collaboration between grass seedlings and rhizobacteria to scavenge organic nitrogen in soils. | plants require nitrogen (n) to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biological molecules. it is widely accepted that plants absorb inorganic forms of n to fill their needs. however, recently it has become clear that plants also have the capacity to absorb organic n from soils. in this paper we describe a new kind of symbiosis involving seed-vectored rhizobacteria and grasses that is targeted at enhancing acquisition of organic n from soils. our proposal is based on results of experiments on se ... | 2015 | 25564515 |
vasoconstrictive responses by the carotid and auricular arteries in goats to ergot alkaloid exposure. | a fungal endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum) infects most plants of "kentucky 31" tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) and produces ergot alkaloids that cause persistent constriction of the vascular system in grazing livestock. consequently, animals undergoing this toxicosis cannot regulate core body temperature and are vulnerable to heat and cold stresses. an experiment was conducted to determine if the caudal and auricular arteries in goats (capra aegagrus hircus) vasoconstrict in response to e ... | 2014 | 25478559 |
mitigation of ergot vasoconstriction by clover isoflavones in goats (capra hircus). | ergot alkaloids produced by a fungal endophyte (epichloë coenophiala; formerly neotyphodium coenophialum) that infects tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) can induce persistent constriction of the vasculature in ruminants, hindering their capability to thermo-regulate core body temperature. there is evidence that isoflavones produced by legumes can relax the vasculature, which suggests that they could relieve ergot alkaloid-induced vasoconstriction and mitigate the vulnerability to severe heat str ... | 2016 | 26973844 |
tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is the predominant cool-season perennial grass in the united states. it is widely used for both forage and turf purposes. this chapter describes a protocol that allows for the generation of a large number of transgenic tall fescue plants by agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. embryogenic calli induced from caryopsis are used as explants for inoculation with a. tumefaciens. the agrobacterium strain used is eha105. hygromycin phosphotransfer ... | 2015 | 25416272 |
transgenic expression of mshsp23 confers enhanced tolerance to abiotic stresses in tall fescue. | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is an important cool season forage plant that is not well suited to extreme heat, salts, or heavy metals. to develop transgenic tall fescue plants with enhanced tolerance to abiotic stress, we introduced an alfalfa hsp23 gene expression vector construct through agrobacterium-mediated transformation. integration and expression of the transgene were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction, northern blot, and western blot analyses. under normal growth condit ... | 2012 | 25049632 |
mycotoxicoses of ruminants and horses. | in the current study, mycotoxicoses of ruminants and horses are reviewed, with an emphasis on the occurrence of these diseases in south america. the main mycotoxicoses observed in grazing cattle include intoxications by indole-diterpenoid mycotoxins (paspalum spp. contaminated by claviceps paspali, lolium perenne infected by neotyphodium lolii, cynodon dactylon infected by claviceps cynodontis, and poa huecu), gangrenous ergotism and dysthermic syndrome (hyperthermia) caused by festuca arundinac ... | 2013 | 24091682 |
functional co-expression of a fungal ferulic acid esterase and a β-1,4 endoxylanase in festuca arundinacea (tall fescue) modifies post-harvest cell wall deconstruction. | improved post-harvest cell wall deconstruction of tall fescue leaves has been demonstrated by in-planta co-expression of a constitutively expressed ferulic acid esterase together with a senescence-induced β-1,4 endoxylanase. tall fescue plants (festuca arundinacea) constitutively expressing vacuole- or apoplast-targeted ferulic acid esterase from aspergillus niger were retransformed with a senescence-induced and apoplast-targeted β-1,4 endo-xylanase from trichoderma reesei. enzyme activities in ... | 2015 | 25854601 |
host status of different bermudagrasses (cynodon spp.) for the sting nematode, belonolaimus longicaudatus. | thirty-seven warm-season bermudagrass (cynodon spp.) accessions, two cool-season grasses (lolium perenne and festuca arundinacea), 'transvala' digitgrass (digitaria decumbens), and sorghum bicolor were evaluated to determine host suitability and susceptibility to the sting nematode, b. longicaudatus, in a 140-day microcell bioassay. all seven of the evaluated commercial cultivars of cynodon were suitable hosts for b. longicaudatus but varied in their tolerance to the nematode. 'midiron,' 'tifdwa ... | 1992 | 19283057 |
improved forage digestibility of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) by transgenic down-regulation of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase. | lignification of cell walls during plant development has been identified as the major factor limiting forage digestibility and concomitantly animal productivity. cdna sequences encoding a key lignin biosynthetic enzyme, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cad), were cloned from the widely grown monocotyledonous forage species tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). recombinant tall fescue cad expressed in e. coli exhibited the highest v(max)/k(m) values when coniferaldehyde and sinapaldehyde were ... | 2003 | 17134402 |
effects of co-grazing dairy heifers with goats on animal performance, dry matter yield, and pasture forage composition. | mixed livestock grazing can offer an alternative management system for rearing dairy replacement heifers (bos taurus). a 2-yr study was conducted during 2009 (yr 1) and 2010 (yr 2) to determine the effects of co-grazing holstein heifers under rotational stocking with boer × kiko goats on animal performance, pasture dm yield, and botanical composition. each year, 24 heifers (134 ± 6 d of age and 147.4 ± 31.2 kg bw in yr 1; 166 ± 11 d of age and 168.0 ± 27.6 kg bw in yr 2) and 6 goats (2 yr old an ... | 2012 | 22952353 |
effect of lactobacillus inoculants and forage dry matter on the fermentation and aerobic stability of ensiled mixed-crop tall fescue and meadow fescue. | this study evaluated the effects of lactobacillus plantarum with or without lactobacillus buchneri on the fermentation and aerobic stability of mixed tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb) and meadow fescue (festuca pratensis huds.) silage ensiled at different dry matter (dm) contents. the first cut was harvested at boot stage and second-cut grasses were harvested when 30- to 35-cm tall. four dm content treatments of the first cut were 17.9, 24.9, 34.6, and 48.7%; and of the second cut were 29 ... | 2013 | 23332843 |
host status of endophyte-infected and noninfected tall fescue grass to meloidogyne spp. | tall fescue grass cultivars with or without endophytes were evaluated for their susceptibility to meloidogyne incognita in the greenhouse. tall fescue cultivars evaluated included, i) wild-type jesup (e+, ergot-producing endophyte present), ii) endophyte-free jesup (e-, no endophyte present), iii) jesup (max-q, non-ergot producing endophyte) and iv) georgia 5 (e+). peach was included as the control. peach supported greater (p ≤ 0.05) reproduction of m. incognita than all tall fescue cultivars. d ... | 2010 | 22736851 |
[allelopathic effects of invasive weed solidago canadensis on native plants]. | with growth chamber method, this paper studied the allelopathic potential of invasive weed solidago canadensis on native plant species. different concentration s. canadensis root and rhizome extracts were examined, and the test plants were trifolium repens, trifolium pretense, medicago lupulina, lolium perenne, suaeda glauca, plantago virginica, kummerowia stipulacea, festuca arundinacea, ageratum conyzoides, portulaca oleracea, and amaranthus spinosus. the results showed that the allelopathic i ... | 2005 | 16515192 |
[cu and pb absorption and tolerance of agrostis stolonifera and festuca arundinacea]. | this paper studied the seed germination rate, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, sod activity, and cu and pb absorption of agrostis stolonifera and festuca arundinacea under cu and pb pollution. the results showed that cu and pb pollution had a significant effect on the seed germination rate of f. arundinacea. the chlorophyll content of f. arundinacea decreased dramatically under pb and cu-pb pollution, while decreased slightly under cu pollution. no significant effect of cu and pb wa ... | 2007 | 17552204 |
effects of mycorrhizae and other soil microbes on revegetation of heavy metal contaminated mine spoil. | the effects of mycorrhizal fungi and other soil microorganisms on growth of two grasses, andropogon gerardii vitm. and festuca arundinacea schreb., in heavy metal-contaminated soil and mine tailings were investigated. a. gerardii is highly dependent on mycorrhizal fungi in native prairie, while f. arundinacea is a facultative mycotroph and relies on mycorrhizal symbiosis only in extremely infertile soils. regardless of microbial amendments, neither plant species was able to establish and grow in ... | 1994 | 15091635 |
the influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis and fertilizer amendments on establishment of vegetation in heavy metal mine spoil. | biomass production of andropogon gerardii and festuca arundinacea was assessed in mine tailings (chat), a material containing high levels of zinc. the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer amendments, the addition of an expanded clay material, and mycorrhizal fungi on the revegetation of chat were assessed. plant growth in chat was best with mycorrhizal inoculation combined with nitrogen (either organic or inorganic) and phosphorus fertilization. plant growth was also achieved if the chat ... | 1994 | 15091634 |
remodeling of leaf cellular glycerolipid composition under drought and re-hydration conditions in grasses from the lolium-festuca complex. | drought tolerant plant genotypes are able to maintain stability and integrity of cellular membranes in unfavorable conditions, and to regenerate damaged membranes after stress cessation. the profiling of cellular glycerolipids during drought stress performed on model species such as arabidopsis thaliana does not fully cover the picture of lipidome in monocots, including grasses. herein, two closely related introgression genotypes of lolium multiflorum (italian ryegrass) × festuca arundinacea (ta ... | 2016 | 27486462 |
co-expression of the arabidopsis sos genes enhances salt tolerance in transgenic tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). | crop productivity is greatly affected by soil salinity; therefore, improvement in salinity tolerance of crops is a major goal in salt-tolerant breeding. the salt overly sensitive (sos) signal-transduction pathway plays a key role in ion homeostasis and salt tolerance in plants. here, we report that overexpression of arabidopsis thaliana sos1+sos2+sos3 genes enhanced salt tolerance in tall fescue. the transgenic plants displayed superior growth and accumulated less na+ and more k+ in roots after ... | 2014 | 24022678 |
enhanced salt tolerance of transgenic progeny of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) expressing a vacuolar na+/h+ antiporter gene from arabidopsis. | salinity is a major abiotic stress factor limiting crop production. to generate salt-tolerant turf and forage, we had transformed tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) with atnhx1, a vacuolar na(+)/h(+) antiporter gene from arabidopsis thaliana. in this paper, we report that overexpression of the atnhx1 gene confers enhanced salt tolerance to the transformed tall fescue progenies. dna gel blot analysis and reverse transcription (rt) polymerase chain reaction (pcr) were carried out to confirm the inh ... | 2007 | 17561307 |
detection of kestoses and kestose-related oligosaccharides in extracts of festuca arundinacea, dactylis glomerata l., and asparagus officinalis l. root cultures and invertase by c and h nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. | a previous study (kl forsythe, ms feather [1989] carbohydr res 185: 315-319) showed that (13)c nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be used to detect and identify mixtures of 1-kestose and neokestose after conversion to the acetate derivatives. in this study, unequivocal assignments are made for the anomeric carbon and proton signals for the above two trisaccharide acetates as well as for 6-kestose hendecaacetate and for nystose tetradecaacetate (a 1-kestose-derived tetrasaccharide). a nu ... | 1990 | 16667365 |
scanning electron microscopic investigations of root structural modifications arising from growth in crude oil-contaminated sand. | the choice of plant for phytoremediation success requires knowledge of how plants respond to contaminant exposure, especially their roots which are instrumental in supporting rhizosphere activity. in this study, we investigated the responses of plants with different architectures represented by beetroot (beta vulgaris), a eudicot with a central taproot and many narrower lateral roots, and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), a monocot possessing a mass of threadlike fibrous roots to grow in crude ... | 2014 | 24958531 |
effects of supplementing endophyte-infected tall fescue with sainfoin and polyethylene glycol on the physiology and ingestive behavior of sheep. | tannins in sainfoin (onobrychis viciifolia) may bind to alkaloids in endophyte-infected tall fescue [e+; lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh.] and attenuate toxicosis. if so, supplementing e+ with sainfoin will increase use of e+ by sheep, and polyethylene glycol (peg)-a polymer that selectively binds to tannins-will reduce such response. to test these predictions, thirty-six 2-mo-old lambs were randomly assigned to 3 treatments (12 lambs/treatment). during exposure, all lambs were individuall ... | 2014 | 24664564 |
vasoactivity and vasoconstriction changes in cattle related to time off toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue. | previous research has indicated that serotonergic and α-adrenergic receptors in peripheral vasculature are affected by exposure of cattle grazing toxic endophyte-infected (e+; epichlöe coenophialia) tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum). the objective of this experiment was to determine the period of time necessary for the vascular effects of ergot alkaloids to subside. two experiments were conducted to investigate changes in vascular contractile response and vasoconstriction over time relative to r ... | 2016 | 27669299 |
acute exposure to ergot alkaloids from endophyte-infected tall fescue does not alter absorptive or barrier function of the isolated bovine ruminal epithelium. | ergot alkaloids in endophyte-infected (neotyphodium coenophialum) tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) have been shown to cause a reduction in blood flow to the rumen epithelium as well as a decrease in volatile fatty acids (vfa) absorption from the washed rumen of steers. previous data also indicates that incubating an extract of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed causes an increase in the amount of vfa absorbed per unit of blood flow, which could result from an alteration in the absorptive or ba ... | 2014 | 26263028 |
ergot alkaloid intoxication in perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne): an emerging animal health concern in ireland? | four primary mycotoxicosis have been reported in livestock caused by fungal infections of grasses or cereals by members of the clavicipitaceae family. ergotism (generally associated with grasses, rye, triticale and other grains) and fescue toxicosis (associated with tall fescue grass, festuca arundinacea) are both caused by ergot alkaloids, and referred to as 'ergot alkaloid intoxication'. ryegrass staggers (associated with perennial ryegrass lolium perenne) is due to intoxication with an indole ... | 2014 | 25295161 |
the role of the oregon state university endophyte service laboratory in diagnosing clinical cases of endophyte toxicoses. | the oregon state university colleges of veterinary medicine and agricultural sciences instituted the endophyte service laboratory to aid in diagnosing toxicity problems associated with cool-season grasses in livestock. the endophyte (neotyphodium coenophalum) present in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) produces ergopeptine alkaloids, of which ergovaline is the molecule used to determine exposure and toxicity thresholds for the vasoconstrictive conditions "fescue foot" and "summer slump". anothe ... | 2014 | 25017309 |
a polymorphism in xkr4 is significantly associated with serum prolactin concentrations in beef cows grazing tall fescue. | fescue toxicosis is a common syndrome of poor growth and reproductive performance of beef cattle grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue infected with lolium arundinaceum schreb. together with decreased feed intake, decreased growth rates and tissue necrosis due to vasoconstriction, depressed circulating serum prolactin concentrations are typically observed in cattle afflicted with fescue toxicosis. polymorphisms within the xk, kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 4 (xkr4) gene ... | 2014 | 24666329 |
bovine lateral saphenous veins exposed to ergopeptine alkaloids do not relax. | the ergot alkaloid ergovaline has demonstrated a persistent and sustained contractile response in several different vascular models. it was hypothesized that different alkaloids isolated from tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) will contribute to this contractile response differently. the objective was to compare contractile-response patterns of single additions of the ergoline alkaloids lysergic acid, lysergol, and ergonovine and the ergopeptine alkaloids ergotamine, ergocristine, ergocryptine, e ... | 2014 | 24492541 |
antagonism of lateral saphenous vein serotonin receptors from steers grazing endophyte-free, wild-type, or novel endophyte-infected tall fescue. | pharmacologic profiling of serotonin (5ht) receptors of bovine lateral saphenous vein has shown that cattle grazing endophyte-infected (neotyphodium coenophialum) tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) have altered responses to ergovaline, 5ht, 5ht2a, and 5ht7 agonists. to determine if 5ht receptor activity of tall fescue alkaloids is affected by grazing endophyte-free (ef), wild-type [kentucky-31 (ky31)], novel endophyte ar542-infected (maxq), or novel endophyte ar584-infected (ar584) tall fescue, c ... | 2013 | 23825335 |
forages and pastures symposium: managing the tall fescue-fungal endophyte symbiosis for optimum forage-animal production. | alkaloids produced by the fungal endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum) that infects tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh.] are a paradox to cattle production. although certain alkaloids impart tall fescue with tolerances to environmental stresses, such as moisture, heat, and herbivory, ergot alkaloids produced by the endophyte can induce fescue toxicosis, a malady that adversely affects animal production and physiology. hardiness and persistence of tall fescue under limited managem ... | 2013 | 23307847 |
effects of selected endophyte and tall fescue cultivar combinations on steer grazing performance, indicators of fescue toxicosis, feedlot performance, and carcass traits. | five tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.)] pastures [wild-type 'kentucky-31' with 78.0% of plants infected with ergot alkaloid-producing endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum (ky31 e+), 'jesup' ar542 endophyte-infected contaminated with 30.3% tall fescue containing ergot alkaloid producing-endophyte (jesup ar542 e+); 'ga-186' ar584 endophyte-infected contaminated with 11.8% tall fescue containing ergot alkaloid producing-endophyte (agrfa 140); 'pdf' ar584 endophyte-infected contaminated with ... | 2013 | 23048138 |
differential uptake of silver, copper and zinc suggests complementary species-specific phytoextraction potential. | the aim of our study, conducted as a pot experiment, was to assess the potential of willow (salix miyabeana), alfalfa (medicago sativa), tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), and indian mustard (brassica juncea) to remediate two brownfield soils differentially contaminated with ag, cu and zn (up to 113.60, 47.50, and 117.00 mg kg(-1) respectively). while aboveground ag accumulation was highest in b. juncea (4.60 ± 2.58 mg kg(-1)), lower levels were also measured in m. sativa and f. arundinacea. cu ... | 2016 | 26361089 |
transient phytoextraction agents: establishing criteria for the use of chelants in phytoextraction of recalcitrant metals. | the phytoremediation of recalcitrant metals such as lead and uranium rely on soil amendments to enhance metal availability within the rhizosphere. because these amendments may persist in soils, agents that not only biodegrade rapidly but also are effective in triggering metal uptake in plants are needed for metals phytoextraction to be considered as an accepted practice. in this study, several biodegradable organic acids and chelating agents were assessed to determine if these amendments can be ... | 2009 | 19260223 |
effect of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on the phytoremediation of zinc by two plant species (brassica juncea and festuca arundinacea). | the redevelopment of contaminated land is becoming increasingly necessary under sustainable- development legislation; however, many of the contaminated sites are "orphan" sites and therefore require a low-cost remediation technology. these sites often contain a cocktail of pollutants including organics and inorganics. phytoremediation provides a possible solution, but there is little information available on the tolerance of plant species to multiple pollutants and their ability to remediate in ... | 2016 | 18710098 |
phytoremediation management of selenium-laden drainage sediments in the san luis drain: a greenhouse feasibility study. | an estimated 100,000m(3) selenium (se)-laden drainage sediment resides in the san luis drain (sld) of central california. this greenhouse study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of growing salt- and boron-tolerant plant species in sediment for reduction of se content by plant extraction. drainage sediment was collected from the sld and mixed with control soil (i.e., uncontaminated soil) to the following ratios (sediment:control soil) by volume: 0:3 (i.e., control soil only), 1:2 (i.e., ... | 2005 | 16216624 |
the effect of five forage species on transport and transformation of atrazine and isoxaflutole (balance) in lysimeter leachate. | a field lysimeter study with bare ground and five different ground covers was established to evaluate the effect of forage grasses on the fate and transport of two herbicides in leachate. the herbicides were atrazine (atr; 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine) and isoxaflutole [ixf; 5-cyclopropyl-4-(2-methylsulfonyl-4-trifluormethyl-benzoyl)isoxazole], which has the commercial name balance (aventis crop science, strasbourg, france). the ground covers included orchardgrass (dacty ... | 2013 | 14674520 |
improvement of paper mulberry tolerance to abiotic stresses by ectopic expression of tall fescue fadreb1. | dehydration-responsive element binding/c-repeat-binding factors (dreb/cbf) control the activity of multiple stress response genes and therefore represent attractive targets for genetic improvement of abiotic stress tolerance. paper mulberry (broussonetia papyrifera l. vent) is well known for its bark fibers and high levels of chalcone and flavonoid derivatives. transgenic paper mulberry plants expressing a tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) fadreb1 gene under the control of camv 35s were ... | 2012 | 22170439 |
ectopic expression of fadreb2 enhances osmotic tolerance in paper mulberry. | dehydration-responsive element binding (dreb) proteins are a subfamily of ap2/erf transcription factors that have been shown to improve tolerance to osmotic stresses in plants. to improve the osmotic stress tolerance of paper mulberry (broussonetia papyrifera l. vent), an economically important tree, we transformed it with a plasmid carrying tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb) fadreb2 under the control of camv 35s. the ectopic expression of fadreb2 did not cause growth retardation, and the ... | 2011 | 22067051 |
technical note monitoring native vegetation on a dumpsite of pcb-contaminated soil. | composition of native vegetation on a polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb)-contaminated soil dumpsite at lhenice, south bohemia (czech republic), was determined and species variability in the accumulation of pcbs in plant biomass was investigated. soil stripping contaminated by pcbs originated at a factory producing electrical transformers that mostly used the commercial pcb mixture delor 103 and 106. the pcb content of soil in the most contaminated part of the dumpsite reached 153 mg kg(-1) dry soil ... | 2013 | 18246716 |
effect of rhizosphere enzymes on phytoremediation in pah-contaminated soil using five plant species. | a pot experiment was performed to study the effectiveness of remediation using different plant species and the enzyme response involved in remediating pah-contaminated soil. the study indicated that species echinacea purpurea, festuca arundinacea schred, fire phoenix (a combined f. arundinacea), and medicago sativa l. possess the potential for remediation in pah-contaminated soils. the study also determined that enzymatic reactions of polyphenol oxidase (except fire phoenix), dehydrogenase (exce ... | 2015 | 25822167 |
composition of structural carbohydrates in biomass: precision of a liquid chromatography method using a neutral detergent extraction and a charged aerosol detector. | we adapted and optimized a method to quantify the cellulose, hemicellulose, xylan, arabinan, mannan, galactan contents in lignocellulosic biomass. this method is based on a neutral detergent extraction (nde) of the interfering biomass components, followed by a sulfuric acid hydrolysis (sah) of the structural polysaccharides, and a liquid chromatography with charged aerosol detection (lc-cad) to analyze the released monosaccharides. the first step of this nde-sah-lc-cad method aims at removing al ... | 2011 | 21872053 |
leaf economics spectrum-productivity relationships in intensively grazed pastures depend on dominant species identity. | plant functional traits are thought to drive variation in primary productivity. however, there is a lack of work examining how dominant species identity affects trait-productivity relationships. the productivity of 12 pasture mixtures was determined in a 3-year field experiment. the mixtures were based on either the winter-active ryegrass (lolium perenne) or winter-dormant tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). different mixtures were obtained by adding forb, legume, and grass species that differ in ... | 2016 | 27092237 |
models analyses for allelopathic effects of chicory at equivalent coupling of nitrogen supply and ph level on f. arundinacea, t. repens and m. sativa. | alllelopathic potential of chicory was investigated by evaluating its effect on seed germination, soluble sugar, malondialdehyde (mda) and the chlorophyll content of three target plants species (festuca arundinacea, trifolium repens and medicago sativa). the secretion of allelochemicals was regulated by keeping the donor plant (chicory) separate from the three target plant species and using different ph and nitrogen levels. leachates from donor pots with different ph levels and nitrogen concentr ... | 2012 | 22384054 |
use of cover crops for weed suppression in hazelnut (corylus avellana l.) in turkey. | weed management is critical in hazelnut (corylus avellana) production. weeds reduce nutrient availability, interfere with tree growth, and reduce hand-harvesting efficiency. field experiments were conducted to test effects of cover crops as alternative weed management strategies in hazelnut. the cover crop treatments consisted of trifolium repens l., festuca rubra subsp. rubra l., festuca arundinacea schreb., vicia villosa roth. and trifolium meneghinianum celmand fallow with no cover crop. cont ... | 2014 | 26084088 |
energy efficiency and energy homeostasis as genetic and epigenetic components of plant performance and crop productivity. | the importance of energy metabolism in plant performance and plant productivity is conceptually well recognized. in the eighties, several independent studies in lolium perenne (ryegrass), zea mays (maize), and festuca arundinacea (tall fescue) correlated low respiration rates with high yields. similar reports in the nineties largely confirmed this correlation in solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and cucumis sativus (cucumber). however, selection for reduced respiration does not always result in high ... | 2011 | 21411363 |
in situ phytoextraction of polychlorinated biphenyl - (pcb)contaminated soil. | a pilot-scale field trial of phytoextraction of pcbs provides insight into the practical application of this technology, using the plant species cucurbita pepo ssp pepo cv. howden (pumpkin), carex normalis (sedge), and festuca arundinacea (tall fescue). this in situ trial took place at a historically contaminated field site, in soil contaminated with a mean concentration of 46 microg/g (range of 0.6 - 200 microg/g) total pcbs (aroclor 1254/1260). shoot bioaccumulation factors (where baf(shoot)=[ ... | 2007 | 17258285 |
physiological effects of temperature on turfgrass tolerance to amicarbazone. | amicarbazone effectively controls annual bluegrass (poa annua l.) in bermudagrass [cynodon dactylon (l.) pers. × c. transvaalensis burtt-davy] and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) with spring applications, but summer applications may excessively injure tall fescue. the objective of this research was to investigate physiological effects of temperature on amicarbazone efficacy, absorption, translocation and metabolism in annual bluegrass, bermudagrass and tall fescue. | 2015 | 25045054 |
influence of aeration implements, phosphorus fertilizers, and soil taxa on phosphorus losses from grasslands. | attenuation of rainfall within the solum may help to move contaminants and nutrients into the soil to be better sequestered or utilized by crops. surface application of phosphorus (p) amendments to grasslands may lead to elevated concentrations of p in surface runoff and eutrophication of surface waters. aeration of grasslands has been proposed as a treatment to reduce losses of applied p. here, results from two small-plot aeration studies and two field-scale, paired-watershed studies are supple ... | 2013 | 21520737 |
[quantification study on the runoff and seepage distribution and n, p pollutants removal of the vegetated buffer strips]. | by using the constructed buffer strips test base and the runoff hydrometric devices, a research on stagnant runoff and nitrogen (n), phosphorous (p) pollutants removal capacity of the vegetated buffer strips was conducted. the results show that the vegetated buffer strips might reduce the speed of runoff significantly and improve the hydraulic permeability of soil. the runoff water output time of 19 m buffer strips planted with cynodon dactylon, festuca arundinacea and trifolium repens are 2.46, ... | 2010 | 21250440 |
minimisation of n2o emissions from a plant-soil system under landfill leachate irrigation. | the irrigation of a plant-soil system with landfill leachate should promote the formation of n2o due to the introduction of organic carbon and mineralized-n and the elevation of the moisture content. laboratory incubation was performed to minimize n2o emissions from a leachate irrigated plant-soil system by manipulating leachate nh(4)(+)-n loading, moisture content, and soil type. a field investigation, consisting of three plots planted with cynodon dactylon, nerium indicum mill, and festuca aru ... | 2009 | 18835706 |
aerating grasslands: effects on runoff and phosphorus losses from applied broiler litter. | aeration has been promoted as improving infiltration of rainfall and extending grass or forage productivity, but research on the impact of this practice on p losses from grasslands has had mixed results. we designed a study to determine at the field scale, using a paired watershed approach, the impact of slit aeration on runoff volume and p losses in runoff from fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)/bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l.) hay fields fertilized with broiler litter. three pairs of 0.8-h ... | 2014 | 17215228 |
influence of organic and inorganic soil amendments on plant growth in crude oil-contaminated soil. | phytoremediation can be a viable alternative to traditional, more costly remediation techniques. three greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate plant growth with different soil amendments in crude oil-contaminated soil. growth of alfalfa (medicago sativa l., cultivar: riley), bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l., cultivar: common), crabgrass (digitaria sanguinalis, cultivar: large), fescue (lolium arundinaceum schreb., cultivar: kentucky 31), and ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam., cultivar: ma ... | 2003 | 14750564 |
phytoremediation of aged petroleum sludge: effect of inorganic fertilizer. | phytoremediation is a promising new technology that uses higher plants to enhance biodegradation. nutrient availability is an important factor governing the success of phytoremediation and can be regulated through the addition of fertilizer. a greenhouse study was conducted to assess the importance of nitrogen and phosphorus for the phytoremediation of petroleum sludge. degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (tph) was quantified for six fertilization rates and three vegetation treatments: b ... | 2013 | 11285899 |
photosynthetic co(2) fixation products and activities of enzymes related to photosynthesis in bermudagrass and other plants. | after a 5-second exposure of illuminated bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l. var. ;coastal') leaves to (14)co(2), 84% of the incorporated (14)c was recovered as aspartate and malate. after transfer from (14)co(2)-air to (12)co(2)-air under continuous illumination, total radioactivity decreased in aspartate, increased in 3-phosphoglyceric acid and alanine, and remained relatively constant in malate. carbon atom 1 of alanine was labeled predominantly, which was interpreted to indicate that alanine w ... | 1971 | 16657595 |
effect of mixed hay supplementation during fattening on carcass traits and meat quality of hanwoo steers. | this study was aim to observe the effects of feeding mixed local hay (mh) consisted of 55% orchard grass (dactylis glomerata l.), 35% tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and 10% red clover (trifolium pratense) to hanwoo steers on performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality (longissimus thoracis) compared with feeding imported timothy hay (th) and local rice straw (rs). | 2017 | 28293430 |
water use efficiency and shoot biomass production under water limitation is negatively correlated to the discrimination against (13)c in the c3 grasses dactylis glomerata, festuca arundinacea and phalaris arundinacea. | climate change impacts rainfall patterns which may lead to drought stress in rain-fed agricultural systems. crops with higher drought tolerance are required on marginal land with low precipitation or on soils with low water retention used for biomass production. it is essential to obtain plant breeding tools, which can identify genotypes with improved drought tolerance and water use efficiency (wue). in c3 plant species, the variation in discrimination against (13)c (δ(13)c) during photosynthesi ... | 2017 | 28152389 |
use of two grasses for the phytoremediation of aqueous solutions polluted with terbuthylazine. | the capacity of two grasses, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata), to remove terbuthylazine (tba) from polluted solutions has been assessed in hydroponic cultures. different tba concentrations (0.06, 0.31, 0.62, and 1.24 mg/l) were chosen to test the capacity of the two grasses to resist the chemical. aerial biomass, effective concentrations (to cause reductions of 10, 50, and 90% of plant aerial biomass) and chlorophylls contents of orchardgrass were found to ... | 2016 | 26934386 |
efficacy of biosolids in assisted phytostabilization of metalliferous acidic sandy soils with five grass species. | the role of sewage sludge as an immobilising agent in the phytostabilization of metal-contaminated soil was evaluated using five grass species viz., dactylis glomerata l., festuca arundinacea schreb., f. rubra l., lolium perenne l., l. westerwoldicum l. the function of metal immobilization was investigated by monitoring ph, eh and cd, pb, and zn levels in column experiment over a period of 5-months. grasses grown on sewage sludge-amendments produced high biomass in comparison to controls. a sign ... | 2014 | 24912245 |
uptake and transformation of soil [14c]-trinitrotoluene by cool-season grasses. | this study investigated the fate and uptake of [(14)c]-tnt from soil into orchardgrass (dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne), and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) over a one year period in a greenhouse-controlled environment. pots (n = 4 for each grass, containing 10 mg cold tnt/kg soil + 1.2 mg [(14)c]-tnt/kg soil and controls with no tnt) were exposed to light and temperature conditions typical of june at 45 degrees n for 369 days. three plant harvests were made (63, 181, ... | 2010 | 20666491 |
cross-species amplification tests and diversity analysis using 56 pcr markers in dactylis glomerata and lolium perenne. | we report results of cross-species amplification in dactylis glomerata and lolium perenne of 12 simple sequence repeats (ssrs) isolated from lolium multiflorum×festuca glaucescens, 42 ssrs from festuca arundinacea and two sequence tagged sites from oryza sativa. we compared the transferability and diversity between d. glomerata and l. perenne, which are important forage crops. while nei's gene diversity values were equivalent in both species (from 0.14 to 0.92), the mean number of allele per loc ... | 2009 | 21564590 |
herbaceous vegetation productivity, persistence, and metals uptake on a biosolids-amended mine soil. | the selection of plant species is critical for the successful establishment and long-term maintenance of vegetation on reclaimed surface mined soils. a study was conducted to assess the capability of 16 forage grass and legume species in monocultures and mixes to establish and thrive on a reclaimed appalachian surface mine amended with biosolids. the 0.15-ha coarse-textured, rocky, non-acid forming mined site was prepared for planting by grading to a 2% slope and amending sandstone overburden ma ... | 2012 | 16151233 |
a simple method to determine leaf angles of grass species. | there are several very accurate methods to determine leaf angles in closed canopies. however, these are generally very time-consuming or require special equipment. average canopy leaf angles were derived from simple height and blade length measurements. an exponential relationship between the height/length ratio and the average blade leaf angle was used. the method was tested for two grass species, dactylis glomerata and festuca arundinacea, grown under different uv-b levels. the results clearly ... | 2000 | 10944161 |
chloroplast dna variation in the grass tribe festuceae. | six grasses, hordeum sativum, dactylis glomerata, festuca arundinacea, f. pratensis, f. rubra and lolium multiflorum were subjected to chloroplast dna analysis based on restriction endonuclease digestion fragments and end labeling with (35)s nucleotides. this method is compared with others in general use. the results indicate that lolium multiflorum is closely affiliated with festuca pratensis and f. arundinacea; in fact much closer than f. rubra is to any of them. | 1987 | 24241665 |
successful crosses between festuca arundinacea schreb. and dactylis glomerata l. | five f1 plants have been obtained after extensive crossing between different ecotypes or varieties of festuca arundinacea schreb. and dactylis glomerata l. the success did not appear to depend on specific treatments (spraying with ε-aminocaproic acid or gibberellic acid or pre-pollination with killed pollen from the seed parent), but the crossability is limited to exceptional plants.f1 hybrids showed characteristics of both the parents. in four hybrids various developmental disturbances were obs ... | 1981 | 24276635 |
grassland fires may favor native over introduced plants by reducing pathogen loads. | grasslands have been lost and degraded in the united states since euro-american settlement due to agriculture, development, introduced invasive species, and changes in fire regimes. fire is frequently used in prairie restoration to control invasion by trees and shrubs, but may have additional consequences. for example, fire might reduce damage by herbivore and pathogen enemies by eliminating litter, which harbors eggs and spores. less obviously, fire might influence enemy loads differently for n ... | 2014 | 25163122 |
effects of low levels of herbicides on prairie species of the willamette valley, oregon. | the relative sensitivity of 17 noncrop plant species from oregon's willamette valley was determined in response to glyphosate, tribenuron methyl (tribenuron), and fluazifop-p-butyl (fluazifop) herbicides. for glyphosate, elymus trachycaulus, festuca arundinacea, madia elegans, potentilla gracilis, and ranunculus occidentalis were the most sensitive species, based on a concentration calculated to reduce shoot dry weight by 25% (ic25 values) of 0.02 to 0.04 × a field application rate of 1112 g act ... | 2013 | 23881750 |
novel o-d-galacturonoyl esters in the pectic polysaccharides of suspension-cultured plant cells. | driselase digestion of uronate-6-14c-labeled primary walls of cultured spinach (spinacia oleracea l.) cells yielded about 18 novel uronate-containing compounds, most of which could be hydrolyzed by cold dilute alkali to yield oligo-[14c]galacturonides. one typical driselase digestion product (compound 17) yielded alpha-(1-->4)-d-[14c]galacturonotriose(gala3) upon very mild treatment with alkali (50% yield of gala3 in 7.2 min at ph 11 and 25 degrees c). one of the three galacturonate residues in ... | 1993 | 8022945 |
treatment and remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils using selective ornamental plants. | pot-culture experiments were carried out to assess the phytoremediation potential of 14 ornamental plants in weathered petroleum-contaminated soil, which was collected in the shengli oil field, one of the biggest oil fields in china, by examining their impact on the degradation potential of total petroleum hydrocarbons (tphs) and its composition. results showed gaillardia aristata, echinacea purpurea, fawn (festuca arundinacea schreb), fire phoenix (a combined f. arundinacea), and medicago sativ ... | 2012 | 22693416 |
genome-wide identification of heat stress-responsive small rnas in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) by high-throughput sequencing. | micrornas (mirnas) play vital roles in the adaptive response of plants to various abiotic and biotic stresses. tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is a major cool-season forage and turf grass species which is severely influenced by heat stress. to unravel possible heat stress-responsive mirnas, high-throughput sequencing was employed for heat-tolerant pi578718 and heat-sensitive pi234881 genotypes growing in presence and absence of heat stress (40°c for 36h). by searching against the mirba ... | 2017 | 28388488 |
do shallow soil, low water availability, or their combination increase the competition between grasses with different root systems in karst soil? | uneven soil depth and low water availability are the key limiting factors to vegetation restoration and reconstruction in limestone soils such as in vulnerable karst regions. belowground competition will possibly increase under limited soil resources. here, we investigate whether low resource availability (including shallow soil, low water availability, and shallow soil and low water availability combined) stimulates the competition between grasses with different root systems in karst soil, by a ... | 2017 | 28283974 |
differential cadmium distribution and translocation in roots and shoots related to hyper-tolerance between tall fescue and kentucky bluegrass. | phytoremediation efficiency mainly depends upon mechanisms in the uptake and translocation of soil contaminants. cadmium (cd) distribution and translocation in roots and shoots of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis) were observed using fluorescence spectroscopy with a laser confocal scanning microscope. no difference in root cd accumulations was detected between these two turfgrass species. kentucky bluegrass transported more cd into the stele for root-to-sho ... | 2017 | 28217136 |
transcriptome profilings of two tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) cultivars in response to lead (pb) stress. | lead (pb) is one of the most toxic heavy metal environmental pollutants. tall fescue is an important cold season turf grass which can tolerate and accumulate substantial amount of pb. to estimate genes related to pb response and the molecular mechanism associated with pb tolerance and accumulation, we analyzed the transcriptome of tall fescue in response to pb treatment. | 2017 | 28183269 |
flavonolignans from elymus natans l. and phytotoxic activities. | elymus natans, a perennial gramineous grass, plays an important role in animal husbandry and environmental sustenance in the qinghai-tibet plateau as a result of its high forage quality and good adaptability to the local environment. a bioassay showed that the extracts of green grasses of e. natans (gg) exhibited stronger phytotoxic activities than withered grasses (wg) against crops and grasses. in view of the secondary metabolites, which may be responsible for the resistance of the plant, the ... | 2017 | 28135082 |
insight into the genetic variability analysis and cultivar identification of tall fescue by using ssr markers. | genetic diversity of 19 forage-type and 2 turf-type cultivars of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) was revealed using ssr markers in an attempt to explore the genetic relationships among them, and examine potential use of ssr markers to identify cultivars by bulked samples. | 2016 | 28096771 |
effects of pulp and na-bentonite amendments on the mobility of trace elements, soil enzymes activity and microbial parameters under ex situ aided phytostabilization. | the objective of this study was to explore the potential use of pulp (by-product) from coffee processing and na-bentonite (commercial product) for minimizing the environmental risk of zn, pb and cd in soil collected from a former mine and zinc-lead smelter. the effects of soil amendments on the physicochemical properties of soil, the structural and functional diversity of the soil microbiome as well as soil enzymes were investigated. moreover, biomass of festuca arundinacea schreb. (cultivar ast ... | 2017 | 28068396 |
germination, physiological responses and gene expression of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) growing under pb and cd. | cadmium (cd) and lead (pb) are recognized as the most toxic metal ions due to their detrimental effects not only to plants, but also to humans. the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cd and pb treatments on seed germination, plant growth, and physiological response in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). we employed six treatments: ck (nutrient solution as control), t1 (1000 mg l-1 pb), t2 (50 mg l-1 cd), t3 (150 mg l-1 cd), t4 (1000 mg l-1 pb+50 mg l-1 cd), t5 (1000 ... | 2017 | 28046098 |
effects of untreated and treated wastewater at the morphological, physiological and biochemical levels on seed germination and development of sorghum (sorghum bicolor (l.) moench), alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) and fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). | wastewater reuse in agriculture may help mitigate water scarcity. this may be reached if high quality treatments removing harmful pollutants are applied. the aim of the present study was to compare the effect of untreated (utw) and treated wastewater (tw) on germination and seedlings development of alfalfa (medicago sativa l.), fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and sorghum (sorghum bicolor (l.) moench). utw presented high turbidity (130 ntu), chemical and biological oxygen demand (cod, 719mgl ... | 2017 | 28013160 |
seedling establishment of tall fescue exposed to long-term starvation stress. | in germinating seeds under unfavorable environmental conditions, the mobilization of stores in the cotyledons is delayed, which may result in a different modulation of carbohydrates balance and a decrease in seedling vigor. tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) caryopses grown at 4°c in the dark for an extended period in complete absence of nutrients, showed an unexpected ability to survive. seedlings grown at 4°c for 210 days were morphologically identical to seedlings grown at 23°c for 21 ... | 2016 | 27832166 |
pathological changes seen in horses in new zealand grazing mediterranean tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) infected with selected endophytes (epichloë coenophiala) causing equine fescue oedema. | to investigate whether mediterranean tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh. (syn festuca arundinacea)) infected with selected fungal endophytes (epichloë coenophiala (formerly neotyphodium coenophialum)) caused equine fescue oedema when grown in new zealand, and to examine the pathological changes associated with this intoxication. | 2017 | 27750516 |
characterization of proanthocyanidins from seeds of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne l.) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. | perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) are forage species of the grass family (poaceae) that are key components of temperate pasture-based agricultural systems. proanthocyanidins (pas) are oligomeric flavonoids that, when provided as part of a farm animal's diet, have been reported to improve animal production and health. up to now, forage grasses have been deemed not to produce pas. this paper reports for the first time the detection of polymerized pas in aque ... | 2016 | 27532250 |
water deficit affects primary metabolism differently in two lolium multiflorum/festuca arundinacea introgression forms with a distinct capacity for photosynthesis and membrane regeneration. | understanding how plants respond to drought at different levels of cell metabolism is an important aspect of research on the mechanisms involved in stress tolerance. furthermore, a dissection of drought tolerance into its crucial components by the use of plant introgression forms facilitates to analyze this trait more deeply. the important components of plant drought tolerance are the capacity for photosynthesis under drought conditions, and the ability of cellular membrane regeneration after st ... | 2016 | 27504113 |
molecular regulation and physiological functions of a novel fahsfa2c cloned from tall fescue conferring plant tolerance to heat stress. | heat stress transcription factors (hsfs) compose a large gene family, and different members play differential roles in regulating plant responses to abiotic stress. the objectives of this study were to identify and characterize an a2-type hsf, fahsfa2c, in a cool-season perennial grass tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) for its association with heat tolerance and to determine the underlying physiological functions and regulatory mechanisms of fahsfa2c imparting plant tolerance to heat str ... | 2017 | 27500592 |
transcriptome response of lolium arundinaceum to its fungal endophyte epichloë coenophiala. | tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) is one of the primary forage and turf grasses in temperate regions of the world. a number of favourable characteristics of tall fescue are enhanced by its seed-transmissible fungal symbiont (endophyte) epichloë coenophiala. our approach was to assemble the tall fescue transcriptome, then identify differentially expressed genes (degs) for endophyte-symbiotic (e+) vs endophyte-free (e-) clones in leaf blades, pseudostems, crowns and roots. rna-seq reads were used ... | 2017 | 27477008 |
gibberellin-regulation and genetic variations in leaf elongation for tall fescue in association with differential gene expression controlling cell expansion. | leaf elongation rate (ler) is an important factor controlling plant growth and productivity. the objective of this study was to determine whether genetic variation in ler for a fast-growing ('k-31'), and a dwarf cultivar ('bonsai') of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and gibberellic acid (ga) regulation of ler were associated with differential expression of cell-expansion genes. plants were treated with ga3, trinexapac-ethyl (te) (ga inhibitor), or water (untreated control) in a hydroponic syst ... | 2016 | 27457585 |
gibberellin-stimulation of rhizome elongation and differential ga-responsive proteomic changes in two grass species. | rapid and extensive rhizome development is a desirable trait for perennial grass growth and adaptation to environmental stresses. the objective of this study was to determine proteomic changes and associated metabolic pathways of gibberellin (ga) -regulation of rhizome elongation in two perennial grass species differing in rhizome development. plants of a short-rhizome bunch-type tall fescue (tf; festuca arundinacea; 'br') and an extensive rhizomatous kentucky bluegrass (kb; poa pratensis; 'baro ... | 2016 | 27446135 |
hormone regulation of rhizome development in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) associated with proteomic changes controlling respiratory and amino acid metabolism. | rhizomes are underground stems with meristematic tissues capable of generating shoots and roots. however, mechanisms controlling rhizome formation and growth are yet to be completely understood. the objectives of this study were to investigate whether rhizome development could be regulated by cytokinins (cks) and gibberellic acids (gas), and determine underlying mechanisms of regulation of rhizome formation and growth of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) by a ck or ga through proteomic and trans ... | 2016 | 27443301 |
low pasture allowance until late gestation in ewes: behavioural and physiological changes in ewes and lambs from lambing to weaning. | low pasture allowance during gestation affects ewes' bw at parturition, the bond with their lamb, lamb development, and thus also may affect their responses to weaning. the objectives were to determine if native pasture allowance from before conception until late pregnancy affects ewe-lamb behaviours at lambing, ewes' milk yield, lambs' bw, and the behavioural and physiological changes of ewes and lambs at weaning. from 23 days before conception until 122 days of pregnancy, 24 ewes grazed on two ... | 2017 | 27405791 |
chromosome-end knockoff strategy to reshape alkaloid profiles of a fungal endophyte. | molecular genetic techniques to precisely eliminate genes in asexual filamentous fungi require the introduction of a marker gene into the target genome. we developed a novel strategy to eliminate genes or gene clusters located in subterminal regions of chromosomes, and then eliminate the marker gene and vector backbone used in the transformation procedure. because many toxin gene clusters are subterminal, this method is particularly suited to generating nontoxic fungal strains. we tested this te ... | 2016 | 27334939 |
surfactant enhanced pyrene degradation in the rhizosphere of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). | the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two non ionic surfactants (tween 80 and triton x-100), a biosurfactant (lecithin), and randomly methylated-β-cyclodextrins (rameb) on the remediation of pyrene from soil planted with tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). soils with pyrene concentration of about 243 mg kg(-1) was grown with tall fescue and were individually amended with 0, 200, 600, 1000, and 1500 mg kg(-1) of tween 80, triton x-100, biosurfactant, and rameb. the results show ... | 2016 | 27259960 |
utilization of flow cytometry for festulolium breeding (lolium multiflorum (2x) × festuca arundinacea (6x)). | festulolium is a hybrid between festuca and lolium species that has valuable agronomic traits from both grass species. the purpose of our breeding program is to produce hexaploid festulolium that introduces tolerance to summer depression into italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum) by crossing it with tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). however, we found the dna ploidy of hexaploids was not stable and was reduced in successive generations. we aimed to find out how to obtain stable high-ploidy festu ... | 2016 | 27162495 |
reply to the commentary by law and han: the importance of suitable gc-ms date processing and analysis for plant and environmental metabolomics, with references to: changes in the abundance of sugars and sugar-like compounds in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) due to growth in naphthalene-treated sand. | | 2016 | 27053046 |
the importance of gc-ms date processing and analysis strategies suitable for plant and environmental metabolomics : with references to changes in the abundance of sugars and sugar-like compounds in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) due to growth in naphthalene-treated sand. | | 2016 | 27048323 |
effects of ultrasonication on increased germination and improved seedling growth of aged grass seeds of tall fescue and russian wildrye. | the effects of ultrasonic treatments on the germination and seedling growth of aged tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) and russian wild rye (psathyrostaehys juncea nevski) seeds were determined using orthogonal matrix experimental design with four ultrasonic factors. the multivariate analysis of variance detected significant differences and coupling effects of the pair-wise factors. the activities of superoxide dismutase (sod) and peroxidase (pod) and the malondialdehyde (mda) content were affect ... | 2016 | 26928881 |
exogenous application of citric acid ameliorates the adverse effect of heat stress in tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum). | citric acid may be involved in plant response to high temperature. the objective of this study was to investigate whether exogenous citric acid could improve heat tolerance in a cool-season turfgrass species, tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum), and to determine the physiological mechanisms of citric acid effects on heat stress tolerance. the grasses were subjected to four citric acid levels (0, 0.2, 2, and 20 mm) and two temperature levels (25/20 and 35/30 ± 0.5°c, day/night) treatments in growth ... | 2016 | 26925085 |
control of brown patch (rhizoctonia solani) in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) by host induced gene silencing. | transgenic tall fescue plants expressing rnai constructs of essential genes of rhizoctonia solani were resistant to r. solani. tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is an important turf and forage grass species widely used for home lawns and on golf courses in north carolina and other transition zone states in the us. the most serious and frequently occurring disease of tall fescue is brown patch, caused by a basidiomycete fungus, rhizoctonia solani. this research demonstrates resistance to ... | 2016 | 26800976 |
heat shock factor genes of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass in response to temperature stress by rna-seq analysis. | heat shock factors (hsfs) are important regulators of stress-response in plants. however, our understanding of hsf genes and their responses to temperature stresses in two pooideae cool-season grasses, festuca arundinacea, and lolium perenne, is limited. here we conducted comparative transcriptome analyses of plant leaves exposed to heat or cold stress for 10 h. approximately, 30% and 25% of the genes expressed in the two species showed significant changes under heat and cold stress, respectivel ... | 2015 | 26793208 |
comparative study of diversity based on heat tolerant-related morpho-physiological traits and molecular markers in tall fescue accessions. | heat stress is a critical challenge to tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) in many areas of the globe and variations in genetic structure and functional traits is for the efficient breeding programs on developing heat tolerant cultivars. tolerant-related morpho-physiological traits and simple sequence repeat (ssr) markers were employed to survey genetic diversity in greenhouse and growth chamber trials. 100 tall fescue accessions, including 8 commercial cultivars and 92 natural genotypes, ... | 2015 | 26666506 |
enantioselective phytotoxicity and bioacitivity of the enantiomers of the herbicide napropamide. | enantioselectivity of chiral pesticide enantiomers should be taken into consideration in pesticide application and environmental risk assessment. the phytotoxicity of the enantiomers of napropamide to cucumber, soybean, and the bioactivity to the target weeds poa annua and festuca arundinacea have been studied in this work. to the nontarget crops, the influences of napropamide on the root, shoot, fresh weight, chlorophyll, superoxide dismutase (sod) and catalase (cat) activities and membrane lip ... | 2015 | 26615149 |
ascorbic acid mitigation of water stress-inhibition of root growth in association with oxidative defense in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). | root growth inhibition by water stress may be related to oxidative damages. the objectives of this study were to determine whether exogenous application of ascorbic acid (asa) could mitigate root growth decline due to water stress and whether asa effects on root growth could be regulated through activating non-enzymatic or enzymatic antioxidant systems in perennial grass species. tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb. cv. "k-31") plants were grown in nutrient solution, and polyethylene glycol ... | 2015 | 26483821 |
patterns of ambulatory dispersal in tetranychus urticae can be associated with host plant specialization. | dispersal can be an essential factor affecting the biological control of pests. tetranychus urticae koch (acari: tetranychidae) is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous species that may reach the pest status in many cropping systems including clementine orchards, where it may be found both in the trees and the associated flora. in a previous study, we demonstrated that the use of a ground cover of festuca arundinacea schreber (poaceae) offered a better regulation of t. urticae populations than traditio ... | 2016 | 26471983 |