
melatonin and serotonin profiles in beans of coffea species.a high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and an electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (lc/esi-ms) methods were applied to quantify the profiles of melatonin and serotonin (5-ht) in green and roasted beans of coffea canephora (robusta) and coffea arabica (arabica). both melatonin and 5-ht were detected in green coffee beans (5.8 ± 0.8 μg/g dry weight (dw), 10.5 ± 0.6 μg/g dw) and also in roasted beans of c. canephora (8.0 ± 0.9 μg/g dw, 7.3 ± 0.5 μg/g dw). melatonin (3.0 ± 0.6 μg/50 ml ...201122017393
cascading indirect effects in a coffee agroecosystem: effects of parasitic phorid flies on ants and the coffee berry borer in a high-shade and low-shade habitat.nonconsumptive effects (nce) of parasites on hosts vary with habitat complexity thereby modifying trait-mediated effects on lower trophic levels. in coffee agroecosystems, pseudacteon sp. phorid fly parasites negatively affect azteca instabilis f. smith ants via nce thereby indirectly benefiting prey. it is unknown how differences in habitat complexity influence azteca-phorid interactions or how phorids affect the coffee berry borer (hypothenemus hampei ferrari), an important pest of coffee (cof ...201122251635
genetic variation and risks of introgression in the wild coffea arabica gene pool in south-western ethiopian montane rainforests.the montane rainforests of sw ethiopia are the primary centre of diversity of coffea arabica and the origin of all arabica coffee cultivated worldwide. this wild gene pool is potentially threatened by forest fragmentation and degradation, and by introgressive hybridization with locally improved coffee varieties. we genotyped 703 coffee shrubs from unmanaged and managed coffee populations, using 24 microsatellite loci. additionally, we genotyped 90 individuals representing 23 ethiopian cultivars ...201223798974
quantification of coffea arabica and coffea canephora var. robusta in roasted and ground coffee blends.this study reports direct quantification of arabica in roasted and ground coffee blends of coffea arabica and coffea canephora var. robusta. (1)h-nmr analysis of water extracts of coffee blends were combined with multivariate statistical analysis to obtain an opls model with high predictive capability. this approach allowed to evaluate the composition of coffee blends of unknown arabica and robusta content, on the basis of multiple chemical components. differences in geographical origin of the a ...201223598112
identification of the odour-active cyclic diketone cis-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione in roasted arabica coffee brew.we investigated odour-active trace compounds in roasted brazilian arabica coffee. aroma dilution extract analysis (aeda) applied to the volatile oil extracted from roasted coffee brew revealed 34 odour-active compounds. among these, a pungent-smelling unknown odour-active compound was determined. the volatile oil was fractioned by silica gel column chromatography. gas chromatography-olfactometry (gc-o) and multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (mdgc-ms) of the fraction which cont ...201223497895
heat stress causes alterations in the cell-wall polymers and anatomy of coffee leaves (coffea arabica l.).coffee plants were subjected to heat stress (37 °c) and compared with control plants (24 °c). cell wall polysaccharides were extracted using water (w), edta (e) and 4m naoh (h30 and h70). in addition, monolignols were analyzed, and the leaves were observed by microscopy. plants under heat stress accumulated higher contents of arabinose and galactose in fraction w. xylose contents were observed to decrease in h30 fractions after the heat stress, whereas galactose and uronic acid increased. h70 fr ...201223465912
new coffee plant-infecting xylella fastidiosa variants derived via homologous recombination.xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited phytopathogenic bacterium endemic to the americas that has recently emerged in asia and europe. although this bacterium is classified as a quarantine organism in the european union, importation of plant material from contaminated areas and latent infection in asymptomatic plants have engendered its inevitable introduction. in 2012, four coffee plants (coffea arabica and coffea canephora) with leaf scorch symptoms growing in a confined greenhouse were detecte ...201626712553
the complete nucleotide sequence of the coffee (coffea arabica l.) chloroplast genome: organization and implications for biotechnology and phylogenetic relationships amongst angiosperms.the chloroplast genome sequence of coffea arabica l., the first sequenced member of the fourth largest family of angiosperms, rubiaceae, is reported. the genome is 155 189 bp in length, including a pair of inverted repeats of 25,943 bp. of the 130 genes present, 112 are distinct and 18 are duplicated in the inverted repeat. the coding region comprises 79 protein genes, 29 transfer rna genes, four ribosomal rna genes and 18 genes containing introns (three with three exons). repeat analysis reveal ...200717309688
proteomic analysis of apoplastic fluid of coffea arabica leaves highlights novel biomarkers for resistance against hemileia vastatrix.a proteomic analysis of the apoplastic fluid (apf) of coffee leaves was conducted to investigate the cellular processes associated with incompatible (resistant) and compatible (susceptible) coffea arabica-hemileia vastatrix interactions, during the 24-96 hai period. the apf proteins were extracted by leaf vacuum infiltration and protein profiles were obtained by 2-de. the comparative analysis of the gels revealed 210 polypeptide spots whose volume changed in abundance between samples (control, r ...201526175744
recent advances in the genetic transformation of is one of the most important plantation crops, grown in about 80 countries across the world. the genus coffea comprises approximately 100 species of which only two species, that is, coffea arabica (commonly known as arabica coffee) and coffea canephora (known as robusta coffee), are commercially cultivated. genetic improvement of coffee through traditional breeding is slow due to the perennial nature of the plant. genetic transformation has tremendous potential in developing improved coff ...201222970380
survey of philippine coffee beans for the presence of ochratoxigenic 2012 to 2014, philippine green coffee beans from coffea arabica in benguet and ifugao; coffea canephora var. robusta in abra, cavite, and ifugao; and coffea liberica and coffea excelsea from cavite were collected and assessed for the distribution of fungi with the potential to produce ochratoxin a (ota). the presence of fungal species was evaluated both before and after surface sterilization. there were remarkable ecological and varietal differences in the population of ota-producing species ...201626814977
ochratoxigenic fungi associated with green coffee beans (coffea arabica l.) in conventional and organic cultivation in brazil.the genera aspergillus comprises species that produce mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins and patulin. these are cosmopolitan species, natural contaminants of agricultural products. in coffee grains, the most important aspergillus species in terms of the risk of presenting mycotoxins belong to the genera aspergillus section circumdati and section nigri. the purpose of this study was to assess the occurrence of isolated ochratoxigenic fungi of coffee grains from organic and conventional cu ...201324294225
bacillus species (bt42) isolated from coffea arabica l. rhizosphere antagonizes colletotrichum gloeosporioides and fusarium oxysporum and also exhibits multiple plant growth promoting activity.colletotrichum and fusarium species are among pathogenic fungi widely affecting coffea arabica l., resulting in major yield loss. in the present study, we aimed to isolate bacteria from root rhizosphere of the same plant that is capable of antagonizing colletotrichum gloeosporioides and fusarium oxysporum as well as promotes plant growth.201627863465
culture-dependent and -independent methods to investigate the predominant microorganisms associated with wet processed coffee.the fermentation process of yunnan arabica coffee is a typical wet fermentation. its excellent quality is closely related to microbes in the process of fermentation. the purpose of this study was to isolate and identify the microorganisms in the wet method of coffee processing in yunnan province, china. microbial community structure and dominant bacterial species were evaluated by traditional cultivated separation method and pcr-dgge technology, and were further analyzed in combination with the ...201627113591
inoculation of starter cultures in a semi-dry coffee (coffea arabica) fermentation process.the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of yeasts as starter cultures in coffee semi-dry processing. arabica coffee was inoculated with one of the following starter cultures: saccharomyces cerevisiae ufla ycn727, s. cerevisiae ufla ycn724, candida parapsilosis ufla ycn448 and pichia guilliermondii ufla ycn731. the control was not inoculated with a starter culture. denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) was used to assess the microbial population, and organic acids and volatile comp ...201425084650
microbiological diversity associated with the spontaneous wet method of coffee fermentation.the evaluation of the microbiota present during coffee wet fermentation was done in two distinct regions of minas gerais, brazil: one farm in the south of minas gerais (lavras=l) and another farm in the savannah region (monte carmelo=mc). the yeast population ranged from 2.48 to 4.92 log cfu/g and from 2 to 4.81 log cfu/g, the mesophilic bacteria population ranged from 3.83 to 8.47 log cfu/g and from 5.37 to 7.36 log cfu/g, and the lab population ranged from 2.57 to 5.66 log cfu/g and from 3.40 ...201526119187
green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using coffea arabica seed extract and its antibacterial activity.a novel green source was opted to synthesize silver nanoparticles using dried roasted coffea arabica seed extract. bio-reduction of silver was complete when the mixture (agno3+extract) changed its color from light to dark brown. uv-vis spectroscopy result showed maximum adsorption at 459 nm, which represents the characteristic surface plasmon resonance of nanosilver. x-ray crystal analysis showed that the silver nanoparticles are highly crystalline and exhibit a cubic, face centered lattice with ...201626478284
identification of two metallothioneins as novel inhalative coffee allergens cof a 2 and cof a 3.dust of green coffee beans is known to be a relevant cause for occupational allergic disorders in coffee industry workers. recently, we described the first coffee allergen (cof a 1) establishing an allergenic potential of green coffee dust.201525962169
influence of coffee (coffea arabica) and galacto-oligosaccharide consumption on intestinal microbiota and the host responses.although studies have reported numerous effects of coffee on human health, few studies have examined its specific effects on gut microbiota. this study aimed to clarify the influence of coffee and galacto-oligosaccharide (gos) consumption on gut microbiota and host responses. after mice consumed coffee and gos, their intestines were sampled, and the bacterial counts were measured with quantitative rt-pcr. results showed that gos consumption significantly increased total bacteria counts in the pr ...201323551139
functional characterization of three coffea arabica l. monoterpene synthases: insights into the enzymatic machinery of coffee aroma.the chemical composition of the coffee beverage is extremely complex, being made up of hundreds of volatile and non-volatile compounds, many of which are generated in the thermal reactions that occur during the roasting process. however, in the raw coffee bean there are also compounds that survive roasting and are therefore extracted into the beverage. monoterpenes are an example of this category, as their presence has been reported in the coffee flower, fruit, seed, roasted bean and in the beve ...201323398891
cof a 1: identification, expression and immunoreactivity of the first coffee allergen.over the past years, dust of green coffee beans has become known to be a relevant cause for occupational type i allergies. up to now, allergy diagnostics is based on native green coffee bean extract which exhibits insufficient specificity due to interfering substances as well as batch-to-batch variations. no coffee allergen has been described on the molecular level so far. the aim of this study was to identify the first allergen of green coffee.201222722540
anthelmintic activity of acetone-water extracts against haemonchus contortus eggs: interactions between tannins and other plant secondary compounds.this study aimed at (i) describing the effects of acetone-water extracts obtained from a range of different plant materials, on the hatching process of haemonchus contortus eggs under in vitro conditions and (ii) identifying the role of tannins and other plant secondary compounds (psc), on these ah effects by using polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (pvpp), an inhibitor of tannins and other polyphenols. an egg hatch assay (eha) was used to determine the ah effect. acetone-water (70:30) extracts from diffe ...201425468031
synthesis of silver nanoparticles by endosymbiont pseudomonas fluorescens ca 417 and their bactericidal activity.the present study emphasizes on biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their bactericidal activity against human and phytopathogens. nanoparticle synthesis was performed using endosymbiont pseudomonas fluorescens ca 417 inhabiting coffea arabica l. synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using hyphenated spectroscopic techniques such as uv-vis spectroscopy which revealed maximum absorption 425nm. fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir) analysis revealed the possible functiona ...201627866607
morphological and molecular evaluation of a meloidogyne hapla population damaging coffee (coffea arabica) in maui, unusual population of meloidogyne hapla, earlier thought to be an undescribed species, was found causing large galls, without adventitious roots, and substantial damage to coffee in maui, hawaii. only in brazil had similar damage to coffee been reported by this species. unlike m. exigua from south and central america, this population reproduced well on coffee cv. mokka and m. incognita-susceptible tomato but poorly on tomato with the mi resistance gene. characterization included sem images, e ...200519262853
integrative taxonomy of root-knot nematodes reveals multiple independent origins of mitotic parthenogenesis.during sampling of several coffea arabica plantations in tanzania severe root galling, caused by a root-knot nematode was observed. from pure cultures, morphology and morphometrics of juveniles and females matched perfectly with meloidogyne africana, whereas morphology of the males matched identically with those of meloidogyne decalineata. based on their cox1 sequence, however, the recovered juveniles, females and males were confirmed to belong to the same species, creating a taxonomic conundrum ...201728257464
caprx, a coffea arabica gene encoding a putative class iii peroxidase induced by root-knot nematode infection.class iii peroxidases (prxs) are enzymes involved in a multitude of physiological and stress-related processes in plants. here, we report on the characterization of a putative peroxidase-encoding gene from coffea arabica (caprx) that is expressed in early stages of root-knot nematode (rkn) infection. caprx showed enhanced expression in coffee roots inoculated with rkn (at 12 h post-inoculation), but no significant difference in expression was observed between susceptible and resistant plants. as ...201222682563
metabolic engineering of saccharomyces cerevisiae for caffeine and theobromine production.caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) and theobromine (3, 7-dimethylxanthine) are the major purine alkaloids in plants, e.g., tea (camellia sinensis) and coffee (coffea arabica). caffeine is a major component of coffee and is used widely in food and beverage industries. most of the enzymes involved in the caffeine biosynthetic pathway have been reported previously. here, we demonstrated the biosynthesis of caffeine (0.38 mg/l) by co-expression of coffea arabica xanthosine methyltransferase (caxmt ...201425133732
characterization of coffee ringspot virus-lavras: a model for an emerging threat to coffee production and quality.the emergence of viruses in coffee (coffea arabica and coffea canephora), the most widely traded agricultural commodity in the world, is of critical concern. the rna1 (6552nt) of coffee ringspot virus is organized into five open reading frames (orfs) capable of encoding the viral nucleocapsid (orf1p), phosphoprotein (orf2p), putative cell-to-cell movement protein (orf3p), matrix protein (orf4p) and glycoprotein (orf5p). each orf is separated by a conserved intergenic junction. rna2 (5945nt), whi ...201425117897
endophytic microbial diversity in coffee cherries of coffea arabica from southeastern brazil.the microbiota associated with coffee plants may play a critical role in the final expression of coffee quality. however, the microbial diversity in coffee cherries is still poorly characterized. here, we investigated the endophytic diversity in cherries of coffea arabica by using culture-independent approaches to identify the associated microbes, ultimately to better understand their ecology and potential role in determining coffee quality. group-specific 16s rrna and 26s rrna genes polymerase ...201323586745
exploring insights for virulent gene inhibition of multidrug resistant salmonella typhi, vibrio cholerae, and staphylococcus areus by potential phytoligands via in silico our recent studies on prevalence of multidrug resistant pathogens in byramangala reservoir, karnataka, india, we identified salmonella typhi, staphylococcus aureus, and vibrio cholerae which had acquired multiple drug resistance (mdr) and emerged as superbugs. hence, there is a pressing demand to identify alternative therapeutic remedies. our study focused on the screening of herbal leads by structure-based virtual screening. the virulent gene products of these pathogens towards kanamycin(aph ...201423876154
comparative validation of conventional and rna-seq data-derived reference genes for qpcr expression studies of colletotrichum kahawae.colletotrichum kahawae is an emergent fungal pathogen causing severe epidemics of coffee berry disease on arabica coffee crops in africa. currently, the molecular mechanisms underlying the coffea arabica-c. kahawae interaction are still poorly understood, as well as the differences in pathogen aggressiveness, which makes the development of functional studies for this pathosystem a crucial step. quantitative real time pcr (qpcr) has been one of the most promising approaches to perform gene expres ...201626950697
validation of reference genes for normalization of qpcr gene expression data from coffea spp. hypocotyls inoculated with colletotrichum production in africa represents a significant share of the total export revenues and influences the lives of millions of people, yet severe socio-economic repercussions are annually felt in result of the overall losses caused by the coffee berry disease (cbd). this quarantine disease is caused by the fungus colletotrichum kahawae waller and bridge, which remains one of the most devastating threats to coffea arabica production in africa at high altitude, and its dispersal to latin america ...201324073624
species-specific real-time pcr detection of colletotrichum kahawae.colletotrichum kahawae is a strongly aggressive pathogen causing coffee berry disease and is specific to arabica coffee (coffea arabica) in africa. in this article, we developed a real-time pcr assay for the species-specific diagnosis of c. kahawae by designing the primers and a taqman probe derived from the single nucleotide polymorphism-rich region of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) gene.201323163978
host-jump drives rapid and recent ecological speciation of the emergent fungal pathogen colletotrichum kahawae.ecological speciation through host-shift has been proposed as a major route for the appearance of novel fungal pathogens. the growing awareness of their negative impact on global economies and public health created an enormous interest in identifying the factors that are most likely to promote their emergence in nature. in this work, a combination of pathological, molecular and geographical data was used to investigate the recent emergence of the fungus colletotrichum kahawae. c. kahawae emerged ...201222519519
fungal epiphytes and endophytes of coffee leaves (coffea arabica).plants harbor diverse communities of fungi and other microorganisms. fungi are known to occur both on plant surfaces (epiphytes) and inside plant tissues (endophytes), but the two communities have rarely been compared. we compared epiphytic and endophytic fungal communities associated with leaves of coffee (coffea arabica) in puerto rico. we asked whether the dominant fungi are the same in both communities, whether endophyte and epiphyte communities are equally diverse, and whether epiphytes and ...200516132426
impact of leaf traits on temporal dynamics of transpired oxygen isotope signatures and its impact on atmospheric vapor.oxygen isotope signatures of transpiration (δ e ) are powerful tracers of water movement from plant to global scale. however, a mechanistic understanding of how leaf morphological/physiological traits effect δ e is missing. a laser spectrometer was coupled to a leaf-level gas-exchange system to measure fluxes and isotopic signatures of plant transpiration under controlled conditions in seven distinct species (fagus sylvatica, pinus sylvestris, acacia longifolia, quercus suber, coffea arabica, pl ...201728149303
a review of commercially important african medicinal on the relative importance and research status of commercially relevant african medicinal plants are needed for developing new research strategies in order to stimulate much-needed ethnopharmacological research and to promote the commercialization of african plants.201526498493
fungal planet description sheets: 371-399.novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from australia: neoseptorioides eucalypti gen. & sp. nov. from eucalyptus radiata leaves, phytophthora gondwanensis from soil, diaporthe tulliensis from rotted stem ends of theobroma cacao fruit, diaporthe vawdreyi from fruit rot of psidium guajava, magnaporthiopsis agrostidis from rotted roots of agrostis stolonifera and semifissispora natalis from eucalyptus leaf litter. furthermore, neopestalotiopsis egyptiaca is desc ...201526823636
an apple plus a brazil nut a day keeps the doctors away: antioxidant capacity of foods and their health benefits.antioxidant-rich foods scavenge free radicals and other reactive species, decreasing the risk of different non-communicable chronic diseases. the objective of this study was to review the content of total antioxidant capacity of commonly foods comparing with experimental data and to explore the health benefits due to foods with moderate to high tac. the tac was analytically measured using the "total antioxidant capacity" (nx2332) test from randox® (uk) by spectrometry at 600 nm. brazil nut (bert ...201626572874
characterization of coffea arabica monofloral honey from espírito santo, this study, samples of coffee honey produced in espírito santo state, brazil, were characterized based on their melissopalynology, physicochemical and nutritional properties, and mineral and caffeine contents. the caffeine content in the nectar from coffee flowers was measured by high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). blends of honey were obtained from three coffea arabica crops, each with 10 colonies of africanized apis mellifera. all honey samples contained monofloral (75-78%) polle ...201626948612
fragmentation and management of ethiopian moist evergreen forest drive compositional shifts of insect communities visiting wild arabica coffee flowers.coffea arabica is an indigenous understorey shrub of the moist evergreen afromontane forest of sw ethiopia. coffee cultivation here occurs under different forest management intensities, ranging from almost no intervention in the 'forest coffee' system to far-reaching interventions that include the removal of competing shrubs and selective thinning of the upper canopy in the 'semi-forest coffee' system. we investigated whether increasing forest management intensity and fragmentation result in imp ...201525355631
fruit set of highland coffee increases with the diversity of pollinating bees.the worldwide decline of pollinators may negatively affect the fruit set of wild and cultivated plants. here, we show that fruit set of the self-fertilizing highland coffee (coffea arabica) is highly variable and related to bee pollination. in a comparison of 24 agroforestry systems in indonesia, the fruit set of coffee could be predicted by the number of flower-visiting bee species, and it ranged from ca. 60% (three species) to 90% (20 species). diversity, not abundance, explained variation in ...200312803911
bee pollination and fruit set of coffea arabica and c. canephora (rubiaceae).self-sterile coffea canephora and self-fertile c. arabica are important cash crops in many tropical countries. we examined the relative importance of insect, wind, and spontaneous self-pollination and the degree of self-fertility of these two coffee species in 24 agroforestry coffee fields in indonesia. in both species, open pollination and cross pollination by hand led to the highest fruit set. wind pollination (including self-pollination) led to 16% lower fruit set than open pollination in c. ...200321659091
aquaporins in coffea arabica l.: identification, expression, and impacts on plant water relations and hydraulics.plant aquaporins (aqps) are involved in the transport of water and other small solutes across cell membranes, and thus play major roles in the regulation of plant water balance, as well as in growth regulation and response to abiotic stress factors. limited information is currently available about the presence and role of aqps in coffea arabica l., despite the economic importance of the species and its vulnerability to drought stress. we identified candidate aqp genes by screening a proprietary ...201526241904
transposable elements in coffea (gentianales: rubiacea) transcripts and their role in the origin of protein diversity in flowering plants.transposable elements are major components of plant genomes and they influence their evolution, acting as recombination hot spots, acquiring specific cell functions or becoming part of protein-coding regions. the latter is the subject of the present analysis. this study is a report on the annotation of transposable elements (tes) in expressed sequences of coffea arabica, coffea canephora and coffea racemosa, showing the occurrence of 383 ests and 142 unigenes with te fragments in these three cof ...200818231813
comparison between a coffee single copy chromosomal region and arabidopsis duplicated counterparts evidenced high level synteny between the coffee genome and the ancestral arabidopsis genome.the arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence provides a catalogue of reference genes that can be used for comparative analysis of other species thereby facilitating map-based cloning in economically important crops. we made use of a coffee bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) contig linked to the s(h)3 leaf rust resistance gene to assess microsynteny between coffee (coffea arabica l.) and arabidopsis. microsynteny was revealed and the matching counterparts to c. arabica contigs were seen to be scat ...200717551672
the sol genomics network: a comparative resource for solanaceae biology and beyond.the sol genomics network (sgn; is a rapidly evolving comparative resource for the plants of the solanaceae family, which includes important crop and model plants such as potato (solanum tuberosum), eggplant (solanum melongena), pepper (capsicum annuum), and tomato (solanum lycopersicum). the aim of sgn is to relate these species to one another using a comparative genomics approach and to tie them to the other dicots through the fully sequenced genome of arabidopsis (arabi ...200516010005
study of colouring effect of herbal hair formulations on graying screen the hair colouring properties of hair colorants/ herbal hair colouring formulations.201726130937
fungus-insect gall of phlebopus portentosus.phlebopus portentosus is a popular edible wild mushroom found in the tropical yunnan, china, and northern thailand. in its natural habitats, a gall often has been found on some plant roots, around which fungal fruiting bodies are produced. the galls are different from common insect galls in that their cavity walls are not made from plant tissue but rather from the hyphae of p. portentosus. therefore we have termed this phenomenon "fungus-insect gall". thus far six root mealy bug species in the f ...201525344264
anti-aging potential of phytoextract loaded-pharmaceutical creams for human skin cell longetivity.the exposure to ultraviolet radiations (uvr) is the key source of skin sunburn; it may produce harmful entities, reactive oxygen species (ros), leading to aging. the skin can be treated and protected from the injurious effects of ros by using various pharmaceutical formulations, such as cream. cream can be loaded with antioxidants to quench ros leading to photo-protective effects. moreover, modern medicines depend on ethnobotanicals for protection or treatment of human diseases. this review arti ...201526448818
tea, coffee, and cocoa as ultraviolet radiation protectants for the beet armyworm nucleopolyhedrovirus.the addition of 1% (wt:vol) aqueous extracts of cocoa (theobroma cacao l.) (malvales: malvaceae), coffee (coffea arabica l.) (gentianales: rubiaceae), and green and black tea (camellia sinensis l.) (ericales: theaceae) provided excellent uv radiation protection for the beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua (hübner) (lepidoptera: noctuidae), nucleopolyhedrovirus under laboratory conditions. aqueous extracts of coffee, green tea, and black tea at 0.5% provided 85-100% uv protection, whereas cocoa provi ...200919886440
interaction of coffee compounds with serum albumins. part ii: diterpenes.cafestol and 16-o-methylcafestol are diterpenes present in coffee, but whilst cafestol is found in both coffea canephora and coffea arabica, 16-o-methylcafestol (16-omc) was reported to be specific of only c. canephora. the interactions of such compounds, with serum albumins, have been studied. three albumins have been considered, namely human serum albumin (hsa), fatty acid free hsa (ffhsa) and bovine serum albumin (bsa). the proteins interact with the diterpenes at the interface between sudlow ...201626776001
traditional use of herbal remedies in livestock by farmers in 3 swiss cantons (aargau, zurich, schaffhausen).this study investigated the extent of traditional knowledge and use of homemade herbal remedies for livestock by farmers in 3 swiss cantons (aargau, zurich, schaffhausen). the study focused on organic farms.201222759727
htp nutraceutical screening for histone deacetylase inhibitors and effects of hdacis on tumor-suppressing mirnas by trichostatin a and grapeseed (vitis vinifera) in hela cells.aggressive tumor malignancies are a consequence of delayed diagnosis, epigenetic/phenotype changes and chemo-radiation resistance. histone deacetylases (hdacs) are a major epigenetic regulator of transcriptional repression, which are highly overexpressed in advanced malignancy. while original chemotherapy drugs were modeled after phytochemicals elucidated by botanical screenings, hdac inhibitors (hdaci) such as apicidin, trichostatin a (tsa) and butyrate were discovered as products of fungus and ...201728031235
iqp-gc-101 reduces body weight and body fat mass: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.iqp-gc-101 is a patented blend of the standardized extracts of garcinia cambogia, camellia sinensis, unroasted coffea arabica, and lagerstroemia speciosa. these individual ingredients of iqp-gc-101 have each shown promise in promoting weight loss; however, the efficacy of the blend has not been established. this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel group study conducted over 14 weeks (including a 2-week run-in phase) aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of iqp-gc-101 in ...201424797657
the structure of two n-methyltransferases from the caffeine biosynthetic pathway.caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a secondary metabolite produced by certain plant species and an important component of coffee (coffea arabica and coffea canephora) and tea (camellia sinensis). here we describe the structures of two s-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent n-methyltransferases that mediate caffeine biosynthesis in c. canephora 'robusta', xanthosine (xr) methyltransferase (xmt), and 1,7-dimethylxanthine methyltransferase (dxmt). both were cocrystallized with the demethylated cofact ...200717434991
caffeine synthase and related methyltransferases in plants.caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a purine alkaloid present in high concentrations in tea and coffee and it is also found in a number of beverages such as coca cola. it is necessary to elucidate the caffeine biosynthetic pathway and to clone the genes related to the production of caffeine not only to determine the metabolism of the purine alkaloid but also to control the content of caffeine in tea and coffee. the available data support the operation of a xanthosine-->7-methylxanthosine-->7-m ...200414977590
inhibition of caffeine biosynthesis in tea (camellia sinensis) and coffee (coffea arabica) plants by ribavirin.the effects of ribavirin, an inhibitor of inosine-5'-monophosphate (imp) dehydrogenase, on [8-(14)c]inosine metabolism in tea leaves, coffee leaves and coffee fruits were investigated. incorporation of radioactivity from [8-(14)c]inosine into purine alkaloids, such as theobromine and caffeine, guanine residues of rna, and co(2) was reduced by ribavirin, while incorporation into nucleotides, including imp and adenine residues of rna, was increased. the results indicate that inhibition of imp dehy ...200314623114
comparison of the antioxidant activity of commonly consumed polyphenolic beverages (coffee, cocoa, and tea) prepared per cup this study, the in vitro low-density lipoprotein oxidation model was used to assess the relative antioxidant activity of the polyphenolic beverages tea, coffee, and cocoa on a cup-serving basis. the beverages were prepared as 0.7-2.5% soluble coffee and 1.5-3.5% cocoa; teas (green, black, or herbal) were prepared as one tea bag infused over 5 min in 220 ml of hot water. under these standard cup serving conditions, the antioxidant activity as determined by the lag time was in the range of 292- ...200111453788
biosynthesis and catabolism of caffeine in low-caffeine-containing species of coffea.leaves of coffea salvatrix, coffea eugenioides, and c. bengalensis contain approximately 3-7-fold lower levels of caffeine than those of coffea arabica. there was more extensive biosynthesis of caffeine from [8-(14)c]adenine in young leaves of c. arabica than in c. salvatrix, c. eugenioides, and c. bengalensis. degradation of [8-(14)c]caffeine, which is negligible in leaves of c. arabica, was also very slow in c.salvatrix and c. bengalensis. in contrast, [8-(14)c]caffeine was catabolized rapidly ...199910552667
detection and survey of coffee ringspot virus in ringspot virus (corsv) a member of the proposed genus "dichorhavirus", was surveyed on commercial and research farms spanning an area responsible for the majority of coffea arabica production in brazil. virus-infected plants were found at one hundred percent of locations (n = 45) sampled. all cultivars, regardless of cherry color, were found to serve as hosts, suggesting that there is limited resistance in commercially employed germplasm. reverse transcription pcr analysis revealed that t ...201626553342
the effects of nutrients and secondary compounds of coffea arabica on the behavior and development of coccus viridis.phytochemicals may modify the food quality, reduce a plant's palatability to insects, or defend against pests. this work aimed to study 1) relationships between the nitrogen and potassium levels given to plants in nutritive solutions and the foliar phytochemical concentrations, 2) the effect of nutrients and secondary compounds of coffea arabica on the behavior of coccus viridis, and 3) tolerance of c. arabica to losses. deficient, normal, and excessive nitrogen and potassium fertilization treat ...201222507006
leaf alkaloids, phenolics, and coffee resistance to the leaf miner leucoptera coffeella (lepidoptera: lyonetiidae).coffee (coffea spp.) alkaloids (caffeine and related methylxanthines) and phenolics (caffeic and chlorogenic acids) have recognized pestistatic/pesticidal activity and mediate insect-plant interactions. the present investigation assessed the resistance of 12 coffee genotypes to the leaf miner leucoptera (= perileucoptera) coffeella (guérin-méneville & perrottet) (lepidoptera: lyonetiidae) and correlated such results with the leaf content of coffee alkaloids and phenolics that probably play a rol ...201020857759
genome-wide identification, classification and transcriptional analysis of nitrate and ammonium transporters in coffea.nitrogen (n) is quantitatively the main nutrient required by coffee plants, with acquisition mainly by the roots and mostly exported to coffee beans. nitrate (no3-) and ammonium (nh4+) are the most important inorganic sources for n uptake. several n transporters encoded by different gene families mediate the uptake of these compounds. they have an important role in source preference for n uptake in the root system. in this study, we performed a genome-wide analysis, including in silico expressio ...201728399192
identification of biochemical features of defective coffea arabica l. organoleptic properties are based in part on the quality and chemical composition of coffee beans. the presence of defective beans during processing and roasting contribute to off flavors and reduce overall cup quality. a multipronged approach was undertaken to identify specific biochemical markers for defective beans. to this end, beans were split into defective and non-defective fractions and biochemically profiled in both green and roasted states. a set of 17 compounds in green beans, ...201728395826
alleviation of ultraviolet b-induced photodamage by coffea arabica extract in human skin fibroblasts and hairless mouse skin.coffea arabica extract (cae) containing 48.3 ± 0.4 mg/g of chlorogenic acid and a trace amount of caffeic acid was found to alleviate photoaging activity in human skin fibroblasts. in this study, polyphenol-rich cae was investigated for its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, as well as for its capability to alleviate ultraviolet b (uvb)-induced photodamage in balb/c hairless mice. the results indicated that 500 μg/ml of cae exhibited a reducing power of 94.7%, ferrous ion chelating act ...201728387707
increased light-use efficiency sustains net primary productivity of shaded coffee plants in agroforestry agroforestry systems, shade trees strongly affect the physiology of the undergrown crop. however, a major paradigm is that the reduction in absorbed photosynthetically active radiation is, to a certain extent, compensated by an increase in light-use efficiency, thereby reducing the difference in net primary productivity between shaded and non-shaded plants. due to the large spatial heterogeneity in agroforestry systems and the lack of appropriate tools, the combined effects of such variables ...201728382683
an innovative monolithic zwitterionic stationary phase for the separation of phenolic acids in coffee bean extracts by capillary electrochromatography.a methacrylate based monolith, containing the innovative zwitterionic monomer (3-allyl-1-imidazol)propane sulfonate, was prepared in 100 μm i.d. silica capillaries by uv initiated photo-polymerization. composition of the porogen, i.e. a mixture of 1-propanol, 1,4 butanediol and water, was of great importance to obtain a homogeneous monolith with satisfactory permeability and good electrochromatographic performance. morphology of the stationary phase was studied in scanning electron microscopy an ...201728335967
distribution of divo in coffea genomes, a poorly described family of angiosperm ltr-retrotransposons.coffea arabica (the arabica coffee) is an allotetraploid species originating from a recent hybridization between two diploid species: c. canephora and c. eugenioides. transposable elements can drive structural and functional variation during the process of hybridization and allopolyploid formation in plants. to learn more about the evolution of the c. arabica genome, we characterized and studied a new copia ltr-retrotransposon (ltr-rt) family in diploid and allotetraploid coffea genomes called d ...201728314936
impacts of leaf age and heat stress duration on photosynthetic gas exchange and foliar nonstructural carbohydrates in coffea arabica.given future climate predictions of increased temperature, and frequency and intensity of heat waves in the tropics, suitable habitat to grow ecologically, economically, and socially valuable coffea arabica is severely threatened. we investigated how leaf age and heat stress duration impact recovery from heat stress in c. arabica. treated plants were heated in a growth chamber at 49°c for 45 or 90 min. physiological recovery was monitored in situ using gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence (the ...201728303198
nitrogen use efficiency of coffee at the vegetative stage as influenced by fertilizer application method.nitrogen (n) is the most limiting nutrient for coffee production in colombia. an adequate supply is especially important during the vegetative period of growth, since any deficiency during this short period is known to have lasting effects on subsequent coffee bean production. urea fertilizer is commonly applied on the soil surface since steep slopes hamper incorporation into soil, a practice which increases the risk of n volatilization. little information is available on n recovery during early ...201728303142
levels of antioxidant activity and fluoride content in coffee infusions of arabica, robusta and green coffee beans in according to their brewing is a rich source of dietary antioxidants, and this property links with the fact that coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages. moreover, it is a source of macro- and microelements, including fluoride. the aim of this work was to determine antioxidant activity of coffee beverages and fluoride content depending on different coffee species and conditions of brewing. three species of coffee, arabica, robusta and green coffee beans obtained from retail stores in szczecin (poland) we ...201728229386
clinical evidence of increase in hair growth and decrease in hair loss without adverse reactions promoted by the commercial lotion ecohair®.hair exerts protection, sensory functions, thermoregulation, and sexual attractiveness. hair loss (alopecia) is caused by several diseases, drug intake, hormone imbalance, stress, and infections (malassesia furfur). drugs usually used in alopecia produce irreversible systemic and local side effects. an association of extracts of coffea arabica and larrea divaricata (ecohair®) is successfully being commercialized in argentina for hair growth. the aim of this study was to provide scientific suppor ...201728226316
antioxidant activity of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of coffee beans (coffea arabica l.).coffee is important source of natural antioxidants in the diet, such as phenolic compounds, alkaloids, mainly caffeine, diterpenes (cafestol and kahweol) and maillard reaction products formed during roasting.201728071027
effect of roasting degree on the antioxidant activity of different arabica coffee quality is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, because of its unique sensory properties and physiological properties. coffee beverages represent a significant source of antioxidants in the consumers' diet and contribute significantly to their daily intake. the aim of this research was to investigate the effect of different roasting degrees on the content of biologically active compounds and antioxidant activity in different quality classes of arabica coffee.201728071018
transcriptome analysis of leaves, flowers and fruits perisperm of coffea arabica l. reveals the differential expression of genes involved in raffinose biosynthesis.coffea arabica l. is an important crop in several developing countries. despite its economic importance, minimal transcriptome data are available for fruit tissues, especially during fruit development where several compounds related to coffee quality are produced. to understand the molecular aspects related to coffee fruit and grain development, we report a large-scale transcriptome analysis of leaf, flower and perisperm fruit tissue development. illumina sequencing yielded 41,881,572 high-quali ...201728068432
strategies to reconstruct 3d coffea arabica l. plant structure.accurate model of structural elements is necessary to model the foliage and fruit distributions in cultivated plants, both of them being key parameters for yield prediction. however, the level of details in architectural data collection could vary, simplifying the data collection when plants get older and because of the high time cost required. in the present study, we aimed at reconstructing and analyzing plant structure, berry distributions and yield in coffea arabica (arabica coffee), by usin ...201628018783
understanding the effects of roasting on antioxidant components of coffee brews by coupling on-line abts assay to high performance size exclusion is a widely consumed beverage containing antioxidant active compounds. during roasting the phytochemical composition of the coffee bean changes dramatically and highly polymeric substances are produced. besides chlorogenic acids that are already present in green coffee beans, melanoidins show antioxidant capacity as well.201728008674
diterpenes biochemical profile and transcriptional analysis of cytochrome p450s genes in leaves, roots, flowers, and during coffea arabica l. fruit development.lipids are among the major chemical compounds present in coffee beans, and they affect the flavor and aroma of the coffee beverage. coffee oil is rich in kaurene diterpene compounds, mainly cafestol (caf) and kahweol (kah), which are related to plant defense mechanisms and to nutraceutical and sensorial beverage characteristics. despite their importance, the final steps of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis remain unknown. to understand the molecular basis of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis, we repor ...201728002787
proteomic analysis of coffee grains exposed to different drying process.many biochemical events occur inside grains during post-harvest processes. several methods have been developed to relate the chemical composition of the coffee grain to the beverage quality, including identification of possible molecular markers for flavor characterizing. this study was aimed at evaluating the changes in the proteomic profile of pulped and natural c. arabica grains dried in a yard or dryer at 60°c. it was observed that fruits dried in a dryer at 60°c showed an altered proteomic ...201727979176
phytochemical composition, antioxidant activity, and the effect of the aqueous extract of coffee (coffea arabica l.) bean residual press cake on the skin wound healing.the world coffee consumption has been growing for its appreciated taste and its beneficial effects on health. the residual biomass of coffee, originated in the food industry after oil extraction from coffee beans, called coffee beans residual press cake, has attracted interest as a source of compounds with antioxidant activity. this study investigated the chemical composition of aqueous extracts of coffee beans residual press cake (ae), their antioxidant activity, and the effect of topical appli ...201627965732
phytochemical overview and medicinal importance of coffea species from the past until now.coffea (coffee) species are grown in almost all countries along the equator. many members of the genus have a large production history and an important role both in the global market and researches. seeds (coffeae semen) are successfully used in food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries due to its caffeine and high polyphenol content. nowadays, the three best-known coffee species are arabic (coffea arabica l.), robusta (coffea robusta l. linden), and liberian coffees (coffea liberica hiern.) ...201627955739
using capillary electrophoresis to quantify organic acids from plant tissue: a test case examining coffea arabica seeds.carboxylic acids are organic acids containing one or more terminal carboxyl (cooh) functional groups. short chain carboxylic acids (sccas; carboxylic acids containing three to six carbons), such as malate and citrate, are critical to the proper functioning of many biological systems, where they function in cellular respiration and can serve as indicators of cell health. in foods, organic acid content can have significant impact on taste, with increased scca levels resulting in a sour or "acid" t ...201627911404
genetic diversity among coffee tree progenies big coffee vl based on growth traits and a coffee plantation of a coffee 'acaiá' cultivar (coffea arabica), on the midwest of minas gerais in capitólio city, a different kind of coffee tree was found (1989), possibly due to a mutation. it presented larger leaves and grains than those of conventional coffee trees and was named as "big coffee vl." the aim of this study was to estimate the genetic diversity of big coffee vl progenies cultivated at universidade federal de lavras, by evaluating growth and production traits, based on gene ...201627886344
the coffee leaf rust pathogen hemileia vastatrix: one and a half centuries around the tropics.hemileia vastatrix berk. and broome (basidiomycota, pucciniales) was described in 1869 in eastern africa and ceylon as the agent of coffee leaf rust and has spread to all coffee cultivation areas worldwide. major disease outbreaks in asia, africa and america caused and continue to cause severe yield losses, making this the most important disease of arabica coffee, a cash crop for many tropical and sub-tropical countries.201627885775
exploring the impacts of postharvest processing on the microbiota and metabolite profiles during green coffee bean production.the postharvest treatment and processing of fresh coffee cherries can impact the quality of the unroasted green coffee beans. in the present case study, freshly harvested arabica coffee cherries were processed through two different wet and dry methods to monitor differences in the microbial community structure and in substrate and metabolite profiles. the changes were followed throughout the postharvest processing chain, from harvest to drying, by implementing up-to-date techniques, encompassing ...201727793826
influence of growing altitude, shade and harvest period on quality and biochemical composition of ethiopian specialty quality is a key characteristic for the international market, comprising cup quality and chemical bean constituents. in ethiopia, using total specialty cup scores, coffees are grouped into q1 (specialty 1) ≥ 85 and q2 (80-84.75). this classification results in market segmentation and higher prices. although different studies have evaluated the effects of altitude and shade on bean quality, optimum shade levels along different altitudinal ranges are not clearly indicated. information on ef ...201627786361
application of 1d and 2d mfr reactor technology for the isolation of insecticidal and anti-microbial properties from pyrolysis bio-oils.valuable chemicals can be separated from agricultural residues by chemical or thermochemical processes. the application of pyrolysis has already been demonstrated as an efficient means to produce a liquid with a high concentration of desired product. the objective of this study was to apply an insect and microorganism bioassay-guided approach to separate and isolate pesticidal compounds from bio-oil produced through biomass pyrolysis. tobacco leaf (nicotianata bacum), tomato plant (solanum lycop ...201627715497
biometric analysis of arabica coffee grown in low potassium nutrient solution under greenhouse conditions.genetic parameters and associations between morpho-agronomic traits and nutritional efficiencies of arabica coffee cultivars were estimated to identify promising traits to assist in the selection of coffee genotypes efficient in potassium use, under limiting conditions of this nutrient. the experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with 20 arabica coffee cultivars grown in nutrient solution with a low potassium level (1.5 mm), using a randomized block design with three replicates. the traits eval ...201627706752
development of an instant coffee enriched with chlorogenic acids.the objective of this study was to present possible formulations for an instant coffee product enriched with chlorogenic acids for the brazilian market. formulations were prepared with different concentrations of freeze dried extracts of green coffea canephora beans (g) added to freeze dried extracts of roasted coffea arabica (a) and coffea canephora (c). medium (m) and dark (d) roasting degrees instant coffee were produced (am, ad, cm and cd) to obtain four formulations with green extract addit ...201627570262
root biomass, turnover and net primary productivity of a coffee agroforestry system in costa rica: effects of soil depth, shade trees, distance to row and coffee costa rica, coffee (coffea arabica) plants are often grown in agroforests. however, it is not known if shade-inducing trees reduce coffee plant biomass through root competition, and hence alter overall net primary productivity (npp). we estimated biomass and npp at the stand level, taking into account deep roots and the position of plants with regard to trees.201627551026
authentication of coffea arabica according to triacylglycerol stereospecific composition.stereospecific analysis is an important tool for the characterization of lipid fraction of food products. in the present research, an approach to characterize arabica and robusta varieties by structural analysis of the triacylglycerol (tag) fraction is reported. the lipids were soxhlet extracted from ground roasted coffee beans with petroleum ether, and the fatty acids (fa) were determined as their corresponding methyl esters. the results of a chemical-enzymatic-chromatographic method were elabo ...201627547482
towards a collaborative research: a case study on linking science to farmers' perceptions and knowledge on arabica coffee pests and diseases and its management.the scientific community has recognized the importance of integrating farmer's perceptions and knowledge (fpk) for the development of sustainable pest and disease management strategies. however, the knowledge gap between indigenous and scientific knowledge still contributes to misidentification of plant health constraints and poor adoption of management solutions. this is particularly the case in the context of smallholder farming in developing countries. in this paper, we present a case study o ...201627504826
effects of alternate drip irrigation and superabsorbent polymers on growth and water use of young coffee obtain optimal irrigation management for young coffee tree, the effects of alternate drip irrigation (adi) and superabsorbent polymers on physiology, growth, dry mass accumulation and water use on one-year old coffea arabica l. tree were investigated. this experiment had three drip irrigation methods, i.e., conventional drip irrigation (cdi), alternate drip irrigation (adi) and fixed drip irrigation (fdi), and two levels of superabsorbent polymers, i.e., no superabsorbent polymers (nsap) and ...201627498491
abiotic stresses affect differently the intron splicing and expression of chloroplast genes in coffee plants (coffea arabica) and rice (oryza sativa).despite the increasing understanding of the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in plants, the importance of intron splicing and processing of chloroplast rna transcripts under stress conditions is largely unknown. here, to understand how abiotic stresses affect the intron splicing and expression patterns of chloroplast genes in dicots and monocots, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the intron splicing and expression patterns of chloroplast genes in the coffee plant (coffea arabic ...201627448724
protective response mechanisms to heat stress in interaction with high [co2] conditions in coffea spp.modeling studies have predicted that coffee crop will be endangered by future global warming, but recent reports highlighted that high [co2] can mitigate heat impacts on coffee. this work aimed at identifying heat protective mechanisms promoted by co2 in coffea arabica (cv. icatu and ipr108) and coffea canephora cv. conilon cl153. plants were grown at 25/20°c (day/night), under 380 or 700 μl co2 l(-1), and then gradually submitted to 31/25, 37/30, and 42/34°c. relevant heat tolerance up to 37/30 ...201627446174
inter-genomic dna exchanges and homeologous gene silencing shaped the nascent allopolyploid coffee genome (coffea arabica l.).allopolyploidization is a biological process that has played a major role in plant speciation and evolution. genomic changes are common consequences of polyploidization, but their dynamics over time are still poorly understood. coffea arabica, a recently formed allotetraploid, was chosen to study genetic changes that accompany allopolyploid formation. both rna-seq and dna-seq data were generated from two genetically distant c. arabica accessions. genomic structural variation was investigated usi ...201627440920
biodiesel and poly-unsaturated fatty acids production from algae and crop plants - a rapid and comprehensive workflow for lipid analysis.fatty acid methyl ester analysis (fame) by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (gc-ms) is a widely used technique in biodiesel/bioproduct (e.g. poly-unsaturated fatty acids, pufa) research but typically does not allow distinguishing between bound and free fatty acids. to understand and optimize biosynthetic pathways, however, the origin of the fatty acid is an important information. furthermore the annotation of pufas is compromised in classical gc-ei-ms because the precursor molecul ...201627440175
ultrasonic sensing of plant water needs for agriculture.fresh water is a key natural resource for food production, sanitation and industrial uses and has a high environmental value. the largest water use worldwide (~70%) corresponds to irrigation in agriculture, where use of water is becoming essential to maintain productivity. efficient irrigation control largely depends on having access to reliable information about the actual plant water needs. therefore, fast, portable and non-invasive sensing techniques able to measure water requirements directl ...201627428968
complete chloroplast genome sequences of solanum commersonii and its application to chloroplast genotype in somatic hybrids with solanum tuberosum.chloroplast genome of solanum commersonii and s olanum tuberosum were completely sequenced, and indel markers were successfully applied to distinguish chlorotypes demonstrating the chloroplast genome was randomly distributed during protoplast fusion. somatic hybridization has been widely employed for the introgression of resistance to several diseases from wild solanum species to overcome sexual barriers in potato breeding. solanum commersonii is a major resource used as a parent line in somatic ...201627417695
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 628