
[kinetics and mechanism of action of horseradish peroxidase in the reaction of dioxyfumaric acid oxidation with atmospheric oxygen].quantitative kinetic data are given on the oxidation reaction of dioxyfumaric acid (dfa) with atmospheric oxygen in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) depending on ph. activation constants of oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and mn ions are determined at ph 3.0. autocatalytic character of fra oxidation is shown to be due to the formation of h2o2 and other hydro peroxide-type compounds in the reaction, hrp convertions in the dfa--o2 system are studied using spectrophotometry. a mechanis ...20131108
histological evidence for direct connections between the optic lobes of the cockroach leucophaea maderae.heretofore, descriptions of direct interconnections between insect optic lobes have been based on histological examinations of normal brains or on inference from electrophysiological or behavioral data. we present here what we believe to be the first demonstration of such monosynaptic connections by techniques of experimental neuroanatomy. twenty-four to 39 h after extirpation of the left optic lobe, degenerating axons and axon terminals, as silvered by a modified nauta technique, were abundant ...197547256
anti-horseradish peroxidase associated with golgi complex of antibody-forming cells.observations are reported on the localization of anti-horseradish peroxidase in antibody-forming cells in popliteal lymph nodes following a single injection of antigen. reaction product, marking the site of antibody, was observed not only in the ergastoplasm and cisternae of the golgi complex, but also in globules associated with the golgi complex.19751171612
fractionation of horseradish peroxidase by preparative isoelectric focusing, gel chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography.horseradish peroxidase has been fractionated by preparative isoelectric focusing in a density gradient and in a layer of granulated gel using ph-3-10 and narrow-ph-range carrier ampholytes at different total enzyme loads. the resolution of peroxidase isoenzymes in preparative-layer isoelectric focusing was comparable to that obtained by analytical thin-layer isoelectric focusing. isoelectrically homogeneous isoenzymes could be isolated with good recovery in a single fractionation step. despite t ...1975240683
horseradish peroxidase. xix. a photochemical reaction of compound i at 5 degrees k. 19751125021
oxidative turnover of auxins in relation to the onset of ripening in bartlett pear.pears (pyrus communis var. bartlett) kept in 100% o(2) showed an increase in the rate of softening, chlorophyll degradation, and ethylene evolution. the o(2) application could overcome, in part, the inhibition of ripening by 1 mm indoleacetic acid. ripening of pears was also accelerated by the application of solutions containing indoleacetic acid-oxidation products, obtained by an overnight incubation of 0.1 and 1 mm indoleacetic acid with traces of h(2)o(2) and horseradish peroxidase. although ...197516659106
effect of 2450 mhz microwave radiation on horseradish peroxidase. 19751041592
optical, nmr and epr properties of horseradish peroxidase and its donor complexes. 1975164382
[effect of prosthetic group of horseradish peroxidase on enzyme stability].constants of inactivation rate of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) apo-hrp and apo-hrp-protoporphyrin (pp) are estimated at the ph range 2.8-12.8 and 25 degrees c. two ionogenic groups (acid and alkaline) are detected on cases of hrp and apo-hrp, which are responsible for stable hrp conformation. hrp stability within the ph range 5-10 exceeded 30 times that of apo-hrp, while the stability apo-hrp-pp complex is similar to that of apo-hrp. the data obtained show that formation of complex of apo-hrp wi ...20071105
synthesis of antibody and immunoglobulins without detectable antibody function in cells responding to horseradish peroxidase.the kinetics of immunoglobulin-synthesizing cells (ifc) and antibody-forming cells (afc) are compared in the popliteal nodes of mice challenged, in the hind footpads, with horseradish peroxidase (po) in freund's complete adjuvant. a rise in the number of ifc without antibody function precedes the appearance of afc. ifc reach peak numbers 7 days before afc. control experiments show that the majority of ifc without antibody function are responding to po and not to adjuvant. kinetic and radioautogr ...19751168220
nuclear magnetic resonance evidence for the absence of iron coordinated water in horseradish peroxidase. 1975234224
ethylene production by cress roots and excised cress root segments and its inhibition by 3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid.3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (dihb) has been shown to exert an inhibitory effect on the formation of ethylene by the roots of intact cress lepidium sativum seedlings in light, and by excised cress root segments. adding iaa to the culture solution greatly promoted ethylene production, which was suppressed by dihb. the findings together with results obtained with dinitrophenol (dnp), l-methionine and l-ethionine and also the horseradish peroxidase/methional system of yang are discussed.the res ...197524430221
[comparison of the activities of free and carrier fixed horseradish peroxidase].commerical horseradish-peroxidase was covalently bound to brcn-activated sepharose. the activity parameters vmax and km were determined by the leukomalachite green reaction. compared with the soluble enzyme, the immobilized pod has a relative residual activity of 22%. dimethylsulfoxide and formamide were found to diminish the enzymatic activity in a concentration-dependent manner. the activity of the free enzyme in aqueous formamide solution (10%) is reduced by 43%, that of the insolubilized enz ...19751199630
kinetic evidence of horseradish peroxidase oxidation by compound i.the kinetics of compound ii formation, obtained upon mixing a highly purified horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide, was spectrophotometrically studied at three wavelengths in the absence of an added reducing agent. our experiments confirm george's finding that more than one mole of compound ii is formed per mole of hydrogen peroxide added. the new mechanism that we propose, contrary to the mechanism of george, is only valid when compound ii is obtained in the absence of an added donor. m ...19751148326
absorption and transport of ferritin and exogenous horseradish peroxidase in the opisthonephric kidney of the sey lamprey ii. the tubular nephron.the tubular nephrons in the opisthonephric kidney of the sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus l., were demonstrated to absorb and transport exogenous protein. the proximal convoluted segment is the major site of protein absorption from the tubular lumen and the process involved is similar to that described for the proximal convoluted segment in the kidneys of other vertebrates. the lateral intercellular spaces are a possible channel for the transport of intact proteins in this segment. the cilated ne ...19751131856
a general method for the introduction of enzymes, by means of immunoglobulin-coated liposomes, into lysosomes of deficient cells.phagocytes of the smooth dogfish (mustelus canis) contain no endogenous peroxidase within their lysosomes and constitute models for cells genetically deficient in lysosomal enzymes such as myeloperoxidase. we have obtained uptake of over 50% of exogenous horseradish peroxidase, provided the enzyme is exhibited to cells after incorporation into liposomes coated with heat-aggregated (62 degrees, 10 min), isologous igm. trapping of horseradish peroxidase (ec by liposomes was established b ...19751054517
enzymatic activation and trapping of luminol-substituted peptides and proteins. a possible means of amplifying the cytotoxicity of anti-tumor antibodies.glutathione and glucose oxidase (ec conjugates containing covalently bound luminol were prepared as prototypes for peptides and proteins with latent, enzyme-activatable chemical reactivity. in the presence of small quantities of activated horseradish peroxidase, conjugated luminol molecules were oxidized to unstable free radicals which reacted rapidly with soluble proteins and cells. these observations are of interest in regard to possible sequential localization reactions in which a fe ...197547175
resonance raman spectra of horseradish peroxidase: evidence for anomalous heme structure. 19744433523
an accounting of horseradish peroxidase isozymes associated with the cell wall and evidence that peroxidase does not contain hydroxyproline.isopycnic equilibrium centrifugation techniques were used to determine whether any horseradish (amoracia lapathifolia) peroxidase isozymes were associated with hydroxyproline containing moieties. purified peroxidase, horseradish root extracts, and peroxidase isozymes released from horseradish root cell walls were tested. in no case could any peak of peroxidase activity be found to band with hydroxyproline.a fluorimetric method for measurement of peroxidase activity was used to determine quantita ...197416658992
proton balance in conversions between five oxidation-reduction states of horseradish peroxidase. 19744441101
effects of paracentesis on the blood-aqueous barrier: an electron microscope study on macaca mulatta using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer. 19744431484
electron microscopic and kinetic studies dealing with an artificial enzyme membrane. application to a cytochemical model with the horseradish peroxidase-3,3'-diaminobenzidine system. 19744427073
the interaction of cationic liposomes containing entrapped horseradish peroxidase with cells in culture.cationic liposomes composed of sphingomyelin, cholesterol, and stearylamine were prepared with horseradish peroxidase trapped inside. stable particles were formed in which 10-12% of the enzymic activity appeared to be located at, or near, the outer surface of the liposome. adsorption and uptake of liposomes by hela cells were followed cytochemically by electron microscopy and quantitated by enzyme assay and by the distribution and fate of particles labeled with [(14)c]cholesterol and [(125)i]hor ...19744138544
aspects of the central projection of the optic nerve in the frog as revealed by anterograde migration of horseradish peroxidase. 19744547407
retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in transected axons. 1. time relationships between transport and induction of chromatolysis. 19744138954
normal peritoneal lymphocytes: a population with increased capacity for endocytosis.the existence of lymphocyte to macrophage transformation among normal peritoneal lymphocytes (npls) was considered. we described the conditions under which pinocytosis of the enzyme tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and phagocytosis of latex particles by npls occurred and compared these data with results obtained with splenic lymphocytes (spls), a better characterized source of lymphocytes. in the presence of relatively large concentrations (200 mug/ml to 1 mg/ml) of hrp, at least three times ...19744447122
the retrograde intraaxonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in the chick visual system: a light and electron microscopic study. 19744138789
the reaction of chlorite with horseradish peroxidase and chloroperoxidase. enzymatic chlorination and spectral intermediates. 19744416450
[the transformation of the oxidation product of guaiacol obtained in the presence of horseradish peroxidase]. 19744218982
effect of gamma-irradiation on the charge and size properties of horseradish peroxidase: individual isoenzymes. 19744428006
assembly of gap junctions during amphibian neurulation.sequential thin-section, tracer (k-pyroantimonate, lanthanum, ruthenium red, and horseradish peroxidase), and freeze-fracture studies were conducted on embryos and larvae of rana pipiens to determine the steps involved in gap junction assembly during neurulation. the zonulae occludentes, which join contiguous neuroepithelial cells, fragment into solitary domains as the neural groove deepens. these plaque-like contacts also become permeable to a variety of tracers at this juncture. where the ridg ...19744135001
the substrate profiles of the acidic and slightly basic horseradish peroxidases. 19744847564
[pathogenesis of the aleutian mink disease. 8. depression of antibodies against peroxidase from horseradish]. 19744471863
uptake of horseradish peroxidase by frog photoreceptor synapses in the dark and the light. 19744833241
metabolism of na2 75seo4 in horseradish: formation of selenosinigrin. 19744819805
gamma-irradiation of aqueous solutions of horseradish peroxidase in different atmospheres: argon, air, and nitrous oxide. 19744438590
preparation and properties of horseradish peroxidase cross-linked in nonaqueous media. 19744430557
the effect of methanol on granulocyte and horseradish peroxidase quantitatively studied in a film model system. 19744140173
ultrastructural studies of the blood-aqueous barrier. 2. the barrier to horseradish peroxidase in primates. 19734202452
incorporation of carbohydrate residues into peroxidase isoenzymes in horseradish roots.sliced root tissue of the horseradish plant (armoracia rusticana), when incubated with mannose-u-(14)c, incorporated radioactivity into peroxidase isoenzymes. over 90% of the radioactivity in the highly purified peroxidase isoenzymes was present in the neutral sugar residues of the molecule, i.e. fucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose. when the root slices were incubated simultaneously with leucine-4,5-(3)h and mannose-u-(14)c, cycloheximide strongly inhibited leucine incorporation into the peptide ...197316658584
role of germinal center in immune response enzyme immuno-histochemical study using horseradish peroxidase. 19734801708
determination of oxidation and spin states of heme iron. resonance raman spectroscopy of cytochrome c, microperoxidase, and horseradish peroxidase. 19734361271
reactions of ligands with heme-substituted horseradish ferroperoxidases. 19734765087
the ph induced modification of the electrophoretic mobilities of horseradish peroxidase isozymes. 19734782534
uptake and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in frog sartorius nerve in vitro. 19734541419
the oxidation of phenol and its reaction product by horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide. 19734718792
proposed model for the peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid in the presence of the inhibitor ferulic acid.linear increments in ferulic acid concentration produce logarithmic increases in the ferulic acid-induced lag periods prior to the peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid in a system containing 2,4-dichlorophenol and mncl(2) in acetate buffer at ph 5.6. maintaining the ratio of indole-3-acetic acid to ferulic acid constant at 100 while linearly raising the ferulic acid concentration results in linear increases in the lag period. both indole-3-acetic acid and ferulic acid are subst ...197316658447
collaborative study of a method for the extraction of light filth from prepared horseradish. 19734779895
uptake of horseradish peroxidase by the testis and epididymis of mice. ii. electron microscopic study of the testis. 19734707326
amino acid sequences studies of horseradish peroxidase. tryptic glycopeptide containing two histidine residues and a disulfide bridge. 197311947103
studies on auxin protectors: xi. inhibition of peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of glutathione by auxin protectors and o-dihydroxyphenols.commercial horseradish peroxidase, when supplemented with dichlorophenol and either manganese or hydrogen peroxide, will rapidly oxidize glutathione. this peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of glutathione is completely inhibited by the presence of auxin protectors. three auxin protectors and three o-dihydroxyphenols were tested; all inhibited the oxidation. glutathione oxidation by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of dichlorophenol and mn is also completely inhibited by catalase, implying that ...197316658336
mechanisms of the irreversible inactivation of horseradish peroxidase caused by hydroxymethylhydroperoxide. 19734691504
the reaction between indole 3-acetic acid and horseradish peroxidase. 19734347676
[adsorption of horseradish peroxidase to ruthenium-red-positive structures in myeli-free nerves]. 19734134942
study of peroxidase mechanisms by pulse radiolysis. i. spectra of horseradish peroxidase transients. 19725086949
optical and magnetic measurements of horseradish peroxidase. 3. electron paramagnetic resonance studies at liquid-hydrogen and -helium temperatures. 19724342219
on the nature of the alkaline ionization of horseradish peroxidase. 197211946717
evidence for a blood-thymus barrier using electron-opaque order to verify the existence of a blood-thymus barrier to circulating macromolecules, the permeability of the vessels of the thymus was analyzed in young adult mice using electron opaque tracers of different molecular dimensions (horseradish peroxidase, cytochrome c, catalase, ferritin, colloidal lanthanum). results show that although blood-borne macromolecules do penetrate the thymus, their parenchyma] distribution is limited to the medulla of the lobe by several factors: (a) the differenti ...19724115129
studies on horseradish peroxidase. x. the mechanism of the oxidation of p-cresol, ferrocyanide, and iodide by compound ii. 19725033386
the mechanism of the scopoletin-induced inhibition of the peroxidase catalyzed degradation of indole-3-acetate.the naturally occurring coumarin, scopoletin, has been found to modify horseradish peroxidase rapidly to give a stable, spectroscopically distinguishable form of the enzyme. peroxidase treated with scopoletin is less active in reactions with molecular oxygen and indole-3-acetic acid. kinetic data for the degradation of this growth regulator were obtained with a continuously monitored fluorometric procedure. lineweaver-burk plots of the reciprocal rate of degradation against the reciprocal substr ...197216658068
ph dependence of the oxidation of iodide by compound i of horseradish peroxidase. 19725027617
heme-modification studies on horseradish peroxidase. 19725026304
defective function of renal lysosomes in mice with the chediak-higashi syndrome.morphologically abnormal lysosomes demonstrated in individuals with the chediak-higashi syndrome (chs) suggested a defect in the function of these abnormal lysosomes. to gain direct experimental evidence of such a defect, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected intravenously into chs and control mice, the mice killed at varying intervals and the kidneys studied by ultrastructural cytochemistry. no morophologic difference was observed in the absorption and uptake of hrp by proximal convoluted t ...19725021101
poria weirii as a possible commercial source of peroxidase.poria weirii produced peroxidase in yields amounting to 35% of those obtained from the same weight of horseradish roots. the three isozymes detected were distinct from those of horseradish.19725018622
the peroxidase-catalysed oxidation of a chalcone and its possible physiological significance.1. crystalline horseradish peroxidase catalysed the oxidation of 2',4,4'-trihydroxychalcone (isoliquiritigenin) in the presence of trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide under aerobic conditions. one atom of oxygen was consumed for each molecule of substrate. 2. the reaction course comprised a lag phase and a linear phase. the optimum ph for the linear phase of the reaction was about 7.5. the length of the lag phase decreased with increasing ph. it is suggested that the chalcone anion is the actual ...19725073737
reactions of the oxyform of horseradish peroxidase. 19725016264
uptake of horseradish peroxidase by the testis and epididymis of mice. 19724110017
amino acid sequence studies of horseradish peroxidase. ii. thermolytic peptides. 19725059674
amino acid sequence studies of horseradish peroxidase. i. tryptic peptides. 19725059673
steroids. xix. catalytic iodination of phenolic steroids by horseradish peroxydase. 19724661160
an evaluation of immunohistochemical techniques for antibody activity in the gastro-intestinal mucosa. horseradish peroxidase conjugated iga and igm. 19724568624
penetration of horseradish peroxidase into the terminal cisternae of frog skeletal muscle fibers and blockade of caffeine contracture by ca ++ depletion. 19724536808
cytodifferentiation in the rana pipiens oocyte. iv. ultrastructural localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase and horseradish peroxidase. 19724336214
adsorption of horseradish peroxidase to negatively charged groups. 19724265517
the effect of osmotic flow on the distribution of horseradish peroxidase within the intercellular spaces of toad bladder epithelium. 19715000171
simultaneous demonstration of exogenous horseradish peroxidase and acid phosphatase activities in phagolysosomes. 19715165568
the hydrogen ion equilibria of horseradish peroxidase and apoperoxidase.1. the reversible proton dissociation equilibria of peroxidase, apoperoxidase and haem-recombined apoperoxidase have been explored in 150mm-potassium chloride at 20 degrees c at ph3-11.5. 2. complementary heat measurements have been made of the classes of titratable groups to determine their intrinsic deltah dissociation. 3. these curves are interpreted as showing that there are two histidine residues capable of titration in peroxidase whereas there are three such in apoperoxidase. 4. concomitan ...19715135245
optical and magnetic measurements of horseradish peroxidase. ii. ph dependence of peroxidase. 19714330723
optical and magnetic measurements of horseradish peroxidase. i. azide complex of peroxidase. 19714330722
stimulation-dependent alterations in peroxidase uptake at lobster neuromuscular junctions.the uptake of cytochemically demonstrable horseradish peroxidase into small vesicles within nerve endings in lobster stretcher muscles can be enhanced by electrical stimulation of transmitter release by the endings. this is observed particularly if stimulation is interrupted periodically and the nerves19714327989
hydroxymethylhydroperoxide as inhibitor and peroxide substrate of horseradish peroxidase. 19715569605
correlation between pinocytosis and hydroosmosis induced by neurohypophyseal hormones and mediated by adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate.the isolated urinary bladder of the toad responds to neurohypophyseal hormone with a net increase of water transport from the mucosal to the serosal solution in the presence of an osmotic gradient. this response is mediated intracellularly by cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate (amp). the present study demonstrates that hydroosmotically active substances such as oxytocin, dibutyryl cyclic 3',5'-amp, and theophylline, but not hydroosmotically inactive substances, induce the uptake of horseradish ...19714326455
structural properties of umecyanin. a copper protein from horseradish root. 19715089608
structural measurements in hemoprotiens: use of spin-labeled protoheme as a probe of heme environment.with the aid of two kinds of spin-labeled protohemins, the nature of the heme-protein interaction of various hemoproteins was investigated. di- and mono-spin-labeled protohemins were prepared from protohemin and 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-aminopyrrolidine-1-oxyl. the spin-labeled hemins were recombined with apoproteins of hemoglobin (hb), myoglobin (mb), cytochrome c peroxidase (ec and horseradish peroxidase (ec electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the di- and mono-spin-lab ...19714323793
transport of horseradish peroxidase in the murine placenta. 19715567173
horseradish peroxidase in the lateral cochlear wall. an electron microscopic study of transport. 19715542356
the distribution of the neural fat body sheath and the accessibility of the extraneural space in the stick insect, carausius morosus.the fluid compartment delimited at the surface of the central nervous system by the closely applied fat body sheath has been shown to be accessible to molecules of horseradish peroxidase and indian ink particles. quantitative analysis indicates that leakage via the intercellular spaces between fat body cells would preclude the possibility of a significant involvement of the fat body cells in sodium regulation of the extraneural fluid. this possibility is further precluded by the absence of a fat ...197118631574
bidirectional transport of horseradish peroxidase in proximal tubule of necturus kidney. 19715545106
the effect of heat on the isoelectric and size properties of horseradish peroxidase. 19715134268
note on the staining of mucosaccharides by horseradish peroxidase. 19714110909
kinetics of the oxidation of ferrocyanide by horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii. 19705480158
an ultrastructural study of glomerular permeability using catalase and peroxidase as tracer proteins.mice were injected intravenously with beef liver catalase (mol wt 240,000) and very small doses of horseradish peroxidase (mol wt 40,000) and the site of localization of these enzymes in the kidney was studied by ultrastructural cytochemistry. 1 min after injection, catalase was present in glomerular capillary lumina and there was minimal permeation of the basement membrane. after 5-180 min, staining of the basement membrane increased progressively but was usually less than that in capillary lum ...19705511568
umecyanin, a novel intensely blue copper protein from horseradish root. 19705490233
role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions xxiv. aldehyde generation by the myeloperoxidase-h(2)o(2)-chloride antimicrobial system: a possible in vivo mechanism of action.myeloperoxidase (mpo), h(2)o(2), and chloride ions in the presence of bacteria form aldehydes and are bactericidal. the use of heat-inactivated mpo prevented both killing and aldehyde generation. decarboxylation and deamination of carboxyl and amino group substrates arising from the bacterial surface may participate in the reaction which yields aldehydes. bacterial contact was essential for killing. decarboxylation and bactericidal activities were noted when physiological concentrations of chlor ...197016557854
the permeability of dragonfly malpighian tubule cells to protein using horseradish peroxidase as a tracer. 19704327516
the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of iodide. products formed and iodination of tyrosine by the products. 19705456991
the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of iodide. outline of the mechanism. 19705456990
evidence of a hydrazine-reactive group at the active site of the nonheme portion of horseradish peroxidase. 19705460175
temporal resolution of individual steps in an enzymic reaction at low are described which make it possible to study mechanisms of enzyme action at low temperature. the applicability of techniques developed are illustrated by results obtained on formation kinetics of complexes produced by the interaction of horseradish peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide. it is shown that the various steps in the time course of the reaction can be readily resolved with isolation of each intermediate in concentrations sufficient to permit rate studies between consecutive steps. ...19705269241
aerobic aromatic hydroxylation catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase: absense of nih shift. 19705420986
Displaying items 20501 - 20600 of 20690