
molecular studies of brome mosaic virus using infectious transcripts from cloned cdna. 19873303861
pressure-induced dissociation of brome mosaic virus.brome mosaic virus reversibly dissociates into subunits in the pressure range of 600 x 10(5) to 1600 x 10(5) pa, as demonstrated by studies of the spectral shift of intrinsic fluorescence, of filtration chromatography and of electron microscopy of samples fixed under pressure. smaller shell particles (t = 1) were detected as intermediates in the dissociation pathway. dissociation was facilitated by decreasing the concentration, as expected for a multimolecular reaction. the estimated change in v ...19883351916
characterization and engineering of sequences controlling in vivo synthesis of brome mosaic virus subgenomic rna.expression of brome mosaic virus (bmv) coat protein and internal genes of many other positive-strand rna viruses requires initiation of subgenomic mrna synthesis from specific internal sites on minus-strand genomic rna templates. biologically active viral cdna clones were used to investigate the sequences controlling production of bmv subgenomic rna in vivo. suitable duplications directed production of specifically initiated, capped subgenomic rnas from new sites in the bmv genome. previously im ...19883373573
complementary oligodeoxynucleotide mediated inhibition of tobacco mosaic virus rna translation in vitro.two different "antisense" oligodeoxynucleotides and their rna analogues, each complementary to non-overlapping sequences of 51 bases near the 5' end of tmv rna, inhibit in vitro translation of the genomic rna in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. inhibition is dependent upon complementarity, concentration, and hybridization of the oligomers with tmv rna. inhibition is observed at molar ratios of tmv rna to antisense oligomers as low as 1:1.5. a plateau of inhibition at which 10-25% of the control sig ...19883380688
further implications for the evolutionary relationships between tripartite plant viruses based on cucumber mosaic virus rna 3.the nucleotide sequence of the rna 3 of the q-strain of cucumber mosaic virus (q-cmv) has been reinvestigated and supporting partial amino acid sequence data obtained for the coat protein. corrections to the previously published sequence of rna 3 [a. r. gould and r. h. symons (1982) eur. j. biochem. 126, 217-226] result in changes to the size and composition of the putative 3a and coat proteins. analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed a 14-nucleotide sequence present in the intercistronic r ...19883388769
involvement of a nonstructural protein in the rna synthesis of brome mosaic virus.rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) was prepared from brome mosaic virus (bmv)-infected barley by a procedure including nonidet-p40 treatment. the enzyme proved to be highly active, specific, and almost completely template dependent without the need for nuclease treatment [w. a. miller, and t. c. hall (1983) virology 125, 236-241] or deae ion exchange chromatography [k. maekawa and i. furusawa (1984) ann. phytopathol. soc. japan 50, 491-499]. two c-terminal peptides p1c and p2c derived from the ...19883388771
mutational analysis of the sequence and structural requirements in brome mosaic virus rna for minus strand promoter rna-dependent rna polymerase (replicase) activity that specifically copies brome mosaic virus (bmv) rnas in vitro can be prepared from bmv-infected barley leaves. the signals directing complementary (minus) strand synthesis reside within the 3' 134-nucleotide-long trna-like structure that is common to each of the virion rnas. by studying the influence of minus strand synthesis of numerous mutations introduced throughout this region of the rna, we have mapped in detail the sequence and structu ...19883418698
mutational analysis of the trna mimicry of brome mosaic virus rna. sequence and structural requirements for aminoacylation and 3'-adenylation.the genomic rnas of brome mosaic virus (bmv) exhibit various trna-like properties, including specific tyrosylation by tyrosyl-trna synthetases and adenylation of the 3'-ccoh derivative by trna nucleotidyl transferases. we have studied the effect of numerous mutations in all domains of the trna-like structure of bmv rna on tyrosylation and adenylation in vitro. surprisingly few mutations resulted in more than 50% decrease in tyrosylation rates with either wheat germ or yeast synthetases; those mu ...19883418699
infectious in vitro transcripts from cowpea chlorotic mottle virus cdna clones and exchange of individual rna components with brome mosaic virus.complete cdna copies of genomic rna1, rna2, and rna3 of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (ccmv) were cloned 1 base downstream from a t7 rna polymerase promoter. the mixture of capped in vitro transcripts from all three clones produced normal ccmv infections in barley protoplasts and cowpea plants. by using transcripts from these clones and from a similar set of biologically active clones of the related brome mosaic virus (bmv), all possible single component exchanges between the bmv and ccmv tripar ...19883418781
analysis of brome mosaic virus replication and aminoacylation functions by site-specific mutagenesis.brome mosaic virus (bmv) has a tripartite rna genome; each rna and the subgenomic rna encoding the viral coat protein share a highly homologous region of about 200 nucleotides at the 3' end, for which a trna-like structure has been proposed. several sequences encoding functions, including replicase binding, initiation of (-) strand synthesis and tyrosine esterification are known to be nested within this region. elongation factor ef-1 alpha binds to aminoacylated viral rnas, but not to the unchar ...19873503887
intercistronic as well as terminal sequences are required for efficient amplification of brome mosaic virus rna3.the genome of brome mosaic virus (bmv) is divided among messenger polarity rna1, rna2, and rna3 (3.2, 2.9, and 2.1 kilobases, respectively). cis-acting sequences required for bmv rna amplification were investigated with rna3. by using expressible cdna clones, deletions were constructed throughout rna3 and tested in barley protoplasts coinoculated with rna1 and rna2. in contrast to requirements for 5'- and 3'-terminal noncoding sequences, either of the two rna3 coding regions can be deleted indiv ...19873573144
the common 5' terminal sequence on trypanosome mrnas: a target for anti-messenger oligodeoxynucleotides.several mature mrnas of trypanosoma brucei were previously shown to have a common 5' terminal sequence of 35 nucleotides (nt) encoded by a separate mini-exon. to verify whether all trypanosome mrnas contain this mini-exon sequence at their 5' end, we have tested oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to different parts of the 35 nt leader sequence for their ability to inhibit translation of total trypanosome mrna. all oligomers tested inhibited translation of trypanosome mrnas in a wheat germ extra ...19863737413
minus-strand initiation by brome mosaic virus replicase within the 3' trna-like structure of native and modified rna rna-dependent rna polymerase (replicase) extract from brome mosaic virus-infected barley leaves has been shown to initiate synthesis of (-) sense rna from (+) sense virion rna. initiation occurred de novo, as demonstrated by the incorporation of [gamma-32p]gtp into the product. sequencing using cordycepin triphosphate to terminate (-) strands during their synthesis by the replicase generated sequence ladders that confirmed that copying was accurate, and that initiation occurred very close to ...19863754904
modulation of replication, aminoacylation and adenylation in vitro and infectivity in vivo of bmv rnas containing deletions within the multifunctional 3' end.the genome of brome mosaic virus (bmv) is comprised of three (+) strand rnas, each containing a similar, highly structured, 200 base long sequence at its 3' end. a 134 base subset of this sequence contains signals directing interaction of the viral rna with bmv rna replicase, atp,ctp:trna nucleotidyl transferase and aminoacyl trna synthetase. a series of mutants containing deletions within this region, previously constructed and tested in vitro for the effect on replication and aminoacylation ac ...19863758026
synthesis of brome mosaic virus subgenomic rna in vitro by internal initiation on (-)-sense genomic rna.the genomes of many (+)-stranded rna viruses, including plant viruses and alphaviruses, consist of polycistronic rnas whose internal genes are expressed via subgenomic messenger rnas. the mechanism(s) by which these subgenomic mrnas arise are poorly understood. based on indirect evidence, three models have been proposed: (1) internal initiation by the replicase on the (-)-strand of genomic rna, (2) premature termination during (-)-strand synthesis, followed by independent replication of the subg ...19853838107
deletions in the 3'-terminal trna-like structure of brome mosaic virus rna differentially affect aminoacylation and replication in vitro.deletions in cdna clones covering the 3' 201 nucleotides of brome mosaic virus rna 3 were produced by s1 nuclease treatment of cloned dna linearized at several different restriction sites. transcription of these clones yielded rnas containing structural alterations in the 3'-terminal trna-like structure that is involved in aminoacylation and replication. replicase template activity, but not aminoacylation activity, was especially sensitive to deletions in arm c, which contains a tyrosyl anticodo ...19853862087
the replication of plant virus rna.the roles of plant-encoded rna-dependent rna polymerases and viral rna replicases in the replication of plant viral rna are reviewed with respect to the positive single-stranded tymv, cpmv and bmv.19853940008
identification of regions of brome mosaic virus coat protein chemically cross-linked in situ to viral rna.rna-protein cross-links were introduced into brome mosaic virus in situ by using the heterobifunctional agent p-azidophenylglyoxal. an improved rna isolation method, without phenol extraction, was used to isolate rna cross-linked with protein. rna of the covalently linked complex was acid-digested and the oligonucleotides still attached to protein were 5'-end-labelled with 32p. the complexes were digested with trypsin and the tryptic peptides were purified by reversed-phase high-performance liqu ...19863943527
sindbis virus proteins nsp1 and nsp2 contain homology to nonstructural proteins from several rna plant viruses.although the genetic organization of tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) differs considerably from that of the tripartite viruses (alfalfa mosaic virus [almv] and brome mosaic virus [bmv]), all of these rna plant viruses share three domains of homology among their nonstructural proteins. one such domain, common to the almv and bmv 2a proteins and the readthrough portion of tmv p183, is also homologous to the readthrough protein nsp4 of sindbis virus (haseloff et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 81:4358 ...19853968720
effect of dinucleotides on wheat germ translation system.the effect of ribodinucleoside monophosphates on total protein synthesis was studied in a wheat germ cell-free system, using brome mosaic virus (bmv) rna as a messenger. dinucleotides inhibit total protein synthesis to different extents. of those tested the most inhibitory is cpa. the inhibitory effect of dinucleotides is due to their adverse effect on initiation and not on elongation of polypeptide synthesis. it seems that the dinucleotides complementary to the initiation codon are able to comp ...19853987903
incomplete polypeptides are formed in vitro by premature chain termination.the mechanism of incomplete polypeptides formation during protein synthesis was studied in the wheat germ cell-free system programmed with brome mosaic virus rna 4. the synthesis of coat protein, the complete product of rna 4 translation, was accompanied by the appearance of polypeptides of lower molecular mass. it was shown that incomplete products are formed by translation of different lengths of rna 4, always from the first 5' aug codon, and were due neither to proteolysis of coat protein nor ...19854006942
nucleotide sequence of cucumber mosaic virus rna. 1. presence of a sequence complementary to part of the viral satellite rna and homologies with other viral rnas.the nucleotide sequence of the 3389 residues of rna 1 (mr 1.15 x 10(6) of the q strain of cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) was determined, completing the primary structure of the cmv genome (8617 nucleotides). cmv rna 1 was sequenced by the dideoxy-chain-termination method using m13 clones carrying rna 1 sequences as well as synthetic oligonucleotide primers on rna 1 as a template. at the 5' end of the rna there are 97 noncoding residues between the cap structure and the first aug (98-100), which is ...19854018086
formation of artificial top component from brome mosaic virus at high salt concentrations. 19744132238
aggregation states of brome mosaic virus protein. 19744411901
translation of brome mosaic viral ribonucleic acid in a cell-free system derived from wheat embryo.the four rnas of brome mosaic virus induce substantial incorporation of amino acids into protein when used as messengers in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system derived from wheat embryo. rna 4 is highly efficient as a monocistronic messenger for the viral coat protein. acetate, derived from acetyl coenzyme a, is incorporated into the product made in vitro. although rna 3 also contains the coat-protein cistron, it induces synthesis mostly of a protein larger than coat protein. rnas 1 and 2 al ...19734515941
effect of development on the translation of messenger rna in artemia salina embryos.cell-free preparations from encapsulated artemia salina embryos readily translate poly(u), but there is no endogenous protein synthesis or translation of added natural mrna until development resumes upon incubation in saline. high-salt-washed 80s ribosomes and highspeed supernatant (cytosol) were prepared from undeveloped eggs and from eggs allowed to develop to a stage prior to hatching. endogenous protein synthesis occurs only with ribosomes from developed embryos, whether with undeveloped or ...19744527774
translation of virus mrna: synthesis of bacteriophage q beta proteins in a cell-free extract from wheat embryo.the rna from bacteriophage qbeta can be translated by cell-free extracts from wheat embryos. this translation, by 80s ribosomes, occurs at a low magnesium ion concentration. three products are synthesized which coelectrophorese with qbeta proteins synthesized in escherichia coli extracts. the smallest of these has been identified as coat protein. although the polycistronic bacteriophage message is translated with fidelity, the efficiency is much less than when the monocistronic brome mosaic viru ...19734586778
a neurospora crassa heat-shocked cell lysate translates homologous and heterologous messenger rna efficiently, without preference for heat shock messages.cell-free protein synthesis systems were prepared from normally-grown (n-lysate) and heat-shocked (hs-lysate) neurospora crassa mycelium. although both lysates translated homologous mrna, the hs-lysate was more active, yielding a higher incorporation of [35s]-methionine into hot tca-insoluble material and a vastly superior protein synthesis profile. the optimal temperature for translation by both lysates was 21 degrees c; the hs-lysate did not translate heat-shock mrna preferentially at any temp ...19882969781
properties of single-stranded rna synthesized by a crude rna polymerase fraction from barley leaves infected with brome mosaic virus. 19724626032
enzyme-mediated binding of tyrosine to brome-mosaic-virus ribonucleic acid.incubation of tyrosine with the rna from brome-mosaic-virus under conditions favourable for aminoacylation of trna resulted in binding of tyrosine to the viral rna. sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation showed that tyrosine binds to three and probably to all four of the viral rna components. the bound amino acid was readily released in mild alkaline solutions. of 20 amino acids tested, only tyrosine was found to bind. the maximum extent of binding observed was 0.58mol of tyrosine/mol of brome- ...19724655830
[investigations of the differentiation of three strains of brome mosaic virus. i. serological investigations and virus denaturation in vitro]. 19724677991
[characterization of non-treated and formaldehyde stabilized brome mosaic virus protein and the influence of stabilization on antigenicity and immunogenicity of the protein]. 19724679118
characterization and specificity of soluble rna polymerase of brome mosaic virus. 19734705381
possible identification of a protein in brome mosaic virus infected barley as a component of viral rna polymerase. 19734713912
comparison of the buoyant density heterogeneity of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus. 19734725631
comparison of tyrosyl transfer ribonucleic acid and brome mosaic virus tyrosyl ribonucleic acid as amino acid donors in protein synthesis. 19734773844
template activity of brome mosaic virus-rna components with soluble brome mosaic virus rna polymerase. 19734798092
the nature of the products of brome mosaic virus rna polymerase. 19744820888
messenger and aminoacylation functions of brome mosaic virus rna after chemical modification of 3' terminus. 19744841365
replicative forms and viral rna synthesis in leaves infected with brome mosaic virus. 19744844418
origin of the small component of brome mosaic virus rna. 19725023181
[differentiation of three strains of brome mosaic virus. ii. specific infectivity of the virus strains and thermal denaturation of virus rna]. 19725068503
structures derived from cowpea chlorotic mottle and brome mosaic virus protein. 19695784855
properties of single- and double-stranded ribonucleic acid from barley plants infected with bromegrass mosaic virus.incorporation of (32)p into nucleic acids in barley plants infected with bromegrass mosaic virus (bmv) was analyzed by chromatography on methylated albumin kieselguhr (mak) columns. treatment with actinomycin d reduced the synthesis of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rna) to low levels and allowed the detection of the three components of bmv-rna in vivo. the kinetic study on (32)p incorporation into these bmv-rna components suggested that a single cleavage occurred in some of the intact rna shortly ...19695786179
poliovirus rna-dependent rna polymerase synthesizes full-length copies of poliovirion rna, cellular mrna, and several plant virus rnas in vitro.the poliovirus rna-dependent rna polymerase was active on synthetic homopolymeric rna templates as well as on every natural rna tested. the polymerase copied polyadenylate. oligouridylate [oligo(u)], polycytidylate . oligoinosinate, and polyinosinate. oligocytidylate templates to about the same extent. the observed activity on polyuridylate. oligoadenylate was about fourfold less. full-length copies of both poliovirion rna and a wide variety of other polyadenylated rnas were synthesized by the p ...19826183446
the effects of paromomycin on the fidelity of translation in a yeast cell-free system.the effects of the aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin on the fidelity of translation of the synthetic template poly(u), and two natural mrnas (rabbit globin mrna and brome mosaic virus rna), were examined in an mrna-dependent cell-free system from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. at antibiotic concentrations that did not inhibit translation (100 microm) optimal mistranslation of all three templates was observed, with the effects declining at higher antibiotic concentrations. synthesis of t ...19846388640
mutant viral rnas synthesized in vitro show altered aminoacylation and replicase template activities.a remarkable feature of the genomic rnas of several plant viruses is the presence at the 3' end of a region that exhibits trna-like functions, including aminoacylation. the three genomic and single subgenomic rnas of brome mosaic virus (bmv) accept tyrosine in vitro and in vivo, the smallest 3' fragment that can be aminoacylated being about 135 nucleotides long. the roles of the trna-like properties are incompletely understood, but an involvement in replication rather than translational function ...19846472477
nucleotide sequence of cucumber-mosaic-virus rna 2 reveals a translation product significantly homologous to corresponding proteins of other viruses.the nucleotide sequence of the 3035 residues of rna 2 (mr 1.03 x 10(6) ) of the q strain of cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) was determined by sequencing m13 clones of the rna 2 cdna and by dideoxy sequencing using primers prepared either from m13 clones or by chemical synthesis. a single long open reading frame starts at the second aug from the 5' end of rna 2 and encodes 839 amino acids (mr 94333). this frame has flanking regions of 92 nucleotides at the 5' terminus and 423 nucleotides at the 3' te ...19846547906
cdna cloning and in vitro transcription of the complete brome mosaic virus genome.complete cdna copies of each of the brome mosaic virus genomic rnas (3.2, 2.8, and 2.1 kilobases in length) were cloned in a novel transcription vector, ppm1, designed to provide exact control of the transcription initiation site. after cleavage at a unique ecori site immediately downstream of the inserted cdna, these clones can be transcribed in vitro by escherichia coli rna polymerase to yield complete copies of the brome mosaic virus rnas. dideoxy sequencing of 5' transcript cdna runoff produ ...19846549346
trna-like structures of plant viral rnas: conformational requirements for adenylation and aminoacylation.bromo- and cucumovirus rnas contain a trna-like structure as an integral part of their genome. this structure is located at the 3' end of the viral rna and is an acceptor of tyrosine. the 3' regions of representative viral rnas have been sequenced and quite unorthodox secondary foldings have been proposed for these 3' ends. the question therefore remained as to how these structures could be recognized by trna-specific enzymes. we have established the minimum number of nucleotides from the 3' end ...19836556143
striking similarities in amino acid sequence among nonstructural proteins encoded by rna viruses that have dissimilar genomic organization.the plant viruses alfalfa mosaic virus (amv) and brome mosaic virus (bmv) each divide their genetic information among three rnas while tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) contains a single genomic rna. amino acid sequence comparisons suggest that the single proteins encoded by amv rna 1 and bmv rna 1 and by amv rna 2 and bmv rna 2 are related to the nh2-terminal two-thirds and the cooh-terminal one-third, respectively, of the largest protein encoded by tmv. separating these two domains in the tmv rna seq ...19846611550
three-dimensional models of the trna-like 3' termini of some plant viral rnas.various plant viral rnas possess a 3' terminus with trna-like properties. these viral rnas are charged with an amino acid upon incubation with the cognate aminoacyl-trna synthetase and atp. we have studied the structure of end-labelled 3'-terminal fragments of turnip yellow mosaic virus rna and brome mosaic virus rna 2 with chemical modifications of the adenosine and cytidine residues and with enzymatic digestions using rnase t1, nuclease s1 and the double-strand-specific ribonuclease from cobra ...19836628363
translational stability of plant viral rnas microinjected into living cells. influence of a 3'-poly(a) segment.three different alternative structural features have been shown to be present at the 3' terminus of plant viral rnas: (a) a poly(a) track, (b) a trna-like structure, (c) no special structural or sequence characteristic. we have compared the translational stability after injection into frog oocytes of a representative of each type: (a) the small genomic rna (m-rna) of cowpea mosaic virus (cpmv), (b) the subgenomic mrna for coat protein (rna 4) of brome mosaic virus (bmv), (c) the subgenomic mrna ...19836681761
nucleotide sequence of the brome mosaic virus genome and its implications for viral replication.the nucleotide sequences of brome mosaic virus (bmv) rnas 1 (3234 bases) and 2 (2865 bases) have been determined, completing the primary structure of the 8200 base tripartite bmv genome. cdna clones covering 99% of bmv rna1 and a full-length cdna clone of bmv rna2 were isolated in the course of this work. extensive sequence homology and known interaction with several proteins suggest that the 3' ends of the bmv rnas are the major regulatory regions of the genome. smaller regions at the 5' ends o ...19846694215
translation of black beetle virus rna and heterologous viral rnas in cell-free lysates derived from drosophila melanogaster.a cell-free protein synthesizing system was prepared from cells of drosophila melanogaster line 1 and made mrna dependent by treatment with micrococcal nuclease. the system was tested with homologous rna from black beetle virus propagated in drosophila cells, with drosophila heat shock mrna, and with various heterologous viral mrna's. under optimal conditions amino acid incorporation programmed with black beetle virus rnas was 30-fold higher than endogenous incorporation. rnas 1 and 2 primarily ...19816783766
self-assembly of brome mosaic virus protein into capsids. initial and final states of aggregation.the ph and ionic strength dependence of the states of aggregation of brome mosaic virus protein has been investigated by small angle neutron scattering, quasielastic light-scattering, analytical centrifugation and electron microscopy. at ph above neutrality, protein oligomers are found in dynamical equilibrium, comprising monomers, dimers and aggregates of higher molecular weight. by lowering the ph, capsids assemble spontaneously with dimensions in solution which depend on ionic strength. if fo ...19836842600
self-assembly of brome mosaic virus capsids. kinetic study using neutron and x-ray solution scattering.the self-assembly of brome mosaic virus capsid has been studied kinetically by means of x-ray and neutron scattering. it appears to be a very fast process: for the concentrations used (5 to 8 mg/ml) the forward scattering reaches 50% of its maximal value in less than one second. further, the assembly seems to proceed through intermediate states whose nature is still speculative.19836842602
comparison of the nucleotide sequences of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus.cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) and brome mosaic virus (bmv) are isometric plant viruses. although biologically distinct, they share many common chemical properties. an analysis of the partial genomic rna sequence available for these two viruses reveals that they are evolutionarily related. different segments of the genome exhibit different evolutionary rates. the coat proteins, which serve as carriers of genetic material, possess little or no homology. in contrast, the 3a proteins show over 35% hom ...19836887249
complete nucleotide sequences of the coat protein messenger rnas of brome mosaic virus and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus.the nucleotide sequences of the subgenomic coat protein messengers (rna4's) of two related bromoviruses, brome mosaic virus (bmv) and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (ccmv), have been determined by direct rna and cdna sequencing without cloning. bmv rna4 is 876 b long including a 5' noncoding region of nine nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 300 nucleotides. ccmv rna 4 is 824 b long, including a 5' noncoding region of 10 nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 244 nucleotides. the encoded c ...19826895941
both the 7-methyl and the 2'-o-methyl groups in the cap of mrna strongly influence its ability to act as primer for influenza virus rna transcription.the ability of eukaryotic mrnas to serve as primers for influenza virus rna transcription depends on the presence of a 5'-terminal methylated can structure, the absence of which eliminates essentially all priming activity [plotch, s. j., bouloy, m. & krug, r. m. (1979) proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 76, 1618-1622]. the present study was undertaken to determine the extent to which each of the methyl groups in the cap influences the priming activity of a mrna. to assess the importance of the 2'-o-meth ...19806933444
faithful and efficient translation of homologous and heterologous mrnas in an mrna-dependent cell-free system from saccharomyces cerevisiae.a cell-free protein synthesizing system from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae has been optimized for the translation of both homologous yeast mrna and for a number of heterologous eukaryotic mrnas. a significant increase in protein synthesis was observed when k(oac) rather than kcl was used as the source of k+ in the in vitro translation system. this was due primarily to an inhibitory effect oif cl-. the polyamine putrescine hydrochloride stimulated protein synthesis only at low mg2+ concentra ...19806997303
an homologous in vitro assay for yeast nonsense suppressors.a cell-free translation system, from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been used to develop an in vitro assay for yeast uga, ochre and amber suppressors. amber suppression was assayed by read-through of the brome mosaic virus coat protein cistron uag terminator. uga suppression was assayed by read-through of the rabbit beta-globin uga terminator and ochre suppression by read-through of the rabbit alpha-globin mrna uaa terminator. ochre suppression was increased 3-fold when the globin mrna ...19817019207
[translation of rna 4 from plant brome mosaic virus in an escherichia coli cell-free system with pure protein factors in translation].translation by rna 4 from plant brome mosaic virus coding for the virus coat protein in an e. coli cell-free system with pure factors of translation has been studied. it has been shown that the initiation of translation by this mrna depends completely on the three e. coli initiation factors. optimal ionic conditions for the formation of the initiatory 70s times fmet-trna times rna 4 complex have been found. it has been shown that this complex is stable in conditions of zonal centrifugation. on t ...19817033766
effect of secondary structure of messenger ribonucleic acid on the formation of initiation complexes with prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes.the effect of modification of the secondary structure of phage f2 rna and brome mosaic virus (bmv) rna 3 on the formation of initiation complexes in escherichia coli and wheat germ protein-synthesizing systems was studied. modification of the rnas was achieved by using o-methylhydroxylamine, which specifically reacts with cytosines; this leaves the initiation codons unchanged and, under denaturing conditions, leads to irreversible unfolding of the rna. e. coli ribosomes interact with newly expos ...19827037402
relationship between structure of the 5' noncoding region of viral mrna and efficiency in the initiation step of protein synthesis in a eukaryotic determine whether the rate of protein synthesis is controlled by the structure of mrna near its 5' terminus, protein-synthesizing ability, especially in its initial stage, was compared among rnas of plant viruses. those viruses used here contain several definite pieces of single-stranded rna. each of these rnas acts as a messenger. cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) rna 5 synthesizes a small amount of a protein, mr 7000, in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system from wheat germ or reticulocyte. bro ...19827041111
near identity of 3- rna secondary structure in bromoviruses and cucumber mosaic virus.the 3- terminal sequences of rnas 1, 2, 3 and 4 from each of the three bromoviruses (brome mosaic, cowpea chlorotic mottle and broad bean mottle viruses) and also from cucumber mosaic virus display interviral sequence similarity in addition to strong intraviral homology. interviral similarity is much more evident when rna secondary, rather than primary, structures are compared. the last 190 bases of the various rnas can fold into strikingly similar, extensively base-paired secondary structures w ...19817214524
complete nucleotide sequence of brome mosaic virus rna3. 19817338913
the rnas of bromoviruses: 3'-terminal sequences of the four brome mosaic virus rnas and comparison with cowpea chlorotic mottle virus rna 4. 19807389920
wheat germ protein kinase affects the translation of brome mosaic virus ribonucleic acid in vitro.wheat germ protein kinase inhibits in vitro translation of brome mosaic virus (bmv) rna 1 and 2, without affecting the translation of rna 4. inhibition of formation of bmv polypeptides 1a and 2a is due to the arrest of initiation of polypeptide synthesis. it was found that protein kinase inhibits the formation of the 80s initiation complex with bmv rna 1 and 2, without affecting the formation of the initiation complex with bmv rna 4. inhibition of protein synthesis by wheat germ protein kinase i ...19807448166
role of atp in binding and migration of 40s ribosomal subunits.two assays have been devised to demonstrate atp-dependent migration of 40s ribosomal subunits on messenger rna. the first is a two-step runoff assay. reovirus mrna was initially loaded with 40s subunits by incubation with wheat germ ribosomes in the presence of the antibiotic edeine. during the second phase of the incubation, in which further attachment of ribosomes was inhibited, the preformed complexes were shown to dissociate (presumably by runoff) only if atp was included in the reaction. a ...19807448869
inhibition of brome mosaic virus (bmv) amplification in protoplasts from transgenic tobacco plants expressing replicable bmv rnas.transgenic tobacco plants (v123 plants) expressing a set of full-length brome mosaic virus (bmv) genomic rnas from the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter were produced. the accumulation level of bmv rnas in v123 plant cells was approximately 1% of that in nontransgenic tobacco protoplasts inoculated with bmv rnas. the level of bmv rna in v123 protoplasts did not increase after inoculating the protoplasts with bmv rnas, whereas v123 protoplasts supported the accumulation of cucumber mosaic vir ...19957595390
biological significance of the seven amino-terminal basic residues of brome mosaic virus coat protein.inoculation of six brome mosaic virus (bmv) rna3 transcripts with defined deletions in the coat protein (cp) gene to three chenopodium spp demonstrated that synthesis of a functional, encapsidation-competent cp is required for the induction of local lesions. the bmv cp open reading frame contains two in-frame aug codons separated by seven amino acids, resulting in the synthesis of two cps (cp1 and cp2). to elucidate the biological significance of the n-terminal basic region of bmv cp, rna3 varia ...19957645235
partial restoration of inactivated ribosomes with sodium borohydride or amino acids.the aldehyde radical of ribose c1' at position 4324 in rat liver 28s rrna generated by rna n-glycosidase was either reduced to an hydroxyl group by sodium borohydride or converted into aldimine through a nucleophilic addition of amino acid used as a primary amine. analysis of the r-fragment of 28s rrna by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the reduction of aldehyde to an hydroxyl group with sodium borohydride was highly specific. the protein synthesis activity of modified ribosomes w ...19957649291
bromovirus movement protein genes play a crucial role in host specificity.monocot-adapted brome mosaic virus (bmv) and dicot-adapted cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (ccmv) are closely related bromoviruses with tripartite rna genomes. although rnas 1 and 2 together are sufficient for rna replication in protoplasts, systemic infection also requires rna3, which encodes the coat protein and the nonstructural 3a movement protein. we have previously shown with bromoviral reassortants that host specificity determinants in both viruses are encoded by rna3 as well as by rna1 and ...19937682628
contributions of the brome mosaic virus rna-3 3'-nontranslated region to replication and translation.sequences upstream of the 3'-terminal trna-like structure of brome mosaic virus rnas have been predicted to fold into several stem-loop and pseudoknot structures. to elucidate the functional role of this upstream region, a series of deletions was made in cdna clones of rna-3, a genomic component not required for replication. these deletion mutants were transcribed in vitro and cotransfected with rna-1 and rna-2 into barley protoplasts. deletion of single stem-loop structures gave progeny retaini ...19937684465
formation of brome mosaic virus rna-dependent rna polymerase in yeast requires coexpression of viral proteins and viral this report we show that yeast expressing brome mosaic virus (bmv) replication proteins 1a and 2a and replicating a bmv rna3 derivative can be extracted to yield a template-dependent bmv rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) able to synthesize (-)-strand rna from bmv (+)-strand rna templates added in vitro. this virus-specific yeast-derived rdrp mirrored the template selectivity and other characteristics of rdrp from bmv-infected plants. equivalent extracts from yeast expressing 1a and 2a but l ...19957761419
mutational analysis of the coat protein gene of brome mosaic virus: effects on replication and movement in barley and in chenopodium hybridum.the coat protein (cp) open reading frame (orf) of brome mosaic virus (bmv) has been mutated to study host-related cp functions in barley, a systemic host, and in chenopodium hybridum l. which supports both local lesion formation and systemic spread of bmv. to test the role of the n-terminal region of cp, mutants c1 to c3, which synthesized the cp lacking first seven amino acids, and mutant d1, which had trp 22 and thr 23 replaced with phe-gly-ser, were generated. c1 to c3 inhibited virus systemi ...19957772801
host-specificity restriction by bromovirus cell-to-cell movement protein occurs after initial cell-to-cell spread of infection in nonhost plants.the nonstructural 3a protein of the positive-strand rna bromoviruses is required for infection spread in plants and is a crucial determinant of host specificity in systemic infection. to determine the paths of wild-type (wt) bromovirus infection spread, the step at which 3a mutants are arrested, and the nature of the host specificity associated with the 3a gene, we used in situ hybridization to examine infection spread by cowpea chlorotic mottle bromovirus (ccmv) and its derivatives at the level ...19957831782
host-specific alterations in viral rna accumulation and infection spread in a brome mosaic virus isolate with an expanded host facilitate studies of virus-host interaction and the determinants of viral host range, we constructed full-length cdna clones to all three genomic rnas of an unusual brome mosaic virus (bmv) isolate with an expanded host range. while other bmv strains, including the previously cloned m1 strain, systemically infect barley and other grasses but not legumes, the expanded-host-range isolate and the set of transcripts from its cdna clones, designated the m2 strain of bmv, systemically infect both ...19957853481
the 3'-untranslated region of brome mosaic virus rna does not enhance translation of capped mrnas in vitro.the translation enhancing ability of cis-acting 3'-terminal untranslated region (3'-utr) of brome mosaic virus (bmv) was examined. two chimeric mrna constructs translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysates contained the bmv coat protein (cp) gene and npti gene, respectively. it was shown that the 3'-utr of bmv rna enhanced the translational efficiency of uncapped but not capped messages.19957883048
mutations in the helicase-like domain of protein 1a alter the sites of rna-rna recombination in brome mosaic virus.a system that uses engineered heteroduplexes to efficiently direct in vivo crossovers between brome mosaic virus (bmv) rna1 and rna3 (p. nagy and j. bujarski, proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 90:6390-6394, 1993) has been used to explore the possible involvement of bmv 1a protein, an essential rna replication factor, in rna recombination. relative to wild-type 1a, several viable amino acid insertion mutations in the helicase-like domain of bmv 1a protein affected the nature and distribution of crossove ...19957884905
a spontaneous mutation in the movement protein gene of brome mosaic virus modulates symptom phenotype in nicotiana benthamiana.brome mosaic virus (bmv) is a positive-strand rna virus with a multipartite genome that causes symptomless infection in nicotiana benthamiana. we have isolated and characterized a strain of bmv that produced uniform vein chlorosis in systemically infected n. benthamiana. analysis of pseudorecombinants constructed by exchanging rna 1 and 2 and rna 3 components between wild-type (non-symptom-inducing) and vein chlorosis-inducing strains of bmv indicated that the genetic determinant for the inducti ...19957884924
the nucleotide sequence of citrus leaf rugose ilarvirus rna-2.the nucleotide sequence of citrus leaf rugose ilarvirus (cilrv) rna-2 consists of 2990 nucleotides and contains one open reading frame (orf) which encodes a deduced translation product of 832 amino acids with a calculated m(r) of 95,501 (95k). the 5' terminus of the rna has a m7gppp cap. both the nucleotide sequence of cilrv rna-2 and its translated polypeptide share homologies with the nucleotide sequence and translated polypeptide, respectively, of rna-2 of alfalfa mosaic virus (almv). the hom ...19947931176
the nucleotide sequence of apple mosaic virus coat protein gene has no similarity with other bromoviridae coat protein genes.a double-stranded cdna was synthesized from in vitro polyadenylated apple mosaic virus (apmv) rna 3 using oligo(dt) and sequence-specific primers, and was cloned into plasmid vectors. a set of overlapping cdna clones was used to determine the nucleotide sequence of rna 4. apmv rna 4 was found to contain an open reading frame (orf) of 666 nucleotides, which was flanked by 5' and 3' non-translated sequences of 55 and 264 nucleotides, respectively. the orf encoding the coat protein was identified b ...19947931177
efficient system of homologous rna recombination in brome mosaic virus: sequence and structure requirements and accuracy of crossovers.brome mosaic virus (bmv), a tripartite positive-stranded rna virus of plants engineered to support intersegment rna recombination, was used for the determination of sequence and structural requirements of homologous crossovers. a 60-nucleotide (nt) sequence, common between wild-type rna2 and mutant rna3, supported efficient repair (90%) of a modified 3' noncoding region in the rna3 segment by homologous recombination with wild-type rna2 3' noncoding sequences. deletions within this sequence in r ...19957983703
common replication strategies emerging from the study of diverse groups of positive-strand rna viruses.studies using brome mosaic virus (bmv), sindbis virus and poliovirus have provided evidence that disparate groups of plant and animal positive strand rna viruses have remarkably similar replication strategies. the conservation of several functional domains within virus-encoded nonstructural proteins implies that, although the precise character of these and interacting host components varies for each virus, they employ similar mechanisms for rna replication. for (+) strand replication, similariti ...19948032249
targeting of the site of nonhomologous genetic recombination in brome mosaic virus.the genome of brome mosaic virus (bmv) consists of three positive strand rna segments that share a high degree of sequence homology in the 3' noncoding region. the phenomenon of both homologous and nonhomologous intersegment rna-rna recombinant has been demonstrated within the 3' noncoding region of bmv rnas. it has been postulated that nonhomologous crossovers occur at local heteroduplexes formed between the recombining bmv rna substrates of the same polarity and that the formation of double-st ...19948032254
amplification in vivo of brome mosaic virus rnas bearing 3' noncoding region from cucumber mosaic virus.the 3' noncoding aminoacylatable regions of the three genomic rnas of brome mosaic (bmv) and cucumber mosaic (cmv) viruses are highly conserved and exhibit extensive similarities in their primary and secondary structures. to investigate the functional significance of these conserved features, the 3' 186 nucleotide sequence of fny-cmv rna3 was incorporated into the 3' end of full-length genomic bmv rna2 and rna3 and their replicative competence and infectivity were examined in barley protoplasts ...19948091683
targeting of antisense dna: comparison of activity of anti-rabbit beta-globin oligodeoxyribonucleoside phosphorothioates with computer predictions of mrna assess the usefulness of computer-assisted modeling of mrna as an aid in design of antisense dna, the efficiency of inhibition of translation of rabbit beta-globin mrna by various antisense sequences was compared with calculated structures of the mrna. the model obtained by consideration of 30 lowest-energy computer-simulated structures is consistent with the high accessibility of the aug initiation codon region known from digestion with nucleases and with previous antisense inhibition studie ...19938155975
molecular studies of genetic rna-rna recombination in brome mosaic virus. 19948191956
the role of the 3'-untranslated region of non-polyadenylated plant viral mrnas in regulating translational efficiency.tobacco mosaic virus (tmv) is a positive-sense rna virus in which the single genomic rna functions as a messenger rna. it is a member of a class of plant viral rnas that are the only known non-polyadenylated mrnas in plants. the 3'-untranslated region (utr) of tmv genomic rna is the functional equivalent of a poly(a) tail in that it increases mrna stability and regulates translational efficiency. to determine whether the 3'-utr of other non-polyadenylated plant viral mrnas regulate translation, ...19948194747
non-canonical substrates of aminoacyl-trna synthetases: the trna-like structure of brome mosaic virus genomic rna.a 3-d model of the tyrosylable trna-like domain of the genomic brome mosaic virus rnas was built by computer modelling based on solution probing of the molecule with different chemical and enzymatic reagents. this model encompasses four major structural domains, including two peculiar substructures oriented perpendicularly and mimicking a trna structure, and a fifth domain which makes the connection with the rest of the viral rna. after recalling the different steps that led to the present struc ...19938199250
bromovirus rna replication and transcription require compatibility between the polymerase- and helicase-like viral rna synthesis proteins.the positive-strand rna bromoviruses encode two nonstructural proteins, 1a and 2a, involved in rna-dependent rna replication. these proteins have extensive sequence similarities with methyltransferase, helicase, and polymerase proteins of other plant and animal viruses. 1a and 2a can also form a complex in vitro. to explore whether 1a-2a interaction is required for rna replication in vivo, we reassorted the 1a and 2a genes from two different bromoviruses, brome mosaic virus (bmv) and cowpea chlo ...19938230440
interference with brome mosaic virus replication by targeting the minus strand promoter.sense and antisense strategies for interfering with the replication of brome mosaic virus (bmv) were examined. the effects of 200 nucleotide-long sense and antisense transcripts, corresponding to the viral 3' end (-) strand promoter, on the accumulation of progeny viral rnas were studied by co-inoculation with wildtype bmv rnas. progeny accumulation in barley protoplasts transfected with either sense or antisense transcripts of the (-) strand promoter and bmv rnas-1 and -2 was decreased by more ...19938245860
partial purification and characterization of foxtail mosaic potexvirus rna-dependent rna polymerase.the rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) of foxtail mosaic virus (fmv) was partially purified from infected leaves of chenopodium quinoa. the membrane fraction of crude plant extracts contained most of the fmv rdrp activity. additional purification was obtained by solubilization of the rdrp using kcl and dodecyl-sucrose and by centrifugation through a glycerol gradient. the rna template endogenous to rdrp preparations could be removed using micrococcal nuclease but the resulting fraction was unab ...19938249292
mrna amplification system by viral replicase in transgenic plants.we have constructed transgenic tobacco plants (m1x2-fcp2ifn plants) expressing viral rna replication genes of brome mosaic virus (bmv) and bmv rna3 derivative (fcp2ifn) carrying the human gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) gene. in m1x2-fcp2ifn plants the rna3 derivative expressed from the integrated cdna was replicated and subgenomic rna (i.e. mrna of ifn-gamma) was produced by bmv replicase. the accumulation level of the mrna of ifn-gamma was approximately 5-fold higher than that by the cauliflower ...19938262204
solution structure of the 3'-end of brome mosaic virus genomic rnas. conformational mimicry with canonical trnas.the conformation of the last 201 nucleotides located at the 3'-end of brome mosaic virus (bmv) rnas was investigated in solution using different chemical and enzymatic probes. bases were probed with dimethylsulfate (which methylates n-1 positions of a, n-3 positions of c and n-7 positions of g), a carbodiimide (which modifies n-1 positions of g and n-3 positions of u) and diethylpyrocarbonate (which modifies n-7 positions of a). ribonucleases t1, u2 and s1 were used to map unpaired nucleotides a ...19948289279
second-site mutations in the brome mosaic virus rna3 intercistronic region partially suppress a defect in coat protein mrna intercistronic oligo(a) tract is present in the genomic rna3 of all bromoviruses sequenced to date and, for brome mosaic virus (bmv), is known to function as an activating sequence in transcription of the subgenomic coat protein mrna, rna4. mutations able to partially compensate for removal of the oligo(a) from bmv rna3 were identified by obtaining spontaneous second-site revertants. the starting bmv rna3 mutant carried a deletion of 17 of 18 residues of the intercistronic oligo(a), resulting ...19948291227
efficient production of human gamma interferon in tobacco protoplasts by genetically engineered brome mosaic virus rnas.we succeeded in producing human gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) in tobacco protoplasts in quantity using genetically engineered brome mosaic virus (bmv strain atcc66). this strain of bmv produces two types of coat protein, a full-length coat protein (20k) and a truncated coat protein (19k) which are translated from the first and second initiation codons, respectively. we replaced the truncated coat protein gene with the ifn-gamma gene and synthesized bmv-ifn-gamma chimera rnas using an in vitro tra ...19938336117
targeting the site of rna-rna recombination in brome mosaic virus with antisense has been postulated that local hybridizations between viral rnas can mediate recombination in brome mosaic virus (bmv) and in poliovirus. to test this model, a 3' fragment of bmv rna1 was inserted into the 3' noncoding sequence of bmv rna3 in an antisense orientation. this resulted in high-frequency nonhomologous crossovers at or near the hybridized region. insertion of the same rna1 fragment in a positive-sense orientation did not promote recombination. modification of the antisense insert b ...19938341643
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 552