metabolic regulation of steroidogenesis in adrenocortical carcinoma cells of rat. effect of adrenocorticotropin and adenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate on the incorporation of (20s)-20-hydroxy(7 alpha-3h)cholesterol into deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone. | | 1974 | 4362943 |
fowl spirochaetosis haematological and histopathological studies. | | 1974 | 4471445 |
fowl spirochaetosis haematological and histopathological studies. | | 1974 | 4471445 |
treatment and prevention of foot-rot in sheep with fusiformis nodosus vaccine. | | 1972 | 4647663 |
serology of foot-rot: antibodies against fusiformis nodosus in normal, affected, vaccinated and passively immunised sheep. | | 1973 | 4707164 |
an electron microscopic study of fusiformis nodosus. | | 1973 | 4707892 |
surface and somatic antigens of fusiformis nodosus. | | 1973 | 4731308 |
the fine structure of fusiformis nodosus with special reference to the location of antigens associated with immunogenicity. | | 1973 | 4748954 |
significance of fusiformis nodosus serotypes in resistance of vaccinated sheep to experimental foot-rot. | | 1974 | 4825998 |
dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activity in plasma obtained from the pulmonary artery and left ventricle of man. | | 1974 | 4847800 |
the survival of streptococcus pyogenes on bacteriological swabs made from various fibres. | | 1970 | 4927082 |
[a method for isolating pure cultures of fusiformis nodosus]. | | 1970 | 4927682 |
collie eye anomaly. | | 1971 | 4994718 |
the effects of reserpine on the cardiovascular responses to phentolamine. | | 1972 | 5059369 |
modifications of the "alarm" pattern by nicotine. | | 1971 | 5090136 |
[the sensitivity of fusiformis nodosus to antibiotics]. | | 1971 | 5170257 |
benign foot-rot--a specific interdigital dermatitis of sheep associated with infection by less proteolytic strains of fusiformis nodosus. | | 1969 | 5389334 |
transmission of fusiformis nodosus infection from cattle to sheep. | | 1970 | 5471272 |
the action of phenanthroline metal chelates and related substances on erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and fusiformis nodosus. | | 1970 | 5471273 |
the occurrence of bactericidal antibodies against fusiformis nodosus in sheep serum. | | 1970 | 5529404 |
the aetiology and pathogenesis of ovine foot-rot. ii. the pathogenic association of fusiformis nodosus and f. necrophorus. | | 1969 | 5814119 |
a survey of cattle feet in victoria for fusiformis nodosus. | | 1969 | 5815421 |
isolation of fusiformis nodosus from cattle. | | 1966 | 5971518 |
nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding pilin of bacteroides nodosus, the causal organism of ovine footrot. | the nucleotide sequence encoding pilin, the monomer protein subunit of the pilus from bacteroides nodosus, has been determined. the sequence predicts a short, positively charged, amino-terminal segment which is absent from the amino acid sequence of mature pilin. the coding sequence is preceded upstream by a sequence of five nucleotides complementary to the 3' end of 16s rrna of escherichia coli--a potentially good ribosome binding site--and even further upstream by an at-rich region preceding s ... | 1984 | 6094507 |
comparison of alum-absorbed or non-alum-absorbed oil emulsion vaccines containing either pilate or non-pilate bacteroides nodosus cells in inducing and maintaining resistance of sheep to experimental foot rot. | highly pilate (p) or non-pilate (np) cells of bacteroides nodosus were compounded into oil emulsion (o) either with or without prior absorption onto alum (a). the abilities of these four preparations (referred to as pao, npao, po and npo vaccines) to stimulate antibody production and to protect sheep from foot rot were compared. two injections of pao vaccine protected sheep against homologous challenge 12 weeks after the second dose by po, npo and npao vaccines were less effective. sheep were pr ... | 1981 | 6113626 |
importance of pilus-associated antigen in bacteroides nodosus vaccines. | the performances of two cellular vaccines, one sparsely piliated and the other well piliated, were compared on irrigated pasture with those of vaccines containing their respective, purified pili. there were statistically significant differences among the four vaccines in the mean numbers of feet per sheep which developed severe foot rot during 27 weeks of exposure. the incidence of severe foot rot was significantly lower in the two pili-vaccinated groups than in the group vaccinated with well-pi ... | 1982 | 6123145 |
a new method for the extraction and purification of k99 pili from enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and their characterization. | it was found that k99 pili from enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (of bovine origin) could be extracted by treatment with 3m-kscn solution. the k99 pili were purified by preparative isoelectric focusing to apparent homogeneity as judged by the presence of a single band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis; the molecular weight of this component was calculated to be 12 600 +/- 300. this indicated that the k99 pili were composed of a single subunit. on analytical ultracentr ... | 1982 | 6124240 |
surface structure of bacteroides nodosus in relation to virulence and immunoprotection in sheep. | a comparative electron microscopic study was made of virulent ovine strains, benign ovine strains, bovine strains and culture variants of bacteroides nodosus using negative staining, thin section and freeze-fracture etch techniques. the plasma membrane, peptidoglycan layer and outer membrane structures were similar in all the organisms, but there were marked differences in the presence of pili, diffuse polar material and additional layer. the variations in these surface structures were examined ... | 1983 | 6131927 |
a bacteroides nodosus immunogen, distinct from the pilus, which induces cross-protective immunity in sheep vaccinated against footrot. | | 1983 | 6135410 |
quantitation by elisa of pili and sheep antibodies to the pili of bacteroides nodosus. | elisa systems have been developed to quantitate the isotypic antibody response of sheep naturally infected with b. nodosus isolate 198 or injected with pili from isolate 198 in oil emulsion vaccines. the predominant humoral antibody detected following vaccination was igg1, with substantially lower amounts of igg2 and igm. the antibody response was relatively specific for the pilus antigen from isolate 198. although weak cross reactivities were detected with antiserums to some other isolates, eli ... | 1983 | 6135411 |
purification, characterization, and serologic characteristics of bacteroides nodosus pili and use of a purified pili vaccine in sheep. | hair-like appendages (pili) were isolated and purified from bacteroides nodosus, the etiologic agent of foot rot disease in sheep. microscopic and biochemical analyses indicated that pili from organisms isolated in australia, new zealand, and the united states are morphologically and structurally similar. pili are filamentous assemblies of identical protein subunits. using specific antisera raised in rabbits against pili, 7 antigenic types were identified. a geographic pattern in the distributio ... | 1983 | 6137984 |
effect of pilus dose and type of freund's adjuvant on the antibody and protective responses of vaccinated sheep to bacteroides nodosus. | groups of sheep were immunised twice with one or other of six vaccines consisting of purified pili from bacteroides nodosus at three dose levels (10, 38 and 154 micrograms) and emulsified with either complete (cfa) or incomplete freund's adjuvant (ifa). beginning one month after vaccination the sheep were homologously challenged on irrigated pasture, with naturally transmitted foot rot for a period of 26 weeks. statistical analyses of the number of feet per sheep with severe foot rot demonstrate ... | 1983 | 6138825 |
quantitative test for bacteroides nodosus pilus protein by an agglutination-absorption test. | a pili agglutination-absorption test (paat) was developed for the quantitative measurement of pilus protein in cultures of bacteroides nodosus and to quantify pili yields during purifications. the test was calibrated by recording the amount of pilus protein required to absorb a measurable amount of anti-pili antibody from antiserum. the amount of anti-pilus antibody in absorbed and unabsorbed serum was specifically measured by a bact. nodosus k-agglutination test. the paat could be calibrated us ... | 1983 | 6140254 |
isolation of the gene encoding pilin of bacteroides nodosus (strain 198), the causal organism of ovine footrot. | the gene for pilin, the monomeric protein subunit from which the pilus of bacteroides nodosus is constructed, has been isolated. isolation was achieved by cloning the fragmented genome of b. nodosus in escherichia coli rr1 using the plasmid vector pbr322. pilin-producing colonies were identified by screening with a colony immunoassay using antiserum from a sheep immunized against purified pili from b. nodosus strain 198, and were further characterized by immunoblot analysis. final confirmation o ... | 1984 | 6146535 |
immunocytochemical labelling of bacteroides nodosus pili using an immunogold technique. | an immunogold labelling technique was used to label the pili of the bacterium bacteroides nodosus. the labelling was distinct and highly specific, and individual pili could be recognised beneath the gold probe. the labelling of somatic antigens could be distinguished from that of pilus antigens. furthermore, labelling of fragments of cytoplasm released by cell lysis and trapped in the pili could be distinguished from pilus labelling. an antiserum that had been raised against strain 80200 (seroty ... | 1984 | 6148377 |
the structural integrity of pili from bacteroides nodosus is required to elicit protective immunity against foot-rot in sheep. | | 1984 | 6149741 |
isolation and characterization of bacteroides nodosus fimbriae: structural subunit and basal protein antigens. | we examined the isolation of fimbriae from bacteroides nodosus. it was found that the best preparations were obtained from the supernatant of washed cells cultured on solid medium, from which fimbriae could be recovered in high yield and purity by a simple one-step procedure. analysis of such preparations by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis showed that greater than 98% of the protein consisted of fimbrial structural subunits whose molecular weight was ca. 17,000. these preparations als ... | 1984 | 6150024 |
cloning and expression in escherichia coli of the gene encoding the structural subunit of bacteroides nodosus fimbriae. | bacteroides nodosus is the primary causative agent of ovine foot rot. virulent isolates of this bacterium contain fimbriae which appear to play a major role in both infectivity and protective immunity. this paper presents the cloning and expression in escherichia coli of the gene encoding the structural subunit of the fimbriae of b. nodosus. total dna was isolated from b. nodosus vcs 1001 (serogroup a), digested with hindiii, and inserted into the positive-selection vector ptr262. recombinant e. ... | 1984 | 6150025 |
ultrastructure of the bacteroides nodosus cell envelope layers and surface. | the surface structure and cell envelope layers of various virulent bacteroides nodosus strains were examined by light microscopy and by electron microscopy by using negative staining, thin-section, and freeze-fracture-etch techniques. three surface structures were described: pili and a diffuse material, both of which emerged from one or both poles of the bacteria (depending on the stage of growth and division), and large rodlike structures (usually 30 to 40 nm in diameter) associated with a smal ... | 1980 | 6154040 |
reactivity of sera from sheep immunised with individual outer membrane proteins of bacteroides nodosus against heterologous bacterial strains. | in order to identify those bacterial antigens which might be involved in immunity against ovine footrot, antisera were raised in sheep to 6 proteins in the outer membrane complex (omc) of one strain of bacteroides nodosus. examination of the specificity of these antisera by western blotting, crossed immunoelectrophoresis (xiep) and iep, revealed that they recognized the homologous omc protein, but did not precipitate either undenatured pili or omc, nor could they agglutinate the homologous bacte ... | 1984 | 6208674 |
detection of the extracellular proteases of bacteroides nodosus in polyacrylamide gels: a rapid method of distinguishing virulent and benign ovine isolates. | the extracellular proteases of bacteroides nodosus were separated electrophoretically on polyacrylamide slab gels at ph 8 . 8. proteolytic activity was detected by placing the gel slab on a layer of gelatin-agar and allowing hydrolysis of the gelatin to occur. after two hours at 37 degrees c, the unhydrolysed gelatin was precipitated with mercuric chloride in acid. the proteolytic zymograms of 14 benign strains were identical. the zymograms of 10 virulent strains yielded two closely related sets ... | 1983 | 6356255 |
the thermostability of proteases from virulent and benign strains of bacteroides nodosus. | protease enzymes, produced by bacteroides nodosus strains isolated from animals with virulent and benign forms of ovine footrot, were partially purified by ultra-filtration, ion exchange chromatography and gel permeation chromatography. each enzyme had a similar ph optimum, was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (pmsf), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (edta) and ethyleneglycot-bis-aminoethylether-n,n-tetraacetic acid (egta), but was not inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline. the results sug ... | 1984 | 6433539 |
[clinical evaluation of cefoperazone in children (author's transl)]. | clinical evaluation was made on cefoperazone (cpz) and the following conclusions were obtained. (1) serum concentrations of the drug after a one-shot intravenous injection of 22.2 mg/kg were 77 mcg/ml (30 minutes), 50 mcg/ml (1 hour) and 8.9 mcg/ml (4 hours) and t 1/2 of serum concentration was 68.5 minutes. a 35-day-old female with obstructive jaundice associated with choledochal cyst was given by a 30-minute drip infusion of 26.8 mg/kg of the drug. serum concentration was 90 mcg/ml at the end ... | 1980 | 6452539 |
differences between strains of bacteroides nodosus in their effects on the severity of foot-rot, bodyweight and wool growth in merino sheep. | the effects of 3 ovine and one bovine strains of bacteroides nodosus on the severity of foot-rot, bodyweight and wool growth were compared in merino sheep in a field experiment. based on the severity of the induced foot lesions, one strain was classed as virulent (causing underrunning lesions in most feet), one was benign (causing lesions of the interdigital skin only), and 2, including the bovine strain, were of intermediate virulence (causing underrunning lesions in a small proportion of feet) ... | 1984 | 6529394 |
susceptibility of bacteroides nodosus to various antimicrobial agents. | the susceptibility of 18 strains of bacteroides nodosus to 21 antimicrobial agents was tested in vitro. penicillin was the most effective antibiotic tested. other antibiotics tested, in order of relative efficacy, were cefamandole, clindamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, sodium cefoxitin, tylosin tartrate, nitrofurazone, tinidazole, and dihydrostreptomycin sulfate. tests of solutions of 4 antibiotics in 70% ethanol indicated that ethanol served primarily as a diluent and did no ... | 1983 | 6618969 |
amino acid sequence of pilin from bacteroides nodosus (strain 198), the causative organism of ovine footrot. | | 1983 | 6653780 |
classification of bacteroides nodosus by agglutination tests. | one thousand two hundred and sixty seven isolates of bacteroides nodosus from 292 sheep in 58 flocks were examined. of these, 1260 could be classified by slide agglutination into 8 serogroups designated a to h. up to 6 serogroups were detected in individual flocks, with up to 4 serogroups being detected in a single foot. of the 292 sheep examined, 38 (13%) carried mixed serogroup infections. determination of the range of serological types infecting a flock frequently required the examination of ... | 1983 | 6667210 |
analysis of the outer membrane proteins of bacteroides nodosus, the causal organism of ovine footrot. | examination by sds-page of lithium acetate extracts of several strains of depiliated bacteroides nodosus revealed 6 major outer membrane proteins (including pilin). the 5 membrane proteins exhibited approximate molecular weights of 75000, 50000, 38000, 34500 and 26500 whereas pilin had a mw of 17500 for the majority of strains. all proteins were accessible to lactoperoxidase-catalysed iodination and proteins 1, 2 and 5 were shown to be glycoproteins. several attempts to isolate individual omc pr ... | 1984 | 6730306 |
phagocytosis of bacteroides nodosus by ovine peripheral blood leucocytes. | phagocytosis of bacteroides nodosus by ovine peripheral blood leucocytes (pbl) was examined after organisms had been opsonized in sera from normal sheep, or from animals immune to, or infected with ovine footrot . ingestion of bacteria, as assessed microscopically or by counting isotopically-labelled organisms spectrometrically was effected in suspensions by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn). opsonization of bacteria in immune serum, particularly its igg2 isotype, enhanced the rate of phagocyto ... | 1984 | 6730307 |
the comparative susceptibility of five breeds of sheep to foot-rot. | five breeds of sheep, romney marsh, dorset horn, border leicester, peppin merinos and saxon merinos were examined for their susceptibility to foot-rot by exposure to natural transmission of infection on irrigated pasture or by the application of pure cultures of bacteroides nodosus to each foot in a pen experiment. on pasture, the sheep encountered a moderate challenge and the british breeds were more resistant than merinos to the development of severe foot-rot. resistance was manifested by a ra ... | 1984 | 6743147 |
proteinase isoenzyme patterns of bacteroides nodosus: distinction between ovine virulent isolates, ovine benign isolates and bovine isolates. | bacteroides nodosus isolates from ovine virulent footrot and ovine benign footrot and bovine isolates of low virulence for sheep were distinguishable from each other by their proteinase isoenzyme patterns after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. variants of low virulence were not always distinguishable from their virulent parent strains. the molecular weights of the isoenzymes ranged from 70000 to 129000. the relationship of isoenzyme patterns to virulence is discussed. | 1982 | 6750039 |
activities and partial purification of extracellular proteases of bacteroides nodosus from virulent and benign footrot. | in an attempt to differentiate virulent and benign strains of b. nodosus, the extracellular proteolytic activity of these cultures was assayed with elastin, casein and hide powder azure, and the stability to heating at 55 degrees c was determined. broth cultures of both strains hydrolysed 125i-labelled elastin, indicating that this activity is not a unique marker of virulence. when cultures were grown in trypticase-arginine-serine broth medium modified by omitting na2co3 and thioglycollic acid, ... | 1982 | 6762194 |
[investigations on typing of fusiformis nodosus in sheep herds in hessia (author's transl)]. | | 1980 | 6995075 |
purification of individual proteinase isozymes from bacteroides nodosus by use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a fluorogenic substrate detection system, and a simple electroelution apparatus. | | 1982 | 7041696 |
effect of alum-precipitated or oil-adjuvant bacteroides nodosus vaccines on the resistance of sheep to experimental foot rot. | the feet of sheep which had been given two doses of oil adjuvant foot rot vaccine were completely resistant to direct challenge with a virulent homologous culture of bacteroides nodosus four weeks after vaccination, partially resistant after eight weeks but completely susceptible after 12 weeks. sheep given two doses of alum precipitated vaccine, or a dose of oil emulsion vaccine followed by a dose of alum precipitated vaccine, were resistant four weeks but not eight weeks later. foot rot in aff ... | 1981 | 7244380 |
isolation and characterisation of bacteroides nodosus from foot lesions of cattle in western australia. | thirty one isolates of bacteroides nodosus were obtained from foot lesions observed on cattle at 3 abattoirs. all isolates were similar to the b. nodosus of ovine benign footrot (bfr) in their response to the degrading proteinase test. at one abattoir, where the interdigital lesions were examined in detail, 9 of 10 isolates were obtained from hyperkeratotic lesions with deep fissures. traceback to 8 of the farms of origin which carried both sheep and cattle, revealed bfr in sheep on 4 farms. the ... | 1980 | 7247884 |
differentiation of bacteroides nodosus biotypes and colony variants in relation to their virulence and immunoprotective properties in sheep. | to obtain a wider definition of variation in the virulence of bacteroides nodosus and in the protective potency of b. nodosus vaccines, we made a comparison of the in vitro characteristics of isolates from clinical infections of sheep and cattle and of certain colony variants observed previously. three basic colony types were distinguished: papillate or beaded (b)-type colonies were produced by fresh isolates from advanced ovine foot rot; mucoid (m)-type colonies were formed by isolates from no ... | 1981 | 7251146 |
serotypic and biochemical characterization of bacteroides nodosus isolates from oregon. | ninety-seven bacteroides nodosus isolates were characterized by the tube agglutination test. fourteen serotypes were identified including isolates that were serologically similar to australian serotypes a, b and c. one additional isolate remains untyped and possibly represents another serotype. the isolates were cultured from 20 different flocks. multiple isolates were obtained from 15 of the flocks and 13 of these had two to seven different b. nodosus serotypes. eleven b. nodosus isolates repre ... | 1980 | 7448630 |
a multiple site-specific dna-inversion model for the control of omp1 phase and antigenic variation in dichelobacter nodosus. | the molecular cloning and sequence analysis of four structurally variant linked genes (omp1a,b,c,d) that encode the major outer membrane protein of dichelobacter nodosus strain vcs1001 are described. the isolation of rearranged copies of omp1a and omp1b, and the identification in the 5' regions of all four genes of short cross-over-site sequences that were similar to the din family of cross-over-site sequences, suggested that site-specific dna inversion was involved in omp1 rearrangement. eviden ... | 1995 | 7476204 |
delineation of the virulence-related locus (vrl) of dichelobacter nodosus. | dichelobacter nodosus is the primary pathogen implicated in ovine footrot. in this paper we have delineated a 27 kb locus, termed the virulence-related locus (vrl), that was essentially specific for virulent d. nodosus isolates. the precise ends of this locus were mapped and the sequences of the junction regions from the virulent strain a198 were compared to corresponding sequences from the benign isolate c305. the left end of the vrl locus was located in a sequence similar to that of the small ... | 1995 | 7496519 |
recombinant vaccines against ovine footrot. | for the past 20 years footrot vaccines have evolved from simple bacterins to highly specific recombinant dna (rdna) fimbrial vaccines. the development of these vaccines has left a trail of discoveries, challenges and solutions; these processes continue as we move closer to understanding the requirements of a footrot vaccine. the initial whole cell vaccines were unsuccessful due to the short duration of immunity and incorporation of limited serotypes. a multistrain vaccine eliminated the problem ... | 1993 | 7505770 |
a gene region in dichelobacter nodosus encoding a lipopolysaccharide epitope. | dichelobacter nodosus is a gram-negative anaerobic bacterium that is the causative organism of footrot in sheep. a d. nodosus locus responsible for a modification of the host lipopolysaccharide (lps) in escherichia coli was cloned and sequenced. genetic studies showed that the modification occurred within the inner-core region of the host lps, most likely to one or more of the heptose molecules. antibodies eluted from the modified lps reacted preferentially with the lipid-a-core region of d. nod ... | 1995 | 7539688 |
identification of a gene encoding a bacteriophage-related integrase in a vap region of the dichelobacter nodosus genome. | dichelobacter nodosus is the principal causative agent of ovine footrot. nucleotide (nt) sequences from the d. nodosus genome have been isolated and a series of overlapping lambda clones defining vap (virulence-associated protein) regions 1, 2 and 3 have been reported [katz et al., j. bacteriol. 176 (1994) 2663-2669]. in the present study, the limits of the virulence-associated (va) dna around vap regions 1 and 3 were determined by dot-blot hybridization experiments using plasmid subclones to pr ... | 1995 | 7557417 |
comparative characterization of release factor rf-3 genes of escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, and dichelobacter nodosus. | the termination of protein synthesis in bacteria requires two codon-specific release factors, rf-1 and rf-2. a gene for a third factor, rf-3, that stimulates the rf-1 and rf-2 activities has been isolated from the gram-negative bacteria escherichia coli and dichelobacter nodosus. in this work, we isolated the rf-3 gene from salmonella typhimurium and compared the three encoded rf-3 proteins by immunoblotting and intergeneric complementation and suppression. a murine polyclonal antibody against e ... | 1995 | 7559341 |
construction and characterization of a fimz mutant of salmonella typhimurium. | the salmonella typhimurium fima gene is controlled by several ancillary fim genes. one of these genes, fimz, appears to be involved in increasing the expression of fima. a fimz mutant of s. typhimurium was constructed by allelic exchange, and this mutant was found to be nonfimbriate. the fimz mutant demonstrated decreased levels of fima expression compared with the parental strain when both were grown under conditions favoring fimbrial expression. an examination of the predicted amino acid seque ... | 1995 | 7592479 |
identification of fimbrial assembly genes from dichelobacter nodosus: evidence that fimp encodes the type-iv prepilin peptidase. | dichelobacter nodosus (dn) is the causative agent of footrot, an economically significant disease of sheep. one of the factors believed to be involved in the virulence of this organism is its ability to produce type-iv fimbriae, which are the major protective antigens. to investigate the process of fimbrial biogenesis in dn, gene probes were constructed from pilus biogenesis genes of pseudomonas aeruginosa (pa) and used to isolate homologues from dn. a homologue, designated fimp, of the pa prepi ... | 1995 | 7642131 |
observations on the indirect transmission of virulent ovine footrot in sheep yards and its spread in sheep on unimproved pasture. | virulent ovine footrot was transmitted accidentally to a group of 23 adult merino sheep (flock b) after holding for 1 hour in sheep yards, which earlier the same day had contained another flock (flock a) with < 1% prevalence of sheep with footrot lesions. sheep in flock b were rendered susceptible to virulent footrot by grazing 600 mm high unimproved pasture dominated by paspalum (paspalum dilatatum) and kangaroo grass (themeda australis) during warm, humid and wet weather. in addition to moistu ... | 1995 | 7646377 |
nucleotide and deduced protein sequence of the extracellular, serine basic protease gene (bprb) from dichelobacter nodosus strain 305: comparison with the basic protease gene (bprv) from virulent strain 198. | in earlier studies, it appeared that benign strains of the gram-negative, obligate anaerobe, dichelobacter nodosus, were devoid of the extracellular, serine basic protease (pi approximately 9.5) of virulent strains. however, southern and pcr analysis have shown a homologous gene (bprb) in the representative benign strain 305. the deduced amino acid sequence of the prepro- and mature protease regions of bprb confirmed this homology and showed 97% sequence identity with the bprv precursor from vir ... | 1995 | 7663404 |
detection of dichelobacter nodosus using species-specific oligonucleotides as pcr primers. | dichelobacter nodosus is an essential causative agent of ovine footrot, a disease of major economic significance. four oligonucleotides complementary to variable regions of the 16s rrna of d. nodosus were identified, synthesized and tested for their specificity and sensitivity as probes for the detection of d. nodosus. in hybridization reactions using total rna as the target nucleic acid, three probes were found to be both sensitive and species-specific. when these probes were used as primers in ... | 1993 | 7689774 |
purification of the extracellular acidic proteases of dichelobacter nodosus. | dichelobacter nodosus, a gram negative obligate anaerobe and causative organism of ovine footrot, secretes a family of extracellular acidic serine proteases with pi's in the range of 5.2 to 5.6, and a basic serine protease with a pi of approximately 9.5. four acidic proteases (v1, v2, v3 and v5) from virulent and five acidic proteases (b1 to b5) from benign strains of d. nodosus were purified by chromatography on sephadex g-100 and deae-sepharose cl-6b. proteases v2, v5 and b5 were found to yiel ... | 1994 | 7696988 |
properties of the extracellular acidic proteases of dichelobacter nodosus. stability and specificity of peptide bond cleavage. | dichelobacter nodosus, a gram negative obligate anaerobe and causative organism of ovine footrot, secretes a family of extracellular acidic serine proteases with pi's in the range of 5.2 to 5.6, and a basic serine protease with a pi of approximately 9.5. the acidic proteases show optimum activity at ph 8 and require a divalent metal ion (eg. ca) to maintain structural integrity. in the presence of edta or conditions that cause protein unfolding, the proteases undergo rapid and complete autolysis ... | 1994 | 7696989 |
grading the lesions of ovine footrot. | sixteen methods of grading the lesions of ovine footrot were assessed on the basis of the effect of the lesions on the humoral immune response of the host to a causative bacterium, dichelobacter nodosus. methods that allowed for qualitative and quantitative differences in lesion scores between sheep were the best predictors of host response, and methods that assessed the lesions in each of the eight digits were more efficient than methods that did not grade the digits within feet. weighting the ... | 1995 | 7709056 |
a polymerase chain reaction assay for improved determination of virulence of dichelobacter nodosus, the specific causative pathogen for ovine footrot. | three sets of oligonucleotide primers (vf1 and vr1, vf2 and vr2, bf and br) were derived from a d. nodosus virulent-specific clone pv470-13 (2146 bp) and a benign-specific clone pb645-335 (737 bp), respectively. using the virulent-specific primers vf1 and vr1 in a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) enabled amplification of a dna fragment of 460 bp in 25/27 virulent, 9/25 high intermediate, 9/24 low intermediate and 2/20 benign isolates of d. nodosus. on the other hand, using the second set of the v ... | 1995 | 7740758 |
expression and secretion of heterologous proteases by corynebacterium glutamicum. | genes encoding the basic protease of dichelobacter nodosus (bprv) and the subtilisin of bacillus subtilis (apre) were cloned and expressed in corynebacterium glutamicum. in each case, enzymatically active protein was detected in the supernatants of liquid cultures. while the secretion of subtilisin was directed by its own signal peptide, the natural signal peptide of the bprv basic protease did not facilitate secretion. a hybrid apre-bprv gene in which the promoter and signal peptide coding sequ ... | 1995 | 7747974 |
application of elisa to the serological diagnosis of virulent ovine footrot. | the sensitivity and specificity of an elisa that detects antibody in the serum of sheep against dichelobacter nodosus was investigated. the sensitivity of the assay was determined in two trials in which sheep free of virulent footrot were exposed to a virulent strain of d. nodosus. in the first trial up to 96.6% of sheep that developed severe foot lesions were seropositive 2 weeks later. the proportion of seropositive sheep depended on the interval between exposure to d. nodosus and collection o ... | 1994 | 7801518 |
double immunogold labelling demonstrating expression of recombinant genes for production of an anti-fertility vaccine. | the multiple antibody technique for double immunogold labelling for the simultaneous localization of two antigens with negative staining was utilized to demonstrate the expression of recombinant genes in bacteria, with the primary antibodies being raised in different host species. for the production of a vaccine for immunological control of fertility, a multi-functional plasmid vector was introduced into the bacterium pseudomonas aeruginosa containing the dichelobacter nodosus fimbrial subunit g ... | 1994 | 7881895 |
protective antibody titres and antigenic competition in multivalent dichelobacter nodosus fimbrial vaccines using characterised rdna antigens. | the relationship between k-agglutination antibody titres and protection against experimental challenge with dichelobacter nodosus, the effect of increasing the number of d. nodosus fimbrial antigens, and the importance of the nature of additional antigens in multivalent vaccines on antibody response and protection against experimental challenge with d. nodosus were examined in merino sheep. a total of 204 merino sheep were allocated to one of 12 groups, and vaccinated with preparations containin ... | 1994 | 7909183 |
antigenic competition in a multivalent foot rot vaccine. | the antigenic competition that occurs when pilus antigens of different serogroups are combined in multivalent vaccines for foot rot has been investigated using recombinant pilus antigens. our prototype vaccine contains pili from nine serogroups of dichelobacter nodosus which are expressed in pseudomonas aeruginosa. sheep inoculated with this multivalent vaccine were not as well protected against foot rot as those given the monovalent vaccine. levels of agglutinating and total antibody specific f ... | 1994 | 7912871 |
expression in escherichia coli of the extracellular basic protease from dichelobacter nodosus. | dichelobacter nodosus, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe and the causative agent of ovine footrot, secretes a number of extracellular proteases, one of which is highly basic in nature. the gene (bprv) encoding this basic protease, from virulent strain 198, has been cloned and sequenced. clone pbr3kb contained the complete bprv gene which constitutively expressed an active protease using its own promoter, when cloned in escherichia coli. however, levels of protease expression were low and unstabl ... | 1994 | 7921259 |
development of gene probes of dichelobacter nodosus for differentiating strains causing virulent, intermediate or benign ovine footrot. | seven dichelobacter nodosus genomic dna clones including six specific for virulent and one for benign strains were identified. a collection of 96 footrot isolates, which in turn comprised 27 virulent isolates showing elastase activity at 7 days, 25 high intermediate isolates with elastase activity at 14 days, 24 low intermediate isolates with elastase activity at 21-28 days and 20 benign isolates with no elastase activity at up to 28 days, were used to assess these clones. of the six virulent sp ... | 1994 | 7953579 |
characterization of the serine protease and serine protease inhibitor from the tissue-penetrating nematode anisakis simplex. | a serine protease and a serine protease inhibitor were purified from infective larvae of the parasitic nematode anisakis simplex. the serine protease was found to be trypsin-like and preferentially cleaved substrates with the basic amino acid arginine at the p1 position (z-gly-pro-arg-amc (where z is benzyloxycarbonyl), km = 0.019 mm, and z-phe-pro-arg-amc, km = 0.013 mm) at rates similar to those determined for trypsin (0.002 mm and 0.006 mm, respectively). however, the presence of a bulky hydr ... | 1994 | 7961683 |
experimental evaluation of a commercial footrot vaccine against native canadian strains of dichelobacter nodosus. | two serotypes of the anaerobic bacterium dichelobacter nodosus were used to experimentally infect young sheep resulting in infectious pododermatitis or footrot characteristic of the natural disease in sheep. the specific serotypes of d. nodosus were reisolated from the feet and identified using immunofluorescent microscopy of hoof scrapings. prior immunization of sheep with a commercially available bacterin containing whole cell preparations of ten strains of d. nodosus resulted in serum igg rea ... | 1994 | 8004537 |
sequencing and expression of the aroa gene from dichelobacter nodosus. | the aroa locus of the gram- pathogen dichelobacter nodosus, which encodes 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (epsp) synthase, has been sequenced and expressed in escherichia coli. the gene is located on a 1.48-kb drai-hindiii fragment located directly upstream and in opposite transcriptional orientation to the gene encoding the fimbrial structural subunit. the deduced open reading frame is 1329 nucleotides in length, which encodes a protein of 443 amino acids (aa) with a calculated m(r) of 47,41 ... | 1994 | 8045432 |
the laboratory culture of dichelobacter nodosus in a footrot eradication program. | as part of a program to eradicate virulent footrot from western australia, 2745 isolates of dichelobacter nodosus were isolated from 5263 specimens from 1883 submissions. the virulence of each isolate was assessed using protease thermostability and isoenzyme zymogram. we describe changes to the materials and methods required to handle these specimens and to reduce the interval between submission and report to 8 days. | 1994 | 8048905 |
the effects of antigenic competition on the efficacy of multivalent footrot vaccines. | a multivalent footrot vaccine has been developed, containing pilus antigens produced in recombinant pseudomonas aeruginosa and representing all nine serogroups of dichelobacter (bacteroides) nodosus commonly recognised in the field. the responses of sheep to the multivalent vaccine have been compared with those to monovalent vaccines representing only a single serogroup. antigenic competition between serogroups occurred in sheep immunised with the multivalent formation, but high levels of protec ... | 1993 | 8098601 |
dichelobacter nodosus: differentiation of virulent and benign strains by gene probe based dot blot hybridisation. | gene probes specific for benign and virulent strains of dichelobacter nodosus were used in a dot blot hybridisation procedure involving 96 strains of d. nodosus isolated from cases of ovine footrot. the performance of the probes was compared with that of the elastase test. all 27 strains with elastase activity at 7 days and 12 of 25 strains with elastase activity at 14 days reacted with the virulent-specific probe. twenty-four strains with elastase activity between 21-28 days, and 20 strains wit ... | 1993 | 8128604 |
genetic organization of the duplicated vap region of the dichelobacter nodosus genome. | the recombinant plasmid pjir318 contains a fragment of the dichelobacter nodosus genome which is associated with virulence. sequence analysis of the pjir318 insert has shown that it contains four vap (virulence-associated protein) genes which are homologous to open reading frames found on the escherichia coli f plasmid and the neisseria gonorrhoeae cryptic plasmid (m. e. katz, r. a. strugnell, and j. i. rood, infect. and immun. 60:4586-4592, 1992). the plasmid pjir318 hybridizes to three regions ... | 1994 | 8169216 |
characterization of a basic serine proteinase (pi approximately 9.5) secreted by virulent strains of dichelobacter nodosus and identification of a distinct, but closely related, proteinase secreted by benign strains. | an extracellular serine proteinase with a pi approximately 9.5 (referred to as 'basic proteinase') was purified to homogeneity, from strains of dichelobacter nodosus that cause virulent foot-rot, by gel filtration of concentrated culture supernatant on sephadex g-100 and chromatography on sulphopropyl-sephadex c-25 at ph 8.6 d. nodosus strains that cause benign foot-rot do not secrete a corresponding basic proteinase with a pi of approximately 9.5. benign strains secrete a closely related, but d ... | 1994 | 8172614 |
a gelatin test to detect activity and stability of proteases produced by dichelobacter (bacteroides) nodosus. | previously reported tests to distinguish thermostable and thermolabile proteases of dichelobacter nodosus used hide powder azure as a test substrate. this paper describes an alternative test for protease stability using gelatin, an inexpensive and convenient substrate. the test required less equipment and time than the hide powder tests, and simplified the testing of multiple samples. proteases from 2965 isolates of d. nodosus from samples collected as part of a footrot eradication scheme were t ... | 1993 | 8236773 |
cloning, sequence and expression of the gene (aprv5) encoding extracellular serine acidic protease v5 from dichelobacter nodosus. | the acidic protease v5-encoding gene (aprv5) from gram- dichelobacter nodosus virulent strain 198 was isolated from a cosmid bank by activity screening and sequenced. the 2371-bp nucleotide (nt) sequence contained an open reading frame coding for a protein precursor of 595 amino acid (aa) residues composed of a signal peptide, a pro-region, a mature active protease of 347 aa and a c-terminal extension region of 120 aa. the deduced aa sequence of the pre-pro-mature protease regions showed about 6 ... | 1993 | 8299956 |
amino acid sequence of extracellular acidic protease v5 of dichelobacter nodosus, the causative organism of ovine footrot. | dichelobacter nodosus, a gram-negative obligate anaerobe and the causative organism of ovine footrot, secretes a family of extracellular serine proteases with pi's in the range of 5.2 to 5.6 and a serine basic protease with a pi of approximately 9.5. the primary structure of acidic protease v5 (pi approximately 5.2) from d. nodosus virulent strain 198 was determined by direct amino acid sequencing. this protease consists of a single polypeptide chain of 347 amino acids, contains two disulfide bo ... | 1993 | 8330022 |
serogrouping of bacteroides nodosus isolates from 62 sources in the united states. | bacteroides nodosus isolates from 62 sources in the united states were obtained from sheep with infectious foot diseases. serotypic analysis of these isolates revealed 21 serotypes (designated i-xxi). these serotypes were compared with british and australian/new zealand b nodosus strains by use of reciprocal tube agglutination tests. these tests, as well as the cross-matching tube agglutination tests of the us serotypes, resulted in arranging the us serotypes into 11 serogroups, and comparing th ... | 1993 | 8368601 |
use of a gram- signal peptide for protein secretion by gram+ hosts: basic protease of dichelobacter nodosus is produced and secreted by bacillus subtilis. | the bprv gene, encoding the extracellular basic protease of the gram- anaerobic bacterium dichelobacter nodosus, was expressed and the protein secreted in bacillus subtilis using the novel cloning/expression vector pnc3 [wu et al., gene 106 (1991) 103-107]. the pre- and pro-peptides were processed correctly in this heterologous system, and the 127-amino acid c-terminal extension region was also removed. the recombinant gene product was indistinguishable biochemically or immunochemically from the ... | 1993 | 8370546 |
use of elastase test, gelatin gel test and electrophoretic zymogram to determine virulence of dichelobacter nodosus isolated from ovine foot rot. | a comparative study using the elastase test, gelatin gel test and electrophoretic zymogram was conducted for virulence determination of 96 dichelobacter nodosus isolates from clinical cases of ovine foot rot. despite being time consuming, the elastase test provided a classification of d nodosus bacteria in general agreement with the severity of clinical characteristics. the gelatin gel test showed some correlation with the elastase test. while isolates showing elastase activity at 14 days or les ... | 1993 | 8378606 |
benign footrot--an epidemiological investigation into the occurrence, effects on production, response to treatment and influence of environmental factors. | benign footrot was studied in 1 1/2-years-old merinos on 2 farms in central victoria from september 1987 to august 1990, inclusive. treatment groups of 100 sheep grazed together with the remaining untreated sheep. inspections were carried out every 3 weeks during the spring transmission period until the number of lesions greater than score 2 dropped below 3%. at each inspection, each sheep was weighed and lesion scores for each foot and digit were recorded, the treated group of sheep was treated ... | 1993 | 8460991 |
relationship between clinical manifestations of footrot and specific dna products of dichelobacter nodosus amplified through pcr. | a total of 141 dichelobacter nodosus isolates from 46 merino sheep farms with various clinical forms of footrot was examined by the gelatin gel test and the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) using virulent (vf2 and vr2) and benign (bf and br) specific primers. isolates from sheep with virulent and high intermediate footrot usually produced relatively thermostable proteases, but a decreasing proportion of the isolates from sheep with medium and low intermediate or benign footrot had thermostable pr ... | 1995 | 8525095 |
effects of the severity and duration of lesions on the primary and anamnestic humoral responses of sheep to dichelobacter nodosus and observations of natural resistance to footrot. | in a flock of 137 sheep naturally infected with dichelobacter nodosus the severity of the lesions was the principal factor associated with the humoral response early in the period of spread of d. nodosus, underrun lesions having the greatest effect. however, after five to six weeks, the duration of underrun lesions rather than their severity or number primarily influenced the response. sheep first affected late in the period of spread had fewer affected feet, milder lesions and a lower humoral r ... | 1995 | 8525101 |
a single amino-acid change between the antigenically different extracellular serine proteases v2 and b2 from dichelobacter nodosus. | dichelobacter nodosus (dn), the causative organism of ovine footrot, secrets three distinct types of extracellular serine proteases which have been implicated in virulence. southern analyses have shown that the proteases are encoded by three separate genes, and the genes encoding an acidic protease v5 and a basic protease have already been characterised from virulent dn strain 198. the gene encoding the third protease type, as represented by acidic protease v2, was isolated from an ecori-bamhi l ... | 1995 | 8566792 |
identification of a native dichelobacter nodosus plasmid and implications for the evolution of the vap regions. | studies on the role of various virulence factors of the ovine pathogen, dichelobacter nodosus, have suffered from the absence of a mechanism for the introduction of dna into this organism. as an initial step in the development of genetic methods, we have identified and cloned a native 10-kb plasmid, pjir896, from a clinical isolate. this plasmid was found to be a circular form of vap region 1/3 that is found in the reference strain, a198. however, pjir896 lacked the duplicated region present in ... | 1996 | 8654969 |
further observations on the primary and anamnestic humoral responses to dichelobacter nodosus in sheep in relation to the diagnosis of footrot. | an anamnestic serological test for ovine footrot was evaluated. footrot-free lambs were infected with dichelobacter nodosus and treated four, six or eight weeks later. there were strong linear correlations between the severity of the lesions and both the primary response and the anamnestic response evoked by the subcutaneous injection of an antigen from d nodosus 16 weeks after the treatment of the lambs; the latter correlation was stronger than the correlations reported elsewhere in mature shee ... | 1996 | 8685533 |