
[the effects of arnica montana on blood coagulation. randomized controlled trial].the purpose of this study, which took the form of a two-period cross-over clinical trial, was to determine whether a homeopathic substance, arnica montana, significantly decreased bleeding time (simplate ii) and to describe its impact on various blood coagulation tests. it was not shown that this substance had a significant impact on various parameters of blood coagulation in healthy volunteers in the period immediately following administration [corrected].19937903572
helenalin acetate in in vitro propagated plants of arnica montana.propagated "in vitro" shoots and plantlets of arnica montana l. (asteraceae) have been shown to produce sesquiterpene lactones, i.e. helenalin and 11,13-dihydrohelenalin esters. the compounds were detected in green organs only; roots of the plantlets contained no sesquiterpene lactones. the helenalin acetate content in leaves of the plantlets (0.073% dry wt) was 4-times higher than in proliferated shoots (0.016% dry wt). the best rate of shoot multiplication was achieved on ms medium, supplement ...199317230337
tussilagine and isotussilagine: two pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the genus flowerheads of arnica montana, a. chamissonis ssp. foliosa, a. amplexicaulis, and a. sachalinensis, traces of the non-toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids tussilagine and isotussilagine were detected. their identity was unambiguously confirmed by direct comparison (tlc, gc, gc/ms) with the authentic samples.199217226521
new flavonoid glycosides from arnicae flos dab 91.five flavonoid glycosides were identified from flowers of arnica montana, ten from a. chamissonis subsp. foliosa var. incana. the structures were established on the basis of acid hydrolysis and spectral data (uv, nmr, ms) as the 7-beta-glucosides of pectolinarigenin, apigenin, and chrysoeriol; luteolin 3'- o-beta-glucoside; the 3-beta-glucuronides of kaempferol, isorhamnetin, and 6-methoxykaempferol; the 3,7-di-beta-glucosides of quercetin and patuletin; the 3-beta-glucosides of betuletol and qu ...199217226484
shoot tip culture of arnica montana for micropropagation.multiple shoots were regenerated from shoot tips of arnica montana on ms and b5 media supplemented with ba (1 mg/l) and naa (0.1 mg/l). sections of 1-2 mm in length cultured from in vitro germinated seedlings regenerated 7.7 (mean) shoots on the ms medium, whereas sections cultured from greenhouse plants regenerated 9.0 (mean) shoots on the b5 medium within 6 weeks. subsequent subcultures of shoots on the same media but without naa resulted in similar or lower multiplication rates (1.6 to 3.1 in ...199217226438
[effect of arnica d 30 during hard physical exertion. a double-blind randomized trial during the oslo marathon 1990].the effect of arnica montana on stiffness, restitution time and cell damage during hard physical exercise was evaluated in a randomized double blind trial during the oslo marathon. 36 participants were randomized: one group received arnica 10(-30) five pills twice daily for five days, starting the day before the event. the other group received placebo pills. blood tests were carried out before and immediately after finish, and after 48 and 72 hours. stiffness was evaluated on a visual analogue s ...19911780819
immunologically active polysaccharides of arnica montana cell cultures.from the nutrition medium of arnica montana cell cultures two homogeneous polysaccharides, an acidic arabino-3,6-galactan-protein with mean mr of 100,000 and a neutral fucogalactoxyloglucan with mean mr of 22,500 have been isolated by deae-sepharose cl-6b and sephacryl s-400 column chromatography. their structures were elucidated mainly by methylation analysis, partial acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis and 13c nmr spectroscopy. the fucogalactoxyloglucan shows a pronounced enhancement of phagocytos ...19911367382
postpartum homeopathic arnica montana: a potency-finding pilot study. 19902102159
flavonoid glucuronides from the flowers of arnica montana1.five flavonoid glucuronides were identified from flowers of arnica montana l. the structures were established on the basis of total acid hydrolysis and spectral data (uv, (1)h-nmr, (13)c-nmr, mass) as 3- o-beta- d-glucuronides of quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, patuletin, and 6-methoxykaempferol. the last one is a new natural compound. this is the first report on glucuronides in the genus arnica. additionally, tricin and 3,5,7-trihydroxy-6,3',4'-trimethoxyflavone were identified. up to now ...198817265264
fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers for the threatened arnica montana (asteraceae). 201525606354
a homeopathic remedy from arnica, marigold, st. john's wort and comfrey accelerates in vitro wound scratch closure of nih 3t3 fibroblasts.drugs of plant origin such as arnica montana, calendula officinalis or hypericum perforatum have been frequently used to promote wound healing. while their effect on wound healing using preparations at pharmacological concentrations was supported by several in vitro and clinical studies, investigations of herbal homeopathic remedies on wound healing process are rare. the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a commercial low potency homeopathic remedy similasan® arnica plus sp ...201222809174
a homeopathic arnica patch for the relief of cellulitis-derived pain and numbness in the hand.arnica montana, belonging to the compositae family, is a plant with a longstanding tradition of relieving pain and/or inflammation in muscles and joints and may thus represent an alternative to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, which are often ineffective or lead to a number of adverse effects. a homeopathic arnica patch (3x dilution according to the homeopathic pharmacopoeia of the united states) was developed to alleviate pain symptoms in the back and neck muscles and joints.201224278813
assessing the effectiveness of arnica montana and rhododendron tomentosum (ledum palustre) in the reduction of ecchymosis and edema after oculofacial surgery: preliminary results.the purpose of this study was to provide preliminary data on the potential effectiveness of the combination of topical arnica montana and rhododendron tomentosum (ledum palustre) in reducing postoperative ecchymosis and edema in a select population of healthy volunteers after oculofacial surgery.201726863038
altitudinal variation of secondary metabolite profiles in flowering heads of matricaria chamomilla cv. bona.the altitudinal variation of the contents of secondary metabolites in flowering heads of matricaria chamomilla l. (asteraceae) was assessed. plants of m. chamomilla cultivar bona were grown in nine experimental plots at altitudes between 590 and 2,230 m at mount patscherkofel near innsbruck/austria. the amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids were quantified by hplc/dad. for both flavonoids and phenolic acids positive (r = 0.559 and 0.587) and statistically significant (both p < 0.001) correlat ...200818484542
quantitative analysis of flavonoids and phenolic acids in arnica montana l. by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography.arnica montana preparations have been used in europe for centuries to treat skin disorders. among the biologically active ingredients in the flower heads of the plant are sequiterpenes, flavonoids and phenolic acids. for the simultaneous determination of compounds belonging to the latter two groups a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (mekc) method was developed and validated. by using an electrolyte solution containing 50 mm borax, 25 mm sodium dodecyl sulfate and 30% of acetonitr ...200818420051
altitudinal variation of phenolic contents in flowering heads of arnica montana cv. arbo: a 3-year continuation of our studies of altitudinal effects on secondary metabolite profile of flowering heads from taxa of the asteraceae, we investigated phenolic contents and radical scavenging potential from cultivated plants of arnica montana cv. arbo during the growing seasons 2003, 2004, and 2005. by conducting experiments on potted plants, we excluded that differences in phenolic contents from plants grown at different altitudes were related primarily to differences in soil composition at thes ...200818259818
the effect of topical arnica on muscle pain.the herb arnica montana, in topical formulations, has been reputed to decrease bruising and muscle pain. this claim has been inadequately and incompletely addressed.201020807867
effect of homeopathy on analgesic intake following knee ligament reconstruction: a phase iii monocentre randomized placebo controlled study.the efficacy of homeopathy is still under debate and a recent meta-analysis recommended further randomized double-blind clinical trials to identify any clinical situation in which homeopathy might be effective.200818251757
evaluation of homeopathic arnica montana for ecchymosis after upper blepharoplasty: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study.ecchymosis is commonly encountered after upper eyelid blepharoplasty. the use of homeopathic preparations of arnica montana, a flowering herb, has been advocated by physicians, patients, and manufacturers for reduction of postsurgical ecchymosis. the authors evaluate its efficacy after upper eyelid blepharoplasty.201020683279
efficacy of arnica montana d4 for healing of wounds after hallux valgus surgery compared to diclofenac.this study was undertaken to answer the question: "is arnica d4 as efficacious as diclofenac in relation to symptoms and wound healing after foot surgery?"201318199022
no effect of a homoeopathic combination of arnica montana and bryonia alba on bleeding, inflammation, and ischaemia after aortic valve surgery." arnica montana is a popular homoeopathic treatment with potential haemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. a homoeopathic combination of a. montana and bryonia alba was used in aortic valve surgery to evaluate its effectiveness in reducing bleeding, inflammation, pain and myocardial ischaemia.201020233176
variation of sesquiterpene lactone contents in different arnica montana populations: influence of ecological ten grassland or heathland sites along a geographic (north to south) and climatic gradient in germany, flowerheads of arnica montana were collected, and the total content of sesquiterpene lactones (sls) as well as the content of the detected single compounds were determined. the ratios of helenalin (h)- and corresponding 11 alpha,13-dihydrohelenalin(dh)-type compounds were calculated. all habitats were characterised concerning the climatic and soil conditions, and the values obtained were cor ...201020101561
optimization of culture conditions of arnica montana l.: effects of mycorrhizal fungi and competing plants.arnica montana is a rare plant that needs special protection because of its intensive harvesting for medicinal purposes. the present work was aimed at finding optimal culture conditions for arnica plants in order to enable their successful reintroduction into their natural stands. plants were cultivated under controlled greenhouse conditions on substrata with different nitrogen (n) concentration. as arnica is always colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) in nature, a fact that has been ...201019838743
cosmetics and herbal remedies with compositae plant extracts - are they tolerated by compositae-allergic patients?compositae-sensitive patients are routinely warned against topical use of compositae-containing cosmetics and herbal remedies. however, the risk of elicitation of dermatitis in presensitized persons is unknown.200818154553
comparison of cytotoxic and anti-platelet activities of polyphenolic extracts from arnica montana flowers and juglans regia husks.polyphenolic compounds of plant origin are well known to be beneficial to human health: they exert protective effects on haemostasis and have a particular influence on blood platelets. however, the anti-platelet properties of polyphenolic compounds observed so far have not been weighed against their potential cytotoxic action against platelets. the aim of this study was to demonstrate that anti-platelet and cytotoxic effects on blood platelets may interfere and therefore, may often lead to confu ...201524679412
differences in the chemical composition of arnica montana flowers from wild populations of north italy.the flower heads of fourteen wild arnica montana l. populations were collected in the summer of 2010 in the provinces of trento, brescia and bergamo (italy). the dried flowers were analyzed to assess their chemical diversity. hlpc-ms analysis led to the identification of phenolic derivatives and sesquiterpene lactones in the samples, confirming literature data. quali-quantitative analysis of the flower heads showed similar qualitative patterns both for the phenolic as well as sesquiterpene lacto ...201424660447
inhibitory effects of β-cyclodextrin-helenalin complexes on h-tert gene expression in the t47d breast cancer cell line - results of real time quantitative pcr.nowadays, the encapsulation of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents is attracting interest as a method for drug delivery. we hypothesized that the efficiency of helenalin might be maximized by encapsulation in β-cyclodextrin nanoparticles. helenalin, with a hydrophobic structure obtained from flowers of arnica chamissonis and arnica montana, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity but low water solubility and bioavailability. β-cyclodextrin (β-cd) is a cyclic oligosaccharide comprising seven ...201324377631
evaluation of inhibitory activities of plant extracts on production of lps-stimulated pro-inflammatory mediators in j774 murine macrophages.whole plant methanolic extracts of 14 traditionally used medicinal herbs were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activity. extracts of grindelia robusta, salix nigra, arnica montana, and quassia amara showed up to 4.5-fold inhibition of nitric oxide (no) production in the j774 murine macrophage cells challenged with lps without cytotoxicity. these four selected extracts significantly reduced the protein levels of inducible no synthase (inos) and the cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) as observed by wes ...201019813079
remedies containing asteraceae extracts: a prospective observational study of prescribing patterns and adverse drug reactions in german primary care.the use of complementary therapies by patients has increased over the past 20 years, both in terms of self-medication and physician prescriptions. among herbal medicines, those containing extracts of asteraceae (compositae), such as echinacea spp., arnica montana, matricaria recutita and calendula officinalis, are especially popular in the primary-care setting. however, there remains a gap between the growing acceptance of these remedies and the lack of data on their safety.200919591533
perioperative risks and benefits of herbal supplements in aesthetic surgery.most medications, herbal preparations, and nutraceutical supplements have notable effects on biochemical pathways and may influence wound healing, coagulation, and cardiovascular function. they can also interact with other drugs. a large portion of the data available regarding the effects of naturopathic medicines is anecdotal. marketing of certain products may be misleading and potentially harmful, and quality control standards are highly variable. in order to ensure quality control and standar ...201619371848
retrospective analysis of 736 implants inserted without antibiotic therapy.the routine use of antibiotics in oral implant treatment seems to be widespread. the principle of antibiotic prophylaxis before oral surgical procedures in patients at risk for endocarditis or in those who are severely immunocompromised is well established. antibiotic therapy in conjunction with implant surgery in fit patients and its correlation with failure and success rates remains poorly documented, however. the debate regarding overprescription of antibiotics raises the need for a critical ...200717954332
sesquiterpene lactones in arnica montana: helenalin and dihydrohelenalin chemotypes in analytical rplc method for sesquiterpene lactones in arnica montana has been extended to include quantitative analyses of dihydrohelenalin esters. lc-esi-ms-ms distinguished the isomeric helenalin and dihydrohelenalin esters. the dihydrohelenalin esters have lower response factors for uv detection than do helenalin esters, which must be taken into account for quantitative analyses. analyses of flowers from 16 different wild populations of a. montana in spain showed differing proportions of he ...200919235681
temperature is the key to altitudinal variation of phenolics in arnica montana l. cv. arbo.plants in alpine habitats are exposed to many environmental stresses, in particular temperature and radiation extremes. recent field experiments on arnica montana l. cv. arbo indicated pronounced altitudinal variation in plant phenolics. ortho-diphenolics increased with altitude compared to other phenolic compounds, resulting in an increase in antioxidative capacity of the tissues involved. factors causing these variations were investigated by climate chamber (cc) experiments focusing on tempera ...200919194724
characterization of arnica montana l. flowers. 19873455222
flavonoid glycosides from arnica montana and arnica chamissonis.five flavonoid glycosides were identified from flowers of arnica montana, four from a. chamissonis subsp. foliosa var. incana. the structures were established on the basis of total acid hydrolysis and spectral data (uv, (1)h-nmr, (13)c-nmr, ms) as hispidulin 7- o-beta-glucoside, isorhamnetin 3- o-beta-glucoside, 3- o-beta- d-glucopyranosides of spinacetin, 6-methoxykaempferol and patuletin and querectin 3- o-(6''- o-acetyl)-beta- d-glucopyranoside. the latter compound can serve as distinctive ma ...198717269063
[immunostimulating action of polysaccharides (heteroglycans) from higher plants].from the water or alcaline-water extracts of echinacea purpurea (l.) moench. and -angustifolia dc., eupatorium cannabium l. and -perfoliatum l., chamomilla recutita l. rauscher, calendula officinalis l., baptisia tinctoria (l.) r. b., achyrocline satureioides dc., arnica montana l., sabal serrulata roem. et schult., and eleutherococcus (acanthopanax) senticosus maxim. polysaccharide fractions with molecular weights in the range of 25 000 to 500 000 and higher have been isolated, which, according ...19854052142
methylated flavonoids from arnica montana and arnica chamissonis.from the flowers of arnica chamissonis less, subsp. foliosa var. incana, the methylated flavonoids acacetin, pectolinarigenin, hispidulin, jaceosidin, 6-methoxykaempferol, and betuletol have been isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods. except for acacetin, the same flavonoids were identified in the flowers of arnica montana l. betuletol was found for the first time in the family of asteraceae.198417340267
6-o-isobutyryl-tetrahydrohelenalin from the flowers of arnica montana.from the flowers of arnica montana l., the helenanolides 6- o-isobutyryl-tetrahydrohelenalin and 2beta-ethoxy-6- o-isobutyryl-2,3-dihydrohelenalin were isolated and their structures established by spectroscopic methods.198417340245
metronidazole (flagyl) and arnica montana in the prevention of post-surgical complications, a comparative placebo controlled clinical trial.a double blind trial, was designed, in which 118 patients undergoing the removal of impacted wisdom teeth were randomly divided into the following groups; 41 patients received metronidazole, 39 patients received arnica montana, 38 patients received the placebo. metronidazole was more effective in pain control than arnica (p less than 0.001) and placebo (p less than 0.01). it prevented swelling better than arnica (p less than 0.01) and placebo (p less than 0.05) and was more effective in promotin ...19846365158
[immunostimulant action of polysaccharides (heteroglycans) from higher plants. preliminary communication].from the water or alcaline-water extracts of echinacea purpurea (l.) moench and -angustifolia dc., eupatorium cannabinum l. and -perfoliatum l., chamomilla recutita (l.) (rauscher), calendula officinalis l., baptisia tinctoria (l.) r.b., achyrocline satureoides dc., arnica montana l., sabal serrulata roem et schult. and eleutherococcus senticosus maxim. polysaccharide fractions with molecular weights in the range of 25 000 to 500 000 and higher have been isolated, which, according to the granulo ...19846541484
[helenalin- and 11,13-dihydrohelenalinester from flowers of arnica montana.].from the flowers of arnica montana l. 13 helenanolides were isolated and identified. they are shown to be 11,13-dihydrohelenalin ( 1), helenalin ( 2) and their ester derivatives 3-13 (see figure). the natural occurence of 6-o-isobutyryl-, 6-o-tigloyl-, 6-o-isovaleryl- and 6-o-(2-methyl)-butyrylhelenalin (compounds 9, 11, 12, 13) is reported for the first time. the qualitative sesquiterpene lactone composition in flowers of a. montana from different regions was found to be variable.198317405058
[arnica montana in facial injuries (proceedings)]. 2004855982
[identification of carotenoids in arnica montana]. 19734732114
[fatty acids of the essential oil from leaves of arnica montana and arnica longifolia]. 19724403598
[a still mysterious medicinal plant, arnica montana l]. 19714927860
[arnica montana l]. 19685681721
[cultivation experiments with arnica species. ii. vegetative propagation of arnica montana l]. 19675603484
[contribution to the knowledge of the substances contained in arnica montana l]. 19665926222
[therapeutic experiences with arnica montana]. 196514263823
[some new constituents from the roots of arnica montana]. 196313987185
[arnica montana as a medicinal plant]. 195913834712
[arnica montana as a medicinal plant]. 195913676103
[study on the constituents of arnica montana l]. 195613328059
[cholagogue action of arnica montana]. 200614391392
[arnica montana mistaken for inula britannica]. 195413177151
[possible testing of tinctures of arnica montana l..]. 195413198192
[arnica montana. iii]. 195313073437
[arnica; arnica montana. ii]. 195313073424
[cultivation of arnica montana]. 200913051137
[arnica (arnica montana)]. 195313073403
[arnica montana]. 195212983199
[pharmacology of arnica montana l]. 194915406032
Displaying items 101 - 162 of 162