
human malaria infectiousness measured by age-specific sporozoite rates in anopheles gambiae in an area of holoendemic malaria in northern tanzania, anopheles gambiae s.l. females were age-graded by polovodova's method and dissected for sporozoites. age-specific sporozoite rates implied that mosquitoes acquired new infections at all ages. the extrinsic period lasted just over 3 gonotrophic cycles (9-11 days). very high sporozoite rates in the oldest females implied the absence or rarity of genetic refractoriness to infection. a method is described for estimating the proportion of bloodm ...19911852484
a comparison of non-radioactive labeling and detection systems with synthetic oligonucleotide probes for the species identification of mosquitoes in the anopheles gambiae complex.different non-radioactive probe labeling and detection systems were used with panai, a species-specific oligonucleotide probe that distinguishes male anopheles gambiae and an. arabiensis mosquitoes. comparisons have been made between the performance of each technique with respect to sensitivity and specificity against dna dot-blots and mosquito squashes. their relative costs, economy, and ease of use were analyzed in an attempt to develop an appropriate non-radioactive system for use in the fiel ...19911858965
species composition of the anopheles gambiae complex (diptera: culicidae) at two sites in western two sites in the kisumu area of western kenya, the species composition of the anopheles gambiae complex was determined by analysis of ovarian polytene chromosomes. of 1,915 females, 26.1% were an. arabiensis patton and 73.9% were an. gambiae giles; one arabiensis x gambiae hybrid was identified. no major differences in the proportions of an. arabiensis and an. gambiae were observed between sites or between years. the ratio of an. arabiensis/an. gambiae was 6.7:1 (n = 231) in cow-baited traps, ...19911875359
field trials with vectolex (bacillus sphaericus) and vectobac (bacillus thuringiensis (h-14)) against anopheles gambiae and culex quinquefasciatus breeding in zaire.under field conditions in kinshasa, zaire, an aqueous suspension of bacillus thuringiensis (h-14), vectobac (12-as), lost most of its larvicidal activity at all concentrations after 48 h against culex quinquefasciatus breeding in polluted gutter water and anopheles gambiae breeding in clear water irrigation ponds. however, good control of cx. quinquefasciatus was obtained using a granular formulation of b. sphaericus, vectolex-g (abg-6185), at concentrations of 10-30 kg/ha. high concentrations o ...19911895075
plasmodium species identification by elisa for sporozoites removed from dried dissection slides.this study tested the feasibility of identifying salavary gland sporozoites to species by plasmodium falciparum elisa by drying them on slides or in vials. the glands were dissected from anopheles gambiae giles s.l. and an. funestus giles collected in western kenya. in 119 gland infections containing a geometric mean of 1,222 sporozoites, a mean of 72.5% of sporozoites were removed in 60 microliters saline from slides at the time of dissection. each of the 119 samples was divided into three 18 m ...19911941915
ability of anopheles gambiae mosquitoes to transmit malaria during the dry and wet seasons in an area of irrigated rice cultivation in the gambia.the seasonality of malaria transmission was studied in a gambian village situated in an area where rice was cultivated. observations were made during two dry seasons, when pump-fed irrigation was used to grow rice, and in the intervening rainy season, when rice was cultivated using a combination of irrigated and rain-fed paddies. clinical episodes of malaria were mainly confined to the months during and soon after the rainy season. in the wet season the prevalence of parasitaemia was higher in f ...19911942209
[impact of the use of larvivorous fish poecilia reticulata on the transmission of malaria in fir of comoros].field tests were conducted in the grande comore island, federal islamic republic of comoros, in order to evaluate the potential of the larvivorous fish poecilia reticulata for the control of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae s.s. due to the high permeability of soil, anopheles breeding sites in all island occurs only in the man-made water reservoirs. the study was carried out from november 1987 to november 1988 within a framework of a malaria and filariasis control programme, supported by who ...19911952700
[the maintenance of malaria eradication in reunion island (1979-1990)].malaria, which first occurred in reunion in 1868, was eradicated from the island in 1979, as a result of eradication campaigns conducted since 1949. reunion is now in a state of "anophelism without malaria". however, relations with nearby countries with a high malaria potential (madagascar, comoros) are responsible for a regular increase in the number of annual cases of imported malaria. this increase, associated with the appearance of chloroquine-resistance in the indian ocean area, illustrates ...19911958106
quantitation of plasmodium falciparum sporozoites transmitted in vitro by experimentally infected anopheles gambiae and anopheles stephensi.the frequency and numbers of plasmodium falciparum sporozoites transmitted in vitro and corresponding sporozoite loads were determined for experimentally infected anopheles gambiae and an. stephensi. geometric mean (gm) sporozoite loads in three experiments ranged from 808 to 13, 905 for an. gambiae and from 6, 608 to 17, 702 for an. stephensi. a total of 44.1% of 68 infected an. gambiae and 49.2% of 63 infected an. stephensi transmitted sporozoites in vitro. the gm number of sporozoites transmi ...19912063960
malaria in a peri-urban area of the gambia.a clinical and entomological survey of malaria was carried out in bakau, a peri-urban coastal settlement in the gambia, from june 1988-may 1989. only 41 of a cohort of 560 children, aged from three months to nine-years-old, experienced a clinical episode of malaria during the observation period. the majority of cases were identified at clinics and not by regular community surveillance. in bakau old town episodes of malaria were more common on the periphery of the settlement, adjacent to typical ...19902076033
the anopheles gambiae complex in the federal islamic republic of comoros (indian ocean): some cytogenetic and biometric data.samples of adult females of the anopheles gambiae complex from thirteen localities of three islands of the comoro archipelago (anjouan, grande comore and moheli) were identified by analysis of ovarian polytene chromosomes as an. gambiae s.s. the samples showed only the inversion polymorphism 2la, the mean frequency of the inverted arrangement being 38%. a significantly higher frequency of the inverted arrangement 2la was observed in the localities with a lower annual rainfall. similarities betwe ...19902132451
amplification and analysis of human dna present in mosquito bloodmeals.dna fingerprinting should permit the identification of individual human hosts of haematophagous arthropods, providing epidemiologically useful information, for example, the biting rates on different people and the impact of insecticide-impregnated bednets. investigations reported here demonstrate that it is possible to extract, amplify and fingerprint human dna from the bloodmeals of individual female anopheles gambiae mosquitoes kept at 24 degrees c for up to 10-15 h post-ingestion.19902133003
use of the polymerase chain reaction to identify mosquito species of the anopheles gambiae complex.a nonradiometric method has been developed for distinguishing between the sibling species anopheles gambiae giles and an. arabiensis patton, two important afrotropical vectors of malaria. dna fragments of species diagnostic length are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) from a small amount of unknown dna and three different pcr primers. all three pcr primers are based on ribosomal dna (rdna) sequences. a universal plus-strand primer (a0) is derived from a conserved region at the 3' end ...19902133004
evolution of the t1 retroposon family in the anopheles gambiae complex.the t1 family of retrotransposable elements is interspersed and moderately repeated in five member species of the anopheles gambiae sibling-species complex and has diverged little since the radiation of the complex. t1 includes two closely related but independent subfamilies, defined by the presence or absence of linked sets of restriction sites, in all but one species, although the relative abundance of the subfamilies differs within each. sequence analysis of a 349-bp region from 21 clones iso ...19902163010
malaria sporozoite detection by dissection and elisa to assess infectivity of afrotropical anopheles (diptera: culicidae).malaria infection rates determined by dissection and plasmodium falciparum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were compared for 26,935 anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato and 17,739 anopheles funestus giles collected during 20 mo in western kenya. elisa infection rates were about 43% higher than dissection sporozoite rates. in dissection-negative anopheles, circumsporozoite (cs) protein was detected by elisa in 5.2% of 10,017 salivary gland samples and in 12.2% of 237 thorax samples. the a ...19902185363
permethrin-impregnated curtains and bed-nets prevent malaria in western kenya.the effectiveness of permethrin-impregnated (0.5 g/m2) bed-nets and curtains as malaria control measures was evaluated in uriri, kenya in 1988. one hundred five families were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 study groups (control, bed-net, or curtain). all participants were cured of parasitemia with pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine. selective epidemiologic and entomologic parameters were measured weekly, while knowledge, attitude, and practices surveys were conducted at the beginning and end of the 15 week ...19902200287
effect of plasmodium falciparum on the survival of naturally infected afrotropical anopheles (diptera: culicidae).the effect of the malarial parasite, plasmodium falciparum welch, on the daily survival rates and longevity of anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato and anopheles funestus giles was determined for wild-caught, naturally infected females from western kenya. mosquitoes were collected inside houses and held in cages until death, after which they were assayed for p. falciparum circumsporozoite protein by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). survival rates of field populations determined by par ...19902201768
factors affecting transmission of wuchereria bancrofti by anopheline mosquitoes. 3. uptake and damage to ingested microfilariae by anopheles gambiae, an. arabiensis, an. merus and an. funestus in east africa.laboratory observations were made on the uptake of microfilariae (mf) of wuchereria bancrofti by anopheles gambiae, an. arabiensis, an. merus and an. funestus. over host mf densities ranging from 450/ml to 1735 mf/ml neither the percentage of mosquitoes ingesting mf nor the mean number of mf per mosquito was correlated to host mf density. all mosquito species damaged mf during ingestion but the proportion harmed was independent of host mf density. the mean proportion damaged was 0.67 in an. gamb ...19902202106
plasmodium falciparum infection rates in anopheles gambiae, an. arabiensis, and an. funestus in western kenya.mosquitoes collected monthly for 1 year from human habitations in the kisumu area of western kenya were identified by morphological characters as anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato (an. gambiae s.l.) or an. funestus. of the mosquitoes collected, 7,244 (67%) of the an. gambiae s.l. and 8,511 (87%) of the an. funestus were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the presence of plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (cs) protein. elisa positivity rates were 8.2% for an. gambiae s.l ...19902202222
the peruvian iii strain of plasmodium brasilianum in saimiri sciureus boliviensis monkeys.a strain of plasmodium brasilianum was isolated from a naturally infected saimiri monkey from peru and subsequently passaged to 21 splenectomized saimiri sciureus boliviensis monkeys. nine of 12 attempts to transmit infection by sporozoite inoculation were successful with prepatent periods ranging from 23 to 41 days. gametocytes were infective to anopheles freeborni, anopheles stephensi, anopheles dirus, anopheles maculatus, and anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. the strain demonstrated a high level ...19902213410
method for in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes from ovarian nurse cells of anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae).a procedure for in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes from the ovarian nurse cells of anopheles gambiae giles has been developed. this procedure involves a modification of established methods for drosophila larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes. treatment of chromosome squashes with xylene followed by slow rehydration provides required resolution of chromosome banding patterns, possibly because fatty contaminants are removed from ovarian nurse cell preparations. using this procedure ...19902231626
plasmodium falciparum infection does not increase the precocious mortality rate of anopheles gambiae. 19902260162
the susceptibility of five laboratory colonies of mosquitoes to the human nematode wuchereria bancrofti (cobbold).laboratory colonies of anopheles gambiae, an. arabiensis, an. merus, an. quadriannulatus and aedes aegypti formosus were artificially fed on blood containing microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti. the anopheline colonies all supported parasite development to the infective stage, with an. quadriannulatus being the most heavily infected. the parasite did not develop at all in the ae. aegypti formosus colony.19902260902
anopheles gambiae complex egg-stage survival in dry soil from larval development sites in western kenya.the potential for anopheles egg survival in dry soil from larval development sites was investigated in western kenya. a total of 230 dry soil samples collected in 1987, 1988 and 1989 yielded 126 first-instar anopheles gambiae s.l. larvae from 2 to 5 days after flooding with water. these larvae were from dried animal hoofprints along streams (57.9%), from dried edges of permanent and temporary pools (41.3%) and from dried stream beds (0.8%). larval density was 1.2 larvae/kg of soil from positive ...19902324714
differentiation of anopheles gambiae and an. arabiensis (diptera: culicidae) by elisa using immunoaffinity-purified antibodies to vitellogenin.yolk proteins (vitellogenin and vitellin) proved to be excellent marker molecules for separating anopheles gambiae giles and an. arabiensis patton, two morphologically indistinguishable members of the an. gambiae species complex. a rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against an. gambiae yolk proteins was made species-specific by removing immunoglobulins that crossreacted with an. arabiensis by immunoaffinity chromatography. the resultant antibody was 400 times more sensitive to an. gambiae and w ...19902388232
characterization of malaria transmission by anopheles (diptera: culicidae) in western kenya in preparation for malaria vaccine trials.malaria transmission was studied for 33 mo in the villages of kisian and saradidi in western kenya in preparation for field trials of malaria vaccines. abundance estimates of anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato and anopheles funestus giles, which constituted over 99% of 26,645 anophelines collected, were compared for all-night biting collections inside houses, outdoors, and in tents. the overall numbers of anopheles per man-night were 2.3 times greater in kisian than in saradidi. for the three ty ...19902388233
variation in frequency in breeding of anopheles gambiae s.l. and its relationship with in-door adult mosquito density in various localities in accra, ghana.the work reported in this paper was undertaken to determine whether in a large urban area like accra, emerging anopheles gambiae s.l. adults are likely to invade the nearest houses to obtain a blood meal. using data from previous studies, the frequency in breeding was compared with adult density graphically and by scatter diagrams. graphically, frequency in breeding was associated with adult density in eight districts while on the geometric scatter plot, these parameters were associated in ten d ...19902390955
species of the anopheles gambiae complex and chromosomal polymorphism in a rice-growing area of the rusizi valley (republic of burundi).chromosome studies on samples of the anopheles gambiae complex were carried out in a village of the rice-growing area of the rusizi valley (burundi). a large predominance of an. arabiensis was observed throughout the year. anopheles gambiae was also present but represented about 4% only of the indoor resting an. gambiae s.l. the finding of human blood-fed specimens in animal shelters suggests partial exophily. abdominal appearance observations indicated a gonotrophic dissociation during the dry ...19892487890
ultrastructural localization of phenoloxidase in the midgut of refractory anopheles gambiae and association of the enzyme with encapsulated plasmodium cynomolgi.a melanogenic enzyme, phenoloxidase, was localized ultrastructurally in the midgut epithelia of 2 strains of anopheles gambiae, a refractory strain that melanotically encapsulates plasmodium cynomolgi ookinetes on the midgut, and a susceptible strain that does not. midguts were incubated with either dopa or dopamine, and the resultant electron-dense product of phenoloxidase activity was localized on the basal lamina (bl) and cellular basal membrane labyrinth (bml) in uninfected mosquitoes of bot ...19892503600
responses of anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes to the use of untreated bednets in the gambia.population dynamics of the anopheles gambiae complex of malaria vector mosquitoes were studied in four small hamlets in the gambia. bednets were used to reduce man/vector contact in two of the hamlets. high densities of an. gambiae, sensu lato, were present for only 3-8 weeks during the rainy season, depending on the position of the hamlet within the study area. the proportions of blood-fed mosquitoes caught indoors (83.0%) and existing from houses (11.6%) were lower in hamlets where bednets wer ...19892519670
impact of permethrin-treated bednets on malaria transmission by the anopheles gambiae complex in the gambia.malaria vector mosquitoes belonging to the anopheles gambiae complex were studied in four hamlets in the gambia. all inhabitants were given bednets treated either with a placebo (milk) in two hamlets or with the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin (500 mg/m2) in two other hamlets. malaria transmission occurred mainly during a few weeks of the rainy season, in september and october 1987. the indoor resting densities of mosquitoes in permethrin-treated hamlets were reduced, and we estimated over 90% ...19892519671
permethrin-impregnated bednets: behavioural and killing effects on mosquitoes.permethrin-treated pieces of netting and simulated bednets were evaluated against anopheles gambiae giles and aedes aegypti (l.) in the laboratory. when female mosquitoes were allowed to feed on a human arm through pieces of impregnated netting fastened at the end of tubes, doses above 2 g/m2 were required to stop blood-feeding of both an. gambiae and ae. aegypti. a much lower dose prevented ae. aegypti from feeding on mice through impregnated netting. when mosquitoes were released in a room and ...19892519686
site-specific ribosomal dna insertion elements in anopheles gambiae and a. arabiensis: nucleotide sequence of gene-element boundaries.the nucleotide sequence of the junctions between the 28s ribosomal gene and site-specific insertion elements from two sibling mosquito species, anopheles gambiae and a. arabiensis, is reported. in both species, elements insert at the same point within the 28s gene, but this site is 634 basepairs (bp) 3' of the r1 (type i) insertion site in drosophila melanogaster. the two mosquito elements each have poly a tails and a polyadenylation signal, but the extreme 3' and 5' ends show no other similarit ...19892554252
seasonal population changes and malaria transmission potential of anopheles pharoensis and the minor anophelines in mwea irrigation scheme, kenya.a study in 1984 and 1985 showed that anopheles gambiae s.l. and an. pharoensis were the major anophelines in mwea irrigation scheme, kenya, constituting 83.86% and 15.69% of the catch respectively. four minor species made up the remaining 0.45%. the irrigation phase of the rice cultivation cycle in august, which linked the flooding effects of the two rainy seasons, resulted in major population increases of an. pharoensis and enabled continuous breeding for up to 9 months per year. the average of ...19892566271
microgeographic variation in rdna intergenic spacers of anopheles gambiae in western kenya.the genetic population structure of anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae) in western kenya was investigated by hybridizing a rapidly evolving rdna intergenic spacer sequence to restriction endonuclease digests of genomic dna extracted from single mosquitoes from seven localities. significantly different distributions of restriction fragment arrays were obtained from field sites less than 10 km apart, which suggests restricted gene flow and a subdivided population structure. eight of twenty-one ...19892566589
variation in binding of bacillus sphaericus toxin and wheat germ agglutinin to larval midgut cells of six species of mosquitoes.bacillus sphaericus toxin labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate was readily ingested by culex pipiens, aedes aegypti, anopheles stephensi, anopheles gambiae, anopheles quadrimaculatus, and anopheles albimanus larvae. fluorescent toxin bound to the luminal cell surface in discrete regions of the posterior midgut and gastric caecum in c. pipiens. in anopheles spp., toxin bound in a variable pattern to these structures and central and anterior midgut as well. the toxin did not bind to midgut cell ...19892566636
application of a biochemical key to study transmission of malaria and bancroftian filariasis in sibling species of the anopheles gambiae complex in north-eastern tanzania.a biochemical key was applied in order to study transmission of malaria and bancroftian filariasis in anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, an. arabiensis and an. merus in different localities in north-eastern tanzania. the technique was found to be a useful additional taxonomic tool for field entomologists. significant differences between species in the rate of infection with bancroftian filariasis were obtained between an. gambiae s.s. and an. funestus (p less than 0.005) and between an. funestus a ...19892575868
isolation of leishmanial parasites from a wild caught anopheles gambiae mosquito in kenya.a total of 232 mosquitoes were collected and dissected for leishmanial parasites in the baringo district, kenya. anopheles gambiae sensu lato comprised 90.9% of the sample. one female a. gambiae was found to be infected with leishmanial promastigotes. the parasites when injected into balb c mice caused skin lesions characterized by heavy amastigote infections. the average size of the parasite was: body length, 11.7 +/- 0.19 microns; width, 1.3 +/- 0.04 microns; flagellum length, 15.5 +/- 0.28 mi ...19892635165
effect of human circumsporozoite antibodies in plasmodium-infected anopheles (diptera: culicidae).human circumsporozoite (cs) antibodies to plasmodium falciparum were detected in blood meals from 45.0% of 1,547 field-collected anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato and anopheles funestus giles from western kenya. possible effects on malaria infections within the anopheles host were investigated. circumsporozoite antibodies were detected in blood meals up to 36 h after feeding. antibodies crossing the midgut were detected experimentally in hemolymph from 4 to 36 h after feeding; human igg also wa ...19892685310
structure of rdna in the mosquito anopheles gambiae and rdna sequence variation within and between species of the a. gambiae complex.the structure of the rdna repeating unit of anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae) was determined by restriction endonuclease mapping and hybridization analyses on four independent clones obtained from a genomic library of a colony (g3) from the gambia (west africa). rdna gene coding sequences are conserved, but much intragenomic and intraspecific (geographic) variation occurs in the intergenic spacer. hybridization of subclones from spacer and coding sequences to genomic dna that was isolated f ...19892722557
a general system of resistance to malaria infection in anopheles gambiae controlled by two main genetic loci.genetic analysis of a system of plasmodium refractoriness in anopheles gambia suggests that the joint action of 2 unlinked genetic loci substantially controls expression of the susceptible and refractory phenotypes. one genetic component, here named pif-b (for plasmodium infectivity factor), is closely linked or identical to a polymorphic autosomal esterase locus which can be visualized by gel electrophoresis. this locus exerts the major controlling effect on susceptibility to plasmodium cynomol ...19892742036
association of a plasmodium-refractory phenotype with an esterase locus in anopheles a genetically selected strain of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae, most species of plasmodium parasites are surrounded by melanized capsules and killed in the wall of the mosquito midgut. genetic studies demonstrate a significant association between the refractory response to plasmodium cynomolgi b strain and the est a allele at an autosomal esterase locus. increased susceptibility to parasites is associated with an alternate est c allele. lines selected to be homozygous for the est a and ...19892742037
[the effect of 2 chloroquine-based drug strategies (prevention and therapy of febrile cases] on malaria transmission].a 3 years study was decided in 12 villages of the south-west burkina faso to compare the chemoprophylaxis and the chemotherapy of febrile cases as potential malaria control strategies. during the first year pretreatment data were collected. during the two following years a programme carried out (i) prophylaxis (10 mg chloroquine/kg body weight) was given weekly to all children under 14 years old in 5 villages, and (ii) therapy (10 mg chloroquine/kg body weight) was given in a single dose to all ...19892743528
a parasitological, cytogenetic and biochemical study of anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae) from the people's republic of congo.a sample of 41 live adult members of the anopheles gambiae complex were obtained from yaka yaka, near brazzaville, people's republic of congo. they were collected resting in human habitations. thirty-seven specimens were identified as a. gambiae s.s. using cytogenetic and electrophoretic criteria. of the identified sample, one specimen was heterozygous for a previously undescribed inversion on chromosome arm 3. one female and the progeny of a second were found to be polymorphic for a superoxide ...19892799583
comparison of the in vivo and in vitro activity of the delta-endotoxin of bacillus thuringiensis var. morrisoni (hd-12) and two of its constituent proteins after cloning and expression in escherichia coli.the insecticidal crystal delta-endotoxin of bacillus thuringiensis var. morrisoni hd-12 contains at least five polypeptides in the range 126-140 kda. immune blotting revealed that individual proteins in this complex share homology with a range of other b. thuringiensis delta-endotoxins. in vivo the native hd-12 crystal killed a lepidopteran larva (pieris brassicae) and a dipteran larva (anopheles gambiae), but not the related dipteran aedes aegypti. in vitro the solubilized activated crystal lys ...19882832170
seasonal variations in indoor resting anopheles gambiae and anopheles arabiensis in kaduna, nigeria.a longitudinal study in a guinea savanna area in northern nigeria showed that indoor resting samples consisted almost entirely of an. gambiae in the wet season, characterized by relatively lower temperature and higher relative humidity, whereas an. arabiensis predominated in the dry season, characterized by relatively higher temperature and lower relative humidity. a significant change was also observed in the frequency of polymorphic chromosomal inversions in the population of an. gambiae. the ...19852862779
[epidemiologic study of malaria in the rice-growing regions of yagoua and maga (north cameroon)].the results of the malaria investigation carried out in april 1981 in the irrigated regions of the logone valley show that plasmodium falciparum is the only species o. the genus plasmodium to be found there. in terms of parasitaemia in blood, the prevalence of malaria is highest in the 5 to 9 year-old age group, whereas fluorescent antibodies are to be found progressively greater quantities as subjects grow older. from the age of 40, 95% of the inhabitants of the region present circulating antib ...19852863004
observations on the distribution of the anopheles gambiae complex in male and female mosquitoes of the anopheles gambiae group of species from fourteen localities in tanzania were studied using either chromosomal inversions, enzyme electrophoresis or both techniques. the 6481 specimens analyzed consisted of 64.4% an. gambiae, 33.6% an. arabiensis, and 2.0% an. merus, but no an. quadriannulatus. an. gambiae and an. merus are reported from zanzibar for the first time. an. merus was recorded at buiko, 167 km inland. an. arabiensis is the predominant or exclusi ...19862877554
a ribosomal rna gene probe differentiates member species of the anopheles gambiae complex.a 0.59 kilobase dna fragment cloned from an rdna cistron of the mosquito anopheles gambiae can be used as a probe to differentiate between a. gambiae, a. arabiensis, and a. melas, three morphologically identical sibling species in the a. gambiae complex which otherwise can be reliably distinguished only by polytene chromosome banding patterns. although all are important (and often sympatric) african malaria vectors, their relative roles in malaria transmission have thus far been difficult to ass ...19872886070
proteolysis in the gut of mosquito larvae results in further activation of the bacillus sphaericus toxin.gut proteases from the larvae of the mosquito culex pipiens convert the 43-kilodalton (kda) toxin from bacillus sphaericus 2362 to a 40-kda peptide. the 50% lethal concentration of this peptide for tissue culture-grown cells of culex quinquefasciatus was 1.0 microgram/ml (as determined by the intracellular atp assay), 54-fold less than that of the 43-kda peptide. gut proteases from anopheles gambiae and aedes aegypti, as well as bovine pancreatic trypsin, also converted the 43-kda protein to a 4 ...19872886104
the effectiveness of mosquito coils containing esbiothrin under laboratory and field conditions.tests were made to correlate the chemical content of mosquito coils with the knockdown and bite-inhibitory action of the smoke in the laboratory and with the protective effect in field use. smoke from a blank coil, containing no pyrethroid, gave no knockdown, 10% inhibition of biting in the laboratory using aedes aegypti, and 39% protection in field tests in village huts on the kenyan coast with a mixed population of mosquitoes including 71% anopheles gambiae. coils containing low experimental c ...19872891344
cultivation of the life cycle stages of trypanosoma brucei sspp.a culture system was devised for the production of the various stages in the developmental cycle of trypanosoma brucei brucei and t. b. rhodesiense. the bloodstream forms were grown at 37 degrees c on a feeder layer of fibroblasts from embryos of microtus montanus or cd-1 mice in hepes-buffered minimum essential medium with earle's salts, supplemented with 15% heat-inactivated rabbit serum. when they were transferred to hepes-buffered cunningham's medium and incubated at 27 degrees c, they trans ...19882896444
bancroftian filariasis in the igwun basin, nigeria. an epidemiological, parasitological, and clinical study in relation to the transmission dynamics.a 12-month field and laboratory study was carried out to determine the epidemiology, clinical features, and transmission dynamics of bancroftian filariasis in the igwun basin, nigeria. a total of 1,418 individuals (768 males, and 650 females) were examined for clinical signs of filariasis. 690 day provocative blood samples (dps), and 728 night blood samples (nbs) were examined for microfilaremia. 14.3% of males and 11.1% of females were mf positive. 5.8% of dps, and 19.5% of the nbs were mf posi ...19882901204
[mosquito net barriers for sample collection of zoophilic culicidae].mosquito net fences 2.30-2.50 m high placed around cowsheds at their night resting sites have been successfully utilized to obtain large samples of malaria vectors of the anopheles gambiae complex and of other mosquito species. collections of blood-fed mosquitoes were carried out during the night by inspecting regularly the net side facing the animal enclosure. this sampling procedure has important advantages over alternative procedures based on direct collection on animal or on the use of anima ...19862901709
[an ecologic study of adult and larval culicidae in a rice field of kou valley, burkino faso].an entomological survey based on collections of human bait mosquitoes and of mosquito larvae was carried out through one year in a rice-field, the kou valley of southwest burkina faso. each year, in this irrigated rice field there are two crops of rice, one during the dry season and another during the wet one. between the two rice cycles irrigation is interrupted and the rice field becomes dry. the rice crop cycle moves through several stages, all of which have positive or negative effects on th ...19882907262
studies of house-entering habits of mosquitoes in the gambia, west africa: experiments with prefabricated huts with varied wall apertures.the house-entering behaviour of nocturnal mosquitoes was studied in the gambia. mosquitoes were captured as they attacked man in the open and in experimental huts which comprised 1.8 m cube frames with corrugated iron roofs and plywood walls of various heights. catches of all species were similar in the open and in a roofed, but unwalled, hut frame. the mosquitoes taken in catches in unwalled huts and others with wall heights of 0.6, 1.2 and 1.7 m (giving an 8 cm eaves-level entry slit) fell int ...19872908761
dna probes for species identification of mosquitoes in the anopheles gambiae complex.identification of species within the anopheles gambiae giles species complex is essential for the correct evaluation of malaria vector ecology studies and control programmes. the development of dna probes to distinguish species of the an.gambiae complex is described. genomic libraries were prepared for four members of the an.gambiae complex. these were screened using radiolabelled dna from different species of an.gambiae sensu lato and a number of clones selected on the basis of their species sp ...19872979526
efficacy of bacillus sphaericus 2362 against larvae of anopheles gambiae under laboratory and field conditions in west africa.a flowable concentrate of bacillus sphaericus (neide) strain 2362 was applied against anopheles gambiae giles s.l. mosquito larve in small plot field trials in bobo-dioulasso area. burkina-faso. third and fourth instar larvae were controlled for 10-15 days with a dosage of 10 g/m2, 3-10 days with 1 or 0.1 mg/m2, and 2 days with 0.01 g/m2. complete elimination of larval populations required 1 x 10(2) to 2 x 10(3) viable spores/ml in the larval feeding zone. after treatment, the total numbers of v ...19872979529
efficacy of permethrin-impregnated curtains for malaria vector control.preliminary results obtained by the use of permethrin-impregnated curtains against the afrotropical malaria vectors anopheles gambiae giles s.l. and an.funestus giles are reported and discussed. field trials were carried out in villages near ouagadougou, burkina faso. houses were provided with curtains made from 100% cotton netting, impregnated with permethrin at the dose of 1 g a.i./m2, to cover the doorway, the window(s) and the space under the eaves. entomological data collected during the pe ...19872979531
observations on the anopheles gambiae complex in the senegal river basin, west africa.1. three sibling species of mosquitoes of the anopheles gambiae complex are found in the senegal river basin: an. melas theobald, an. gambiae giles and an. arabiensis patton. 2. an. melas is restricted to the river delta and environs where saltwater breeding places are present. 3. an. gambiae and an. arabiensis are sympatric in the study area; an. arabiensis predominates in coastal zones where it breeds also during the dry season; an. gambiae predominates in inland areas where breeding is mostly ...19872979546
use of a male-specific dna probe to distinguish female mosquitoes of the anopheles gambiae species complex.a method has been developed to distinguish between mated female individuals of the sibling species anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto and anopheles arabiensis patton. the dna probe pana1, reported by gale & crampton (1987a) to be useful for the specific identification of an. arabiensis males, is here shown to be sufficiently sensitive to deduce the species identity of inseminated females from the identity of the sperm contained within the spermatheca.19882980163
elisa absorbance cut-off method affects malaria sporozoite rate determination in wild afrotropical anopheles.malaria sporozoite infection rates in a mixed species group of 244 anopheles gambiae giles sensu lato and 115 an.funestus giles wild female mosquitoes were compared using three methods to determine cut-off absorbance values for positivity of a plasmodium falciparum welch enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). positive controls were based on p.falciparum circumsporozoite protein. as negative controls, four wild male anopheles were included on each microtitre plate; tests were repeated on four ...19882980182
location of genes on chromosome arms in the anopheles gambiae group of species and their correlation to linkage data for other anopheline mosquitoes.the use of paracentric inversions as genetic markers in the anopheles gambiae group of mosquitoes is described. the gene for dieldrin resistance is assigned to chromosome 2 which in turn is correlated to the previous assignment of the gene to linkage group ii. the locus of the enzyme phosphoglucomutase 2 (pgm 2) is similarly assigned to chromosome 2 and evidence is presented for possible linkage between pgm 2 and dieldrin resistance. there was no linkage or correlation of chromosome 2 and loci o ...19872980962
stable integration and expression of a bacterial gene in the mosquito anopheles gambiae.foreign dna was successfully introduced into the germline of the african mosquito vector of malaria anopheles gambiae. stable integration of genes into the germlines of insects had been achieved previously only in drosophila melanogaster and related species and required the use of the p element transposon. in these experiments with anopheles gambiae, the plasmid puchsneo was used, which contains the selectable marker neo gene flanked by p element inverted repeats. mosquitoes injected with this p ...19873039658
bancroftian filariasis in the igwun basin, nigeria: an epidemiological, parasitological, and clinical study in relation to the transmission dynamics.a 12-months study on bancroftian filariasis was carried out in the igwun basin, nigeria. a total of 1,418 individuals (768 males, and 650 females) were examined for microfilaremia and clinical filarial stigmata. there were 14.3% and 11.1% male and female point prevalence rates, respectively, and an overall prevalence of 12.8%. prevalence rates and microfilarial density increased with age. the highest mff density of 35 mff/20 ml blood occurred in the 40-49 year old male individuals. disease rates ...19883049274
factors affecting transmission of wuchereria bancrofti by anopheline mosquitoes. 1. uptake of microfilariae.ingestion of wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae (mf) from humans by 639 anopheles gambiae, 557 an. arabiensis, 117 an. melas and 9 an. funestus was investigated. the mf densities in blood fell into 3 groups; 0-32mf/ml, 107-122 mf/ml and 421-1140 mf/ml. in an. gambiae and an. arabiensis percentage of mosquitoes ingesting mf was strongly associated with mf density in host blood; in an. melas the association was much weaker. mean number of mf ingested per mosquito was also strongly correlated to mf ...19883051542
factors affecting transmission of wuchereria bancrofti by anopheline mosquitoes. 2. damage to ingested microfilariae by mosquito foregut armatures and development of filarial larvae in mosquitoes.microfilariae (mf) of wuchereria bancrofti from the midgut of 639 anopheles gambiae, 557 an. arabiensis, 117 an. melas and 9 an. funestus were examined immediately after the mosquitoes had fed on carriers with different densities of mf. the percentages of mf damaged during ingestion were 57.1-60.0 in an. gambiae, 33.3-50.6 in an. arabiensis and 38.7-55.7 in an. melas. in each species the percentage of mf damaged was independent of mf density in the human host. a further 3657 an. gambiae, 2875 an ...19883051543
identification of malaria species by elisa in sporozoite and oocyst infected anopheles from western kenya.enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) for the circumsporozoite (cs) antigens of plasmodium falciparum, p. malariae, and p. ovale were used to identify species of sporozoite and oocyst infections detected by dissection in anopheles gambiae s.1. and an. funestus collected in western kenya. elisas identified 92.5% of 1,113 salivary gland infections; plasmodium species infections included 79.4% p. falciparum, 3.2% p. malariae, 1.7% p. ovale, and 2 or more plasmodium species were detected in 15 ...19883056055
study of the distribution of circumsporozoite antigen in anopheles gambiae infected with plasmodium falciparum, using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.anopheles gambiae, experimentally infected with plasmodium falciparum, were dissected 14 days later for microscopical detection of sporozoites and oocysts. the head, salivary glands, thorax, midgut, legs, ovaries, malpighian tubules, the remainder of the abdominal tissues and the dissection fluid of each mosquito were examined by a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection and quantification of circumsporozoite antigen (cs ag). 19 mosquitoes had cs ag in at least one o ...19883068853
the susceptibility of three species in three genera of mosquito larvae to a microsporidian vavraia culicis (weiser) and its histopathology on the tissues of the recipient host anopheles gambiae giles in the laboratory. 19863110060
studies on the development of metacyclic trypanosoma brucei sspp. cultivated at 27 degrees c with insect cell lines.when transformed procyclic trypanosomes of three stocks of trypanosoma brucei brucei and one stock of t.b. rhodesiense were grown at 27 degrees c in 25-cm2 flasks containing anopheles gambiae cells, some of them developed into forms infective for mice. infectivity titrations on trypanosome suspensions revealed that up to 2.8 x 10(5) metacyclic forms per ml could be produced, and the cultures remained infective for varying periods of up to 72 days when they were terminated. of the various culture ...19873123646
comparison of dna probe and cytogenetic methods for identifying field collected anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes.a recently developed dna probe method was compared with the standard cytogenetic method for identifying the species of individual mosquitoes in the anopheles gambiae complex. the complex consists of 6 morphologically indistinguishable sibling species that include the major african malaria vectors. half-gravid, field collected mosquitoes were split into 2 portions: the abdomen was preserved for ovarian nurse cell cytotaxonomy and the head/thorax portion was desiccated for dna extraction. cytogene ...19883207175
the genetics and expression of an esterase locus in anopheles gambiae.the main polymorphic system of esterase isoenzymes in adults of the g3 laboratory strain of anopheles gambiae consists of two to five major bands of activity per individual. the bands are designated 5s, 5f, 13, 14, and 15. in genetic crosses, the genes which coded for the bands assorted as three codominant alleles, est a, est b, and est c, at a single autosomal locus. homozygotes for the est c allele were significantly underrepresented among backcross progeny. the developmental pattern of estera ...19883214416
ribosomal dna-probes differentiate five cryptic species in the anopheles gambiae complex.this study describes the use of ribosomal dna probes to identify the species of individual mosquitoes in the anopheles gambiae complex, a group of six morphologically identical mosquito species among which are two of the principal vectors of malaria in africa. the dna probes are sequences of dna derived from the ribosomal genes of an. gambiae. each probe reveals a different sized restriction enzyme fragment specific to each of the five species in the complex that were examined in this study: an. ...19883271987
[larvivorous capacity of barbus pobeguini and possibility of using this in the fight against anopheles gambiae s.l].permanent breeding sites for anopheles gambiae s.l. were found to occur in the urban area of ouagadougou and to have some importance in the maintenance of vector populations. in these breeding places barbus pobeguini was found widespread and larvivorous as indicated by the presence of remnants of a. gambiae in its stomach contents. the use of b. pobeguini would avoid the introduction of non-local larvivorous fishes. a series of trials carried out in laboratory conditions with b. pobeguini of dif ...19883271991
comparison of dna-probe and isoenzyme methods for differentiating anopheles gambiae and anopheles arabiensis (diptera: culicidae). 19883280799
detection and anatomical localization of plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein and sporozoites in the afrotropical malaria vector anopheles gambiae s.l.salivary glands from anopheles gambiae s.l. collected in burkina faso, west africa, were analyzed by both microscopic examination and immunoradiometric assay to determine the plasmodium falciparum sporozoite rates. using the same mosquito samples, the immunoassay revealed positive salivary glands with low sporozoite loads, which were frequently missed by microscopy. a closer agreement between both techniques was found using salivary glands with high sporozoite loads. we also found a number of mo ...19873318517
[malaria, anemia and nutritional status: longitudinal study of their interaction in a sahelian zone (senegal)].two villages in the sahelian zone of the senegal river basin, were surveyed during one year. on 5 occasions (may, july, october 1982, january, march 1983) 200 persons were clinically examined and a parasitological (parasite rate and specific antibodies), haematological and biochemical examination was done. at the same time an entomological survey was performed. the two vectors were anopheles gambiae ss. and a. arabiensis with a predominance of the first. although the number of infective bites is ...19873319263
field observations on the use of anti-sporozoite monoclonal antibodies for determination of infection rates in malaria vectors.samples of indoor-resting anopheles gambiae s.1. from mali and burkina faso (west africa) were processed in order to compare plasmodium falciparum sporozoite rates obtained by immunoradiometric assay (irma) with circumsporozoite (cs) monoclonal antibody and by microscope examination of salivary glands. the immunological method provided sporozoite rates always higher than those obtained by microscope examination. this result does not appear to be related to cross-reactions involving non-sporozoit ...19863332042
cs antigen localization in malaria vectors: hypothetical refractoriness to transmission observed in the field.indoor resting anopheles gambiae s.l. were collected in two villages near ouagadougou, burkina faso, and processed to investigate the presence and distribution of plasmodium sporozoites. salivary glands were dissected, examined by phase contrast microscopy and further processed by irma in order to reveal the presence of the circumsporozoite (cs) antigen of p. falciparum. the corresponding thoraces were homogenized and processed by irma. in the village characterized by the higher inoculation rate ...19863332304
ultrastructure of the encapsulation of plasmodium cynomolgi (b strain) on the midgut of a refractory strain of anopheles gambiae.using transmission electron microscopy, we investigated the encapsulation of the simian malaria parasite, plasmodium cynomolgi, in a refractory strain of the mosquito, anopheles gambiae. after the ookinete penetrates the mosquito midgut epithelium and lodges between the basal membrane and the basal lamina, an electron-dense, melanin-like substance begins to coalesce around the parasite. completely encapsulated parasites were found as early as 16 hr after the blood meal. granules of the melanin-l ...19883379524
a dna probe to distinguish the species anopheles quadriannulatus from other species of the anopheles gambiae complex.dna probes used previously to distinguish the species anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, an.arabiensis, an.melas and an.merus were tested against an.quadriannulatus. using these dna probes, an.gambiae s.s. and an.quadriannulatus were indistinguishable. a genomic library was constructed for an.quadriannulatus. differential screening of this genomic library with an.gambiae s.s. and an.quadriannulatus genomic dnas identified a species-specific, repeated dna sequence. when used as a hybridization prob ...19873450008
[a longitudinal entomologic survey on the transmission of malaria in ouagadougou (burkina faso)].a longitudinal entomological malaria survey was carried out in five zones of the town of ouagadougou, burkina faso, and in three neighbouring villages. the main vector is anopheles gambiae s.l. with an. funestus having a role in some localities during the dry season. pyrethrum spray catches were carried out once or twice per month to determine variations in vector density. inoculation rates were estimated from the number of blood-fed vectors per man and from the sporozoite rates. larval sampling ...19863455529
[dispersion of anopheles gambiae s.l. in an urban zone of ouagadougou (burkina faso)].dispersion of anopheles gambiae s.l. from larval breeding places was examined in the town of ougadougou, burkina faso. a suitable study area was chosen, characterized by high concentration of larval breeding places along a water reservoir. mosquito density per room was calculated from the results of pyrethrum spray catches carried out on a series of seven groups of collecting stations along a transect from 100 to 1050 m from the water reservoir area. high density and uniform distribution of hous ...19863455531
[chromosomal study of anopheles gambiae and anopheles arabiensis in ouagadougou (burkina faso) and various neighboring villages].adult females of anopheles gambiae s.1. were collected by pyrethrum spray catch in ouagadougou (burkina faso, formerly upper volta) and in four neighbouring villages. the collections have been carried out mostly during the 1984 rainy season. monthly collections in some sampling sites allowed a preliminary longitudinal study. by analysis of nurse cell polytene chromosomes in adult females, an. gambiae s.str. and an. arabiensis were identified in the study area. both species showed polymorphisms f ...19863455532
insecticide susceptibility levels of anopheles gambiae s.l. in the area of ouagadougou, burkina faso.tests to evaluate the susceptibility level in anopheles gambiae s.1. from ouagadougou and two nearby villages have been carried out. anopheles gambiae s.1. larvae from ouagadougou showed complete susceptibility to organophosphates and carbamates, and adults showed low-level resistance to ddt. nine percent survival of adult an. gambiae s.1. to one-hour exposure of 4% ddt was observed in samples from zagtouli village while in those from koubri village, where dieldrin also was tested, resistance to ...19863455533
laboratory and field efficacy of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and bacillus sphaericus against anopheles gambiae s.l. and culex quinquefasciatus in ouagadougou, burkina faso.two wettable powders (bactimos and vectobac) and one flowable concentrate (teknar) of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (b.t.i.) and primary powders of bacillus sphaericus isolates 1593 and 2362 were evaluated (laboratory) against field-collected larvae of anopheles gambiae s.l. and culex quinquefasciatus in ouagadougou, burkina faso. bactimos, vectobac and a corn-cob b.t.i. formulation (abg-6138g) were field tested against cx. quinquefasciatus and an. gambiae s.l. the isolates of b. sphae ...19873504891
studies on insecticide susceptibility of anopheles gambiae s.1. and culex quinquefasciatus in the area of ouagadougou, burkina faso (west africa).tests to evaluate the susceptibility level in anopheles gambiae s.1. and culex quinquefasciatus from ouagadougou and two nearby villages have been carried out. anopheles gambiae s.1. larvae from ouagadougou showed complete susceptibility to organophosphates and carbamates, and adults showed low level resistance to ddt. nine percent survival of adult an. gambiae s.1. to one hour exposure of 4% ddt was observed in samples from zaghtouli village while in those from koubri village, where dieldrin al ...19863507503
adult behaviour of members of the anopheles gambiae complex in the gambia with special reference to an. melas and its chromosomal variants.polytene chromosome studies on the member species of the anopheles gambiae complex in the gambia and surrounding areas in senegal led to comparative observations on bionomics of sympatric populations of an. melas and an. gambiae. moreover, inversion polymorphisms have been analyzed in an. melas and their possible relationships with behavioural variations in endophily and anthropophily have been considered. an. melas shows a remarkably short dispersal from typical larval breeding places associate ...19873508262
[epidemiological aspects of malaria in 2 villages of the manyemen forest region (cameroon, southwest province)].in terms of parasitaemia in blood, the prevalence was 18.7% for plasmodium falciparum, 10.5% for p. ovale and 1% for p. malariae in the villages of mungo ndor and kokobuma. the plasmodial index of children from 2 to 9 years of age was 38.2% and the spleen index 26.6%, with a mean hackett score of 1.56. malaria is thus meso-endemic in the region. the immunofluorescent test performed with a p. falciparum antigen was positive in 66% of the children in the same age group. parasites were seen in 15% ...19863523108
[comparative estimate of the rates of infection with sporozoites and filaria in various forms of the anopheles gambiae complex in a village in mali]. 19863530084
genetic selection of a plasmodium-refractory strain of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae.the anopheline mosquito is the target in most malaria control programs, primarily through the use of residual insecticides. a mosquito was studied that is refractory to most species of malaria through a genetically controlled mechanism. a strain of anopheles gambiae, which was selected for complete refractoriness to the simian malaria parasite plasmodium cynomolgi, also has varying degrees of refractoriness to most other malaria species examined, including the human parasites p. falciparum, p. o ...19863532325
field evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for plasmodium falciparum sporozoite detection in anopheline mosquitoes from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a repetitive epitope on the circumsporozoite protein of plasmodium falciparum was used in kenya to assess malaria infections in anopheles gambiae s.l. and an. funestus. the elisa confirmed that 88% of 44 sporozoite-positive gland dissections were p. falciparum. the elisa infection rate of 18.6% (n = 736) for individually tested mosquitoes for both species was significantly higher than the 10.4% (n = 537) sal ...19873555134
[malaria in a forest-savannah mosaic zone of central africa, brazzaville region. i. results of entomological studies].anopheles gambiae is the main malaria vector in rural areas in the brazzaville region; the other vectors collected in this area (a. funestus, a. moucheti, a. nili) are much rarer and have little epidemiological importance. malaria transmission is intense and perennial; according to the villages, the level of exposure of the population varies from about 200 to 1,000 infective bites per person per year.19873608001
the sporogonic cycle of plasmodium reichenowi.plasmodium reichenowi, a malarial parasite of the chimpanzee, was infective to anopheles freeborni, anopheles quadrimaculatus, anopheles stephensi, anopheles maculatus, anopheles dirus, and anopheles culicifacies mosquitoes. anopheles gambiae and anopheles albimanus were not infected. mean oocyst diameters of p. reichenowi were smaller than those of the other chimpanzee parasite, plasmodium schwetzi. sporozoites were present in the salivary glands of an. freeborni at 15 days when held at 25 to 2 ...19863734994
[antimalarial campaign program in ouagadougou (burkina faso): the anopheles gambiae complex in the city of ouagadougou and surrounding villages]. 19863752794
[levels of sensitivity of anopheles gambiae s.l. to traditional insecticides and evaluation of the efficiency of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and bacillus sphaericus]. 19863752796
[laboratory observation of inversion polymorphisms originating from the crossing of various populations of anopheles gambiae s.s]. 19863752798
chromosomal and electrophoretic identification of a sample of anopheles gambiae group (diptera: culicidae) from the island of grand comoros, indian ocean. 19863795236
a new cage for observing mating behavior of wild anopheles gambiae in the laboratory. 19853880236
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 9765