perceptual compensation for coarticulation by japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | when members of a series of synthesized stop consonants varying in third-formant (f3) characteristics and varying perceptually from /da/ to /ga/ are preceded by /al/, human listeners report hearing more /ga/ syllables than when the members of the series are preceded by /ar/. it has been suggested that this shift in identification is the result of specialized processes that compensate for acoustic consequences of coarticulation. to test the species-specificity of this perceptual phenomenon, data ... | 1997 | 9265760 |
quail cystatin: isolation and characterisation of a new member of the cystatin family and its hypothetical interaction with cathepsin b. | quail cystatin, a new cysteine proteinase inhibitor protein of the cystatin superfamily, was purified from egg albumen of japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica. amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry revealed the complete 116 amino acid residue primary structure of a phosphorylated form (13,173 da). the inhibitor has a 90% sequence identity with chicken cystatin. its interaction with papain is rapid and tight (ki = 4.4 pm; k(on) = 1.8x10(7) m(-1) s(-1); k(off) = 0.8x10(-4) s(-1)) and ve ... | 1997 | 9276465 |
effect of growth rate and body mass on resting metabolic rate in galliform chicks. | in this study, we asked whether within-species variation in chick resting metabolic rate was related to variation in growth and whether this relationship changed during development in three galliform species (turkey, meleagris gallopavo, guinea fowl, numida meleagris, and japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica). resting metabolic rate increased by a bi- or triphasic pattern with body mass. for each phase, the relationship between metabolic rate and growth was studied by residual analysis, wi ... | 1997 | 9279916 |
transport characteristics of the colonic epithelium of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix). | the colon of the domestic fowl sustains a reabsorptive na+ current on both high- and low-sodium diets. however, there is a marked shift in the apical transport step under these two extreme conditions, from amino acid/hexose cotransport on high-salt diets to amiloride-sensitive na+ channels on low-salt diets. the present experiments were performed to study colonic na+ transport in another galliform species, the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix). birds were maintained on a commercial game feed co ... | 1997 | 9366053 |
proteolytic enzymes in yolk-sac membrane of quail egg. purification and enzymatic characterisation. | degradation of yolk protein is essential for the early development of the avian embryo. in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), proteolysis in the surrounding tissue of the yolk, the yolk-sac membrane, can be inhibited by class-specific inhibitors of cysteine proteinases as well as of aspartic proteinases. purification of the enzymes leads to one cysteine proteinase and one aspartic proteinase with an apparent molecular mass of 29 kd and 44 kd, respectively. both enzymes were purified in ... | 1997 | 9418005 |
molecular cloning of acid alpha-glucosidase cdna of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and the lack of its mrna in acid maltase deficient quails. | acid alpha-glucosidase (gaa) hydrolyzes alpha-1, 4 and alpha-1, 6 glucosidic linkages of oligosaccharides and degrades glycogen in the lysosomes. the full-length gaa i cdna, pqam8, was isolated from a cdna library derived from japanese quail liver. the cdna is 3569 base pairs long and has an open reading frame capable of coding 932 amino acids. the deduced amino acid sequence shares 52% identity with human gaa. transfection of expression vector petam8 into cos-7 cells or acid maltase deficient ( ... | 1997 | 9540858 |
the structure of the interstitial tissue of the active and resting avian testis. | the interstitial tissue of the testis was studied in gonadally active and gonadally inactive domestic fowl (gallus gallus domesticus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), duck (anas platyrhynchos) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). gonadal inactivity in the fowl was induced by a single subcutaneous injection of 50 mg oestradiol benzoate. the structure of this tissue was similar in all the birds studied. lymphatic vessels were mostly thin and meandered between the peritubular tissue per ... | 1997 | 9551481 |
francolin phylogenetics: molecular, morphobehavioral, and combined evidence. | the phylogenetics of francolins (francolinus species) were reassessed by obtaining 660 bp of sequence of the mitochondrial dna (mtdna) cytochrome b gene from 20 species, the common quail coturnix coturnix africana, and the madagascar partridge margaroperdix madagarensis. published sequences of the japanese quail c. c. japonica, alectoris partridges, and the junglefowl gallus gallus were also included. separate analysis of the 200 phylogenetically informative cytochrome b characters and the 25 in ... | 1998 | 9562983 |
coxiellosis in domestic and wild birds from japan. | serological evidence of infection with coxiella burnetii was found in 41 (2%) of 1,951 domestic birds and in 167 (19%) of 863 wild birds from 17 and 5 prefectures in japan, respectively, by microagglutination (ma) test. the bacteriological evidence of the infection was found in 17 (41%) of 41 domestic birds and 37 (22%) of 167 wild birds by the nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr). in addition, c. burnetii was isolated from five each of serum, spleen and fecal specimens from five jungle crows ... | 1998 | 9577778 |
active immunization of japanese quail hens with a recombinant chicken inhibin fusion protein enhances production performance. | the effects of active immunization against inhibin on production performance in female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were assessed in two separate trials using an mbp-cina521 fusion protein as an immunogen. the fusion protein, mbp-cina521, consisted of the bacterial maltose binding protein (mbp) and a truncated form of the mature alpha-subunit of chicken inhibin (cina521). mbp-cina1521 was constructed by: 1) excising a 521-bp psti fragment from a chicken inhibin alpha-subunit cdna ... | 1998 | 9628541 |
host specificity of amblyomma cajennense (fabricius, 1787) (acari: ixodidae) with comments on the drop-off rhythm. | the parasitic specificity of larval, nymph and adult amblyomma cajennense on six different host species: oryctolagus cuniculus, rattus norvegicus, gallus gallus domesticus, anas platyrhynchus, coturnix coturnix and streptopelia decorata is described. in terms of the numbers of larvae and nymphs recovered, o. cuniculus was the best host species. the modal day for drop-off of larvae and nymphs was day three for the mammal hosts, but variable in the birds. we conclude that adult a. cajennense have ... | 1998 | 9698869 |
corticotropin-releasing hormone-immunopositive nerve elements in apposition to chicken gonadotropin-releasing hormone i-containing perikarya in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) brain. | the neuroanatomic basis of how stress inhibits reproduction in birds is not understood. to address this question we used double-label immunofluorescence histochemistry to determine whether corticotropin-releasing hormone (crh)-immunoreactive (ir) neuronal elements contact chicken gonadotropin-releasing hormone i (cgnrh i)-ir somata in brains of japanese quail. the double-label system used a sheep anti-cgnrh i primary antibody with a secondary antibody conjugated to dichlorotriazinylaminofluoresc ... | 1999 | 10470492 |
outbreak of septicaemic colibacillosis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | we have carried out an aetiological and pathological study of an outbreak of septicaemia caused by the o165 serogroup of escherichia coli in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) which resulted in high mortality (90%). after treatment with amoxicilin in drinking water (200 mg/l), morbility and mortality rates dropped markedly. microbiological studies showed that the organism responsible was an atypical e. coli strain, on the basis of the non-fermentation of lactose (onpg-), which belonged ... | 1999 | 10481623 |
a scanning and transmission electron microscopy study of the parabronchial unit in quail (coturnix coturnix) and town pigeons (columba livia). | a combined scanning electron (sem) and transmission electron microscopy (tem) investigation was undertaken to gain insight into the complex structural pattern of the atrial compartment and the gas exchange tissue of parabronchial units in quail and town pigeons. the aim was also to depict the changes taking place in the parabronchial unit in the late prehatching and early posthatching periods in quail. the standard sem and tem investigation was carried out in 13 mature quail and 8 town pigeons. ... | 1999 | 10483882 |
growth, developmental stability and immune response in juvenile japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | stresses are environmental factors which restrict growth or cause a potentially adverse change in an organism. the exposure of developing organisms to environmental stresses may have several physiological consequences including a decrease in immunocompetence. however, mounting an immune response against a foreign antigen may in itself constitute a cost for developing organisms. this cost has potentially long-term consequences for adult function and fitness. this study examines the growth and dev ... | 1999 | 10518322 |
kinematics and mechanics of ground take-off in the starling sturnis vulgaris and the quail coturnix coturnix. | the mechanics of avian take-off are central to hypotheses about flight evolution, but have not been quantified in terms of whole-body movements for any species. in this study, i use a combination of high-speed video analysis and force plate recording to measure the kinematics and mechanics of ground take-off in the european starling sturnis vulgaris and the european migratory quail coturnix coturnix. counter to hypotheses based on the habits and morphology of each species, s. vulgaris and c. cot ... | 2000 | 10648214 |
three-dimensional analysis of dna replication foci: a comparative study on species and cell type in situ. | chromatin morphology of interphase nuclei in most cell lines of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and chick (gallus gallus domesticus) embryos shows typical interspecies differences. this intrinsic marker has been used in quail/chick chimerisation experiments, where also differences between cell types were noted. we asked whether similar differences between species and between cell types could be observed in s phase nuclei in situ. in this report, we used bromodeoxyuridine (brdu) pulse labellin ... | 2000 | 10817674 |
application of an anti-hqigy antibody for the measurement of igy concentrations of hen's and quail's serum and yolk. | the development of a sensitive elisa for the measurement of quail igy (qigy) was the main purpose of our study. the suitable antibody (ab) was prepared in rabbits. both quail igy (qigy) and hen igy (higy) were precipitated by this developed ab. for this reason it was marked as anti-hen-quail-igy (a-hqigy). the purified ab was conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (ahqigy-hrp) and a sensitive direct elisa was developed, based on this labeled ab. the prepared ahqigy ab which was used in this deve ... | 1999 | 10943656 |
characterization and chromosomal distribution of a novel satellite dna sequence of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a novel satellite dna sequence of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was isolated from genomic dna digested with restriction endonuclease, bg/ii. sequence analysis of three different-size clones revealed the presence of a tandem array of a gc-rich 41 bp repeated element. this sequence was localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) primarily to microchromosomes of japanese quail (2n = 78); approximately 50 of the 66 microchromosomes showed positive signals, although hybridiza ... | 2000 | 10994713 |
transactivation of latent marek's disease herpesvirus genes in qt35, a quail fibroblast cell line, by herpesvirus of turkeys. | the qt35 cell line was established from a methylcholanthrene-induced tumor in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) (c. moscovici, m. g. moscovici, h. jimenez, m. m. lai, m. j. hayman, and p. k. vogt, cell 11:95-103, 1977). two independently maintained sublines of qt35 were found to be positive for marek's disease virus (mdv)-like genes by southern blotting and pcr assays. sequence analysis of fragments of the icp4, icp22, icp27, vp16, meq, pp14, pp38, open reading frame (orf) l1, and glyc ... | 2000 | 11024146 |
ultrastructural study of the luminal surface of the ducts of the epididymis of gallinaceous birds. | the various ducts of the epididymides of four gallinaceous birds, the turkey (meleagris gallopavo), domestic fowl (gallus gallus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were studied at the scanning and transmission electron microscopy levels. the tissues were fixed either by immersion or vascular perfusion, for comparative purposes. each duct system, save for a few details, presented similar morphological features in all species. the epithelial surface of ... | 2000 | 11131120 |
[classification of the forebrain striatum neurons in birds]. | polymorphism of neurons in the basic fields of the forebrain striatum of birds was described using specially developed classification of neurons in nissl preparations. birds with different degrees of development of elementary rational activity were studied: corvus monedula, columba livia, coturnix coturnix, and melopsittacus undulatus. according to the proposed method, the neurons were classified in 3 basic types and 2 additional, 6 subtypes and 26 classes. it was found that in the higher brain ... | 2001 | 11605427 |
isolation of pasteurella multocida during an outbreak of infectious septicemia in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in may 1994, about fifty japanese quails out of ninety being bred for experimental purposes at miyazaki university died of acute septicemia within a few days. at autopsy, there were no gross pathological lesions, however, severe bacteremia was observed in all cases. bacterial examination revealed the presence of pasteurella multocida in blood and several organs in pure culture and they were of carter's capsular type a, heddleston's type 3-4 and namioka's type o-8-9. the ld50 of bacteria in quail ... | 2001 | 11642279 |
exceptional cellular resistance to oxidative damage in long-lived birds requires active gene expression. | previous studies indicated that renal tubular epithelial cells from some long-lived avian species exhibit robust and/or unique protective mechanisms against oxidative stress relative to murine cells. here we extend these studies to investigate the response of primary embryonic fibroblast-like cells to oxidative challenge in long- and short-lived avian species (budgerigar, melopsittacus undulatus, longevity up to 20 years, vs japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica, longevity up to 5 years) an ... | 2001 | 11682567 |
combined effects of experimental heavy-metal contamination (cu, zn, and ch3hg) and starvation on quail's body condition: parallelism with a wild common guillemot (uria aalge) population found stranded at the belgian coast. | combined effects of heavy-metal contamination (cu, zn, and ch3hg) and starvation were tested on common quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) and used as a model for comparison with a wild common guillemot (uria aalge) population found stranded at the belgian coast. appropriate heavy-metal levels were given to the quails to obtain concentrations similar to those found in the seabirds's tissues. the contaminated animals were then starved for 4 d to simulate the evident malnutrition symptoms observed ... | 2001 | 11697781 |
physiological, growth, and immune responses of japanese quail chicks to the multiple stressors of immunological challenge and lead shot. | exposure to the combination of a contaminant and an immunological challenge during development may greatly increase the impact of either or both of these stressors on an individual. this study investigated the interacting effects of a nonpathogenic immunological challenge and lead shot exposure early in the development of a precocial species. seventy-one quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) chicks orally received either one #9 lead shot (0.05 g), four lead shots (0.2 g), or no lead at the age of 8 ... | 2002 | 11706371 |
amplification of sequence tagged sites in five avian species using heterologous oligonucleotides. | short of a complete genomic dna sequence, sequence tagged sites (stss) have emerged as major genomic reagents for the genetic analysis of little-studied ecologically and agriculturally important organisms. here, we report sts developed for the turkey (meleagris gallopavo), guinea fowl (numidea meleagris), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) and pigeon using primers specific for reference dna sequences of two chicken (gallus gallus) genes, aggrecan (agc1) and type x collagen (col10). additional st ... | 2000 | 11766842 |
biological suppression of aflatoxicosis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) by dietary addition of yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae). | the amelioration of aflatoxicosis in japanese quails was examined by the dietary addition of live yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae; sce). yeast incorporated into the diet at 1 g kg(-1) was evaluated for its ability to reduce the deleterious effects of 2.5 mg total aflatoxin (af; 82.30 per cent afb1, 2.06 per cent afb2, 7.68 per cent afg1 and 7.96 per cent afg2) kg(-1)diet on growing japanese quail chicks from 10 days to 45 days of age. forty 10-day-old japanese quail chicks were assigned to 2x2 f ... | 2001 | 11798296 |
expression of kin, a nuclear protein binding to curved dna, in the brain of the frog (rana esculenta), turtle (trachemys scripta), quail (coturnix coturnix) and mouse (mus musculus). | the distribution of kin protein, the vertebrate homologue of the bacterial reca nuclear protein involved in illegitimate recombinant dna repair and gene regulation, was analysed in the brain of the mouse, quail, turtle and frog by immunocytochemical methods. the protein was expressed in all brains, but not in a uniform manner. immunoreactivity was absent from major fibre tracts. in the cerebral nuclei, immunolabelling in the various species showed an important variation. a comparative analysis, ... | 2002 | 11875664 |
expression of s-100 protein in intercalated duct cells of bovine pancreas. | although mutoh et al. have found intercalated ducts in the pancreatic islets of avians, including the chicken, moorhen (gallinula chloorpus), and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), and even demonstrated the functions of intercalated duct cells in pancreatic islets, to our knowledge, there have been only a few reports on the relationship between intercalated ducts and islets in mammalia. accordingly, in this study, we investigated whether intercalated ducts are morphologically related t ... | 2002 | 12126053 |
effects of hemicastration and castration on foam production and its relationship with fertility in male japanese quail. | healthy heavy body weight strain of adult male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) of the same age were used in this study to observe the effect of hemicastration and castration on the frequency of foam discharges from cloacal gland and other related parameters. the quails were housed in individual cages and divided into four groups: control (intact birds), sham-operated control (intact birds with incision), hemicastrated, and castrated groups of birds. hemicastration and castration were ... | 2002 | 12182362 |
[lampbrush chromosomes in the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica: cytological maps of macro chromosomes and meiotic crossover frequency in females]. | cytological maps of lampbrush macrobivalents of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were constructed. investigation of chiasmata allowed determination of the meiotic frequency of reciprocal genetic recombination (crossing over) in japanese quail females. the total chiasma number in bivalents of japanese quail oocyte nuclei was determined to be 53-58. macrobivalents 1-5 and z of the japanese quail had on average 3.3 chiasmata per bivalent, and microbivalents, 1.0-1.1 chiasmata per biv ... | 2002 | 12391886 |
occurrence of conjunctivitis, sinusitis and upper region tracheitis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), possibly caused by mycoplasma gallisepticum accompanied by cryptosporidium sp. infection. | on a farm raising approximately 75,000 japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) for egg production, the diseased quail showed clinical signs of swelling of the head, nasal discharge, increased lacrimation, and decreased egg production. the flock experienced a mortality rate of 5.7% per day. macroscopic observation revealed large, gelatinous masses of caseous exudate in the sinuses, egg peritonitis, and airsacculitis. microscopically, non-purulent or purulent inflammation accompanied by lympho ... | 2002 | 12396337 |
persistence of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin in plasma of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (pmsg) is currently being used to develop a hormone regime that will stimulate reproductive development in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). in this study, the persistence of pmsg in quail plasma was examined after a single injection of the hormone (500 iu). plasma concentrations of pmsg increased to a peak 12 h after injection and declined to approximately 50% of peak concentrations 24 h after injection. pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin concentratio ... | 2002 | 12467352 |
cytochrome p450 enzyme activity in five herbivorous, non-passerine bird species. | we examined hepatic cytochrome p450 activity in wild and hand-reared grey partridges (perdix perdix), capercaillies (tetrao urogallus) and ring-necked pheasants (phasianus colchicus), as well as the enzyme activity in a variety of tissues of hand-reared japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) and pigeons (columba livia). post-mortem decrease in hepatic enzyme activity in the grey partridge was measured. hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase activity was similar in wild and hand-reared grey ... | 2003 | 12524019 |
[morphological changes in the adrenal gland of japanese quail chicken hatched out in microgravity]. | the paper presents results of studying effects of spaceflight factors on the adrenal structure in japanese quail hatchlings (coturnix coturnix japonica) incubated and kept alive 4 to 5 days aboard the space station mir. in comparison with the ground controls, cortical cells in the adrenals of space hatchlings contained copious fat drops, mitochondrias, and significantly dilated cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum. accumulation of fat drops evidences lowered cholesterol transformation and distu ... | 2002 | 12572121 |
identification of cgnrh-ii in the median eminence of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in a previous paper, we described the presence of cgnrh-ii in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and chicken (gallus gallus) median eminence using highly specific antibodies directed against a polypeptide corresponding to the c-terminal portion of cgnrh-ii (van gils et al., 1993). this finding remained very controversial, since no other study, with any other antibody, had ever reported the presence of cgnrh-ii immunoreactive fibers in the median eminence of birds. in this study, the cgnrh-ii ... | 2003 | 12620246 |
cellulitis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a case of cellulitis was observed in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) reared for commercial meat production. this condition in japanese quail has not been reported in the literature. this incident was the first, and to date only, occurrence of cellulitis in this processing plant. the cellulitis lesions were localized to the subcutis overlying the breast and inner thigh. carcasses of processed birds and live birds from the affected farm were presented to the poultry diagnostic and rese ... | 2003 | 12713180 |
a model of avian mycobacteriosis: clinical and histopathologic findings in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) intravenously inoculated with mycobacterium avium. | mycobacterial infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in birds and a considerable diagnostic challenge until the disease is advanced. in order to develop more clinically useful antemortem tests, a biological model was created that replicated naturally occurring disease. japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica; n = 8) were inoculated intravenously with mycobacterium avium. two additional birds served as uninoculated controls. mean survival time of the inoculated birds was ... | 2003 | 12887203 |
diagnosis of avian mycobacteriosis: comparison of culture, acid-fast stains, and polymerase chain reaction for the identification of mycobacterium avium in experimentally inoculated japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in this study we compared culture, acid-fast stains, and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the detection of acid-fast organisms in fecal and tissue samples from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) that were experimentally inoculated intravenously with mycobacterium avium. for culture, three different culture media (modified herrold egg yolk with mycobactin; lowenstein-jensen [l-j]; and l-j with cyclohexamide, naladixic acid, and lincomycin) were tested to determine which medium had the ... | 2003 | 12887204 |
in vivo release of oxytetracycline from a biodegradable controlled-release gel injected subcutaneously in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a long-acting, biodegradable, controlled-release formulation of oxytetracycline (cr-otc) was evaluated in 18 adult japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) following a single subcutaneous (s.c.) injection. prior to characterizing the release of oxytetracycline (otc) from the cr-otc, the pharmacokinetic parameters of intravenously (i.v.) administered otc were determined. concentrations of free otc were measured using a bioassay. the plasma concentration-time profile of otc after a single i.v. ... | 2003 | 12887604 |
effect of beta-carotene supplementation on plasma and yolk igy levels induced by ndv vaccination in japanese quail. | newly hatched japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) chicks were fed diets containing different levels of retinoids (vitamin a) or beta-carotene. group a received a commercial diet containing 10,000 iu vitamin a per kilogram. the diets of groups b, c, and d contained no vitamin a but were supplemented with 1-, 2.5-, and 5-fold retinol equivalents of beta-carotene. each group contained 16 quails in a 1:1 sex ratio. at 8 weeks of age the quails were immunized orally with newcastle disease vir ... | 2003 | 12951901 |
echinostoma luisreyi n. sp. (platyhelminthes: digenea) by light and scanning electron microscopy. | the entire life cycle of the brazilian echinostoma luisreyi n. sp., of the 37-collar spine e. revolutum group, has been observed under experimental conditions. the snail physa marmorata serves as its first natural intermediate host. this species and the planorbid biomplalaria glabrata act as experimental second intermediate hosts. the worm recovery rate was 51.3 and 0.6% for mice and hamsters, respectively, but the infection did not develop in the quail coturnix coturnix. the natural vertebrate ... | 2003 | 14533693 |
transition from embryonic to adult transcription pattern of serotonin n-acetyltransferase gene in avian pineal gland. | the study reports the change of transcription pattern of serotonin n-acetyltransferase gene and melatonin receptor genes during ontogenesis of the avian pineal gland. the rt-pcr technique was used to investigate the expression of the arylalkylamine n-acetyltransferase (aa-nat) and melatonin receptor genes during development of the pineal glands isolated from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryos incubated from 3 days on until hatching (17 days), and in some organs (pineal, brain he ... | 2004 | 14694429 |
new quill mites of the family syringophilidae (acari: cheyletoidea). | five new species and two new genera belonging to the family syringophilidae (acari: cheyletoidea) are described from birds that died in the antwerp zoo during their quarantine: charadriaulobia vanelli n. g., n. sp. from vanellus chilensis (charadriiformes: charadriidae) in brazil; fritschisyringophilus lonchurae n. g., n. sp. from lonchura punctulata (passeriformes: estrildidae) in india; mironovia coturnae n. sp. from coturnix coturnix (galliformes: phasianidae) in europe; syringophiloidus dabe ... | 2004 | 14755175 |
effectiveness of twenty, twenty-five diazacholesterol, avian gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and chicken riboflavin carrier protein for inhibiting reproduction in coturnix quail. | contraception may provide a useful nonlethal management tool when it is desirable to reduce populations of birds. we tested the efficacy of 20,25 diazacholesterol, and immunization with avian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (agnrh-i) and chicken riboflavin carrier protein (crcp) as contraceptives and investigated their modes of action in coturnix quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). females that were paired with males treated with 20,25 diazacholesterol produced lower percentages of eggs that were ... | 2004 | 14979575 |
experimental aspergillus fumigatus infection in quails and results of treatment with itraconazole. | this study was performed to investigate (i). the clinical, histopathological and biochemical changes in quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) with experimentally induced aspergillosis; and (ii). the efficiency of itraconazole treatment on these infected birds. a total of 18021-day-old male quails was randomly divided into three groups (control, infected untreated and infected treated), each containing 60. the experimental infection was set by intratracheal inoculation of 0.2 ml inoculum of aspergi ... | 2004 | 14995975 |
ultrasound-guided liver biopsy in birds. | in this study, 30 pigeons (columba livia forma domestica) and 30 quails (coturnix coturnix) were used to evaluate the diagnostic practicability and relevance of an ultrasound-conducted liver biopsy. their body weight ranged between 144 and 603g. considering anatomical peculiarities, the lateral (pigeons) or ventro-median (quails) access was chosen. in the case of the pigeons, 29 (96.7%) biopsies proved clearly to be liver tissue, while in the case of the smaller quails, 19 (63.3%) samples could ... | 2004 | 15200264 |
molecular and functional characterization of a vasotocin-sensitive aquaporin water channel in quail kidney. | both mammals and birds can concentrate urine hyperosmotic to plasma via a countercurrent multiplier mechanism, although evolutionary lines leading to mammals and birds diverged at an early stage of tetrapod evolution. we reported earlier (nishimura h, koseki c, and patel tb. am j physiol regul integr comp physiol 271: r1535-r1543, 1996) that arginine vasotocin (avt; avian antidiuretic hormone) increases diffusional water permeability in the isolated, perfused medullary collecting duct (cd) of th ... | 2004 | 15205186 |
avian minor salivary glands: an ultrastructural study of the secretory granules in mucous and seromucous cells. | ultrastructural descriptions in birds are scarce thus, in this study we have characterized the secretory granules of mucous and seromucous cells from the palatine and lingual salivary glands of birds with different diets. the samples were taken from the tongue and palatine mucosa of chicken (gallus gallus), quail (coturnix coturnix), chimango (milvago chimango) and white heron (egretta thula). the samples were processed for observation by transmission electron microscopy (tem) employing 4% karno ... | 2000 | 15211928 |
effects of vinclozolin on spermatogenesis and reproductive success in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in a one-generation reproduction study, the major agricultural fungicide vinclozolin was administered to adult japanese quail for a period of 6 weeks at dietary levels of 125 and 500 ppm. fertility and reproductive performance were not affected up to the highest concentration, although the examination of additional endpoints in the drakes (spermatid count, histology of the testis) provided some evidence of an inhibition of spermatogenesis at both dietary concentrations. likewise, there were no i ... | 2004 | 15253051 |
pasteurellosis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) caused by pasteurella multocida multocida a:4. | | 2004 | 15311804 |
hydropericardium syndrome in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | | 2004 | 15461367 |
visual lateralisation in quails (coturnix coturnix). | two-week-old quails (coturnix coturnix) were trained to discriminate food grains scattered randomly on a background of small pebbles of similar size adhering to the floor and differing from the grains in texture and hue ("pebble floor task"). quails tested binocularly or with only their right eye in use showed less pecking to the pebbles and more pecking to the grains than quails tested with only their left eye in use. adult quails in contrast did not show lateralisation. these findings add to p ... | 2003 | 15513216 |
the chicken immediate-early gene zenk is expressed in the medio-rostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale, a brain region involved in acoustic imprinting, and is up-regulated after exposure to an auditory stimulus. | the immediate-early gene zenk (an acronym for the avian orthologue of the mammalian genes zif-268, egr-1, ngfi-a and krox-24) has been extensively employed, in studies on oscine birds, as a marker of neuronal activity to reveal forebrain structures that are involved in the memory processes associated with the acquisition, perception and production of song. audition-induced expression of this gene, in brain, has also recently been reported for the domestic chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) and t ... | 2005 | 15590145 |
lycopene supplementation prevents the development of spontaneous smooth muscle tumors of the oviduct in japanese quail. | leiomyomas (fibroids) are benign tumors of the uterus affecting millions of women. spontaneous leiomyomas of the oviduct are common tumors of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), which makes it a good animal model for screening potential agents for testing in the prevention and treatment of human myoma uteri. because dietary intake of lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of a variety of human cancers, we investigated the effects of lycopene supplementation on the developm ... | 2004 | 15623465 |
somatostatin immunoreactivity in quail pterygopalatine ganglion. | in the ciliary ganglion of the chicken and quail, somatostatin (som) is an exclusive marker for parasympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating the choroid. a second parasympathetic pathway projecting to the choroid originates from the pterygopalatine ganglion. the aim of this study was to investigate som immunoreactivity in the pterygopalatine ganglion of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and on neurons within the choroid, the intrinsic choroidal neurons (icn). we did so using ... | 2005 | 15733297 |
intestinal d-glucose and l-alanine transport in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix). | the mechanisms involved in d-glucose and amino acid transport in the intestine of birds are still not clear. in chickens, d-glucose and amino acid absorption occurs via carrier-mediated transport, but in wild birds a passive paracellular mechanism seems to be the predominant pathway. the purpose of this work was to determine the existence of carrier-mediated sodium cotransport of d-glucose and l-alanine in the small intestine of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix), a granivorous bird. intestinal ... | 2005 | 15971535 |
short-term effects of carbendazim on the gross and microscopic features of the testes of japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | carbendazim, a metabolite of benomyl which is widely used as a fungicide, has been found to cause testicular and epididymal damage in laboratory rats, mice and hamsters. no studies of the effects of this chemical on the reproductive organs of birds have been reported previously. this report is that of an investigation on the response of the testis of the japanese quail to experimental administration of this chemical in sexually mature and active birds. a single dose (400 mg/kg body weight) of ca ... | 2005 | 16034611 |
effects of fusarium moniliforme culture material containing known levels of fumonisin b1 on progress of salmonella gallinarum infection in japanese quail: clinical signs and hematologic studies. | to study the individual and combined effects of fumonisin b1 (fb1) toxicity and salmonella serotype gallinarum infection, japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were fed fusarium moniliforme culture material (2.5%), 150 mg fb1/kg ration, and were subsequently challenged orally with salmonella gallinarum organisms (2 x 10(4) colony-forming units) at 21 days of age. the chicks were fed culture material containing fb1 from day 5 till the end of the experiment. after being infected with salmone ... | 2005 | 16094834 |
interspecific variation in dietary carotenoid assimilation in birds: links to phylogeny and color ornamentation. | many birds use carotenoid pigments to acquire rich red, orange, and yellow coloration in feathers and bare parts that is used as a signal of mate quality. because carotenoids are derived from foods, much attention has been paid to the role of diet in generating color variation both within and among avian species. less consideration has been given to physiological underpinnings of color variability, especially among species. here, i surveyed published literature (e.g. captive feeding studies) on ... | 2005 | 16129640 |
effects of fentin hydroxide on reproduction of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in a one-generation reproductive study, the fungicidal compound triphenyltin hydroxide (fentin) was administered to adult japanese quail for 6 weeks at dietary levels of 3 and 30 ppm. reproduction was significantly impaired in the high-dose group. the principal adverse finding was a marked increase in embryonic mortality, resulting in a lower hatch rate. furthermore, a reduction in egg production was observed with ongoing duration of treatment. most of the other reproduction-related parameters w ... | 2006 | 16162336 |
mycotox and aflatoxicosis in quails. | 1. this study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin (af) on growth performance of quail, and to determine the preventive efficacy of mycotox (oxicinol, tymol, micronised yeast). 2. one hundred and eighty 1-d-old quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) of both sexes were weighed and randomly divided into 4 experimental groups each with 5 replicates of 9 birds. 3. there were 4 dietary treatments: (1) control with 0 mg af/kg diet and 0% mycotox; (2) 0 mg af/kg diet and 0.5% mycotox; (3) 2.5 mg ... | 2005 | 16268113 |
duck (anas platyrhynchos), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and other avian interleukin-2 reveals significant conservation of gene organization, promoter elements and functional residues. | we compared the gene, promoter and cdna sequences, and the predicted protein structure of duck and quail interleukin-2 (il-2), a major immunomodulatory cytokine, with the known sequences of other avian and human il-2. analysis of the gene organization showed significant similarity with the overall organization of mammalian il-2 genes, with four exons and three introns and a very short 5' untranslated regions. the second intron was the biggest in all the il-2 sequences. the third intron was of si ... | 2005 | 16313299 |
a low degree of fatty acid unsaturation leads to high resistance to lipid peroxidation in mitochondria and microsomes of different organs of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | birds -- particularly long-lived species -- have special adaptations for preventing tissue damage caused by reactive oxygen species. the objective of the present study was to analyse the fatty acid composition and non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation of mitochondria and microsomes obtained from liver, heart and brain of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), a short-lived bird. fatty acids located in total lipids of rat liver, heart and brain mitochondria and microsomes were determined using gas chroma ... | 2006 | 16317518 |
effect of temporal synergism of neural oscillations on photorefractoriness in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | circadian rhythms in many metabolic functions including neural (transmitters) and hormonal secretion appear to change with physiological condition. it is also reported that seasonal changes in photoperiodism/reproduction and other metabolic conditions may result from a temporal interaction of circadian neural oscillations that change seasonally. to test this hypothesis, the present study was designed to study the effect of temporal synergism of two neural oscillations (serotonin and dopamine) on ... | 2006 | 16358267 |
spatial contrast sensitivity of birds. | contrast sensitivity (cs) is the ability of the observer to discriminate between adjacent stimuli on the basis of their differences in relative luminosity (contrast) rather than their absolute luminances. in previous studies, using a narrow range of species, birds have been reported to have low contrast detection thresholds relative to mammals and fishes. this was an unexpected finding because birds had been traditionally reported to have excellent visual acuity and color vision. this study repo ... | 2006 | 16404602 |
individual and combined effects of fusarium moniliforme culture material, containing known levels of fumonisin b1, and salmonella gallinarum infection on liver of japanese quail. | three hundred day-old japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into two groups with 150 quail in each group. one group was maintained on quail mash alone, while fusarium moniliforme culture material was added to quail mash in the second group from day 5 of age and was supplied at a rate of 150 ppm fumonisin b1 (fb1)/kg mash. at day 21, each group was further subdivided into two groups, yielding four groups with 75 birds apiece, which served as the control (group cx), the salmonel ... | 2005 | 16405006 |
relationship of cloacal gland with testes, testosterone and fertility in different lines of male japanese quail. | an attempt has been made to investigate the relationship of cloacal gland with testes, testosterone and fertility in different lines of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). for this study, three lines of healthy adult male japanese quails (<12 weeks) viz., heavy body weight (hb), white breasted (wb), and white egg shell (wes) were taken. they were housed in individual cages under uniform husbandry conditions and were provided with normal quail breeder ration and water ad libitum, with 14 ... | 2007 | 16448791 |
lack of effects of atrazine on estrogen-responsive organs and circulating hormone concentrations in sexually immature female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the widely used herbicide, atrazine, has been reported to exhibit reproductive toxicity in rats and amphibians. the present studies investigate toxicity of atrazine in japanese quail and its ability to influence reproduction in sexually immature females. atrazine was administered in the diet at concentrations from 0.001 to 1000 ppm (approximately 109 mg kg-1 per day) or systemically via daily subcutaneous injections (1 and 10 mg kg-1) or silastic implants. atrazine did not cause overt toxicity i ... | 2006 | 16516945 |
occurrence of yeasts in cloacae of migratory birds. | several species of yeast have been reported as pathogens in humans based on increases in immunodeficiency syndromes and as a result of immunosuppressant chemotherapy in cancer treatment. domestic and wild birds are known to act as carriers of human pathogenic fungi. to gain additional information on the yeasts present in the cloacae of some species of migratory birds, 421 wild birds (24.39% out of 1726 birds caught in romania, hungary and bulgaria) were sampled with the permission of the local j ... | 2006 | 16552486 |
japanese quail egg embryo as a host for viruses. | rauscher, frank j. (national cancer institute, bethesda, md.), james a. reyniers, and miriam r. sacksteder. japanese quail egg embryo as a host for viruses. j. bacteriol. 84:1134-1139. 1962.-the egg embryo of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica, temminck and schlegel) was found to support readily the growth of a wide range of viruses known to infect chicken eggs. methods commonly used in studying viruses in chicken eggs were modified and adapted to the quail egg. the procedures are descri ... | 1962 | 16561976 |
determination of carbendazim residues in the eggs, liver and pectoral muscle of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the effect of carbendazim, a widely applied cereal seed dressing agent, was studied in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) during an overall period of eight weeks, consisting of a four-week feeding phase and a subsequent four-week excretion period. body mass and feed consumption of the birds were monitored and residues of the active ingredient were determined by an analytical chemical method. during the eight-week study period, changes (either decrease or increase) directly attributable ... | 2006 | 16613033 |
tissue tropism of a thailand strain of high-pathogenicity avian influenza virus (h5n1) in tissues of naturally infected native chickens (gallus gallus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and ducks (anas spp.). | the tropism of a thailand strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 virus was demonstrated on tissues (lung, trachea, heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, rectum, kidney, brain, skeletal muscle, duodenum, and oviduct) from naturally infected native chickens (gallus gallus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and ducks (anas spp.) by indirect immunofluorescence assay. in chickens and quail, the distribution and localization of nucleoprotein viral antigen was similar and detected at the ... | 2006 | 16753617 |
body size related adaptations of the avian myocardial phospholipid fatty acyl chain composition. | the myocardial phospholipid fatty acid (fa) composition (mol %) of 7 avian species was determined, in a body mass range from 150 g (japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica) to 19 kg (turkey, meleagris gallopavo). significant allometric increases were found for c16:1 n7 (allometric exponent: b=0.15), c18:1 n7 (b=0.08), c18:1 n9 (b=0.24), c20:1 n9 (b=0.22) and c20:3 n3 (b=0.12); moreover, total monounsaturates (b=0.20) and the sum of n9 fas (b=0.24) was also positively related to body mass. the ... | 2006 | 16765623 |
effects of feeding fusarium verticillioides (formerly fusarium moniliforme) culture material containing known levels of fumonisin b1 in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | one hundred fifty 1-d-old quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into 2 groups. the 2 groups were designated as controls (cx) and fumonisin-fed birds (fx) with each containing 50 and 100 chicks, respectively. the birds in group cx were maintained on quail mash alone, whereas the birds in group fx were maintained on diets supplemented with 300 ppm of fumonisin b1 from fusarium verticillioides (formerly fusarium moniliforme) culture material from 1 d. quail chicks in both groups we ... | 2006 | 16830851 |
effect of dietary vitamin e on the cloacal gland, foam and semen characteristics of male japanese quail. | this experiment was to investigate the effects of increasing the level of dietary vitamin e (vit. e) on cloacal gland size, foam production and semen characteristics of male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). one hundred and eighty male japanese quail chicks (day old) were randomly distributed to three dietary treatments for a period of 25 weeks. each treatment comprised of three replicates each containing 20 chicks. the basal diet contained 15 iu vit. e/kg and the two experimental die ... | 2007 | 16959309 |
fish on avian lampbrush chromosomes produces higher resolution gene mapping. | giant lampbrush chromosomes, which are characteristic of the diplotene stage of prophase i during avian oogenesis, represent a very promising system for precise physical gene mapping. we applied 35 chicken bac and 4 pac clones to both mitotic metaphase chromosomes and meiotic lampbrush chromosomes of chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) mapping on lampbrush chromosomes allowed us to distinguish closely locat ... | 2006 | 17028954 |
immunosenescence and age-related susceptibility to influenza virus in japanese quail. | we evaluated juvenile, pubescent, reproductive adult, and aged japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) to determine if there were age-related differences in immune function with the hypothesis that aged birds would have weaker immune responses. immune responses were measured using phytohemagglutinin (pha) skin test, antibody response to foreign red blood cells and exposure to an h9n2 influenza virus. adult birds consistently had stronger immune responses than young and aged birds. aged quail ... | 2007 | 17045650 |
full genome sequence and some biological properties of reticuloendotheliosis virus strain apc-566 isolated from endangered attwater's prairie chickens. | reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) causes runting, high mortality, immunosuppression, and chronic neoplasia associated with t and/or b cell lymphomas in a variety of domestic and wild birds, including attwater's prairie chickens (apc) (tympanuchus cupido attwateri). the complete proviral sequence of a recent rev isolate from apc (rev apc-566) was determined. this virus was isolated from an apc maintained in captivity in a reproduction program intended to avoid its extinction. rev apc-566 was dete ... | 2007 | 17098316 |
isolation of avian influenza virus a subtype h5n1 from internal contents (albumen and allantoic fluid) of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs and oviduct during a natural outbreak. | avian influenza virus (aiv) was recovered from the internal contents of eggs, including mixture of albumen and allantoic fluid, and from the oviduct of naturally infected japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) flocks in the southern part of thailand. the virus titers of 10(4.6)-10(6.2) eld(50)/ml were directly measured from the internal content of infected eggs. the virus was isolated by chorioallantoic sac inoculation of embryonating chicken eggs. infected allantoic fluid was identified as ... | 2006 | 17135508 |
cloacal evaporation: an important and previously undescribed mechanism for avian thermoregulation. | we present the first experimental evidence that a bird is capable of evaporating enough water from the cloaca to be important for thermoregulation. we measured rates of evaporation occurring from the mouth, the skin, and the cloaca of inca doves columbina inca lesson and eurasian quail coturnix coturnix linnaeus. inca doves showed no significant increase in cutaneous evaporation in response to curtailment of buccopharyngeal evaporation. cloacal evaporation in doves was negligible at ambient temp ... | 2007 | 17297135 |
two distinct aquaporin-4 cdnas isolated from medullary cone of quail kidney. | water deprivation or arginine vasotocin upregulates aquaporin-2 (aqp2) expression in apical and subapical regions of medullary collecting duct (cd) cells of coturnix coturnix quail (q) kidneys. we therefore aimed to determine whether the cd has aqps mediating water exit from the intracellular to the extracellular (interstitial) space. using a homologue cloning technique, we isolated two distinct qaqp4 cdnas from quail medullary cones; long (l, open reading frames) and short (s) cdna encoded 335 ... | 2007 | 17303458 |
nitric oxide modulates gonadal and adrenal function in japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica. | nitric oxide (no) a gaseous neurotransmitter is reported to play an important role in controlling the release of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (lhrh) in mammalian system. but its role has not been investigated in birds, where photoperiod plays an important role in regulating gonadal development. to investigate the effect of no on gonadal and adrenal function of japanese quail, in the first experiment, 3-weeks-old sexually immature quail received no donor sodium nitroprusside (snp, 5mg/10 ... | 2007 | 17353014 |
pathobiology of h9n2 avian influenza virus in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | clinical signs, serologic response, viral contents of the trachea and intestine, and histopathological and ultrastructural changes of the tracheal epithelium of japanese quail experimentally infected with field isolate of h9n2 avian influenza were studied. vaccinated and unvaccinated quail were inoculated with 10(6.3) 50% embryo infectious dose/bird of a/ chicken/iran/sh-110/99 (h9n2) virus via nasal inoculation. clinical signs such as depression, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, and nasal and eye di ... | 2007 | 17494591 |
coronavirus associated with an enteric syndrome on a quail farm. | an enteric syndrome was observed in quail (coturnix coturnix) semi-intensively reared for restocking in apulia (southern italy). the birds showed depression, severe diarrhoea, dehydration and reduced growth. mortality occurred particularly in young birds. at necropsy the prominent lesion was enteritis. a coronavirus was detected by electron microscopy and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in the faeces and in the intestinal content of the dead quails. the virus could not be cultiva ... | 2007 | 17497340 |
hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate for reduction of aflatoxin in quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin (af) on growth performance and various processing parameters of quails and to determine the preventive efficacy of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (hscas). one hundred and eighty 1-d-old quails of both sexes were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups with 5 replicates and 45 birds following weighing. the experimental design consisted of four dietary treatments: 1) control with 0 mg af/kg of diet and 0% ... | 2007 | 17724933 |
dietary tomato powder supplementation in the prevention of leiomyoma of the oviduct in the japanese quail. | spontaneous leiomyomas of the oviduct are common tumors of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), which makes it a good animal model for screening potential agents for testing in the prevention and treatment of human myoma uteri. we have previously reported a decreased incidence of leiomyomas in the oviduct of japanese quail with lycopene supplementation. although the major carotenoid in tomatoes is lycopene, tomatoes also contain other compounds, which may contribute to their health b ... | 2007 | 17927504 |
pathologic changes in extrahepatic organs and agglutinin response to salmonella gallinarum infection in japanese quail fed fusarium verticillioides culture material containing known levels of fumonisin b1. | three hundred 1-day-old japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into two groups of 150 each. one group was maintained on quail mash alone, whereas fusarium verticillioides culture material (fcm) was added to quail mash in the second group from 5 days of age and supplied 150 mg fb1/kg mash. at day 21, each group was further subdivided into two groups, yielding four groups with 75 birds apiece, which served as the control (group cx), the salmonella gallinarum alone group (group cs ... | 2007 | 17992930 |
influence of hydrocolloidal silver nanoparticles on gastrointestinal microflora and morphology of enterocytes of quails. | the objective of the present study was to examine the effects of hydrocolloidal silver nanoparticles (ag-nano) on microbial profile of caecum and morphology of enterocytes in duodenum of japanese quail, as a model animal for poultry. quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) (10 d old) were randomly divided into four groups (15 quails each) and located into four cages for 12 days. quails were fed with granulated diets given ad libitum and had free access to drinking water. ag-nano were added to drinki ... | 2007 | 18069616 |
arterial vascularization of the uropygial glands (gl. uropygialis) in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and silver polish (gallus gallus domesticus). | this study focused on the morphological characteristics of the uropygial glands of the japanese quail and silver polish, particularly the arterial nourishment. with this respect, coloured-latex injected animals were dissected and their glands and related arteries were observed. the gland in the japanese quail was relatively longer than that in the silver polish. the first caudal segmental arteries in the japanese quail were specialized as the uropygial gland artery while the fourth caudal segmen ... | 2008 | 18162098 |
origin of adenohypophysial lobes and cells from rathke's pouch in chicken (gallus gallus) and japanese quail (coturniz coturniz japonica). expression of calcium-binding proteins. | a histological and immunochemical study of adenohypophysis development in two bird species: chicken (gallus gallus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was carried out, focussing firstly morphologically on the origin of its different lobes, then secondly on the differentiation of hormone-producing cells from the adenohypophysial anlage and their involvement in the differentiation of three calcium-binding proteins. the results of the morphological development study show how the origin ... | 2008 | 18215203 |
functional disorder of the retina in manganese-deficient japanese quail revealed by electroretinography using a contact lens electrode with built-in light source. | manganese deficiency results in neurological and skeletal defects, together with ultrastructural disarrangement of the retina in rats. wild birds show a range of mn concentrations in their tissues, including the liver, raising the possibility of mn-related disorders in the wild. electroretinography (erg) provides a useful noninvasive approach to evaluate visual function. this method is especially useful in birds, as objective analysis of them is very difficult, while they have well-developed vis ... | 2008 | 18319573 |
comparative embryonic development of the skeleton of the domestic turkey (meleagris gallopavo) and other galliform birds. | ossification sequences are poorly known for birds in general, even for common domestic and experimental species. such sequences constitute a rich source of data on character evolution, and may even provide phylogenetic information. it is not clear, however, what factors influence ossification sequences and what the relative importance of phylogeny is to the sequences. galliformes constitute a good group to examine these variables. these birds are osteologically conservative, have precocial young ... | 2008 | 18375106 |
detoxification and oxidative stress responses along with microcystins accumulation in japanese quail exposed to cyanobacterial biomass. | the cyanobacterial exposure has been implicated in mass mortalities of wild birds, but information on the actual effects of cyanobacteria on birds in controlled studies is missing. effects on detoxification and antioxidant parameters as well as bioaccumulation of microcystins (mcs) were studied in birds after sub-lethal exposure to natural cyanobacterial biomass. four treatment groups of model species japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were exposed to controlled doses of cyanobacterial ... | 2008 | 18423819 |
developmental patterning deciphered in avian chimeras. | i started my scientific carer by investigating the development of the digestive tract in the laboratory of a well-known embryologist, etienne wolff, then professor at the collège de france. my animal model was the chick embryo. the investigations that i pursued on liver development together with serendipity, led me to devise a cell-marking technique based on the construction of chimeric embryos between two closely related species of birds, the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and the ... | 2008 | 18430163 |
individual and combined effects of fumonisin b1 and moniliformin on clinicopathological and cell-mediated immune response in japanese quail. | a total of 390 one-day-old quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into 4 groups (3 replicates per treatment), viz. cx, fx, mx, and fm, containing 75, 105, 105, and 105 birds, respectively. birds in the control group (cx) were fed quail mash alone, whereas birds in group fx were fed 200 ppm of fumonisin b(1) (fb(1)) from fusarium verticillioides culture material; group mx was fed 100 ppm of moniliformin (m) from fusarium fujikuroi culture material; and group fm was fed a combinati ... | 2008 | 18492990 |
staphylococcal dermatitis in quail with a parakeratotic hyperkeratotic dermatosis suggestive of pantothenic acid deficiency. | this report describes an outbreak of staphylococcal dermatitis which occurred in commercial japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) with a history and clinico-pathological evidence suggestive of pantothenic acid deficiency. the flock had a low hatchability rate (40 to 43%) and a high percentage (50%) of dead-in-shell embryos. approximately 5 to 15% of the grower flock developed crusty facial scabs and conjunctivitis from 4 days of age. culture of eyelid skin yielded pure growths of non-haemo ... | 1995 | 18645814 |
development of a new vaccine against turkey meningo-encephalitis using a virus passaged through the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | turkey meningo-encephalitis virus could be adapted to the japanese quail by intra-cerebral inoculation. after 4 passages the virus was found to be less pathogenic for the turkey. further attenuation could be achieved by growing the virus in japanese quail kidney cell cultures for 11 passages. this attenuated virus was used for the preparation of a live vaccine against turkey meningo-encephalitis. the safety and efficacy of the vaccine was shown in laboratory and field experiments. | 1975 | 18777300 |
absence of donor-derived zona pellucida protein c homolog in the inner perivitelline layer of peking duck (anas platyrhynchos)-japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) chimeras (duails). | avian blastodermal cells at stage x are used to produce interspecies chimeras for heterogenous poultry reproduction. however, recipient-derived inner perivitelline layer (ipvl)-enclosed donor-derived ova may affect the efficiency of germline transmission via chimera. among the proteins in the ipvl, zona pellucida protein c (zpc) plays an important role in sperm-egg binding and inducing the acrosome reaction. in the present study, peking duck blastodermal cells at stage x were transferred into su ... | 2008 | 18809869 |