the vetmax™ m. tuberculosis complex pcr kit detects mtbc dna in antemortem and postmortem samples from white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum), african elephants (loxodonta africana) and african buffaloes (syncerus caffer). | bovine tuberculosis and tuberculosis are chronic infectious diseases caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex members, mycobacterium bovis and mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectively. infection with m. bovis and m. tuberculosis have significant implications for wildlife species management, public health, veterinary disease control, and conservation endeavours. | 2020 | 32600471 |
contrasted patterns of evolution of the line-1 retrotransposon in perissodactyls: the history of a line-1 extinction. | line-1 (l1) is the dominant autonomously replicating non-ltr retrotransposon in mammals. although our knowledge of l1 evolution across the tree of life has considerably improved in recent years, what we know of l1 evolution in mammals is biased and comes mostly from studies in primates (mostly human) and rodents (mostly mouse). it is unclear if patterns of evolution that are shared between those two groups apply to other mammalian orders. here we performed a detailed study on the evolution of l1 ... | 2018 | 29610583 |
monitoring rhinoceroses in namibia's private custodianship properties. | routinely censusing rhinoceros' populations is central to their conservation and protection from illegal killing. in namibia, both white (ceratotherium simum) and black (diceros bicornis) rhinoceros occur on private land, in the latter case under a custodianship program of the namibian ministry of environment and tourism (met). black rhinoceros custodian landowners are responsible for the protection of the rhinoceroses on their land and are required to report regularly to the met. monitoring imp ... | 2020 | 32864211 |
inflammatory and oxidative status in european captive black rhinoceroses: a link with iron overload disorder? | iron overload disorder (iod) is a syndrome developed by captive browsing rhinoceroses like black rhinoceroses (diceros bicornis), in which hemosiderosis develops in vital organs while free iron accumulates in the body, potentially predisposing to various secondary diseases. captive grazing species like white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum) do not seem to be affected. the authors hypothesized that inflammation and oxidative stress may be implicated in the pathogenesis of iod in captive black r ... | 2020 | 32785261 |
interspecific gene flow and the evolution of specialisation in black and white rhinoceros. | africa's black (diceros bicornis) and white (ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros are closely related sister-taxa that evolved highly divergent obligate browsing and grazing feeding strategies. although their precursor species d. praecox and c. mauritanicum appear in the fossil record ∼5.2 million years ago (ma), by 4 ma both were still mixed feeders, and were even spatio-temporally sympatric at several pliocene sites in what is today africa's rift valley. here, we ask whether or not d. praecox and c ... | 2020 | 32585004 |
anti-müllerian hormone in managed african and asian rhino species. | serum collected across the lifespan of four managed rhino species: black (diceros bicornis, n = 16), white (ceratotherium simum simum, n = 19), greater one-horned (goh, rhinoceros unicornis, n = 11) and sumatran (dicerorhinus sumatrensis, n = 6) were validated and analyzed in an anti-müllerian hormone (amh) enzyme- linked immunoassay. concentrations of amh were examined over time, between sexes and throughout different reproductive states which included n = 3 female white rhinos immunocontracept ... | 2020 | 32278883 |
reduced gut microbiome diversity and metabolome differences in rhinoceros species at risk for iron overload disorder. | iron overload disorder (iod) affects many wildlife species cared for ex situ. two of the four rhinoceros species in human care, sumatran rhinoceros (dicerorhinus sumatrensis) and black rhinoceros (diceros bicornis), are susceptible, whereas the other two, white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) and greater one-horned (goh) rhinoceros (rhinoceros unicornis), are relatively resistant to iod. complex interrelationships exist between mammalian hosts, their indigenous gut microbiota, metabolome, physi ... | 2019 | 31649637 |
challenges to animal welfare associated with capture and long road transport in boma-adapted black (diceros bicornis) and semi-captive white (ceratotherium simum) rhinoceroses. | capture and transport are part of translocation and expose animals to a variety of stressors that can lead to morbidity and mortality. we aimed to establish a better understanding of the physiologic responses to capture and transport in black (diceros bicornis) and white (ceratotherium simum) rhinoceroses in southern africa. fourteen adult black rhinoceroses were transported 600 km by vehicle and 32 white rhinoceroses (24 adults and 8 juveniles) were transported 1,300 km by vehicle. the black rh ... | 2020 | 31596678 |
using drones and sirens to elicit avoidance behaviour in white rhinoceros as an anti-poaching tactic. | poaching fuelled by international trade in horn caused the deaths of over 1000 african rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum and diceros bicornis) per year between 2013 and 2017. deterrents, which act to establish avoidance behaviours in animals, have the potential to aid anti-poaching efforts by moving at-risk rhinos away from areas of danger (e.g. near perimeter fences). to evaluate the efficacy of deterrents, we exposed a population of southern white rhinos (c. simum simum) to acoustic- (honeybee, ... | 2019 | 31311472 |
animal protein-free optixcell and shortened equilibration periods can replace egg yolk-based extender and slow cooling for rhinoceros semen cryopreservation. | optixcell (op) was tested as an animal protein-free alternative to an egg yolk-based extender for rhinoceros semen cryopreservation and shorter chilling/equilibration periods were evaluated. semen was collected from three rhinoceros species: black (diceros bicornis; n = 2), white (ceratotherium simum; n = 2), and greater one-horned (goh; rhinoceros unicornis; n = 3). controls were diluted with equine extender (eq) or op and equilibrated for 1 h. treatments were diluted with extender and cooled f ... | 2019 | 31226254 |
the identification of theileria bicornis in captive rhinoceros in australia. | poaching of both black (diceros bicornis) and white (ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros in africa has increased significantly in recent years. in an effort to ensure the survival of these critically endangered species, breeding programs were established in the 1990s in australia, where a similar climate and habitat is available. in this study we examined blood samples from two c. simum, including a 16 yr old female (aluka) who died in captivity, and a 17 yr old asymptomatic male (umfana). bloods fr ... | 2018 | 29988814 |
micro-anatomy of the ear of the southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | the white rhinoceros is the largest of the five extant rhinoceros species. the population is declining rapidly because of intense poaching. however, normal anatomical descriptions in this species are lacking. the purpose of this study is to describe the osseous anatomy of the middle and inner ear of the southern white rhinoceros using micro-focus x-ray computed tomography imaging. four temporal bones obtained from two 1-day old southern white rhinoceros preserved in 10% formalin were scanned. tr ... | 2020 | 33179337 |
are there phylogenetic differences in salivary tannin-binding proteins between browsers and grazers, and ruminants and hindgut fermenters? | while feeding, mammalian browsers (primarily eat woody plants) encounter secondary metabolites such as tannins. browsers may bind these tannins using salivary proteins, whereas mammalian grazers (primarily eat grasses that generally lack tannins) likely would not. ruminant browsers rechew their food (ruminate) to increase the effectiveness of digestion, which may make them more effective at binding tannins than nonruminants. few studies have included a sufficient number of species to consider po ... | 2020 | 33072270 |
what hinders pulmonary gas exchange and changes distribution of ventilation in immobilized white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum) in lateral recumbency? | this study used electrical impedance tomography (eit) measurements of regional ventilation and perfusion to elucidate the reasons for severe gas exchange impairment reported in rhinoceroses during opioid-induced immobilization. eit values were compared to standard monitoring parameters to establish a new monitoring tool for conservational immobilisation and future treatment options. six male white rhinoceroses were immobilized using etorphine and eit ventilation variables, venous admixture and d ... | 2020 | 33054661 |
development and evaluation of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the determination of immune response to multiple clostridial antigens in vaccinated captive bred southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | an overall increase in poaching of white rhinoceros results in captive breeding becoming a significant component of white rhinoceros conservation. however, this type of conservation comes with its own difficulties. when wildlife is captured, transported and/or confined to a boma environment, they are more predisposed to diseases caused by bacterial organisms such as spore forming clostridium spp. a southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum) population on a captive bred farm was suspec ... | 2020 | 33028379 |
proximity-based vocal networks reveal social relationships in the southern white rhinoceros. | vocal communication networks can be linked to social behaviour, allowing a deeper understanding of social relationships among individuals. for this purpose, the description of vocal dyads is fundamental. in group-living species, this identification is based on behavioural indicators which require a high level of reactivity during social interactions. in the present study, we alternatively established a proximity-based approach to investigate whether sex-specific differences in vocal communicatio ... | 2020 | 32934303 |
parturition in white rhinoceros. | in captive rhinoceros stillbirth and perinatal death are recorded at a rate of 6-17% in the various species. at the same time there is a substantial lack of knowledge on rhinoceros parturition. yet, predicting parameters for birth and progress of parturition are fundamental for the recognition of dystocia and perinatal problems. therefore, we here intended to pay close attention to the achilles heel of the 1.5-2.5 year reproduction cycle in rhinoceros, the parturition. for the prediction of part ... | 2020 | 32755717 |
midazolam alters acid-base status less than azaperone during the capture and transport of southern white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum simum). | acidemia represents a major life-threatening factor during rhinoceros capture. the acid-base status during rhinoceros transport is unknown. the purpose of this study was to describe changes in acid-base status during rhinoceros capture and transport and compare these changes between rhinoceroses sedated with azaperone or midazolam. twenty-three wild white rhinoceros bulls were road-transported 280 km for reasons unrelated to this study. rhinoceroses were captured with etorphine-azaperone (group ... | 2020 | 32751806 |
mate choice, reproductive success and inbreeding in white rhinoceros: new insights for conservation management. | improving our sparse knowledge of the mating and reproductive behaviour of white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum burchell, 1817) is essential for the effective conservation of this iconic species. by combining morphological, physiological and habitat data with paternity assignments of 104 known mother-offspring pairs collected over a period of 13 years, we provide the most comprehensive analysis of the mating system in this species. we show that while the overall mating system was promiscuous, a ... | 2020 | 32211061 |
assessment of the acute phase response in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | acute phase reactants (aprs) have not been investigated in white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). this study aimed to identify clinically useful aprs in this species. reference intervals (ris) were generated for albumin, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, iron and serum amyloid a (saa) from 48 free-ranging animals, except for saa (n = 23). apr concentrations between healthy animals and those with tissue injury (inflammation) (n = 30) were compared. diagnostic performance was evaluated using receiver-oper ... | 2019 | 31998761 |
bias between two methods of albumin measurement in the white rhinoceros, ceratotherium simum. | the bromocresol green (bcg) method has been reported to overestimate serum albumin concentration in several species due to non-specific binding to globulins. as the white rhinoceros has high concentrations of serum globulins, significant differences in albumin measured by the bcg method, and the field method of agarose gel serum protein electrophoresis (spe) are expected. | 2020 | 31925822 |
odd haemoglobins in odd-toed ungulates: impact of selected haemoglobin characteristics of the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) on the monitoring of the arterial oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. | due to the current poaching crisis in africa, increasing numbers of white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum) require opioid immobilisation for medical interventions or management procedures. alarmingly, the results of both blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry regularly indicate severe hypoxaemia. yet, the recovery of the animals is uneventful. thus, neither of the techniques seems to represent the real oxygenation level. we hypothesized that unusual haemoglobin characteristics of this species i ... | 2019 | 31887165 |
pregnancies following long luteal phases in southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | all extant species in the rhinocerotidae family are experiencing escalating threats in the wild, making self-sustaining captive populations essential genetic reservoirs for species survival. assisted reproductive technologies (arts) will become increasingly important for achieving and maintaining ex situ population sustainability and genetic diversity. previous reports have shown that a large proportion of captive southern white rhinoceros (swr) females are irregularly cyclic or acyclic, and tha ... | 2020 | 31797432 |
pharmacokinetics of a single oral dose of flunixin meglumine in the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). | flunixin meglumine, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, has been used in rhinoceros species at doses extrapolated from domestic animals. there is increasing evidence to suggest significant variations exist in metabolism of drugs in exotic species. due to the differences in drug metabolism, dose extrapolation from domestic animals may not be appropriate for exotic species. the objective of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of flunixin meglumine in five white rhinoceroses ... | 2019 | 31260196 |
ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum) without altrenogest. | all species in the extant rhinocerotidae family are experiencing increased threats in the wild, making captive populations essential genetic reservoirs for species survival. however, managed species face distinct challenges in captivity, resulting in populations that are not self-sustaining. captive southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum) have low reproductive rates and presumed acyclicity is common among females. although many females fail to ovulate, follicle growth may occur and ... | 2019 | 31249689 |
foot pressure distribution in white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum) during walking. | white rhinoceroses (ceratotherium simum) are odd-toed ungulates that belong to the group perissodactyla. being second only to elephants in terms of large body mass amongst extant tetrapods, rhinoceroses make fascinating subjects for the study of how large land animals support and move themselves. rhinoceroses often are kept in captivity for protection from ivory poachers and for educational/touristic purposes, yet a detrimental side effect of captivity can be foot disease (i.e., enthesopathies a ... | 2019 | 31143533 |
vaginoscopic identification of a vertical vaginal septum in one primiparous and three nulliparous southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | vaginoscopy using a 10-mm, 30° forward viewing rigid endoscope was used to evaluate the caudal reproductive tract of four subadult southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). a vertical vaginal septum was documented in all four animals, including a primiparous cow that gave birth to a stillborn calf 14 months before vaginoscopy. vaginoscopy using a 57-cm-long, 10-mm, 30° forward viewing endoscope provides adequate visualization of the caudal reproductive track in the southern white rh ... | 2019 | 31120691 |
why ruminating ungulates chew sloppily: biomechanics discern a phylogenetic pattern. | there is considerable debate regarding whether mandibular morphology in ungulates primarily reflects phylogenetic affinities or adaptation to specific diet. in an effort to help resolve this debate, we use three-dimensional finite element analysis (fea) to assess the biomechanical performance of mandibles in eleven ungulate taxa with well-established but distinct dietary preferences. we found notable differences in the magnitude and the distribution of von mises stress between artiodactyla and p ... | 2019 | 30995252 |
etorphine-ketamine constant rate infusion for maintenance of anaesthesia in a compromised white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). | a subadult white rhinoceros bull presented for oesophageal endoscopic evaluation and foreign body removal under general anaesthesia. the animal had a history of nasal and oral regurgitation of water and ingesta with weight-loss for 6 days prior to the procedure and had been diagnosed with oesophageal obstruction caused by a bailing wire. anaesthesia was induced with intramuscular etorphine and azaperone delivered remotely by dart, followed by an intravenous bolus of ketamine. the trachea was int ... | 2019 | 30993028 |
a commercial elisa for detection of interferon gamma in white rhinoceros. | bovine tuberculosis (btb), caused by mycobacterium bovis, is endemic in kruger national park, south africa, home to the largest population of white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) in the world. in 2016, the first cases of naturally occurring btb were reported in white rhinoceros; however, there is a lack of understanding of infection and disease process in this species. prevention and control of transmission depends on the availability of accurate tools to detect m. bovis infection. interferon ... | 2019 | 30973098 |
gut microbiota and phytoestrogen-associated infertility in southern white rhinoceros. | with recent poaching of southern white rhinoceros (swr [ceratotherium simum simum]) reaching record levels, the need for a robust assurance population is urgent. however, the global captive swr population is not currently self-sustaining due to the reproductive failure of captive-born females. dietary phytoestrogens have been proposed to play a role in this phenomenon, and recent work has demonstrated a negative relationship between diet estrogenicity and fertility of captive-born female swr. to ... | 2019 | 30967461 |
an hplc-dad validated method for the detection and quantification of cortisol, corticosterone and melatonin in plasma samples of two different animal species. | the monitoring of endogenous hormone plasma levels could be valuable in biomedical, veterinary and pharmaceutical research. a specific high performance liquid chromatography method with diode array detection, for the assay of cortisol, corticosterone and melatonin in animal plasma was developed and validated. the chromatographic separation was achieved on a c8 reversed phase column with a mobile phase consisting of hplc-grade water and 35% v/v acetonitrile (ph ± 3.36). the detection was achieved ... | 2019 | 30940303 |
complete inactivation of sebum-producing genes parallels the loss of sebaceous glands in cetacea. | genomes are dynamic biological units, with processes of gene duplication and loss triggering evolutionary novelty. the mammalian skin provides a remarkable case study on the occurrence of adaptive morphological innovations. skin sebaceous glands (sgs), for instance, emerged in the ancestor of mammals serving pivotal roles, such as lubrication, waterproofing, immunity, and thermoregulation, through the secretion of sebum, a complex mixture of various neutral lipids such as triacylglycerol, free f ... | 2019 | 30895322 |
pharmacokinetics of an intravenous and oral dose of enrofloxacin in white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). | south africa currently loses over 1000 white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) each year to poaching incidents, and numbers of severely injured victims found alive have increased dramatically. however, little is known about the antimicrobial treatment of wounds in rhinoceros. this study explores the applicability of enrofloxacin for rhinoceros through the use of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling. the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and its metabolite ciprofloxacin were evaluated in five ... | 2019 | 30656701 |
effects of a supplemental etorphine dose on pulmonary artery pressure and cardiac output in immobilized, boma-habituated white rhinoceros ( ceratotherium simum): a preliminary study. | the effects of etorphine on the pulmonary vascular system of white rhinoceros ( ceratotherium simum) have not been described and could play a role in the severe hypoxemia that develops after immobilization with etorphine-based drug combinations. characterization of these effects requires measurement of pulmonary vascular pressures and cardiac output (co). to refine a technique for pulmonary arterial catheterization, five boma-habituated white rhinoceros (three females and two males weighing 1,01 ... | 2018 | 30592907 |
conservation of white rhinoceroses threatened by bovine tuberculosis, south africa, 2016-2017. | during 2016-2017, when kruger national park, south africa, was under quarantine to limit bovine tuberculosis spread, we examined 35 white and 5 black rhinoceroses for infection. we found 6 infected white rhinoceroses during times of nutritional stress. further research on mycobacterium bovis pathogenesis in white rhinoceroses is needed. | 2018 | 30457539 |
use of butorphanol and diprenorphine to counter respiratory impairment in the immobilised white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). | opioid-induced immobilisation results in severe respiratory impairment in the white rhinoceros. it has therefore been attempted in the field to reverse this impairment with the use of opioid agonist-antagonists, such as nalorphine, nalbuphine, butorphanol and diprenorphine; however, the efficacy of some of these treatments has yet to be determined. the efficacy of butorphanol, either alone or in combination with diprenorphine both with and without oxygen insufflation, in alleviating opioid-induc ... | 2018 | 30456980 |
contrasting evolutionary history, anthropogenic declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum). | the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) has a discontinuous african distribution, which is limited by the extent of sub-saharan grasslands. the southern population (swr) declined to its lowest number around the turn of the nineteenth century, but recovered to become the world's most numerous rhinoceros. in contrast, the northern population (nwr) was common during much of the twentieth century, declining rapidly since the 1970s, and now only two post-reproductive individuals remain. despite th ... | 2018 | 30404873 |
phylogenetic analysis of the cytochrome p450 (cyp450) nucleotide sequences of the horse and predicted cyp450s of the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) and other mammalian species. | the plight of the white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) and the increasing need of treatment options for injured poaching victims led to the necessity to expand the knowledge on applicable drugs in this endangered species. with very little information available on drug pharmacokinetics in rhino, veterinarians have to rely on information generated from other species. the horse being a closely related species, has served as the model for dose extrapolations. however, from recent research on enrof ... | 2018 | 30324017 |
distribution, diversity, and evolution of endogenous retroviruses in perissodactyl genomes. | the evolution of mammalian genomes has been shaped by interactions with endogenous retroviruses (ervs). in this study, we investigated the distribution and diversity of ervs in the mammalian order perissodactyla, with a view to understanding their impact on the evolution of modern equids (family equidae). we characterize the major erv lineages in the horse genome in terms of their genomic distribution, ancestral genome organization, and time of activity. our results show that subsequent to their ... | 2018 | 30209175 |
a new species of kiluluma skrjabin, 1916 (nematoda: strongyloidea) from the white rhinoceros, ceratotherium simum (burchell) from south africa. | a new species of kiluluma skrjabin, 1916, kiluluma ornata n. sp., is described from the intestine of the white rhinoceros ceratotherium simum (burchell) from south africa. the new species is virtually identical with a species described as kiluluma sp., but not named due to a paucity of material then available. the new species most closely resembles k. solitaria thapar, 1924 and k. ceratotherii beveridge & jabbar, 2013, in the possession of an undulating anterior margin of the buccal capsule but ... | 2018 | 30132206 |
serum protein electrophoresis in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). | investigation of globulin fractions by serum protein electrophoresis (spe) is the first step towards evaluation of the proteome in the southern white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum simum). furthermore, identification of changes in globulins in animals with poaching and other injuries can guide discovery of potentially useful biomarkers of inflammation. the aim of this study was to develop reference intervals for agarose gel spe in healthy white rhinoceros and to compare these serum protein elec ... | 2018 | 30044807 |
ritualised dung kicking by white rhino males amplifies olfactory signals but reduces odour duration. | many mammals enhance their olfactory signals visually by depositing them in conspicuous locations such as well-travelled paths. it is also possible to enhance the odour itself through behaviours aimed at modifying odour emission rates. white rhinos defecate in communal middens. while defecating, territorial males kick sharply with their back feet which disperses their dung. despite being a ubiquitous trait of territorial male white rhinos, the reason behind this behaviour is unclear. we hypothes ... | 2018 | 30009329 |
embryos and embryonic stem cells from the white rhinoceros. | the northern white rhinoceros (nwr, ceratotherium simum cottoni) is the most endangered mammal in the world with only two females surviving. here we adapt existing assisted reproduction techniques (art) to fertilize southern white rhinoceros (swr) oocytes with nwr spermatozoa. we show that rhinoceros oocytes can be repeatedly recovered from live swr females by transrectal ovum pick-up, matured, fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection and developed to the blastocyst stage in vitro. next, w ... | 2018 | 29973581 |
identification of a nasoconchal paranasal sinus in the white rhinoceros ( ceratotherium simum). | african rhinoceros are poached for their horns using indiscriminate and aggressive methods. rhinoceros that survive these attacks often have severe facial trauma, and treatment is limited by a lack of understanding and published information of the normal anatomy. this study was performed to investigate and describe the anatomy of the most commonly injured area of the head of the white rhinoceros ( ceratotherium simum). two white rhinoceros cadaver heads were imaged by computed tomography and gro ... | 2018 | 29900774 |
evaluating recovery potential of the northern white rhinoceros from cryopreserved somatic cells. | the critically endangered northern white rhinoceros is believed to be extinct in the wild, with the recent death of the last male leaving only two remaining individuals in captivity. its extinction would appear inevitable, but the development of advanced cell and reproductive technologies such as cloning by nuclear transfer and the artificial production of gametes via stem cells differentiation offer a second chance for its survival. in this work, we analyzed genome-wide levels of genetic divers ... | 2018 | 29798851 |
a study of the pharmacokinetics and thromboxane inhibitory activity of a single intramuscular dose of carprofen as a means to establish its potential use as an analgesic drug in white rhinoceros. | the alleviation of pain and prevention of suffering are key aspects of animal welfare. unfortunately, analgesic drugs are not available for all species. white rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum), representing one of such species, which survive poaching attempts inflicted with severe facial injuries and gunshot wounds, nonetheless require analgesic support. to improve treatment conditions, this study explored the use of carprofen for the treatment of pain and inflammation in white rhinoceros. the ph ... | 2018 | 29691872 |
first insights into the vocal repertoire of infant and juvenile southern white rhinoceros. | describing vocal repertoires represents an essential step towards gaining an overview about the complexity of acoustic communication in a given species. the analysis of infant vocalisations is essential for understanding the development and usage of species-specific vocalisations, but is often underrepresented, especially in species with long inter-birth intervals such as the white rhinoceros. thus, this study aimed for the first time to characterise the infant and juvenile vocal repertoire of t ... | 2018 | 29513670 |
an analysis of threats, strategies, and opportunities for african rhinoceros conservation. | the complexity and magnitude of threats to black (diceros bicornis) and white (ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros conservation in africa have triggered global concerns and actions. in this study, we analyzed (i) threats to rhinoceros conservation including external shocks, (ii) historical rhinoceros conservation strategies in zimbabwe and africa, more broadly, and (iii) opportunities for enhanced rhinoceros conservation in zimbabwe and africa. a literature search from 1975 to 2020 was carried out u ... | 2021 | 34141191 |
equid alphaherpesvirus 9 outbreak associated with mortality in a group of grevy's zebra (equus grevyi) housed in a mixed-species exhibit. | a herd of seven captive-born grevy's zebras (equus grevyi) experienced an outbreak of nasal discharge and sneezing. clinical signs, including lethargy and anorexia, were severe and acute in three animals, including a 16-mo-old male that died within 48 h. treatment of two severely affected zebras included valacyclovir (40 mg/kg po), meloxicam (0.6 mg/kg im/po), and cefquinome (2.5 mg/kg im q48h). an adult female improved rapidly, and clinical signs resolved within 48 h of treatment. administratio ... | 2021 | 34130425 |