
the genomic architecture of segmental duplications and associated copy number variants in dogs.structural variation is an important and abundant source of genetic and phenotypic variation. here we describe the first systematic and genome-wide analysis of segmental duplications and associated copy number variants (cnvs) in the modern domesticated dog, canis familiaris, which exhibits considerable morphological, physiological, and behavioral variation. through computational analyses of the publicly available canine reference sequence, we estimate that segmental duplications comprise approxi ...200919129542
helminth parasites of the wolf canis lupus from latvia.thirty-four wolves were collected between 2003 and 2008 from throughout latvia and examined for helminths. a total of 17 helminth species were recorded: the trematode alaria alata (85.3%); the cestodes diphyllobothrium latum (2.9%), echinococcus granulosus (2.9%), echinococcus multilocularis (5.9%), mesocestoides lineatus (5.9%), taenia crassiceps (8.8%), taenia hydatigena (41.2%), taenia (ovis) krabbei (8.8%), taenia multiceps (47.1%), taenia pisiformis (20.6%), taenia polyacantha (11.8%), taen ...200919138449
body size and predatory performance in wolves: is bigger better?1. large body size hinders locomotor performance in ways that may lead to trade-offs in predator foraging ability that limit the net predatory benefit of larger size. for example, size-related improvements in handling prey may come at the expense of pursuing prey and thus negate any enhancement in overall predatory performance due to increasing size. 2. this hypothesis was tested with longitudinal data from repeated observations of 94 individually known wolves (canis lupus) hunting elk (cervus e ...200919175444
linkage disequilibrium and demographic history of wild and domestic canids.assessing the extent of linkage disequilibrium (ld) in natural populations of a nonmodel species has been difficult due to the lack of available genomic markers. however, with advances in genotyping and genome sequencing, genomic characterization of natural populations has become feasible. using sequence data and snp genotypes, we measured ld and modeled the demographic history of wild canid populations and domestic dog breeds. in 11 gray wolf populations and one coyote population, we find that ...200919189949
molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in north american gray wolves.morphological diversity within closely related species is an essential aspect of evolution and adaptation. mutations in the melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) gene contribute to pigmentary diversity in natural populations of fish, birds, and many mammals. however, melanism in the gray wolf, canis lupus, is caused by a different melanocortin pathway component, the k locus, that encodes a beta-defensin protein that acts as an alternative ligand for mc1r. we show that the melanistic k locus mutation in ...200919197024
domestic dogs in atlantic forest preserves of south-eastern brazil: a camera-trapping study on patterns of entrance and site occupancy rates.presence of exotic species in forest remnants is a major concern for the conservation of wild species, not only on islands, where potential impact is higher. although the problem is widespread and increasing, there are few studies on neotropical forests. here we quantify the occurrence of domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) in an atlantic forest reserve in south-eastern brazil (santa lúcia biological station--slbs). throughout two years of monitoring with camera traps (2,142 camera-days), 25 ...200819197494
serologic survey for canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus in free-ranging wild carnivores from portugal.a serologic survey for canine distemper virus (cdv) and canine parvovirus (cpv) was performed on serum and lung extract from an opportunistic sample of 120 free-ranging wild carnivores (13 species) from portugal, collected from 1995 to 2006. antibodies to cdv were detected in wolf (canis lupus; 3/27) and red fox (vulpes vulpes; 2/22). antibodies to cpv were detected in wolf (9/28), red fox (2/14), wildcat (felis silvestris;1/8), genet (genetta genetta; 17/18), and stone marten (martes foina; 3/1 ...200919204354
mitochondrial genome dna analysis of the domestic dog: identifying informative snps outside of the control region.while the mitochondrial control region has proven successful for human forensic evaluations by indicating ethnic origin, domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) of seemingly unrelated breeds often form large groups based on identical control region sequences. in an attempt to break up these large haplotype groups, we have analyzed the remaining c. 15,484 base pairs of the canine mitochondrial genome for 79 dogs and used phylogenetic and population genetic methods to search for additional variabil ...200919261050
gastrointestinal parasites in dogs from the island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland.the present work was performed to survey the gastrointestinal parasites of domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and also to determine if any were infected with angiostrongylus vasorum (french heartworm), on the french island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland. a total of 57 fecal samples were collected and examined for intestinal parasites. the overall prevalence of parasitism was 57.9% and the six species found were: uncinaria stenocephala/ancylostoma caninum (47.4%), toxocara ...200919303213
habitat differentiation within the large-carnivore community of norway's multiple-use landscapes.the re-establishment of large carnivores in norway has led to increased conflicts and the adoption of regional zoning for these predators. when planning the future distribution of large carnivores, it is important to consider details of their potential habitat tolerances and strength of inter-specific differentiation. we studied differentiation in habitat and kill sites within the large-carnivore community of south-eastern norway.we compared habitat selection of the brown bear ursus arctos l., e ...200819330031
evolutionary history of the somatostatin and somatostatin receptors.somatostatin and its receptors have a critical role in mammalian growth through their control pattern of secretion of growth hormone, but the evolutionary history of somatostatin and somatostatin receptors are ill defined. we used comparative whole genome analysis of danio rerio, carassius auratus, xenopus tropicalis, gallus gallus, monodelphis domestica, homo sapiens, sus scrofa, bos taurus, mus musculus, rattus norvegicus, canis lupus familiaris, ovis aries, equus caballus, pan troglodytes and ...200919417543
predator and heterospecific stimuli alter behaviour in cattle.wild and domestic ungulates modify their behaviour in the presence of olfactory and visual cues of predators but investigations have not exposed a domestic species to a series of cues representing various predators and other ungulate herbivores. we used wolf (canis lupus), mountain lion (puma concolor), and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) stimuli (olfactory and visual), and a control (no stimuli) to experimentally test for differences in behaviour of cattle (bos taurus) raised in arizona. we mea ...200919429201
the deduced structure of the t cell receptor gamma locus in canis lupus familiaris.analyzing the recent high-quality genome sequence of the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris), we deduced for the first time in a mammalian species belonging to carnivora order, the genomic structure and the putative origin of the trg locus. new variable (trgv), joining (trgj) and constant (trgc) genes for a total of 40 are organized into eight cassettes aligned in tandem in the same transcriptional orientation, each containing the basic recombinational unit v-j-j-c, except for a j-j-c cassette ...200919539375
dimethylformamide is no better than glycerol for cryopreservation of canine semen.the objective of this study was to compare the effects of dimethylformamide (dmf) and glycerol in canine (canis lupus familiaris) semen cryopreservation based on postthaw motility and velocity evaluated by computer-assisted sperm analysis (casa) and the effects on subjective progressive motility, percentage of live sperm, and plasma membrane functional integrity. the semen was diluted in two steps with an egg-yolk tris extender containing 6% glycerol or dmf, frozen in 0.25-ml straws, and stored ...200919541362
chromosomal mapping of canine-derived bac clones to the red fox and american mink genomes.high-quality sequencing of the dog (canis lupus familiaris) genome has enabled enormous progress in genetic mapping of canine phenotypic variation. the red fox (vulpes vulpes), another canid species, also exhibits a wide range of variation in coat color, morphology, and behavior. although the fox genome has not yet been sequenced, canine genomic resources have been used to construct a meiotic linkage map of the red fox genome and begin genetic mapping in foxes. however, a more detailed gene-spec ...200919546120
density dependence and climate effects in rocky mountain elk: an application of regression with instrumental variables for population time series with sampling error.1. sampling error in annual estimates of population size creates two widely recognized problems for the analysis of population growth. first, if sampling error is mistakenly treated as process error, one obtains inflated estimates of the variation in true population trajectories (staples, taper & dennis 2004). second, treating sampling error as process error is thought to overestimate the importance of density dependence in population growth (viljugrein et al. 2005; dennis et al. 2006). 2. in ec ...200919549144
how the gray wolf got its color. 200919574371
exceptional running skill in dogs requires extensive experience.performances across a wide variety of animal species share a similar pattern of development. performance starts out low, over time increases to a peak, and then declines with old age. the increase of performance in early life is due to growth, adaptation, and learning. the author examined changes in running performance in 14 elite greyhound (canis lupus familiaris) runners. the time to peak performance from initiation of a professional career took up 9.1% of a typical dog's lifespan. this amount ...200919650525
differential sensitivity to human communication in dogs, wolves, and human infants.ten-month-old infants persistently search for a hidden object at its initial hiding place even after observing it being hidden at another location. recent evidence suggests that communicative cues from the experimenter contribute to the emergence of this perseverative search error. we replicated these results with dogs (canis familiaris), who also commit more search errors in ostensive-communicative (in 75% of the total trials) than in noncommunicative (39%) or nonsocial (17%) hiding contexts. h ...200919729660
a serological survey of infectious disease in yellowstone national park's canid community.gray wolves (canis lupus) were reintroduced into yellowstone national park (ynp) after a >70 year absence, and as part of recovery efforts, the population has been closely monitored. in 1999 and 2005, pup survival was significantly reduced, suggestive of disease outbreaks.200919756151
the influence of cryopreservation and seminal plasma on the chromatin structure of dog was the aim of the current study to investigate effects of seminal plasma on the chromatin structure of frozen-thawed canine (canis lupus familiaris) spermatozoa. a total of 20 ejaculates were collected. ejaculates were divided, and one half was centrifuged for removal of seminal plasma (c) while the other was left uncentrifuged (nc) before cryopreservation. this was performed according to the uppsala system in a computerized freezing machine. before freezing (bf) and after thawing (at), samp ...200919766298
wolf presence and increased willow consumption by yellowstone elk: implications for trophic cascades.recent increases in the height and growth ring width of willow (salix spp.) and other woody plants in the greater yellowstone ecosystem (gye) have been attributed to a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade from wolves (canis lupus) to elk (cervus elaphus) to willows. this hypothesis predicts that individual elk consume less willow in response to the presence of wolves, but this prediction has not been directly tested with data from elk. we collected 727 fecal samples from elk in the gallatin can ...200919769124
predatory senescence in ageing is well established that ageing handicaps the ability of prey to escape predators, yet surprisingly little is known about how ageing affects the ability of predators to catch prey. research into long-lived predators has assumed that adults have uniform impacts on prey regardless of age. here we use longitudinal data from repeated observations of individually-known wolves (canis lupus) hunting elk (cervus elaphus) in yellowstone national park to demonstrate that adult predatory performance dec ...200919780789
thelazia callipaeda (spirurida, thelaziidae) in wild animals: report of new host species and ecological implications.thelazia callipaeda infects the eyes of carnivores and humans in far eastern asiatic and european countries. studies have demonstrated the occurrence of t. callipaeda in foxes from areas where canine thelaziosis is endemic. however, there is little information on the role of wild carnivores as hosts of this nematode. from may 2003 to may 2009, a total of 130 carcasses of red foxes (vulpes vulpes; n=75), wolves (canis lupus; n=2), beech martens (martes foina; n=22), brown hares (lepus europaeus; ...200919782474
mitochondrial dna analysis of the japanese wolf (canis lupus hodophilax temminck, 1839) and comparison with representative wolf and domestic dog haplotypes.mitochondrial dna (mtdna) d-loop control region sequences ranging in length from 583 to 598 bp were determined for eight japanese wolf specimens (canis lupus hodophilax temminck, 1839) collected from several sites and compared with 105 haplotypes from the domestic dog (c. lupus familiaris) and continental grey wolf (c. lupus lupus). also, a 197-bp mtdna sequence was amplified from archaeological wolf specimens and two continental wolf specimens (c. lupus chanco) as reference sequences for analys ...200919877836
dogs, cats, and kin: a molecular species-level phylogeny of carnivora.phylogenies underpin comparative biology as high-utility tools to test evolutionary and biogeographic hypotheses, inform on conservation strategies, and reveal the age and evolutionary histories of traits and lineages. as tools, most powerful are those phylogenies that contain all, or nearly all, of the taxa of a given group. despite their obvious utility, such phylogenies, other than summary 'supertrees', are currently lacking for most mammalian orders, including the order carnivora. carnivora ...201019900567
echinococcus granulosus in gray wolves and ungulates in idaho and montana, usa.we evaluated the small intestines of 123 gray wolves (canis lupus) that were collected from idaho, usa (n=63), and montana, usa (n=60), between 2006 and 2008 for the tapeworm echinococcus granulosus. the tapeworm was detected in 39 of 63 wolves (62%) in idaho, usa, and 38 of 60 wolves (63%) in montana, usa. the detection of thousands of tapeworms per wolf was a common finding. in idaho, usa, hydatid cysts, the intermediate form of e. granulosus, were detected in elk (cervus elaphus), mule deer ( ...200919901399
cytologic study of normal canine has been shown that cytology has a role in the diagnosis of canine infertility, but there are few reports dealing with normal cytologic features of the testis. this is in contrast with human medicine, in which the normal testicular cytology has been thoroughly described and assessed both by qualitative and quantitative approaches. this study was performed to provide a description of the normal cells in cytologic specimens of the testis and to establish ratios between cells that quantify testi ...201019906415
serological survey for influenza type a viruses in domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and cats (felis catus) in north-eastern ascertain the potential transmission of influenza a viruses to dogs and cats, a serological survey was carried out in north-eastern italy. in a 4-year period, 637 serum samples were screened using a mab-based competitive elisa for anti-nucleoprotein a (npa) antibody detection of influenza viruses. no evidence of anti-npa antibodies was observed.201019912613
forensic analysis of dog (canis lupus familiaris) mitochondrial dna sequences: an inter-laboratory study of the gep-isfg working group.a voluntary collaborative exercise aiming at the mitochondrial analysis of canine biological samples was carried out in 2006-2008 by the non-human forensic genetics commission of the spanish and portuguese working group (gep) of the international society for forensic genetics (isfg). the participating laboratories were asked to sequence two dog samples (one bloodstain and one hair sample) for the mitochondrial d-loop region comprised between positions 15,372 and 16,083 using suggested primers an ...200919948334
what did domestication do to dogs? a new account of dogs' sensitivity to human actions.over the last two decades increasing evidence for an acute sensitivity to human gestures and attentional states in domestic dogs has led to a burgeoning of research into the social cognition of this highly familiar yet previously under-studied animal. dogs (canis lupus familiaris) have been shown to be more successful than their closest relative (and wild progenitor) the wolf, and than man's closest relative, the chimpanzee, on tests of sensitivity to human social cues, such as following points ...201019961472
the effect of donor age on progression of spermatogenesis in canine testicular tissue after xenografting into immunodeficient mice.the objective of this study was to examine the effect of donor age on progression of spermatogenesis in dog (canis lupus familiaris) testis tissue after xenografting. in experiment 1, canine testes were obtained by surgical castration. based on developmental pattern of spermatogenesis at the time of grafting, donors were categorized as immature, young, and adult (<4, 4 to 6, and >6 mo old, respectively). fragments of testis tissue were implanted subcutaneously on the back of immunodeficient mice ...201019962749
molecular mechanisms of polyploidy and hybrid vigor.hybrids such as maize (zea mays) or domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) grow bigger and stronger than their parents. this is also true for allopolyploids such as wheat (triticum spp.) or frog (i.e. xenopus and silurana) that contain two or more sets of chromosomes from different species. the phenomenon, known as hybrid vigor or heterosis, was systematically characterized by charles darwin (1876). the rediscovery of heterosis in maize a century ago has revolutionized plant and animal breeding a ...201020080432
identification of parelaphostrongylus odocoilei (nematoda: protostrongylidae) first-stage larvae in the feces of gray wolves (canis lupus) by molecular methods.first-stage nematode larvae with a dorsal-spine (dsl) were detected in five of 1,565 fecal samples from gray wolves (canis lupus) collected in british columbia, canada, between 2005 and 2008. molecular techniques were used to identify the dsl because it was not possible to determine their species identity using morphologic characters. the dsl were identified as parelaphostrongylus odocoilei based on the results of single-strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) analyses and dna sequencing of the ...201020090048
does perceived trainability of dog (canis lupus familiaris) breeds reflect differences in learning or differences in physical ability?researchers have reported perceived differences in trainability between different dog breeds. these reports could either be the result of underlying differences in learning or differences in physical capabilities. four studies were conducted to investigate this issue. in study 1 the level of agility metal-winners amongst those breeds perceived to be high and low in trainability did not deviate significantly from their respective levels of participation in the sport. in study 2 the level of preci ...201020117185
elucidating the spread of the emerging canid nematode angiostrongylus vasorum between palaearctic and nearctic ecozones.angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging parasite that is currently distributed through western europe and parts of south america. an isolated population is also present in newfoundland, canada. this presents a risk of onward spread into north america, but its origin is unknown. to ascertain the phylogeographic relationships and genetic diversity of a. vasorum within the western palaearctic and eastern nearctic ecozones, a total of 143 adult and larval nematode specimens were collected from foxes ...201020139034
australian dingoes are definitive hosts of neospora provide objective data on the potential role of dingoes (canis lupus dingo) in the life cycle of neospora caninum in australia, the production of n. caninum oocysts by experimentally infected canids was investigated. three dingo pups raised in captivity and three domestic dogs were fed tissue from calves infected with an australian isolate of n. caninum, nc-nowra. oocysts of n. caninum, confirmed by species-specific pcr, were shed in low numbers by one dingo pup at 12-14 days p.i. the remaini ...201020149793
geography and recovery under the u.s. endangered species act.the u.s. endangered species act (esa) defines an endangered species as one "at risk of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." the prevailing interpretation of this phrase, which focuses exclusively on the overall viability of listed species without regard to their geographic distribution, has led to development of listing and recovery criteria with fundamental conceptual, legal, and practical shortcomings. the esa's concept of endangerment is broader than the biologica ...201020151988
the igf1 small dog haplotype is derived from middle eastern grey wolves.a selective sweep containing the insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf1) gene is associated with size variation in domestic dogs. intron 2 of igf1 contains a sine element and single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) found in all small dog breeds that is almost entirely absent from large breeds. in this study, we surveyed a large sample of grey wolf populations to better understand the ancestral pattern of variation at igf1 with a particular focus on the distribution of the small dog haplotype and its re ...201020181231
a faecal analysis of helminth infections in wild and captive wolves, canis lupus l., in hundred and three samples of faeces of reared grey wolves from four locations (stobnica park and zoological gardens in bydgoszcz, wrocław and cracow) and twenty-six samples of faeces from two free-roaming packs of grey wolf (canis lupus l.) in piła (forest divisions: borne sulinowo, czarnobór, jastrowo) and zielona góra (forest divisions: torzym, krosno odrzańskie) were collected between 2005 and 2007. helminth eggs were detected in 78.6% of faecal samples of reared grey wolves and in 88.4% ...201020236557
genome-wide snp and haplotype analyses reveal a rich history underlying dog domestication.advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication. to understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the middle east, indic ...201020237475
first notification in italy of cardiopulmonary filariosis (heartworm disease) in a wolf (canis lupus).the authors report on the first notification of filariosis (heartworm disease) caused by dirofilaria immitis in a wolf (canis lupus) in italy. on account of this exceptional finding, the parasite was typed not only using traditional methods, such as stereomicroscopic examination, but also using highly innovative diagnostic methods, such as scanning electron microscope and molecular identification with the application of various recently developed methods (polymerase chain reaction and sequencing ...200720422563
animal and human rabies in mongolia.the prevalence of animal rabies differs in each area of mongolia. wolves (canis lupus linnaeus, 1758), foxes ( vulpes vulpes linnaeus, 1758), corsac foxes (vulpes corsac linnaeus, 1768) and manuls (felis manul pallas, 1778) are considered to be the infective wild animals in natural foci. amongst livestock, cattle have had the most rabies cases, followed by camels, sheep, goats and horses. the peak prevalence of animal rabies occurred in the 1970s. dundgovi province had the highest incidence duri ...200920462156
familiarity breeds contempt: kangaroos persistently avoid areas with experimentally deployed dingo scents.whether or not animals habituate to repeated exposure to predator scents may depend upon whether there are predators associated with the cues. understanding the contexts of habituation is theoretically important and has profound implication for the application of predator-based herbivore deterrents. we repeatedly exposed a mixed mob of macropod marsupials to olfactory scents (urine, feces) from a sympatric predator (canis lupus dingo), along with a control (water). if these predator cues were al ...201020463952
mass spectral analysis of the apolipoproteins on dog (canis lupus familiaris) high density lipoproteins. detection of apolipoprotein a recent study, we reported the detection of apoa-ii associated with the plasma high density lipoproteins of pigs that were previously thought to lack or to have this apolipoprotein in trace amounts. dogs have also been reported to lack this apolipoprotein; however, genomic data have revealed that the gene for apoa-ii is present on chromosome 38. prompted by this finding, we have carried out detailed mass spectral measurements on dog apo hdl. the molecular mass of apoa-ii was obtained as well ...200820483223
complete mitochondrial genome of the red fox (vuples vuples) and phylogenetic analysis with other canid species.the whole mitochondrial genome sequence of red fox (vuples vuples) was determined. it had a total length of 16 723 bp. as in most mammal mitochondrial genome, it contained 13 protein coding genes, two ribosome rna genes, 22 transfer rna genes and one control region. the base composition was 31.3% a, 26.1% c, 14.8% g and 27.8% t, respectively. the codon usage of red fox, arctic fox, gray wolf, domestic dog and coyote followed the same pattern except for an unusual att start codon, which initiates ...201020545001
physical size matters in the domestic dog's (canis lupus familiaris) ability to use human pointing cues.researchers have reported differences between breeds of dogs in their ability to utilize human gestures (wobber et al., 2009). these reports could either be the result of underlying differences in inherent communication abilities or differences in physical capacities amongst breeds. one physical difference between breeds which may make a difference in using visual cues is relative size. larger dogs should, all other things being equal, have greater inter-ocular distances and this may improve the ...201020553825
temporal autocorrelation functions for movement rates from global positioning system radiotelemetry data.autocorrelation has been viewed as a problem in telemetry studies because sequential observations are not independent in time or space, therefore violating assumptions for statistical inference. yet nearly all ecological and behavioural data are autocorrelated in both space and time. we argue that there is much to learn about the structure of ecological and behavioural data from patterns of autocorrelation. such patterns include periodicity in movement and patchiness in spatial data, which can b ...201020566498
cdna, genomic sequence cloning and overexpression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (gapdh) from the giant panda.gapdh (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) is a key enzyme of the glycolytic pathway and it is related to the occurrence of some diseases. the cdna and the genomic sequence of gapdh were cloned successfully from the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) using the rt-pcr technology and touchdown-pcr, respectively. both sequences were analyzed preliminarily. the cdna of gapdh cloned from the giant panda is 1191 bp in size, contains an open reading frame of 1002 bp encoding 333 amino acids. th ...201020586183
seroprevalence of neospora caninum in gray wolves in scandinavia.transmission of the protozoan parasite neospora caninum between wild and domestic animals has gained some interest during recent years. because of the close relationship between gray wolf (canis lupus) and dog it has been suggested that gray wolf is a definitive host for the parasite. the aim of this study was to estimate the seroprevalence of n. caninum in scandinavian gray wolves and to investigate any geographical patterns of the infection. the investigation was based on blood samples collect ...201020609524
neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii antibody prevalence in alaska caribou and moose populations in some regions of alaska undergo periodic declines in numbers. caribou and moose are managed by the state as valuable resources for not only sustenance and subsistence, but also for cultural heritage. incidence and prevalence of diseases that may impact herd health and recruitment from year to year are relevant to management decisions aimed to protect the long-term viability of these herds. neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii are two apicomplexan pa ...201020688628
serosurvey for canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, leptospira interrogans, and toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging canids in scandinavia and svalbard.prevalence of antibodies reactive to canine distemper virus (cdv), canine adenovirus type 1 (cav-1), leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae, and toxoplasma gondii were examined in free-ranging scandinavian canids. sampling included 275 red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from mainland norway, 60 arctic foxes (vulpes lagopus) from the high-arctic islands of svalbard, and 98 wolves (canis lupus) from the joint swedish-norwegian population. methods used included virus neutralization ...201020688639
effects of wolves on elk and cattle behaviors: implications for livestock production and wolf many areas, livestock are grazed within wolf (canis lupus) range. predation and harassment of livestock by wolves creates conflict and is a significant challenge for wolf conservation. wild prey, such as elk (cervus elaphus), perform anti-predator behaviors. artificial selection of cattle (bos taurus) might have resulted in attenuation or absence of anti-predator responses, or in erratic and inconsistent responses. regardless, such responses might have implications on stress and fitness.201020694139
performance constraints in strength events in dogs (canis lupus familiaris).ecological performance in animals is considered to be constrained by trade-offs between structural and physiological features. some of the best anatomical and physiological data in support of this perspective are based on findings from canines, in which researchers have demonstrated skeletal shape trade-offs between running efficiency and strength. there has, however, actually been little examination of the link between these structural differences and relevant performance. in this paper i analy ...201120708658
purification and partial characterization of canine s100a12.canine s100a12 (cs100a12) is a calcium-binding protein of the s100 superfamily of ef-hand proteins, and its expression is restricted to neutrophils and monocytes. interaction of s100a12 with the receptor for advanced glycation end products (rage) has been suggested to play a central role in inflammation. moreover, s100a12 has been shown to represent a sensitive and specific marker for gastrointestinal inflammation in humans. only human, porcine, bovine, and rabbit s100a12 have been purified to d ...201020727380
angiostrongylus species in wild carnivores in the iberian peninsula.a survey of angiostrongylus parasites was carried out between 2003 and 2006 in wild carnivore species in the basque country (northern spain). parasitological examination consisted in the dissection of heart and lungs for the extraction of adult worms. nematodes were identified using morphometrical features and also pcr amplification and sequencing analysis. the animal species included in this study were eurasian badger (meles meles), weasel (mustela nivalis), beech marten (martes foina), pine ma ...201020728995
free-ranging dogs assess the quantity of opponents in intergroup conflicts between social groups, the decision of competitors whether to attack/retreat should be based on the assessment of the quantity of individuals in their own and the opposing group. experimental studies on numerical cognition in animals suggest that they may represent both large and small numbers as noisy mental magnitudes subject to scalar variability, and small numbers (≤4) also as discrete object-files. consequently, discriminating between large quantities, but not between smaller o ...201120845053
the complete mitochondrial genome of dhole cuon alpinus: phylogenetic analysis and dating evolutionary divergence within canidae.the dhole (cuon alpinus) is the only existent species in the genus cuon (carnivora: canidae). in the present study, the complete mitochondrial genome of the dhole was sequenced. the total length is 16672 base pairs which is the shortest in canidae. sequence analysis revealed that most mitochondrial genomic functional regions were highly consistent among canid animals except the csb domain of the control region. the difference in length among the canidae mitochondrial genome sequences is mainly d ...201120859694
meta-analysis of relationships between human offtake, total mortality and population dynamics of gray wolves (canis lupus).following the growth and geographic expansion of wolf (canis lupus) populations reintroduced to yellowstone national park and central idaho in 1995-1996, rocky mountain wolves were removed from the endangered species list in may 2009. idaho and montana immediately established hunting seasons with quotas equaling 20% of the regional wolf population. combining hunting with predator control, 37.1% of montana and idaho wolves were killed in the year of delisting. hunting and predator control are wel ...201020927363
antibodies to toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum in captive neotropical and exotic wild canids and felids.this study was designed to detect antibodies to toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum in wild captive carnivores maintained in brazilian zoos. blood samples were collected from 142 brazilian wild felids and 19 exotic felids in zoos, and 3 european wolves (canis lupus) and 94 brazilian wild canids maintained in captivity in brazilian zoos of são paulo, mato grosso states and federal district. one hundred and two (63.4%) and 70 (50.3%) of the 161 wild felids tested were seropositive for t. gondii ...201020950109
are wolves saving yellowstone's aspen? a landscape-level test of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade.behaviorally mediated trophic cascades (bmtcs) occur when the fear of predation among herbivores enhances plant productivity. based primarily on systems involving small-bodied predators, bmtcs have been proposed as both strong and ubiquitous in natural ecosystems. recently, however, synthetic work has suggested that the existence of bmtcs may be mediated by predator hunting mode, whereby passive (sit-and-wait) predators have much stronger effects than active (coursing) predators. one bmtc that h ...201020957967
sarcoptic mange found in wolves in the rocky mountains in western united states.we documented sarcoptic mange caused by mites (sarcoptes scabiei) in 22 gray wolves (canis lupus) in the northern rocky mountain states of montana (n=16) and wyoming (n=6), from 2002 through 2008. to our knowledge, this is the first report of sarcoptic mange in wolves in montana or wyoming in recent times. in addition to confirming sarcoptic mange, we recorded field observations of 40 wolves in montana and 30 wolves in wyoming displaying clinical signs of mange (i.e., alopecia, hyperkeratosis, a ...201020966263
[cloning and characterization of caveolin-1 gene in pigeon, columba livia domestica].caveolins, a class of principal proteins forming the structure of caveolae in plasmalemma, were encoded by caveolins gene family. caveolin-1 gene is a member of caveolins gene family. in the present study, a full-length of 2605 bp caveolin-1 cdna sequence in columba livia domestica, which included a 537 bp complete orf encoding a 178 amino acids long putative peptide, were obtained by using rt-pcr and race technique. the columba livia domestica caveolin-1 cds shared 80.1% - 93.4% homology with b ...201020979249
wolves in the great lakes region: a phylogeographic puzzle.empirical studies demonstrate that natural hybridization in animals is more common than thought so far (mallet 2005), particularly among species that originated recently through cycles of population contraction-expansion arising from climate changes over the last glacial period, the pleistocene. in addition, the post-glacial global growth of human populations has fostered anthropogenic hybridization events, mediated by habitat changes, the persecution of large predators and the introduction of a ...201021040036
persistence of canine distemper virus in the greater yellowstone ecosystem's carnivore community.canine distemper virus (cdv) is an acute, highly immunizing pathogen that should require high densities and large populations of hosts for long-term persistence, yet cdv persists among terrestrial carnivores with small, patchily distributed groups. we used cdv in the greater yellowstone ecosystem's (gye) wolves (canis lupus) and coyotes (canis latrans) as a case study for exploring how metapopulation structure, host demographics, and multi-host transmission affect the critical community size and ...201021049890
high seroprevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in wild animals from portugal.we report an investigation of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in 52 wild birds and 20 wild mammals from northern and central areas of portugal by using the modified agglutination test. the birds comprised 26 common buzzards (buteo buteo), five tawny owls (strix aluco), four white storks (ceconia ceconia), three eurasian eagle owls (bubo bubo), three northern goshawks (accipiter gentilis), two booted eagles (hieraaetus pennatus), two common barn owls (tyto alba), two eurasian sparrowhawks (accipi ...201021104273
chemical characterization of milk oligosaccharides of an african lion (panthera leo) and a clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa).the carnivora include the superfamilies canoidea and feloidea. in species of canoidea other than the domestic dog, canis lupus, the milk contains only traces of lactose and much larger concentrations of oligosaccharides. in this study, lactose was found to be the dominant saccharide in the milk or colostrum of two species of feloidea, namely the african lion (panthera leo) and the clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa). in addition to lactose, the following oligosaccharides were characterized in th ...201021108689
vitrification of oocytes from endangered mexican gray wolves (canis lupus baileyi).careful genetic management, including cryopreservation of genetic material, is central to conservation of the endangered mexican gray wolf. we tested a technique, previously used to vitrify human and domestic animal oocytes, on oocytes from domestic dogs as a model and from the endangered mexican wolf. this method provided a way to conserve oocytes from genetically valuable older female mexican wolves as an alternative to embryos for preserving female genes. oocytes were aspirated from ovaries o ...201021111469
a large survey of croatian wild mammals for giardia duodenalis reveals a low prevalence and limited zoonotic potential.abstract wild mammals are considered an important source of potentially zoonotic giardia duodenalis parasites, yet surprisingly little information is available on the actual prevalence and the genetic identity of the species they harbor. a large survey was conducted in croatia by collecting 832 fecal samples from red deer (cervus elaphus, n = 374), roe deer (capreolus capreolus, n = 21), wild boars (sus scrofa, n = 144), foxes (vulpes vulpes, n = 66), bears (ursus arctos, n = 19), wolves (canis ...201021142957
estimation of population divergence times from non-overlapping genomic sequences: examples from dogs and wolves.despite recent technological advances in dna sequencing, incomplete coverage remains to be an issue in population genomics, in particular for studies that include ancient samples. here, we describe an approach to estimate population divergence times for non-overlapping sequence data that is based on probabilities of different genealogical topologies under a structured coalescent model. we show that the approach can be adapted to accommodate common problems such as sequencing errors and postmorte ...201021177316
summer movements, predation and habitat use of wolves in human modified boreal forests.grey wolves (canis lupus), formerly extirpated in finland, have recolonized a boreal forest environment that has been significantly altered by humans, becoming a patchwork of managed forests and clearcuts crisscrossed by roads, power lines, and railways. little is known about how the wolves utilize this impacted ecosystem, especially during the pup-rearing summer months. we tracked two wolves instrumented with gps collars transmitting at 30-min intervals during two summers in eastern finland, vi ...201121207232
cdna, genomic sequence cloning and overexpression of the ribosomal protein s13 gene in the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca).the cdna and the genomic sequence of ribosomal protein s13 (rps13) of the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) was cloned using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and touchdown-pcr, respectively. these two sequences were sequenced and analyzed, and the cdna of the rps13 gene was overexpressed in escherichia coli bl21. we compared the nucleotide sequences of the coding region and the amino acid sequences with those of seven other mammalian species retrieved from genbank. the ...201121268784
the role of predation in disease control: a comparison of selective and nonselective removal on prion disease dynamics in deer.effective measures for controlling chronic wasting disease (cwd), a contagious prion disease of cervids, remain elusive. we review theoretic relationships between predation and host-parasite dynamics and describe a mathematical model to evaluate the potential influence of random removal through harvest or culling and selective predation by wolves (canis lupus) upon cwd dynamics in deer (odocoileus spp.) populations. imposing nonselective mortality representing a 15% annual harvest or cull 51 yr ...201121269999
diseases and parasites in wolves of the riding mountain national park region, manitoba, canada.we examined wolf (canis lupus) blood and fecal samples from the riding mountain national park (rmnp) region of manitoba, canada. in 601 fecal samples collected during two study periods in rmnp and the duck mountain provincial park and forest (dmppf) we found gastrointestinal helminth eggs from alaria sp. (15.5%), capillaria sp. (1.0%), taeniid tapeworms (30.8%), toxascaris sp. (1.7%), toxocara sp. (0.2%), trichuris sp. (2.2%), and moniezia sp. (0.5%). in addition, we found demodex sp. (0.2%) and ...201121270013
effects of management of domestic dogs and recreation on carnivores in protected areas in northern developed countries dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are permitted to accompany human visitors to many protected areas (e.g., >96% of protected lands in california, u.s.a.), and protected-area management often focuses on regulating dogs due to concerns about predation, competition, or transmission of disease and conflicts with human visitors. in 2004 and 2005, we investigated whether carnivore species richness and abundance were associated with management of domestic dogs and recreational visita ...201121309853
variability within the msp2 gene in populations of anaplasma phagocythopilum.anaplasma phagocytophilum is an obligate intracellular bacterial parasite of verterbrate granulocytes. this bacterium is the aetiologic agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis. the msp2 gene encoding major surface protein 2 is unique for anaplasma and displays high antigenic variation. a fragment of the msp2 gene (334 bp) of a. phagocytophilum, amplified with dna isolated from ixodes ricinus, syringophilidae, capreolus capreolus and canis lupus familiaris, was used to determine polymorphisms of ...201021324269
a comparison of problem-solving and spatial orientation in the wolf (canis lupus) and dog (canis familiaris).in this study i tested benson ginsburg's theory that dogs should show diminished ability, compared to wolves, in orienting in three-dimensional space and manipulating objects sequentially. dogs of all ages and juvenile wolves should do poorly on these measures, but at some time before sexual maturity, the juvenile wolves should begin improving to the level of adult wolves. two adult and seven juvenile wolves were compared with 40 adult german shepherds. the initial task was to pull a single rope ...201121365204
development of gaze following abilities in wolves (canis lupus).the ability to coordinate with others' head and eye orientation to look in the same direction is considered a key step towards an understanding of others mental states like attention and intention. here, we investigated the ontogeny and habituation patterns of gaze following into distant space and behind barriers in nine hand-raised wolves. we found that these wolves could use conspecific as well as human gaze cues even in the barrier task, which is thought to be more cognitively advanced than g ...201121373192
filaroides osleri (oslerus osleri): two case reports and a review of canid infections in north america.infections of domesticated dogs by a worldwide parasitic nematode filaroides osleri (oslerus osleri) lead to verminous tracheobronchitis that are often misdiagnosed clinically as kennel cough, due to infection with the bacterium bordetella bronchiseptica. diagnosis of two canine cases in wyoming, usa prompted a search of the literature of canid infections in north america. infections of domestic dogs are reported in nine us states and four canadian provinces. dogs of multiple breeds and both sex ...201121411228
phylogenetic discordance of human and canine carcinoembryonic antigen (cea, ceacam) families, but striking identity of the cea receptors will impact comparative oncology studies.comparative oncology aims at speeding up developments for both, human and companion animal cancer patients. following this line, carcinoembryonic antigen (cea, ceacam5) could be a therapeutic target not only for human but also for canine (canis lupus familiaris; dog) patients. ceacam5 interacts with cea-receptor (cear) in the cytoplasm of human cancer cells. our aim was, therefore, to phylogenetically verify the antigenic relationship of ceacam molecules and cear in human and canine cancer.anti- ...201121436956
exposure to infectious agents in dogs in remote coastal british columbia: possible sentinels of diseases in wildlife and humans.ranked among the top threats to conservation worldwide, infectious disease is of particular concern for wild canids because domestic dogs (canis familiaris) may serve as sources and reservoirs of infection. on british columbia's largely undeveloped but rapidly changing central and north coasts, little is known about diseases in wolves (canis lupus) or other wildlife. however, several threats exist for transfer of diseases among unvaccinated dogs and wolves. to gain baseline data on infectious ag ...201121461190
assessing the prevalence of hybridization between sympatric canis species surrounding the red wolf (canis rufus) recovery area in north carolina.predicting spatial patterns of hybridization is important for evolutionary and conservation biology yet are hampered by poor understanding of how hybridizing species can interact. this is especially pertinent in contact zones where hybridizing populations are sympatric. in this study, we examined the extent of red wolf (canis rufus) colonization and introgression where the species contacts a coyote (c. latrans) population in north carolina, usa. we surveyed 22 000 km(2) in the winter of 2008 for ...201121486372
why is southern african canine babesiosis so virulent? an evolutionary perspective.abstract: canine babesiosis is a common, highly virulent disease in southern africa with even pups and juveniles being severely affected. this contrasts with bovine babesiosis, for example, where host, parasite and vector co-evolved and young animals develop immunity after infection without showing clinical signs. babesia rossi, the main causative organism of canine babesiosis in sub-saharan africa, was first described from a side-striped jackal (canis adustus) in kenya. although data are meagre ...201121489239
body condition and pregnancy in northern yellowstone elk: evidence for predation risk effects?s. creel et al. reported a negative correlation between fecal progesterone concentrations and elk:wolf ratios in greater yellowstone elk (cervus elaphus) herds and interpreted this correlation as evidence that pregnancy rates of elk decreased substantially in the presence of wolves (canis lupus). apparently, the hypothesized mechanism is that decreased forage intake reduces body condition and either results in elk failing to conceive during the autumn rut or elk losing the fetus during winter. w ...201121516883
multitarget test for emerging lyme disease and anaplasmosis in a serosurvey of dogs, maine, determine if the range of deer ticks in maine had expanded, we conducted a multitarget serosurvey of domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) in 2007. an extension of exposure to borrelia burgdorferi to the northern border and local transmission of anaplasma phagocytophilum throughout southern areas was found.201121529407
impacts of sampling location within a faeces on dna quality in two carnivore species.we investigated the influence of sampling location within a faeces on dna quality by sampling from both the outside and inside of 25 brown bear (ursus arctos) scats and the side and the tip of 30 grey wolf (canis lupus) scats. the outside of the bear scat and side of the wolf scat had significantly lower nuclear dna microsatellite allelic dropout error rates (u. arctos: p = 0.017; c. lupus: p = 0.025) and significantly higher finalized genotyping success rates (u. arctos: p = 0.017; c. lupus: p  ...201021564995
molecular identification of taenia spp. in wolves (canis lupus), brown bears (ursus arctos) and cervids from north europe and alaska.taenia tapeworms of finnish and swedish wolves (canis lupus) and finnish brown bears (ursus arctos), and muscle cysticerci of svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), alaskan grant's caribou (rangifer tarandus granti) and alaskan moose (alces americanus) were identified on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 396bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene. two species were found from wolves: taenia hydatigena and taenia krabbei. the cysticerci of reindeer, ...201121571090
the ontogeny of expression of communicative genes in coyote-beagle hybrids.although there are minimal genetic differences between the coyote (canis latrans), the gray wolf (canis lupus), and the domestic dog (canis familiaris), these three species are extremely different in numerous aspects of their physiology, morphology, and behavior. in particular, the threat display of coyotes differs markedly from dogs and wolves. coyotes display a wide open mouth gape-threat with attendant arched back defensive posture, and hiss vocalization. in our experience, this threat displa ...201121573986
new techniques for an old disease: sarcoptic mange in the iberian wolf.sarcoptic mange, a parasitic skin infection caused by the burrowing mite sarcoptes scabiei, has been reported in over 100 mammals, including humans. in endangered species, mange causes conservation concerns because it may decimate isolated populations and contribute to extinction. the iberian peninsula still maintains one of the largest wolf (canis lupus) populations in europe. in iberia, sarcoptic mange is endemic in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and the first confirmed wolf mange cases were recent ...201121600696
genetic data from 15 str loci for forensic individual identification and parentage analyses in uk domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris).eighteen str loci and one sex determination locus present in the finnzymes canine 2.1 str multiplex reagent kit were screened in the uk dog population providing allele frequencies and population genetic parameters necessary for the application of strs to forensic genetic casework. a total of 375 dogs were genotyped, including representative samples from each of twelve breeds used to evaluate hardy-weinberg equilibrium and calculate inter-population pairwise f(st) values. three loci were excluded ...201121600864
neonatal mortality of elk driven by climate, predator phenology and predator community composition.1. understanding the interaction among predators and between predation and climate is critical to understanding the mechanisms for compensatory mortality. we used data from 1999 radio-marked neonatal elk (cervus elaphus) calves from 12 populations in the north-western united states to test for effects of predation on neonatal survival, and whether predation interacted with climate to render mortality compensatory. 2. weibull survival models with a random effect for each population were fit as a ...201121615401
using the dog genome to find single nucleotide polymorphisms in red foxes and other distantly related members of the canidae.single nucleotide polymorphisms (snp) are the ideal marker for characterizing genomic variation but can be difficult to find in nonmodel species. we explored the usefulness of the dog genome for finding snps in distantly related nonmodel canids and evaluated so-ascertained snps. using 40 primer pairs designed from randomly selected bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the dog genome, we successfully sequenced 80-88% of loci in a coyote (canis latrans), grey fox (urocyon cinereoargenteus), ...200821585716
gray wolf (canis lupus) is a natural definitive host for neospora caninum.the gray wolf (canis lupus) was found to be a new natural definitive host for neospora caninum. neospora-like oocysts were found microscopically in the feces of three of 73 wolves from minnesota examined at necropsy. n. caninum-specific dna was amplified from the oocysts of all three wolves. oocysts from one wolf were infective for the gamma interferon gene knock out (ko) mice. viable n. caninum (designated ncwolfus1) was isolated in cell cultures seeded with tissue homogenate from the infected ...201121640485
can your dog read your mind? understanding the causes of canine perspective taking.prior studies have documented the domestic dog's (canis lupus familiaris) sensitivity to human attentional state, including a tendency to preferentially beg for food from attentive individuals and an ability to selectively perform forbidden behaviors when humans are not looking. due to the success of dogs on perspective-taking tasks, some have hypothesized that domestic dogs may have theory of mind, or the ability to infer what other individuals know. here we provide the first evidence that nond ...201121643852
genetic characterisation of toxoplasma gondii in wildlife from north america revealed widespread and high prevalence of the fourth clonal type.little is known of the genetic diversity of toxoplasma gondii circulating in wildlife. in the present study wild animals, including dolphins, from the usa were examined for t. gondii infection. tissues of naturally exposed animals were bioassayed in mice for isolation of viable parasites. viable t. gondii was isolated from 31 animals including, to our knowledge for the first time, from a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus), five gray wolves (canis lupus), a woodrat (neotoma micropus), and five ...201121802422
effect of semen collection method on sperm motility of gray wolves (canis lupus) and domestic dogs (c. l. familiaris).genetic management of mexican gray wolves includes semen banking, but due to the small number of animals in the population and handling restrictions, improvements in semen collection and cryopreservation rely on results from studies of domestic dogs. semen collection from wolves requires anesthesia and electroejaculation, which introduce potentially important variables into species comparisons, as dog semen is typically collected manually from conscious animals. to investigate possible effects o ...201121752444
prevalence of trichinella spp. in black bears, grizzly bears, and wolves in the dehcho region, northwest territories, canada, including the first report of t. nativa in a grizzly bear from canada.samples of muscle from 120 black bears (ursus americanus), 11 grizzly bears (ursus arctos), and 27 wolves (canis lupus) collected in the dehcho region of the northwest territories from 2001 to 2010 were examined for the presence of trichinella spp. larvae using a pepsin-hcl digestion assay. trichinella spp. larvae were found in eight of 11 (73%) grizzly bears, 14 of 27 (52%) wolves, and seven of 120 (5.8%) black bears. the average age of positive grizzly bears, black bears, and wolves was 13.5, ...201121719845
domestic dog origin of canine distemper virus in free-ranging wolves in portugal as revealed by hemagglutinin gene characterization.serologic evidence for canine distemper virus (cdv) has been described in grey wolves but, to our knowledge, virus strains circulating in wolves have not been characterized genetically. the emergence of cdv in several non-dog hosts has been associated with amino acid substitutions at sites 530 and 549 of the hemagglutinin (h) protein. we sequenced the h gene of wild-type canine distemper virus obtained from two free-ranging iberian wolves (canis lupus signatus) and from one domestic dog (canis f ...201121719841
Phylogenetic distinctiveness of middle eastern and southeast asian village dog y chromosomes illuminates dog origins.Modern genetic samples are commonly used to trace dog origins, which entails untested assumptions that village dogs reflect indigenous ancestry or that breed origins can be reliably traced to particular regions. We used high-resolution Y chromosome markers (SNP and STR) and mitochondrial DNA to analyze 495 village dogs/dingoes from the Middle East and Southeast Asia, along with 138 dogs from >35 modern breeds to 1) assess genetic divergence between Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian village dogs ...201122194840
serological evidence of coxiella burnetii exposure in native marsupials and introduced animals in queensland, australia.summarythe state of queensland has the highest incidence of q fever in australia. in recent years, there has been an increase in human cases where no contacts with the typical reservoir animals or occupations were reported. the aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii in australian native animals and introduced animals in northern and southeastern queensland. australian native marsupials sampled included the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and common no ...201121892986
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1367