molecular identification of traces from the white-tailed sea eagle. | over the preceeding decades, after periods of dramatic decline and extinction in many parts of europe, the white-tailed sea eagle (haliaeetus albicilla) has re-colonized traditional breeding areas. however, this large apex predator remains threatened, not only by the bioaccumulation of environmental pollutants, but also by targeted poisoning and poaching. in connection with a forensic case, a novel pcr assay was developed for the sensitive and specific detection of sea eagle dna traces in questi ... | 2013 | 22926772 |
selection of flight feathers from buteo buteo and accipiter gentilis for use in biomonitoring heavy metal contamination. | the concentrations of hg were determined in all primary flight feathers from 20 specimens of buteo buteo and 49 specimens of accipiter gentilis, which had died in various wildlife recovery centres in galicia (nw spain) between 2001 and 2009. the aim of the study was to standardize the feather or feathers that should be analyzed in each species to enable inter-individual comparison of the levels of contamination, taking into consideration any variability in the concentrations of hg caused by the ... | 2012 | 22481053 |
use of raptors for biomonitoring of heavy metals: gender, age and tissue selection. | the concentrations of cadmium, mercury and lead were determined in liver, kidney and feathers of accipiter gentilis, buteo buteo and strix aluco. no significant differences in the concentrations of metals were observed in relation to either age or gender. cadmium levels in feathers and in kidney were significantly correlated (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05) in all species. in b. buteo, cadmium concentrations in feathers and in liver were also correlated (p < 0.01), as were the concentrations of lead in fe ... | 2011 | 21336862 |
specialized photoreceptor composition in the raptor fovea. | the retinae of many bird species contain a depression with high photoreceptor density known as the fovea. many species of raptors have two foveae, a deep central fovea and a shallower temporal fovea. birds have six types of photoreceptors: rods, active in dim light, double cones that are thought to mediate achromatic discrimination, and four types of single cones mediating color vision. to maximize visual acuity, the fovea should only contain photoreceptors contributing to high-resolution vision ... | 2017 | 28199005 |
feather corticosterone content in predatory birds in relation to body condition and hepatic metal concentration. | this study investigated the feasibility of measuring corticosterone in feathers from cryo-archived raptor specimens, in order to provide a retrospective assessment of the activity of the stress axis in relation to contaminant burden. feather samples were taken from sparrowhawk accipiter nisus, kestrel falco tinnunculus, buzzard buteo buteo, barn owl tyto alba, and tawny owl strix aluco and the variation in feather cort concentrations with respect to species, age, sex, feather position, and body ... | 2015 | 25776461 |
trypanosomes and haemosporidia in the buzzard (buteo buteo) and sparrowhawk (accipiter nisus): factors affecting the prevalence of parasites. | the prevalences of heteroxenous parasites are influenced by the interplay of three main actors: hosts, vectors, and the parasites themselves. we studied blood protists in the nesting populations of raptors in two different areas of the czech republic. altogether, 788 nestlings and 258 adult eurasian sparrowhawks (accipiter nisus) and 321 nestlings and 86 adult common buzzards (buteo buteo) were screened for parasites by the microscopic examination of blood smears and by cultivation. we examined ... | 2015 | 25403377 |
assessment of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in six raptor species from the canary islands (spain). | anticoagulant rodenticides are highly toxic compounds that are widely used for pest control of rodents, but that also may threaten the wildlife's health. this work aimed to assess the exposure to first- and second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (ars) in six birds of prey species from the canary islands (spain). the concentrations of seven widely used ars were determined by lc-ms/ms in 104 liver samples of six species of birds of prey (buteo buteo, accipiter nisus, falco pelegrinoides, fal ... | 2014 | 24742545 |
ultraviolet sensitivity and colour vision in raptor foraging. | raptors have excellent vision, yet it is unclear how they use colour information. it has been suggested that raptors use ultraviolet (uv) reflections from vole urine to find good hunting grounds. in contrast, uv plumage colours in songbirds such as blue tits are assumed to be 'hidden' communication signals, inconspicuous to raptors. this ambiguity results from a lack of knowledge about raptor ocular media transmittance, which sets the limit for uv sensitivity. we measured ocular media transmitta ... | 2013 | 23785106 |
assessment of trace element concentrations in birds of prey in korea. | this study presents liver concentrations of trace elements of cinereous vultures (aegypius monachus), common buzzards (buteo buteo), common kestrels (falco tinnunculus), and eurasian eagle owls (bubo bubo) collected in korea from 2007 to 2008. iron (fe), manganese (mn), copper (cu), lead (pb), and cadmium (cd) concentrations in common kestrel juveniles were greater than in other juveniles of birds of prey. adult cinereous vultures had greater fe, pb, and cd concentrations than in those of other ... | 2016 | 26662578 |
estimating cranial musculoskeletal constraints in theropod dinosaurs. | many inferences on the biology, behaviour and ecology of extinct vertebrates are based on the reconstruction of the musculature and rely considerably on its accuracy. although the advent of digital reconstruction techniques has facilitated the creation and testing of musculoskeletal hypotheses in recent years, muscle strain capabilities have rarely been considered. here, a digital modelling approach using the freely available visualization and animation software blender is applied to estimate cr ... | 2015 | 26716007 |
[morphological studies in different avian species on artefacts induced by euthanasia with t 61 " or pentobarbital (narcoren)]. | in mammals (e. g. macaques, dogs, cats, rats, sheep) as well as in men (suicides) euthanasia performed by intravenous injection of t 61 leads to serious lesions in lung, kidney or/and liver (endothelial damage, hyperemia, oedema, necrosis). this is caused by the solvent dimethylformamide (dmf). in this study, in contrast, in different species of birds (e. g. blackbird, carrion crow, kestrel, common buzzard, homer pigeon, common wood pigeon, mallard duck) and various modes of applications and dos ... | 2013 | 22372321 |
an experimental study of vertebrate scavenging behavior in a northwest european woodland context. | vertebrate scavengers can modify surface deposited human remains which can hinder forensic investigations. the effects of such scavenging vary between species and regions. published research into the effects of the scavenging of human remains is dominated by work from north america with few studies covering northwestern europe. forensic scientists, investigators, and police search officers in northwestern europe are often left questioning on a basic level as to which scavengers are active and ho ... | 2014 | 24611615 |
an overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in europe. | biomonitoring using raptors as sentinels can provide early warning of the potential impacts of contaminants on humans and the environment and also a means of tracking the success of associated mitigation measures. examples include detection of heavy metal-induced immune system impairment, pcb-induced altered reproductive impacts, and toxicity associated with lead in shot game. authorisation of such releases and implementation of mitigation is now increasingly delivered through eu-wide directives ... | 2014 | 24632328 |
hematocrit and blood chemistry values in captive raptors (gyps fulvus, buteo buteo, milvus migrans, aquila heliaca). | 1. eight hematological values were determined in blood samples from 88 raptors representing 10 species. 2. means, standard errors, ranges and coefficients of variations were obtained for each parameter and species investigated. 3. the griffon vulture (gyps fulvus) showed mean concentrations of glucose lower than those of most of the other species. 4. concentrations of urea in the buzzard (buteo buteo) were higher than those of the other raptors studied, and the black kite (milvus migrans) had ch ... | 1987 | 2887380 |
anatomical study of the musculus deltoideus and musculus flexor carpi ulnaris in 3 species of wild birds. | given the limited information regarding the anatomy of the thoracic limb in european avian species, we decided to investigate the related muscles in the grey heron (ardea cinerea), in the eurasian buzzard (buteo buteo), and in the common kestrel (falco tinnunculus). therefore we performed a stratigraphic dissection of the wing in 3 subjects. the pars major and minor of the musculus deltoideus, despite being roughly in line with those reported by other authors in other species, displayed unique f ... | 2017 | 26681506 |
unintentional wildlife poisoning and proposals for sustainable management of rodents. | in europe, bromadiolone, an anticoagulant rodenticide authorized for plant protection, may be applied intensively in fields to control rodents. the high level of poisoning of wildlife that follows such treatments over large areas has been frequently reported. in france, bromadiolone has been used to control water voles (arvicola terrestris) since the 1980s. both regulation and practices of rodent control have evolved during the last 15 years to restrict the quantity of poisoned bait used by farm ... | 2014 | 24405288 |
causes of admission for raptors to the tafira wildlife rehabilitation center, gran canaria island, spain: 2003-13. | we report the causes of morbidity of 2,458 free-living raptors admitted to the tafira wildlife rehabilitation center on gran canaria island, spain, during 2003-13. the seasonal cumulative incidences were investigated while considering estimates of the wild populations in the region. these methods were used as a more accurate approach to assess the potential ecologic impact of different causes of morbidity. the most frequently admitted species were the eurasian kestrel ( falco tinnunculus ; 53.0% ... | 2016 | 27243151 |
acanthocephalans of the genus centrorhynchus (palaeacanthocephala: centrorhynchidae) of birds of prey (falconiformes) and owls (strigiformes) in slovakia. | three species of thorny-headed worms of the genus centrorhynchus were found to parasitize birds of prey and owls in the territory of the slovakia during the years 2012-2014. out of 286 examined bird individuals belonging to 23 species, only buteo buteo, buteo rufinus, falco tinnunculus (falconiformes), asio otus, strix aluco, strix uralensis and tyto alba (strigiformes) were infected by acanthocephalans. all the bird species except for s. aluco represent new host records for slovakia. the most p ... | 2015 | 25786606 |
heteroxenous coccidia increase the predation risk of parasitized rodents. | we have investigated the influence of heteroxenous coccidia (apicomplexa: eimeriorina) on the predation risk of intermediate hosts. voles infected with frenkelia spp. were found more frequently in buzzards' (buteo buteo) prey than among snap-trapped rodents. to eliminate the possibility of traps selecting for uninfected rodents, a laboratory experiment was performed. mice experimentally infected with sarcocystis dispersa seemed to be more likely caught by the final host, the long-eared owl (asio ... | 1998 | 9881375 |
prognostic indicators associated with early mortality of wild raptors admitted to a wildlife rehabilitation centre in spain. | assessment of the prognostic indicators of wildlife casualties is critical in wildlife rehabilitation practice, to optimize the use of economical resources, and to protect animal welfare. few studies have been conducted in this field. | 2015 | 25443779 |
schirmer tear test type i readings and intraocular pressure values assessed by applanation tonometry (tonopen® xl) in normal eyes of four european species of birds of prey. | to determine normal values for schirmer tear test i and intraocular pressure in four european species of birds of prey. | 2013 | 23173951 |
bilateral mydriasis in common buzzards (buteo buteo) and little owls (athene noctua) induced by concurrent topical administration of rocuronium bromide. | to evaluate the achievement of a bilateral mydriasis in raptors induced by a concurrent topical application of rocuronium bromide and to assess any side effects that might result from its use. animals studied ten healthy adult common buzzards (buteo buteo) and 10 healthy adult little owls (athene noctua). | 2010 | 20840082 |
multidirectional chromosome painting substantiates the occurrence of extensive genomic reshuffling within accipitriformes. | previous cross-species painting studies with probes from chicken (gallus gallus) chromosomes 1-10 and a paint pool of nineteen microchromosomes have revealed that the drastic karyotypic reorganization in accipitridae is due to extensive synteny disruptions and associations. however, the number of synteny association events and identities of microchromosomes involved in such synteny associations remain undefined, due to the lack of paint probes derived from individual chicken microchromosomes. mo ... | 2015 | 26409465 |
threat-sensitive anti-predator defence in precocial wader, the northern lapwing vanellus vanellus. | birds exhibit various forms of anti-predator behaviours to avoid reproductive failure, with mobbing-observation, approach and usually harassment of a predator-being one of the most commonly observed. here, we investigate patterns of temporal variation in the mobbing response exhibited by a precocial species, the northern lapwing (vanellus vanellus). we test whether brood age and self-reliance, or the perceived risk posed by various predators, affect mobbing response of lapwings. we quantified ag ... | 2016 | 27738383 |
long-term effective population size dynamics of an intensively monitored vertebrate population. | long-term genetic data from intensively monitored natural populations are important for understanding how effective population sizes (ne) can vary over time. we therefore genotyped 1622 common buzzard (buteo buteo) chicks sampled over 12 consecutive years (2002-2013 inclusive) at 15 microsatellite loci. this data set allowed us to both compare single-sample with temporal approaches and explore temporal patterns in the effective number of parents that produced each cohort in relation to the obser ... | 2016 | 27553455 |
can ingestion of lead shot and poisons change population trends of three european birds: grey partridge, common buzzard, and red kite? | little is known about the magnitude of the effects of lead shot ingestion alone or combined with poisons (e.g., in bait or seeds/granules containing pesticides) on population size, growth, and extinction of non-waterbird avian species that ingest these substances. we used population models to create example scenarios demonstrating how changes in these parameters might affect three susceptible species: grey partridge (perdix perdix), common buzzard (buteo buteo), and red kite (milvus milvus). we ... | 2016 | 26799815 |
de novo assembly of the dual transcriptomes of a polymorphic raptor species and its malarial parasite. | studies of non-model species are important for understanding the molecular processes underpinning phenotypic variation under natural ecological conditions. the common buzzard (buteo buteo; aves: accipitriformes) is a widespread and common eurasian raptor with three distinct plumage morphs that differ in several fitness-related traits, including parasite infestation. to provide a genomic resource for plumage polymorphic birds in general and to search for candidate genes relating to fitness, we ge ... | 2015 | 26645667 |
territory quality and plumage morph predict offspring sex ratio variation in a raptor. | parents may adapt their offspring sex ratio in response to their own phenotype and environmental conditions. the most significant causes for adaptive sex-ratio variation might express themselves as different distributions of fitness components between sexes along a given variable. several causes for differential sex allocation in raptors with reversed sexual size dimorphism have been suggested. we search for correlates of fledgling sex in an extensive dataset on common buzzards buteo buteo, a lo ... | 2015 | 26445010 |
when the prey gets too big: an uncommon road accident involving a motorcyclist, a car and a bird. | we present the postmortem findings of a fatal road accident involving a motorcyclist, a car, and a common buzzard. both the motorcyclist and the bird died on the scene of the accident and were examined by postmortem full-body ct and autopsy. in addition, a facial injury of the motorcyclist was compared with the dimensions of the buzzard's beak and claws by 3d scan technologies. blood splatters collected on the bird's beak, feet, and tail were examined by dna analysis. the overall findings sugges ... | 2016 | 25895067 |
light and electron microscopic studies on the pigmented epithelium and photoreceptors of the retina of common buzzard (buteo buteo). | the current study is essentially carried out to reveal the histological and ultra-structural details of the retinal pigmented epithelium (rpe) and photoreceptors cell layers of a common buzzard (buteo buteo). the recorded results revealed that the neural retina of common buzzard consisted of seven distinct cell layers. the inner nuclear layer was markedly revealed as the thickest one among these layers. a highly melanized rpe was recorded in between the choroid and neural retina. histologically, ... | 2015 | 25541273 |
complete mitochondrial genome of himalayan buzzard (buteo buteo burmanicus). | in this study, the complete sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of buteo buteo burmanicus was determined. this mitogenome was 18,231 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rrna genes, 22 trna genes, a control region (cr) and a pseudo-control region (ψcr). the overall base composition of the heavy strand was a, 30.8%; g, 13.2%; c, 31.8%; and t, 24.2%, with a slight at bias of 65.1%. the complete mitogenomic data may provide more informative for phylogenetic approach for soft co ... | 2016 | 25211082 |
scavenging of rodent carcasses following simulated mortality due to field applications of anticoagulant rodenticide. | worldwide, agricultural uses of anticoagulant rodenticides (ars) cause poisonings of non-target wildlife as observed in france where bromadiolone is used to control water vole outbreaks. following bromadiolone field application, a part of the vole population may die aboveground of the treated plots and thus, can represent an important risk of secondary poisoning for scavengers. in this study, water voles were trapped in a non-treated area and their carcasses were placed aboveground in plots loca ... | 2014 | 25147048 |
biomonitoring of heavy metals (cd, hg, and pb) and metalloid (as) with the portuguese common buzzard (buteo buteo). | the accumulation of heavy metals in the environment may have a wide range of health effects on animals and humans. thus, in this study, the concentrations of arsenic (as), cadmium (cd), lead (pb), and mercury (hg) in the blood and tissues (liver and kidney) of portuguese common buzzards (buteo buteo) were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (icp-ms) in order to monitor environmental pollution to these elements. in general, hg and as were the elements which appeared in the ... | 2014 | 25074364 |
chewing lice (phthiraptera) species of wild birds in northwestern turkey with a new host record. | the goal of this study was to identify the chewing lice species of migratory and non-migratory wild birds in the province of bursa, which is located in northwestern turkey, between august 2009 and november 2012. sixty-eight birds brought to the animal hospital in need of medical intervention, which belonged to 25 species, 20 genera and 15 families in 10 orders, were examined for ectoparasites. to sample for the presence of chewing lice, an insecticide was pulverised on the feathers of each bird ... | 2013 | 24533339 |
[monitoring the success of veterinary treatment in rehabilitated and released birds of prey using radiotelemetry]. | free-ranging birds of prey brought to veterinary practice should only be treated after thorough diagnostics. before their release back into the wild, specific training - including falconry techniques - may be necessary, depending on raptor species and age. rehabilitated birds of prey were monitored using radiotelemetry after release back into the wild. the success of veterinary therapy and the prognosis of treated diseases/injuries in free-ranging birds were evaluated. in addition, the use of ra ... | 2014 | 24518945 |
digital dissection - using contrast-enhanced computed tomography scanning to elucidate hard- and soft-tissue anatomy in the common buzzard buteo buteo. | gross dissection has a long history as a tool for the study of human or animal soft- and hard-tissue anatomy. however, apart from being a time-consuming and invasive method, dissection is often unsuitable for very small specimens and often cannot capture spatial relationships of the individual soft-tissue structures. the handful of comprehensive studies on avian anatomy using traditional dissection techniques focus nearly exclusively on domestic birds, whereas raptorial birds, and in particular ... | 2014 | 24350638 |
in vitro evaluation of cell death induced by cadmium, lead and their binary mixtures on erythrocytes of common buzzard (buteo buteo). | cadmium and lead are persistent and ubiquitous metals that can cause several deleterious effects in living beings. apoptosis and necrosis are two types of cell death that can be found after in vivo and in vitro exposure to these metals. in this study, isolated red blood cells from living captive common buzzard (buteo buteo) were exposed in vitro to different concentrations of lead, cadmium, and the mixture lead-cadmium in a proportion of 1:10 (similar to that found in previous field studies). da ... | 2014 | 24287112 |
optical coherence tomography as a diagnostic tool for retinal pathologies in avian ophthalmology. | optical coherence tomography (oct) is an established diagnostic tool for retinal pathologies in human eyes and has been adapted to small animal models. however, there have been only a few attempts to use oct for examination of avian eyes, and little is known about structural details of healthy or pathologically affected retinas in living birds. | 2013 | 24282225 |
variation at phenological candidate genes correlates with timing of dispersal and plumage morph in a sedentary bird of prey. | polymorphic genes involved in the conserved molecular signalling of circadian and circannual clocks may play important roles in governing the timing of breeding and dispersal and thereby affect fitness in vertebrates. however, relatively few studies have explored associations between phenological candidate genes and behaviour, and these are somewhat biased towards particular taxonomic groups such as passerine birds and salmonid fish. consequently, we assayed microsatellite polymorphisms within t ... | 2013 | 24118393 |
no correlation between multi-locus heterozygosity and fitness in the common buzzard despite heterozygote advantage for plumage colour. | correlations between heterozygosity and fitness are frequently found but rarely well understood. fitness can be affected by single loci of large effect which correlate with neutral markers via linkage disequilibrium, or as a result of variation in genome-wide heterozygosity following inbreeding. we explored these alternatives in the common buzzard, a raptor species in which three colour morphs differ in their lifetime reproductive success. using 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci, we evaluated p ... | 2013 | 23980596 |
what is your diagnosis? blood smear from a common buzzard (buteo buteo). | | 2013 | 23432544 |
variation in predator species abundance can cause variable selection pressure on warning signaling prey. | predation pressure is expected to drive visual warning signals to evolve toward conspicuousness. however, coloration of defended species varies tremendously and can at certain instances be considered as more camouflaged rather than conspicuous. recent theoretical studies suggest that the variation in signal conspicuousness can be caused by variation (within or between species) in predators' willingness to attack defended prey or by the broadness of the predators' signal generalization. if some o ... | 2012 | 22957197 |
serum biochemistry and electrophoretic patterns in the eurasian buzzard (buteo buteo): reference values. | in avian medicine, hematologic and biochemical laboratory investigations are still in their infancy, because of the difficulty involved in collecting data. this has led to a lack of reference values and a nonstandardized approach to specimens obtained in critical conditions. the eurasian buzzard (buteo buteo) is one of the most common raptors in italy, yet little is known about the physiologic blood parameters of this species. serum biochemistry and electrophoretic investigations were performed ... | 2009 | 19617496 |
common buzzards (buteo buteo) bio-indicators of heavy metals pollution in sicily (italy). | the aim of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of toxic (as, cd and pb) and essential (cu, mn and zn) metals in samples (feathers, liver, kidney, lung, intestine and muscle) of common buzzards (buteo buteo) from sicily, used as bio-indicators for monitoring environmental metals pollution. all samples of buzzards were collected at the "recovery center of wild fauna" of palermo, through the zooprophilactic institute. the quantitative determinations of metals were carried out using an atomi ... | 2009 | 19167074 |
is external contamination with organic pollutants important for concentrations measured in bird feathers? | although there is increasing evidence that bird feathers can be used as a non-destructive biomonitoring tool for organic pollutants [such as polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane and metabolites (ddts)], the importance of external contamination of these organic pollutants onto the feathers has not been considered. here we examine to which extent external contamination of organic pollutants occurs onto the feathers of a ... | 2007 | 17391763 |
can predatory bird feathers be used as a non-destructive biomonitoring tool of organic pollutants? | the monitoring of different types of pollutants that are released into the environment and that present risks for both humans and wildlife has become increasingly important. in this study, we examined whether feathers of predatory birds can be used as a non-destructive biomonitor of organic pollutants. we demonstrate that polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) are measurable in one single tail feather of common buzzards ... | 2006 | 17148383 |
the pharmacokinetic behaviour of marbofloxacin in eurasian buzzards (buteo buteo) after intraosseous administration. | this study reports on the administration of a single dose of marbofloxacin (2 mg/kg) to five adult eurasian buzzards (buteo buteo) by the intraosseous (io) route, which has been proposed as a rapid and efficient means for the parenteral delivery of antimicrobial drugs. the drug was rapidly absorbed. peak marbofloxacin concentration (c(max)) in plasma and area under the concentration-time curve (auc) of 1.92+/-0.78 microg/ml and 8.53+/-2.73 microg h/ml, respectively. the time marbofloxacin remain ... | 2006 | 16624724 |
reference intervals for hematologic and biochemical constituents and protein electrophoretic fractions in captive common buzzards (buteo buteo). | increasing interest in wildlife care leads to the need for new tools to evaluate animal health. laboratory investigations require reference intervals against which to compare the results obtained. for common buzzards, only a few studies have been performed to establish hematologic and biochemical reference intervals. | 2006 | 16511795 |
polyphyly of the hawk genera leucopternis and buteogallus (aves, accipitridae): multiple habitat shifts during the neotropical buteonine diversification. | the family accipitridae (hawks, eagles and old world vultures) represents a large radiation of predatory birds with an almost global distribution, although most species of this family occur in the neotropics. despite great morphological and ecological diversity, the evolutionary relationships in the family have been poorly explored at all taxonomic levels. using sequences from four mitochondrial genes (12s, atp8, atp6, and nd6), we reconstructed the phylogeny of the neotropical forest hawk genus ... | 2006 | 16464261 |
determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from buzzards (buteo buteo) and tawny owl (strix aluco) by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. | supercritical fluid extraction was applied to the determination of naturally contaminated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in bird tissue by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (lc-fl). recoveries (> 90%) and relative standard deviations (< or = 7.7%) were satisfactory. the levels of 10 pahs were analyzed in 6 classes of tissues (heart, liver, intestine, muscle, lung, and kidney) of 10 buzzards and 2 tawny owls, predatory birds from the galicia (northwest spain). the pahs fo ... | 2016 | 11878593 |
the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of buteo buteo (aves, accipitridae) indicates an early split in the phylogeny of raptors. | the complete sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of buteo buteo was determined. its gene content and nucleotide composition are typical for avian genomes. due to expanded noncoding sequences, buteo possesses the longest mt genome sequenced so far (18,674 bp). the gene order comprising the control region and neighboring genes is identical to that of falco peregrinus, suggesting that the corresponding rearrangement occurred before the falconid/accipitrid split. phylogenetic analyses performe ... | 2001 | 11557795 |
maladaptive mate choice maintained by heterozygote advantage. | common buzzards (buteo buteo) show a plumage polymorphism that appears to be maintained by heterozygote advantage and allows a maladaptive form of mate choice to persist. the light and dark morphs have a much lower fitness than the presumed heterozygous intermediate morph, but are replenished through mendelian segregation in intermediate-intermediate pairs. light and dark morphs could maximize their fitness by mating light with dark to produce all intermediate offspring, but instead choose partn ... | 2001 | 11475056 |
the disposition of marbofloxacin in eurasian buzzards (buteo buteo) after intravenous administration. | | 2001 | 11442792 |
[blood chemical parameters for wild raptor patients and their changes after liver biopsy]. | the present paper tried to find relations between specific anamnesis of wild raptors and blood chemistry values at their day of presentation. 60 (88%) of 68 presented birds of prey showed changes in their blood values. in most birds an increase of got, gpt and ap was seen. some birds showed increases of uric acid, urea and changes in the relation of ca and p as well. a comparison between eurasian buzzards with fractures and some without clinical signs showed a significant increase of uric acid, ... | 2006 | 9741187 |
strigea falconispalumbi (trematoda: strigeidae): argentophilic structures of the miracidium. | a study of the argentophilic structures of the miracidium of the strigeid digenean strigea falconispalumbi viborg, 1795 was carried out. miracidia were hatched under laboratory conditions from eggs obtained from adult s. falconispalumbi from the intestine of a naturally infected buzzard (buteo buteo). miracidia were stained with 0.5%. silver nitrate solution using standard techniques. the epidermal plates of the miracidium are arranged in four tiers according to the formula (6 + 8 + 4 + 3) = 21. ... | 1991 | 1928803 |
radiology of the avian skull. | a standard radiographic anatomy of the skulls of three genera of birds (psittacines, accipitrines, passerines) is worked out and illustrated by drawings. the african grey parrot is described as a standard. all detectable anatomical structures are identified and set into relationship to discernable structures in cockatoos (cacatua galerita galerita), common buzzards (buteo buteo) and mynah birds (gracula religiosa). | 1991 | 1907062 |
[hematologic and hematochemical characteristics of the herring gull (larus argentatus) and the buzzard (buteo buteo)]. | some hematological and hematochemical parameters in eight herring gulls (larus argentatus) and in six buzzards (buteo buteo) were checked. the buzzards were fed with ovine meat exclusively, while the herring gulls were fed with fish and ovine meat. considerable differences between the two species were noted, particularly as far as the hematological and lipidic parameters are concerned. these differences are probably related to the aquatic life of the herring gull. | 1989 | 2627341 |
hepatic biotransformation in the buzzard (buteo buteo) and the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix): effect of pcbs. | hepatic biotransformation was studied in microsomal (cytochrome p-450-dependent monooxygenase activities) and cytosolic (glutathione s-transferase activities) fractions from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) and buzzard (buteo buteo). monooxygenase activities were not very different apart from a high 7-ethoxycoumarin de-ethylase activity in quail as compared to buzzard. glutathione s-transferase activities were higher in quail than in buzzard. dp5 (a commercial mixture of pcbs containing 50% ch ... | 1985 | 2866918 |
a leucocytozoon of buzzard (buteo buteo (l.), accipitridae from northern italy. | | 1982 | 6814333 |
[life cycle of frenkelia. iv. pathomorphological findings in the organs of experimentally infected bank voles]. | in 1975 the buzzard (buteo buteo) was found to be the final host of frenkelia clethrionomyobuteonis. after this discovery it became possible to investigate systematically the pathomorphology of the infection in the intermediate host, the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus). fifty bank voles were infected orally with a suspension of sporocysts recovered from the faeces of experimentally infected buzzards. each rodent receive 7000 sporocysts. six controls each were given a faecal suspension from a ... | 1978 | 362689 |
[investigations into the fire structure of the asexual developmental stages of frenkelia in the liver of the bank vole (author's transl)]. | bank voles (clethrionomys glareolus) were infected by stomach tube with frenkelia sporocysts from the faeces of buzzards (buteo buteo). the voles were sacrificed at regular intervals and their livers examined electronmicroscopically. seven days p.i. developmental stages of frenkelia could be detected in liver parenchymal cells. the youngest schizonts detected are enveloped by a pellicle consisting of two membranes. this pellicle, which is in direct contact with the host cell mitochondria, shows ... | 1978 | 418587 |
a adenocarcinoma in a buzzard (buteo buteo). | a metastasising adenocarcinoma, possibly of renal origin, is described in a captive 12-year-old buzzard (buteo buteo). | 1978 | 18770357 |
the electrocardiogram of the buzzard (buteo buteo). | | 1977 | 412371 |
[contributions to the life-cycle of frenkelia. iii. the sexual development of f. clethrionomyobuteonis in the buzzard (author's transl)]. | 8 buzzards (buteo buteo) were infected orally with cysts of frenkelia clethrionomyobuteonis of the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus). their intestines were searched for developmental stages of frenkelia 21 and 24 h and 2, 3, 4, and 5 days post infection. after 21 and 24 h male and female gamonts could be detected within epithelial cells of the villi of the first half of the small intestine. the microgamonts contained 10-14 microgametes. the macrogamonts which measured on an average 11,1 x 9,8 ... | 1977 | 403694 |
[knee-joint prosthesis in a buzzard (buteo buteo)]. | | 1976 | 1006650 |
[possible chloralose poisoning in buzzards (author's transl)]. | the use of alpha-chloralose in poisoned eggs is conditionally permitted in the control of corvidae. chloralose does not have a selective action. poisoning occurs in other egg-eating animals (hedgehogs) and, indirectly, in carrion-eating predators which prey on these unintended victims. a tentative diagnosis of alpha-chloralose poisoning in three buzzards (buteo buteo) was based on the history, the clinical picture (identical with that in magpies with known chloralose poisoning), the complete rec ... | 1975 | 1166457 |
[a new method of gatheing ecological data on the common buzzard (buteo buteo) and on the field mouse (microtus arvalis)]. | in treeless regions the common buzzard uses the towers of electric overhead transmission lines (110-150 kv) for roosting. the streams of excrement bring about flash-overs which can be registered according to date and time of day. these records provide information as to diurnal and annual rhythms, as wells as to the relationships existing between topographical and climatic factors and the population density of the birds.ninety per cent of the animals leave the roosting place between 42 minutes be ... | 1971 | 28311254 |
a contribution to the comparative anatomy of vessels in the abdominal part of the body cavity in birds. i. blood supply to stomachs and adjacent organs in buzzard (buteo buteo l.). | | 1965 | 14326592 |
[feeding of buteo buteo l]. | | 1952 | 12977812 |
trace element concentrations in livers of common buzzards buteo buteo from eastern poland. | in this study, our aim was to determine the common sources of origin of 18 elements in the livers of common buzzards collected during the breeding season in an extensive agricultural landscape in south-east poland with respect to age (adults and immatures) and sex (males and females). in all 34 specimens collected, the element concentrations followed the pattern of s > na > fe > mg > zn > si > cu > mn > ba > se > b > pb > hg > cd > cr > ni > sr > v. among the heavy metals examined, only the conc ... | 2017 | 28756588 |
highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 clade and clade 2.3.4 viruses do not induce a clade-specific phenotype in mallard ducks. | among the diverse clades of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) h5n1 viruses of the goose/guangdong lineage, only a few have been able to spread across continents: clade 2.2 viruses spread from china to europe and into africa in 2005-2006, clade viruses spread from china to eastern europe in 2009-2010 and clade viruses of the h5nx subtype spread from china to europe and north america in 2014/2015. while the poultry trade and wild-bird migration have been implicated in the sp ... | 2017 | 28631606 |
oxygen isotope fractionation between bird bone phosphate and drinking water. | oxygen isotope compositions of bone phosphate (δ(18)op) were measured in broiler chickens reared in 21 farms worldwide characterized by contrasted latitudes and local climates. these sedentary birds were raised during an approximately 3 to 4-month period, and local precipitation was the ultimate source of their drinking water. this sampling strategy allowed the relationship to be determined between the bone phosphate δ(18)op values (from 9.8 to 22.5‰ v-smow) and the local rainfall δ(18)ow values ... | 2017 | 28534252 |
dissecting common buzzard lifespan and lifetime reproductive success: the relative importance of food, competition, weather, habitat and individual attributes. | the relative importance of factors such as food, competition, weather, habitat and individual attributes as determinants of fitness in natural populations is difficult to assess. while each component alone can be experimentally manipulated to study its influence on fitness, the relative importance of different factors is very hard to establish experimentally. here, i describe an attempt to include most major factors simultaneously in an analysis of common buzzard (buteo buteo) lifespan and lifet ... | 2002 | 28466174 |
antimicrobial susceptibility and genotypic characteristic of campylobacter spp. isolates from free-living birds in poland. | campylobacter spp. is the most commonly reported, bacterial cause of human foodborne infection worldwide. commercial poultry and free-living birds are natural reservoirs of three particular species: campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter lari. the aim of this study was to determine the genotypic characteristics and antibiotic susceptibility of 43 campylobacter strains, obtained from free-living birds, in poland. in total, 700 birds were examined. the strains were isolated fr ... | 2017 | 28968179 |
whole-genome sequence analysis of multidrug-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis st35 strain isolated from human ear infection of an iraqi patient. | staphylococcus epidermidis is the most common coagulase-negative staphylococcus colonising the human skin and mucous membranes and is a major cause of nosocomial infections. antimicrobial resistance (amr) in s. epidermidis has increased significantly in the last few decades, threatening human health globally. | 2020 | 32251866 |
predation risk affects egg mass but not egg steroid hormone concentrations in yellow-legged gulls. | predators have both direct, consumptive effects on their prey and non-lethal effects on physiology and behavior, including reproductive decisions, with cascading effects on prey ecology and evolution. here, we experimentally tested such non-lethal effects of exposure to increased predation risk on clutch size, egg mass, and the concentration of yolk steroid hormones in the yellow-legged gull larus michahellis. we simulated increased predation risk by displaying stuffed predators (adult fox vulpe ... | 2019 | 31413713 |
the potential role of scavengers in spreading african swine fever among wild boar. | understanding the transmission patterns of african swine fever (asf) among wild boar (sus scrofa) is an issue of major interest, especially in the wake of the current asf epidemic. given the high stability of asf-virus, there is concern about scavengers spreading infectious carcass material in the environment. here, we describe scavenging activities on 32 wild boar carcasses in their natural habitat in germany. using digital cameras, we detected 22 vertebrates at the study sites, thereof two mam ... | 2019 | 31391480 |
resource-area-dependence analysis: inferring animal resource needs from home-range and mapping data. | an animal's home-range can be expected to encompass the resources it requires for surviving or reproducing. thus, animals inhabiting a heterogeneous landscape, where resource patches vary in size, shape and distribution, will naturally have home-ranges of varied sizes, so that each home-range encompasses a minimum required amount of a resource. home-range size can be estimated from telemetry data, and often key resources, or proxies for them such as the areas of important habitat types, can be m ... | 2018 | 30356319 |
evidence of avian poxvirus and papillomavirus infection in gyps fulvus in italy. | the identification of avian poxvirus and avian papillomavirus associated with cutaneous lesions in griffon vultures (gyps fulvus) by histopathology, electron microscopy and pcr analysis is reported. sequence analysis of the fpv140 gene revealed 99% identity to two poxviruses obtained from a white-tailed sea eagle (haliaeetus albicilla) and a common buzzard (buteo buteo). partial sequence of the papillomavirus l1 gene showed sequence similarity to papillomavirus li genes from african grey parrot ... | 2019 | 30291502 |
the distribution and heterogeneity of mast cells in tongue from five different avian species. | this study was conducted with the aim of determining the morphology, distribution and heterogeneity of mast cells in the tongues of seagull (larus fuscus), common buzzard (buteo buteo), goose (anser anser), white stork (ciconia ciconia) and gerze rooster. the study used five samples of tongue material from each of the healthy adult avian species. the samples were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin (nbf) solution, then, after routine tissue follow-up, the samples blocked with paraplast. cross ... | 2018 | 29492994 |
factors affecting the spatial distribution and breeding habitat of an insular cliff-nesting raptor community. | the specific spatial distribution and habitat association-strongly influenced by environmental factors or competitive interactions-are major issues in ecology and conservation. we located and georeferenced nesting sites of five cliff-nesting raptors (egyptian vulture neophron percnopterus [a locally extinct species], common buzzard buteo buteo, osprey pandion haliaetus, common kestrel falco tinnunculus, barbary falcon falco peregrinus pelegrinoides), and common raven corvus corax on one of the m ... | 2018 | 30402057 |
prevalence and genotyping of trichomonas infections in wild birds in central germany. | avian trichomonosis is a widespread disease in columbids and other birds, caused by ingestion of the unicellular flagellate trichomonas gallinae which proliferate primarily in the upper respiratory tracts. studies using genetic analyses have determined some highly pathogenic lineages in birds, but the prevalence and distribution of potentially pathogenic and non-pathogenic t. gallinae lineages in wild birds is still not well known. we examined 440 oral swab samples of 35 bird species collected b ... | 2018 | 30092001 |
blood parasites in vectors reveal a united blackfly community in the upper canopy. | the behaviour of blood-sucking arthropods is a crucial determinant of blood protozoan distribution and hence of host-parasite coevolution, but it is very challenging to study in the wild. the molecular identification of parasite lineages in vectors can be a useful key to understand the behaviour and transmission patterns realised by these vectors. | 2020 | 32539849 |
towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: identification of key species for pan-european biomonitoring. | biomonitoring in raptors can be used to study long-term and large-scale changes in environmental pollution. in europe, such monitoring is needed to assess environmental risks and outcomes of chemicals regulation, which is harmonised across the european union. to be effective, the most appropriate sentinels need to be monitored. our aim was to identify which european raptor species are the likely most appropriate biomonitors when pollutant quantification is based on analysing tissues. our current ... | 2020 | 32422436 |
predation in organic and free-range egg production. | on organic and free-range poultry farms, a free-range is provided for animal welfare reasons. however, farmers report sightings of birds of prey and sometimes foxes or other predators within the free-range areas. in addition to seeing actual attacks, they also find chicken carcasses in the free-range, the deaths of which they attribute to predators. in addition, and in contrast to indoor poultry farmers, organic/free-range farmers report hundreds of chickens missing, per flock, when comparing th ... | 2020 | 31973002 |
assessing the ability of novel ecosystems to support animal wildlife through analysis of diurnal raptor territoriality. | novel ecosystems have emerged through human intervention and are rapidly expanding around the world. whether they can support animal wildlife has generated considerable controversy. here we developed a new approach to evaluate the ability of a novel forest ecosystem, dominated by the exotic tree species eucalyptus globulus, to support animal wildlife in the medium and long term. to evaluate this ability, we took advantage of the fact that species territory size decreases with increasing habitat ... | 2018 | 30325967 |
nest sites as a key resource for population persistence: a case study modelling nest occupancy under forestry practices. | natural nest sites are important breeding resource in terms of population dynamics, especially in forest systems where nest trees limit populations or timber harvesting destroys nests. nest structures usually have a long life and can be reused by breeding pairs across multiple breeding seasons, so studying their dynamics is of relevance for biodiversity conservation. in this study, we develop a dynamic model to evaluate nest site availability and its influence on the breeding settlement of a for ... | 2018 | 30308009 |
colonization with enterobacteriaceae-producing esbls, ampcs, and oxa-48 in wild avian species, spain 2015-2016. | antibiotic resistance is a global threat of complex and changeable epidemiology. the role of wild birds in the dissemination of antibacterial resistance might be underestimated. we studied the cloacal colonization by cefotaxime-resistant enterobacteriaceae in 668 wild birds in spain. eighty-eight wild birds (13.2%) of 28 species carried cefotaxime-resistant isolates; 58 of them (8.7%) carried extended-spectrum β-lactamases (esbls) and 15 (2.5%) plasmid-mediated ampcs of the blacit family. the 58 ... | 2018 | 29782210 |
lead contamination in raptors in europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis. | lead contamination is a widely recognised conservation problem for raptors worldwide. there are a number of studies in individual raptor species but those data have not been systematically evaluated to understand raptor-wide lead exposure and effects at a pan-european scale. to critically assess the extent of this problem, we performed a systematic review compiling all published data on lead in raptors (1983-2019) and, through a meta-analysis, determined if there was evidence for differences in ... | 2020 | 32818895 |
description and molecular analysis of an italian population of centrorhynchus globo caudatus (zeder, 1800) lühe, 1911 (acanthocephala: centrorhynchidae) from falco tinnunculus (falconidae) and buteo buteo (accipitridae). | centrorhynchus globocaudatus (zeder, 1800) lühe, 1911 (centrorhynchidae) was reported in birds of prey. our population from falco tinnunculus linnaeus (falconidae) and buteo buteo linnaeus (accipitridae) in northern italy was morphologically distinct from others described elsewhere. the worms are elongate and cylindrical. proboscis long, apically truncated and bare, with wider base and variably faint constriction at point of attachment of receptacle. large anterior hooks well rooted; posterior s ... | 2020 | 33118894 |
comparison of the anesthetic effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane inhalation on the cardiovascular system of the common buzzard (buteo buteo). | the aim of this study was to compare the effects of isoflurane (iso) and sevoflurane (sevo) inhalation anesthesia on the cardiovascular system of the common buzzard (buteo buteo). fourteen common buzzards of unknown sex and age, weighing 700-900 g each, were used for the study. the buzzards were randomly divided into an iso group and a sevo group, each comprising 7 buzzards. the buzzards were then anesthetized by masked induction with either iso or sevo. after induction, all buzzards were intuba ... | 2020 | 33099976 |
territorial behaviour of buzzards versus random matrix spacing distributions. | a deeper understanding of the processes underlying the distribution of animals in space is crucial for both basic and applied ecology. the common buzzard (buteo buteo) is a highly aggressive, territorial bird of prey that interacts strongly with its intra- and interspecific competitors. we propose and use random matrix theory to quantify the strength and range of repulsion as a function of the buzzard population density, thus providing a novel approach to model density dependence. as an indicato ... | 2020 | 33017577 |
correction: predicting strike susceptibility and collision patterns of the common buzzard at wind turbine structures in the federal state of brandenburg, germany. | [this corrects the article doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227698.]. | 2020 | 32845932 |
morph-dependent fitness and directional change of morph frequencies over time in a dutch population of common buzzards buteo buteo. | how genetic polymorphisms are maintained in a population is a key question in evolutionary ecology. previous work on a plumage colour polymorphism in the common buzzard buteo buteo suggested heterozygote advantage as the mechanism maintaining the co-existence of three morphs (light, intermediate and dark). we took advantage of 20 years of life history data collected in a dutch population to replicate earlier studies on the relationship between colour morph and fitness in this species. we examine ... | 2020 | 32627236 |
ultrastructure of male centrorhynchus globocaudatus (acanthocephala) cement apparatus and function of cement gland secretion. | cement glands are one of the most conspicuous and distinctive elements of taxonomic interest in male acanthocephala. cement glands vary in shape, number and arrangement in different classes of the taxon. the glands and their products have a fundamental role in the reproductive process. light and electron microscopy were used to investigate the ultrastructure of the cement apparatus, which includes both cement glands and the cement reservoir, in mature males of centrorhynchus globocaudatus (zeder ... | 2020 | 32513324 |
predicting strike susceptibility and collision patterns of the common buzzard at wind turbine structures in the federal state of brandenburg, germany. | with the increase in wind turbines, bird collisions have developed as a potential hazard. in the federal state of brandenburg, germany, despite the on-going mitigation efforts of increasing the distances of wind turbines from the breeding areas of the more severely affected populations of red kites (milvus milvus), the additional detrimental influences on the buzzard populations (buteo buteo) have added to the challenges for wind power expansion. using data on the regional distribution of the bu ... | 2020 | 31978066 |
measures of predator diet alone may underestimate the collective impact on prey: common buzzard buteo buteo consumption of economically important red grouse lagopus lagopus scotica. | human-wildlife conflicts often centre on economic loss caused by wildlife. yet despite being a major issue for land-managers, estimating total prey losses to predation can be difficult. estimating impacts of protected wildlife on economically important prey can also help management decisions to be evidence-led. the recovery in population and range of common buzzards buteo buteo in britain has brought them into conflict with some gamebird interests. however, the magnitude of any impact is poorly ... | 2019 | 31430344 |
influence of tramadol on anesthesia times, analgesia and electrocardiogram associated with injection anesthesia in common buzzards (buteo buteo). | a balanced anesthesia protocol is called perfect when it has fast induction, excellent recovery, the least effect on the cardiopulmonary system and sufficient analgesia. many of anesthetic combinations have an analgesic effect without opioids. however, at the end of anesthesia, analgesia decreases or is incomplete. the purpose of this study was to evaluate anesthesia times, electrocardiogram (ecg) and analgesic effect of tramadol when administrated with ketamine, ketamine-diazepam, ketamine-mida ... | 2019 | 31183016 |
stage-structured evolutionary demography: linking life histories, population genetics, and ecological dynamics. | demographic processes and ecological interactions are central to understanding evolution and vice versa. we present a novel framework that combines basic mendelian genetics with the powerful demographic approach of matrix population models. the ecological components of the model may be stage classified or age classified, linear or nonlinear, time invariant or time varying, and deterministic or stochastic. genotypes may affect, in fully pleiotropic fashion, any mixture of demographic traits (viab ... | 2019 | 30912967 |
unravelling population processes over the late pleistocene driving contemporary genetic divergence in palearctic buzzards. | population range expansions and contractions as a response to climate and habitat change throughout the quaternary are known to have contributed to complex phylogenetic and population genetic events. speciation patterns and processes in palearctic buzzards (genus buteo) are a long-standing example of morphological and genetic data incongruence, attributed to panmixia, habitat range shifts, contact zones, and climate change. here we assess the systematics, phylogeography and population genetic st ... | 2019 | 30763758 |