the mossy cells of the fascia dentata: a comparative study of their fine structure and synaptic connections in rodents and primates. | in this study the fine structure and synaptic connections of mossy cells in the rat and monkey fascia dentata were analyzed. in order to study commissural connections of identified mossy cells in the rat, hilar neurons were retrogradely labeled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or fast blue (fb) injections into the contralateral hippocampus. vibratome sections containing retrogradely hrp-labeled hilar neurons were golgi-impregnated and gold-toned. hilar commissural neurons identified by contralate ... | 1991 | 1744242 |
changes in blood-brain barrier permeability are associated with behavioral and neurochemical indices of recovery following intraventricular adrenal medulla grafts in an animal model of parkinson's disease. | intraventricular adrenal medulla grafts were found to produce dissociable effects on rotational behavior induced by amphetamine and apomorphine in rats with unilateral striatal dopamine depletions. some animals showed a decrease in the behavioral response to apomorphine, some showed a decrease to amphetamine, and some showed a decrease to both amphetamine and apomorphine. using in vivo microdialysis, the experiments reported demonstrate that in animals with decreased rotational behavior, assesse ... | 1991 | 1748193 |
intraorbital transection of the rabbit optic nerve: consequences for ganglion cells and neuroglia in the retina. | rabbit retinae were stained with antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) at various times up to 5 months after complete unilateral intraorbital optic nerve transection, which is known to induce degeneration of ganglion cell axons and perikarya in the retina. a transient immunoreactivity for gfap was observed in müller glial cells that normally lack this marker. müller-cell gfap immunoreactivity became detectable 4 days after the lesion, but müller cells were no longer labeled 3 mont ... | 1991 | 1748726 |
early development of the retinal line of decussation in normal and albino ferrets. | this work describes the retinal origin of the crossed and uncrossed projections in newborn, 9-day-old and adult normally pigmented and albino ferrets. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected unilaterally into the thalamic and midbrain visual centers of ferrets to label retinal ganglion cells retrogradely. in normally pigmented adults, the retinal line of decussation was sharp and passed through the area centralis. ganglion cells with uncrossed axons occupied the entire temporal retina. in albi ... | 1991 | 1748727 |
effects of chondroitin sulphate on fluid and solute transport during peritoneal dialysis in rats. | the effect of chondroitin sulphate (cs) on peritoneal fluid and solute transport was studied in rats undergoing peritoneal dialysis. in the presence of cs, net ultrafiltration increased, while absorption of glucose and horseradish peroxidase from the peritoneal cavity decreased. albumin, used instead of cs, did not modify either fluid or solute transport. in in vitro experiments on isolated rabbit mesentery, cs decreased transmembrane water flow induced by hydrostatic pressure, and its effect wa ... | 1991 | 1751603 |
increased selectivity in the detection of glycoproteins on nitrocellulose membranes by washing with sodium hydroxide solution. | we increased selectivity in the detection of glycoproteins on nitrocellulose membranes by introducing a washing step using sodium hydroxide solution. glycoproteins on the nitrocellulose membrane were first oxidized by sodium periodate; biotin hydrazide was then coupled to the aldehyde groups generated in the sugar moiety of the glycoproteins. the membrane was washed twice using sodium hydroxide solution, and avidin-horseradish peroxidase was then coupled to the remaining biotin. this system allo ... | 1991 | 1752255 |
influence of map scale on primary afferent terminal field geometry in cat dorsal horn. | 1. thirty-one physiologically identified primary afferent fibers were labeled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). 2. a computer analysis was used to determine whether the distribution of cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferent terminals varies as a function of location within the dorsal horn somatotopic map. 3. an analysis of the geometry of the projections of these afferents has shown that 1) terminal arbors have a greater mediolateral width within the region of the foot representati ... | 1991 | 1753281 |
detection of mature malaria infections in live mosquitoes. | a method has been developed which detects malaria parasites in the salivary glands of live anopheles stephensi. the method exploits the sugar feeding behaviour of the mosquito and requires only routine western blotting techniques on nitrocellulose membrane (ncm). infectivity can be determined without any direct manipulation of individual mosquitoes. female a. stephensi were infected with the rodent malaria parasite, plasmodium berghei, and after 14-16 d were starved of fructose overnight (12-18 ... | 1991 | 1755048 |
direct and indirect retinal input into degenerated dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus after striate cortical removal in monkey: implications for residual vision. | we removed the striate cortex of one cerebral hemisphere in a macaque monkey, causing almost total retrograde degeneration of the corresponding dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dlgn) and extensive transneuronal degeneration of ganglion cells in the corresponding hemi-retina of each eye. the rare surviving geniculate projection neurons were retrogradely labelled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) from extra-striate cortex and retinogeniculate terminals were labelled by an intraocular injection of ... | 1991 | 1756803 |
functional organization of the auditory thalamus in the guinea pig. | the auditory thalamus of the guinea pig was investigated with microelectrode mapping techniques. pure tones of varying frequencies and amplitudes were used as acoustic stimuli, and frequency tuning curves were recorded from 840 multi-units or single cells. the neurons in ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate body (mgv) respond vigorously to pure tones; they have mostly narrow frequency tuning curves and short response latencies (8-12 ms). the mgv is tonotopically organized: high frequencies ( ... | 1991 | 1756813 |
histochemical analysis of glycoconjugates in gelatinous membranes of the gerbil's inner ear. | the gelatinous membranes of the gerbil inner ear were analyzed histochemically for glycoconjugates with a battery of twenty horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. glycoconjugates with mannose (man) and/or glucose (glc), galactose (gal), fucose (fuc), n-acetylglucosamine (glcnac), n-acetylgalactosamine (galnac) and n-acetylneuraminic acid (neuac) were detected in the tectorial and otolithic membranes and cupula. differences in lectin reactivity were observed between tectorial and vestibular m ... | 1991 | 1757294 |
motoneuron and muscle fiber succinate dehydrogenase activity in control and overloaded plantaris. | to determine the level of coordination in succinate dehydrogenase (sdh) activity between plantaris motoneurons and muscle fibers, the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were bilaterally excised in four cats to subject the plantaris to functional overload (fo). five normal cats served as controls. twelve weeks after surgery the right plantaris in each cat was injected with horseradish peroxidase to identify plantaris motoneurons. sdh activity then was measured in a population of plantaris motoneuro ... | 1991 | 1757386 |
the size and dendritic structure of hrp-labeled gamma motoneurons in the cat spinal cord. | we report quantitative data obtained from 60 fully reconstructed dendritic trees belonging to eight gamma-motoneurons (gamma-mns) and six additional gamma-mns that were not completely reconstructed. the cells were labeled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). these data are compared to measurements from 79 reconstructed dendrites belonging to seven documented alpha-motoneurons (alpha-mns), supplemented by a larger sample of alpha-mns labeled intracellularly or by retrograde transpor ... | 1991 | 1757602 |
[the parasympathetic direct pathway from the midbrain to the ciliary muscle in cats and monkeys]. | the visceral, namely the parasympathetic component of the oculomotor complex which directly innervates ciliary muscle was investigated using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in three cats and three monkeys. a unilateral total iridectomy to abolish innervation to the iris was made in all animals. after 1 month to allow fiber degeneration in the iris, hrp was injected into the ciliary muscle of ipsilateral eye. distribution of the labeled cells at the midbrain and at the ciliary ganglion was examined. ... | 1991 | 1759642 |
sensory innervation of the canine esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. | the sensory innervation of the postpharyngeal foregut was investigated by injecting the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the walls of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. the transported hrp was identified histochemically, labeled neurons in the spinal and vagal ganglia were counted, and the results were plotted using an sas statistical program. the spinal sensory fields of each viscus were defined using three determinations: craniocaudal extent, principal innervation field, and peak inn ... | 1991 | 1759692 |
inhibitory substantia nigra inputs to the pedunculopontine neurons. | responses of 43 pedunculopontine area (ppn area) neurons to electrical stimulation of the substantia nigra (sn) were studied in anesthetized rats. an intracellular recording technique was used to demonstrate that sn stimulation evoked hyperpolarizing potentials, which were identified by intracellular injections as inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (ipsps). these ipsps were often followed by a rebound depolarization that originates several spike potentials. these ipsps were characterized as mono ... | 1991 | 1761086 |
postnatal development of acetylcholinesterase in, and cholinergic projections to, the cat superior colliculus. | the postnatal development of cholinergic afferents to the superior colliculus in neonatal cats was studied by using acetylcholinesterase (ache) histochemistry, choline acetyltransferase (chat) immunohistochemistry, and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). in the adult cat, the pattern of ache staining was laminar specific. ache was distributed continuously in the stratum griseum superficiale (sgs) but was organized as patches in the stratum griseum intermediate (sgi). diffuse ac ... | 1991 | 1761749 |
diverse thalamic projections to the prefrontal cortex in the rhesus monkey. | we studied the sources of thalamic projections to prefrontal areas of nine rhesus monkeys with the aid of retrograde tracers (horseradish peroxidase or fluorescent dyes). our goal was to determine the proportion of labeled neurons contributing to this projection system by the mediodorsal (md) nucleus compared to those distributed in other thalamic nuclei, and to investigate the relationship of thalamic projections to specific architectonic areas of the prefrontal cortex. we selected areas for st ... | 1991 | 1761756 |
afferent connections of the neurons in the forel's field of h in cat. | an anatomico-physiological analysis was made to elucidate afferent connections of the neurons in the forel's field of h (ffh) by horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing technique and by evoked potential technique. 1) the ffh neurons receive fibers from the neocortex (layer v) and brainstem reticular formations. 2) physiological projections from the mesencephalic reticular formation to the ffh as well as to the motor cortex were ipsilateral, but those from the pons and medulla oblongata were bi ... | 1991 | 1762228 |
kainic acid lesions of the superior olivary complex: a horseradish peroxidase study of surviving brain-stem projections. | lesions of the superior olivary complex of the adult ferret were made by pressure injection of kainic acid (5 nm/microliters in locke's solution) through a glass micropipette inserted into the lower brain-stem. small injections of kainic acid (1.5 microliters) produced a localized loss of nerve cells in the superior olivary complex in the vicinity of the pipette tip without apparent damage to fibers of passage in the trapezoid body. the extent of neural damage was determined by the absence of ce ... | 1991 | 1762453 |
structural and electronic characterization of heme moiety in oxygenated hemoproteins by using xanes spectroscopy. | iron k-edge x-ray absorption near edge structure (xanes) spectra were measured for oxy-forms of cytochrome p-450cam (p-450cam), horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and myoglobin (mb) by using synchrotoron radiation of photon factory (tsukuba). a pronounced 1s-4p transition and some fine structures were well-resolved in the spectra obtained. comparing the spectra, the features at the fine structures termed p, c and d, were similar among the three hemoproteins, suggesting a similar site-symmetry around t ... | 1991 | 1764462 |
thalamic and midbrain auditory projections to the preoptic area and ventral hypothalamus in the green treefrog (hyla cinerea). | iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into either the preoptic area or ventral hypothalamus of the green treefrog, (hyla cinerea), demonstrated inputs from thalamic and midbrain auditory nuclei. in a pattern similar to that seen in rana catesbeiana and rana pipiens, the central thalamic and secondary isthmal nuclei were found to provide heavy input to the ventral hypothalamus. additionally, a lighter input from the anterior thalamic nucleus was seen. in contrast, the preoptic ... | 1991 | 1764635 |
access to gastric tissue promotes the survival of axotomized neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in neonatal rats. | lesioning the vagus nerve in the neck (cervical vagotomy) results in a rapid and virtually complete loss of motoneurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in neonatal rats. the present study sought to determine whether access to gastric target tissue will promote the survival of these motoneurons after axotomy. quantitative analysis demonstrates that subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, which leaves the cut vagal axons in close proximity to their normal gastric targets, results in significantly less ... | 1991 | 1765581 |
the terminations of single, physiologically identified, somatosensory, corticospinal tract axons in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat. | 1. two hundred and twelve corticospinal axons were identified by stimulation in the hindlimb representation in area 3b of the somatosensory cortex and were recorded in the left dorsolateral funiculus of the spinal cord of the cat. the mean conduction velocity was 38 m/s, range 9-113 m/s. 2. electrical stimulation of the receptive field evoked discharge in corticospinal axons with a mean latency of 36 ms (range 9-100 ms). 3. one hundred nine of the 212 recorded axons were successfully intra-axona ... | 1991 | 1765804 |
postnatal development of cat hind limb motoneurons supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot sole. | the postnatal development of dendrite anatomy in alpha-motoneurons intracellularly labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), innervating the intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot (ifs mns) in the cat, was investigated. the number of dendrites per neuron was about 11 and did not change from birth to adult. the number of branches per dendrite decreased during the same period by 20-25%. the net elimination of dendritic branches appeared to occur at distal branching points, as revealed by topol ... | 1991 | 1769098 |
the effect of age on motor neurone death following axotomy in the mouse. | the ability of mouse motor neurones to survive axotomy during the first month of life was studied. the motor neurones that lie in the dorsolateral columns of spinal segments c7 and c8 and supply the flexor muscles of the forepaw were axotomized by cutting and removing part of the median and ulnar nerves above the elbow. the number and position of cell bodies with axons in these nerves were confirmed by retrograde labelling of the cut axons with horseradish peroxidase. the ability of these neuron ... | 1991 | 1769343 |
tuberculoventral neurons project to the multipolar cell area but not to the octopus cell area of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus. | tuberculoventral neurons in the deep layer of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (dcn) provide frequency-specific inhibition to neurons in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (avcn) of the mouse (wickesberg and oertel, '88, '90). the present experiments examine the projection from the deep dcn to the posteroventral cochlear nucleus (pvcn). horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into the pvcn reveal that the multipolar cell area, but not the octopus cell area, is innervated by neurons in the deep layer ... | 1991 | 1770169 |
altered permeability of iris vessels following posterior chamber lens implantation: an electron microscopic study. | altered permeability of the iris vessels of monkey eyes following extra-capsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation was studied by transmission electron microscopy using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a tracer. in control animals, hrp-reaction products were confined to the vascular lumens and to a small number of vesicles on the luminal side of the endothelial cells. in experimental animals, however, the interendothelial junctions of the iris vessels were fi ... | 1991 | 1770676 |
distribution of the cells of primary afferent fibers to the cat auricle in relation to the innervated region. | the origin and peripheral distribution of the primary afferent fibers to the cat auricle were studied by the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. following hrp injection into the whole region of the auricle, hrp-labeled cells were found ipsilaterally in the trigeminal ganglion, geniculate ganglion, superior ganglion of the vagus nerve and in the c1 to c4 spinal ganglia. in addition to the ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves, labeled cells were also observed in the facial nerve trunk and in the ... | 1991 | 1772130 |
early dendritic outgrowth of primate retinal ganglion cells. | the pattern of dendritic stratification of retinal ganglion cells in the fetal monkey (macaca mulatta) was examined using horseradish peroxidase and retinal explants. ganglion cells in the rhesus monkey are born between embryonic day (e) 30-70 (lavail et al., 1983). at e60, e67, and e68, approximately 50% of all ganglion cells within the central 3.0 mm of the retina had dendritic arbors that were unistratified within the inner plexiform layer (ipl), while the remaining 50% had bistratified arbor ... | 1991 | 1772803 |
use of the polymerase chain reaction for the specific and direct detection of clostridium difficile in human feces. | the polymerase chain reaction was used for the detection of clostridium difficile, the etiologic agent of antibiotic-associated colitis. an upstream primer identical to a coding region (segment i) of the c. difficile 16s rrna gene and a downstream primer complementary to a highly conserved region of eubacterial 16s rrna served to amplify a targeted 270-base-pair fragment of genomic dna. this technique allowed the detection of as few as 10 c. difficile organisms among 10(6) escherichia coli bacte ... | 1991 | 1775837 |
2,2'-azo-bis-amidinopropane as a radical source for lipid peroxidation and enzyme inactivation studies. | 1. 2,2'-azo-bis-amidinopropane (abap) thermal decomposition produces free radicals that initiate the lipid peroxidation of erythrocyte ghost membranes. 2. addition of 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil decreases the rate of the process, both by decreasing consumption of the natural antioxidants of the membranes and by direct interaction with the free radicals involved in the lipid peroxidation. 3. peroxyl radicals produced in abap thermal decomposition inactivate lysozyme, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and ... | 1991 | 1776280 |
relationships between hair-follicle afferent axons and glycine-immunoreactive profiles in cat spinal dorsal horn. | in order to identify synapses between hair-follicle afferent axons and glycine-containing structures in cat spinal cord, semithin sections containing physiologically identified primary afferent boutons which had been filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were reacted with anti-glycine antiserum, while adjacent ultrathin sections were examined for synaptic contacts. four axodendritic synapses between hair-follicle afferent boutons and glycine-immunoreactive dendrites and 4 axoaxonic synapses i ... | 1991 | 1777816 |
an improved elisa system for the measurement of igg antibodies against pertussis toxin (pt) and filamentous hemagglutinin (fha) in human sera. | we have developed a modified assay method for the measurement of antibodies against pt and fha. polystyrene balls coated with purified pt and fha were incubated with standard or test sera, washed, incubated with goat anti-human igg f(ab')2 conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and then washed again. peroxidase activity was then measured by color development using o-phenylenediamine. the anti-pt and anti-fha igg titers were determined using calibration curves. the assay standard curves for anti- ... | 1991 | 1778310 |
biotinylation of denatured double-stranded dna after transamination of cytidines: molecular biology applications. | transamination at 100 degrees c of cytosines in denatured double-strand dna is a rapid and reliable method to obtain dna molecules containing n4-aminoethylcytosine (4aec), which can be quantitatively conjugated to biotinyl-n-hydroxysuccinimide ester (bhs) at 37 degrees c, yielding chemically labelled probes for molecular hybridization. the adopted transamination reaction temperature allows for a ten-fold reduction of the time required for labelling at 42 degrees c, and probes obtained by this pr ... | 1991 | 1779091 |
migration patterns of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in embryonic rat spinal cord. | the displacement of immature neurons from their place of origin in the germinal epithelium toward their adult positions in the nervous system appears to involve migratory pathways or guides. while the importance of radial glial fibers in this process has long been recognized, data from recent investigations have suggested that other mechanisms might also play a role in directing the movement of young neurons. we have labeled autonomic preganglionic cells by microinjections of horseradish peroxid ... | 1991 | 1779224 |
[localization of sensory neurons in the canine nodose ganglion sending fibers to the laryngeal nerves]. | afferent fibers from the larynx traverse through the superior laryngeal nerve (sln) and the inferior laryngeal nerve (iln), and the parent cell bodies of these fibers are located in the nodose ganglion (ng). however, the exact location and form of these neurons in the ng have not been clarified. the aim of this study is to determine the exact location and form of the sensory neurons in the canine ng which send fibers to the laryngeal nerves, using the retrograde tracer technique with wheat germ ... | 1991 | 1779274 |
the choriocapillaris in spontaneously diabetic rats. | during diabetes in rats, the choroid of the eye shows increased permeability to albumin, basement membrane thickening, and decreased anionic charge sites on the abluminal surfaces of the choriocapillary microvessels. in other microvascular beds, permeability differences are correlated with differences in luminal membrane microdomains as indicated by the distribution of luminal membrane anionic charge. to see whether luminal surface charge distribution or other structural features of the choroida ... | 1991 | 1779880 |
detection of equine antiplatelet and antineutrophil antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was standardised and applied for the detection of antiplatelet and antineutrophil antibodies using a heterologous system consisting of equine platelets or neutrophils and antisera raised in rabbits. the standardised technique consisted of using immulon type 3 plate, 1 per cent gelatine as a blocking solution, poly-l-lysine buffer as a coating solution, unfixed antigen, 90 microliters test serum, horseradish peroxidase conjugated antibody and o-phenyle ... | 1991 | 1780584 |
electron microscopy of histamine-induced contraction of the in vitro swine coronary artery. | dose-dependent contractions of the in vitro swine coronary artery were induced by application of histamine and acetylcholine, but not of angiotensin ii, ergonovine, noradrenaline, prostaglandin f2 alpha and serotonin. ultrastructural changes especially of the tunica intima during the contractions were observed at 2, 5 and 30 min after application of histamine and acetylcholine. the intimal gutter spirally running along the longitudinal axis of the vessel was obscured, and the intimal surface bec ... | 1991 | 1781243 |
functional projections from striate cortex and superior temporal sulcus to the nucleus of the optic tract (not) and dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract (dtn) of macaque monkeys. | the nucleus of the optic tract (not) and the dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract (dtn) have been recognized to be relevant structures for optokinetic and vestibuloocular reflexes. not-dtn neurons relay visual information to the vestibular nuclei via the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and to the flocculus via the dorsal cap of the inferior olive. it has been previously shown that in carnivores the not-dtn receives information from primary visual cortical areas in addition to the d ... | 1991 | 1783687 |
capillary permeability and basolateral endocytic pathway of the epithelium in the mouse endolymphatic sac in vivo. | the capillary permeability and the basolateral endocytic pathway of the mouse endolymphatic sac (es) epithelium were examined in vivo using intravenous injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the capillaries of the es were classified as either fenestrated or non-fenestrated. because dense reaction products were observed soon after injection of hrp in macrophages near both types of capillaries, they were both considered to be permeable to macromolecules. in non-fenestrated capillaries, the bas ... | 1991 | 1784469 |
formation of an ipsilateral corticospinal tract after ablation of cerebral cortex in neonatal rat. | the formation of an aberrant ipsilateral corticospinal tract after unilateral cerebral cortical ablation during the neonatal period has been confirmed in the rat. the tract was chronologically studied using the antegrade horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing method. an aberrant ipsilateral tract is not observed 3 days after the operation. however, ipsilateral hrp positive fibers become apparent on day 7 and progressively more prominent until day 14. these results suggest that the ipsilateral cort ... | 1991 | 1785658 |
a fluorimetric assay for acyl-coa synthetase activities. | in this paper we describe a fluorimetric assay for the measurement of long-chain acyl-coa synthetase activity in rat liver postnuclear supernatants. the method is based upon the use of acyl-coa oxidase which catalyzes the dehydrogenation of acyl-coa esters to yield enoyl-coa esters and h2o2. h2o2 subsequently reacts with homovanillic acid in a horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed reaction to form a highly fluorescent dimer (see g. g. guilbault, p. j. brignac, and m. zimmer (1968) anal. chem. 40, 190 ... | 1991 | 1785692 |
changes in the nigrostriatal projection associated with recovery from lesion-induced behavioral asymmetry. | possible neuronanatomical changes correlated with recovery from lesion-induced behavioral asymmetry were examined. rats, with 6-ohda injected into the substantia nigra (sn) on one side, were either assigned to a group with a 48-hour survival period, or one with a 15-day recovery period. control groups, without a lesion, were also included. all animals were tested for behavioral asymmetry and, at the end of the survival period, had horseradish peroxidase (hrp) deposited in the caudate-putamen (cp ... | 1991 | 1786123 |
early dendritic development of purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum. a light and electron microscopic study using axonal tracing in 'in vitro' slices. | the early stages in the formation of purkinje cell dendritic arbors have been analyzed using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) 'in vitro' axonal tracing method, from embryonic day 19 (e19) to postnatal day 6 (p6). these stages comprise the transition from the bipolar purkinje cell, at the end of its migration, to the phase of stellate cell with disoriented dendrites. postmigratory purkinje cells in the cortical plate exhibit poorly elaborated bipolar shapes, here named 'simple-fusiform' cells. th ... | 1991 | 1786652 |
[comparative analysis of the dimensions of vestibulo-spinal neurons in the guinea pig]. | the comparative analysis of dimensions of horseradish peroxidase labelled vestibulo-spinal neurons and neutral red stained neurons of undifferentiated areas of the vestibular nuclei have been performed in guinea pig. the undifferentiated areas of the vestibular nuclei consisted of small, medium, large and giant cells. a decrease in the relative numbers of small- and medium-diameter neurons and an increase in the relative numbers of large and giant neurons have been observed along the caudo-rostr ... | 1991 | 1787872 |
coerulospinal cells containing neuropeptide y in the cat. | spinally projecting neuropeptide y (npy)-immunoreactive cells were sought in the feline locus coeruleus (lc) nuclear complex after horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection into the lumbar cord; hrp injection was followed by intracerebroventricular colchicine administration. our results revealed that a significant number (approximately 20% of all descending cells from the lc complex) of spinally projecting npy-immunoreactive neurons arise from the lc alpha, the subcoeruleus and the kölliker-fuse nu ... | 1991 | 1788136 |
direct analysis of polymerase chain reaction products using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques. | pcr products obtained using primers carrying at their 5' ends biotin and an antigenic group (e.g., fluorescein) can be quantitatively analyzed by immunological techniques. the procedure described here does not require electrophoretic separation and/or hybridization with radioactive probes. it takes advantage of the fact that biotinylated dna can be immobilized on avidin- or streptavidin-coated microtiter plates and then can be quantitated by an elisa specific for the antigenic group. the pcr/eli ... | 1991 | 1789435 |
[extra-organic sources of innervation of the sigmoid]. | by means of horseradish peroxidase administration into the wall of the sigmoid colon central part, localization, relative amount, body forms and size of the neurons, dealing with innervation of the given part of the colon have been determined. labelled neurons are present in the colon wall, in ganglia of the caudal mesenteric artery nervous plexus, in the caudal and cranial mesenteric ganglia in the celiac plexus ganglia, in nodes and internodal branches of the lumbar part of the sympathetic tru ... | 1991 | 1789747 |
localization of brainstem motoneurons involved in dewlap extension in the lizard, anolis equestris. | dewlap extension is a characteristic component of inter- and intraspecific displays of anolis lizards. dewlap extension is accomplished by the contraction of ceratohyoid muscles associated with the hyoid apparatus. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to investigate the brainstem origins of efferent fibers to the ceratohyoid muscles in anolis equestris. following application of hrp to the ceratohyoid muscle or to its nerve supply on one side of the throat, large polygona ... | 1991 | 1789924 |
[study of relations between the peripheral organ of olfaction and the olfactory bulb using anterograde and retrograde axon transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp)]. | utilizing 26 wistar albino rats, an anterograde and retrograde study has been performed on the connections between the first neuron of the olfactory pathway located in the olfactory epithelium and the second neuron in the glomeruli of the bulb. in the experiment we used horse radish peroxidase (hrp) in free form and combined with wheat lectin. in anterograde transport (epithelium-bulb), the hrp is deposited in preestablished sites in the olfactory epithelium of the nasal fossa. in retrograde tra ... | 1991 | 1790070 |
fluid movement in bone: theoretical and empirical. | evidence from the literature and from our laboratory demonstrates a pronounced and rapid flow of fluids and associated solutes through the extravascular spaces in bone. minutes after injection, large molecules such as ferritin and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been localized throughout the osteocytic lacunae and canaliculi of cortical bone in the chick, rat and dog. patterns of marker movement preclude diffusion as the mechanism for solute movement and suggest a centrifugal bulk flow of flui ... | 1991 | 1791176 |
effect of monensin on ricin and fluid phase transport in polarized mdck cells. | the effect of monensin on endocytosis, transcytosis, recycling and transport to the golgi apparatus in filter-grown madin-darby canine kidney (mdck) cells was investigated using 125i-labeled ricin as a marker for membrane transport, and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a marker for fluid phase transport. monensin (10 microm) stimulated transcytosis of both markers about 3-fold in the basolateral to apical direction. transcytosis of hrp in the opposite direction, apical to basolateral, was reduced ... | 1991 | 1791187 |
a comparative study of the tangential-oculomotor projection. | most of the neurons of the tangential vestibular nucleus of birds project to the controlateral oculomotor complex, but it is not known whether there is a homologous projection in mammals. in this study, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the oculomotor nucleus of chicks and rabbits, and the distributions of labelled neurons in the target region of the vestibular complex in the two species were compared. in chicks, a large number of labelled neurons formed a continuous band of neurons ... | 1991 | 1791300 |
[early diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia by antigen detection using immunobinding assay]. | the possibility of rapid diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection by immunobinding assay is described. immunobinding assay which was developed by kotani and mcgarrity is a simple and rapid method for identification of mycoplasmas. small amounts of antigen were spotted onto the nitrocellulose membrane. it was treated with a specific rabbit antisera against m. pneumoniae. the antigen-antibody complex was visualised with the avidin-biotin horseradish peroxidase method. cross reaction was seen b ... | 1991 | 1791324 |
the gabaergic cerebello-olivary projection in the rat. | immunocytochemical detection of glutamate decarboxylase (gad), the predominant biosynthetic enzyme of gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), reveals the presence of a dense gabaergic innervation in all parts of the inferior olive. one brain center that provides a substantial projection to the inferior olive is the cerebellar nuclei, which contain many small gabaergic neurons. these neurons were tested as a source of gabaergic olivary afferents by combining retrograde tract tracing with gad immunocytoch ... | 1991 | 1793166 |
brainstem projections of different branches of the vestibular nerve: an experimental study by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase in the cat. ii. the anterior and posterior ampullar nerves. | the brainstem projections of the ampullar nerves from the vertical semicircular canals, the anterior (aan) and the posterior ampullar nerve (pan), were studied in adult cats using the transganglionic horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. each nerve was exposed in three experiments. two animals in each group had labeling which allowed detailed mapping. from the aan, terminal-type labeling was found in two separate groups, one laterally and one medially, both in the lateral (lv) and in the superior ... | 1991 | 1793167 |
a note on the development of the vestibulo-ocular pathway in the chicken. | the vestibulo-ocular pathways have been examined in embryonic chicks using horseradish peroxidase or dii as retrograde and anterograde tracers. the vestibular neurons project to the rostral, external eye motor nuclei over one or the other of three separate pathways; the ipsilateral and contralateral medial longitudinal fascicle and the contralateral brachium conjunctivum. the brachium conjunctivum component originates dorsally in the superior vestibular region and projects to the contralateral i ... | 1991 | 1793169 |
[preparation of immunoenzyme conjugates of beta-lactamase from bacillus licheniformis 749/c and horseradish peroxidase with human antibodies to hiv-1]. | by using three different linkage methods with carbodiimide, glutaraldehyde and periodite, immunoenzyme conjugates of beta-lactamase from bacillus licheniformis 749/c and horse radish peroxidase with human antibodies to hiv-1 were prepared. the human antibodies were purified by the affinity procedure on protein-a-sepharose 6b. the conjugates were tested in a solid phase immunoenzymatic system for the hiv-1 antigen. it was shown that the conjugates prepared by the carbodiimide linkage method had t ... | 1991 | 1793287 |
a sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of rat apolipoprotein a-i: effect of various sample treatments on apolipoprotein a-i immunoreactivity and an application to young and aged rat sera. | a highly sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for rat apo a-i was developed. samples and standards were added to each well of microtiter plates precoated with immunoaffinity-purified igg. bound apo a-i was detected with immunoaffinity-purified fab'-horseradish peroxidase conjugate by a colorimetric method. the sensitivity reached 2.5 pg/well, and the working range for the measurement of serum apo a-i concentration was 0.1 to 1.0 ng/well. the mean intra- and interassay coefficient ... | 1991 | 1793615 |
stable lyophilized reagents for the serum ferritin assay. | two monoclonal antibodies to human ferritin, including one that was coupled to horseradish peroxidase, were lyophilized. these reagents show little loss of activity on reconstitution and demonstrate acceptable stability in the accelerated degradation test. when applied in a simple elisa for the assay of serum ferritin along with the who standard for serum ferritin (80/602) they provide a robust assay with standardized reagents which is potentially suitable for use as a reference assay. | 1991 | 1794232 |
the uptake and metabolism of 25-hydroxyvitamin d3 and vitamin d binding protein by cultured porcine kidney cells (llc-pk1). | 1. uptake of 3h-25ohd3, 3h-25ohd3-dbp, 125i-holo-dbp and 125i-apo-dbp by llc-pk1 cells was linearly related to the concentration of each in the culture media. the presence of dbp in the medium significantly reduced the amount of 3h-25ohd3 taken up by cells. 2. free 25ohd3 and 25ohd3 bound to dbp were both metabolized by the cells to 24,25(oh)2d3 and an unidentified product of apparent lower polarity than 25ohd3. 3. a significant amount of dbp taken up by the llc-pk1 cells was metabolized to a tc ... | 1991 | 1794447 |
reinnervation of murine muscle following fetal sciatic nerve transection. | a technique is reported that permits transection of the sciatic nerve of mouse fetuses without interfering with fetal viability. sciaticotomy was performed on swiss webster mice at day 17 of gestation; the contralateral side served as control. six weeks later the extensor digitorum longus (edl) muscles on both sides were injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). examination of the lumbar spinal cord revealed that while a substantial number of motor neurons in the region of the spinal cord givi ... | 1991 | 1795156 |
hormonally mediated plasticity of motoneuron morphology in the adult rat spinal cord: a cholera toxin-hrp study. | the dorsolateral nucleus (dln) and the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (snb) of the rat lumbar spinal cord are sexually dimorphic groups of motoneurons that innervate striated perineal muscles involved in male copulatory behavior. androgens control the development of these motoneurons and their target muscles, and continue to influence the system in adulthood. given that several features of snb motoneuron morphology have been shown to be androgen sensitive in adult male rats, we examined t ... | 1991 | 1795161 |
quantitative analysis and postsynaptic targets of gaba-immunoreactive boutons within the rat trigeminal motor nucleus. | we have used the post-embedding immunogold labelling method using antibodies to gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) to obtain quantitative data on the distribution, frequency, postsynaptic targets and ultrastructural characteristics of gaba-immunoreactive (gaba-ir) boutons in the trigeminal motor nucleus of rats. we have also combined this method with horseradish peroxidase tracing to obtain specific evidence for termination of some gaba-ir boutons onto identified jaw-elevator motoneurones. twenty-ei ... | 1991 | 1797340 |
evidence for a direct retinal projection to the anterior pretectal nucleus in the cat. | the retinal projections to the anterior pretectal nucleus were investigated using the anterograde transport of tritiated amino acids or horseradish peroxidase. both nissl and myelin stained tissue were used to identify the anterior pretectal nucleus and tissue containing labelled terminals was analyzed in each of the 3 stereotaxic planes. a restricted strip of bilateral terminal labelling was identified along the rostral border of the anterior pretectal nuclear subdivision, the pars compacta. th ... | 1991 | 1797344 |
prenatal descent of rubrospinal fibers through the spinal cord of the rat. | this study is the first description of the descent of rubrospinal fibers through the spinal cord of the rat fetus. either horseradish peroxidase or wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate was injected into the spinal cord, at different levels and at different gestational ages. at embryonic day 17 (e17) fibers from all subdivisions of the nucleus ruber (nr) started their descent towards the spinal cord. at e18 fibers from the ventrolateral nr reached the lower cervical spinal cord, ... | 1991 | 1797875 |
effects of ozone on airway epithelial permeability and ion transport. | ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen produced in the atmosphere by photochemical reactions involving substrates emitted from automobile engines. outdoor air concentrations as high as 0.4 parts per million (ppm) occur. the respiratory tract extracts about 90% of inhaled ozone. from the chemical reactivity of ozone, it is expected to attack organic molecules located on or near the respiratory surfaces. the airways are covered with a cohesive layer of epithelial cells that forms the boundary b ... | 1991 | 1799414 |
vascular factors in the neurotoxic damage caused by 1,3-dinitrobenzene in the rat. | using a 3 x 10 mg/kg dose schedule of 1,3-dinitrobenzene (dnb) over two days in fischer rats, we have found the following changes in vascular function and structure during the early phase of the symmetrical brain stem lesions. 1. marked increase in cerebral blood flow generally but especially in the inferior colliculi, from 6 h after the final dose of dnb. 2. increasing incidence of petechial haemorrhages in inferior colliculi, cerebellar roof, vestibular and superior olivary nuclei from 12 h. 3 ... | 1991 | 1800913 |
an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of human interleukin 3 in serum. | a sandwich enzyme immunoassay was developed for measuring human interleukin 3 (il-3) in human and animal sera. polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against the recombinant human protein. these have been used to develop an immunoassay which can detect down to 10 pg/ml of human il-3. the assay involves a polyclonal rabbit antibody coupled to a solid phase and a mouse monoclonal antibody-horseradish peroxidase conjugate as the detection antibody. unlike the classical bone marrow assay a ... | 1991 | 1801686 |
highly specific and highly sensitive enzyme immunoassays for antibodies to human interleukin 3 (il-3) and human erythropoietin (epo) in serum. | two versatile, rapid, easy-to-perform and highly sensitive enzyme immunoassays (elisas) were developed for the detection and quantification of antibodies to human il-3 and human epo in serum samples from both man and laboratory animals. these one-step assays are based on the "inverse sandwich" principle, where antibodies present in the sample linked both the solid phase antigen bound to a microtiter plate and the free antigen, which had been covalently coupled to horseradish peroxidase. the limi ... | 1991 | 1801687 |
effect of a 30 kd protein from tectal extract of rat on cultured retinal neuron. | for the first time we have shown here that the constituent from tectal extract (te) which can support and promote the survival and growth of the retinal ganglion cell is a 30 kd protein. (i) using mtt colorimetric microassay to measure the optical density for the survival and growth of the cultured retinal neuron, it was found that the optical densities for the experimental cultures with either te, or its 10-30 kd fraction, or its greater than or equal to 30 kd fraction were 2-4 times that of th ... | 1991 | 1801844 |
immunolocalization of a cysteine protease within the lysosomal system of trypanosoma congolense. | a cysteine protease has been purified from bloodstream forms of trypanosoma congolense by affinity chromatography on cystatin-sepharose. a polyclonal antibody was raised against the purified enzyme and used for immunocytochemical localization of the enzyme by electron microscopy. antibody labeling of the cysteine protease, using colloidal gold-labeled protein a (pra-au), was observed over amorphous material within subcellular organelles which have the appearance of lysosome-like bodies. this int ... | 1991 | 1802711 |
[the projection of the locus coeruleus and the mesencephalic raphe nuclei to the hippocampal region of the rat: a study with horseradish peroxidase]. | in this paper we have investigated in 20 wistar rats the projection of the locus coeruleus (lc) and of the two mesencephalic raphe nuclei ncl. raphe centralis superior (ncs) and ncl. raphe dorsalis (nrd) to the hippocampus by using the hrp-technique. 1. the noradrenergic projection of the lc courses mainly ipsilaterally. on the contralateral side their are in the lc only a few labelled cells (about 10% of the labelled neurons on the ipsilateral side). on the ipsilateral side their is to observe ... | 1991 | 1802927 |
identification of sensory neurons supplying receptors in lingual muscles of the rat: histochemical and retrograde labeling study with horseradish peroxidase. | sensory innervation of lingual musculature was studied in young adult wistar rats using retrograde labeling by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and combined silver impregnation and acetylcholinesterase (ache) methods. intra-lingual injection of hrp resulted in labeling of neuronal somata in the trigeminal, superior vagal, and second cervical spinal (c2) ganglia. when hrp was directly applied to the proximal stump of severed hypoglossal nerve, labeling occurred only in the cervical and superior vagal ... | 1991 | 1804433 |
an elisa-method using magnetic beads as solid phase for rapid quantitation of mouse and human immunoglobulins. | this work describes an elisa-method using superparamagnetic polystyrene beads (dynabeads m-450) as solid phase, that may be used to measure the concentration of immunoglobulins in various fluids. the immunoglobulin was captured between beads coated with either rabbit, goat or sheep antibodies and the same antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. the method has been used to quantitate mouse and human immunoglobulins in cell culture supernatants. due to the rapid binding kinetics between the ... | 1991 | 1804775 |
the morphology and electrical geometry of rat jaw-elevator motoneurones. | 1. the aim of this work was to quantify both the morphology and electrical geometry of the dendritic trees of jaw-elevator motoneurones. to do this we have made intracellular recordings from identified motoneurones in anaesthetized rats, determined their membrane properties and then filled them with horseradish peroxidase by ionophoretic ejection. four neurones were subsequently fully reconstructed and the lengths and diameters of all the dendritic segments measured. 2. the mean soma diameter wa ... | 1991 | 1804966 |
excitation by geniculocortical synapses is not 'vetoed' at the level of dendritic spines in cat visual cortex. | 1. we used anatomical methods to examine whether the geniculocortical afferent input to dendritic spines could be gated or 'vetoed' by an inhibitory input to the same spine. 2. physiologically identified x- and y-type afferents were injected intra-axonally with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), processed, and drawn under the light microscope. selected regions of the terminal arbors were then serially sectioned for examination under the electron microscope. 3. three-dimensional reconstructions of thi ... | 1991 | 1804984 |
appearance of the reticular cells which trap antigens in the rat lymph node in postnatal development. | the cells binding and retaining immune complexes on their cell surface existed in rat lymph nodes with no germinal centers. this study attempted to clarify the relationship between the two types of cells, reticular cells and follicular dendritic cells (fdcs), in the rat lymph node at early stages of postnatal development by immuno-electron microscopy on anti-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and hrp injected rat. on the 19th and 23rd day after birth, germinal centers were not yet constructed nor were ... | 1991 | 1806649 |
horseradish peroxidase gene expression in escherichia coli. | | 1991 | 1809202 |
afferent and efferent connections of the mesencephalic cardioinhibitory area (cim) in the cat. | the afferent and efferent connections between the cardioinhibitory area in the midbrain tegmental field (cim) and brain stem structures related to cardiovascular integration in cats were investigated by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) for both cell origins and axonal terminations and by chemical (kainic acid) lesion for topographic pathways. retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus (grn), the pontine reticular nucleus of the pons (pon), the ambiguus nucleu ... | 1991 | 1809553 |
enzyme immunoassay to determine serum myoglobin in patients with acute myocardial infarction. | a method of "sandwich" enzyme immunoassay was developed for determination of human serum myoglobin with the use of myoglobin isolated from human myocardium and gammaglobulin fraction of a specific sheep antiserum labelled with horseradish peroxidase. the linear part of the calibration curve within the range of 0.08-2.2 nmol/l is suitable for accurate quantitative reading of myoglobin concentration. intra- and interassay variation coefficients are 7% and 11.2%, respectively. a comparison of 100 s ... | 1991 | 1810699 |
an enzyme immunoassay for the detection of florida red tide brevetoxins. | a non-competitive solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for detection of brevetoxins in various matrices has been developed. the assay utilizes antibodies raised in a goat against brevetoxin pbtx-3-keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugates with specific purification of brevetoxin antibodies through protein g and brevetoxin affinity columns, and rabbit anti-goat antibodies covalently linked to horseradish peroxidase. the assay was used specifically to detect brevetoxins in both cell culture and contaminated ... | 1991 | 1814015 |
non-isotopic polymerase chain reaction methods for the detection of hiv-1 in ugandan mothers and infants. | two non-isotopic polymerase chain reaction (pcr) methods were evaluated by testing blood from 41 hiv-1-seropositive and 16 hiv-1-seronegative ugandan mothers and 56 of their children (aged 0.5-15.0 months). amplification of hiv-1 sequences was performed in duplicate using a biotinylated primer pair to the gag region (sk 462-431) and nested primer pairs (ja 17-20) to the pol region of hiv-1. gag sequences were hybridized using a microtiter plate coated with the sk 102 probe followed by colorimetr ... | 1991 | 1814329 |
a rapid fluorometric enzyme immunoassay for the determination of neonatal tsh from blood spots. | we describe a novel method for the detection of thyrotropin from dried blood spots using a horseradish peroxidase-labelled sandwich enzyme immunoassay with fluorometric detection. the detection limit of the present assay is 1.25 miu/l with within-run and between-run imprecision being in the range 5.2 to 11.4%. the results of the assay correlate well with two commercial methods: an enzyme immunoassay (r = 0.93) and a time-resolved fluorescence assay (r = 0.90). the blood spot values also show a g ... | 1991 | 1814645 |
ramifications of the axons of ah-neurons injected with the intracellular marker biocytin in the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig small intestine. | the projections and terminal ramifications of electrophysiologically characterized myenteric neurons of the guinea pig small intestine were studied after intracellular injection of the marker substance biocytin. myenteric neurons were impaled with microelectrodes containing 4% biocytin in 2 m kcl (ph 7.4) and characterized electrophysiologically as either ah-neurons or s-neurons. ah-neurons were neurons in which action potentials were followed by prolonged after-hyperpolarizations (lasting great ... | 1991 | 1814972 |
the development of ventral tegmental area (vta) projections to the visual cortex of the rat. | the development of the ventral tegmental area (vta) projections to the rat visual cortex was studied with the wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) retrograde tracing technique. large injections of wga-hrp in the visual cortex of newborn, early postnatal, and adult rats resulted in a substantial number of retrogradely labelled neurons in the vta showing the same distribution pattern at all ages examined. contrary to other reports, labelled cells were never found in the pars comp ... | 1991 | 1815143 |
serotonergic projections from the nucleus raphe dorsalis to the amygdala in the rat. | previous studies have shown a possible connection between the nucleus raphe dorsalis (nrd) and the amygdala in mediating opioid analgesia. in the present study, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde tracing was used in combination with serotonin (5-ht) immunocytochemical staining in an attempt to search for serotonergic projections from the nrd to the amygdala. in rats which received an injection of hrp into the amygdala, hrp retrogradely labelled 5-ht-immunoreactive cells were observed in the ... | 1991 | 1815148 |
morphometric analysis of phrenic motoneurons in the cat during postnatal development. | the dendritic geometry of 20 phrenic motoneurons from four postnatal ages (2 weeks, 1 and 2 months, and adult) was examined by using intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. the number of primary dendrites (approximately 11-12) remained constant throughout postnatal development. in general, postnatal growth of the dendrites resulted from an increase in the branching and in the length and diameter of segments at all orders of the dendritic tree. there was one exception. between 2 weeks ... | 1991 | 1816274 |
nerve cables formed in silicone chambers reconstitute a perineurial but not a vascular endoneurial permeability barrier. | the passage of molecules into the endoneurial environment of the axons of normal peripheral nerve is regulated by two permeability barriers, the perineurial-nerve barrier and the endoneurial blood-nerve barrier. these barriers exist because of the presence of tight junctions between adjacent perineurial cells and adjacent endothelial cells. in the present study we investigated whether permeability barriers form in nerve cables, which develop inside silicone chambers. the sciatic nerves of adult ... | 1991 | 1816277 |
[glycoconjugates of the cecal intestinal epithelium of the chick before and after hatching: histochemical study performed with peroxidase-conjugated lectins]. | a battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins (pna, cona, dba, sba, lta, wga and uea i) was used to study the distribution and changes of carbohydrate moieties of glycoconjugates in the caecal epithelium (proximal and distal tracts) of the chick embryo and of the 3 days old chicken. the chief results showed that: 1. the appearance of some sugar residues was earlier observed at the epithelium of the distal tract than the proximal one (tab. 2). 2. the presence of sialic acid ... | 1991 | 1817456 |
use of monoclonal antibodies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoaffinity column chromatography to determine ochratoxin a in porcine sera, coffee products and toxin-producing fungi. | ochratoxin a, produced by a number of fungal species, has been found in many milieu, including porcine sera and coffee beans. it was therefore analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in porcine sera, coffee products and fungal cultures, using monoclonal antibodies, a monoclonal antibody-linked immunoaffinity column (iac) and high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). the chloroform extracts of acidified porcine sera were assayed directly by elisa, with alkaline phosphatase and ... | 1991 | 1820356 |
dot enzyme immunosorbent assay for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever. | a nitrocellulose membrane strip dotted with a specific 50 kda outer membrane protein of salmonella typhi was applied for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever. using horseradish peroxidase conjugated igm and igg antibodies with 4-chloronaphthol as substrate, antibodies in typhoid patients were clearly visualised as bluish purple dots while sera from patients with non-typhoid fevers gave negative results. the detection of specific igm and igg antibodies in typhoid patients suggest either recent or c ... | 1991 | 1820645 |
experimental fusion of e. histolytica cells by horseradish peroxidase treatment. | the experimental fusion of entamoeba histolytica cells after their treatment with horseradish peroxidase is reported. this finding is discussed in relation with the general knowledge about the cell fusion process. | 1991 | 1821166 |
thalamocaudate projections in the macaque monkey (a horseradish peroxidase study). | the distribution of thalamocaudate neurons was studied in four macaque monkeys (macaca mulatta) using the method of retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp sigma vi) transport following previous aspiration of part of the frontal cortex and subcortical white matter covering the head of the caudate nucleus. after hrp injections into the head of the caudate nucleus we found retrogradely labelled neurons mainly in the intralaminar nuclei (nc. paracentralis, nc. centralis lateralis, nc. parafascicular ... | 1991 | 1821422 |
clonal analysis of epiblast fate during germ layer formation in the mouse embryo. | the fate of cells in the epiblast at prestreak and early primitive streak stages has been studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into single cells in situ of 6.7-day mouse embryos and identifying the labelled descendants at midstreak to neural plate stages after one day of culture. ectoderm was composed of descendants of epiblast progenitors that had been located in the embryonic axis anterior to the primitive streak. embryonic mesoderm was derived from all areas of the epiblast excep ... | 1991 | 1821858 |
patterns of axon collateralization of identified supragranular pyramidal neurons in the cat auditory cortex. | nine pyramidal neurons in layers ii and iii of cat primary auditory cortex (ai) were fully reconstructed after intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase or biocytin. each neuron was functionally characterized according to its position relative to an anteroposterior sequence of best frequency responses. all labeled somata were in layers ii or iii and gave rise to typical apical and basal dendritic arbors as well as to extensive systems of axon collaterals. the primary axon of all except ... | 1991 | 1822727 |
vacuoles and vesicles in the rat junctional epithelium: a study with serial ultrathin sections. | to investigate whether the electron-lucent structures resembling vesicles and vacuoles in the rat molar junctional epithelium (je) are in fact intracellular or extracellular, a study using serial ultrathin sections was carried out. in one series of experiments, the animals were not treated before the tissues were conventionally fixed; in another, anesthetized animals were administered horseradish peroxidase 20 min before the tissues were fixed. a large number of electron-lucent structures resemb ... | 1991 | 1826529 |
direct binding of protein a, protein g, and anti-igg conjugates to chicken infectious anemia virus. | recombinant protein a, recombinant protein g, and anti-chicken-igg anti-bodies raised in rabbits, goats, or horses were found to bind directly to chicken infectious anemia virus (ciav). msb-1 cells infected with the cux-1 strain of chicken anemia agent, but not to uninfected msb-1 cells were found to react with fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugates. in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, rabbit anti-chicken horseradish peroxidase conjugate bound directly to cia-1 ciav-coated plates. in additio ... | 1991 | 1827577 |