
analysis of the serologic relationship among san miguel sea lion virus and vesicular exanthema of swine virus isolates. application of the western blot assay for detection of antibodies in swine sera to these virus types.caliciviruses are positive-sense single-stranded rna viruses with a single capsid protein. the serotypes of the marine mammal calicivirus, san miguel sea lion virus (smsv), are antigenically related to vesicular exanthema of swine virus (vesv) and are potentially hazardous to swine. western blot assays using purified smsv serotypes 1 and 4 were used to further examine the serologic relationship among smsv and vesv isolates. with the exception of smsv 8 and smsv 12, rabbit polyclonal antisera gen ...19957619900
isolation of caliciviruses from skunks that are antigenically and genotypically related to san miguel sea lion virus.caliciviruses were isolated from feces of skunks imported from the north central united states to canada. virus isolation was accomplished using adenovirus-transformed human kidney (293) cells, swine testes and vero cells. plaque size variants were presented, but there was no apparent difference in virus morphology by negative stain or immune electron microscopy. pigs infected with skunk calicivirus had a slightly elevated body temperature at 3 days postinfection. although the infected animals s ...19957483817
molecular evolution of mitochondrial 12s rna and cytochrome b sequences in the pantherine lineage of felidae.dna sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial dna genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 17 felidae species, notably 15 in the previously described pantherine lineage. the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used to generate sequences of 358 base pairs of the mitochondrial 12s rna gene and 289 base pairs of the cytochrome b protein coding gene. dna sequences were compared within and between 17 felid and five nonfelid carnivore species. evolutionary trees were constructed using ...19957544865
evolutionary conservation of ten microsatellite loci in four species of felidae.short tandem repeat polymorphisms (strp), or microsatellites, are widespread among vertebrate genomes and are useful in gene mapping and population studies due to a high level of length polymorphism. we describe here the isolation, characterization, and pcr amplification of 10 microsatellite loci from the domestic cat, felis catus. the flanking primer sequences were conserved among other felidae species, and amplification products demonstrated abundant polymorphism in puma, lion, cheetah, and do ...19957658003
amino acid composition of pinniped milk.the total amino acid concentration and the amino acid pattern, i.e. the relative proportion of each amino acid (protein-bound plus free) to the total amino acids, in the milks of the northern elephant seal, antarctic fur seal, california sea lion, and australian sea lion were determined. total amino acid concentration was 10% (w/v) or greater and did not vary significantly among species. the most abundant amino acids in the milks of all species were glutamate, proline and leucine. essential amin ...19957584837
comparative anatomy of the cardiac foramen ovale in cats (felidae), dogs (canidae), bears (ursidae) and hyaenas (hyaenidae).the structure of the foramen ovale from 16 species representing 4 carnivore families, the felidae, canidae, ursidae and hyaenidae, was studied using the scanning electron microscope. the felidae were represented by 9 domestic cat fetuses (felis catus), 2 snow leopard neonates (uncia uncia), an ocelot neonate (leopardus pardalis), 2 lion neonates (panthera leo), a panther neonate (panthera pardus) and 3 tigers (neofelis tigris), comprising 2 fetuses and a neonate. the canidae were represented by ...19957649822
energy metabolism and thermoregulation in the golden lion tamarin (leontopithecus rosalia).energy metabolism and body temperature were examined in leontopithecus rosalia, the golden lion tamarin. total standard metabolic rate (smr), defined as the metabolic rate of resting, fasted animals within thermoneutrality and during the inactive (nighttime) phase, averaged 381.5 +/- 65.2 ml o2.h-1 (mass-specific metabolic rate 0.520 +/- 0.089 ml o2.g-1.h-1). this value ranges from 73 to 89% of the expected smr for animals of this body size depending on the predictive equation used. active-phase ...19947750860
on the minor gangliosides of erythrocyte membranes of japanese ganglioside species were isolated and purified from erythrocyte membranes of japanese cats by deae-sephadex and iatrobeads column chromatographies. the structures of these gangliosides were determined as gmi(neugc), gm3(neuac), gm3(neugc), gd3(neugc), gd3(neugc comes from neuac), gt3(neugc), and another gm3 containing a sialic acid of unidentified nature. the occurrence of gt3 suggested the probable presence of a biosynthetic pathway of gm3 leads to gd3 leads to gt3 in erythropoietic cells ...19827076650
a molecular view of pinniped relationships with particular emphasis on the true seals.phylogenetic analysis of conservative nucleotide substitutions in 18 complete sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of phocidae (true seals), odobenidae (walruses), and otariidae (sea lions and fur seals), plus three ursid and three felid sequences, identified the pinnipeds as monophyletic with otariidae and odobenidae on a common evolutionary branch. analysis of total nucleotide differences separated the evolutionary lineages of northern and southern phocids. both lineages are distin ...19957714914
a liquid-phase blocking elisa for the detection of antibodies to rabies virus.a liquid-phase blocking elisa was adapted to the detection and titration of antibodies to principally the nucleoprotein of rabies virus. sera from animals that had either been vaccinated against rabies or inoculated with street rabies viruses, as well as sera from animals that had no recorded contact with rabies, were tested. these included sera from people, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, laboratory mice, rabbits, yellow mongooses, wild dogs and lions. where possible, the results were compared with ...19957730435
biogeographic implications of cytochrome b sequences and allozymes in sockeye (oncorhynchus nerka).nucleotide sequence and restriction site analyses of the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial dna revealed three relatively common haplotypes among sockeye salmon (n = 80) from eight populations representing four major drainages from kamchatka (russia), alaska, and british columbia. macrogeographic variation in mtdna was compared to that of three variable allozyme loci assayed for a much larger number of fish (n = 779). sockeye from the fraser river drainage of british columbia were distinct from ...19957751598
development of exclusivity in perceptually based categories of young infants.the exclusivity of perceptually defined categorical representations for natural animal categories in young infants was investigated. previously, as well as in experiment 1, evidence was obtained for a categorical representation for cats in 3- and 4-month-old infants that excluded dogs but included perceptually similar female lions after a number of different familiarization procedures. however, in experiment 2 both dogs and female lions were found to be excluded when the initial familiarization ...19947844501
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of marine indirect, sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of antigens of vesicular exanthema, san miguel sea lion viruses and other marine caliciviruses is described. the assay which uses rabbit and guinea-pig antisera to purified antigens of each calicivirus serotype has high sensitivity and is almost totally type-specific.19947886934
development of pcr primers for specific amplification of two distinct regions of the genomes of san miguel sea-lion and vesicular exanthema of swine viruses.the san miguel sea-lion viruses (smsv) and vesicular exanthema of swine viruses (vesv) are members of the calicivirus family and aetiologic agents of vesicular disease in susceptible hosts. these two virus groups have been shown by several serological methods to be closely related antigenically. to further examine their relatedness, two sets of non-degenerate oligonucleotide primers were designed for the specific amplification of two distinct regions of the smsv and vesv genomes using a reverse ...19957760857
genetic relatedness of the caliciviruses: san miguel sea lion and vesicular exanthema of swine viruses constitute a single genotype within the caliciviridae.the san miguel sea lion viruses (smsv) and vesicular exanthema of swine viruses (vesv) are related morphologically and antigenically, but little has been done to determine their genotypic relationship to each other and to other caliciviruses. to examine this relationship, reverse transcriptase pcrs were performed by using oligonucleotide primer sets designed to amplify portions of the 2c rna helicase-like and rna-dependent rna polymerase regions with total cellular rna purified from virus-infect ...19957769708
the etiology of community acquired pneumonia in adults in addis ababa.over a two year period, we prospectively studied 110 adult patients with community acquired pneumonia (cap) who presented to the black lion hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia. pneumococcal infection was diagnosed in 41% by the detection of pneumococcal antigen in sputum and other biologic fluids; in 72% by gram stain of lung aspirate (la) and in 67.5% by gram stain of sputum. blood and lung aspirate culture grew streptococcus pneumoniae in 4 cases (6%), staphylococcus aureus in 4 (6%), enterobacter ...19947841101
aspects of canine distemper virus and measles virus encephalomyelitis.canine distemper (cd) is a frequently fatal, systemic morbillivirus infection in the dog and other carnivores: encephalomyelitis is the common cause of death. susceptibility to canine distemper virus (cdv) is now recognized in a wide range of non-domestic animals, most recently in captive lions, tigers and leopards. furthermore, closely related viruses have produced cd-like diseases in marine mammals. cdv induces an inclusion-body encephalomyelitis in the dog and demyelination is often a conspic ...19947898614
a role for molecular genetics in biological conservation.the recognition of recent accelerated depletion of species as a consequence of human industrial development has spawned a wide interest in identifying threats to endangered species. in addition to ecological and demographic perils, it has become clear that small populations that narrowly survive demographic contraction may undergo close inbreeding, genetic drift, and loss of overall genomic variation due to allelic loss or reduction to homozygosity. i review here the consequences of such genetic ...19947912434
a coprological survey of intestinal parasites of wild lions (panthera leo) in the serengeti and the ngorongoro crater, tanzania, east africa.fecal examination on 112 and a subset of 58 wild lions (panthera leo) in the serengeti national park and the ngorongoro crater, tanzania, east africa revealed eggs, larvae, and protozoan cysts of 15 parasite taxa. the most prevalent were spirometra sp. (63% prevalence), taeniidae (58%), ancylostoma sp. (56%), and a coccidian (53%). three parasites were considered spurious. of the hosts, 97.3% were infected with at least 1 species of parasite. individual parasite taxa were aggregated among hosts.19957472887
the rete mirabile of the maxillary artery in the lion (panthera leo).the afferent and efferent arterial branches of the maxillary rete were investigated in 4 lion (panthera s. felis leo) heads preserved in the author's department. the heads were injected with acryl plastic via the common carotid arteries to make corrosion casts of the carotid system, and examined from the standpoint of comparative anatomy. the following afferent arterial branches were observed. medial retial branches from the maxillary artery, anterior retial branches from the anterior deep tempo ...19947936553
phylogenetic evidence of canine distemper virus in serengeti's lions.recently an epizootic, reported to be due to a morbillivirus infection, affected the lion population of the tanzanian serengeti national park. a morbillivirus phosphoprotein (p) gene fragment was amplified by pcr from tissue samples of several affected lions. sequencing of the amplificates and subsequent phylogenetic analyses revealed that a wild-type strain of canine distemper morbillivirus (cdv) was involved. vaccination of the local domestic dog population with proven safe cdv vaccines is pro ...19957483771
breath-alcohol concentration may not always reflect the concentration of alcohol in blood.a case is described of a 37-year-old man who was breath tested by the u.k. police following a traffic accident and was found to have a breath-alcohol concentration of 70 micrograms/100 ml--twice the u.k. legal limit. the defendant protested vigorously that he had not consumed sufficient alcohol to account for this excessive reading, and widmark calculations, assuming his account of the alcohol consumed was accurate, suggested his contention was possibly correct. no evidence was obtained suggesti ...19947967545
dermatophytosis in a steller sea lion (eumetopias jubatus).serious dermatophytosis caused by trichophyton mentagrophytes was found in a steller sea lion (eumetopias jubatus) at yomiuri land marine aquarium in tokyo. the external clinical signs were extensive depilation and hyperkeratosis, as well as redness and depigmentation of the skin. histopathological findings of the skin revealed pas positive fungal hyphae with septa in the corneum layer of the epidermis. further microscopic examination suggested that this lesion of the skin was typical chronic de ...19947948389
early interaction of feline calicivirus with cells in culture.the kinetics and biochemical properties of feline calicivirus (fcv) attachment to crandell-reese feline kidney cells were determined. maximum binding was observed at ph 6.5. cells in suspension at 4 degrees c bound virus more efficiently than cells in monolayers at 4 degrees c or 37 degrees c. high initial binding rate was observed in monolayers or cells in suspension and proceeded to a maximum at 90 min, although half maximal binding was observed as early as 15 min. binding was specific and com ...19948002786
community acquired pneumonia in adults in addis ababa: etiologic agents and the impact of hiv lion hospital, a tertiary care referral hospital in addis ababa, ethiopia.19947949079
emperor penguin oxygen consumption, heart rate and plasma lactate levels during graded swimming exercise.oxygen consumption (vo2), heart rate and blood chemistry were measured in four emperor penguins, aptenodytes forsteri (gray), during graded swimming exercise. the maximum vo2 obtained, 52 ml o2 kg-1 min-1, was 7.8 times the measured resting vo2 of 6.7 ml o2 kg-1 min-1 and 9.1 times the predicted resting vo2. as the swimming effort rose, a linear increase in surface and submerged heart rates (fh) occurred. the highest average maximum surface and submersion heart rates of any bird were 213 and 210 ...19947964411
predicted stem-loop structures and variation in nucleotide sequence of 3' noncoding regions among animal calicivirus genomes.caliciviruses are nonenveloped with a polyadenylated genome of approximately 7.6 kb and a single capsid protein. the "rna fold" computer program was used to analyze 3'-terminal noncoding sequences of five feline calicivirus (fcv), rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (rhdv), and two san miguel sea lion virus (smsv) isolates. the fcv 3'-terminal sequences are 40-46 nucleotides in length and 72-91% similar. the fcv sequences were predicted to contain two possible duplex structures and one stem-loop st ...19947975270
serologic survey and serum biochemical reference ranges of the free-ranging mountain lion (felis concolor) in california.serum samples from 58 mountain lions (felis concolor) in california (usa) were collected between april 1987 and february 1990. nineteen serum samples were used for serum biochemistry determinations; the ranges were similar to reference values in domestic cats, captive exotic felidae and free-ranging mountain lions. a serological survey was conducted to determine whether antibodies were present against selected infectious agents. fifty-four (93%) of 58 sera had antibodies against feline panleukop ...19948028105
community acquired pneumonia in adults in addis abeba: etiologic agents, clinical and radiographic presentation.we prospectively studied 110 adult patients coming to black lion hospital between august 1987 and july 1989 with community acquired pneumonia (cap) for various etiologic agents and clinical and radiographic presentation. streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common offending pathogen in 72% and 67.5% from sputum and lung aspirate (la) gram stain respectively, and in 41% by pneumococcal serotyping of sputum. blood and la culture grew streptococcus pneumoniae in 4 (6%), staphylococcus aureus in 4 ...19948033877
studies on the formation of perceptually based basic-level categories in young infants.a series of experiments examined the abilities of 3- and 4-month-old infants to form categorical representations to exemplars of natural kinds--cats and horses. these experiments also permitted assessment of the relative exclusivity of these representations--the extent to which they exclude exemplars from contrasting basic-level categories from the same superordinate category. we found that categorical representations could be formed for horses that excluded cats, zebras, and giraffes, and for c ...19948045176
a lion lentivirus related to feline immunodeficiency virus: epidemiologic and phylogenetic aspects.feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) is a novel lentivirus that is genetically homologous and functionally analogous to the human aids viruses, human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2. fiv causes immunosuppression in domestic cats by destroying the cd4 t-lymphocyte subsets in infected hosts. a serological survey of over 400 free-ranging african and asian lions (panthera leo) for antibodies to fiv revealed endemic lentivirus prevalence with an incidence of seropositivity as high as 90%. a lion ...19948057472
tuberculosis in wild seals and characterisation of the seal bacillus.tuberculosis was diagnosed in 3 otariid seals found dead on beaches at 3 locations on the south coast of western australian between may 1990 and march 1991. this confirms that tuberculosis is present in the 2 native seals (neophoca cinerea and arctocephalus forsteri) in western australian waters. mycobacterium sp isolated from the lungs of 2 of the seals were studied to determine the similarity of the strains to each other, to the strains isolated during 1986 from australian sea lions and new ze ...19938097394
mystery ailment strikes serengeti lions. 19948197453
morphology of blastocystis sp. isolated from circus animals.blastocystis sp. is reported for the first time from faecal samples collected from a camel, a llama, a highland bull and a lion in a travelling circus. fresh faecal specimens were examined by light and electron microscopy, and vacuolar and cyst forms of similar morphology were present in all three ungulates. these cells were smaller than cultured vacuolar cells of blastocystis hominis isolated from humans and contained only a single vacuole in comparison to the multivacuolar cell found in fresh ...19938225774
dubin-johnson-like syndrome in golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia rosalia).on routine blood screens, persistent conjugated hyperbilirubinemia was discovered in two groups of closely related adult female golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia rosalia, n = 8). bromosulfophthalein (bsp) retention tests were performed on four hyperbilirubinemic and three control tamarins. bsp excretion was delayed in hyperbilirubinemic tamarins as compared with controls. grossly, liver of affected tamarins was dark brown to black, with a prominent reticulated pattern. histologic exam ...19938116141
microbesnoitia leoni bwangamoi, 1989, from the african lion (panthera leo) redetermined as a junior synonym of hepatozoon canis (james, 1905) wenyon, 1926.hepatozoon canis-like schizonts were found in the hearts of 2 lionesses (panthera leo) from kenya. the parasite, initially described as a new genus and new species microbesnoitia leoni bwangamoi, 1989, is determined to be a junior synonym of hapatozoon canis (james, 1905) wenyon, 1926.19948158481
measurements of faecal oestradiol and progesterone in non-pregnant and pregnant domestic and exotic cats.faecal samples collected for variable periods from 12 animals and five species of cats were assayed for progesterone and oestradiol content by application of standard radioimmunoassays to aliquots (50 microliters) of methanol extracts (4 ml) of a mixture of 0.5 g sample, 0.5 ml water and 1 g aluminium oxide, following partitioning of the total extract with petroleum ether (3 ml), further dilution of assay aliquots and drying. recoveries averaged 100 and 72% for oestradiol and progesterone, respe ...19938229917
effects of age, sex, and reproductive status on scent marking frequencies in the golden lion tamarin, leontopithecus rosalia.this study reports on the longitudinal changes in scent marking frequencies of male and female lion tamarins in relation to age, reproductive status, and group composition. juvenile males and females in family groups and subordinate males in trios (2 males, 1 female) scent marked infrequently. juvenile females scent marked less than juvenile males and began scent marking later. adult pair-bonded males and females scent marked with similar frequencies. females showed scent marking increases durin ...19806774938
erythropoietin structure-function relationships: high degree of sequence homology among investigate structure-function relationships of erythropoietin (epo), we have obtained cdna sequences that encode the mature epo protein of a variety of mammals. a first set of primers, corresponding to conserved nucleotide sequences between mouse and human dnas, allowed us to amplify by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) intron 1/exon 2 fragments from genomic dna of the hamster, cat, lion, dog, horse, sheep, dolphin, and pig. sequencing of these fragments permitted the design of a second genera ...19938364201
betadine decontamination of donor globes.between may 1983 and december 1989, 2,921 donor eyes received by the minnesota lions eye bank underwent a decontamination protocol using 10% betadine (1% povidone-iodine) solution. positive pretreatment limbal cultures were obtained on 52.1% of donor eyes. posttreatment limbal cultures demonstrated a 76.1% reduction in microbial growth, including an 85.7% reduction in candida species. streptococcus species were reduced by 76.7% and coagulase-negative staphylococcus were reduced by 76.1%. in addi ...19938339561
sarcocystis-like organisms in musculature of a domestic dog (canis familiaris) and wild dogs (lycaon pictus) in kenya.three of six wild dogs (lycaon pictus) which died of rabies, and one alsatian dog which died of adenocarcinoma, were found to harbour sarcocysts in their cardiac and/or skeletal muscles. the bradyzoites and metrocytes of the cysts were smaller than those seen in a lion infected with microbesnoitia leoni and the common sarcocystis spp. found in ruminants. it is proposed that lycaon pictus is the natural intermediate host of the unidentified sarcocystis-like species.19938249244
severe corneoscleral infection. a complication of beta irradiation scleral necrosis following pterygium assess the precipitating factors, clinical course, and treatment of 11 cases of severe intraocular infections of radionecrosis after pterygium excision in an attempt to minimize the devastating ocular sequelae.19938328937
prevalence of shigellosis and other enteric pathogens in a zoologic collection of epidemiologic study of shigellosis was the preliminary step in the formulation of a plan for the control of devastating infectious diseases in nonhuman primates at the national zoological park. data were collected from primate groups with enzootic shigellosis and included the following species: white-cheeked and siamong gibbons (hylobates concolor and h syndactylies); lion-tailed, celebes, and barbary macaques (macaca silenus, m nigera, and m sylvanus); black and white colobus monkeys (colobu ...19938407446
canine distemper epizootic in lions, tigers, and leopards in north america.canine distemper virus (cdv) infection occurred in captive leopards (panthera pardus), tigers (panthera tigris), lions (panthera leo), and a jaguar (panthera onca) in 1991 and 1992. an epizootic affected all 4 types of cats at the wildlife waystation, san fernando, california, with 17 mortalities. cdv-infected raccoons were thought to be the source of infection in these cats. two black leopards died at the naibi zoo, coal valley, illinois, and 2 tigers died at the shambala preserve, acton, calif ...19947948195
[parasitologic significance of the alteration of the causative anisakidae worm and of the pseudoterranova decipiens female immature adult worm, casting off the cuticles, and excreted from human in kanazawa city].we have been studying anisakidae larvae, their intermediate hosts and their final hosts in the northern japan sea area. these larvae cause anisakidosis. according to the investigation, the recent burst of pseudoterranovosis in this area can be attributed to the increased presence of sea lions, which proliferate in the arctic region, then migrate to the northern japan sea and eat the intermediate host fish. in a stomach of a male sea lion that was captured in february 1995, we found more than 4,5 ...19958543275
surveillance and control of anthrax and rabies in wild herbivores and carnivores in namibia.anthrax has been studied intensively in etosha national park, namibia since 1966; in addition, since 1975, mortality due to rabies and all other causes has been recorded, totalling 6,190 deaths. standard diagnostic procedures demonstrated that at least 811 deaths (13%) were due to anthrax and 115 deaths (2%) were caused by rabies. of the total number of deaths due to anthrax, 97% occurred in zebra (equus burchelli), elephant (loxodonta africana), wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) and springbok ...19938518440
comparative study of oestrogen excretion in female new world monkeys: an overview of non-invasive ovarian monitoring and a new application in evolutionary biology.oestrogen was measured in urine samples collected from captive females representing 7 species of new world monkey to provide an overview of the applicability of such formation in the noninvasive monitoring of ovarian function and to assess the potential applicability of such information in phylogenetic studies. species available for study were the pygmy marmoset, common marmoset, red-bellied tamarin, cotton-top tamarin, golden lion tamarin, goeldi's monkey and the owl monkey. oestrone conjugates ...19958529968
micro-evolutionary implications of allozymic and morphometric variations in sealworms pseudoterranova sp. (ascaridoidea: anisakidae) among sympatric hosts from the southeastern pacific ocean.we found significant morphometric and electrophoretic differences between sealworm larvae collected from four sympatric fish host species off the central coast of chile. the south american sea lion, otaria byronia, is a suitable host and most likely the only definitive host species in the study area. morphological patterns of caudal papillae in adult males collected from sea lions and electrophoretic evidence from larvae and adults substantiate our conclusion that they belong to just one, new sp ...19958557462
characterization of phocid herpesvirus-1 and -2 as putative alpha- and gammaherpesviruses of north american and european study the relationships between herpesvirus recently isolated from different pinniped species, antigenic and genetic analyses were performed. first, herpesviruses isolated from north american harbour seals (phoca vitulina), a californian sea lion (zalophus californianus) and a european grey seal (halichoerus grypus) were examined in an enzyme immunoassay (eia) with a panel of monoclonal antibodies which had previously been shown to allow typing of herpesviruses from european harbour seals int ...19968558126
a canine distemper virus epidemic in serengeti lions (panthera leo).canine distemper virus (cdv) is thought to have caused several fatal epidemics in canids within the serengeti-mara ecosystem of east africa, affecting silver-backed jackals (canis mesomelas) and bat-eared foxes (otocyon megalotis) in 1978 (ref. 1), and african wild dogs (lycaon pictus) in 1991 (refs 2, 3). the large, closely monitored serengeti lion population was not affected in these epidemics. however, an epidemic caused by a morbillivirus closely related to cdv emerged abruptly in the lion p ...19968559247
external quality assessment of techniques for assay of serum ethanol.ethanol was assayed by an average of 200 participants in the uk national external quality assessment scheme, in 26 samples of human serum containing 0.1% fluoride/oxalate and added ethanol from 0.2 to 4.5 g/l. outliers greater than three standard deviations from the consensus mean for any sample were excluded. data remaining were grouped by technique and the technique mean and standard deviation calculated. inter-laboratory variation of 13 technique groups was assessed by the coefficient of vari ...19958579285
detection of swine caliciviruses by indirect immunofluorescence.the indirect immunofluorescence test is a rapid method for detecting the presence of vesicular exanthema of swine virus or san miguel sea lion virus in cell culture. a serological relationship exists between vesicular exanthema of swine virus and san miguel sea lion virus, as shown by the fluorescence-positive reactions between swine antisera to vesicular exanthema of swine virus a48 and san miguel sea lion virus type 5 and cell cultures infected with san miguel sea lion virus types 1, 2, 3, 4 a ...19806994862
foraging ecology and use of space in wild golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia).in this paper we describe the use of space and feeding ecology of seven groups of golden lion tamarins observed for a total of 2,164 hr in poço das antas reserve, rio de janeiro, brazil. relative to habitat availability in the home ranges of these groups, lion tamarins spent more time than expected in relatively undisturbed swamp forests and less time than expected in more degraded hillside and pasture habitats. home range area was correlated with group biomass but not group size. golden lion ta ...19979093693
development of cooperative territoriality in juvenile lions.african lions, panthera leo, engage in many cooperative activities including hunting, care of young, and group territoriality, but the contribution of juvenile lions to these activities has never been documented. here we present experimental evidence that juvenile lionesses make a gradual transition to group-territorial defence between weaning (8 months) and sexual maturity (42 months). when challenged by simulated intruders played from a loud-speaker, juvenile females (but not males) become pro ...19968637927
genetic and phylogenetic divergence of feline immunodeficiency virus in the puma (puma concolor).feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) is a lentivirus which causes an aids-like disease in domestic cats (felis catus). a number of other felid species, including the puma (puma concolor), carry a virus closely related to domestic cat fiv. serological testing revealed the presence of antibodies to fiv in 22% of 434 samples from throughout the geographic range of the puma. fiv-pco pol gene sequences isolated from pumas revealed extensive sequence diversity, greater than has been documented in the d ...19968794304
a strain of calicivirus isolated from lions with vesicular lesions on tongue and december 1992, 17 african lions and 7 siberian tigers in a safari park in japan became sick with characteristic clinical symptoms of acute vesicular formations on tongue and snout. the disease was highly contagious since all of these animals showed similar symptoms within two days after the onset of the first case. swabs were taken from affected animals in rubbing tongues, snouts and some from rectums. cytopathic viruses were isolated on crfk cell culture by virological tests. the physicochem ...19979208424
feline lentivirus infection in nondomestic felids.human immunodeficiency virus and feline immunodeficiency virus are both lentiviruses that cause immunosuppressive disease. similarities between these diseases have promoted the study of feline immunodeficiency virus as a model for human immunodeficiency virus. not only have lentiviruses been found in domestic cats but they have been found in nondomestic felids as well. florida panthers, african lions, and other nondomestic felids have been found to have antibodies directed against lentiviruses a ...19958820600
coadaptation and immunodeficiency virus: lessons from the felidae.the emergence of pathogenic viruses in new species offers an unusual opportunity to monitor the coadaptation of viruses and their hosts in a dynamic ongoing process of intense biological selection. tracking lentivirus epidemics in man, monkeys and cats reveals genomic struggles at three levels: quasispecies divergence within an individual; coadaptation of virus and host genomes subsequent to disease outbreaks; and transmission, spread and pathogenesis in related host species. aspects of each lev ...19958745072
molecular phylogeny of macaques: implications of nucleotide sequences from an 896-base pair region of mitochondrial dna.we determined the nucleotide sequences of an 896-base pair region of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from 20 primates representing 13 species of macaques, a baboon, and a patas. we compared these sequences and the homologous sequences from four macaques and a human against each other and deduced the phylogenetic relationships of macaques. the results from the phylogenetic analyses revealed five groups among the macaques: (1) barbary macaque, (2) two species of sulawesi macaques, (3) japanese, rhesus, ...19968752012
the use of data loggers to determine the energetics and physiology of aquatic birds and deploying a data logger specifically designed for the purpose, it was possible to record heart rate, fh (beats/min), from free-ranging gentoo penguins, pygoscelis papua, and antarctic fur seals, arctocephalus gazella, at the british antarctic survey base at bird island. the heart rate data were then converted into oxygen consumption (vo2, mlo2 min-1 kg-1) and/or energy expenditure (w/kg) using equations that had been derived from calibration experiments. in these experiments the relationships ...19958728860
dna evidence on the phylogenetic systematics of new world monkeys: support for the sister-grouping of cebus and saimiri from two unlinked nuclear genes.previous inferences from epsilon-globin gene sequences on cladistic relationships among the 16 extant genera of ceboidea (the new world monkeys) were tested by strength of grouping and bootstrap values for the clades in the most parsimonious trees found: for this epsilon data set enlarged with additional cebus and saimiri orthologues; for another nuclear dna sequence data set consisting of irbp (interstitial retinol-binding protein gene) intron 1 orthologues; and for tandemly combined epsilon an ...19958845968
canine distemper virus infection in serengeti spotted hyenas.clinical signs suggestive of canine distemper virus (cdv) infection were observed among a group of spotted hyenas (crocuta crocuta) in the serengeti, tanzania. virus antigen was detected immunohistologically in a brain sample from a diseased cub. the presence of virus rna could be demonstrated in this brain as well as in intestine and lymph node of the animal by rt-pcr. sequence comparison of brain-derived amplicons showed that the virus was related to recent cdv field isolates. the closest homo ...19968861651
prevalence of antibodies to feline parvovirus, calicivirus, herpesvirus, coronavirus, and immunodeficiency virus and of feline leukemia virus antigen and the interrelationship of these viral infections in free-ranging lions in east africa.while viral infections and their impact are well studied in domestic cats, only limited information is available on their occurrence in free-ranging lions. the goals of the present study were (i) to investigate the prevalence of antibodies to feline calicivirus (fcv), herpesvirus (fhv), coronavirus (fcov), parvovirus (fpv), and immunodeficiency virus (fiv) and of feline leukemia virus (felv) antigen in 311 serum samples collected between 1984 and 1991 from lions inhabiting tanzania's national pa ...19968877134
a common-source outbreak of callitrichid hepatitis in captive tamarins and marmosets.callitrichid hepatitis (ch) is a highly fatal, emerging arenavirus disease of captive south american marmosets and tamarins (callitrichidae), including the endangered golden lion tamarin. a common-source outbreak of ch in golden lion tamarins and pygmy marmosets at a us zoo resulted from a single feeding of the primates with newborn mice in apparently infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv). isolates from livers of mice and primates were related to isolates from previous ch outbr ...19938450260
tuberculosis in buffaloes (syncerus caffer) in the kruger national park: spread of the disease to other species.tuberculosis, caused by mycobacterium bovis, was recently diagnosed in a cheetah (acinonyx jubatus), two lions (panthera leo) and a chacma baboon (papio ursinus) from the kruger national park (knp). it is assumed that they contracted the disease directly or indirectly from tuberculous buffaloes in the park. tuberculous granulomatous lesions in the lungs were extensive and constituted the predominant changes in all three animal species. these pulmonary lesions included tuberculous bronchiolitis a ...19968917861
natural and induced ovarian synchrony in golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia).ovarian cycle synchrony was assessed in spontaneously cycling female golden lion tamarins by monitoring longitudinal (16 mo) urinary steroid metabolite (estrone conjugates; pregnanediol-3 alpha-glucuronide, pdg) excretion in four pairs (n = 8) of females isolated from males. the overall mean ovarian cycle duration was 18.5 +/- 0.3 days (n = 136 cycles; mean range, 15.7-21.0 days), and there was no evidence of reproductive seasonality. laparoscopic ovarian examinations confirmed that cyclic fluct ...19968879503
effect of inorganic or organic selenium at two dietary levels on reproductive performance and tissue selenium concentrations in first-parity gilts and their progeny.a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design was conducted at two time periods using a total of 43 first-parity gilts. two sources of se (selenite or se-enriched yeast) were added at .1 or .3 ppm to corn-soybean meal diets to evaluate reproductive performance and gilt and progeny tissue se contents. treatment diets were initially provided approximately 60 d before breeding. gilts were bled at periodic intervals and serum glutathione peroxidase (gsh-px) activi ...19968923185
plasma lipids and liver histochemistry of rats fed sea-lion or corn oil with or without cholesterol supplementation.sea-lion oil (so) is used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. the effects of so on plasma lipid concentration and liver lipid histochemistry were compared with those of corn oil (co). male sprague-dawley rats were fed diets containing 15% (w/w) so or co with or without 1% cholesterol for 25 days. compared with rats fed co, so-fed rats showed lower plasma cholesterol levels (p < 0.001), high-density lipoproteins (hdl) (p < 0.05), very-low-density lipoproteins (p < ...19938514214
in vitro bacterial adherence to hydrogel and poly(methyl methacrylate) intraocular compare the in vitro adherence of staphylococcus epidermidis to poly-(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (polyhema) or hydrogel intraocular lenses (iols) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (pmma) iols.19969051525
tuberculosis in sea lions and fur seals from the south-western atlantic coast.diverse pathological conditions causing the strandings and/or deaths of several species of sea lions and seals on the northern coast of the province of buenos aires are being studied. tuberculosis was diagnosed in six cases of strandings, involving two otariid seal species (one otaria flavescens and five arctocephalus australis), between march 1989 and december 1992. necropsies were performed on all six cases. granulomatous lesions were observed in the prescapular and hepatic lymph nodes. lesion ...19969025145
[liberation into the wild of wild felines--danger of the release of virus infections].there are several felidae amongst the numerous endangered species. means of aiding survival are the reintroduction to the wild of animals bred under the auspices of man and their relocation from densely populated to thinly populated areas. it is unlikely that the dangers of such reintroduction or relocation projects have been examined sufficiently in respect to the risks of virus infections confronting individuals kept in zoos or similar situations. this report presents three examples to illustr ...19969045289
demonstration of helicobacter pylori-like organisms in the gastric mucosa of captive exotic carnivores.samples of gastric tissue from the cardiac, fundic and pyloric region of 30 carnivores comprising 12 tigers (panthera tigris), 10 lions (panthera leo), three pumas (felis concolor), two leopards (panthera pardus), one serval (felis serval), one wolf (canis lupus) and one hyena (crocuta crocuta) kept at german zoological gardens were subjected to histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. selected tissue specimens of 12 animals were examined also by electron microscopy. the purpose of ...19979076597
infectivity of lion and puma lentiviruses for domestic cats.infection of domestic cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) causes progressive immunological deterioration similar to that caused by human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). lentiviruses related to but phylogenetically distinct from fiv have been detected in several non-domestic feline species. serological cross-reactivity of these viruses raises the question as to whether inter-species transmission may occur. to address this issue, we asked whether lion lentivirus (fiv-ple) or two strains of ...19979129651
the yellow brick road of medical education.from the time the medical school's acceptance letter is opened, students eagerly set off on the yellow brick road in pursuit of the attributes of the good physician: intelligence, compassion and courage. the students already possess these traits, just as the scarecrow, tin man and lion did before they set out for oz, but they may dissolve in education systems that still decree that the initiation to medicine involve tonnes of tutored words and consuming call schedules.19979068580
distemper: not a new disease in lions and light of recent canine distemper virus (cdv) epidemics, we set out to determine the historical significance of cdv infection in captive lions and tigers in switzerland. the retrospective case material consisted of 42 lion and tiger necropsy cases from 1972 to 1992. necropsy reports for all lions and tigers were reviewed. all existing paraffin tissues were immunohistochemically examined with a polyclonal antibody raised against cdv. the results for 19 of the 42 lions and tigers were classified ...19979067652
the middle ear of a lion: comparison of structure and function to domestic cat.acoustic and anatomical measurements were made on the middle ear of a deceased lion and compared with measurements from the domestic cat. the acoustic input impedance and sound-transmission ratios measured in the two species have similar features but differ quantitatively. three-dimensional anatomical reconstructions show that the middle-ear structures of the lion and cat are similarly arranged but have large differences in absolute and relative size. in all fields, a bony septum divides the mid ...19979069624
pleural tuberculosis in patients infected with hiv in addis determine the prevalence of hiv-1 infection in patients with pleural tuberculosis and compare the clinical and radiological characteristics, effects and side effects of drugs, compliance to treatment and outcome by hiv status.19969164013
[prehistoric fauna in bulgaria].earliest husbandry in bulgaria is investigated by the example of the early neolithic settlement of koprivec. there was no domestication activity in the region. pig-keeping was of no importance during the earliest period. numerous bone-findings from the aeneolithic up to the bronze age settlement of durankulak build the base of a reconstruction of wildlife. most of the larger mammals were species that lived in forests. remarkable is the occurrence of the lion. a rich avifauna shows several specie ...19979157624
mental rotation in a california sea lion (zalophus californianus).mental rotation is a widely accepted concept that suggests an analogue mode of visual information-processing in certain visuospatial tasks. typically, these tasks demand the discrimination between the image and mirror-image of rotated figures, for which human subjects need an increasing reaction time depending on the angular disparity between the rotated figures. in pigeons, tests of this kind yielded a time-independent rotational invariance, suggested as being the result of a non-analogue infor ...19979172417
gasterophilus pecorum larvae in an aged lion. 19979226855
[metazoan parasites of boops boops (linnaeus, 1758) (teleostean sparidae) in the "golfe du lion", faunistic and ecology (author's transl)].a global study of the metazoan parasites of boops boops (l., 1758) have been made in the "golfe du lion". fourteen different species (eight platyhelmintha, one nematoda and five crustacea) have been inventorized. their respective localisation on the hosts, globals and specifics corresponding prevalences as well as their variations according to the size of the fish, and their abundance have been precised. parasitics associations have also been examined.19807458171
growth of lion and puma lentiviruses in domestic cat cells and comparisons with fiv.feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv-fca) is a lentivirus that causes gradual immunological deterioration in domestic cats. lentiviruses related to fiv have been detected in several nondomestic feline species; the biologic significance of these viruses remains to be defined. to examine the in vitro cell tropism of these nondomestic cat lentiviruses, prototypical puma and lion lentiviruses (fiv-pco and fiv-ple) were cultured in a variety of feline cell cultures. a domestic cat t lymphoma cell line, ...19979201228
encephalomyocarditis virus infections in an australian zoo.fatal encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) infections in a ring-tailed lemur (lemur catta), a squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus), three mandrills (mandrillus sphinx), a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), a pygmy hippopotamus (choeropsis liberiensis), and two goodfellows tree kangaroos (dendrolagus goodfellowi) occurred at taronga zoo. this is the first description of emcv in a zoological collection outside of the united states. regardless of species, the most common clinical presentation was sudden deat ...19979279403
risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction: "rich lion" or "poor sheep" approach? 19979359050
leptospirosis in california sea lions (zalophus californianus) stranded along the central california coast, 1981-1994.prevalence of leptospirosis was determined in california sea lions (zalophus californianus) stranded live along the central california (usa) coast between january 1981 and december 1994. clinical signs of renal disease were seen in 764 (33%) of 2338 animals examined; 545 (71%) of these 764 animals died, with similar gross lesions of nephritis. in silver impregnation stains of sections of formalin-fixed kidney, numerous loosely coiled spiral organisms were observed. leptospira pomona kenniwicki w ...19969359054
experimental infection in spf kittens with a particular calicivirus strain originally isolated from lion.two spf kittens were experimentally infected via the intranasal route with a strain of calicivirus originally isolated from sick lion suffering from vesicular disease. fever, 40.3 degrees c and 40.7 degrees c, and vesicular formation in tongue and snout were reproduced in both kittens. the infected virus was recovered from nasal, oral and rectal swabs. a longer duration of virus recovery was proved with oral swab samples taken from 1 to 10 and 12 days post infection. this suggests that tongue an ...19989699205
cutaneous mast cell tumours in a lion (panthera leo): a light and transmission electron microscopical study.cutaneous mast cell tumours of a 16-year-old female indian lion (panthera leo) were studied histologically and ultrastructurally. the proliferation index detected with an antibody against the nuclear antigen ki-67 was 16.5%. a cytochemical test for chymase activity was negative. mast cell tumours are well known in domestic animals and in cats are of two distinct histological types. the present paper is the first report of poorly differentiated cutaneous mast cell tumours in a lion. in their hist ...19958592055
trichinella nelsoni in carnivores from the serengeti ecosystem, tanzania.a survey of trichinellosis among sylvatic carnivore mammals from the serengeti ecosystem (tanzania) demonstrated the presence of trichinella nelsoni in 5 of 9 species examined. muscle samples were collected from carcasses of 56 carnivores from 1993 to 1995 and frozen before transport and examination. following artificial digestion of the samples, collected larvae were analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic dna technique. trichinella nelsoni was identified in 1 bat-eared fox (otocyon megalo ...19979406805
amino acid sequences of hemoglobin beta chains of five species of pinnipeds: neophoca cinerea, otaria byronia, eumetopias jubatus, pusa hispida, and pagophilus groenlandica.pinnipeds (otariidae, odobenidae, and phocidae) in the order carnivora have one or two types (hb i and hb ii) of hemoglobin components. these hemoglobins consist of identical beta chains and different alpha chains. we determined the complete amino acid sequences of the hemoglobin beta chain of three species of otariidae (australian sea lion, south american sea lion, and northern sea lion) and two species of phocidae (ringed seal and harp seal) from intact beta chain and chemical cleavage fragmen ...19968968957
production of chitinase and beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase by intestinal bacteria of pinnipedian animals.the chitinase- and beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase(glcnacase)-producing ability of intestinal bacteria from pinnipedian animals was determined using fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferone glycosides of n-acetylglucosamine oligosaccharides. intestinal microflora of a single cape fur seal, three california sea lions and three south american sea lions were characterized by a predominance of isolates of the bacteroidaceae and enterobacteriaceae families and the genus clostridium. of the 711 isolates tested ...19968987705
bartonella henselae antibody prevalence in free-ranging and captive wild felids from order to determine the importance of wild felids in the epidemiology of bartonella spp. infection, 136 nobuto strips or serum samples from free-ranging mountain lions (felis concolor) and bobcats (felis rufus) captured in california (usa) between 1985 and 1996 were tested for b. henselae antibodies (titer > or = 1:64) using an immunofluorescence test. similarly, 124 serum samples from 114 captive wild cats representing 26 species or subspecies collected between 1991 and 1995 were retrieved fr ...19989476226
sequence and characterization of phocine interleukin improve assessment of cellular immune responses in seals, northern elephant seal (mirounga angustirostris) interleukin 2 (il-2) has been characterized. the gene was cloned and sequenced from a 658 base pair (bp) cdna generated from total rna by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). the sequence encoded a 154 amino acid (aa) polypeptide that included a 20 aa putative signal peptide. seal il-2 was found to share considerable identity with published sequences. nucleotide sequ ...19989476229
partial characterization of the genome of nine animal caliciviruses.caliciviruses (cvs) include at least 42 distinct serotypes. seventeen cv serotypes have been isolated from marine sources and are called san miguel sea lion caliciviruses (smsvs). cvs also have been isolated from reptiles, primates, and other terrestrial animals. nucleotide sequences from portions of genome of prototype strains for six smsv serotypes, the reptile cv, cro-1, the cetacean cv, tur-1, and the primate cv, pan-1, are presented. cdna products of the polymerase (all strains characterize ...19969526548
in vitro isolation and characterization of a calicivirus causing a vesicular disease of the hands and feet.we report that a calicivirus of oceanic origin, san miguel sea lion virus serotype 5 (smsv-5), is a human pathogen. this biotype was isolated originally from blisters on the flippers of northern fur seals (callorhinus ursinus) and replicates readily in primate and human cell lines. it infects a phylogenetically diverse array of hosts (poikilotherms to primates) and induces type-specific neutralizing antibodies in exposed humans. group antibody against a pooled antigen of smsv-5 and two other ser ...19989502467
the carnivore remains from the sima de los huesos middle pleistocene site (sierra de atapuerca, spain).remains of carnivores from the sima de los huesos site representing at least 158 adult individuals of a primitive (i.e., not very speleoid) form of ursus deningeri von reichenau 1906, have been recovered through the 1995 field season. these new finds extend our knowledge of this group in the sierra de atapuerca middle pleistocene. material previously classified as cuoninae indet, is now assigned to canis lupus and a third metatarsal assigned in 1987 to panthera of gombaszoegensis, is in our opin ...19979300340
dermatitis caused by malassezia pachydermatis in a california sea lion (zalophus californianus). 19989569500
fatal toxoplasma gondii infection in golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia rosalia).four of five golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia rosalia) died after a brief period of illness 13 to 21 days following the consumption of a feral mouse by the group. three of the four animals died within hours after being observed as clinically healthy. the fourth animal became weak, failed to respond to treatment, and died several hours after treatment. at necropsy, there were bands of serosal and mucosal hemorrhages of the intestines, and the lungs were mottled. histologically, necros ...19979523646
free amino acids in milks of human subjects, other primates and non-primates.preterm and term transitional milks of human subjects and mature milks of human subjects, non-human primates and non-primates were analysed for free amino acids (aa) using precolumn phenylisothiocyanate derivatization and liquid chromatography. differences in free aa between three types of human milk were small. milks of pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) contained the highest levels of total free aa (8634-20,862 mumol/l), while the milks of cows and sheep had the lowest levels of total free aa (10 ...19989536856
leptospirosis in rehabilitated pacific harbor seals from california.renal disease was observed in two rehabilitated pacific harbor seals (phoca vitulina richardsii) from a facility in california (usa). the seals had leukocytosis and high serum phosphorus, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations. a retrospective study of leptospiral antibody serum titers indicated both seals had elevated titers to leptospira interrogans serovar grippotyphosa. a third seal, which died about the time when the index cases occurred, also had elevated titers to l. interrogan ...19989577797
low-frequency amphibious hearing in pinnipeds: methods, measurements, noise, and ecology.aerial low-frequency (100-6400 hz) hearing thresholds were obtained for one california sea lion (zalophus californianus), one harbor seal (phoca vitulina), and one northern elephant seal (mirounga angustirostris). underwater thresholds over a similar frequency range (75-6300 or 6400 hz) were obtained for these three animals in addition to another california sea lion. such data are critical, not only for understanding mechanisms about amphibious hearing and relating them to pinniped ecology and e ...19989566340
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 3366