
[epidemiology and epizootiology of enteritis caused by campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli]. 19863822876
comparative in vitro activities of twelve antimicrobial agents against campylobacter species.the in vitro susceptibility of 27 campylobacter jejuni, 31 campylobacter coli, and 30 campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus strains to 12 antimicrobial agents was determined. ciprofloxacin, a new quinoline derivative, was the most active agent tested. antimicrobial susceptibility differed among the three species tested.19853873216
isolation, characterization, and serotyping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from slaughter cattle.a total of 525 specimens from 100 slaughter beef cattle were examined for the presence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by direct plating and enrichment techniques. isolates were identified by cultural, biochemical, antibiotic sensitivity, and immunofluorescence tests and further characterized with the aid of recently developed biotyping and serotyping methods. fifty animals were positive for c. jejuni; only one was positive for c. coli. the distribution pattern of c. jejuni-positi ...19853888109
in vitro blastogenic response and immunoglobulin synthesis in murine spleen cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharides from campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.lipopolysaccharides isolated from strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli were mitogenic for spleen cells as measured by 3h-thymidine incorporation. the incorporation was dose dependent with an increase with increased concentration of lps. addition of lps beyond 500 micrograms/ml gave inhibition of incorporation. stimulation of the spleen cells for 3 days with lps led to a polyclonal activation of immunoglobulin synthesis. the amount of immunoglobulins synthesised showed a maximum ...19853909739
[isolation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from intestinal contents and feces of chickens]. 19853925041
in vivo transfer of genetic information between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.a 1427-bp dna fragment containing the kanamycin resistance gene, apha-3, of plasmid pip1433 from campylobacter coli was inserted into a shuttle vector. full expression of apha-3 was obtained in bacillus subtilis and in escherichia coli. this dna fragment was sequenced in its entirety and the starting point for apha-3 transcription in b. subtilis, c. coli and e. coli was determined by s1 nuclease mapping. the sequence of the promoter consists of the hexanucleotides ttgaca and tataat, with a spaci ...19853937729
distribution and serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in enteric campylobacter strains isolated from children in the central african hundred eighty-five enteric campylobacter strains isolated from diarrheic or healthy children in bangui (central african republic) were studied to determine their species and serotypes. c. coli was identified in 38.9% of all strains and in 43.9% of strains from diarrheic children. by the hemagglutination technique for heat-stable antigens, 73.5% of the strains could be serotyped. of the typeable strains, 75% were distributed among 13 more frequent serotypes. c. coli serotype pen 37,56 was th ...19863958146
susceptibility of campylobacter isolates to the bactericidal activity of human serum.although campylobacter jejuni and related thermophilic organisms are more common human pathogens than are campylobacter fetus, most bloodstream or systemic isolates are c. fetus. to understand the pathophysiology related to this observation, the authors studied susceptibility to the bactericidal activity of normal human serum of campylobacter coli, c. jejuni, and c. fetus isolates from feces and blood. in standardized assays, 10 of 15 c. jejuni and related isolates showed 90% kill (mean, 90.6% + ...19853968449
comparison of basal media for culturing campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.four strains of campylobacter jejuni and four strains of campylobacter coli were used to compare the quantitative growth of campylobacter cells on blood agar base no. 2 (oxoid), brucella agar (bbl microbiology systems and difco laboratories), campylobacter agar base (difco), columbia blood agar base (difco and oxoid), and mueller-hinton agar (difco and oxoid). columbia blood agar base and blood agar base no. 2 were inhibitory to most of the strains tested, as evidenced by reduced (10- to 1,000-f ...19853972990
[isolation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in fecal samples of healthy slaughter swine depending on the season]. 19853976311
in vitro activities of 47 antimicrobial agents against three campylobacter spp. from pigs.the in vitro activities of 47 antimicrobial agents against 30 isolates of campylobacter species from pigs were determined by the agar dilution technique. the isolates were obtained from pigs with proliferative enteritis and included 10 strains each of campylobacter coli, campylobacter sputorum subsp. mucosalis, and "campylobacter hyointestinalis gebhart et al." (this name is not on the approved lists). carbadox, furazolidone, nitrofurantoin, gentamicin, and dimetridazole were the most active dru ...19853985597
use of auxotyping for epidemiological studies of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli infections.a chemically defined medium developed for neisseria gonorrhoeae was modified to support the growth of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. a total of 76 isolates of c. jejuni and 14 isolates of c. coli were tested on this medium, which was designated campylobacter defined medium (cdm), over a 3-month period. although none of the c. coli isolates appeared to require amino acids, 51% of the c. jejuni tested required one and 7% required multiple amino acids for growth. an analysis of isolat ...19853988340
[season-related incidence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in fecal samples of healthy slaughter cattle]. 19853993275
estimation of campylobacter spp. in broth culture by bioluminescence assay of atp.the luciferin-luciferase bioluminescence reaction was used to estimate cell numbers of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in broth cultures based on a linear relationship between cell numbers (in excess of 10(4) to 10(5] and atp levels. the sensitivity was lower than that obtained with escherichia coli. the calculated amount of intracellular atp per cell of c. jejuni and c. coli ranged from 1.7 to 2.1 fg.19853994377
typing of heat-stable and heat-labile antigens of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by coagglutination.a coagglutination system has been devised for typing heat-stable and heat-labile antigens of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli. the use of protein a-positive staphylococcus aureus cells carrying campylobacter sp. serotype antibody and the treatment of campylobacter sp. cells with dnase in the antigen suspension permitted rapid and specific coagglutination of rough (autoagglutinable) as well as smooth cultures. cells of s. aureus were sensitized with campylobacter sp. serotype antisera. four to fi ...19853998098
cadmium chloride susceptibility, a characteristic of campylobacter spp.we report a simple diagnostic characteristic useful in the presumptive identification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. filter paper disks impregnated with cadmium chloride were placed on streaked agar medium. zones of growth inhibition for campylobacter spp. occurred at 1.25 micrograms per disk. other enteropathogens (salmonella spp., shigella spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, escherichia coli, and yersinia enterocolitica) were resistant to at least 40 micrograms per ...19853998099
antigenicity of lipopolysaccharides from campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in passive haemagglutination tests and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.passive haemagglutination tests and elisa were used to study the serological activity of homologous and heterologous rabbit antisera against lps prepared from various strains of c. jejuni/coli. in both test systems the homologous antisera exhibited serological activity against lps. the heterologous antisera showed some degree of intra- and inter- species cross-reactivity. the cross-reacting was most pronounced in the elisa. erythrocytes sensitized with untreated lps gave higher antibody-titres t ...19854013751
serotyping of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter laridis from domestic and wild using 50 unabsorbed antisera, we were able to serotype 272 (65.7%) of 414 thermotolerant campylobacters from wild and domestic animals, on the basis of heat-stable antigens identified by means of passive hemagglutination. forty-two serotypes were recognized. the pattern of serotypes detected in the various animal species was compared to human clinical isolates by using the czekanowski index (proportional similarity index). the highest degree of similarity to the clinical isolates was observed ...19854015088
development of a bacteriophage typing system for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.a bacteriophage typing system for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was developed with phages isolated from poultry feces. data for phage selection were generated from a set of isolates of c. jejuni and c. coli from humans in illinois. selection of 14 phages from the 47 phages available was assisted by determination of the sneath-jaccard similarity coefficients and subsequent unweighted pair-group arithmetic averaging cluster analysis. the typing set was reproducible and stable in the ...19854019737
enrichment medium for isolation of campylobacter jejuni-campylobacter coli.a broth enrichment medium for the improvement of isolation of campylobacter jejuni-campylobacter coli from stool samples and other specimens is presented. of 1,228 samples examined in parallel, positive results were obtained from 81 by direct inoculation of selective media and from 112 after enrichment. thus, an increase of 27.7% in the isolation rate was obtained by using the enrichment medium. the same medium without antibiotics allows the preservation of isolates of c. jejuni-c. coli for at l ...19854026287
biotypes and serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains isolated from patients, pigs and chickens in the region of rotterdam.a comparison was made of the distribution of the bio-and serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from human patients (205 isolates), intestinal contents of pigs (163 isolates) and intestinal contents and livers of chickens (147 isolates). all strains were isolated in the region of rotterdam. campylobacter jejuni biotype 1 accounted for 86%, 1% and 82% of the human, pig and chicken isolates respectively; c. coli was present in 7%, 98% and 14% respectively. serotyping was ...19854031520
occurrence of plasmids and antibiotic resistance among campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from healthy and diarrheic animals.serologically defined strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from healthy and diarrheic animals were examined for the occurrence of plasmid dna in association with the antibiotic susceptibility of the bacterial host and the health status of the animal host. of all campylobacter organisms surveyed, 53% (116 of 200) contained plasmid dna. a plasmid occurrence rate of 73.8% was obtained for c. coli from healthy pigs, contrasted by lower plasmid occurrence rates for c. coli from diar ...19854044793
[seasonal distribution of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli (1 september 1982--31 august 1983)]. 19854068889
inhibition of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni by antibiotics used in selective growth media.the ability of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni to grow in the presence of antibiotics used in selective growth media was compared. mic data for c. coli indicated that some strains were more susceptible to the antibiotics than were the c. jejuni strains tested. a reduction of greater than 1 log cycle in the numbers of cells growing on plates containing antibiotics was considered to be a marked level of inhibition. only one of nine of the antibiotic combinations studied did not markedl ...19854077962
[occurrence of 3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-d-glucose in a lipopolysaccharide from campylobacter coli]. 19854087160
susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to macrolides and related compounds.the susceptibility of 105 thermophilic campylobacters from human and swine origins to eight macrolides and related compounds was tested. erythromycin, josamycin, clindamycin, and ase 136 bs (a new erythromycin derivative) were the most active against the human strains. the swine strains were highly resistant, except to pristinamycin. the human campylobacter coli strains (except for two strains) behaved like the c. jejuni strains.19854091531
[isolation and identification of vibrio coli and borrelia like germs in the pig's dysentery]. 19724210742
pathogenicity of vibrio coli for swine. i. experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with vibrio coli.fifteen gnotobiotic pigs varying in age from three to eight weeks were exposed to 23 strains of v. coli isolated from swine with clinical and/or pathological signs of swine dysentery and also from clinically healthy pigs. clinical or pathological signs of swine dysentery were not produced, although the organism was readly established in the sedimentary tract. culture of feces, alimentary tract and environment revealed v. coli in large numbers, but no bacterial growth was obtained from other orga ...19684234782
pathogenicity of vibrio coli for swine. ii. experimental infection of conventional pigs with vibrio coli.the pathogenicity of v. coli for conventional swine was studied by inoculating pigs with cultures of v. coli and v. coli infected gut of gnotobiotic pigs. thus, six conventional pigs were inoculated with strains of v. coli freshly isolated from infected gnotobiotic pigs. the cultures were grown in simulated sows milk, and added to the feed. two other groups, of three pigs each, were infected by administration of minced intestine from two gnotobiotic pigs, heavily infected with the organism. vibr ...19684234783
a preliminary study on the intestinal flora of cecum and colon of eight, ten and 12 week old swine.using a replica-plating method and differential culture media, members of the enterobacteriaceae and pseudomonaceae were determined quantitatively in the colon and cecum content of pigs from different litters, born on the same farm and kept under the same environmental conditions, from the age of six weeks. the bacterial flora in pigs of eight, ten and 12 weeks of age showed little significant quantitative variation. pigs of 12 weeks of age differed significantly from younger ones with respect t ...19734270808
the etiology of swine dysentery. i. oral inoculation of germ-free swine with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli. 19744466031
transmission of swine dysentery with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli. 19744836152
a method of isolating vibrio coli from pigs. 19694894006
gnotobiotic pigs exposed to vibrio coli. 19714943837
[experiments on the electron microscopic differentiation of vibrio fetus, vibrio bubulus, vibrio coli and vibrio metschnikovi]. 19655881830
identification of campylobacter coli isolates from animals and humans by bacterial restriction endonuclease dna analysis.ninety-nine campylobacter coli isolates were examined by bacterial restriction endonuclease dna analysis (brenda) with hindiii. isolates from poultry from the same environment had identical patterns, patterns of isolates carried by suckling piglets were generally the same as those of isolates recovered from their dams, and one human patient yielded the same brenda type when sampled 6 weeks later. the 14 human isolates examined produced 11 distinct brenda types. forty-three c. coli isolates from ...19846093690
toxins produced by campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. 19846141372
nucleic acids in the classification of campylobacters.the importance of campylobacters in human disease has stimulated improvements in the methods for identification of strains from hospitals and the environment. reliable and accurate identification depends on a sound classification for which nucleic acid analyses provide fundamental information about species relationships. studies on the genus campylobacter show that the genome dna of species have base compositions of 29 to 38 mol% g + c and molecular weights of 1.54 x 10(9) to 2.31 x 10(9). campy ...19836194994
structural and antigenic heterogeneity of lipopolysaccharides of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.the techniques of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, silver staining, and immunoblotting were used to analyze the lipopolysaccharide (lps) structure of 20 strains of campylobacter jejuni and 4 strains of campylobacter coli belonging to more than 22 thermostable serotypes. the lpss of all strains examined were shown to be of a low-molecular-weight type, and these low-molecular-weight lpss conferred heat-stable serospecificity. high-molecular-weight banding observed with bo ...19846203838
characterization of tetracycline resistance plasmids from campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.tetracycline resistance in strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was mediated by plasmids. intra- and interspecies transfer was demonstrated within the genus campylobacter. buoyant densities of plasmid dnas ranged from 1.691 to 1.694 g/cm3 (31 to 33% guanine plus cytosine). restriction enzymes acci, bcli, bglii, and psti were found to be most useful for comparing the plasmids. the molecular weight of c. jejuni plasmid pmak175 was 44.7 kilobases (29 x 10(6), and the other plasmid ...19836318666
serogroups of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter fetus defined by direct immunofluorescence.rabbits were inoculated with whole, formalinized campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and c. fetus cells; the c. jejuni and c. coli immunogens were identified by their dna relatedness at the species level to the type strains of c. jejuni or c. coli. the designation c. coli was not used among the other c. jejuni strains; they were classified as hippurate-positive or hippurate-negative c. jejuni. immunoglobulin g was isolated from the antisera and labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate. these conjugate ...19836341405
an acid extract as a common antigen in campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni acid extract prepared from a single strain of campylobacter jejuni reacted with rabbit antisera against 21 strains of c. jejuni and campylobacter coli. the immunogen is resistant to formalin and to exposure to 100 degrees c for 30 min. the antigenic extract may have practical applications in human serology.19836343426
correlation of an expanded direct fluorescent-antibody system with an established passive hemagglutination system for serogrouping strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.rabbits were inoculated with whole, formalinized cells from eight passive hemagglutination reference strains of campylobacter. fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled immunoglobulin g from these antisera defined seven new direct fluorescent-antibody serogroups of c. jejuni and one new serogroup of c. coli. this expanded the campylobacter direct fluorescent antibody system to include 17 serogroups of c. jejuni, 3 serogroups of c. coli, and 2 serogroups of c. fetus. we then compared the passive hemaggl ...19836358249
analysis of campylobacter jejuni antigens with monoclonal develop monoclonal reagents for antigenic analysis and serotyping of campylobacter spp., hybridoma cell lines were produced by fusion of mouse myeloma cells and spleen cells from mice immunized with formalin-treated campylobacter jejuni organisms. an enzyme immunoassay was used for preliminary screening of the cell culture supernatants and ascites. twenty-nine clones which reacted with the immunogen were obtained. seven of these clones were positive in passive hemagglutination tests with shee ...19846365954
[detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in the routine laboratory]. 19846393616
a comparison of microaerobic systems for the culture of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.the relative ability of two commercial gas generating envelopes, the evacuation-replacement technique, and a candle jar, to produce a satisfactory microaerobic atmosphere for the culture of 45 campylobacter strains on non-selective medium and five selective media (skirrow's, modified butzler's blaser's, campy-bap and preston medium) was investigated quantitatively. a candle jar, and modified butzler's medium proved to be of limited use. the ability of four commercial gas generating envelopes to ...19836407829
chemical composition and biological activity of lipopolysaccharides prepared from type strains of campylobacter jejuni and campolybacter coli.lipopolysaccharides (lps) were extracted from seven type strains of campylobacter jejuni and one type strain of campylobacter coli with 45 per cent aqueous phenol. the sugar components present in all lps were glucose, galactose, l-glycero-d-manno-heptose, 2-keto-3-deoxy-octulosonic acid and glucosamine. all but one lps contained galactosamine, and two strains contained in addition mannose. the fatty acids present were 3-hydroxy-tetradecanoic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid and trace amounts of n-tetra ...19846440410
[antimicrobial susceptibility of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from human and animals in japan]. 19846442333
isoprenoid quinone content and cellular fatty acid composition of campylobacter species.a total of 36 strains of campylobacter species were examined for isoprenoid quinones and cellular fatty acids. the isoprenoid quinone content was determined by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the fatty acids were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. all campylobacter species contained menaquinone-6 (2-methyl-3-farnesyl-farnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) and a methyl-substituted menaquinone-6 (2,[5 or 8]-dimethyl-3-farnesyl-farnesyl-1,4-napthoquinone) as the major i ...19846470096
differentiation of campylobacter species by protein banding patterns in polyacrylamide slab gels.soluble protein extracts of 37 catalase-positive strains of campylobacter species were examined by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis (page). electrophoretic banding patterns showed good correlation with biochemical tests and with available dna homology data in distinguishing species of campylobacter but did not differentiate subspecies or biotypes. page patterns indicated that campylobacter coli is a distinct species. furthermore, the page patterns indicated that c. jejuni and nalidixic ac ...19846490829
new, extended biotyping scheme for campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and "campylobacter laridis".a biotyping scheme using improved media and methods for the detection of hippurate hydrolysis, rapid h2s production, and dna hydrolysis was applied to 1,826 cultures of campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli and "campylobacter laridis" isolates from human and nonhuman sources. four biotypes were identified among c. jejuni: 57.3% of the isolates belonged to biotype i; 36.0%, to biotype ii; 4.0%, to biotype iii; and 2.7%, to biotype iv. c. coli organisms were differentiated into biotype i (67.0% ...19846490850
plasmid content and pathogenicity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains in the pregnant guinea pig model.strains of campylobacter jejuni and c coli from human and animal sources were assessed for pathogenicity by their capability to produce abortions in pregnant guinea pigs. the pathogenicity rate varied from 7% to 87% for the c jejuni strains and from 0% to 53% for the c coli strains. plasmid carriage was not found to correlate with pathogenicity as determined by ability of the strains to produce abortions in the pregnant guinea pig model.19846497123
campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli inoculation of neonatal calves.three groups of neonatal calves were inoculated orally with pathogenic strains of campylobacter jejuni or c coli. the calves developed a mild, self-limiting enteritis characterized by thick mucoid feces. bacteremia and fecal shedding of campylobacter were sporadic in all inoculated calves. two groups of calves were killed 1 to 3 weeks after inoculation to study the pathogenesis of infection. postmortem culture of tissues revealed c jejuni or c coli most frequently in the ileum, cecum, colon, and ...19846497139
does the occurrence of plasmids in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates correlate with antibiotic resistance? 19846499842
comparison of antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter determine whether employing antibiograms is useful to separate campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, we determined the mics of 12 antibiotics for 104 human clinical strains and 74 swine strains. of 74 swine strains, 5 (7%) were hippurate positive, as were 93 (89%) of 104 human strains. the 12 antimicrobial agents tested were ampicillin, amoxicillin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, furazolidone, norfloxacin, nalidixic acid, rosoxacin, rosaramicin, tetracycline, and sch 32063 ...19846508265
improved biotyping schemes for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.campylobacter jejuni (20 strains) and campylobacter coli (12 strains) were assigned to four biovars for each species based on phenotypic tests that were easy to perform and interpret. the resulting biotyping schemes offer a greater degree of distinction among c. jejuni and c. coli strains than any of the other biotyping schemes previously described for these organisms.19846511880
a pulmonary abnormality of newborn lambs.nineteen pregnant ewes deliberately infected orally with campylobacter coli/jejuni at either 80 or 120 days gestation and accidentally subjected to a period of heat stress during the latter half of pregnancy produced clinically normal but growth-retarded lambs at term. a group of 7 pregnant ewes uninfected with campylobacter but subjected to the same heat stress produced lambs clinically and morphologically similar to the lambs of the other 2 groups. microscopically, the lungs from 11 lambs show ...19846512027
antibacterial activities of nitrothiazole against campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.niridazole (ambilhar) and three other newly synthesized nitrothiazole derivatives were highly active against 19 microaerophilic campylobacters (minimum concentration required to inhibit 50% of strains [mic50], 0.0075 to 0.015 mg/liter). there were, however, considerable differences in the susceptibility among strains tested, and one nitrothiazole derivative was rather inactive (mic50, 2 mg/liter). nitroimidazole derivatives, such as metronidazole and tinidazole, were less active (mic50, 2 and 4 ...19846517542
chemical studies of partially hydrolysed lipopolysaccharides from four strains of campylobacter jejuni and two strains of campylobacter coli.lipopolysaccharides (lps) from four strains of campylobacter jejuni and two strains of c. coli were partially hydrolysed with 1% acetic acid. subsequent chloroform extraction led to the formation of a polysaccharide-containing aqueous layer, an interfacial material and a lipid a-containing chloroform layer. the polysaccharides contained the neutral sugars, amino sugars, 2-keto-3-deoxy-octonic acid, and part of the phosphorus present in the undegraded lps. the lipid as were made up of glucosamine ...19846527123
detection of campylobacter coli in diarrhoeal and non-diarrhoeal children in india.the role of campylobacter coli as an etiological agent of diarrhea in children and the pathogen's presence in nondiarrheal children was examined in the region of chandigarh, india, from may, 1981, to july, 1982. a total of 768 fecal samples from 447 children, 159 symptomatic and 288 asymptomatic, was collected, along with food, water, soil, and animal dung samples from the village. in diarrheal and nondiarrheal groups, c. coli was isolated with frequencies of 3.1% and 3.8% respectively. this ...19846530531
identification and characterization of campylobacter jejuni outer membrane proteins.outer membrane proteins from isolates of campylobacter jejuni were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. sarcosinate-insoluble membrane preparations were outer membrane enriched based on increased ketodeoxyoctonate concentrations, the presence of surface-exposed 125i-labeled proteins that were hydrophobic, and similarity to membrane vesicle (bleb) sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles. most isolates contained a single major band with ...19836618667
serotyping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli on the basis of thermostable antigens.hippurate hydrolysis tests performed on the serotype reference strains of the serotyping scheme based on thermostable antigens under development for campylobacter jejuni showed that 42 strains were campylobacter jejuni and 17 were campylobacter coli. moreover, only four (0.2%) of 2025 hippurate positive campylobacter jejuni isolates reacted in campylobacter coli antisera and 12 (4.3%) of the 282 campylobacter coli reacted in campylobacter jejuni antisera. evidently each species has its own array ...19836628376
campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli serotypes isolated from chickens, cattle, and pigs.a total of 191 campylobacter jejuni and 125 campylobacter coli were isolated from the intestinal content of 398 chickens, 421 cattle, and 203 pigs. all 108 chicken isolates and 73 of 80 cattle isolates were c. jejuni, but 115 of the 118 pig isolates were c. coli. a total of 84% of the c. jejuni and 64% of the c. coli isolates were typed on the basis of thermostable antigens with 20 antisera prepared against frequently occurring serotypes in campylobacter enteritis in man (15 c. jejuni, 6 c. coli ...19836630466
swine dysentery: protection against experimental challenge following single dose parenteral immunisation with inactivated treponema hyodysenteriae.groups of five pigs were vaccinated at three to four weeks old with either formolised treponema hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant alone, formolised t hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant plus formolised campylobacter coli in oil adjuvant, or sterile medium in oil adjuvant (as a control). each group was challenged four weeks after vaccination by oral dosing on two consecutive occasions with pure cultures of the homologous strain of t hyodysenteriae plus direct contact with two pigs exhibiting severe swine ...19836635345
isolation and characterization of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from domestic and wild mammals in norway.a total of 1,262 domestic and wild mammals from norway were surveyed for fecal carriage of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. of the five species of domestic mammals examined, the highest isolation rate was recorded among swine (100.0%), followed by sheep (8.1%) and cows (0.8%). no strains were recovered from horses or goats. among wild mammals, c. jejuni was isolated from 1 of 23 hares, and no isolated were obtained from three species of cervids and three species of rodents. of the 13 ...19836639033
erythromycin resistance only found in campylobacter coli. 19836643337
pathogenicity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains in the pregnant guinea pig model.pathogenicity of 17 campylobacter isolates for pregnant guinea pigs was investigated. of 14 isolates, 12 (86%) produced rates of abortion ranging from 13% to 87%. two isolates did not produce abortion. reference strains of c fetus subsp venerealis produced abortion in 60% to 87% and c fetus subsp fetus produced abortion in 60% of the guinea pigs. inoculated organisms were recovered from uterus, blood, liver, kidney, spleen, and gallbladder of the guinea pigs at rates as high as 83% for 2 ovine i ...19836650962
a comparison of procedures for the isolation of campylobacters from seagull faeces.two enrichment broths (preston and roman & doyle's) and four solid media (preston, skirrow's, butzler's and blaser's) were compared to determine their relative efficiencies in recovering campylobacters from 389 freshly voided seagull faeces, 276 of which were found to contain campylobacters by one or more of the procedures used. a combination of enrichment in preston medium followed by plating on to preston agar gave the highest number of isolates (263). enrichment in fluid media was shown to be ...19836663060
serotyping and biotyping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from sporadic cases and outbreaks in norway.of 172 thermophilic campylobacters isolated from human cases of gastroenteritis in norway, 149 (86.6%) were classified as campylobacter jejuni, whereas 23 isolates (13.4%) belonged to campylobacter coli. c. jejuni biotype 1 comprised 66.3% and c. jejuni biotype 2 comprised 20.3% of the total number. using 50 unabsorbed antisera, we were able to serotype 109 (80.1%) of 136 campylobacters on the basis of heat-stable antigens identified by means of passive hemagglutination. the typable strains fell ...19846699144
campylobacter coli septicaemia associated with septic abortion.a 19-year-old patient was 27 weeks pregnant when admitted to hospital with fever, chills and premature labours. the following day she aborted. campylobacter coli was isolated from blood cultures, maternal placenta and amniotic fluid and from the ear, nose and pharynx of the stillbirth. campylobacter could not be isolated from stool specimens after antimicrobial treatment had been started.19846735483
dna relatedness among strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with divergent serogroup and hippurate reactions.eleven strains of campylobacter from earlier fluorescent-antibody studies were examined by dna hybridization to determine their species. three of the strains hydrolyzed sodium hippurate, and eight did not. four of the hippurate-negative strains were in campylobacter jejuni serogroups, and the remaining strains were in both c. jejuni and campylobacter coli serogroups. dna relatedness to type strains of c. jejuni and c. coli indicated that all three of the hippurate-positive strains and two of the ...19846746886
the serotype and biotype distribution of clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli over a three-year period.two hundred eighty-five isolates of campylobacter jejuni-campylobacter coli from children with gastroenteritis at the hospital for sick children (toronto, canada) over a three-year period were biotyped by the hippurate hydrolysis test and serotyped on the basis of thermostable, soluble antigens by the passive hemagglutination technique. hippurate-negative strains (c. coli) were only 3.2% of the isolates. ninety-seven percent of the isolates were serotypable with 55 antisera. about half of the st ...19836827141
house flies (musca domestica) as possible vectors of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni.a total of 161 strains of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni were isolated from house flies (musca domestica). the carrier rates detected were 50.7% in flies captured on a chicken farm and 43.2% in flies from a piggery. the relative prevalences of campylobacter coli, c. jejuni, and nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic campylobacters were 90.1, 6.2, and 3.7%, respectively. the results indicate that flies may play a linking role in the epidemiology of campylobacter infection in humans by transmitt ...19836830213
serotypes of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in bacteremic, hospitalized children. 19836833802
occurrence of plasmid dna in serologically defined strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli.forty campylobacter jejuni and 17 campylobacter coli strains that constitute the set of reference strains for our serotyping scheme were each examined for the presence of plasmid dna. agarose gel electrophoresis of alkaline-extracted dna showed the occurrence of 29 bands in 11 c. jejuni strains and 40 bands in c. coli strains. plasmids ranged in size from 1.6 to 70 megadaltons. most strains that carried plasmids had between 2 and 6 of them; however, one strain had 14 plasmids, and two strains co ...19836840847
the survival of campylobacter coli/jejuni in unpasteurised milk. 19816897896
experimental infection of the bovine udder with campylobacter coli/jejuni.five quarters of the udders of two lactating cows were infected by intramammary inoculation with campylobacter coli/jejuni in doses ranging from 2.6 colony-forming units (c.f.u.) to 3.8 x 10(9) c.f.u. the infected quarters developed clinical mastitis and the campylobacters were reisolated in large numbers from the milk. the milk from the uninfected quarters, and blood and faeces remained free of the organisms. the campylobacters could only be isolated by incubation of culture plates in a microae ...19807052224
[hepatitis caused by campylobacter coli (author's transl)].campylobacter coli is known to cause ulcerous enterocolitis, but hepatitis has not yet been reported. a 50-year-old woman without history of liver disease was admitted with diarrhoea, fever, poor general condition, subicterus and enlarged liver. campylobacter coli was grown in haemoculture, and a specific antibiotic treatment resulted in complete cure. the results of haemoculture, the necrosis and polymorphonuclear infiltrates found in liver biopsies, the return to normal of biochemical tests an ...19827070993
recovery of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from inoculated foods by selective enrichment.a direct enrichment procedure was developed to selectively recover small numbers of campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic campylobacter from foods. the procedure includes an enrichment medium composed of brucella broth, 7% lysed horse blood, 0.3% sodium succinate, 0.01% cysteine hydrochloride, vancomycin (15 micrograms/ml), trimethoprim (5 micrograms/ml), polymyxin b (20 iu/ml), and cycloheximide (50 micrograms/ml) that is inoculated with 10 or 25 g of food and ...19827103488
production of enteritis in pigs by the oral inoculation of pure cultures of campylobacter coli.pure cultures of an isolate of campylobacter coli obtained from small intestinal lesions in a seven-day-old piglet were used to inoculate hysterectomy derived, colostrum deprived piglets, conventional sucking piglets and conventional weaned pigs in three separate controlled experiments. rectal temperatures rose to 40 degrees c in inoculated hysterectomy derived, colostrum deprived pigs within four days of infection and a mucoid yellowish diarrhoea containing occasional flecks of blood developed. ...19827135771
pathogenicity of campylobacter jejuni isolates from animals and humans.fourteen isolates of campylobacter jejuni of different serotypes and one campylobacter coli isolate, from various human and animal sources, were tested for potential pathogenic mechanisms. enterotoxin production was not detected in the infant mouse test or by calf and piglet ligated intestinal loop studies. isolates were not invasive by the sereny test. all isolates associated with and penetrated hela cells, although both actions occurred generally in a minor way under the conditions of our stud ...19827141696
outer membrane characteristics of campylobacter jejuni.outer membranes were isolated from type strains and wild-type isolates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by sodium lauryl sarcosinate extraction, and the polypeptide complement and lipopolysaccharide (lps) content were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the protein profiles exhibited by membranes from both species were quite similar, but could be distinguished from the type strain of the genus, c. fetus subsp. fetus cip5396. the sodium dodecyl sul ...19827152677
[isolation of campylobacter coli/jejuni from samples of human feces in the province of pisa]. 19827171243
aetiology of acute diarrhoea in adults.we have studied 73 adults with acute diarrhoea and identified a micro-organism or toxin likely to be the cause in 58%. in addition to routinely cultured bacteria, campylobacter coli/jejuni and clostridium difficile were important pathogens in the community. patients who developed diarrhoea after antibiotic use had a distinctive clinical syndrome and comprised the third largest group of cases. clinical, epidemiological, and histological features in an additional group with negative cultures and n ...19817250751
experimental infection of pigs with oesophagostomum dentatum: pathogenesis and parasitology of repeated mass infection.pigs receiving a limited ration of 1 kg commercial feed per day were infected daily with 50,000 oesophagostomum dentatum larvae. the animals exhibited serious diarrhoea and anorexia. although there was neither anaemia nor hypoproteinaemia, there was a significant decrease in plasma sodium and an increase in blood urea nitrogen at the end of the experiment. large numbers of third and fourth stage larvae were found in the ileal, caecal and colonic mucosae. only fourth stage larvae, never adults, w ...19817313309
[the occurrence of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni and salmonella bacteria in some wild birds (author's transl)].an investigation was carried out into the occurrence of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni and salmonella species in some wild birds. a total of 129 birds was examined, consisting of 71 pigeons, 54 seagulls, three crows and one raven. campylobacter bacteria were isolated from 32 birds (24.8%), of which three were pigeons, 27 seagulls and two were crows. of the 27 campylobacter strains isolated from seagulls, four had the biochemical characteristics of the nartc biotype described by skirrow and be ...19817335487
production of monoclonal antibody specific to campylobacter jejuni and its potential in diagnosis of campylobacter enteritis.a monoclonal antibody (mab 3g6) specific for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was produced by immunizing balb/c mice with a local strain of c.jejuni (28.1). no cross-reactivity was observed with enterobacteriaceae controls. by immunoprecipitation, mab 3g6 identified a major protein band of molecular weight 45 kda and also gave a slight reactivity with 30 and 55 kda proteins. using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, mab 3g6 was able to detect c.jejuni suspended in stool wit ...19957488346
genetic organization of a small cryptic plasmid of helicobacter pylori.a 2.9-kb cryptic plasmid of helicobacter pylori (hp), phel1, was isolated and the complete nucleotide (nt) sequence was determined. an open reading frame (orf1) was identified encoding a putative polypeptide of 63,709 da, the existence and correct size of which was confirmed by t7 promoter expression analysis. the orf1 sequence showed strong amino-acid sequence identity to a recently identified putative orf1 protein of a cryptic hp plasmid, phpm180, and significant homologies to putative rep pro ...19957489910
discrimination among thermophilic campylobacter species by polymerase chain reaction amplification of 23s rrna gene comparing nucleic acid sequences determined for one of the most variable areas of 23s rrna genes of 23 campylobacter strains, we were able to identify regions specific for thermophilic campylobacter strains. oligonucleotide primers corresponding to these unique regions were synthesized and used in the polymerase chain reaction. one primer pair selectively detected all thermophilic campylobacter species, while four other primer pairs allowed discrimination among the thermophilic species campyl ...19937508460
structural and antigenic characteristics of campylobacter coli flaa flagellin.the polar flagellar filament of campylobacter coli vc167 is composed of two highly related (98%) flagellin subunit proteins, flaa and flab, whose antigenic specificities result from posttranslational modification. flaa is the predominant flagellin species, and mutants expressing only flaa form a full-length flagellar filament. although the deduced m(r) of type 2 (t2) flaa is 58,884 and the apparent m(r) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is 59,500, the solution weight-a ...19947515043
detection and identification of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni by two-step polymerase chain reaction.flagellin gene was used as target sequence to detect and distinguish c. coli and c. jejuni by a "nested pcr" technique. the method shows a high level of sensitivity and specificity. application of this rapid diagnostic tool could provide further information about epidemiological and pathogenetic implications of each of these two microorganisms.19957552696
high-resolution genotyping of campylobacter coli identifies clones of epidemiologic and evolutionary significance.campylobacter coli strains from clinical and other sources were examined in terms of o (heat-stabile; hs) serotype and by several molecular typing techniques. restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) around the three 16s rrna genes revealed 10 variants, none found in campylobacter jejuni. rflp analysis of a polymerase chain reaction amplicon generated from the flagellin gene (flaa) yielded 11 polymorphism groups, some of them linked to hs serotypes. enlarged flaa genes, contributing three ...19957561196
effect of the complement system on the sensitivity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli to human blood serum.we determined the sensitivity of five strains of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli isolated from children with diarrhea and from chicken feces to normal human blood serum (undiluted and at concentrations of 10, 30, 50 and 70%), a hypogammaglobulinemic serum and a complement-deficient serum. both species were highly sensitive to the bactericidal activity of human serum, regardless of their source. the highest bactericidal activity was observed with pooled fresh normal serum, with bacterial surviva ...19957581046
comparison of two selective media and a membrane filter technique for isolation of campylobacter species from diarrhoeal stools.diarrhoeal stool specimens from 415 patients were examined for campylobacter spp. by culture on charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar (ccda), skirrow medium and columbia blood agar overlaid with a 0.65 micron pore size membrane filter. forty-eight campylobacter strains were isolated from 45 (10.8%) specimens by all media; 44 were campylobacter jejuni (91.7%), three were campylobacter coli (6.3%) and one was campylobacter hyointestinalis (2.0%). the percentages of campylobacter-positive specime ...19957588831
targeted and random mutagenesis of the campylobacter coli chromosome with integrational plasmid vectors.a number of integrational vectors were developed for use as genetic tools in the food-borne pathogen campylobacter coli. integration of the plasmids occurred following genetic recombination via a campbell-like mechanism. for an integrative plasmid containing a dna fragment internal to the c. coli catalase gene, the insertion was mutagenic and led to a catalase-deficient phenotype. a procedure for generating random mutations in the c. coli chromosome, with these suicide-plasmids, was developed. i ...19957606191
differentiation of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli strains by using restriction endonuclease dna profiles and dna fragment polymorphisms.the chromosomal dna fragment patterns from a total of 169 campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolates from poultry and humans were analyzed by using dna restriction endonucleases clai and ecorv. the dna restriction patterns produced by clai and ecorv consisted of unique dna fragments of 9 to 9.5 kb and 3.5 kb generated with clai and a single unique fragment of 3.0 kb produced by ecorv. these patterns were obtained with all strains of c. jejuni tested. the dna restriction patterns were f ...19957615717
[infectivity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chickens].the infectivity of four campylobacter (c.) jejuni strains and one c. coli strain was evaluated by the reisolation rate from cloacal swabs after oral infection of chickens at four weeks of age. one strain did not colonize the digestive tract, another infected only a part of the experimental group and a third was excreted at a lower percentage in the first two weeks p.i. compared to the other two strains. in correlation to age, the excretion rate was highest in 7-week-old birds. in groups of 4 and ...19957646423
rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from clinical specimens using the polymerase chain reaction.seventeen campylobacter strains isolated from 16 children hospitalised with acute diarrhea were analysed by in vitro enzymatic amplification using two sets of oligonucleotide primers specific for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, respectively. thirteen strains (76%) were identified as campylobacter jejuni and four strains (24%) as campylobacter coli. subsequent bacteriological identification confirmed the identity of the same 13 campylobacter jejuni strains and the 4 campylobacter col ...19957649203
anti-gm1 igg antibodies and campylobacter bacteria in guillain-barré syndrome: evidence of molecular guillain-barré syndrome antibodies to gm1 and the presence of an antecedent campylobacter jejuni infection are correlated with a more severe course of the disease. from a group of 137 consecutive gbs patients, 11 sera had elevated titers of anti-gm1 igg antibodies during the acute stage of disease. each serum sample was preincubated with three different penner serotypes of whole c. jejuni (pen o:4/59, pen o:41) and campylobacter coli (pen o:22) bacteria. the pen o:4/59 serotype, isolated from ...19957654064
a survey of campylobacter bacteremia in three danish counties, 1989 to 1994.over a 5-year period (april 1989 to march 1994) bacteremia caused by campylobacter species was diagnosed in 15 patients in a population of 1.3 million in three counties in jutland province, denmark. the incidence was 0.2/100,000/year and the ratio of blood to fecal isolates, was 0.008. campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni accounted for 6 cases each, campylobacter fetus for 2, and in 1 case the species diagnosis was uncertain. seven patients were males and 8 females; median age was 42 (ran ...19957660078
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