
influence of different types of lamps on the reproductive development of male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).reproductive tract development during puberty is critical to reproductive performance, and the light is crucial in this process in birds. however, in male quail, there is little information on the effects of types of lamps, more specifically the wavelength emitted. thus, the objective was to evaluate the effects of types of lamps on the reproductive performance of male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). two hundred and forty male quail were exposed to six different types of lamp (incan ...201728407861
molecular sexing and analysis of chd1-z and chd1-w sequence variations in wild common quail (coturnix c. coturnix) and domesticated japanese quail (coturnix c. japonica). 201121873772
study on genetic coadaptability of wild quail populations in china.genetic coadaptability of wild japanese quail, wild common quail and domestic quail populations in china was studied using 7 microsatellite dna markers and monte carlo method to test genetic disequilibrium. the molecular effects of genetic coadaptability were analyzed through a new statistical model of neutral site. the results showed that genetic coadaptability dominated the genetic disequilibrium of the three quail populations, and totally 16.67%, 9.66% and 10.05% of non-allelic combinations w ...200616704121
[study on genetic diversity of wild quail in china with microsatellite dna markers].genetic diversity of domestic quail and two wild quail species distributed in china, wild japanese quail and wild common quail,was studied by using microsatellite dna markers. according to the comparison of corresponding genetic index in the three quail populations, such as polymorphism information content (pic), mean heterozygosity (h) and fixation index etc, wild common quail possessed rich genetic diversity of 4.67 alleles per locus. its value of pic and h were the highest, 0.5732 and 0.6621, ...200516231733
genetic analyses of partial egg production in japanese quail using multi-trait random regression models.1. the aim of present study was to estimate genetic parameters for average egg weight (ew) and egg number (en) at different ages in japanese quail using multi-trait random regression (mtrr) models. 2. a total of 8534 records from 900 quail, hatched between 2014 and 2015, were used in the study. average weekly egg weights and egg numbers were measured from second until sixth week of egg production. 3. nine random regression models were compared to identify the best order of the legendre polynomia ...201728901781
seasonal rhythms: the role of thyrotropin and thyroid hormones.seasonal changes in various physiological events have been reported in humans including metabolism, immune function, and mood. however, the molecular and endocrine basis of the seasonal changes remain unclear. animals that breed seasonally such as, the japanese quail and siberian hamster have sophisticated seasonal mechanisms and provide excellent opportunities to understand the underlying processes. functional genomic analysis of the quail uncovered the photoperiodic signal transduction pathway ...201728874095
uptake of radiolabeled 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl into japanese quail egg compartments and embryo following air cell and albumen injection.the avian embryo is an excellent model for testing adverse developmental effects of environmental chemicals, and uptake and movement of xenobiotics within the egg compartments. (14) c 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl ((14) c pcb 77) was injected into japanese quail eggs prior to incubation at embryonic day 0 (ed0) either onto the air cell or into the albumen. all egg components were collected on ed1, 5 or 10 and concentrations of (14) c pcb 77 were measured in various egg components (shell, membran ...201728865120
age-related adaptive responses of mitochondria of the retinal pigment epithelium to the everyday blue led lighting.the effect of everyday blue light (λ = 440-460 nm) on mitochondria of the retinal pigment epithelium of different age groups of japanese quail was studied using electron microscopy, morphometric methods, and biochemical analysis. we have found a significant increase in the number of mitochondria, including those modified, mainly in young birds. in addition, cell metabolic activity increased in response to blue lighting. these changes are assumed to reflect an adaptive response of mitochondria ai ...201728861875
spontaneous, experimentally induced, and transmissible aa amyloidosis in japanese quail ( coturnix japonica).the authors describe a spontaneous case of amyloid a (aa) amyloidosis in an adult female japanese quail ( coturnix japonica). the bird developed aa amyloidosis secondary to chronic peritonitis caused by a gram-negative bacillus infection. mild amyloid deposition was also identified in the intestinal tract of apparently healthy adult individuals, suggesting that quail may develop intestinal amyloidosis with age. based on these observations, it was hypothesized that quail can develop aa amyloidosi ...201728812532
fluorescent quail: a transgenic model system for the dynamic study of avian development.real-time four-dimensional (4d, xyzt) imaging of cultured avian embryos is an ideal method for investigating the complex movements of cells and tissues during early morphogenesis. while methods that transiently label cells, such as electroporation, are highly useful for dynamic imaging, they can also be limiting due to the number and type of cells that can be effectively targeted. in contrast, the heritable, stable, and long-term expression of a fluorescent protein driven by the exogenous promot ...201728809018
increased prenatal maternal investment reduces inbreeding depression in offspring.inbreeding depression refers to the reduction of fitness that results from matings between relatives. evidence for reduced fitness in inbred individuals is widespread, but the strength of inbreeding depression varies widely both within and among taxa. environmental conditions can mediate this variation in the strength of inbreeding depression, with environmental stress exacerbating the negative consequences of inbreeding. parents can modify the environment experienced by offspring, and have thus ...201728794224
alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone-induced anorexia in japanese quail (coturnix japonica) likely involves the ventromedial hypothalamus and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-msh) reduces food intake in birds and mammals. the objective of this experiment was to determine effects of α-msh on food and water intake, and hypothalamic c-fos immunoreactivity and appetite-associated factor mrna in japanese quail (coturnix japonica), a species that has not undergone the same artificial selection for growth-related traits as the chicken. at 7days post-hatch, 3-h-fasted quail were intracerebroventricularly (icv) injected into the lateral ...201728782535
strain differences in intermale aggression and possible factors regulating increased aggression in japanese quail.the national institute for environmental studies (nies) of japan established a strain of japanese quail (coturnix japonica) known as nies-l by rotation breeding in a closed colony for over 35years; accordingly, the strain has highly inbred-like characteristics. another strain called nies-brn has been maintained by randomized breeding in a closed colony to produce outbred-like characteristics. the current study aimed to characterize intermale aggressive behaviors in both strains and to identify p ...201728765073
multidrug-resistant salmonellae isolated in japanese quails reared in abeokuta, nigeria.salmonellosis is a major bacterial disease causing huge economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. this study was carried out to determine the period prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of salmonella enterica in japanese quails in abeokuta, nigeria. four hundred cloacal swabs of quail birds were collected from 4 locations within abeokuta. salmonella was isolated from the samples using conventional methods for selective isolation of salmonella and biochemical identification. isola ...201728717851
supplementation of tris-based extender with plasma egg yolk of six avian species and camel skim milk for chilled preservation of dromedary camel semen.the present study was conducted to investigate a suitable source (expt. 1) and concentration (expt. 2) of plasma egg yolk (pey) and concentration of camel skim milk (csm; expt. 3) to supplement tris based extender for chilled storage of dromedary camel semen. in expt. 1, pey (20%) of six avian species (domestic chicken, domestic duck, japanese quail, partridge, pigeon and guinea fowl) was added to semen extender. in expt. 2, different concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of selected pey from e ...201728709736
japanese quail (coturnix japonica) liver and thyroid gland histopathology as a result of in ovo exposure to the flame retardants tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate and dechlorane plus.japanese quails (coturnix japonica) were exposed in ovo to tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (tdcipp; 500 ng/µl), dechlorane plus (dp; 500 ng/µl), or a 1:1 mixture of these two to investigate the effects on liver and thyroid gland morphology. histological examination of 14-day-old quails showed that exposure to tdcipp or the mixture induced hepatic sinusoidal dilatation. no marked effects were seen for dp alone. in addition, the mixture produced divergence of thyroid gland follicles and prol ...201728696837
noradrenergic modulation of gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone gene expression in the brain of japanese quail.gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone (gnih) is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that inhibits gonadotrophin synthesis and release in birds and mammals. in japanese quail, gnih neurones express the noradrenergic receptor and receive noradrenergic innervation. treatment with noradrenaline (na) stimulates gnih release from diencephalic tissue blocks in vitro. however, the effects of na on hypothalamic gnih gene expression have not been determined. we investigated noradrenergic regulation of gnih gene expres ...201728683170
effects of selective and combined activation of estrogen receptor α and β on reproductive organ development and sexual behaviour in japanese quail (coturnix japonica).excess estrogen exposure of avian embryos perturbs reproductive organ development in both sexes and demasculinizes the reproductive behaviors of adult males. we have previously shown that these characteristic effects on the reproductive organs also can be induced by exposure of japanese quail (coturnix japonica) embryos to selective agonists of estrogen receptor alpha (erα). in contrast, the male copulatory behavior is only weakly affected by developmental exposure to an erα agonist. to further ...201728671963
the chicken is an interesting animal for study of the functional role of ghrelin in the gastrointestinal tract.ghrelin has been identified in vertebrates from fish to mammals, and it has multiple biological activities including gastrointestinal (gi) motor-stimulating action. in some non-mammalian vertebrates, we examined the effects of ghrelin on contractility of the isolated gi tract as well as the mrna expression of growth hormone secretagogue-receptor 1a (ghs-r1a) to determine whether the motor-stimulating action of ghrelin is common in vertebrates. the expression level of ghs-r1a mrna differed depend ...201728652545
plasma concentrations of itraconazole, voriconazole, and terbinafine when delivered by an impregnated, subcutaneous implant in japanese quail ( coturnix japonica ).aspergillosis is a common fungal infection in both wild and pet birds. although effective antifungal medications are available, treatment of aspergillosis can require months of medication administration, which entails stressful handling one or more times per day. this study examined the delivery of the antifungal drugs itraconazole, voriconazole, and terbinafine to japanese quail ( coturnix japonica ) via an impregnated implant. implants contained 0.5, 3, 8, or 24 mg of itraconazole, voriconazol ...201728644078
steroid metabolism in the brain: from bird watching to molecular biology, a personal journey.since arnold adolph berthold established in 1849 the critical role of the testes in the activation of male sexual behavior, intensive research has identified many sophisticated neurochemical and molecular mechanisms mediating this action. studies in japanese quail demonstrated the critical role of testosterone action and of testosterone aromatization in the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus in the activation of male copulatory behavior. the development of an immunohistochemical visualiz ...201728576650
the central anorexigenic mechanism of amylin in japanese quail (coturnix japonica) involves pro-opiomelanocortin, calcitonin receptor, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus.amylin is a 37-amino acid peptide hormone that exerts anorexigenic effects in humans and animals. we demonstrated that central injection of amylin into chicks affected feeding and related behaviors via the hypothalamus and brainstem, although the molecular mechanisms remained elusive. thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying anorexigenic effects of amylin in 7 day-old japanese quail. food but not water intake was reduced after intracerebroventricul ...201728552562
signaling pathways to and from the hypophysial pars tuberalis, an important center for the control of seasonal rhythms.seasonal (circannual) rhythms play an important role for the control of body functions (reproduction, metabolism, immune responses) in nearly all living organisms. also humans are affected by the seasons with regard to immune responses and mental functions, the seasonal affective disorder being one of the most prominent examples. the hypophysial pars tuberalis (pt), an important interface between the hypophysial pars distalis and neuroendocrine centers in the brain, plays an essential role in th ...201728511899
egg deposition of maternal testosterone is primarily controlled by the preovulatory peak of luteinizing hormone in japanese quail.differential transfer of maternal testosterone (t) into egg yolk provides a means of adjusting an offspring's phenotype to ambient environmental conditions. while the environmental and genetic driven variability in yolk t levels is widely described, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. here, we investigated whether neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling ovulatory processes are associated with the regulation of yolk t deposition. circulatory profiles of luteinizing hormone (lh), t and ...201728495270
cocaine preexposure enhances sexual conditioning and increases resistance to extinction in male japanese quail.the incentive-sensitization theory posits that drug addiction results from altered learning and motivational processes that stem from drug-induced changes in the brain's reward circuitry. although it is generally accepted that problematic drug use results from these neuroadaptations, less research has focused on how these neural changes affect the incentive-motivational properties of naturally rewarding stimuli such as sex. the present set of experiments was conducted to investigate (1) dose-dep ...201728488062
dual action of neuro-estrogens in the regulation of male sexual behavior.estrogens derived from brain testosterone aromatization (neuro-estrogens) are critical for the activation of male sexual behavior. their effects on this behavior are typically associated with long-term changes in circulating levels of testosterone and the transcriptional activity of their liganded nuclear receptors. according to this view, neuro-estrogens would prime the neural circuits controlling the long-term expression of behavior, which would then be acutely regulated by neurotransmitter sy ...201728483475
thymol feed supplementation in quail alters the percentages of nutritionally relevant egg yolk fatty acids: effects throughout incubation.polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufa) are crucial components of egg yolk and particularly prone to oxidative damage, generating losses of nutrients for embryonic development and influencing the quality of eggs for human consumption. the aim of this study was to evaluate whether dietary thymol (a natural antioxidant) is related to changes in quail egg yolk total (t), triglyceride (tg) and phospholipid (pl) fatty acid composition at different stages of embryo development. thus female japanese quail ( ...201728474397
phylogenetic typing and molecular detection of virulence factors of avian pathogenic escherichia coli isolated from colibacillosis cases in japanese quail.colibacillosis caused by avian pathogenic escherichia coli (apec) is an economic threat to the poultry industry throughout the world. some of the virulence genes may enhance the ability of e. coli isolates to grow in the tissues of broilers. the apec strains are assigned to a few distinct phylogenetic groups. the purpose of the present study was to detect the virulence genes and phylogenetic groups of e. coli isolates from colibacillosis cases in japanese quail in 2014 in kerman, iran. in the pr ...201728473898
social environment during egg laying: changes in plasma hormones with no consequences for yolk hormones or fecundity in female japanese quail, coturnix japonica.the social environment can have profound effects on an individual's physiology and behaviour and on the transfer of resources to the next generation, with potential consequences for fecundity and reproduction. however, few studies investigate all of these aspects at once. the present study housed female japanese quail (coturnix japonica) in pairs or groups to examine the effects on hormone concentrations in plasma and yolk and on reproductive performance. circulating levels of androgens (testost ...201728467428
is embryonic hypothermia tolerance common in birds?avian incubation temperatures oscillate within narrow limits to ensure proper embryonic development. however, field observations and experimental studies have found that some species can tolerate very low incubation temperatures, either regularly or occasionally. we artificially incubated eggs from five domestic species, which represent a range of egg sizes, to examine whether a diversity of avian species could exhibit an unusual hypothermia tolerance, as observed in the field. we found that egg ...201728446617
genetic analysis of partial egg production records in japanese quail using random regression models.the main objectives of this study were to detect the most appropriate random regression model (rrm) to fit the data of monthly egg production in 2 lines (selected and control) of japanese quail and to test the consistency of different criteria of model choice. data from 1,200 female japanese quails for the first 5 months of egg production from 4 consecutive generations of an egg line selected for egg production in the first month (ep1) was analyzed. eight rrms with different orders of legendre p ...201728419321
influence of dietary inclusion of untreated or heat-treated jatropha meal on productive and reproductive performances and biochemical blood parameters of laying japanese quail.jatropha meal (jm) has been characterized as a potential animal feedstuff due to its high crude protein content and high levels of essential amino acids. however, it contains anti-nutritive and toxic compounds that may hinder its use. the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a dietary inclusion of raw jatropha meal (rjm) and heat-treated jatropha meal on the growth and production of laying japanese quail using productive, reproductive, and biochemical blood parameters. a total ...201728419309
a novel nuclear xenobiotic receptors (ahr/pxr/car)-mediated mechanism of dehp-induced cerebellar toxicity in quails (coturnix japonica) via disrupting cyp enzyme system homeostasis.di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (dehp) is causing serious health hazard in wildlife animal and human through environment and food chain, including the effect of brain development and impacted neurobehavioral outcomes. however, dehp exposure caused cerebellar toxicity in bird remains unclear. to evaluate dehp-exerted potential neurotoxicity in cerebellum, male quails were exposed with 0, 250, 500 and 750 mg/kg bw/day dehp by gavage treatment for 45 days. neurobehavioral abnormality and cerebellar his ...201728413083
transgenerational transmission of a stress-coping phenotype programmed by early-life stress in the japanese interesting aspect of developmental programming is the existence of transgenerational effects that influence offspring characteristics and performance later in life. these transgenerational effects have been hypothesized to allow individuals to cope better with predictable environmental fluctuations and thus facilitate adaptation to changing environments. here, we test for the first time how early-life stress drives developmental programming and transgenerational effects of maternal exposure ...201728387355
the fractal organization of ultradian rhythms in avian systems exhibit non-randomly organized biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes that follow distinctive patterns. in particular, animal behavior displays both fractal dynamics and periodic rhythms yet the relationship between these two dynamic regimens remain unexplored. herein we studied locomotor time series of visually isolated japanese quails sampled every 0.5 s during 6.5 days (>10(6) data points). these high-resolution, week-long, time series enabled simultaneous evaluat ...201728386121
nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy values of barley varies by treatment and species.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two species of poultry (cockerel and japanese quail), two levels of enzyme (0 and 0.5 g/kg), and 6 processing methods (control (c), gamma irradiation 25 (gi25), and 50 kgy (gi50), autoclaving (au), fermentation without lactobacillus (f), and fermentation with lactobacillus (fl)) on the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (amen) of barley. in this experiment, each processing method was tested at two levels of enzyme (0 and 0.5 g/kg ...201728339947
productive performance, egg quality, and hatching traits of japanese quail reared under different levels of glycerin.this study evaluated subsequent effects of glycerin on productive performance, egg quality, and hatching traits in japanese quail. a total of 200 birds was arranged according to a completely randomized design into 5 treatment groups having 5 replicates of 8 birds each (6 females and 2 males). treatments consisted 5 levels of glycerin, i.e., 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10% and the control group. birds were fed with different levels of glycerin during a rearing period of 6 wk and their subsequent effects on ...201728339941
glutamate released in the preoptic area during sexual behavior controls local estrogen synthesis in male quail.estrogens are known to act rapidly, probably via membrane estrogen receptors, to induce fast effects on physiological and behavioral processes. engaging in some of these behaviors, such as sexual behavior, results in an acute modulation of the production of estrogens in the brain by regulating the efficiency of the estrogen synthase enzyme, aromatase. we recently demonstrated that aromatase activity (aa) in the male quail brain is rapidly inhibited in discrete brain regions including the medial ...201728259043
brood size can influence maternal behaviour and chick's development in precocial birds.mothers have a crucial influence on offspring development. variations of maternal behaviour can be due to numerous parameters, for instance costs are related to the size of a brood/litter, which in turn can influence the level of mothers' investment in each offspring. here we investigated the influence of brood size on the behaviour of japanese quail mothers and chicks during the mothering period and on offspring development. we compared two types of broods: small broods of three chicks (n=9) an ...201728237745
dietary supplementation of chromium can alleviate negative impacts of heat stress on performance, carcass yield, and some blood hematology and chemistry indices of growing japanese quail.the main objective of this work was to investigate the impact of dietary chromium supplementation on growth indices, carcass yield, and some hematological and biochemical blood parameters of growing japanese quails subjected to heat stress. a total of 360 unsexed 2-week-old japanese quail chicks were used in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement that had two ambient temperatures (23 ± 2 and 33 ± 2 °c) and three dietary chromium (0.00, 500, and 1000 μg cr/kg diet as chromium picolinate). for induction of ...201728097602
inactivation of sonic hedgehog signaling and polydactyly in limbs of hereditary multiple malformation, a novel type of talpid mutant.hereditary multiple malformation (hmm) is a naturally occurring, autosomal recessive, homozygous lethal mutation found in japanese quail. homozygote embryos (hmm(-/-)) show polydactyly similar to talpid(2) and talpid(3) mutants. here we characterize the molecular profile of the hmm(-/-) limb bud and identify the cellular mechanisms that cause its polydactyly. the hmm(-/-) limb bud shows a severe lack of sonic hedgehog (shh) signaling, and the autopod has 4 to 11 unidentifiable digits with syn-, ...201628083533
thymol detection and quantitation by solid-phase microextraction in faeces and egg yolk of japanese measure bioavailability of the active ingredients of phytogenic feed additives in poultry products and subproducts is a key element for developing a rational understanding of its mode of action and biological effects. hence, we validated a headspace solid phase microextraction (hs-spme) technique followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as an analytical extraction procedure and as method for detection and quantitation of 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol (thymol) in faeces and egg yolk of qu ...201728076773
constant and cycling incubation temperatures have long-term effects on the morphology and metabolic rate of japanese quail.incubation temperature can have profound effects on growth and development of embryos and young birds. however, few studies have examined the role that cycling incubation temperature may play in phenotypic variation and whether these effects persist to adulthood. we incubated japanese quail eggs at control temperatures (37.5°c), at low temperatures (36.0°c), and under a cyclical treatment that maintained the same average temperature as the low treatment (36.0°c) with high temperatures that were ...201728051937
genetic evaluation of weekly body weight in japanese quail using random regression models.1. a total of 11 826 records from 2489 quails, hatched between 2012 and 2013, were used to estimate genetic parameters for bw (body weight) of japanese quail using random regression models. weekly bw was measured from hatch until 49 d of age. wombat software (university of new england, australia) was used for estimating genetic and phenotypic parameters. 2. nineteen models were evaluated to identify the best orders of legendre polynomials. a model with legendre polynomial of order 3 for additive ...201727982692
capsaicinoids improve egg production by regulating ovary nuclear transcription factors against heat stress in quail.1. to examine the molecular mechanism of capsaicinoid supplementation from capsicum extract, laying japanese quail (n = 180, 5 weeks old) were reared either at 22°c for 24 h/d (thermoneutral, tn) or at 34°c for 8 h/d (heat stress, hs) and fed on one of three diets containing 0, 25 or 50 mg of capsaicinoids per kilogram for 12 weeks (2 × 3 factorial arrangement). 2. the results revealed that exposure to hs decreased feed consumption by 10.7% and egg production by 13.6%, increased serum and ovary ...201727869499
effect of soaking, fermentation with lactobacillus and enzyme treatment on nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy values of wheat in cockerels and experiment was carried out to determine nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (amen) values of processed wheat products with two levels of enzyme (0 and 0.5 g/kg) and five processing methods [control (c), water-soaking for 12 h (so12h), 24 h (so24h) and 48 h (so48h) and fermentation with lactobacillus (fl)] in two species of poultry (cockerel and japanese quail). in this study, each processing method group had six replications with two cockerels or four quails per replication. the ...201727859720
determination of genetic diversity using 15 simple sequence repeats markers in long term selected japanese quail lines.japanese quail is still used as a model for poultry research because of their usefulness as laying, meat, and laboratory animals. microsatellite markers are the most widely used molecular markers, due to their relative ease of scoring and high levels of polymorphism. the objective of the research was to determine genetic diversity and population genetic structures of selected japanese quail lines (high body weight 1 [hbw1], hbw2, low body weight [lbw], and layer [l]) throughout 15th generations ...201627165027
hypericin fluorescence kinetics in the presence of low density lipoproteins: study on quail cam assay for topical delivery.there has been increasing interest in fluorescence-based imaging techniques in clinical practice, with the aim to detect and visualize the tumour configuration and the border with healthy tissue. strong photodynamic activity of hypericin (hyp) can be improved by various molecular transport systems (e.g. ldl). our aim was to examine pharmacokinetics of hyp in the presence of ldl particles on ex ovo chorioallantoic membrane (cam) of japanese quail with implanted te1 tumour spheroids (human squamoc ...201627447402
a molecular genome scan to identify dna segments associated with live weight in japanese quail.japanese quail is an animal model in biological studies and also a commercial bird for eggs and meat production. this study was conducted to map quantitative trait loci (qtl) affecting live weight in japanese quail. an f2 mapping population was developed by crossing two diverse lines (meat type and egg layer) of japanese quail. a total number of 34 f1 and 422 f2 progeny were produced by reciprocal crossing of eight pairs of parental birds. all the birds from three generations were genotyped for ...201627562854
effect of thermal stress on fertility and egg quality of japanese quail.heat stress is one of the major causes of a decreased performance of laying quail in tropical and subtropical countries. the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of temperature humidity index (thi) on fertility aspects, external and internal egg quality parameters in japanese quail. one hundred and forty four (144) japanese quail, 12 of weeks age, were used. birds were divided randomly into three equal groups, control (at low thi, lower than 70), h1 (at moderate thi, 70-75) and h2 (at ...201627712658
divergent cloacal gland photo-responsiveness in male japanese quail exposed to short days and associated differences in social interactions and reproduction.quail under short d (sd) reduce their gonadal development, and consequently their cloacal gland (cg) size, aggressiveness, sexual behaviors, and reproductive performance. however, some quail appear nonresponsive to sd inhibition. when male quail were arbitrarily classified according to their cg involution during maximum photoinhibition (5 wk after sd exposure) as either nonresponsive (nr-sd) or responsive (r-sd), nr-sd quail showed intermediate cg volume between r-sd quail and the control quail ...201727591275
a comparative study of sex difference in calbindin neurons among mice, musk shrews, and japanese quails.the medial preoptic nucleus (mpn) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bnst) of mice contain sexually dimorphic nuclei (sdns) that are larger and have more neurons expressing calbindin d-28k (cb), a calcium-binding protein, in males than females. however, it is largely unknown whether such sdns exist in species other than rodents. in this study, we performed an immunohistochemical study of cb in the mpn and bnst of musk shrews and japanese quails to examine the existence of homologs of s ...201627531632
effect of in ovo injection of threonine on immunoglobulin a gene expression in the intestine of japanese quail at hatch.the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of in ovo injection of threonine (thr) on immunoglobulin a (iga) gene expression of japanese quail on hatch day. a total of 540 japanese quail eggs were assigned into nine groups of 60 each and were set in a single-stage incubator. treatments were as follows: non-injected (control), two diluent levels (0.05 or 0.1 ml saline), two sites of injection (in or under the air sac) and with or without nutrients (0.5 mg/ml thr). eggs were injected ...201727445232
auxiliary effects of camphor on reproductive function of japanese recent decades, reproductive problems were raised alongside the continuous genetic selection for performance purposes in poultry. as such, a negative correlation was observed between reproductive and production performance, which may possibly imply that the high growth rate in poultry causes physiological disorders such as decreased libido and frequency of mating. a study was conducted to establish the efficacy of feeding graded levels of camphor on reproductive function of japanese quail as ...201627444447
expression of arginine vasotocin and estrogen receptor alpha (erα) in the shell gland altered by the specific phase relations of neural oscillations affects the reproductive physiology of japanese order to study the effect of specific phase relation of neural oscillations on reproductive regulation and the response of avt (the avian homologue of mammalian avp) the expression of avt in the shell gland was monitored in sexually immature quail. in this study 3-week-old female japanese quail were administered with serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan followed by the dopamine precursor, l-dihydroxyphenylalanine at interval of 8h and 12h daily over a period of 13days. at thirty two days ...201627394660
comparison of muscle fiber and meat quality characteristics in different japanese quail lines.the aim of this study was to compare the growth performance, fiber characteristics of the pectoralis major muscle, and meat quality characteristics in the heavy weight (hw) and random bred control (rbc) quail lines and genders. the hw male exhibited more than two times greater body (245.7 vs 96.1 g, p<0.05) and pectoralis major muscle (pmw; 37.1 vs 11.1 g, p<0.05) weights compared to the rbc female. this growth performance in the hw line was associated with a greater muscle fiber area (1,502 vs ...201627383804
interactive effect of light colours and temporal synergism of circadian neural oscillations in reproductive regulation of japanese quail.avian literature reports the modulation of 'photoperiodic gonadal responses' by the temporal phase relation of serotonergic and dopaminergic oscillations in japanese quail. but, the modulation of 'light colour responses' by the temporal synergism of neural oscillations is not yet known. hence the present study was designed to investigate the interaction of the light colour (blue, red) and the phase relation of neural oscillations in the reproductive regulation of japanese quail. three week old m ...201627344020
high resolution, week-long, locomotion time series from japanese quail in a home-box environment.temporal and spatial patterns of locomotion reflect both resting periods and the movement from one place to another to satisfy physiological and behavioural needs. locomotion is studied in diverse areas of biology such as chronobiology and physiology, as well as in biomathematics. herein, the locomotion of 24 visually-isolated japanese quails in their home-box environment was recorded continuously over a 6.5 days at a 0.5 s sampling rate. three time series are presented for each bird: (1) locomo ...201627271772
genetic parameters of egg quality traits in long-term pedigree recorded japanese quail.this study was conducted to determine the genetic parameters of internal and external quality traits of japanese quail eggs. two statistical models were used in the calculation of genetic parameters and variance components. while 286 eggs were used based on model 1, 1,524 eggs were used based on model 2. genetic parameters of the first eggs were calculated with direct genetic effect included in the analysis as random factors by using model 1. model 2 was used for all eggs (5 to 6 eggs from each ...201627190108
non-ovarian aromatization is required to activate female sexual motivation in testosterone-treated ovariectomized quail.although aromatase is expressed in both male and female brains, its functional significance in females remains poorly understood. in female quail, sexual receptivity is activated by estrogens. however it is not known whether sexual motivation is similarly estrogen-dependent and whether estrogens locally produced in the brain contribute to these behavioral responses. four main experiments were designed to address these questions. in experiment 1 chronic treatment of females with the anti-estrogen ...201627189762
effects of phytase supplementation on growth performance, jejunum morphology, liver health, and serum metabolites of japanese quails fed sesame (sesamum indicum) meal-based diets containing graded levels of protein.a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was used to investigate the effects of two levels of dietary crude protein (200 or 240 g kg(-1)) and two inclusion rates of phytase enzyme supplementation (with or without) on performance, jejunum morphology, and some hematological parameters of japanese quails fed diets based on three graded levels of sesame (sesamum indicum) meal (0, 120, and 240 g kg(-1) of the diet). a total of 480 japanese quail chicks were randomly allocated to 12 treatments ...201627113452
health status and potential uptake of transgenic dna by japanese quail fed diets containing genetically modified plant ingredients over 10 generations.the hypothesis assumes that feed containing gmos affects animal health and results in the transgene product accumulating in the body. therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of genetically modified (gm) ingredients used in poultry diets on aspects of bird health status and accumulation of transgenic dna in eggs, breast muscle and internal organs. a total of 10 generations of japanese quail were fed three types of diets: group a - containing gm soya (roundup ready) and no ...201627095142
effects of medium-chain fatty acids on performance, carcass characteristics, blood biochemical parameters and immune response in japanese quail.this study had the aim of evaluating the effects of medium-chain fatty acids (mcfa) on performance, carcass characteristics, some blood parameters and antibody titre against sheep red blood cells (srbc) in quail. a total of 240 quail chicks were allotted to 4 treatments consisting of respectively 0, 1, 2 and 4 g/kg dietary mcfa. there were no significant differences in body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio among treatments at different stages of the experiment. mcfas had no signific ...201627074264
mild heat stress enhances differentiation and proliferation of japanese quail myoblasts and enhances slow muscle fiber characteristics.the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of mild heat stress on muscle fiber hyperplastic and hypertrophic growth in quail primary myogenic cells to better understand the mechanisms leading to increased skeletal muscle development in avian embryos incubated at a higher temperature. compared to control cultures maintained at 37°c, incubation at 39°c enhanced myotube length (p < 0.01) and diameter (p < 0.001) at 3 days after differentiation (d3). this enlargement of the myotubes i ...201627038421
primary endodermal epithelial cell culture from the yolk sac membrane of japanese quail embryos.we established an endodermal epithelial cell culture model (eec) for studying the function of certain enzymes and proteins in mediating nutrient utilization by avian embryos during development. fertilized japanese quail eggs were incubated at 37 °c for 5 days and then yolk sac membranes (ysm) were collected to establish the eec culture system. we isolated the embryonic endoderm layer from ysm, and sliced the membrane into 2 - 3 mm pieces and partially digested with collagenase before seeding in ...201627022687
pre- and post-natal stress programming: developmental exposure to glucocorticoids causes long-term brain-region specific changes to transcriptome in the precocial japanese quail.exposure to stress during early development can permanently influence an individual's physiology and behaviour, and affect its subsequent health. the extent to which elevated glucocorticoids cause such long-term 'programming' remains largely untested. in the present study, using the japanese quail as our study species, we independently manipulated exposure to corticosterone during pre- and/or post-natal development and investigated the subsequent effects on global gene expression profiles within ...201626999292
overexpression of g0/g1 switch gene 2 in adipose tissue of transgenic quail inhibits lipolysis associated with egg avians, yolk synthesis is regulated by incorporation of portomicrons from the diet, transport of lipoproteins from the liver, and release of lipids from adipose tissue; however, the extent to which lipolysis in adipose tissue contributes to yolk synthesis and egg production has yet to be elucidated. g0/g1 switch gene 2 (g0s2) is known to bind and inhibit adipose triglyceride lipase (atgl), the rate-limiting enzyme in lipolysis. the objective of this study was to determine whether overexpressi ...201626999108
p and ca requirements for japanese quail.four experiments were conducted to estimate the phosphorus and calcium requirements for weight maintenance and weight gain in japanese quails during their growth phase from 16 to 36 days. japanese quails aged 16 days were used for estimating the phosphorous and calcium requirements for weight maintenance or weight gain, with these quails composing each reference slaughter group and the others distributed in a completely randomized design, housed in cages of galvanized wire (33 × 33 × 16 cm) that ...201726991051
female japanese quail with high levels of estradiol demonstrate cocaine-induced conditioned place preference.preclinical research has indicated that females may be more sensitive to the rewarding properties of cocaine. however, the majority of this research has been done in rodent species. environmental cues associated with human drug-taking behavior tend to be visual. because rodents do not rely on the visual system as their primary sense modality, the use of a visually oriented species may add to our understanding of cue-elicited drug cravings and relapse. the present study examined the potential rol ...201626963687
histomorphometric study of brachiocephalic artery of japanese quail.brachiocephalic arteries in quails are large arteries which are arising separately from the aortic arch. the aim of the present study was to determine the histomorphometric aspects of brachiocephalic arteries in the japanese quail. the different layers of the brachiocephalic artery were studied quantitatively in 10, 20 and 60 days-old japanese quail; (n = 6) and both sexes. luminal diameter, thickness of the intima, media and adventitia, the percentage of the intima, media and adventitia, as com ...201526893806
genetic evaluation of early egg production and maturation traits using two different approaches in japanese quail.the objective of the current study was to evaluate a multi-trait selection program based on aggregated breeding values using an animal model best linear unbiased prediction (blup) in japanese quail. the estimated genetic gain was compared by both mixed model and least squares methods. data of 1,682 female japanese quails were collected through four consecutive generations to estimate genetic gain, depending on aggregated breeding values, for age at first egg (afe), body weight at sexual maturity ...201626769265
inferring relationships between phosphorus utilization, feed per gain, and bodyweight gain in an f2 cross of japanese quail using recursive models.phosphorus utilization (pu) has received considerable attention in poultry nutrition. however, reliable estimates of genetic parameters for pu and related traits have largely not been reported until now; however, these are needed to assess whether selection for an improved pu would result in selection response. a large japanese quail f2 cross was generated and 888 f2 individuals were phenotyped for pu, bodyweight gain (bwg), and feed per gain (f:g). because it can reasonably be assumed that the ...201626740136
a simple estimation of ideal profile of essential amino acids and metabolizable energy for growing japanese experiment was conducted to determine apparent metabolizable energy (ame) and amino acid requirements of growing japanese quail based on ideal protein concept using artificial neural network and desirability function (d-ann). seven-day-old quail chicks were assigned to nine experimental diets based on central composite design (ccd) containing five levels of ame (2809-3091 kcal/kg) and cp (19-24.8% of diet). the ratio of lysine (lys) to cp was set at 0.053 among all treatments, and remaining e ...201626671312
dietary rosemary oil alleviates heat stress-induced structural and functional damage through lipid peroxidation in the testes of growing japanese quail.supplementation of natural antioxidants to diets of male poultry has been reported to be effective in reducing or completely eliminating heat stress (hs)-induced reproductive failures. in this study, the aim is to investigate whether rosemary oil (ro) has a protective effect on hs-induced damage in spermatozoa production, testicular histologic structures, apoptosis, and androgenic receptor (ar) through lipid peroxidation mechanisms in growing japanese quail. male chicks (n=90) at 15-days of age ...201626656503
7α-hydroxypregnenolone regulates diurnal changes in sexual behavior of male the japanese quail, 7α-hydroxypregnenolone, a previously undescribed avian neurosteroid, is actively produced in the brain. 7α-hydroxypregnenolone acts as a novel neuronal activator to stimulate locomotor activity of quail. therefore, in this study, we determined whether 7α-hydroxypregnenolone changes the expression of sexual behavior in japanese quail. we first measured diurnal changes in sexual behavior of male quail exposed to a long-day photoperiod. we found that sexual behavior of male q ...201626608258
the role of vitamin e or clay in growing japanese quail fed diets polluted by cadmium at various levels.this study was conducted to verify whether vitamin (vit) e or natural clay as feed additives has the potential to modulate the deleterious effects resulting from exposure to cadmium (cd) in growing japanese quail. 648 japanese quail chicks (1 week old) were used to evaluate the effects of dietary cd (0, 40, 80 and 120 mg/kg diet) and two levels of vit e (0, 250 mg/kg diet) or two levels of natural clay (0 and 100 mg/kg diet) to study the influences of cd, vit e, clay or their different combinati ...201626585391
long-term p-nitrophenol exposure can disturb liver metabolic cytochrome p450 genes together with aryl hydrocarbon receptor in japanese quail.p-nitrophenol is a major metabolite of some organophosphorus compounds. it is considered to be one of nitrophenol derivatives of diesel exhaust particles that induce substantial hazards impacts on human and animal health. p-nitrophenol (pnp) is a persistent organic pollutant. consequently, bioaccumulation of pnp potentiates toxicity. the objectives of the current study were to assess the potential hepatic toxicity and pathway associated with long-term exposure to pnp. japanese quails were orally ...201526563031
the effect of diet and host genotype on ceca microbiota of japanese quail fed a cholesterol enriched diet.two japanese quail strains, respectively atherosclerosis-susceptible (sus) and -resistant (res), have been shown to be good models to study cholesterol metabolism and transportation associated with atherosclerosis. our objective was to examine possible difference in cecal microbiota between these strains when fed a control diet and a cholesterol enriched diet, to determine how host genotype and diet could affect the cecal microbiome that may play a part in cholesterol metabolism. a factorial stu ...201526500632
genetically modified crops in a 10-generation feeding trial on japanese quails--evaluation of its influence on birds' performance and body composition.the effect of genetically modified (gm) feed components comprising soya bean meal and maize on the performance indices (reproduction, survival rate, growth, egg production, relative weight of chosen internal organs, and basic chemical composition of breast muscle and egg yolk) of japanese quails was investigated during a 10-generation trial. a total number of 8,438 healthy quail chicks were used in the course of the trial. in each generation, birds were maintained in 3 experimental groups differ ...201526475068
molecular, cellular, morphological, physiological and behavioral aspects of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone.gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (gnih) is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that was isolated from the brains of japanese quail in 2000, which inhibited luteinizing hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland. here, we summarize the following fifteen years of researches that investigated on the mechanism of gnih actions at molecular, cellular, morphological, physiological, and behavioral levels. the unique molecular structure of gnih peptide is in its lpxrfamide (x=l or q) motif at its c-termina ...201626409890
estrogen receptor β activation rapidly modulates male sexual motivation through the transactivation of metabotropic glutamate receptor addition to the transcriptional activity of their liganded nuclear receptors, estrogens, such as estradiol (e2), modulate cell functions, and consequently physiology and behavior, within minutes through membrane-initiated events. the membrane-associated receptors (mers) underlying the acute effects of estrogens on behavior have mostly been documented in females where active estrogens are thought to be of ovarian origin. we determined here, by acute intracerebroventricular injections of specif ...201526400941
an individually fitted physical barrier device as a tool to restrict the birds' spatial access: can their use alter behavioral responses?social interactions have been extensively studied in poultry in a variety of environmental situations. many studies allow full social contacts between birds, but there are others in which the interactions are tested through barriers (wire mesh or glass). thus a situation where, according to their needs, some birds can get access to physical contact with conspecifics while others cannot, would be useful to expand the testing options for social interaction studies. we developed an individual physi ...201526240397
identification and localization of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (gnih) orthologs in the hypothalamus of the red-eared slider turtle, trachemys scripta elegans.gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (gnih) was discovered in 2000 as a novel hypothalamic neuropeptide that inhibited gonadotropin release in the japanese quail. gnih and its orthologs have a common c-terminal lpxrfamide (x=l or q) motif, and have been identified in vertebrates from agnathans to humans, apart from reptiles. in the present study, we characterized a cdna encoding gnih orthologs in the brain of the red-eared slider turtle. the deduced precursor protein consisted of 205 amino-acid resid ...201626130239
estimation of lysine requirements of growing japanese quail during the fourth and fifth weeks of age.a dose-response assay was conducted using broken-line regressions to estimate the lysine (lys) requirements of quail chicks from 21 to 35 d of age. a basal diet was formulated to be adequate in all nutrients other than lys. incremental levels of l-lys.hcl were added to the basal diet at the expense of a mix of cornstarch, nahco3, and nacl to create 6 experimental diets containing 0.84 to 1.59% lys. feed intake (fi), weight gain (wg), and feed conversion ratio (fcr) responded quadratically to inc ...201526069252
effect of cinnamon (cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil on heat stress-induced changes in sperm production, testicular lipid peroxidation, testicular apoptosis, and androgenic receptor density in developing japanese quails.the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cinnamon bark oil (cbo) on heat stress (hs)-induced changes in sperm production, testicular lipid peroxidation, testicular apoptosis, and androgenic receptor (ar) density in developing japanese quails. fifteen-day-old 90 male chicks were assigned to two main groups. the first group (45 chicks) was kept in a thermoneutral room at 22 °c for 24 h/day. the second group (45 chicks) was kept in a room with high ambient temperature at 34 °c for 8 h ...201525913274
light colour and intensity alters reproductive/seasonal responses in japanese extensive literature is available on the photoperiodic responses of avian species but studies on light colour and wavelength from light emitting diode (led) sources on reproduction are limited. hence, an experiment was designed to study the effect of different colours and intensities of light on the reproductive responses of japanese quail. three-week old quail were exposed to five different light conditions with a long photoperiod (ld 16:8): wt (white fluorescent light 100 lux as control), w ...201525912834
genetic evaluation of carcass traits in japanese quail using ultrasonic and morphological measurements.1. a study was conducted to evaluate the carcass composition of 1083 live birds using ultrasonic and morphological measurements and to estimate the genetic relationship between predicted and dissected carcass composition in japanese quail. 2. birds were reared for 35 d, and morphological measurements consisting of the length and width of breast muscle were recorded for all birds using a digital caliper. after slaughtering, the weight and percentage of carcass traits were measured on chilled carc ...201525906384
interference coloration as an anti-predator defence.interference coloration, in which the perceived colour varies predictably with the angle of illumination or observation, is extremely widespread across animal groups. however, despite considerable advances in our understanding of the mechanistic basis of interference coloration in animals, we still have a poor understanding of its function. here, i show, using avian predators hunting dynamic virtual prey, that the presence of interference coloration can significantly reduce a predator's attack s ...201525878050
local modulation of steroid action: rapid control of enzymatic activity.estrogens can induce rapid, short-lived physiological and behavioral responses, in addition to their slow, but long-term, effects at the transcriptional level. to be functionally relevant, these effects should be associated with rapid modulations of estrogens concentrations. 17β-estradiol is synthesized by the enzyme aromatase, using testosterone as a substrate, but can also be degraded into catechol-estrogens via hydroxylation by the same enzyme, leading to an increase or decrease in estrogens ...201525852459
egg shell quality in japanese quail: characteristics, heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic relationships.the objective of the present study was to estimate heritabilities as well as genetic and phenotypic correlations for egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, shell ratio, egg shell strength, egg length, egg width and shell weight in japanese quail eggs. external egg quality traits were measured on 5864 eggs of 934 female quails from a dam line selected for two generations. within the bayesian framework, using gibbs sampling algorithm, a multivariate animal model was applied to estimate heritab ...201525851501
effects of diet, time since defecation, and drying process of the droppings on corticosterone metabolite measurements in japanese quail.the use of noninvasive methods for measuring fecal glucocorticoid metabolites is a useful tool for endocrine assessment particularly in studies where animals cannot be captured, when they should be sampled without disturbing their activities, and/or when welfare needs to be maximized. however, still no complete standardization exists for the methodology, and some confounding variables may play an important role affecting measurements and interpretation of results. the present study focused on wh ...201525771534
[embryogenesis of the japanese quail in hypomagnetic conditions applied to deep space flights].during future interplanetary flights and on the lunar base, astronauts and bioregenerative systems on the space ship will occur in an interplanetary magnetic field, which is much lower than the habitual geomagnetic field (gmf). it is known that hypomagnetic conditions have an adverse biological effect on human beings and other living systems. in our research the japanese quail has been chosen as one of the possible elements of the bioregenerative live support system. the magnetic system--helmhol ...201625764820
different temperature and cooling patterns at the blunt and sharp egg poles reflect the arrangement of eggs in an avian clutch.incubation is an energetically demanding process during which birds apply heat to their eggs to ensure embryonic development. parent behaviours such as egg turning and exchanging the outer and central eggs in the nest cup affect the amount of heat lost to the environment from individual eggs. little is known, however, about whether and how egg surface temperature and cooling rates vary among the different areas of an egg and how the arrangement of eggs within the clutch influences heat loss. we ...201525658846
developmental changes in the role of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (gnih) and its receptors in the reproductive axis of male xiaomeishan pigs.gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (gnih), a key regulator of vertebrate reproduction, was identified in the japanese quail in 2000, and rfamide-related peptide-3 (rfrp-3) was found to be a mammalian gnih ortholog. to further determine its role in the reproductive system of male xiaomeishan pigs, we systematically investigated changes in gnih and its receptors (gpr147 and gpr74) during the development of the reproductive axis of male pigs. we also investigated the direct effect of rfrp-3 on the syn ...201525640458
towards more physiological manipulations of hormones in field studies: comparing the release dynamics of three kinds of testosterone implants, silastic tubing, time-release pellets and beeswax.hormone manipulations are of increasing interest in the areas of physiological ecology and evolution, because hormones are mediators of complex phenotypic changes. often, however, hormone manipulations in field settings follow the approaches that have been used in classical endocrinology, potentially using supra-physiological doses. to answer ecological and evolutionary questions, it may be important to manipulate hormones within their physiological range. we compare the release dynamics of thre ...201525623144
photostimulation of japanese adapt commercial poultry production to a new scenario of energy savings and to develop specific practices for quail production aimed at reducing costs while maintaining or improving productivity, four experiments were conducted. in the first experiment, birds were allocated to four treatments (photoperiod duration): t1: 14 l:10 d; t2: 15 l:9 d; t3: 16 l:8 d; and t4: 17 l:7 d. in the second experiment, birds were subjected to four levels of brightness: t1: 5 lux; t2: 10 lux; t3:15 lux; and t4: ...201525589080
pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin in japanese quails and common pheasants.the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin and marbofloxacin was studied in japanese quails and common pheasants. healthy mature birds from both species and both genders were treated intravenously and orally with enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg) and marbofloxacin (5 mg/kg). after intravenous administration enrofloxacin was extensively metabolised to ciprofloxacin. metabolites of marbofloxacin were not detected. values of volume of distribution were respectively 4.63 l/kg and 3.67 l/kg for enrofloxacin and 1.56 ...201525567298
divergent selection for shape of the growth curve in japanese quail. 8. effect of long-term selection on embryonic development and growth.1. changes in embryonic development and growth were analysed in relation to direct changes in postnatal growth and correlated responses in egg parameters using japanese quail lines selected for more than 30 generations for high (hg) and low (lg) relative gain of body weight (bw) between 11 and 28 d of age, and constant bw at 49 d of age. 2. during the first 42 h as well as at the end of incubation, lg embryos were developmentally accelerated in comparison with their hg counterparts. an expected ...201525560981
chemical composition of solar dried blood and the ruminal content and its effect on performance of japanese quails.the aim was to determine the chemical composition of solar dried blood and rumen content (dbrc) and further ascertain the concentration at which dbrc could be included in japanese quail diets without any adverse effect on its performance.201527047002
reduced resistance to oxidative stress during reproduction as a cost of early-life stress.stress exposure during early-life development can have long-term consequences for a variety of biological functions including oxidative stress. the link between early-life stress and oxidative balance is beginning to be explored and previous studies have focused on this link in adult non-breeding or immature individuals. however, as oxidative stress is considered as the main physiological mechanism underlying the trade-off between self-maintenance and investment in reproduction, it is necessary ...201525542633
Displaying items 2401 - 2500 of 4180