blastocystis hominis in inflammatory bowel disease. | we retrospectively examined the hospital course of 12 patients with exacerbated inflammatory bowel disease (ibd), who also had stool specimens positive for blastocystis hominis to determine the effect of b. hominis on their disease. bloody bowel movements were common with ulcerative colitis patients and watery diarrhea with crohn's disease; other findings included abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting. all patients responded favorably to medical therapy. three responded to treatment with c ... | 1993 | 8463612 |
intestinal parasites and hiv infection in tanzanian children with chronic diarrhea. | to determine whether specific intestinal parasites are associated with hiv infection in tanzanian children with chronic diarrhea. | 1993 | 8466683 |
blastocystis hominis: an old organism with a new significance. | | 1993 | 8477496 |
neonatal blastocystis hominis diarrhea. | | 1993 | 8483630 |
antibody response to blastocystis hominis infections. | | 1993 | 8489119 |
blastocystis hominis: prevalence in asymptomatic versus symptomatic hosts. | blastocystis hominis, other protozoans, and fecal leukocytes were tabulated on trichrome-stained fecal smears from 182 asymptomatic and 125 symptomatic control patients. no statistically significant difference in prevalence of b. hominis was found between the asymptomatic study group and the symptomatic control group; the clinical profile of subjects with b. hominis and those not infected was similar, and no correlation was found between the presence of b. hominis and that of fecal leukocytes. h ... | 1993 | 8515120 |
hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis and blastocystis hominis infection. | | 1996 | 8534017 |
[blastocystis hominis, a potentially pathogenic parasite frequently identified after a travel in tropical regions]. | | 1995 | 8539222 |
polyparasitism in two rural communities with endemic schistosoma mansoni infection in machakos district, kenya. | formol-ether concentration supplemented by fresh saline smears was used to study intestinal parasites in two communities, miu and kitengei, in machakos district, kenya. these communities differed markedly in schistosome associated morbidity, in spite of similar prevalence and intensities of infection as revealed by kato examination, seven helminth and nine protozoan species were detected among 1011 samples examined. more than 60% of the subjects were infected with more than one parasite: one had ... | 1995 | 8544228 |
[blastocystis hominis: a common commensal in the colon. study of prevalence in different populations of paris]. | to compare the prevalence of blastocystis hominis in different population categories in paris, including immunodepressed subjects. | 1995 | 8545396 |
blastocystis hominis in human immunodeficiency virus-related diarrhea. | a wide variety of bacterial, viral, and parasitic pathogens can cause severe diarrhea in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. conflicting evidence exists as to whether blastocystis hominis should also be included among the infectious agents capable of causing hiv-related diarrhea. | 1995 | 8578192 |
human parasite finds taxonomic home. | | 1996 | 8602239 |
obligate anaerobe or not. | | 1996 | 8610009 |
prevalence of enteropathogens in stools of rural maasai children under five years of age in the maasailand region of the kenyan rift valley. | stool samples were collected during august 1994 from seventy rural maasai children under the age of five years who were living in the maasailand region of the kenyan rift valley. microbiological analysis was carried out on these samples to identify which intestinal pathogens were present among the infant population of the maasai. of the samples studied 54% were pathogen positive. the most common pathogen isolated was giardia lamblia which was detected in 31% of the samples. other pathogens that ... | 1996 | 8625866 |
[blastocystis hominis in a zone of northern italy]. | | 1996 | 8650434 |
blastocystis hominis infection. | | 1996 | 8684227 |
blastocystosis or zierdt-garavelli disease. | | 1996 | 8692759 |
dna polymorphism revealed by arbitrary primers polymerase chain reaction among blastocystis strains isolated from humans, a chicken, and a reptile. | dna polymorphisms of different strains of blastocystis isolated from humans, a chicken, and a reptile were examined by an arbitrary primer pcr method. two strains of blastocystis hominis isolated from humans in the usa and japan yielded nearly identical pcr products. however, one strain of b. hominis (isolated from a human in singapore) yielded quite different pcr products. blastocystis sp. isolated from a chicken yielded pcr products similar to those of the former two strains, while blastocysti ... | 1996 | 8720942 |
the occurrence of blastocystis hominis in hiv-infected patients. | | 1996 | 8728052 |
occurrence of giardia lamblia in children of municipal day-care centers from botucatu, são paulo state, brazil. | considering that the number of day-care centers for pre-school-age children has expanded rapidly in developing countries, and that these institutions presenting conditions that facilitate the transmission of many enteric agents, a parasitological survey was carried out in three municipal day-cares from botucatu: two in the urban area (one in downtown area and the other one in the city periphery area) and the third in the rural area. three separate stool specimens were collected from 147 children ... | 1995 | 8731262 |
observations on the ultrastructure and viability of the cystic stage of blastocystis hominis from human feces. | this report describes the ultrastructure and viability of cysts of blastocystis hominis from feces of infected patients. the cysts were round to ovoid, measured 2-5 microns in size, and contained a condensed cytoplasm that had vacuoles of varying sizes, four nuclei, and as many as six cristate mitochondria. the cell wall was rather electron-lucent. surprisingly, chromatoid-like structures were found in the cytoplasm and nucleus of some of the cysts. these have not previously been reported in bla ... | 1996 | 8738284 |
colony formation of blastocystis hominis in soft agar. | this is the first description of a method for growing axenized blastocystis hominis as colonies in petri dishes containing soft agar. blastocystis cells cultured in two types of agar appeared to show different colonial morphologies as well as differing colony yields. microscopic examination of the colonies revealed many amoeboid and giant cells. many cells were also shown to possess thin filament-like structures that appeared to stretch across the central vacuole. | 1996 | 8740557 |
production and characterization of murine monoclonal antibodies to blastocystis hominis. | several hybridomas producing antibodies detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were established by fusions of mouse myeloma p3.x63.ag8.u1 with spleen cells from balb/c mice immunized against an isolate of blastocystis hominis. five strongly positive hybrids (6b6, 1d5, 1e7, 4f7 and 4g11) were cloned and all were found to secrete igm monoclonal antibodies. four mabs (6b6, 1e7, 4f7 and 4g11) reacted in immunoblots with a number of b. hominis antigens (mol. wt ranging from 25,000 to 2 ... | 1996 | 8773525 |
intestinal parasites in children and adults with and without abdominal discomfort from the kathmandu area of nepal. | the present study on intestinal parasites from the kathmandu area of nepal found that in subjectively healthy children (hc) and adults (ha) the total parasite load was 28.1% and 38.8%, respectively, whereas children (adc) and adults (ada) with abdominal discomfort had a load of 62.7% and 67.8%. the prevalence of nematodes in the 4 groups was significantly higher in those with abdominal discomfort, particularly of hookworm, enterobius, and ascaris. hymenolepis nana was the most common tapeworm, a ... | 1996 | 8783972 |
phylogenetic position of blastocystis hominis that contains cytochrome-free mitochondria, inferred from the protein phylogeny of elongation factor 1 alpha. | | 1996 | 8813670 |
identification of surface coat carbohydrates in blastocystis hominis by lectin probes. | the carbohydrate residues of the surface coat of 20 axenic cultures of blastocystis hominis were studied using fitc-labelled lectins (cona, wga, dba, hpa, sba, pna, ueai and lpa). the specific affinity of reactive lectins was determinated by competitive inhibition assay with specific carbohydrates or by enzymatic pre-treatment of cells. all stocks strongly bound cona and hpa; wga, ueai and lpa were partially reactive, and the remaining lectins were nonreactive. inhibition assays showed abolition ... | 1996 | 8818733 |
axenic culture of reptilian blastocystis isolates in monophasic medium and speciation by karyotypic typing. | the growth of axenic reptilian isolates of blastocystis in iscove's modified dulbecco's medium (imdm) was studied and the morphology of the parasite was examined by phase-contrast microscopy. the chromosomal patterns of these reptilian isolates of blastocystis were examined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and compared with those of b. hominis and b. lapemi, a sea snake blastocystis. imdm with 10% horse serum supported excellent growth of the reptilian blastocystis isolates. the parasi ... | 1996 | 8825212 |
the diagnosis of blastocystis hominis cysts in human faeces. | blastocystis hominis cysts in faeces can be concentrated on ficoll column. they are pleomorphic in shape having a mean diameter of 6.65 microns (s.d. = 2.32). they may or may not have a membranous layer surrounding them. the membranous layer tends to come off with pressure or dying of the specimen and corresponds to the fibrillar layer observed under the electron microscope. the ficoll concentration technique is also useful for concentrating other protozoan cysts. | 1996 | 8842989 |
severe blastocystis hominis in an elderly man. | we describe a unique case of severe blastocystis hominis infection in an elderly man with severe dehydration, marked leukocytosis and hypoalbuminaemia after antibiotic treatment for right pneumonia. the patient recovered after treatment with metronidazole. this case presentation demonstrates the ability of b. hominis to induce severe gastrointestinal manifestations and general deterioration, particularly in light of the controversy surrounding its possible potential pathogenicity. we believe, th ... | 1996 | 8842998 |
gastrointestinal parasite infections. | | 1996 | 8843840 |
[protozoan infection (blastocystis hominis) concomitant with pseudomonas sp. peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd)]. | case-report of protozoal infection (blastocystis bominis) during pseudomonas peritonitis in male patient with intestinal diverticulosis on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd) treatment for chronic renal failure (crf). microscopic morphology and cultural characteristics are summarized from current literature. photographic images in phase contrast from fresh-observation of faeces and peritoneal fluid are reported. although other protozoa (e.g. acanthamoeba free-living) have already be ... | 1996 | 8848771 |
blastocystis hominis revisited. | blastocystis hominis is a unicellular organism found commonly in the intestinal tract of humans and many other animals. very little is known of the basic biology of the organism, and controversy surrounds its taxonomy and pathogenicity. there morphological forms (vacuolar, granular, and ameboid) have been recognized, but recent studies have revealed several additional forms (cyst, avacuolar, and multivacuolar). the biochemistry of the organism has not been studied to any extent, and organelles a ... | 1996 | 8894352 |
clonal growth of blastocystis hominis in soft agar with sodium thioglycollate. | the present report describes a method for establishment of colonies of blastocystis hominis from single cells in soft agar. the percentage of colony-forming efficiency (% cfe = number of colonies grown/number of cells inoculated x 100) for the cultures was greatly improved by the addition of sodium thioglycollate. five human blastocystis isolates chosen for this study showed no apparent variation in colonial morphology. isolated colonies were also successfully grown in liquid medium, providing a ... | 1996 | 8897510 |
intestinal parasitism in san cayetano, corrientes, argentina. | an epidemiologic study was conducted in san cayetano, a village in the province of corrientes, argentina, to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitoses in children. eighty-eight households were randomly selected. stool samples were collected from 207 children (72% of the school-age population and 12% of the total village population) over a period of six consecutive days, and were subjected to microscopic examination. of the samples examined, 170 (83%) contained one or more parasites, of ... | 1996 | 8897723 |
[case report of colitis associated with blastocystis hominis infection]. | | 1996 | 8905973 |
resistance of blastocystis hominis cysts to metronidazole. | blastocystis hominis cysts concentrated from faeces were resistant to metronidazole up to a concentration of 5 mg/ml. a cysticidal drug is therefore needed for radical treatment, to avoid relapse and to prevent transmission. | 1996 | 8911453 |
hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis and blastocystis hominis. | | 1996 | 8929001 |
resistance of blastocystis hominis cysts to chlorine. | | 1996 | 8936976 |
freeze-fracture cytochemistry of membrane cholesterol in blastocystis hominis. | membrane cholesterol in blastocystis hominis was detected by freeze-fracture methods using a polyene antibiotic, filipin. since the intramembrane particles (imp) were distributed heterogeneously on both plasma and vacuole membranes, many imp-free areas were observed. even in filipin-treated cells, filipin-cholesterol complexes were not detected in imp-free areas on the plasma membrane, whereas on the central vacuole membrane the complexes were mainly observed in imp-free regions. these results i ... | 1996 | 8982792 |
[chronic diarrheic syndrome from blastocystis hominis]. | | 1996 | 8983372 |
description of an improved method for blastocystis hominis culture and axenization. | an improved method for blastocystis hominis culture and axenization was developed in the present study. stool samples were cultured in prereduced boeck-drbohlav nhi modified medium (with several modifications) supplemented with antibiotics (0.4% ampicillin, 0.1% streptomycin, 0.0006% amphotericin b). axenization was performed by the combination of partial purification of b. hominis by ficoll-metrizoic acid gradient and inoculation in fresh medium containing active antibiotics against remaining b ... | 1997 | 9000236 |
intestinal sarcocystosis in thai laborers. | to determine the prevalence of sarcocystis and other intestinal parasites in thai laborers who were going abroad for work, stool examinations of 362 asymptomatic laborers were studied. the four most frequently parasites found in stool were sarcocystis sp (23.2%), opisthorchis viverini (40.3%), hookworm (21.5%), and strongyloides stercoralis (14.1%). giardia intestinalis (5.2%), entamoeba coli (1.7%), endolimax nana (2.5%), blastocystis hominis (4.1%), echinostoma sp (3.6%), trichuris trichiura ( ... | 1996 | 9031398 |
cryptosporidiosis and blastocystosis in renal transplant recipients. | some intestinal parasitic infections are frequently seen in renal transplant recipients. parasites such as cryptosporidium spp. and blastocystis hominis are often asymptomatic or responsible for limited infections in normals, but may cause prolonged and heavy infections with gastrointestinal complaints, mainly diarrhea, in immunocompromised patients. such infections can often not be detected by routine diagnostic procedures, but special concentration and staining methods are needed. we investiga ... | 1997 | 9041537 |
[identification of blastocystis hominis in concentrated fecal samples]. | | 1996 | 9044649 |
variation in the cyst morphology of blastocystis hominis. | two types of blastocystis hominis cyst are passed in human feces, one with an outer fibrillar coat and the other without it. the outer fibrillar coat is shed as the cyst matures, but another fibrillar coat forms that is closely attached to the cyst wall and is clearly visible at high magnification in the electron microscope. the internal structure of the two cyst form is similar. | 1997 | 9089732 |
[blastocystis hominis infection: a case report]. | blastocytis hominis has long been described as a non-pathogenetic protozoan parasite until recently, when claims have been made that it could be the cause of intestinal disorders. the clinical picture of b. hominis consists of non specific abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting and weight loss. rarely a more invasive form of the disease with rectal bleeding can occur. we describe the case of a ten year-old girl who was admitted to our hospital for diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. ... | 1996 | 9091775 |
in vitro response of blastocystis hominis against traditional chinese medicine. | this is the first inn vitro study on the activity of 20 kinds of crude extracts of traditional chinese medicine (tcm) on the intestinal parasite, blastocystis hominis using the criteria of living cell count (lcc) and living cell rate (lcr). lcc and lcr were applied as observation indicators, the former as a fixed-quantity and the latter as a fixed-quality method. lcr calculated percentage rate of living cells using eosin-brilliant cresyl blue staining which could differentiate between living cel ... | 1996 | 9121165 |
significantly increased igg2 subclass antibody levels to blastocystis hominis in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. | blastocystis hominis is a common intestinal parasite of humans in the tropics whose pathogenic role is in dispute. its presence has been reported in a variety of intestinal disorders resembling irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) such as diarrhea, anorexia, and flatulence. we have therefore investigated a possible link between ibs and blastocystosis by determining igg antibody levels to b. hominis in patients with ibs. levels of igg antibodies were significantly elevated in patients with ibs compared ... | 1997 | 9129532 |
experimental blastocystis hominis infection in laboratory mice. | young (less than 8 weeks old) immunocompetent balb/c mice became infected with blastocystis hominis after inoculation of fecal cysts orally and of in vitro axenic-culture forms intracecally. this study confirmed that the fecal cyst was the form responsible for external transmission and that the mode of transmission was by the fecal-oral route. the infection was self-limiting and the infected balb/c mice appeared normal except that some of them showed weight loss and lethargy. both vacuolar and g ... | 1997 | 9134552 |
a comparative morphology of blastocystis hominis cysts with and without the "fibrillar layer". | | 1995 | 9139399 |
epidemiologic survey of blastocystis hominis infection in japan. | the incidence of blastocystis hominis in a healthy population was determined by fecal examination of 6,422 japanese and 54 resident non-japanese who visited the st. luke's international hospital health screening center for a routine medical check-up during a one-year period. of the enrolled subjects, 30 japanese (0.5%) and four non-japanese (7.4%) had b. hominis in their stools. these individuals were asymptomatic except for one who reported flatus and one who reported mild abdominal discomfort. ... | 1997 | 9158042 |
enteropathogens associated with diarrhea among military personnel during operation bright star 96, in alexandria, egypt. | this study investigated the microbial causes of diarrheal disease among u.s. troops deployed near alexandria, egypt, during october 1995. bacterial causes associated with 19 cases of diarrhea included: enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec), 42% (21% heat-stable, 11% heat-labile, and 11% heat-stable/ heat-labile producers); enteropathogenic e. coli (5.3%); and enteroadherent e. coli (42%). four cases of diarrhea were associated with enteroaggregative e. coli based on probe analysis for enteroag ... | 1997 | 9183160 |
[routine cases in intestinal parasitology]. | the majority of intestinal parasites isolated in switzerland is imported by refugees and travellers. nematodes are more frequently isolated in the first group, whereas giardia duodenalis and strongyloides stercoralis predominate in the second. symptoms are usually mild, but occasionally diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss may be encountered. hypereosinophilia occurs frequently with some parasites. four cases chosen from the outpatient department of a swiss medical polyclinic are presented a ... | 1997 | 9190665 |
intestinal parasitism--protozoa and helminths--in primates at the barcelona zoo. | the faunistic results regarding intestinal parasitism by protozoa and helminths in 21 primate species (three cebidae, thirteen cercopithecidae, one hylobatidae, one lemuridae, three pongidae) are reported. the primate species were housed in four separate galleries. six faecal samples of each host species were subjected to coprological analysis. fifteen parasite species were detected: 11 protozoa (entamoeba coli, e. chattoni, e. hartmanni, iodamoeba bütschlii, endolimax nana, giardia intestinalis ... | 1996 | 9210027 |
extensive genetic diversity in blastocystis hominis. | blastocystis homonis is a common human parasite of uncertain role in human disease. approximately equal numbers of reports implicate it and exonerate it as a pathogen. genetic diversity in b. hominis was investigated using riboprinting to study sequence variation in the small subunit ribosomal rna genes of 30 randomly selected isolates. extensive sequence variation was discovered in b. hominis ribosomal rna genes and this species consists of at least seven morphologically identical but genetical ... | 1997 | 9233675 |
intestinal parasites among food-handlers in qualyobia governorate, with reference to the pathogenic parasite blastocystis hominis. | a total of 1700 male food handlers, above 20 years of age who came for health clearance certificate were the subjects of the present study. health assessment questionnaire was filled out on each person including dietary habits, water supply, history of diarrhoeal disease. clinical examination and stool samples collection in 3 alternative days were performed. the food handlers were divided into symptomatic (700) and saymptomatic (1000). different concentration methods as well as test tube culture ... | 1997 | 9257986 |
observations on the surface coat of blastocystis hominis. | the surface coat of blastocystis hominis was studied in the electron microscope. in some cells the surface coat was seen in two layers; the external layer was more electron-dense and fragmented than the internal layer. it appears that the surface coat is being continuously formed by the parasite and shed in the environment. the fibrillar material of the surface coat attaches to the bacteria, in some cases, completely surrounding them, possibly causing cytoplasmic damage to the bacterial cell as ... | 1997 | 9272568 |
the role of blastocystis hominis as a possible intestinal pathogen in travellers. | the role of blastocystis hominis as a pathogen for man has been controversially discussed, while travel history has been implicated as a risk factor of infection. few controlled studies of the association between b. hominis and symptomatic diseases have been performed. therefore, a case-control study among 795 german tourists returning from tropical countries was conducted. the prevalence of the organism among patients with and without symptoms was assessed. blastocystis hominis was detected in ... | 1997 | 9279726 |
karyotypic diversity among blastocystis hominis isolates. | fifteen blastocystis hominis strains, 13 axenic and 2 monoxenic, have been included in the present study. the chromosomal pattern was analyzed by the contour-clamped homogeneous electric-field (chef) system. the number of chromosomes detected ranged between 9 and 13, with sizes from 2200 kbp to 260 kbp. eleven karyotypic profiles, with a common pattern constituted by 8 chromosomes of 2200, 1280, 890, 840, 700, 650, 540 and 260 kbp, were observed. the jaccard index demonstrated that the similarit ... | 1997 | 9292310 |
survival of blastocystis hominis clones after exposure to a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody. | our previous studies have shown that monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to blastocystis hominis react mainly with carbohydrate epitopes, while 1 mab (1d5) reacts specifically with a protein of 30.5 kda. in the present study, 3 monoclonal antibodies (1d5, 1e7 and 4f7) were used in immunogold localization. 1e7 and 4f7 were found to react primarily with the surface coat, while 1d5 was plasma membrane-specific. in the presence of complement, only 1d5 exhibited a cytotoxic effect on b. hominis whereas 1e7 ... | 1997 | 9292311 |
five subgroups of blastocystis hominis from symptomatic and asymptomatic patients revealed by restriction site analysis of pcr-amplified 16s-like rdna. | dna polymorphism of blastocystis hominis isolates was examined by the amplification of a gene fragment coding for the 16s-like rdna. using identical primers, fragments of approximately 850 bp were amplified from 110 b. hominis isolates and fragments of 1.1 kbp were amplified from 48 isolates. digestion of the amplification products with the restriction enzymes hinfi, rsai, and alui revealed different profiles for each fragment length. subgroup i and ii, resulting from digestion of the smaller 85 ... | 1997 | 9294547 |
[clinical significance of blastocystis hominis infection: epidemiologic study]. | to evaluate the frequency of blastocystis hominis parasitation and to ascertain its role as an intestinal a prospective study during 18 months pathogen has been carried out. | 1997 | 9303956 |
[a morphological study of blastocysts in lower monkeys using light microscopy]. | the paper shows a high infection of some species of nonhuman primates with blastocysts. lower rates of infection with this pathogen were observed in younger animals. the blastocysts isolated from macaca mulatta were microscopically analyzed. the findings indicate a great morphological similarity between the blastocysts of primates and those of man (blastocystis hominis). | 1997 | 9304026 |
phase-contrast microscopy of cell division in blastocystis hominis. | | 1997 | 9307666 |
parasitological and nutritional situation of school children in the sukaraja district, west java, indonesia. | a parasitological survey of children aged 8 to 10 years from ten schools located in the rural district sukaraja, west java, indonesia was conducted in december 1995. a total of 348 fecal samples were examined by using modified kato-katz thick smear techniques, 365 blood samples for the measurement of hemoglobin concentration, and anthropometric data were obtained from 404 participants. four nematode (hookworm taken as one species), two cestode and nine protozoan species were detected, but no tre ... | 1997 | 9322303 |
blastocystis hominis infection in cuban aids patients. | | 1997 | 9332594 |
parasites elicited cross-reacting antibodies to opisthorchis viverrini. | two batches of crude antigens extracted from adult opisthorchis viverrini worms were compared. one was derived from adult worms harvested from the livers of laboratory infected hamsters and another was obtained from worms sedimented from the faeces of opisthorchiasis patients following treatment with praziquantel. sds-page and coomassie brilliant blue staining revealed that the two preparations had similar protein components of which the predominant ones were the 17-18 kda doublet. the antigens ... | 1997 | 9346276 |
blastocystis hominis in animals: incidence of four serogroups. | in toto, 520 faecal samples from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and snails were investigated (see table 1). 91 strains of blastocystis hominis could be isolated by culture. however, only 48 of them were suitable for axenisation. 96 percent of samples belonged to four serogroups detected in humans but two strains, one from a pig and another from a duck, could not be classified, suggesting the existence of one or two further serogroups. while humans showed mainly serogroups i and ii, ... | 1997 | 9361389 |
usefulness of new dna extraction procedure for pcr technique in species identification of entamoeba isolates. | in this study we have developed a modified clark and diamond (1992, 1993) method using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify amoebic ribosomal rna genes that allow either specific detection of entamoeba histolytica s. str. or amoeba species identification. dna was isolated from cultured protozoa or from stool samples (cysts and/or trophozoites). cultures of xenic or axenic material (also stool samples) were treated with easy genomic dna prep or genomic dna prep plus (a&a biotechnology, poland ... | 1997 | 9374591 |
[extraintestinal blastocystosis. a review of the literature]. | | 1997 | 9380947 |
[parasitosis in an adult population with chronic gastrointestinal disorders]. | we worked with 185 middle-class patients above 18 years of age, both sexes, who presented diarrhea and/or chronic gastrointestinal disorders. the faeces were collected serially in formol 10% and processed in the following way: direct microscopy, with and without wet staining, concentration by ritchie's method, 1% safranine technique for a specific investigation of cryptosporidium sp., and faecal sieving macroparasites. twenty eight point six of the studied patients showed at least one enteropara ... | 1997 | 9412130 |
blastocystis hominis among apparently healthy food handlers in jeddah, saudi arabia. | a prospective study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of blastocystis hominis among random sample of apparently healthy food handlers. a total of 250 non saudi males over 21 years of age were examined. ninety (36%) had pathogenic and non pathogenic intestinal parasites. a total of 143 parasites were detected in their stool specimens. twenty were b. hominis (13.99%) while other parasites were 123 (86.01%). b. hominis was found in 20 positive cases (22.22%) with an overall rate of 8%. ... | 1997 | 9425825 |
[blastocystis hominis, intestinal pathogen]. | | 1997 | 9453768 |
hep-2 cell-adherent escherichia coli and intestinal secretory immune response to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in outpatients with hiv-associated diarrhea. | hep-2 cell-adherent escherichia coli and the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) itself have recently been incriminated as causes of chronic hiv-associated diarrhea. this study sought to determine the prevalence of these two agents among hiv-infected patients with diarrhea in an outpatient setting in the united states and to compare their prevalence to that of other commonly recognized enteropathogens known to be present in this population. hep-2 cell-adherent e. coli was found in 20 of 83 (24.1% ... | 1998 | 9455887 |
isoenzyme patterns of blastocystis hominis patient isolates derived from symptomatic and healthy carriers. | isolates of blastocystis hominis derived from patients with intestinal symptoms and from healthy carriers were cultured in vitro and isoenzyme patterns of hexokinase (e.c., phosphoglucomutase (e.c. and glucose phosphate isomerase (e.c. were investigated to find evidence for pathogenic and non-pathogenic subspecies of b. hominis. for this purpose we examined 2000 patients of the out-patient department of the institute for tropical medicine in tübingen. from these, we ob ... | 1997 | 9491103 |
in vitro encystation of blastocystis hominis: a kinetics and cytochemistry study. | the kinetics of in vitro encystation of blastocystis hominis was studied over 9 days. the differentiation between trophic (tf) and cyst forms (cf) was determined by differential counts before and after treatment with distilled water. a cytochemistry study using acridine orange and calcofluor white wet-mount preparations of cf was carried out. the growth curves of tf and cf were related because the decrease in tf was followed by an increase in cf, and vice versa. the maximum of cf counts was obta ... | 1998 | 9491427 |
[human infection by intestinal protozoa and helminths in calbuco county, x region, chile, 1997]. | by the performance of parasitological examination of one fecal sample per individual, a total of 256 persons from a rural county in the x region (41 degrees 50 minutes south lat., 73 degrees 05 minutes west long.) were studied. the general rates of infection by intestinal parasite and/or commensal protozoa and helminths found were: giardia intestinalis 14.1%, entamoeba histolytica 11.7%, blastocystis hominis 36.0%, entamoeba coli 9.8%, endolimax nana 16.4%, iodamoeba buetschlii 1.2%, chilomastix ... | 1997 | 9497539 |
glycerol with fetal calf serum--a better cryoprotectant for blastocystis hominis. | | 1998 | 9569099 |
nitazoxanide for the treatment of intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections in mexico. | a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of nitazoxanide as a single agent for the treatment of a broad spectrum of mixed parasitic infections, both protozoa and helminths, was conducted at a primary school in san pedro tolimán, querétaro, mexico. three faecal samples from 1824 adults and children were screened for the presence of oocysts, cysts, trophozoites, eggs or larvae of intestinal protozoa or helminths. two hundred and forty-six adults and children infected with at least one protozoan ... | 1997 | 9580117 |
[an educational intervention to improve the quality of coproparasitological diagnosis in laboratories of havana city, cuba] | the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program carried out in 1993. the intervention took place after the first external quality assessment in coproparasitology, conducted in 77 laboratories of havana city. centers receiving training were compared with those that did not, and better results were obtained in the municipalities of 10 de octubre, plaza, and cerro, as well as in all laboratories that sent people to training. better diagnosis was found for the helmi ... | 1998 | 9592219 |
[the clinical manifestations produced by blastocystis hominis in childhood]. | | 1998 | 9611725 |
cytopathic effects of blastocystis hominis on chinese hamster ovary (cho) and adeno carcinoma ht29 cell cultures. | blastocystis hominis isolates from asymptomatic carriers and symptomatic patients were cultured in vitro, purified from the co-cultivated bacterial flora and tested for cytopathic effects on monolayers of chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells and adeno carcinoma ht29 cells. in the case of the cho cells, living b. hominis cells and b. hominis cell lysates were able to cause significant cytopathic effects, which were dependent on the concentration of cells employed. destruction of the cell monolayers ... | 1998 | 9623944 |
the differential identification of blastocystis hominis cysts. | | 1998 | 9625921 |
[prevalence of blastocystis hominis infection in schoolchildren from bolivar city, venezuela]. | blastocystis hominis is found in about 25% of feces in normal asymptomatic people. its pathogenic role is still discussed. a prospective study was performed to determine the prevalence of b. hominis infection in schoolchildren from bolivar city. we evaluated 446 children, between five and fourteen years old, both sexes, using direct examination of feces and willis method. they were also evaluated clinically. results showed that b. hominis had a prevalence of 16.8%. we did not find a statisticall ... | 1997 | 9640685 |
intestinal parasite infections after extended use of chloroquine or primaquine for malaria prevention. | comparative results of baseline and endpoint screening for intestinal parasites are reported from javanese men enrolled in a year-long, placebo-controlled malaria prophylaxis trial in irian jaya. the objective was to detect nontarget qualitative changes that may have resulted from prolonged chloroquine (300 mg base weekly) or primaquine (0.5 mg base/kg daily) prophylaxis. fresh fecal specimens were examined (blinded trial) for parasites and ova using a modified kato-katz thick smear method. more ... | 1998 | 9645872 |
evaluation of intestinal protozoan morphology in human fecal specimens preserved in ecofix: comparison of wheatley's trichrome stain and ecostain. | as a result of disposal problems related to the use of mercury compounds, many laboratories have switched from mercuric chloride-based schaudinn's and polyvinyl alcohol (pva) stool preservatives to other, non-mercury-based preservatives. a comparison of organism recoveries and morphologies of the intestinal protozoa was undertaken with pva containing the ecofix zinc-based schaudinn's preservative (meridian diagnostics, inc.); both wheatley's modification of gomori's trichrome stain (wt) and ecos ... | 1998 | 9650947 |
detection of blastocystis sp. in domestic dogs and cats. | blastocystis sp. was detected in faecal samples from domestic dogs and cats in brisbane, australia. the prevalence rates were high, with 70.8% of the dogs and 67.3% of the cats infected with this organism. blastocystis sp. from faecal material from two dogs was successfully cultured on inspissated egg slant medium for several months, but could not be maintained for longer periods. blastocystis sp. from feline faecal samples failed to grow in culture. the parasites found in dogs and cats were gen ... | 1998 | 9653986 |
blastocystosis in preschool children from bolivar city, venezuela | to evaluate the prevalence of blastocystis hominis and its clinical relevance, 169 preschool children from the 'los coquitos' nursery school living in bolivar city, venezuela, were studied. stool samples were obtained and examined by direct microscopic examination, and the faust and willis concentration techniques. some 72 of the children had intestinal parasites, of whom 32 (29.09%) had b. hominis. prevalence for the latter was 18.93 % +/- 5.93 %. no differences were observed by sex or age (x(2 ... | 1998 | 9658225 |
cytopathic effect of blastocystis hominis after intramuscular inoculation into laboratory mice. | the present study investigated the pathogenesis of blastocystis hominis by intramuscular injection of the organism into experimental mice. a total of 27 naïve balb/c mice aged 6-8 weeks were injected in the leg muscle with axenic culture isolate b of b. hominis. histological examination at different times revealed that b. hominis could produce a severe inflammatory reaction and myonecrosis. most changes were observed at 6 h after injection and for up to 2-3 days. by 2 weeks the muscle had regain ... | 1998 | 9660133 |
scanning electron microscopy of blastocystis hominis cysts. | scanning electron microscopy of blastocystis hominis cysts reveals that some cysts have an outer coat, whereas others are naked. if intact, the outer coat forms a fan-like structure around the cyst and its surface is granular. the fragmented outer coat adheres to other cysts and bacteria, forming irregular clumps. | 1998 | 9660137 |
genomic polymorphism among blastocystis hominis strains and development of subtype-specific diagnostic primers. | genomic polymorphisms among nine strains of blastocystis hominis were examined by random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) using four different arbitrary polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers. based on the rapd patterns, nine strains were classified into three groups. the specific primers designed from the unique bands yielded a single band from within each same group, but did not amplify between all the groups examined. specificity of these diagnostic primers was tested against several common ... | 1998 | 9664577 |
[health examination of children from the democratic sahara republic (north west africa) on vacation in spain]. | we present results of a global health evaluation of groups of children from the democratic sahara republic who came to spain for vacation. | 1998 | 9718764 |
[blastocystis hominis: the enigma continues]. | | 1998 | 9789449 |
acute gvhd involving the gastrointestinal tract and infestation with blastocystis hominis in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. | a 21-year-old female underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (abmt) from her hla matched brother for chronic myeloid leukaemia in the chronic phase. four weeks post transplant she developed tenesmus, mucoid stool mixed with blood and lower abdominal pain. this rapidly progressed to greenish watery diarrhoea with flakes of mucous membrane floating in it, conforming to the classical clinical description of acute gvhd of the bowel. stool microscopy showed profuse numbers of blastocystis ho ... | 1998 | 9877276 |
etiologies of acute, persistent, and dysenteric diarrheas in adults in bangui, central african republic, in relation to human immunodeficiency virus serostatus. | a study of the etiologies of diarrhea in adults in relation to their human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) serostatus and number of cd4+ cells was carried out in the central african republic. in cases and controls, multi-parasitism was observed. salmonella spp. were identified mainly during acute diarrhea, with 50% of the s. enteritidis isolated during the study being responsible for septicemia and/or urinary tract infection in immunodeficient patients. enteroaggregative escherichia coli (eaggec) w ... | 1998 | 9886215 |
soluble-protein and antigenic heterogeneity in axenic blastocystis hominis isolates: pathogenic implications. | the protein profile and the antigenic cross-reactivity of 18 axenic isolates of blastocystis hominis obtained from symptomatic patients with chronic diarrhea (14 isolates) showing no evidence of parasitic etiology and from patients with acute diarrhea attributable in 2 cases to salmonella spp. were analyzed. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of soluble proteins showed the existence of a common profile composed of 31 bands, with molecular weights ranging between 24 and >20 ... | 1999 | 9934956 |
development of blastocystis hominis cysts into vacuolar forms in vitro. | the development of cysts of blastocystis hominis isolated from human feces by the ficoll-paque concentration method and cultured in jones' medium containing 10% horse serum is described. the morphological changes were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy at different intervals for up to 48 h. the cysts developed into a large number of vacuolar forms within 24 h, and binary fission was the only mode of reproduction observed. | 1999 | 9934958 |
irregular shedding of blastocystis hominis. | the shedding pattern of the protozoan parasite, blastocystis hominis, is investigated in man and in experimental animal infections. the shedding pattern of the vacuolar and cystic forms of blastocystis hominis in infected individuals have been shown in the present study to be irregular. the study shows that there is marked fluctuation in the shedding of the parasite from day to day, varying from as high as 17 to 0 per x40 microscopic field. the cystic stages when estimated in 8 blastocystis-infe ... | 1999 | 9934969 |
characterization of protein profiles and cross-reactivity of blastocystis antigens by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis. | the protein profiles of blastocystis hominis, b. lapemi, and b. ratti were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and species could be differentiated by this means as well as by western-blot analysis with polyclonal antibodies. no intraspecies difference could be distinguished between the two b. hominis isolates or the three b. ratti isolates. western-blot analysis showed extensive cross-reactivity of b. lapemi and b. hominis antigens with anti-b. ratti ... | 1999 | 10099019 |
postcystic development of blastocystis hominis. | a concentrated suspension of blastocystis hominis cysts was inoculated into jones' medium and removed after 24 h for study of their development at the ultrastructural level. the parasite divides in the cyst, and up to three daughter cells can be seen. during this process the cyst wall dissolves, leaving behind thin membranous remnants. excystation occurs mostly by the emergence of the daughter cells through an aperture in the outer fibrillar coat. before excystation the vacuolar and the granular ... | 1999 | 10344535 |