
serological evidence and isolation of a virus closely related to the human a/hong kong/68 (h3n2) strain in swine populations in czechoslovakia in 1969-1972. 197660851
results of virological and serological studies of three influenza a hong-kong epidemics in analysis of morbidity of the population in the course of 3 influenza a/hong-kong epidemics showed a pronounced decrease in influenza affection of adult population in the last epidemic in 1971--1972. comparative studies of the diagnostic value of cfr and hit demonstrated identical sensitivity of cfr as a method of influenza diagnostics in both the epidemic and interepidemic periods. hit was suitable for the detection of influenza only in the epidemic period. in the interepidemic period, the pe ...197661243
isolation of influenza virus from liver and muscle biopsy specimens from a surviving case of reye's syndrome.influenza virus (a/ohio/7/76) was demonstrated by haemagglutination and by direct electron microscopy in chick embryo fluids inoculated with liver, muscle, cerebrospinal fluid, and nasotracheal secretions obtained from a boy with reye's syndrome, 8 days after the onset of the upper-respiratory-tract symptoms and at the height of neurological and hepatic involvement. this finding accords with the hypothesis that reye's syndrome may be an epiphenomenon of influenza-virus infection. it is postulate ...197661342
[the variability of human influenza a virus]. 197662287
immunological and physicochemical studies of influenza matrix (m) polypeptides. 197662446
[antigenic structure of the neuraminidases of vaccinal strains of influenza virus type a used in the production of live anti-influenza oral vaccine]. 197662454
[comparative analysis of the antigenic composition of the hemagglutinins of influenza viruses a/england/42/72, a/port chalmers/73 and a/ussr/053/74].the presence of three antigenic determinants was demonstrated by the method of selective adsorption of inhibitor-free sera (hi test) and complement-fixation test (cft) in hemagglutinins (ha) of influenza a/port chalmers/73 and a/ussr/053/74 viruses. these variants with closely similar antigenic composition have two antigenic determinants related with na of a/england/42/72 virus, whereas the third antigenic determinant is specific only for them and is lacking in a/england/42/72 virus na. accordin ...197662455
[antigenic characteristics of chicken influenza viruses].data on isolation of chicken influenza virus strains in this country during epizootics in 1970--1975 are presented, and the antigenic characteristics of the isolates are described. all the strains had a mixed hemagglutinin type (gp6-h3n2) and neuraminidase h2. neuraminidase of the strains had more marked antigenic relationship with h2 human influenza a/singapore/57 (h2n2) virus than h2 of other human influenza virus strains. the size of km of neuraminidase is similar in all chicken influenza vir ...197662456
antigenic variants of influenza a virus obtained in vitro.the aim of this study was to investigate antigenic "drift" in the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens of influenza a virus in vitro under immunological pressure. variants of the "asian" influenza strains a/england/12/64 (h2n2) and a/tokyo/3/67 (h2n2) were isolated in the allantois-on-shell system in the presence of homologous postinfection ferret sera. for each of these two viruses three generations of variants were isolated and characterized. it was found that the successive antigenic var ...197662624
impairment of the m-protein and unmasking of a superficial type-specific antigen by proteolytic treatment of influenza a virions with preservation of host-specific antigenicity.influenza pr8 particles resulting from strong treatment with caseinase c are spikeless, devoid of neuraminidase and hemagglutinin 1 and 2 glycopeptides, and contain a schiff-negative polypeptide of about 13,000 molecular weight which exists as traces in intact virions. their m-protein polypeptide content is reduced to 50% of its original value, but there is no evidence of particle disruption nor of lipid release. they fix complement in the presence of both anti-m-protein antiserum and antiserum ...197562730
comparative study of the electrophoretic mobility of the rna of influenza parent and recombinant strains.the electrophoretic mobility of the rna of influenza viruses a/wsn, a/singapore and their antigenic recombinants x-7 and x-9 was investigated. the genome of each virus studied consisted of seven pieces of rna. the electrophoretic profile of the influenza virus a/wsn rna differed from that of a/singapore but resumbled that of the recombinant x-9 genome. the essential differences were connected with the properties of the fifth fragment of the rna. the molecular weight of this rna species of influe ...197663276
behaviour in ferrets of swine influenza virus isolated from man.after intranasal instillation into ferrets, the "swine" influenza virus a/new jersey/8/76(hsw1 n1) had a 50% minimal infectious dose similar to that of previously tested a/pr/8-a/england (h3 n2) recombinants virulent and attenuated for man. a/new jersey produced only a mild upper respiratory tract infection. however, higher titres of virus were recovered from the lungs over a longer period than experienced previously with asian and hong kong virus strains. there was a diphasic pyrexia the second ...197763712
[preparative isolation of alpha 2-macroglobulin, transferrin, albumin and study of their nonspecific gamma-inhibitory activity].profiles of distribution of non-specific gamma-inhibitors of influenza a2/victoria/35/72 in donkey and horse sera were established by gel chromatography in sephadex g-200. high and low molecular inhibitors were found in 19s and 4s serum fractions. highly purified preparations of a2-macroglobulin, transferrine and albumin were isolated by a combination of methods of salt precipitation, gel chromatography on sephadex g-100, g-200 and ion exchange on deae-sephadex a-50. heating sera resulted in a c ...197664024
[once again on influenza]. 197664026
solid-phase radioimmunoassay as a method for evaluating antigenic differences in type a influenza indirect solid-phase radioimmunoassay (ria) procedure was developed to determine its usefulness in assessing antigenic variation in the surface antigens of type a influenza virus strains. the importance of several test variables was examined, and those having a significant effect on the binding ratios were identified. the reproducibility of the ria procedure was investigated. maximum variation of the mean binding ratios encountered in repetitive tests was found to be approximately 20%. the an ...197764458
a competitive-inhibition radioimmunoassay for influenza virus envelope antigens.a double-antibody competitive-inhibition radioimmunoassay for influenza virus envelope antigens is described. a viral antigen preparation from influenza a virus recombinant mrc11 [antigenically identical to a/port chalmers/1/73 (h3n2)] consisting of haemagglutinin and neuraminidase was labelled with radioiodine. rabbit antisera were allowed to react with the labelled antigen and the resultant antigen-antibody complexes were precipitated with the appropriate antiglobulin. the competitive-inhibiti ...197665118
influenza: the agent.less perplexing than its epidemic behavior is the nature of the influenza virion as such, which is now one of the best understood viruses in terms of morphology and replication. among the aspects of the virus discussed in this article are the composition of its genome, the components of its envelope, and the probable molecular structure of its two surface proteins as well as their relative roles in antigenicity.197765314
enhancement of ige-mediated histamine release from human basophils by viruses: role of interferon.human leukocytes maintained in culture are induced to release histamine when exposed to ragweed antigen e or anti-ige. leukocyte cultures incubated with virus (i.e. hsv-1, influenza a, and adeno-1) but not exposed to ragweed antigen e or anti-ige fail to release histamine. if, however, leukocyte cultures are first exposed to virus and then to ragweed antigen e or anti-ige, significant enhancement of histamine release occurs. both infectious and inactivated virus enhance histamine release and the ...197767173
raised urinary fibrin-degradation products, complement, and igg during an influenza-like illness.urine from eight normal controls in whom an influenza-like illness developed contained high concentrations of fibrin-degradation products (f.d.p.), igg, and c3. the study was carried out when influenza a was prevalent in the community. however, a wide range of serological investigations revealed no evidence for influenza a or other viruses. the infection may have been caused by other viruses which produce upper-respiratory-tract infections and which are not readily diagnosed by serology. urinary ...197767390
[analysis of the antigenic properties of strains of influenza virus that caused the epidemic of 1974-1975].the etiology of influenza epidemic of 1974-1975 in the ussr was studied. the influenza viruses isolated from patients in the period of the 1974-1975 epidemic were tested in the hemagglutination-inhibition, neuraminidase activity-inhibition, immunoadsorption and biological neutralization tests. the majority of the strains tested were shown to be similar to the new antigenic variant a/port chalmers/1/73. it means that the strains of a/port chalmers/1/73 variant occurred epidemically in this region ...197667716
the epidemiology of influenza.although unpredictable, influenza outbreaks are known to occur in three patterns: pandemics every 30 to 40 years, with high excess mortality; epidemics much more frequently, with lower excess mortality; and usually mild sporadic outbreaks. the possibility of a swine-flu pandemic this winter, resembling that of 1918-20, is the result of a unique deviation in the epidemiology of this fascinating disease.197667988
preparation-conditioned changes of the antigenicity of influenza virus neuraminidases.the influenza virus strains a/sing/1/57 (h2n2), a/bel/42 (h0n1) and a/bel/42 (ho)-a/sing/1/57 (n2) were treated with bromelain under reducing conditions and with reducing agent alone, and the antigenicity of the neuraminidase (na) of intact virus and of the split products was tested comparatively. it was found that the antigenicity of na was influenced quantitatively and qualitatively by the preparation procedure. antineuraminidase (an) antibodies obtained after vaccination of guinea pigs with i ...197768766
induction of virus-specific modifications recognized by cytotoxic t cells is not altered by prior substitution of target cells with trinitrophenol.cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes generated after interaction with trinitrophenyl (tnp)-substituted or virus-infected cells only lyse h-2 compatible target cells modified with the component used to immunize (tnp or virus). prior saturation of tnp-reactive sites inhibits neither the infectivity of influenza a viruses, nor the capacity of infected cells to develop antigenic changes recognized by influenza-immune t cells. the two antigens are distinct entities on the cell membrane and do not obv ...197769008
determination of specific antibodies to influenza by elisa. 197769079
[effectiveness of intranasal immunization with myxovirus influenzae neuraminidase in mice].an intranasal immunization with a a/pr8/34-isolated na, protected mice as well as the whole virus and a/hong kong/1/68 virus against a subsequent infection with mice-adaptated a/pr8/34 strain.197769501
pilot studies on recombinant cold-adapted live type a and b influenza virus vaccines.recombinant live attenuated type a and b influenza virus vaccines derived from standardized cold-adapted parent strains were given singly and in combination to volunteers. the vaccine viruses were well tolerated, functioned as good antigens, and failed to spread to intimate household contacts. thirty-nine isolates that were recovered after a single passage in humans appeared genetically stable. the results of histopathologic studies in ferrets encourage development of an animal model for attenua ...197769670
platelet aggregation induced by swine influenza vaccine. 197769910
antibody to influenza virus matrix protein detects a common antigen on the surface of cells infected with type a influenza viruses.antisera to the type-specific internal influenza virus matrix (m) protein of a type a influenza virus were produced in goats. in the presence of complement, anti-m serum was cytotoxic for target cells which were infected with a variety of serologically distinct type a influenza viruses, but did not react with type b influenza virus-infected cells. absorption experiments indicated that anti-m serum detected a common antigen(s) on the surface of type a-infected cells. this serological cross-reacti ...197770496
swine influenza viruses isolated in 1976 from man and pig contain two coexisting subpopulations with antigenically distinguishable hemagglutinins. 197770881
[experimental inoculation of calves with influenza virus a/csf/udmurtiia/116/73]. 197771786
[several features of an outbreak of influenza in ulan-bator in 1974]. 197771787
[comparative characteristics of influenza virus a/ussr/02/76 and swine influenza virus].comparative studies of the biological properties, antigenic structure and ultrastructure of influenza a viruses isolated in the ussr, a/new jersey/8/76 and a/swine/31 were carried out. antigenic differences between a/ussr/02/76 and a/swine/31 strains as well as a/new jersey/8/76 strain were found in the hemagglutination-inhibition and neuraminidase activity-inhibition tests. these differences were confirmed by serological examination of human sera.197771790
enhancement and stabilization effect of edta on sendai virus neuraminidase activity.edta was found to enhance, and exert a stabilizing effect on, sendai virus neuraminidase activity. the effect was dependent on the molecular form of the enzyme and on the nature of the substrate. the "native form" (enzyme bound to the virions) was less influenced than the "mixed form" (enzyme separated from the surface of virions together with other glycoproteins), which in turn was less influenced than the purified enzyme. on the other hand, the stimulation by edta of neuraminidase-induced hydr ...197771853
the potential advantages and requirements of live attenuated influenza virus attenuated influenza a virus vaccines are potentially the most efficient and effective method of immunization against epidemic influenza, and offer the only feasible means of mass vaccination at a socially acceptable cost. the advantage of live virus vaccines are described and compared with killed virus vaccines in terms of immune responses, protection and commercial production. the most frequently considered methods of attenuation and their individual drawbacks are discussed with speculati ...197773370
the prevalence of influenza viruses in swine and the antigenic and genetic relatedness of influenza viruses from man and swine. 197874123
platelet aggregation induced by swine influenza vaccine. 197874702
antigenic shift in myxoviruses. 197774793
reflections on the epidemiology of myxovirus infections. 197774794
[strain differences in the neuraminidase specificity of subtype n 1].nine strains having neuraminidase of subtype n1 and two strains in which the appurtenance of neuraminidase to subtype n1 was determined in the course of the study were examined for the antigenic specificity of the functional center of the enzyme in the cross neuraminidase activity inhibition test. neuraminidase of the strains a/swine/tatarstan/64 and a/swine/ikshurminsk was shown to belong to the subtype n1 but to differ from neuraminidase of the strain a/swine/iowa/15/30. neuraminidase of the s ...197774908
standardization of assays of neuraminidase and its antibody.the effect of various factors on the reproducibility of neuraminidase and ni antibody assays has been investigated. these factors include the substrate, strain of virus, nature of virus, i.e. whole, subunit or recombinant, temperature and ph. in assaying antibody levels the challenge virus should be standardized by a method other than optical density. it is recommended that a collaborative study should be set up to establish an international standard for neuraminidase and that this should incorp ...197775119
[determination of the activity of intracellular enzymes of the leukocytes for evaluation of the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy of pneumonia in influenza]. 197875310
return of epidemic a1 (h1n1) influenza outbreaks of influenza were reported in the far east of the u.s.s.r. early in november, 1977, and a week or two later in cities in siberia and the european parts of the u.s.s.r. the majority of influenza-virus isolates belonged to the h1n1 subtype of influenza-a virus, though strains of the current h3n2 subtype were also isolated. a moderate epidemic of h1n1 influenza spread throughout the country in the middle of december. mainly children over 5 years and young adults were infected.197875334
h1n1 influenza in hong kong. 197875351
influenza a/h1n1 antibody after heterologous vaccination. 197875352
a/fm1/47 antibody response in the aged after vaccination with a/new jersey 76 vaccine. 197875461
characteristics of secondary cytotoxic t-cell responses in mice infected with influenza a viruses. 197875768
[study of the antigenic specificity of hemagglutinin of influenza viruses type a by quantitative radioimmunoassay. comparative study of differences in the specificity of h3 hemagglutinin in epidemiologically active strains].comparative radioimmunoassays (ria) of hemagglutinin of influenza type a viruses were carried out. the ria was shown to detect definite type differences of influenza a and b virus hemagglutinin and subtype differences (ho and h3), as well as to determine both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of renewal of determinants within the antigenic drift. the a/victoria/3/75 strain was found to have more renewed determinants than the a/scotland/870/74 strain but less than the a/victoria/112/76 ...197877081
[evolution of h3 antigen of influenza viruses isolated during 1968-1976].influenza viruses type a isolated in 1968--1976 were found to have changes in the content of the antigenic determinant h3. the experiments showed that while in the viruses isolated in 1968--1972 the h3 antigen was dominating, in the a/port chalmers/1/73 virus and some viruses isolated in 1975--1976 this antigen became more and more minor. a correlation was observed between the content of h3 antigen in viruses and the capacity of anti-h3 antiserum to inhibit the infectious activity of viruses. th ...197877084
[antigenic properties of influenza virus type a inactivated by ultraviolet irradiation].the effect of ultraviolet irradiation (uvi) on influenza a virus was studied. uvi of influenza a virus purified by adsorption chromatography on porous glass (pg) was found to result in irreversible inactivation of virus. the rate of inactivation directly depended upon the degree of virus purification. a reduction in the neuraminidase, hemagglutinating and antigenic activity of the virus occurred after a considerably longer uvi (over 7--10 min) than that required for inactivation of the purified ...197877085
[reversion in the natural variability of influenza a virus].in mid-november, 1977, local outbreaks of acute respiratory diseases (ard) in institutionalized communities began to be recorded in a number of geographical zones of the ussr, and by the end of the month a general increase in the incidence was observed in some areas of the country. the epidemic outbreaks extended gradually and were characterized by moderate development involving mainly young subjects. the strains causing the epidemic had no antigenic relationship with reference a (h3n2) virus an ...197878585
[antigenic specificity of influenza type a virus hemagglutinin by the method of radioimmunological quantitative analysis].the use of a test system o fa highly purified, antigenically homogeneus hemagglutinin of influenza a/mrc-11 virus and monospecific antiserum permitted to evaluate the potentials of competitive radioimmunoassay in model experiments investigating the antigenic characteristics and content of influenza a (h3n2) virus hemagglutinin. the method proved to be sufficiently specific to differentiate influenza virus strains by antigenic determinants of hemagglutinin, as well as highly sensitive, detecting ...197878586
influenza surveillance.the main objectives of influenza surveillance are: to measure the impact of the disease by collection and analysis of epidemiological information on morbidity and mortality, and to anticipate future epidemics and pandemics by the collection and analysis of influenza viruses. the world health organization's influenza programme is based on the collaboration of 98 national influenza centres in 70 countries and the 2 who collaborating centres in atlanta and london.epidemiological information may be ...197878771
t-cell populations specifically depleted of alloreactive potential cannot be induced to lyse h-2-different virus-infected target cells.mouse lymphocyte populations of one parental h-2 type (a) were specificially depleted of alloreactive potential by filtration through irradiated a x b f1 recipients, and thoracic duct cells were then stimulated with virus in an a x b f1 environment. experiments using t cells that had previously been exposed to influenza virus in the context of a established that cross-priming for recognition of viral components expressed on h-2-different (b) target cells does not occur. furthermore, immunologica ...197878955
influenza in mali 1978. 197879121
direct solid-phase radioimmunoassay for measuring antigenic differences between the hemagglutinins of influenza viruses.a direct solid-phase radioimmunoassay, which involves binding of purified radio-labeled igg to influenza virus hemagglutinins immobilized on sepharose 4b gel, is described.197879617
[comparative study of virus adsorption properties of streptococci with reference to influenza a (h3n2) virus]. 197879975
small-group teaching in microbiology: 3. examples. 197879976
[ways to increase the specific activity of anti-influenzal donor gamma-globulin]. 197680044
[effect of ultraviolet irradiation and formalin on the antigenic properties of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase from the influenza a/-victoria/72 virus]. 197680047
antigenic determinants of influenza virus hemagglutinin. i. cyanogen bromide peptides derived from a/memphis/72 hemagglutinin possess antigenic activity. 197880057
[changes in antigenic determinant h3 in type a influenza virus].the analysis of immune and hyperimmune rabbit sera to influenza a/ussr/0249/75. a/victoria/3/75, and a/tokyo/1/75 viruses showed the h3 antigenic determinant common for hemagglutinins of influenza viruses of the hong kong variety to be poorly manifest in viruses isolated in 1975 in contrast to type a viruses isolated in previous years. antibody to the h3 antigen is usually absent in immune sera and appears only in hyperimmune sera after reimmunization of the animals. the quantitative decrease of ...197880884
[electrophoretic mobility of polypeptides in different strains on human influenza a and b viruses].the method of electrophoresis in a single polyacrylamide gel plate was used for comparative study on virion polypeptides mobility in human influenza a and b virus strains. molecular masses of individual polypeptides and their portion in the virion were determined. no variations in the migration speed of nucleoprotein (np) and membrane protein (mp) were found in strains belonging to the same genus, but there were differences in the migration speed of these proteins in the genus a and genus b. sig ...197880885
[influenza virus a/anas acuta/primor'e/695/76 isolated from wild ducks in the ussr]. 197880886
immunological studies with the ha1 and ha2 polypeptides of influenza a virus haemagglutinin.ha1 and ha2 polypeptides of influenza a virus haemagglutinin (ha) were separated in purified form using electrophoresis in sds containing polyacrylamide gels (page) or chloroform-methanol extraction. the populations of ha1 polypeptides were immunogenic but considerably less so than the intact ha molecule and induced antibody which cross-reacted with influenza a and b viruses. after absorption with heterologous influenza b virus, the cross-reacting antibodies were removed and the ha1 antisera the ...197881152
novel influenza a viruses isolated from canadian feral ducks: including strains antigenically related to swine influenza (hsw1n1) viruses.twelve influenza a viruses, antigenically related to the ho, h1 and hsw1 subtypes, were isolated from cloacal samples of feral ducks in canada. antigenic comparisons showed that these viruses were most closely related to the recent hsw1n1 isolates from man and pigs, whereas in vivo pathogenicity tests revealed differences between the hsw1n1 viruses from the ducks and those from humans and pigs. antigenic characterization of 94 additional influenza a viruses from the ducks showed four haemaggluti ...197881267
antigenic glycopolypeptides ha1 and ha2 of influenza virus haemagglutinin. ii. reactivity with rabbit sera against intact virus and purified undissociated haemagglutinin.rabbit sera produced against either intact virus or purified undissociated haemagglutinin were examined for reactivity with highly purified haemagglutinin glycopolypeptides. sensitive radioimmunoassay for 125i-labelled glycopolypeptides revealed antibody reactive with either glycopolypeptide ha1, or glycopolypeptide ha2. antibodies against the carbohydrate moiety were responsible only for a part of the binding activity. under the conditions employed, the binding activity for glycopolypeptide ha2 ...197881606
investigations on strain-specific and common antigen antihemagglutinin antibodies oriented to the influenza virus h3n2 strains a/hong kong/1/68 and a/port chalmers/1/73.antisera raised by vaccination of chickens with the h3n2 influenza virus strains a/hong kong/1/68 and a/port/chalmers/1/73 were found to contain common antigen antibody (caa), combining with both viruses, and strain-specific antibody (ssa), combining with homologous virus only. the reaction of caa with homologous and heterologous viruses and of ssa with homologous virus was investigated by means of equilibrium filtration. caa was found to be antibody of higher quality than was ssa. the virus str ...197881808
epidemiology of respiratory viral infection among paediatric inpatients over a six-year period in north-east england.during a 6-year, hospital-based study at newcastle upon tyne five consecutive winter epidemics of respiratory syncytial (r.s.) virus infection occurred; the virus was identified in 1428 cases, showing that 1 in 50 live-births were admitted to hospital with r.s. virus infection. epidemics were inversely related to temperature and to number of hours of sunshine. parainfluenzaviruses, the second largest group of pathogens, were identified in 543 cases; most infections by this group were due to para ...197882045
antigenic similarity of influenza a (h1n1) viruses from epidemics in 1977--1978 to "scandinavian" strains isolated in epidemics of 1950--1951. 197882293
specificity studies on the proliferative response of thymus-derived lymphocytes to influenza viruses. 197882584
involvement of h-2l gene products in virus-immune t-cell recognition. evidence for an h-2l-restricted t-cell response.the h-2l locus is closely linked to h-2d and codes for antigenic specificities present on a 45,000 mol wt glycoprotein that is distinct from the molecule which bears the d region private specificity. it was found that balb/c-h-2db mice, which lack detectable cell-surface h-2l gene products, were able to generate influenza- and vaccinia-immune cytotoxic t cells which lyse d region-compatible target cells, although they have been reported to be incapable of making a similar response to ectromelia ...197882606
the recovery of mice from influenza a virus infection: adoptive transfer of immunity with influenza virus-specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes recognizing a common virion antigen.mice inoculated intranasally with infectious influenza virus of a given a strain were adoptively transferred 24 h later with preparations of secondary influenza virus-immune t cells generated either in vitro or entirely in vivo. the immune cells were raised during infection with homologous or heterologous a strain influenza viruses or with a type b virus. the greatest antiviral effect, measured by reduction in lung virus level of recipient mice, occurred if homologous viruses were used. sharing ...197882995
co-circulation of two influenza a (h3n2) antigenic variants detected by virus surveillance in individual communities.from march through june 1977 a total of 31 influenza a (h3n2) viruses were isolated from students with respiratory disease who were seen at the student health service on the berkeley campus of the university of california, and 32 influenza a (h3n2) viruses were isolated from persons who participated in a city-wide febrile respiratory disease surveillance program in seattle. the antigenic specificity of the hemagglutinin was determined for each isolate by hemagglutination inhibition testing with ...197883107
[differentiation of matrix proteins of influenza a viruses using enzyme immunoassay].matrix protein is known as a type-specific structural protein of influenza viruses. an attempt has been made to find out whether or not strain-specific components could be detected from matrix protein, in addition to its type-specific antigen determinants. the technique of enzyme immune assay was chosen as the optional method to differentiate between matrix proteins of various influenza-a viruses. antigen titration was undertaken of several matrix proteins, using two specific anti-matrix-protein ...197883125
studies on the antigens of influenza viruses isolated in taipei, 1975. i. antigenic analysis of hemagglutinin. 197883224
[experimental data characterizing a chronically infected cell culture]. 197983431
swine influenza: lessons learned. 197883459
assessment of inactivated influenza-a vaccine after three outbreaks of influenza a at christ's hospital.the boys of christ's hospital experienced outbreaks of influenza a in 1972 (a/england/42/72), in 1974 (a/port chalmers), and in 1976 (a/victoria). in each outbreak, the protective effect of inactivated influenza-a vaccine was limited to those boys, not already immune, who were vaccinated for the first time with the most up-to-date strain. revaccination with the same strain did not increase the degree of protection, and revaccination with a later strain did not afford protection against subsequen ...197983475
virus specificity of human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic t cells.the virus specificity of human in vitro cytotoxic t cell responses to influenza virus was studied with the use of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes from normal adult volunteers. previous natural exposure of these donors to a variety of type a influenza viruses was documented by hi antibody titers. cells sensitized in vitro with a/hk or a/pr8 were cytotoxic for autologous target cells infected with a/hk, a/pr8, or a/jap 305 type a influenza viruses, but not for b/hk-infected or uninfected c ...197984032
influenza zoo. 197984215
death from influenza a (h1n1) 197984222
h2n2 influenza viruses in domestic ducks. 197984284
rimantadine inhibits reproduction of influenza virus a/ussr/77. 197984920
severity of influenza. 197985029
portraits of viruses: influenza virus a. 197985614
influenza viruses in birds: rapid identification by counterimmunoelectrophoresis.counterimmunoelectrophoresis with an antiserum raised in rabbits against the m protein of the avian n virus proved to be particularly useful for large-scale identification of influenza a virus isolates. of a total of 231 hemagglutinating agents isolated from 1,656 rectal swabs collected from shore and open-country birds, 158 could be identified as influenza a viruses by counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and 75 were serologically related to newcastle disease virus by hemagglutination inhibition with ...197985632
haemagglutination-inhibiting (hi) antibodies against four prototype strains of influenza a virus in different age groups.sera of 197 apparently well persons were tested for residual haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies against live hong kong/68, a/fm/47 and a/pr/34 strains. sera of 62 well persons, regularly exposed to contacts with swine, were tested against an inactivated a/new jersey/76 antigen. those born some time before and during a certain influenza era showed a significantly greater proportion of homologous residual titres against the subtype prevailing in that influenza era, than those born after the t ...197985674
legionnaires' disease in a prepaid medical-care group in seattle 1963--75.the community incidence of legionnaires' disease (l.d.) was estimated by a retrospective study of stored paired sera from 500 patients treated for pneumonia in seattle in 1963--75. the patients were all members of a prepaid medical-care group; 84% were treated as outpatients. only 5 (1%) had a fourfold rise in antibody titre to the l.d. antigen. seroconversion to influenza a virus also occurred in 3 of the 5 cases. the course of illness in 4 of the 5 patients with confirmed infection was milder ...197986002
[group and strain-specific determinants of the influenza virus nucleoprotein].an antiserum to a purified nucleoprotein preparation of influenza virus recombinant a/mrc/11 obtained from a/port chalmers/1/73 and a/pr/8/34 strains, was examined for the presence of antibody before and after its adsorption with sodium sarcolysil sulphate-disrupted influenza. a viruses by the methods of radial and double immunodiffusion. the antiserum was found to contain both group- and strain-specific (for mrc-11 nucleoprotein) antibodies. in radial immunodiffusion tests mrc-11 nucleoprotein ...197986236
antigenic variation in three distinct determinants of an influenza type a haemagglutinin molecule. 197986955
antigenic drift in type a influenza virus: peptide mapping and antigenic analysis of a/pr/8/34 (hon1) variants selected with monoclonal antibodies.variants of a/pr/8/34 (hon1) influenza virus, having hemagglutinin molecules with probably a single altered antigenic determinant, were isolated by growing the virus in the presence of the monoclonal hybridoma antibody peg-1. the variants were analyzed by peptide mapping and characterized antigenically by using peg-1 and four other monoclonal hybridoma antibodies to pr8 hemagglutinin. peptide maps of the large hemagglutinin polypeptide, ha1, from 8 out of 10 variants showed a single changed pept ...197986990
isolation of an influenza a virus strain from a bird embryo (larus ridibundus) collected in slovakia.avian influenza virus a/larus 36/77 (hav7nav1) was isolated in 1977 from a trinket (larus ridibundus) embryo. this result suggests the possibility of vertical transmission of influenza a virus.197987125
differences in hla antigen recognition by human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic t cells.the specificity of in vitro induced human influenza-immune cytotoxic effector cells was analyzed with respect to recognition of hla-a and -b-linked gene products. the influenza-immune cytotoxic activity observed on panels of virus-infected targets demonstrated that virus-immune effectors preferentially lyse targets with which they share hla-a or -b specificities. virus-immune effectors from certain donors recognized virus in conjunction with some, but not all, of their self hla-a and -b antigens ...197987440
a new jersey vaccine and a/fm 1/47 epidemics. 197887568
antibody response against current h1n1 influenza virus after vaccination with last season's trivanent vaccine. 197887569
polyadenylation and reverse transcription of influenza viral rna.the polyadenylation of fowl plague viral rna and of influenza a/victoria viral rna using e. coli poly (a) polymerase and the subsequent reverse transcription of the polyadenylated species is reported. we have shown that all 8 genome fragments are adenylated and that an average of 25--30 adenylic acid residues per molecule is sufficient for maximal transcription with reverse transcriptase. the cdna product is 95% sensitive to sl-nuclease and hybridisation analysis against viral rna reveals it to ...197988038
a new method for the size estimation of the rna genome segments of influenza virus.previous estimates of the size of the rna genome segments of influenza virus have been unreliable because of a lack of suitable rna species as size markers. we have attempted to overcome this problem by utilising the ability of amv reverse transcriptase to synthesise full length dna copies of rna molecules in the presence of a suitable primer. by comparing such dna copies of the rna segments of the influenza virus genome with sequenced restriction fragments from the e. coli plasmid pbr322, we ha ...197988039
antigenic determinants of influenza virus hemagglutinin. ii. antigenic reactivity of the isolated n-terminal cyanogen bromide peptide of a/memphis/72 hemagglutinin heavy chain.gel filtration of a cyanogen bromide digest of pure intact hemagglutinin from a/memphis/102/72 influenza virus allowed the isolation of a variety of fragments. one of these fragments consists of three cyanogen bromide peptides (cnl and cn3 from ha1, and cnl from ha2) which remain linked together by disulphide bonds. this fragment was found to be antigenically active, as it was able to form antigen-antibody complexes (detected by affinity chromatography of radioiodinated peptide-igg mixtures on p ...197988123
evidence for antigenic variation in influenza a nucleoprotein. 197988124
antigenic determinants of influenza virus hemagglutinin. iii. competitive binding of antibodies directed against "common" and "strain-specific" antigenic determinants of a/memphis/72 hemagglutinin. 197988484
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 42627