potassium, sodium, and chloride content of isolated intact chloroplasts in relation to ionic compartmentation in leaves. | intact chloroplasts were isolated from spinach, sugarbeet, and pea leaves by a rapid procedure which included purification on a two-step percoll gradient. the content of k+, na+, and cl- was determined together with the chloroplast volume from which the apparent concentration of these ions in the chloroplast was calculated. it was demonstrated by successive washing that k+ leaked out of the chloroplasts during isolation whereas na+ and cl- did not. for spinach and sugarbeet chloroplasts k+ was t ... | 1984 | 6696431 |
susceptibility of the colorado potato beetle and the sugarbeet wireworm to steinernema feltiae and s. glaseri. | in laboratory tests, larvae of the colorado potato beetle (cpb), leptinotarsa decemlineata (say), and the sugarbeet wireworm (sbw), limonius californicus (mannerheim), were exposed to the nematodes steinernema feltiae filipjev (mexican strain) (= neoaplectana carpocapsae) and s. glaseri steiner in soil. s. feltiae caused significantly higher mortality in sbw larvae than did s. glaseri, but both nematode species were equally effective against cpb larvae. the minimum concentration of s. feltiae fo ... | 1983 | 19295854 |
isolation of intact chloroplasts with high co2 fixation capacity from sugarbeet leaves containing calcium oxalate. | intact chloroplasts were isolated from sugarbeet leaves by the mechanical disruption technique normally used for spinach. the chloroplast pellet contained a ring of white irregularly shaped crystals which were identified as calcium oxalate. the chloroplasts were greater than 90% intact yet good rates of co2 fixation were only obtained when inorganic pyrophosphate or 3-phosphoglycerate were added to the assay medium. chloroplasts free of calcium oxalate were prepared by purification on a three st ... | 1983 | 24458498 |
studies on the organelle genomes of sugarbeet with male-fertile and male-sterile cytoplasms. | chloroplast dna (ctdna) from male-fertile and cytoplasmically male-sterile (cms) sugarbeet has been investigated by restriction endonuclease digestion. three enzymes (salgi, bamhi and psti) did not distinguish between the ctdna from the two different types of plant. another enzyme (ecori) revealed one variant fragment in one of the male-fertile lines examined, but this variant is not thought to be associated with the cms trait. this situation contrasts with that for mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sin ... | 1983 | 24263543 |
technetium and uranium: sorption by and plant uptake from peat and sand. | the objectives of this study were to compare the effects of technetium and uranium on the yield and uptake, and to identify the organ of accumulation, of an edible leafy vegetable growing in sandy and peaty soils. in sand, where the soil's sorption capacity is negligible, technetium uptake is four orders of magnitude higher than from peat, suggesting no plant mediation of uptake and thus a constant concentration factor (greater than 50) in an oxidizing environment where technetium is continuousl ... | 1983 | 6853186 |
fate of cadmium and mutagens in municipal sludge-grown sugar beets and field corn during fermentation. | | 2013 | 6886204 |
isolation of intact chloroplasts with high co2 fixation capacity from sugarbeet leaves containing calcium oxalate. | intact chloroplasts were isolated from sugarbeet leaves by the mechanical disruption technique normally used for spinach. the chloroplast pellet contained a ring of white irregularly shaped crystals which were identified as calcium oxalate. the chloroplasts were greater than 90% intact yet good rates of co2 fixation were only obtained when inorganic pyrophosphate or 3-phosphoglycerate were added to the assay medium. chloroplasts free of calcium oxalate were prepared by purification on a three st ... | 1983 | 24458407 |
the presence of 5'-nucleotidase in swiss chard chloroplasts. | | 1982 | 6295388 |
endoplasmic reticulum and its relation to microtubules in sieve elements of sugarbeet and spinach. | | 1980 | 7401222 |
[adjustment of nitrogen fertilization to the needs of plants and limitations posed by the risk of nitrate accumulation and pollution of the soil and subsoil]. | in chalky champagne, nitrogen balance is study to adjust availability to plant response. for this, it is necessary to know some parameters whose measurement is obtained progressively; plants exportation, nitrogen transformations in terms of transport processes in soil system, kinetic of mineralization of soil organic nitrogen, plants residus and agricultural waste waters. lysimeters with rotation of champagne (wheat, sugarbeet, potatoes...) are used to measure losses of nitrogen and follow trans ... | 1980 | 6266323 |
influence of selected pesticides on the microbial degradation of 14c-triallate and 14c-diallate in soil. | degradation in soil of [allyl-2-14c]triallate and [carbonyl-14c]diallate herbicides, as affected by other selected pesticides, was studied in an incubation system that allowed recovery of 95 to 100% of added 14c. the amount and sequence of pesticide additions simulated field use in the protection of wheat (triallate) and sugar beets (diallate). neither the rate nor the pattern of triallate degradation in soil was influenced by the following sequence of formulated pesticides: dinoseb acetate, (be ... | 1980 | 6154443 |
preparation of high-fructose syrup from the tubers of the jerusalem artichoke (helianthus tuberosus l. | fructose has recently received much attention due to renewed interest in natural sweeteners. in addition, fructose has some advantages to sucrose in sweetness, solubility, viscosity, and dental health characteristics. fructose is deposited as storage fructans of the inulin (beta-1,2) type in tubers and rhizomes of the compositae family. the utilization of the jerusalem artichoke (helianthus tuberosus) tuber as a source of fructose syrup is discussed. this plant has the potential to produce more ... | 1979 | 41685 |
studies with 2,4',5-trichlorobiphenyl-14c and 2,2',4,4',6-pentachlorobiphenyl-14c in carrots, sugar beets, and soil. | | 2013 | 121130 |
[improvement in the quality of rape seed by combining silage with fodder sugar beets. 2. changes in glucosinolate derivatives and fat contents]. | industrial and laboratory-scale studies showed that the combined silage fermentation of rape-seed flakes with half sugar mangels leds to a very beneficial reduction in the content of glucosinolate derivatives, especially during the first week of fermentation and storage processes on the qualitative and quantitative fatty-acid parameters were but significant. | 1979 | 492299 |
a new method of preparing insects for scanning electron microscopy. | acidified 2,2-dimethoxypropane (dmp), used as an alternative to regular fixation and dehydration methods for insects, was found to be the only successful means of preparing the sugarbeet root maggot larva, tetanops myopaeformis (röder) (diptera:otitidae), for the scanning electron microscope. no morphological changes were evident when dmp treated sugarbeet root maggot adults were compared to fresh (unfixed) adults and glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixed adults. the method has been used with su ... | 1979 | 90409 |
[improvement in the quality of rape seed by combining silage with fodder sugar beets. 1. quality evaluation of the silages]. | industrial-scale studies showed that the addition of rape-seed flakes to half sugar mangels improves the feeding value and the quality of the silages. furthermore, it was found that the development of yeasts was inhibited and that the propagation of acidifiers was retarded as the proportion of rape-seed increased. the microbiological analysis indicates that the amount of rape-seed added to the half sugar mangels should not exceed 10%. | 1979 | 40133 |
fate of [14c]aldrin in crop rotation under outdoor conditions. | [14c]aldrin was applied to soils (about 3kg/ha) in outdoor boxes at various locations (germany, england, and united states), and crops were cultivated (maize, wheat, sugar beets, and potatoes). in the following year, crop rotation experiments were carried out in the same soils without retreatment; in addition, wheat was grown in soils retreated with [14c]aldrin (3.5 kg/ha). after the harvest of both years, the distribution of aldrin and major metabolites (dieldrin; photodieldrin; hydrophilic met ... | 1977 | 617099 |
host-parasite interactions of pratylenchus scribneri on selected crop plants. | greenhouse tests were conducted to determine the effects of soil temperature and texture on development of pratylenchus scribneri and the pathogenicity and reproductive rates of this nematode on selected crop plants. in a sandy loam soil, greatest numbers of p. scribneri were found at 30 and 35 c on sudangrass and sugarbeet, respectively. in a silty clay loam, the nematode reproduced best at 35 c on sugarbeet. higher populations of p. scribneri were found in the sandy loam than silty clay loam s ... | 1977 | 19305579 |
determination of benomyl, carbendazim and 2-aminobenzimidazole (2-ab) in plant materials. part i: apples, red-currants, grapes, kale and sugar beets. | benomyl and carbendazim are widely used fungicides with systemic activity. in the federal republic of germany the legal limits of benomyl and carbendazim lie between 0.1 and 7 ppm dependent on the substrate. a method for the determination of benomyl and carbendazim in apples, red-currants, grapes, kale, and sugar beets was developed. benomyl and carbendazim are extracted with ethyl acetate, saponified and determined as 2-aminobenzimidazole by thin-layer chromatography. the detection limits lie b ... | 1977 | 855495 |
in field survival of rhizoctonia solani in soil and in diseased sugarbeets. | persistence of rhizotonia solani in the field was investigated by ascertaining survival (competitive saprophytic activity) in soil and survival in diseased plants. except for one instance, low levels of r. solani survived overwinter in artificially and naturally infested soils. in a sandy loam soil, cropped to sugarbeets, inoculum density increased throughout the growing season from low early spring levels to high levels in july and august. in a silty clay soil, cropped to sugarbeets, inoculum d ... | 1976 | 963618 |
fate of 2,2-dichlorobiphenyl-14c in carrots, sugar beets, and soil under outdoor conditions. | | 2017 | 821985 |
changes in resident bacteria, ph, sucrose, and invert sugar levels in sugarbeet roots during storage. | stored sugarbeet roots began fermenting within 24 h after oxygen was depleted at 26 c when the resident bacterial populations increased dramatically. most of the bacteria present after anaerobic storage for 7 days at 26 c could hydrolyze sucrose in vitro. although ph and sucrose levels decreased and invert sugar levels increased with time in aerobic storage at 26 c, these processes were significantly accelerated in beets stored anaerobically at 26 c. under oxygen-depleted storage conditions at 2 ... | 1976 | 16345160 |
[development of pollen tubes in self-fertile and self-sterile lines of sugar beets in isolation]. | studies in pollen germination on stigmas of isolated plants showed a great difference in this process in different forms. a rapid and steady growth of pollen tubes, their accumulation near the micropyle and penetration in it are observed in self-fertile plants. pollen tubes grow slowly, often forming thickenings and swellings in self-sterile forms. some of them penetrate deeper, reaching sometimes the seedbud but turn back without penetrating into it. | 2008 | 941262 |
partial reactions of photosynthesis in briefly sonicated chlamydomonas: ii. photophosphorylation activities. | briefly sonicated chlamydomonas reinhardi cells are capable of both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation and, in each case, the maximum rates approach those reported for higher plant chloroplasts. photophosphorylation coupled to ferricyanide reduction occurs with a p/2e ratio approaching unity.the conditions for optimum activity are similar to those reported for spinach or swiss chard chloroplasts; the major difference is the extreme sensitivity to salt and relative insensitivity to methyla ... | 1975 | 16659048 |
[determination of residual quantities of betanal (phenmedipham) in sugar beets]. | | 2004 | 4450550 |
particles and associated inclusions in sugarbeet infected with the curly top virus. | | 1973 | 4127967 |
development of a strain of the sugarbeet nematode as a potential pest of tomato. | | 1972 | 19319284 |
ethyl m-hydroxycarbanilate carbanilate (ep-475) metabolism in sugar beets. | | 1972 | 5077492 |
abscisic acid and stomatal regulation. | the closure of stomata by abscisic acid was examined in several species of plants through measurements of co(2) and h(2)o exchange by the leaf. the onset of closure was very rapid, beginning at 3 minutes from the time of abscisic acid application to the cut base of the leaf of corn, or at 8 or 9 minutes for bean, rumex and sugarbeet; rose leaves were relatively slow at 32 minutes. the timing and the concentration of abscisic acid needed to cause closure were related to the amounts of endogenous ... | 1972 | 16658058 |
[endopolyploidy and yield in diploid and tetraploid sugar beets : iii. methodological results]. | an improved procedure is described for selection for a lower degree of endopolyploidy in leaves of sugar beets by means of scoring chloroplast numbers in spongy parenchyma cells. the higher yield of the tetraploid sugar beets with smaller cells (i.e. with a lower degree of endopolyploidy) in the populations is not a result of an increased heterozygosity of these plants. | 1972 | 24430681 |
energy levels of water in a community of plants as influenced by soil moisture. | free energy levels of plant water were measured during july and august in two communities of annual plants. one set of plants was irrigated, while the other grew on a silt loam soil that became increasingly drier. the different species of plants had widely varying levels of water potential on both the moist and dry soils. the more drought-tolerant plants on the dry soil had the lowest afternoon plant water potentials even though they had the most vigorous root systems (lamb's quarter, kochia, su ... | 1971 | 28973798 |
sclerotium rot of sugarbeets in india. | | 1971 | 5563957 |
cytidine triphosphate polymerase activity associated with isolated chromatin of sugar beets. | | 1971 | 4324216 |
residues of aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, and ddt in soil and sugarbeets. | | 1970 | 5475196 |
metabolism of glutamic acid and n-acetylglutamic acid in leaf discs and cell-free extracts of higher plants. | radioactive glutamic acid and n-acetylglutamic acid have been incubated with normal and wilted leaf discs and radioactivity recovered in uncombined proline. the discs which had been placed under moisture stress incorporated considerably more label in uncombined proline than did normal discs.in extracts of swiss chard leaves, both (14)c-n-acetylglutamic acid and glutamic acid are metabolized to their corresponding semialdehyde as evidenced by a recovery of proline after appropriate treatment. the ... | 1969 | 16657150 |
[competition between eu- and aneutetraploid sugar beets supported together]. | | 1967 | 5589930 |
[effect of soil toxicity on the vital activity of soil microorganisms and productivity of sugar beets]. | | 2000 | 5609774 |
[on the effect of monoculture plantation of maize and sugar beets on the development of soil microorganisms and plants]. | | 1966 | 5993606 |
nucleic acids of chloroplasts and mitochondria in swiss chard. | nucleic acids in young leaves of swiss chard have been studied by light and electron microscope techniques. leaf dna has also been characterized by density gradient centrifugation and shown to contain a minor band of higher guanine plus cytosine (gc) content, presumably attributable to chloroplasts. the chloroplasts were faintly stained by the feulgen reaction; radioautography demonstrated the incorporation of tritiated thymidine in the cytoplasm and in some nuclei. the feulgen stainability and ... | 1965 | 14287184 |
[contamination of soil with hexachlorane used in the cultivation of sugar beets in the ukraine]. | | 1964 | 14162464 |
[problems in industrial hygiene during mechanized harvesting of sugarbeet]. | | 1963 | 14079430 |
light inactivation of photophosphorylation by swiss-chard chloroplasts. | | 1960 | 13685298 |
photophosphorylation by swiss-chard chloroplasts. | | 1960 | 13795285 |
[spraying of sugar beets with ecatox 20]. | | 1957 | 13484649 |
[tularemia in workers exposed to infected sugar beets]. | | 1955 | 14387220 |
[feeding studies with systox-treated sugar beets]. | | 1954 | 13229798 |
[isolation and characterization of sodium pectates from sugar beets]. | | 1954 | 14356052 |
[quantitative analysis by paper partition chromatography of the sugars in molasses made from sugar beets]. | | 1954 | 13199552 |
synthesis of radioactive glutamine from c14o2 in swiss chard leaves and its isolation by paper chromatography. | | 1954 | 13125573 |
[problem of the mechanism of formation of porosis in sugar beets]. | | 1953 | 13116889 |
bolting and flowering of sugar beets in continuous darkness. | | 1953 | 16654563 |
[massive aspiration of crushed sugar beets into the nasopharynx, trachea & main bronchi]. | | 1952 | 14951915 |
a latent virus in sugar-beets and mangolds. | | 1951 | 14843175 |
[comparative serologic investigation on healthy sugar beets and those infected by jaundice virus (corium betea holmes)]. | | 1951 | 14829903 |
[effect of hydrogen ion concentration on sucrose inversion in determination of sugar content of forage and sugar beets]. | | 1951 | 14863306 |
the effect of 2,4-d on potassium nitrate levels in leaves of sugar beets. | | 1950 | 14798340 |
influence of mineral levels upon carotene and ascorbic acid contents of swiss chard grown in the greenhouse. | | 2017 | 20286552 |
some factors influencing curly top virus concentration in sugar beets. | | 1946 | 21015645 |
effect of ddt, sulphur and lethane dusts on germination of sugarbeet and onion pollens. | | 1945 | 17831481 |
some chemical reactions of sulphur dioxide after absorption by alfalfa and sugar beets. | | 1944 | 16653910 |
formation of nitrate in detached green leaves of swiss chard and tomato. | | 1938 | 16653498 |
determination of the percentage of sucrose in sugar beets for research purposes. | | 1930 | 16652664 |
saving time and storage in breeding sugar-beets. | (1) by seeding sugar-beets in the greenhouse in early december or sooner, by exposing the growing beets to electric light for a few hours in the evening and by transplanting the roots into the field in spring, a seed generation may be produced every year. (2) the beets must have reached a minimum stage of maturity at transplanting time, otherwise many may fail to produce seed. (3) storage for one month in a cellar before transplanting failed to give any observable benefit. | 1929 | 17758222 |
the cultivation of sugar beets. | | 1929 | 17840376 |
seasonal and regional variations in curly-top of sugar beets. | | 1926 | 17741821 |
some correlations in sugar beets. | | 1916 | 17245861 |
sorghum and sugar beets in kansas. | | 1891 | 17847434 |