
[orang utan--a myologic outsider]. 19724670556
alkaptonuria in an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). 19734689767
malaria parasites of the orang-utan. 19734777404
some intestinal protozoa of the orang-utan. 19734777428
facultative terrestrial hand postures in an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and pongid evolution. 19744817660
serological differentiation of human, orang-utan, gibbon, monkey and baboon bloods. 19704983948
clinical laboratory studies of the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan. 19714995083
reactions of human hl-a sera with orangutan and gorilla lymphocytes. 19725011650
[fibrous osteodysplasia of the maxilla in an orang-utan]. 19725017845
malaria parasites of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus). 19725038252
structure and histochemistry of corpora amylacea in the brain of an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). 19715090890
[brain stem of the orangutan]. 19715168387
[carcinoma solidum simplex mammae in an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus)]. 19665300159
surgical repair of spontaneous pneumothorax in an orangutan. 19695388181
pineal structure and composition in the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). 19705469562
bornean orang-utan twins born in captivity. 19705488979
steroid hormone transformations by endocrine organs from pregnant mammals. v. the biosynthesis and metabolism of progesterone and estrogens by orangutan placental tissue in vitro. 19695821987
comparative studies of the respiratory functions of mammalian blood. i. gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan. 19665916542
haemoglobin polymorphism in the orangutan and an animal with four major haemoglobins. 19665964709
[manipulation capability of a young orang-utan and a young gorilla. with observations on playing behavior]. 19665996821
hominid humeral fragment from early pleistocene of northwestern kenya.the distal end of a hominoid humerus was recovered from early pleistocene sediments in the kanapoi drainage near the southern end of lake rudolf. lava capping the sediments yielded a potassium/argon date of 2.5 million years. the fragment can be distinguished on inspection from gorilla and orangutan; discriminate analysis of humeri of homo and pan assigns it as hominid. from other evidence we consider it more likely to represent australopithecus s.s. than paranthropus.19676020039
evolution of butyrylcholinesterase in higher primates: an immunochemical study.serum butyrylcholinesterase (buche; ec of man and the higher primates was tested enzymatically and immunochemically, with the aid of monoclonal antibodies (mcab) developed against the enzyme isolated from human blood. enzyme activities showed great differences across species and among individuals, but all samples tested were dibucaine-sensitive. one mcab showed similar affinities for buche of each species, but another showed marked differences in affinity, preferring species in the orde ...19846149875
comparisons of nuclear antigens of epstein-barr virus (ebv) and ebv-like simian viruses.nuclear antigens (na) of ebv (ebna), herpesvirus gorilla, h. papio, h. pongo and h. pan were tested with sera of human, gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon and baboon origins. both conventional anticomplement immunofluorescence (acif) and acid-fixed nuclear binding of antigen followed by acif (afnb) procedures were used. comparisons of antibody titres by acif and afnb suggested that human sera detected the same antigenic determinants on ebna by the two procedures but gorilla sera measured dif ...19806156993
amylase levels in the tissues and body fluids of several primate species.1. serum amylase levels in the gorilla, orang-utan, chimpanzee and squirrel monkey are similar to man. serum amylase in the rhesus macaque is almost a whole order of magnitude higher than man. 2. of the several species tested, all have appreciable amylase in saliva or the parotid gland except the squirrel monkey. 3. high levels of amylase were found in the pancreas of all species tested. amylase was found in the livers of all species tested. 4. in in vivo experiments with squirrel monkeys, injec ...19826178549
immunochemical data suggesting a pattern for the evolution of human placental alkaline phosphatase.hyperimmune absorbed rabbit antisera which were reactive with epitopes specific for individual variants of human placental alkaline phosphatase were tested for their reactivity with primate placental alkaline phosphatases. using the three epitope-specific reactivities defined previously, we found that: epitope i is present in the s-, d- and i-variants of human placental phosphatase, and in the chimpanzee and pygmy chimpanzee placentae; epitope ii is present in the f- and 17-variants, and in the ...19846201730
phylogenetic distribution of a 24,000 dalton human leukemia-associated antigen on platelets and kidney cells.the distribution of a 24,000-dalton human leukemia-associated antigen, p24, was examined using the ba-2 and du-all-1 monoclonal antibodies. ba-2 and du-all-1 bound to human, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, and rabbit platelets but did not bind to mouse, rat, guinea pig, dog, horse, sheep, or goat platelets. orangutan platelets demonstrated a decreased level of binding with ba-2 and du-all-1. in addition, ba-2, but not du-all-1, bound to chimpanzee platelets suggesting that the chimpanzee has lost t ...19846233191
analysis of the virogenes related to the rhesus monkey endogenous type c retrovirus in monkeys and apes.molecular hybridization studies were carried out by using a [3h]complementary dna (cdna) probe to compare the endogenous type c retrovirus of rhesus monkeys (mmc-1) with other known retroviruses and related sequences in various primate dnas. the genomic rna of the endogenous type c retrovirus of stumptail monkeys (mac-1) was found to be highly related to the mmc-1 cdna probe, whereas the other retroviral rnas tested showed no homology. related sequences were found in old world monkey dnas and to ...19816262537
evolutionary tree for apes and humans based on cleavage maps of mitochondrial dna.the high rate of evolution of mitochondrial dna makes this molecule suitable for genealogical research on such closely related species as humans and apes. because previous approaches failed to establish the branching order of the lineages leading to humans, gorillas, and chimpanzees, we compared human mitochondrial dna to mitochondrial dna from five species of ape (common chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon). about 50 restriction endonuclease cleavage sites were mapped i ...19816264476
mitochondrial dna sequences of primates: tempo and mode of evolution.we cloned and sequenced a segment of mitochondrial dna from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon. this segment is 896 bp in length, contains the genes for three transfer rnas and parts of two proteins, and is homologous in all 5 primates. the 5 sequences differ from one another by base substitutions at 283 positions and by a deletion of one base pair. the sequence differences range from 9 to 19% among species, in agreement with estimates from cleavage map comparisons, thus confirmin ...19826284948
molecular cloning of a family of retroviral sequences found in chimpanzee but not human dna.a number of retrovirus-like sequences have been cloned from chimpanzee dna which constitute the chimpanzee homologs of the endogenous colobus type c virus cpc-1. one of the clones contains a nearly complete viral genome, but others have sustained deletions of 1 to 2 kilobases in the polymerase gene. the pattern of related sequences detected in other primate species is consistent with the genetic transmission of these sequences for millions of years. however, the appropriately related sequences h ...19826292470
urinary estrogen excretion during pregnancy in the gorilla (gorilla gorilla), orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and the human (homo sapiens).urinary estrogen components were separated, identified and quantified throughout the pregnancy of the gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and compared to estrogen levels in normal human pregnancies. fetal and neonatal adrenals from each species were also compared in terms of weight and relative amounts of fetal zone. the results demonstrate that gorillas and chimpanzees excrete 4- to 5-fold less estrogen during pregnancy than the human and orangutan which are similar to each ...19836404315
evidence on human origins from haemoglobins of african apes.molecular data have influenced views concerning human origins, first, by supporting the genealogical classification of pan (chimpanzee) and gorilla with homo rather than with pongo (orangutan) and, second, by suggesting that only a few million years separate humans and chimpanzees from their last common ancestor. indeed, the cladistic distances in phylogenetic trees constructed from amino acid sequence data, on detecting many superimposed mutations, yielded a 'molecular-clock' divergence date be ...19836406908
ramapithecines from china: evidence from tooth obtained from ramapithecine specimens found in asia, africa and europe have suggested the existence of two major subgroups, ramapithecus and sivapithecus, with ramapithecus having pre-human status. recently, however, it has been proposed that the fossils all belong to a single group, sivapithecus, which is more closely related to the apes, in particular the orang-utan. here we analyse data from a series of similar fossils which have been found in late miocene coalfields in lufeng, yunnan pr ...19836417543
is the orangutan a living fossil? molecular biology and paleontology have combined recently to arrive at a consensus on human/ape evolution; a new kenyan fossil stirs the debate once more. 19836417791
the evolutionary relationships of man and shares uniquely few morphological features with either the chimpanzee or the gorilla, whereas there are many features that suggest affinities between man and the orang-utan, to whom the fossil sivapithecus appears to be closely related. if these are unique features, inclusion of sivapithecus, man and the orang-utan in a single clade, distinct from that containing the african apes, is justified but contrary to current opinion.19846424028
the phylogeny of the hominoid primates, as indicated by dna-dna hybridization.the living hominoid primates are man, the chimpanzees, the gorilla, the orangutan, and the gibbons. the cercopithecoids (old world monkeys) are the sister group of the hominoids. the composition of the hominoidea is not in dispute, but a consensus has not yet been reached concerning the phylogenetic branching pattern and the dating of divergence nodes. we have compared the single-copy nuclear dna sequences of the hominoid genera using dna-dna hybridization to produce a complete matrix of delta t ...19846429338
comparative immunocytochemical study of the subcommissural organ.the subcommissural organs (sco) of 76 specimens belonging to 25 vertebrate species (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) were studied by use of the immunoperoxidase procedure. the primary antiserum was obtained by immunizing rabbits with bovine reissner's fiber (rf) extracted in a medium containing edta, dtt and urea. antiserum against an aqueous extract of rf was also produced. the presence of immunoreactive material in cell processes and endings was regarded as an indication of a possible rou ...19846435876
chondromatous metaplasia in the human larynx.the finding of metaplastic fibroelastic cartilage in both vestibular folds of the larynx of an orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) prompted the search for similar tissue in the same situation in 111 unselected human larynges removed at autopsy. fibroelastic cartilage was found in both vestibular folds in three cases, being unilateral in a further four instances. the formation of this cartilage was preceded by the accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharide between fine collagen bundles within the vestibular ...19806444613
comparison of brain structure volumes in insectivora and primates. iv. non-cortical visual structures.the relative size of the eyes, optic nerves, chiasms and tracts, and of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body is distinctly larger in primates than in (theoretically) isoponderous insectivora. within insectivora, the relative size is lowest in moles, medium in shrews and hedgehog-like tenrecs, and largest in hedgehogs. within primates, all relative sizes are on the average larger in simians than in prosimians: the eyes to a small degree, the lateral geniculate bodies moderately and t ...19846481154
genetic markers of immunoglobulins in the two orangutan subspecies and their hybrids.serum samples from 23 pongo pygmaeus abelii, 4 pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus and 2 hybrids were tested for gm (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24, 28) and for km (1) allotypes. all samples were negative for gm (2, 3, 5, 6, 14, 16, 21, 28), km (1) and positive for gm (1, 15, 17, 24). the allotypes g3m (10, 11, 13) were simultaneously absent in all of the bornean orangutans and present in all of the sumatran orangutans. moreover, the analysis of 8 bm allotypes has shown that all the p. py ...19846594304
individual and evolutionary variation of primate ribosomal dna transcription initiation regions.a 16-kilobase region surrounding the transcription initiation site for ribosomal dna and including the entire ribosomal dna transcription unit has been characterized in man and compared in higher primates. restriction analysis of ribosomal dna from the pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus), the common chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla), the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), the gibbon (hylobates lar), and the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) allows a primate phylogeny to be constructe ...19846599965
notes on the morphology of the chimpanzee and orang-utan placenta.the placentae of 11 chimpanzees and five orang-utans were collected from japanese zoos immediately after delivery and were examined according to the methods routinely used for the human placenta. placenta extrachorialis (circumvallate and circummarginate placenta) occurred in 80 per cent of the specimens collected from each species. in both groups, the placental vessels were distributed predominantly in the magistral pattern, and the umbilical cord was eccentrically inserted. subchorionic fibrin ...19836622432
urinary estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle of the orangutan. 19836672416
identification and quantitation of steroids in sulfate fractions from plasma of pregnant chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus monkey.steroids in the mono- and disulfate fractions from plasma of pregnant chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), orangutans (pongo pygmaeus), and a rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and quantitated by gas-liquid chromatography on open tubular glass capillary columns. whereas the average total concentrations were 4-5 times lower, 2.3-5.5 mumol x 1(-1) vs. 10.7-19.8 mumol x 1(-1), the pattern of steroid sulfates in the chimpanzees and orangutans were very s ...19846690281
tuberculosis in an orang utan. 19846743158
reactivity of monoclonal antibodies against human leucocyte antigens with lymphocytes of non-human primate origin.the phylogenetic distribution of antigens present on human lymphocytes was investigated by incubating human or simian cells with murine anti-human monoclonal antibodies and then determining the level of reactivity with a radiolabelled anti-murine igg reagent. the monoclonal antibodies used were specific for a t-cell antigen, lymphoid and lymphoid:myeloid antigens, ia antigens, and beta 2 microglobulin. the cells examined included b- and t-lymphoblastoid cell lines and fresh peripheral blood lymp ...19816801142
molar size sequence in the great apes: gorilla, orangutan, and ape dentitions the common molar size sequence is assumed to be mc greater than m2 greater than m1. this sequence is held in contrast to the assumed human sequence, m1 greater than m2 greater than m3. using mesiodistal, buccolingual, and cross-sectional area dimensions, this study indicates that the molar size progression in all three great ape species varies extensively from the assumed sequence.19806928425
chromosomal evolution of the great apes and man.a study of all the chromosomal changes that have occurred during evolution of the great apes and man gives an indication of the phylogeny of these species. their karyotypes differ from one another by a dozen chromosomal changes. the karyotype of their ancestor was very similar to that of living orangutans. reconstruction of the sequence of the chromosomal changes indicates that, after the isolation of the orang-utan, a common ancestral population existed for the other species. then, each branch ...19806934305
monitoring the female reproductive cycle of great apes and other primate species by determination of oestrogen and lh in small volumes of urine.a practical approach for monitoring the reproductive cycle of primates is described. ovulation, implantation, gestation and post-partum amenorrhoea were identified from measurements of total immunoreactive oestrogen and lh bioactivity in incomplete daily urine samples collected from various species, including a gorilla, a chimpanzee and an orang-utan. oestrogen values were determined by radioimmunoassay of hydrolysed urine using a non-specific oestriol antiserum and lh was assessed by measuring ...19806934307
evolution of alkaline phosphatases in primates.alkaline phosphatase [orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase (alkaline optimum), ec] in placenta, intestine, liver, kidney, bone, and lung from a variety of primate species has been characterized by quantitative inhibition, thermostability, and immunological studies. characteristic human placental-type alkaline phosphatase occurs in placentas of great apes (chimpanzee and orangutan) but not in placentas of other primates, including gibbon. it is also present in trace amounts in human ...19826950431
phylogeny of nk cell reactivity against human and nonhuman primate lymphoblastoid cell lines: evolving and conserved target antigens.both human and nonhuman primate natural killer (nk) cells display little or no killing against allogeneic b lymphoblastoid cell lines. however, the same b cell lines are killed in baboon-human (b alpha h) or human-baboon (h alpha b) xenogeneic combinations. competition-inhibition experiments indicate that the xenogeneic determinants recognized by nk cells are found principally if not exclusively on b rather than t target cells. cell lines from closely related chimpanzee or orang-utan species can ...19816970228
evidence of similar organization of the chromosomes carrying the major histocompatibility complex in man and other primates.the chromosome localization and gene synteny of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of the great apes and rhesus monkey were investigated using somatic cell hybrids. the presence of the mhc antigens was determined either with a microadsorption technique employing primate alloantisera, or with a radioimmune assay. the enzymes phosphoglucomutase 3 (pgm3), glyoxalase 1 (glo1), mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (sod2), and soluble maleic enzyme (me1) were assayed in those hybrids where elect ...19807002489
fatal airsacculitis and pneumonia, with abortion, in an orangutan.a 14-year-old, 76-kg female orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) aborted a premature fetus and within hours experienced severe respiratory distress and died. necropsy revealed evidence of chronic airsacculitis, acute bronchopneumonia, and terminal sepsis. escherichia coli was isolated from cultures of heart blood, tracheal fluid, air-sac tissue and fluid, lung, and bile. retrospectively, it was established that the animal had had a periodic nasal discharge for many months. the aborted infant had no eviden ...19807005204
the relationships of sivapithecus and ramapithecus and the evolution of the orang-utan.we review here the molecular data that bear on and provide a framework for interpreting hominoid relationships. man is shown to be most closely related to chimpanzees and gorillas among extant hominoids, with the orang-utan more distantly related to them and the gibbons more distantly still. a fossil ape, sivapithecus meteai, shares several characters with the orang-utan and is thus probably related to it. s. meteai is part of the middle miocene sivapithecus-ramapithecus species complex, and if ...19827045678
the origin of man: a chromosomal pictorial, gorilla, and chimpanzee likely shared an ancestor in whom the fine genetic organization of chromosomes was similar to that of present man. a comparative analysis of high-resolution chromosomes from orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and man suggests that 18 or 23 pairs of chromosomes of modern man are virtually identical to those of our "common hominoid ancestor", with the remaining pairs slightly different. from this lineage, gorilla separated fist, and three major chromosomal rearrangements ...19827063861
fatal bronchopneumonia in a young orang utan caused by pseudomonas pseudomallei. 19827080412
production of a monoclonal antibody to human liver alkaline phosphatase.a monoclonal antibody to human liver alkaline phosphatase (alp) has been produced by the mouse-hybridoma method using a partially purified enzyme preparation as antigen. the particular hybridoma secreting the antibody was detected by a screening procedure based on the retention of enzyme activity by the enzyme/antibody complex. the antibody cross-reacts strongly with human kidney and bone alps but not with human placental or intestinal alps. it also cross-reacts with liver and kidney alps from g ...19827151274
[electrophoretic variation and specification in different species of anthropoïd apes].the techniques involved in the measurement of the electrophoretic mobilities of human proteins have been applied for similar protein electrophoretic mobility measurements in various species of anthropoïd apes. a study of the electrophoretic polymorphism in the chimpanzee shows that this species has a similar variability to that of man, although the average individual heterozygosity level is lower. for a certain number of erythrocyte protein loci, the electrophoretic mobilities in man, chimpanzee ...19827152516
development, validation, and application of a rapid method for detection of ovulation in great apes and in women.a rapid hemagglutination inhibition test for detection of pregnancy in nonhuman primates has been modified to permit detection of the midcycle luteinizing hormone (lh) peak in hominid species. the test has been validated by correlation with immunoassayable lh activity in serum and urine. it has been used by the authors and others from prediction of ovulation in the gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, and human. this predictive capacity has been of value to experiments in natural breeding, artificial ...19817250394
pregnancy monitoring in diverse primate species by estrogen and bioactive luteinizing hormone determinations in small volumes of urine.immunoreactive estrogen and luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin (lh/cg) bioactivity have been measured throughout pregnancy in diverse primate species with a sample methodological approach utilizing small volumes of urine collected randomly. total immunoreactive estrogen levels and the relative abundance of component estrogens (estrone, estradiol and estriol) at various stages of gestation were compared in the human, orangutan, pygmy chimpanzee, douc langur and capuchin. measurement of ur ...19817277459
the effects of distamycin a on gorilla-, chimpanzee- and orangutan lymphocyte cultures.lymphocyte cultures from the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan were treated with the oligopeptide antibiotic distamycin a. this at-specific dna-ligand induces a distinct undercondensation in the quinacrine-bright heterochromatin of the gorilla and chimpanzee. this is also the case in human lymphocyte cultures. distamycin a further causes an undercondensation in the nonheterochromatic bands 17q21 of the gorilla and 16q22 of man. no visible distamycin a-sensitive chromosome regions are determined ...19817297124
evolution of the orang-utan. 19807432530
insertions and duplications of mtdna in the nuclear genomes of old world monkeys and hominoids.using oligonucleotide primers designed to match conserved regions of mammalian mitochondrial dna (mtdna), we have amplified and sequenced two divergent cytochrome b nuclear pseudogenes from orangutan cellular dna. evolutionary analysis suggests that a nuclear transfer occurred about 30 million years ago on the lineage leading to the catarrhines (old world monkeys and hominoids), and involved a long (at least 3 kilobases), probably damaged, piece of mtdna. after this transfer, the pseudogene dupl ...19957477403
characterization of daf-2, a high molecular weight form of decay-accelerating factor (daf; cd55), as a covalently cross-linked dimer of daf-1.human e express two surface forms of decay-accelerating factor (daf; cd55). on sds-page under reducing conditions the major form, daf-1, migrates as a 70-kda protein and the minor form, daf-2, present at < 10% the amount of daf-1, migrates as a 140-kda protein (kinoshita, t., s. i. rosenfeld, and v. nussenzweig. 1987. j. immunol. 138:2994). both forms possess decay-accelerating activity and, after purification from solubilized e, reinsert into sheep e, indicating a glycosylphosphatidylinositol a ...19947506731
c4 gene polymorphism in primates: evolution, generation, and chido and rodgers antigenicity.eleven new c4d genomic primate sequences of the fourth complement factor (c4) have been obtained. seven of them belong to five species not yet explored for this gene: pan paniscus (pygmy chimpanzee), cercopithecus aethiops (green monkey), macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey), macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus), and saguinus oedipus (cotton top tamarin). the new world monkeys (tamarins, four individuals) sequenced for c4 have a single c4d sequence only, which shows a b isotypic specificity and a rodgers ...19947525470
recent african origin of modern humans revealed by complete sequences of hominoid mitochondrial dnas.we analyzed the complete mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequences of three humans (african, european, and japanese), three african apes (common and pygmy chimpanzees, and gorilla), and one orangutan in an attempt to estimate most accurately the substitution rates and divergence times of hominoid mtdnas. nonsynonymous substitutions and substitutions in rna genes have accumulated with an approximately clock-like regularity. from these substitutions and under the assumption that the orangutan and africa ...19957530363
the presence of prostate-specific antigen-related genes in primates and the expression of recombinant human prostate-specific antigen in a transfected murine cell line.human prostate-specific antigen (psa) has been shown as an aid in the early detection of prostate cancer (w. j. catalona et al., j. am. med. assoc., 270: 948-954, 1993) and was approved in 1994 by the food and drug administration for early detection of prostate cancer. immunotherapies directed against psa have been suggested in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. one of the essential questions is to define which nonhuman species express psa for experimental studies. using southern blot ana ...19957538903
a common mutation in the hominoid class i a-locus ifn-responsive element results in the loss of enhancer activity.despite the observed coordinate expression of hla-a and -b antigens in somatic tissues, there is growing evidence that the a and b class i genes are differentially regulated at the transcriptional level. previous studies indicate that this may be related to locus-specific structural differences in certain enhancer elements. we have recently examined the 5' proximal regulatory regions of the a and b homologs in the higher non-human primates and found pronounced differences between the loci. seque ...19957547711
use of social information in the problem solving of orangutans (pongo pygmaeus) and human children (homo sapiens).fourteen juvenile and adult orangutans and 24 3- and 4-year-old children participated in 4 studies on imitative learning in a problem-solving situation. in all studies a simple to operate apparatus was used, but its internal mechanism was hidden from subjects to prevent individual learning. in the 1st study, orangutans observed a human demonstrator perform 1 of 4 actions on the apparatus and obtain a reward; they subsequently showed no signs of imitative learning. similar results were obtained i ...19957554827
gorilla and orangutan c-myc nucleotide sequences: inference on hominoid phylogeny.the nucleotide sequences of the gorilla and orangutan myc loci have been determined by the dideoxy nucleotide method. as previously observed in the human and chimpanzee sequences, an open reading frame (orf) of 188 codons overlapping exon 1 could be deduced from the gorilla sequence. however, no such orf appeared in the orangutan sequence. the two sequences were aligned with those of human and chimpanzee as hominoids and of gibbon and marmoset as outgroups of hominoids. the branching order in th ...19957563112
presence and abundance of cenp-b box sequences in great ape subsets of primate-specific alpha-satellite dna.cenp-b, a highly conserved centromere-associated protein, binds to alpha-satellite dna, the centromeric satellite of primate chromosomes, at a 17-bp sequence, the cenp-b box. by fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) with an oligomer specific for the cenp-b box sequence, we have demonstrated the abundance of cenp-b boxes on all chromosomes (except the y) of humans, chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. this sequence motif was not detected in the genomes of other primates, incl ...19957563136
polymorphism, monomorphism, and sequences in conserved microsatellites in primate species.dimeric short tandem repeats are a source of highly polymorphic markers in the mammalian genome. genetic variation at these hypervariable loci is extensively used for linkage analysis, for the identification of individuals, and may be useful for interpopulation and interspecies studies. in this paper, we analyze the variability and the sequences of a segment including three microsatellites, first described in man, in several species of primates (chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon, and macaque) using ...19957563137
growth pattern of the maxillary sinus in orang-utan based on measurements of ct scans.the postnatal growth of the maxillary sinus was analyzed in 20 male and 20 female skulls of orang-utan (pongo satyrus borneensis) in 5 age steps. coronal ct scans were carried out of all skulls using a computed tomograph siemens somatom dr. the distances between the ct scans were always 4 mm. the outline of the maxillary sinus was surrounded on the ct scans with a planimeter and then the volumes were calculated. using a growth model introduced by fanghänel (1974), growth functions for the volume ...19957566878
comparative mapping of yrrm- and tspy-related cosmids in man and hominoid apes.using chromosomal in situ hybridization it has been demonstrated that specific members of the yrrm and the tspy families are multicopy and y chromosome specific in hominoids. after hybridization with the yrrm-related cosmid a5f and the tspy-related cosmids cos36 and cy91, a reverse and complementary pattern of main and secondary signals is detected on the y chromosomes of the human, the pygmy chimpanzee and the gorilla, while the location of signals coincides on the y chromosomes of the chimpanz ...19957606360
improved dating of the human/chimpanzee separation in the mitochondrial dna tree: heterogeneity among amino acid sites.the internal branch lengths estimated by distance methods such as neighbor-joining are shown to be biased to be short when the evolutionary rate differs among sites. the variable-invariable model for site heterogeneity fits the amino acid sequence data encoded by the mitochondrial dna from hominoidea remarkably well. by assuming the orangutan separation to be 13 or 16 myr old, a maximum-likelihood analysis estimates a young date of 3.6 +/- 0.6 or 4.4 +/- 0.7 myr (+/- 1 se) for the human/chimpanz ...19957643413
the y chromosome: a graveyard for endogenous retroviruses.we have isolated 20 different human endogenous retroviruses (erv) related to erv3, hsrirt and humer 4-1. phylogeny and the presence of these erv among different primates were determined by computer and southern blot analyses. preferential localization of erv to the human, chimpanzee and orangutan y chromosomes among the low-copy-number erv is demonstrated. the reason for this accumulation of erv on the strongly heterochromatic y chromosome is probably mediated by (i) the absence of recombination ...19957665072
conservation of the down syndrome critical region in humans and great apes.a quarter century ago, a chimpanzee with trisomy 22 was reported to have the clinical manifestation of down syndrome. the features of down syndrome in human have been associated with chromosome 21 band q22.3. the recent availability of chromosome and loci specific probes has prompted us to utilize the human cosmid probe (d21s65) for the trisomy 21 region in the chromosomes of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (pongo pygmeus). interestingly, the hybridizati ...19957665094
the genomic sequence for prader-willi/angelman syndromes' loci of human is apparently conserved in the great apes.chromosomal changes through pericentric inversions play an important role in the origin of species. certain pericentric inversions are too minute to be detected cytogenetically, thus hindering the complete reconstruction of hominoid phylogeny. the advent of the fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) technique has facilitated the identification of many chromosomal segments, even at the single gene level. therefore the cosmid probe for prader-willi (pws)/angelman syndrome to the loci on human c ...19957666455
constraints on great apes' imitation: model and action selectivity in rehabilitant orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) imitation.we discuss selectivity in great ape imitation, on the basis of an observational study of spontaneous imitation in free-ranging rehabilitant orangutans (pongo pygmaeus). research on great ape imitation has neglected selectivity, although comparative evidence suggests it may be important. we observed orangutans in central indonesian borneo and assessed patterns in the models and actions they spontaneously imitated. the patterns we found resembled those reported in humans. orangutans preferred mode ...19957705061
performance in a tool-using task by common chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), bonobos (pan paniscus), an orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), and capuchin monkeys (cebus apella).performance by individual animals of three species of great apes (pan troglodytes, pan paniscus, and pongo pygmaeus) and capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) was assessed by presenting a food treat inside a clear tube. the subjects readily used a straight stick to obtain the food. when sticks were bundled together, the apes immediately unwrapped the bundle to obtain an individual stick, whereas capuchins attempted to insert the bundled sticks. when a misshapen stick was provided, apes, but not capuch ...19957705062
human (homo sapiens) and chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) share similar ancestral centromeric alpha satellite dna sequences but other fractions of heterochromatin differ considerably.the euchromatic regions of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) genome share approximately 98% sequence similarity with the human (homo sapiens), while the heterochromatic regions display considerable divergence. positive heterochromatic regions revealed by the cbg-technique are confined to pericentromeric areas in humans, while in chimpanzees, these regions are pericentromeric, telomeric, and intercalary. when human chromosomes are digested with restriction endonuclease alui and stained by giemsa (alui ...19957726296
the immunoglobulin kappa locus of primates.the immunoglobulin kappa genes of nonhuman primates were studied by using sequence information and hybridization probes derived from the human kappa gene regions. the following results were obtained: (1) v kappa gene probes of the three major human kappa subgroups hybridized to restriction nuclease digests of dna from the chimpanzees pan troglodytes (ptr) and pan paniscus (ppa), the gorilla gorilla gorilla (ggo), the orangutan pongo pygmaeus (ppy), the macaque macaca mulatta (mmu), the marmoset ...19957759095
analysis of gc-rich repetitive nucleotide sequences in great apes.the genomes of four primate species, belonging to the families pongidae (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan) and hylobatidae (gibbons), have been analyzed for the presence and organization of two human gc-rich heterochromatic repetitive sequences: beta satellite (beta sat) and longsau (lsau) repeats. by southern blot hybridization and pcr, both families of repeats were detected in all the analyzed species, thus indicating their origin in an ape ancestor. in the chimpanzee and gorilla, as in man, ...19957769618
relative size and evolution of the germline repertoire of t-cell receptor beta-chain gene segments in nonhuman primates.the mammalian t-cell receptor (tcr) gene complexes exist as multiple tandemly arrayed gene segments that have apparently arisen by gene duplication mechanisms. a study of the number of tcr germline gene segments in several primate species might provide insight into the relative rate and patterns of gene duplication and deletion within these gene complexes. dna probes from the tcr beta-chain variable (tcrbv) region gene segment subfamilies 1 through 25 and the constant region gene segment were se ...19957774912
comparative mapping of dna probes derived from the v kappa immunoglobulin gene regions on human and great ape chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization.fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) of cosmid clones of human v kappa gene regions to human and primate chromosomes contributed to the dating of chromosome reorganizations in evolution. a clone from the kappa locus at 2p11-p12 (cos 106) hybridized to the assumed homologous chromosome bands in the chimpanzees pan troglodytes (ptr) and p. paniscus (ppa), the gorilla gorilla (ggo), and the orangutan pongo pygmaeus (ppy). human and both chimpanzees differed from gorilla and orangutan by the ma ...19957782075
comparative mapping of the immunoglobulin c epsilon 1 gene (ighe) in five species of nonhuman primates by fluorescence in situ hybridization.the orthologous immunoglobulin c epsilon 1 gene (ighe) of the common chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, orangutan, white-handed gibbon, and japanese macaque was assigned to the human chromosome 14 homologue in each species and regionally mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to ptr15q32 (common chimpanzee), ppa15q32 (pygmy chimpanzee), ppy15q32 (orangutan), hla17qter (white-handed gibbon), and mfu7q29 (japanese macaque). the gene localized to the terminal region of the chromosome in each speci ...19957789180
construction of molecular evolutionary phylogenetic trees from dna sequences based on minimum complexity principle.ever since the discovery of a molecular clock, many methods have been developed to reconstruct the molecular evolutionary phylogenetic trees. in this paper, we deal with the problem from the viewpoint of an inductive inference and apply rissanen's minimum description length principle to extract the minimum complexity phylogenetic tree. our method describes the complexity of the molecular phylogenetic tree by three terms which are related to the tree topology, the sum of the branch lengths and th ...19957796581
complement component c4 gene intron 9 as a phylogenetic marker for primates: long terminal repeats of the endogenous retrovirus erv-k(c4) are a molecular clock of evolution.the complement component c4 genes of old world primates exhibit a long/short dichotomous size variation, except that chimpanzee and gorilla only contain short c4 genes. in human it has been shown that the long c4 gene is attributed to the integration of an endogenous retrovirus, herv-k(c4), into intron 9. this 6.36 kilobase retroviral element is absent in short c4 genes. here it is shown that the homologous endogenous retrovirus, erv-k(c4), is present precisely at the same position in the long c ...19957797267
gene conversion as a secondary mechanism of short interspersed element (sine) evolution.the alu repetitive family of short interspersed elements (sines) in primates can be subdivided into distinct subfamilies by specific diagnostic nucleotide changes. the older subfamilies are generally very abundant, while the younger subfamilies have fewer copies. some of the youngest alu elements are absent in the orthologous loci of nonhuman primates, indicative of recent retroposition events, the primary mode of sine evolution. pcr analysis of one young alu subfamily (sb2) member found in the ...19957799926
malignant rhabdoid tumor in the gastric wall of an aged orangutan (pongo pygmaeus).a 34-year-old female orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) developed renal failure and became uremic. at necropsy, large gastric masses were present around the cardia and in the corpus. abdominal metastases occurred in the liver, pancreas, and right ovary. light microscopic examination of the tumor revealed polygonal cells with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. the growth pattern was predominantly solid. focal areas contained excentric cytoplasmic intermediate filament inclusions, as identified by i ...19947801428
contrasting rates of nucleotide substitution in the x-linked and y-linked zinc finger genes.we have sequenced the entire exon (approximately 1.180 bp) encoding the zinc finger domain of the x-linked and y-linked zinc finger genes (zfx and zfy, respectively) in the orangutan, the baboon, the squirrel monkey, and the rat; a total of 9,442 bp were sequenced. the ratio of the rates of synonymous substitution in the zfy and zfx genes is estimated to be 2.1 in primates. this is close to the ratio of 2.3 estimated from primate zfy and zfx intron sequences and supports the view that the male-t ...19947807546
production and comprehension of referential pointing by orangutans (pongo pygmaeus).we report 3 studies of the referential pointing of 2 orangutans (pongo pygmaeus). chantek was raised in an enculturated environment; puti, raised in a nursery, had a more typical captive life. in experiment 1, flexibility of pointing behavior was investigated by requiring subjects to point in novel circumstances (for an out-of-sight tool, not food). in experiment 2, we investigated the orangutans' comprehension of the significance of a human point in helping them to locate food. in experiment 3, ...19947813191
a polymerase chain reaction-based method for the identification of dna samples from common vertebrate species.polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification of vertebrate genomic dnas using a (cac)n primer was found to generate species-specific patterns which are resolvable by agarose gel electrophoresis. of the thirteen species tested (trout, frog, chicken, mouse, rat, cow, dog, african green monkey, chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla, rhesus macaque, and human), all species showed discrete amplification products ranging in size from 1.0 to 3.2 kbp although trout and frogs had only weak (cac)n amplification ...19947813391
evolution of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 peroxisomal and mitochondrial targeting. a survey of its subcellular distribution in the livers of various representatives of the classes mammalia, aves and part of a wider study on the molecular evolution of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (agt1) intracellular compartmentalization, we have determined the subcellular distribution of immunoreactive agt1, using postembedding protein a-gold immunoelectron microscopy, in the livers of various members of the classes mammalia, aves, and amphibia. as far as organellar distribution is concerned, three categories could be distinguished. in members of the first category (type i), all, or nearly all, ...19947813517
concerted evolution of the tandem array encoding primate u2 snrna occurs in situ, without changing the cytological context of the rnu2 primates, the tandemly repeated genes encoding u2 small nuclear rna evolve concertedly, i.e. the sequence of the u2 repeat unit is essentially homogeneous within each species but differs somewhat between species. using chromosome painting and the ngfr gene as an outside marker, we show that the u2 tandem array (rnu2) has remained at the same chromosomal locus (equivalent to human 17q21) through multiple speciation events over > 35 million years leading to the old world monkey and hominoid lin ...19957828589
a young alu subfamily amplified independently in human and african great apes lineages.a variety of alu subfamilies amplified in primate genomes at different evolutionary time periods. alu sb2 belongs to a group of young subfamilies with a characteristic two-nucleotide deletion at positions 65/66. it consists of repeats having a 7-nucleotide duplication of a sequence segment involving positions 246 through 252. the presence of sb2 inserts was examined in five genomic loci in 120 human dna samples as well as in dnas of higher primates. the lack of the insertional polymorphism seen ...19947838713
polymorphic tandem repeats in dopamine d4 receptor are spread over primate species.the human dopamine d4 receptor has polymorphic tandem repeats in the third cytoplasmic loop. however, these repeats are not present in the rat counterpart. to determine whether the tandem repeats are specific to humans or not, we analyzed genomic dna sequences for the d4 receptor of six primate species (human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, marmoset). sequencing data revealed that all primates have the 48-bp tandem repeats in the d4 receptor gene. this finding suggests that these repea ...19957857303
a comparative study of higher primate foamy viruses, including a new virus from a gorilla.few foamy (spuma) retroviruses have been investigated in molecular detail, despite their previous isolation from several mamalian species, including ten neutralization serotypes from various primates. here, we have studied a new gorilla foamy virus (sfv-gg) and investigated its functional and phylogenetic relationship to the human (hfv) and other primate foamy viruses, including that recently described in orangutans (sfv-11). nucleotide sequencing of pcr products obtained from the r/u5 region of ...19957871729
conservative evolution of the mbc-dp region in anthropoid determine the organization of the dp region in the mbc of anthropoid primates, we constructed contig maps from cosmid clones of the chimpanzee and orangutan, representatives of the infraorder catarrhini, as well as of the cotton-top tamarin, a representative of the infraorder platyrrhini. we found the maps to be remarkably similar to each other and to the previously published map of the human dp region. in each of the four species, the dp region consists of four loci arranged in the same orde ...19937901184
reactivity of primate sera to foamy virus gag and bet order to establish criteria for the serodiagnosis of foamy virus infections we investigated the extent to which sera from infected individuals of human and primate origin react with structural and non-structural virus proteins in immunoblot assays. using lysates from infected cells as the source of virus antigen, antibodies were preferentially detected against the gag proteins and the non-structural bet protein. both the gag precursor molecules of 70 and 74k apparent m(r) and the cytoplasmic ...19947931149
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