
[further studies on the constituents of coturnix coturnix japonica cloacal gland secretion]. 19724644486
the effects of estrogen and progesterone on copulation in female quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) housed in continuous dark. 19724680510
marek's disease in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19734736258
comparative toxicity of ochratoxin a and crude aspergillus ochraceus culture extract in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19734789009
comparative study of quantitative traits between wild and domestic japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19734807715
studies on differentiation of müllerian ducts in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 1. collagen synthesis during duct differentiation. 19744810006
effect of hypothalamic implantation of puromycin on photostimulated testicular growth in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19744814735
biochemical studies on the shell gland of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 2. allosteric two components and their catalytic properties of pyruvate kinase in the shell gland. 19744843042
the identification of a phytohaemagglutinin in raw navy beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.) toxic for japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19744846161
use of japanese quail embryo fibroblast cells for propagation and assay of turkey herpesvirus fc-126.japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) fibroblast cell culture monolayers were found to provide a very satisfactory system in which to propagate and assay turkey herpesvirus fc-126, which is used for production of marek's disease vaccine. japanese quail cells were more sensitive than duck cells and of approximately equal sensitivity to chicken cells. foci of infection developed rapidly and uniformly, were of larger size, and were more easily discernible in quail cells than in chicken cells.19744855648
pendulous crop in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19744857170
[substitution of a quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryonic brain for a chicken (gallus gallus) embryonic brain of the same stage]. 19714997021
serum proteins of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 19715002361
[histochemistry and histo-enzymology of the aorta of young and adult gallus gallus. comparison with coturnix coturnix. i. glucidic and energetic metabolism]. 19705004790
growth of newcastle disease virus in fertile eggs of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19725018041
zinc induction of testicular teratomas in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) after photoperiodic stimulation of testis. 19715115830
the effect of whole body gamma irradiation on survivors' egg production in the white leghorn, coturnix coturnix japonica, and bobwhite quail. 19695373753
[determination of some constituents of cloacal gland secretion of coturnix coturnix japonica]. 19695399989
[further observations on the cloacal gland of coturnix coturnix japonica]. 19705419787
[comparative study of the division of germ cells at the end of the first week of embryonic life of three species of quail (gallus domesticus, meleagris gallapavo, coturnix coturnix japonica)]. 19715581109
light-induced rhythmic changes in the hypothalamic neurosecretory activity in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 19675630629
[attempted isolation of pathogenic leptospira from wild birds (coturnix coturnix)]. 19685753837
[the cloacal gland of coturnix coturnix japonica. histological, histochemical and ultrastructural observations]. 19685759156
[appearance and localization of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (delta 5-3 beta and 17 beta) in gonads of the chick and quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryo. histoenzymology study and comparisons with the chicken (gallus gallus domesticus)]. 19695769948
fine resolution of the karyogram of the quail coturnix coturnix japonica. 19655884828
susceptibility of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) to heterakis gallinarum and histomonas meleagridis. 19665972258
erythrocytic phosphates and flying activity in birds.1. the intraerythrocitary organic phosphates in different avian species (sturnus vulgaris, apus apus, gallus gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica and columba livia) were analyzed by ionic exchange chromatography. the chromatograms of these species revealed the presence of adp, atp, gtp, ipp and inorganic phosphate. 2. the main organic phosphates (atp and ipp) and the inorganic phosphate were also evaluated, directly, in other specimens. the ipp levels were very similar in all species; h ...19836132731
cutaneous water evaporation--i. its significance in heat-stressed a comparative study on avian cutaneous evaporation, two species of phasianidae, japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica and chukar partridge alectoris chukar, and three species of columbidae, palm dove streptopelia senegalensis, collared turtle dove streptopelia decaocto and rock pigeon columbia livia, were investigated. the skin resistance to vapor diffusion (rs) and cutaneous water loss (cwl) were studied in these birds exposed to air temperatures (ta) between 20 and 52 degrees c. the ski ...19836136378
surface marker for hemopoietic and endothelial cell lineages in quail that is defined by a monoclonal antibody.a mouse monoclonal antibody raised in response to quail immunoglobulin mu chain was found to exhibit a broad reactivity towards hemopoietic and endothelial cells in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). indirect immunofluorescence assays were performed at several stages of embryonic development and until 3 weeks after hatching, on either isolated cells or tissue sections. they revealed that the defined surface marker, referred to as mb1, (i) is expressed early on both intra- and extraembryonic ...19836190166
isolation of ureaplasmas from poultry and experimental infection in chickens.ureaplasmas were isolated from the oropharynxes of 47 of 247 (19 per cent) leghorn chickens (gallus gallus domesticus) and from five japanese bantams but none was isolated from the oropharynx or cloaca of other poultry comprising 10 japanese game, 75 common quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), 17 turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) and 10 guinea fowls (numida galeata). in apparently healthy chickens, ureaplasmas were found at various sites, including the conjunctiva, nasal cavity, oropharynx, upper an ...19826211817
adult coturnix quail bronchitis.quail bronchitis was confirmed by recovery of fowl adenovirus serotype 1 from 2 flocks of adult birds (coturnix coturnix japonica) that were reared commercially for their eggs in the republic of singapore. both flocks were reported to have a fall in egg numbers of 10-15%. the main clinical signs were respiratory distress and soft-shelled and white eggs lacking shell pigmentation.19806254496
[repercussions of prolonged ingestion of dieldrin on digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen balance in the quail].the presence of organochlorated pesticides in foods intended for animal and human consumption is on one hand a real fact and on the other hand, it is known that they could alter some enzymes activities and, consequently, modify, at a larger or lesser extent, the metabolic pathways where they are implicated. according to this, it seemed interesting to study the influence of one of such molecules, dieldrin, on nutrients utilization. the work was carried out on adult quails (coturnix coturnix japon ...19806258465
attenuation of turkey meningo-encephalitis virus in bhk21 cells.turkey meningo-encephalitis virus was adapted to bhk21 cell culture. cytopathic effects were characterized by rounding and detachment of cells within 48 hours. attenuation was achieved by 41 successive passages in bhk21 cell cultures. turkeys and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), kept under laboratory conditions and inoculated with the attenuated virus, did not develop symptoms of turkey meningo-encephalitis but reacted by the production of haemagglutination inhibition antibody. they ...19816273772
[transmission of marek's disease to wild feathered game].the following wild feathered game were tested from 6 to 12 months of age: common pheasant (phasianus colchicus), common gray partridge (perdix perdix), european quail (coturnix coturnix), and greek partridge (alectoris graeca). only pheasant was found to be susceptible to infection with a virulent virus of marek's disease. in this bird the first clinical symptoms of the disease (nervous changes) were observed in 28 days from infection. immunoprecipitation antibodies to the marek's disease virus ...19816275596
changes in testosterone metabolism by the brain and cloacal gland during sexual maturation in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).testosterone metabolism in the brain and pituitary and cloacal glands of male and female japanese quail was studied in vitro during sexual maturation (from 1 day to 5 weeks after hatching). the production of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone in the hyperstriatum and cloacal gland and that of androstenedione in the cloacal gland of males was highest at 1 day after hatching, which could be related to the peak of plasma androgens previously demonstrated in neonatal quail. 5 beta-reductase activity was ve ...19846317782
septicemic proteus infection in japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica).proteus infection was incriminated as the cause of severe depression, coma, and high mortality in successive broods of quail chicks. the pathological lesions comprised congestion of lungs, liver, and kidneys and mucus exudation in the trachea. the organism, isolated from the heart blood and lungs of affected chicks, was identified on biochemical tests as proteus mirabilis. pathogenicity of the isolate was tested in young albino mice and week-old quail chicks, which succumbed to infection within ...19836342594
comparison of plasma thyroxine levels following short exposure to cold and trh administration in intact and pituitary autografted quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the thyrotropic functional abilities of ectopically transplanted anterior pituitaries were tested by subjecting quail bearing their adenohypophysis in juxtarenal position either to a short cold exposure or to an intravenous injection of trh. thyroxine was determined in plasma samples collected from 20 to 120 min after treatment. intact birds exhibited increasing t4 levels up to a peak at 40 min, then decreasing slowly within 2 hr after either cold or trh stimulation. autografted birds exhibited ...19836402416
atherosclerosis in japanese quail and the effect of lipoic acid.the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) is a useful laboratory animal for the study of atherosclerosis. it is small, omnivorous, easy to maintain, and susceptible to either spontaneous or cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis, and it has a low feed consumption and short life cycle. it develops atheromatous lesions with the characteristic lipid deposition and myofibroblastic proliferation in the aorta and sometimes in the coronary artery. japanese quail can be genetically bred into lines hi ...19836404656
[microheterogeneity of tubulin in the central nervous system of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)].tubulin from the central nervous system of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. either in soluble extracts or in tubulin enriched fractions, tubulin of forebrain, cerebellum and spinal cord is resolved into 3 components alpha, beta' and beta, characterized by their electrophoretic coordinates (alpha: pi = 5.4, mw = 54 kd, beta: pi = 5.2, mw = 52 kd; beta': pi = de mapping, by comparison with mouse brain alpha, beta and beta'-tubulin componen ...19846432229
the postnatal demasculinization of sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).three experiments were performed to analyze the time course of demasculinization in the japanese quail and to test the activating and organizing effects of estradiol (e2) in adult sexually active birds. in experiment 1, males and females were castrated at the age of 1 day or 1, 2, 4, and 6 weeks and treated as adults with testosterone (t). the age of castration had no effect on behavior and morphology in males. plasma gonadotrophins (lh and fsh) were, however, higher in males castrated at or bef ...19846436161
histopathological changes of the retina and optic nerve in the albino mutant quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).histopathological changes in the retina and optic nerve in imperfect albino mutant quails with a sex-linked recessive gene were studied ontogenetically. the mutant quail showed eye enlargement 3 months after hatching. the eyes exhibited hazy corneas, lens opacities and deep anterior chambers at 18 months of age. some ganglion cells in the retina and axons in the optic disc began to degenerate 6 months after hatching. there were many deformed or fragmented ganglion cells at 12 months of age, and ...19846470227
regressive post-hatching development of acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons in the pineal organs of coturnix coturnix japonica and gallus gallus.distribution and number of acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons were studied in the japanese quail and the domestic fowl during the post-hatching period by means of the acetylcholinesterase method. for comparison, the development of the catecholamine-containing (sympathetic) pinealopetal fibers of the domestic fowl was demonstrated with the use of the glyoxylic acid method. the number of acetylcholinesterase-positive ganglion cells in the pineal organs of both avian species decreased rapidly af ...19846478494
generalized glycogen storage disease in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).two japanese quail which were incapable of wing movement and three normal quail were examined by histological and ultrastructural methods. the diseased birds had glycogen deposits in their skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. according to the distribution of the lesions and the characteristics of the deposited glycogen, the diseased birds had glycogenosis which was analogous to type ii found in man. the usefulness of this disease as a mode ...19836576505
testosterone stimulation of dna-dependent dna polymerase activities in the cloacal and uropygial glands of the male quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).dna polymerase alpha and beta activities were studied and compared in the cloacal gland and the uropygial gland (sebaceous-like gland) taken from castrated quails after testosterone administration. in the cloacal gland, testosterone induced an important increase in dna polymerase alpha while dna polymerase beta was not found to be altered. in the uropygial gland, testosterone induced a cyclic variation of dna polymerase alpha activity which may relate to the holocrine function of this gland.19836628976
n tau-methyl histidine excretion by poultry: not all species excrete n tau-methyl histidine quantitatively.the rate of elimination of administered n tau-[14ch3]methyl histidine was used to assess the validity of n tau-methyl histidine excretion as an index of muscle protein breakdown in poultry. broiler chicks (2-3 and 4-5 weeks old), laying hens, adult quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), adult cockerels and turkey poults (2-4 weeks old) were tested. all except the turkey poults showed quantitative recoveries of n tau-[14ch3]methyl histidine within 1 week. turkeys showed a different pattern of n tau- ...19836639927
vertebrate host specificity and experimental vectors of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in iowa.vertebrate host specificity, experimental laboratory vectors, and a description of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris vieillot) in iowa are presented. plasmodium kempi is infective for domestic turkeys, bobwhites (colinus virginianus), chukars (alectoris graeca), guinea fowl (numida meleagris), peacocks (pavo cristatus), and canaries (serinus canaria), produces a transient infection in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and domestic geese (ans ...19836644918
genetic selection, general characterization, and histology of atherosclerosis-susceptible and -resistant japanese quail.a new animal model of atherosclerosis has been developed through genetic selection of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) into susceptible (sus) and resistant (res) lines. characterization of the selected quail has shown that the res birds were resistant to the disease and developed little atherosclerosis on a diet containing 1% cholesterol. the sus birds were sensitive and developed severe atherosclerosis in 8-9 wks on a diet containing only 0.5% cholesterol. the histology of the progre ...19836651912
relative potencies of testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone on crowing and cloacal gland growth in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).it has been suggested that testosterone is less effective at inducing crowing behaviour in young birds than in adults because of the presence of higher levels of steroid 5 beta-reductase in the young brain, which converts testosterone to inactive 5 beta-reduced metabolites. this hypothesis was tested indirectly by comparing the relative potencies of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht), which cannot be converted to 5 beta-metabolites, and testosterone at inducing crowing in young gonadectom ...19846690644
comparative analysis of the development of wing-flapping and flight in the fowl.the development of wing-flapping rate, lateral flight, wing area, and the ratio of wing area to body weight are described in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and three chickens (gallus gallus) to determine common developmental phenomena and to assess the effects of domestication. the chickens were the white leghorn (a commercial egg producer), the cornish x rock (a commercial meat producer), and the red jungle fowl (the probable ancestor of domestic chickens). all birds performed ...19846698309
pathogenicity of coccidia in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).coccidia were recovered from a field outbreak in commercially raised japanese quail from south carolina. after propagation in unmedicated quail, the culture was identified as a mixture of approximately 65% eimeria uzura, 33% e. tsunodai, and 2% e. taldykurganica. several pure cultures of e. uzura were obtained by single oocyst isolation. a micropyle was not present in all oocysts; thus, it is not a reliable taxonomic characteristic for identification of e. uzura. neither the mixed culture nor th ...19846701143
5 beta-reductase activity in the brain and cloacal gland of male and female embryos in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).testosterone metabolism was studied by an in-vitro technique in the brain and cloacal gland of young male and female quail at different ages ranging from 7 days of incubation to 2 days after hatching. very active metabolism, leading almost exclusively to the production of 5 beta-reduced compounds, was observed. 5 beta-reductase activity remained high throughout the incubation period in the hypothalamus, decreased around the time of hatching in the cerebellum and decreased progressively between d ...19846736853
method of determining the osmotic fragility curves of erythrocytes in birds.the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in 3 species of birds (gallus gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica, columba livia) and the rat was determined. the results of this study point to a smaller osmotic fragility. birds, with elliptical erythrocytes, have a lower osmotic fragility than species with round erythrocytes, like most of the mammals.19827062710
production, transport, maturation, storage and survival of spermatozoa in the male japanese quail, coturnix coturnix.male japanese quail have relatively large testes (2.26% of body weight), a rapid rate of spermatogenesis (14.4-15.8 days) and an efficient production of spermatozoa (92.5 x 10(6)/g testis per day). the daily output of spermatozoa is high (308 x 10(6) per bird, 2.08 x 10(6) per g body weight). the total number of extragonadal spermatozoa was 308 x 22 x 10(6) per bird. spermatozoa were transported through the genital ducts in about 1 day, maturing quickly in the epididymal region and stored briefl ...19827069651
outbreaks of fowl cholera in quail.acute fowl cholera causing high mortality was diagnosed in three flocks of quail, one involving pharaoh quail (coturnix coturnix) and two involving bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus). the causative organism, pasteurella multocida, was identified as type 3.19827092741
color-opponent responses in the avian lateral geniculate: a study in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).extracellular recordings were made from cells in the ventral lateral geniculate (glv) of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), and their responses studied with chromatic stimuli. a total of 156 units were studied, and of these, 124 were found to be optimally responsive to changes in hue, and not to changes of contrast or motion of the stimuli in their receptive fields. these chromatic responses can be characterized as follows: (1) they have large (average 15 degrees x 15 degrees) rece ...19827127125
the rete testis of birds.the rete testis in the domestic fowl (gallus gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata) and drake (anas platyrhynchos) was studied histologically and with both the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. all the birds have rete epithelial cells varying between squamous and high cuboidal. a cilium-like structure projects from the luminal portion of most cells into the rete lumen, and the outline of the cells varies from polygona ...19827130060
dietary ferulic acid, biochanin a, and the inhibition of reproductive behavior in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix).a study was conducted to determine the effects to two dietary compounds, biochanin a and ferulic acid, on the reproductive performance of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. these compounds may be present in the diet of wild birds during dry years or at the end of the growing season during normal years. four treatment groups, each fed a diet supplemented with biochanin a or ferulic acid, and a control group were tested for morphological and behavioral effects before, during and after treatment. f ...19827146045
5 beta-dihydrotestosterone is weakly androgenic in the adult japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19827160608
seasonal changes in plasma retinol-binding holoprotein concentration in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. seasonal changes in retinol-binding holoprotein (holorbp) concentration in plasma of groups of male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were examined over 18 months. 2. in expts 1 and 2 the birds were maintained under natural lighting conditions and in expt 3 under artificial-light photoperiods corresponding to the changing daylength at 56 degrees n latitude. all groups were at 18-20 degrees and received superlayers' (rank hovis mcdougall) pellet diet. 3. the mean plasma ho ...19807189666
[effect of testosterone on the rna polymerase i and ii activity of the uropygial and cloacal glands of the male quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. 19817250682
[the sinuatrial node of the avian heart (author's transl)].comparative histologic observations were made of the sinuatrial nodes of avian hearts from a short-tailed shearwater (puffinus tenuirostris), a black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax), two ducks (anas platyrhycha domestica), eight japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), a pigeon (columba livia domestica), a macaw (ara macao), three budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and a jungle crow (corvus macrorhynchos). the node lies between the right atrial myocardium and epicardium at th ...19817318931
amino acid sequences containing cysteine or cystine residues in ovalbumin from eggs of the quail coturnix coturnix japonica.ovalbumin isolated from eggs of the japanese quail, c. c. japonica, was subjected to limited proteolysis by subtilisin to give plakalbumin and then fractionated on sephadex g75 in acid-urea to give plakalbumin s-protein and s-peptide. the plakalbumin peptide was recovered, oxidized with performic acid, and the sequence of amino acids determined from the peptides formed by enzyme digestion. there were two cysteine residues in the 33-residue sequence. the ovalbumin was also oxidized with performic ...19817340765
some epidemiological aspects of salmonella gallinarum infection in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19817342580
the ductuli efferentes of the epididymal region of birds.ultrastructural studies were undertaken on the efferent ductules of the testis of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and guinea-fowl (numida meleagris). four cell types were identified and described: ciliated cells which were found in the epithelium of both the proximal and distal segments of the efferent ductules, non-ciliated type i cell which, together with the ciliated cell, formed the epithelium of the proximal efferent ductule and the non-cil ...19807429963
response of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) to organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity relative to domestic hens (gallus gallus domesticus). 19807437555
the genetic link between the chinese bamboo partridge (bambusicola thoracica) and the chicken and junglefowls of the genus gallus.further comparison of mitochondrial control-region dna base sequences of 16 avian species belonging to the subfamily phasianinae revealed the following: (i) generalized perdicine birds (quails and partridges) are of ancient lineages. even the closest pair, the common quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and the chinese bamboo partridge (bambusicola thoracica), maintained only 85.71% identity. (ii) the 12 species of phasianine birds previously and presently studied belonged to three distinct branch ...19957479935
a new inherited muscular disorder in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica).thirteen adult mutant (lwc strain) japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), between the ages of 8 and 60 weeks were examined for a progressive muscular disorder. the disorder, inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, was clinically apparent as early as 28 days of age; it was characterized by generalized myotonia, muscle stiffness, and muscle weakness. affected birds were identified by their inability to lift their wings vertically upward and by their inability to right themselves when plac ...19957483209
molecular cloning of complementary deoxyribonucleic acids for the pituitary glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit and luteinizing hormone beta-subunit precursor molecules of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).complementary dnas encoding precursor molecules of the pituitary glycoprotein hormone (pgh) alpha- and luteinizing hormone (lh) beta-subunits of japanese quail were isolated from a quail adenohypophyseal cdna library using corresponding chicken cdnas as hybridization probes. the isolated cdnas had a length of 695 and 724 bp, respectively, and contained sequences of 5' and 3' untranslated regions and an entire coding region of the precursor molecules. two series of incompletely repeating and part ...19947515015
nitric oxide synthase in neurons of the gastrointestinal tract of an avian species, coturnix coturnix.the distribution of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) diaphorase staining and its colocalisation with nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity was examined in neurons of the quail gastrointestinal tract. immunoreactivity and enzyme activity were found in identical populations of neurons. nitric oxide synthase activity was present in 30-40% of myenteric nerve cells in each region. numerous reactive cells were also in the submucous plexus and many positive nerve fibres inne ...19947516931
migratory fat deposition in european quail: a role for prolactin?the present study addresses the role of prolactin as a regulator of migratory fattening in european quail (coturnix coturnix). plasma prolactin levels in captive birds undergoing migratory fattening in an outdoor aviary and in the laboratory were measured by radioimmunoassay with an antibody raised against recombinant-derived chicken prolactin. no strong association between prolactin and migratory fattening was apparent, and prolactin levels were more closely related to daylength, with the highe ...19957561623
proteolysis of japanese quail and chicken plasma apolipoprotein b and vitellogenin by cathepsin d: similarity of the resulting protein fragments with egg yolk polypeptides.plasma very-low density lipoprotein (vldl) and vitellogenin (vtg) from mature female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and chickens (gallus domesticus) were isolated and digested in vitro with cathepsin d (ec3.4.23.5). the incubation mixtures were then reduced and subjected to gradient (4.5-18%) sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. protein fragments were stained with either coomassie brilliant blue r-250 (vldl digests) or coomassie brilliant blue r-250 containing 20 mm alcl3 (vtg di ...19957584850
conservation of functionally important epitopes on myelin associated glycoprotein (mag).phylogenetic conservation of protein domains often points to functionally important regions. as a step toward mapping these sites on myelin associated glycoprotein (mag) we have determined the species distribution of epitopes recognized by a panel of anti-mag antibodies (ab). monoclonal antibodies (mab) b11f7, gens3 and 28 recognized mag only in mammalian species. however, the mab 513 which inhibits mag binding recognized a conformational epitope in a wider distribution of species including, hum ...19957584863
mycotic salpingitis in a japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).an adult female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was received for postmortem examination. necropsy revealed the presence of white to grayish nodules 2-5 mm in diameter on the serosal surface of the oviduct. aspergillus flavus was isolated from these nodules in pure culture. histologically, these nodules were medium to large granulomatous lesions in serosa and the muscular wall of the oviduct. the lesions contained a large central necrotic core surrounded by giant cells, macrophages, a ...19947702530
circadian rhythms of corneal mitotic rate, retinal melatonin and immunoreactive visual pigments, and the effects of melatonin on the rhythms in the japanese quail.we investigated circadian ocular rhythms in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. the birds were placed under light-dark cycles (ld 12:12), constant light (ll) and constant darkness (dd), and the retinas were dissected out at four-hour intervals throughout 24 h. following measurements were performed. (1) melatonin content in the retina was measured by radioimmunoassay. it was low in light and several folds higher in darkness under ld 12:12. the rhythm continued in dd, but disappeared i ...19957722956
characterization of the japanese quail oocyte receptor for very low density lipoprotein and vitellogenin.the plasma membrane receptor for vldl and vitellogenin from oocytes of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was characterized and compared with that of another domestic fowl, the chicken (gallus domesticus). when visualized by ligand blotting with biotinylated or 125i-labeled lipoproteins, the quail vldl/vitellogenin receptor had an apparent m(r) of 95 kda under nonreducing conditions, identical to that of the chicken receptor. upon analysis by ligand blotting, binding of radiolabeled qua ...19957738685
drusen-like deposits in the outer retina of japanese quail.histological examination of the outer retina of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) ranging in age from 4-48 months revealed the presence of drusen-like deposits which closely resemble those described in primate and human retinas. at both light and electron microscopic levels, these deposits were characterized by randomly distributed, granular and heterogenous materials. larger deposits with pleomorphic inclusions, often globular in shape, occurred more frequently in older quail, particu ...19947859816
insulin-like growth factor-i messenger rna content in the oviduct of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): changes during growth and development or after estrogen administration.complementary dna (cdna) of insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i) of japanese quail was cloned. the nucleotide sequence analysis of the cdna showed that only seven bases differed from those of chicken igf-i cdna in the 440 bases of the cloned region. this difference in nucleotide sequence did not cause changes in the amino acid sequence. using this cloned cdna, the changes in igf-i mrna content in the tissues of female quail during growth and development were investigated. in the oviduct, igf-i m ...19947881819
the integrative segment of the quail coturnix coturnix japonica. occurrence and distribution of carbonic anhydrase and complex part of a more extensive study into the involvement of carbonic anhydrase in avian excretory function, the occurrence and distribution of this enzyme was investigated in the quail integrative segment. the integrative segment represents, in birds, that part of the intestinal tract where ureteral urine undergoes postrenal modification to form definitive urine. to define the structural peculiarities within the intestinal epithelium, the constituent parts, namely cloaca, rectum and caecum, as wel ...19947961146
host specificity studies and oocyst description of a cryptosporidium sp. isolated from ostriches.oocysts of a cryptosporidium sp. were found in the feces of 14 of 165 (8.5%) ostriches imported into canada. the genus identity of the oocysts was confirmed by morphology. the mean (+/- sd) size of 40 oocysts was 4.6 (0.53) x 4.0 (0.42) microns (range 3.9-6.1 x 3.3-5.0 microns) with a shape index (length/width ratio) of 1.15 (range 1.00-1.38). in cross-transmission experiments, this cryptosporidium sp. failed to infect suckling mice, chickens, turkeys, or quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). a co ...19948073019
ultrastructural study of post-hatching development in the pineal gland of the japanese quail.the pineal gland of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) retained numerous follicular structures, each of which was composed mostly of pinealocytes and supporting cells radially arranged around the follicular lumen during the first 6 weeks of age. in the pinealocytes, paraboloids and regular stacks of lamellar disks, which were demonstrated at 1 day of age in a previous study [14], rapidly decreased in number after 1 week of age. from 1 to 6 weeks of age, the pinealocytes had more dev ...19938117821
effects of first formant onset frequency on [-voice] judgments result from auditory processes not specific to humans.when f1-onset frequency is lower, longer f1 cut-back (vot) is required for human listeners to perceive synthesized stop consonants as voiceless. k. r. kluender [j. acoust. soc. am. 90, 83-96 (1991)] found comparable effects of f1-onset frequency on the "labeling" of stop consonants by japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) trained to distinguish stop consonants varying in f1 cut-back. in that study, cvs were synthesized with natural-like rising f1 transitions, and endpoint training stimuli ...19948132898
[anesthesia in poultry].ketamine and ketamine-xylazine anesthesia was performed in the domestic fowl of the laying hybrid hisex brown and in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) to test short-time anesthesia for the purposes of small surgical interventions. the findings of the authors heidenreich and wissdorf (1978) obtained in birds in the zoo park in hannover were used to determine anesthetic doses and to assess the course of anesthesia, as well as a comparative study written by samour et al. (1984) dealing with the us ...19948154090
anf binding sites in the heart of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the distribution pattern of rat [125i]-atrial natriuretic factor (anf) binding sites in the cardiac regions of the japanese quail was examined by in vitro quantitative autoradiography. elevated anf binding densities (519 +/- 121 fmol/mg protein) were found in the posterior vena cava, while lower binding levels (between 40 and 50 fmol/mg protein) were found in sinus venosus, aortic bulb, and endomural vessels, with the ventricular wall having the lowest value (17.6 +/- 8.8 fmol/mg protein). scatc ...19938284267
esterases in quail (coturnix coturnix). physicochemical and developmental aspects.1. soluble esterases of digestive system organs of various developmental stages in the quail (coturnix coturnix) were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into several molecular forms which were characterized as carboxylesterases, acetylesterases, cholinesterases and esterases sensitive to eserine. 2. the pi of the majority of esterasic activity in several quail and chicken tissues was observed in the range of 5.1-5.6, while the apparent molecular weight in liver extracts was 60,000. 3 ...19938299343
[quantitative changes in the ultrastructure of myocardial cells in japanese quail during hypergravity, hypodynamia and space flight].the experimental work aimed at the quantitative ultrastructure of the myocardial cells of the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica during hypergravitation, hypodynamism and space flight in a soviet satellite. for the determination of quantitative changes of the myocardial ultrastructure a morphometrical method was used with parameters like the number of mitochondria, average mitochondrial size, relative mitochondrial volume, deficiency of cristae and relative volume of myofibrils. the quail ...19938353753
photoperiodism in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) with special reference to relative refractoriness.cloacal gland (an androgen dependent sex accessory) of japanese quail exhibits full breeding condition as long as these were maintained under long days (ld 16:8). when shifted to short daylength (ld 6:18), scotosensitivity (cloacal gland regression) was observed up to 5 weeks, followed by scotorefractoriness (cloacal gland development). there was a regression in cloacal gland volume of the birds when shifted to intermediate daylength (ld 13.5:10.5 and 13:11) after 12 weeks of exposure to long da ...19938359848
electron microscope observations on lh-induced oocyte maturation in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the aim of this study was to describe the temporal sequence of ultrastructural changes in the boundary between the preovulatory oocyte and its surrounding follicular wall during maturation induced by injection of lh. female japanese quail were injected with ovine lh (20 micrograms per bird) 10-12 h before the expected time of ovulation. the largest and second largest follicles were excised before or 1, 2, 4 or 6 h after injection. the oocyte and the surrounding follicular wall were processed for ...19938410804
sexual approach conditioning: unconditioned stimulus factors.unconditioned stimulus (us) factors were investigated in a pavlovian sexual conditioning paradigm with male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). copulation with a female quail was more effective than exposure to a female without copulation, but the latter also produced conditioned responding (experiment 1). the greater effectiveness of copulatory opportunity as a us was probably not due to nonassociative effects of copulation (experiment 2). visual cues of the female, as presented on a t ...19938418215
sexual approach conditioning: tests of unconditioned stimulus devaluation using hormone manipulations.contents of learning that result from conditioned-unconditioned stimulus pairings in sexual approach conditioning were explored with male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). sexual motivation of subjects conditioned to approach an arbitrary stimulus in a pavlovian sexual conditioning paradigm was reduced by exposing them to a short photoperiod. decreased sexual motivation resulted in a decline in sexually conditioned approach behavior (experiments 1 and 2). responding was restored when ...19938418216
the neuroanatomic binding pattern of [125i]atrial natriuretic factor in the japanese quail brain.application of quantitative autoradiography technique provided a discrete anatomical distribution pattern of the atrial natriuretic factor (anf) in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica, brain. the highest binding levels of [125i]anf were shown to occur in telencephalon areas, such as fasciculus diagonalis brocae (232 fmol/mg protein), septum (194 fmol/mg protein) and olfactory bulb (153 fmol/mg protein), and in posterior sites, such as nucleus interpeduncularis (177 fmol/mg protein), w ...19938506079
pathogenicity of quail's inclusion body hepatitis virus (avian adenovirus-1) for japanese quails and broiler chicks.quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and broiler (gallus domesticus) chicks were inoculated experimentally with ibh virus (avian adenovirus-1) derived from quails to determine its pathogenicity. quail chicks were inoculated by the intraperitoneal route at 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 weeks of age. lesions were encountered most frequently in the liver, kidneys and lungs. these included pale, swollen and mottled liver, swollen nephrotic kidneys, and congested and pneumonic lungs. the lesions were severe in birds ...19958619292
monophyletic origin and unique dispersal patterns of domestic fowls.with the aim of elucidating in greater detail the genealogical origin of the present domestic fowls of the world, we have determined mtdna sequences of the d-loop regions for a total of 21 birds, of which 12 samples belong to red junglefowl (gallus gallus) comprising three subspecies (six gallus gallus gallus, three gallus gallus spadiceus, and three gallus gallus bankiva) and nine represent diverse domestic breeds (gallus gallus domesticus). we also sequenced four green junglefowl (gallus variu ...19968692897
experimental hepatitis induced by campylobacter jejuni infection in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).to establish an experimental model for vibrionic hepatitis caused by campylobacter jejuni, japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) were inoculated with c. jejuni strains isolated from chicken hepatitis (bl107) and human diarrhea (hp5113). necrotic liver lesions were formed by intra-pancreaticoduodenal vein injection by which the bacteria reached the liver directly via the portal vein, but not by intra-gastric infection. these liver lesions were observed from day 1 to 7 after the infection. ...19968777226
pulmonary macrophages in birds (barn owl, tyto tyto alba), domestic fowl (gallus gallus f. domestica), quail (coturnix coturnix), and pigeons (columbia livia).birds have a limited number of resident macrophages in the normal steady-state respiratory tract. the discovery of phagocytes in lavages of lung from birds contrasts with findings that phagocytes are seldom seen in investigations in situ. an electron microscopic study was performed in the respiratory units, the parabronchi, and air capillaries in particular in several adult bird species to localize the seat of respiratory macrophages.19968876827
serum concentrations of thyroid hormones during egg laying in two types of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).in the present investigation a lighter white egg-type (l) and a heavier wild meat-type (m) of female japanese quails were compared with respect to egg production, body growth, abdominal fat pad, serum thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3) concentrations, trh sensitivity and t4 5'-monodeiodinase activity in liver homogenates. during the investigation period l type layed considerably more eggs and m type was heavier in body weight. abdominal fat pad in l type quails was significantly higher tha ...19948891179
disposition of metronidazole in hens (gallus gallus) and quails (coturnix coturnix japonica): pharmacokinetics and whole-body autoradiography.hens were given single intravenous or oral doses (30 mg/kg body weight) of metronidazole and the plasma concentrations of the drug were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) at intervals from 10 min to 24 h after drug administration. pharmacokinetic variables were calculated by the lagrange algorithm technique. the elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) after the intravenous injection was 4.2 +/- 0.5 h, the volume of distribution (vd(ss) 1.1 +/- 0.2 l/kg and the total body clear ...19968905568
epidemiology of inclusion body hepatitis in poultry in northern india from 1990 to 1994.the epidemiology of inclusion body hepatitis (ibh) was studied in poultry in northern india, from april 1990 to march 1994, to evaluate the various factors responsible for causing and determining the severity of the disease. broiler chicks and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were the species examined. the factor observed to be most commonly associated with ibh was the presence of aflatoxins in the feed at higher than permissible levels, i.e. 20 parts per billion. avian adenovirus-1 w ...19969025150
changes in multiple brain regions underlie species differences in a complex, congenital behavior.the evolutionary brain modifications that produce any complex, congenital behavioral difference between two species have never been identified. evolutionary processes may (i) alter a single, "higher" brain area that generates and/or coordinates the diverse motor components of a complex act; (ii) separately change independent, "lower" brain areas that modulate the fine motor control of the individual components; or (iii) modify both types of areas. this study explores the brain localization of a ...19979050894
changes in serum triiodothyronine, thyroxine, estradiol-17 beta, progesterone levels and egg production in hypocholesterolemia induced japanese quails coturnix coturnix japanica.mature healthy female japanese quails injected (i.p.) with gemfibrozil at two dose levels for 1,2,3 and 4 weeks induced hypocholesterolemia as observed by the serum cholesterol concentration which was more severe with the higher dose. liver and ovarian cholesterol contents decreased in 3rd and 4th week of the treatment. significant (p > 0.05) increase in serum triiodothyronine (t3) and thyroxine (t4) level were observed between 3rd and 4th week while serum estradiol-17 beta and progesterone leve ...19969055651
c-fos expression in the putative avian suprachiasmatic nucleus.c-fos induction was investigated as a potential component in the avian photic entrainment pathway and as a possible means of locating the central pacemaker in birds. in both quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and starlings (sturnus vulgaris) exposure to 1 h of light induced fos-lir in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus but not in the medial suprachiasmatic nucleus. however, the degree of c-fos induction in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus was similar at different circadian times despite the fa ...19979163930
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