
[special therapeutic aspects of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis]. 1976795600
growth of cryptococcus neoformans on uric acid agar.effect of certain low molecular nitrogen substances, namely uric acid, eura and creatinine as sole source of nitrogen was studied on 31 strains of cryptococcus neoformans as well as on a rough looking isolate recovered from the brain of a mouse inoculated with a mucoid strain of c. neoformans. uric acid as a nitrogen source caused striking alterations in the morphology of c. neoformans. in view of the facts that uric acid is a common end-product of human and animal metabolism, it is abundantly p ...1976797180
[micologic diagnosis fo the respiratory infections (author's transl)].the author briefly sums up the morphological featues of the pathogenic fungi which may be present in sputum and bronchoaspirates. furthermore the opportunity of a histological test for every types of pathological material is pointed out.1976797322
[research in vitro on the anticryptococcal effects of various steroid hormones alone or in combination with antifungal agents]. 1976799294
[antimycotic activity in vitro and in vivo of 5-fluorocytosine on pathogenic strains of candida albicans and cryptococcus neoformans].the authors have analyzed the 5 fluoro cytosine (5fc) activity on strains of candida albicans and criptococcus neoformans, both in vitro and in vivo. in vitro the minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) was determined; in vivo tests of pathogenicity on rabbit and mouse have been executed. the various findings obtained have shown a strong activity of the 5fc on strains of candida and criptococcus.1976800772
[experimental cryptococcosis of the mouse due to human and telluric cryptococcus strains. mycological and histopathological aspects]. 1976801239
[the relationship between the structure and antimicrobial activity of several substituted omega-nitrosterols]. 1975803457
inhibition of cryptococcus neoformans by pseudomonas aeruginosa.pseudomonas aeruginosa was found to produce a factor or factors that inhibited cryptococcus neoformans and appeared to be extracellular because the anti-c. neoformans activity was readily demonstrable in medium after the removal and killing of pseudomonas organisms. production of the inhibitor material was greatest in dst agar after prolonged incubation and was reduced in the presence of glucose. a part of the inhibitory material was found to be chromatographically distinct from pyocyanin.1975805243
immunological studies of the anticryptococcal factor of normal human serum.preliminary studies have shown a very high inhibitory activity in the alpha2 and gamma zone of human serum towards the growth of cryptococcus neoformans. these findings are now corroborated by single radial immunodiffusion tests, which showed the some loss of iga and igm globulins and of the other three globulin fractions (ceruloplasmin, alpha2 macroglobulin and alpha2 hs glycoprotein) which migrate in the alpha2 zone. the data was obtained by single radial immunodiffusion tests. the losses were ...1975807846
needle aspiration in the diagnosis of soft tissue infections.diagnosis of soft tissue infections is often delayed or made incorrectly because of reliance on indirect means to determine the etiologic agent. a rapid, speific method is the needle aspiration of these lesions combined with gram-stain and culture studies. more frequent use of this direct method should facilitate diagnosis and improve treatment. seven case studies are present to illustrate the usefulness of this technique.1975808182
identification of yeast phase of pathogenic fungi by the specificity of their aminopeptidase(s).specificity of aminopeptidase(s) was fluorimetrically determined in the yeast phase of histoplasma capsulatum, h. duboisii, h. farciminosum, blastomyces dermatitidis, paracoccidioides brasiliensis, candida albicans and crytococcus neoformans. after individually incubating each of 26 amino acid-beta-naphthylamides with each yeast, the amount of each amino acid-beta-naphthylamide hydrolyzed was determined by measuring the free naphythylamine. this resulted in a reproducible profile of the aminopep ...1975808867
[fatal case of hodgkin's disease associated with meningitis caused by cryptococcus neoformans and clostridium sordellii]. 1975815452
antimicrobial activity of econazole and miconazole in vitro and in experimental candidiasis and aspergillosis.the antibacterial and antimycotic activity of econazole base, an imidazole derivative, was examined in vitro and in experimental infections of mice. comparative minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) determinations indicate econazole as well as miconazole to be of moderate activity against gram-positive bacteria (mics: 0.78-25mug/ml) and yeasts (mics: 1.56-25 mug/ml). against filamentous fungi, econazole exhibits better in vitro activity than miconazole and - with the exception of rhizopus oryza ...1976817875
the surface morphology of the phagocytosis of micro-organisms by peritoneal macrophages.scanning electron-microscopic studies of phagocytosis of various micro organisms by murine peritoneal macrophages has been made. bacillus cereus, staphylococcus aureus, and brewer's yeast were easily ingested, whereas cryptococcus neoformans was not. the development of intricate and tenuous filopodia preceded close-surface attachment, after which both thin and thicker lamellipodia invested the micro-organisms. loss of the normal surface ridges characterised the replete cell. the technique of sca ...1976818354
hyaluronic acid and yeast extract do not oxidize dopa.hyaluronic acid and yeast extract, separately and in combination, were tested for their ability to oxidize dopa to pigment. two types of hyaluronic acid and yeast extract were used. the activities were assayed both spectrophotometrically and by oxygen-uptake determinations. the results were uniformly negative. the biological role of hyaluronic acid is discussed. use of pigment formation from phenolic compounds as an identification test of another organism is pointed out.1976828688
occurrence of histoplasma capsulatum darling, 1906 in israel, with a review of the current status of histoplasmosis in the middle east.the isolation of histoplasma capsulatum from a bat cave in the galilee region of israel is reported along with the discovery of a bat (myotis myotis) infected by h. capsulatum. soils collected in avian and chiropteran habitats throughout israel also yielded the following fungi of medical interest: arthroderma quadrifidum, a. tuberculatum, candida parapsilosis, chrysosporium indicum, c. keratinophilum, c. tropicum, cryptococcus neoformans, ctenomyces serratus, microsporum gypseum, and petriellidi ...1977842775
ocular cryptococcosis - experimental and clinical observations.during the previous studies, we could demonstrate that there are strains of cryptococcus neoformans which after intraperitoneal inoculation, are capble of surviving only in the brain of mice without causing any apparent clinical symptom; only in about 4% of the animals the fatal involvement of the cns occurred. the present investigations suggest that the selective involvement of eye, i.e., formation of intraocular cryptococcoma, with subsequent blindness is also possible under similar experiment ...1977848220
[clinical and pathological observations on a case of granulomatous encephalitis (probable criptococcal infection) (author's transl)].a case of granulomatous encephalitis in a 42 year old woman is reported. during the course of her illness, she showed over a short period of time a left hemiparesis, epileptic seizures and severe impairment of consciousness. bilateral carotic angiography showed no evidence of an expansive lesion, while brain-scan presented an hyperactive area in the right parasagittal region. the cerebrospinal fluid examination demonstrated an increasing hyperproteinosis and death occurred 45 days after the firs ...1977857285
cryptococcus neoformans meningitis in a school girl. 1977859294
simultaneous infection of the central nervous system with cryptococcus neoformans and mycobacterium intracellulare.a 46-year-old woman with cryptococcal meningoencephalitis also had mycobacterium intracellulare isolated from her cerebrospinal fluid. she was treated with amphotericin b,5-fluorocytosine, and antituberculous agents (isoniazid and rifampin). she gradually improved and was well, except for residual neurologic damage, three years after discharge from the hospital. no evidence of significant underlying disease has been found.1977877651
treatment of fungal meningitis with miconazole.twelve patients with fungal meningitis (ten cases were due to coccidioides immitis, two were from cryptococcus neoformans) were treated with brief courses of intravenous (iv) miconazole. eleven patients, including patients with severe, chronic disease, had been treated unsuccessfully with amphotericin b. four patients also received miconazole injected directly into the csf. the drug was well tolerated by any route, with mild reversible side effects. after iv administration the miconazole concent ...1977901086
cryptococcal eye disease.a survey is given of the clinical picture of an infection with cryptococcus neoformans. the symptoms and therapy are reviewed and the case history of a 13 year old boy suffering from this fungus infection is discussed.1977923417
role of macrophages in immunity and pathogenesis of experimental cryptococcosis induced by the airborne route.--part i: pathogenesis and acquired immunity of cryptococcus neoformans. 1977927451
[intraocular cryptococcosis (author's transl)].a 79-year-old female patient suffered from iridocyclitis of both eyes. in the fundus of the left eye equatorially a preretinal questionable granuloma (size 1/2 d.d.) was found; the first hint of a mycotic involvement. in the enucleated right bulbus, an abscess-like granulomatous focus with a diameter of 10 mm was found. several round encapsulated cells having a diameter of 7 to 20 mu and looking like with cryptococcus neoformans were microscopically demonstrable in the pus obtained from this abs ...1976966597
cryptococcal meningitis: our experience in 24 black patients.the records of 24 patients with cryptococcal meningitis, admitted to king edward viii hospital in durban, were reviewed. there were 21 adults and 3 children over periods of 10 and 18 years, respectively. slightly more males were affected. the age distribution was fairly even. the common clinical presentations were headache, neck stiffness, mental changes, cranial nerve palsies and papilloedema. the diagnosis was proved by the presense of cryptococcus neoformans in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) i ...1976982216
[clinical features of cryptococcus neoformans infections].two cases of infection with cryptococcus neoformans are presented. the first showed primary localization in the cns, while the second occurred in connection with lymphoproliferative malignancy and cytotoxic chemotherapy, with the typical sequence of initial lung infection and secondary meningo-encepha-litis. the important clinical features, development and therapy of the disease are discussed in the light of this personal experience.19761036794
letter: cryptococcus neoformans diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology of the lung. 19761065169
new azasteroidal antifungal antibiotics from geotrichum flavo-brunneum. iii. biological activity.the a25822 antibiotic complex consists of seven biologically active factors. a comparative study of these factors determined that factor b possessed the greatest antifungal activity. the minimal inhibitory concentration of a25822b against isolates of candida albicans was less than 0.3 similar to 5.0 mug/ml, trichophyton mentagrophytes was inhibited at less than 0.0312 mug/ml. other pathogenic fungi such as cryptococcus neoformans, histoplasma capsulatum, blastomyces dermatitidis, sporotrichum sc ...19751089623
cryptococcus neoformans as a cause of lytic bone lesions.cryptococcosis is a disseminated infection of man and animals that involves many organs, especially the central nervous system. isolated bone involvement may cause lytic bone lesions. diagnosis may be made by pathologic sections and culture of specimens obtained through surgical biopsy. when cryptococcus is recovered from bone, care must be taken to study other organ systems, especially the central nervous system. isolated bone disease without meningitis is very uncommom. intense medical therapy ...19751089816
neoformans infection in a cat. 19751090067
phagocytosis of cryptococcus neoformans by alveolar macrophages.guinea pig pulmonary macrophages phagocytized but did not kill nonencapsulated cells of cryptococcus neoformans. the phagocytic process was inhibited by cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide. pulmonary macrophages, activated by preinjecting heat-killed bacteria into intact animals, did not kill the engulfed yeast cells. labeled cells of c. neoformans were neither killed nor cleared from guinea pig lungs 6 h postexposure. the results of our experiments indicate that during the first few hours afte ...19751090528
combined activity of amphotericin b and 5-fluorocytosine against cryptococcus neoformans in vitro and in vivo in mice.the in vitro and in vivo activities of amphotericin b and 5-fluorocytosine (5-fc) alone and in combination were studied to determine possible drug interactions against two strains of cryptococcus neoformans, one sensitive to 5-fc and one resistant to 5-fc. in vitro tube dilution studies demonstrated only additive effects with the 5-fc-sensitive organism but antagonism with eth 5-fc-resistant organism. a mouse model of cryptococcal meningitis allowed comparative drug trails in a new model for the ...19751090685
isolation of dermatophytes, candida species and systemic fungi from dermatologic specimens in montréal, 1963 to 1973.of 10 057 specimens of scrapings from skin, nails and scalp examined for dermatophytes, yeasts, pityriasis versicolor and systemic mycoses between 1963 and 1973, 30.4 percent were positive for fungi. skin produced the highest proportion (68.6 percent) of positive scrapings, scalp the lowest (4.2 percent). trichophyton rubrum was the predominant species (23.6 percent); of lesser prevalence were microsporum canis (9.3 percent), t. mentagrophytes (8.4 percent) and epidermophyton floccosum (4.8 perc ...19751091342
the morphological identification of pathogenic yeasts using carbohydrate media.eight isolates of c. albicans were used to determine the frequency with which germ tube formation occurred: on rice extract -tween 80 agar, on its components, and on 1% bactopeptone agar after three hr at 37 degrees c; in 0.5% aqueous solution of various carbohydrates; in various concentrations of glucose; on 0.5 and 0.1% glucose agar and on various types of agar alone. subsequently 250 isolates of yeast of the genera candida, torulopsis, trichosporon, cryptococcus, and saccharomyces, which were ...19751091660
amphotericin b. old drug, new therapy.?2110. 19751091753
cryptococcal pleural effusion. 19751091754
characteristics of immunity in fungal infections. 19751092228
cavitary pulmonary cryptococcosis complicated by aspergilloma.a roentgenogram of a 31-year-old office worker who had developed pleuritic pain showed multiple abscess cavities in the left lower lobe, and a clinical diagnosis of cryptococcosis was considered because of cryptococci recovered from a sputum smear and a positive indirect fluorescent antibody test. lobectomy (after unsuccessful amphotericin therapy) proved the presence of a destructive cryptococcosis with aspergillus proliferating in the cavities.19751092237
effect of temperature on growth and macromolecular biosynthesis in cryptococcus species.cryptococcus neoformans, a pathogenic yeast, grows at temperatures between 25 and 37 degrees c. however, the closely related non-pathogen c. albidus exhibits restricted growth at temperatures above ambient with little or no growth at 37 degrees c. the inhibition of growth of the non-pathogen, as measured by turbidity, cell number, and per cent budding, is reversible after 48 hr at the non-permissive temperature (37 degrees c). growth cessation at 37 degrees c is accompanied by a corresponding de ...19751093034
[mycotic meningitis]. 19751093252
abnormalities in cell-mediated immunity in patients with cryptococcus neoformans infection.cryptococcin, streptokinase-streptodornase (sk-sd), mumps, and purified protein derivative (ppd) were used for skin testing and, with whole killed cryptococcus neoformans, were used in migration inhibition and lymphocyte transformation assays of control subjects and patients with past or present disseminated c. neoformans infection. cryptococcin was found to differentiate control subjects grouped by known cryptococcus exposure. cryptococcin and c. neoformans were effective in stimulating leukocy ...19751094054
relationship between polyene resistance and sterol compositions in cryptococcus neoformans.six mutants of cryptococcus neoformans resistant to nystatin and pimaricin and three mutants resistant to amphotericin b were isolated by ultraviolet irradiation techniques from two wild-type strains. the major sterols of the wild-type strains were delta(7)-ergosten-3beta-ol and ergosterol. all six mutants resistant to nystatin and pimaricin showed either loss of ergosterol and concurrent production of delta(7, 22)-ergostadien-3beta-ol and delta(7)-ergosten-3beta-ol, or loss of both the wild-typ ...19751094946
immunologic studies in patients with sarcoidosis and cryptococcosis.immunologic studies were performed in two patients with sarcoidosis, who developed cryptococcosis. polymorphonuclear leukocyte function, complement, and serum antibodies were normal. both patients had depressed cell-mediated immunity (cmi) to cryptococcus neoformans and other antigens that persisted after therapy for their infection. these findings suggest that the patients' impaired cmi predisposed them to cryptococcal infection, which complicated their sarcoidosis. evaluation of sarcoidosis ca ...19751094958
cryptococcal meningoencephalitis.a patient was admitted to hospital with an apparent psychiatric disturbance. when she became stuporous the cerebrospinal fluid was cultured but proved sterile. the latex test showed that serum was positive for cryptococcal antigens, and cryptococcal meningoencephalitis was diagnosed. amphotericin b was given but when she developed a toxic reaction it was replaced by flucytosine. she responded well to flucytosine alone and no side effects appeared on continued treatment. cryptococcal meningitis m ...19751095135
growth of cryptococcus neoformans in uv-irradiated excreta of pigeons.uv irradiation of pigeon droppings resulted in an increased concentration of some inhibitors (peroxides) of growth of cryptococcus neofarmans. this may be, in addition to the direct germicidal action of sunshine, another cause of the rare occurrence of this fungus in pigeon droppings on unsheltered sites in natural habitats.19751095462
factors affecting experimental infection with cryptococcus neoformans in mice with special reference to an endotoxic substance of c. neoformans.a close correlation was observed between body weight and length of the survival time of mice inoculated intravenously (i.v.) with cryptococcus neoformans (p less than 0.001). an endotoxic substance of c. neoformans (cr-et) increased the susceptibility of mice to i.v. infection of c. neoformans only when more than 50 mug of cr-et was injected i.v. 24 hours before infection. intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of dimethyl sulfoxide which is found to enhance bacterial infection did not enhance de ...19751095928
[cerebromeningeal cryptococcosis. predisposing role of immunosuppressive therapy in patients with kidney transplants].disseminated cryptococcal infection is described in eight patients, seven of them with verified meningeal involvement. six of the eight patients were recipients of a renal homograft and submitted to the classical immunosuppressive treatment. consideration is given to predisposing factors and to problems in the clinical, biological and mycological diagnosis. some comments are presented on the often disappointing results of antifungal therapy of cryptococcal meningitis.19751096034
[cryptococcoma and amphotericin b. therapy of cryptococcosis - animal experiments. 2nd communication: patho-histological results (author's transl)].since cryptococcosis is characterized by cryptococcoma formation, the antimycotic effect of amphothericin b was examined in view of such pathological-anatomical conditions. in white mice (nmri), cryptococcoma formation was induced by intramuscular injection of cryptococcus neoformans strain w71 into the hind leg (staib, 1962), using a suspension (0.2 ml) containing approximately 2.8 times 10-7 cells/ml. the mice were treated daily with 1 mg amphotericin b in 5% dimethyl sulfoxide by gastric intu ...19751096511
recovery of cryptococcus neoformans from sputum using new technics for the isolation of fungi from sputum.three sputum-digesting agents, n-acetyl-l-cytseine, dithiothreitol, and pancreatin-trypsin, were shown to be equally effective in allowing for the isolation of cryptococcus neoformans from sputum samples in quantitative comparisons. by quantitative plating on bird-seed medium it was also shown the centrifugation after digestion concentrated c. neoformans into a platable sediment and, further, that the organisms, when present in concentrations as low as 10 yeasts per ml. of sputum, could be isol ...19751096592
treatment of fungal infections with flucytosine.treatment with flucytosine of 20 patients with fungal infections gave favorable results in four patients with crytococcal infections, two of four patients with disseminated candidiasis, eight of ten patients with urinary tract infections due to candida albicans and torulopsis glabrata, and tow of three patients with miscellaneous infections due to calbicans. two patients with crytococcal meningitis and altered host resistance and one patient with an aorto femoral graft infection due to c albican ...19751096840
editoral: treatment of fungal infections. 19751096842
cryptococcosis histologically resembling histoplasmosis. a light and electron microscopical study. 19751096863
intraventricular cryptococcal granuloma.a case is reported of a cryptococcal granuloma occurring within the lateral ventricle. the findings on angiography and brain-scanning led to a preoperative diagnosis of intraventricular meningioma. there are no previous reports of an isotope brain-scan in this condition and angiography usually shows an avascular swelling.19751097601
susceptibility of coccidioides immitis, candida albicans, and cryptococcus neoformans to amphotericin b, flucytosine, and clotrimazole.toxicity and failure of treatment with amphotericin b are stimuli for researchers to evaluate alternative antifungal antimicrobics. also, data from susceptibility tests of coccidioides immitis are sparse. with use of a defined, synthetic culture medium, c. immitis (25 strains). candida albicans (21 strains), and cryptococcus neoformans (21 strains) were tested against flucytosine, clotrimazole, and amphotericin b. molecule for molecule, the sequency of activity was: clotrimazole greater than amp ...19751099147
[experiences with bay b 5097]. 19751099443
[further experimental data on clotrimazole: effectiveness against cryptococcus neoformans, sporothrix schenkii and blastomyces dermatitidis gilchrist]. 19751099444
amino acid synthetic media for fungal pathogens based on aminopeptidase specificities: histoplasma capsulatum, blastomyces dermititidis, paracoccidioides brasiliensis and cryptococcus neoformans.the development of simple and chemically defined liquid media for histoplasma capsulatum, blastomyces dermatitidis, paracoccidioides brasiliensis and crypto-occus neoformans according to their aminopeptidases profiles as amino acid requirement was described. when 1.5% purified agar was added, these media also supported excellent mycelial growth and sporulation of the deep mycoses. h. capsulatum was converted to and maintained in yeast phase when 0.1% l-cystine was added to the solid medium incub ...19751099698
cryptococcal meningitis: diagnostic value of cryptococcal antigen in cerebrospinal three previously reported cases of cryptococcal meningitis, the only laboratory evidence for this diagnosis was the presence of cryptococcal antigen in the cerebrospinal fluid (csf). three additional patients had chronic meningitis and repeatedly negative csf cultures and had cryptococcal antigen demonstrated in the csf. in our patients, the diagnosis was further supported by the complete recovery after amphotericin b therapy in two and the demonstration of cryptococcus neoformans in the meni ...19751100006
comparison of four methods for determining nitrate utilization by cryptococci.this study evaluated the following methods for determining nitrate utilization: wickerham broth, a special nitrate broth, delft plate, and nitrate strip. with 236 isolates of cryptococci as test organisms, the special nitrate broth method gave 99% correct results and the wickerham broth method gave 98%. the nitrate strip and delft plate methods gave correct results in 94 and 86% of tests, respectively. the special nitrate broth method is judged superior because it provides accurate results withi ...19751100649
recovery of cryptococcus neoformans from modified dubos liquid medium utilized for isolation of mycobacteria.cryptococcus neoformans was isolated from nine pathological specimens cultured for mycobacteria. five of these were recovered only in liquid tbc medium in the absence of growth on conventional substrates.19751100665
pigment production by cryptococcus neoformans from para- and ortho-diphenols: effect of the nitrogen source.cryptococcus neoformans produced pigments when p-diphenols were substrates in a glucose-amino acid-salts medium. the best substrates were 2.5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and 2,5-dihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid. in contrast to the cellular pigment production from o-diphenols (hydroxyl groups in the 2,3- or 3,4-position of phenyl ring), the p-diphenols (1,4- or 2,5-positions for the hydroxyl groups) produced large amounts of soluble pigments that diffused into the medium. when an optimal source of nitroge ...19751100669
detection of fungi in clinical specimens by phase-contrast microscopy.during 1973 and 1974, the following fungi were detected in clinical specimens by using phase-contrast microscopy: blastomyces dermatitidis, 5; coccidioides immitis, 3; cryptococcus neoformans, 11; other yeasts 918; dermatophytes, 863; mucor species, 1; and aspergillus fumigatus, 16. this technique allows rapid detection and, in many instances, immediate identification of fungi in clinical specimens.19751100675
[contributions to the strain-specific virulence of cryptococcus neoformans. animal experiments with two c. neoformans-strains isolated from bird manure. preliminary report (author's transl)].the results briefly presented here highlight some of the observations met with during the course of a study aimed at finding out differential pathogenic behavior of the two strains of cryptococcus neoformans i.e. w71/a117 and w2/a94 with special reference to cryptococcoma formation. both strains were isolated from bird excreta but differed in their gross and microscopic morphology. groups of male albino mice nmri were separately inoculated, intramuscularly, with a comparable dose of the two stra ...19751101575
selective involvement of the brain in experimental murine cryptococcosis. i. microbiological observations.during the course of infection in intraperitoneally infected white mice with a particular strain of cryptococcus neoformans, it was possible to observe a time-limited and selective presence of the fungus in the brain. the presence of the fungus in the brain without causing clinical symptoms and the rare mortal exacerbation of the brain involvement offers possibilities for comparative studies of experimental and human cryptococcosis. on the basis of these strain-specific results new aspects of th ...19751101587
in vitro studies with combinations of 5-fluorocytosine and amphotericin b.synergistic antifungal activity of 5-fluorocytosine (5-fc) and amphotericin b was studied using an abbreviated checkerboard titration scheme. 5-fc was titrated in twofold increments (100 to 0.05 mug/ml) in the absence and presence of graded increments of amphotericin b (1.0. 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01 mug/ml) in buffered yeast nitrogen base. a limited number of experiments were performed using expanded dual titration checkerboard schemes and growth curve studies. forty-eight isolates of yeastlike ...19751101814
a preparatory technique for examination of imperfect fungi by scanning electron microscopy.thin 12 mm diameter coverslips, coated with nutrient agar, were inoculated with a fungus, incubated, and sequentially examined with the light microscope and then the scanning electron microscope (sem), thus providing the valuable capability of correlation of results obtained from these two microscopic analyses. a sandwich of two coverslips was prepared for light-microscopic observations, and then separated and the agar-coated coverslip on which the fungus had grown was passed through fixative so ...19751102264
letter: amphotericin b and 5-fluorocytosine. 19751102615
[morphology of cell forms of visceral mycotic agents. studies on the polysaccharide and protein histochemistry. 7. cryptococcus neoformans]. 19751102975
the incidence and management of pulmonary mycosis in renal allograft patients.a retrospective analysis of 193 renal transplant recipients yielded 15 patients who developed pulmonary mycosis posttransplantation and one case in which mycotic lung infection existed at the time of transplant surgery. agent responsible for infection included nocardia asteroides in 8 cases, asperigillus flavus in 5 cases, cryptococcus neoformans in 4 patients and candida albicans in 2 cases. two cases had mixed mycotic infections. ten patients died, of which 7 had diagnosis established antemort ...19751103759
[spontaneous cryptococcal meningoencephalitis]. 19751105211
[chronic meningitis by cryptococcus neoformans treated with amphotericin b. (author's transl)]. 19751105731
selective involvement of the brain in experimental murine cryptococcosis. ii. histopathological the present communication the previously described cultural findings about the selective involvement of the central nervous system by c. neoformans, strain w 2/a 94, have been supplemented by the results of histopathological investigations. attention has been paid to the organ specific tissue reaction during the course of infection, with special reference to the involvement of the brain. in agreement with former observations concerning the cryptococcoma in the muscle-tissue, the cryptococcal ...19751106066
cryptococcal meningitis. 19751107527
mycotic flora of the interdigital spaces of the human foot: a preliminary investigation.a qualitative and quantitative study of the mycotic flora of the interdigital spaces of 27 male volunteers yielded 1,291 moulds and 598 yeasts. concurrently, a study of garden soil was conducted in order to obtain data concerning the transient-resident status of the fungi recovered from the feet. of the 120 genera and species of fungi isolated, 51 were recovered from the volunteers, 53 from the soil, and 16 from both categories. the most commonly recovered fungi from the toewebs, in order to occ ...19751143314
[experimental studies on the neurotropic effect of cryptococcus neoformans]. 19751143638
detection of fungi in blood a retrospective study covering the period january 1972 to june 1974, recovery rates of bacteria and of fungi were generally equivalent with tryptic soy broth, thiol, thioglycolate, and columbia broth media (all under vacuum with carbon dioxide and sodium polyanetholesulfonate). an additional biphasic medium consisting of brain heart infusion broth and a brain heart infusion agar slant, which was inoculated only where fungal sepsis was suspected clinically, yielded significantly higher recover ...19751176606
therapy of cryptococcosis with a combination of flucytosine and amphotericin a prospective study from may 1971 to november 1973, 20 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of disseminated cryptococcosis were treated for six weeks with a combination of amphotericin b (20 mg daily) intravenously and flucytosine (150 mg/kg daily) orally. fifteen patients has culturally docummented cryptococcus neoformans meningitis, and three died of infection early in therapy. of the remaining 12 patients, eight were alive and well eight to 34 months after therapy, and four died of other ...19751185007
cryptococcosis of the unusual case of cryptococcosis of the larynx initially developed as an acute upper airway obstruction that necessitated tracheostomy. concomitant findings were tracheobronchial ulcerations and edema with severe mainstem bronchial constriction on the left side. budding "yeast-like organisms" that were consistent with cryptococcus neoformans appeared in tissue specimens. epithelial changes that were consistent with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia occurred in areas in the immediate vicinity of ...19751200914
pulmonary cryptococcosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia developed extensive pneumonia due to cryptococcus neoformans. a presumptive diagnosis based on results of a wright's stain of the sputum was made and appropriate antifungal therapy was started. c neoformans was cultured in counts as high as 8 x 10(5)/ml of sputum and was present morphologically for three weeks after sputum cultures had become negative. during the patient's first week of hospitalization, c neoformans was cultured from sputum and on coug ...19761246649
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor facilitates the restoration of resistance to opportunistic fungi in leukopenic mice.administration of recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (g-csf), which induces hemopoietic precursor cells to proliferate and differentiate into neutrophils, protected leukopenic mice infected with opportunistic fungi. mice were injected with cyclophosphamide and were then subcutaneously (s.c.) or intravenously (i.v.) administered 15-120 micrograms g-csf kg-1 day-1 for 3 days. the number of peripheral blood neutrophils in the g-csf treated mice was significantly increased 48 h ...19921279154
in vitro activity of amphotericin b, hamycin and their novel water-soluble compounds against pathogenic yeasts.twenty-eight pathogenic isolates, 4 each of candida albicans, c. lusitaniae, c. parapsilosis, cryptococcus neoformans, torulopsis glabrata and trichosporon beigelii were tested for their in vitro sensitivity to amphotericin b (amb), hamycin (ha) and their novel water-soluble compounds, namely jai-amb (oral and injectable; patents pending) and jai-ha (jaimycin inc., walnut creek, calif., usa), using a standard double-dilution broth (1 ml/tube) procedure. the 2 novel compounds, namely jai-amb and ...19921286573
iron assimilation in cryptococcus neoformans.we studied the effects of iron chelators and of a thallium salt on growth of cryptococcus neoformans in defined medium. an oxidant-sensitive mutant strain was found to require exogenous ferric iron for growth. using this strain, we found that the synthetic iron chelator, n-hydroxyethylenediamine triacetate (hedta), in several saturation states, stimulated growth as well as the comparably saturated siderophore deferoxamine. this non-specific result makes the existence of a cryptococcal ferrihydro ...19921287163
fungemia observations of peripheral tissue clearance in humans.patients with fungemia, mainly due to candida albicans, had cultures repeated from arterial and venous sites to determine yeast cell clearance during fungemia. of the 48 patients, 37 had repeat positive cultures (36 arterial and venous samples; one venous culture). additionally, 24 patients had arterial and venous samples cultured quantitatively. an average of 9.1 colony forming units (cfu) ml-1 was isolated from arterial samples and 5.5 cfu ml-1 from venous samples (60% of arterial, p < 0.01). ...19921287166
cryptococcal pneumonia and abortion in an equine fetus.cryptococcus neoformans was the causative agent of pneumonia in a 9-month-old equine fetus aborted by a healthy american paint mare. endometritis was diagnosed on biopsy, and vaginal specimens obtained for culture were cryptococcus-positive 1 month following abortion but not 5 months after abortion. infection resolved without treatment between 1 and 5 months after abortion, and the mare was bred the following year and delivered a live premature foal without evidence of cryptococcus infection.19921289342
evaluation of the cryptococcal antigen test as a diagnostic tool of aids-associated cryptococcosis in evaluate the latex test, two different retrospective studies were undertaken. a positive culture for cr. neoformans was used as the golden standard of active cryptococcal infection. 439 sera selected at random sent to the nsp laboratory for screening of hiv antibody were tested as well as--71 csf from patients with meningeal symptoms sent to the laboratory of the centre hospitalier de kigali. in total, two discrepancies were found: two csf samples from ancient cases of cryptococcosis under tr ...19921292424
cutaneous cryptococcosis: recurrence following oral fluconazole treatment.a case of recurrent cutaneous cryptococcosis in an immunocompromised patient is described. the patient presented with a non-healing cutaneous ulcer due to infection with cryptococcus neoformans. extensive investigation failed to reveal any evidence of associated systemic cryptococcosis. treatment with oral fluconazole resulted in complete resolution of the ulcer but after several months a second cutaneous cryptococcal lesion appeared, strongly suggesting dissemination from an underlying systemic ...19921294059
effect of amphotericin b alone or in combination with rifampicin on phagocytosis of candida species by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.the influence of amphotericin b and rifampicin alone and in combination on the killing of candida albicans, candida tropicalis and cryptococcus neoformans by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes was investigated in vitro. granulocytes were harvested from the blood of healthy volunteers and resuspended with the above mentioned fungi. after 6 hours, 81.5% of c. albicans, 97% of c. tropicalis but only 34% of c. neoformans were killed. the activity of amphotericin b against c. albicans and c. tropical ...19921297891
pathogenic fungi in human dwellings.airborne invasive fungal infections in various risk groups of people suffering from immunodeficiencies are an increasing problem for modern medicine. because of the acute and rapid course of invasive infections, prevention is of principal significance. such prevention mainly concerns the control of fungal spores in indoor air. in this connection the immediate environment offering ecological niches for growth and morphogenesis of infective particles of aspergillus spp., mucoraceae, cryptococcus n ...19921302800
[candida albicans meningitis and neurosarcoidosis].we report a clinico-pathological case of neurosarcoidosis characterized by chronic meningitis, intracranial hypertension, bilateral optic atrophy, arthritis and enlargement of liver and lung hilar nodes. synovial and supraclavicular node biopsies showed multiple non caseating nodules without tubercle bacilli, candida albicans and cryptococcus neoformans. post-mortem examination showed a severe meningeal lymphoplasmocytic infiltration with numerous non-caseating nodules, several giant cells and p ...19921303570
tissue distribution and antifungal effect of liposomal itraconazole in experimental cryptococcosis and pulmonary aspergillosis.we studied the tissue distribution and in vivo antifungal effect of itraconazole, incorporated into pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (dppc) multilamellar liposomes and administered intravenously. eighty percent of the itraconazole was associated with dppc. drug levels in lung, brain, and liver, obtained after intravenous administration of tritiated itraconazole, were higher when the drug was administered intravenously as liposomal than when it was dissolved in cyclodextrin. administration of ...19921310577
interaction of azoles with rifampin, phenytoin, and carbamazepine: in vitro and clinical observations.twelve patients receiving therapy with an azole agent (ketoconazole, itraconazole, and/or fluconazole) for systemic mycoses experienced drug interactions with rifampin, phenytoin, and/or carbamazepine resulting in substantial decreases in azole concentrations in serum. all four patients receiving azoles and concurrent phenytoin and/or carbamazepine failed to respond to treatment or suffered a relapse of their fungal infection. four of five patients with cryptococcosis who received itraconazole a ...19921315160
in vitro responses of cheetah mononuclear cells to feline herpesvirus-1 and cryptococcus vitro t cell function by domestic cats and cheetahs to two common pathogens, feline herpesvirus-1 (fhv-1) and cryptococcus neoformans, was assessed. peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbm) were stimulated with two strains of uv-inactivated fhv-1, whole heat-killed organisms or capsular antigen of cryptococcus neoformans, and proliferative responses measured. as a group, cheetah pbm responded significantly poorer than domestic cat pbm when cultured with fhv-1. however, individual cheetah resp ...19921317618
in vitro antifungal spectrum of itraconazole and treatment of systemic mycoses with old and new antimycotic agents.itraconazole is a lipophilic triazole with potent in vitro activity. it is also effective after topical, oral and parenteral administration. the antifungal activity of itraconazole has been evaluated against more than 6,500 different strains, belonging to more than 260 fungal species, using the serial decimal dilution test in fluid broth medium (brain-heart infusion broth). candida spp., torulopsis spp., cryptococcus neoformans, pityrosporum spp. (dixon broth), various other yeasts, dermatophyte ...19921319313
mycological findings in feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cats.thirty-five fiv-seropositive cats and 55 fiv-seronegative matched cats were examined for yeasts (oropharyngeal swabs) and dermatophytes (hair brushings). the frequency of isolation of candida albicans and cryptococcus neoformans was significantly higher in the former group. the only dermatophyte isolated was microsporum canis. its prevalence was three times higher among fiv-infected cats than among control animals.19921325555
comparative study of six antifungal treatments in an experimental model of murine cryptococcosis.a comparative study, using 5 antifungal drugs for the treatment of an experimental model of murine cryptococcosis, was carried out. one hundred and eighty balb c mice, divided in 18 groups of 10 animals each, were intraperitoneally inoculated with 10(7) cells of cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans. twelve groups were treated with different schedules beginning 5 days after inoculation, for 2 or 4 weeks. the treatments were the following: amphotericin b (6 mg/kg/every other day, intraperitonea ...19921327864
[a morphological study of the liver in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. an analysis of 69 cases].the morphologic findings in the liver of 69 autopsy cases with had died of aids are presented. the morphologic changes were represented by the presence of opportunistic germs (histoplasma capsulatum, mycobacteria, cryptococcus neoformans and cmv). other alterations found were fatty changes, portal fibrosis, dilated and congested sinusoids. we did not find kaposi's sarcoma in the liver and only one case of lymphoblastic lymphoma was seen observed.19921340810
[the epidemiological characteristics of 105 cases of cryptococcosis diagnosed in the republic of argentina between 1981-1990].some epidemiological characteristics of 105 cases of cryptococcosis diagnosed in argentina, between 1981-1990, were studied. until 1987, the annual number of cases was 4-8. it has increased since 1988 by aids influence and reached 35 cases in 1990. the annual number of cases non associated with aids has remained in 3-7 cases. the age median of the all patients, aids and non aids associated cases was 30, 30 and 45 years old, respectively. the 20-39 years old group was the most affected and the ag ...19921342091
possibility of in-hospital infection by cryptococcus neoformans in patients with aids.the objective of the present work was to carry out a survey of soil samples taken from different areas of a hospital of infectious disease located in the city of córdoba, where three aids patients were hospitalized during different periods in the same ward. the three of them returned with meningeal cryptococcosis between three or five months after having been discharged. cryptococcus neoformans was isolated in 8/10 samples collected outside the hospital, near the pigeon house. the samples collec ...19921342099
cryptococcus albidus isolated from pigeon excreta in taiwan.cryptococcus albidus (saito) skinner, found frequently in the air of el-minia, egypt; in new zealand and budapest, and isolated occasionally from clinical specimens, has now been recognized as the cause of human diseases. since isolation of this fungus from pigeon droppings has not previously been reported, this first paper reports results of its drug-susceptibility testing to gentamicin and 5-fluorocytosine, as well as its fungal cell antigenic cross reactivity with c. neoformans as detected by ...19921342644
[the diagnosis of cryptococcosis. a comparison of 2 latex systems for antigen detection].a latex reactive was designed for detecting cryptococcus neoformans antigen. it was evaluated by a comparative study with a commercial system (meridian diagnostic, inc.). total coincidence was observed with both latex systems after studying 3 sample groups: patients with cryptococcosis diagnosis, blood bank donors and patients with clinical signs of the disease. sensitivity, specificity and stability of the latex reactives prepared were assessed. this diagnostic technique opens new perspectives ...19921344684
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