
selection of cell culture systems for virus isolation.a survey of cell culture systems for virus isolation is presented. because there is not single cell culture system which will support the many viruses that may be encountered in clinical specimens, the characteristics and susceptibility of primary, diploid, and continuous cell cultures are reviewed. the primary cell culture system should be susceptible to infection with myxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, adenoviruses, and coxsackie b viruses, since these are not consistently recognized in diploid cel ...1976179319
[some morphological parameters in adenovirus, sv 40 and para-transformed cells]. 1975179482
viruses and cancer of the lower genital tract.the importance of viruses as oncogenic agents in animals is well established. recent work suggests that viruses may also be etiologically related to some human cancers. herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) and the genital wart virus are prime suspects in carcinomas involving the female lower genital tract. in particular, a close association has been found between hsv-2 infection and cervical neoplasia in cytohistopathologic and seroepidemiologic studies. preliminary results of prospective studies ...1976179694
fluorescent antibody responses to adenoviruses in humans.specific igg, iga, and igm immunoglobulin antibody responses to adenovirus infections were studied by the indirect immunofluorescent technique in six pairs of human sera obtained during acute and convalescent phases of the illness. in addition, 70 single specimens of sera showing adenovirus igg antibody from different age groups from birth to the 60th year of life were titrated for the same antibody to adenovirus types 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, and 170 serum specimens from the same age groups were scre ...1976180061
measurements of the prevalence of viral infections.viral diseases exert their major impact through morbidity, impairment of personal health, loss of time at work and school, and cost of medical care. relatively few of the known viruses cause a significant number of deaths; influenza, childhood viral pneumonia, and hepatitis are the only viral diseases causing more than 1,000 deaths per year. data based on the national health interview survey of the national center for health statistics show that the common cold annually causes 35.6 acute illness ...1976180208
inhibition of murine sarcoma virus induced transformation by adenovirus structural proteins.the purified fibre and hexon of adenovirus 12 inhibit the transformation in tissue culture of murine sarcoma virus (msv-m) by as much as 80% and 70%, respectively, when they are added to cells 8 to 2o h before msv-m infection. during a 12 h period, only about 6 to 8% of added radiolabelled viral proteins become associated with cells (or i-o mug protein bound/10(5) cells). no inhibition occurs when the proteins are added simultaneously with msv-m or 90 min or 4 h after msv-m. there is also a dire ...1976180250
[standardization of viral hemagglutination inhibition tests]. 1975180389
[polyadenylic acid sequence in viral rna]. 1976180689
[acute respiratory tract infections--virological problems]. 1976180703
virus-induced experimental brain tumors and putative associations of viruses with human brain tumors: a review. 1976180779
[the significance of celo virus as a hatching egg contaminant with special reference to its oncogenic properties].a group of young hamsters was injected subcutaneously in the neck region with allantoic fluid containing celo virus. a second group received transplants of cells from tumours induced by celo virus. tumours developed in both groups. the latent period was shorter after transplantation than after virus inoculation. the tumours grew progressively, histologically resembling fibrosarcoma. it is recommended that hatching eggs infected with celo virus should not be used in vaccine production.1975180924
infection of newborn taiwan monkeys (macaca cyclopis) with human adenovirus type 12 and simian virus 40.for testing biological response of newborn taiwan monkeys to infection of human adenovirus type 12 (ad12) and simian virus 40 (sv40), 40 newborn taiwan monkeys were inoculated with ad12, ad12, plus sv40, ad12 supplemented with ad12-induced hamster tumor tissue (ad12 tumor) or control specimens (hela or african green monkey kidney cell lysate). among them 26 survived including 8 newborn monkeys inoculated with control specimens. the survivors were observed for 4 years but no tumor was produced. t ...1975181217
[virus infections of the respiratory tract of dogs].canine respiratory infections are reviewed with special reference to those caused by agents, other than distemper and canine infectious hepatitis viruses, but producing, both naturally and experimentally, the so-called distemper-like syndromes. the existence of canine infections caused by adeno-herpes-,reo-, and paramyxoviruses is reported, and for each of these agents the physicochemical characteristics, pathogenicity for dogs and other animal species, incidence and methods of dissemination are ...1975181300
detection of immune complexes in the serum of dogs infected with canine adenovirus.evidence for the presence of circulating virus-immune complexes in dogs experimentally infected with canine adenovirus was found when deposits of canine igg were present in the glomeruli of recipient mice. this passive transfer of complexes occurred only with serum taken at the height of the disease when antibody titres were low and when deposition of complexes in the donor dogs was maximal. transfer of complexes was not obtained early in the disease (no circulating antibody and minimal depositi ...1976181806
importance of associated viral and bacterial infections in the production of acute pneumonias.bacteriologic and virologic investigations carried out in a group of 85 patients with acute pneumonia have allowed the determination of the etiologic agent in 52.9% of the cases. of these, 40% showed combined viral and bacterial infections. mixovirus infections were frequently associated with staphylococcic ones (7 out of 8 cases) and adenovirus infections with the pneumococcic ones (6 out of 7 cases). the most severe and longdrawn clinical pictures with frequent pleuropulmonary complications (i ...1976181833
an outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus type 8 in a babies home.between october and december, 1973, an outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis occurred in a babies home in sapporo. 28 out of 58 infants and children suffered from the disease. infection seemed to have been transmitted within a room by hands of nursing staff with spread into other rooms through the dispensary. clinical manifestation in almost all of the patients was pseudomembraneous conjunctivitis without apparent corneal opacities. none of them showed systemic symptoms. virus isolation was ...1976181868
the parvoviruses. 1976181899
timely topics in microbiology: viruses, 1973 i. 1976181987
crippling lung disease after measles and adenovirus infection.four children who developed severe lung disease after measles are described. one child died and three have been left with severe impairment of lung function. it is suggested that secondary infection with an adenovirus was responsible for causing the lung disease in these patients. the immune response to measles was abnormal. measles virus may have rendered the children more susceptible to serious complications from infection with the adenovirus. the many deaths from 'measles pneumonia' in develo ...1976182195
fever of unknown origin in children. 1976182437
immunity studies in calves vaccinated with a multivalent live respiratory vaccine composed of i.b.r., parainfluenza 3 and bovine adenovirus type 3.the persistence of systemic and local antibodies was studied after two intranasal administrations of the vaccine, six weeks apart. systemic antibodies to i.b.r. and adenovirus 3 evoked by the vaccine were still present 21 weeks following the second dose of the vaccine. inconslusive results were obtained regarding the persistence of systemic and local pi-3 antibodies because of an intercurrent natureal pi-3 infection occurring during the observation period. local antibodies to adenovirus type 3 w ...1976182597
conditional lethal mutants of adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrids. ii. ad2+nd1 host-range mutants that synthesize fragments of the ad2+nd1 30k protein.adenovirus type 2 (ad2) grows 1,000 times less well in monkey cells than in human cells. this defect can be overcome, not only upon co-infection of cells with simian virus 40 (sv40), but also when the relevant part of the sv40 genome is integrated into the adenovirus genome to form an adenovirus-sv40 hybrid virus. we have used the nondefective ad2-sv40 hybrid virus ad2+nd1, which contains an insertion of 17% of the sv40 genome, to isolate host-range mutants which are defective in growth on monke ...1976183014
virus peneumonia following measles: a virological and histological study of autopsy material.adenovirus, measles virus and herpesvirus were found to be responsible for the serious non-bacterial bronchiolar and interstitial necrosis in post-measles pneumonia in underprivlieged non-white children less than 4 years of age in cape town. secondary bacterial bronchopneumonia, possibly antibiotically suppressed, proved to be less important in accounting for the extensive lung damage in 18 fatal cases that were examined virologically and histologically.1976183294
[immunogenic properties of a polyvalent inactivated vaccine from respiratory viruses (ibr, pi-3, ad-1, ad-3].studied was the authors' inactivated polyvalent vaccine having an adjuvant, prepared from the respiratory viruses ibr, pi-3, ad-1 and ad-3. it was found that at the subcutaneous vaccination of calves and pregnant cows there were virus-neutralizing, hemagglutination-inhibition, and complement-fixing antibodies as established by the 14th day following treatment. revaccination was carried out on the twenty-eighth day when the antibodies reached high titers. the latter showed peak values on the 14th ...1976183342
spleen lesions of hemorrhagic enteritis of turkeys.spleens from turkeys were examined at intervals after intravenous inoculation with hemorrhagic enteritis virus. spleen size increased until the 4th day after inoculation. on the 5th day, spleen size was markedly reduced and continued to approach normal size. hemorrhagic enteritis antigen reached a peak concentration on the 2nd day, was reduced in concentration on the 3rd day, and was absent by the 4th day. hemorrhagic enteritis precipitin antibody was present in all serum samples taken after the ...1976183646
[is the acute infantile diarrhea often of viral etiology after all?]. 1976183902
[is there any morphological evidence of the viral etiology of endemic (balkan) nephropathy (author's transl)]. 1976184359
[some respiratory viruses in the etiology of acute upper respiratory infections].the viral etiology of acute respiratory diseases, determined in 107 children admitted to hospital during the 1966-1969 period, was confirmed in 36% of the cases by isolation of the viral agent and in 59% by serologic reactions. parainfluenza viruses, especially of type 1 and 3, were encountered more often in the etiology of acute or obstructive laryngitis, and the syncytial respiratory virus in tracheobronchitis.1976184516
adenovirus transcription. v. quantitation of viral rna sequences in adenovirus 2-infected and transformed cells. 1976185395
viruses as an etiologic factor in cancer. 1976185722
[cell cycle and its regulatory role in viral infection]. 1976185808
some properties of avian adenoviruses isolated from chickens with inclusion body hepatitis in japan.outbreaks of inclusion body hepatitis were observed in broiler chickens on a poultry farm during 3 years. avian adenovirus-like agents were isolated during these years from livers of diseased chickens. round-cell-type cytopathogenic effect and intranuclear inclusion bodies were produced in chicken kidney cell cultures inoculated with these agents. properties of the agents were as follows: resistant to ether, chloroform, socium deoxycholate, trypsin, heating at 50 c, and ph 3.0; sensitive to 5-io ...1976186009
an adenovirus from a turkey pathogenic to both chicks and turkey adenovirus, designated t-75 isolant, was isolated from the cloacal swab of a clinically normal turkey, 13 weeks old. the t-75 isolant was identified as an adenovirus on the basis of physicochemical properties, cytopathology, and agar-gel precipitin test. producing two-way cross-neutralization reactions with celo virus, the isolant was classified as an avian adenovirus of serotype 1. the t-75 isolant was pathogenic to both chicks and turkey poults, causing hepatitis, respiratory disease, atrop ...1976186010
avian cell cultures grown in an open system (dishes) without co2 incubator, and their use for virus organic buffer, n-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-n'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (hepes), in a culture medium made it possible to culture chick embryo fibroblast (cef), duck embryo fibroblast (def), and chick kidney (ck) cells in an open system (dishes) under incubation in a bacteriological incubator, requiring no co2 incubation. cef, def, and ck cells cultured with this system were suitable for cultivation of avain viruses such as newcastle disease virus, celo virus, marek's disease virus, and turkey her ...1976186014
implications of recent virological researches.rotaviruses (duoviruses) can be found in more than half the cases of acute diarrhoea in children up to the age of six or seven. about that age almost everyone has antibodies to them. second infections occur and may not be as rare as laboratory findings so far suggest. very young infants sometimes get subclinical disease-the effect of maternal antibody transmitted across the placenta? very similar viruses, all possessing a common antigen detectable by immunofluorescence, are known to infect and/o ...1976186237
content and expression of integrated viral dna in hamster cells transformed by nondefective adenovirus type 2- simian virus 40 hybrid viruses.hamster cells transformed by adenovirus 2 (ad2) and five nondefective ad2-simian virus 40 (sv40) hybrid viruses are all of the ad2-transformed phenotype. all lines accumulate ad2 rna and ad2 t antigen; two hybrid-transformed lines accumulate sv40 rna, but only one contains detectable amounts of sv40 antigens. we examines selected lines from this group of transformed hamster cells for ad2 dna content and viral rna expression by using hydroxyapatite chromatography and separated strands of labeled ...1976186633
clinical significance of viral latency.evidence is accumulating to show that a number of viruses have the ability to adapt to man's defense mechanisms and survive in a latent state for what appears to be the life of the human host. unfortunately, latent viral presence, which may appear clinically benign initally, may manifest itself later as severe and often fatal disease. some members of the herpes virus family have latent potential and are discussed in detail. clinical competence would suggest a thorough understanding of these late ...1976186670
fatal adenovirus pneumonia: clinical and pathological features.a review of autopsies of 107 young children with pneumonia showed that 15 children (14%) had adenovirus infections, the diagnosis being based on characteristic histopathological and ultrastructural features in the lungs. eleven (73%) of the cases of adenovirus infection followed on measles infection, and it is suggested that some became infected with adenovirus after admission to hospital. a review of clinical aspects revealed no unique features. histopathological examination of tissues showed a ...1976186904
laboratory diagnosis of viral and other infectious diseases. 1976186928
[infections transmitted in swimming pools].public swimmingpools can be the source of infections due to micro-organism such as mycobacterium balnei, adeno and enteroviruses, the virus of plantar warts and molluscum contagiosum, the tric-agent of swimmingpool-conjonctivitis and pathogenic fungi. the transmission of trichomonas vaginalis is considered unlikely-water of pools, supposed to present satisfactory qualities by standard controls, was found to contain pathogenic staphylococci and pseudomonas aeruginosa. effective preventive measure ...1976186978
detection of virus in water: sensitivity of the tentative standard method for drinking water.the sensitivity of several microporous virus-adsorbent media for reliably detecting low levels of poliovirus from 380 and 1,900 liters of drinking water by use of the tentative standard method was investigated. the virus-adsorbent media tested were (i) nitrocellulose membrane filters, (ii) epoxy-fiber glass-asbestos filters, (iii) yarn-wound fiber glass depth filters, and (iv) epoxy-fiber glass filter tubes. virus was adsorbed to the filter media at ph 3.5 and eluted with glycine buffer, ph 11.5 ...1976187116
isolation of a subgroup two adenovirus from calf with weak calf syndrome.a viral agent, designated id-1, was isolated from the buffy coat of a calf suffering from weak calf syndrome. the virus replicated on bovine salivary gland cells and caused cytopathic effect within four days after infection-cytopathic effect was characterized by rounding and clumping of cells. stained preparations of infected monolayers revealed multiple intranuclear inclusions. the agent was found to be resistant to chloroform, ether, trypsin, sodium desoxycholate, oxytetracycline and a ph rang ...1976187293
lacalization of the sv40 t antigen in hamster cells transformed by para(3ct)-adenovirus 7.the localization of the sv40 t antigen in hamster cells transformed by the para(3ct)-adenovirus 7 variant and, for comparison, by sv40 was examined. the h50 cell strain (transformed by sv40) and the p7-/bl/sv/od strain (transformed by para(3ct)-adenovirus 7) showed a preferential localization of the sv40 t antigen in the nucleus both by immunofluorescence and by complement fixation. on the other hand, two different para(3ct)-adenovirus 7-transformed cell lines (p7-/ar/d/15a and p7/ar/m/14a) show ...1975187551
[results of serologic surveys of children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis].the materials of serologic surveys of 269 children with acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis hospitalized in children's infectious hospital no. 3, leningrad, are presented. acute stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis developed most frequently against the background of low titres of antibody to viruses of the respiratory group. severe cases of the disease were caused by influenza a2 virus, milder cases by influenza b, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial and adenoviruses.1976188258
acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis: a mixed virus outbreak among vietnamese refugees on may 1975 the authors investigated an outbreak of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis that affected an estimated 29,000 refugees from south vietnam who stayed on guam while en route to the united states. illness usually lasted6-10 days and was characterized by conjunctival injection (100%), lid edema (84%), eye irritation (81%) and subconjunctival hemorrhages (45%). conjunctival swabs and paired serum specimens on a limited number of patients implicated enterovirus 70 as a major etiologic agent ...1977188334
reliability of the serological method of examination as a basis for diagnosis of associated respiratory virus infections.the reliability of the results of serological examination in diagnostics of associated infections was studied on a model of artificially provoked vaccinal infections in humans and in laboratory animals. the effect of administered monopreparations on changes in the level of both homologous and heterologous antibodies was tested. the character of immunological changes following simultaneous administration of two or more respiratory viruses was analysed and the effect of these viruses in diseases o ...1976188945
an immunopathologic study of interstitial nephritis associated with experimental canine adenovirus infection.the localisation of canine adenovirus in the renal tubules induces a marked cellular response in the interstitium. a number of mechanisms appear to be involved in the genesis of the lesions. direct lytic damage to tubular epithelial cells by the virus is probably augmented by immunological factors. the production of local anti-viral antibody by plasma cells in the vicinity of virus-containing cells may result in the formation of toxic antigen-antibody complexes while the accumulation of large po ...1976189005
viral, mycoplasma and bacterial infections in nurses with symptoms of respiratory diseases.a consecutive series of 282 nurses of the university hospital, groningen, with complaints of the nose and/or throat associated with coughing and/or hoarseness were examined between april 1965 and february 1968. the intent was to obtain information on the incidence of viral, mycoplasma and bacterial infections, and on the relationship of these infections in nurses with chronic nonspecific lung disease (cnsld). the following results were obtained: 1. virus infections caused by influenza virus (a, ...1976189386
an epidemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in sendai area, 1973 and 1974, an epidemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) with a tendency of less frequent conjunctival hemorrhage occurred among the staff of the national railways and their family in sendai area. four strains of ahc virus and 4 strains, 1 of type 7 and 3 of type 8, of adenoviruses were isolated from 22 conjunctival swabs of the patients. thirty-six (66%) out of 55 cases examined were proved serologically to be of ahc virus infection, and 7 cases (13%) were of adenovirus infection ...1976189457
[testing the preventive properties of polyvalent inactivated vaccine (ibr, pi-3, adenovirus 1,3) at a cattle-breeding farm].tested was an inactivated polyvalent vaccine. it was shown to produce virus-neutralizing antibodies against the respiratory viruses in high titers. the vaccine proved highly immunogenic, reactogenic, and harmless in doses of 2,3,5,7, and 10 cm3 for 30-45-day-old calves and pregnant cows in their 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. the morbidity rate among the unvaccinated calves ranged from 51 to 66 per cent, and among the vaccinated ones it was from 0 to 5 per cent on the four farms studied. the abo ...1976189483
adenovirus infection of the cervix.a case is recorded in which intranuclear inclusions suggesting adenovirus infection were recognized in a routine papanicolaou smear. the patient was recalled for virologic studies and adenovirus type 19 was cultured from the cervix. the patient had a recent history of systemic illness with conjunctivitis, and a friend had conjunctivitis at the same time which was also proven to be due to adenovirus of the same serotype. this is the first reported instance in which adenovirus infection of the cer ...1977189541
virus infections of the respiratory tract cytopathologic and clinical analysis.thirty-three cases of respiratory tract virus infections diagnosed cytologically are reviewed. the clinical and demographic data are presented and correlated with an analysis of the cytologic findings. herpes virus was the most common infection. it occurred in patients with other severe medical problems and had little apparent effect on the clinical outcome of any particular case. quantitative and qualitative cytologic findings did not correlate with the severity of the herpetic infection. the v ...1977189546
demonstration of an avian adenovirus as the causative agent of marble spleen disease.a purification procedure, using chloroform or fluorocarbon extraction and centrifugation on a cushion of cesium chloride (cscl), was designed to isolate the causative virus of marble spleen disease. virus was purified, inoculated into turkeys, and subsequently reisolated by purification from the spleen of inoculated turkeys, thus fulfilling koch's postulates. splenic antigen was detected by the agar gel precipitin test, and viral inclusions with viral particles were observed by light and electro ...1977189649
a study of two avian adenovirus serotypes alone or in combination with avian infectious bronchitis in day-old chicks. 1977190275
probable role of viruses in calfhood diseases.bovine enteroviruses, bovine viral diarrhea virus, rotavirus (formerly called reovirus-like agent), coronavirus-like agent, bovine adenovirus, and bovine parainfluenza-3 virus have been isolated from calves suffering from neonatal disease. the experimental disease produced by these viruses is not necessarily severe or fatal, but under farm and ranch conditions, each probably serves as an added to mortality from neonatal disease. after initial losses following the introduction of a virus into a h ...1977190279
detection of adenovirus antigens in sendai virus-induced multinucleate cells by fluorescent antibody technic. 1976190337
[respiratory tract virus infections. possibilities of clinical diagnosis]. 1977190561
[microbial resistance to formaldehyde. i. comparative quantitative studies in some selected species of vegetative bacteria, bacterial spores, fungi, bacteriophages and viruses].the resistence of different microorganisms to formaldehyde was determined. as test objects served gram-negative and gram-positive vegetative germs (klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella paratyphi-b, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus faecalis), bacterial spores (bacillus cereus, bacillus pumilus, bacillus stearothermophilus, bacillus subtilis), fungi (aspergillus niger, candida albicans), bacteriophages (escherichia coli phages, t1, t2, t3), and viruses (adenovirus, poliomy ...1976190825
[the fixing complement antibodies to respiratory viruses--influenza a1, b, c, parainfluenza 1 (sendai), syncytial respiratory, adenovirus, echo 11--and "mycoplasma pneumoniae" in healthy persons (author's transl)].serological research of complement fixation test (kolmer micromethod) into 163 young healthy subjects (18-22 years old) in order to point out the contaminations effects of respiratory viruses and of mycoplasma pneumoniae. in is pointed out serological simultaneous reactions on some subjects, expression of multiple infections; the different frequency of serological tests for each antigen, pointing out the rôll played by the singles diseases, the different titre distribution of the antibodies to 1 ...1976190954
effect of maternal antibody on experimental infections of chickens with a type-8 avian adenovirus.mortality was 60% when chickens without detectable maternal antibody to avian adenoviruses were inoculated intra-abdominally with 10(6) plaque-forming units of amg 5(2a), a type-8 avian adenovirus. other results were macroscopic and microscopic lesions in a wide range of organs, statistically significant depression of body weights, amg 5(2a) virus in the liver and feces, and high virus-neutralizing antibody titers to amg 5(2a). the disease produced was similar to that described in a previous rep ...1977190997
sialic acid content in four cell strains transformed by adenoviruses and/or sv40.the sialic acid content in hamster cells primarily transformed by adenovirus was found lower than in cells transformed by papovavirus sv40. intermediate concentrations were shown in a cell strain transformed by an adenovirus-sv40 hybrid. an adenovirus 19 - transformed cell strain derived from the nil-2 hamster cell line, adapted to unlimited growth in vitro prior to the exposure to the adenovirus, revealed a high content of sialic acid. the concentration of sialic acid in cells transformed by dn ...1976191044
the hunt for viruses in infections of the alimentary system: an immunoelectron-microscopical approach. 1976191225
european tumour virology 1976. 1977191702
the seattle virus watch. vii. observations of adenovirus infections.the following findings were made from observations of adenovirus (av) infections in seattle vw families, 1965-1969, which extended the 1961-1965 new york vw studies: that infections are predominantly enteric, may be abortive or invasive and followed by persistent intermittent excretion was confirmed. that such excretion is most characteristic of types 1, 2, 3 and 5 viruses may explain why these types were usually endemic. however, since observed duration of excretion was not increased despite a ...1977192073
[tumour antigens inducing immune reactions].antigens of viral tumours are the same for all the tumours due to the same virus. antibodies in tumours bearing animals allow to detect antigens in nucleus, in cytoplasm and on the cell membrane which carries also embryonic antigens and the antigen responsible for tumour rejection by sensitized lymphcytes (tsta or tata). is this antigen identical to the surface antigen shown by antibodies? purification of membrane antigens will answer this important question. chemically induced tumours bear tumo ...1977192132
radioactive labelling of viruses: an iodination technique preserving biological iodination procedure suitable for the radioactive labelling of viruses to be used in biological experiments is described. it is characterized by the addition of carrier protein to small amounts of virus before iodination with chloramine t, the use of low concentrations of chemicals, and a rapid purification of the labelled virus to minimize radiation inactivation. using this procedure, polyoma virus was labelled to a specific activity 100 times greater than that which can be obtained with tri ...1977192843
studies of the uv-sensitivity of virus-specific rna synthesis in cells infected or transformed by adenovirus 5 and sv 40.the effect of uv-irradiation on host and virus-specific rna synthesis in cells infected or transformed by tumor viruses (ad 5 and sv 40) was studied. it was found that the synthesis of host and ad 5 rna in infected kb cells was almost euqally inhibited upon uv-irradiation; the transcription of the ecori produced fragements--fragment b was inhibited to a greater extent than fragment a, suggesting that the transcription of the whole ad 5 genome starts from the left side. the transcription of viral ...1977192999
chick embryo lethal orphan (celo) virus-induced early and late polypeptides. 1977193270
[etiology of acute respiratory infection in hospitalized children (author's transl)].incidence of respiratory tract infection represents 23% of the total number of admissions between 1-24 months of age, during a period of 18 months. the diagnosis were: bronchiolities, 143 cases; bronchopneumonia, 134 cases; tracheobronchitis, 50 cases; laryngitis, four cases, and bacterial pneumonia, 61 cases. monthly incidence was maximal in december of each year. from the total group, 144 cases were included in the present study to determine etiology of the infection. in 19% of the cases a ser ...1976193420
the role of oncogenic viruses in neoplasia. 1977193432
adenovirus of ring-necked pheasants: purification and partial characterization of marble spleen disease virus.a method for purification of marble spleen disease virus (msdv) from the spleens of infected turkeys and pheasants is described. it combines chloroform or fluorocarbon extraction with subsequent purification by centrifugation on a cushion of cesium chloride (cscl). further purification of msdv was accomplished with a cscl equilibrium density gradient. a viral buoyant density of approximately 1.32 to 1.33 g/cm3 was determined. negative-stain electron microscopy revealed that virus isopycnically b ...1977193796
the role of some viruses in acute pneumonias in adults.virological and bacteriological investigations were performed in 85 patients with acute pneumonias and virus isolation or serological evidence of virus infection were obtained in 37.6% of the cases. influenza a2 and b viruses were incriminated in 14.1% of the patients; parainfluenza viruses in 7% and adenoviruses in 17.2% of the cases. coxsackie virus was isolated from one patient's blood, and poliovirus 3 was recovered in 3 cases. in 5 cases associated virus infections were detected.1977194393
biological activity of tumor virus dna. 1977194466
virus-neutralizing antibody titers against 8 avian adenovirus serotypes in breeder hens in georgia by a microneutralization procedure.serums from 16 chicken-breeder flocks in georgia were tested for virus-neutralizing antibody to 8 serotypes of avian adenovirus. titers to all 8 serotypes were demonstrated in 8 of the flocks, titers to 7 in 6, and titers to fewer than 7 in the other 2 flocks. although titers were high overall to some serotypes (types 2 and 8) and low to others (types 1, 4, and 5), with statistically significant differences between many titers, the data were difficult to interpret because of possible heterotypic ...1977194569
comparative immunology of carcinogenesis by dna viruses. 1977194745
viral infections of the captive kenya baboon (papio cynocephalus): a five-year epidemiologic study of an outdoor colony.rectal swabs, throat swabs, fecal samples, tissues, and sera were collected from 334 adult and infant kenya baboons (papio cynocephalus) in captivity at this institution over a 5-year period. a total of 4,893 specimens were collected, resulting in the isolation of 582 viral isolates (11.9%). the month of november yielded the lowest isolation rate, while the month of january produced the highest rate. the most commonly isolated viruses in adults and infants were sv6 and sv23, followed by n125, sv ...1977195135
the physical locations of structural genes in adenovirus dna. 1977195391
intestinal damage in rotavirus and adenovirus gastroenteritis assessed by d-xylose malabsorption.the absorption of d-xylose infused into the duodenum was assessed in infants with acute gastroenteritis. 1-hour blood-xylose levels were low in 6 patients found to harbour rotavirus in the small intestinal aspirate. normal levels (greater than 1-26 mmol/l) were obtained in the absence of virus particles in the small intestine in a further 6 patients: in 3 of these adenovirus or rotavirus was recovered from the stools. three patients with adenovirus in the small intestinal juice and ill with acut ...1977195541
pathology of ovine adenovirus type 4 infection in spf lambs: pulmonary and hepatic lambs were challenged with an aerosol of oa4 virus. four developed mild pulmonary oedema and a sparse accumulation of mononuclear cells around blood vessels similar to results reported previously. in addition, three had focal hepatic necrosis and one of these three had a non-suppurative occlusive cholangitis and portal tract lymphangitis and thrombosis. basophilic intranuclear ib's were identified in many necrotic hepatocytes, in lymphatic endothelial cells involved in thrombi but in only ...1977196063
simple mathematical deductions in the seroepidemiology of viral infections. ii. (para) myxoviruses (measles, mumps, influenza b), rubella, enteroviruses (polio, coxsackie b), adenoviruses, and mycoplasma pneumoniae.large samples of nonselected persons collected in south-west germany were investigated for the prevalence of serum antibodies to poliovirus 1-3 and coxsackievirus b 1-5 (neutralisation test), to measles, rubella, and mumps (hemagglutination inhibition test), mumps, influenza b, adenovirus, and mycoplasma pneumoniae (complement-fixation test). according to "catalytic models", which compare the infection spread to simple chemical reactions of molecules as self-limiting procedures, a mathematical a ...1977196454
etiology of virus pneumonia among children in peking, 1973-1975. 1977196816
radiation enhanced reactivation of nuclear replicating mammalian viruses. 1977197551
[cytochalasins in virologic research]. 1977197711
the effects of 1-beta-d ribofuranosyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-carboxamide (ribavirin) on the transplanted tumours of animals. 1977198214
phosphorylation of ribosomes in adenovirus infection [proceedings]. 1977198265
adenovirus infection in lambs. ii. experimental infection of lambs.adenovirus strain gy/14 isolated during a natural outbreak was used in experimental infection. three weeks old lambs responded with temperature rise, respiratory symptoms and diarrhoea to the infection. infection spread to a contact animal, too. reisolation of the virus was successful from the nasal discharge and feces from the 3rd to 10th, and the 3rd to 5th day following infection, respectively. in the killed experimental animals the pathological and histological changes observed were similar ...1977199001
experimental infection of calves with an adenovirus isolated from sheep and related to bovine adenovirus type 2 i. clinical and virological studies.colostrum deprived calves were experimentally infected with an adenovirus isolated from sheep and related to bovine adenovirus type 2. the calves showed respiratory symptoms and mild diarrhoea from the third day after infection. laboratory tests revealed the development of leucopenia, lymphopenia, a drop of the ph of the urine and the appearance of pathological changes in the urine. the animals shed the virus in their nasal discharge, faeces and urine. comparing the clinical and virological find ...1977199002
serological response of chickens exposed to a type 1 avian adenovirus alone or in combination with the adeno-associated virus.the avian adenoviruses (av) are common infectious agents of poultry and other avian species throughout the world (1,4,8). limited observations suggest that the adeno-associated virus (a-av) coinfects many of the chickens that carry av (8). the presence and persistence of these infections in a flock is often determined by serological methods. in the current study, the immune response of chickens to type 1 av alone and to a dual exposure, av plus a-av, was followed over a 12-week period with a var ...1977199153
character of the tumors developing in young hamsters by the mixed cell transplantation of para-adeno-virus 12 and sv40 tumors-the similarity to the tumors induced by para-adenovirus 7.two mixtures of either allogeneic para-adenovirus 12 tumor cells or adenovirus (adeno) 12 tumor cells and sv40 tumor cells in an equal number of 1 multiplied by 10(7) cells were transplanted subcutaneously at two sites of 10 young hamsters. the former two tumor cells were transplantable in nearly half of the transplants and the latter tumor cells in all of the transplants. by the mixture of para-adeno 12 and sv40 tumor cells, 10 tumors were grown, 7 of which were mixed with adeno and sv40 types ...1977200058
cytomegalovirus complement fixation antibody in guillain-barré syndrome.cytomegalovirus, measles, and adenovirus antibodies were measured in the sera of 92 guillain-barré patients and 120 controls. thirty patients (33 percent) had markedly elevated levels of complement-fixing antibody to cytomegalovirus and in 21, a fourfold or more alteration in titer was demonstrated. diagnostic falls in titer were seen in most instances and no significant elevation to the other viral agents was found. the serologic findings reported here suggest that cytomegalovirus may be a comm ...1977200863
identification of amber and ochre mutants of the human virus ad2+nd1.although human adenoviruses grow poorly in monkey cells, this defect can be overcome either by coinfection of cells with simian virus 40 (sv40) or by insertion of the relevant portion of the sv40 genome into the adenovirus genome to form an adenovirus-sv40 hybrid virus. the nondefective adenovirus-2-sv40 hybrid virus, ad2+nd1, contains an insertion of 17% of the sv40 genome, which codes for at least part of a 30,000 dalton protein. a set of ad2+nd1 host-range mutants that have lost the ability t ...1977200921
investigation of causative agents of bovine respiratory tract disease in a beef cow-calf herd with an early weaning program.serum samples were collected from early weaned fall calves shortly after the onset of respiratory tract disease. antibody titers to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) virus, parainfluenza type 3 (pi-3) virus, bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) virus, bovine adenovirus type 3 (bav-3), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (brsv) were determined on paired (acute and convalescent) serums. seroconversion rate (a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer) for ibr virus was 4.3%, pi-3 virus--16.3%, bv ...1977201196
establishment of cell substrates for nonhuman primates. 1976201524
viruses associated with renal disease of man and animals. 1977201965
defective and nondefective ad2-sv40 hybrids. 1977201968
[serological response of rabbits following immunization with m. parainfluenzae-3, adenovirus i and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus associated antigens].the immunization of rabbits separately with virus suspensions of myxovirus parainfluenzae-3, adenovirus serotype i, and bovine rhinotracheitis virus or with combinations of each two of them and with a combination of all three viruses led to the production of sera having titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies acting against each of the antigens that participated in the combination. results showed that no inhibition existed of the antigens during immunization as established by the serologic respo ...1977202065
a mixed outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis due to adenoviruses types 29 and outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (ekc) occurred in northern bohemia in the summer of 1975. one hundred and four patients were treated. four strains of adenovirus type 29 with low or strong pronounced cross-neutralization against anti-ad 15 reference serum, and 2 adenovirus type 8 were isolated of 4 patients. type 8 strains were only obtained from conjunctiva, type 29 also from stools. from one patient, type 8 from conjunctiva and type 29 from stool were isolated simultaneously. out o ...1977202111
radiologic appearance of viral disease of the lower respiratory tract in infants and children.the radiologic findings in 123 hospitalized children with viral disease of the respiratory tract due to adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, influenza, measles, or herpes virus were retrospectively reviewed. bronchial wall thickening, peribronchial shadowing and/or associated perihilar streaking were present in 107 cases. patchy pulmonary shadowing thought to reflect disease at a sublobular or lobular level was present in 72 cases, while areas of coalescent more homogeneous pu ...1978202157
isolation of bovine adenovirus type 4 from cattle in oregon.four isolates of bovine adenovirus type 4 were recovered from oregon cattle. one isolate was recovered from a 1-week-old calf with pneumoenteritis, and 1 isolate from an 8-month-old bull with fever and respiratory disease. two isolates were recovered as latent viruses in testicular cell cultures. all 4 isolates of the virus were shown to have certain physical, chemical, biologic, and antigenic characteristics similar to previously described strains of bovine adenovirus type 4. of 246 adult beef ...1977202178
the binding site on sv40 dna for a t antigen-related protein.a protein closely related to sv40 t antigen was purified in a biologically active form from cells infected with the defective adenovirus-sv40 hybrid, ad2+d2. this 107,000 dalton hybrid protein binds and protects a specific portion of sv40 dna from digestion by pancreatic dnaase i. hybridization, endonuclease cleavage and pyrimidine tract analysis of the protected fragments reveal that the d2 hybrid protein binds in a sequential manner to tandem recognition sites which lie within a sequence of 12 ...1978202398
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 9159