
intestinal and blood parasites of man in bireuen and takengon, aceh province, sumatra, indonesia.a survey for blood and intestinal parasites was carried out in aceh province of north sumatra, indonesia. a total of 348 stool specimens were obtained from 167 males and 181 females ranging in age from 6 months to 70 years. over 98% of the population sampled were found infected with at least one intestinal parasite. ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, hookworm and entamoeba coli, in that order, were the most common parasites detected. other intestinal parasites found less frequently were ...19761030850
the significance of lowered jejunal disaccharidase levels.disaccharidase estimations on 115 consecutive jejunal biopsies are reported. the patients were divided into four groups: 1. normal jejunal biopsy light microscopy, not milk intolerant, 82 cases. 2. normal jejunal biopsy light microscopy, milk intolerant, eight cases. 3. patients with giardiasis, 11 cases. 4. coeliac disease patients, 14 cases. the lowest disaccharidase levels were found in coeliac disease, with giardiasis cases showing intermediate levels. poor correlation of lactase levels with ...19761071540
giardiasis following gastric surgery.a patient is presented who developed acute life-threatening diarrhoea due to infestation with giardia lamblia. we propose that the severity of the illness may have been related to hypochlorhydria following gastric surgery.19761071881
massive development of amebas in the large intestine. fedor aleksandrovich lesh (lösch).fedor aleksandrovich lesh (lösch) 1840-1903. although lösch was a distinguished russian physician, little has been written about him in english. a graduate of the medico-chirurgical academy in st. petersburg (1863), he defended a doctoral thesis on pulmonary embolism and infarction in 1866, and became an assistant professor of medicine in 1871. from 1872 to 1885 he was a lecturer on diagnosis at the women's medical college and a consultant to the nikolayev military hospital. in 1885 he became pr ...19751098489
surveillance of some infectious diseases among aircrew personnel in southeast asia.a 2-year analysis of specimens among aircrew personnel in southeast asia is reported. stool specimens were examined for intestinal parasites and enteric bacteria, blood smears for blood parasites, and sera tested for transaminases (sgot) and antibodies to entamoeba histolytica, toxoplasma gondii, chikungunya and japanese encephalitis viruses, rickettsia tsutsugamushi, leptospira sp. and pseudomonas pseudomallei. one to four specimens each were obtained from 537 adult males and 20 females. there ...19751100040
current perspectives on giardiasis.giardia lamblia infestation can cause severe diarrhea and malabsorption, and the diagnosis is usually made by identification of cysts in the feces, but small intestinal biopsy or smears may be required. a wide spectrum of roentgen changes may be seen. in patients with a normal immune status, the small bowel is normal or shows an inflammatory bowel disease pattern. eradication of the parasite reverses these changes. in some patients with iga deficiency, nodular lymphoid hyperplasia occurs, and th ...19751106221
a correlative study of duodenal aspirate and faeces examination in giardiasis, before and after treatment with a study of 95 patients with giardiasis it was shown that examination of duodenal aspirates for giardia lamblia can supplement but not replace examination of faeces in the detection and follow-up of cases. the chances of finding trophozoites in duodenal aspirate is greater in those with trophozoites in the faeces than in cyst passers. patients were treated with metronidazole in either conventional dosage (400 mg.t.d.s. for 7 days) or with a single 'hammer dose' of 2400 mg. results showed that ...19751139965
[lambliasis in a european child in cuba (author's transl)].attention is drawn to the possibility of infection with lamblia intestinalis (giardia lamblia). in europe, this parasite is found in 3-26% of children; for tropical countries, higher infection rates are given. in cuba, infection with lamblia caused intestinal disorders in a european child.19751146440
structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract in primary immunodeficiency syndromes (ids) and in granulocyte dysfunction.gastrointestinal (gi) disease is frequently encountered in patients with defective defense mechanisms. the incidence of gi disease and the structure and function of the gi tract have been studied systematically in 41 patients with immunodeficiency syndromes (ids) and in 9 patients with chronic granulomatous diesase (cgd). giardia lamblia was a major cause of gi disease in patients with ids. eradication of the parasite resulted in disappearance of symptoms and malabsorption, and normalization of ...19751148381
a health and social survey of a group of children from rural new south wales.between the middle of may and middle of july, 1972, 177 children aged up to 15 years were admitted to a nursing home in sydney on referral from their doctors in country areas of new south wales for specialized investigation and treatment mainly of respiratory infections, congenital malformations and orthopaedic and ophthalmic conditions. specimens of faeces from these children were examined for bacterial pathogens and parasites. these tests revealed the presence of intestinal parasites (mostly g ...19751160771
giardiasis.the recent near-epidemic incidence of giardia lamblia infection in visitors to the soviet union illustrates the importance of this intestinal flagellate as a cause of diarrhea in travelers worldwide. clinical states range from the asymptomatic cyst-passing stage, to the chronic or subacute stage mimicking gallbladder or ulcer disease, to the transient or, rarer, persistent acute stage with steatorrhea and substantial weight loss. symptoms may be related to iga deficiency. secondary lactose intol ...19751174208
giardiasis in childhood.giardiasis is still regularly encountered in the united states, both as endemic cases from the local community as well as in patients returning from travel abroad. giardiasis should be suspected in any child with steatorrhea, unexplained chronic diarrhea (especially if associated with growth failure), weight loss, or abdominal pain and bloating. duodenal aspiration or small intestinal biopsy may be necessary to make a diagnosis because giardia lamblia are not found by stool examination in 50% of ...19751190162
prevalence of intestinal parasites in latino residents of 1970, 250,000 spanish-speaking persons resided in chicago, 80,000 of whom were puerto rican. because migration to chicago is constantly occurring from areas where intestinal parasites are endemic, a survey was conducted in a predominantly puerto rican neighborhood to determine the prevalence of these parasites and to provide impetus for further case finding and treatment programs. the survey was part of an epidemiologic and cutreach workers going door-to-door obtained histories, hematocrits, ...19751202954
[giardia lamblia or giardia lambli?]. 19751221917
serum antibodies and jejunal histology in giardiasis associated with immunofluorescent test, using giardia lamblia cysts as antigen, gave positive results in 32/36 cases of giardiasis with malabsorption, 0/2 cases of giardiasis without malabsorption, and 0/17 control patients without giardiasis or malabsorption. the test was positive in 10/34 patients with malabsorption in whom g. lamblia could not be detected by stool examination or biopsy; some of these cases were presumed to be cryptic giardiasis. there was a crude correlation between antibody titre and the ...19761249249
giardia lamblia: isolation and axenic cultivation. 19761253877
[frequency of amebiasis and other intestinal protozoal diseases. an epidemiological study with the aid of mif technic].advantages and disadvantages of various laboratory techniques used for the diagnosis of intestinal protozoa are discussed. the importance of a correct parasitological diagnosis is emphasized. the mif procedure has been investigated with regard to its reliability and found to be very effective due to its high diagnostic yield and reproducibility in repeated examinations. the incidence rates found in our material agreed well with those in the literature, thus enhancing the value of the mif procedu ...19761257716
treatment of intestinal parasites in australian aboriginal children.five to nine-year-old aboriginal children on mitchell river community maintained a satisfactory growth rate in the presence of multiple infections with intestinal parasites. intensive treatment was successful in eliminating giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica, and strongyloides stercoralis infections, but reinfection with g. lamblia was rapid. treatment failed to produce any growth spurt in the group. this may have been due to the rapidity of reinfection, but raises the question of whether in ...19761263912
[histopathology and ultrastructure of opportunistic infections of the digestive tract in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome].light and electron microscopy studies of digestive tract biopsy specimens from aids patients are very useful for the detection of opportunistic pathogens which may be located in: the lumen (bacteria, candida albicans, giardia lamblia), enterocyte brush border (cryptosporidium sp), enterocyte cytoplasm (enterocytozoon bieneusi), enterocyte nuclei (cytomegalovirus), or cytoplasm of lamina propria macrophages (mycobacterium avium intracellulare). these studies may also be useful to detect combinati ...19921280409
[cryptosporidium parvum and giardia lamblia--incidence in surface and drinking water--significance and detection].cryptosporidium parvum and giardia lamblia are protozoan parasites which can cause gastroenteritis in man and animal. surface water and drinking-water play an important role in transmission of the disease. the parasites can be detected by extensive and time-consuming procedures only. in this paper we describe a new way to isolate c. parvum and g. lamblia from water by a modification of essential steps of the original method of rose. the new method applies the separation by flow centrifugation, t ...19921286249
persistent diarrhea in children: epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, nutritional impact, and management.a review of data on the morbidity and mortality caused by persistent diarrhea (more than 14 days' duration) was undertaken from studies in several geographic areas, including bangladesh, brazil, ethiopia, india, indonesia, and peru, over the last 3 decades. an estimated 3-5 billion diarrheal illnesses and 5-10 million diarrhea-related deaths occur annually among 3 billion people in africa, asia, and latin america. mostly the 338 million to 1 billion episodes and 4.6 million deaths annually. a ...19921289113
retraction notice. evaluation of elisa for detection of giardia lamblia-specific copro-antigen employing monospecific antibodies. 19921291765
[the living and health conditions of palestinian children].young people constitute 46% of the population in the west bank of israel and 48% in the gaza strip with a rate of growth of 3.1% and 3.4%, respectively. their living conditions are characterized by lack of sanitation, shortage of water (especially in comparison to israel proper), unemployment, curfews and closing of schools during tense periods by the military authorities as collective punishment for incidents. since 1967, israel has controlled and administered the health care service in these ...19921296273
cryptosporidiosis in young children suffering from diarrhoea in riyadh, saudi arabia.a one-year study of patients (0-120 months of age) with diarrhoea at king abdel-aziz university hospital (kauh) in riyadh, saudi arabia, detected two cases of cryptosporidiosis. stool specimens from 174 children with diarrhoea and negative for other parasitic infection were examined using a safranin-methylene blue stain (s-mb). two children (l.1%) were showing cryptosporidium oocysts. none of 50 control children who did not have diarrhoea and was free of giardia lamblia was cryptosporidium posit ...19921300355
an immunodominant antigen of giardia lamblia is a heat shock this study we demonstrate that an immunodominant antigen of giardia lamblia is a heat shock protein. the expression of the antigen was induced not only by heat shock but also when giardia trophozoites were placed in media more closely resembling the environment in the host, indicating that this antigen may play an important role in host-parasite interactions.19921303728
[the prevalence of intestinal parasitoses among the users of the health center of sousas district, campinas, são paulo (1986-1990)].the prevalence of intestinal parasites was carried on users of the health center of sousas district, campinas, sp (1986-1990). from 770 observed medical records we verify 114 positive cases (14.8%) for protozoa, helminths and commensals. ascaris lumbricoides (48.2%), giardia lamblia (30.7%), trichuris trichiura (18.4%) and enterobius vermicularis (9.6%) were more prevalent in preschool children. the adults, what are the most numerous class, appeared few parasitised. the other parasites and comme ...19921308950
outbreaks of human enteric adenovirus types 40 and 41 in houston day care centers.human enteric adenovirus (ead) types 40 and 41 cause diarrhea in young children, but little is known about their association with outbreaks of diarrhea in the child care setting. this study evaluated ead as a cause of outbreaks of diarrhea among infants and toddlers in day care centers.19921313095
studies on phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase from giardia intestinalis.a substantial degree of purification, up to 3200-fold, with recoveries of 8-11% of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (p-rib-pp) synthetase from giardia intestinalis extracts was achieved by the high resolution techniques of anion exchange chromatography and chromatofocusing columns on a fast protein liquid chromatography system. a mono p chromatofocusing column gave rise to an enzyme peak eluting from the column at ph 4.5, indicating that the enzyme has an isoelectric point (pi) at approximately this ...19921314247
the pathway of arginine catabolism in giardia giardia intestinalis, arginine is catabolised by the arginine dihydrolase pathway. the enzymes of the pathway (arginine deiminase, ornithine transcarbamoylase and carbamate kinase) were investigated and their basic kinetic parameters determined. the specific activity of arginine deiminase was 270 +/- 23 nmol min-1 (mg protein)-1; ornithine transcarbamoylase, in the direction of citrulline utilisation 170 +/- 22 nmol min-1 (mg protein)-1, and in the direction of ornithine utilisation 2100 +/- ...19921314332
effects of albendazole on entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia trophozoites.albendazole, a benzimidazole carbamate commonly used for the treatment and control of intestinal helminthic infections, is also useful for the treatment of giardiasis. therefore, it is of interest to determine whether the drug has activity against other intestinal protozoa, such as e. histolytica. the present results demonstrate that albendazole inhibits the growth of e. histolytica trophozoites in axenic cultures and induces fine structural changes such as polyribosome aggregation and loss of c ...19921340323
sedimentation in parasitological coproscopy.a sedimentation technique is described, in which a fecal suspension is placed on top of an aqueous sucrose solution of specific gravity 1.015 g/cm3. using 100 by 15 mm test tubes, duplicate gravity sedimentation experiments were made using homogenized fecal suspensions (single-columns) and fecal suspensions placed on top of clear columns (double-columns). egg and cyst counts, and turbidity determinations were made in the sediments obtained after definite time intervals. most ascaris lumbricoides ...19921342080
[the evaluation of the specific gravity of giardia duodenalis and entamoeba coli cysts].cysts of giardia duodenalis and entamoeba coli were observed as for floatability in sucrose solutions of different specific gravity, contained in counting-chambers of 0.17 mm height. the cysts that floated and those that sedimented were counted and then calculated the respective percentage. floatability differences of the cysts of each species were not considerable. solutions of specific gravity 1,200 kg/m3 made 88.49% of g. duodenalis cysts and 95.71% of e. coli cysts float. the greater values ...19921342101
intragastric infection of conventional and germfree mice with giardia lamblia.the effects of experimental infection with giardia lamblia were studied in 30-day old conventional and germfree cfw mice (7 animals in each group) of both sexes. cysts were observed in the feces of both groups 6 to 7 days after intragastric infection of each animal with about 2.5 x 10(5) g. lamblia trophozoites. fecal cyst level was statistically higher in germfree mice (about 10(5) cysts/g feces) when compared with the conventional group (about 10(4) cysts/g feces). the peak of infection in the ...19921342210
chronic urticaria: humoral and clinical diagnosis of its morphological variables.thirty adult patients with a diagnosis of chronic urticaria were attended as outpatients at the allergology service, clinical surgical hospital "hnos. ameijeiras". an accurate clinical history was made, humoral parameters such as erythrosedimentation, total eosinophil count, serum levels of immunoglobulins and complement fractions were measured, and a skin biopsy was done. most of the patients with urticarial vasculitis showed almost permanent papulous reactions with fever and arthralgias. duode ...19921342891
seasonal prevalence of protozoan parasites in nsukka, nigeria.five hundred fresh stool specimens of patients with clinical symptoms of protozoan infections were examined for parasites. during june 1988-may 1991, the total number of positive cases was 261 (52.2 per cent). when the infectivity frequencies were segregated among the samples of different localities, it was observed that 6 (1.2 per cent) persons from the university of nigeria community, 89 (17.8 per cent) urban dwellers and 166 (33.2 per cent) rural populace were infected. the highest incidence ...19921344957
binding of tricyclic antidepressant drugs to trophozoites of giardia lamblia.1. parameters affecting the binding of the tricyclic drugs imipramine and 3-chloroimipramine to giardia lamblia trophozoites were studied. 2. two to three times more chlorimipramine than imipramine was bound, consistent with a similar difference in suppressing parasite growth (weinbach et al., 1985). 3. kinetic analysis and the ease with which bound drugs can be washed out of the parasites indicate that noncovalent forces are involved in the drug-parasite interaction. 4. evidence is presented th ...19921360349
absence of an association between enteric parasites in the manifestations and pathogenesis of hiv enteropathy in gay men. the gi/hiv study group.49 gay men confirmed to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and 9 hiv seronegative gay men participated in a pilot study comparing clinical status and enteric parasite load with gastrointestinal structure, function and symptomatology. cases included 16/49 (33%) men who were cdc stage ii, 7/49 (14%) who were cdc stage iii, and 26/49 (53%) who were cdc stage iv. the mean cd4-lymphocyte count was 476 +/- 199 (sd)/microliter. the prevalence of enteric parasitic flora was similar ...19921361241
distinct genetic groups of giardia intestinalis distinguished by restriction fragment length polymorphisms.the taxonomic status of the parasitic protozoal species giardia intestinalis depends on the morphological similarity of all giardia isolated from humans and the presumption that giardia are host-specific. on the basis of electrophoretic data derived from examination of 26 enzyme loci in australian isolates, it has been proposed that g. intestinalis is a species complex comprising three or four genetically distinct (but morphologically cryptic) species. these received the tentative designations o ...19921362583
degradation of giardia lamblia cysts in mixed human and swine wastes.this study was conducted to determine the persistence of giardia lamblia cysts in mixed septic tank effluent and swine manure slurry and to correlate fluorescein diacetate-propidium iodide staining of g. lamblia cysts with their morphology under low-voltage scanning electron microscopy. under field conditions, g. lamblia cysts were degraded more rapidly in the mixed waste than in the control dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (pbs). for total and viable cysts, the mixed waste had d values (tim ...19921381171
a longitudinal study on anthropometric and clinical development of indian children adopted in sweden. ii. growth, morbidity and development during two years after arrival in hundred and fourteen consecutively recruited children adopted from india (60% girls) to sweden were studied during 2 years after arrival, with examinations monthly the first 6 months and thereafter every 3 months. sixty-two percent were below 1 year of age at arrival. there was a mean increase from -2.2 standard deviation scores (sds) height/age to -0.7 sds during the two years, and a similar development for weight/age, with no significant difference between boys and girls. the weight/height ...19921381851
dextran particles as a carrier for giardia lamblia for scanning electron microscopy.giardia lamblia trophozoites attach readily to dextran particles after which they can be conveniently processed for scanning electron microscopy. as the particles are spherical in shape, g. lamblia can be viewed from various directions and their morphology studied.19921383372
studies in intestinal parasitic disease agents in stools of people in a rural area of nigeria.a summary of 300 villagers who reported at the parasitology laboratory of the school of medical laboratory technology (s.m.l.t) vom, plateau state, nigeria was carried out for the presence of parasites' cysts, eggs, or larva. of the 300 faecal samples examined using the light microscope after formal-ether centrifugation, 127 (42.3%) harboured one or more parasites. the parasites identified and their prevalent rates were: entamoeba coli (19.0%) necator americanus (17.0%); entamoeba histolytica (4 ...19921390369
protozoan infections and hiv-1 infection: a review.reactivation of latent infection is the principal mechanism relating toxoplasma gondii and pneumocystis carinii to hiv. less common is reactivation in leishmania donovani, trypanosoma cruzi, and microsporidian infections. an impaired primary immune response occurs in all these infections, and also with cryptosporidium and isospora belli. association of hiv infection with gut parasites including giardia lamblia and entamoeba histolytica, and also with trichomonas vaginalis infection is likely to ...19921396192
association of giardia lamblia with vibrio in cholera cases. 19921398879
giardia lamblia: ultrastructural study of the in vitro effect of benzimidazoles.axenically grown giardia lamblia trophozoites treated with low concentrations of the benzimidazole carbamates albendazole and mebendazole detach from glass culture tubes and lose viability. scanning electron microscopic observations revealed that these drugs produce grotesque modifications of the cell shape of the parasite and disassembly of the adhesive disc. transmission electron microscopy showed several stages of the fragmentation of adhesive discs with dispersion of microtubules and microri ...19921403986
the nucleotide sequence of the entire ribosomal dna operon and the structure of the large subunit rrna of giardia muris.the total nucleotide sequence of the rdna of giardia muris, an intestinal protozoan parasite of rodents, has been determined. the repeat unit is 7668 basepairs (bp) in size and consists of a spacer of 3314 bp, a small-subunit rrna (ssu-rrna) gene of 1429, and a large-subunit rrna (lsu-rrna) gene of 2698 bp. the spacer contains long direct repeats and is heterogeneous in size. the lsu-rrna of g. muris was compared to that of the human intestinal parasite giardia duodenalis, to the bird parasite g ...19921404417
spontaneous chromosome rearrangements in the protozoan giardia lamblia: estimation of mutation rates.subcloned lines of the wb strain of giardia lamblia contain polymorphic ribosomal rna (rrna) encoding chromosomes (le blancq et al., nucl. acids res. 1991, 19, 4405-4412). we show that in a continuously propagated culture of g.lamblia trophozoites the proportion of trophozoites with rearranged rrna encoding chromosomes gradually increases, consistent with the high mutation rate of about 1% per cell per division cycle. this conclusion is based on the finding in one experiment that after about 8 d ...19921408754
is small bowel bacterial overgrowth of pathogenic significance in persistent diarrhea?bacterial overgrowth in the upper small intestine is postulated to cause persistent diarrhea. we compared the fecal and upper intestinal flora in 82 patients with persistent diarrhea aged < or = 36 months and weight-for-length < or = 90% of national center for health statistics standards (nchs) and 39 non-diarrheal children with age < or = 36 months, nutritionally matched with the patients and residing in the same environment. in the age groups < or = 12 months and > 12 months the duodenal fluid ...19921421924
persistent diarrhea in vietnamese children: a preliminary report.the clinical and laboratory features of persistent diarrhea were investigated in 83 children under three years of age who were treated in the gastroenterology division of the institute for the protection of children's health, hanoi from august 1988 to august 1989. the number of cases of diarrhea was highest in the children aged 4-5 months. the mean age of the children studied was 6.6 +/- 3.4 months. the ratio of males to females was 2.6 and mean age of first episode of diarrhea was 4.3 +/- 3.4 m ...19921421928
pathophysiology and immunobiology of giardia lamblia infection. 19921428038
detection of specific anti-giardia antibodies in the serodiagnosis of symptomatic giardiasis.the roles of circulating anti-giardia igm and igg antibodies were assayed by the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using axenic giardia lamblia whole trophozoites as antigen for routine serodiagnosis of giardia infection. detection of anti-giardia igm antibody was found to be useful in the early detection of symptomatic giardiasis, whereas igg detection was not, since the latter could not discriminate between present infection and previous exposure. a mean optical density (od) +/- 2 stan ...19921430969
[arthritis reactive to giardia lamblia]. 19921435014
a capture elisa detects giardia lamblia antigens in formalin-treated faecal samples. 19921440777
cryptosporidiosis among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in zulia state, venezuela.we studied the prevalence of cryptosporidium in 29 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) from zulia state, venezuela. they ranged in age from five months to 46 years. two were children and 27 were adults, of which six were women. of the 21 men, 66.6% reported homosexual behavior. three stool samples from each patient were examined, and modified ziehl-neelsen carbolfuchsin staining of formalinether stool concentrates was used to identify cryptosporidium oocysts. to detect the pr ...19921449198
encystation of giardia lamblia leads to expression of antigens recognized by antibodies against conserved heat shock proteins.during in vitro encystation, giardia lamblia expresses several stage-specific proteins which are recognized in immunoblots by antisera raised against antigens from three different pathogens. the antigens belong to two different families of conserved stress proteins: (i) hsp60 purified from legionella pneumophila and recombinant hsp60 from mycobacterium bovis bcg and (ii) recombinant hsp70 from plasmodium falciparum.19921452366
evaluation of a new monoclonal antibody combination reagent for direct fluorescence detection of giardia cysts and cryptosporidium oocysts in human fecal specimens.giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium parvum can cause severe symptoms in humans, particularly in the immunologically compromised. monoclonal antibody reagents offer increased sensitivity and an excellent alternative to conventional staining methods. these reagents are helpful when screening large numbers of patients or those with minimal symptoms. problems of false-positive and false-negative results with routine staining methods for stool parasites can be eliminated with monoclonal antibody reag ...19921452711
gastric assess the prevalence of gastric giardiasis in patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and to define the clinicopathological correlates of gastric giardia lamblia infection.19921452790
selection of specific genotypes of giardia intestinalis by growth in vitro and in vivo.this study examined whether allelic changes observed when clinical isolates of giardia intestinalis made in suckling mice were adapted to in vitro growth occurred as a result of gene switching (alternate isoenzymes) or through selection of organisms with different genotypes from mixed infections. samples were compared electrophoretically at 20 enzyme loci. marked allelic differences were detected between the uncloned clinical isolates grown in mice and the axenic cultures established from them. ...19921461678
evaluating measures to control intestinal parasitic infections.intestinal parasitic infections are among the most common infections of humans in developing countries, but the resources available for their control are severely limited. careful evaluation of control measures is essential to ensure that they are cost-effective. the evaluation of the effects of control on intestinal helminths and intestinal protozoa requires an understanding of the different epidemiological patterns of these two groups of parasites. the transmission dynamics and morbidity assoc ...19921462652
prevalence of entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal parasites in a community from maracaibo, venezuela.the prevalences of entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal parasites were assessed in a suburban community of maracaibo, venezuela, by examination of a stool specimen from each of 342 individuals, using iron-haematoxylin stained faecal smears and formalin-ether concentration. the overall parasitic infection rate was 80.4%, and 65.8% of the population had multiple infections. the overall amoebic infection rate, which was highest in female adults, averaged 39.7%. the e. histolytica infection ra ...19921463357
parasitic infection of the gut and protein-losing enteropathy.parasitic infection of the gut is highly prevalent in developing countries and contributes to the severe malnutrition associated with persistent diarrhoea in children. using random faecal alpha 1-antitrypsin measurements as an index of protein-losing enteropathy, we examined children with and without parasitic infection of the gut. seventeen percent of children with persistent diarrhoea had evidence of protein-losing enteropathy. this was found to be associated with hypoalbuminaemia in children ...19921469520
identification and characterization of gamma-giardin and the gamma-giardin gene from giardia lamblia.the giardins are abundant cytoskeletal proteins that range in size from 29-38 kda and are specific to the ventral disk of the intestinal protozoan parasite giardia lamblia. the 29-kda (beta and beta-1; refs. 8-10) and the 33-kda (alpha-1 and alpha-2; refs. 3 and 7) giardins have been characterized previously. in this paper we extend the analysis of the giardins to include the 38-kda giardin, which we have named gamma-giardin. after purifying gamma-giardin by two-dimensional electrophoresis, we r ...19921474999
determination of anti-giardial activity in vitro by means of soluble formazan production.a new microplate assay for the determination of activity in vitro against giardia intestinalis has been developed in which viability is measured by soluble formazan production from a tetrazolium reagent. metabolic reduction of the latter gives rise to a coloured product which may be determined directly by optical density measurement. using this method the anti-giardial activities of more than 20 anti-microbial compounds have been assessed. the results obtained with a number of known anti-giardia ...19921475820
evaluation of new anti-infective drugs for the treatment of diarrhea caused by giardia lamblia. infectious diseases society of america and the food and drug administration.giardia lamblia is a flagellate protozoan that produces symptoms by infecting the small bowel and biliary tract in the trophozoite form. diagnosis is currently established by microscopic visualization of the organism in appropriate intestinal contents (stool, small-bowel contents, or biopsy specimen). adult patients with diarrhea and one or more enteric symptoms may be enrolled in clinical trials of new drugs for the treatment of giardial disease. a randomized, double-blind, active-concurrent-co ...19921477237
genetic variants of giardia duodenalis differ in their metabolism. 19921480612
identification and characterization of a giardia lamblia group-specific gene.giardia lamblia consist of heterogeneous isolates that can be divided into at least three groups. differential screening of a cdna library with isolate-specific antisera identified a gene which is expressed and found only in group 3 isolates. this gene, glorf-c4, is 597 bp in length and predicts a deduced protein of 198 amino acids that is characterized by a polyserine motif. giardia can also be grouped by their ability to express certain variant-specific surface proteins (vsps), expression of w ...19921493870
dermatologic manifestations of giardiasis.we have presented a case of atopic dermatitis associated with giardia lamblia infection, which has not been previously described. review of the world literature shows an association between giardiasis and urticaria. other allergic phenomena, such as angioedema and possibly arthropathy, also might be associated with this infection. when confronted with these clinical problems, giardiasis should be included in the differential diagnosis. as these complications respond to specific therapy, identifi ...19921496900
[evaluation of an immunoenzyme technique for the detection in feces of the giardia intestinalis antigen].an evaluation is made of the utility for the diagnosis of giardiasis of an enzyme immunoassay (eia) that detects the gsa65 specific antigen in feces, as compared with the formalin-ether sedimentation test. within the context of a longitudinal study on intestinal parasitization, 147 fecal samples from children attending 7 day care centres in the city of salamanca were studied. the feces were examined a few hours after collection by the sedimentation technique and conserved in 10% formol. they wer ...19921498173
immunology of giardia and cryptosporidium infections.giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis occur in immunocompetent persons, and as opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals. the causative organisms of giardiasis (giardia lamblia) and cryptosporidiosis (cryptosporidium parvum) have markedly different life cycles, but currently available evidence suggests that intestinal antibody plays a major part in host protection against both parasites. in the case of g. lamblia, the evidence points to a role for intestinal antitrophozoite antibody i ...19921500734
arginine metabolism during culture of giardia intestinalis.the effect of arginine on the growth and metabolism of giardia intestinalis trophozoites was determined. supplementation of the normal growth medium (diamond's tyi-s-33) with 5 or 10 mm arginine accelerated trophozoite growth over the first 2 days. there was a corresponding rapid utilisation of arginine, with none being detectable after this time. the decrease was associated with the appearance in the growth medium of 1 mol of ornithine and 2 mol of ammonia per mol of arginine utilised, the stoi ...19921501649
prevalence and frequency of giardia lamblia in children aged 0 to 60 months with and without diarrhoea.stool specimen results from children with diarrhoea and without diarrhoea, in a rural village community in kenya, were analysed in order to compare prevalence and age frequency distributions of giardia between the 2 groups. there was evidence for 2 age-related prevalence peaks for giardia in children 60 months and below. furthermore, there appeared to be a clear giardia-diarrhoea relationship in the age group of 19 to 24 months.19921505415
[management of patients with traveler's diarrhea].traveler's diarrhea starts 5 to 15 days after arrival with 3 or more watery bowel movements daily in 4 to more than 50% of travelers depending on geographical regions. enterotoxin producing strains of e. coli are isolated in 20 to 50% of patients, followed by shigella, salmonella, campylobacter and vibrio spp. rarely giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica and cryptosporidia are causative organisms. the cornerstone of treatment is oral rehydration. the efficacy of anti-diarrhetics is not convinci ...19921509861
protection against infection with giardia lamblia by breast-feeding in a cohort of mexican determine whether breast-feeding protects infants against symptomatic and asymptomatic infection by giardia lamblia, we followed 197 infants in a poor area of mexico city from birth to 18 months of age; symptoms and feeding status were recorded weekly. stool specimens were collected every 1 to 2 weeks and tested for giardia by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. a mean of 1.0 giardia infection per child-year was detected; 94 infants had a total of 139 infections; 17% of infections were symptom ...19921517909
in-vitro susceptibility of giardia lamblia to albendazole, mebendazole and other chemotherapeutic agents.the susceptibility of a strain of giardia lamblia to benzimidazole carbamates, 5-nitroimidazoles, nitrofurans and other drugs was studied in vitro. albendazole was the most active compound, with a 50% inhibitory concentration (ic50) of 0.01 mg/l and a minimal lethal concentration (mlc) of less than 0.04 mg/l; the ic50 of mebendazole was 0.06 mg/l and the mlc less than 0.5 mg/l. among the 5-nitroimidazoles tested, ornidazole was the most effective (ic50 0.12 mg/l); tinidazole, metronidazole, secn ...19921518040
classification of subgroups of giardia lamblia based upon ribosomal rna gene sequence using the polymerase chain reaction.a sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction-based assay has been developed to detect and analyze polymorphism in the giardia lamblia 18s ribosomal rna gene. efficient amplification required the inclusion of cosolvents (glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide) in the reaction. following the optimization of conditions for amplification and subsequent hybridization of amplified product with radiolabeled oligonucleotide probe, a detection limit of less than one organism's worth of dna was achieved. t ...19921518534
identification of a broad-specificity nucleoside transporter with affinity for the sugar moiety in giardia intestinalis trophozoites.a broad-specificity nucleoside transporter has been identified in giardia intestinalis trophozoites, using a rapid sampling assay to measure influx of [3h]deoxycytidine, [3h]adenosine and [3h]guanosine at 0 degrees c. the influx of each labelled nucleoside was inhibited strongly by all common, naturally-occurring nucleosides but only poorly or not at all by nucleobases, indicating that the transporter recognizes structural features on the furanosyl moiety of ribo- and 2'-deoxyribonucleosides. bo ...19921520693
a low-affinity nucleobase transporter in the protozoan parasite giardia intestinalis.a membrane transporter with general affinity for purine and pyrimidine bases has been identified in giardia intestinalis trophozoites by measuring cellular influx of [3h]adenine, [3h]guanine and [3h]thymine at 0 degrees c. the base transporter is distinct from the thymine/uracil-specific (type 1) and broad-specificity (type 2) nucleoside transporters of g. intestinalis. influx of each labelled base was retarded by unlabelled bases, with inhibition in the order: hypoxanthine greater than adenine ...19921520694
human giardiasis: correlation of specific secretory iga levels in duodenal fluid to the severity of disease and infestation by giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia specific secretory immunoglobulin a (siga) levels in the duodenal fluid of adult giardiasis cases are reported for the first time. the siga levels in the study group were found to be significantly higher (p less than 0.01) than in the 20 age- and sex-matched controls comprising cases classified as non-ulcerative dyspepsia who did nor reveal any g. lamblia in their stools and the duodenal fluid. an inverse relationship between the clinical severity of giardiasis and the level of s ...19921520960
isoenzyme comparison of axenic giardia lamblia strains.we obtained isoenzyme patterns by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis (pgge) of water-soluble protein fractions prepared from trophozoites of 11 axenic g. lamblia strains. the strains were isolated from animals and humans (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) from various geographic locations. isoenzymes were also separated by isoelectric focusing. of 12 enzymes attempted, eight exhibited well-defined and reproducible isoenzyme patterns by pgge, based on which the strains were grouped into ...19921522537
codon usage in giardia lamblia.a codon usage table for the intestinal parasite giardia lamblia was generated by analysis of the nucleotide sequences of eight genes comprising 3,135 codons. codon usage revealed a biased use of synonymous codons with a preference for nnc codons (42.1%). the codon usage of g. lamblia more closely resembles that of the prokaryote halobacterium halobium (correlation coefficient r = 0.73) rather than that of other eukaryotic protozoans, i.e. trypanosoma brucei (r = 0.434) and plasmodium falciparum ...19921522548
cryptosporidium in 100 australian children.over a consecutive 36 month period, 100 patients out of 6,980 (1.4%) from whom stool samples were examined had oocysts of cryptosporidium detected on fecal microscopy. three patients were receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy and adequate clinical information was available from 84 of the remainder. fifty per cent of patients were aged 1 to 2 years, 29% were less than 12 months and the rest were more than 2 years of age. more than one-quarter of the patients were australian aborigines. isolations of c ...19921523466
giardiasis mimicking inflammatory bowel adolescent had marked systemic features suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease. giardia lamblia trophozoites were present in endoscopic biopsy specimens from the terminal ileum and from the duodenum. his illness rapidly and completely resolved after metronidazole therapy. giardiasis must be included in the differential diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in children.19921538290
systemic-oral immunization with 56 kda molecule of giardia lamblia affords protection in experimental mice.prior systemic-oral immunization of inbred mice with giardia lamblia surface-associated antigen of molecular mass 56 kda not only significantly blocked colonization but also resulted in elimination of g. lamblia trophozoites by 9-11 days following challenge. the colonization and multiplication of the trophozoites in unprotected animals were accompanied by a pronounced influx of suppressor t cells in intraepithelial or lamina propria of the small intestine and a significant decline in iga-bearing ...19921539457
study on the mechanism of giardia lamblia induced diarrhoea in mice.the transmucosal fluxes of na+ and cl- were studied in giardia lamblia infected mice in the presence or absence of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (pma), the activator of protein kinase c (pkc) or 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulphonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (h-7), the inhibitor of pkc or ca(2+)-calmodulin. there was net secretion of na+ and cl- in infected animals, while in control animals there was net absorption of these ions. the addition of ionophore or pma resulted in net secretion of na+ and cl- in the ...19921540658
nucleotide sequence of a second alpha giardin gene and molecular analysis of the alpha giardin genes and transcripts in giardia lamblia.the giardins are a group of proteins with relative molecular masses (mrs) between 29,000 and 38,000 that are specific to the ventral disk of the intestinal protozoan parasite giardia lamblia. we previously have characterized alpha-giardin, renamed here alpha-1-giardin, as a novel 33-kda protein located on the edges of the disk microribbons. southern blot analysis of g. lamblia genomic dna, followed by cloning and sequencing, revealed the existence of a related gene that we have called alpha-2-gi ...19921542319
[histocompatibility antigens and giardia lamblia parasitosis].a study was made of the hla in 41 children between the ages of 4 and 13 years, with the parasite giardia lamblia, of ages between 4 and 13 years. the different histocompatibility antigens were compared in relationship to the clinical and analytical aspects of the patients. individuals with hla a1 and/or blood group a have a greater probability of contracting this parasite. other relationships found were hla a19 and vomiting. hla a9 and abdominal pain and hla b7 with alterations in the gastrointe ...19921543292
antiparasitic recent years, introduction of new and more effective agents has improved the overall therapy for parasitic infections. this field, however, is still plagued by numerous problems, including the development of resistance to antimicrobial agents (especially with malaria), unavailability of agents in the united states or lack of approval by the food and drug administration, and major toxicities or lack of experience in pregnant women and children, which limits use in these groups of patients. wid ...19921545596
the cysteine-rich protein gene family of giardia lamblia: loss of the crp170 gene in an antigenic variant.giardia lamblia trophozoites demonstrate variable expression of a repertoire of cysteine-rich surface antigens in vitro and in vivo. the size of the repertoire has been estimated at 20 to 184, and specific variants can be detected after approximately 12 generations of in vitro growth for the wb isolate. in earlier studies, we cloned a portion of the gene for a 170-kda surface antigen (crp170) and demonstrated by dna sequencing that it was cysteine rich (12%) and contained 2.6 copies of a tandeml ...19921545800
nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the largest subunit of the dna-dependent rna polymerase iii of giardia lamblia. 19921549483
isolation and characterization of a nadp-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase gene from the primitive eucaryote giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia is believed to be the earliest branching derivative from the eucaryotic lineage. genomic and cdna clones encoding the giardia nadp-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase have been isolated and characterized. southern hydridization using genomic dna indicates that the gene encoding this activity is unique and single copy. primer extension, s1 nuclease protection, and genomic and cdna sequence analysis demonstrate that gene transcripts are initiated within a conserved at-rich sequence e ...19921559991
serial subcultivation of giardia lamblia in keister's modified tyi-s-33 medium containing ultroser g.the ability of giardia strains of the duodenalis type to grow in keister's modified tyi-s-33 medium varies with serum lot. recently, strains of giardia including mr4, wb, and human-1-portland, have been cultivated in keister's modified tyi-s-33 medium containing the serum substitute ultroser g and have been cultured serially as least 40 times. an optimal concentration of 8% ultroser g promotes maximal growth in keister's modified tyi-s-33 medium for all three strains. this concentration of ultro ...19921560417
characterization of a giardia lamblia variant-specific surface protein (vsp) gene from isolate gs/m and estimation of the vsp gene repertoire size.giardia lamblia undergoes surface antigenic variation. the variant-specific surface proteins (vsps) of isolate wb are cysteine-rich, can vary dramatically in size, contain cys-x-x-cys motifs, and are differentially expressed. gs/m(h7) is a giardia clone from a different isolate which expresses a vsp epitope not found in wb. the vsp gene encoding this epitope was selected by differential hybridization using radiolabeled cdna from h7 and variant sibling trophozoite lines from the same isolate that ...19921574080
guanine nucleotide-binding proteins in the intestinal parasite giardia lamblia. isolation of a gene encoding an approximately 20-kda adp-ribosylation factor.giardia lamblia is a protozoan intestinal parasite that has characteristics of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. to determine whether genes for guanine nucleotide-binding proteins are present in giardia, genomic dna and cdna libraries were screened by polymerase chain reaction and by hybridization with mixed oligonucleotide probes complementary to sequences encoding conserved gtp-binding domains. a gene with a high degree of sequence identity with mammalian adp-ribosylation factors (arfs), believ ...19921577802
outbreak of entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia infections in travellers returning from the tropics.of 160 travellers from various regions in italy who had taken part in a five-day organized trip to phuket, thailand, and been accommodated in the same luxury hotel, 17 showed either amebic abscess or colitis. a pretested questionnaire that focused on the consumption of foods and beverages well known to be a source of intestinal infection in endemic areas was available from these 17 patients as well as from 41 out of 74 asymptomatic travellers. stool samples for parasitological examination were a ...19921582688
a new screening assay for antigiardial compounds: effects of various drugs on the adherence of giardia duodenalis to caco2 cells. 19921584753
isolation of two giardia lamblia (wb strain) clones with distinct surface protein and antigenic profiles and differing infectivity and determine the relationship between antigenic profiles and pathogenicity among giardia lamblia clones (wb strain), trophozoites were cloned by the technique of limiting dilution. the phenotype of each clone was determined by an indirect immunofluorescence test using a polyclonal rabbit anti-g. lamblia trophozoite serum made against the parent strain. two clones were chosen for further studies: a highly fluorescent clone, f+, in which more than 95% of the trophozoites fluoresced, and a low-fluo ...19921587594
comparative studies on the growth dynamics of two genetically distinct isolates of giardia duodenalis in vitro.the in vitro growth behaviour of the intestinal protozoan giardia duodenalis was studied in detail and comparisons were made between two genetically and biologically distinct cloned isolates. replicates of each clone were grown at six different initial cell concentrations and in culture media at four different ph values. significant differences in in vitro growth were found between the two isolates, bah12 and p1. bah12 had a specific narrow ph requirement, with satisfactory growth only obtained ...19921587683
immune response to giardia lamblia in a water-borne outbreak of giardiasis in one of the largest outbreaks of waterborne giardiasis reported from europe, more than 3000 persons were exposed to contaminated water and over 1400 cases of giardiasis were diagnosed by microscopy. the outbreak resulted from an overflow of sewage water into the drinking water system of a swedish ski resort. the period of contamination was about 1 week. sweden is a non-endemic area for giardia lamblia infection and, for most individuals affected, this was their first contact with the parasite. ...19921588586
[the prevalence of intestinal parasites in primary school students in trabzon and the importance of education of parasite patients].hundred and forty stool samples obtained from fourth classes (10 years of age) of the primary school students were examined for intestinal parasites. in addition, effect of education and variety of education on parasitic diseases were investigated. of the 140 students 65% were found to be positive for intestinal parasites. ascaris lumbricoides 15.7%, trichuris trichiura 22.85%, giardia intestinalis 7.14%, ascaris lumbricoides + trichuris trichiura 15.7%, giardia intestinalis + trichuris trichiur ...19921588851
giardia lamblia as an intestinal pathogen.giardia lamblia are protozoan parasites which cause human intestinal disease. the life cycle has a multiplying intraduodenal trophozoite and an excreted cyst. infection occurs after cyst ingestion from faecally contaminated water or by direct faecal-oral transmission in situations of poor sanitary standards, but the zoonotic nature of giardiasis is debated. the pathophysiology may arise from enzyme or active transport deficiencies, synergy with intestinal bacteria or an immunopathological proces ...19921591870
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 5136