
legal, ethical and human-rights issues related to the storage of oral history interviews in archives.this paper provides some personal reflections that explore the legal, ethical and human rights issues of conducting oral history interviews with elderly retired nurses. the interviews are part of a research study into the history of nursing in the west yorkshire towns of halifax and huddersfield, uk, between 1870-1960. the merit of this research is that it provides a unique account of the development of nursing and can enrich our understanding of the implications for present-day practice within ...200212243099
the fertility transition in nineteenth-century england and wales: a social class model?"the changing relationship between fertility and the standard of living is examined in the long term. the model presented provides a means of focusing on the cross-sectional association between fertility, especially marital fertility, and social class during the nineteenth-century fertility transition in england and wales. an inverse relationship is revealed by all four of the perspectives adopted, but the problems inherent in defining social classes and the significance of fertility behaviour ...198512267227
are immigrants and natives perfect substitutes in production?this article discusses whether immigrant and native labor are perfect substitutes in production when conventional measures of skill and demographic characteristics are held constant. the ratio of immigrant to native labor and the ratio of immigrant to native earnings are studied in 5 major immigrant receiving countries with other variables held constant. countries included are 1) the us and britian, where the foreign born are only about 5% to 6% of the adult male labor force; 2) canada and aus ...198512267604
why are more women working in britain?using a pooled time series, cross section supply function for single year age groups of britain women, it is determined that female labor force participation rose steadily from world war ii to 1977. until the 1970s, the main increase was among married women aged 35 and over. possible explanations for the post world war ii rise in female labor participation are: 1) part time jobs were more available to women, 2) the drop in real prices of domestic appliances, processed foods, and easy care fa ...198512267646
women who still breast-feed their babies.this study deals with the feeding methods of 584 primiparous mothers who had their 1st babies between 1st january 1965- 1st july 1968. 240 (41%) breastfed their children for at least 4 weeks of the neonatal period and 344 (59%) bottlefed. duration of breastfeeding ranged from 43 (18%) babies who were fed 4 weeks, 141 (60%) for 5 weeks-3 months, 36 (15%) for 3-6 months, and 20 (8%) for over 6 months. only 33.5% breastfed beyond the neonatal period. 168 (37%) of the 450 mothers from england br ...196912279142
post-war fertility and female labour force participation rates."this paper provides an explanation for the change in fertility and female labour supply over the post-war period [in england and wales]. a model of fertility and labour force participation is outlined and estimated over the period 1953-82 for six age groups of women. the most significant factors to influence fertility and participation are found to be male and female earnings and education. interest rates, number of children and the state of the labour market are also important."198612280699
local authority fiscal stance and the pattern of residential migration in the north west of england.the degree of fiscal mobility present in household migration flows between local authority areas in northwestern england is assessed. following an introduction, the paper is divided into three sections. "the first reviews the methodologies of previous attempts to assess the extent of fiscally induced migration, noting the dominance of american studies, and outlines a choice-theoretic structure within which it is possible to model human migration patterns. section iii considers the problems inh ...198712281218
inter-regional migration and social change: a study of south east england based upon data from the longitudinal study."data from the [office of population censuses and surveys] longitudinal study are used to trace the social class effects of migration between the south east region and the rest of england and wales in the period 1971-81. the analysis begins with the migration streams into and out of the south east of those people who were in the labour market (including the unemployed) at both census dates. the paper then proceeds to an analysis of the migration streams of those who entered or left the labour ...198912281688
scottish emigration in the 1980s: a migration channels approach to the study of skilled international migration."british emigration is now dominated by skilled transient movements rather than traditional settler emigration movements. this switch requires new frameworks for migration analysis. a migration channels approach is advocated with attention focused on the roles of the internal labour markets of multi-national companies, international recruitment agencies and international skill transfers by small- and intermediate-sized companies in moulding contemporary skilled migration. the migration proces ...199012283049
histological and clinical features of menstruation induced by the antiprogestin mifepristone (ru486) compared to menstruation occurring spontaneously.the clinical and histological features of menstruation induced by a single oral dose of mifepristone were compared to those in normal spontaneous menstruation to aid understanding of the mechanism of endometrial shedding. 30 healthy volunteers, sterilized or seeking sterilization, were given a single oral dose, ranging from 5-200 mg mifepristone (ru-486) in the 1st half of the luteal phase, timed by the lh surge. endometrial biopsies were taken on that day or the day after the 1st episode of b ...199012283861
migration and the metropolis: recent research on the causes of migration to southeast england."the paper focuses on one main issue: the relative importance of housing and labour market forces in explaining the volume and nature of migration to the southeast region [of england]." the author reviews recent literature in an attempt to determine "why people migrated to [and from] the southeast...[and] what the consequences of these in-migration and out-migration streams were for their respective origin and destination regions."199312286780
bromley v. h. and j. quick, 30 march 1988.the appellants charged the respondent employer with sex discrimination under the equal pay act 1970 because they were paid less than male employees that they claimed were performing work of equal value. the respondent asserted that there was no discrimination, relying on a commissioned job evaluation study giving different values for the work. the court of appeal of england held that the respondent could not rely on the job evaluation study because the study was not an analytical study based o ...198812289307
stockton-on-tees borough council v. brown, 21 april 1988.the appellant was an employee of a youth training scheme whose employment was terminated when her employers introduced a revised scheme employing fewer staff. after she was not offered one of the new staff positions because she was pregnant and would require maternity leave, she charged her employer with discrimination on the basis of pregnancy as prohibited by section 60 of the employment protection (consolidation) act. the house of lords of the uk reversed a lower court ruling (see arpl, vol ...198812289308
benveniste v. university of southampton, 23 november 1988.the appellant charged her employer, the university of southampton, with sex discrimination in violation of the equal pay act 1970 because she was paid less than men employed in the same position. she had been initially employed at a time when the university was subject to severe financial constraints, and, although she had subsequently been given extra annual pay increases, she was still not paid as much as the men. first the court of appeal of england ruled that the financial constraints cons ...198812289311
length of menstrual cycles and their variability."the paper presents a study on the length of [the human] menstrual cycle and of its phases [using] a data base provided by the catholic marriage advisory council of london.... an original aspect of the research is the identification of classes of gynecological age, that is age groups homogeneous as far as the cycle length or the length of its phases is concerned. in spite of the evident dominance of the preovulatory phase length on the total cycle length, the work has evidenced a strong compensa ...199812290404
migration and social change: a longitudinal study of the social mobility of 'immigrants' in england and wales."data from the opcs longitudinal study is used to examine the social mobility of 'immigrants' in england and wales between 1971 and 1981. three issues are raised: (i) in what respects and to what degree do 'immigrants' differ in their social mobility characteristics from the norm set by the population as a whole?; (ii) in what respects and to what degree do 'immigrants' differ amongst themselves in their social mobility characteristics according to their country of origin?; and (iii) how do 'sec ...199512291075
women's labor force transitions in connection with childbirth: a panel data comparison between germany, sweden and great britain."in this paper we make use of the panel aspects of the german gsoep, the swedish hus and the british bhps data...[to analyze] labor force transitions triggered by child births of different birth orders.... we find that german and british women have even higher full-time labor force participation than swedish women 12 months before the birth of the first child. the difference is more pronounced for second and third births than for first births. we suggest that these differences are caused by diff ...199612291881
child labor and the division of labor in the early english cotton mills."the share of children employed in english cotton factories fell significantly before the introduction of effective child labor legislation in the early 1830s. the early factories employed predominantly children because adults without factory experience were relatively unproductive factory workers. the subsequent growth of the cotton industry fostered the development of a labor market for productive adult factory workers. this effect helps account for the shift toward adults in the cotton factor ...199712293082
the earnings of male immigrants in england: evidence from the quarterly lfs."in this paper we estimate earnings functions for native born and foreign born white and non-white males in the english labour market, using data from the quarterly labour force survey.... our results highlight the importance of distinguishing between native born and foreign born males when investigating the labour market experience of ethnic minorities. furthermore, the earnings performance amongst white immigrants varies considerably."199812294847
population mobility and labour supply in rural regions: north norfolk and the galway gaeltacht. 197912310666
modelling migration flows between areas: an analysis for london using the census and opcs longitudinal study."this paper analyses migration between the london boroughs using a discrete probability model, but with a correction for excess dispersion to that expected under the poisson process. two sources of migration data are used: one-year migration from the 1981 census; and ten-year migration from the opcs longitudinal study. the evidence from both sets is that both housing and labour market factors are relevant to explaining interborough migration, in addition to the distance and mass terms of the b ...198912315621
declaration.this article presents the declaration of the 1988 london summit of health ministers focusing on aids prevention and control. over 148 countries were represented and a total of 114 ministers of health were present. the summit adopted the year to be the year of communication and cooperation to combat aids. about 98 ministers and delegates spoke on the prevention and control of aids. 15 declarations were announced, which were: actions by all governments and people all over the world to take hee ...198812315655
the new right and family politics.political concern for the family has historically been intermittent; the present context is that there are considerable consequences for individuals, families, and personal life. socioeconomic and cultural changes brought the rise of the new right; the thatcher (uk) and reagan (us) administrations were committed to strengthening the traditional family. the emergence of the family as a social problem and the political agenda are discussed. the costs of liberalism were felt in a recessionary ec ...199212317778
english tc explains church teaching to college students.this article presents an explanation of church teaching to college students on the meaning of marriage, the religious tenets of natural family planning, sexual abstinence, and human rights within population policies. it is argued that the use of natural family planning and abstinence within marriage involves a change in attitude toward sexuality. fertility is a gift to be used and enjoyed as part of sexuality. sex becomes a sign of renewal of the covenant of marriage that strengthens and is b ...199612320226
re-thinking skilled international labour migration: world cities and banking organisations."highly skilled professional and managerial labour migration has become an important facet of the contemporary world economy. the operations of transnational corporations have created more opportunities for skilled migrants to work abroad.... there is a growing interest amongst economic geographers to examine this form of migration through an appreciation of global economic restructuring, labour market change and world cities. consequently, this paper introduces a new conceptual framework...[whi ...199412320415
female condom importance acknowledged in hiv prevention.the female health co. (fhc), london, united kingdom, has signed a three-year agreement with the joint united nations program on hiv/aids (unaids) to provide a global public sector price for the female condom to 193 affiliated countries. an adjunct education and social marketing program, supported by unaids, will be launched. high rates of acceptance have been shown previously when the female condom has been introduced with an effective educational approach. negotiations between fhc and unaids ...199612320491
the sex ratio of human births related to maternal from the annual reports of the registrar-general for england an d wales (1939-1947) and for scotland (1939-1947) were examined to determine the relationship of sex ratio to maternal age. sex ratios of total births and live births decrease with maternal age; sex ratios of stillbirths increase. the increase in the sex ratio of stillbirths with maternal age accounts for the difference between live births and total births. the decrease in the sex ratio of total births with maternal age may b ...195012332354
model fertility schedules: variations in the age structure of childbearing in human populations.the nature of the roots for a set of fertility functions were explored in this study, resulting in tables from creation of a family of model fertility schedules. these model fertility schedules accurately represent the full range of age structures of fertility in large populations; they have close fit to various accurately recorded fertility schedules of very different form. the text for the tables includes discussions of: 1)the basis for the fertility schedules, 2)the age structure of the pro ...197412333625
policies for the reduction of mortality differentials.effective policies for the reduction of mortality differentials can only be formulated from a knowledge of what these differentials are and some understanding of what determines them. this review draws attention to the present limitations of the information. before turning to a discussion of policies to reduce mortality differentials, attention is directed to differentials by socioeconomic characteristics in developed countries and to mortality differentials in adult and child mortality in dev ...198012337640
the role of returned migrants in england's poorest region."work on the growing international phenomenon of return migration requires a base of comparative knowledge on the less conspicuous process of inter-regional return migration. three questionnaire studies in the north-east of england identified about one-quarter of respondents as 'returned migrants' to that region. this group [is] attracted to work in new factories, but their economic status has not been markedly improved by geographic mobility."198012338228
[italian emigration to london in the service sector: an incomplete addition].the authors report on a 1978 survey conducted by the centro studi emigrazione of rome among italian migrants in london. the sectors of the economy with significant italian participation are described, and the extent to which italian-run businesses are geographically concentrated is examined (summary in eng, fre)198012338283
migration during early married life."a one percent sample drawn from the 1971 census (the opcs longitudinal study) [of england and wales] was used to study the migration patterns of women in the early years of first marriage. information from the retrospective fertility and migration history contained in the 1971 census record was analyzed and the results show migration at, or soon after, marriage to be almost universal." the focus is on internal migration. factors considered include marriage duration, age, husband's occupation ...198512340531
modelling population changes in small english urban areas.the authors examine processes underlying the growth of small urban areas in england. "there is evidence of 'people-led' growth in environmentally attractive locations (for example, through retirement migration). however, growth of small- and medium-sized towns also reflects employment decentralisation and deconcentration to freestanding or satellite towns, and the extension of commuter hinterlands.... government policies encouraging growth are also demonstrated to be significant." the processes ...198612340785
victorian values and the fertility decline: the case of scotland.the author examines the final phase of the demographic transition in scotland during the late nineteenth century. particular attention is given to explanations developed by joseph banks concerning the fertility decline in england and wales. banks's analysis is reevaluated by applying it to data for scotland. no clear pattern of fertility by occupation is found. it is suggested instead that both family size limitation and emphasis on higher education were results of value reorientations.198612341337
the interdependence of geographical migration with job and housing mobility in london."a multinomial logit model is developed to analyse the association between residential migration within and from london with employment and tenure mobility. migration is shown to interact more strongly with tenure change than career shifts, and with changes of workplace as against changes in occupation in general.... while occupational mobility and job-linked migration are higher among lower income workers, they are positively related to educational resources, confirming human capital models of ...198812341626
[economic theory and the environment].the environment, on the eve of a new century, has become a major theme for reflection and action in both developed and developing countries. economists and economic theory have until recently neglected the environment and have implicitly assumed that nature offers unlimited space for expansion and an inexhaustible supply of resources. among natural resources, economists have always distinguished between those whose supply is in no way related to human labor and which are therefore common proper ...199212343881
finnegan v. clowney youth training programme [1988].the plaintiff challenged her forced retirement at age 60 as discrimination under the sex discrimination (northern ireland) order 1976, because men were not forced to retire until age 65. she argued that, although the order specifically noted that it did not apply to retirement requirements, it should be read in conjunction with european communities council directive 76/207/eec, which prohibits such discrimination and had been issued before the enactment of the order. the court rejected this ar ...198912344144
conspiracy of silence.ireland's prohibition of abortion has been fiercely enforced by conservative anti-abortion activists in organizations such as the society for the protection of the unborn child. the society succeeded in getting the irish high court to rule in 1987 that any discussion of abortion or referral to england for legal abortion services on the part of women's health and student groups constituted a violation of the constitutionally protected right to life of the fetus. supporters of abortion rights we ...199312345318
the detailed human geography of britain."this article contains eight cartograms which help to provide answers to a variety of social and demographic questions about modern britain. how english is england? how is the pattern of birth-places changing? is there a north-south divide in the nation's health? are the inner cities less healthy than rural areas? has the changing pattern of unemployment eroded the economic divide between north and south? how do the various political, social and demographic patterns of modern britain relate to ...199512347655
work and family roles: indian career women in india and the west.this study examines indian career women's work and family roles, sources of stress, ways of coping, and well-being in the light of cultural expectations in india and the west. a number of different instruments were included to measure job satisfaction, mental health, job stressors, coping behavior, demographic characteristics, domestic responsibility and satisfaction. data were collected, using two earner stressor questionnaires (a coping behavior questionnaire and a mental health and job sati ...199912349197
"i" and "we": a concordancing analysis of how doctors and patients use first person pronouns in primary care is widely accepted that "partnership" with patients is desirable, and that patients should be enabled to participate in decisions, but it is not clear to what extent doctor-patient interactions represent partnership in action.200212356699
remediation of contaminated land and groundwater: experience in england and wales.remediation of contaminated land and groundwater is of common international concern. the context and approach taken to the problem are, however, country-specific. a survey of remedial activity occurring within england and wales over the period 1996-1999 was commissioned by the environment agency (for england and wales) to establish a baseline against which future trends in remedial activity could be judged. this paper: explains the context of contaminated land and groundwater remediation in engl ...200212357658
considering the care of the suicidal client and the case for 'engagement and inspiring hope' or 'observations'.psychiatric/mental health (p/mh) nursing has rightly been described as a 'broad church', and one that contains many contested matters and areas of differing opinion. one such contested matter is that of the appropriate care for the person who is at risk of suicide. recent, albeit limited, debate of this issue has taken place, and the literature, such as it is, indicates two principal (though linked) positions. these can be summarized as the 'engagement and hope inspiration' position and the 'obs ...200212358715
multiple realities in a study of medical consultations.a study of doctor-patient communication offers convincing arguments for using multiple methods of data collection incorporating both meanings and practices. multiple realities emerged clearly that would have remained invisible had only one data source been used. two case studies illustrate how four factors interact to produce different versions of reality: setting, participants, time, and forms of data recording. the author discusses the apparent markedly different realities of doctors and patie ...200212365590
human genome pioneers are awarded nobel prize. 200212376428
scientific contributions of a. v. hill: exercise physiology pioneer.beginning in 1910, a. v. hill performed careful experiments on the time course of heat production in isolated frog muscle. his research paralleled that of the german biochemist otto meyerhof, who measured the changes in muscle glycogen and lactate during contractions and recovery. for their work in discovering the distinction between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, hill and meyerhof were jointly awarded the 1922 nobel prize for physiology or medicine. because of hill's interest in athletics, h ...200212381740
the outcome of pediatric cadaveric renal transplantation in the uk and analysis of all pediatric cadaveric renal transplant recipients in the uk and eire was undertaken to review the outcomes of pediatric cadaveric renal transplantation and to consider the implications for organ allocation procedures for pediatric recipients. factors influencing the outcome of 1,252 pediatric cadaveric renal transplants in the uk and eire in the 10-yr period from 1 january 1986 to 31 december 1995 were analyzed by cox proportional hazards regression, including analysis of four d ...200212390422
historical perspective milestones in the evolution of lumbar spinal postural health in seating.the best knowledge on seated posture before the enlightenment was not scientific, but influenced by sociocultural, economic, and manufacturing factors. although the pursuit of knowledge related to spinal postural health was advanced with the advent of empirico-analytic research, academic opinion continued to be influenced by unsubstantiated information, often resulting in incorrect advice to the public. only in the past decade has advice on "correct" seated posture, spanning the time from the hi ...200212394936
a pharmacogenetic study to investigate the role of dietary carcinogens in the etiology of colorectal cancer.susceptibility to colorectal cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer in the western world, has been associated with several environmental and dietary risk factors. dietary exposure to food derived heterocyclic amine carcinogens and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been proposed as specific risk factors. many polymorphic phase i and phase ii drug metabolizing enzymes are responsible for the metabolism and disposition of these compounds and it is therefore possible that inheritance of ...200212419832
ethnic variation in type of genital herpes simplex virus infection in a south london genitourinary medicine clinic.the aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of herpes simplex virus (hsv) types 1 and 2 in the study population and correlate the results with clinical and demographic details. consecutive hsv isolates from 334 clinic attendees were typed by immunofluorescence. patient information was collected from the case notes. overall, hsv-1 was isolated from 48 and hsv-2 from 287 samples, respectively. there was no significant difference in isolation rates according to gender. however, 33% of ...200312436485
case report: rapid ante-mortem diagnosis of a human case of rabies imported into the uk from the philippines.the united kingdom is free from rabies, with the last human death from indigenous rabies recorded in 1902. however, between 1946 and 2000, 20 deaths were reported in the united kingdom in people who were bitten and infected while abroad in rabies endemic areas. the rapid diagnosis of suspected human rabies cases influences the use of anti-rabies post-exposure prophylaxis for potential contacts with the victim. in addition, the occurrence of a human rabies case requires urgent investigation to su ...200312436491
stable isotope (13c, 15n and 34s) analysis of the hair of modern humans and their domestic animals.relationships between dietary status and recent migration were examined by delta(13)c, delta(15)n and delta(34)s analysis of hair samples from 43 modern humans living in a rural community in sw england. the isotopic content of 38 'local' hair samples was compared with that of five recently arrived individuals (from canada, chile, germany and the usa). hair samples from domestic animals (i.e. mainly cats, dogs, cows and horses) were analysed to examine the difference in delta(13)c, delta(15)n and ...200212442295
age-restricted cervical screening: hpv testing at age 50 identifies a high risk group for cervical disease.changes to the present age policy of cervical screening are currently under consideration. we conducted a retrospective matched case-control study and cost analysis study to identify risk factors for the development of an abnormal smear after age 50 and to determine the impact of age-restricted cervical screening on the annual cost of the screening program. all women (229) from an 11-year birth cohort who developed an abnormal smear at age 50 or over were age-matched for two controls with negati ...200212445251
multiple genetic typing of salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium isolates of different phage types (dt104, u302, dt204b, and dt49) from animals and humans in england, wales, and northern ireland.salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium is a common cause of salmonellosis among humans and animals in england, wales, and northern ireland. phage types dt104 and u302 were the most prevalent types in both livestock and humans in 2001. in addition, salmonella serotype typhimurium dt204b was responsible for a recent international outbreak involving england. a total of 119 isolates from humans (n = 28) and animals or their environment (n = 91), belonging to dt104 (n = 66), u302 (n = 33), dt204b ( ...200212454135
risk assessment as collective clinical judgement.introduction: risk assessment occupies an increasingly important position in psychiatry. this paper contends that collective judgement is the optimal method of assessing risk. the meaning of risk: risk has a dual meaning: emotional and judgemental. risks faced by staff: assaults, threats and survival anxiety. the effects of danger on the group: staff wariness and resistance, attribution of blame. the ambiguous task: for a group to function well it must have a clear task. custodial roles can lead ...200212459817
restoration of ldl receptor function in cells from patients with autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia by retroviral expression of arh1.familial hypercholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant disorder with a gene-dosage effect that is usually caused by mutations in the ldl receptor gene that disrupt normal clearance of ldl. in the homozygous form, it results in a distinctive clinical phenotype, characterized by inherited hypercholesterolemia, cholesterol deposition in tendons, and severe premature coronary disease. we described previously two families with autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia that is not due to mutations in t ...200212464675
the anatomical exhibition of real human is impossible not to be stunned, and dwarfed, and inspired, and horrified, and amazed by the sight of the horse, complete with human rider, rearing high above your head. it is not so much the size of the model--more that both horse and man are real.200212465470
social roles, context and evolution in the origins of depression.this paper reviews the author's research on the social origins of depression begun in the early 1970s. it emphasizes the importance of taking account of the context and meaning of proximal causal factors by the use of investigator-based ratings using intensive interviews and the need to extend research to cover a whole lifetime. the implications of the research program that has involved some twenty inquiries in a variety of cultural settings is discussed in terms of the importance of both a comp ...200212467252
regulation of therapeutic cloning in the uk.the history and responsibilities of the british human fertilisation and embryology authority are described. its establishment by law in 1990 and its duties of licensing clinics, issuing a code of practice, maintaining a register of treatments, giving advice and licensing new treatments are traced. although research on embryos was legalized in the uk in 1990, a change in the law was required in 2001 to permit therapeutic cloning and research on embryos for the purposes of seeking treatments for s ...200212470538
built for speed, not for comfort. darwinian theory and human culture.darwin believed that his theory of evolution would stand or fall on its ability to account for human behavior. no species could be an exception to his theory without imperiling the whole edifice. the ideas in the descent of man were widely discussed by his contemporaries although they were far from being the only evolutionary theories current in the late nineteenth century. darwin's specific evolutionary ideas and those of his main followers had very little impact on the social sciences as they ...200112472064
impact of nhs direct on general practice consultations during the winter of 1999-2000: analysis of routinely collected data. 200212480857
air pollution. counting the cost of london's killer smog. 200212481106
a view from the bodies corporate. 2. orthoworld 2000 ltd.north london may seem an unlikely venue for a discussion about orthodontics which takes us as far afield as south africa and the usa, but edgware is where i find the head office of orthoworld. at the time of writing orthoworld are the only specialist body corporate in the uk. i am meeting dr. morris fine, director of operations, a quietly spoken orthodontist - and still practising - with what turns out to be strong views and clear convictions. orthoworld had its beginnings 'four and a half years ...200212481180
from photography to cinematography: recording movement and gait in a neurological context.the major challenge of photography has been freezing movement, to transform it into a fixed image or series of images. very soon, photographers became interested in movement itself and tried to use photography as a tool to analyze movement. at the early stages, physicians interested in movement, perhaps surprisingly, made important technical contributions. mécanisme de la physionomie humaine, by duchenne, the first book with physiological experiments illustrated by photographs, is a landmark in ...200212481476
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk and prognosis.plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (pai-1) is a factor in urokinase-type plasminogen activator proteolytic system, which is important for tumour invasion and metastasis. elevated pai-1 levels in tumours are associated with poor prognosis. an insertion/deletion (4g/5g) promoter polymorphism in the pai-1 gene affects activity of its product, the 4g/4g genotype being related to higher transcription levels. we assessed the association between the polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk in 206 cancer ...200312490312
transforming a run down general practice into a leading edge primary care organisation with the help of the efqm excellence model.this article explains how a primary care team transformed a run down general practice into a leading edge healthcare organisation by adopting the principles of the efqm excellence model. the decisions surrounding the choice of approach, challenges faced, benefits achieved and lessons learned are all described in such a way that the reader may appreciate the issues which faced the members of the 15-man team. in particular, the practice team found that describing indicators of quality and gatherin ...200212500651
enhanced surveillance of campylobacter infection in the north west of england identify sources and routes of infection for sporadic cases of campylobacter infection in the north west of england.200312504607
human papillomavirus infections and risks of cervical cancer: what do women know?human papillomavirus (hpv) is now known to be a risk factor for the development of cervical cancer. this study examines women's knowledge of cervical screening and dysplasia and hpv. the entire female work force of a medium-sized uk university received a questionnaire concerning knowledge of cervical screening, treatment for abnormalities and hpv. four hundred women returned completed questionnaires. knowledge of early cervical cancer detection and screening methods was good. however, risk facto ...200212507346
modelling vaccination strategies against foot-and-mouth disease.vaccination has proved a powerful defence against a range of infectious diseases of humans and animals. however, its potential to control major epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) in livestock is contentious. using an individual farm-based model, we consider either national prophylactic vaccination campaigns in advance of an outbreak, or combinations of reactive vaccination and culling strategies during an epidemic. consistent with standard epidemiological theory, mass prophylactic vaccina ...200312508120
family finds hospital willing to give experimental cjd treatment. 200312511437
renal papillary necrosis.renal papillary necrosis (rpn) is a significant problem in human beings, especially in england and in australia where it has been reported to account for 15% to 20% of patients needing renal transplants. many compounds, including aspirin, phenacetin, phenylbutazone, indomethacin, mefenamic acid, flufenamic acid, fenoprofin, naproxen, and ibuprofen have been linked to renal papillary necrosis in human beings. although the exact mechanism of rpn is unknown, there are several theories that have goo ...200212512867
nuffield council on bioethics consultation.the possibility of using genetic analysis to predict response to medicines has led some to make the optimistic claim that personalized medicine--"the right medicine, for the right patient, at the right dose"--will only be a matter of time. indeed, pharmacogenetic tests could be one of the earliest practical applications that information from the human genome project will have on our lives. many patients experience side effects from medicines, and the use of pharmacogenetics in the drug discovery ...200312517289
educational outreach to improve vaccination uptake. 200212528591
educational outreach to improve vaccination uptake. 200212528592
[nobel prize for physiology or medicine 2002 is awarded for research into the genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death].the human body consists of hundreds of cell types, all originating from one fertilized egg. during the embryonic and foetal periods, the number of each cell type increases dramatically. the cells mature and become specialised to form the various tissues and organs of the body. large numbers of cells are also formed in the adult body. cell death is a normal process, which runs parallel to this generation of new cells. it takes place in both the foetus and adult, thereby maintaining the appropriat ...200212532662
foot and mouth disease in livestock and reduced cryptosporidiosis in humans, england and wales.during the 2001 epidemic of foot and mouth disease (fmd) in livestock in england and wales, we discovered a corresponding decrease in laboratory reports of cryptosporidiosis in humans. using a regression model of laboratory reports of cryptosporidiosis, we found an estimated 35% (95% confidence interval [ci] 20% to 47%) reduction in reports during the weeks spanning the period from the first and last cases of fmd. the largest reduction occurred in northwest england, where the estimated decrease ...200312533277
foot and mouth disease and cryptosporidiosis: possible interaction between two emerging infectious diseases.during 2001, a large outbreak of foot and mouth disease occurred in the united kingdom, during which approximately 2,030 confirmed cases of the disease were reported, >6 million animals were slaughtered, and strict restrictions on access to the countryside were imposed. we report a dramatic decline in the reported incidence of human cryptosporidiosis in northwest england during weeks 13-38 in 2001, compared with the previous 11 years. this decline coincided with the period of foot and mouth rest ...200312533291
more than one reason to immunize health care workers. 200212546219
liverpool: the early years of biochemistry.the first chair and department of biochemistry in the u.k. were founded at the university of liverpool in 1902, thanks to a generous donation by william johnston, a liverpool shipowner. the first holder of the johnston chair, benjamin moore, was a dynamic man, who set up an active research centre. in 1906, he and edward whitley founded the bio-chemical journal as a private venture, and in 1912, they sold it to the biochemical society. moore also initiated the first honours school of biochemistry ...200312546645
molecular evidence for multiple toxoplasma gondii infections in individual patients in england and wales: public health implications.we sought to determine the sag2 genotypes of toxoplasma gondii associated with cases of acute human toxoplasmosis in england and wales. the samples examined were collected from a wide range of cases including congenital infections, aids and immunosuppressed patients and were derived from a number of different tissues. parasite dna was detected by pcr amplification without the need for prior template purification, and sag2 genotype was determined by both restriction enzyme analysis and direct dna ...200312547351
e. coli o157 phage type 21/28 outbreak in north cumbria associated with pasteurized march 1999, a large community outbreak of escherichia coli o157 infection occurred in north cumbria. a total of 114 individuals were reported to the outbreak control team (oct); 88 had laboratory confirmed e. coli o157. twenty-eight (32%) of the confirmed cases were admitted to hospital, including three children (3.4%) with haemolytic uraemic syndrome. there were no deaths. a case-control study found that illness was strongly associated with drinking pasteurized milk from a local farm (p = <0 ...200212558327
doncaster: the public health response to a local cluster of heterosexually acquired hiv recent years, clusters of sexually transmitted hiv infection have attracted some media prominence in the uk. we describe our response to a local hiv cluster of five cases that acquired a high media profile. practical difficulties encountered included: ensuring medical confidentiality in an outbreak control team which included many professional groups; handling a large volume of helpline calls; differing views on how specific health promotion should be; and the impact of summer leave on the co ...200212564239
collaborative investigation of an outbreak of salmonella enterica serotype newport in england and wales in 2001 associated with ready-to-eat salad june 2001, as part of a microbiological study of bagged, ready-to-eat salad products, salmonella enterica serotype newport was isolated from a sample of pre-packed green salad distributed by a major supermarket retailer. the strain was characterised by phage typing, plasmid profile typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. other isolates of s. newport from cases of human infection in england and wales in the first six months of 2001 were similarly characterised. of 60 strains from cases of ...200212564245
promoting the dignity of the child in hospital.this article aims to deconstruct the concept of dignity in a way that is meaningful, in particular to nurses and other health workers who seek to promote the dignity of children in their care. despite the emphasis in a variety of codes and policies to promote dignity, there is a lack of a clear definition of dignity in the literature. in particular there is little reference to dignity, theoretically or empirically, as it relates to children. without clarity it is not possible to act in an ethica ...200312572762
how much tissue is present in archival paraffin blocks and slides?in order to inform the debate about tissue blocks and slides introduced by the retained organs commission, a study is undertaken to determine the percentage weight of tissue present in the surgical archive in the cellular pathology department of a district general hospital. when original, unprocessed tissue weight is expressed as a percentage, based on the weight of 100 archival paraffin blocks, values range from 0.2% to 41.5%. when the corresponding archival slides are also included, the values ...200212572953
genital herpes serotesting: a study of the epidemiology and patients' knowledge and attitude among std clinic attenders in coventry, examine the seroprevalence and correlates of antibodies to herpes simplex viruses type 1 (hsv-1) and type 2 (hsv-2), and to assess patients' knowledge and attitude towards genital herpes infection and its serotesting, before and after counselling.200312576612
the loss of the chemical tanker ievoli sun in the english channel, october 2000.a chemical product tanker, the ievoli sun, was abandoned and later sank approximately 11 miles nw of alderney in the english channel in october 2000. the vessel carried a mixed cargo comprising 4000 tonnes of styrene, and 1000 tonnes each of methyl ethyl ketone and isopropyl alcohol. these chemicals are of low to moderate toxicity to aquatic life, are not persistent and have a low potential for bio-accumulation. both of the solvents are miscible in water, whilst styrene is practically insoluble ...200312586121
blood, politics, and social science. richard titmuss and the institute of economic affairs, 1957-1973.long before his last book, the gift relationship: from human blood to social policy, was published in early 1971, richard m. titmuss (1907-1973), a professor of social administration at the london school of economics, had been a major figure in the debates over the welfare state. the gift relationship was the culmination of an eventful relationship with the institute of economic affairs, a think tank that advocated the extension of rational pricing to social services. by arguing that the british ...200212592886
from standing start to human genome sequence in 50 years. 200312598148
the future of public health.the scale of health inequalities in the uk is stark indeed: and their persistence has disfigured our society. can there be any room for complacency when we know that a male resident of manchester can expect to live over seven years less than his contemporary in barnet? or, that when it comes to healthy life expectancy the gap is even greater: the number of years of life in good health that a man can, on average, expect to live is almost 11 years better in surrey than in manchester. for women, th ...200212602090
air quality effects of traffic in a canyon-like street (falmouth, u.k.).it has been suggested that in relation to air quality impacts, roads with low (<20000 vpd) traffic flow need not be considered as significant. this study examines this suggestion more closely by comparing real-time monitoring of traffic related pollutants (no2, pm10 and pah) at two sites (including a 'canyon-street') in falmouth, cornwall in relation to traffic flow. for comparison, real-time monitoring data for no2 and pm10 is also taken from a well ventilated site in camelford, cornwall. the d ...200312602622
older south asian patient and carer perceptions of culturally sensitive care in a community hospital setting.this study describes the application of grounded theory to establish older, south asian patient and carer views of service delivery in the uk. the purpose of the study was to inform the development of culturally sensitive services by defining the concept of cultural sensitivity from a user/carer perspective. the study took place in two community hospitals providing nurse-led intermediate care to a culturally diverse inner city population. fifty-five per cent of the inner city population is of so ...200312603562
a view from the bodies corporate. 3. ora dental group ltd. interview by f.stuart-wilson.julian perry does not strike one as being the sort of man that would set off a fire alarm deliberately when there was no fire. the fact that he did and the reason that he did comes out quite late in our discussion over coffee one bright morning in central london.200212607621
linkage analysis of extremely discordant and concordant sibling pairs identifies quantitative-trait loci that influence variation in the human personality trait neuroticism.several theoretical studies have suggested that large samples of randomly ascertained siblings can be used to ascertain phenotypically extreme individuals and thereby increase power to detect genetic linkage in complex traits. here, we report a genetic linkage scan using extremely discordant and concordant sibling pairs, selected from 34,580 sibling pairs in the southwest of england who completed a personality questionnaire. we performed a genomewide scan for quantitative-trait loci (qtls) that ...200312612864
y chromosome haplotypes and testicular cancer in the english population. 200312624149
epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus in england and wales.many countries are studying currently the possibility of mass vaccination against varicella. the objective of this study was to provide a complete picture of the pre-vaccine epidemiology of the varicella-zoster virus in england and wales to aid in the design of immunisation programs. population-based data including general practitioner sentinel surveillance, hospitalisation data, and death certificates from england and wales were analysed. the average incidence rates for varicella and zoster bet ...200312627480
surveillance of influenza in the north-west region of england 2001-02.a local sentinel network of general practitioners has been established in the north west of england for the surveillance of influenza. in the 2001-02 winter, consultation rates for influenza-like-illness (ili) were low but the surveillance network was able to demonstrate sub-regional variations in the timing of peak influenza activity, and the infection of different age groups. this suggests the network can contribute to better planning to winter pressures on the north west health service.200212631983
using extirpations to understand the human motor cortex: horsley, foerster, and bucy.during the last part of the 19th century and through the middle of the 20th century, surgeons sometimes extirpated parts of the human motor cortex to control abnormal involuntary movements. this procedure can be traced directly to victor horsley, who pioneered the first successful surgery of this type in 1886. although many neurosurgeons followed horsley's lead in performing this procedure, few used their results, as he did, to formulate concepts on the role of the motor cortex in movement contr ...200312633160
soft tissue infections of the extremities in an orthopaedic centre in the determine the spectrum, and clinical impact of acute extremity soft tissue infections, encountered in the orthopaedic service of an inner city hospital in uk.200312634072
microbiological study of ready-to-eat salad vegetables from retail establishments uncovers a national outbreak of salmonellosis.the increasing availability of bagged prepared salad vegetables reflects consumer demand for fresh, healthy, convenient, and additive-free foods that are safe and nutritious. during may and june 2001 a study of retail bagged prepared ready-to-eat salad vegetables was undertaken to determine the microbiological quality of these vegetables. examination of the salad vegetables revealed that the vast majority (3,826 of 3,852 samples; 99.3%) were of satisfactory or acceptable microbiological quality ...200312636292
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