stat, tlr and nf-kb signalling pathways. socs proteins orchestrate the termination of many types of immune responses and are often the targets of microbial pathogens exploiting socs mechanisms to evade the host's immune response. through whole and lineage specific genome duplication events, the teleost cytokine/socs network is complex. not onl ...201425014904
action in pairs: two tandem genes in the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri are virulence factors. 201425006836
yersinia ruckeri biotypes 1 and 2 in france: presence and antibiotic susceptibility.yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of yersiniosis, a disease reported in a number of fish species, especially rainbow trout. this study was undertaken to describe the phenotypes of y. ruckeri on french rainbow trout farms. more than 100 isolates, collected during recent outbreaks on trout farms, were characterized by phenotypic tests, namely using biochemical tests of the api 20e system, serotyping, biotyping (tests for motility and lipase activity) and by describing the pattern of suscepti ...201424991739
in vitro cytotoxicity and multiplex pcr detection of virulence factors of yersinia ruckeri isolated from rainbow trout in north west germany.the aim of this study was to investigate differences in presence and expression of virulence factors between biotype 1 and 2 strains of 82 yersinia (y.) ruckeri isolates, collected from north west germany during the period of 2004-2012, and to analyze the cytotoxicity of these strains to different fish cell lines. the common virulence factor genes, such as yhla and yhlb encoding for hemolysin yhla, rucc and rupg encoding for ruckerbactin, yrp1 and yrpdef for abc exporter protein system, and two ...201424881275
developmental oestrogen exposure differentially modulates igf-i and tnf-α expression levels in immune organs of yersinia ruckeri-challenged young adult rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).intensified aquaculture has strong impact on fish health by stress and infectious diseases and has stimulated the interest in the orchestration of cytokines and growth factors, particularly their influence by environmental factors, however, only scarce data are available on the gh/igf-system, central physiological system for development and tissue shaping. most recently, the capability of the host to cope with tissue damage has been postulated as critical for survival. thus, the present study as ...201424874061
morphometric evaluation of interrenal gland and kidney macrophages aggregates in normal healthy rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and after bacterial challenge with yersinia ruckeri.macrophage aggregates (ma) occur in various organs of fish as discrete aggregations of pigmented macrophages. the study presented herein investigates the quantitative modifications from normal anatomical condition, of interrenal gland (ig) and kidney ma in six treatment groups of adult rainbow trout submitted to either specific or aspecific immune stimulation and subsequently challenged with yersinia ruckeri. routinely stained tissue sections from both ig and kidney were analysed. the percentage ...201424719776
oral and anal vaccination confers full protection against enteric redmouth disease (erm) in rainbow trout.the effect of oral vaccines against bacterial fish diseases has been a topic for debate for decades. recently both m-like cells and dendritic cells have been discovered in the intestine of rainbow trout. it is therefore likely that antigens reaching the intestine can be taken up and thereby induce immunity in orally vaccinated fish. the objective of this project was to investigate whether oral and anal vaccination of rainbow trout induces protection against an experimental waterborne infection w ...201424705460
fatty acid composition of yersinia ruckeri isolates from aquaculture ponds in northwestern germany.enteric redmouth disease (erm), caused by yersinia (y.) ruckeri is one of the most important diseases in salmonid aquaculture. outbreaks of erm were controlled by vaccines directed against motile strains of the bacterium, until recently nonmotile vaccine-resistant strains evolved and caused severe outbreaks. non-motile isolates were found widespread in aquaculture populations in north-western germany. in the present study, 82 y. ruckeri isolates were isolated from trout hatcheries in north rhine ...201424693657
3d visualization of the initial yersinia ruckeri infection route in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by optical projection tomography.despite the fact that enteric redmouth disease (erm) in farmed rainbow trout is one of the most devastating disease problems, little is known about the initial route of infection and pathogenicity of the aetiological agent, yersinia ruckeri. in order to determine the initially infected organs, optical projection tomography (opt), a novel three-dimensional (3d) bio-imaging technique, was applied. opt not only enables the visualization of y. ruckeri on mucosal surfaces but also the 3d spatial dist ...201424586953
effect of montanide™ ims 1312 vg adjuvant on efficacy of yersinia ruckeri vaccine in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the efficacy of immersion vaccination yersinia ruckeri bacterin containing montanide™ ims 1312 vg was evaluated in 100-120 g rainbow trout against yersiniosis. healthy fish were vaccinated by immersion vaccination with inactivated whole cells (1 × 10(8) cells/ml) of a virulent strain of y. ruckeri biotype i with and without montanide (1:1; montanide/antigen) for 2 min at 12-14 °c. control group was immersed in sterile pbs. leukocyte counts, serum lysozyme assay, alternative hemolytic complement ...201424444826
transfer of serum and cells from yersinia ruckeri vaccinated doubled-haploid hot creek rainbow trout into outcross f1 progeny elucidates mechanisms of vaccine-induced protection.yersinia ruckeri is a well-established bacterial pathogen for many salmonid species, against which a formalin-killed bacterin vaccine has been effective in reducing disease outbreaks. previous studies have reported conflicting results about the protective value of the systemic humoral response to y. ruckeri vaccination. here we directly demonstrate that plasma contains the long-term protective component elicited by both immersion and intraperitoneal injection vaccination of rainbow trout. a tota ...201424342572
pheno- and genotypic analysis of antimicrobial resistance properties of yersinia ruckeri from fish.enteric red-mouth disease, caused by yersinia ruckeri, is an important disease in rainbow trout aquaculture. antimicrobial agents are frequently used in aquaculture, thereby causing a selective pressure on bacteria from aquatic organisms under which they may develop resistance to antimicrobial agents. in this study, the distribution of minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) of antimicrobial agents for 83 clinical and non-clinical epidemiologically unrelated y. ruckeri isolates from north west ...201424331744
biochemical and molecular heterogeneity among isolates of yersinia ruckeri from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) in north west germany.enteric redmouth disease (erm), caused by yersinia ruckeri, is one of the most important infectious diseases in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) aquaculture in europe. more recently, non-motile vaccine resistant isolates appear to have evolved and are causing disease problems throughout europe, including germany. the aim of this study was to analyse the variation of biochemical and molecular characteristics of y. ruckeri isolates collected in north west germany as a basis for strain different ...201324144165
insight from molecular, pathological, and immunohistochemical studies on cellular and humoral mechanisms responsible for vaccine-induced protection of rainbow trout against yersinia ruckeri.the immunological mechanisms associated with protection of vaccinated rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, against enteric redmouth disease (erm), caused by yersinia ruckeri, were previously elucidated by the use of gene expression methodology and immunochemical methods. that approach pointed indirectly to both humoral and cellular elements being involved in protection. the present study correlates the level of protection in rainbow trout to cellular reactions in spleen and head kidney and visual ...201323966555
yersiniosis in atlantic cod, gadus morhua (l.), characterization of the infective strain and host reactions.a disease outbreak in farmed atlantic cod caused by yersinia ruckeri is reported. mortality started following vaccination of cod reared in two tanks (a and b). the accumulated mortality reached 1.9% in a and 4.8% in b in the following 30 days when treatment with oxytetracycline was applied. biochemical and molecular analysis of y. ruckeri isolates from the cod and other fish species from fresh and marine waters in iceland revealed a high salinity-tolerant subgroup of y. ruckeri serotype o1. infe ...201423786306
comparative evaluation of administration methods for a vaccine protecting rainbow trout against yersinia ruckeri o1 biotype 2 infections.numerous outbreaks of enteric red mouth disease (erm) caused by yersinia ruckeri o1 biotype 2 in rainbow trout farms are currently being recorded despite established vaccination procedures against this disease. this could indicate that the currently used application of single immersion vaccination (using a commercial vaccine aquavac(®) relera™) does not provide full protection. we elucidated by a controlled duplicated experiment if different vaccine administration methods can improve level and e ...201323622778
tissue specific uptake of inactivated and live yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss): visualization by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.understanding of uptake and invasion routes of yersinia ruckeri, causing enteric red mouth disease (erm) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), is essential for improved understanding of the pathogenicity and immune response mechanisms associated this disease. the present work shed light on areas of invasion in rainbow trout by the use of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques. fish were exposed to live or formalin inactivated bacteria and samples were subsequently taken for ...201323583292
isolation of yersinia ruckeri strain h01 from farm-raised amur sturgeon acipenser schrencki in china.yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease or yersiniosis, which affects salmonids and several other species of fish. however, there are no reports on the characteristics and pathogenicity of y. ruckeri isolated from farm-raised amur sturgeon acipenser schrencki. here, we isolated and characterized y. ruckeri strain h01 from the diseased amur sturgeon in china. the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of y. ruckeri were observed, and its virulence was tested by exami ...201323241058
gut microbiota changes in rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), during organic acid feed supplementation and yersinia ruckeri infection. 201323167530
highly sensitive detection and quantification of the pathogen yersinia ruckeri in fish tissues by using real-time pcr.yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of enteric redmouth diseases (erm) and one of the major bacterial pathogens causing losses in salmonid aquaculture. since recent erm vaccine breakdowns have been described mostly attributed to emergence of y. ruckeri biotype 2 strains, rapid, reproducible, and sensitive methods for detection are needed. in this study, a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primer/probe set based on recombination protein a (reca) gene was designed and optimized to impr ...201222868827
estrogen modulates hepatic gene expression and survival of rainbow trout infected with pathogenic bacteria yersinia the aquatic environment, fish are exposed to various stimuli at once and have developed different response mechanisms to deal with these multiple stimuli. the current study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the physiological status of fish. juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to two different concentrations of 17β-estradiol (e2) (2 or 20 mg/kg feed) and then infected with three concentrations of yersinia ruckeri, a bacterial pathogen causing massive losses ...201222825393
identification of surrogates of protection against yersiniosis in immersion vaccinated atlantic salmon.simple cost-effective bacterins are the earliest and most successfully used commercial vaccines in fish. in particular, those prepared from yersinia ruckeri have proven effective at controlling enteric red mouth disease (erm) and yersiniosis in rainbow trout and atlantic salmon, respectively. however, the emergence of outbreaks of erm caused by atypical biotypes of y. ruckeri and reports of vaccine failure resulting in mass mortality of hatchery atlantic salmon has reinvigorated interest in vacc ...201222808275
a polyphasic approach to study the intraspecific diversity of yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from recent outbreaks in salmonid culture.a polyphasic analysis was carried out on yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from recently outbreaks in vaccinated fish using a combination of different phenotypic and molecular typing methods in order to study their variability and epidemiological relationships. eighty strains were subjected to biotyping with conventional tests and api 20e system, serotyping, outer membrane protein (omp) and lipopolysaccharide (lps) profiling, and genetic fingerprinting by eric-pcr and rep-pcr techniques. the str ...201222721731
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 317