[ontogenic development of the surface of craniofacial sagittal angular sectors in man and chimpanzee]. | by means of a technique for measuring surfaces by direct reading, six angular sectors have been studied (3 for the face and 3 for the skull) at various ontogenic periods of man, common chimpanzee and dwarf chimpanzee. the growth curves have been drawn for absolute values and for relative values. they show a certain evolutive parallelism between the frontal bone and the parietal bone, and between the face and the mandible, with a special fate for the occipital bone. | 1978 | 728633 |
effect of ethanol during hepatitis b virus infection in chimpanzees. | to determine whether the use of ethyl alcohol (ethanol, c2h5oh) may increase the liver damage caused by hepatitis b virus infection, ethanol was infused into four chimpanzees on one or two occasions during the course of natural or experimentally induced hepatitis b virus infections. a fifth chimpanzee, without active hepatitis b virus infection, served as a control. moderate elevations of serum aspartate or alanine aminotransferases occurred in four of the five chimpanzees, including the control ... | 1978 | 731211 |
balantidiosis in a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). | a young adult chimpanzee died after a brief gastrointestinal illness characterized by profuse soft stool, vomiting and dyspnoea. necropsy examination revealed a severe typhlitis and colitis with pseudomembrane formation, and acute aspiration pneumonia. balantidium coli, a common intestinal parasite, was found in large numbers in the mucosal and submucosal layers of the colon and caecum. the inflammation and degree of invasion associated with balantidium coli indicates that it was a primary patho ... | 1978 | 732267 |
activities of pongid thigh muscles during bipedal behavior. | electromyographic recordings were taken from 12 thigh muscles (or major parts of them) in a gorilla, from 6 thigh muscles in a chimpanzee, and from 2 thigh muscles in an orangutan as they engaged in bipedal positional behavior, including stance, reaching overhead, lunging, leaping and walking. in the african apes, symmetric bipedal stances with hindlimb flexure were accompanied by notable emg potentials generally increased to or remained at moderate and high levels. our studies on the gluteal (t ... | 1978 | 736109 |
experimental infection of the chimpanzee urethra and pharynx with chlamydia trachomatis. | an isolate of chlamydia trachomatis obtained from a man with nongonococcal urethritis was used to produce experimental urethral and pharyngeal infections in chimpanzees. after urethral inoculation of 8 x 10(1) inclusion-forming units (ifu), infections were established in three of three animals; urethral discharges developed in two. the infections persisted for five to nine weeks. larger inocular (7 x 10(2) and 1 x 10(5) ifu) produced pharyngeal infections in two animals. the third animal's phary ... | 1978 | 741332 |
chimpanzee chromosome 12 is homologous to human chromosome arm 2q. | | 1978 | 752547 |
chimpanzee chromosome 13 is homologous to human chromosome arm 2p. | | 1978 | 752548 |
the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), a new host for nymphal armillifer armillatus (pentastomida: porocephalida) in west africa. | | 1978 | 757709 |
diuretic and antihypertensive effects of 2-aminoethyl-4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-6-iodophenol hydrochloride (mk-447). | 2-aminomethyl-4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-6-iodophenol hydrochloride or mk-447, is a chemically novel diuretic agent which produced diuretic and saluretic effects in rats, dogs and chimpanzees. at doses ranging from 0.1 to 10 mg/kg p.o. (0.32-32 mumol/kg) mk-447 was more effective then furosemide at the same or higher doses in increasing the excretion of na+, k+ and cl- in rats and dogs. at single oral doses, mk-447 had antihypertensive activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats and renal hypertensiv ... | 1979 | 759610 |
a strain of plasmodium vivax characterized by prolonged incubation: morphological and biological characteristics. | numerous strains of p. vivax, distinguishable chiefly by their biological characteristics, are known to exist. two main varieties are recognized: the so-called temperate and tropical strains. the most extreme example of the former-designated by nikolaev as p. vivax hibernans-constantly exhibited an extremely long incubation period. the strain is no longer in existence and no type material has been preserved. in its place, a north korean strain with a generally long incubation period has been stu ... | 1975 | 764993 |
cellular sensitization in kuru, jakob-creutzfeldt disease and multiple sclerosis: with a note on the biohazards of slow infection work. | following intramuscular injection of kuru and jakob-creutzfeldt brain material into chimpanzees, circulating lymphocytes became sensitized to scrapie mouse brain (and spleen) to a greater degree than to normal tissue. this sensitization subsided after about a month, to be followed some 90 days later by a secondary peak attributed to establishment of changes in the nervous system. special sensitization to scrapie material occurs in kuru and jakob-creutzfeldt disease, but is not specific to them. ... | 1975 | 766554 |
immunofluorescent localization of hepatitis b antigens in chimpanzee tissues. | three chimpanzee chronic carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag) were examined by immunofluorescent techniques to determine the localization of hbs ag and hepatitis b core antigen (hbc ag) in their tissues. all specimens were quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70degrees until sectioned. frozen sections were prepared and stained for examination by fluorescent microscopy. for staining, anti-hbs and anti-hbc labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate were used. hbs ag was found in ... | 1975 | 791892 |
immunological aspects of hepatitis b virus infection. | infection of man and chimpanzees with the hepatitis b virus (hbv) is associated with diffuse hepatocellular infection and variable manifestations of disease which may not only reflect the character of the host immune response, but also depend upon differences in the cellular biology of this minimally cytopathic or noncytopathic agent. the presence of hepatocellular injury and the course of disease do not appear to be related to the presence of viral antigens in hepatocytes or to the specific pat ... | 1975 | 799469 |
immunofluorescent studies on chimpanzee humoral responses to human melanoma cells. | eight chimpanzees were immunized, each with a single melanoma cell line. it was found that the serum of only one of the eight chimpanzees showed immunofluorescence with four of the five melanoma cell lines at the membrane surface; but it showed no fluorescence with normal skin fibroblasts, wi-38 cells, hela cells, human or monkey kidney cells. with appropriate absorption studies it was found that the antiserum was specific to melanoma cell lines. trypsinated cells showed bright patchy membrane f ... | 1976 | 800239 |
effect of penicillin on the humoral and cellular immune response following group a streptococcal pharyngitis. | the effect of oral and parenteral penicillin on the development of cellular and humoral immune responses in chimpanzees infected with group a streptococcal m-types 1, 5 and 12 was investigated. the interrelationship between type-specific antibody response and enhancement of phagocytic competence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils was documented. penicillin depressed or suppressed type-specific antibody response depending on the mode and dose of administration, probably because of its effect on the ... | 1975 | 804981 |
acquired and natural immunity to gonococcal infection in chimpanzees. | despite the fact that gonorrhea is our most common reportable infectious disease, little is known about natural and acquired resistance to neisseria gonorrhoeae. with the chimpanzee model, which mimics human gonococcal infection in signs, symptoms, and host response, a natural resistance to gonococcal challenge was found. one aspect of this natural resistance became evident when the cervix and oral pharynx resisted more gonococci than the urethra. natural resistance was also shown when environme ... | 1975 | 805797 |
chorionic gonadotropin in the placenta of a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). | chorionic gonadotrophin (cg) concentration in the 'near term' chimpanzee placenta was similar to that of human term placentae and significantly (p smaller than 0.05) higher than that found in term placentae of marmosets and rhesus monekys. a significant linear relationship, correlation coefficient r equals +0.999, was found between log mean placental weight and log mean cg concentration in placentae from marmosets, rhesus monekys and the chimpanzee. | 1975 | 806508 |
species variations among primates in responses to drugs which alter the renal excretion of uric acid. | the effects of salicylate, probenecid (benemid) and pyrazinoate on uric acid excretion were determined in clearance experiments in the chimpanzee and cebus monkey (c. albifrons and c. apella). the results were correlated with data from these species in the literature and where possible to analogous data in man. with salicylate, the rank order of responsiveness in terms of uricosuric action was chimpanzee greater than man greater than c. albifrons = c. apella. this was true when comparisons were ... | 1975 | 806677 |
phylogenetic implications of comparative primate growth rates. | growth data from a number of species of old and new world primates have been analyzed by calculating instantaneous relative growth rates. species discussed are the new world species saimiri sciureus and saguinus nigricollis, and the old world species pan troglodytes and macaca mulatta. the analysis of the perinatal growth data indicated that differences in relative growth rates are present during early periods of growth. more specifically, it was found that the closer taxonomically a species is ... | 1975 | 807116 |
loa loa: experimental infection in two species of african primates. | four species of primates, baboon (papio anubis), patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas), green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) and chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) were inoculated with third-stage larvae of a human strain of loa loa from cameroon, west african. the baboon and patas monkeys developed patent infections after 135 to 148 days; the green monkeys and chimpanzee did not. in each animal which became patent, microfilaremia rose rapidly to high levels. in the baboon, but not in the patas monkeys, ... | 1975 | 808145 |
blood groups of pygmy chimpanzees (pan paniscus): human-type and simian-type. | blood grouping of nine pygmy chimpanzees revealed them to be human-type group a1, m,rho, and simian-type v.d, ccef, g, h, i, k, l. only group nc was polymorphic. pan paniscus red cells can be easily distinguished from those of pan troglodytes by the serological characteristics of human-type blood groups a and m. also, the distribution of the simian-type blood group systems v-a-b and c-e-f are strikingly different in the two species. | 1975 | 808629 |
hemispheric differences in the brains of great apes. | asymmetries are found in the cerebral hemispheres of some great apes, particularly in the orangutan, that are similar to those seen in man. studies in the orangutan might be more likely to help in understanding the evolution of handedness or language than studies in chimpanzees. | 1975 | 809093 |
the ascent of man: deductions based on a multivariate analysis of the brain. | this paper attempts to investigate taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships through an analysis of the distribution of mass within the brain. a multivariate analysis was performed on encephalization ratios for various divisions of the brain, employing volume measurements reported for 63 species by stephan et al. [1970]. the ratios for each brain region were considered to lie along one of the dimensions of eight dimensional 'brain space', and distances between all species were calculated and empl ... | 1975 | 810216 |
a modified polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid complex that induces interferon in primates. | a comlex of polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid (poly i-poly c) with poly-l-lysine and carboxymethylcellulose has been prepared. this complex is five to 10 times as resistant to hydrolysis by primate serum as the parent poly i-poly c. it has a thermal denaturation temperature about 40 c higher than that of poly i-poly c. the complex induces significant levels of serum interferon in monkeys and chimpanzees under conditions in which poly i-poly c itself induces no interferon. | 1975 | 810520 |
comparative immunochemical studies of primate hemoglobins. | the antigenic properties of a number of chromatographically purified primate hemoglobins were compared to those of normal human hemoglobin using a sensitive radioimmunochemical procedure. the degree of inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction with heterologous hemoglobins appeared to be related to the structural similarity of these proteins to the normal human hemoglobin immunogen. with the exception of the baboon hemoglobin, the antigenicity of the hemoglobins paralleled the phylogeny of the ... | 1975 | 812480 |
transmission of hepatitis b to the rhesus monkey. | the rhesus monkey does provide a suitable laboratory animal model for studying hepatitis b virus and for investigating various aspects of interaction between this infectious agent and the host. this species of non-human primate, however, offers a less sensitive animal model for hepatitis b infection than the chimpanzee. | 1975 | 812744 |
[comparative studies on placenta specific proteins in man and subhuman primates (author's transl)]. | it is shown that in placentae and partly also in sera from pregnant monkeys (chimpanzee, baboon, rhesus monkey and cynomolgus) proteins occur which are immunochemically related to the human placental specific antigens hpl (human placental locatogen), sp1 (pregnancy specific beta1-glycoprotein), pp5 (placental protein 5) and hsap (heat stable alkaline phosphatase). the immunochemical and physico-chemical properties of these monkey proteins are compared with those of the corresponding human protei ... | 1975 | 814878 |
pulmonary pneumocystosis in nonhuman primates. | pulmonary infection with pneumocystis carinii was detected in two aged owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) and two young chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). the clinical histories of the owl monkeys were similar and included progressive weight loss, anorexia, failure to thrive, and death. one of the owl monkeys had no concurrent disease, whereas the other had been experimentally inoculated with treponema pallidum 44 months before death. in both chimpanzees, an underlying myeloproliferative malignant neop ... | 1976 | 814879 |
the thermoreculatory responses of the galago (galago crassicaudatus), the baboon (papio cynocephalus) and the chimpanzee (pan stayrus) to heat stress. | 1. the thermoregulatory response of the galago, the baboon and the chimpanzee were studied on exposure to dry bulb temperatures of up to 40 degrees c in a temperature controlled room. 2. heat exposure caused an elevation in the respiratory frequency of all three species. the increase in the galago was significantly greater than that in the baboon and the chimpanzee. 3. heat exposure also caused an increase in the cutaneous moisture loss of the baboon and the chimpanzee but not in the galago. 4. ... | 1976 | 815544 |
anatomical study of cerebral asymmetry in the temporal lobe of humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus monkeys. | it is generally accepted that anatomical asymmetries in the temporal lobe language region of humans are associated with the asymmetrical representation of language function in the left hemisphere. comparative measurements were taken of the length of the left and right sylvian fissures of human, chimpanzee, and rhesus monkey brains. measurements confirmed the findings of other studies that the human sylvian fissure is longer on the left than on the right. the chimpanzee brains had a similar asymm ... | 1976 | 816005 |
immunity in infection with neisseria gonorrhoeae: duration and serological response in the chimpanzee. | relative and absolute resistance to urethral and pharyngeal infection with neisseria gonorrhoeae persisted for up to two years in male chimpanzees parenterally immunized with a colony type 2 gonococcal antigen. twelve additional adult males were immunized with either a colony type 1 gonococcal antigen or a sham diluent before being challenged with the immunizing isolate of n. gonorrhoeae. serum specimens were obtained throughout the immunization procedure and tested for indirect fluorescent, bac ... | 1976 | 816974 |
the intestinal parasites of a community of feral chimpanzees, pan troglodytes schweinfurthii. | fecal specimens from 32 champanzees living in gombe national park, tanzania, were examined. six species of helminths and 2 species of ciliates were found: probstmayris gombensis file (in press), strongyloides fuelleborni von linstow 1905, necator sp., oesophagostomum sp., abbreviata caucasica von linstow 1902, trichuris sp., troglodytella abrassarti brumpt and joyeux 1921, and an unidentified ciliate. none of the parasitic infections were heavy. this is the first such survey of the chimpanzee in ... | 1976 | 817011 |
development and chimpanzee testing of a vaccine against human hepatitis b. | highly purified hepatitis b virus surface antigen (australia antigen) purified by physical and chemical procedures from infected human plasma was used to prepare hepatitis b vaccine. the purified antigen was treated with formalin and the vaccine was tested exhaustively for safety by ordinary procedures and additionally in marmosets (for live hepatitis b virus). the vaccine was highly potent, inducing antibody in guinea pigs, grivet monkeys, and chimpanzees given three doses of vaccine containing ... | 1976 | 817293 |
sensory jacksonian seizures. | sensory jacksonian seizures were analyzed in 42 patients with regard to anatomical and temporal sequences. the origin of sensory jacksonian seizures, in contrast to motor jacksonian seizures, often began at peripheral sites with littel cortical representation. the progression of seizure activity across the cerebral cortex followed a course that was neither rectilinear, radiate, nor random; it appeared to preceed in an organized manner to involve functionally coherent units. the patterns analyzed ... | 1976 | 818344 |
[ethology]. | ethology is defined as comparative study of behaviours. the proceeding for a human ethology would consist in watching the psychopathologic phenomenon, as a natural happening, without modifying it by observer's presence. then, in analysing this fact according to methods suggested from physiology. ethological observation reveals a psychopathological fact about little chimpanzees in maternal deficiency: disturbance in directions for using the world and understanding rituals of communication. the ex ... | 1975 | 819243 |
the bark-eating habits in primates, with special references to their status in the diet of wild chimpanzees. | chimpanzees of the mahali mountains, tanzania, were recorded to chew barks of 21 species of trees and wood vines. they mainly utilize the barks of savanna-living deciduous trees during the mid-rainy season of the year when few fruits are available. the degree of their dependence on bark for food varies drastically year by year. the bark seems to occupy an important role as emergency food in a lean year in the survival of chimpanzees, as well as in that of some other higher primates. | 1976 | 819337 |
vaccine against human hepatitis b. | a highly purified and inactivated vaccine was made of hepatitis b virus surface antigen. the vaccine was tested exhaustively for safety by ordinary procedures and additionally in chimpanzees and marmosets. it was highly potent and induced antibody in guinea pigs, grivet monkeys, and chimpanzees after three doses of vaccine were given subcutaneously. chimpanzees given three doses of vaccine were protected against challenge with 1,000 chimpanzee-infectious doses of live human hepatitis b virus giv ... | 1976 | 819667 |
evaluation of the sub-human primate tube test for pregnancy in primates. | a haemagglutination inhibition test, developed specifically for primates, diagnoses early pregnancy in the chimpanzee, gorilla, orang-utan and baboon. the test was sensitive and reacted positively when the concentration of gonadotrophin in urine was equivalent to 0.03 i.u. human chorionic gonadotrophin per ml. this degree of sensitivity and the certitude that it cross-reacts with primate luteinizing hormone probably accounts for most of the false positive results. | 1976 | 819712 |
schistosome antigens in the circulation of chimpanzees infected with schistosoma japonicum. | chimpanzees infected with schistosoma japonicum develop circulating schistosome antigens in their circulation between 6 and 9 weeks post-exposure. the minimum number of circulating antigens ranges from one to three. these antigens also cross-react with an antiserum against s. mansoni adult worms. clearance of these antigens from the circulation several weeks later typically occurs. persistence of these antigens could result in the observed renal damage. | 1976 | 820210 |
great apes and rhesus monkeys as subjects for psychopharmacological studies of stimulants and depressants. | a group of experiments is described in which chimpanzees and orangutans are utilized as subjects in research projects designed to evaluate the effects of stimulant and depressant drugs on learning and performance. efficiency of performance on a task which measures spaced responding was impaired when subjects smoked cigarettes containing delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol prior to testing. in a sequential learning task, these subjects also demonstrated reduced performance when stimulatn drugs were orall ... | 1976 | 821785 |
isolation and characterization of two new herpes-like viruses from capuchin monkeys. | two herpes-like viruses were isolated from capuchin monkey (cebus apella) brain and (cebus albifrons) spleen cell cultures, respectively. both isolates induced similar cytopathic effects consisting of rounded and ballooned cells in the original monkey cell cultures and in a wide range of permissive cell types. neutralizing antibody to each virus was present in serum from the capuchin monkey from which it was isolated, but the two viruses did not cross-react by neutralization. fluorescein isothio ... | 1976 | 823119 |
[conversion of chimpanzee o-erythrocytes into b-erythrocytes by human alpha galactosyltransferase]. | the red blood cell antigens of the abo system are not present in all the anthropïd primates. the chimpanzee, particularly, shows only the two genes a and o. the alpha-galactosyl transferase, present in the human sera of group b, has been used to fix a molecule of galactose on o red cells of chimpanzee giving them a b specificity. if the b gene was present in the chimpanzee it could consequently be expressed on the erythrocytes. this gene, probably present in an ancestor common to the anthropoïd ... | 1976 | 825250 |
primate chorionic gonadotropins: antigenic similarities to the unique carboxyl-terminal peptide of hcgbeta subunit. | antigenic similarities of chorionic gonadotropin from human (hcg), chimpanzee (chcg), gorilla (gcg), orangutan (orcg), baboon (pacg), macaque (mcg), and marmoset (macg) were investigated in a radioimmunoassay system using an antiserum (rabbit h93) with antigenic determinants known to reside in the terminal 15 amino acid residues of the unique carboxyl-terminal peptide of hcgbeta, which makes it highly specific for hcg without crossreactivity to hlh. our findings indicate that the extreme antigen ... | 1976 | 826547 |
blood groups of gorillas: further observations. | four mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) were tested for their human-type and simian-type blood groups. they were all found to be human-type b, mn, he, rho and chimpanzee simian-type v.o, cef, g, h. | 1976 | 828673 |
hepatitis b subunit vaccine: a preliminary report of safety and efficacy tests in chimpanzees. | the 22 nm spherical form of hepatitis b surface antigen was purified from the serum or plasma of chronic carriers of the antigen. antigens of subtypes ayw and adr were individually prepared by isopycnic banding in cesium chloride followed by rate zonal separation in sucrose. each preparation was stabilized with human serum albumin, and aliquots were inactivated with 1:2000 formalin at 37 c for 96 hours. the potency and immunogenicity of each preparation were determined: both antigenicity and imm ... | 1975 | 828832 |
glc determination of a novel polyvalent saluretic agent, (6,7-dichloro-2-methyl-1-oxo-2-phenyl-5-indanyloxy)acetic acid, in biological fluids. | highly specific and sensitive glc methods were developed for the determination of (6,7-dichloro-2-methyl-1-oxo-2-phenyl-5-indanyloxy)acetic acid, a novel saluretic-uricosuric agent, in biological fluids. the procedures involve the addition of an internal standard, (6,7-dichloro-2-cyclopentyl-2-methyl-1-oxo-5-indanyloxy)acetic acid, to the biological specimens followed by extraction of the acids into benzene at ph 1. the indanones are back-extracted into sodium hydroxide and reextracted into meth ... | 1976 | 829793 |
origin of body surface qrs and t wave potentials from epicardial potential distributions in the intact chimpanzee. | epicardial and body surface qrs-t wave potential distributions were measured during normal and ectopic sequences in intact chimpanzees. epicardial potential distributions were used because they provide a comprehensive picture of total cardiac electrical activity for relating heart and body surface events during both ventricular activation and repolarization. when the epicardial potential gradients existed over a distance greater than that to the recording points on the body surface, e.g., as occ ... | 1977 | 832342 |
diuretic-induced uricosuria: interaction with pyrazinoate transport in man. | we investigated the acute effect of an orally administered uricosuric natriuretic agent (skf-62698) on renal urate transport in paired clearance studies in seven normal men. the participants received skf-62698 on two separate occasions. prior to the second study, each received pyrazinamide (pza) in order to inhibit the tubular secretion of urate. within 3 hours, skf-62698 significantly decreased the plasma urate and trebled the rate of urate excretion in the studies without pza. in contrast, aft ... | 1977 | 833763 |
enzymatic susceptibility and spontaneous release of human melanoma tumor-associated antigens. | a chimpanzee anti-human melanoma antiserum was used to study the enzymatic susceptibility and spontaneous release into tissue culture medium of human melanoma tumor-associated antigens (taa). limited proteolytic digestion of melanoma cells with trypsin or with pronase rendered these cells refractory to lysis by the chimpanzee antiserum and complement. longer periods of incubation of higher concentrations of enzyme caused an increased sensitivity to lysis. digestion of melanoma cells with neurami ... | 1977 | 833872 |
relationship between tooth and long bone size. | canonical correlations between tooth and long bone dimensions showed a greater correlation for anglo-saxons and apes than for nineteenth century londoners, i.e., coefficients of 0.75 for gorilla, 0.72 for chimpanzee, 0.69 for orang-utans, 0.74 for anglo-saxons, but 0.53 for nineteenth century londoners. although based upon limited sample sizes and limited metrical profiles of teeth and long bones, the data support the thesis that modern europeans are under reduced selection pressure to maintain ... | 1977 | 860754 |
correlation of serum testosterone levels with age in male chimpanzees. | serum testosterone was measured in a group of male chimpanzees of varying ages by radioimmunoassay using a specific antiserum to testosterone-3-carboxym ethyloxime-bovine serum albumin. the juvenile age group, ranging from one through six years (n=26), had a mean serum testosterone value of 13ng/100ml (range 3.5-59ng/100ml). the adolescent age group, spanning years seven through ten (n=19), had a mean value of 178ng/100ml (range 14.6-238ng/100ml). the adult group, comprised of animals over eleve ... | 1977 | 867446 |
gleno-humeral joint in the chimpanzee: comparative anatomical analysis for use in endoprosthetic replacement. | the gleno-humeral joint of the adult chimpanzee is morphologically compared to the human shoulder to assess the feasibility of this animal for use in experimental prosthetic replacement. the anatomical structure appears similar enough to man to warrant investigation of this animal as a vehicle for experimental implant design in the shoulder. several anatomical structural differences were noted which necessitated modification of the fixturing segments of a "floating socket" total gleno-humeral en ... | 1977 | 875005 |
the location of dna homologous to human satellite iii dna in the chromosomes of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orang utan (pongo pygmaeus). | radioactive rna with sequences complementary to human dna satellite iii was hybridised in situ to metaphase chromosomes of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). a quantitative analysis of the radioactivity, and hence of the chromosomal distribution of human dna satellite iii equivalent sequences in the great apes, was undertaken, and the results compared with interspecies chromosome homologies based upon giemsa banding patterns. in so ... | 1977 | 880842 |
spontaneous leprosy-like disease in a chimpanzee. | the clinical and laboratory findings of a spontaneous disease, resembling human leprosy, in a chimpanzee are described. the disease was a chronic progressive dermatitis characterized by nodular thickenings of the dermis and involving the ears, eyebrows, nostrils, and lips. a maculopapular rash was also present. numerous acid-fast organisms were found in nasal swabs and in dermal lesions, including nerves. attempts to culture acid-fast organisms in artificial media have failed. at this time, the ... | 1977 | 886203 |
cross-modal recognition in chimpanzees and monkeys. | | 1977 | 896006 |
detection of e antigen during acute and chronic hepatitis b virus infections in chimpanzees. | | 1977 | 908851 |
hepatitis b e antigen and infectivity of hepatitis b virus. | for confirmation of the difference in the infectivity of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag)-positive serum according to differences in the e antigen system, four chimpanzees were inoculated with serum positive for hepatitis b e antigen (hbe ag), and three chimpanzees were inoculated with serum positive for antibody to hbe ag (anti-hbe). since the infectivity titrations are not yet completed, the end infectivity titer of each serum is not known. all four chimpanzees given injections of 10(-1), ... | 1977 | 908854 |
competition for meat between chimpanzees and baboons of the gombe national park. | both chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) and baboons (papio anubis) at the gombe national park in western tanzania are know to catch and eat meat. there are five occasions recorded when chimpanzees were seen to seize prey from baboons and five other occasions when there was evidence strongly suggesting that an appropriation had taken place. this paper describes these observations. | 1977 | 914124 |
the chromosomal radiosensitivity of lymphocytes from the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). | the yield of chromosomal aberrations induced by exposure to x-irradiation in vitro was studied in the lymphocytes of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), a hominoid ape phylogenically and chromosomally closely related to man. in agreement with the similarity of the chromosome characteristics, no significant difference was observed between man and chimpanzee with respect to the incidence of dicentrics and fragments. it is obvious that the nuclear area, which apparently constitutes the most evident d ... | 1977 | 917036 |
evolution of primate chromosomes. | human and higher primate chromosomes have been compared by general and regional banding methods, including hybridization in situ. the general banding patterns of the chromosomes of gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan, but not gibbon, are similar to those of the human. preliminary results show that chromosomes with similar banding patterns in different species often carry the same genes. repetitious dna's have undergone changes in structure and distribution which are reflected in changes in the re ... | 1977 | 929190 |
removal of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) from plasma fractions. | endogenous or deliberately added hepatitis b antigen was removed and concentrated for assay from albumin, and from coagulation factor ii, vii, ix, and x concentrates as model plasma fractions. the concentrates carry considerable risk of causing hepatitis in transfused patients. the amount of antigen remaining in the fraction was estimated to be less than 1/10,000 of that detectable by the ausria ii radioimmunoassay and 1/100 of that found to be infectious when highly contaminated human sera were ... | 1976 | 932537 |
sensory and nonsensory portions of the nucleus "ventralis posterior" thalami of chimpanzee and man. | in man and chimpanzee, the large-celled region in the posteroinferior portion of the lateroventral thalamic mass, commonly called the nucleus ventralis posterior thalami, is separated cytoarchitecturally into two regions. the anterior portion is called the nucleus ventrointermedius (vim) and the posterior part, the nucleus ventrocaudalis (vc). in the chimpanzee it was found that most of the fibers from the superior cerebellar peduncle entered vim on the way to distribution in the anterior half o ... | 1976 | 932799 |
mast cells in mammalian brain. | mast cells, which had until recently been believed to be not present in the mammalian brain, were studied in the brains of 29 mammalian species. although there was considerable intraspecific and interspecific variation, mast cells were most numerous within the leptomeninges (especially in those overlying the cerebrum and the dorsal thalamus - most rodents, most carnivores, chimpanzees, squirrel monkeys and elephant), the cerebral cortex (most rodents, tiger, fox, chimpanzee, tarsier, and elephan ... | 1976 | 961335 |
cholinergic effects on bull and chimpanzee sperm motility. | the effects of physostigmine, a competitive inhibitor of cholinester ases, bw 284c51, a specific and reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, ro 20683, an inhibitor of nonspecific cholinestera se, acetylcholine and butyrylcholine on the pattern of the flagellar wave and beat frequency, velocity and amplitude of bull and chimpanzee spermatozoa was studied by cinematography. the amplitude of the wave pattern was affected only by bw 284c51. overall, the variations in frequency and wave patt ... | 1976 | 963150 |
the pathology of viral hepatitis types a and b in chimpanzees. a comparison. | the histologic manifestations in the livers of chimpanzees inoculated with hepatitis a and b virus were compared with each other and correlated with biochemical, serologic, and virologic observations. both types of hepatitis reveal alterations similar to those seen in human hepatitis, but the lesions--particularly the hepatocellular necrosis--are far milder. hepatitis type a in chimpanzees is a disease of short incubation period and duration. the hepatocytic alterations are mainly restricted to ... | 1976 | 970436 |
absence of complete homologous immunity in hepatitis b infection after massive exposure. | evidence from prospective studies of human cases of posttransfusion hepatitis observed among 299 cardiac surgery patients, and from each of three experimentally challenged chimpanzees, indicates that immunity to hepatitis b infection can be overcome by massive challenge doses. however, all cases of hepatitis in patients with prior immunity have been subclinical. chimpanzees developed hepatitis and hbs antigenemia when challenged with hepatitis b virus that had an antigenic subtype identical to t ... | 1976 | 970767 |
mapping of genes and adenovirus-12-induced gaps using chimpanzee-mouse somatic cell hybrids. | | 1976 | 975920 |
thermal stability of human dna and chimpanzee dna heteroduplexes. | the base pairing fidelity of heteroduplexes formed from human dna and chimpanzee dna has been studied by the criterion of thermal stability to test the evolutionary conservation of repeated dna base sequences. | 1976 | 982047 |
antiviral effects of virazole in chronic hepatitis b surface antigen-seropositive chimpanzees. | virazole (ribavirin, icn 1229), a broad-spectrum, antiviral chemotherapeutic agent was used to treat two adult chronically hepatitis b surface antigen (hb(s) ag)-seropositive chimpanzees. no significant change in serum hepatitis b surface antigen was noted and no adverse reactions were observed. the role of viral replication in the chronic carrier state of hepatitis b is discussed. | 1976 | 984798 |
[cytoarchitectonics of the vestibular nucleic of the brain of the dolphin (delphinus delphis)]. | specific features of the structure of the vestibular complex of cetaceans correlating with specific features of the structural functional organization of these representatives of aquatic mammals were detected in a cytoarchitectonic investigation of the topography and strucutral organization of nuclei of the vestibular complex performed in delphinus delphis and compared with the organization of the corresponding structures of the brain of man and chimpanzee. | 1976 | 985096 |
logarithmic growth of the hominoid mandible. | the growth of the basal unit of the mandible was studied by plotting the position, relative to the median plane, of the oval, mandibular and mental foramina in immature and adult skulls of man, chimpanzee and gorilla. in man, the basal unit was found to grow out along a constant logarithmic spiral. in the apes, the basal unit grew along a constant logarithmic spiral, the amount of unfolding being greater in the gorilla than in the chimpanzee. it is argued that the mode of growth seen in the ape ... | 1976 | 999033 |
the development and structure of the chimpanzee mandible. | the sites of growth and remodeling, and the associated changes in cortical bone structure, have been studied in the chimpanzee mandible and compared with those previously reported in the human and macaque mandibles. the location of the principal sites of growth, and the distribution of the areas of deposition and resorption in the ramus, were found to be similar in all three species. in the chimpanzee, unlike man, the bone being deposited at the condyle, posterior border of the ramus and coronoi ... | 1976 | 1002615 |
chromosomal distribution of rdna in pan paniscus, gorilla gorilla beringei, and symphalangus syndactylus: comparison to related primates. | hybridization in situ was used to identify rdna in chromosomes of the pygmy chimpanzee, mountain gorilla, and siamang gibbon. in contrast to other pongids, and man, the gorilla has only two pairs of rdna-containing chromosomes. the single pair in the siamang bears no resemblance to the nucleolar chromosome of the closely related lar gibbon. pan paniscus and p. troglodytes have the same rdna distribution, and similar karyotypes except in the structure of chromosome 23p. grain counts over unbanded ... | 1976 | 1009815 |
comparison of hemagglutination inhibition pregnancy tests in the chimpanzee and the orangutan. | a hemagglutination inhibition pregnancy test (subhuman primate pregnancy test), based on antiserum to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone was evaluated for use in the chimpanzee and orangutan. the test was shown to give earlier indication of pregnancy in both species that two sensitive tests currently available for use in man (the pregnosticon accusphere test and the ucg-test). a comparison of sensitivity to chimpanzee chorionic gonadotropin was performed. the subhuman primate pregnanc ... | 1976 | 1018479 |
mapping of genes and adenovirus-12-induced gaps using chimpanzee-mouse somatic cell hybrids. | | 1976 | 1024647 |
differential staining of interspecific chromosomes in somatic cell hybrids by alkaline giemsa stain. | staining of chromosome preparations of chinese hamster-human hybrid cells and mouse-chimpanzee hybrids with alkaline giemsa has yielded color differentiation of the interspecific chromosomes. bicolor chromosomes, indicating apparent translocations also are observed for each of these hybrids. the specific color differences observed provide a rapid means of recognizing and aiding in the identification of the interspecific chromosomes and apparent translocations in these somatic cell hybrids. | 1976 | 1028166 |
detection of core antibody in hepatitis b infection. | hepatitis b core antigen (hbcag) is found on the decoated dane particle and on a morphologically similar particle detected mainly in the nucleus of hepatocytes of patients with hepatitis b. hbcag prepared from the liver of a chimpanzee infected with hepatitis b virus was used to test human serum for core antibody (anti-hbc) by complement fixation. anti-hbc was found in serum collected from patients with hepatitis b in both the acute and convalescent stages, from carriers of hepatitis b surface a ... | 1976 | 1032591 |
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis as a cause of subacute interstitial nephritis in a chimpanzee. | | 1976 | 1048802 |
pneumocystis carinii infections in zoo animals. | pneumocystis carinii was found to be present in the lungs of twenty-three zoo animals in the netherlands. the following species were represented: red kangaroo, common tree shrew, senegal-galago, demidoff's-galago, brown howler monkey, woolly monkey, long-haired spider monkey, white-eared marmoset, chimpanzee, three-toed sloth, palm squirrel, red panda, fennec fox, tree hyrax and large-toothed hyrax. | 1975 | 1079994 |
[comparison of the karyotype of the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) to those of man, chimpazee, and gorilla]. | various banding thechniques were employed to compare the karyotype of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) with those of man, the chimpanzee, and the gorilla. the following was concluded: 1) almost all the bands are common, their analogy being close to 99%. the four species derive, therefore, from a common ancestor. the rearrangements which occurred during evolution were generally balanced; 2) the analysis of rearrangements shows that the orang-utan, then the gorilla, then the chimpanzee, and lastly ... | 1975 | 1080978 |
[gene localization in the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). comparison with the factor mapping of man (homo sapiens)]. | ten independant cellular hybrids were obtained from chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) fibroblasts and the murine cell line c11d. the comparison of electrophoretic and cytogenetic studies showed that 9 markers with known localizations in man could also be localized on the homologous chromosomes of the chimpanzee: pyrophosphate hydratase (pph), phosphoglucomutase-1 (pgm1), and peptidase-c (pep-c) on the no. 1; malate dehydrogenase mdh(nad) on the no. 2; lactico dehydrogenase-a (ldh-a) on the no. 11; la ... | 1975 | 1080979 |
pathology of dendrites in subacute spongiform virus encephalopathies. | the spongiform changes in the cerebral cortex of scrapie mice and of chimpanzees afflicted with experimental kuru and creutzfeldt-jakob disease were examined by electron microscopy. the pathognomonic findings consisted of swelling and vacuolation of neurons, particularly of dendrites. fusion of swollen cells and processes occurred. the changes were associated with alterations of plasma membranes. curled fragments of membranes accumulated at points of cell fusion and at the margin of vacuoles wit ... | 1975 | 1098420 |
comparative anatomy of the larynx in man and the chimpanzee: implications for language in neanderthal. | using the larynges of the newborn human and chimpanzee as models, lieberman and crelin ('71) and lieberman, crelin and klatt ('72) have reconstructed the larynx of the "classic" neanderthal la chapelle aux saints. the authors used their reconstructed vocal tract to generate linguistic functions which led them to conclude that neanderthal lacked the ability to produce fully articulate human speech. in this paper, it is shown that their reconstruction of the larynx of neanderthal is based on a pla ... | 1975 | 1098478 |
hepatitis b antigens in serum and liver of chimpanzees acutely infected with hepatitis b virus. | we report the temporal patterns of various immunohistological and serological parameters of acute self-limited hepatitis b virus infection of two chimpanzees, and we provide evidence that the synthesis of hepatitis b core antigen precedes that of hepatitis b surface antigen. our data suggest that existence of a biphasic hepatitis b virus infection involving a hematogenous reinfection of the liver and indicate that recruitment of liver cells to produce hepatitis b virus may occur in a pattern con ... | 1975 | 1100525 |
a new reversed passive hemagglutination test for detection of hbsag. | a new reversed passive hemagglutination test for hbsag, termed raphadex b, has been developed using immunochemically purified chimpanzee anti-hbs bound to stabilized human erythrocytes. the test has been found to have equivalent sensitivity to the ausria 125i radioimmunoassay, and detected a similar number of hbsag-containing specimens in screening of volunteer blood donors. this method offers an economical approach to third generation methodology for hepatitis b screening of blood donors. | 1975 | 1105975 |
hepatitis a: report of a common-source outbreak with recovery of a possible etiologic agent. ii. laboratory studies. | during investigation of a food-borne outbreak of hepatitis a among university students in a southwestern metropolitan community, immune electron microscopic examination of a concentrated stool suspension pooled from seven acutely ill individuals revealed viruslike particles 17-nm in diameter. these particles were initially coated by antibody contained in the convalescent-phase serum of one of the ill students as well ad by antibody in convalescent plasma of a prison volunteer originally infected ... | 1975 | 1117190 |
effects of cyclophosphamide on hepatitis b virus infection and challenge in chimpanzees. | the role of antibodies to the surface antigen of hepatitis b virus (hbsag) and to the hepatitis b core antigen (hbcag) and of cell-mediated immunity in hepatitis b virus infections and in resistance to challenge was studied in six chimpanzees. two chimpanzees were studied during primary hepatitis b virus infection while being treated with cyclophosphamide (5-15 mg/kg im three times per week). cyclophosphamide treatment may have predisposed these chimpanzees to chronic hepatitis b virus infection ... | 1975 | 1117192 |
cyclicity in tumescence of the perineal labia of female lowland gorillas. | the first group norms on the periodic occurrence of tumescence in the perineal labia of female lowland gorillas were obtained in 9 captive subjects. individual mean cycle lengths for 8 adult females in 2 experiments ranged from 25.9-36.3 days with overall means of 31.1 and 32.5 days. the one subadult female had a mean cycle length of 40.7 days. the median and modal duration of maximal labial tumescence were 1.8 and 1 day, respectively. data from 3 animals on which menses were recorded during 6 c ... | 1975 | 1119706 |
isolation, composition and functional properties of alpha-lactalbumins from several species. | 1. galactosyltranferases were isolated from bovine and pig milk and alpha-labtalbumins from milks of cow, pig, dog, rabbit, baboon and chimpanzee. 2. alpha-lactalbumins were characterized by gel electrophoresis, amino acid composition, ultraviolet absorbance, and ability to promote synthesis of lactose by the galactosyltransferases. 3. the order of k-m values of the various alpha-lactalbumins was the same with both cow and pig galactosyltransferases and differed from the order predicted from tax ... | 1975 | 1122299 |
[balck piedra in chimpanzees from zaire]. | black piedra was present in 21 of 72 museum pelts of chimpanzees (pan paniscus and pan satyrus) from zaïre. in the absence of culture, the mycological characteristics observed in vivo, although insufficient to allow a definite identification of the piedraia species involved, are almost identical with those of piedraia quintanilhae van uden, de barros-machado & castelo-branco, 1963. | 1975 | 1124462 |
serial serum levels of gonadotropins, prolactin and sex steroids in the nonpregnant and pregnant chimpanzee. | serum levels of fsh, lh, chorionic gonadotropin (cg), prolactin, estrone (e1), estradiol-17beta (e2), estriol (e3) and progesterone were measured at 2-3-day intervals in 4 chimpanzees through 2-3 menstrual cycles, and serially through subsequent pregnancies. the hormone patterns of the menstrual cycles were similar to those in man, with high levels of fsh in the early follicular phase, followed by rising e2 concentrations to a peak (up to 35 ng/dl) at or just before a midcycle lh/fsh peak. in mo ... | 1975 | 1126314 |
pituitary-gonadal relations in infancy. i. patterns of serum gonadotropin concentrations from birth to four years of age in man and chimpanzee. | mixed cord sera (27 male, 28 female) and sera from 105 male and 93 female children aged 5 days to 4 yr were assayed for fsh, lh and hcg. cord hcg was similar in both sexes (median 58 miu/ml; range 20-9000), and fell to less than 5 miu/ml by 5 days of life, a value which is below the limit of detectable cross reactivity in the lh radioimmunoassay. cord fsh was less than 5.5 mug ler-907/100 ml in both sexes. in boys there was a rapid rise of fsh in early postnatal life, with peak levels up to 55 m ... | 1975 | 1127071 |
weight growth of colony-reared chimpanzees. | body weight data, collected routinely from the us air force chimpanzee colony at holloman afb, was used for a longitudinal analysis of growth. data were fitted to a model based on human growth patterns, which is described and compared to other treatments applied to growth data. results are compared to other observations of chimpanzee and of human growth. | 1975 | 1140754 |
the myoglobin of primates. viii. gorilla gorilla beringei (eastern highland gorilla). | on aligning the tryptic peptides of the myoglobin from a gorilla with the homologous human peptides, one amino acid difference was found. by dansyl-edman degradation this was shown to be at position 22, i.e. at a position other than those where man, chimpanzee and gibbon differ from one another. | 1975 | 1148222 |
characterization of a chimpanzee anti-human melanoma antiserum. | an antiserum to human melanoma has been produced in a chimpanzee by hyperimmunization with melanoma cells from a single donor. after absorption with the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the tumor donor, this antiserum is specifically cytotoxic to melanoma cells from 14 tissue culture cell lines and to cells from 8 fetal fibroblast cell lines. peripheral blood lymphocytes-absorbed antiserum is negative when tested against a large panel of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and fibroblasts and aga ... | 1975 | 1149027 |
contrasting effects of morphine on schedule-controlled behavior in the chimpanzee and baboon. | schedule-controlled key pressing was maintained in two chimpanzees and three baboons under a multiple 10-minute fixed-interval (fi 10-min) 30-response fixed-ratio (fr 30) schedule of food delivery. characteristic rates and patterns of responding were maintained under the fi and fr schedules, and the performance of the two species differed in no systematic way. the acute i.m. administration of morphine (0.1-3.0 mg/kg) prior to selected 2-hour sessions increased mean rates of responding under the ... | 1975 | 1151734 |
effects of portacaval shunting on schistosoma japonicum infection in chimpanzees: dissociation of pipe-stem fibrosis and glomerulopathy. | eight of 10 young chimpanzees were infected with the japanese strain of schistosoma japonicum. in 6 of these, and in 1 normal chimpanzee, a surgical end-to-side portacaval shunt was constructed during the 8th week of infection. one additional infected chimpanzee was treated successfully with the nitrovinylfuran, sq 18,506. in the four animals surviving both infection and shunting hepatic portal fibrosis was either absent or mild. in the 7-month survivors and in the drug-treated control animals t ... | 1975 | 1155698 |
endometrial stromal tumor in a chimpanzee. | a 25-year-old female chimpanzee with disseminated tuberculosis also had two uterine tumors. one a typical leiomyoma and the other, which occluded the uterine lumen, was composed of cells resembling normal endometrial stroma in its proliferative phase. it was diagnosed as an endometrial stromal tumor and was similar to that which occurs in the human female. this is the first report of this lesion in a nonhuman primate. | 1975 | 1166571 |
5-methylcytosine in heterochromatic regions of chromosomes: chimpanzee and gorilla compared to the human. | fixed metaphase chromosomes of gorilla and chimpanzee were uv-irradiated to produce regions of single-stranded dna and then treated with antibodies specific for the minor dna base 5-methylcytosine (5 mec). an indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to visualize sites of antibody binding. in the gorilla six pairs of autosomes contained major fluorescent regions, indicating localized regions of highly methylated dna. these corresponded, with the exception of chromosome 19, to the major regi ... | 1975 | 1175458 |
disruption of performance of a lab-born orangutan after introduction of irrelevant foreground cues. | discrimination performance of the three great ape genera has previously been shown to be differentially influenced by the introduction of irrelevant foreground cues, with accuracy of performance of orangutans significantly more disrupted than chimpanzees or gorillas. this disruption may be species-related to how arboreal or terrestrial the subjects would be in their natural habitat. the tendency of the organgutan toward disruption of performance following the introduction of visual foreground cu ... | 1975 | 1178339 |