identification of brucella abortus antibodies in cattle serum by single radial diffusion. | single radial diffusion combined with the rose bengal test permitted rapid identification of all of the brucella abortus-infected cattle in a study group of 689 animals. | 1976 | 815271 |
evolution and taxonomy in the genus brucella: contemporary evolutionary status of the species brucella abortus. | the biotypes in the species brucella abortus were arranged according to the sequential flow in the alterations of their characteristics. this reordering of the biotypes indicated that the organism currently classified as b abortus type 2 is the parent organism of all the biotypes in this species. however, laboratory-selected mutants from b abortus type 2 had characteristics that were mimetic, but not duplicative, of their naturally occuring counterparts. evidence which indicates this phenomenon ... | 1976 | 816231 |
evolution and taxonomy in the genus brucella: steroid hormone induction of filterable forms with altered characteristics after reversion. | several strains of brucella abortus, brucella suis, and brucella melitensis were exposed to physiologic concentrations of testosterone, progesterone, and diethylstilbestrol by incorporating them into the growth medium. the hormones induced brucella to form cell wall-defective organisms, including filterable forms. the filterable forms from 1 strain of b melitensis had altered characteristics when it reverted to growth as an intact cell. this is the 1st reported instance of induction of filterabl ... | 1976 | 816232 |
evolution and taxonomy in the genus brucella: progesterone induction of filterable forms of brucella abortus type 2 with revertant characteristics essentially indistinguishable in vitro from those of brucella ovis. | an organism essentially indistinguishable from brucella ovis, as determined by conventional and manometric techniques of identifying brucella organisms, was derived in vitro from a strain of brucella abortus type 2. the basic mechanism responsible for derivation of this organism was incomplete reversion of the l-forms to their original parental characteristics. the agent used to induce the l-forms was a physiologic concentration of progesterone incorporated in the growth medium. | 1976 | 816233 |
the in vivo activity of a smooth phage-resistant variant of brucella abortus strain 19. | | 1976 | 816417 |
brucella abortus infection in sheep. i. field case. | | 1976 | 816418 |
[biological properties and chemical composition of a soluble fraction of brucella abortus. monospecific a or m antigens]. | abs, the supernatant of smooth b. abortus phenol-protected suspensions, is a protein, lipid, sugar and arn complex containing all amino acids found in phenol-water fractions from b. abortus and b. melitensis. abs is non-toxic and immunizes mice against b. abortus challenge. chromium chloride easily binds abs to sheep erythrocytes (e abs) for a specific and accurate passive hemagglutination test in brucellosis. e abs are agglutinated by all antisera to fractions of b. abortus or b. melitensis, bu ... | 1976 | 816680 |
the immunological properties of brucella ribosomal preparations. | ribosomes were isolated from brucella abortus strains 19 and 45/20 by disruption of the cells followed by differential ultracentrifugation. the ribosome preparations contained 2-3 components reacting in immunodiffusion tests but were free of detectable lipopolysaccharide-protein agglutinogen. they crossreacted with antisera to br. abortus, br. melitensis, br. suis and br. ovis and elicited intradermal delayed hypersensitivity reactions in animals infected with br. abortus, br. melitensis or br. ... | 1976 | 816681 |
the immune response to brucella abortus 45/20 adjuvant vaccine in terms of immunoglobin class. | cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus 45/20 adjuvant vaccine developed agglutinins for rough brucella antigens which were largely of the igg classes. only small amounts of igm rough agglutinins were produced at the earliest stages of the serological response. non-agglutinating antibodies detectable in the antiglobulin test were mainly of igg2 and iggi classes. cattle previously exposed to smooth brucella antigens, after vaccination with 45/20 adjuvant vaccine, initially developed high titres o ... | 1976 | 816682 |
[influence of the mouse genotype on the sensitivity to brucella abortus 544]. | the susceptibility to brucella infection (brucella abortus 544) of different inbred mice and outbred cd1 strains has been studied. the degree of infection was determined on days 7 and 11 after challenge. the cba and dba2 strains showed greater susceptibility and homogeneity compared to the other strains (c57b16, c3h, c57b16 x dba2) and to the cd1 mice. the kinetics of infection in dba2 and cba, compared to those of the cd1 for a longer period, show that the degree of infection decreases rapidly ... | 1976 | 816685 |
[evaluation of antibrucellosis vaccines using guinea pigs]. | in the preliminary stage of a global study made in our laboratory to compare the control technics of antibrucella vaccines (abortus) both in mice and guinea pigs, we have studied the kinetics of brucella infection in the hartley guinea pig after various doses of brucella abortus strain 544. two trials have been carried out: the first with 5000 and 10000 bacteria and the second with 5000, 10000 and 30000 bacteria. the results obtained allow to envisage the use of a challenge dose of at least 1000 ... | 1976 | 816686 |
an assessment of investigations conducted in the usa on brucella abortus strain 45/20 bacterins. | the results of five investigations in cattle using 45/20 bacterins are presented and evaluated. seemingly contradictory results may be the result of one or more modifications in project design or in procedures. in these trials, there appeared to be no significant difference in the level of protection for cattle when using either intramuscular or subcutaneous routes of injection or when 10 or 12 week intervals between doses were used in cattle 6 months of age or older. also, the relative resistan ... | 1976 | 816689 |
a recent trial comparing two 45/20 adjuvant brucella vaccines. | two commercially prepared killed 45/20 adjuvant brucella abortus vaccines were compared, under controlled experimental conditions, with regard to local reactions at the site of injection, serological reactions and immunogenicity. preliminary trials were carried out in yearling cattle and guinea pigs. three groups of 13 maiden heifers were involved. one group was vaccinated with abortox, one group was vaccinated with duphavac and the third group was kept as unvaccinated controls. following servic ... | 1976 | 816690 |
the serological response to rough and smooth brucella antigens in cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus strain 45/20 adjuvant vaccine. | cattle not previously exposed to brucella abortus responded to a single dose of br. abortus 45/20 adjuvant vaccine by producing low titres of agglutinins for rough brucella antigens and little or no agglutinins to the smooth antigens. moderate titres of non-agglutinating antibodies reacting with both rough and smooth antigens were also produced. after a second dose of 45/20 vaccine higher titres of rough agglutinins and low titres of antibodies reacting with smooth antigens were produced. high t ... | 1976 | 816691 |
[brucella and modification of the host response to bacterial and viral infection. effect of the s-r variation]. | within the framework of a study on the immunostimulant properties of brucella abortus and of its extracts, we have investigated the protective activity on infection of mice by klebsiella pneumoniae and on charlotte friend's leukemia, of inactivated brucella abortus and brucella lysates by ultrasound. the injection of inactivated b 19 r preparations and their lysates three days before infection by klebsiella has allowed to protect mice against a large number of dl50 (100 and 1000 in certain cases ... | 1976 | 816692 |
a complement fixation method for quantitative differentiation of reactions to 45/20 vaccine and brucella infection. | brucella complement fixing antibodies may be titrated independently in adult vaccinated (strain 45/20) and in naturally infected cattle by serological tests utilizing a specially prepared antigen. serum samples are subjected to the standard complement fixation test for the diagnosis of brucellosis (mackinnon 1963) and subsequently retested by the same method but with a saline extract antigen prepared from strain 45/20 brucella abortus. the results obtained in the two tests are compared in five s ... | 1976 | 817437 |
brucella abortus infection in the bull. | observations on 2 bulls from a brucella-infected property are reported. bull 1 gave serological reactions to br. abortus in both the sat and cft from day 0 to day 141. br. abortus was not recovered from semen and the bull remained clinically normal. the serological status of bull 2 changed from negative to positive to negative over a 203 day period and remained negative for a further 74 days. semen agglutinins were only detected on one occasion (20 iu). the first clinical sign observed was epidi ... | 1976 | 817703 |
antiviral activity of brucella abortus preparations; separation of active components. | injection into mice of heat-killed brucella abortus or aqueous ether-extracted b. abortus (bru-pel) induced a "virus-type" interferon response, with peak titers at 6.5 h. the animals also were protected against challenge with otherwise lethal doses of semliki forest virus. extraction of either heated b. abortus or bru-pel with a mixture of chloroform-methanol (2:1, vol/vol) (c-m( yielded an insoluble residue (extracted cells) and a c-m extract. neither extracted cells nor c-m extract alone induc ... | 1976 | 818014 |
transfer of hypogammaglobulinemia in two inbred chicken strains by spleen cells from bursectomized donors. | transfer of lymphoid cells from agammaglobulinemic donor chickens into 3- to 4-week-old irradiated recipients that had been surgically bursectomized at 2 to 3 weeks of age significantly depressed the ability of the antibody-forming apparatus to recover from irradiation. antibody production to brucella abortus and sheep erythrocytes remained much below control levels in bx donor-cell recipients of both chicken strains studied (sc and fp). progressive loss of serum igm and igg was observed primari ... | 1976 | 818317 |
the effect of chloroform on brucella abortus agglutinins in whey. | defatting milk for the brucella abortus whey agglutination test with chloroform caused some reduction in the titre in i.u./ml. in 42 of 57 samples and this reduction exceeded 50% in seven. though this procedure will probably rarely affect the final interpretation of the test defatting the milk by centrifugation is preferred. | 1976 | 819575 |
brucellosis: the situation in western nigeria. | over 55% of 7161 people examined in different parts of western nigeria have positive brucella abortus-antibodies in their sera. higher incidence of titres were found among dairy farmers and slaughtermen than in the general population. the rates of infection among the human and the cattle populations in two farms studied were very similar. there was evidence of high rate of cross-infections going on in one of these farms: more than 63% of the herd in this farm showed serological evidence of activ ... | 1976 | 821186 |
vaccination against bovine brucellosis with a low dose of strain 19 administered by the conjunctival route. i.--protection demonstrated in guinea pigs. | guinea pigs were vaccinated with different doses of strain brucella abortus b 19, subcutaneously (sc) or by the conjunctival route (c), once or a second time three months later. agglutination and complement fixation titers were determined on sera of guinea pigs taken at random at intervals from each vaccine group. protection afforded by the vaccination was determined by intramuscular injection of the challenge strain, b. abortus 544 (5 x 10(3) bacteria) three months after the last vaccination. f ... | 1975 | 821381 |
resistance of brucella abortus infected mice to intravenous or intraperitoneal brucella reinfection. | the development of acquired resistance to brucella abortus was studied in mice infected intravenously with small numbers of live co2-dependent b. abortus 544 used as vaccinal strain. co2-independent b. abortus was used as challenge strain. the influence of several parameters in the development of acquired resistance was examined: vaccination--challenge interval, challenge route, dose of challenge, challenge-sacrifice interval. the behavior of the challenge strain in normal mice depended on the s ... | 1976 | 821385 |
brucella abortus in the bitch. | | 1976 | 824792 |
laboratory summary of brucella isolations and typing: 1975. | during 1975 (fy), isolation or typing procedures (or both) were performed on 2,799 specimens for brucellae. of the 517 brucellae isolated or typed from cattle, 447 (86.4%) were brucella abortus, biotype 1. | 1976 | 824985 |
vaccination against bovine brucellosis with a low dose of strain 19 administered by the conjunctival route. | eighteen 25 month old cows were vaccinated once either with 10(6) to 10(10) living bacteria of brucella abortus b 19 by the conjunctival route, or with 2.5 to 5 x 10(10) formalin-killed bacteria of the same strain by subcutaneous injection. fifteen days post-vaccination, low but definite agglutination titers were present in sera of cattle receiving 10(10) living bacteria by the conjunctival route, whereas high titers were observed in the control group given subcutaneous injection of killed bacte ... | 1976 | 825014 |
antibody response and reduction in bursa of fabricius and spleen weights of progeny of chickens fed pcbs. | in experiment 1, polychlorinated biphenyls (aroclors 1016, 1232, 1242, 1248, and 1254) were fed ad libitum to white leghorn chickens at dietary levels of 5, 10, and 20 p.p.m. for 8 weeks. hatchability of eggs from hens fed 10 and 20 p.p.m. of aroclors 1232, 1242, and 1248 was reduced. the weights of the spleen and bursa of fabricius of day-old chicks from hens fed 10 p.p.m. of aroclors 1242 and 1248 or 20 p.p.m. of aroclors 1232, 1242, 1248, and 1254 were less than those of control chicks. body ... | 1976 | 825848 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for titration of antibodies against brucella abortus and yersinia enterocolitica. | an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using phenolwater extracted lipopolysaccarides as antigen was used for detection and quantitation of antibodies against brucella and yersinia bacteria in rabbit antisera. elisa was found to be from ten to hundred-fold more sensitive than the commonly used tube agglutination assay (widal). in addition, both direct and inhibition assays using elisa revealed antigenic differences between brucella abortus and yersinia enterocolitica o-group v, previously ... | 1976 | 826112 |
a leucocyte migration study on the cell-mediated immunity against adult human oral mucosa and streptococcal antigens in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. | in vitro demonstration of cell-mediated immunity (cmi) against adult human oral mucosa antigen (ahom) and streptococcal antigens was accomplished by means of the leucocyte migration test (lmt) in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (ras). if antigenic extracts of ahom, streptococcus sanguis strain 2a or streptococcus pyogenes strain m5 were used in the lmt experiments, the distribution of migration indices (mi) over patients with ras differed significantly from the distribution over the ... | 1976 | 826113 |
isolation of brucella abortus from two dogs in contact with bovine brucellosis. | on a farm where several cattle were serologically positive for bovine brucellosis, three dogs were found to have titres greater than 400 i.u. to brucella abortus. the titres persisted until the dogs were killed over two months later. two male dogs were necropsied. b. abortus was isolated from the spleen of both dogs. while farm dogs are not thought to be a major reservoir of bovine brucellosis they may be considered as possible carriers in imfected herds and should be considered during the inves ... | 1976 | 826308 |
radioimmunoassay for antibodies against brucella abortus: a new serological test for bovine brucellosis. | a radioimmunoassay (ria) has been developed to measure antibodies against brucella abortus in bovine serum and can be used in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. the ria measures the amount of specific antibody of the igg1 and igg2 subclasses but is insensitive to igm, a characteristic which may make it more suitable than the complement fixation test (cft) or the serum agglutination test for distinguishing infected animals from those which have been vaccinated with br. abortus strain 19. the r ... | 1976 | 826587 |
sensitivity of brucella spp to tetracycline and its analogues. | the sensitivity to eight tetracyclines of 100 strains of brucellae, comprising strains of brucella abortus, br. melitensis, and br. suis, was determined. demethylchlortetracycline was the most effecitve against all the groups of brucellae, whereas oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline were the least effective. the mean mic value for demethylchlortetracycline, doxycycline, lymecycline, and tetracycline was less than or equal to 1 mug/ml. strains of br. abortus biotype 2 and br. suis were the most ... | 1976 | 827554 |
[chemical and immunologic study of the bacterial wall of brucella abortus 99]. | the investigations were carried out through the cft serologic activity of some of the brucella abortus 99 cell components. it was found that only 0.6 per cent of the weight of the bacterial walls could be extracted by means of physiologic saline. the extracts proved to be serologically active and specific for these brucella organisms only. the wall of brucella abortus 99 and its peptidoglucan were shown to be rich in lysine, leucine, glitamic acid, and valine, and poor in methionine, histidine, ... | 1976 | 827848 |
infection and serological responses in cattle given 45/20 vaccine and later challenged with brucella abortus. | one of 2 groups of 15 non-pregnant cows was vaccinated twice 6 weeks apart by the subcutaneous route with a killed adjuvant 45/20 vaccine. at the time of the first vaccination a bull was introduced for a period of 14 weeks. all animals were challenged with 1.5 x 10(7) brucella abortus organisms given into the conjunctival sac 18 weeks after the second vaccination of the vaccinated group. the largest lesions at the site of vaccination (8 cm diam.) were seen 2 weeks after inoculation. small lesion ... | 1976 | 828049 |
relation between macrophage migration inhibition and immunity to brucella abortus in guinea-pigs. | relation between macrophage migration inhibition and immunity to brucella abortus in guinea-pigs. onderstepoort journal of veterinary research 43 (4), 175-184 (1976). a soluble protein antigen was prepared from brucella melitensis rev i with which macrophage migration inhibition (mmi) assays were successfully done using guinea-pig peritoneal exudate cells. by comparing the mmi, agglutinin response and immunity of groups and of individual guinea-pigs which had been immunized with either b. melite ... | 1976 | 828715 |
[vaccinal strain of brucella abortus 19-ba in ticks (argasidae) infected by feeding]. | | 1976 | 828951 |
the augmentation of antibody responses by preliminary intrabursal priming in the chicken. | direct injection of antigen into bursal tissue of young chickens followed by subsequent intravenous immunization markedly stimulated agglutinin production against brucella abortus. in contrast, preliminary intravenous immunization did not produce stimulation. the promoting effect of intrabursal injection was antigen-specific. antigen injection into the bursa reduced the extent to which subsequent bursectomy suppresses the immune response. bursa cells from young chickens which had been injected w ... | 1976 | 829231 |
evaluation of five mediums for the stabilization of brucella abortus strain 19 dessicated by lyophilization. | lyophilized brucella abortus strain 19 vaccines were prepared using five recommended mediums. these five vaccines were compared with each other and with liquid vaccine relative to their suitability for (1) maintaning distinguishing cultural characteristics; (2) maintaining viability during lyophilization; (3) quality of restoration; (4) maintaining viability under various storage temperatures and (5) maintaining stable, antigenic and virulence qualities. | 1976 | 829491 |
brucella abortus infection in sheep. ii. experimental infection of ewes. | | 1976 | 963495 |
endotoxic activity of rough organisms of brucella species. | a rough-specific antigen extracted from the rough species brucella ovis and lipopolysaccharide extracted from smooth brucella abortus demonstrated equivalent levels of activity in tests for mouse lethality and limulus lysate clotting activity. acetone-extracted whole cells of b. ovis and of b. canis and of a rough mutant of b; abortus had the same toxicity for mice, but it was not possible to extract endotoxin from b. canis by the methods used. | 1976 | 971943 |
vaccination against bovine brucellosis with a low dose of strain 19 administered by the conjunctival route. iii. -- serological response and immunity in the pregnant cow. | seventy-four heifers, 7 to 12 months old, were randomized in four groups: group a, 8 heifers as controls; group b, 19 heifers vaccinated subcutaneously with 9 x 10(10) brucella abortus strain b 19; group c, 19 heifers vaccinated as in group b, then revaccinated by the conjunctival route 6 to 8 months later with 5 x 10(9) bacteria; group d, 28 heifers vaccinated twice by the conjunctival route with the same dose and time intervals as in group c. serological responses in agglutination, complement ... | 1976 | 984715 |
the effects of nutritional rehabilitation on antibody production in protein-deficient mice. | the transfer of chronically protein-deficient mice to an optimal diet a few days before immunization with sheep erythrocytes, tetanus toxoid or brucella abortus vaccine either failed to increase antibody production above the level produced by deficient mice, or suppressed the responses to below those produced by deficient mice or normally-fed controls. transfer to high protein diet on the day of immunization or feeding deficient mice the normal diet for just 2 days at the time of injection produ ... | 1976 | 992718 |
common enterobacterial antigen in yersinia enterocolitica. | production of the common enterobacterial antigen (ca) by strains of yersinia enterocolitica (y.e.) serotypes 3 and 9 (winblad), by strains of 5 different y.e. serogroups (wauters) and various other bacteria was examined. antibody against ca was raised by immunization of rabbits with e. coli o 14. extract prepared from s. typhimurium was used for the sensitization of sheep erythrocytes with ca. absorption and haemagglutination inhibition experiments showed that ca could be detected in heat extrac ... | 1975 | 1098394 |
changes in the blood picture of cattle and calves following vaccination with brucella abortus (strain 45/20) vaccine. | | 1975 | 1166713 |
diverse effects of bursectomy on humoral immune responses in the chicken. | chickens bursectomized hormonally or surgically at various ages in embryonic to postembryonic lives were immunized with a mixture of antigens, and the antibodies produced titrated. immune responses to salmonella pullorum (sp), brucella abortus (ba). staphylococcus aureus (staph) and ovalbumin (oa) were more markedly suppressed by the bursal deprivation than those to heterogenous erythrocytes, viruses and such bacteria as pasteurella multocida (pm) and escherichia coli b. the immune response to b ... | 1975 | 1187514 |
[possible relationship between bacterial surface structures, immune-adherence, chemotaxis and phagocytosis (author's transl)]. | in the present study we attempted to determine the relationship between bacterial surface structures, immune adherence, chemotaxis and phagocytosis. as shown in table 1 encapsulated bacteria (klebsiella ozanae, k. pneumoniae, pasteurella multocida, streptococcus pneumoniae), mycoplasma pneumoniae and m. fermentans had a much lower immune adherence-activity than non-encapsulated bacteria (bacillus cereus, brucella abortus, erysipelothrix insidiosa, escherichia coli, listeria monocytogenes, pseudo ... | 1976 | 1258564 |
properties of some new brucella phage isolates; evidence for lysogeny within the genus. | a number of phages were isolated from brucella abortus strains showing atypical phage sensitivity patterns. the phages, designated the firenze group, were all similar in morphology, host range general properties. they were lytic for smooth brucella abortus, br. neotomae and br. suis, but not for br. melitensis strains. they were serologically distinct from phages of the tbilisi and m51-s708-weybridge groups and also differed from these in plaque morphology and physical and chemical stability. th ... | 1976 | 1261749 |
serological survey for bovine bacterial and viral pathogens in captive arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx pallas, 1776). | tests for antibodies to bovine bacterial and viral pathogens were conducted on 239 sera from 128 arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx) from seven locations (taif, riyadh and mahazat as said, saudi arabia; san diego, united states of america [usa]; shaumari, jordan; qatar; and bahrain). no antibodies to pasteurella multocida type e or epizootic haemorrhagic disease 1 virus were found. antibodies to brucella abortus, p. multocida type b, p. multocida type d, lumpy skin disease virus and akabane virus were ... | 1992 | 1305861 |
an evaluation of serologic tests used to diagnose brucellosis in buffaloes (bubalus bubalis). | five serologic procedures were evaluated in buffaloes and results compared with cultures of 64 udder secretion specimens. the rivanol test was superior to all other methods in specificity. the card, rivanol and complement fixation tests identified all infected cows. many sera had complement fixing antibodies while agglutinins were absent. it was concluded that these were false positive results. a new procedure, the particle concentration fluorescence immunoassay, was a sensitive screening test b ... | 1992 | 1306917 |
control of brucellosis in kuwait by vaccination of cattle, sheep and goats with brucella abortus strain 19 or brucella melitensis strain rev. 1. | in kuwait, approximately 12,000 dairy cows were vaccinated with a reduced dose of 3 x 10(9) brucella abortus strain 19 and approximately 350,000 sexually mature sheep and goats with a reduced dose of 10(7) b. melitensis strain rev. 1. using the criteria of prevaccinal and postvaccinal incidences of antibodies, abortions, and human cases of brucellosis, the programme was very successful. widespread vaccination of adult animals is the most effective method of controlling brucellosis among cattle, ... | 1992 | 1306918 |
chronic morphine administration impairs cell-mediated immune responses in swine. | swine were used as an experimental animal model to evaluate immunomodulating effects of the opiate drug, morphine, on antigen-specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. morphine free base in peanut oil was administered at 4-day intervals for up to 42 days to maintain drug levels at or above 100 ng/ml. the effect of morphine administration on humoral immune responses was evaluated by immunization on day 7 of morphine treatment with a battery of antigens, including swine herpes virus (al ... | 1992 | 1310738 |
cloning and nucleotide sequence of the brucella abortus groe operon. | the cloning and sequencing of the brucella abortus groes and groel genes are reported. the genes are adjacent on the brucella chromosome, and presumably comprise a functional operon. putative promoter and terminator sequences are also identified. the groes gene exhibits 60%, and the groel gene 69%, sequence identity with the corresponding escherichia coli genes. | 1992 | 1347461 |
characterization of the heat shock response in brucella abortus and isolation of the genes encoding the groe heat shock proteins. | in an effort to define the heat shock response in the bovine intracellular pathogen brucella abortus, a rough variant lacking extensive lipopolysaccharide was pulse-labeled with [35s]methionine following exposure to elevated temperatures. the major heat shock proteins observed following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography migrate at 70, 62, 18, and 10 kda. the maximum response was observed between 42 and 46 degrees c and within 2 to 3 h of the shif in te ... | 1992 | 1350274 |
brucella abortus stimulates human t cells from uninfected and hiv-infected individuals to secrete ifn gamma: implications for use of brucella abortus as a carrier in development of human vaccines. | brucella abortus has been characterized as a t-independent type 1 antigen/carrier in human and murine antibody responses. in this report it is shown that ba can activate human cd3+ t cells to secrete interferon-gamma (ifn gamma). unlike mitogens, such as phytohemagglutinin, this stimulation was associated with minimal t-cell proliferation or upregulation of interleukin-2 (il-2) receptor. monocytes inhibited ba-mediated ifn gamma secretion since their removal resulted in increased responses, wher ... | 1992 | 1350916 |
in vivo inhibition by a monoclonal antibody to cd4+ t cells of humoral and cellular immunity in sheep. | the ability of intravenously injected anti-cd4 and anti-cd8 monoclonal antibody (mab) to deplete specific lymphocyte subsets in vivo and their effects on antibody responses to ovalbumin (ova) and brucella abortus, and skin reactivity to t-cell mitogens was examined in merino lambs. repeated administration of anti-cd4 or anti-cd8 mab caused a specific and sustained depletion of target cells from peripheral blood. anti-cd4 mab significantly inhibited the in vivo antibody response to ova but had no ... | 1992 | 1356915 |
preferential suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity by l-156,602, a c5a receptor antagonist. | in the course of our screening for in vivo immunomodulating substances in which sheep red blood cells (srbc) and heat-killed brucella abortus cells (thymus dependent and independent antigens, respectively) for antibody production assays, and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (tnbs) for delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) assay were adopted as antigens, we detected a dth-specific suppressive activity. the producing organism was isolated from a soil sample collected in ushiku city, ibaraki, japan and ... | 1992 | 1369067 |
protection against brucella melitensis or brucella abortus in mice with immunoglobulin g (igg), iga, and igm monoclonal antibodies specific for a common epitope shared by the brucella a and m smooth lipopolysaccharides. | mice passively immunized prior to a challenge infection with immunoglobulin g (igg) and igm monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for a common epitope of both a- and m-dominant strains had viable brucella abortus 544 or brucella melitensis h38 counts in the spleen reduced to the same extent as did mice passively immunized with mabs specific for either the a or the m epitope. the iga mab was not effective. | 1992 | 1370276 |
identification and analysis of a novel human surface cd5- b lymphocyte subset producing natural antibodies. | the production of "natural" autoantibodies or antibodies, i.e., ig that bind a variety of self- and/or exogenous ag and arise independently of known immunization, is though to be a feature of cd5+ b lymphocytes. to determine whether other lymphocyte subsets exist that might be committed to the production of natural antibodies, human peripheral blood b cells were sorted on the basis of surface cd5 expression and differential expression of surface cd45ra (cd5+cd45raintermediate(int), cd5-cd45ralow ... | 1992 | 1374094 |
identification of brucella spp. by using the polymerase chain reaction. | the application of two synthetic oligonucleotides as probes and as primers in the polymerase chain reaction is presented for a specific, sensitive, and quick identification of brucella spp. the specific oligonucleotide sequences were chosen on the basis of a 16s rrna sequence alignment between brucella abortus and agrobacterium tumefaciens. | 1992 | 1377903 |
protection conferred on mice by combinations of monoclonal antibodies directed against outer-membrane proteins or smooth lipopolysaccharide of brucella. | the effect of monoclonal antibodies (mabs) injected alone or in combination on brucella splenic infection in cd-1 mice was tested 7 and 21 days after a challenge with virulent brucella abortus 544. passive immunisation of mice with anti-25-27-kda mab alone, or mixed with protective anti-16.5 and anti-36-38-kda mabs, or with mabs of the same specificity which were previously demonstrated to have no activity on cd-1 mice, produced a significant reduction of spleen counts of b. abortus (p less than ... | 1992 | 1378499 |
o-chain expression in the rough brucella melitensis strain b115: induction of o-polysaccharide-specific monoclonal antibodies and intracellular localization demonstrated by immunoelectron microscopy. | spleen cells from mice infected with the rough brucella melitensis strain b115 were fused with nso myeloma cells. hybridoma supernatants were screened in elisa with cell walls (cw), sonicated cell extracts (ce) and rough lipopolysaccharide (r-lps) of b. melitensis strain b115 and whole b. melitensis b115 cells. surprisingly, 22 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reacting in elisa with both cw and ce but not with r-lps and bacterial cells were shown by immunoblot analysis and elisa to react with smooth ... | 1992 | 1382111 |
priming of peripheral lymph node b cells with tnp-ficoll: role of lymphokines in b cell differentiation. | we have previously shown that peripheral lymph node (pln) b lymphocytes of adult dba/2j mice failed to make an antibody response to type 2 antigen tnp-ficoll, but exhibited a good antibody response to type 1 antigen tnp-brucella abortus. in the present study we wanted to find out whether the unresponsiveness of pln b cells to tnp-ficoll is due to defects in the early activation and proliferation stage or in the final differentiation stage of b cells. therefore, we have used a two-step protocol o ... | 1992 | 1394451 |
liposome potentiation of humoral immune response to lipopolysaccharide and o-polysaccharide antigens of brucella abortus. | liposomes were evaluated for their effectiveness as vaccine carriers in the potentiation of the mouse humoral response to the lipopolysaccharide (lps) and o-polysaccharide (ops) antigens of brucella abortus. lps and ops were extracted from a pathogenic strain of b. abortus and were encapsulated within multilamellar vesicles. groups of mice, immunized with liposome-encapsulated and free lps or ops, were bled weekly and the specific igm and igg levels in the sera were determined by an indirect flu ... | 1992 | 1398758 |
histological and functional differentiation of non-lymphoid cells in the chicken spleen. | the phenotypes and functions of various populations of non-lymphoid cells in the chicken spleen were investigated with monoclonal antibodies and after in vivo administration of antigens. monoclonal antibody cvi-chnl-68.1 was used to detect red pulp macrophages, interdigitating cells, and monocytes, whereas cvi-chnl-68.2 was used to detect ellipsoid-associated non-lymphoid cells (eanc). two new monoclonal antibodies were developed: cvi-chnl-74.2, which specifically recognized red pulp macrophages ... | 1992 | 1398767 |
effects of gamma interferon and indomethacin in preventing brucella abortus infections in mice. | increased resistance to infection with brucella abortus 2308 resulted when recombinant murine gamma interferon (rmuifn-gamma) was given to mice both before and during infection but not when given only before infection. mice given rmuifn-gamma had enhanced peritoneal and splenic macrophage bactericidal activity against b. abortus. treatment of mice with rmuifn-gamma plus indomethacin did not further enhance resistance to infection or macrophage bactericidal activity compared with that after treat ... | 1992 | 1398950 |
identification of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid as a brucella abortus siderophore. | brucella abortus grown in low-iron medium or in the presence of iron chelators [ethylenediamine-di(o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) and 2,2-dipyridyl] showed reduced cell yields and released a material positive in chemical and biological assays for catechols. this material was purified from culture fluids of b. abortus 2308 by chromatography on agarose-iminodiacetic acid-fe3+ and identified as 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-dhba) by thin-layer chromatography, paper electrophoresis, and uv-visible nuc ... | 1992 | 1398964 |
a comparison of the gland of harder response and head-associated lymphoid tissue (halt) morphology in chickens and turkeys. | the immunofunctional response of the gland of harder (gh) was compared in chickens and turkeys using an in vivo assay previously developed for use in chickens. the gh were surgically removed (ghx) from leghorn chicks at 1 day of age and from poults at 2 days of age. intact birds of each species served as controls. during the fourth week of age, both gh-intact and ghx chicks were exposed to killed brucella abortus antigen by the ocular or intraperitoneal route. one week later, serum and tears wer ... | 1992 | 1417610 |
antibody responses to combinations of antigens in white leghorn chickens of different background genomes and major histocompatibility complex genotypes. | antibody responses in chickens to srbc, newcastle disease (ndv), and brucella abortus (ba) were compared when given singly or in combination. chickens used in the present experiment originated from a cross and then backcrossing of white leghorn populations that had been selected for high (ha) or low (la) antibody response to srbc antigens. the populations used in the current study were segregating for mhc haplotypes b13 and b21. the experiment had a 2 x 3 x 6 factorial arrangement of treatments ... | 1992 | 1437966 |
comparative behaviour of brucella abortus strains 19 and rb51 in the pregnant mouse. | pregnant balb/c mice received various doses of either brucella abortus strain 19, a smooth vaccine strain, or b abortus strain rb51, a stable rough organism, intraperitoneally on day 9 of gestation to compare the relative pathogenicity of the two attenuated strains. nine days after inoculation, spleens and placentas were collected for bacteriological and histopathological examination. a dose of 10(7.5) and strain 19 organisms produced a severe necrosuppurative placentitis occasionally accompanie ... | 1992 | 1439207 |
[brucella abortus meningitis in a patient with hiv infection]. | | 1992 | 1447944 |
[brucella vaccination in professionally exposed subjects. prospective study]. | this prospective phase iv study on cohort concerns a vaccine made of the phenol-insoluble fraction of brucella abortus biotype 1 (b19 strain). three hundred and three professionally exposed subjects entered the study; 161 out of 182 subjects (88.5 percent) with negative response to an intradermal test for detection of previous contamination accepted to be vaccinated. booster injections were given 18 and 36 months after vaccination. local pain was observed after 45.2 percent of injections and mod ... | 1992 | 1454777 |
cross-reactivity of monoclonal antibodies to bovine immunoglobulins with immunoglobulins of other species. | monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to bovine immunoglobulin heavy chain of the four major isotypes gamma 1, gamma 2, alpha, mu and the light chains (combined kappa and lambda) were produced and found to cross-react in enzyme-linked immunoassay (elisa) with immunoglobulins of some other animal species despite the discrete specificity associated with an antibody derived from a single clone. this cross-reactivity, particularly amongst ruminants, could be utilized in serological testing for the diagnosis ... | 1992 | 1455682 |
the long-term culture of bovine monocyte-derived macrophages and their use in the study of intracellular proliferation of brucella abortus. | although the immune response to brucella abortus is multifaceted, the key event in contending with this pathogen appears to be the interaction of the organism with cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. a cell culture system was developed which allowed the long-term maintenance of blood monocyte-derived macrophages in teflon culture vessels in a relatively unstimulated state. the assay system was optimized for timing of bacteria-macrophage interaction and numbers of bacteria and macrophages ... | 1992 | 1455685 |
bacterial survival, lymph node changes, and immunologic responses of cattle vaccinated with standard and mutant strains of brucella abortus. | forty-eight cattle were used in 4 experiments; 6-week-old calves in experiments 1-3 (n = 24) and 10-month-old heifers in experiment 4 (n = 24). in experiments 1-3, 7 groups of 3 calves each were inoculated sc with 5 strains of brucella abortus: virulent strain 2308 (2 groups), vaccine strain 19 (2 groups), and mutant strains rb51. 19 delta 31k, and 19 delta sod. sera and lymph node tissues were examined at 2-week intervals for evidence of infection. at postinoculation (pi) week 12, 2 calves in e ... | 1992 | 1456536 |
monophosphoryl lipid a-induced immune enhancement of brucella abortus salt-extractable protein and lipopolysaccharide vaccines in balb/c mice. | a study was conducted to determine the effect of monophosphoryl lipid a (mpl) and trehalose dimycolate (tdm) as adjuvants on the protective responses in balb/c mice vaccinated with brucella abortus salt-extractable protein (bcsp) or proteinase-k-treated b abortus lipopolysaccharide (pklps). mice were vaccinated with different doses of bcsp or pklps given alone or in combination with mpl or tdm. mice were challenge-exposed 4 weeks later with virulent b abortus strain 2308. two weeks after challen ... | 1992 | 1456539 |
detection of bartonella bacilliformis in cultures, blood, and formalin preserved skin biopsies by use of the polymerase chain reaction. | a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) is described for the detection of bartonella bacilliformis, the etiologic agent of bartonellosis, which cannot be identified biochemically. amplification of a genomic 231 bp bartonella dna sequence permitted specific identification of 12 bartonella isolates from peruvian bartonellosis patients as well as detection of bartonella dna in blood samples and formaldehyde preserved skin biopsies. specificity of amplification products was confirmed by restriction fragme ... | 1992 | 1470840 |
detection of brucella melitensis and brucella abortus by dna amplification. | suitable reaction conditions and oligonucleotide primers were sought for the detection of brucella melitensis and brucella abortus by the polymerase chain reaction. primers were chosen from within the coding sequence of a gene encoding a 31 kda b. abortus antigen. the test was shown to be sensitive, and specificity was demonstrated using dna derived from a panel of gram-negative pathogens. there was no detectable difference between b. melitensis and b. abortus in the sensitivity of the reaction ... | 1992 | 1495123 |
comparison of oxidant production by bovine neutrophils and monocyte-derived macrophages stimulated with brucella abortus strain 2308. | oxidant production by bovine monocyte-derived macrophages and neutrophils was compared after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (pma), opsonized zymosan (oz), and b. abortus opsonized with naive-autologous, reactor, or fetal bovine sera. neutrophils responded more rapidly to all stimuli and produced up to 100-fold greater oxidant than did equal numbers of bovine monocyte-derived macrophages. macrophages and neutrophils stimulated with pma, oz, and reactor-opsonized b. abortus had higher ... | 1992 | 1500098 |
serologic survey for selected arboviruses and other potential pathogens in wildlife from mexico. | during 1988 and 1989, a serologic survey of wildlife was conducted in northeastern mexico to determine the presence, prevalence, and distribution of arboviruses and other selected disease agents. eighty mammal specimens were tested. antibodies to vesicular stomatitis-indiana, venezuelan equine encephalitis-mena ii, rio grande virus, and vesicular stomatitis-new jersey were detected predominantly in small mammals. deer and mouflon (ovis musimon) had antibodies to bluetongue and epizootic hemorrha ... | 1992 | 1512876 |
humoral factors of natural resistance of bos indicus cattle selected for antibody titre to brucella abortus. | the concentration of lysozyme, total immunoglobulin and bactericidal activity were measured in sera of bos indicus cattle, retrospectively screened for specific antibodies to brucella abortus and classified as being positive reactors or negative reactors. in addition, the effect of complement in the sera was studied to demonstrate complement dependence of antibody-mediated bacterial killing. it was observed that, under the test conditions, serum bactericidal activity and concentration of total i ... | 1992 | 1514060 |
can peritoneal b cells be rendered unresponsive? | ly-1+ b cells have been reported to produce a number of autoantibodies, and to be involved in the selection and regulation of the conventional b cell repertoire. it is not known if these b cells, which are found in high numbers in the peritoneum of normal adult mice, themselves can be regulated. in this study, we evaluated the sensitivity of peritoneal b cells (pbcs) versus conventional splenic b cells to regulation in a model system for tolerance. normal splenic (conventional) or pbcs (containi ... | 1992 | 1540546 |
lipopolysaccharide (lps) from brucella abortus is less toxic than that from escherichia coli, suggesting the possible use of b. abortus or lps from b. abortus as a carrier in vaccines. | brucella abortus may be useful as a component of vaccines. this is because it possesses several unique properties as a carrier that enable it to stimulate human b cells even in the relative absence of t cells. human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proteins conjugated to b. abortus could induce neutralizing antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1. recently we showed that the characteristics of lipopolysaccharide (lps) derived from b. abortus are similar to those of the whole bacteriu ... | 1992 | 1548064 |
effect of recombinant human macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 on immunopathology of experimental brucellosis in mice. | brucella abortus injected into cba mice replicated primarily in the spleen and liver, reaching a peak bacterial count in both organs about 7 days postinfection. the organism was eliminated from the liver but declined to a chronic phase in the spleen. the infection caused hepatosplenomegaly. an influx of macrophages into the two organs was monitored by quantitative northern (rna blot) analysis of the macrophage-specific marker lysozyme mrna. lysozyme mrna was detectable in spleen and increased th ... | 1992 | 1548070 |
effect of brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide on oxidative metabolism and lysozyme release by human neutrophils. | both brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide (lps) and lipid a were low activators of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and lysozyme release in human neutrophils. the stimulation was dose dependent and was higher in the presence of autologous plasma than in its absence. the comparison between brucella lps and lipid a versus salmonella lps revealed that at least 100 times more lps and 1,000 times more lipid a of the former genus were required to induce significant nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and a ... | 1992 | 1548094 |
differentiation between active and inactive human brucellosis by measuring antiprotein humoral immune responses. | a preparation of brucella abortus cytoplasmic proteins was depleted of lipopolysaccharide (lps) by immunoadsorption with a monoclonal antibody (mab), bc68, specific for the o antigen of b. abortus smooth lps. two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) systems were developed and used in this study. the first system includes an lps-free cytoplasmic protein preparation; the second one was based on antigen capture on mab bc68. by using these systems, we have demonstrated that 94% (33 of 35) of th ... | 1992 | 1551977 |
molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the gene encoding the immunoreactive brucella abortus hsp60 protein, ba60k. | a recombinant 60 kda brucella abortus protein expressed in escherichia coli was recognized in immunoblots by sera from mice experimentally infected with b. abortus and a dog experimentally infected with b. canis. sera from humans and dogs with naturally acquired brucellosis also recognized this protein, which was designated ba60k. the gene encoding ba60k was localized within an 18 kb b. abortus genomic fragment and its direction of transcription determined by subcloning and maxicell analysis of ... | 1992 | 1560753 |
identification and purification of a cpn60 heat shock protein homolog from helicobacter pylori. | helicobacter pylori is associated with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease in humans. we have identified a homolog of the chaperonin cpn60 family of heat shock proteins in h. pylori, referred to as hp54k. hp54k, purified from water-extractable h. pylori proteins, migrated as a single band at 54 kda by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. its native molecular mass was 740 kda; thus, hp54k apparently comprises a 14-mer. the n-terminal 33 residues of hp54k exhibited 60.6, 57.6, ... | 1992 | 1563786 |
serologic and bacteriologic test results after adult vaccination with strain 19 in three dairy herds infected with brucellosis. | milk culture data and serologic test results were evaluated after adult vaccination with brucella abortus strain 19 in cattle of 3 large california dairy herds infected with brucellosis. strain-19 organisms were isolated by culture of milk from 1.9% of the vaccinated cows. isolation of field strain of b abortus varied directly with magnitude of complement-fixation (cf) and rivanol titers. at time of milk culture, 74% of cows from which field strain was isolated had cf titer greater than or equal ... | 1992 | 1568926 |
effects of induced moulting on immune responses of hens. | 1. the potential for induced moult to be a stressor and therefore alter the immune response in hens was examined. spent hens from white leghorn and white rock layer flocks were induced into a moult by withdrawal of food and the effects on the humoral and cellular immune responses of these birds were examined. 2. lymphocyte numbers were lower in moulted birds compared with nonmoulted controls. 3. antibody responses to sheep red blood cells or brucella abortus antigen were largely unaffected. 4. t ... | 1992 | 1571800 |
brucella abortus deficient in copper/zinc superoxide dismutase is virulent in balb/c mice. | the gene encoding the cu/zn superoxide dismutase (sod) of brucella abortus strain 2308 was identified in a brucella genomic library utilizing a combination of western blotting and native gel electrophoresis. the cu/zn sod gene was inactivated in vitro by ligation of a kanamycin resistance gene into the open reading frame encoding sod. the plasmid born construct was introduced back into b. abortus by electroporation. replacement of the wild-type cu/zn sod by recombination was demonstrated by show ... | 1992 | 1584004 |
antigens of brucella abortus s19 immunodominant for bovine lymphocytes as identified by one- and two-dimensional cellular immunoblotting. | cellular immune responses are influential for protection against intracellular bacteria such as brucellae. therefore, identification of brucella abortus antigens that activate primed bovine lymphocytes is fundamental for discerning the breadth of cellular response in bovine brucellosis. potentially antigenic components of b. abortus s19 were isolated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by nitrocellulose blotting. specific one-dimensional blot segments induced pr ... | 1992 | 1587614 |
biological half-life of ovine antibody in neonatal lambs and adult sheep following passive immunization. | neonatal lambs and adult wethers were passively immunized with ovine antibody directed against ovalbumin or brucella abortus. estimates for the biological half-lives of the antibodies ranged from 18 to 24 days in neonatal lambs and 12 to 17 days in adult wethers. the evidence suggested that both normal and immunosuppressed wethers which were passively immunized with serum antibody catabolized this antibody at a faster rate than did neonatal lambs. the data provided no support for the hypothesis ... | 1992 | 1595189 |
interaction of bovine chorioallantoic membrane explants with three strains of brucella abortus. | chorioallantoic membrane (cam) explants were used to determine the in vitro growth and cytotoxic potential of 3 strains of brucella abortus. bovine cam explants were inoculated with 2 x 10(7) colony-forming units of the pathogenic strain 2308, attenuated strain 19, or the rough strain rb51 of b abortus. after inoculation, the explants were harvested and examined at 2 or 4 hours, 12 or 14 hours, and 24 or 26 hours of incubation. bacterial growth associated with each explant was determined by coun ... | 1992 | 1595961 |
evaluation of polysaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, and beta-glucan antigens in gel immunodiffusion tests for brucellosis in cattle. | in venezuela, 1,012 cattle sera were screened for their ability to precipitate brucella melitensis 16m smooth-lipopolysaccharide (s-lps), b melitensis b115 polysaccharide b (poly b), b abortus 1119-3 o-polysaccharide (ps), or b abortus 1119-3 cyclic 1,2 linked beta-d-glucan (beta-glucan) in an agar-gel immunodiffusion assay. these sera were previously classified as being brucella abortus-infected, s-19-vaccinated, or negative after an assessment of historical records and results of 5 standard se ... | 1992 | 1595966 |
virulence associated proteins of brucella abortus identified by paired two-dimensional gel electrophoretic comparisons of virulent, vaccine and lps deficient strains. | to identify molecular determinants of virulence, the proteins of brucella abortus strains 2308 (virulent), s19 (vaccine) and lipopolysaccharide deficient rough mutants derived from each (rb51 and s19m3 respectively) were compared by 2-d gel electrophoresis. a total of 996 proteins were identified on autoradiographs of 2-d gels containing [35s]-labeled proteins from these four strains. proteins differing qualitatively or quantitatively (greater than or equal to 10x) between 2308 and s19 are impli ... | 1992 | 1599962 |
construction of cu-zn superoxide dismutase deletion mutants of brucella abortus: analysis of survival in vitro in epithelial and phagocytic cells and in vivo in mice. | cu-zn superoxide dismutase (sod) deletion mutants of brucella abortus s2308, a virulent strain, and s19, a vaccine strain, were generated by gene replacement. a deletion plasmid, pba delta sodknr, was constructed by excising the cu-zn sod gene (cu-zn sod) from a 2.3-kb b. abortus dna fragment of plasmid pba20-1527 and inserting a 1.4-kb dna fragment encoding kanamycin resistance into the cu-zn sod excision site. the deletion plasmid was introduced into b. abortus by electroporation, and southern ... | 1992 | 1612752 |
survival of virulent and attenuated strains of brucella abortus in normal and gamma interferon-activated murine peritoneal macrophages. | virulent brucella abortus 2308 was phagocytized more readily than attenuated strain 19 following opsonization and survived at significantly higher levels in normal murine peritoneal macrophages and in macrophages treated with gamma interferon. activation of macrophages with gamma interferon greatly inhibited intracellular replication of strain 2308 but did not result in its elimination. these data support the hypothesis that persistent infection of the host requires the ability of antibody-opson ... | 1992 | 1612769 |
[results of studies with aborted cattle fetuses]. | the laboratory of the animal health service of south holland investigated 2410 cases of spontaneous abortion (twins (112) were considered one case). seventy-eight afterbirths without foetuses were also examined. the aim of the study was not only to find the cause of abortion but also to see whether there was a relation between the results of the different bacteriological, virological and histological tests used. the presence of igg in the blood of foetuses older than 5 months was also determined ... | 1992 | 1626316 |
effects of route of immunization, adjuvant and unrelated antigens on the humoral immune response in lines of chickens selected for antibody production against sheep erythrocytes. | effects of intramuscular (i.m.), intravenous (i.v.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) primary immunization with the t-dependent antigen, sheep red blood cells (srbc), was studied in two chicken lines selected for either high (h) or low (l) antibody response after i.m. immunization with srbc. the primary route of immunization affected the line differences in the primary response and in the secondary response after i.m. reimmunization. intravenous immunization with the t-dependent antigen bovine serum al ... | 1992 | 1632073 |
fistulous withers in horses: 24 cases (1984-1990). | between jan 1, 1984 and aug 1, 1990, 27 horses were admitted to the veterinary medical center for evaluation of fistulous withers. nine (37.5%) of 24 horses tested for antibody to brucella abortus were seropositive. horses that tested seropositive were significantly (p = 0.046) more likely to have been pastured with cattle that were seropositive for b abortus, and were significantly (p = 0.010) more likely to have had radiographic evidence of vertebral osteomyelitis than were horses that tested ... | 1992 | 1644634 |