a note on lameness in cattle grazing on tall meadow fescue (festuca arundinacea) in south australia. | | 1950 | 15420120 |
novel endophyte-infected tall fescue for growing beef cattle. | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea, shreb.) is the predominant cool-season, perennial grass in the eastern half of the united states, and the majority is infected with the endemic endophyte (e+) neotyphodium coenophialum, resulting in millions of dollars in revenues lost to the beef industry. endophyte-free (e-) tall fescue was initially tapped as a "silver bullet" for the solution to fescue toxicosis, but drought intolerance and overgrazing have often resulted in nearly complete stand losses in 3 ... | 2004 | 15471817 |
transgenic tall fescue containing the agrobacterium tumefaciens ipt gene shows enhanced cold tolerance. | embryogenic calli of festuca arundinacea were transformed with the agrobacterium tumefaciens isopentenyl transferase (ipt) gene driven by a maize ubiquitin promoter. tillering ability, levels of chlorophyll a and b, and cold tolerance were greatly increased in the transgenic turfgrass, which resulted in the plants remaining more vigorous and staying green longer under lower temperatures. | 2005 | 15480687 |
the effect of a condensed tannin-containing forage on methane emission by goats. | the objective of this study was to compare methane emission by goats consuming the condensed tannin-containing forage sericea lespedeza (les-pedeza cuneata) or a mixture of crabgrass (digitaria ischaemum) and kentucky 31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). two groups of 12 angora does (initial average bw = 41.5 +/- 2.7 kg) that previously grazed a pasture of sericea lespedeza or crabgrass/tall fescue for approximately 4 mo were used. after 1 wk of adaptation to metabolism cages, gas exchange was ... | 2005 | 15583058 |
agrobacterium-mediated high efficiency transformation of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) is the predominant cool-season pasture grass in the usa. embryogenic calluses were induced from seeds/caryopsis of elite tall fescue cultivars jesup and kentucky-31, and were broken up into small pieces and used for agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. agrobacterium strains lba4404 and eha105 harboring pcambia vectors or the super-binary vector ptok233 were used to infect the embryogenic callus pieces. the number of hygromycin resistant calluses ob ... | 2005 | 15700425 |
intake, digestion, and n metabolism in steers fed endophyte-free, ergot alkaloid-producing endophyte-infected, or nonergot alkaloid-producing endophyte-infected fescue hay. | a digestion and n balance trial was conducted to compare effects of traditional endophyte-infected (e+), endophyte-free (e-), and nontoxic endophyte infected (ne; maxq; pennington seed, inc., madison, ga) jesup tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) hay on digestion and n retention in steers. hay composition (dm basis) was as follows: e+ (10.8% cp, 59.9% ndf, and 29.4% adf), e- (11.8% cp, 58.5% ndf, and 28.4% adf), and ne (11.6% cp, 58.6% ndf, and 28.3% adf). eight polled hereford steers (ini ... | 2005 | 15827262 |
highly efficient transformation and plant regeneration of tall fescue mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens. | an efficient and reproducible system has been developed for the production of transgenic plants in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) using a. tumefaciens-mediated transformation. two-months-old suspension cultures served as excellent explants for transformation. the explants were inoculated with an a. tumefaciens strain eha105 carrying a plasmid pdba121 containing genes for hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) and phosphinotricin acetyltransferase (bar). the commercial herbicide basta was ... | 2005 | 15840933 |
the effect of grazing forage containing condensed tannins on gastro-intestinal parasite infection and milk composition in angora does. | the objective of this study was to evaluate effects of the condensed tannin (ct)-containing forage sericea lespedeza (sericea lespedeza (sl); lespedeza cuneata; 15.2% ct), on fecal egg count (fec), larval development (larvae/10 g of feces), worm burden and immune response compared with a crabgrass (digitaria ischaemum)/kentucky 31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea; control forage (ctf)) forage low in ct (0.32% ct) in grazing angora does and their kids. fifty worm-free mixed-age does were randomly ... | 2005 | 15893077 |
mutualistic fungus promotes plant invasion into diverse communities. | reducing the biological diversity of a community may decrease its resistance to invasion by exotic species. manipulative experiments typically support this hypothesis but have focused mainly on one trophic level (i.e., primary producers). to date, we know little about how positive interactions among species may influence the relationship between diversity and invasibility, which suggests a need for research that addresses the question: under what conditions does diversity affect resistance to in ... | 2005 | 15942761 |
connecting plant-microbial interactions above and belowground: a fungal endophyte affects decomposition. | mutualisms can strongly affect the structure of communities, but their influence on ecosystem processes is not well resolved. here we show that a plant-microbial mutualism affects the rate of leaf litter decomposition using the widespread interaction between tall fescue grass (lolium arundinaceum) and the fungal endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum. in grasses, fungal endophytes live symbiotically in the aboveground tissues, where the fungi gain protection and nutrients from their host and often ... | 2005 | 16001218 |
[research on festuca arundinacea transformation mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens]. | the embryo-derived calli from four types of tall fescues (festuca arundinacea schreb) were transformed with two agrobactrium tumefaciens strains agl1 and gv3101. agl1 harbors an intron-atnhx1 expression vector prok2u containing ubiqutin promoter and npt ii marker gene. gv3101 harbors an intron-atnhx1 expression vector prok2 containing 35s promoter and npt ii gene. after infection and co-culture with agl1 or gv3101, the embyogenic calli were selected with 50-150 mg/l paromomycine and 1126 resista ... | 2005 | 16018184 |
hyperthermia in cattle associated with tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). | | 1985 | 16031156 |
behavior, preference for, and use of alfalfa, tall fescue, white clover, and buffalograss by pregnant gilts in an outdoor production system. | sustainable outdoor pig production requires vegetation that can maintain ground cover, assimilate manure nutrients, and prevent soil erosion. two experiments were conducted to evaluate the suitability of four forages: alfalfa (medicago sativa), tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), white clover (trifolium repens), and buffalograss (buchloe dactyloides) for grazing or ground cover in pastures for pigs. each forage plot covered 7.5 m2, with nine replicates in a randomized block design. in exp. 1, eig ... | 2005 | 16100078 |
herbivores cause a rapid increase in hereditary symbiosis and alter plant community composition. | microbial symbioses are ubiquitous in nature. hereditary symbionts warrant particular attention because of their direct effects on the evolutionary potential of their hosts. in plants, hereditary fungal endophytes can increase the competitive ability, drought tolerance, and herbivore resistance of their host, although it is unclear whether or how these ecological benefits may alter the dynamics of the endophyte symbiosis over time. here, we demonstrate that herbivores alter the dynamics of a her ... | 2005 | 16116093 |
effect of rotation frequency and weaning date on forage measurements and growth performance by cows and calves grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures overseeded with crabgrass and legumes. | a grazing study was initiated in april 2000 and continued through three calving and weaning cycles (ending july 2003) to investigate the effects of rotational grazing management (twice monthly [2m] vs. twice weekly [2w]) and weaning date (mid-april [early] vs. early june [late]) on production of fall-calving cow-calf pairs (495 +/- 9.6 kg initial bw) grazing neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) overseeded with legumes and crabgrass. secondary objectives of ... | 2005 | 16230668 |
effects of the fermentation product of herbs by lactic acid bacteria against phytopathogenic filamentous fungi and on the growth of host plants. | the fermentation product of herbs by lactic acid bacteria (fhl) was assayed for antifungal activities against rosellinia necatrix, helicobasidium mompa, fusarium oxysporum, pythium graminicola and pyricularia oryzae. fhl completely inhibited the growth of r. necatrix, h. mompa, p. graminicola and p. oryzae, and reduced the growth of f. oxysporum by 35%. when the seeds of medicago sativa l. (alfalfa), asparagus officinalis l. (asparagus), brassica campestris l. (komatsuna), oryza sativa l. (rice) ... | 2004 | 16233688 |
phosphorus, sediment, and escherichia coli loads in unfenced streams of the georgia piedmont, usa. | contamination of unfenced streams with p, sediments, and pathogenic bacteria from cattle (bos taurus) activity may be affected by the availability of shade and alternative water sources. the objectives of this study were to evaluate water quality in two streams draining tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-common bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon l.) pastures with different shade distribution, and to quantify the effects of alternative water sources on stream water quality. for 3 yr, loads of ... | 2005 | 16275730 |
insect feeding deterrents in endophyte-infected tall fescue. | the presence of an endophytic fungus, acremonium coenophialum, in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) deterred aphid feeding by rhopalosiphum padi and schizaphis graminum. both species of aphid were unable to survive when confined to endophyte-infected tall fescue plants. feeding deterrents and toxic factors to r. padi and oncopeltus fasciatus, large milkweed bug, were primarily associated with a methanol extract obtained when endophyte-infected tall fescue seed was serially extracted with hexane, ... | 1985 | 16346751 |
accumulation of ergopeptide alkaloids in symbiotic tall fescue grown under deficits of soil water and nitrogen fertilizer. | the fungus acremonium coenophialum is endophytically associated with tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreber). within this symbiotum the fungus produces ergopeptide alkaloids, which are associated with livestock toxicoses. environmental effects on the production of ergot alkaloids within the symbiotum are unknown. we conducted a greenhouse study of the effects of flooding, nitrogen rate during fertilization (11, 73, and 220 mg of n per pot weekly), nitrogen form (3.4 and 34 mg of n as nh(4) or ... | 1992 | 16348675 |
genomic analysis of the impact of fescue toxicosis on hepatic function. | fescue toxicosis is caused by consumption of toxins produced by an endophytic fungus, neotyphodium coenophialum, in tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh]. microarray analysis was used to identify shifts in genetic expression associated with the affected physiological processes to identify potential targets for future pharmacological/toxicological intervention. male rats (n = 24) were implanted with temperature transmitters, which measure core temperature every 5 min. after an 8-d r ... | 2006 | 16612033 |
photosynthesis of grass species differing in carbon dioxide fixation pathways: iv. analysis of reduced oxygen response in panicum milioides and panicum schenckii. | reduced photorespiration has been reported in panicum milioides on the basis of lower co(2) compensation concentrations than in c(3) species, lower co(2) evolution in the light, and less response of apparent photosynthesis to o(2) concentration. the lower response to o(2) in p. milioides could be due to reduced o(2) competition with co(2) for reaction with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, to a reduced loss of co(2), or to an initial fixation of co(2) by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. experiments wer ... | 1980 | 16661187 |
photosynthesis of grass species differing in carbon dioxide fixation pathways: v. response of panicum maximum, panicum milioides, and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) to nitrogen nutrition. | the response of apparent photosynthesis to n nutrition was studied in the c(3) grass, tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), in the c(4) species panicum maximum jacq., and in panicum milioides nees ex trin., a species with characteristics intermediate between c(3) and c(4) photosynthetic types. plants were grown in culture solution containing 1, 5, 50, and 200 milligrams n per liter. apparent photosynthesis was measured on the youngest fully expanded leaves at 320 microliters of co(2) per li ... | 1980 | 16661403 |
effects of the fungal endophyte acremonium coenophialum on nitrogen accumulation and metabolism in tall fescue. | infection by the fungal endophyte acremonium coenophialum affected the accumulation of inorganic and organic n in leaf blades and leaf sheaths of ky 31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) grown under greenhouse conditions. total soluble amino acid concentrations were increased in either the blade or sheath of the leaf from infected plants. a number of amino acids were significantly increased in the sheath, but only asparagine increased in the blade. infection resulted in higher sheath nh(4 ... | 1990 | 16667341 |
influence of stocking rate and steroidal implants on growth rate of steers grazing toxic tall fescue and subsequent physiological responses. | an 84-d grazing experiment was conducted in 2 growing seasons to evaluate interactions of stocking rate and steroidal implants with bw gain and symptoms of toxicosis in yearling steers grazing endemic endophyte-infected (e+) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). a 4 x 2 factoral design was used to evaluate 4 stocking rates (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 steers/ ha) with or without steroidal implants (200 mg of progesterone + 20 mg of estradiol benzoate). treatment combinations were randomly assign ... | 2006 | 16699120 |
effects of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance of female cd-1 mice via competitive breeding. | this study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding endophyte-infected (acremonium coenophialum ) tall fescue (festuca arundinacea ) seed on the growth and reproductive performance of female cd-1 mice via competitive breeding. one hundred sixty female mice were randomly allocated to groups of ten and fed one of two diets. diet 1 consisted of 50% mouse chow and 50% noninfected ky-31 tall fescue seed (w/w). diet 2 contained 50% chow and 50% tall fescue seed that was 80% infected with a. c ... | 1989 | 16726569 |
onset of puberty in cd-1 mouse pups exposed prenatally through weaning to endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. | this study was undertaken to investigate the effects of feeding endophyte - infected (acremonium coenophialum) tall fescue seed to cd-1 mouse dams (p(1)) during gestation and lactation, and on the subsequent growth and sexual maturity (onset of puberty) of their male and female offspring (f(1)). forty-eight 21 d old pups (24 male and 24 female f(1) mice) were weaned from dams fed one of two diets containing 50% rodent chow (w/w) and 50% ky-31 tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed. the seed in d ... | 1991 | 16726957 |
escherichia coli o157:h7 and salmonella in water and soil from tall fescue paddocks. | six 1-ha paddocks of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) grazed by gelbvieh x angus heifers from 1 march to 21 june 2005 were used to determine the prevalence of escherichia coli o157:h7 and salmonella in water tanks, and standing water and surface soil surrounding water tanks in tall fescue paddocks grazed by cattle. paddocks included two each of kentucky-31 endophyte-infected tall fescue (e+), jesup tall fescue with the ar542 endophyte strain (maxq), and himag tall fescue with strain 4 endophyte ... | 2006 | 16761947 |
importance of host plant species, neotyphodium endophyte isolate, and alkaloids on feeding by spodoptera frugiperda (lepidoptera: noctuidae) larvae. | three grass host species--tall fescue, festuca arundinacea schreber; meadow fescue, festuca pratensis hudson; and perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l.--each infected with a number of different neotyphodium endophyte isolates, were investigated for their effects on fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda (j.e. smith). alkaloid profiles varied among associations. choice and no-choice tests comparing feeding and early development of s. frugiperda larvae on endophyte-infected and endophyte-free leaf b ... | 2006 | 16937705 |
agronomic effects of multi-year surface-banding of dairy slurry on grass. | sleigh-foot application of slurry manure is the best method for applying slurry manure on many forage fields. this study was designed to assess agronomic effectiveness of multi-year surface banding of dairy slurry on a sward of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). our study showed that with this application technology, crop recovery of total-n from applied manure in the long-term is only about 77% that of mineral fertilizer. despite relative inefficiency of n uptake from manure, yield resp ... | 2007 | 16949815 |
plant-fungus mutualism affects spider composition in successional fields. | mutualistic symbionts are widespread in plants and may have strong, bottom-up influences on community structure. here we show that a grass-endophyte mutualism shifts the composition of a generalist predator assemblage. in replicated, successional fields we manipulated endophyte infection by neotyphodium coenophialum in a dominant, non-native plant (lolium arundinaceum). we compared the magnitude of the endophyte effect with manipulations of thatch biomass, a habitat feature of known importance t ... | 2006 | 16958901 |
tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is the predominant cool-season perennial grass in the united states. it is widely used for both forage and turf purposes. this chapter describes a protocol that allows for the generation of large number of transgenic tall fescue plants by agrobacterium-mediated transformation. embryogenic calli induced from caryopsis are used as explants for inoculation with a. tumefaciens. the agrobacterium strain used is eha105. hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph) ... | 2006 | 17033053 |
breeding for disease resistance in the major cool-season turfgrasses. | over the past several decades, breeding cool-season turfgrasses for improved disease resistance has been the focus of many turfgrass breeding programs. this review article discusses the dramatic improvements made in breeding kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis) for resistance to leaf spot (caused by drechslera poae), stem rust (caused by puccinia graminis), and stripe smut (caused by ustilago striiformis); perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) for resistance to gray leaf spot (caused by pyricularia ... | 2006 | 17061916 |
ground cover impacts on sediment and phosphorus export from manured riparian pasture. | maintaining pasture ground cover is important in preventing environmental degradation of grasslands and associated riparian areas. the objective of this work was to determine the effect of ground cover on sediment and p export from pastured riparian areas under simulated rainfall events. plots were established on two sites in the north carolina piedmont: a 10% slope with appling sandy loam soils (fine, kaolinitic, thermic typic kanhapludults) and a 20% slope with wedowee sandy loam soils (fine, ... | 2006 | 17071887 |
characterization of a brome mosaic virus strain and its use as a vector for gene silencing in monocotyledonous hosts. | virus-induced gene silencing (vigs) is used to analyze gene function in dicotyledonous plants but less so in monocotyledonous plants (particularly rice and corn), partially due to the limited number of virus expression vectors available. here, we report the cloning and modification for vigs of a virus from festuca arundinacea schreb. (tall fescue) that caused systemic mosaic symptoms on barley, rice, and a specific cultivar of maize (va35) under greenhouse conditions. through sequencing, the vir ... | 2006 | 17073305 |
potential for phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-(pcb-)contaminated soil. | weathered soils contaminated with commercial-grade aroclor 1260 from three sites in canada were used to investigate the polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) phytoextraction potential of nine plant species (festuca arundinacea, glycine max, medicago sativa, phalaris arundinacea, lolium multiflorum, carex normalis, and three varieties of cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo) under controlled greenhouse conditions. the soils used varied in pcb concentration (90-4200 microg/g) and total organic content (0.06-2.02%). ... | 2006 | 17120525 |
peramine and other fungal alkaloids are exuded in the guttation fluid of endophyte-infected grasses. | many grasses live in association with asymptomatic fungi (neotyphodium spp. endophytes), which grow in the intercellular spaces of the grass. these endophytes produce a range of alkaloids that protect the grass against grazing by mammals and insects. one of these alkaloids is an unusual pyrrolopyrazine, peramine. peramine appears to be continuously produced by the endophyte, but does not progressively accumulate. no mechanism for the removal of peramine by its further metabolism or any other pro ... | 2007 | 17126863 |
influence of dietary endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) seed on fecal shedding of antibiotic resistance-selected escherichia coli o157:h7 in ewes. | the objectives were to determine the effects of short-term feeding of a toxic endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue seed (festuca arundinacea, cultivar 'kentucky 31') on fecal shedding and intestinal concentrations of escherichia coli o157:h7 and the concentrations of prolactin, cortisol, and nefa in experimentally inoculated ewes. twelve ewes (mean bw = 46 +/- 2 kg) were fed a diet containing either high endophyte-infected (hi-e) or low endophyte-infected (lo-e) tall fescue ... | 2007 | 17178802 |
ground cover impacts on nitrogen export from manured riparian pasture. | maintaining ground cover of forages may reduce the export of nitrogen (n) from pastures. the objective of this work was to determine the effect of ground cover on n export from pastured riparian areas receiving simulated rainfall. plots were established on two adjacent sites in the north carolina piedmont: one of 10% slope with appling sandy loam soils and a second of 20% slope with wedowee sandy loam soils. both sites had existing mixed tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.)-dallisgrass (pas ... | 2007 | 17215223 |
expression of the bacteriophage t4 lysozyme gene in tall fescue confers resistance to gray leaf spot and brown patch diseases. | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is an important turf and forage grass species worldwide. fungal diseases present a major limitation in the maintenance of tall fescue lawns, landscapes, and forage fields. two severe fungal diseases of tall fescue are brown patch, caused by rhizoctonia solani, and gray leaf spot, caused by magnaporthe grisea. these diseases are often major problems of other turfgrass species as well. in efforts to obtain tall fescue plants resistant to these diseases, we ... | 2008 | 17273914 |
arabidopsis dreb1a/cbf3 bestowed transgenic tall fescue increased tolerance to drought stress. | in order to improve drought tolerance of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.), an important perennial cool-season grass, we introduced arabidopsis dreb1a/cbf3 driven by the inducible rd29a promoter into tall fescue mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens strains agl1. pcr and southern blot analysis confirmed that dreb1a/cbf3 gene had been integrated into the genome of tall fescue. atdreb1a gene was stably inherited and expressed in t(1) plants, as indicated by pcr, rt-pcr and western blotting ... | 2007 | 17483953 |
the influence of exogenous nutrients on the abundance of yeasts on the phylloplane of turfgrass. | four experiments were conducted to assess the effect of foliar applications of various nutrient solutions on the phylloplane yeast community of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). in the first three experiments, increasing concentrations of sucrose (2-16%), yeast extract (0.5-2.5%), and sucrose plus yeast extract (2.5-18.5% total) were applied and the yeast colony forming units (cfu) enumerated 14 h later by dilution plating. significant positive linear relationships were observed between ... | 2008 | 17487523 |
forest succession suppressed by an introduced plant-fungal symbiosis. | microbial symbionts can affect plant nutrition, defensive chemistry, and biodiversity. here we test the hypothesis that symbionts alter the speed and direction of plant succession in communities that are shifting from grasslands to forests. a widespread c3 grass introduced to the united states, lolium arundinaceum (tall fescue), hosts a fungal endophyte that is toxic to herbivores. in replicated experimental grasslands, the presence of the endophyte in tall fescue reduced tree abundance and size ... | 2007 | 17489448 |
endophyte infection level of tall fescue stockpiled for winter grazing does not alter the gain of calves nursing lactating beef cows. | we examined the effect of endophyte infection level of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) used for stockpiled forage on the performance of lactating, fallscalving beef cows and their calves. treatments were endophyte infection levels of 20% (low; sem = 3.5), 51%, (medium; sem = 1.25), and 89% (high; sem = 2.4; 4 replications/treatment). five cow-calf pairs grazed in each replicate (n = 60 cow-calf pairs/yr) for 84 d (phase 1) starting on december 2, 2004 (yr 1), and december 1, 2005 (yr 2 ... | 2007 | 17504969 |
effects of fescue type and sampling date on the ruminal disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpiled tall fescue. | two tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) forages, one an experimental host plant/endophyte association containing a novel endophyte (hm4) that produces low or nil concentrations of ergot alkaloids, and the other a typical association of kentucky 31 tall fescue and the wild-type endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum; e+), were autumn-stockpiled following late-summer clipping and fertilization with 56 kg/ha of n to assess the nutritive value and ruminal disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpi ... | 2007 | 17517728 |
symbiont-mediated changes in lolium arundinaceum inducible defenses: evidence from changes in gene expression and leaf composition. | plants have multiple strategies to deal with herbivory, ranging from chemical or physical defenses to tolerating damage and allocating resources for regrowth. grasses usually tolerate herbivory, but for some cool-season grasses, their strategy may depend upon their interactions with intracellular symbionts. neotyphodium endophytes are common symbionts in pooid grasses, and, for some host species, they provide chemical defenses against both vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores. here, it was tes ... | 2007 | 17822401 |
expression of a fungal ferulic acid esterase increases cell wall digestibility of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). | in the cell walls of forage grasses, ferulic acid is esterified to arabinoxylans and participates with lignin monomers in oxidative coupling pathways to generate ferulate-polysaccharide-lignin complexes that cross-link the cell wall. such cross-links hinder cell wall degradation by ruminant microbes, reducing plant digestibility. in this study, genetically modified festuca arundinacea plants were produced expressing an aspergillus niger ferulic acid esterase (faea) targeted to the vacuole. the r ... | 2008 | 18086237 |
[ecophysiological responses of festuca arundinacea to high temperature stress]. | the measurement of leaf relative water content (rwc), chlorophyll content, cell membrane lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidative system, and photosynthesis of two f. arundinacea cultivars (barlexas and crossfire ii) and cynodon dactylon under high temperature (38 degrees c / 30 degrees c, day/ night) showed that with the increasing time of exposure to high temperature, the leaf rwc, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (p(n)) and photochemical efficiency (f(v)/f(m)) of two f. arundinacea cult ... | 2007 | 18163301 |
impact of microbial/plant interactions on the transformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rhizosphere of festuca arundinacea. | the promotion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (pah) degradation was demonstrated in the rhizosphere of festuca arundinacea with pseudomonas fluorescens. p. fluorescens 5rl more significantly interacted with salicylate and dextrose in the agar containing tall fescue than agar without plant roots. although the presence of tall fescue did not promote catabolic enzyme induction in the absence of salicylate, an increase in dioxygenase activity relative to no plant controls implies that this plant ... | 2007 | 18246719 |
animal performance and economic comparison of novel and toxic endophyte tall fescues to cool-season annuals. | increased costs of annual establishment of small grain pasture associated with fuel, machinery, and labor are eroding the profitability of stocker cattle enterprises. interest has therefore increased in development of cool-season perennial grasses that are persistent and high quality. this study occurred on 24 ha (divided into thirty 0.81-ha paddocks) located at the university of arkansas division of agriculture livestock and forestry branch station, near batesville. two tall fescue (festuca aru ... | 2008 | 18310498 |
effects of fescue type and sampling date on the nitrogen disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpiled tall fescue. | two tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) darbysh] forages, one an experimental host plant/endophyte association containing a novel endophyte that produces low or nil concentrations of ergot alkaloids (hm4) and the other a typical association of kentucky 31 tall fescue and the wild-type endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum; e+), were autumn-stockpiled following late-summer clipping and fertilization with 56 kg/ha of n to assess n partitioning and ruminal disappearance kinetics of n for thes ... | 2008 | 18349252 |
short-term temporal dynamics of yeast abundance on the tall fescue phylloplane. | six replicate trials were conducted to determine the short-term temporal dynamics and the effects of foliar applications of nutrients on the phylloplane yeast community of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). in each trial, 2% sucrose + 0.5% yeast extract solution or sterile deionized water (control) was applied to the experiment plots. twelve hours post-treatment (at 0600 hours), leaf samples were collected and yeast colony-forming units (cfu) were enumerated by dilution plating. this pro ... | 2008 | 18389002 |
forage systems for cow-calf production in the appalachian region. | small cow-calf operations are common in the appalachian region. tall fescue [lolium arundinaceum (schreb.) s. j. darbyshire] is the dominant forage in these systems for direct grazing as well as for stockpiling. the present study was conducted from 2001 to 2005. a total of 108 angus and angus crossbred cows were allotted randomly to 6 forage systems and then to 3 replicates within each system. in brief, system 1 had a stocking rate of 0.91 ha/cow in a middleburg 3-paddock (a, b, and c) system. s ... | 2008 | 18407993 |
evaluating aeration techniques for decreasing phosphorus export from grasslands receiving manure. | because surface-applied manures can contribute to phosphorus (p) in runoff, we examined mechanical aeration of grasslands for reducing p transport by increasing infiltration of rainfall and binding of p with soil minerals. the effects of three aeration treatments and a control (aeration with cores, continuous-furrow "no-till" disk aeration perpendicular to the slope, slit aeration with tines, and no aeration treatment) on the export of total suspended solids, total kjeldahl p (tkp), total dissol ... | 2008 | 18453448 |
an invasive plant-fungal mutualism reduces arthropod diversity. | ecological theory holds that competition and predation are the most important biotic forces affecting the composition of communities. here, we expand this framework by demonstrating that mutualism can fundamentally alter community and food web structure. in large, replicated field plots, we manipulated the mutualism between a dominant plant (lolium arundinaceum) and symbiotic fungal endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum). the presence of the mutualism reduced arthropod abundance up to 70%, reduce ... | 2008 | 18479455 |
minimizing n2o fluxes from full-scale municipal solid waste landfill with properly selected cover soil. | municipal solid waste landfills emit nitrous oxide (n2o) gas. assuming that the soil cover is the primary n2o source from landfills, this study tested, during a four-year project, the hypothesis that the proper use of chosen soils with fine texture minimizes n2o emissions. a full-scale sanitary landfill, a full-scale bioreactor landfill and a cell planted with nerium indicum or festuca arundinacea schreb, at the hangzhou tianziling landfill in hangzhou city were the test sites. the n2o emission ... | 2008 | 18574960 |
comparative analysis of transgenic tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) plants obtained by agrobacterium-mediated transformation and particle bombardment. | agrobacterium-mediated transformation and particle bombardment are the two most widely used methods for genetically modifying grasses. here, these two systems are compared for transformation efficiency, transgene integration and transgene expression when used to transform tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.). the bar gene was used as a selectable marker and selection during tissue culture was performed using 2 mg/l bialaphos in both callus induction and regeneration media. average transform ... | 2008 | 18648817 |
effects of methyl jasmonate and an endophytic fungus on plant resistance to insect herbivores. | tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) forms a mutualistic relationship with the fungal endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum. the endophyte provides constitutive resistance to herbivores through its production of alkaloid compounds. moreover, herbivore attack induces elevated synthesis of loline alkaloids, that is, the fungus also provides wound-inducible resistance for its host. jasmonic acid and its conjugates are key signaling compounds in many plant species and play a role systemically in the upre ... | 2008 | 18925382 |
induced resistance as a mechanism of biological control by lysobacter enzymogenes strain c3. | abstract induced resistance was found to be a mechanism for biological control of leaf spot, caused by bipolaris sorokiniana, in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) using the bacterium lysobacter enzymogenes strain c3. resistance elicited by c3 suppressed germination of b. sorokiniana conidia on the phylloplane in addition to reducing the severity of leaf spot. the pathogen-inhibitory effect could be separated from antibiosis by using heat-inactivated cells of c3 that retained no antifungal activi ... | 2003 | 18944093 |
expression analysis of rice defense-related genes in turfgrass in response to magnaporthe grisea. | abstract magnaporthe grisea (anamorph = pyricularia grisea) causes blast on rice (oryza sativa) and gray leaf spot on turfgrass. gray leaf spot is a serious disease on st. augustinegrass (stenotaphrum secundatum), perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne), and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). virulence assays performed in this study revealed that m. grisea collected from rice could also cause disease on st. augustinegrass and tall fescue. one rice isolate, che86061, caused similar disease reactions ... | 2007 | 18944372 |
the role of chitinase production by stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain c3 in biological control of bipolaris sorokiniana. | abstract the role of chitinase production by stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain c3 in biological control of leaf spot on tall fescue (festuca arundinacea), caused by bipolaris sorokiniana, was investigated in vitro and in vivo. the filtrate of a broth culture of c3, with chitin as the carbon source, was separated into fractions. a high molecular-weight fraction (>8 kda) was chitinolytic and more inhibitory than a low-molecular-weight, nonchitinolytic fraction to conidial germination and hyphal ... | 2000 | 18944588 |
biological control of bipolaris sorokiniana on tall fescue by stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain c3. | abstract stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain c3 was evaluated for control of leaf spot on tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) caused by bipolaris sorokiniana. in growth chamber experiments, c3 inhibited conidial germination on leaf surfaces and reduced lesion frequency and percent diseased leaf area compared with nontreated controls. the amount of leaf spot suppression was related to the c3 dose applied. the highest dose tested, 10(9) cfu/ml, prevented nearly all b. sorokiniana conidia from germin ... | 1999 | 18944711 |
ectopic overexpression of athdg11 in tall fescue resulted in enhanced tolerance to drought and salt stress. | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) is a cool-season perennial grass, which has been conventionally grown in the temperate area. however, as a major type of cool-season turf grass, its growth has been extended to the sub-tropical climate or even to the transitional climate between the sub-tropical and the tropical, and, in some cases, to heavily salinized lands. the extended growth imposes a serious challenge to its tolerance to the abiotic stress, particularly to drought, salt and high te ... | 2009 | 19132376 |
transformation of copper fractions in rhizosphere soil of two dominant plants in a deserted land of copper tailings. | this paper studied the transformation of copper fractions in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils of festuca arundinacea and trifolium repens in deserted land of copper tailings. the results showed that the proportion of organic-bound or exchangeable contents to the total contents of copper in rhizosphere increased by 9.81 and 10.42%, while the contents of carbonate-bound or fe-mn oxides-bound decreased by 2.96 and 1.82%, respectively. the growth and absorption of f. arundinacea and t. repens a ... | 2009 | 19169613 |
hemodynamics are altered in the caudal artery of beef heifers fed different ergot alkaloid concentrations. | doppler ultrasonography was used to compare blood flow characteristics in the caudal artery of heifers fed diets with endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum) noninfected (e-, 0 microg of ergovaline/g of dm), a 1:1 mixture of endophyte-infected and e- (e+e-; 0.39 microg of ergovaline/g of dm), or endophyte-infected (e+, 0.79 microg of ergovaline/g of dm) tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) seed. eighteen crossbred (angus x brangus) heifers [345 +/- 19 kg (sd)] were assigned to individual pens and fed ... | 2009 | 19251925 |
phytoparasitic nematode populations in festuca arundinacea field plots in southwestern missouri. | field plots of tall rescue (festuca arundinacea) at two locations on the same experimental farm in southwestern missouri were sampled (one in 1987-88, the other in 1988-89) to inventory root-parasitic nematodes and to determine whether cultivars or endophyte (acremonium coenophialum) infection frequencies (eif) affected nematode population densities within single growing seasons. plots were planted with seven tall rescue cultivars: kentucky-31, kenhy, johnstone, martin, mozark, missouri-96, and ... | 1993 | 19279861 |
population dynamics of plant nematodes in cultivated soil: effect of sod-based rotations in cecil sandy loam. | in a 6-year study of four nematode species in sod-based corn (zea mays) rotations, population densities varied with different cropping systems. continuous corn, with or without a winter rye (secale cereale) or vetch (vicia villosa) cover, favored an increase of pratylenchus zeae and suppressed trichodorus christiei, helicotylenchus dihystera, and xiphinema americanum. a four-year sod-based rotation (3 years sod, 1 year corn) of 'coastal' bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon) and fescue (festuca arundi ... | 1969 | 19325691 |
water deficit and induction of summer dormancy in perennial mediterranean grasses. | summer dormancy is a trait conferring superior drought survival in mediterranean perennial grasses. as the respective roles of environmental factors and water deficit on induction of summer dormancy are unclear, the effect of intense drought were tested under contrasting day lengths in a range of forage and native grasses. | 2009 | 19369219 |
broiler litter application method and runoff timing effects on nutrient and escherichia coli losses from tall fescue pasture. | the inability to incorporate manure into permanent pasture leads to the concentration of nutrients near the soil surface with the potential to be transported off site by runoff water. in this study, we used rainfall simulations to examine the effect of broiler chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) litter application method and the runoff timing on nutrient and e. coli losses from tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pasture on a hartsells sandy loam soil (fine-loamy, siliceous, subactive, ther ... | 2009 | 19398519 |
host preference of the chinch bug, blissus occiduus. | the chinch bug, blissus occiduus barber (hemiptera: blissidae), is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nutall) engelmann and potentially other turfgrass, crop, and non-crop hosts. choice studies documented the number of b. occiduus present on selected turfgrasses, crops and weeds, and provided important insights into the host preferences of this chinch bug. grasses with the most chinch bugs present included the warm-season turfgrasses b. dactyloides , zoysiagrass, zoysia japo ... | 2006 | 19537992 |
chemotaxis disruption in pratylenchus scribneri by tall fescue root extracts and alkaloids. | tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) forms a symbiotic relationship with the clavicipitalean fungal endophyte neotyphodium coenophialum. endophyte-infected grass is tolerant to nematode, but the factors responsible are unknown. one objective of this work was to determine if root extracts of tall fescue effected chemoreceptor activity of pratylenchus scribneri by using an in vitro chemoreception bioassay. another objective was to determine if specific ergot alkaloids (ergovaline, ergotamine, a-ergoc ... | 2009 | 19575265 |
fescue-associated oedema of horses grazing on endophyte-inoculated tall fescue grass (festuca arundinacea) pastures. | a new form of toxicity called equine fescue oedema is described. the clinical signs included inappetence, depression, and subcutaneous oedema of the head, neck, chest and abdomen. affected horses had very low plasma albumin values. the toxicity affected 48 of 56 horses on six farms in different states of australia, and 4 horses have died. all horses were grazing pastures that had been sown with varieties of mediterranean tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) that carry the endophyte known as max p o ... | 2009 | 19930166 |
responses of 2 epiphytic yeasts to foliar infection by rhizoctonia solani or mechanical wounding on the phylloplane of tall fescue. | a growth-chamber experiment was conducted to determine how foliar disease or wounding affects the ability of 2 phylloplane yeasts (rhodotorula glutinis and cryptococcus laurentii) to colonize leaves of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). yeasts were applied separately and together onto healthy leaves, leaves infected with rhizoctonia solani (diseased), and mechanically bruised (wounded) leaves. in all 3 trials, the leaf disturbance treatment significantly affected the abundance of yeast on the ph ... | 2009 | 19935888 |
enhanced tolerance of transgenic tall fescue plants overexpressing 2-cys peroxiredoxin against methyl viologen and heat stresses. | plant 2-cys peroxiredoxins (2-cys prx) has both peroxidase and chaperon function. we overexpressed an arabidopsis 2-cys prx in transgenic tall fescue (festuca arundinacea) plants to confer tolerance against heat and methyl viologen (mv) stress. transgenic plants were generated by agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation, and integration and expression of the transgene was confirmed by southern, northern and western blot analyses. compared to control plants, transgenic plants had significant ... | 2010 | 20013299 |
selecting tolerant grass seedlings and analyzing the possibility for using aged refuse as sward soil. | in order to test the possibility for recycling use of aged refuse as sward soil, the study determined the responses of lolium perenne l. (perennial ryegrass), festuca arundinacea (tall fescue), and poa annua (annual bluegrass) to its leaching. the growth of three seedlings was significantly inhibited after treatment, especially for longer treatment duration and higher concentration leaching; however, with the better growth and chlorophyll content for shorter time and lower concentration, tall fe ... | 2010 | 20036424 |
ovipositional preferences of the japanese beetle (coleoptera: scarabaeidae) among warm- and cool-season turfgrass species. | japanese beetles, popillia japonica newman (coleoptera: scarabaeidae), were evaluated for ovipositional preferences among four turfgrasses common in northwestern arkansas. choice assays revealed females preferred to oviposit in tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) and zoysiagrass (zoysia japonica steud.), and that they avoided oviposition in common bermudagrass (cynodon dactylon [l.] pers.) and hybrid bermudagrass (c. dactylon x c. transvaalensis pers.). significantly fewer eggs were ovipos ... | 2009 | 20069848 |
targeting expression of a fungal ferulic acid esterase to the apoplast, endoplasmic reticulum or golgi can disrupt feruloylation of the growing cell wall and increase the biodegradability of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea). | in the cell walls of grasses, ferulic acid is esterified to arabinoxylans and undergoes oxidative reactions to form ferulates dimers, trimers and oligomers. feruloylation of arabinoxylan is considered important not only because it leads to cross-linked xylans but also because ferulates may act as a nucleating site for the formation of lignin and hence link arabinoxylans to lignin by forming a lignin-ferulate-arabinoxylan complex. such cross-linking is among the main factors inhibiting the releas ... | 2010 | 20102533 |
what determines the complex kinetics of stomatal conductance under blueless par in festuca arundinacea? subsequent effects on leaf transpiration. | light quality and, in particular, its content of blue light is involved in plant functioning and morphogenesis. blue light variation frequently occurs within a stand as shaded zones are characterized by a simultaneous decrease of par and blue light levels which both affect plant functioning, for example, gas exchange. however, little is known about the effects of low blue light itself on gas exchange. the aims of the present study were (i) to characterize stomatal behaviour in festuca arundinace ... | 2010 | 20444905 |
fungal endophytes of native grasses decrease insect herbivore preference and performance. | endophytic fungal symbionts of grasses are well known for their protective benefit of herbivory reduction. however, the majority of studies on endophyte-grass symbioses have been conducted on economically important, agricultural species-particularly tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) and perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne)-raising the hypothesis that strong benefits are the product of artificial selection. we examined whether fungal endophytes found in natural populations of native grass species ... | 2010 | 20585809 |
steer responses to feeding soybean hulls and steroid hormone implantation on toxic tall fescue pasture. | crossbred steers were grazed in the spring and early summer on endophyte-infected (neotyphodium coenophialum), kentucky-31 tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) pastures to evaluate effects and interactions of feeding pelleted soybean hulls (psbh) and steroid hormone implants (shi) on steer performance, serum prolactin, and hair coat ratings (hcr). steers were stratified by bw for assignment to six 3.0-ha toxic tall fescue pastures. with or without daily psbh feeding, treatments were assigned random ... | 2010 | 20656966 |
phytoremediation of an aged petroleum contaminated soil using endophyte infected and non-infected grasses. | phytoremediation is a promising technique for cleaning petroleum contaminated soils. in this study, the effects of two grass species (festuca arundinacea schreb. and festuca pratensis huds.), infected (e(+)) and non-infected (e(-)) by endophytic fungi (neotyphodium coenophialum and neotyphodium uncinatum, respectively) on the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in an aged petroleum contaminated soil was investigated. plants were grown in the soil for 7 months and unplanted soil considered as c ... | 2010 | 20961596 |
effects of multiple climate change factors on the tall fescue-fungal endophyte symbiosis: infection frequency and tissue chemistry. | • climate change (altered co(2) , warming, and precipitation) may affect plant-microbial interactions, such as the lolium arundinaceum-neotyphodium coenophialum symbiosis, to alter future ecosystem structure and function. • to assess this possibility, tall fescue tillers were collected from an existing climate manipulation experiment in a constructed old-field community in tennessee (usa). endophyte infection frequency (eif) was determined, and infected (e+) and uninfected (e-) tillers were anal ... | 2010 | 21070246 |
expression of a novel chitinase by the fungal endophyte in poa ampla. | many wild and cultivated cool-season grass species are naturally infected with fungal endophytes of the genera neotyphodium and epichloë. these associations generally are considered mutualistic with the plants benefiting from reduced herbivory and the fungi benefiting from nutrients supplied by the plants. the fungi secrete proteins that might have a role in the interspecies symbiosis. in the interaction between poa ampla merr. and the endophyte neotyphodium sp., a fungal chitinase was detected ... | 2004 | 21148875 |
do sheep (ovis aries) categorize plant species according to botanical family? | the ability of grazing herbivores to assign food types to categories by relying on certain relevant criteria could considerably reduce cognitive demand and increase their foraging efficiency when selecting among many different plant items. grasses and legumes differ functionally in vegetation communities as well as in nutritive value. we aimed to determine whether sheep can generalize an aversion they learnt for a grass or a legume species to another species of the same functional type and conse ... | 2011 | 21203791 |
a vascular contractility bioassay using bovine right ruminal artery and vein. | endophyte-infected (neotyphodium coenophialum) tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) produces ergot alkaloids that are associated with peripheral vasoconstriction in grazing animals, and ingestion of these alkaloids may affect splanchnic vasculature. peripheral effects of ergot alkaloids have been well documented previously in cattle using a lateral saphenous vein bioassay. because of significant differences in morphological and functional characteristics between vasculature supporting digestive and ... | 2011 | 21297058 |
[study on subsurface wastewater infiltration system covered by different turfgrass for domestic sewage treatment]. | domestic sewage was treated with subsurface wastewater infiltration system covered by two different turfgrass, namely, festuca arundinacea schres. and zoysia japonica steud.. the result shows that all the different systems have good removal rates to cod. the concentration of cod decreased to less than 48 mg x l(-1) from 97-357 mg x l(-1) which achieve the second class criteria specified in integrated wastewater discharge standard, and there are no prominent difference among different systems. th ... | 2011 | 21404682 |
effect of ergot alkaloids on contractility of bovine right ruminal artery and vein. | ergot alkaloids produced by the endophyte (neotyphodium coenophialum) associated with tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) are implicated in the clinical signs of fescue toxicosis. these compounds were hypothesized to correspondingly affect foregut vasculature. the objective of this study was to determine vasoconstrictive potentials of ergovaline, ergotamine, ergocryptine, ergocristine, ergonovine, ergocornine, and lysergic acid on right ruminal artery and vein. segments of right ruminal artery and ... | 2011 | 21512122 |
removing solids improves response of grass to surface-banded dairy manure slurry: a multiyear study. | removing solids from slurry manure helps balance nutrients to plant needs and may increase soil infiltration rate toreduce loss of ammonia. the long-term effects of applying the separated liquid fraction (slf) of dairy slurry with surface banding applicators are not well known. this 6-yr study compared the yield, n recovery, and stand persistence of tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) receiving slf at 300 (slf300) and 400 (slf400) kg ha(-1) yr(-1) of total ammoniacal n (tan); whole dairy s ... | 2011 | 21520746 |
digestible energy content of pasture species in growing european wild boar (sus scrofa l.). | the objectives were to determine the apparent energy digestibility of six pasture species frequently grazed by european wild boar (sus scrofa l.) and to estimate the digestible energy (de) consumption from pasture by grazing wild boar. seven diets were prepared; a base diet (bd) which did not contain any pasture species, diets d1 to d5 which included 75% of the bd and 25% of the dried pasture species lolium perenne (d1), festuca arundinacea (d2), agrostis capillaris (d3), bromus staminius (d4) o ... | 2011 | 21575078 |
Effects of forage type, body condition and single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine cytochrome P450 regulatory region on cow productivity* | Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the coding sequence of cytochrome p450 (CYP3A28) have been associated with milk yield and composition, and calving traits in cows. In this study, we aimed to determine whether (i) the CYP3A28 regulatory region was polymorphic and (ii) SNP genotype, forage type, body condition and their interactions affect cow productivity. Primers for CYP3A28 promoter were designed to amplify a 483-bp segment by PCR. Amplicon sequences revealed seven SNP (T-318C, T-113A, ... | 2011 | 22054297 |
evaluation of a ruminally dosed tall fescue seed extract as a model for fescue toxicosis in steers. | tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum) toxicosis research is often complicated by a reduction in intake of infected forage or seed making treatment comparisons difficult. this study was conducted to develop a fescue toxicosis model that would allow for variations in dm intake without altering the quantity of alkaloids consumed over the course of the experiment. ground tall fescue seed and a tall fescue seed extract were used in two, two-period crossover experiments to determine the effectiveness of r ... | 2011 | 22064740 |
Integrating bermudagrass into tall fescue-based pasture systems for stocker cattle. | The daily BW gain of stocker steers grazing tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbysh. = Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.]-based pastures typically declines during summer. To avoid these declines, in part to mitigate the effects of tall fescue toxicosis, it is commonly advised to move cattle to warm-season forage during this period. A 3-yr (2006, 2007, and 2008) grazing study was conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing 25% of the area of a tall fescue/clover (81% en ... | 2011 | 21856893 |
constriction of bovine vasculature caused by endophyte-infected tall fescue seed extract is similar to pure ergovaline. | ergovaline has been extensively used to study vasoactive effects of endophyte- (neotyphodium coenophialum) infected tall fescue (lolium arundinaceum). however, initial results indicated that an extract of toxic tall fescue seed (e+ext) is more potent than ergovaline alone in a right ruminal artery and vein bioassay. the e+ext induced a greater contractile response than an equal concentration of ergovaline alone in the ruminal artery of heifers (p = 0.018). this led to a hypothesis that other com ... | 2011 | 22147482 |
identification and characterization of a salt stress-inducible zinc finger protein from festuca arundinacea. | abstract: background: increased biotic and abiotic plant stresses due to climate change together with an expected global human population of over 9 billion by 2050 intensifies the demand for agricultural production on marginal lands. soil salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses responsible for reduced crop productivity worldwide and the salinization of arable land has dramatically increased over the last few decades. consequently, as land becomes less amenable for conventional agriculture ... | 2012 | 22272737 |
[effects of festuca arundinacea on the microbial community in crude oil-contaminated saline-alkaline soil]. | by using the routine soil physical and chemical analysis methods and the biolog technique, this paper studied the effects of festuca arundinacea growth on the ph value, total salt content, and microbial community in the rhizosphere of crude dil-contaminated saline-alkaline soil in songnen plain of northeast china. crude oil contamination resulted in the increases of average well color development (awcd), shannon index (h), and carbon source utilization richness index (s), and altered the utiliza ... | 2012 | 23479885 |
mefluidide treatment of tall fescue pastures: forage quality. | spring application of a plant growth regulator, mefluidide, to tall fescue (festuca arundinacea schreb.) pastures grazed from may to september reduced (p less than .05) available dm and digestible om per hectare by 51 and 41%, respectively, compared to untreated pastures. however, seasonal averages for n, ca and p content and in vitro om disappearance (omd) were greater (p less than .05) and ndf was lower (p less than .05) in tall fescue from mefluidide-treated pastures than in untreated pasture ... | 2007 | 2254211 |
b chromosomes and chromosome pairing in lolium perenne x festuca arundinacea hybrid. | | 2015 | 4517052 |
changes in microbial community composition and function during a polyaromatic hydrocarbon phytoremediation field trial. | the purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism by which phytoremediation systems promote hydrocarbon degradation in soil. the composition and degradation capacity of the bulk soil microbial community during the phytoremediation of soil contaminated with aged hydrocarbons was assessed. in the bulk soil, the level of catabolic genes involved in hydrocarbon degradation (ndob, alkb, and xyle) as well as the mineralization of hexadecane and phenanthrene was higher in planted treatment cel ... | 2003 | 12514031 |
selection of specific endophytic bacterial genotypes by plants in response to soil contamination. | plant-bacterial combinations can increase contaminant degradation in the rhizosphere, but the role played by indigenous root-associated bacteria during plant growth in contaminated soils is unclear. the purpose of this study was to determine if plants had the ability to selectively enhance the prevalence of endophytes containing pollutant catabolic genes in unrelated environments contaminated with different pollutants. at petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites, two genes encoding hydrocarbon d ... | 2001 | 11375152 |
methanol and ethanol modulate responses to danger- and microbe-associated molecular patterns. | methanol is a byproduct of cell wall modification, released through the action of pectin methylesterases (pmes), which demethylesterify cell wall pectins. plant pmes play not only a role in developmental processes but also in responses to herbivory and infection by fungal or bacterial pathogens. molecular mechanisms that explain how methanol affects plant defenses are poorly understood. here we show that exogenously supplied methanol alone has weak effects on defense signaling in three dicot spe ... | 2014 | 25360141 |
impact of pretreatment and downstream processing technologies on economics and energy in cellulosic ethanol production. | while advantages of biofuel have been widely reported, studies also highlight the challenges in large scale production of biofuel. cost of ethanol and process energy use in cellulosic ethanol plants are dependent on technologies used for conversion of feedstock. process modeling can aid in identifying techno-economic bottlenecks in a production process. a comprehensive techno-economic analysis was performed for conversion of cellulosic feedstock to ethanol using some of the common pretreatment t ... | 2011 | 21892958 |