receptive fields, geometry and conduction block of sensory neurones in the central nervous system of the leech. | 1. in segmental ganglia of the leech, the cutaneous mechanosensory neurones responding to to touch innervated the skin of their own segment and of part of the anterior and posterior adjacent segments. each touch receptive field could be divided into three non-overlapping areas: a central part innervated by the branches of the cell which ran in the nerve roots of the ganglion containing the cell body, and anterior and posterior parts innervated by its branches which ran in the nerve roots of the ... | 1976 | 1018277 |
physiological properties and receptive fields of mechanosensory neurones in the head ganglion of the leech: comparison with homologous cells in segmental ganglia. | a study of the head ganglion of the leech was made to compare the properties of specific sensory cells in this ganglion with those of homologous neurones in the segmental ganglia. 1. in the head ganglion, cells were identified that had electrical properties, sensory modalities and adaptation properties similar to those of touch (t), pressure (p) and nociceptive (n) cells in the segmental ganglia. the cell bodies of these neurones were situated in characteristics positions that could be correlate ... | 1976 | 1018276 |
a horseradish peroxidase method for the identification of the efferents of acetyl cholinesterase-containing neurons. | | 1976 | 826585 |
[problems posed by the interpretation of peroxidase labelling of various neurons in cyprinidae]. | the origin of a centrifugal visual pathway in cyprinids could not be demonstrated with the technique involving the labelling of cell bodies by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the hypothalamic labelling following intraocular injection of hrp is localized in neurosecretory structures which take up the enzyme that has passed into the circulatory system. identical results were obtained following direct intracardiac injection. thus extreme caution must be taken in attempting to interp ... | 1976 | 827368 |
the shapes of sensory and motor neurones and the distribution of their synapses in ganglia of the leech: a study using intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1976 | 12513 |
effects of apomorphine and haloperidol on somatopetal transport of horseradish peroxidase in the nigro-striatal pathway. | labeling of cell bodies in pars compacta of substantia nigra (snc) following injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the neostriatum was not affected by repeated systemic injections of apomorphine or haloperidol during the survival time. these drugs decelerate and accelerate, respectively, the firing of snc neurons. provided the used standard method was sensitive enough, it could be concluded that at least in these neurons the somatopetal transport and accumulation of the tracer do not dep ... | 1976 | 19604884 |
compound x. an intermediate in enzymatic halogenation. | previous studies have shown that chlorite serves as a halogenation substrate for horseradish peroxidase. in its substrate role, chlorite serves both as a halogen donor and as a source of oxidizing equivalents in the chlorination reaction. we now show that a new spectral intermediate, which we have termed compound x, can be detected as the initial product of the reaction of chlorite with horseradish peroxidase. the reaction of chlorite with horseradish peroxidase to form compound x is a relativel ... | 1976 | 10296 |
permeability of the amphibian pars intermedia to peroxidase injected intravascularly. | to study the penetration of protein from the blood into and through the pars intermedia of anurans, the electron-dense tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), was injected into the vascular system of the frog, rana pipiens. pinocytotic vesicles were seen along plasma membranes of the stellate cells abutting the pericapillary spaces between the pars intermedia and pars nervosa. the hrp was seen within both the pericapillary spaces and these pinocytotic vesicles. in addition, the hrp was very promin ... | 1976 | 1086719 |
stoichiometry of the reaction between horseradish peroxidase and p-cresol. | over a wide range of ph horseradish peroxidase compound i can be reduced quantitatively via compound ii to the native enzyme by only 1 molar equivalent of p-cresol. since 2 molar equivalents of electrons are required for the single turnover of the enzymatic cycle, p-cresol behaves as a 2-electron reductant. with p-cresol and compound i in a 1:1 ratio compound ii and p-methylphenoxy radicals are obtained in the transient state. compound ii is then reduced to the native enzyme. a possible explanat ... | 1976 | 9412 |
oxidation of p-cresol by horseradish peroxidase compound i. | rate constants for the reaction between horseradish peroxidase compound i and p-cresol have been determined at several values of ph between 2.98 and 10.81. these rate constants were used to construct a log (rate) versus ph profile from which it is readily seen that the most reactive form of the enzyme is its most basic form within this ph range so that base catalysis is occurring. at the maximum rate a second order rate constant of (5.1 +/- 0.3) x 10(-7) m-1 s-1 at 25 degrees is obtained. the ac ... | 1976 | 9411 |
[stabilization of polyacrylamide gel immobilized horseradish peroxidase by its covalent coupling to albumin]. | pretreatment of peroxidase by its covalent coupling to inert proteins and albumin by means of glutaraldehyde considerably increases the thermostability and specific activity of polyacrylamide gel (paag) immobilized peroxidase. the effects of paag composition on the catalytic properties of the immobilized oligomers: peroxidase-inert proteins-albumin, are studied. the oligomers immobilized in 40% paag (10% n,n'-methylenebisacrylamide) possess the maximal specific activity (4.5 nmol/g). the effects ... | 1976 | 1024581 |
preparation and properties of horseradish peroxidase bound covalently to polystyrene beads. application in the semi-automatic determination of hydrogen peroxide with homovanillic acid as substrate. | | 1976 | 973687 |
ultrastructural localization of immunoglobulins in skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. | a multistep immunocytochemical method utilizing horseradish peroxidase as an immunologically bound marker was used to detect and localize iga deposits in skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis at the ultrastructural level. iga was found in the upper papillary dermis forming irregular aggregates in seemingly haphazard distribution. these aggregates were associated with microfibrillar bundles and with the microfibrillar component of the elastic tissue. iga was also detected on anchoring fi ... | 1976 | 972258 |
studies on intra-arterial cushions. ii. distribution of horseradish peroxidase in cushions at the origins of intercostal arteries in mice. | the distribution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in intraarterial cushions at the origins of intercostal arteries was studied in mice 30 min after intravenous injection of the tracer. hrp is found to be evenly distributed in the extracellular space of the entire arterial wall. basal lamina material is penetrated by the tracer protein. this is not the case with collagenic fibrils, elastic material and intercellular granular deposits which occur regularly in cushions of adult mice but not in those ... | 1976 | 984469 |
characterization of the chromophores in horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii using magnetic circular dichroism. | | 1976 | 985498 |
the oxidation of dithiothreitol by peroxidases and oxygen. | horseradish peroxidase (, lactoperoxidase (, and the fragment of cytochrome c known as microperoxidase have been shown to catalyze the oxidation of reduced dithiothreitol in an oxygen-consuming reaction. evidence for horseradish peroxidase intermediates compound iii and compound ii has been observed, although ferroperoxidase was not identified during the course of the reaction. the stoichiometry has been extablished as 1 : 1 for oxygen consumed to dithiothreitol oxidized. cyste ... | 1976 | 953035 |
unit cell dimensions of crystalline horseradish peroxidase. | | 1976 | 972399 |
simultaneous demonstration of horseradish peroxidase and acetylcholinesterase. | simultaneous demonstration of acetylcholinesterase (ache) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been achieved by staining frozen sections with a modified koelle-friedenwald thiocholine method for ache followed directly by the graham-karnovsky procedure for hrp. by using sodium sulfite instead of sodium sulfide in the ache procedure, the final reaction product appears as black ache granules that contrast sharply with the yellowish-brown hrp granules. | 1976 | 19604859 |
anatomical analysis of ventrolateral thalamic input to primate motor cortex. | 1. the origin and topographical organization of input to the arm area of the primate motor cortex from the ventrolateral thalamus were examined using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). 2. a thin, continuous slab of labeled neurons was found in the ventrolateral thalamus followingmultiple injections of hrp into the arm area of the motor cortex. the slab of labeled neurons was flanked, medially and laterally, by groups of unlabeled neurons. 3. the origin of ventrol ... | 1976 | 62039 |
[catalytic properties and stability of horseradish peroxidase immobilized in polyacrylamide gel]. | effect of polyacrylamide (paa) gel on properties of horseradish peroxidase, immobilized by means of the incorporation into paa gel is studied. catalytic properties of immobilized enzyme are studied. km value and ph-dependency of the enzyme activity are found to be close to those of soluble enzyme, kcat value is 3 times lower at ph 7.0. ph-stability of immobilized peroxidase at 20 degrees c and thermostability of soluble and immobilized peroxidases at ph 7.0 within the temperature range from 20 t ... | 1976 | 10016 |
increased permeability of cerebral vessels to horseradish peroxidase induced by ischemia in mongolian gerbils. | cerebral ischemia was induced by occlusion of the left common carotic artery in adult mongolian gerbils. the period of occlusion was 3, 6, or 18 h. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was intravenously injected in animals with clear neurological signs 1 h release of the clip. the hrp was allowed to circulate for 5 min. fixation was carried out by perfusion with aldehydes. tissue, incubated for peroxidatic activity, from the left side of the brain was treated for electron microscopy. during the postisch ... | 1976 | 961382 |
resonance raman evidence for fe (iv) in compound ii of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1976 | 962956 |
concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase bridge staining of alpha-1 glycoproteins separated by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel. | the coomassie blue protein stain and the periodic acid-schiff stain for glycoproteins are compared to a new method of staining glycoproteins resolved electrophoretically. the method utilizes a concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase sequence to visualize selectively glycoproteins with terminal or internal mannose or terminal n-acetylglucosamine. the method applied to characterization of m and z allele products of alpha-l-antitrypsins separated by isoelectric focusing of polyacrylamide gels slabs h ... | 1976 | 60439 |
substituent effect on the oxidation of phenols and aromatic amines by horseradish peroxidase compound i. | a stopped-flow kinetic study shows that the reduction rate of horseradish peroxidase compound i by phenols and aromatic amines is greatly dependent upon the substituent effect on the benzene ring. morever it has been possible to relate the reduction rate constants of monosubstituted substrates by a linear free-energy relationship (hammett equation). the correlation of log (rate constants) with sigma values (hammett equation) and the absence of correlation with sigma+ values (okamoto-brown equati ... | 1976 | 954758 |
mechanisms of electron transfer from sulfite to horseradish peroxidase-hydroperoxide compounds. | using a rapid-scan spectrophotometer equipped with a stopped-flow apparatus, reactions of sulfite with compounds i and ii of two horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes a and c were investigated. the direct two-electron reduction of peroxidase compound i by sulfite occurred at acidic ph but the mechanism gradually changed to the two-step reduction with the intermediate formation of compound ii as the ph increased. the ph at which the one- and two-electron changes occurred at the same speed was 4.5 for ... | 1976 | 8081 |
synaptic activity of frog retinal photoreceptors. a peroxidase uptake study. | the uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into membranous structures, detectable by light and electron microscopy, is used here to monitor the synaptic activity of photoreceptors of isolated frog retinas maintained in the dark or under various illumination conditions. the major findings are: (a) neurotransmission from photoreceptor terminals seems to involve the same types of endocytic membrane-retrieval processes that occur at other nerve terminals. presumably, the endocytic processes compensa ... | 1976 | 1084350 |
peroxidase uptake by photoreceptor terminals of the skate retina. | the photoreceptors of dark-adapted skate retinas bathed in a ringer solution containing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) incorporate the tracer into membrane-bound compartments within the synaptic terminal of the cell; after 1 or 2 h of incubation, approx. 10-38% of the synaptic vesicles were labeled. the receptors appeared to be functioning normally throughout the incubation period, since electrical potentials of normal amplitude could be elicited in response to dimphotic stimuli. however, it was p ... | 1976 | 932103 |
the kinetics of formation of horseradish peroxidase compound i by reaction with peroxobenzoic acids. ph and peroxo acid substituent effects. | 1. the kinetics of formation of horseradish peroxidase compound i were studied by using peroxobenzoic acid and ten substituted peroxobenzoic acids as substrates. kinetic data for the formation of compound i with h2o2 and for the reaction of deuteroferrihaem with h2o2 and peroxobenzoic acids, to form a peroxidatically active intermediate, are included for comparison. 2. the observed second-order rate constants for the formation of compound i with peroxobenzoic acids decrease with increasing ph, i ... | 1976 | 9067 |
immunocytochemical localization of nerve growth factor (ngf) in the submandibular gland of adult mice by light and electron microscopy. | nerve growth factor (ngf) was localized in the submandibular gland of adult male mice by a direct immunocytochemical method using highly purified antibodies against ngf coupled to horseradish peroxidase. in light microscopic sections the reaction product was entirely confined to the cells of the secretory tubules. the acinar part of the gland was free of reaction product. this finding was confirmed by electron microscopy. within the cells ngf was localized exclusively in the apical secretory gra ... | 1976 | 949726 |
monosynaptic inputs to caudate neurons identified by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1976 | 1276937 |
organization of the tectofugal visual pathway in the pigeon: a retrograde transport study. | in birds, superficial laminae of the optic tectum receive a massive retinal input; the tectum in turn projects upon the nucleus rotundus thalami, which then sends its efferents to the ectostriatal core of the telencephalon. to examine the detailed organization of this principal ascending visual pathway, small injections of the marker horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were placed in various sites throughout the ectostriatum (e) or nucleus rotundus (rt) in pigeons. analysis of the resulting patterns of ... | 1976 | 1270632 |
descending pathways from the brain stem to the spinal cord in some reptiles. i. origin. | in the present study of the origin of the pathways descending from the brain stem to the spinal cord has been investigated in the reptiles testudo hermanni, pseudemys scripta elegans, tupinambis nigropunctatus and python reticulatus. these reptiles, using highly different types of progression, have been selected, because fundamental variations in the organization of the central motor apparatus are to be expected. the origin of the descending pathways has been demonstrated by recording the occurr ... | 1976 | 1270628 |
choroid plexus absorption of horseradish peroxidase from the cerebral ventricles. | | 1976 | 933261 |
trans-glial channel-facilitated translocation of tracer protein across ventral nerve root sheaths of crayfish. | trans-glial channels, which traverse the multilamellate glial sheath of crayfish nerves, are easily recognized in freeze-fracture preparations. their structure and position in the glial layers of the sheath strongly supports the suggestion that they serve to facilitate rapid movement of molecules and fluids from outside the sheath to the surface of axons contained within. segments of ventral ganglion nerve roots, which were ligated at their free ends, were immersed in crayfish ringer solution co ... | 1976 | 1276892 |
striatal afferent connections in the turtle (chrysemys picta) as revealed by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp, 30% solution, 0.1-0.3 mul, 72 h) was injected unilaterally into the basal striatum (str) and the dorsal ventricular ridge (dvr) of adult turtles (chrysemys picta) in order to demonstrate the cells of origin of some afferents to these telencephalic structures. after selective str injection, hrp-labeled cells were visualized in the dorsal thalamus and midbrain tegmentum, ipsilaterally. at thalamic level, hrp-positive neurons were located around nucleus rotundus, i.e., ... | 1976 | 1276890 |
infrared spectroscopic studies of carbonyl horseradish peroxidases. | infrared difference spectra, feiiico vs. feiii of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes a2 and c were recorded from 2000 to 1800 cm-1. under alkaline conditions, ph 9, both isoenzymes exhibit two co stretching bands, at 1938 and 1925 cm-1 for a2 and at 1933 and 1929 cm-1 for c. as the ph is lowered the low-frequency band for each isoenzyme decreases in intensity with a concommitant appearance and increase in intensity of a band at 1906 and 1905 cm-1 for the a2 and c isoenzymes, respectively. these c ... | 1976 | 1276134 |
the purification of horseradish peroxidase by affinity chromatography on sepharose--bound concanavalin a1,2. | | 1976 | 942057 |
trans-glial channels in ventral nerve roots of crayfish. | the sheath around the roots of the sixth abdominal ganglion in the ventral nerve cord of the crayfish consists of concentric layers of thin glial processes alternating with wide clefts containing filamentous connective tissue. regions of each glial lamella are perforated by single, short, tubular channels: the trans-glial channels. in thin plastic sections examined in the electron microscope, the channels appear as slits that are 240 a wide and 450-550 a long which traverse glial lamellae less t ... | 1976 | 1270620 |
binding of hydrogen donors to horseradish peroxidase: a spectroscopic study. | | 1976 | 938055 |
magnetic circular dichroism studies on horseradish peroxidase. | magnetic circular dichroism (mcd) spectra were observed for native (fe(iii)) horseradish peroxidase (peroxidase, ec, its alkaline form and fluoro- and cyano-derivatives, and also for reduced (fe(ii)) horseradish peroxidase and its carbonmonoxy-- and cyano- derivatives. mcd spectra were obtained for the cyano derivative of fe(iii) horseradish peroxidase, and reduced horseradish peroxidase and its carbonmonoxy- derivative nearly identical with those for the respective myoglobin derivativ ... | 1976 | 1268223 |
the isolation and characterization of the glycopeptides from horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme c. | the purity of horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme c was demonstrated using isoelectric focusing, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at two ph values and cellulose acetate electrophoresis at two ph values. the glycopeptides obtained upon trypsin digestion were isolated using the plant lectin, concanavalin a, and were resolved using paper electrophoresis. the carbohydrate content of the native peroxidase was 86% accounted for by the carbohydrate content of the glycopeptides thus suggesting little los ... | 1976 | 1268213 |
heme-linked proton dissociation of carbon monoxide complexes of myoglobin and peroxidase. | it was found from spectrophotometric titration and proton balance measurement that the pka value of a heme-linked protonation group of horseradish ferro-peroxidase c (donor:h2o2 oxidoreductase, ec shifted from 7.25 to 8.25 upon combination with co. the spectrophotometric titration experiment with myoglobin also revealed the presence of a heme-linked protonation group, the pka value being 5.57 in myoglobin and 5.67 in the co-myoglobin complex. it was concluded that the distinct shift of ... | 1976 | 5132 |
the extravascular channel system in the rostral pituitary of mugil cephalus (teleostei) as revealed by use of horseradish peroxidase. | the interlobular spaces, separating the neuro- and the adenohypophysis can be visualized in the pituitary of the grey mullet by using the horseradish peroxidase technique. on the one hand, these spaces communicate with the pericapillary spaces. on the other, they are linked with the pericellular spaces in the adenohypophysis and the periaxonal spaces in the neurohypophysis, thus providing a pathway for the exchange of metabolites and hormones between blood system, epithelial cells and the termin ... | 1976 | 1268912 |
horseradish peroxidase/hydrogen peroxide-catalyzed oxidation of the carcinogen n-hydroxy-n-acetyl-2-aminofluorene as effected by cyanide and ascorbate. | horseradish peroxidase and h2o2 mediate n-hydroxy-n-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (n-oh-aaf) conversion into two more potent carcinogens, 2-nitrosofluorene and n-acetoxy-n-acetyl-2-aminofluorene. optical studies of this system indicate that horseradish peroxidase is operating as a peroxidase with n-oh-aaf as the electron donor. our studies confirm the earlier finding that 2-nitrosofluorene and n-acetoxy-n-acetyl-2-aminofluorene are the products of the type ii enzyme-mediated oxidation of n-oh-aaf, but ... | 1976 | 1260768 |
leukocyte-platelet interaction. release of hydrogen peroxide by granulocytes as a modulator of platelet reactions. | because of the many potent biological capabilities of the blood granulocytes, and their contact with platelets in various physiologic and pathologic states, a possible interaction between granulocytes and platelets was investigated. platelets were purified by gel filtration and via a dialysis membrane were separated from suspensions of autologous granulocytes prepared by dextran sedimentation and resuspended in modified tyrode's buffer. after 20 min at 37 degrees c platelet aggregation was shown ... | 1976 | 947961 |
uptake of horseradish peroxidase during the cell cycle of hepatoma cells in culture. | | 1976 | 71071 |
entry of peroxidase into neurons of the central and peripheral nervous systems from extracerebral and cerebral blood. | autonomic preganglionic, sensory, and lower motoneuron perikarya within the central nervous system, as well as cell bodies with axons projecting to the circumventricular organs, are retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) delivered to their axon terminals by cerebral and extracerebral blood. subsequent to vascular injection of hrp into mice, blood-borne peroxidase passes across permeable vessels in muscle, ganglia, and in all circumventricular organs except for the subcommissural ... | 1976 | 57126 |
a somatotopic and functional representation of the respiratory muscles in the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei of the carp (cyprinus carpio l.). | the place of the cells innervating six most important respiratory muscles in the carp (cyprinus carpio l.) were determined by means of the horseradish peroxidase technique. it was found that these muscles are represented in the rostral and caudal subdivisions of the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei. all connections were ipsilateral. the distribution of the various cell populations over the different subnuclei has been related to the function of the respective muscles in the respiratory cycle. ... | 1976 | 1262554 |
injection of horseradish peroxidase solution in calibrated volumes (nanolitre) into the spinal cord. | a method for the injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the spinal cord (sc) is described, based on the principle of fluid expansion upon application of heat. hrp solution in the tip of a glass micropipette (tip diameter 10-15 microm) was extruded when the sealed stem of the pipette, containing distilled water, was warmed. the pipette was calibrated (temperature/volume relation) before it was inserted into the sc and the injection of hrp was made according to the calibration curve. using ... | 1976 | 19604813 |
effects of 2,4-substituents of deuteroheme upon the stability of the oxy-form and compound i of horseradish peoxidases. | | 1976 | 1259443 |
hydroxylation of p-coumaric acid by horseradish peroxidase. the role of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. | 1. in the presence of dihydroxyfumarate, horseradish peroxidase catalyses the conversion of p-coumaric acid into caffeic acid at ph 6. this hydroxylation is completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase. 2. dihydroxyfumarate cannot be replaced by ascorbate h2o2, nadh, cysteine or sulphite. peroxidase can be replaced by high (10 mm) concentrations of feso4, but this reaction is almost unaffected by superoxide dismutase. 3. hydroxylation by the peroxidase/dihydroxyfumarate system is completely inhi ... | 1976 | 942369 |
gustatory pathways in the bullhead catfish. 1. connections of the anterior ganglion. | the central projections of the external gustatory system in bullhead catfish were examined using orthograde degeneration and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) techniques. both large and small cells were observed in the anterior ganglion which contains a mixture of elements from the trigeminal, facial and anterior lateral line nerves. some of the large cells on the lateral margin of the ganglion were found to belong to the lateral line system. no separation of trigeminal and fa ... | 1976 | 1262542 |
a study of the supposed hydroxylation of tyrosine catalysed by peroxidase. | the claim that peroxidase (rather than tyrosinase) is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of tyrosine into dopa (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) in melanogenesis was investigated. the spectral changes that occurred during the action of horseradish peroxidase in the presence of h2o2 on dopa, tyrosine and mixtures of dopa with tyrosine or other phenolic compounds were studied. the effect of ascorbic acid or dihydroxyfumaric acid on some of these changes was also investigated. no evidence was fou ... | 1976 | 1275895 |
the porphyrin-sensitized photooxidation of horseradish apoperoxidase. | | 1976 | 1259421 |
in vitro formation of gap junction vesicles. | a method is described that uses trypsin digestion combined with collagenase-hyaluronidase which produces a population of gap junction vesicles. the hexagonal lattice of subunits ("connexons") comprising the gapjunctions appears unaltered by various structural criteria and by buoyant density measurements. the gap junction vesciles are closed by either a single or a double profile of nonjunctional "membrane," which presents a smooth, particle-free fracture face. horseradish peroxidase and cytochro ... | 1976 | 54358 |
cerebello-olivary fibers: their origin, course and distribution in the north american opossum. | although degeneration techniques suggest that cerebello-olivary fibers are limited in their origin and distribution, horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic experiments make it clear that they arise within all cerebellar nuclei and project to most, if not all, areas of the contralateral inferior olive. autoradiographic preparations show that cerebello-olivary fibers are highly ordered and suggest that the dentate nucleus projects primarily to the principal olive, the interpositus anterior re ... | 1976 | 1253856 |
formation of hydrogen peroxide by isolated cell walls from horseradish (armoracia lapathifolia gilib.). | isolated cell-wall suspensions from horseradish in the presence of 5×10(-4) m mncl2 catalyze the production of hydrogen peroxide at the expense of either nadph or nadh. this reaction is inhibited by scavengers of the superoxide free radical ion such as ascorbate or dihydroxyphenols or by superoxide dismutase, and stimulated by monophenols such as p-coumaric acid. on comparison with isolated (commercial) horseradish peroxidase it becomes evident that (a) cell-wall-bound peroxidase(s) is (are) res ... | 1976 | 24424595 |
the sarcolemma of aplysia smooth muscle in freeze-fracture preparations. | smooth muscle cells in the sheath covering the visceral ganglion of aplysia californica were examined with the techniques of freeze-fracture and conventional electron microscopy. the sarcolemma of these muscle cell invaginates to form myriad caveolae that have an intrinsic marker within their membrane. this intrinsic structure of the caveolar membrane is revealed by freeze-fracture and consists of rows of large particles in the outer half and matching grooves on the complementary inner half of t ... | 1976 | 18631588 |
electron microscopic study on gut epithelium of the tench (tinca tinca l.) with respect to its absorptive functions. | few morphological differences are seen along the intestinal tract of the adult tench (tinca tinca l.) a stomachless freshwater teleost. however, three segments can be distinguished, when function and structure of enterocytes are studied. the enterocytes of the proximal segment are found to be concerned with dietary lipids absorption. in the cell, absorbed fats are seen in two inclusion bodies: lipid particles and lipid droplets. only lipid particles are involved in direct transport of absorbed f ... | 1976 | 982424 |
the sarcolemma of aplysia smooth muscle in freeze-fracture preparations. | smooth muscle cells in the sheath covering the visceral ganglion of aplysia californica were examined with the techniques of freeze-fracture and conventional electron microscopy. the sarcolemma of these muscle cell invaginates to form myriad caveolae that have an intrinsic marker within their membrane. this intrinsic structure of the caveolar membrane is revealed by freeze-fracture and consists of rows of large particles in the outer half and matching grooves on the complementary inner half of t ... | 1976 | 941133 |
peroxidase-catalyzed halogenation. | peroxidase-catalyzed halogenation reactions have been established as being important in the biosynthesis of the hormone thyroxine and in biological defense mechanisms. recently these reactions have been recognized as valuable tools for the study of proteins as well as their arrangement in macromolecular structures. the pathways of peroxidase catalyses can be accommodated within the framework of the classical chance-george mechanism. this implies that the initial steps of the reaction invariably ... | 1976 | 786162 |
production of the superoxide radical by horseradish peroxidase. | | 1976 | 187464 |
ultrastructural basis for alveolar-capillary permeability to protein. | the intravenous injection into mice of small volumes (less than 0.1 ml) of peroxidatic enzymes of molecular weight of 40 000 daltons or greater results in little if any penetration of these probe molecules into endothelial junctions. the injection of cytochrome c (12 000 daltons), on the other hand, results in the localization of this tracer in some but not all endothelial junctions. when horseradish peroxidase (ec is injected in a large volume of saline (0.5 ml), reaction product is p ... | 1976 | 181220 |
modification and regeneration of synaptic connections in cultured leech ganglia. | segmental ganglia of the central nervous system of the leech were maintained in culture medium outside the animal for several weeks in order to study the properties of synapses and regeneration by identified sensory and motor nerve cells. a variety of preparations were used, including single ganglia, chains of ganglia and ganglia connected to the areas of skin and muscle that they normally innervate in the animal. (1) for up to 10 weeks after removal from the animal, resting and action potential ... | 1976 | 181202 |
absorption of free and antibody-conjugated horseradish peroxidase to fixed glial cells in tissue culture, a possible source of error in immunohistochemistry. | incubation of cellular preparations with antibody-conjugated peroxidase result in a very strong unspecific staining, for one electropolar binding of the basic enzymic protein with the cell structures. in immunohistochemical practice, it may represent an evil as import as when dealing with immunofluorescence techniques. this background can to a great extent be avoided by rinsing the preparations in buffer at ph = 6.2. | 1976 | 12639 |
comparison of function of the distal base between myoglobin and peroxidase. | the heme-linked protonation of a ferrous horseradish peroxidase is assigned to a distal amino acid residue. the conclusion is drawn from analyses of reactions that involve the protonation. unfortunately it is difficult to apply it to the myoglobin case because no reaction has been found which is coupled with the protonation of the distal histidine. it is therefore of special interest to note that the pk value of 5.7 has been assigned to the distal histidine of metmyoglobin from binding kinetics ... | 1976 | 8964 |
[flavonols and flavones of vegetables. v. flavonols and flavones of root vegetables (author's transl)]. | root vegetables contain flavon(ol) glycosides in tracers up to small amounts, while the level of their leaves are in part considerable (to more than 1 g/kg, calculated as aglycon). radish, rutabagas, scorzoneras, and beets contain less than 1 mg/kg kaempferol and/or quercetin; carrots less than 1 mg/kg apigenin and luteolin; celery roots ca. 75 mg apigenin/kg and 14 mg luteolin/kg; horseradish about 20 mg kaempferol/kg and small radish 1-10 mg kaempferol/kg, whereby all these flavones and flavon ... | 1975 | 1224798 |
the origin of the annulo-olivary tract with notes on other mesencephalo-olivary pathways. a study by the horseradish peroxidase method. | | 1975 | 1182508 |
the correlation of the time of origin of neurons with their axonal projection: the combined use of [3h]thymidine autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. | | 1975 | 1182549 |
anti-horseradish peroxidase associated with tubular structures in the endoplasmic reticulum of plasma cells in stimulated lymph nodes of mice. | tubular structures are described in dilated cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum in plasma cells of lymph nodes stimulated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). a positive reaction for anti-hrp antibody suggests that they are formed of immunoglobulins or are at least closely associated with them. | 1975 | 1199967 |
heme-linked protonation of hcn, co, no and o2 complexes of reduced horseradish peroxidases. | | 1975 | 971 |
proton magnetic resonance studies of peroxidases from turnip and horseradish. | proton nmr spectra at 270 mhz have been measured for horseradish peroxidase and turnip peroxidase isoenzymes (p1, p2, p3 and p7) in both their high spin ferric native states and as the low spin ferric cyanide complexes. resonances of amino acids near the heme have been identified and used to investigate variations in the structure of the heme crevice amongst the enzymes. ligand proton resonances have been resolved in spectra of the cyanide complexes of the peroxidases and these provide informati ... | 1975 | 172144 |
the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the developing limb of the chick embryo. | chick embryos ranging in age from 4.0 to 18 days of incubation and 1-2-day-old hatchlings received injections of hrp solutions directly into the leg musculature. after survival periods of from 5 to 25 h motoneurons and cells in the spinal sensory ganglia were found to be stained with the hrp reaction product. it was found that the first appearance of a positive hrp reaction coincided with the time when nerve processes are first detected in the limb-bud by silver techniques (i.e. at 4.5 days of i ... | 1975 | 1182520 |
proceedings: spectroscopic and nmr studies on the binding of substrates to horseradish peroxidase. | | 1975 | 1205735 |
proceedings: modifications of horseradish peroxidase with aromatic compounds. | | 1975 | 1205733 |
ectopic neurons and aberrant connections during neural development. | during the normal development of the nucleus of origin of centrifugal fibers to the chick retina (the so-called isthmo-optic nucleus) a significant number of neurons are misrouted during their migration from the neural epithelium in which they are generated. like the cells in the isthmo-optic nucleus, these ectopic neurons can be identified by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (donor: hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, ec injected into the eye. between 500 and 600 such ... | 1975 | 1060126 |
the pinocytic rate of activated macrophages. | peritoneal macrophages from mice injected 4 days previously with brewer's thioglycollate medium have a pinocytic rate, in culture, of 190 ng horseradish peroxidase (hrp)/100 mug cell protein/h, compared to the rate of resident peritoneal cells of 53 ng hrp/100 mug cell protein/h. mice injected with endotoxin or with only certain of the components of the brewer's medium show an intermediate level of stimulation. the rate of unstimulated, endotoxin-stimulated, or thioglycollate-stimulated cells sh ... | 1975 | 53258 |
the haem-enviroment in horseradish peroxidase as seen by proton magnetic relaxation. | | 1975 | 1191283 |
circulation and turnover of synaptic vesicle membrane in cultured fetal mammalian spinal cord neurons. | intact neurons in cultures of fetal rodent spinal cord explants show stimulation-dependent uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into many small vesicles and occasional tubules and multivesicular bodies (mvb) at presynaptic terminals. presynaptic terminals were allowed to take up hrp during 1 h of strychnine-enhanced stimulation of synaptic transmitter release and then "chased" in tracer-free medium either with strychnine or with 10 mm mg++ which depresses transmitter release. tracer-containing ... | 1975 | 1176531 |
a dual marking technique for microelectrode tracks and localization recording sites. | this paper describes techniques for marking both microelectrode tracks and exact recording loci using a combination of fast green dye and horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the procedure involves coating the exterior of hrp filled microelectrodes with fast green dye in order to identify electrode tracks, and ejecting hrp from the electrode to mark recording loci. rapid, multiple marks can be made with this technique without harming the recording capabilities of the micropipette. | 1975 | 51724 |
similarities and differences of five peroxidases from turnip and horseradish. peptide mapping studies on glycoproteins. | four isoperoxidases of turnip root and isoperoxidase c of horseradish root were digested with trypsin, and their peptide maps, prepared by high-voltage paper electrophoresis, were compared. all five tryptic digests were completely soluble at ph 8. the maps were developed with a variety of general and specific reagents: ninhydrin, histidine, tyrosine, tryptophan and arginine reagents. cystine peptides and cysteic acid derivatives have also been characterized. all detected half-cystine residues se ... | 1975 | 1175650 |
an electron microscopic study on the blood-optic nerve and fluid-optic nerve barrier. | utilizing horseradish peroxidase as a tracer, electron microscopic studies were done on the blood-optic nerve and fluid-optic nerve barrier to the peroxidase diffusion. following intravenous injection the peroxidase was observed to fill the lumen of the capillaries of the laminar, prelaminar and orbital portions of the optic nerve but there was no penetratation of the capillary walls. the obstruction of the tracer diffusion out of capillary walls was attributed to the tight junctions between the ... | 1975 | 1082256 |
oxidase-peroxidase enzymes of datura innoxia. oxidation of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester. | an enzyme system from datura innoxia roots oxidizing formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester was purified 38-fold by conventional methods such as (nh4)2so4 fractionation, negative adsorption on alumina cy gel and chromatography on deae-cellulose. the purified enzyme was shown to catalyse the stoicheiometric oxidation of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester to benzoylformic acid ethyl ester and formic acid, utilizing molecular o2. substrate analogues such as phenylacetaldehyde and phenylpyruvate were ... | 1975 | 997 |
[microenvironment of enzymes as 1 of the factors determining enzyme stability. stabilization of soluble and immobilized horseradish peroxidase]. | | 1975 | 223 |
the central cervical nucleus - a source of spinocerebellar fibres, demonstrated by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | injections of horseradish peroxidase in the cerebellum of kittens resulted in labelling of cells in the central cervical nucleus (ccn) in the upper cervical spinal cord. the largest number of labelled ccn neurones was found after injections including the anterior part of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. in this neuronal system horseradish peroxidase was transported at a maximal velocity of about 150 mm/day. | 1975 | 19604757 |
preparation and properties of matrix-supported horseradish peroxidase. | a new method of enzyme immobilization has been described using poly(4-methacryloxybenzoic acid) as the carrier. activation of the polymer, prior to enzyme attachment, was achieved with n-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline. the enzyme coupling step proceeded through nucleophilic attack by the protein on a mixed carbonic anhydride. the degree of polymer activation was determined by analysis for quinoline, a by-product of the reaction. the polymer-enzyme complex was compared to the enzyme ... | 1975 | 241471 |
ultrastructural localization of in vivo-bound complement in bullous pemphigoid. | antihuman complement component c3 labeled with horseradish peroxidase was used to reveal the ultrastructural localization of complement in two cases of bullous pemphigoid. the complement deposits were shown to be exclusively located in the space between the plasma membrane of the basal cells and the basal lamina. this corresponds exactly to the ultrastructural localization of immunoglobulins in bullous pemphigoid. | 1975 | 50388 |
an efferent connection of the solitary cells of meynert. a study with horseradish peroxidase in the marmoset callithrix. | | 1975 | 809097 |
localization of alpha-d-glucosyl and alpha-d-mannosyl groups of mucosubstances with concanavalin a and horseradish peroxidase. | concanavalin a is a lectin which is known to bind specifically to alpha-d-glucosyl and alpha-d-mannosyl groups in the mucosubstances of mammalian tissues. the lectin molecule is bivalent; after its attachment to mucosubstances present in a histological specimen it can also bind horseradish peroxidase, a mannose-containing glycoprotein. the attached peroxidase may then be visualized by virtue of its histochemically demonstrable enzymatic activity. other investigators have utilized this principle ... | 1975 | 52638 |
photochemical reactions of horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii at room temperature and 13 degrees k. | some photochemical reactions of horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii (hrp-i and hrp-ii, respectively) have been studied by electronic absorption spectroscopy over the temperature range 297 degrees k-10 degrees k. in glassy matrices below 80 degrees k hrp-i is rapidly converted to hrp-ii when irradiated with low power white light. the native enzyme and hrp-ii are not photochemically active at these temperatures with low power irradiation. at room temperature the spontaneous decay of both hrp ... | 1975 | 1148197 |
effects of 2,4-substituents of deuteropheme upon redox potentials of horseradish peroxidases. | | 1975 | 239639 |
epr studies on compound i of horseradish peroxidase. | compound i of horseradish peroxidase (donor: hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase ec was studied by epr at low temperatures. an asymmetric signal was found, about 15 gauss wide and with a g-value of 1.995, which could be detected only at temperatures below 20 k and which had an intensity corresponding to about 1% of the heme content. in a titration with h2o2, the signal intensity was proportional to the concentration of compound i, reaching a maximum when equivalent amounts of h2o2 were ad ... | 1975 | 167831 |
distribution of ultrastructural tracers in crustacean axons. | ruthenium red and horseradish peroxidase were used to compare the uptake of exogenous molecules into crayfish motor axons and their sheaths in severed and intact peripheral nerves. both tracers penetrated the axonal sheath and were subsequently seen lining small vesicles and tubules in the axoplasm. tracer appeared to enter the axon via pinocytotic vesicles. there were no perceptible quantitative or qualitative differences in ruthenium red uptake between intact and severed axons. however, counts ... | 1975 | 1133229 |
the ultrastructure of normal and glycerol treated muscle in the ghost crab, ocypode cursor. | the ultrastructure of normal and glycerol treated fibers of the closer muscle of the ghost crab, ocypode cursor, was studiedmthe muscle is composed of presumably phasic (short sarcomeres) and tonic (long sarcomeres) fibers, the latter greatly predominating. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as an extracellular tracer to delineate the tubular system (ts), and to determine to what extent this system becomes detached from the extracellular space as a result of glycerol treatment. sarcolemmal cl ... | 1975 | 1149103 |
titration study of guaiacol oxidation by horseradish peroxidase. | titration of guaiacol by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalytic amount of horseradish peroxidase shows that the reduction of hydrogen peroxide proceeds by the abstraction of two electrons from a guaiacol molecule. in the same way, it can be demonstrated that 0.5 mol of guaiacol can reduce, at low temperature, 1 mol of peroxidase compound i to compound ii. moreover, the reaction between equal amounts of compound i and guaiacol at low temperature produces the native enzyme. a reaction sc ... | 1975 | 1139404 |
the results of freezing and dehydration of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1975 | 1132241 |
the horseradish peroxidase technique applied to the teleostean nervous system. | | 1975 | 50115 |
absorption and transport of ferritin and exogenous horseradish peroxidase in the opisthonephric kidney of the sea lamprey. i. the renal corpuscle. | | 1975 | 1131752 |
the effects of prolonged repetitive stimulation in hemicholinium on the frog neuromuscular junction. | 1. cutaneous pectoris nerve-muscle preparations from the frog were stimulated for prolonged periods in solutions with curare alone, curare and hemicholinium no. 3 (hc-3), or curare and glucose plus choline. end-plate potentials (e.p.p.s) and miniature end-plate potentials (m.e.p.p.s) were recorded intracellularly. black widow spider venom (bwsv) was applied to determine the degree of depletion of the transmitter stores. 2. the ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junctions was studied in the elec ... | 1975 | 1079538 |
a kinetic study of the reaction of horseradish peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide. | a kinetic study has been carried out over the ph range of 2.63-9.37 for the reaction of horseradish peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide to form compound i of th;e enzyme. analysis of the results, indicates that there are two kinetic influencing, ionizable groups on the enzyme with pka values of 3.2 and 3.9. protonation of these groups results in a decrease in the rate of reaction of the enzyme with h2o2. a previous study of the kinetics of cyanide binding to horseradish peroxidase (ellis, w.d. & d ... | 1975 | 237615 |