
a repetitive dna probe for the sensitive detection of fasciola hepatica infected snails.epizootiologic studies on f. hepatica frequently use microscopic techniques for the detection of infected snails, however, the poor efficiency, sensitivity, and specificity associated with these techniques limit their usefulness. a dna-based test for the identification of snails infected with larval stages of f. hepatica would solve these problems and enable a level of detection accuracy previously unavailable. we have cloned and sequenced a 124 bp fragment of repetitive dna from f. hepatica whi ...19957635638
ultrastructure and histochemistry of the tegument of juvenile paramphistomes during migration in indian ruminants.the tegument of juvenile paramphistomum epiclitum and fischoederius elongatus (paramphistomidae: digenea) resembles those of other digeneans. seven types of papillae were observed, mostly on the oral and acetabular surfaces, and increase in number during migration. also evident are two types of secretory body (t1 and t2) which are synthesized separately in tegumental cytons underlying the syncytium. exocytosis of t2 bodies occurs at the apical membrane and appears to contribute to a fibrous glyc ...19947829842
pathology of infection with paramphistomum ichikawai in sheep.lambs were given 40,000 or 50,000 metacercariae of paramphistomum ichikawai by injection into the rumen and necropsied at 21, 42 and 84 days after infection. pathological changes were observed grossly and confirmed histologically in the small intestine and rumen. the numbers of flukes and their location in the gastrointestinal tract were recorded and the populations of eosinophils, mast cells and globule leucocytes estimated. changes varied, according to the numbers of flukes present, from a loc ...19947883450
parasite spectrum and seasonal epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants in the hundred and four post mortem examinations of randomly selected sheep (52) and goats (52) were carried out weekly from march 1990 to february 1991. gastrointestinal parasites were identified and counted. a large spectrum of 16 helminth species was found in 101 (97%) infected animals. the nematodes infecting small ruminants were, in order of predominance: trichostrongylus colubriformis (96% of all animals), oesophagostomum columbianum (82%), haemonchus contortus (67%), strongyloides papillosus ...19938249251
comparative spectral, electrophoretic and isoelectric properties of trematode haemoglobins.a comparative study of the spectral, electrophoretic and isoelectric properties of the haemoglobins of three trematodes, paramphistomum epiclitum, gigantocotyle explanatum and gastrothylax crumenifer was carried out. a high absorption in the beta band region indicates that trematode haemoglobins have high oxygen affinities. electrophoretic mobilities of all trematode and their host haemoglobins were different. the isoelectric points of trematode haemoglobins were found to focus in the acidic ran ...19938288851
entamoeba bovis liebetanz 1905 recorded from large ruminants in egypt.investigations carried out on trematode parasites affecting cattle and buffaloes in ismailia governorate revealed a degree of infection with fasciola sp. attaining 6.95% among the former, and 16.16% among the latter. concerning paramphistomum sp. infection, it was 43.83% among cattle and 9% among buffaloes. during these studies, it appeared that cattle or buffaloes having no infection with fasciola sp. or those being infected with paramphistomum sp. only proved to harbour entamoeba bovis trophoz ...19938482871
decoy effect and host infection by miracidia within snail communities.the effect of experimental non-host snail (nhs) communities on the infection of lymnaea truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi and fasciola hepatica miracidia was studied. the results obtained indicated that nhs had variable effects on basic population parameters of host infection. specifically, nhs were able to produce aggregation of sporocyst number/snail in the experimental host populations. proposed hypotheses for decoy effect mechanisms failed to explain completely the experimental results ...19938488063
[cryptosporidia and other endoparasites in heifers imported into the czech republic].totally 887 heifers of holstein-friesian breed mostly in late pregnancy imported to the czech republic from france (597), germany (89), denmark (181) and holland (20) were examined coprologically from september 1993 to march 1995 in the parasitological laboratory of the national veterinary institute (nvi). prague. feces were sampled individually, rectally, always on days 1-3 following importation from heifers housed in particular quarantine sheds. in compliance with presently valid veterinary re ...19958659084
paramphistomum daubneyi and fasciola hepatica: the redial burden and cercarial shedding in lymnaea truncatula subjected to successive unimiracidial cross-exposures.the development of redial burden and cercarial shedding were studied in two groups of lymnaea truncatula subjected to successive cross-exposures to one miracidium of paramphistomum daubneyi and one of fasciola hepatica per snail, or vice versa. the results were compared with those obtained in controls subjected to two unimiracidial exposures to the same trematode species. the infection rate was 61% in the group cross-exposed to p. daubneyi/f. hepatica and 37% in that cross-exposed to f. hepatica ...19968875570
detection of circulating fasciola gigantica antigen in experimental and natural infections of sheep with fasciolosis.detection of circulating fasciola gigantica antigen was performed in sera of sheep with experimental and natural f. gigantica infections using the direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. sera from sheep with monoinfections of schistosoma bovis, dicrocoelium hospes and paramphistomum microbothrium were included in the assay to ascertain specificity. circulating f. gigantica antigen (cfa) was detected as early as 1 week after infection in the experimentally infected sheep. no detectable c ...19968916398
prevalence and seasonal changes in the gastro-intestinal helminths of nigerian goats.a total of 120 gastro-intestinal tracts and 960 faecal samples were examined to assess the prevalence and seasonal changes in the gastro-intestinal helminth parasites of red sokoto (maradi) goats slaughtered at ibadan between may 1991 and april 1992. egg types of strongyles, strongyloides, trichuris, skrjabinema, dicrocoelium and moniezia were encountered in 93%, 83%, 44%, 0.9%, 2.3% and 31% of the faecal samples respectively. however, only strongyle, strongyloides and trichuris eggs occurred in ...19968960229
paramphistomum daubneyi and fasciola hepatica: the effect of dual infection on prevalence and cercarial shedding in preadult lymnaea glabra.preadult lymnaea glabra measuring 4-6 mm in height were each exposed to 1 paramphistomum daubneyi miracidium before being exposed to 1 miracidium of fasciola hepatica. total prevalence of infection in the snail groups from 3 different populations ranged from 33% to 39%. in each group, snails harboring larval forms of p. daubneyi, f. hepatica, or both, were noted. if the results from the 3 snail populations are pooled, the total prevalence of snail infection was 13.6% in snails harboring only f. ...19968973417
paramphistomum daubneyi: the development of redial generations in the snail lymnaea truncatula.rediae of paramphistomum daubneyi were counted and measured in lymnaea truncatula to elucidate the variability in the numbers of free rediae and cercariae occurring between naturally infected snails and experimental single-miracidium infections. experiments were performed using one miracidium per snail and snail raising was carried out at 20 degrees c. two redial generations succeeded each other in the snail until day 49. a mean of 8-10 rediae differentiated in the sporocyst at days 7 and 14; th ...19979000237
trematode myoglobins, functional molecules with a distal tyrosine.the myoglobins of two trematodes, paramphistomum epiclitum and isoparorchis hypselobagri, were isolated to homogeneity. the native molecules are monomeric with mr 16,000-17,000 and pi 6.5-7.5. in each species, at least four different globin isoforms occur. primary structure was determined at the protein level. the globin chains contain 147 amino acid residues. although major determinants of the globin fold are conserved, characteristic substitutions are present. a tyr residue occurs at the helic ...19979006947
solution of 1h nmr structure of the heme cavity in the oxygen-avid myoglobin from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum.a two-dimensional 1h nmr study has been carried out on the heme cavity of the extreme oxygen-avid and autoxidation-resistant oxy-myoglobin complex from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum, and the residues were identified which potentially provide hydrogen bond stabilization for the bound oxygen. complete assignment of the heme core resonances allows the identification of 10 key heme pocket residues, 4 phe, 4 tyr, and 2 upfield ring current aliphatic side chains. based solely on the conserved ...19979006948
faecal examination of fasciola eggs fixed with formalin solution using the beads technique.faecal examination for fasciola eggs which were preserved in 5% and 10% formalin and taf solutions for 6 years was carried out using the beads technique. the morphological characters and the distinctive yellowish color of fasciola eggs were retained and appeared similar to those of fresh eggs. the mean egg recovery rate of eggs in taf solution was significantly lower than the others (p < 0.01). the egg recovery rates from 5% and 10% formalin samples were 57.2% and 60.8%, respectively, and these ...19969017874
antibody and circulating antigen profiles before and after chemotherapy in goats infected with fasciola gigantica.the profiles of antibody response and circulating antigen levels in goats infected with fasciola gigantica were studied by enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (eitb) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). in the antibody assay, sera from goats experimentally infected with f. gigantica were reacted with whole worm antigen of the worm before and after chemotherapy with oxyclozanide. in elisa, there was a significant increase in antibody level 2 weeks after infection. after chemotherap ...19969017880
in vitro anthelmintic activity of root-tuber extract of flemingia vestita, an indigenous plant in shillong, india.the in vitro activity of root-tuber-peel extract of flemingia vestita, an indigenous plant consumed by the natives in northeast india, was tested against helminth parasites. live parasites (nematode: ascaris suum from pigs, a. lumbricoides from humans, ascaridia galli and heterakis gallinarum from domestic fowl; cestode: raillietina echinobothrida from domestic fowl; trematode: paramphistomum sp. from cattle) were collected in 0.9 % physiological buffered saline (pbs) and maintained at 37 +/- 1 ...19979197399
the prevalence of fasciola hepatica in its snail intermediate host determined by dna probe assay.accurate snail intermediate host infection prevalence data have the potential to be extremely useful in determining seasonal transmission dynamics of fasciola hepatica. because the microscopic techniques currently used lack the sensitivity and specificity necessary to obtain meaningful infection prevalence data, we developed a highly accurate and efficient dna probe assay. the assay has a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of > 99%, easily detects a single miracidia and does not cross-hybridize ...19979467746
development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against excretory-secretory antigens of fasciola gigantica.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) directed against fasciola gigantica excretory-secretory (es) antigens were developed from balb/c mice. four were selected for further study, from the panel of hybridomas. the antigen specificities of these mabs were characterized and localized by enzyme-linked immunoeletrotransfer blot (eitb) and immunoperoxidase technique. the target epitopes of these mabs are 66 kda protein (mab 2d10), 66 and 27-26 kda proteins (mabs 5d10 and 4f5) and 27-26 kda protein (mab 2d9). m ...19979656363
trematode hemoglobins show exceptionally high oxygen affinity.ligand binding studies were made with hemoglobin (hb) isolated from trematode species gastrothylax crumenifer (gc), paramphistomum epiclitum (pe), explanatum explanatum (ee), parasitic worms of water buffalo bubalus bubalis, and isoparorchis hypselobagri (ih) parasitic in the catfish wallago attu. the kinetics of oxygen and carbon monoxide binding show very fast association rates. whereas oxygen can be displaced on a millisecond time scale from human hb at 25 degrees c, the dissociation of oxyge ...19989675199
comparison of three elisa tests for seroepidemiology of bovine fascioliosis.the aim of the present study was to compare the sensitivity, specificity and usefulness of the dig-elisa, dot-elisa and indirect elisa tests for determining the seroprevalence of fasciolosis in cattle under tropical conditions in mexico. to standardize the tests, positive and negative sera to f. hepatica from 88 holstein freisian adult cows located in an enzootic area of fascioliosis and 88 crossbred adult cattle from a fluke-free area were used. for the epidemiological study, 85 crossbred cattl ...19989763313
unusual transmission of the liver fluke, fasciola hepatica, by lymnaea glabra or planorbis leucostoma in france.cases of fasciolosis in ruminants have been recorded in several french farms in the absence of lymnaea truncatula, which is considered the only snail intermediate host in western europe. these farms harbored other species of freshwater snails in large numbers (lymnaea glabra, physa acuta, or planorbis leucostoma) and, in many cases, had cattle or sheep infected by another trematode (paramphistomum daubneyi). these other freshwater snails may serve as intermediate hosts for f. hepatica due to a c ...19989920323
infection of lymnaea truncatula and lymnaea glabra by fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi in farms of central france.natural infection of lymnaea glabra and lymnaea truncatula by fasciola hepatica and/or paramphistomum daubneyi was studied at two periods of risk (june-july and september-october) in 11 french farms known for their high prevalences of f. hepatica infection in ruminants. a total of 1,778 l. truncatula and 2,396 l. glabra measuring 6 mm or more in height were collected to determine the prevalence of natural infection with f. hepatica and p. daubneyi. the role of four factors, i.e. season, snail co ...199910081118
functional differentiation in trematode hemoglobin isoforms.the hbs and the major electrophoretic hb components (isohbs) were isolated from three species of the trematodes, explanatum explanatum (ee), gastrothylax crumenifer (gc) and paramphistomum epiclitum (pe), that parasitise the common indian water buffalo bubalus bubalis. the hbs are monomeric and resemble the so-called nonfunctional mutant hemoglobins that have tyr at b10 or e7 positions (replacing leu and the his residues, respectively). however, they are capable of binding with o2 and co. o2 equ ...199910103000
influence of low temperatures on the cercarial shedding of paramphistomum daubneyi from the snail lymnaea truncatula.lymnaeids in nature are subjected to temperature fluctuations that may have an influence on the shedding of cercariae. thus, experimental infections of lymnaea truncatula by paramphistomum daubneyi were performed to determine whether a sudden fall in temperature--daily dipping of infected snails into spring water at 14-15 degrees c, or at 6-8 degrees c--followed by its increase at 20 degrees c in the subsequent hour, had an influence on the characteristics of snail infection and cercarial produc ...199910229944
paramphistomum daubneyi and fasciola hepatica: influence of temperature changes on the shedding of cercariae from dually infected lymnaea truncatula.dual infections of lymnaea truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi and fasciola hepatica were performed to determine whether temperature changes in snails (daily water change with spring water at 6 degrees-8 degrees c, which subsequently increased to room temperature at 20 degrees c) would influence snail infection and the production of cercariae by both trematodes. at day 30 post-exposure the surviving snails were individually placed in petri dishes to constitute two groups. snails from the fir ...199910431746
standardization of a dot immunoperoxidase assay for field diagnosis of fasciola hepatica infected cattle.a dot immunoperoxidase assay was developed for the detection of bovine specific antibodies to fasciola hepatica. the standardization of the assay was done with 298 bovine sera, from seven different groups, previously studied by the reference enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). f. hepatica surface antigens purified by negative affinity against epitopes shared with paramphistomum spp. and echinococcus granulosus were used. starting with sensitized and blocked nitrocellulose strips, the dot ...199910488728
prevalence of paramphistomum daubneyi infection in cattle in central france.investigations at the slaughterhouse of limoges (central france) were performed in 1994-1996 to determine the prevalence of paramphistomum daubneyi infection in cattle. in 1994/1995, higher prevalences of p. daubneyi were recorded in may, october, and january. in 1996, smaller variations were recorded, and prevalence in april and may was higher. the prevalence of p. daubneyi in summer was lower. breed and age of cattle were not significantly associated to p. daubneyi infection, but females were ...200010622604
modulation of the oxygen affinity of cobalt-porphyrin by globin.we have combined two extreme effects which influence the oxygen affinity to obtain a cobalt-based oxygen carrier with an affinity similar to that of human adult hemoglobin (hba). the goal was to obtain an oxygen transporter with a lower oxidation rate. exchange of the heme group (fe-protoporphyrin ix) in hb with a cobalt-porphyrin leads to a reduction in oxygen affinity by over a factor of 10, an oxygen affinity too low for use as a blood substitute. at the other extreme, certain globin sequence ...200010788615
cercarial productivity of redial generations in single-miracidium infections of lymnaea truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi or fasciola hepatica.single-miracidium infections of lymnaea truncatula with paramphistomum daubneyi or with fasciola hepatica were carried out under laboratory conditions to count free rediae, their germinal embryos, and to determine the cercarial productivity of each redial generation. in snails infected by p. daubneyi, the cercariae were produced by the first (8.7 cercariae per redia) and second (8.9 per redia) generations. at day 63 post-exposure, they corresponded, respectively, to 53.9% and 46.1% of cercariae ...200010831047
caprine paramphistomum daubneyi (trematoda) infection in europe. 200010883858
a field study of natural infections in three freshwater snails with fasciola hepatica and/or paramphistomum daubneyi in central france.natural infections of three freshwater snails with fasciola hepatica and/or paramphistomum daubneyi were studied during two periods in 1996 and 1997 (june-july and september-october) on 18 farms located in the departments of vienne and haute vienne (central france), and known for low prevalences of f. hepatica infections in ruminants. a total of 1573 lymnaea glabra and 1421 l. truncatula 6 mm high or more were collected in the meadows of 13 farms and dissected under laboratory conditions. snails ...200010953217
the epidemiology of nematode and fluke infections in cattle in the red river delta in vietnam.over a period of 13 months, faecal samples were collected monthly from approximately 45 cattle over 3 months of age. additionally, 74 calves of 1-2 months were sampled to determine the presence of toxocara vitulorum eggs. individual egg counts and infective strongyle larvae from pooled faecal samples were examined. post-mortem worm counts were carried out on six groups of tracer calves (n=12) that had been kept for 4 weeks on pasture in and around the village studied. the following helminths wer ...200011035232
[planorbinae snails--obligate intermediate hosts of paramphistomatid trematodes in the central polesye of ukraine].the data on species composition, ecology and distribution of snails of the subfamily planorbinae (tribes planorbini, segmentinini) in water basis of tsentral'noye polesye are given. in 13 species belonging to the genera planorbis, anisius, choanomphalus, segmentina, hippeutis, the parthenitae and larvae of paramphistomum ichikawai jamaguti has been recorded. infection rate varies from 0.5 to 18.5%.200011060894
relationship between helminth species diversity, intensity of infection and breeding management in dairy goats.helminth infection, species diversity (proportion of each species in the community), species number, intensity of infection and anthelmintic resistance were investigated in 16 dairy-goat farms of south-western france. the aim of the study was to estimate which breeding management factors may affect diversity and intensity of infection. anthelmintic resistance was investigated because this factor may modify composition of nematode communities. farm history and breeding management were recorded by ...200011078947
very high resolution structure of a trematode hemoglobin displaying a tyrb10-tyre7 heme distal residue pair and high oxygen affinity.monomeric hemoglobin from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum displays very high oxygen affinity (p(50)<0.001 mm hg) and an unusual heme distal site containing tyrosyl residues at the b10 and e7 positions. the crystal structure of aquo-met p. epiclitum hemoglobin, solved at 1.17 a resolution via multiwavelength anomalous dispersion techniques (r-factor=0.121), shows that the heme distal site pocket residue tyrb10 is engaged in hydrogen bonding to the iron-bound ligand. by contrast, residue ty ...200111399085
metacercarial aggregation in digenea (fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi): environmental or species determinism?metacercarial aggregation of fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi was studied under experimental conditions to determine if the formation of these aggregates was influenced by environmental factors, or it was a characteristic of trematode species. this process was studied using the confinement of infected snails on the bottom of petri dishes (diameter, 14 cm) for 3 days. the formation of metacercarial aggregates of f. hepatica was not significantly modified by environmental factors such ...200111818045
the influence of different food sources on cercarial production in lymnaea truncatula experimentally infected with digenea.experimental infections of lymnaea truncatula with a digenean species (fasciola gigantica, f. hepatica, or paramphistomum daubneyi) were performed under laboratory conditions to study the effect of four sources of food (microalgae, romaine lettuce, wheat germs, or modified boray diet) on cercarial production. the mean number of f. hepatica, f. gigantica, or p. daubneyi cercariae was significantly greater when snail food was microalgae or boray diet. the lowest cost prices for 100 metacercariae o ...200211873822
production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against recombinant fatty acid binding protein of fasciola fasciola parasites fatty acid binding proteins (fabps) are the carrier proteins that help in the uptake of fatty acids from the hosts' fluids. attempts have been made to utilize both native and recombinant fabp (rfabp) for immunodiagnosis and vaccine development for fasciolosis. in this study, we have produced a number of monoclonal antibodies (moabs) against rfabp of fasciola gigantica. these moabs were initially screened against rfabp by elisa and then tested for their specificities by immu ...200211900926
structural plasticity in the eight-helix fold of a trematode haemoglobin.the three-dimensional structure of recombinant haemoglobin from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum, displaying the highest oxygen affinity so far observed for (non)vertebrate haemoglobins, has previously been determined at 1.17 a resolution (orthorhombic space group p2(1)2(1)2(1)). in the present communication, the three-dimensional structure of wild-type p. epiclitum haemoglobin is reported at 1.85 a resolution in a monoclinic crystal form (r factor = 16.1%, r(free) = 22.0%). comparison of ...200211914507
the endoparasites of sheep and goats, and shepherd in north sinai governorate, egypt.examination of sheep and goats in four areas in north sinai revealed an overall infection of 12.70% with fasciola species, 11.8% with paramphistomum cerve, 12.80% with moniezia expansa, 47.11% with trichostrongylus colubriformis, 4.59% trichuris ovis and 44.85% coccidia. the highly infected sheep and goats were diagnosed in el hassanah center (90.49%), followed by al arish city (87.31%), then rafah city (74.39%), and lastly bir al abd (54.71%). the elevation of the overall percent of infection i ...200212049248
unusual snail species involved in the transmission of fasciola hepatica in watercress beds in central france.four freshwater pulmonate species (lymnaea ovata, l. stagnalis, physa acuta, planorbis leucostoma) were living in several watercress beds known for their relationships with human cases of fasciolosis, whereas l. truncatula was never found. the aims of these studies were to determine the prevalence of natural infections with fasciola hepatica in snails and to verify if these species might ensure the full larval development of this trematode (with cercarial shedding) when they were experimentally ...200212116856
fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi: changes in prevalences of natural infections in cattle and in lymnaea truncatula from central france over the past 12 years.a retrospective study was carried out over a 10- to 12-year period to analyse the changes in prevalences of natural fasciolosis and paramphistomosis among cattle and snails in central france, and to determine the causes which had induced these changes. the prevalences of natural fasciolosis in cattle increased from 1990 to 1993 (13.6% to 25.2%) and diminished afterwards up to 1999 (at 12.6%). those of natural paramphistomosis showed a progressive increase between 1990 and 1999 (from 5.2 to 44.7% ...200212387481
production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against 28.5 kda tegument antigen of fasciola gigantica.a monoclonal antibody (moab) against the 28.5 kda tegumental antigen of fasciola gigantica was produced by the hybridoma technique using spleen cells from balb/c mice immunized with the tegumental extract from adult f. gigantica. this moab was found to be of the isotype igg(1), kappa-light chain, and shown by immunoblotting to specifically react with the 28.5 kda antigen present in the tegument, excretion-secretion material of the adult, whole-body extracts of newly excysted juveniles, 5-week-ol ...200212387905
molecular cloning and immunolocalization of the 17 kda myoglobin of clonorchis sinensis.we purified the 17 kda protein abundant in clonorchis sinensis crude extracts. the n-terminal amino acid sequence of this protein was determined and an oligonucleotide probe synthesized. using this probe, the cdna encoding the protein was cloned and sequenced from the c. sinensis cdna library. it was found to consist of a total of 150 amino acids and to have 41% conserved homology with the myoglobin of the trematodes paramphistomum epiclitum and isoparorchis hypselobagri. the gene product over-e ...200312720088
production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against recombinant glutathione s-transferase (gst) of fasciola gigantica.a monoclonal antibody (moab) against a recombinant glutathione s-transferase (rgst) of f. gigantica was produced in balb/c mice. reactivity and specificity of this monoclonal antibody was assessed by elisa and immunoblotting. six stable clones, namely 3a3, 3b2, 3c6, 4a6, 4b1 and 4d6 were obtained, all these moab reacted with rgst and native gst at a molecular weight of 28 kda and found to be igg1, kappa-light chain isotypes. these moab cross-reacted with schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japon ...200212744627
1h nmr study of the molecular structure and magnetic properties of the active site for the cyanomet complex of o2-avid hemoglobin from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum.the solution molecular and electronic structures of the active site in the extremely o2-avid hemoglobin from the trematode paramphistomum epiclitum have been investigated by 1h nmr on the cyanomet form in order to elucidate the distal hydrogen-bonding to a ligated h-bond acceptor ligand. comparison of the strengths of dipolar interactions in solution with the alternate crystal structures of methemoglobin establish that the solution structure of wild-type hb more closely resembles the crystal str ...200312823541
[the karyotype of paramphistomum cervi (zeder, 1790) from korean cattle]as a series of systematic classification of paramphistomes, the worms in the rumen and reticulum were collected on 214 korean cattle slaughtered at jeonju abattoir from january 1986 to april 1987 and were classified by means of morphology. afterwards, the karyotype of paramphistomum cervi (zeder, 1790) was detected by means of modified air-drying method from germ cells of the worms. the results were summarized as follows: in the chromosome number of 254 p. cervi, the haploid cell was n=9 and the ...198712886066
[the karyotype of paramphistomum explanatum (creplin, 1849) obtained from korean cattle]as a series of systematic classification of paramphistomes, in the first step, paramphistomes in the rumen and reticulum were collected on 170 korean cattles (2-3 years age, male) slaughtered at jeonju abattoir from july 1984 to september 1985 and were classified by means of morphology of the worms. afterwards, the karyotype of paramphistomum explanatum (creplin, 1849) which is the common in korean cattle was detected by means of modified air-drying method from testis cells of the worm. the foll ...198612886106
[an epidemiological study on zoonoses in korea]helminthic zoonoses are of significant importance to the public health and to the socioeconomic consequences especially in lost-meat, animal products and animal labor. for past several decades in korea, it has been recognized that endoparasitic infections among domestic animals are extremely common and many of the helminth parasites of man have been acquired from, or are shared with domestic animals. however, there was no survey of a nationwide scale on the prevalence of animal helminthiasis; an ...198112902720
[immunoelectrophoretic studies of several helminths]in an attempt to investigate the antigen-antibody relations and the value of immunodiagnosis for several helminths, ouchterlony tests and immunoelectrophoreses were carried out. taenia saginata, cysticercus sp. of cestodes, clonorchis sinensis, fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum sp. of trematodes,and ascaris suum of nematodes were used as antigens. on the other hand, antisera were obtained by injecting 0.5 ml each of the above antigens and the same amount of complete freund's adjuvant into rab ...197912902755
[immunoelectrophoresis for fasciola hepatica]in an attempt to investigate the specific antigenic substance of fasciola hepatica, ouchterlony tests and immunoelectrophoretic analyses were carried out. crude fasciola antigen was prepared and fractionated by sephadex g-200 column to antigen i, ii and iii according to protein content. crude antigens of paragonimus westermani, clonorchis sinensis and paramphistomum sp. were also prepared for control and absorption study. antiserum was prepared by injecting 0.5 ml of crude fasciola antigen with ...197912902763
[studies on phosphatase activity in some parasitic helminths]in order to obtain some informations on the nature and relative activity of the phosphatases present in various helminths, biochemical studies have been made in thirteen kinds of worm parasites including the adults and larvae (fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum, paramphistomum sp., taenia solium, taenia pisiformis, dipylidium caninum, diphyllobothrium mansoni, cysticercus cellulosae, cysticercus fasciolaris and sparganum). a comparison based on the analysis of ph-activity curves was made ...196712913552
studies on transaminase reactions in some parasitic an application of sigma-frankel methods, two transaminase systems, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, were found to operate at a mesurable rate in 2 species of nematodes(ascaris lumbricoides and ascaridia galli), 5 species of trematodes (clonorchis sinensis, fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum, paramphistomum cervi and paragonimus westermani) and 5 kinds of cestodes (diphyllobothrium mansoni, dipylidium caninum, taenia pisiformis, cysticercus cellulosae ...196612913567
[metabolism of c(14)-acetate by some trematodes]the adult trematodes, fasciola hepatica, eurytrema pancreaticum and paramphistomum cervi, employed in this experiment were obtained from the cattle slaughtered at the local abbatoir. the worms selected and washed several times in normal sterilized saline solution. each about ten of intact f. hepatica, fourty of e. pancreaticum, and twenty of p. cervi were incubated in 50 cc volume of special incubation flasks with incubation medium consisting of 10 cc. of krebs-ringer phosphate buffer(ph 7.4) th ...196512913583
[metabolism of c(14)-glucose by paramphistomum cervi]the trematode paramphistomum cervi empolyed in this experiment was obtained from the reticulum of cattle slaughtered at the local abbatoir. the worms were selected and washed several times in normal sterilized saline solution. each about ten of intact worms were incubated in 50 cc volume of special incubation flasks with incubation mixture consisting of 50 cc of krebs-ringer phosohate buffer (ph 7.4) to which were added universally labeled c(14)-glucose and non-radioactive carrier glucose concen ...196512913589
[epizoological survey on infestation rate of helminths in korean native cattle]the authors made a study on the species and distribution of helminths in korean native cattle. the feces and internal organs from 1,755 heads were examined in slaughter plants of taejon district. the results are summarized as follows. 1. distribution and infestation rate of helminths among the collected samples are, paramphistomum spp. 68.4%, fasciola spp. 48%, eurytrema spp. 23.5%, moniezia spp. 8%, dictyocaulus spp. 3.5%, trichostrongylus spp. 12.4%, and other species 26.8%, respectively. 2. i ...197112913616
[infestation of bulinus contortus with cercaria schistosoma bovis (sonsino, 1876) and with paramphistomum cervi (schrank, 1790) in various seasons of the year]. 195313160216
the life cycle of paramphistomum microbothrium fischoeder, 1901 (trematoda, paramphistomidae). 195413214899
paramphistomum sukari n. sp. from kenya cattle and its intermediate host. 195413214916
the discovery of paramphistomum hiberniae willmott, 1950 and its intermediate host in the channel islands. 195513263552
development of paramphistomum sukari dinnik, 1954 (trematoda: paramphistomidae) in a snail host. 195713441318
[retention of the genus bothriophoron stiles and goldberger, 1910, and restoration of the species paramphistomum bothriophoron, (braun, 1892) fischoeder, 1901, (trematoda, paramphistomatidae), a parasite of the reticulum of the madagascan zebu]. 195813571715
paramphistomum phillerouxi sp. nov. paramphistomatidae) and its development in bulinus forskalii. 196113723003
a study on paramphistomum microbothrium in khuzistan, s.w. iran. 196214013712
[further inquiries on paramphistomosis (paramphistomum cervi) in sardinia]. 196314123058
paramphistomum sukumum sp.nov. and other stomach-flukes from cattle in the sukumaland area of the lake region, tanganyika. 196414170212
seasonal trends of paramphistomum cervi in tabasco, mexico.thirty rumens were examined every month from may 1989 to april 1992 to establish seasonal trends of infection and their relationship to the climatic factors caused by paramphistomum cervi in cattle. the cattle were chosen from three municipalities of the sierra region in tabasco: jalapa, tacotalpa and teapa. p. cervi was found throughout the year with prevalence between 3.33 and 96.67%, and with a yearly average of 39.10%. the major period of infection was shown in jalapa. however, the maximum m ...200314559164
natural infections of omphiscola glabra (lymnaeidae) with fasciola hepatica in central larval forms of fasciola hepatica have periodically been detected in omphiscola glabraafter their collection from watercress beds or from meadows since 1995, field investigations in 37 populations of o. glabra were carried from 1996 to 2002. this was done in order to determine the changes in prevalences and intensities of these natural infections with f. hepatica in relation to the type of snail habitat and the year of snail collection. snails infected with f. hepatica were found in all sampl ...200314564511
fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi: field observations on the transport and outcome of floating metacercariae in running water.experimental investigations in eight open drainage ditches and furrows from central france were carried out to analyse the dispersal of floating metacercariae of two digenean species by running water and to determine the outcome of larvae which settled on nasturtium officinale (watercress). the frequencies of larvae found after their transport by water ranged from 33% to 49.7%, thus indicating that more than half of the metacercariae used in this experiment had fallen to the bottom of the water ...200415153290
fasciola hepatica: the developmental patterns of redial generations in naturally infected galba truncatula.a retrospective study on 1,211 snails naturally infected with fasciola hepatica in central france was carried out to determine the numbers of full-grown sporocysts from which infections derived, to specify the developmental patterns of redial generations (normal or abnormal) and to count live and free rediae. in the department of haute vienne (siliceous subsoils), most snails showed single-sporocyst infections, with normal (46.3%) or abnormal (33.9%) development of redial generations. two-sporoc ...200415338285
fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi: vertical distribution of metacercariae on plants under natural conditions.four experiments on the metacercariae of fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out under natural conditions in order to study their vertical location on submerged plants and to determine whether simultaneous cercarial shedding of both digenea causes changes in the distributions of the metacercariae. these experiments were performed in experimental boxes, each containing six tufts of rushes. most metacercariae (73.0%) of f. hepatica were found along the walls of boxes, while ...200415338293
a new species of paramphistomum from scottish cattle. 195015404731
fasciola hepatica: epidemiological surveillance of natural watercress beds in central france.a total of 59 natural watercress beds in the limousin region (central france) was surveyed over a 15-year period (1990-2004) to detect the contamination of watercress by the metacercariae of fasciola hepatica and to determine the presence of larval forms in the two species of lymnaeids which live in these waterholes in june and july. the number of beds contaminated with f. hepatica metacercariae varied over the years, and the burden of the larvae on plants was low: a mean of 2.6-6.3 per bed. the ...200515682341
27 kda fasciola gigantica glycoprotein for the diagnosis of prepatent fasciolosis in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using 27 kda glycoprotein of fasciola gigantica has been evaluated for its potential use in the diagnosis of bovine fasciolosis. following experimental infection of rabbits, f. gigantica infection-induced antibodies were isolated and later used as ligands in affinity chromatography for isolation of infection-induced antibody-specific proteins. among the five infection-specific proteins isolated, a glycoprotein of 27 kda was later isolated by ...200515730136
characterization of specific and cross-reacting antigens of fasciola gigantica by immunoblotting.somatic antigens of f. gigantica, g. explanatum, s. spindale and hydatid cyst ingredients were analysed to identify the cross-reactive antigens among them using western blot technique. when probed with f. gigantica infected cattle sera, the immunodominant 156 kda and 28 kda proteins of f. gigantica was found common amongst the antigens prepared from hydatid cysts ingredients like germinal layer, fertile and sterile, hydatid fluid, fertile and sterile, while another protein of 34 kda was shared b ...200515952043
comparative diagnostic potentiality of elisa and dot-elisa in prepatent diagnosis of experimental fasciola gigantica infection in cattle.a glycoprotein (27 kda) was isolated from crude somatic antigen of fasciola gigantica by two steps affinity chromatography and was used in early detection of experimental fasciolosis in cattle by indirect elisa and in dot-elisa formats. although, anti-27 kda antibodies could be detected after 3 weeks post infection (wpi) by dot - elisa which was one week later than indirect elisa. the test, dot-elisa, was more convenient in field application. by the test (dot-elisa) the infection could be equall ...200515991579
cathepsin l cysteine proteinase in the diagnosis of bovine fasciola gigantica infection.cathepsin l cysteine proteinase from fasciola gigantica was evaluated for its potential in the early prepatent detection of this helminth infection in bovine calves. five cross-bred bovine calves were experimentally infected with 400 metacercariae/calf and evaluated for anti-cathepsin l antibody response. f. gigantica infection in these calves could be detected 4 weeks post-infection using an elisa, dipstick elisa and western blotting with 100% sensitivity. the antigen was also used to detect f. ...200616300897
multiple active site conformers in the carbon monoxide complexes of trematode hemoglobins.sequence alignment of hemoglobins of the trematodes paramphistomum epiclitum and gastrothylax crumenifer with myoglobin suggests the presence of an unusual active site structure in which two tyrosine residues occupy the e7 and b10 helical positions. in the crystal structure of p. epiclitum hemoglobin, such an e7-b10 tyrosine pair at the putative helical positions has been observed, although the e7 tyr is displaced toward cd region of the polypeptide. resonance raman data on both p. epiclitum and ...200616481317
some parasitic flukes infecting farm animals in al-santa center, gharbia governorate, egypt.a total of 213 farm animals in the vicinity of al-santa center (73 cattle, 90 buffaloes and 50 sheep) were coprologic examined for natural infection with trematod-parasites. the results showed that cattle were infected with fasciola sp (21.8%) and paramphistomum sp. (7.3%), buffaloes were infected with fasciola sp. (17.7%) and paramphistomum sp. (10%), while sheep were infected with fasciola sp. (30%), d. dendriticum (5%) and paramphistomum sp. (4%). the three animal species were treated for par ...200616605115
immuno-diagnosis of bubaline fasciolosis with fasciola gigantica cathepsin-l and recombinant cathepsin l 1-d proteases.fasciola gigantica cathepsin-l cysteine proteinase and recombinant cathepsin l 1-d were assessed for their potential in the immuno-diagnosis of f. gigantica infection in buffaloes. a diagnostic elisa, based on these two antigens, was developed to detect antibodies against f. gigantica in water buffaloes. sensitivity of the elisa was assessed using sera from buffaloes experimentally or naturally infected with f. gigantica from f. gigantica endemic areas and its specificity by probing the sera of ...200616647680
survey of helminths in adult sheep in heilongjiang province, people's republic of china.the prevalence of helminths in adult sheep was investigated in heilongjiang province, people's republic of china between january 1999 and september 2003. a total of 326 adult sheep representing local breeds (xingjiang fine wool sheep, dongbei fine wool sheep) as well as introduced breeds (merino and charollais) from representative geographical locations in heilongjiang province were slaughtered and examined for the presence of helminths. the worms were examined, counted and identified to species ...200616713098
high annealing temperature-random amplified polymorphic dna (hat-rapd) analysis of three paramphistome flukes from thailand.the rumen flukes of 37 cows (bos indicus) from chiang mai and lamphun provinces were investigated, and the overall prevalence of infection was 78.38% (29/37). three species were found: paramphistomum epiclitum, orthocoelium streptocoelium, and fischoederius elongatus with prevalences of infection of 75.68%, 48.65%, and 40.54%, respectively. genomic dna was amplified by polymerase chain reaction based on the high annealing temperature-random amplification of polymorphic dna (hat-rapd) technique. ...200716889772
prepatent detection of fasciola gigantica infection in bovine calves using metacercarial antigen.metacercarial antigen of fasciola gigantica was evaluated for early immunodiagnosis of experimental bovine fasciolosis using elisa and western blot. in elisa, the experimental f. gigantica infection was detected as early as 2 weeks post-infection (wpi). the gradual increasing trend of antibody level was observed from 2 to 7 wpi, followed by a plateau, which was maintained up to 14 wpi. in western blot, sera from experimentally infected calves recognized one distinct polypeptide of 21 kda in frac ...200616999031
optimization of metacercarial production for three digenean species by the use of petri dishes for raising lettuce-fed galba truncatula.experimental infections of galba truncatula with fasciola hepatica, fascioloides magna, or paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out at 20 degrees c to determine if the use of 14-cm petri dishes for breeding lettuce-fed snails enhanced the characteristics of snail infections. compared to infected snails raised in boxes up to day 30 post-exposure and later in individual 35-mm dishes, the survival of g. truncatula kept in 14-cm dishes and the shell height of cercariae-shedding snails during the fir ...200717061111
natural infection by paramphistomoidea stiles and goldberger, 1910 trematodes in wild marsh deer (blastocerus dichotomus illiger, 1815) from sérgio mottas's hydroelectric power station flooding area.studies on helminthfauna of marsh deer blastocerus dichotomus illiger, 1815 are rare, although helminthic diseases are an important cause of mortality in these animals. fifteen male and female adult marsh deer from sergio motta's hydroelectric power station flooding area at paraná river which died during the capture and quarantine procedures, between 1998 and 1999, were necropsied. three trematodes species, paramphistomum cervi, balanorchis anastrofus and zygocotyle lunatum, all belonging to sup ...200617196114
risk periods of infection by calicophoron daubneyi (digenea:paramphistomidae) in cattle from oceanic climate areas.from march 2001 to february 2004, 724 faecal samples of cattle under field conditions were collected in 121 farms from lugo (nw spain), an area with oceanic climate. the risk periods of infection by paramphistomum trematoda in cattle was assessed by analyzing the prevalence of paramphistomosis, egg-output and climatic data. a significantly higher percentage of cattle passing trematode eggs by faeces was recorded firstly in september and secondly in march. the greatest numbers of eggs were achiev ...200717323101
ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of paramphistomum microbothrium (fischoeder 1901; digenea, paramphistomidae), a parasite of bos taurus in senegal.the ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of paramphistomum microbothrium gave evidence of some characteristics of this digenean. the intercentriolar body located between two striated roots and two centrioles exhibits a symmetric plane. the two external bands of this intercentriolar body are made up of a line of granules. the striated roots are about 3.7-microm long. during spermiogenesis, a flagellar rotation of 90 degrees is described. the spermatozoon is characterized i ...200717323137
prevalence and intensity of infections in the lymnaeid snail omphiscola glabra experimentally infected with fasciola hepatica, fascioloides magna and paramphistomum daubneyi.single and double infections of juvenile omphiscola glabra (gastropoda: lymnaeidae) with paramphistomum daubneyi and/or fasciola hepatica were carried out to determine the redial burden and cercarial production in snails dissected at day 60 or at day 75 post-exposure (p.e.) in the laboratory at 20 degrees c. the results were compared with those obtained with single-miracidium infections by fascioloides magna. compared to f. hepatica, low values were noted at day 75 p.e. for the prevalence of sna ...200717381861
reliability of coprological diagnosis of paramphistomum sp. infection in cows.a modified macmaster method was tested to check its reliability for the diagnosis of bovine paramphistomosis in france. a total number of 148 fecal samples from cows examined post-mortem were analysed. coprological results were in accordance with necropsic examinations. bayesian techniques (markov chain monte carlo) were used to estimate the diagnostic parameters of each of these tests. two scenarios were envisaged: one assuming a sensitivity of the necropsic examination equal to 1 and one assum ...200717391854
ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of paramphistomum microbothrium [fischoeder 1901] (digenea: paramphistomidae), a parasite of bos taurus in senegal.the ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of paramphistomum microbothrium gave evidence of some characteristics of this digenean. the intercentriolar body located between two striated roots and two centrioles exhibits a symmetric plane. the two external bands of this intercentriolar body are made up of a line of granules. the striated roots are about 3.7 microm long. during spermiogenesis, a flagellar rotation of 90 degrees is described. the spermatozoon is characterized i ...200717401579
paramphistomum spp. in dairy cattle in québec.few cases of infection with paramphistomum spp. have been reported from cattle in canada. during the course of a recent study of bovine fascioliasis both p. microbothrioides and p. liorchis were found in the rumen of dairy cattle slaughtered in a quebec abattoir. eggs in feces were distinguished on the basis of their size. coprological analysis of 932 samples from 601 cows on 17 selected farms in portneuf county (quebec) revealed that 34% of the animals were infected with p. microbothrioides and ...198417422453
dna quantities and qualities from various stages of some trematodes using optical and hat-rapd methods.the aim of this experiment was to minimize dna quantity and quality for detection by optical (spectrophotometer at 260 nm and 280 nm) and hat-rapd methods. total dna from different stages, adult, metacercaria and eggs of 6 trematode species were isolated for analysis. in this experiment, the adult trematodes were classified into 3 groups by size: small, haplorchis taichui and stellantchasmus falcatus; medium, opisthorchis viverrini and ganeo tigrinus; and large, paramphistomum epiclitum and fisc ...200617547055
gastrointestinal parasite egg excretion in young calves in periurban livestock production in acquire the information needed to improve parasite control in periurban cattle production in mali, repeated sampling of faeces of 694 calves kept around bamako was done in 2003/2004. the effects of season, age, breed, management type, parasite control and presence of sheep on egg and oocyst counts were determined. a bayesian model was used with a negative binomial distribution and herd and individual effects, to account for the clustering of calves in herds and the repeated sampling. intervie ...200817573084
paramphistomum spp: improved artificial excystment and in vitro culture of immature and adult stages.the aims of the present study were to establish an adequate excystment method for metacercariae of paramphistomum spp. and to compare the in vitro survival of paramphistomids in three different culture media. in a preliminary study, 31 different assays were performed solely with the purpose of obtaining the best percentage of metacercariae excystment. once the best excystment method was selected, 21 further assays using 100 metacercariae/assay were carried out to determine the average percentage ...200717768639
parasite development and visceral pathology in galba truncatula co-infected with fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi.histological investigations in galba truncatula naturally or experimentally co-infected with fasciola hepatica and paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out to study parasite development and the responses of the digestive gland and kidney of snails, as larval forms of these digeneans often use these two sites for their growth within the snail's body. the number of live rediae per snail ranged from 2.4 to 4.2 for the dominating parasite (it developed in the digestive gland) and was less than 2.0 f ...200717875230
paramphistomum cervi: antigenic profile of adults as recognized by infected cattle antigenic profile of adult paramphistomum cervi was revealed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) and immunoblotting using sera from cattle naturally infected with p. cervi, fasciola gigantica and strongylids. sds-page of whole worm extracts exhibited 26 distinct protein bands. immunoblotting analysis of these proteins showed five major antigenic bands which were recognized by serum of individual cattle naturally infected with p. cervi. these antigenic prot ...200817892871
prevalence and seasonal incidence of nematode parasites and fluke infections of sheep and goats in eastern ethiopia.a 2-year abattoir survey was carried out to determine the prevalence, abundance and seasonal incidence of gastro-intestinal (gi) nematodes and trematodes (flukes) of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of eastern ethiopia. during may 2003 to april 2005, viscera including liver, lungs and gi tracts were collected from 655 sheep and 632 goats slaughtered at 4 abattoirs located in the towns of haramaya, harar, dire dawa and jijiga in eastern ethiopia. all animals were raised in the farming areas ...200717969715
action of hexachloroethane-bentonite suspension on the rumen fluke, paramphistomum. 194918114816
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 228