
west nile virus viremia in eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus) sufficient for infecting different eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus) inoculated intramuscularly with 101.5 to 105.7 pfu of west nile virus (wnv), serum titers developed sufficient to infect aedes triseriatus (say), ae. vexans (meigen), and culex pipiens (l.). mean titers (95% confidence interval) of 8 chipmunks were 103.9(3.3-4.5), 106.7(6.4-7.0), and 105.8(4.1-7.5) pfu/ml on days 1-3 postinoculation (p.i.) and 105.8 pfu/ml in 1 chipmunk on day 4 p.i. mean estimated days that wnv titers were >104.8 and >105.6 were 1.7 (1.1-2 ...200717553220
microbial larvicides for malaria control in the gambia.mosquito larval control may prove to be an effective tool for incorporating into integrated vector management (ivm) strategies for reducing malaria transmission. here the efficacy of microbial larvicides against anopheles gambiae s.l. was tested in preparation for a large-scale larviciding programme in the gambia.200717555570
use of sentinel chickens to study the transmission dynamics of west nile virus in a sahelian ecosystem.during the 2003 rainy season, a follow-up survey in sentinel chickens was undertaken to assess the seasonal transmission of west nile virus (wnv) in a sahelian ecosystem: the ferlo (senegal). the estimated incidence rate in chickens was 14% (95% ci 7-29), with a very low level of transmission between july and september, and a transmission peak occurring between september and october. comparing these results with the estimate obtained from a previous transversal serological study performed on hor ...200817559695
ecology of invasive mosquitoes: effects on resident species and on human health.investigations of biological invasions focus on patterns and processes that are related to introduction, establishment, spread and impacts of introduced species. this review focuses on the ecological interactions operating during invasions by the most prominent group of insect vectors of disease, mosquitoes. first, we review characteristics of non-native mosquito species that have established viable populations, and those invasive species that have spread widely and had major impacts, testing wh ...200517637849
molecular survey of dirofilaria immitis and dirofilaria repens by direct pcr for wild caught mosquitoes in the republic of mosquito collections using new jersey light traps and black-hole light traps were conducted to determine the potential vectors and the relative mosquito infection rates of dirofilaria immitis and dirofilaria repens in gyeonggi and gangwon provinces, republic of korea, 2005. dirofilaria spp. were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) using species-specific primers for d. immitis and d. repens. minimum field infection rates (mfir) [mfir = (number infected pools/total number of mosquit ...200717644255
host choice and west nile virus infection rates in blood-fed mosquitoes, including members of the culex pipiens complex, from memphis and shelby county, tennessee, 2002-2003.the source of bloodmeals in 2,082 blood-fed mosquitoes collected from february 2002 through december 2003 in memphis and surrounding areas of shelby county, tennessee were determined. members of the genus culex and anopheles quadrimaculatus predominated in the collections. members of the cx. pipiens complex and cx. restuans were found to feed predominately upon avian hosts, though mammalian hosts made up a substantial proportion of the bloodmeals in these species. no significant difference was s ...200717767413
spatiotemporal monitoring of floodwater mosquito dispersal in osijek, croatia.this paper demonstrates the possibility of using geostatistics to monitor the dispersal of mosquitoes for mosquito control programs at the municipal level. the case study objective was to quantify the dispersal of floodwater mosquitoes from the natural marshland kopacki rit into the city of osijek, croatia, and to analyze the main factors controlling it. fifty thousand adult aedes vexans, ochlerotatus sticticus, and ochlerotatus caspius mosquitoes were marked with a powdered fluorescent pigment ...200717847840
urban habitat evaluation for west nile virus surveillance in mosquitoes in albuquerque, new part of an ongoing mosquito surveillance program, 27 sites in the greater metropolitan albuquerque area (bernalillo county, new mexico) were trapped from may through september 2004. each site was sampled for 1 night weekly, using a standard co2-baited centers for disease control and prevention light trap and a gravid trap. captured mosquitoes were catalogued by location, species, and date, and selected pools were tested for west nile virus (wnv) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain react ...200717847847
mosquitoes associated with us department of agriculture managed wetlands on maryland's delmarva peninsula.mosquito faunal studies were carried out 2004-2005 in maryland's eastern shore wetlands managed by the us department of agriculture. the wetlands included flooded fields, inundated woodlands, and tidal salt marshes. sampling methods included larval collections, adult landing counts, and cdc light and oviposition traps. a total of 1,186 larvae and 1,363 adults identified represented 14 species. temporary pools were found to have the highest potential for rapid mosquito colonization with psorophor ...200717939519
laboratory and field evaluation of the impact of exercise on the performance of regular and polymer-based deet repellents.studies were done in manitoba, canada, to evaluate the impact of exercise on repellent performance against mosquitoes. two products containing the active ingredient n,n-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (deet) were tested; one product was a polymer-based cream (3m ultrathon insect repellent) and the other product was an alcohol-based pump spray formulation (muskol insect repellent). assessments were done in the laboratory using aedes aegypti (l.) and in the field with naturally occurring populations of ...200718047202
nocturnal activity of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in a west nile virus focus in connecticut.six species of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) were collected in sufficient numbers for analysis in segregating traps set at 2-h intervals by using co2 and light as attractants in a west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) focus in stratford, ct. the kolmogorov-smirnov one-sided test for two samples was used to analyze the data. mosquito activity began shortly before sunset and continued until shortly after sunrise the next morning. all species had geometric means that were s ...200718047212
spatiotemporal investigation of adult mosquito (diptera: culicidae) populations in an eastern iowa county, usa.landscape and climatic factors regulate distributions of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) over time and space. the anthropogenic control of mosquito populations is often carried out at a local administrative scale, and it is applied based on the relevant agency's experiential knowledge rather than systematic analysis of spatial and temporal data. to address this shortcoming, a spatial and temporal analysis of landscape and climatic parameters in relation to mosquito populations in black hawk coun ...200718047216
regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and flight performance by a hypertrehalosaemic hormone in the mosquito anopheles gambiae.the role of adipokinetic hormones (akhs) in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and flight performance was evaluated for females of the african malaria mosquito, anopheles gambiae. injection of various dosages of synthetic anoga-akh-i increased carbohydrate levels in the haemolymph and reduced glycogen reserves in sugar-fed females but did not affect lipid levels. anoga-akh-i enhanced the flight performance of both intact and decapitated sugar-fed females, during a 4 h flight per ...200818062987
west nile virus surveillance and diagnostics: a canadian perspective.a surveillance program has been in place since 2000 to detect the presence of west nile virus (wnv) in canada. serological assays are most appropriate when monitoring for human disease and undertaking case investigations. genomic amplification procedures are more commonly used for testing animal and mosquito specimens collected as part of ongoing surveillance efforts. the incursion of wnv into this country was documented for the first time in 2001 when wnv was demonstrated in 12 ontario health u ...200318159433
rift valley fever outbreak with east-central african virus lineage in mauritania, october 2003, 9 human cases of hemorrhagic fever were reported in 3 provinces of mauritania, west africa. test results showed acute rift valley fever virus (rvfv) infection, and a field investigation found recent circulation of rvfv with a prevalence rate of 25.5% (25/98) and 4 deaths among the 25 laboratory-confirmed case-patients. immunoglobulin m against rvfv was found in 46% (25/54) of domestic animals. rvfv was also isolated from the mosquito species culex poicilipes. genetic comparison ...200718214173
meteorologically conditioned time-series predictions of west nile virus vector empirical model to forecast west nile virus mosquito vector populations is developed using time series analysis techniques. specifically, multivariate seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (sarima) models were developed for aedes vexans and the combined group of culex pipiens and culex restuans in erie county, new york. weekly mosquito collections data were obtained for the four mosquito seasons from 2002 to 2005 from the erie county department of health, vector and pest control p ...200818279008
locating suitable habitats for west nile virus-infected mosquitoes through association of environmental characteristics with infected mosquito locations: a case study in shelby county, tennessee.since its first detection in 2001, west nile virus (wnv) poses a significant health risk for residents of shelby county in tennessee. this situation forced public health officials to adopt efficient methods for monitoring disease spread and predicting future outbreaks. analyses that use environmental variables to find suitable habitats for wnv-infected mosquitoes have the potential to support these efforts. using the mahalanobis distance statistic, we identified areas of shelby county that are e ...200818373868
isolations of jamestown canyon virus (bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus) from field-collected mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in connecticut, usa: a ten-year analysis, 1997-2006.jamestown canyon virus (jcv) (bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus) is a mosquito-borne zoonosis belonging to the california serogroup. it has a wide geographic distribution, occurring throughout much of temperate north america. white-tailed deer, odocoileus virginianus are the principal amplification hosts, and boreal aedes and ochlerotatus mosquitoes are the primary vectors. a 10-year study was undertaken to identify potential mosquito vectors in connecticut, quantify seasonal prevalence rates of inf ...200818386967
phytochemicals as population sampling lures.most mosquito species have 2 hosts: vertebrate animals and vascular plants. the kairomones of vertebrates have been employed extensively as attractants in traps that are used for surveillance, either to assess adult density of mosquito populations or to detect pathogen activity. they also have been employed in basic field studies of mosquito physiology, behavior, and ecology. the semiochemicals that mosquitoes use to find plant hosts for their sugar, by contrast, have not been utilized at all. c ...200818437829
larvicidal activity of sterol carrier protein-2 inhibitor in four species of mosquitoes.a previous report has shown that mosquito sterol carrier protein-2 inhibitors (scpis) are larvicidal to larvae of the yellowfever mosquito, aedes aegypti (l.) (j. lipid res. 46: 650-657, 2005). in the current study, we tested scpi-1 in an additional four mosquito species for larvicidal activities: culex pipiens pipiens, anopheles gambiae, culex restuans, and aedes vexans. cholesterol accumulation in scpi-treated ae. aegypti fourth instars was examined. scpi-1 is lethal to all tested mosquito spe ...200818533437
vector competence of aedes vexans (diptera: culicidae) for west nile virus and potential as an enzootic vector.vector competence of aedes vexans (meigen) and culex pipiens pipiens l. (diptera: culicidae) for west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) was compared. infection rates of both species were similar 14 d after feeding on chickens, with wnv titers ranging from 10(4.2) to 10(8.7) plaque-forming units (pfu)/ml. median infectious doses and 95% confidence intervals (ci) were 10(6.0(5.8, 63)) and 10(5.7(5.4, 5.9)) pfu for ae. vexans and cx. p. pipiens, respectively. wnv transmission ...200818533439
arbovirus transmission by culex nigripalpus in florida, 2005.understanding the transmission patterns of west nile and st. louis encephalitis viruses (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv and slev) could result in an increased ability to predict transmission risk to humans. to examine transmission patterns between vector and host, we trapped mosquitoes in three florida counties from june to november 2005 by using chicken-baited lard can mosquito traps. these traps were used to monitor for presence of wnv and slev in mosquitoes and subsequent transmis ...200818533444
persistent west nile virus transmission and the apparent displacement st. louis encephalitis virus in southeastern california, 2003-2006.west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) invaded the colorado desert biome of southern california during summer 2003 and seemed to displace previously endemic st. louis encephalitis virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, slev, an antigenically similar flavivirus in the japanese encephalitis virus serocomplex). western equine encephalomyelitis virus (family togaviridae, genus alphavirus, weev), an antigenically distinct alphavirus, was detected during 2005 and 2006, ind ...200818533445
comparative analysis of distribution and abundance of west nile and eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus vectors in suffolk county, new york, using human population density and land use/cover data.five years of cdc light trap data from suffolk county, ny, were analyzed to compare the applicability of human population density (hpd) and land use/cover (luc) classification systems to describe mosquito abundance and to determine whether certain mosquito species of medical importance tend to be more common in urban (defined by hpd) or residential (defined by luc) areas. eleven study sites were categorized as urban or rural using u.s. census bureau data and by luc types using geographic informa ...200818533453
the resting sites and blood-meal sources of anopheles minimus in taiwan.the who declared taiwan free from malaria in 1965, but in 2003 the reporting of two introduced cases in a rural area suggested a possible local transmission of this disease. therefore, understanding the resting sites and the blood sources of anopheles minimus is crucial in order to provide information for implementing vector control strategies.200818538036
bovine epizootic encephalomyelitis caused by akabane virus in southern japan.akabane virus is a member of the genus orthobunyavirus in the family bunyaviridae. it is transmitted by hematophagous arthropod vectors such as culicoides biting midges and is widely distributed in temperate to tropical regions of the world. the virus is well known as a teratogenic pathogen which causes abortions, stillbirths, premature births and congenital abnormalities with arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly syndrome in cattle, sheep and goats. on the other hand, it is reported that the virus rar ...200818554406
potential vectors of rift valley fever virus in the mediterranean region.we evaluated the ability of three mosquito species (aedes caspius, aedes detritus, culex pipiens), collected in southern france and tunisia, and of different laboratory-established colonies (aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, aedes vexans, anopheles gambiae, culex pipiens, culex quinquefasciatus) to disseminate two strains of rift valley fever virus (rvfv), the virulent zh548 and the avirulent clone 13. after feeding on an infectious blood meal at 10(8.5) plaque-forming units/ml, females were main ...200818620510
preference of female mosquitoes for natural and artificial resting a wetland study site in tuskegee national forest, al, resting female mosquitoes were collected from natural and artificial resting sites to identify species-specific resting sites and to evaluate various artificial resting sites for their utility in collecting resting mosquitoes. natural resting sites included small tree cavities, large tree cavities, and understory vegetation. artificial resting sites included resting boxes, fiber pots, and plastic trash cans. we collected 12,888 female mosq ...200818666530
mosquito species richness, composition, and abundance along habitat-climate-elevation gradients in the northern colorado front range.we exploited elevation gradients (1,500-2,400 m) ranging from plains to montane areas along the poudre river and big thompson river in the northern colorado front range to determine how mosquito species richness, composition, and abundance change along natural habitat-climate-elevation gradients. mosquito collections in 26 sites in 2006 by using co2-baited cdc light traps yielded a total of 7,136 identifiable mosquitoes of 27 species. commonly collected species included aedes vexans (meigen) (n ...200818714885
serum antibodies to west nile virus in naturally exposed and vaccinated horses.a polyvalent elisa and plaque reduction neutralization tests (prnts) were used to measure serum antibodies to west nile virus (wnv) in horses naturally exposed to or vaccinated against this flavivirus in connecticut and new york state, usa. relying on a prnt as a 'gold standard', the main objective was to validate a modified elisa containing a recombinant wnv envelope protein antigen. it was also important to assess specificity by testing sera from horses that had other, undiagnosed illnesses. s ...200818719177
nestling passerines are not important hosts for amplification of west nile virus in chicago, illinois.nestling birds have been hypothesized to be important hosts for mosquito-borne arboviruses, but the role of nestlings for west nile virus (wnv) amplification remains unclear. we sampled open-cup and cavity-nesting passerines in chicago, illinois, an area of intense wnv transmission, to determine infection rates in nestlings and mosquitoes, and to test whether mosquitoes are attracted to nesting birds. analysis of culex pipiens mosquito populations demonstrated wnv amplification to high mosquito ...200818759639
ecological factors associated with west nile virus transmission, northeastern united states.since 1999, west nile virus (wnv) disease has affected the northeastern united states. to describe the spatial epidemiology and identify risk factors for disease incidence, we analyzed 8 years (1999-2006) of county-based human wnv disease surveillance data. among the 56.6 million residents in 8 northeastern states sharing primary enzootic vectors, we found 977 cases. we controlled for population density and potential bias from surveillance and spatial proximity. analyses demonstrated significant ...200818826816
ectopic migration of an adult heartworm in a dog with dirofilariasis (case report).a 3-yr-old female mongrel dog was referred to the veterinary teaching hospital of chungnam national university in the republic of korea. an adult heartworm, dirofilaria immitis, was found in the abdominal cavity of the dog during spaying. dirofilariasis in this dog was also diagnosed by modified knott's test, elisa test, and pcr analysis. the present case is the first report on the migration of an adult dog heartworm to the abdominal cavity of a dog in the republic of korea.200818830057
survey of mosquito fauna in lubbock county, texas.records of mosquito species occurring in lubbock county, tx, have not been reported since 1970. an updated mosquito survey was conducted as part of the west nile virus surveillance program conducted throughout lubbock county, tx from july 2002 through december 2004. a large number of species not previously recorded occurring in this area were collected, whereas several species historically occurring in the area were not collected during this survey. based upon the data from this study, dominant ...200818939702
francisella tularensis: an arthropod-borne pathogen.arthropod transmission of tularemia occurs throughout the northern hemisphere. few pathogens show the adaptability of francisella tularensis to such a wide array of arthropod vectors. nonetheless, arthropod transmission of f. tularensis was last actively investigated in the first half of the 20th century. this review will focus on arthropod transmission to humans with respect to vector species, modes of transmission, geographic differences and f. tularensis subspecies and clades.200918950590
mapping of zones potentially occupied by aedes vexans and culex poicilipes mosquitoes, the main vectors of rift valley fever in senegal.a necessary condition for rift valley fever (rvf) emergence is the presence of aedes (aedimorphus) vexans and culex (culex) poicilipes mosquitoes carrying the arbovirus and responsible for the infection. this paper presents a detailed mapping in the sahelian region of senegal of zones potentially occupied by these mosquitoes (zpoms) whose population density is directly linked to ecozones in the vicinity of small ponds. the vectors habitats and breeding sites have been characterized through an in ...200819021110
ecological niche of the 2003 west nile virus epidemic in the northern great plains of the united states.the incidence of west nile virus (wnv) has remained high in the northern great plains compared to the rest of the united states. however, the reasons for the sustained high risk of wnv transmission in this region have not been determined. to assess the environmental drivers of wnv in the northern great plains, we analyzed the county-level spatial pattern of human cases during the 2003 epidemic across a seven-state region.200819057643
agent-based modelling of mosquito foraging behaviour for malaria control.traditional environmental management programmes require extensive coverage of larval habitats to reduce drastically the emergence of adult mosquitoes. recent studies have highlighted the impact of reduced availability of aquatic habitats on mosquito foraging for hosts and oviposition sites. in this study, we developed an agent-based model to track the status and movement of mosquitoes individually. mosquito foraging was represented as a two-stage process: random flight when the resource was not ...200919200566
species composition of mosquito fauna in ranau, sabah, malaysia.the adult population and species composition of mosquitoes collected in ranau, sabah are described. a total of 5956 mosquitoes representing 8 genera and 41 species were collected using human landing catch, indoor and outdoor. anopheles maculatus was the most common species (15.6%) followed by culex quinquefasciatus (12.8%), culex pseudovishnui (12.1%), anopheles balabacensis (11.1%), culex vishnui (9.7%), aedes vexans (9.6%), culex tritaeniorhyncus (6.6%), anopheles donaldi (5.6%) and others in ...200819287362
changing patterns of west nile virus transmission: altered vector competence and host susceptibility.west nile virus (wnv) is a flavivirus (flaviviridae) transmitted between culex spp. mosquitoes and avian hosts. the virus has dramatically expanded its geographic range in the past ten years. increases in global commerce, climate change, ecological factors and the emergence of novel viral genotypes likely play significant roles in the emergence of this virus; however, the exact mechanism and relative importance of each is uncertain. previously wnv was primarily associated with febrile illness of ...200919406093
further assessment of houseflies (musca domestica) as vectors for the mechanical transport and transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus under field conditions.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for houseflies (musca domestica) to mechanically transport and transmit porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) between pig populations under controlled field conditions. the study employed swine housed in commercial livestock facilities and a release-recapture protocol involving marked (ochre-eyed) houseflies. to assess whether transport of prrsv by insects occurred, ochre-eyed houseflies were released and collected fro ...200919436589
rift valley fever in a zone potentially occupied by aedes vexans in senegal: dynamics and risk mapping.this paper presents an analysis of the interaction between the various variables associated with rift valley fever (rvf) such as the mosquito vector, available hosts and rainfall distribution. to that end, the varying zones potentially occupied by mosquitoes (zpom), rainfall events and pond dynamics, and the associated exposure of hosts to the rvf virus by aedes vexans, were analyzed in the barkedji area of the ferlo, senegal, during the 2003 rainy season. ponds were identified by remote sensing ...200919440963
distribution and ecology of mosquitoes in a focus of dirofilariasis in northwestern iran, with the first finding of filarial larvae in naturally infected local mosquitoes.a study of the distribution and ecology of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in ardebil province of northwestern iran, with special reference to the known dirofilariasis focus in meshkinshahr county, was carried out in july-august 2005 and april-october 2006. in total, 17,533 adult mosquitoes and 3090 third- and fourth-instar larvae were collected on 14 occasions and identified using morphological characters and dna sequence data. twenty species belonging to seven genera were found: anopheles clav ...200919493192
endemic transmission of rift valley fever in senegal.rift valley fever (rvf) is an expanding zoonotic disease transmitted from ruminant to ruminant by culicidae mosquitoes. in 2004, a longitudinal serological survey was performed on small ruminants in the ferlo are (senegal) to study rvf transmission and compared the results with those obtained from the same study in 2003. the results confirm that the disease is endemic and that the spatial transmission of rvf is highly heterogeneous. the virus could be maintained during dry season by transovarian ...200919548898
spatio-temporal cluster analysis of county-based human west nile virus incidence in the continental united states.west nile virus (wnv) is a vector-borne illness that can severely affect human health. after introduction on the east coast in 1999, the virus quickly spread and became established across the continental united states. however, there have been significant variations in levels of human wnv incidence spatially and temporally. in order to quantify these variations, we used kulldorff's spatial scan statistic and anselin's local moran's i statistic to uncover spatial clustering of human wnv incidence ...200919594928
a duplex real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of california serogroup and cache valley viruses.a duplex taqman real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for the detection of california (cal) serogroup viruses and cache valley virus (cvv), for use in human surveillance. the targets selected for the assay were the sequences encoding the nucleocapsid protein of cal and the g1 glycoprotein of cvv. conserved regions were selected by aligning genetic sequences from various strains available in the genbank database. primers and probes were selected in co ...200919748425
response of adult mosquitoes to light-emitting diodes placed in resting boxes and in the field.the response of adult mosquitoes to 4 light-emitting diode (led) wavelengths was evaluated using diode-equipped sticky cards (descs) and diode-equipped resting boxes at 2 sites in north central florida. wavelengths evaluated were blue (470 nm), green (502 nm), red (660 nm), and infrared (ir) (860 nm). when trapping with descs, 15 mosquito species from 7 genera (aedes, anopheles, coquillettidia, culex, mansonia, psorophora, and uranotaenia) were captured. overall, approximately 43.8% of all mosqu ...200919852218
laboratory transmission of st. louis encephalitis virus by three genera of mosquitoes.1. st. louis virus has been successfully transmitted in the laboratory by the following 9 species of mosquitoes from 3 genera: culex tarsalis, culex pipiens, culex coronator, aedes lateralis, aedes taeniorhynchus, aedes vexans, aedes nigromaculis, theobaldia incidens, and theobaldia inornata. 2. though transmission has not been demonstrated, survival of the virus for more than a few days was shown to occur in culex quinquefasciatus, culex stigmatosoma, psorophora ciliata, and anopheles maculipen ...194319871325
risk factors for human infection with west nile virus in connecticut: a multi-year analysis.the optimal method for early prediction of human west nile virus (wnv) infection risk remains controversial. we analyzed the predictive utility of risk factor data for human wnv over a six-year period in connecticut.200919943935
relationship between distance from major larval habitats and abundance of adult mosquitoes in semiarid plains landscapes in colorado.we examined the relationship between distance from major larval habitats and abundance of adult mosquitoes in the semiarid plains landscape characteristic of eastern colorado. mosquito collection was conducted from late june to early august 2007 and included trap locations at distances ranging from <10 m up to 20-150 m and 160-373 m from three major larval habitats: one area along a river corridor and two small reservoirs. the study yielded 65,140 mosquitoes of 14 species, and five species were ...200919960672
potential vectors of west nile virus in a semiarid environment: doña ana county, new mexico.the potential vectors of west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) in doña ana county, nm, were determined during 2004 and 2005. trapping was conducted using centers for disease control and prevention miniature light-traps baited with dry ice, and gravid traps baited with a hay infusion. in addition, sentinel chickens were housed at four of the trapping locations to monitor wnv epizootic transmission. in total, 5,576 pools consisting of 115,797 female mosquitoes were tested fo ...200919960700
seasonal patterns for entomological measures of risk for exposure to culex vectors and west nile virus in relation to human disease cases in northeastern colorado.we examined seasonal patterns for entomological measures of risk for exposure to culex vectors and west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) in relation to human wnv disease cases in a five-county area of northeastern colorado during 2006-2007. studies along habitat/elevation gradients in 2006 showed that the seasonal activity period is shortened and peak numbers occur later in the summer for culex tarsalis coquillett females in foothills-montane areas >1600 m compared with pl ...200919960707
climate impacts on environmental risks evaluated from space: a conceptual approach to the case of rift valley fever in senegal.climate and environment vary across many spatio-temporal scales, including the concept of climate change, which impact on ecosystems, vector-borne diseases and public health worldwide.200920052381
avian communal roosts as amplification foci for west nile virus in urban areas in northeastern united states.west nile virus (wnv) perpetuates in an enzootic transmission cycle involving culex mosquitoes and virus-competent avian hosts. in the northeastern united states, the enzootic vectors, cx. pipiens and cx. restuans, feed preferentially on american robins (turdus migratorius), suggesting a key role for this bird species in the wnv transmission cycle. we examined the role of american robin communal roosts as virus amplification foci in greater new haven, connecticut. robin communal roosts were loca ...201020134014
nationwide surveillance of west nile virus targeting mosquitoes and dead birds from april 2004 through march 2007 in japan.we conducted nationwide west nile virus (wnv) surveillance targeting mosquitoes and dead birds to reveal whether the virus and its potential vectors are present in japan. a total of 12 766 mosquitoes and 230 dead birds were collected in april 2004-march 2005 (the 2004-2005 period), 10 755 mosquitoes and 267 dead birds in april 2005-march 2006 (the 2005-2006 period), and 8624 mosquitoes and 245 dead birds in april 2006-march 2007 (the 2006-2007 period). the species of most of the mosquitoes colle ...201120163573
species abundance and seasonal activity of mosquitoes on cattle facilities in southern alberta, canada.seventeen mosquito species were collected at eight cattle facilities in southern alberta, canada, during 2002-2004. five species, culiseta inornata (williston), aedes dorsalis (meigen), culex tarsalis (coquillett), aedes vexans (meigen), and aedes campestris dyar & knab accounted for 93.6% of the mosquitoes collected. culiseta inornata, ae. dorsalis, and ae. campestris were trapped earliest in the year. cs. inornata was active latest in the year and had the longest period of activity. ae. dorsal ...201020180306
developing gis-based eastern equine encephalitis vector-host models in tuskegee, alabama.a site near tuskegee, alabama was examined for vector-host activities of eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus (eeev). land cover maps of the study site were created in arcinfo 9.2 from quickbird data encompassing visible and near-infrared (nir) band information (0.45 to 0.72 microm) acquired july 15, 2008. georeferenced mosquito and bird sampling sites, and their associated land cover attributes from the study site, were overlaid onto the satellite data. sas 9.1.4 was used to explore univariat ...201020181267
[investigation on arboviruses at sino-vietnam border areas in wenshan of yunnan province].to investigate arboviruses in wenshan and hekou county which are the sino-vietnam frontier regions of wenshan, yunnan province, china.200920193505
surveillance for west nile virus in american white pelicans, montana, usa, 2006-2007.west nile virus (wnv)-associated deaths of american white pelican (pelecanus erythrorhynchos) chicks have been recognized at various nesting colonies in the united states since 2002. we evaluated american white pelican nesting colonies in sheridan county, montana, usa, for an association between wnv-positive pelican carcasses and human west nile neuroinvasive disease. persons in counties hosting affected colonies had a 5x higher risk for disease than those in counties with unaffected colonies. w ...201020202414
blood feeding patterns of mosquitoes: random or structured?abstract:201020205866
role of culex and anopheles mosquito species as potential vectors of rift valley fever virus in sudan outbreak, 2007.rift valley fever (rvf) is an acute febrile arthropod-borne viral disease of man and animals caused by a member of the phlebovirus genus, one of the five genera in the family bunyaviridae. rvf virus (rvfv) is transmitted between animals and human by mosquitoes, particularly those belonging to the culex, anopheles and aedes genera.201020222979
isolation and phylogenetic analysis of sindbis viruses from mosquitoes in germany.a molecular survey of 16,057 mosquitoes captured in southwest germany during the summer of 2009 demonstrated the presence of sindbis virus (sinv) in culex spp. and anopheles maculipennis sensu lato. phylogenetic analysis of the german sinv strains linked them with swedish sinv strains, the causative agent of ockelbo disease in humans.201020335414
arboviral survey of mosquitoes in two northern italian regions in 2007 and 2008.recently, italy-particularly the emilia-romagna region-was the location of consecutive outbreaks of human diseases caused by the arboviruses chikungunya virus and west nile virus. the two outbreaks, spread by different species of mosquitoes, were not related, but pointed out the lack of an arboviral surveillance program in this region. beginning in 2007 entomological surveillance was initiated in the emilia-romagna region, and in 2008 the program was improved and extended at lombardia region. us ...201020370434
are aedes albopictus or other mosquito species from northern italy competent to sustain new arboviral outbreaks?the asian tiger mosquito aedes albopictus (skuse) (diptera: culicidae), native to southeast asia, has extended its geographical distribution to invade new temperate and tropical regions. this species was introduced in 1990 to italy and has since become the main pest in urban settings. it was incriminated as a principal vector in the first european outbreak of chikungunya virus (chikv) in the province of ravenna (italy) in 2007. this outbreak was associated with chikv e1-226v, efficiently transmi ...201020377735
emergence of zoonotic arboviruses by animal trade and migration.abstract: arboviruses are transmitted in nature exclusively or to a major extend by arthropods. they belong to the most important viruses invading new areas in the world and their occurrence is strongly influenced by climatic changes due to the life cycle of the transmitting vectors. several arboviruses have emerged in new regions of the world during the last years, like west nile virus (wnv) in the americas, usutu virus (usuv) in central europe, or rift valley fever virus (rvfv) in the arabian ...201020377873
first report on entomological field activities for the surveillance of west nile disease in italy.west nile virus (wnv) is neuropathogenic for birds, horses and humans and is maintained in natural cycles between birds and mosquitoes, particularly the culex genus; horses and humans are considered to be incidental hosts. a surveillance plan was implemented in italy in 1998, following a limited outbreak of wnv equine encephalomyelitis and a wnv outbreak in france very close to the italian border. this plan to assess the risks of the virus being introduced again included entomological surveillan ...200820405446
identification of environmental covariates of west nile virus vector mosquito population abundance.the rapid spread of west nile virus (wnv) in north america is a major public health concern. culex pipiens-restuans is the principle mosquito vector of wnv in the northeastern united states while aedes vexans is an important bridge vector of the virus in this region. vector mosquito abundance is directly dependent on physical environmental factors that provide mosquito habitats. the objective of this research is to determine landscape elements that explain the population abundance and distributi ...201020482343
mosquito (diptera: culicidae) surveillance for arboviruses in an area endemic for west nile (lineage rabensburg) and tahyna viruses in central europe.six viral isolates were obtained from 23,243 female mosquitoes (examined in 513 pools) belonging to 16 species and collected along the lower reaches of the dyje river in south moravia (czech republic, central europe) during 2006-2008: five isolates of orthobunyavirus tahyna (tahv, california group, family bunyaviridae: three isolations from aedes vexans (meigen), one from ae. sticticus (meigen), one from culex modestus ficalbi); and one isolation of flavivirus west nile (wnv, japanese encephalit ...201020496595
genetic diversity of aedes vexans (diptera, culicidae) from new orleans: pre- and post-katrina.the floodwater mosquito aedes vexans, a potential vector of west nile virus, has a worldwide distribution that includes the continental united states and southern canada. in order to determine the effect that hurricane katrina had on the temporal genetic variation of ae. vexans from new orleans, we compared genetic diversity of a portion of the mtdna nd5 gene of mosquito specimens collected during 2005 (n = 99) with specimens from 2006 (n = 103), after the hurricane. average haplotype diversity ...201020526734
culicinae mosquitoes in sanandaj county, kurdistan province, western iran.this study aims at studying mosquito-borne diseases as the major public health threat in iran. sanandaj outskirts are considered suitable habitats for mosquito larvae. in view of scanty reports on mosquito-borne disease implementation in this area, a study was undertaken to determine the mosquito fauna and frequency of mosquito larvae at sanandaj city.201020539048
mosquito (diptera: culicidae) fauna in an area endemic for west nile virus.mosquito collections with cdc light traps using dry ice and pigeon-baited traps were carried out in south moravia (czech republic) from april to october in 2007 and 2008 at two study sites. in 2007, 11 two-day captures were carried out in two-week intervals, and 1,490 female mosquitoes of nine species were caught. in 2008, 15 two-day trappings of mosquitoes were carried out: 6,778 females of 22 species of mosquitoes were trapped. the results showed marked differences in abundance and species com ...201020618662
seasonality and time of host-seeking activity of culex tarsalis and floodwater aedes in northern colorado, 2006-2007.effective and economical control of adult vector and pest mosquitoes requires knowledge of their seasonal abundance and host-seeking activity patterns. we conducted research in 2006-2007 to study these variables for culex tarsalis, aedes vexans, ae. melanimon, and ae. dorsalis in larimer county, co. mosquitoes were collected with traps that segregated catches in 7 consecutive 2-h intervals initiating at 1730 h at 4 sites. seasonal abundance varied for all species by site and year. time of host-s ...201020649124
[current status and eco-epidemiology of mosquito-borne arboviruses (diptera: culicidae) in spain].in this manuscript we analize the possible emergence and/or re-emergence in spain of some of the mosquito-borne arboviruses (diptera: culicidae) with highest incidence in recent years. the faunistic, bioecological and distributional data of the culicids in our country allow to differentiate between species with ability to maintain the enzootic cycles of arboviruses from others that can act as bridge vectors to the human population. the results show the existence of several common and anthropophi ...201020661525
rift valley fever virus epidemic in kenya, 2006/2007: the entomologic december 2006, rift valley fever (rvf) was diagnosed in humans in garissa hospital, kenya and an outbreak reported affecting 11 districts. entomologic surveillance was performed in four districts to determine the epidemic/epizootic vectors of rvf virus (rvfv). approximately 297,000 mosquitoes were collected, 164,626 identified to species, 72,058 sorted into 3,003 pools and tested for rvfv by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. seventy-seven pools representing 10 species tested po ...201020682903
effects of larval growth condition and water availability on desiccation resistance and its physiological basis in adult anopheles gambiae sensu stricto.natural populations of the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae s.s. are exposed to large seasonal and daily fluctuations in relative humidity and temperature, which makes coping with drought a crucial aspect of their ecology.201020691104
detection of dirofilaria immitis (nematoda: filarioidea) by polymerase chain reaction in aedes albopictus, anopheles punctipennis, and anopheles crucians (diptera: culicidae) from georgia, usa.potential mosquito vectors of dirofilaria immitis (leidy) (nematoda: filarioidea), the causative agent of dog heartworm in the southeastern region of the united states, were collected with cdc light traps and gravid traps in seven counties in the state of georgia, usa. the presence of d. immitis in these mosquitoes was detected by polymerase chain reaction using species-specific primers for the d. immitis surface or cuticular antigen. overall, 1,574 mosquitoes of 13 species in seven genera were ...201020695279
detection of francisella tularensis in alaskan mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and assessment of a laboratory model for transmission.tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by the category a bioterrorism agent francisella tularensis. in scandinavia, tularemia transmission by mosquitoes has been widely cited in the literature. we tested >2,500 mosquitoes captured in alaska and found francisella dna in 30% of pooled samples. to examine the potential for transmission of francisella by mosquitoes, we developed a mosquito model of francisella infection. larvae of anopheles gambiae giles and aedes aegypti (l.) readily ingest f. tula ...201020695280
seasonal and diel patterns of biting midges (ceratopogonidae) and mosquitoes (culicidae) on the parris island marine corps recruit depot.the marine corps recruit depot on parris island, sc, is surrounded by tidal salt marshes, which are breeding habitats for many pestiferous biting flies. knowledge of biting fly behavior patterns is needed to develop effective pest management strategies in urban areas adjacent to salt marshes. we measured biting midge (ceratopogonidae) and mosquito (culicidae) seasonal abundance and diel activity patterns on parris island using co(2)-baited suction traps from november 2001 - november 2004. of the ...200920836813
the present distribution and predicted geographic expansion of the floodwater mosquito aedes sticticus in sweden.the mass emergence of floodwater mosquitoes, in particular aedes sticticus and aedes vexans, causes substantial nuisance and reduces life quality for inhabitants of infested areas and can have a negative impact on the socio-economic conditions of a region. we compared the previous, present, and predicted geographic distribution of ae. sticticus in sweden. previous records from the literature until 1990 list the species in three out of 21 swedish counties. beginning in 1998, studies show that the ...200920836814
mosquitoes and west nile virus along a river corridor from prairie to montane habitats in eastern colorado.we conducted studies on mosquitoes and west nile virus (wnv) along a riparian corridor following the south platte river and big thompson river in northeastern colorado and extending from an elevation of 1,215 m in the prairie landscape of the eastern colorado plains to 1,840 m in low montane areas at the eastern edge of the rocky mountains in the central part of the state. mosquito collection during june-september 2007 in 20 sites along this riparian corridor yielded a total of 199,833 identifia ...200920836831
replication of clone 13, a naturally attenuated avirulent isolate of rift valley fever virus, in aedes and culex mosquitoes.rift valley fever virus continues to cause large outbreaks of acute and febrile illness among humans and domestic animals in africa. the high pathogenicity of the virus is mainly due to the non-structural protein derived from the s segment nss, which was shown to inhibit the type i interferon expression at the transcriptional level and to suppress host cell rna synthesis. clone 13, a naturally attenuated clone containing a deletion of 70% in nss, is a promising vaccine candidate as it has no pat ...201020854021
ecological niche modeling of potential west nile virus vector mosquito species in iowa.ecological niche modeling (enm) algorithms, maximum entropy species distribution modeling (maxent) and genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction (garp), were used to develop models in iowa for three species of mosquito - two significant, extant west nile virus (wnv) vectors (culex pipiens l and culex tarsalis coquillett (diptera: culicidae)), and the nuisance mosquito, aedes vexans meigen (diptera: culicidae), a potential wnv bridge vector. occurrence data for the three mosquito species from a s ...201020874412
[examination of mosquitoes collected in southern moravia in 2006-2008 tested for arboviruses].the main goals of the study were to carry out virus isolation attempts on vero cell cultures from mosquitoes collected in southern moravia (breclav district, czech republic) and to identify the isolates using a microtiter virus neutralization test. a total of 9.742 female mosquitoes belonging to 13 species were examined, and three viral strains were isolated, all from the mosquitoes collected in 2006: two of these isolates were identified as tahyna orthobunyavirus (both obtained from aedes vexan ...201020925246
potential for north american mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) to transmit rift valley fever determine which arthropods should be targeted for control should rift valley fever virus (rvfv) be detected in north america, we evaluated culex erraticus (dyar and knab), culex erythrothorax dyar, culex nigripalpus theobald, culex pipiens l., culex quinquefasciatus say, culex tarsalis coquillett, aedes dorsalis (wiedemann), aedes vexans (meigen), anopheles quadrimaculatus say, and culicoides sonorensis wirth and jones from the western, midwestern, and southern united states for their ability ...201020939385
[the molecular diagnosis of dirofilaria immitis in vector mosquitoes in felahiye district of kayseri].this study was designed to determine the potential vectors of dirofilaria immitis by molecular techniques in felahiye district of kayseri. mosquitoes were sampled from 11 points between june-august 2008 and collected live samples were brought to laboratory. in order to allow the larval development, mosquitoes were incubated in in vitro conditions for seven days. after this mosquitoes were killed and species identifications were done. among the totally collected 301 mosquitoes, 96 (31.9%) were be ...201020954124
pathogenic landscapes: interactions between land, people, disease vectors, and their animal hosts.landscape attributes influence spatial variations in disease risk or incidence. we present a review of the key findings from eight case studies that we conducted in europe and west africa on the impact of land changes on emerging or re-emerging vector-borne diseases and/or zoonoses. the case studies concern west nile virus transmission in senegal, tick-borne encephalitis incidence in latvia, sandfly abundance in the french pyrenees, rift valley fever in the ferlo (senegal), west nile fever and t ...201020979609
time required for aedes vexans and a. lateralis larvae to obtain a lethal dose of several larvicides. 194621000971
heritability and adaptive phenotypic plasticity of adult body size in the mosquito aedes aegypti with implications for dengue vector competence.adaptive phenotypic plasticity is particularly important to organisms with developmental cycles that undergo ontogenetic niche shifts that differentially subject individual life stages to heterogeneous and often stressful environmental conditions. the yellow fever and dengue fever vector mosquito, aedes aegypti, typically breeds in small water-filled containers that expose the developing aquatic larvae to competition for resources with conspecifics and high probabilities for habitat drying. here ...201021070891
planning for rift valley fever virus: use of geographical information systems to estimate the human health threat of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus)-related transmission.rift valley fever (rvf) virus is a mosquito-borne phlebovirus of the bunyaviridae family that causes frequent outbreaks of severe animal and human disease in sub-saharan africa, egypt and the arabian peninsula. based on its many known competent vectors, its potential for transmission via aerosolization, and its progressive spread from east africa to neighbouring regions, rvf is considered a high-priority, emerging health threat for humans, livestock and wildlife in all parts of the world. introd ...201021080319
eastern equine encephalitis virus in mosquitoes and their role as bridge vectors.eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) is maintained in an enzootic cycle involving culiseta melanura mosquitoes and avian hosts. other mosquito species that feed opportunistically on mammals have been incriminated as bridge vectors to humans and horses. to evaluate the capacity of these mosquitoes to acquire, replicate, and potentially transmit eeev, we estimated the infection prevalence and virus titers in mosquitoes collected in connecticut, usa, by cell culture, plaque titration, and quant ...201021122215
aedes vexans and culex pipiens as the potential vectors of dirofilaria immitis in central turkey.this study was carried out to investigate the potential vectors and relative mosquito infection rates of dirofilaria immitis throughout two mosquito seasons (2008-2009) in kayseri province where is located in central anatolian part of turkey. for this aim, totally 1198 genomic dna pools, extracted and grouped according to the species and collection site (1-17 specimens/pool) from 6153 mosquito specimens, were examined by pcr using species-specific primers for d. immitis. the captured mosquitoes ...201021232866
newly recognized mosquito-associated viruses in mainland china, in the last two decades.there are four principal arboviruses in mainland china. two kinds of them are mosquito-borne viruses, namely japanese encephalitis virus and dengue virus, which lead to japanese encephalitis, and dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever respectively; the other two are tick-borne viruses, namely tick-borne encephalitis virus and crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever virus (also known as xinjiang hemorrhagic fever virus), which contribute to tick-borne encephalitis and xinjiang hemorrhagic fever respective ...201121314994
temporal analysis of feeding patterns of culex erraticus in central blood meals in seven mosquito species previously shown to be infected with eastern equine encephalitis virus at a site in the tuskegee national forest in southcentral alabama were investigated. of 1374 blood meals derived from 88 different host species collected over 6 years from these seven mosquito species, 1099 were derived from culex erraticus. analysis of the temporal pattern of cx. erraticus meals using a runs test revealed that the patterns of feeding upon avian and mammalian hosts f ...201121395423
host reproductive phenology drives seasonal patterns of host use in mosquitoes.seasonal shifts in host use by mosquitoes from birds to mammals drive the timing and intensity of annual epidemics of mosquito-borne viruses, such as west nile virus, in north america. the biological mechanism underlying these shifts has been a matter of debate, with hypotheses falling into two camps: (1) the shift is driven by changes in host abundance, or (2) the shift is driven by seasonal changes in the foraging behavior of mosquitoes. here we explored the idea that seasonal changes in host ...201121408172
humoral response to the anopheles gambiae salivary protein gsg6: a serological indicator of exposure to afrotropical malaria vectors.salivary proteins injected by blood feeding arthropods into their hosts evoke a saliva-specific humoral response which can be useful to evaluate exposure to bites of disease vectors. however, saliva of hematophagous arthropods is a complex cocktail of bioactive factors and its use in immunoassays can be misleading because of potential cross-reactivity to other antigens. toward the development of a serological marker of exposure to afrotropical malaria vectors we expressed the anopheles gambiae g ...201121437289
distribution of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis in soil of a swiss wetland reserve after 22 years of mosquito control.recurrent treatments with bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis are required to control the floodwater mosquito aedes vexans that breeds in large numbers in the wetlands of the bolle di magadino reserve in canton ticino, switzerland. interventions have been carried out since 1988. in the present study, the spatial distribution of resting b. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis spores in the soil was measured. the b. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis concentration was determined in soil samples co ...201121498758
a multi-year study of mosquito feeding patterns on avian hosts in a southeastern focus of eastern equine encephalitis virus.abstract. eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) is a mosquito-borne pathogen that cycles in birds but also causes severe disease in humans and horses. we examined patterns of avian host use by vectors of eeev in alabama from 2001 to 2009 using blood-meal analysis of field-collected mosquitoes and avian abundance surveys. the northern cardinal (cardinalis cardinalis) was the only preferred host (fed on significantly more than expected based on abundance) of culiseta melanura, the enzootic vect ...201121540380
altitudinal variation in the morphometric characteristics of aedes vexans meigen from northeastern turkey.body size is one of the most significant features of organisms and is correlated with a large number of ecological and physiological variables. similar to size, biological shape is one of the most conspicuous aspects of an organism's phenotype and provides a link between the genotype and the environment. body size may change with altitude and also habitat differences associated with altitude may affect the biological shape and some morphological characteristics. four populations of aedes vexans ...201121635639
feeding behaviour of potential vectors of west nile virus in senegal.west nile virus (wnv) is a widespread pathogen maintained in an enzootic cycle between mosquitoes and birds with occasional spill-over into dead-end hosts such as horses and humans. migratory birds are believed to play an important role in its dissemination from and to the palaearctic area, as well as its local dispersion between wintering sites. the djoudj park, located in senegal, is a major wintering site for birds migrating from europe during the study period (sept. 2008- jan. 2009). in this ...201121651763
weather and land cover influences on mosquito populations in sioux falls, south dakota.this study compared the spatial and temporal patterns of culex tarsalis coquillett and aedes vexans meigen populations and examined their relationships with land cover types and climatic variability in sioux falls, sd. between 24 and 30 cdc co2-baited light traps were set annually in sioux falls from may to september 2005-2008. land cover data were acquired from the 2001 national land cover dataset and the percentages of selected land cover types were calculated within a 600-m buffer zone around ...201121661329
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 521