
[inhibitor production, a stable feature of plague pathogen].application of the methods developed by the author to the plague causative agent isolated in six natural plague foci provided detection of its ability to synthesize a factor inhibiting the growth of the producing strain and cultures isolated from the same focus. in the strains isolated from these foci the inhibitor presence was stable on the agar consisting of fermentative casein hydrolysate and 0.6 per cent of lithium chloride when the indicator strains were incubated under definite temperature ...19892730214
influence of surface modulations by enzymes and monoclonal antibodies on alternative complement pathway activation by yersinia enterocolitica.effector mechanisms resulting from alternative complement pathway (acp) activation cannot act efficiently against yersinia enterocolitica serotype o3, as indicated by poor c3 to c9 consumption and by survival in egta (ethyleneglycoldiaminetetraacetic acid) mg-serum. these results were not influenced by the lack or presence of plasmid-encoded outer membrane proteins or lipopolysaccharides (lps) with different amounts of side chains or by treatment of the bacteria with pronase or neuraminidase. su ...19892731980
in-vitro interactions of fce 22101 with aminoglycosides against gram-negative rods.agar dilution mics of fce 22101 were measured for 894 consecutively-isolated gram-negative rods from clinical specimens (413 escherichia coli, 104 klebsiella spp., 54 enterobacter spp., 19 citrobacter spp., 131 proteus spp., 43 acinetobacter spp., 9 serratia spp., 3 providencia spp., 4 yersinia spp., 3 hafnia spp. and 111 pseudomonas spp.). excluding pseudomonas spp., 98% of these isolates were susceptible to 8 mg/l fce 22101. resistance (mic greater than 8 mg/l) varied from 11% in serratia spp. ...19892732132
prospective study of the etiology of diarrhea in adult outpatients and inpatients.a prospective study of the etiology of diarrhea in 253 adult outpatients and inpatients was conducted in helsinki in 1985-86. the outpatients constituted 84.6% of all patients studied. a broad panel of diagnostic techniques was applied, including detection of bacteria and parasites in the feces and determination of the serologic responses to campylobacter, salmonella, yersinia enterocolitica, and several viruses. pathogens were identified for 28.5% of the patients. the commonest findings were ca ...19892734591
[treatment of patients with yersinia infections]. 19892734665
[the mutagenic effect of polymorphonuclear leukocytes on yersinia pestis].as the result of in vitro experiments, y. pestis auxotrophic mutants have been obtained under the influence of polymorphonuclear lymphocytes obtained from guinea pigs, previously immunized with y. pestis strain ev. the mutagenic effect has been found to occur at minute 45 of phagocytosis. the control treatment of the bacteria with the lysate of neutrophils, homologous serum, penicillin (antibiotic-influenced selection) has not been found to lead to the appearance of auxotrophicity. these data su ...19892735164
fecal immunoglobulin a (iga) antibodies to yersinia enterocolitica in mice orally vaccinated and infected.fecal immunoglobulin-a (iga) antibodies to yersinia enterocolitica serovar o3 strain were detected in the mice orally immunized with formalin-killed organisms. y. enterocolitica o3 organisms were inhibited to colonize in the intestines of the mice producing fecal iga. the fecal iga antibodies were detected in the mice orally infected with the bacteria. when iga was produced in the mice infected, they ceased shedding the organisms in their feces.19892739202
[yersinia infections and acute surgical diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity].intestinal yersiniosis was identified bacteriologically and serologically in 4.87% of patients who underwent operation for pain in the right half of the abdomen. the disease was manifested in the form of acute appendicitis, acute mesadenitis, terminal ileitis, and colitis. chloramphenicol, tetracycline, gentamicin, and nitrofuran preparations proved to be most effective. the late-term results were studied.19892739307
expression of the low calcium response in yersinia pestis.pathogenic yersiniae undergo an established low calcium response (lcr) at 37 degrees c in ca2+-deficient media characterized by restricted growth with synthesis of lcr plasmid-encoded virulence functions. the latter include outer membrane peptides (yops) known to undergo pst plasmid-mediated post-translational degradation in yersinia pestis but not in enteropathogenic yersiniae lacking this plasmid. salient yops of y. pestis are shown here to be either maintained in the steady state or to exist ...19892739560
studies on the microflora associated with xenic cultures of entamoeba gingivalis.the microflora associated with xenic stock cultures (atcc 30927) of entamoeba gingivalis, the major protozoan of the human oral cavity, were isolated and identified as citrobacter diversus, yersinia enterocolitica, acinetobacter anitratus and pseudomonas maltophilia. in studies to determine whether the bacterial isolates were able to utilize rice starch as a sole carbon source, y. enterocolitica exhibited excellent growth in rice starch minimal medium and tysgm-9 medium (with rice starch), but g ...19892739589
[clinico-roentgenologic manifestations of intestinal lesions in pseudotuberculosis].the authors presented the results of clinical and x-ray investigation of 102 patients with epidemic pseudotuberculosis (ep). the diagnosis was established on the basis of epidemiological evidence and the results of clinical and serological investigation. the affection of the digestive organs was observed not only in the abdominal type of ep but also in its other types. x-ray examination of the digestive organs revealed terminal ileitis in 56.8% of the patients alongside with functional disorders ...19892741322
[serologic diagnosis of intestinal yersiniosis. the design of a stable erythrocyte preparation for the indirect hemagglutination reaction].nine types of erythrocyte diagnostica of serovars o3 and o9, differing in the methods of obtaining sensitins and the physical state of erythrocytes, were put on trial. the preparations were used for the titration of hyperimmune sera and blood sera obtained from about 500 healthy persons, 300 patients with yersinia enteric infection and 300 patients with other diseases. freeze-dried diagnostica, when compared with liquid ones, were found to be less sensitive, but more stable and specific. sensiti ...19892741602
[yersinia enterocolitica: a clinical form, difficult to diagnose]. 19892742245
[results of screening of plasmids of yersinia pestis strains from various regions of endemic central-asian plague focus].the results of the plasmid screening of yersinia pestis strains isolated from four autonomous focuses on the northern border of the central asian zone of plague natural focality are presented. the plasmid profile of yersinia pestis strains from the focuses is characterized as stable and independent of the source and time of strain isolation. the peculiar characteristic of the strains isolated in tuva is the presence of an "additional" 15-16 md plasmid in those strains.19892747698
[integration with the chromosome--an alternative state of calcium-dependency plasmids in yersinia].using the technique of the genes probes the naturally occuring strains y. pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica of epidemiological importance were shown to contain pcad plasmid integrated with the chromosome. the strains having integrated plasmid express all pathogenicity determinants necessary for realization of infectious process.19892747704
[yersiniosis]. 19892752462
humoral immune response to individual yersinia enterocolitica antigens in patients with and without reactive arthritis.the igg, iga and igm antibody responses to individual yersinia enterocolitica antigens were analysed by immunoblotting in 10 patients with reactive arthritis and 11 patients with enterocolitis caused by y. enterocolitica serotype 0:3. the igg antibody response was directed against partly different antigens compared with iga. the expression of these antigens varied with bacterial culture conditions. the igg and igm antibody responses in the early stages of infection (less than or equal to 3 weeks ...19892752593
[the "diseased" or "dead" guillemots (uria aalge), three-toed gulls (rissa tridactyla), silver gulls (larus argentatus) and laughing gulls (larus ridibundus) found in the area of the german bay, 1982-1985].between 1982 and 1985 the cadavers of 50 guillemots (uria aalge), 41 kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla), 26 herring gulls (larus argentatus) and 34 black-headed gulls (larus ridibundus) were examined pathological, bacteriological and virological. the probable cause of death was established. parasitosis were particularly prevalent in herring gulls (49%), where the main infection--as in black-headed gulls--was with cestoides. in kittiwakes and guillemots mainly spiruroideae were recorded. the commonest ...19892752934
production of bacteriocin by isolates of yersinia enterocolitica from fresh buffalo milk.fifty isolates of yersinia enterocolitica from fresh buffalo milk were screened for the production of bacteriocin using isolates as indicators. seven isolates (14%) were bacteriocin producers at 22 degrees c which had more bacteriolytic activity at 37 degrees c. only one isolate produced bacteriocin at both temperatures.19892753433
thyrotrophin (tsh)-binding proteins in bacteria and their cross-reaction with autoantibodies against the human tsh receptor.a screen of a range of bacteria normally found in gut flora identified eight with the ability to bind tsh specifically. these included the previously reported yersinia enterocolitica, gram-positive, gram-negative, pathogenic and commensal organisms. eleven preparations of tsh-receptor autoantibodies strongly able to displace 125i-labelled tsh from the mammalian tsh receptor differed in their ability to displace the tracer from binding to bacterial extracts. none could displace the tracer from e. ...19892754380
[yersinia enterocolitis--report of two cases].we reported two cases of terminal ileitis caused by yersinia enterocolitica (y.e.). y.e. was proven by stool culture in each case. they were admitted to the hospital complaining abdominal pain. they are examined by x-ray and endoscopy in the different time, and their examination revealed edema, coarse mucosa and varioliform elevated lesions with the passage of time.19892754826
serum opsonic capacity against yersinia enterocolitica o:3 in yersiniosis patients with or without reactive arthritis.the opsonic capacity of 45 sera from patients with reactive arthritis after yersinia enterocolitica o:3 infection and of 45 matched sera from yersiniosis patients without post-infection complications was studied at 1-3 months, 5-8 months and 12-20 months after the onset of the infection. antibody-mediated opsonization of virulence-plasmid-containing y. enterocolitica o:3 was studied by measuring complement-fixation on opsonized bacteria and opsonophagocytic function of the polymorphonuclear leuc ...19892758695
hematogeneous osteitis due to yersinia enterocolitica. 19892760506
a survey for yersinia pseudotuberculosis in migratory birds in coastal japan.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from three specimens of two species of birds, the black-faced bunting (emberiza spodocephala) and pied wagtail (motacilla alba), of 528 specimens of birds examined from coastal regions in japan. the two isolated strains of y. pseudotuberculosis were identified as serovar 4b and serovar 3. this is the first isolation of y. pseudotuberculosis from birds in japan. yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from three specimens of the pied wagtail, one specimen of ...19892761013
analysis of the yopa gene encoding the yop1 virulence determinants of yersinia spp.the yop proteins of yersinia are important virulence determinants. the yop1 protein sequences of yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and two yersinia enterocolitica serotypes, 0:3 and 0:8, deduced from the nucleotide sequences of the corresponding yopa genes, were compared. most differences were found in the hydrophilic domains of the proteins, whereas the hydrophobic domains were conserved. the amino acid sequences revealed a signal sequence 25 amino acids long. no cysteine residues w ...19892761389
[detection of yersinia antigens in biological substrates from adult patients with yersinia infection]. 19892762930
growth and endotoxin production of yersinia enterocolitica and enterobacter agglomerans in packed erythrocytes.since 1987, the centers for disease control investigated six cases of transfusion-associated sepsis. all six patients developed septic shock after receiving units of packed erythrocytes (prbcs) contaminated with yersinia enterocolitica (five patients) and enterobacter agglomerans (one patient); three of the blood recipients died. we studied the growth and endotoxin production of y. enterocolitica and e. agglomerans in units of prbcs stored at 4 degrees c for 60 days. when prbcs were inoculated w ...19892768438
development and testing of a synthetic oligonucleotide probe for the detection of pathogenic yersinia strains.a 24-base oligonucleotide probe specific for a region of the yersinia enterocolitica virulence plasmid (pyv) associated with hep-2 cell cytotoxicity and the sereny reaction was constructed by using sequences flanking critical tnphoa insertions in a subcloned fragment of pyv. this probe, highly specific and sensitive for virulent yersiniae, detected pathogenic y. enterocolitica isolates in artificially inoculated foods.19892768454
diagnostic significance of the coagglutination reaction in patients with the diarrhoea syndrome.specific soluble shigella, salmonella and yersinia enterocolitica antigens were determined in biological fluids (saliva, urine, coprofiltrate) from 268 patients with the diarrhoea syndrome using the coagglutination reaction. the findings suggest that the coagglutination reaction (coa) is a simple and efficient method suitable for the fast diagnosing of acute intestinal infection (aii) in the early days from the onset of the disease. coa enables the identification of specific antigens associated ...19892768820
use of dna hybridizations probes for detection of the plague bacillus (yersinia pestis) in fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae and ceratophyllidae).the detection of active plaque in nature relies primarily on demonstration of the etiologic agent of the disease. yersinia pestis, in the flea vectors and susceptible mammalian hosts. a live animal assay is currently used for identification of a y. pestis virulence antigen that is not expressed in the flea. we have found that dna hybridization probes specific for y. pestis, used in very simple sample preparation schemes, allow detection of y. pestis in three species of fleas as well as tissues o ...19892769715
[a complication of intestinal yersiniosis]. 19892770159
yersinia enterocolitica septicemia after accidental oral iron overdose. 19892771534
[sepsis and multiple hepatic abscesses caused by yersinia enterocolitica]. 19892772300
[circulation of intestinal infection in the families of patients with rheumatic diseases and the state of humoral immunity to enterobacterial antigens].elisa quantitation of antibodies to klebsiella pneumonia, proteus mirabilis, and yersinia enterocolitica was conducted in 75 ankylosing spondylitis (as), rheumatoid arthritis (ra), and systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) probands and in 262 of their first-degree relatives. the control group comprised 28 healthy donors. sixteen (64 per cent) as probands (12 with b27+) and 26 (30.2 per cent) their relatives (14 with b27+) were found to have high titres of antibodies to klebsiella pneumonia. in 18 ( ...19892773562
[clinico-immunologic characteristics of complicated and uncomplicated yersiniosis].asymmetric affection of the major lower limb joints is a characteristic feature of the joint syndrome in yersiniosis-associated arthritis. the sacroiliac articulations are frequently (47% cases) involved. in addition, yersiniosis-associated arthritis concurs with the signs and symptoms of systemic disease--gastroenterocolitis, myocardiopathy and myocarditis, erythema nodosum, hepatitis, urethritis, conjunctivitis, myositis and myalgia, enteropathy; changes in the cns typical for the astheno-neur ...19892773563
[diagnostic possibilities of a test of blood neutrophil damage in various forms of yersiniosis in man]. 19892773564
[yersinia arthritis in children].clinical and laboratory evaluation of arthritis in 36 children with diagnosed enteric yersiniosis is presented on seven-years' follow-up data. twenty-eight patients were found to have an active course of the disease developing in cycles with a favourable outcome and no residual effects. in eight cases arthritis took a protracted (up to 8-10 months) or chronic (over 12 months) course which ended in clinical and laboratory remission; in three of the eight cases the clinical picture was similar to ...19892773566
immunoblot analysis of igm, igg, and iga responses to plasmid encoded released proteins of yersinia enterocolitica in patients with or without yersinia triggered reactive arthritis.the igm, igg, and iga antibody responses of patients with yersinia enterocolitica o:3 infection were studied by immunoblotting with plasmid encoded released proteins of y enterocolitica as the antigens. the results indicate that antibodies of all three classes are most consistently directed against the proteins of molecular weights 25,000 and 36,000. less than two months after the onset of infection 18 of the 19 patients with yersinia triggered reactive arthritis had iga class antibodies against ...19892774698
[brucella clearance as a sensitive method for the detection of cross reactions of brucella abortus with yersinia enterocolitica 03, 06, 09 and salmonella urbana and salmonella abony].determination of the brucella clearance rate has proved to enable assessment of brucella immune reaction in rat, even after vaccination with yersiniae and salmonellae. vaccination with yersinia (y.) enterocolitica o6 and o9 produced 95 per cent of "high responders", whereas 65 per cent of "high responders" and 25 per cent of "non-responders" were recorded in the wake of o3. salmonella (s.) urbana vaccination gave 50 per cent of "high responders" and 27 per cent of "non-responders", while 100 per ...19892774825
intestinal motility during acute yersinia enterocolitica enteritis in determine if yersinia enterocolitica (ye) enteritis is associated with an alteration of intestinal myoelectric and motor activity, and with an increased rate of aboral transit, new zealand white rabbits (500-900 g) were surgically prepared with ileal bipolar electrodes and a manometry catheter adjacent to the distal electrode. one week later animals were inoculated with 10(10) organisms of ye in 10 ml nahco3 (infected group) or 10 ml nahco3 (sham-infected pair-fed and control groups). daily f ...19892776074
[serology in yersinia enterocolitica infection]. 19892776664
virulence, persistence, and immunogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica o:8 aroa mutants.the virulent yersinia enterocolitica strain 8081 killed balb/c mice within 5 days of oral infection with a 50% lethal dose of log10 7.1, whereas an aroa mutant of 8081, yam.1, and the plasmidless variant 8081c failed to kill mice. unlike 8081, yam.1 and 8081c did not persist or grow in the peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, livers, or spleens of mice. mice immunized orally with single doses of live yam.1 were poorly protected against a lethal 8081 challenge, whereas mice immunized with thr ...19892777382
optimization of a medium for the rapid urease test for detection of campylobacter pylori in gastric antral biopsies.we developed a buffered azide-free urea medium which is sensitive, specific, and nontoxic for rapid detection of campylobacter pylori in gastric biopsies. detection of urease produced by the organism provides the basis for the test. the substrate is urea in monobasic sodium phosphate buffer, and phenol red provides indication of the ph change that results from urease activity. a rapid change from yellow to red occurs in the presence of c. pylori, even at low concentrations of the organism. a slo ...19892778071
purification of cross-reacting protein antigen shared by yersinia enterocolitica and other gram-negative bacteria with monoclonal antibody.a monoclonal antibody against the yersinia enterocolitica 60-kilodalton (kda) antigen, designated cross-reacting protein antigen (crpa), was obtained by cell fusion. the crpa common to gram-negative bacteria was purified from y. enterocolitica by the affinity chromatography with the monoclonal antibody (igg1) thus obtained. the purified crpa showed a single band of 60 kda in sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page), and reacted with rabbit antisera against y. enterocolitica, vibrio chol ...19892779474
determinants of invasion and survival of yersinia enterocolitica in intestinal tissue. an in vivo study.the invasion of intestinal tissue by yersinia enterocolitica was studied after infection of mice with plasmid-bearing or with plasmidless strains of serotype 08 and 03. within the first 15 h of infection each strain colonized the mouse ileum to the same extent, indicating that the initial binding and invasion are not plasmid dependent. this conclusion is supported by the finding that the plasmidless and the plasmid-bearing yersiniae (serotype 08) colonize the ileum in a quantitatively similar, d ...19892779487
[microbiological development studies in a clinically healthy, closed primate colony (macaca mulatta, macaca arctoides) after the establishment of a salmonella infection].a case of a salmonella infantis septicemia in a primate (macaca mulatta) probably induced by shipment stress gave rise to microbiological examination of fecal samples from all animals of a since 1976 closed colony of macaca mulatta and macaca arctoides. during 3 investigations carried out in 3 week intervals salmonella-positive animals were separated immediately from the stock. at the first examination 3 of 52, and at the second 2 of 49 samples were found to be salmonella-positive. at the third ...19892781877
[isolation and physico-chemical properties of a protein, included in an endotoxin from yersinia pseudotuberculosis].a major protein of the endotoxin from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from the complex lipid a--protein by treatment with sds and triton x-100 followed by gel-chromatography on sephacryl s-300. protein has apparent molecular mass 40 kda and alanine as n-terminal amino acid residue. cd and ir spectroscopy conformational changes of the protein molecule in the process of its isolation. the thermal and ph stabilities of the protein were investigated by the methods of intrinsic fluorescence ...19892783172
yersinia antigens in reactive arthritis. 19892783233
[chronic recurrent fever as the sole symptom of yersinia enterocolitica infection].recurrent fever lasting for nine months up to ten years occurred in seven women and three men, with fever of up to 39 degrees c lasting from two to seven days. all patients had travelled outside of germany at least one year previously. micro-widal reaction revealed antibodies against yersinia enterocolitica (serotype 0:3 or 0:9), with a titre of between 1:80 and 1:1280. antibiotic treatment (doxycycline or cotrimoxazole) brought cure in all ten. the antibody titres fell in seven of nine patients ...19892784098
synovial t lymphocyte recognition of organisms that trigger reactive arthritis.reactive arthritis (rea) is believed to be "triggered' by infection with certain bacteria. when the proliferative responses of mononuclear cells (mc) obtained from the synovial fluid (sf) of rea patients were examined, it was found that they responded maximally to the specific organism responsible for the preceding infection. the response was shown to be due to class ii mhc-restricted t cells by inhibition experiments using cyclosporin a and monoclonal antibodies. significant sfmc responses to a ...19892787715
seronegative arthritis associated with serological evidence of yersinia infection in australia.infection due to yersinia enterocolitica is a common antecedent illness in patients with reactive arthritis in scandinavia, but appears to be less frequent in other countries. in order to examine the frequency of yersinia infection in patients with seronegative arthritis in australia we examined 22 patients, 15 with ankylosing spondylitis (as) and seven with reiter's syndrome (rs). a sensitive elisa assay was used to detect serum antibodies to the most common serotypes. six patients (29%) had po ...19892789509
lack of immunoreactivity between human monoclonal hla-b27 antibodies and yersinia enterocolitica strains from arthritic patients. 19892799308
in vitro activities of lomefloxacin and temafloxacin against pathogens causing diarrhea.the in vitro activities of temafloxacin (a63004) and lomefloxacin (sc-47111; ny-198) were compared with those of seven other antibiotics against 146 isolates of bacterial enteric pathogens, including campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. ciprofloxacin was the most active drug against the salmonella, shigella, yersinia, and vibrio spp. tested. lomefloxacin, temafloxacin, and difloxacin were the most active drugs tested against campylobacter spp. (mic for 90% of strains, 0.125 to 0.25 micro ...19892802563
[yersinia infection from a horse bite]. 19892806139
lymph node pathology in henoch-schönlein purpura.this report describes two cases of henoch-schönlein purpura with unusual lymph node pathology. the patients presented with severe colicky abdominal pain mimicking acute appendicitis but a normal appendix was removed in each case. enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes were removed, with a clinical suspicion of yersinia infection. cultures and serology were negative. histological examination of the lymph nodes revealed follicular granulomas, follicular microabscesses and leucocytoclastic vasculitis. imm ...19892807187
binding of yersinia enterocolitica to rabbit intestinal brush border membranes, mucus, and mucin.mucus and its gel-forming glycoprotein component, mucin, are thought to protect the gastrointestinal tract from enteric pathogens by inhibiting their attachment to enterocytes. in this study, we investigated interactions between yersinia enterocolitica (isogenic strains of virulent and nonvirulent organisms) and crude mucus, highly purified mucin, and brush border membranes (bbms) isolated from the upper mid-, and distal small intestine and the proximal colon of the rabbit. adherence of radiolab ...19892807525
influence of nutrient-limited growth on pathogenesis-associated outer membrane proteins of yersinia enterocolitica.from studies based on batch culture, it has been postulated that the expression of the virulence-associated proteins of yersinia spp. is controlled by temperature and ca2+, such that these proteins are synthesized only at the higher temperature (37 degrees c) and calcium-scarce conditions of the intracellular environment. it was found, however, that in yersinia enterocolitica one of these proteins (140 kda) is not synthesized at submaximal growth rates under any of the relevant conditions, and t ...19892808187
in-vitro activity of meropenem against clinical isolates obtained in canada.the in-vitro activity of meropenem, a new parenteral carbapenem, was compared with that of imipenem, ceftazidime, cefotaxime, piperacillin, gentamicin and, where appropriate, other antibiotics against recent clinical isolates and characterized beta-lactamase producers. mics were determined by a standard agar dilution procedure and two inocula (10(4) and 10(6) cfu) were used throughout. meropenem inhibited 90% of isolates of escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus mirabilis, indole-posit ...19892808216
kawasaki disease--a yersiniosis? 19892809262
antibacterial activity of tigemonam dicholate (sq 30836) and interaction with beta-lactamases of gram-negative bacteria.sq 30836 is an orally absorbed salt of tigemonam, a new monobactam similar to aztreonam in structure and microbiologic properties. when assayed against 400 clinical isolates, tigemonam's activity was similar to that of aztreonam and carumonam. it was highly effective against enterobacteriaceae but showed poor activity against gram-positive organisms. it inhibited 90% of escherichia coli, klebsiella, shigella, yersinia, proteus, providencia, and morganella strains at 0.5 micrograms/ml or less, an ...19892809698
in vitro studies of tigemonam: a comparison of the minimum inhibitory and minimum bactericidal concentrations (mic vs mbc).the in vitro activity of tigemonam, a new oral monobactam, was studied with special attention to minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (mbcs). against 250 clinical isolates, it inhibited 100% of escherichia sp., klebsiella sp., serratia sp., citrobacter sp., providencia sp., proteus sp., morganella sp., aeromonas sp., yersinia sp., shigella sp., and haemophilus sp. at 0.5 mg/l or less. with 1 mg/l, 75% of enterobacter sp. were inhibited; however, three ...19892809701
experimentally induced plague infection in the northern grasshopper mouse (onychomys leucogaster) acquired by consumption of infected this study, 20 laboratory reared onychomys leucogaster from a parental population that is naturally exposed to plague were each fed a white mouse that had been inoculated with yersinia pestis. three of the 20 o. leucogaster died, four survived with antibody titers against y. pestis and 13 survived with no titer against y. pestis. in contrast, when 20 o. leucogaster from a plague naive parental population were fed infected prey, seven died and 13 survived with no antibody titer against y. pest ...19892810547
[difficulties in the differential diagnosis between a series of infectious diseases and food poisoning]. 19892811206
[the diagnostic value of determining yersinia antigens in biological substrates of a patient].the authors consider the time course changes in the elimination of yersinia antigens with biological substances in various clinical presentation of yersiniosis. altogether 101 patients aged 15-58 have been examined. it is established that yersinia antigens are the most frequent finding in the blood irrespective of the disease form (81-90% of cases); in the gastrointestinal pattern they are more commonly identified in the faeces (63% of cases), in generalized cases the antigens occur in the urine ...19892811220
[utilization of hemoglobin by the plague microbe].hemin and hemoglobin are found to be adequate sources of iron for growth of yersinia pestis. the mechanism of their assimilation is similar and consists of absorbtion of the free intact hem molecule.19892811899
[transcription map of a recombinant plasmid carrying a gene for the synthesis of pesticine i and a protein for pesticine i immunity in the plague microbe].molecules of the plasmids pbr322 and prd17 have been compared by electron microscopy technique of r-loops visualization. comparative location of r-loops on the plasmids has been computerized on minicomputer hp9825a due to the program making possible to define the coordinates of the transcription start and direction. the 5.1 kb fragment coding for pesticin i and immunity protein to pesticin i and cloned in pbr322 vector plasmid is flanked by bam hi-ecori sites. five promoter regions and direction ...19892811901
[genetic analysis and simulation of the virulence of yersinia pestis].the genetic analysis of y. pestis virulence factors accomplished in the 358 strain isogenic system allowed us to determine a minimal set of known factors providing pathogenicity. the combination of chromosomal marker pgm+ and calcium dependence plasmid (pcad) is shown to be sufficient for preserving the virulence of y. pestis. experimental modelling of virulence in this microorganism by the genetic exchange methods was carried out. the reduced virulence of the strains pgm+ and pcad+ for guinea p ...19892811911
[a case of experimental transmission of the causative agent of plague from ornithodoros tartakovskyi ticks to fleas of the great gerbil].biological interrelations between ectoparasites from the colonies of great gerbil were studied experimentally. hungry fleas coptopsylla lamellifer are able to feed on the ticks ornithodoros tartakovskyi infected with plague and in so doing be infected with plague agent. such feeding is identified as "heterovampirism".19892812860
[effectiveness of quinolones against y. pestis]. 19892818084
anti-yersinia antibodies in patients with behçet's disease. 19892818667
structural variability of 40-50 mdal virulence plasmids from yersinia enterocolitica. geographical and ecological distribution of plasmid variants.restriction endonuclease analysis (bamhi and ecori) was used to investigate the structural variability of 40-50 mdal plasmids from 129 yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from human patients, animals, and food in 12 countries in europe, north america, and asia. a total of 12 restriction patterns was detected among plasmids from the six serogroups examined. the dna fragment profiles were found to vary, not only between serogroups, but also among plasmids isolated from strains with the same s ...19872820189
campylobacter in the dog: a clinical and experimental study.faecal samples from 54 dogs with diarrhoea and 54 control dogs were cultured for campylobacter, salmonella and yersinia species and controlled for enteric viruses. the campylobacter were identified as either c jejuni/coli or c upsaliensis. in the diarrhoeic group 16 dogs (29.6 per cent) were positive for campylobacter, 10 c upsaliensis and six c jejuni/coli. concomitant infection with parvovirus was evident in six of the dogs with diarrhoea and campylobacter-positive faecal cultures. in the cont ...19872821668
biological function of heat-stable enterotoxin produced by yersinia enterocolitica. 19872822352
genetic manipulation of virulence of yersinia enterocolitica. 19872822353
restriction endonuclease analysis of 40- to 50-mdalton plasmids from yersinia enterocolitica strains of worldwide origin. 19872822354
repeated sequences of 3-kb dna fragment of a plasmid from yersinia enterocolitica 09 in plasmids from y. pestis and y. pseudotuberculosis. 19872822355
mobilization of the vwa plasmid of yersinia pestis by f-containing strains of escherichia coli. 19872822356
[evaluation of the modulating action of yersinia pestis adenylate cyclase on guinea pig peritoneal leukocytes using chemiluminescence].the biological action of y. pestis adenylate cyclase on peritoneal leukocytes of guinea pigs has been studied by means of chemiluminescence. y. pestis adenylate cyclase is supposed to contribute to the "oxidation" explosion of phagocytes in plague.19872823508
[cyclic nucleotides in the dynamic development of shock caused by the murine toxin of yersinia pestis].the authors have studied the effect of y. pestis "mouse" toxin (ld50), injected intravenously to rats, on camp and cgmp content in the tissues of different organs (the lungs, liver, heart, spleen, kidneys, small intestine) and in the blood in the course of the development of toxinfection shock. the effect of y. pestis "mouse" toxin on cyclic nucleotide content in the organs of experimental animals is determined by the sum of oppositely directed effects produced by the thermostable and thermolabi ...19872823509
comparative investigation of pmn leucocyte antimicrobial potential in animals of different species susceptibility to the plague agent.the present work was aimed at a comparative study of oxygen-dependent metabolism (om) and myeloperoxidase (mpo) activities as well as the content of bactericidal cationic proteins (bcp) in polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmnl) from mammals and birds with different susceptibility to plague (mice, guinea pigs, rats, great and miday gerbils, rabbits, dogs, pigeons and man). the experimental finding of an association between infectious susceptibility and functioning of the major pmnl bactericidal syst ...19872824603
a molecular strategy for the study of bacterial invasion.bacterial populations are often clonal, and even within a bacterial species, the frequency of gene exchange and recombination is quite low. consequently, mobile genetic elements--plasmids, bacteriophages, and transposons--have been the central factors in the evolution of pathogenic traits. one central feature of pathogenicity, the capacity to enter epithelial cells, is encoded by the bacterial chromosome of yersinia pseudotuberculosis but by plasmid genes in enteroinvasive escherichia coli. a si ...19872825322
[incompatibility of the cad plasmid from yersinia pestis with plasmids of the incfi group].the relation of yersinia pestis calcium dependence plasmid (pcad) to known inc fi (f'lac, r386, pox38) and incfv (f0lac) plasmids has been studied. evidence that plasmid pcad of yersinia pestis belongs to fi incompatibility group is presented.19872828935
development and testing of invasion-associated dna probes for detection of shigella spp. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli.genetic determinants of the invasive phenotype of shigella spp. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec), two common agents of bacillary dysentery, are encoded on large (180- to 210 kilobase), nonconjugative plasmids. several plasmid-encoded antigens have been implicated as important bacterial ligands that mediate the attachment and invasion of colonic epithelial cells by the bacteria. selected invasion plasmid antigen (ipa) genes have recently been cloned from shigella flexneri serotype 5 int ...19882830310
molecular cloning and sequencing of a pectate lyase gene from yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a pectate lyase gene (pely) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was cloned in escherichia coli dh-5 alpha. the gene was expressed in either orientation in puc plasmids, indicating that the insert dna carried a y. pseudotuberculosis promoter which functioned in e. coli. however, when cloned in the orientation which placed the coding region downstream of the vector lac promoter, expression of pely was nine times higher than it was in the opposite orientation and the growth of e. coli cells was inhibi ...19882832382
widespread occurrence of the restriction endonuclease yeni, an isoschizomer of psti, in yersinia enterocolitica serotype o8.the cold-active restriction endonuclease yeni, an isoschizomer of psti, was found in 12 of 14 yersinia enterocolitica serotype o8 strains of different origins, but not in other serotypes of y. enterocolitica, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, or yersinia pestis. in spite of the limited number of strains tested, the result suggests that the detection of yeni endonuclease or the gene might result in more rapid determination of the prominently pathogenic serotype of y. enterocolitica.19882833162
evidence for two genetic loci in yersinia enterocolitica that can promote invasion of epithelial cells.virulent strains of yersinia enterocolitica cause disease syndromes ranging from mild gastroenteritis to lymphadenitis and septicemia. the ability of these bacteria to invade intestinal epithelial cells to gain access to the reticuloendothelial system is thought to be an important aspect of their virulence. we report here on the cloning of two y. enterocolitica chromosomal loci, inv and ail, each of which confers an invasive phenotype on escherichia coli hb101. the inv locus allows a uniformly h ...19882833444
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection contracted through water contaminated by a wild animal.we performed epidemiological studies on yersinia pseudotuberculosis in one valley where a 3-year-old boy had been infected with y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b in december 1982. y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b was isolated from a water sample derived from a mountain stream from which the boy had drunk and from 1 of 41 rats trapped in the upper part of this stream in december 1986. the restriction endonuclease patterns of the plasmids in these isolates showed the rat and patient isolates to b ...19882833532
the virulence protein yop5 of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is regulated at transcriptional level by plasmid-plb1-encoded trans-acting elements controlled by temperature and calcium.the dna sequence of the structural gene (yope) of one of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis virulence plasmid-plb1-encoded proteins, yop5, is presented. the deduced protein showed a molecular weight of 22,971 daltons. a specific mutant, having a kanamycin-resistance fragment inserted within the yope gene was no longer virulent for mice. the expression of the yop5 protein is regulated at the level of transcription by temperature as well as by the ca2+-concentration of the medium. a significant incre ...19882835586
serological survey for selected diseases in the endangered san joaquin kit fox (vulpes macrotis mutica).blood from endangered san joaquin kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica) inhabiting the elk hills naval petroleum reserve, kern county, and the elkhorn plain, san luis obispo county, california, was collected in 1981, 1982 and 1984 and sera were tested for antibodies against 10 selected pathogens. proportions of kit fox sera containing antibodies against pathogens were: canine parvovirus, 100% in 1981-1982 and 67% in 1984; infectious canine hepatitis virus, 6% in 1981-1982 and 21% in 1984; canine di ...19882836636
virulence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from pork and from the throats of swine.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from retail pork and from healthy swine throats. these wild-type strains and their representative cured isogenic strains were tested for the presence of plasmids and several virulence factors, and these characteristics were compared with those of virulent strains from humans. two pork isolates (serotype ivb) and four swine isolates (serotypes iib, iic, iii, and ivb) harbored a 42- to 48-megadalton plasmid which had similar fragmentation patterns resulting ...19882837145
the plasmid-encoded yop2b protein of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a virulence determinant regulated by calcium and temperature at the level of transcription.the basic yop2b protein, encoded by the virulence plasmid pibi of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, is produced under ca2+-deficient conditions. a mutant deleted for the entire yoph gene, which encodes the yop2b protein, was found to be avirulent. virulence could be restored by trans-complementation. the dna-sequence of yoph predicted a 50 737 d polypeptide lacking a typical signal peptide. transcription of yoph is regulated by both temperature and ca2+-concentration. mutations within the region of t ...19882837614
polymorphonuclear leucocyte function and previous yersinia arthritis: correlation of enhanced superoxide production with late manifestations.polymorphonuclear leucocyte (pmn) functions (migration in vitro, chemiluminescence, o-2 production, and aggregation) were studied in 32 patients with previous yersinia arthritis (ya). pmns of 11 hla-b27 positive patients who had chronic or recurrent inflammatory symptoms showed o-2 production significantly higher than that of pmns of 11 hla-b27 positive patients without late manifestations. also, pmns of both hla-b27 positive and negative patients tended to show chemotactic and chemokinetic migr ...19882838004
plasmids of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis: analysis with restriction endonucleases.the plasmids of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis tested differed in regard to the following aspect: there were some of a molecular size of 41 to 47 mdal which could be correlated with autoagglutination of the host bacteria, and the others with a smaller size of 19 to 34 mdal that lacked the capacity to code for autoagglutination. analysis of both types of plasmids with the restriction endonucleases bam hi, eco ri and hind iii besides of some similarities revealed also cons ...19882839941
analysis of expression and thermoregulation of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene with hybrid proteins.a series of translational fusions between the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv locus and lacz was constructed. each lac+ fusion strain expressed a hybrid protein containing invasin, the product of the inv locus, at its amino-terminal end. analysis of these gene fusions allowed determination of the direction of translation of the inv gene. previous studies of y. pseudotuberculosis invasion have shown that entry into animal cells is temperature regulated. it is shown here that control of expression ...19882840402
genetic analysis of the 9.5-kilobase virulence plasmid of yersinia pestis.the 9.5-kilobase plasmid of yersinia pestis determines plasminogen activator, coagulase, pesticin, and pesticin immunity activities. we have mapped and cloned the loci encoding these activities and demonstrated that both plasminogen activator and coagulase were determined by the same gene, designated pla. the primary translation product of this gene (38 kilodaltons [kda]) was processed in two sequential steps to produce peptides of 37 and 35 kda. the first step in this processing occurred rapidl ...19882843470
plasminogen activator/coagulase gene of yersinia pestis is responsible for degradation of plasmid-encoded outer membrane proteins.the related family of virulence plasmids found in the three major pathogens of the genus yersinia all have the ability to encode a set of outer membrane proteins. in y. enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis, these proteins are major constituents of the outer membrane when their synthesis is fully induced. in contrast, they have been difficult to detect in y. pestis. it has recently been established that y. pestis does synthesize these proteins, but that they are rapidly degraded due to some a ...19882843471
study of plasmid screening amongst pathogenic bacteria isolated in nigeria.clinical isolates of neisseria gonorrhoeae, campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, shigella dysenteriae, shigella boydii, yersinia spp. and salmonella spp. were screened for the presence of plasmids. approximately 80% of these strains harboured plasmids ranging in molecular weight from 1.0 to 45 x 10(6) daltons.19882845756
comparative in vitro activity of the new oral macrolide azithromycin.the in vitro activity of the new oral macrolide azithromycin was compared with that of erythromycin against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. ninety percent of hemolytic streptococci groups a and b, and streptococcus pneumoniae were inhibited by 0.5 microgram/ml. activity of azithromycin was similar to that of erythromycin; erythromycin-resistant staphylococci and streptococci were not inhibited. azithromycin was more active than erythromycin against haemophilus inf ...19882846300
[the etiology and pathogenesis of sarcoidosis]. 19882847434
[effects of y. pestis mouse toxin on carbohydrate metabolism in rats].effects of intravenous y. pestis mouse toxin (ld50) injection on glucose, lactate glucagon, insulin blood levels and camp liver content in dynamics of intoxication development were studied. hypoglycemia, observed 2 hours after toxin administration seems not to be due to the enhanced glucose utilization in peripheral tissues because insulin blood level during this period was decreased and lactate concentration has not been changed. glucagon content by 2-5 hour of shock was strong elevated. propos ...19882847830
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